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DMT is a simple tryptamine compound (di-methyl-tryptamine), that induces intense, but brief visual hallucinations. Synthesized in its pure form, DMT is smoked in a special pipe. it's tricky to do and if you dont get the vapors just right, it wont work. while the effects are most interesting and impressive, the stuff smells and tastes like mothballs. smoking it is like inhaling the fumes from burning plastic.... but if you can get over that, youll be ok.... the DMT and other tryptamine containing plants are largely native to South America and have been used by tribal shamans in religious, ritualistic and healing ceremonies for centuries. the most famous DMT plant is the AYAHUASCA vine, which along with various other plants is used in native ceremonies to make a vile tasting, but superpotent psychedelic brew known as 'yage'. I'm fairly certain that the ayahuasca vine itself is legal to grow in the states, you just cant ingest it (same status as the san pedro cactus). however, growing the vine for a DMT trip is not going to get you anywhere, since you either need to know how to extract the DMT from the vine (and separate it from all the other chemicals in the vine) OR if you know how to make the yage brew and have all the other plant ingredients as well. trying to track down pure DMT is probably your best bet, however, it's not very widley available.... Below is the actual post where I got all the info on DMT.... ______________ From Lunatic Labs _______________________ (213)655-0691 yes, DMT is still around, tho it's very very rare. it's not a popular street drug simply because it's not a popular drug. it's relatively (compared to LSD and MDMA, for instance) easy to make, but it's a very powerful trip and one of an ultra-psychedelic nature. my guess is that most people (even most adventurous drug users) do not like it. of course DMT in its natural form, has been around in South America forever and is being used in ritual, visionary and shamanic ceremonies by many native (south) american tribes. the most common form of DMT ingestion among native indians is to use the ayahuasca vine, which is rich in di-methyl-triptamine (along with a bunch of other plant alkaloids). the vine is used, in conjunction with other plant materials, some psychoactive, some not (but all loaded with plant alkaloids than can all be toxic, inactive or psychedelic) in a brew called 'yage' (pronounced "yaah-heh"). this brew has a consistency, taste and color that is repulsive to most westerners and is easily ingested only by those with teflon-coated stomachs. however, from all accounts Ive heard, it's one hell of a trip. what people in this country do w/ the pure DMT (sit around and watch movies on the inside of your eye lids for 15 minutes) is probably amateurish child's play compared to the mystic, shamanic and healing powers of the substance, as they have been used and applied by south american indians since the beginning of history. I think the point I was trying to make is that the reason DMT isnt all that popular in our culture is that most people have no idea how to unlock its most powerfully mind-altering aspects. sure anyone can get off on a short 15-miunte trip of seeing fun colors and patterns and things, but it takes a deeply spiritual and ritual approach to the drug's usage as well as faith and belief in the spirit-nature and interconnecteness of humans with all Nature to really get your expectation's worth out of DMT. Ive talked to a number of westerners who have travelled to S. America and lived with various indian cultures in an attempt to gain insight into that sort of spiritual-religious knowledge and it appears that any outsider (while often welcomed) can mainly be a well-informed observer-participant in the yage rituals at best. I havent heard about anyone learning to draw on the same intensity of spiritual power that the indian shamans are capable of, simply be traveling there and living with the tribe for a while... -Castalia I leeched this message off of a board up here in NoCal. This might give us a lot of info that we were missing... ---------------------------From My Dog Bit Jesus--------------------------- (510) 658-8078 I have tried both DMT and DET, the handiwork of a chemist friend back east, around 1975-76. The first batch he made was DMT, but something went wrong with the synthesis and instead of a yellowish powder he ended up with gooey brown "tar" - we called it "GOOP" and tried it anyway. Noted a mild hallucinogenic effect, but not spectacular. The next batch came out right. Nearly pure DMT, which we administered by placing a small quantity of mediocre pot in a pipe and adding say, 100-200 mg of the powder on top of it; light and don't forget to inhale. DMT has the only real "rush" to it of all the psychedelics - the effects begin within 1 or 2 minutes. It begins as a "fore-lengthening" of visual perception, rather like looking down the wrong end of a telescope; the ceiling is suddenly further away than it was. I and many others also experienced auditory hallucinations of "wind" or "rumbling" during the first few minutes, probably due to the increase in blood pressure and resperation (as well as sweating) that accompany the psychic effects. In no time at all, phosphenes appear in the visual field (much like acid) along with "fish-eye" distortion of the vision. Many people I was with were overwhelmed by the suddeness of the onset (along with the physical side effects) and several people had panic reactions, even some experienced acid trippers. It's tricky to handle going from totally straight to peaking in the space of 2 to 3 minutes! I never had a strong adverse reaction myself, but I saw enough people get hysterical (and sometimes throw up!) to believe it happens regularly. Set and setting take on MAJOR importance, and the "energizing" effect is FAR stronger than with acid or mushrooms - almost like speed. If acid is being let out of a cage, DMT is being fired from a cannon! Within 15 minutes the peak begins to wane and visual effects drop off quickly. After 30 minutes the effects have almost vanished, except in my case I had some ringing in my ears that took another 15 minutes to fade. Color distortions seemed to be "hotter" in nature than with other psychs. Acid always leaned toward soft pinks and blue-greens with me, while DMT brought up images of bright reds and oranges, with "sparkle" effects of high intensity white. Mental images go thru you at high speed, somewhat like cocaine, so it's hard to focus your thoughts and not be overwhelmed. His next batch was DET (di-ethyl instead of di-methyl) and the main differences were a reduction of visual illusions and a longer effect, usually a half-hour to an hour. We found DET a bit easier to handle, and evolved a technique of smoking small amounts every half hour over the course of 2 to 3 hours, gradually "easing" into the trip. After six small doses, it appeared as if the effects would continue longer than with one big dose after you stop smoking. We'd stay high for another 2 or 3 hours after the last dose using this method. The previous post was correct - the taste of the stuff was a cross between mothballs and burning rubber (kind of - the exact taste is like nothing else, but I can still remember the smell to this day). The best countermeasure we found was to bite into a lemon wedge after taking the hit (the running joke was "DMTequila!") but nothing can truly overcome the taste. Also, it didn't seem as if we used any particular smoking technique. Just sprinkled a bit on some tobbacco or pot in a small pipe and fire it up - always worked stupendously! Sprinkled it into joints at parties too... An interesting aside - he made a BIG batch once (to sell some) and at a rock concert once I ran into someone selling "THC" powder to sprinkle into joints. She offered a hit on a joint so treated, and with one whiff I knew what she had and where it came from. I tried to politely inform her of the true nature of what she was selling, as I don't like misinformation being spread about psychoactive drugs. My advice was rejected, not on the basis of truth, but because it was much easier to sell as erzatz THC than as DET! Hoffman is spinning in his grave, I'm sure. Any other questions? I'll answer them as well as I can. And in anticipation of your first question, the chemist is unfortunately serving time in an east coast prison, having been caught making speed in his university's lab (he was a graduate chem student). Haven't had any in almost 16 years now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DMT is best known for inducing very intense, if short-lasting (15-20 min.) visual hallucinations, often described as colorful 'stained glass window, circular crysanthemeum-like patterns' (dont know if I spelled crysanthemeum right, but it's a type of flower with bushy petals arranged in a circular pattern). unlike LSD and other psychedelics, DMT visuals tend to take up your ENTIRE visual field and are truly generated internally - meaning it's not like watching a wall and seeing it ripple on LSD or seeing trails caused by objects in the edges of your visual field. DMT hallucinations tend to be object-independent and OVERLAY whatever you're looking at and don't tend to change or go away if you move around and look at something else. DMT hallucinations are most intense and remarkable, tho, with your eyes closed... on one of my DMT trips I also had some amazing auditory distortions (mainly language and other people talking) - an effect that I have yet to see or hear mentioned anywhere in the DMT literature or underground info... -Castalia -------------------------from Reality Check------------------------------ Ah, the Mighty D! I have done DMT in many different ways, but if you have a small amount only, then efficiency is paramount. First, a caution: If it is 5-MEO-DMT (also known as DET) than it is a type of drug known as an MAO inhibitor. There may be no way for you to tell - DET is a bit more "pinkish" than the "yellowish" DMT, but it's no sure guide. Grab a PDR or a good consumer book on perscription drugs, and look up what foods and drugs that you do NOT take with MAO inhibitors - it's a long list, with things like chocolate, bananas and other harmless foodstuffs on it. The combo CAN make you quite sick, so check it out - be a responsible psychonaut! An empty stomach is a good idea anyway - the rush can be a wee bit overwhelming and I've seen cookies tossed... but fast for at least 4 hours prior and you'll be fine. If you can find one, get what they used to call a "Number One pipe" - a small glass tube with a pipelike bowl thingy on one end. Or use a brand new glass or brass pipe. I always used pot as a medium, but tobacco or mint works I guess, but it's harder to "toke" such things and hold it like some mild pot. Sit down on a comfortable floor mat, bed, etc, and prop yourself up with a few pillows. Relax! Then put a TINY bit of weed into the pipe along with the powder. (or if it's real No. 1 pipe, just put the DMT powder right in it alone) USE A BUTANE LIGHTER. HOLD THE FLAME SLIGHTLY ABOVE THE MIXTURE AND DRAW SLOWLY. DON'T LET THE FLAME TOUCH THE POWDER! You will see the powder turn dark and "melt" into a mottled mass and begin to steam. Inhale the staem keep drawing that steam in, ignoring the fact that it tastes like burning rubber inner tubes and styrofoam mixed with cow shit. If you do it right the whole powder mass will melt away into steam. Get too close and it looks like burnt sugar in the pipe. When it's gone, hold that hit in as long as you can. Within seconds you will feel that telltale tingle and your eyes will begin to dart around and unfocus. Fasten your brain-belt and hang on, moonchild.... See you in about an hour when you get back. Drop me a postcard, eh? <WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSHHHH!> ------------------------------end of Message------------------------------ I guess we are doomed to wander aimlessly searching for this elusive Drug. 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