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         Lighting Your Apple II Path                  | |


                       >>> WELCOME TO THE LAMP! <<<

           "Teaching the Apple II user how to fish since 1998"

 The Lamp!            An Onipa'a Software Production       Vol. 10, No. 3
 Publisher................................Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
 Editor.....................................................Lyle Syverson
 Internet Email, Publisher.........................thelamp@sheppyware.net
 Internet Email, Editor...............lutefisk at grex.cyberspace dot org

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
                             March 15, 2007

HIGH ABOVE THE ROCK RIVER---------------------------------------------[OPN]
     Wireless ISP Comes to Beardsley Minnesota

A2 BULLETIN BOARD at A2Central.com DISTILLATIONS----------------------[DAA]
     Access to A2C BB-------------------------------------------------[ABB]
     My Its Quiet!----------------------------------------------------[MIQ]
     Control Question-------------------------------------------------[CQN]
     Appleworks Word Processor to TXT Utility-------------------------[ATU]
     Kraftwerk 8-Bit Operators----------------------------------------[KBO]
     AIII problem?----------------------------------------------------[A3P]

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR-------------------------------------------------[LTE]
     No Letters to the Editor This Month
     An Invitation

KFEST 2007------------------------------------------------------------[KF7]
     KansasFest 2007--------------------------------------------------[KFS]

     About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]

                                [*] [*] [*]

READING THE LAMP!   The index system used by The Lamp! is designed to make
"""""""""""""""""   your reading easier.  To use this system, load this
issue into any word processor or text editor.  In the index you will find
something like:

     About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]

To read this article, simply use your search or find command to locate
[INN].  There is a similar tag at the end of each article: [EOA].

From The Editor
by Lyle Syverson  email: lutefisk at grex.cyberspace dot org

                 Wireless ISP Comes to Beardsley Minnesota
     Beardsley, like all the towns in the area, has a structure that towers
high above all the others... the grain elevator.  The wheat, corn, and
soybeans delivered by the farmers for sale are "elevated" to the top of the
structure, then diverted to one of the bins for storage.  This allows
moving grain into railroad cars via gravity.

     Over the years farm machinery has become larger and larger.  This in
turn allows each farmer to farm more and more acreage.  In an area where
the economy is driven by agriculture, the result is a shrinking population.

     In this community there has been only one ISP available via a local
call.  So the arrival of some competition, in the form of a wireless ISP,
was quite welcome.

     Where to place the antennas used by the wireless ISP was a
"no-brainer"... mount them on the top of the grain elevator.


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DISTILLATIONS FROM The A2 Bulletin Board at A2Central.com  |

by Lyle Syverson  email: lutefisk at grex.cyberspace dot org

Access to A2C BB
Which computer and software do you use to access the A2Central BB?

I am using a Mac Beige G3, OS 9.1 and the WaMCom version of Mozilla 1.3.1.
(Available at http://wamcom.org/)

Lyle Syverson, Editor, _The Lamp!_
published monthly at: ftp://www.a2central.com/the.lamp!
email:  lutefisk at grex.cyberspace dot org

(Lyle, a2c.general_chat, Feb 24 2007)

The computer is an old IBM PC 350 (Pentium 200 model).  I use Forte Agent
to access the BB.

-- Mark

(Mark Percival, a2c.general_chat, Feb 24 2007)

I'm currently using a Pentium III 800MHz PC running Windows 98/SE and using
Forte Free Agent v1.93.  I never liked the newer versions of Free Agent
much and now that they gotten over v4.0 they don't even make a Free Agent
anymore, only the commercial Agent.  Because of this, once I install
Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional on this machine I'm
going to give a program called "40tude Dialog" a try for both my e-mail and
news reading.  I'm thinking I'll finally give up on Pegasus mail after
having used it for many years.

However, that said, I'd rather be reading this stuff on my IIgs.  My real
IIgs is not connected to the internet at present so the only way I can do
it is running in KEGS and using its SvN support.  I've gone into chat that
way a few times but as I don't have an offline reader or NNTP client yet, I
haven't accessed this place much with a IIgs yet.

Jeff Blakeney

(Jeff Blakeney, a2c.general_chat, Feb 25 2007)

I'm using my iMac Core Duo with the latest beta of Thunderbird 2.


(Sheppy, a2c.general_chat, Feb 27 2007)

Currently I am using MacSoup on a G5 tower. I do not like web style access,
and prefer an NNTP approach.


(Speccie, a2c.general_chat, Mar 01 2007)

My Its Quiet!
Is there anybody there?
Speccie - The IIgs rules OK

(Speccie, a2c.general_chat, Feb 25 2007)

Even the newsgroups have been slower than usual.

(sfahey, a2c.general_chat, Feb 27 2007)

I've been so tired lately that coming here has been sort of forgotten a lot
of the time.  But I do poke in periodically.


(Sheppy, a2c.general_chat, Feb 27 2007)

Control Question
Let's say I have a custom control.  I want the control to be notified when
the mouse is hovering over it.  Most modern GUIs will notify the control
when the mouse enters/exits/moves within a control.  As far as I can tell,
the Control Manager will only notify the control when there is an actual
mouse click.

Can anybody tell me otherwise?  I'm thinking the only reasonable way to
handle it is to manually check the mouse after calling


(kws, ac2.a2pro_developers, Feb 28 2007)

There is no easy way as far as I know. You would need to do some manual
tracking of the control from within a TaskMaster or ModalDialog loop,
checking to see what was under the cursor at regular intervals.

You could build in a timing sequence using the TickCount, so for instance,
if the mouse hovered for more than a few seconds at the same point, you
responded in some way.

So it possible, but a bit of a kludge!


(Speccie, ac2.a2pro_developers, Mar 01 2007)

Yeah, unfortunately, you're going to have to add a check in your event loop
to see if the mouse is inside a control by calling FindControl(), then take
whatever action is necessary based on that.


(Sheppy, ac2.a2pro_developers, Mar 05 2007)

Appleworks Word Processor to TXT Utility
(From the February issue:)

Does anyone know of a utility, macro, or script - for ProDOS, GS/OS,
Classic, or OS X - that will batch convert AWP files to TXT?

(kgagne, a2c.appleworks, Jan 28 2007)

(From the February issue:)

There's lots of utilities that will do it, with lots of variations. What
are you trying to achieve?  (Apart from the obvious!)

And do you actually want TXT files? Or do you want to preserve the
Peter Watson
-- Write to MSDOS disks on the Apple IIgs?
-- Impossible!  ;-)

(peterw, a2c.appleworks, Jan 30 2007)

Can anyone name one of the "lots of utilities" that will accomplish this
task for me?

(kgagne, a2c.appleworks, Feb 27 2007)

The Mac utility MacLinkPlus does document conversions.  AppleWorks for
Apple II is one of the many supported formats.


(Sheppy, a2c.appleworks, Feb 27 2007)

You still haven't answered my original questions!  :-)

Anyway, I wrote a generic "list" utility for the GS which (among other
things) will read BAS and AWP files and write out a reasonable text
approximation. The "bad" news is that it needs a command shell. The good
news is that they're not that hard to come by. (I wrote one of them too...)

ClarisWorks for the Mac (and maybe PC) used to have an AWP converter. Also
the Mac utility Passport (I think! Anyway, it's an early version of Apple
File Exchange) may have had an AWP file converter. I suspect in both cases
it was probably AWP 2.1 or maybe 3.0 at best.

I think Dogpaw can read/display AWP files, but I'm not sure about saving
the output.

Peter Watson
-- Write to MS-DOS disks on the Apple IIgs?
-- Impossible!  ;-)

(peterw, a2c.appleworks, Mar 01 2007)


I tried my best to answer your questions in my reply of Jan 29th... Sorry
if it wasn't enough detail, but what I'm trying to do is so basic that
there isn't much TO detail.

Appleworks 5 for Mac (the program formerly known as Clarisworks), an OS 9
application, was the last version to include an Appleworks for Apple II
file translator; Appleworks 6 (for OS X) omits this feature.  On my PowerPC
machine, I can still use AW5 to convert files -- but for someone with
hundreds of files to convert on an Intel Mac, there are multiple reasons
why AW5 isn't an option.

I think I will try MacLinkPlus, as recommended by Sheppy and detailed here:


I had previously checked this site but had overlooked its support for Apple
II formats, since they're listed under the heading "Macintosh Word
Processing Formats". (Ooh, and spreadsheets, too!)


(kgagne, a2c.appleworks, Mar 13 2007)

Here is a quick Spectrum script. It does not check for filetype, simply
converts an input folder full of files to an output folder of text files.

You should first put all the AppleWorks files into the input folder, and
create an empty folder for the output. The script will then ask you to
identify the two folders, and do its work.

If you remember your scripting, you can elaborate it as necessary, for
instance to check for AWKs input files, or to add and remove suffixes...


# Ken's AppleWorks to TXT Script

Get Folder "Input folder:" Input
Get Folder "Output folder:" Output
Open Catalog 1 "$Input"
For 1 1 65535 1
Read Catalog 1 Name
If Failed GotoNext Finish
SubString "$Name" 1 31 Name
Trim Spaces "$Name" Name
Load ScriptEditor 1 "$Input$Name"
Save ScriptEditor 1 "$Output$Name"
Clear ScriptEditor 1
Next 1
# Finish
Clear For 1
Close Catalog 1

(Speccie, a2c.appleworks, Mar 01 2007)

Kraftwerk 8-Bit Operators
Kraftwerk has recently released a tribute to retro gaming and devices
called "8-Bit Operators.

(sfahey, a2c.music_multimedia, Feb 12 2007)

I didn't realize they were still on the go... can't wait to hear it!
|[LD8]! ====== 8-BIT SOUND & FURY ======
!__!__! http://8bitsoundandfury.ld8.org/

(Luddite, a2c.music_multimedia, Feb 14 2007)

I looked into this and it turns out to be a tribute to Kraftwerk performed
on retro gaming devices by a group of musicians called "8-bit operators"...
so it's not actually a Kraftwerk album, but might be interesting anyway.
|[LD8]! ====== 8-BIT SOUND & FURY ======
!__!__! http://8bitsoundandfury.ld8.org/

(Luddite, a2c.music_multimedia, Mar 04 2007)

AIII problem?
I have an Apple III that boots an Apple II emulator perfectly. But when I
boot in to SOS, it locks up on the startup screen. I have software that I
have bought and have downloaded SOS.dsk's off the web with an AIIe, neither
sets work. Ideas? Suggestions?

(James Littlejohn, a2c.apple_3, Dec 13 2006)

Well, 2 1/2 months later I finally, and literally, stumbled upon the
apple3.org site.  And after downloading some PDFs I am slowly attacking
this problem head on. Wish me luck.

(James Littlejohn, a2c.apple_3, Mar 01 2007)

             LETTERS TO THE EDITOR |

The mail box for Letters to the Editor remained empty this month.

Express your opinions about the comings and goings in the world of the
Apple II computers.

Send your comments to Lyle Syverson, lutefisk at grex.cyberspace dot org

The Editor reserves the right to edit any material submitted.

The Editor reserves the right to reject any material he considers
unsuitable for publication in _The Lamp!_.

                       KFest 2007 |

KansasFest 2007
is scheduled for July 17-22, 2007.

Go to <http://www.kfest.org> for details.

                    EXTRA INNINGS |
About The Lamp!   The Lamp! is published on the fifteenth of every month on
"""""""""""""""   the WEB at:   http://lamp.a2central.com/

This publication produced entirely with real or emulated Apple II computers
using Appleworks 5.1 and Hermes.  Apple II Forever!

     * The Lamp! is (c) copyright 2007 by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W.  All
       rights reserved.

     * To reach The Lamp! on Internet email send mail to

     * All issues of The Lamp! are available at:

Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors, and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of A2Central.com, Ryan M. Suenaga, or
Lyle Syverson.  Forum messages are reprinted verbatim and are included in
this publication with permission from the individual authors.
A2Central.com, Ryan M. Suenaga, and Lyle Syverson do not guarantee the
accuracy or suitability of any information included herein.  We reserve the
right to edit all letters and copy.

Material published in this edition may not be reprinted without the
expressed written consent of the  publisher.   Registered computer user
groups, not for profit publications , and other interested parties may
write the publisher to apply for permission to reprint any or all material.