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MDMA Frequently Asked Questions List
Written By: Jon M. Taylor

Changes since last update:
 - Inserted new credits
 - Lots of little re-wordings, tweaks and intra-document references inserted
 - Changed drug reaction section format
 - Reorganized the "how to have a good time" section a bit
 - Replaced synthesis info with the synth from _SOMM_.  This is the big change  
   in this revision.
 - Split one of the rumors in two
 - Fixed wrong nomenclature in analogs section

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction
 - Disclaimer
 - Credits

II. Overview
 - General
 - History
 - Dosage and effects
 - Side Effects, contraindications and health information
 - How to have a good time (and not have a bad one)

III. Chemistry
 - Structural information
 - Action mechanism
 - Synthesis

IV. Miscellany
 - Rumor Control
 - Analogs and related compounds
 - Related Reading
 - Organizations


I. Introduction

     This file is an attempt to codify the large amount of information about
MDMA that is floating around on the net in various stages of organization into
one easy-to-read document.  It is NOT intended to be a summary of everything
that has ever been written about MDMA, only the most (F)requently (A)sked
(Q)uestions.  If you find anything that you feel should be added, changed,
deleted, or properly accredited, let me know.
     This FAQ list is provided for informational purposes ONLY.  I do not
advocate the use of anything described in this document, and accept NO
responsibility for any harm that might occur as a result of acting on any of
the information contained here.  I have made every effort to ensure the
validity of the information contained in this document, but I cannot guarantee
100% accuracy.  Read at your own risk.


     Many people on the net have provided much of the information that went
into making this FAQ list.  If you have contributed something to this FAQ and
are not in the credits, please let me know.

David Honig................................................dhonig@ics.uci.edu
Lamont Granquist....................................lamontg@cs.washington.edu 
Chris Klausmeier..................................cklausem@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu 
Robert Jesse.............................................rjesse@us.oracle.com
Rick Bloom..................................................................?
Rick Doblin..................................................rickmaps@aol.com
Peter McDermott.............................................................?


II. Overview

     MDMA (also commonly known as Ecstacy, X, E, XTC, Adam, etc.) is a drug. 
In its pure form, it is a white crystalline powder.  It usually either seen in
powder form, as pressed pills, or in capsules.  Average cost ranges from $10-
$30 (US) a hit.  Common methods of ingestion are swallowing or snorting,
although it can be smoked or injected as well.  Currently, MDMA is DEA schedule
I, and is illegal to manufacture, possess or sell in the United States.  Most
other countries have similar laws.

     MDA, an analog of MDMA (see the section on Related Compounds), was first
synthesized in 1917 by the Merck chemical company as an appetite suppressant. 
Because of the "adverse" mental effects of the drug, it was not marketed and
the patent expired.  MDA resurfaced as a recreational drug in the late sixties,
and in the early seventies MDMA began to appear.  By the late seventies MDMA
had dramatically increased in popularity, and by the early eighties it had come
to the attention of the DEA.  MDMA was placed in DEA schedule I in 1985.  It's
placement in schedule I was challenged in court, and the DEA lost and was
ordered to reconsider the scheduling.  They "reconsidered", and left it as
schedule I.

Dosage and Effects:
     An average dose of MDMA is around 100-150 milligrams (orally). If it is
eaten, the effects will manifest themselves at about 45 minutes after
ingestion; snorting, smoking or injecting it produce much more rapid effects. 
If taken orally, physical effects last about 8 hours. Mental effects last much
longer, trailing off over a period of 1-2 days.  If snorted, smoked or
injected, the duration of the effects is reduced, but the intensity of the
mental effects will not be much greater than if taken orally.
     The physical effects of MDMA are pretty much the same as the physical
effects of amphetamines (that is, general potentiation of the nervous system). 
These include euphoria, hyperexcitability, extreme nervousness, accelerated
heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, restlessness, insomnia, tooth grinding,
incessant talking, and other effects.  Paradoxically, the effects may be
experience simultaneously with a feeling of relaxation caused by the mental
     The mental effects are a bit more difficult to describe, since they are
many and of widely varying effects.  The major ones are: 

 - Entactogenesis (meaning "touching within")
     This is a generalized feeling that all is right and good with the world. 
     People on MDMA often describe feeling "at peace" or experiencing a
     generalized "happy" feeling.  Also, common everyday things may seem to be
     abnormally beautiful or interesting.  Alexander Shulgin reported that
     mountains that he had observed many times before appeared to be so
     beautiful that he could barely stand looking at them when he was on MDMA.

 - Empathogenesis 
     Empathogenesis is a feeling of emotional closeness to others coupled with
     a breakdown of personal communication barriers.  People on MDMA report
     feeling much more at ease talking to others and that any hangups that one
     may have with regard to "opening up" to others may be reduced or even
     eliminated entirely.  This effect is partially responsible for MDMA being
     labeled as a "hug drug" - the increased emotional closeness makes personal
     contact very rewarding.  
          Many people use MDMA primarily for this effect, reporting that it
     makes potentially awkward or uncomfortable social situations (singles
     bars, dance clubs, first dates, etc.) much more easily dealt with.  "It
     [conversation] just flows like water" said one person.  "It seems like you
     know exactly what to say and when to say it.  It's like a filter between
     what you want to express and what comes out of your mouth that you didn't
     even know existed is stripped away."  This same person also reported that
     they used to use alcohol for many of these same reasons, but found MDMA to
     be much better suited to this purpose.

 - Psychiatric effects
     Before it was made illegal, MDMA was starting to gain a reputation among
     the psychiatric community as a very useful therapeutic tool.  People under
     its influence often report seeing their personal problems in a whole new
     light.  "I was completely blown away the first time I did X" said the same
     person quoted above.  "I saw some of my problems that I didn't even know I
     had!  All of a sudden, It seemed like the source, nature and sometimes
     even the solution of all my personal difficulties were completely
     obvious."  Surfacing of repressed memories has also been reported.

 - Mild visual hallucinations
     MDMA is not classified as a hallucinogen, but subtle visual distortions
     are often experienced.

 - An enhancement and distortion of the senses.
     Many strange sensory enhancements and distortions can be caused by MDMA. 
     People on MDMA can experience distortions of taste, smell, and touch.  It
     is possible that the mild visual distortions that  MDMA causes (see above)
     may also be a function of this distortion of the senses.  MDMAers can
     sometimes be seen running their hands over differently textured objects
     repeatedly, passing around scented nasal inhalers, or tasting a variety of
     foods/drinks.  This effect also contributes to the "hug drug" effect
     because of the strange   feeling of running one's hands over skin and
     having one's skin rubbed by someone else's hands.

     Repeated dosages of MDMA will cause the amphetamine-like affects to
continue, but the mental effects will start to fade and can only be fully
brought back by ceasing intake of the drug for a period of time - usually about
a week.  Also, there is a limit beyond which the mental effects will not
increase in intensity no matter how much of the drug is taken (the "ceiling
effect").  Thus, repeated ingestion of the drug to produce an extended period
of euphoria is not common, and is seen primarily in conjunction with a pattern
of methamphetamine abuse.

Side effects, contraindications and other health information:
     MDMA causes increases in heart rate and blood pressure in most people,
similar to those generated by moderate exercise.  Beacuse of this, people with
a history of high blood pressure, heart trouble, stroke or hypersensitivity to
drugs should not use MDMA, or should at the very least start with a much lower
than average dose.  People with liver problems should also be very careful when
taking MDMA or any other drug.  Also, MDMA *should not ever* be combined with
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs).  These are usually found in prescribed
antidepressants, but if you are taking ANY prescription medication you should
first check the label or ask a doctor or pharmacist to see if it is a MAOI
before combining it with MDMA.  Also be aware that some antidepressants (most
notably Prozac and Zoloft) can inhibit some of the effects of MDMA.
     The euphoria that MDMA induces can make it easy to ignore bodily distress
signals, so be very watchful for things like dehydration, muscle cramping,
dizziness, exhaustion or overexertion.  Several reports from England tell of
all-night ravers dancing themselves into severe dehydration and heat exhaustion
that required hospitalization.
     MDMA users also commonly report a "burnout" for one-two days afterward,
characterized by tiredness, soreness, and dullness of the senses and mental
processes.  It is possible that this is a result of temporary depletion of
certain neurotransmitters in the brain (see the action mechanism section
below), and that the brain needs time to replendish them before normal mental
prcesses are restored.  Note that this does NOT mean that MDMA causes brain
damage (see the section on rumor control).
     Combining MDMA and other recreational drugs is a popular activity.  There
are a few health risks with some of the combinations:

 - Amphetamines, Cocaine, or other stimulants:
     Since MDMA itself is an amphetamine-like stimulant, combining it with
other stimulants can result in an increased risk of overdosage.  Not

 - Heroin or other opiates/sedatives:
     No dangerous interactions, but the stimulant effect of the MDMA may mask
the sedative effects of the opiate and increase the likelyhood of an 
overdosage of the opiate.

 - Alcohol:
     Alcohol can DANGEROUSLY exacerbate the dehydration that MDMA normally
causes, as well as having the same contraindictions as listed above for heroin
or other opiates/sedatives.

How to have a good time (and not have a bad one):
     One of the basic requirements for having a good time on MDMA is to
actually ingest real MDMA.  Amphetamines, LSD, some analogs of MDMA (see the
analogs section below), and various other drugs are sometimes passed off as
MDMA, so be sure that you buy from someone you trust.
     Most users of MDMA report that after a cartain number of sessions (the
number of which seems to vary from person to person), the desirable effects of
the drug are no longer as potent.  "It loses its magic" one person said.  The
exact mechanism of this effect dropoff is unknown, although it is speculated
that the damage to serotonergic uptake neuron axons (see the rumors section)
may have a permanent effect on the brain that renders the users less sensitive
to MDMA.
     Because of the entactogenic effects that MDMA generates, good judgement
may go by the wayside while tripping.  In general if you expect to have to make
a decision regarding forming, changing or terminating a relationship, engaging
in sex, taking other drugs, or other "serious" matters, it might help to have
someone around who is sober to help make these decisions for you.
     MDMA is used by different people for different things.  Because the drug
has such a wide range of effects, it can add to almost any activity.  Here are
some of the more common activities than people take MDMA and engage in. 

 - Raves
     One of the most common setting for an MDMA trip is a rave, which is a type
of dance club. Ravers on MDMA usually dance for long periods of time, an
activity in which the amphetamine-like effects of MDMA play a large part. 
Raves are also a place where people who want to be around lots of others who
are also on MDMA can go.  The whole atmosphere of a Rave is conducive to
enjoying the MDMA experience, so they can be very fun places to go.  For more
info on raves, subscribe to the newsgroup ALT.RAVE or FTP the ALT.RAVE FAQ from
TECHNO.STANFORD.EDU in the /pub/raves directory.

 - Self-psychotherapy
     Since MDMA can catalyze a broad range of psychotherapeutic mental effects
(surfacing of repressed memories, dealing with emotional problems, etc.),
MDMAers sometimes will trip by themselves and spend the experience thinking
about their problems.  It has been said that "one hit of X [MDMA] is worth 3
months of conventional psychotherapy".  Whether that is an exaggeration or not,
MDMA has been praised by many psychotherapists as a very effective means of
dealing with personal issues.  People who favor this MDMA experience often will
want to talk to other people they are close to in order to discuss some of
their personal issues that the MDMA has made them more aware of.

 - A replacement for amphetamines
     MDMA is also sometimes used for some of the same things that amphetamines
are used for, typically activities that require concentration, motivation,
creativity or energy.  Doing homework, studying, playing video games, dieting,
writing, and driving long distances are just some of the many activities that
the stimulant effects of MDMA can make easier or more enjoyable.  Warning -
some of these activities could be hazardous.  Always listen to what your body
is telling you and use your better judgement  Chronic amphetamine usage can
result in addiction, as well as having it's own health risks.

 - The sensorium
     The sensory distortion of MDMA can make sensual activities very enjoyable. 
Touching can become such an intensely pleasurable sensation that close personal
contact (sexual or otherwise) can be very fun, especially when coupled with
MDMA's empathogenic effects.  Hugging someone and running your hands over them
are such a common thing to see people on MDMA doing that it is known to some as
the 'Hug Drug'.  Eating and drinking, smelling flowers and even going to the
bathroom (!) can become very entertaining on MDMA.

     The above are just some of the many activities that can be enjoyed more
fully while on MDMA.  Use your imagination, and many others will occur to you.
     MDMA can also be mixed with other drugs for a different experience.  The
health hazards of some of these combinations were discussed in the section on
contraindications.  Here are the mental effects: (note that this is based on
subjective information.  Personal reactions may differ.)

     Drug     |             Information
Marijuana     | Fun, but can cloud the mental effects of the MDMA.  Have to     
              | smoke more before you notice it.
LSD or other  | Can go very well together.  LSD and MDMA is commonly known as
hallucinogens | "candyflipping".  Low doses of the hallucinogen are common.
              | Effects have been described as "The smoothest, most mellow trip 
              | you'll ever have" and the synergy of the effects is reported to
              | be more than either alone.
Amphetamines  | You're already speeding.  Why bother?  Health risks noted in
              | contraindications section.  NOTE:  I have been told that the
              | duration of the mental effects of MDMA can be extended using
              | amphetamines after coming down off the MDMA.  See the section   
              | on health risks.
Cocaine       | Same as Amphetamines.  See section on health risks.
Heroin or     | In terminal cancer patients, MDMA has been used to restore the
other opiates | lucidity that the opiates often obscure.  Other than that, no   
              | information.  See section on health risks.
Tobacco       | Tastes REALLY good |->.  Easy to smoke too much and not notice.
Alcohol       | Sometimes helps if the amphetamine-like effects get too harsh.
              | Other than that, MDMA is better than alcohol for every reason
              | you'd drink (social lubricant and all that).  See section on    
              | health risks.

     "Bad Trips" in the LSD sense are not common with MDMA.  The trip is almost
always pleasant and euphoric.
     In conclusion, MDMA is a drug that should not be taken lightly.  The
effects it generates are very powerful, and care should be taken at all time
when dealing with it.  Read this whole FAQ, educate yourself about the
pleasures and pitfalls of MDMA, and be sure you are ready before you take it.


III. Chemistry

Structural Information
     MDMA is (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine).  The structure of the
molecule (insofar as it can be rendered using ASCII) is this:

From: Chemical & Engineering News.  September 9, 1985.

        "3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)....

                     H   H             
                      \ /              
                     /   \             
                   O       O           
                    \     /            
                   //     \\           
                  '<       >`          
                    \     /
                    H C--<             
                     3    \            

Action Mechanism:
     The action mechanism of the amphetamine-like effects is the same as for
normal amphetamines -  potentiating the central and peripheral nervous systems
by causing an increase in the production of acetylcholine.  Acetylcholine is a
neurotransmitter responsible for propagating a signal down a nerve pathway from
neuron to neuron.  A sudden massive increase in the production of this chemical
in the human body results in an increase in the "background noise" of the human
nervous system.
     The action mechanism of the mental effects is throught the 5-
hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) system in the brain.  This is the same system
that is acted upon by most psychedelic drugs.  The exact effect of MDMA upon
this system is unknown, but it is known that MDMA is taken up by the 5-HT
uptake neurons and that this affects the action of the 5-HT system in some way. 
This system is responsible for many things in the brain, including the
regulation of sleep patterns, mood, energy, and perception.  MDMA has been
found to cause a massive release of 5-HT in the brain, and this may be
responsible for the changes in mood.  The "ceiling" effect and the "burnout"
effect (discussed elsewhere in this document) suggest that MDMA may cause a
release of all the stores of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, and that
the brain may need time after this massive release to replendish them.

     Here is a synthesis for MDMA.  It was taken from the book _Secrets of
Methamphetamine Manufacture_, by "Uncle Fester".  This is NOT something I would
attempt without at least having some basic knowledge of organic chemistry. 
Safrole, the primary precursor in this synthesis, is found naturally in oil of
sassafrass (about 87%), and can be extracted with simple distillation.

     "A good alternative to the Ritter reaction is a two step procedure
first reacting safrole with hydrobromic acid to give 3,4-methylenedi-
oxyphenyl-2-bromopropane, and then taking this material and reacting
it with either ammonia or methylamine to yield MDA or MDMA
respectively. This procedure has the advantages of not being at all
sensitive to batch size, nor is it likely to "run away" and produce a
tarry mess. It shares with the Ritter reaction the advantage of using
cheap, simple, and easily available chemicals.

     The sole disadvantage of this method is the need to do the final
reaction with ammonia or methylamine inside a sealed pipe. This is
because the reaction must be done in the temperature range of 120-
140 C, and the only way to reach this temperature is to seal the
reactants up inside of a bomb. This is not particularly dangerous, and
is quite safe if some simple precautions are taken.

     The first stage of the conversion, the reaction with hydrobromic
acid, is quite simple, and produces almost a 100% yield of the bromi-
nated product. See the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 108
page 619. The author is H.E. Carter. Also see Chemical Abstracts
1961, column 14350. The following reaction takes place:

[ Structural diagrams deleted]

     To do the reaction, 200 ml of glacial acetic acid is poured into a
champagne bottle nestled in ice. Once the acetic acid has cooled
down, 300 grams (200 ml) of 48% hydrobromic acid is slowly added
with swirling. Once this mixture has cooled down, 100 grams of
safrole is slowly added with swirling. Once the safrole is added, the
cheap plastic stopper of the champagne bottle is wired back into
place, and the mixture is slowly allowed to come to room temperature
with occasional shaking. After about 12 hours the original two layers
will merge into a clear red solution. In 24 hours, the reaction is done.
The chemist carefully removes the stopper from the bottle, wearing
eye protection. Some acid mist may escape from around the stopper.

     The reaction mixture is now poured onto about 500 grams of
crushed ice in a 1000 or 2000 ml beaker. Once the ice has melted, the
red layer of product is separated, and the water is extracted with about
l00 ml of petroleum ether or regular ethyl ether. The ether extract is
added to the product, and the combined product is washed first with
water, and then with a solution of sodium carbonate in water. The
purpose of these washings is to remove HBr from the product. One
can be sure that all the acid is removed from the product when some
fresh carbonate solution does not fizz in contact with the product.

     Once all the acid in the product is removed, the ether must be
removed from it. This is important because if the ether were allowed
to remain in it, too much pressure would be generated in the next
stage inside of the bomb. Also, it would interfere with the formation
of a solution between the product and methylamine or ammonia. It is
not necessary to distill the product because with a yield of over 90%,
the crude product is pure enough to feed into the next stage. To
remove the ether from the product, the crude product is poured into a
flask, and a vacuum is applied to it. This causes the ether to boil off.
Some gentle heating with hot water is quite helpful to this process.
The yield of crude product is in the neighborhood of 200 grams.

     With the bromo compound in hand, it is time to move onto the
next step which gives MDA or MDMA. See Chemical Abstracts
1961, column 14350. Also see Journal of the American Chemical
Society, Volume 68, page 1805 and Journal of the Chemistry Society,
part 2 1938, page 2005. The bromo compound reacts with ammonia
or methylamine to give MDA or MDMA:

[ Sructural diagram deleted ]

     To do the reaction, 50 grams of the bromo compound is poured
into a beaker, and 200 ml of concentrated ammonium hydroxide (28%
NH3) or 40% methylamine is added. Next, isopropyl alcohol is added
with stirring until a nice smooth solution is formed. It is not good to
add too much alcohol because a more dilute solution reacts slower.
Now the mixture is poured into a pipe "bomb." This pipe should be
made of stainless steel, and have fine threads on both ends. Stainless
steel is preferred because the HBr given off in the reaction will rust
regular steel. Both ends of the pipe are securely tightened down. The
bottom may even be welded into place. Then the pipe is placed into
cooking oil heated to around 130 C. This temperature is maintained
for about 3 hours or so, then it is allowed to cool. Once the pipe is
merely warm, it is cooled down some more in ice, and the cap

     The reaction mixture is poured into a distilling flask, the glass-
ware rigged for simple distillation, and the isopropyl alcohol and
excess ammonia or methylamine is distilled off. When this is done,
the residue inside the flask is made acid with hydrochloric acid. If
indicating pH paper is available, a pH of about 3 should be aimed for.
This converts the MDA to the hydrochloride which is water soluble.
Good strong shaking of the mixture ensures that this conversion is
complete. The first stage of the purification is to recover unreacted
bromo compound. To do this, 200 to 300 ml of ether is added. After
some shaking, the ether layer is separated. It contains close to 20
grams of bromo compound which may be used again in later batches.

     Now the acid solution containing the MDA is made strongly basic
with lye solution. The mixture is shaken for a few minutes to ensure
that the MDA is converted to the free base. Upon sitting for a few
minutes, the MDA floats on top of the water as a dark colored oily
layer. This layer is separated and placed into a distilling flask. Next,
the water layer is extracted with some toluene to get out the remaining
MDA free base. The toluene is combined with the free base layer, and
the toluene is distilled off. Then a vacuum is applied, and the mixture
is fractionally distilled. A good aspirator with cold water will bring
the MDA off at a temperature of 150 to 160 C. The free base should
be clear to pale yellow, and give a yield of about 20 ml. This free base
is made into the crystalline hydrochloride by dissolving it in ether and
bubbling dry HCl gas through it."


IV. Miscellany

Rumor Control
     There is a lot of misinformation out there about MDMA.  Here are some
commonly heard rumors and what the facts are about each one of them.

Rumor #1: MDMA drains your spinal fluid.
     Untrue.  A spinal tap, which lots of MDMA users who had tests run on them
had done to them, DOES drain the spinal fluid temporarily.  The actual drug
itself, however, does not.  Tests have revealed lowered levels of 5-HT
(serotonin) in the spinal fluid of people who have taken MDMA, but this is
related to rumor #4 (see below).

Rumor #2: MDMA ruins your back, neck, knees, or other body part.
     Untrue.  The amphetamine-like effects of MDMA, coupled with the energetic
dancing that many ravers take part in, may cause next-day soreness or some pain
in a body part.  However, unless you don't take care of it this is no more
serious than normal back strain/sore feet/sore neck/etc.

Rumor #3: MDMA causes brain damage, parkinson's disease, etc.
     Untrue, at least in the sense that most people view brain damage (gross
noticeable symptoms).  There is some controversy over whether MDMA causes some
neuronal damage (see rumor #3), but MDMA definitely does NOT cause parkinson's
disease or any noticeable form of gross brain damage.  This rumor got started
because of a mix-up by a journalist between MDMA and MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-
1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine), which is a product of an error in the manufacture
of a synthetic opiate and has *no* relation at all to MDMA.

Rumor #4: MDMA damages the 5-HT uptake neurons in the brain.
     The jury is still out on this one.  The 5-HT (serotonin) uptake neurons
are the receptor sites that MDMA bonds to in the brain, and experiments done on
lab animals seem to suggest that MDMA may destroy 5-HT axons.  However, no
noticeable symptoms have been observed as a result of this in either rats or
humans, and a common prescription weight-loss drug (fenfleuramine) produces 3
times the amount of the same kind of damage and has never been linked to any
form of brain dysfunction. If you're really paranoid, most of this "damage" may
be prevented by taking some Prozac or Zoloft (see the section on
contraindications) about 3 hours after taking the MDMA.
Analogues and related compounds:
     MDMA has several chemical "cousins"  and related compounds which have
different effects.  Here are descriptions of some of the more common ones:

MDA (3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine):
     MDA was popular for a while during the 70s, when it was known as the 'Love
Drug' (a nickname sometimes associated with MDMA as well).  It is similar to
MDMA in its effects, but is more like LSD in that it is much more mentally
disorienting ("stoning").  It is also supposed to be more visual as well.

MDE or MDEA (N-ethyl-methylendioxyamphetamine):
     Commonly called "Eve" (if MDMA is "Adam", MDE is "Eve", get it?), MDE is
similar in its effects to MDA.

MMDA (3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine):
     MMDA is reported to cause interesting closed-eye hallucinations, but
otherwise appears to be similar to MDMA.

MBDB (N-methyl-1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-butanamine):
     Sometimes called "Eden". Differs structurally from MDMA only by the
addition of an extra carbon to the MDMA chain.  Effects have been described as
like MDA but without an amphetamine-like effects.

GHB (Gamma-hydroxy-butyrate):
     GHB is not chemically related to MDMA at all, but the similarity of some
of it's effects to those of MDMA and the similarity of the settings in which it
is used to those of MDMA use give it a place here.
     GHB is a hydroxyl alcohol, and was (and still is) used by bodybuilders in
the same way as steroids are.  Physically it is a waxy, hygroscopic solid, and
usually comes in small bottles about the size of hotel shampoo bottles.  it is
usually ingested by dissolving a small amount in a glass of warm water and
drinking. GHB came to the attention of the MDMA crowd when it was found that it
produces many of the same sensory distortions that MDMA does. GHB +
methamphetamine is a commonly seen mixture, and supposedly produces a high that
is very similar to MDMA.

Related Reading:
     Here are some other reading materials which can provide additional
information on MDMA:

PIHKAL: A chemical love story
Alexander and Ann Shulgin
1008 Pages
Published by Transform Press, Berkeley, California
     The first part of this book contains autobiographical accounts of the
shulgins' life history and experiments with psychoactive drugs.  The second
part describes the synthesis, dosage and effects of 179 different compounds in
the phenethylamine family, including MDMA and its analogs.

Ecstacy: the MDMA Story
Bruce Eisner
228 Pages
Published by Ronin Publishing, inc.  Box 1035 Berkeley, CA 94701
     General overview of MDMA.

E for Ecstacy
Nicholas Saunders
318 Pages
Published by Nicholas Saunders, 14 Neal's Yard, London WC2H 9DP England
     Full overview of MDMA, also includes the latest version of Alexander
Shulgin's MDMA bibliography.  Highly extensive references with summaries.  This
book is recommended over the previous one because it is newer, larger and
better in general.  A little chaotic in organization, though.

Through the Gateway of the Heart
Sophia Adamson
197 Pages
Published by Four Trees publishing, San Francisco
     A collection of stories about drug experiences, primarily with MDMA but
also with Ketamine, 2C-B and other psychedelics, typically taken with MDMA.

The Healing Journey
Claudio Naranjo
Published by Random House
     Accounts of Groundbreaking theraputic use of MDA, MMDA, Harmaline and

     Most of these books can be ordered from various places listed in the
addresses FAQ, available from the ALT.DRUGS FTP archive (FTP.HMC.EDU in

     You can also contact MAPS (the Multidisciplinary Association for
Psychedelic Studies) at:

1801 Tippah Ave.
Charlotte NC 28205
