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         Lighting Your Apple II Path                  | |


                       >>> WELCOME TO THE LAMP! <<<

           THE BEST OF THE A2 BULLETIN BOARD ON Syndicomm Online
           "Teaching the Apple II user how to fish since 1998"

 The Lamp!            An Onipa'a Software Production       Vol. 5, No. 12
 Publisher................................Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
 Editor.....................................................Lyle Syverson
 Internet Email, Publisher.........................thelamp@sheppyware.net
 Internet Email, Editor................................lyle@FoxValley.net

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
                            December 15, 2002

HIGH ABOVE THE ROCK RIVER---------------------------------------------[OPN]
     The Peacefulness of a Winter Storm
     The Tinkerer's Corner This Month

A2 FORUM AT Syndicomm Online (A2Central.com) DISTILLATIONS------------[DAS]
     Marker Posts-----------------------------------------------------[MRP]
     Proper Names of Apple Products-----------------------------------[PNP]
     Help for the New Owner of an Apple II With No Software-----------[NOS]
     The Pioneer Laser Disc Player With the IIgs?---------------------[LDP]
     The WebQuest Website---------------------------------------------[WQW]
     Ultima IV and the MockingBoard-----------------------------------[UFM]
     ALPS Glidepoint ADB-Compatible Trackpad--------------------------[ALP]
     CD-ROM Drive on the IIgs With Apple Rev. C SCSI Card-------------[CDR]
     Juiced.GS Vol 7 Issue 4 on Track---------------------------------[JOT]
     What I Really do for a Living------------------------------------[RDL]

ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM SYNDICOMM------------------------------------------[ANS]
     Syndicomm now has a new mailing address!-------------------------[NMA]
     To Sign up for Syndicomm Online----------------------------------[TSU]

THE TINKERER'S CORNER-------------------------------------------------[TTC]
     One Disk Approach to the Installation of System 6.0.1 on the IIgs
     You are Invited

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR-------------------------------------------------[LTE]
     Letter to the Editor
     An Invitation

KFEST 2003
     KFest 2003 - Plan to be There!-----------------------------------[PBT]

     About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]

                                [*] [*] [*]

READING THE LAMP!   The index system used by The Lamp! is designed to make
"""""""""""""""""   your reading easier.  To use this system, load this
issue into any word processor or text editor.  In the index you will find
something like:

     About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]

To read this article, simply use your search or find command to locate
[INN].  There is a similar tag at the end of each article: [EOA].

From The Editor
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net>

                    The Peacefulness of a Winter Storm
     From High Above The Rock River, the stiff Winter wind forces the heavy
snow sideways... almost a horizontal movement... almost completely
obscuring vision.

     This jolts the mind to a different time and place... growing up on a
farm in Minnesota... and the blizzards which occurred from time to time.

     Start with a moist southwest wind of moderate temperature.  The wind
slowly moves to the northwest... turning colder and colder... blowing
harder and harder.  First a "wet" snow that sticks to everything.  Then a
"dry" snow that stays airborne for a long time, blocking visibility.  Huge
drifts of snow form where the wind is slowed by trees or buildings.  The
storm might last for two or three days.

     The rules of survival in a blizzard were very simple... keep plenty of
food and fuel on hand and stay home.  On the farm you also had to make
certain that the livestock were sheltered and had plenty of feed and water.

     There was no concern that the power would be lost... there was no
electricity.  The fuel reserve was a huge pile of firewood on the porch.
Much of the food reserve was found in the "cellar"... bins of home grown
potatoes, squash, and carrots... shelves filled with home grown, home
canned fruits, vegetables, and chicken.  Add the flour, sugar, salt,
spices, and home rendered lard found in the kitchen and you could be
certain of plenty to eat.

     There was always a sense of relaxation during the storm... you had to
suspend many of your usual activities, including school.  Things were quiet
except for the erie howl of the fierce northwest wind.

     One of the activities I enjoyed during these times was listening to my
home made crystal radio.  No batteries to run down.  The sound quality left
a lot to be desired.  It only brought in one station.  But there was the
satisfaction of using something I had built myself... the tinkerer's
instinct was at work at an early age.

                     The Tinkerer's Corner This Month
     This month in the Tinkerer's Corner we create a "one disk" approach to
installing the IIgs system software on a hard drive.


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DISTILLATIONS FROM The A2 FORUM at Syndicomm.com  |
                                  (A2Central.com) |

by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>

Marker post...

(LUMITECH, Cat 2, Top 7, Msg 149)

Just curious, but what are these "Marker Posts" that I have seen on the
boards every now and then?


(A2.DAIN, Cat 2, Top 7, Msg 150)

When a message is posted and then moved/deleted, a browse of the message
boards will reveal a topic with "1 new message" or so, but no actual new
messages will be displayed.

That seems to be when a marker post shows up... though that answers only
the when, not the why.


(KGAGNE, Cat 2, Top 7, Msg 152)

You are correct on the "when." The "why" is because when browsing the
message board via the Web, the topic still says "x new message(s)", even
after entering that topic and finding no messages. The "marker post" adds a
new message, and then when read, clears the flag that says "x new
message(s)" so that the next time I'm cruising the board via the Web, I
won't try and read a new message that doesn't exist.

We conversed about this awhile back. BTW, there are a few topics in a
couple of message boards that I can't clear the flag using this method
because it is a closed topic and doesn't allow posting.


(LUMITECH, Cat 2, Top 7, Msg 153)

In my continuing work on the GEnieLamp / Lamp index, I've got a few
products whose proper names I need clarification on:

Is it "ZipGS" or "Zip GS"? And where does ZipGSX (or ZipGSx) fit in here?

Is it "Copy II Plus" or "Copy II+"?

Apple IIc Plus or Apple IIc+?

Apple II Plus or Apple II+?

"Resource-Central" or "Resource Central" (although they may not have known
themselves; some of my old A2-Central newsletters have it one way in one
issue, and the other way in another)

"ProTerm" or "ProTERM"?

"RamFAST" or "RAMFast"?

Also, i'd like to correspond (via e-mail or here in the forum) with anyone
who spent significant time in the past on AppleLink - Personal Edition,
America Online (when you could do it with an Apple II), CompuServe (when
MAUG was still around), The Source, and Delphi prior to Syndicomm. Heck,
even GEnie in the original days of the American Apple Roundtable.

Any new or interesting information about the origins of these services
would be helpful; what would be even better would be if anyone has
scrollback that they've saved from that time that demonstrates what entry
to the Apple II area on that service looked like, or what the messages
looked like. GEnie is easy; it looked just like this lovely Syndicomm
Online service (thanks Sheppy!) Also info about what you did or did not
like about that service.

And if there is a better place to post responses than here, Topic Cop
please feel free to redirect me.

Thanks in advance!

Steven Weyhrich <IX0YE>--<
Apple II History

(A2HISTORY, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 342)

>> ZipGS or Zip GS and ZipGSX <<

I believe it's officially ZipGSX.  Zip Technologies originally planned a
ZipGS that would be a chip-like thing, comparable to the original Zip Chip,
and the ZipGSX, which was a card.  Only the ZipGSX ever shipped, and most
people just refer to it as the ZipGS.

>> "Copy II Plus" or "Copy II+" <<

Copy II Plus

>> Apple IIc Plus or Apple IIc+ <<

Apple IIc Plus

>> Apple II Plus or Apple II+ <<

Apple ][+

>> "Resource-Central" or "Resource Central" <<

Resource Central

>> "ProTerm" or "ProTERM" <<


>> "RamFAST" or "RAMFast" <<


Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd                                sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm                                  http://www.syndicomm.com
                     Building communities, bit by bit.

(SYNDICOMM, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 345)

>> "ZipGS" or "Zip GS"?     ZipGSX or ZipGSx? <<

If you look on the card, I think it's "ZipGSX", but for some reason, it's
totally stuck in my head as "ZipGSx", and because of that, that's what
I use and it's the official Juiced.GS way of writing it :)

I agree with Sheppy on all the other names.


(RSUENAGA, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 346)

Thanks for the help with the names.

However, I do have a question about the Apple ][+. Now I know that "][+" or
"II+" is the shorthand way that is almost always used to refer to that
computer. But on the name plate for the II+, it uses the same stylized
"Apple ][" as on the original (non Plus version), but has the word "plus"
in a funky italics below and to the right. For that reason, I _thought_ it
would be "Apple II Plus", especially if I am not choosing to write it with
their "special" characters (i.e., Apple ][ vs Apple II, Apple //e vs Apple
IIe, the small caps Apple IIGS vs Apple IIgs, etc).

I like the "IIc Plus" better than "IIc+", so I'm glad I can use that with
confidence. :-) I suspect it is more of an editorial opinion, but would
"Apple II Plus" be way out of line, and cause derision and ridicule for
myself and my descendants for years to come?

Steven Weyhrich <IX0YE>--<
Apple II History

(A2HISTORY, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 347)


If you go back to the 1994 version of the Apple Style Guide, they actually
do say that the proper way is to use "II Plus".  However, they also say
it's okay to use "Apple II" to refer to both the entire Apple II family and
the original Apple II.  I disagree with that and feel like "Apple ][" is
the proper way to refer to the original Apple II.  I could be persuaded on
"II Plus" vs. "][ Plus" vs. "][+" vs. "II+", but if push came to shove, I'd
probably go with "][ Plus" if it were running in Juiced.GS.

The 2000 version of the style guide pretty much totally ignores the Apple


(A2.RYAN, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 348)

What is the Apple Style Guide? Is that something for those who write about
Apple's products to know how to properly refer to them in print?

Not surprising that they don't mention the Apple II. I would venture to
guess that there is a high percentage of people at the company who honestly
don't know that Apple sold something besides the Macintosh.

Of course, that could be my old Apple vs. the Apple II cynicism rearing its
ugly head again.... :-)

Steven Weyhrich <IX0YE>--<
Apple II History

(A2HISTORY, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 349)

>> What is the Apple Style Guide? Is that something for those who write
about  Apple's products to know how to properly refer to them in print? <<

Yes.  There are a couple of versions available.  The one that's probably
most relevant is the 1994 one that's at:


We don't follow it religiously at Juiced (or any of the other publications
I'm involved with), but I do keep it on hand.

BTW, it's in Word format :)


(A2.RYAN, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 350)

Thanks for the links to that style document. I see that in Apple's opinion
(in 1994) it was proper to use "Apple IIe" but not proper to use "Apple

They also preferred use of "Apple II Plus" over "Apple ][+".

However, it DOES say "][" and "//e" directly on the products, so what do
they expect if people write it that way... :-)

Steven Weyhrich <IX0YE>--<
Apple II History

(A2HISTORY, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 353)

Okay, the reason for this topic is to get some practical information to
offer to people who e-mail me (as the Apple II Historian Who Has A
Convenient Address To Use) with their "help me" questions.

Most recently, I got a message from someone who says,

>> Is it possible to connect an apple 5.25 drive to a modern pc running
windows xp? I bought an apple iie and 2 iics with no software and i am
trying to get dos onto a disk. I cant send it to them no matter how hard i
try so i want to connect my disk drive to my computer and make disks off of
there. <<

Now, I sent him a message that says, no, you can't do that, the drives are
incompatible, and gave him some web sites to go for help. I'd LOVE to tell
him to get online here to ask his question, but being a paid service, many
people aren't interested in spending money to get their questions answered
(can you imagine?)

Aside from convincing the person who writes to subscribe here (for at least
a short time), is there any FAQ I can point these people to that will
explain how to get files to a disk drive that has no files to begin with,
when 99% of people who get their info and files these days get them from
the Internet onto a PC or Mac?

Steven Weyhrich <IX0YE>--<
Apple II History

(A2HISTORY, Cat 2, Top 39, Msg 1)

I got another e-mail from this person, and he is actually smart enough to
try the null-modem approach to try and fix his problem. I suggested he try
Syndicomm's $2 disks, and also encouraged him to just bite the bullet and
get on Syndicomm's A2 forum for a month.

Still, the questions in the previous message still apply, as I will likely
get messages like this in the future.

Steven Weyhrich <IX0YE>--<
Apple II History

(A2HISTORY, Cat 2, Top 39, Msg 2)

I remember when I got back into the Apple ][ World, I had a huge learning
curve ahead of me.  I had downloaded a few emulators, but that wasn't real
enough and eventually I paid way too much for a complete in box stock Apple
IIgs setup that fortunately had a ton of both 5 1/4" disks and 3.5" 800K

I remember that although I had some disks, I didn't have anything that was
produced after 1990 or so.  I ended up buying a modem cable, a null modem
adapter and attempting to transfer from Hyper Terminal on the PC to Apple
Works GS (the only communications module I had, fortunately I had that
piece too:) It took forever, but I finally managed to get it to work.  It
took a lot of patience, but at the same time, I managed to learn quite a
bit about the ins and outs of file transfers and the like.

I know that people really don't like to pay for things, that over the last
5 years have been free, but it seems like almost every place that I used to
haunt has in some way had to go to a pay site, because the ad model just
doesn't work.

I for one would pay the fee for lack of pop up ads alone:)

Regardless, If it has to be through e-mail I would be glad to help anyone
get involved back in Apple IIs.  Need any help?

Dain Neater

(A2.DAIN, Cat 2, Top 39, Msg 3)

Dain, I appreciate the offer. I'll give you his e-mail address and let you
talk to him.

Steven Weyhrich <IX0YE>--<
Apple II History

(A2HISTORY, Cat 2, Top 39, Msg 4)

My usergroup gets those kinds of questions a lot.  We have a picture of the
null modem pieces on our website....syndicomm.com/~gsaug

Often have to explain to folks used to newer model computers that the GS
doesn't need a hard drive.  The OS is on the boot disk of the application.


(PHOENIX, Cat 2, Top 39, Msg 5)

THE Pioneer Laser Disc Player WITH THE IIgs?
For anyone who might be interested -

After a decade's search, I've recently acquired a Pioneer Laser Disc
Player, model LD-V2200, which works like a champ with an Apple ][gs.

(GREGN, Cat 6, Top 6, Msg 1)

Editor's Note:
Read "the rest of the story" in Juiced.GS sometime next year!

For those who might be interested -

Please send the teachers you know to my WebQuest website, where they can
learn all about WebQuest lessons and how effective they can be with
students of all ages and abilities.  These were a major portion of my
Master's Final Project.  I'd appreciate some feedback, especially from

If teachers would have their students use any or all of these six WebQuest
lessons (see the top of the document for choices) and send me their
feedback on how effective the WQ lessons were for students, suggestions on
how to make the WQ lessons more effective, etc.  Some links are provided
for analysis of WQ lessons (rubric).

Please note that as the internet is a constantly changing environment, some
links may no longer be active.  Please advise where this is the case and
I'll update links whenever possible.

The WQ lessons are designed with middle school, high school and young
adults (community college for example) abilities in mind, with topics
ranging from geography, history, political science, mathematics, education
and others.

These web documents and much of the associated research was completed on an
Apple ][gs.  Software included : AppleWorksGS, Spectrum, SAM, SIS, PMPFax,
EgoEd, WebWorksGS, Allison, Super Convert and others.

Enjoy !

Greg Nelson, M.Ed.
Teacher Consultant
Lincoln NE USA

I am available for consultation, especially regarding curriculum
design and implementation, distance education, instructional
technology, geography, U.S. history, computer literacy.

(GREGN, Cat 6, Top 14, Msg 1)

I've had a lot of fun the last few weeks or so playing Ultima IV.  I've got
a Mockingboard set up (after Mark P. let me know that it worked with the
Ultimas).  That board puts out some nice tunes that go well with the game.
It really showed how the IIe was pushed over the years.  Cool Stuff.

Does anyone know of any other games that supported the Mockingboard?

Dain Neater

(A2.DAIN, Cat 14, Top 1, Msg 74)

Replying to 'Dain' in Category 14 Topic 1:

> Does anyone know of any other games that supported the Mockingboard?

Skyfox, Music Construction Set, Berzap, .....

Mark Percival - Syndicomm.com Apple II RTC Host
"Midweek Madness!" every Wednesday night.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT

(MARK, Cat 14, Top 1, Msg 75)

I've come across a supply of ALPS Glidepoint ADB-compatible trackpads.
These have been tested to be direct replacements for ADB mice on both IIGS
and Mac computers, and have 3 buttons that all act as the standard mouse
button.  If you're interested in these, email me (a2.howard @syndicomm.com)
- $10.00 + $2.00 s/h.  (They work well--and I prefer just moving my finger
around than having to keep all that desk space open for a mouse.  :) )


(A2.HOWARD, Cat 17, Top 21, Msg 9)


What is a trackpad?  Since you mention that they need less space than a
mouse and pad, how big are they?

                              MT Steve

(S.BERNBAUM, Cat 17, Top 21, Msg 10)

The whole unit is something like 5"x4".  A trackpad uses fingertip pressure
on a square surface and change in pressure position to move the cursor.
This is pretty standard stuff on a lot of laptop computers in place of that
tiny trackball they used to build in. Like I said, these units are pretty
much "plug-and-play" with ADB mice on the 2 GS's and a couple of Macs that
I've tried them with.  (well, on the Macs, I DID end up changing the mouse
tracking speed a bit.  :) )


(A2.HOWARD, Cat 17, Top 21, Msg 11)

>> What is a trackpad? <<

It's a touch sensitive pad that has largely become the defacto built-in
pointing device on laptop computers, replacing trackballs and those icky
eraser type looking things stuck in your keyboard.


(A2.RYAN, Cat 17, Top 21, Msg 12)

I didn't care for the trackpads on my Powerbook, or on Sharon's iBook.
Neither did she. I got her a Pro Mouse. I've been using a Kensington
TurboMouse trackball on the GS for years. It has the stationary footprint
of a trackpad, and the smooth, predictable movement of a mouse. I don't
know if any GS compatible ADB trackballs are still available, though.

 Carl Knoblock - Telephone Tech - Sat  16 Nov 02  12:19:38 am
 cknoblo@applelinc.org - Via Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR v1.0b10
 KFest 2003, July 22-27, 2003 - 249 days till KFest
 On cable via LANceGS & Marinetti 2.0.1 - Thank you, Richard.
 A2 RTC Staff - Saturday Night House Party - carlk@syndicomm.com

(CARLK, Cat 17, Top 21, Msg 17)

I don't mind Trackpads so much.  To me they are the best solution out there
right now for laptops.   Now for a GS, I am not so sure.   The only real
problem I've ever had with them was that you could in effect, highlight
text and type over it if you aren't careful.  Of course, they have since
come up with software on modern machines to disable the trackpad when
Typing, but I do remember a case where I was typing and I highlighted a
paragraph kept typing away and poof the paragraph was gone.

My IIgs still has the now 16 year old ADB mouse and it still works:)  I
don't expect the new ones I buy to last more than a few years they are made
so cheaply.  Still it is always nice to have more options for the IIGS.


(A2.DAIN, Cat 17, Top 21, Msg 18)

I like trackpads for laptops.  Otherwise I generally prefer a mouse.

Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd                                sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm                                  http://www.syndicomm.com
                     Building communities, bit by bit.

(SYNDICOMM, Cat 17, Top 21, Msg 19)

I dunno, I find the trackpads on portables to be the best overall solution.
While having a good mouse on a smooth surface is my first choice, when I'm
on the road, I don't usually have a smooth surface.


(A2.RYAN, Cat 17, Top 21, Msg 20)

I use a separate trackball with my PowerBook, and I take it with me when
I travel to hotel/dorm rooms.  Lately, though, I find myself using my
trackpad more often, even in those situations; with it being so close to
the keyboard, it's more convenient to not move my hands off the computer
and onto the trackball.


(KGAGNE, Cat 17, Top 21, Msg 21)

I just installed an Apple SCSI card in my ROM 3 GS, in slot 1, and plugged
an Apple CD300 into it. Two questions. It takes a lot longer to load GSOS
(6.0.1) when the drive is connected and turned on. Why?

Second, if the CD drive is turned off, or not even connected to the SCSI
card, the computer crashes while GSOS is booting. Why?


(RIFF, Cat 19, Top 19, Msg 8)

Have you anything else on the SCSI chain? Perhaps you have a termination
problem here. If you could tell us your exact setup, the order you have the
devices on the chain, their SCSI IDs, and how they are terminated, it might
help give us some clues.

 Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Fri 22 Nov 2002 - 242 days till KFest '03
 Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.3 & SOAR 1.0b11
 Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3

(CONDUCTOR, Cat 19, Top 19, Msg 9)

What Ewen said.  I'd also point out that you're technically not supposed to
have any powered-off devices on your SCSI bus when the computer is on.
I don't know why, but I've heard this from several reliable sources. :)

Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd                                sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm                                  http://www.syndicomm.com
                     Building communities, bit by bit.

(SYNDICOMM, Cat 19, Top 19, Msg 10)

The CD drive is the only SCSI device connected to the SCSI card right
now... it's ID is set to 3. The drive came with a thing that could be a
terminator... I don't know. I got it used with no docs. It's a block that
plugs into one of the connectors on the drive, but has an opposite gender
plug on the other end of the block. I plugged in it when I set it up.


(RIFF, Cat 19, Top 19, Msg 11)

That is indeed a terminator, and assuming the drive is not already
terminated internally, should be plugged in to the drive, with the cable
connected to the SCSI card.

Without having the instructions for the drive, and the settings of its
jumpers, it may be impossible to find out if it is already terminated or
not. Double termination can cause as many problems as no termination. You
could try without the terminator connected and see what happens.

As Sheppy says, the drive in theory should be turned on if connected,
though often it is safe not to do so.

SCSI cables can be 'bad' and also cause problems. Have you got another one
that you can substitute with?

I have no other clues as to what might be going wrong for you.

 Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Sat 23 Nov 2002 - 241 days till KFest '03
 Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.3 & SOAR 1.0b11
 Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3

(CONDUCTOR, Cat 19, Top 19, Msg 12)

Well, the Apple SCSI card I am using is a Rev C.  From what Sheppy sez,
I just need to have the drive on when booting. Not a problem. Though
I don't understand why it would crash with the scsi card in place and
enabled with nothing connected to it at all..

Since  don't use the CD drive all the time, I've addressed this issue by
simply setting the slot the card is in to something else other than "Your
Card", when I'm not going to be using it.

What no one has addressed yet, is my first question as to why it takes
longer to boot with the drive connected and on. Or if you have, I missed
the association. Let me detail it a bit more:

With the CD drive on, booting will progress with the sliding bar going all
the way to the end, then stops. At first, it looks like it is locked up.
Which is what I thought, until I decided to wait longer - like 2.5 min.
Then it continues and brings up the desktop and finishes the bootup.
I don't have an accelerator yet - I would expect this wait time to improve
a lot after I get one.

I did try it without the terminator connected. It never would finish
booting, so I guess I need it connected. :)

One other detail - I have a Focus hard drive card. Normally, during the
'sliding bar' display, there will be a black blinking drive activity
indicator in the upper right corner. When the CD is on, this isn't there
until after we get past the sliding bar thing.


(RIFF, Cat 19, Top 19, Msg 14)

>> What no one has addressed yet, is my first question as to why it takes
longer to boot with the drive connected and on. <<

I haven't used a Rev. C SCSI card in years and years, so I'm not sure how
well it supports CD ROM drives.  It would need a driver for the CD-ROM
drive, and I'm assuming (since I haven't used one with a CD-ROM drive ever)
the drivers including with 6.0.1 are the proper ones.

Is there a CD in the drive or not?

What I -think- is happening here is that the SCSI bus is being polled and
either (1) because the drive is empty (2) because the drivers are confused
(3) because the SCSI bus has termination or terminator power issues or (4)
because the card expects there to be a writable device on it (I don't know
if this happens with Apple branded SCSI cards, but it happens with the
RAMFast) it takes a long time to finish the polling.

>> One other detail - I have a Focus hard drive card. Normally, during the
'sliding bar' display, there will be a black blinking drive activity
indicator in the upper right corner. When the CD is on, this isn't there
until after we get past the sliding bar thing. <<

I would guess the Focus Driver is not loaded until after the SCSI bus
polling (which I'm assuming is the delay) is done.


(A2.RYAN, Cat 19, Top 19, Msg 15)

Well, that was interesting.  I just tried it with a CD in the drive, and
the system booted normally, and very quickly. Looks like the thing to do
would be to just keep the drive loaded. :)

Thanx everyone!


(RIFF, Cat 19, Top 19, Msg 16)

>> Well, that was interesting.  I just tried it with a CD in the drive, and
the system booted normally, and very quickly.  <<

This is probably an artifact of the so-so CD-ROM support in Rev. C SCSI

Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd                                sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm                                  http://www.syndicomm.com
                     Building communities, bit by bit.

(SYNDICOMM, Cat 19, Top 19, Msg 17)

Having run this setup too, it seems that the Rev C card doesn't really
understand removable media well. I always kept a CD in the drive with the
Rev C. Now that I have a HS SCSI I don't have the problem.


(KIMHOWE, Cat 19, Top 19, Msg 19)

Juiced.GS Volume 7 Issue 4 is looking on track for December shipment.

Hopefully, a right side up December shipment.

Editor-in-Chief, A2 Chief Sysop, Head Geek, etc.

(RSUENAGA, Cat 23, Top 2, Msg 395)

I am a Family Practice physician in Omaha, Nebraska.

Steven Weyhrich <IX0YE>--<
Apple II History

(A2HISTORY, Cat 50, Top 2, Msg 8)

I'm a lab assistant at Athena Diagnostics.

Read more about it in the next issue of Juiced.GS. :)


(KGAGNE, Cat 50, Top 2, Msg 9)

FWIW, I'm an educator, with training & expertise in geography, U.S.
history, instructional technology and curriculum development.  Please call
me collect if you need a certified Teacher Consultant.  BTW, if anyone is
keeping score, most of my recent Master's work was done on my Apple ][gs.


(GREGN, Cat 50, Top 2, Msg 10)


by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>

Syndicomm now has a new mailing address!
Future mailings to Syndicomm should be directed to:

PMB 179
576 Foothills Plaza Dr
Maryville TN 37801

Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd                                sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm                                  http://www.syndicomm.com
                     Building communities, bit by bit.

(SYNDICOMM, HelpDesk Bulletin Board, Cat 4, Top 2, Msg 45)

Please visit our web site at http://www.syndicomm.com for information or to
sign up!

(Logon message)

             THE TINKERER'S CORNER |

by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>

One Disk Approach to the Installation of System 6.0.1 on the IIgs
By Lyle Syverson

If you have ever installed System 6.0.1 on a hard drive for the IIgs you
remember the juggling game you played with the installation disks as the
installer requested this disk and that disk.  Wouldn't it be nice if you
could boot up a single disk and have all the necessary software available
to the installer?

What You Will Need
1. A IIgs with a hard drive.
2. A removable media drive such as the Zip 100 or Syquest 44/88.
   (Could also be done using a second hard drive).
3. A set of installation disks for System 6.0.1.

Where to Get What You Need
1. Thrift stores.
2. Garage sales.
3. Usenet... comp.sys.apple2.marketplace
4. A2 on Syndicomm
5. LEM-Swap list <http://lowendmac.com/lists/swap.html>
6. Alltech Electronics <http://www.allelec.com/indexa2.html">
8. Other World Computer <http://www.macsales.com/">
9. A2Central.com (System disks, if needed)

1. If necessary, refer to The Tinkerer's Corner in the July issue of
   _The Lamp!_ (TLMP0207.) for information on setting up SCSI devices
   on the Apple II computers.
2. Insert a disk in the "removable media drive" and partition it with five
   1MB partitions with a temporary name for each.  Partition the remainder
   of the space with any preferred size of partitions.
3. Copy all the files from the Install disk to the first partition.  Change
   the name of this partition to Install.
4. Copy all files from the disks named SystemTools1, SystemTools2, Fonts,
   and synthLAB to the second, third, fourth and fifth partitions.  Rename
   each partition the name of the disk the files came from.

Using the "One Disk Installer"
Set the SCSI id number to a value higher than any other SCSI device on the
SCSI chain.  Insert the disk in the "removable media drive" and boot the
IIgs.  Install or customize the system on the hard drive to be used
regularly on the IIgs. Shut down the IIgs.

Set the SCSI id number on your "removable media drive" to a number lower
than your regular hard drive.  Boot the IIgs from your regular hard drive
and you are in business.

Store back-ups and files for installing patches, etc. on the other
partitions of your "one disk installer".


You are invited to submit your favorite Tinkerer's Project for the Apple II

Send your write up or idea to Lyle Syverson, Editor <lyle@FoxValley.net>

The Editor reserves the right to edit any material submitted.

The Editor reserves the right to reject any material he considers
unsuitable for publication in _The Lamp!_.

             LETTERS TO THE EDITOR |

Letter to the Editor

I've noticed that The Lamp! calls itself "An Onipa'a Software Production".
I didn't see this in Ryan's "Hawai'ian Language 101 Department" articles
back in 1998. What does "Onipa'a" mean?

Steven Weyhrich <IX0YE>--<
Apple II History

(Steven Weyhrich, Nov 18, 2002)

Reply to Letter to the Editor
"Onipa'a" means "Steadfast".  It was the motto of Queen Liliuokalani, the
last monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii.

So The Lamp! is... An Onipa'a Software Production... A Steadfast Software

Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net>

Express your opinions about the comings and goings in the world of the
Apple II computers.

Send your comments to Lyle Syverson, Editor <lyle@FoxValley.net>

The Editor reserves the right to edit any material submitted.

The Editor reserves the right to reject any material he considers
unsuitable for publication in _The Lamp!_.

                       KFest 2003 |

KFest 2003 - PLAN TO BE THERE!
KansasFest 2003 is planned for July 22-27, 2003 at Avila University in
Kansas City, Missouri.

(Entrance banner, Cat 5, Top 5)

KFest Home Page

                     EXTRA INNINGS |
About The Lamp!   The Lamp! is published on the fifteenth of every month on
"""""""""""""""   the WEB at:   http://lamp.a2central.com/

This publication produced entirely with real or emulated Apple II computers
using Appleworks 5.1 and Hermes.  Apple II Forever!

     * The Lamp! is (c) copyright 2002 by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W.  All
       rights reserved.

     * To reach The Lamp! on Internet email send mail to

     * All issues of The Lamp! are available at The Lamp! Home Page,

Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors, and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of A2Central.com, Delphi Online
Services, Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, or Lyle Syverson.  Forum messages are
reprinted verbatim and are included in this publication with permission
from the individual authors.  A2Central.com, Delphi Online Services,
Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, and Lyle Syverson do not guarantee the accuracy
or suitability of any information included herein.  We reserve the right to
edit all letters and copy.

Material published in this edition may not be reprinted without the
expressed written consent of the  publisher.   Registered computer user
groups, not for profit publications , and other interested parties may
write the publisher to apply for permission to reprint any or all material.