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GMJ: the FIRST emag on the Net.. "It's good to see you again, Anthony."
                                 -Tom Kalinske, president of Sega of America
+==| Super NES |==| Genesis |==| Arcade |==| Jaguar |==| News |==| Opinion |==+
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| An Innovative Creations production                   June 28 - July 3, 1994 |
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 Ace's Angles
   A look back at the first 50 issues of GMJ, and Summer CES musings
 CES Report, part one
   Nintendo unveils Donkey Kong Country
   Sega shows 32X
   Atari shows JagCD, Alien vs. Predator and more
   Acclaim highlights nearly-finished Mortal Kombat II, with blood
   Capcom lets players awe at Super Street Fighter II for SNES
 GMJ's RLR: Real Life Rankings
   5 best and worst reactions to the term, 'online magazine' from the CES
 Super NES Reviews
   FIFA International Soccer
   Steven Segal is the Final Option
   Wild Guns
 Project TNT
   The Next Thing - the best in CES coverage
 In the next GMJ...
   Atari's President Sam Tramiel, 3DO and 3rd-party SNES/Genesis titles

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   Happy anniversary, happy anniversary.  Happy anniversary, HAAAA--PPY
 anniversary!  [Picture me singing it a la the Flintstones.]  Hi gang, and
 welcome to the big 5-0 edition of A's A.  It's me, Anthony "Ace" Shubert, and
 here's my thoughts del week...
   GMJ is my baby.  And it's now fifty issues old... I'd like to thank
 everyone that has made this possible, in order of me thinking of them...
   Our readers: without all of you, this would not be possible.  The feedback
                we get every week means more than you know.
   My mother  : to put up with me for 2 years doing GMJ out of our home proves
                one of two things; she cares or she's nuts.  [Answer: #1.]
   Dean Collins:my time working at Dean's Video was the foundation for GMJ.
                by hiring me when I was 12 [yes, 12!  Not _hiring me_, but
                letting me run my videogame events there...] it sparked my
                interest in working in the biz.
   Harvey Pratt:It's the office space, stupid! :)  Good guy that let a gamer
   John Walsh, Brian Walsh, Sheldon Wong and Timothy Shubert:
                To the 'original 4' writers of GMJ - thanks.  G, Yoyoman, Emax
                and Matrix are doing other things now, but without them we
                would still be a newsletter.
   Eric Torvey: It was a pleasure to know you - and many of you will see his
                name in lights when he hits broadway.  (ET)
   Dave and Marc Scott:
                I wish you finally find your Mega Drive. (MANX and XMAN)
   Ed Roman, Reny Falzarano, and CJ Mushala:
                To the 'second three' - a needed trio if there ever was one.
                Reny's and CJ's reviews were the most honest we ever got around
                here.. a model for all reviewers [in all magazines] to follow.
                Ed, your SF2CE strat guide was fantastic - better than the FAQ.
                (SAI-BLADE, PHUNKY and INSTIGATOR)
   David Rubin, Tanya Kutasz, and Jeff Sauls:
                The 'big three' have really changed the magazine for the
                better.  Tanya's news. Jeff's guides and Dave's reviews have
                kept the mag going through a tough period.. I'm glad to have
                them here.
                (CUE, ARKADY and ELI)
   USC School of Journalism:
                Thanks for accepting the online medium as a viable one.
                Everyone will be doing this soon - I'm glad we are first.
   VidBits, Intelligent Gamer, Frontier, Game Bytes and The Gaming Forum
                Yes, I'm thanking all of you.  VB was a great mag Matt.  Ross,
                Game Bytes is a great example of where the medium is going.
                IG, you'all need to be on time if you want to succeed!
                Frontier, copiers are illegal and immoral.  'Nuff said.
                TGF, flames == (bad writing) + (insults) + (ANSI graphics on
                the newsgroups).  WYSIWYG here.
   Frank Moffitt and the NQ Black Box Drama Club:
                Just remember that falling down the stairs is not as bad as
                rehersing in volleyball gear.  =]
   I guess that's enough waxing reflective, lets get to the Summer CES stuff!
 Enjoy GMJ 50, and I'll cya next week.  Enjoy the Fourth.

     ] Innovative Creations                                                [
     ] 25 Temple Street          +--- +  + +--+ +--+ +--- +--  +--         [
     ] Quincy, MA 02169          |-    ++  +--+ |-++ |-   +--+ +--+        [
     ] (shubert@usc.edu)         +--- +  + |    |  \ +---  --+  --+        [
     ]                                  |\ /| +--+ -+- |                   [
     ]                                  |   | |--|  |  |                   [
     ]                                  |   | |  | -+- +---                [
  The mail section returns next week.  Please send your Summer CES questions!!

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 +-=-=-=-=-=|         PART ONE: Major Headlines of the show        |-=-=-=-=-+

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  NINTENDO unveils Donkey Kong Country, renames Project Reality
 [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-]
  The tone for the CES was set by Howard Lincoln during his aaddress to the
  convention early Thursday morning.  "..the video game business is still a
  relatively new business and it now faces many challenges."

  And if NOA's booth is any indication, they are going to plow right through
  those challenges.

  Nintendo revealed, in grand fashion, Donkey Kong Country for the Super NES.
  This game will be released on November 21 with an MSRP of $69.99.  You have
  to see this game to believe it; when Lincoln showed it during his speech
  everyone thought it was a game for the Project Reality 64-bit system coming
  in late '95.  Featuring 3-D rendered graphics using Silicon Graphics (SGI)
  workstations, powered with Alias graphic tools, DK Country is a feast for the
  eyes.  [See CES Report: part 2 for more on Alias next week.]

  The game is made possible with a new design system called Advanced Computer
  Modeling (ACM.)  ACM uses the computer to draw each fram of movement, rather
  than calling up a series of sprites drawn by artists.  This also allows for
  improved shading, shadows and character reality.

  The game will have several different levels and varing gameplay.  Make it
  from one end of the jungle to the other, going under water, through jungles
  and caves, avoiding the evil Kremlings as you go. [ by Ace ]


  Project Reality is no more.  Long live the Nintendo Ultra 64!

  The 64-bit wonder will be released in the Fall of 95 with a project price of
  $250.  As some of you may know, it will be powered by a 1-MIPS RISC (Reduced
  Instruction Set Computer) and may serve as a hub for multimedia programs.
  'NU64' will use carts rather than CDs as it's main drive.

  Online with Ultra 64 are mega-companies such as SGI, Williams/Nintendo (a
  joint venture company formed by the two for exclusive Ultra 64 and arcade
  games), and Industrial Light & Magic (the special effects geniuses behind the
  movies 'Terminator 2' and 'The Abyss.')

 [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-]
  Sega displays 32X
 [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-]
  Sega leads the pack in 32-bit gaming with the impending release of the
  Genesis 32X upgrade.  For only $149, Genesis owners will be able to access
  "the next level" of video gaming.

  The Genesis 32X employes two parallel 32-bit SH2 RISC chips which can produce
  over 32,000 colors, improved polygon graphics, texture mapping and realistic
  FMV for the Sega CD (without an MPEG cart.)

  Companies already signed on to publish for the 32X include:
            Absolute Entertainment
            Accolade                  (Bubsy)
            Acclaim                   (Mortal Kombat II, NBA Jam)
            American Softworks
            American Technos
            Atlus Software
            Capcom                    (Super Street Fighter II)
            Capitol Multimedia
            Core Design
            Crystal Dynamics
            Domark Software
            GameTek                   (Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune)
            Hi Tech Entertainment
            Interplay                 (Clay Fighters)
            JVC Musical Industries
            Konami (America)          (Rocket Knight Adventures)
            Playmates Interactive     (Earthworm Jim)
            Rocket Science Games
            The Software Toolworks
            Takara                    (Fatal Fury 2)
            Time Warner Interactive   (KLAX)
            Twentieth Century Fox
            Vic Tokai
            Virgin Interactive        (Cool Spot)

  The Saturn system will be coming in late '95 in the U.S.  It will be a 'true
  32-bit system', but as of now it is unclear if the 32X games will be
  compatible with it.

  [See CES report: part 2 for complete listing of 32X games.]
  [See CES report: part 3 for interview with Bill White, Marketing VP.]

:::: ADVERTISEMENT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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::     /____/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/_/ /_/ /_/\___/_/      \____/_____//____/      ::
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::  You've read the reviews - now SEE the moves! Exclusive video footage!!  ::
::                                                                          ::
:                                                                            :
: Video Source and GMJ have teamed up to create the ultimate Summer Consumer :
: Electronics Show video.  Our video will contain:                           :
:                                                                            :
: * direct feed of the hottest games,                                        :
: * interviews from well known people from various companies, such as        :
:     Bill White from Sega and many more,                                    :
: * previews of the 32X, Jaguar add-ons and Ultra 64!                        :
: * Mortal Kombat II, Donkey Cong Country, Super SF2, Alien vs. Predator,    :
:   Way of the Warrior, and more!                                            :
:                                                                            :
:Marty Chinn is known for running Video Source, day by day CES reports from  :
:last winter, and the WCES video.  GMJ is the #1 online gaming magazine      :
:and without them, the interviews could not be possible.                     :
:                                                                            :
:What a perfect team!                                                        :
:                                                                            :
:The price of the video will be 12 dollars plus shipping.  Shipping costs are:
:as follows:                                                                 :
:                                                                            :
:     US: $3.00   Canada: $3.50   International: $10.00                      :
:                                                                            :
:Please make check or money orders payable to _Linda Chinn_ and send it to:  :
:                                                                            :
:>>>>>>  Video Source                                                        :
:>>>>>>  973 Foxglove Dr.                                                    :
:>>>>>>  Sunnyvale, CA 94086                                                 :
:                                                                            :
:OR - call 617.472.0041 and ask for the Summer CES video if you have         :
:an Visa, MasterCard or Discover/Novus.  Same Day shipping if you order      :
:with a credit card! [After tape is complete: about 7/7/94.]                 :
:                                                                            :
:Marty Chinn and GMJ are also a part of Project TNT and it will definately be:
:hot so don't hesitate to order your copy.  TNT for in depth info and Video  :
:Source and GMJ for the ultimate video, will give the CES experience to you. :
:Forget the rest, get the best.  TNT and Video Source/GMJ.                   :
:                                                                            :
 [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-]
  Atari shows JagCD, Alien vs. Predator
 [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-]
  Atari positioned themselves to make a dent into the 'big 2' with a strong
  showing at the Summer CES.

  One of the most talked-about games in recent history is Alien vs. Predator, a
  first-person shooter/maze game that lets you play the role of an Alien (based
  on the series of movies), the Predator (based on the comic books) or a
  soldier (to make the other two worry.)

  Each character has a unique story line, series of weapons to choose from, and
  objective.  The Alien can spit, slash and use her tail.  The Predator can
  fire, turn invisible and track characters well.  The soldier has many guns,
  can punch and is the best in tracking visible characters.

  The game is about 80% done and should be out this fall.


  The JagCD was also shown at the Summer CES and was extremely impressive.  The
  JagCD will be coming out for Christmas and will retail at $200.

  The JagCD will have several games released with it this November.
      Blue Lightning is a high-speed dogfighting game with 36 levels, many
        baddies and more.  Game save with optional RAM cart.
      Battlemorph us a 3-D game with over 50 virtual worlds.  Players can
        choose betweem a fighter, tank or submarine - each with realistic 3D
        movement.  The game will take place underwater, on land, in caves or in
        the sky.
      Jack Nicklaus Cyber Golf will have VGA images if the Murfield Golf
        Cource and CD quality voice to help out players on each hole.  FMV of
        Jack and other great golfers.
      Other games include: Highlander, Creature Shock and Demolition Man.

  With each JagCD is a Virtual Light Machine built in.  The VLM _listens_ to
  the CD and produces an analysis of the sound in real-time.  This information
  is then translated into a series of graphics which are played on-screen.  The
  light show is truely amazing - perfect for parties if you hook it up to a
  large screen TV.

  An optional MPEG cart will allow VideoCD moves to be played (no word yet if
  the JagCD is 3DO or CDi compatible for movies.)


  The Jag now has over 150 licensees, including some major players in the biz.
  The list includes Time-Warner Interactive, JVC Musical Industries and 20th
  Century Fox.  Here is a partial listing:
          20th CENTURY FOX        Acid Software            Alfaro Corp.
          B.S.A                   Bando Svenska AB         Beris
          BitMotion Software      Bizzare Computing        Celebrity Systems
          Condor Software         Cross Products           DAP Devolpments
          Data Design             Denton Designs           Diskimage
          ELECTRO BRAIN           Electrom                 Extreme
          Factor 5                FLAIR SOFTWARE           Frankenstein Soft.
          Funcom Productions      Human Soft.              i-SPACE
          iTHINK Inc.             JVC MUSICAL INDUSTRIES   Kungariket
          Lost in Time Software   MAILBU INTERACTIVE       Media Technology
          Merit Industries        Michton                  Miracle Designs
          Network 23              Neon-Buttner             Odyssey Software
          NMS Software Ltd.       ORION TECHNOLOGIES       Phoyx
          Rage Software           Rainmaker Software       Reidel Software
          Scangames Interactive   Selgus Limited           Shadowsoft
          Sigma Designs           Silmarlis                Sinister Develop.
          Soft Enterprises        Softgold GMBH            Software 2000
          Software Development    Spaceball Technologies   Steinberg Soft+Hard
          Tantalus Entertainment  Twilight                 TIME-WARNER
          Visual Sciences Ltd.    Wave Quest Inc.

 [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-]
  ACCLAIM debuts Mortal Kombat II
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  "Nothing, _nothing_ can prepare you!" for Mortal Kombat II, Acclaim's
  sure-to-be hit of '94.  Coming this September, this arcade port is nearly
  "flawless", a great improvement over the original MK SNES and Genesis games.

  In the 80%-done version shown at the CES, all 12 characters were in the SNES
  and Genesis versions, with all of their moves -- including the bloody
  fatalities, nice friendships and funny babalities.  The game plays __much__
  better this time around as I could pull off even the toughest-of-tough
  Scorpion 7-hit Combo Of Doom[tm.]

  The Game Gear and Game Boy versions, both very good looking and playing, had
  only 8 characters each.  [Baraka, Raiden, Johnny Cage and Kung Lao didn't
  make the "cut".]

  The game will come with a warning advising agaiinst people under 17 playing
  the game.  This was aparently enough to get all of the gory moves past the
  big N.  (If a rating system is in place the rating will suffice.)

  The game is a port of the version 3.1 machine, so there are no
  babality-then-fatalities like you could in the revision 2 machines.

  The game will be released either on "Mortal Monday II", September 12th, or
  "Fatal Friday", September 9th.  Acclaim had problems with many stores selling
  MK before "Mortal Monday" last year, so they may ship it on Thursday [instead
  of Friday and hoping they hold it for the weekend.]

  The suggested prices will be: $74.95 for Super NES  $34.95 for Game Boy
                                $64.95 for Genesis    $44.95 for Game Gear

  [See CES report: part 2 on the many other games at Acclaim's cool booth
                   including Virtual Bart, WWF Raw, and NFL Quarterback Club.]

 [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-]
  CAPCOM unleashes Super Street Fighter II, amidst rumors of SSF2T
 [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-] [-=-]
  The largest interactive video wall was being used by Capcom, displaying
  Super Street Fighter II for the Super NES.  [The Genesis version was
  mysteriously not there.]  For SNES and Genesis this is coming July 21 for
  about $80 and $65, respectively.

  All sixteen world warriors were in the game, which was an almost-direct
  arcade translation.  Each character has all of his/her moves, combos,
  clothing [or lack thereof], and stages - which were beautiful in the SNES
  version.  There are selectable speeds (you could, for instance, play at
  SSF2 Turbo speed) and you ucan configure your controller to your liking.

  The sound and graphics were translated almost perfectly, with only a few
  problems (the announcer no longer says "Round One, Fight!", for instance.)

  There are several ways to play SSF2.  There is the standard mode, where you
  beat everyone and face M.Bison in Thailand, but there are more creative modes
  as well.  In Group Battle, you and your friend pick several characters to
  play as and you must beat every one of your friend's characters to win.
  There's also Time Challenge where you race the clock to finish opponents, and
  the Vs. Mode where the scores are dropped and you get a Mortal Kombat-like
  scoring system (lists number of total wins, and number of wins in a row.)

  Clocking in at a record 32 megs for SNES, and _40_ for the Genesis, this game
  is a heavyweight.

  Opinion of the game seemed to be: "great game, but _another_ upgrade?"  Most
  people that like SF2 liked the game.. but if you already own an SF2 game it
  may not be worth the $80.

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              ____ __  __     _ _
  by:        / ___|  \/  |   | ( )__       Top and Bottom Five responses to
  Back Door | |  _| |\/| |_  | |/ __|        the phrases "online magazine"
  Weasel    | |_| | |  | | |_| |\__ \     and "Game Master Journl" at the CES
    _____    \____|_|  |_|\___/ |___/
   |  __ \                TOP FIVE [#1 = best]     BOTTOM FIVE [#1 = worst]
   | |__) |           #1 "Game Master Journal?     "GMJ? Is that like EGM?"
   |  _  /              I've seen you on the Net." - United Press guy
   | | \ \              - VP of videogame company
   |_|  \_\ eal       #2 "Where's Tanya [Kutasz]?" "I hope this check doesn't
   | |                  - editor of a printed mag   bounce." - Ross Erickson,
   | |                                              editor of Game Bytes
   | |                #3 "Online magazines are the "Oh, I thought you were
   | |____                wave of the future..."    from that U.K. mag" - many
   \______| ife         - AOL and Prodigy           speaking of 'Game Masters'
   |  __ \            #4 "You're free - How do you "Online?  What's that?"
   | |__) |               make money?" -Ad manager  - too many people to count
   |  _  /                of SNES game company
   | | \ \            #5 "Fifty issues, that's     "Ahh - that fanzine."
   |_|  \_\ ankings       great.." - Other emag    - EGM weasels

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| Fifa International  Electronic Arts    Soccer     8 Meg ..................96|
|     Soccer             Sports                           #####@@@@@&&&&&%%%% |
|                                                                             |
|MAIN REVIEW BY:                    OTHER REVIEWERS                           |
|                                                                             |
| Cue         98                      Ace      94                             |
|                                                                             |

                            Fifa International Soccer

     Look out World Cup fans, this game is the one you've been waiting for.
The best soccer game on the Genesis system finally is on your Super Nintendo,
and is just as good, if not BETTER.  Let's get to the nitty-gritty.
     Graphically, this game is good.  The players are nice a medium sized for a
soccer game.  The field is, well, a field.  The game is just right for a soccer
sports game, and that's all you have to know for this one.  It looks good,
plays well, and it's not sluggish.  What more do you want?
     The sound in this game is excellent.  From the "EA SPORTS - IT'S IN THE
GAME" (which by the way sounds much better then I've ever heard it), to the
crowd chanting musically in the background as the ball is played up the field.
The background music when starting the game, during halftime, choosing options
and so on, has a great beat, and a good tune.  The actual sounds of players
hitting the ball, and hitting each other, are adequate for a soccer game.
     Now comes the fun part! :)  First, let me start by saying the control on
this game is beyond good.  You tell a player to move a certain direction, he
moves.  You tell him to pass, he passes.  You tell him to shoot, headbutt,
pele, whatever, and the player will do it.  So in other words, the control is
good.  Speaking of control, control over the team is great too.  The game has
all 30 "international" soccer teams programmed in, with all the players, and
all the stats.  You can substitute and the such.
     But no folks, that's NOT all.  You can change many things, such as fouls
on or off, offsides, field conditions, field type, time of game, Goal Keepers
(automatic or manual), and if you want a power bar or not.  Then of course, on
the field, or just before you go onto the field, you can arrange the team
coverage, the team strategy (as in long ball, all out attack etc.), the team
formation (as in 2-5-2, 4-4-2, Sweeper, etc.) and your starting line.
     You say to yourself, well, what a game.  And I say, there's MORE!  You can
either play an exhibition game, a tournament, a league, even playoffs, and
everything will be stored in password format.
     Electronic Arts sure didn't let me down with this one.  Fifa Soccer is a
game to buy if you like sports, or even if you don't!  The game has got some
great features, so great sound, some great graphics, and some great other neato
stuff to, but I'll let you find that!

P.S. Also, for you readers who happen to have a PC, Fifa International Soccer
     is COMING to your IBM system real soon.  It will be in CD-Rom and Disk
     format, so watch for this one, because the graphics look almost real!

Cue - 98 -     WOW!  This game is fantastic.  Enough said.  The only reason it
               didn't go 99 or perfect, is because of two reasons.  1.The USA
               team doesn't have higher ratings :), and 2. At times, when the
               ball is out of bounds, it sticks a little.  Not a big deal, but
               it would have been easy to correct.

Ace - 94 -     Solid sports title by EA.  Gee, how many times have we said THAT
               about them?  USA is _not_ that bad.. I mean, they are in Round 2
               aren't they?  I like the goalie controls (punch, catch, etc.)
               and ESPECIALLY the crowd.

| Steven Seagal is   TecMagik &         Action     16 MEG ..................88|
| The Final Option   RSP Inc.           Adventure
|                                                                             |
|MAIN REVIEW BY:                                                              |
|                                                                             |
| Cue         92                                                              |
| ----------                                                                  |
|                                                                             |

                        Steven Seagal Is The Final Option

     Well, to start off with, I'm a big fan of Steven Seagal.  I love all the
action movies he does, and must say he is one of the best action fighters there
is (yes, even better then Stalone a.k.a. Rocky), and this video game brings
Seagal home to you, like never before.
     Graphically, this game is great.  Seagal is digitized, the enemies are
digitized, and the animation is smooth.  Figure Mortal Kombat with Mr. Seagal.
It looks to me as though they digitized Seagal doing his moves and placed them
into the game, making the graphics very realistic.  His punches and kicks vary
from time to time, looking as excellent as could be.  When he walks, he even
swings the arm farther away from you.  Graphically, this game is great.
     Soundwise, I can't say too much. Knowing that this version will not be the
final release, I hope they can improve it a bit.  The Ughs and Owes are there
and all, but there just isn't enough for a hit off sound rating.  The music is
classic action movie type music, however, the sound effects get very
repetitive.  But, what can you expect from a side scroller?
     With gameplay, it gets boring after a while. It's basically: go around in
this level maze, looking for the bad guys, beating them up, and trying to find
the way out.  It can get challenging, but after playing through a few boards,
it really get's repetitive.  Control is pretty constant, but not perfect.  You
may think you jumped enough to clear a ditch, but you actually didn't.
Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.
     In all, this game is a 'rent-before-you-buy'.  I like it, and recommend it
to those who want to see some great graphics, and those who like Steven Seagal.
However, if you don't want a game where you just walk around killing people
(no, not like Doom), then this game is not for you.  Otherwise, go rent this

Cue - 88 -     Well, nice graphics, OK sound, and OK playabllity.  I personally
               wouldn't buy it because I could probably beat it in a night.  Oh
               well, c la vi.

| Wild Guns           Natsume           Shoot-em   8 Meg  ..................98|
|                                        Up               #####@@@@@&&&&&%%%  |
|                                                                             |
|MAIN REVIEW BY:                    OTHER REVIEWERS                           |
|                                                                             |
| Cue         98                                                              |
|                                                                             |

                                    Wild Guns

     Well now...  This is one is a keeper.  This is a great shoot-em-up type
game.  The only thing I might have liked would be the ability to use a gun like
in Lethal Enforcers, but who knows!
     Graphically, the game is cartoony, which is good in this case.  Lethal
Enforcers was a great game with a gun where you point and shoot.  But this one
I enjoyed more, for there was much more on the screen to pay attention to.  The
detail is fantastic and control is easy.  You have the choice of two people, 1
being Clint(how appropriate) and one being Annie(uhhh).  Again, graphically,
they both look very detailed, and are a matched set. The bullets are big
flashing colored balls, which in this case really is better, for you can see it
coming at you.  The backgrounds are done very well too.  The 3D effect is well
     The sound in this game is basic western type music.  If you could call
music cartoony, I would do just that.  The music was well composed, or stolen,
whatever the case may be.  The sound effects of firing off your pistol,
shotgun, machine gun, rocket launcher, or whatever else you happen to find in
this game are all perfectly sampled in.  The Ughs and such from each of the
characters is also a nice touch.  In all, sound is done very well in this game.
     This game plays well, period.  People may disagree with me saying that
it's hard to follow your little circle in which you fire.  Well, you can tell
me, which is harder, using a gun which may not be accurate at all, or using
your pad which you know is.  If mouse support was added to this game, it would
work out perfectly.  When bullets do come at you, your character has a little
bubble that appears saying "Look out".  When you see that, get OUT OF THE WAY
unless you want to die.  Again, this game is pretty easy to learn.
     The game has two different modes, one being a regular game start (1 or 2
people simultaneously) and a Vs. mode which I found very interesting.   In Vs.
mode, you and the computer, or you and a friend, go into a shooting frenzy, as
characters big as life appear before you in different background areas.  The
object is to shoot as many as you can, and collect as much gold as you can
(which appears after shooting some characters).  Whoever has the most points at
the end wins.  This can get a bit harry when playing the computer because of
the accuracy, but I've beaten it a few times.
     In summary, this game is a game for those people who just like to shoot
things (no doomers, not kill things, shoot things).  The control is pretty
good, graphics are great, and the sound is great.  In all, rent the game, like
it, and buy it.

Cue - 98 -     I'm not one who generally goes for this type of game, but I must
               say that this one was very well done.  Added mouse support would
               be excellent, as it would definitely improve Gameplay.

[====| ADVERTISEMENT |=======================================================]

 TNT continues to be the least expensive comprehensive provider of game
 information for individual game systems.  While CES video tapes (covering
 specific systems or the show in general) will cost you between $15 and $25
 with shipping costs, TNT costs only $6.00 for basic show coverage and $11 for
 both basic coverage and your choice of game system packages, total -- no
 shipping cost in the USA! 19 writers will be contributing to TNT, ensuring the
 maximum quantity of gaming news for the dollar.

 *****************/ /********* A Renegade Technologies Unlimited Production **
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 ******/ /********************  / |  | |  | |  | |    |  \         |     | ***
 *****/ /* -The Next Thing- ** /  [__] |  | |  | [___ |   \        |     | ***
 **     Get Your Hands On The Single Best Summer CES Resource Available!    **

      Think back six months or a year to the last time you read a CES report
 on the Internet. Remember all the people who said they would show up and
 post a series of reports with everything they saw? Most of them never did.
 After Summer CES '93, Renegade Technologies Unlimited came back with answers
 to questions asked by Internet gamers and followed up by unleashing hundreds
 of pages of text including question-and-answer sessions with the Internet
 gaming public, a list of every game shown with ratings/comments, digitized
 photographs and even sound files from then-unreleased games such as Street
 Fighter II Champion Edition for the Genesis. After Winter CES '94, we
 coordinated online interviews with show participants and made their
 transcripts available within 24 hours.
      Now we're shining our shoes and ironing our clothes in preparation for
 the 1994 Summer Consumer Electronics Show. Less than a month from today
 (June 23-25), 19 TNT staffers will take to the show floors of McCormick Place
  and bring back incredible insights into the next year of video game products.
 You read it correctly, "insights." Not just some guy summarizing Virtua
 Fighters in one-syllable words; we're talking about pages of solid text and
 pictures devoted to bringing home the whole story behind the SCES.
      TNT (The Next Thing) magazine was conceived as the end-all-be-all of
 SCES coverage, combining audio, video and written reports in an effort to
 save the average gamer $500+ on airfare and hotel accommodations. We do all
 the footwork, we ask all the questions, and we burn ourselves out. You sit
 at home playing video games and receive a big envelope in the mail. It's
 simple and it will work -- just ask any of the people who have already
 subscribed to TNT about our high quality customer service. One issue only,
 no continuing obligations, arriving in mid-July... but read on.
      Take a look back at some of your old game magazines. How much CES
 coverage did you find? 10 pages? Maybe 15 at best? That's not coverage, that's
 shameful -- this is a 3-day event with hundreds of exhibitors, and everyone
 has something interesting to show. Ever wonder why the major gaming mags
 can only squeeze a few pages of information out of a show that lasts for
 three or four days? Answer: Their "writers" don't pay much attention. Snap a
 picture, make up a 30-word synopsis, and that's what the game was like at CES.
      The high-quality TNT magazine will be a hardcopy printed booklet with
 many pages devoted to the show's general highlights and notable events. The
 magazine will feature sections devoted to showing the best games (regardless
 of system) in each major genre, a look at the keynote speech by Nintendo's
 Howard Lincoln, and some beautiful artwork by TNT's own Russell Kumro. For
 the reader's maximum enjoyment, additional computer disks [available in IBM
 and Macintosh formats] will carry photographs (and perhaps digitized sound
 files) from the show, highlighting each major hardware-producer's licensees
 and displays. Does TNT sound like it will kill your pocketbook? It won't,
 because we designed the magazine around four principles to be flexible enough
 to accommodate many types of readers.

 [*] Flexibility: [*]   Today's gamer owns two or three systems and generally
                        despises competing companies. Do you own a 3DO and hate
                        Atari and their Jaguar? Or a Genesis and hate Nintendo?
                        Well, don't spend the money on information you'll just
                        skip anyway. The TNT magazine is available in
                        your choice of configurations -- you pick the systems
                        you want and we'll send you the appropriate disks and
                        printed materials.

 [*] Cost-Efficiency: [*]   The printed TNT magazine with CES highlights will
                            cost only $6.00, a better value than what you would
                            get (a crappy five-page synopsis) in the average
                            mainstream magazine. Each company-specific set of
                            disks and additional printed materials will cost
                            an additional $5.00, and a disk of miscellaneous 			
                            photos and out-takes will be only $4.00.  That 			
                            miscellaneous disk will include pictures from 			
                            companies like Sony, TTI and Commodore (if any 			
                            of them show up for CES).  We're selling 			 Atari,
                            Nintendo, Sega and 3DO company disks which 			 will
                            include the aforementioned companies' 			 licensees
                            as well.  If you want to buy the whole 			
                            compendium of CES information, the price is $26.

 [*] Functionality: [*]   IBM or Macintosh disks will be included with
                           each company-specific or miscellaneous/outtakes- disk
                           order.  The photographs will be in a format maximized
                           for compression and photo quality.  You'd be amazed
                           at how much high resolution detail we were able to
                           squeeze into the last Summer CES photos; more,
                           believe it or not, than could be seen without a
                           magnifying glass.  The printed magazine can be kept
                           on your desk, framed above your fireplace or used as
                           a security blanket.  Regardless of what you do with
                           it, it'll look cool and contain entertaining insights
                           into the real nature of the CES show.

 [*] Quick Delivery: [*]   Here's the best part. Waiting sucks and no one knows
                           it better than Team Renegade and you.  We're making a
                           guarantee that TNT will be released at a *maximum* of
                           three weeks after CES.  We're going to try for two
                           weeks or less, but we can't control everything.
                           Remember, we're not talking about just printing
                           regurgitated press releases and press kit photos;
                           you'll see the former on the Internet within a day of
                           release to the media.  TNT will feature the types of
                           nook and cranny questions no one seems to ask.

      Renegade Technologies Unlimited is committed to the production of an
 exceptional piece of journalism. The TNT magazine will be both comprehensive
 and professionally produced, delivered faster than the major magazines and
 far more insightful for certain. RTU will be maintaining a professional
 set of records for those who order TNT in advance and we make an absolute
 guarantee that if we cannot deliver the product we will instantly refund
 your money. Additionally, if Sega and their licensees have no presence at
 the CES (which is quite doubtful), we'll refund the cost of the Sega-specific
      Want to see the quality of our past work? Check out the BUSOP.CIT.WAYNE.
 EDU site (cd pub/ces and pub/pselect) for high quality photographs, game
 reviews and information... or read the work of our staff in such publications
 as GamePro, VideoGames magazine, Wired, Intelligent Gamer, VidBits and Game
 Bytes. You'll appreciate our devotion to customer satisfaction and the degree
 of our attention to properly handling your order.
      Order today and be guaranteed the best *honest* information directly
 after the Summer CES... and next time someone promises that they'll ask your
 questions and bring you the answers, remember who did it first and who does
 it best.

          Jer Horwitz
      Renegade Technologies
         - Unlimited -

 [PLEASE NOTE: There is no shipping charge for orders within the United States.
 TNT is not necessarily endorsed by Atari, Nintendo, Sega, 3DO or any company
 other than Renegade Technologies Unlimited. We thank the editors of Game
 Master Journal, Intelligent Gamer and the former Vidbits for their continuing
 support and endorsement.]

 *****************/ /********* A Renegade Technologies Unlimited Production **
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 **/_/  / / /_/   /_/      ** |  | [__] |  | |__ [__]  [__ |  | |__] | \/ | **
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 *****/ /* -The Next Thing- * [__] |  \ [_/  [__ |  \  |   [__] |  \ |    | **
 **      Print It Out, Grab A Check or Money Order, Then Mail It To Us!     **

 of Copies:

  [   ]  TNT Printed Magazine: Includes detailed information about the best
  [   ]  and worst at CES; contains no disks but will include some printed
  digitized photographs. A high-quality printed publication without
  the childish handwriting you find in "fanzines." $6.00 per copy.

  [   ]  TNT Extended Atari Coverage: Get the inside track on Atari's booth
  [   ]  at the CES, where nearly 100 developers have signed on to develop
  Jaguar products. $5.00 per Atari extension. Includes:
        Macintosh or IBM disk(s), circle your choice.

  [   ]  TNT Extended Nintendo Coverage: See what Nintendo and its licensees
  [   ]  will be selling during the Christmas shopping season. Project Reality?
  New portable Nintendo game systems? SNES Super Street Fighter 2 and
  Mortal Kombat 2? $5.00 per Nintendo extension. Includes:
        Macintosh or IBM disk(s), circle your choice.

  [   ]  TNT Extended Sega Coverage: Despite plans to hold their own Sega show
  [   ]  in sunny Florida, there should most likely be a ample representation
  of Sega software at Summer CES. A Genesis Mortal Kombat 2 and Super
  SF2? Saturn? $5.00 per Sega extension. Includes:
        Macintosh or IBM disk(s), circle your choice.

  [   ]  TNT Extended 3DO Coverage: With a powerful multimedia machine and
  [   ]  several hundred licensees, there will be plenty of amazing 3DO
  hardware and software on display. The new Samsung 3DO machine? The
  IBM-compatible 3DO-on-a-card? $5.00 per 3DO extension. Includes:
        Macintosh or IBM disk(s), circle your choice.

  [   ]  TNT Miscellaneous and Outtakes Disks: The types of stuff we couldn't
  [   ]  quite categorize elsewhere. Last Summer CES had photos of Neon Man,
  this incredibly dopey guy who did exercises in neon-tubed clothing
  so he could sell neon lights for cars. We'd also anticipate some
  shots of Sony's PS-X (if they choose to display it), any TTI game
  system, Commodore CD-32 and the like. When you're not crying about
  TTI, you can laugh at morons like Neon Man. $4.00, Includes:
        Macintosh or IBM disk(s), circle your choice.

  [   ]  TNT Grand Package: For $26 you get the magazine and all the extensions
  [   ]  including their disks and printed hardcopies. Specify IBM or Mac disks.

 TNT will be mailed to the following address:

 Name/Business: _____________________________________________

 Street Address: ____________________________________________

 City, State, Zip: __________________________________________

 * Country: _________________________________________________

 Phone Number At Which You Can Be Reached (and appropriate hours):

 (________)   ________  -  ___________        ____________________________

 Internet Address (or other Electronic Service) (Please be accurate):

 _______________________   @   ____________________________________________

 Special Deal (if any, see below):


 * INTERNATIONAL ORDERS ONLY: Type of Shipping Preferred:

 ______________________________  (Parcel Post/Printed Matter; include payment)

 ******************************* - Clip Here - ********************************

 RTU recommends the use of US Mail Postal Money Orders but will also
       accept valid personal checks and other legitimate types of money
       orders. Checks should be made out to Renegade Technologies Unlimited.

      * = International orders, please see the table below and include
          international shipping charges.

 International TNT Orders:

     International TNT orders will be accepted with payment in United States
 funds only, and we advise use of either American Express money orders or
 cashiers' checks from large international banks. The rates quoted below are
 for US Mail standard international service and are based upon estimates of
 package weight -- we do not intend to profit from shipping costs and RTU will
 absorb losses if the magazine is heavier than anticipated. US Mail currently
 claims the following rates will deliver a package within 7-10 days of mailing;
 RTU makes no guarantees regarding the US Mail's system of international
 deliveries but we do guarantee that RTU will promptly mail all materials to
 you upon completion of the publication. Sorry, we cannot accept Eurocard or
 other credit cards for orders.

 Overseas mailing rates (in Europe [outside of the United States]):

 Printed Matter Rate for any TNT order (take some risk of damage given
 disk contents, though we'll try to prevent it on this end): add $7.00 for

 Parcel Post Rates (treated like packages, with somewhat more care):
   For the TNT magazine without any additional supplements: add $4 for shipping.
   For TNT with one supplement: add $5.50 for shipping.
   For TNT with two supplements: add $7.00 for shipping.
   For TNT with three supplements: add $8.50 for shipping.
   For the TNT Grand Package (or 4 supplements): add $9.25 for shipping.

 Canadian and Mexican (hehe) mailing rates:

 Printed Matter Rate for any TNT order (take some risk of damage given
 disk contents, though we'll try to prevent it on this end): add $4.00 for

 Parcel Post Rates (treated like packages, with somewhat more care):

   For the TNT magazine without additional supplements: add $2.50 for shipping.
   For TNT with one supplement: add $3.75 for shipping.
   For TNT with two supplements: add $5.00 for shipping.
   For the TNT Grand Package (or 3-4 supplements): add $5.50 for shipping.

 * USA mailing rates:

  There is no additional shipping charge for orders delivered to addresses in
  the United States.

 Please mail completed order form and appropriate payment to:

      Renegade Technologies Unlimited
      37 LeBrun Circle
      Amherst, New York 14226-4120
      Attention: TNT Magazine (GMJ)

[                                                                             ]
[   COMING IN THE NEXT    [*] 3DO coverage, including Way of the Warrior      ]
[    ____ __  __     _    [*] Catapult report: not just a press release!      ]
[   / ___|  \/  |   | |   [*] 3rd-party Super NES and Genesis games           ]
[  | |  _| |\/| |_  | |   [*] Return of our email contest and Express Mail    ]
[  | |_| | |  | | |_| |   [*] Interviews, interviews, interviews, and more!   ]
[   \____|_|  |_|\___/                                                        ]

Producer: Anthony Shubert           Online Layout Editor: "Ace" Anthony Shubert
Head Writing Staff:                 Contributors:
   HEAD EDITOR   "Cue" David Rubin      Back Door Weasel (Mike Waters)
 ARCADE EDITOR   "Eli" Jeff Sauls       Matrix (Timothy Shubert)
     PC EDITOR   "Arkady" Tanya Kutasz  Shez (Sharon Birdsall)

 We are not affiliated with or endorsed by the following companies: Nintendo of
 America, Sega Enterprises, Turbo Technologies (NEC), Atari Corp., Atari Games,
 3DO, or any other videogaming company.

 Product names are either (c) or trademarks of their respective companies, and
 the non-marking of such product is not a challenge to its status.

 Ace's Angles, Chronicle, Express Mail, Warp Zone, and all content are
 (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Innovative Creations

     :: Some ASCII/ANSI work created with use of 'TheDraw' SW program ::
     :: Some ASCII work created with use of 'Figlet' freeware program ::