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         Lighting Your Apple II Path                  | |


                       >>> WELCOME TO THE LAMP! <<<

                 THE BEST OF THE A2Central BULLETIN BOARD
           "Teaching the Apple II user how to fish since 1998"

 The Lamp!            An Onipa'a Software Production        Vol. 4, No. 2
 Publisher................................Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
 Editor.....................................................Lyle Syverson
 Internet Email, Publisher.........................thelamp@sheppyware.net
 Internet Email, Editor................................lyle@FoxValley.net

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
                            February 15, 2001

HIGH ABOVE THE ROCK RIVER---------------------------------------------[OPN]

     Connect IIgs With LANceGS to TCP/IP Connected Mac?---------------[CGM]
     ProTERM 3.1 Script Reads New Messages on A2Central.com-----------[PTS]
     Spectrum Script Reads New Messages on A2Central.com--------------[SSR]
     Marinetti Tip----------------------------------------------------[MQT]
     Screen Captures on the IIgs--------------------------------------[SCG]
     A2Central Begins Testing Phase of Enhanced Account Services------[EAS]
     A2Central Offers Enhanced Account Services-----------------------[OES]
     Special User Group Accounts on A2Central.com---------------------[SUA]
     Reading Messages Beyond a Certain Date?--------------------------[RMB]
     Who Command Added------------------------------------------------[WCA]
     Suggestions Invited----------------------------------------------[SGI]
     Windows Telnet Program-------------------------------------------[WTP]
     Print Bumper Stickers With InkJet Printer?-----------------------[PBS]
     IIgs Monitor Display Corrupted?----------------------------------[MDC]
     Arachnid Preview 3 is Out----------------------------------------[APT]
     SCAP 1.1.1 Now Available-----------------------------------------[SNA]
     Complete Directory of a CD---------------------------------------[CDC]
     Lemonade Stand Updated-------------------------------------------[LSU]
     Connect a Mac and a IIgs Via LocalTalk---------------------------[CVL]
     How Do You Like Your LANceGS Card?-------------------------------[LYL]

     The Best IIgs Programming Languages?-----------------------------[BPL]
     The CoPilot / GEM Challenge--------------------------------------[CGC]
     Static Text Control...-------------------------------------------[STC]
     Using the ORCA Desktop Shell-------------------------------------[ODS]
     GTE (Generic Tile Engine)----------------------------------------[GTE]
     Apple II Technical Notes-----------------------------------------[ATN]
     Apple II File Types----------------------------------------------[AFT]

     Silvern Castle 7.0 in Database-----------------------------------[SCD]
     Where to Get Silvern Castle v7.0---------------------------------[WTG]
     Compare v2.0 File Utility in Database----------------------------[CFU]
     New Uploads for the IIgs-----------------------------------------[NUG]
     Clarification of Golden Orchard CD-ROM Release Notes-------------[GOR]
     IIgs Free Programs-----------------------------------------------[GFP]
     Dvorak Keyboard on the IIe---------------------------------------[DKE]
     Interleaving Hard Drives-----------------------------------------[IHD]

     The Toolbox Reference Manuals------------------------------------[TRM]
     UI Guidelines for GS/OS?-----------------------------------------[UIG]
     ORCA/Shell News--------------------------------------------------[OSN]
     Generic Tile Engine for the IIgs---------------------------------[TEG]

     No Letters to the Editor This Month------------------------------[NLE]
     An Invitation----------------------------------------------------[LTE]

KFEST 2001
     Keep it in Mind--------------------------------------------------[KFT]

     About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]

                                [*] [*] [*]

READING THE LAMP!   The index system used by The Lamp! is designed to make
"""""""""""""""""   your reading easier.  To use this system, load this
issue into any word processor or text editor.  In the index you will find
something like:

     About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]

To read this article, simply use your search or find command to locate
[INN].  There is a similar tag at the end of each article: [EOA].

From The Editor
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net>

     The stately oak trees on the grounds of the nearby natural history
museum are clearly visible from High Above The Rock River.  As the winter
of 1999 settled in, thousands of Crows established their roosting area in
those oaks.

     At dusk each evening flocks upon flocks of those big black birds would
arrive... circling overhead... squawking loudly... then landing on the
branches of the trees.

     At dawn each morning they would take flight, circle overhead, squawk
loudly, and scatter in every direction to participate in their daily
feeding.  Those Crows had settled into a rut.

     Then at midnight on December 31, suddenly an intense display of
fireworks was set off (to celebrate the arrival on the "new millennium").
The sky was brightly lit... the silence of the night shattered by exploding

     The Crows were in the air!  Circling!  Confused!  Shouting at each
other!  Eventually they settled down for the night on the surface of the
frozen river and never returned to those trees.  The Crows had been
frightened out of their rut.

     Life is like that.  We get settled into a rut.  Then for one reason or
another we have to start doing things in a different way.

     The volume of posts in the A2 and A2P forums on Delphi has fallen off
since the text side has alternated between working and not working.  Sooner
or later the text side will cease to work at all.

     This issue of The Lamp! contains material from the Bulletin Board on
A2Central.com in addition to posts from Delphi A2 and A2P.  When the text
side of Delphi no longer works, The Lamp! will continue to inform and
entertain the Apple II enthusiast.

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by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>

If my Ethernet-capable Mac has made a TCP/IP connection to the Internet via
dial-up modem (serial port), can my LANceGS-equipped IIgs piggyback that
connection?  What software or hardware would be necessary?



(KGAGNE, Cat 10, Top 5, Msg 1)

Yes, you can do that.  You need an ethernet crossover cable to connect the
IIgs and Mac together.

Then you need to go to http://www.sustworks.com and download IPNetRouter,
which is an IP masquerading package for the Macintosh.  Install that on the
Mac and configure it, and you should be good to go.

It's not insanely easy to configure, but there is an example setup on their
web site for your situation that will do the trick.


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 10, Top 5, Msg 2)

Yep.  Alternatively you could use a hub (or probably a switch, I haven't
tried that since I don't have one here) in place of the crossover cable,
which is more expensive but probably a better way to do things in the long

IPNR is probably the best one to use, indeed.  Since you're a student, Ken,
you'd be eligible for a 50% discount.  I don't think you have any 68K Macs
around, but if you did and wanted to use IPNR on them for a dedicated
router, it would only cost you the price of the Mac (free in some cases, I
just got a LC 475 with ethernet card for like $10 the other week) and $25
for 68k IPNR at the educational rate.

I got it set up mostly by luck :)  Personally, I found it easier to set up
a dual ethernet Linux box without X for routing, but I think that's more a
reflection on my being less of a Linux fraud than I make myself out to be.


(A2.RYAN, Cat 10, Top 5, Msg 3)

Ryan & Sheppy,

Thanks for the pointer to sustworks.com.  I've heard of IPNetRouter &
Monitor, but had no idea they were so versatile - and useful!  It's like
that Calvin & Hobbes comic: "I just saw a commercial for products I had no
idea existed, but which I desperately need!" :)

And with software bundles and a student discount available, there's no
reason not to invest in these applications.



(KGAGNE, Cat 10, Top 5, Msg 4)

For all you diehard ProTERM 3.1 fans:

Use this script from your UNIX shell account's prompt.  It'll get you here,
signed on, read all messages into a file named "TEMP", and sign you back

Knock yourself out :)


(A2.RYAN, Cat 10, Top 57, Msg 3)

Oops.  I had to repost this due to a typo:

Decided (after 20 minutes :) to do a 1.1 :)

This version strips the control characters it receives and clears the
editor before receiving.

Sorry 'bout that :)

* qdolr--the quick and dirty ProTERM 3.1 A2Central.com offline reader *

* saves a file named "temp" in your current directory with your *
* A2Central.com messages.  Run using Misc: Macro File command *
* Have run -- Ryan *

do "online:par","emulate:<dec vt-100>[ok]"  * set emulation to VT100 *
print "telnet a2central.com^m"
wt "login:"
pr "username^m"  * substitute your A2Central.com username *
wt "word:"
pr "password^m"  * substitute your password *
wt "and: "
pr "1^m"
wt "1 ?"
do "misc:edit"
do "edit:select"
do "edit:clear"
do "file:quit"
do "rec:asc","<temp>[save as] supp:1 [ok][append]"
pr "bro nor nos^m"
wt "^m1 ?"
do "rec:asc","[close]"
pr "exit^m"
wt "and: "
pr "0^m"



(A2.RYAN, Cat 10, Top 57, Msg 9)

And of course, the accompanying Spectrum TCP/IP version.

Have fun.


# qdolr--the quick and dirty A2Central.com offline reader *
# this version for Spectrum TCP/IP
# saves a file named "temp" in your current directory with your
# A2Central.com messages.  Run using Script:Run a Script. . . command
# Have fun -- Ryan
Set onlineDisplay "VT100"
switch tcp/ip
open tcpsocket "a2central.com" 2 socket
waitfor string "gin: "
transmit "username^M"          # substitute your A2Central.com username
waitfor string "word:"
transmit "password^M"       # substitute your A2Central.com password
waitfor string "and: "
transmit "1^M"
waitfor string "1 ?"
append capturefile "temp"
transmit "bro nor nos^M"
waitfor string "1 ?"
close capturefile
transmit "exit^M"
waitfor string "and: "
transmit "0^M"

(A2.RYAN, Cat 10, Top 57, Msg 10)

Quick Marinetti tip:

Install II Not Disturb by Greg Templeman.  It helps me -a lot-.

Without it, I can't even get gwftp connecting. With it, it flies :)

I haven't seen Greg in awhile, but I beta tested II Not Disturb.  It's
still relevant today :)


(A2.RYAN, Cat 11, Top 15, Msg 4)

Where can you get II Not Disturb?

Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net>
Editor, _The Lamp!_, published monthly

(LYLE, Cat 11, Top 15, Msg 7)

Why, on the Time in a Bottle CD set, where else? :)

Seriously, when we get our library in gear here, it'll be in it.

Of course, the issue of "Whatever Happened to Greg Templeman" now comes up,
but that's for another topic, I think (lets' look at 20/15 for that :)


(A2.RYAN, Cat 11, Top 15, Msg 8)

At Ryan's recommendation I tried out II Not Disturb. The results are, well
pretty amazing! When testing Arachnid I had to reduce the port speed on my
GS with 8/32 zip to 9600 to get it to work reliably with Marinetti. After
installing IIND I set the port speed back up to 57600 and it's working


If you haven't got IIND get it!


(KIMHOWE, Cat 11, Top 15, Msg 21)

I'm looking for a utility to do screen captures of the IIGS desktop.  I
have been told that there is a CDA that does this.  Does anybody know what
this CDA is called and where I can find it?


(MARK, Cat 12, Top 2, Msg 2)

There is at least one on the TABBS CD-ROM from Shareware Solutions...

 Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Sat 20 Jan 2001 - 186 days till KFest '01
 Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.1 & SOAR 1.0b1
 Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a Blue & White G3/350

(CONDUCTOR, Cat 12, Top 2, Msg 4)

We're beginning a brief testing phase on our enhanced account services and
need two or so members to do some testing.  Anyone that's been planning to
upgrade to an enhanced account (meaning a personal web site, FTP access for
uploading it, and a 10 MB storage limit on our server), please email

We'll pick a couple of people and set them up.  The people we select will
get February for free.  They will be asked to let us know of any problems
they have setting up or using their personal web site, or any other issues
that arise.

Eric Shepherd

(SYNDICOMM, Cat 2, Top 1, Msg 10)

FEBRUARY 13, 2001--A2Central.com, the online service for Apple II computer
users, is expanding its service.  Effective March 1, members can opt for an
Enhanced account, which for US $15 per month or $35 per three-month quarter
provides support for a personal web site of up to 10 MB.  Additional
capacity is available for a small additional charge.

Members' web sites will have the URL http://www.a2people.com/~username, and
can be uploaded and managed using any standard FTP client, or FTP-capable
web site editor.

New A2Central.com members may simply select the Enhanced account option
when signing up for A2Central.com service at http://www.a2central.com/join.

If you're a current A2Central.com member and would like to upgrade your
account to an Enhanced Account, the following upgrade pricing applies:

If your account is a quarterly account paid in January, you can upgrade to
an Enhanced account for the month of March for $5.  You will be billed for
the $5 during our March billing cycle.

If your account is a quarterly account paid in February, you can upgrade to
an Enhanced account for the months of March and April for $10.  You will be
billed for the $10 during our March billing cycle.

If you pay monthly, your March bill will be $5 more than your February
bill, for a total of $15.

If you would like to upgrade your account to Enhanced service, or have
questions about our pricing, please email billing@a2central.com.  You don't
have to wait until March 1 to request an upgrade (in fact, it will simplify
the process if you do it before the March billing cycle, which should be
the last week of February).

Syndicomm looks forward to continuing to serve A2Central.com members.

(Syndicomm and A2Central.com are trademarks of Eric Shepherd.  This
announcement may be reproduced for news-reporting purposes.)

(SYNDICOMM, Cat 2, Top 1, Msg 12)

Would there be any interest in a special User Group account on
A2Central.com that the group management could use to set up a group web
site, attend conferences, post announcements, whatever?  Perhaps extra web
space, and an URL with the group's name in it?

Probably would charge in the $15-$20 per month range, and it would require
that the group be registered with Apple.


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 5, Top 20, Msg 1)

I did a BRO NOR NOS, but before I could read the results from scrollback,
my computer crashed.  Is there a way to read all messages posted on or
since a certain date?


(KGAGNE, Cat 2, Top 3, Msg 36)

Not yet.  There will be, but there isn't yet.  For now you'll have to
specify a range of message numbers in select topics; see "HELP READ" for
information.  Sorry!


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 2, Top 3, Msg 37)

Thought I'd mention a little new feature we have.  If you type "who" or "w"
at the main A2Central.com menu, you can get a list of everyone currently
logged into the system:


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 2, Top 3, Msg 41)

A general note--

the special thing about A2Central.com is that it's an online service for
Apple II users created, maintained, and run by Apple II users.  If you, as
an Apple II user, have a feature you think will make life easier or better
for you or other Apple II users, we will take it to heart.

That's what the Apple II is all about, ain't it?


(A2.RYAN, Cat 2, Top 30, Msg 14)

CRT is an excellent Windows telnet program. The shareware fee is $34.95.
Still, I've been using Token2, a somewhat eccentric but functional freeware
program available from Tucows. It's supposed to do Zmodem uploads and
downloads, but I can't figure out how, and the help is minimal. However,
for the BB and RTC, it's fine. It also has a hex capture mode, which could
be very useful at times.

Bill Dooley

(A2.BILL, Cat 2, Top 3, Msg 57)

This may fall under the "common sense" category, but I have to ask, so
please bear with me if this really is a stupid question.  Besides, it's
probably  a good idea to have some basic information as the first messages
in a topic. :)

I have an HP DeskJet 340 printer.  I found some neat color bumper stickers
online that I would like to print on adhesive paper and place on my car.
Would the ink simply wash off the next time my car goes through a puddle?

My printer is an inkjet.  How does that differ from a laser printer - how
do those work?



(KGAGNE, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 1)

Well... inkjet printers work by spraying ink onto paper, so it would
probably run or fade.

Laser printer toner is actually plastic powder, so it won't run when it
gets wet.


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 2)

> Would the ink simply wash off the next time my car goes through a puddle?

Yes... But you could either laminate them, or spray with fixative to
protect the ink...

 Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Thu 4 Jan 2001 - 202 days till KFest '01
 Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum 2.5 & SOAR 1.0b1
 Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a Blue & White G3/350

(CONDUCTOR, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 3)

My 1986 vintage Woz GS is showing its age. If I leave it on for a day or
two, the display gets corrupted. Some characters on the SHR screen look
red, and there are fine red lines running down the screen. They're most
visible against a black background. What should I look at in trying to
clear up this problem? A few months ago, I reseated every single chip and
connector I could find, but this problem was not cleared up.

Hmm, come to think of it, I'm not certain I reseated the graphics chip that
was part of the ROM01 update. Why did I not recall that until this moment?
Well, at the risk of some embarrassment, I'll post this anyway. Maybe
someone can point me in the right direction.

Bill Dooley

(A2.BILL, Cat 17, Top 29, Msg 5)

Similar things happen to me every now-and-then. I've found that it's
usually related to an 'Icon' file or two.

What I usually do is turn on "View Hidden Files" and then delete the
'Desktop' icon file on each partition. Since my classic icon files rarely
get added to anymore, the problem is usually related to the 'Desktop'

Once deleted, reboot. See if that solves your problem. It does for me.

 Sat, 3 Feb 01 @ 19:27:40
 Cruising the 'railway' provided by:
 Spectrum v2.5.1 and SOAR! v1.0b1

(LUMITECH, Cat 17, Top 29, Msg 6)

Just a short note to let everyone know that Arachnid Preview 3 is out,
complete with support for http with or without proxy servers, basic ftp and
lots of improvements over the previous release.

Check out http://www.omninet.net.au/~khowe/arachnid/index.html

or download from A2Central.com at


Have fun!

(KIMHOWE, Cat 20, Top 10, Msg 1)

I have now finished SCAP 1.1.1.  It will be immediately available from
Delphi, Juiced.GS, and Shareware Solutions II.  It will also be available
here in the a2central.com file library.

SCAP 1.1.1 now handles carats correctly in the body of a document that is
being converted.  Thanks to Dain for providing examples of files which
exhibit the problem.  Special thanks go to Ewen who had to explain to me
how Spectrum worked so I could fix the problem :)


(GEOFF, Cat 20, Top 13, Msg 16)

I should probably add that SCAP 1.1.1 requires Spectrum 2.3 or later.


(GEOFF, Cat 20, Top 13, Msg 17)

Beg pardon, but I'm rather rusty on the details of GS software. How can I
do a complete directory of a CD, such as, for example, Friends for Life,
and save it to a text file on disk? Drilling down through directories and
subdirectories gets to be somewhat confusing to this tired old brain.


(A2.BILL, Cat 23, Top 2, Msg 45)

If you have Prosel, select the Info Desk.  After telling it which device
you want, select which display option you want (printer, disk, or screen).
Disk is the one to use to get an ASCII file saved on disk.  Next select
which type of info you want.  There are several of them.   Number 5,
Directory Tree, will give you a tree display of the subdirectories. Number
1, Catalog, will list all files, using indentations for each level of
subdirectory.  It  will save the file in the Prosel utilities directory, no
option  there.  Then move it where you like!

AppleWorks also has a TimeOut utility, File Librarian, that will  create a
data base of the disk.  However, I don't know if it will  work on an HFS
volume.  I have only used it on ProDos volumes.

There are probably other ways but these are the two I use.


(S.BERNBAUM, Cat 23, Top 2, Msg 46)

I've just released a little update to Lemonade Stand.  Version 1.0.2 fixes
a crashing bug reported by Mark Percival.  I highly recommend upgrading to
this version.

You can download it at



(SYNDICOMM, Cat 24, Top 12, Msg 1)


It was reported in the Bernie topic that Diz wrote an SSII article
detailing how to connect a Mac and IIgs via LocalTalk so that the Mac's
hard drive could be mounted on the IIgs and files copied over.

I have very little experience with networking, none of it involving Apple
II's. But I did take advantage of your sale at KFest '99 to buy all the
back issues of SSII.  Could you possibly point me to the appropriate issue
for this article?



(KGAGNE, Cat 26, Top 3, Msg 1)

Ken - Diz wrote an article - Networking You Apple IIGS - in Volume 4, Issue
#4. At the time, I thought of it as an "Everything you ever wanted to know
about networking" type of article. I'm sure it'll help.

 Joe Kohn
 Delivered by Spectrum v2.5.1 & SOAR v1.0b1


(JOKO, Cat 26, Top 3, Msg 2)

> Diz wrote an article - Networking You Apple IIGS - in Volume 4, Issue #4.

Hmmm. NiftySpell many pick up spelling errors, but I guess I need NiftyTypo
as well ;-)

It's Volume 3, Issue 4.

 Joe Kohn
 Delivered by Spectrum v2.5.1 & SOAR v1.0b1


(JOKO, Cat 26, Top 3, Msg 3)

Thanks Joe!  Found the article (along with everything else I brought home
from KFest '99! :) and it sounds simpler than I thought, though I don't
know what sort of slot setup I'll have when all is said and done. Slot 1 is
already set to Your Card so I can access a parallel printer connected to a
printer card, not the serial port, so I'm not sure if that will affect a
PhoneNet connection.  And I'll have to move my SCSI card from Slot 7 to 6,
which is also already on Your Card, but I have RamFAST mapping partitions
to that slot, not sure if I'll lose them?  And I still need to put my
LANceGS in slot 2, disabling my modem, which shouldn't matter since I have
IPNetRouter on the Mac to share its dial-up modem connection...

Phew! :)


(KGAGNE, Cat 26, Top 3, Msg 4)

Depending on whether you have a ROM 01 or ROM 03, you need to set either
Slot 1 or 7 to AppleTalk.

Then you simply need some LocalTalk cables to connect the two machines
(PhoneNet should also work), install the Sharing option of System 6.0.1,
turn File Sharing on in the Mac, and mount the Mac on the IIgs from the
Sharing Control Panel on the IIgs. (I can't remember the exact names of DAs
etc, as I don't have sharing installed in that way on my Bernie IIgs).

Now drag the files over either to or from the Mac. The Mac cannot mount the
IIgs drives, but you will see all the Mac drives on the IIgs...

I found that it was usually unwise to drag large amounts of files at one
go, as the IIgs always seemed to eventually balk at it. Just take them over
a few folders at a time...

 Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Sun 14 Jan 2001 - 192 days till KFest '01
 Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.1 & SOAR 1.0b1
 Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a Blue & White G3/350

(CONDUCTOR, Cat 26, Top 3, Msg 5)

So... how's life with the LANceGS card after the first six months or so?

I've found mine to be very reliable (more so than my GS, which currently
doesn't boot :).  The software is sort of another matter, what with
Marinetti being a little quirky. :)


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 27, Top 2, Msg 1)

At this point, I find life to be -way- better with LANceGS than without.
It is considerably faster than the 56k null modem slip connect I was using
before it, and it makes wiring the network way easier.


(A2.RYAN, Cat 27, Top 2, Msg 2)

LANceGS has been a Godsend for me.  I had given up using Marinetti / PPP
because it would crash my GS in about 5 minutes.  Marinetti / LANceGS isn't
perfect but I can get a reasonable stable connection for an extended
period.  I have resumed using COG and SAM on a daily basis which was
impossible before.  I can't wait for MOSP to get on track and crush the
remaining Marinetti issues.


(MARK, Cat 27, Top 2, Msg 3)

Until I got the LANceGS, I had stopped using the GS for telecommunications.
Marinetti and my ISP just didn't get along.

Now, I'm back to using my GS for chats, telnetting to assorted accounts,
and having a blast!

I'm sharing my cable modem's connection with a small home network that
includes at least 3 Macs, and still, my GS has the place of honor on my
desktop.  It's so cool.  B-{)


(A2.KIRK, Cat 27, Top 2, Msg 4)

My LANceGS was much easier to get running than I expected, and I have much
fewer connection problems now. The speed increase is unbelievable. It's a
pleasure to run SAM and COG now.


(CARLK, Cat 27, Top 2, Msg 5)

                     PROGRAMING    |

by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>

What is the best, or most commonly-used, Apple IIgs programming languages?
All I've ever used is Applesoft BASIC and Spectrum scripting.  I'd love to
be able to write a real Apple II program someday (not that Maxster isn't
real, but...).

I strongly dislike C/C++/Java; they made for a miserable two years majoring
in computer science.  Haven't seen them since I switched to tech writing.


(KGAGNE, Cat 50, Top 6, Msg 1)

I say it depends on the kind of code you want to write.

I generally use C, assembly, and GSoft BASIC in that order.  ORCA/Pascal is
a pretty solid Pascal implementation but I don't use it much myself.


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 50, Top 6, Msg 2)

The best one to use really depends on your programming skills.

If like me, you find that C looks like Double-Dutch, and you can't fathom a
single instruction, then Assembler is the thing to use. If you understand
C, then that is the one to go for as you can port useful routines.

The exception to that rule of course is if you need to write code that runs
as fast as possible, in which case Assembler wins hands down.

Within Assembler you have two main choices, ORCA/APW and Merlin 16. Merlin
wins in the compiling speed stakes, but I find it clumsy to use compared
with ORCA. You cannot compile and link as easily in Merlin as in ORCA.

Spectrum scripting may be slow to execute, but I do find it very quick and
direct to work with. This is mainly the reason I have used it for all my
OLRs. GSoft Basic would come a close second to Spectrum in the feature

 Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Thu 4 Jan 2001 - 202 days till KFest '01
 Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum 2.5 & SOAR 1.0b1
 Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a Blue & White G3/350

(CONDUCTOR, Cat 50, Top 6, Msg 3)

Spectrum's scripting language might be the best of the high-end languages
in my opinion, at least in terms of figuring out how to do something
quickly.  And if you compile the scripts, they run reasonably quickly even
on a physical (non-Bernie, non-Ernie) GS.  If you were producing items for
distribution, it would limit you to Spectrum users, but I don't think
that's a huge deal (couple of commercial products--SIS and SAM--already do
this, as does COG and shortly, SOAR).

GSoft BASIC is pretty amazing in what it can do as well.  I think Mike
Westerfield is a pretty big Pascal proponent, and ORCA/Pascal is supposed
to be a very nice version.

There's also HyperTalk within HyperCard GS, which I've never gotten the
hang of.

With the coming of Opus ][, you can get the ORCA stuff for very reasonable
prices now, Spectrum is very affordable, and HyperCard GS is available
free, so pricing isn't a huge issue :)

OTOH, you'll need the references, which actually you ought to be able to
find, but having them shipped to you can be kinda costly.


(A2.RYAN, Cat 50, Top 6, Msg 4)

Buying Opus ][ would be the way to go. For High level languages use either
C of Pascal. Opus ][ contains the excellent courses in each of the
languages. Depending on the size of project you want to do, you may want to
work in Assembler, which is also on the CD. Pretty easy decision really.

Kim Howe

(KIMHOWE, Cat 50, Top 6, Msg 5)

Here's a challenge:

Syndicomm will pay $25 toward KFest 2001 registration to the first person
to complete each of the following CoPilot ports from GEnie:

CoPilot for ProTERM 3

CoPilot for Spectrum

CoPilot for Talk Is Cheap

CoPilot 8

CoPilot for ANSITerm

Additionally, we will pay $25 toward KFest registration for the first
person to complete a port of GEM (the AppleWorks-based OLR for GEnie) to

There are of course rules and restrictions:

1. It has to really work.  No "well, if you tweak this and mess with that,
   it eventually gets you in sometimes."  It needs to work at least as well
   as it did in the GEnie days.

2. You need to contact me and let me know in advance you're taking a whack
   at it.  This is mostly because we can provide some support on our end
   for people developing OLRs, and because there are software changes on
   our end in the works that will affect OLR development, and we don't want
   to break anybody midstream.

3. You have to actually release it to the public, and it has to be
   available before KFest 2001.  If you've already paid your KFest
   registration, we'll give you the $25 as a "refund."

4. Only the first person to complete each port gets the reward.

5. If you don't have CoPilot or GEM yet, we will have it available for
   download soon.  If you don't want to wait, let me know which you want
   to work on and I will email it to you.

6. One person *can* claim multiple prizes, if they actually do all of the

7. Syndicomm (and by extension myself, since I am Syndicomm ;) reserves the
   right to change these rules or cancel this offer at any time and without
   advance notice (blah blah CYA blah blah ;).

If you have questions, you can ask here in the board (topic cops, let me
know where you think this should be if this isn't the right place), or you
can email me if you prefer.

Eric Shepherd

(SYNDICOMM, Cat 50, Top 10, Msg 6)

I will bite....

What is CoPilot?  Is it an OLR similar to SOAR? Is the Source available to
the public?

This actually sounds kind of fun.

 Dain Neater -
 Delivered by Spectrum v2.5.1 & SOAR v1.0b1

(A2.DAIN, Cat 50, Top 10, Msg 10)

CoPilot was the most popular OLR for GEnie.  Used a GS/OS application that
called scripts for various telecom programs to do the online pass.  Those
scripts, in theory, should be all that really need to be changed.  The
application itself, I don't know if there's source around anywhere anymore
or not.

It was originally written for CompuServe, then ported to GEnie.  Time for
it to make it here. :)


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 50, Top 10, Msg 11)

I am wondering if there is a way to get a Static Text control to update its
substitution strings. My preferences dialog box now has two Choose font
buttons, to select the default font and size for proportional and
monospaced fonts. There are two Static Text Controls next to the Choose
font buttons, one to display the font, and the other the size. These are
loaded with substitution strings when the dialog is brought up. What I want
to do is change them when the user changes the font in the Choose Font

Any suggestions?

Kim Howe

(KIMHOWE, Cat 56, Top 16, Msg 1)

Well, that's two issues that are totally unrelated:

1. Redrawing a static text control.  You should be able to do this by just
   invalidating its rectangle if you're willing to wait for the next update
   event to be handled, or you can hurry it along by just calling
   DrawControl(ctlHandle).  This should work.

2. Making the static text control redraw when the user makes changes in the
   Choose Font dialog.  Do you want this to happen in real time as they
   make the changes, or after the box is closed?  If the former, that will
   be quite tricky and probably will require a Toolbox patch.  The latter,
   just do (1) above after ChooseFont returns.


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 56, Top 16, Msg 2)

I'm wanting the Static Text controls to update after the Choose Font dialog
has closed. They redraw just fine, but they don't use the changed
substitution strings :( It seems like the substitution strings are loaded
when the control is created, not when it's drawn.

(KIMHOWE, Cat 56, Top 16, Msg 3)

Here's code that will let you change the title of a static text control:

void SetCtlTitleByID(WindowPtr theWind, long ctlID, char *s) {
    CtlRecHndl ctlHand;
    int i;
    Rect r;
    GrafPortPtr oldPort;

    ctlHand = GetCtlHandleFromID(theWindow, ctlID);
    SetCtlMoreFlags(0x1000, ctlHand);
    i = strlen(s);
    HLock((Handle) ctlHand);
    r = (*ctlHand)->ctlRect;
    HUnlock((Handle) ctlHand);
    oldPort = GetPort();
    SetCtlValue(i, ctlHand);
    SetCtlTitle((Pointer) s, (Handle) ctlHand);

This code fixes the MoreFlags to indicate that the text is referenced by
pointer, sets the length, and the title as well, and ensures that the old
text is properly erased before the next update.  It also works even if the
window your control is in isn't the current port.


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 56, Top 16, Msg 5)

Do any serious Apple II programmers use the ORCA desktop shell?  I played
with it a little when I first got it, but it seemed that the screen was
just too small for it to be really useful.


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 58, Top 1, Msg 1)

Prizm is nice with the semi-integrated debugger, split-pane editing window,
and shell window (for limited multitasking), but I quickly gave it up in
favor of the text environment (and gno/me, which is much easier for me) and

I've often thought of building a GUI IDE over gno/me, but never did
anything about it.  Screen real estate and resolution are a limiting
factor, though.


(KWS, Cat 58, Top 1, Msg 2)

I've kinda got used to it now. I'm not really a text programming kind of
guy, so I really like have a GUI editor available. Sure you don't get lots
on the screen, but it is nice and clear. I have a relaxed attitude to
programming on the GS. I don't mind taking a little breather while it
compiles and links, makes me feel like I'm doing it for fun and not as
work, if you know what I mean.

There are a couple of things that frustrate me though.

1. Whenever Prizm opens it opens up a file. For ages now this has been
   Caleb's project, so every time I open the thing, I have to close the
   window select open, change to my folder and open my file. Gets a bit old
   after the 30th time in a day.

2. The linker comes up with spurious errors. Some times you have to link
   two or three times before it works.

3. It tends to crash if you compile a rez file in the shell window.

4. It often crashes when returning from Arachnid.

I guess if I can ever afford the Opus ][ with source, I might be able to
alter a few of these things...

Unless you guys already know some solutions?

(KIMHOWE, Cat 58, Top 1, MSG 4)

> 2. The linker comes up with spurious errors. Some times you have to link
> two or three times before it works.

I've seen this problem in the text environment as well.  Purging memory
helps (gno and Opus ][ have a purge command, but I don't think stock orca
has one.  Fortunately, it's only like 5 lines of code to write :)

> 3. It tends to crash if you compile a rez file in the shell window.

If the resource definition doesn't change a lot, you could compile it once
and then just copy it (instead of recompiling every time).  A good utility
for this is copyfork (available on Richard B's website).  It works with
gno, orca, or merlin.

(KWS, Cat 58, Top 1, Msg 5)

> if the resource definition doesn't change a lot, you could compile it
> once and then just copy it (instead of recompiling every time).

The COPY command that comes with ORCA can do this:

copy -r sourcefile destfile

This will just copy the resource fork, replacing whatever resource fork is
currently on destfile.


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 58, Top 1, Msg 6)

> if the resource definition doesn't change a lot

It works ok from Make, or if you quit prizm and compile it in the text
environment, so its not a huge big deal, particularly since I got Make to

KIMHOWE, Cat 58, Top 1, Msg 7)

> Do any serious Apple II programmers use the ORCA desktop shell?

I can't claim to be a serious Apple II programmer, since I've yet to
complete a single Desktop GS program, but I would have to agree with Sheppy
about the screen in Prizm having way too little real estate.  What I would
_really_ like to be able to do is copy and paste back AND forth from Bernie
to the Mac, so that I could use the Codewarrior IDE with its nice
color-coded editor to actually write the code, and then paste it back into
the  Prizm Editor.  Unfortunately, I've not been able to do this. There
seems to be a character limitation in Bernie going from the Mac side to the
GS side.

I'd naturally welcome any workarounds to this little problem. :)

  | homas

(TCOMPTER, Cat 58, Top 1, Msg 9)

I'd have to agree on the screen resolution/real estate issue being the main
detractor from doing "serious" development in PRIZM.  That said, I do miss
the split-screen text editor.  Most of my "real" programming is done on
Sun's w/Emacs.  Hmmmm....I forgot I have a copy of uEmacs sitting on my
hard drive.  Maybe I should pull that out......

Anyway, the real disadvantage of PRIZM for me is that because of the
resolution, one cannot fit any more information on-screen than on the text
screen, and the text interface is so much faster.

-Lucas S.

(LSCHAREN, Cat 58, Top 1, Msg 10)

If you are copying and pasting into a TextEdit Editor, I have found no
problems pasting back and forth with the latest Bernie. Just remember that
to paste into Bernie, you need to hold down the Option Key while you select
Paste from the current application you are using on the IIgs side.

Don't use the Paste option on the Bernie Edit menu, that has not been
updated for a long time, and does indeed have severe limitations!

But I would love to be able to copy and paste into the 80 column display
used by the basic ORCA interface. Unfortunately that is not likely to ever

 Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Fri 26 Jan 2001 - 180 days till KFest '01
 Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.1 & SOAR 1.0b1
 Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a Blue & White G3/350

(CONDUCTOR, Cat 58, Top 1, Msg 11)

> But I would love to be able to copy and paste into the 80 column display
> used by the basic ORCA interface. Unfortunately that is not likely to
> ever happen...

I wrote a shell utility a few years ago called "scrappy" which would print
the clipboard buffer to stdout or read stdin into the clipboard so you
could do something like

scrappy -p > file.asm    # to paste into a file
scrappy -p > 7:systmp    # or whatever to paste into the ORCA/editor
copy/paste buffer

The utility (and asm source) should be available on ftp.gno.org.  I don't
recall if it's gno specific (if it was, it would only be because I used
GS/OS file descriptors for stdin and stdout, so any reasonably competent
programmer could modify or write his/her own version).

(KWS, Cat 58, Top 1, Msg 12)

GTE (Generic Tile Engine)

After 2 years of development, GTE (the Generic Tile Engine) is getting
poised for release.  A beta-release of the library and source will be
available by January 31, 2001 at http://www.d.umn.edu/~lscharen/GTE/

In addition, an in-progress programming reference for GTE is available at
http://www.d.umn.edu/~lscharen/GTE/GTE_Ref.html.  This reference should be
of interest to parties wishing to utilize GTE in their own projects.

Implemented Feature Set

* Compiled Sprites
     + with clipping!
     + with translucency!
     + unique DrawForth mode
     + optimized, integrated sprite compiler
     + number of sprites limited only by memory
     + horizontal and vertical flipping
     + stretch sprites to any height at run-time
* Compiled tiles
     + optimized, integrated tile compiler
     + use 4x4, 8x8, or 16x16 tiles
* Flicker-free operation
* Full Palette control
     + bind any palette to any line
     + palettes scroll with the screen
     + cross-fade between any 2 palettes
* Rastan-level performance
* Dirty-rectangle drawing mode for ultra-fast sprite animation
* Support for loading PIC and APF graphic file
* Integrates perfectly with Ian Schmidt's MTLib
* Global screen mask for per-pixel masking
* Full-screen (320x200) scrolling
* Parallax (2-layer) support!

TODO Feature Set

* Fringe Tiles
* Dynamic Tiles
* Scrolling Mask support
* Per-scanline offsets

Permission is granted to any and all parties to reproduce this posting in
full, or in part, as they see fit.

(LSCHAREN, Cat 59, Top 1, Msg 1)

OK, at 11:59pm on 1/31/01 GTE beta1 is realeased.  Go to


For more information, the source code, sample application and online
programmer reference.


-Lucas S.

P.S... Yes, there are bugs in the system, but it's to the state of "general
useability" as defined by me.  Others may find it impossible to deal with.

(LSCHAREN, Cat 59, Top 1, Msg 4)

Syndicomm has been in charge of the Apple II Technical notes for a couple
of years now but has never really done anything with them to speak of.  Now
that we're ramping up new services, it's time to do something about that.

I'm looking for one or more volunteers to help create clean, attractive
versions of the Apple II Technical Notes (and FIle Type Notes) in the
following formats:

ASCII Text (which we already have)
PDF (which means creating attractive Microsoft Word documents)

Once these new versions of the Technical Notes are completed, we would make
them available for download or viewing to anyone via the A2Central.com web

If you would be interested in becoming involved in this effort, please
email me at sheppy@a2central.com.


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 59, Top 3, Msg 1)

The Golden Orchard CD has the FTNs in Microsoft Word (Mac) format.  I
didn't notice, but they probably have the tech notes in Word format as

Of course, I haven't tried opening any of them...


(KWS, Cat 59, Top 3, Msg 13)

The Word copies of the Technical Notes on the Golden Orchard CD are proving
to be quite helpful.  I should be able to generate PDF versions of them
quite easily, and then I can tackle HTML.


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 59, Top 3, Msg 16)

I need to do something about files types for Arachnid, and am looking for
suggestions on how to proceed.

At the moment, there is the application itself, preference file, bookmarks
file, and the cache, which contains html files. Since it now has an ftp
capability, it can also download files, but as yet does no processing to
determine the type of the file.

At some point I'm going to need filetypes for gif, jpeg and png too.

How should I go about this?

Kim Howe

(KIMHOWE, Cat 60, Topic 3, Msg 1)

We have online submission for filetype requests (still on Delphi, on
A2Central.com at some point, but not yet):



(A2.RYAN, Cat 60, Top 3, Msg 3)

If you go through the file type list (if you can't find it on Delphi,
there's a copy at http://www.sheppyware.net/tech/ftn/) and find that there
aren't suitable types available, apply for types using the form on Delphi.

We will be moving the filetype stuff to A2Central.com once we find the time
to do so, hopefully early in the new year.


(SYNDICOMM, Cat 60, Top 3, Msg 5)


by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>

 Name: SCUPD70.BXY (Entertainment Software)
 Date: 14-JAN-2001 02:55
   By: HKATZ
 Size: 307072

Silvern Castle 7.0

Here are the major new features and changes:

Bugs fixed
* Thanks to Bruce Baker for pointing out that a second scenario guardian
  was missing!
* Using I)nfo now matches all the definitions set forth in the Tome of
  Knowledge "Equipment Notes" section.
* Fixed possible error #107-5116 when using I)nfo.

New Stuff
* AUTOMAP feature added! Press <TAB> in the maze to see overhead view of
  the current level. Option included to save a standard Apple II hi- res
  picture for later printing with a paint program.
* 11 new items!
     * 4 new spells:
          + L3 (M) coldray: cold version of fireball
          + L6 (C) curmore: improved version of curmuch
          + L6 (M) acidfog: does up to 64hp of acid damage to all groups
          + L7 (W) deathray: improved STUN that affects one entire group
            o Improved monster spell immunity/resistance. Resistance
            imparts partial immunity. See "spell list" in the docs for
     * Your characters now have partial immunity to monster fear spell
       attacks (like sleep).
     * Chests may now hold more spells and potions. Also, most monster
       lairs now always have chests instead of special goodies.

Stuff Changed
* The Heat-Shield spell is now renamed as Breathe-Shield, and  protects
   against all breathe attacks, regardless of type.
* Initial identification of the opposing monsters is now more consistent
  based on your party's experience.
* Called monsters now appear in the next round, not the same one (chance
  none will respond). At the start of the next round, a message will
  indicate how many monsters have joined the fight.
* Availability of enchanted equipment reduced for balance. Chests may
  contain more lesser enchanted stuff.
* Only NPCs and humanoid monsters now equipped with weapons and armour.
  But now each individual NPC/humanoid can have its own  stuff instead
  of the same equipment per group.

(TONYW1, 34922, GO COM A2)

To all Silvern Castle fans, the latest update-v7.0-is now available for

If you're new to Silvern Castle, be sure to download v1.0 also. See the
READ.ME.FIRST file for details.

Check out delphi, trenco, ground, and a2central (when library's up). Also
on disk form in the next Juiced.GS!



Jeff Fink


 Name: COMPARE2.BXY (Productivity Software)
 Date: 14-JAN-2001 02:58
   By: HKATZ
 Size: 8448

This archive contains Compare v.2 - An AppleSoft file compare utility
written by Jeff Fink, the author of Silvern Castle. This is an update of
his earlier v1.1 of this program. Please note that this program has been
released as freeware by the author. The original 1.1 version of this
program may be found in the JFFREEWAE.BXY file in the Entertainment

(TONYW1, 34923, GO COM A2)

Just so no one is confused, Compare v2.0 is a stand-alone-update.

II Infinitum,
Jeff Fink


 Name: MAXSTER.BXY (Telecommunications)
 Date: 14-JAN-2001 03:02
 Size: 344832

This is Maxster v0.79.5, the Napster client for the Apple IIgs that was
first demoed at KansasFest 2000 as part of HackFest. This program will
search for, download, and play the first few seconds of MP3 audio files. As
an open beta, its functionality is extremely limited, and has been known to
work with only a small range of songs. As a Spectrum script, it requires
Spectrum v2.0 or later. Freeware by Ken Gagne.

 Name: SCAP111.BXY (Productivity Software)
 Date: 14-JAN-2001 02:53
 Size: 18944

SCAP 1.1.1 is a Spectrum script which converts Text, Teach, Source, or
AppleWorks Classic Word Processor documents into a PDF file. SCAP requires
Spectrum 2.3 or higher. This version now handles carats properly in the
text. All previous versions of SCAP do not handle carats correctly and the
script may abort during the process of the conversion to a PDF file.

(TONYW1, 34925, GO COM A2)

A few years ago, Shareware Solutions II took over as the distributor of the
Golden Orchard CD-ROM, and the following is the insert that accompanies the
CD-ROM these days...

Golden Orchard Release Notes


The Golden Orchard CD contains five HFS partitions and one ProDOS
partition. This was done for a few reasons:

- We found the GS/OS HFS FST to be very buggy in dealing with large
(several hundred megabyte) volumes. Either it would corrupt them, or simply
refuse to open certain files, returning garbage if you tried to read them
on a GS.

- In using several HFS partitions we also worked around the extreme
overhead HFS imposes on large volumes. We actually freed up 50-100
megabytes of space by using five HFS partitions instead of one!

- We wanted to be able to take advantage of the more lenient filename
conventions imposed by HFS so we could add version numbers and other
information to the names of directories, making the CD easier to navigate.

- By using HFS volumes for most of the CD, Golden Orchard is readable on
Macs. This means if you have access to a Mac with a CD-ROM drive, you can
copy Apple II files off the CD onto floppies and use them with your GS.
This also means Golden Orchard can be shared over an AppleShare network
using the Personal File Sharing feature of MacOS 7.x- 8.x.

Other Notes

System 6.0.1 is installed on the ProDOS partition, making it bootable. This
is just for convenience and emergencies. We don't recommend you boot from
it under normal circumstances since it is a lot faster to boot off a hard

We tried to place most files useful to Apple IIe owners on the ProDOS
partition of the CD, the only partition which can be read on an Apple IIe.

Using Golden Orchard on a Mac

All six partitions of Golden Orchard should easily be usable on an Apple
IIGS. On a Macintosh however, there are a few hitches. Apple's standard
Macintosh CD-ROM drivers only support one HFS volume per CD-ROM. As such
you will need third party drivers that support more than one HFS volume.
We recommend FWB's CD-ROM Toolkit (http://www.fwb.com/ for more
information). CD-ROM Toolkit also has the benefit of being able to mount
the ProDOS partition on the Mac as well, so long as you have the Mac ProDOS
File System Extension in your Extensions folder. (This extension is part of
the Mac Apple IIe card software which can be found in the Apple Software
folder on Golden Orchard.)

Mounting Speed

Besides needing FWB's CD-ROM Toolkit to access all of the partitions on a
Mac, there is one other disadvantage to Golden Orchard's six partitions:
mounting speed. This appears to be a disadvantage on the Mac as well as the
GS. The problem is that it can sometimes take up to 10 seconds to mount all
the partitions of the CD-ROM when it is first recognized by the computer.
In this time it might appear like your computer has hung, but it hasn't;
just be patient.

RamFast Notes

Lastly, if you are a RamFast owner, and you insert a multi-partition CD-ROM
into your drive after booting, only the first 2 partitions will be
accessible. This is not a bug in Golden Orchard, it is due to the design of
the RamFast. Luckily, a fix is simple: run a ProDOS 8 program (such as the
RamFast setup program, or BASIC, or AppleWorks, etc.) and then quit back to
the Finder. This will cause the RamFast's driver to be re-initialized
(during the switch from ProDOS 8 back to GS/OS), and it will then mount all
the partitions of Golden Orchard (until the next reboot.) Alternatively, if
you boot with Golden Orchard in your CD-ROM drive, the RamFast will also
recognize all partitions right from the start (but you might have to go
into the RamFast configure screen to tell it to boot off your hard drive,
not the CD-ROM, and to make sure all the CD's partitions are active.)

If the RamFast doesn't appear to be recognizing Golden Orchard, or crashes
when you try to boot with Golden Orchard in your CD drive, try going into
the RamFast setup program (hold down zero before the RApple IIgsS ROM
screen) and making sure that all the Golden Orchard partitions are active,
and that a partition has been selected to boot from.

 Joe Kohn.... - Sat 20 Jan 2001 10:05:57 am
 Message delivered by Spectrum 2.5.1
 and rushed to you by Crock O' Gold 3.3!


(JOE_KOHN, 35007, GO COM A2)

Well, here's my first mention of my "IIgs Free Programs" web page at

You may also be able to help by reporting any errors or omissions to me.
I want this page to be the first place to send a GS newbie or returnee.
The games section is pretty good, I think.


(GARETH, 35015, GO COM A2)

I was idly browsing some ftp sites the other night and ran across this
message that I had posted on AOL many years ago. I had lost it one of the
times that I had HD crashes ... back before IOMEGA made backups so easy.

I thought someone might like to see it. I don't think I ever posted it on


To: AFL Don
From: Chuck Stites (ChuckS 1073)

Easy IIe Dvorak Keyboard Modification


About three years ago a new student came to my school. He had a severe
birth defect. He was born without any fingers on his left hand. Surgery was
performed and single joints were transplanted from his left foot to create
"finger-stubs". He now has a semi-usable left hand. For his birthday, prior
to enrolling in my school, his parents had purchased a IIgs for him. At
that point he was using the Christopher Columbus method of typing
("Discover and Land on it").

I had begun using Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing for my 5th and 6th graders --
as an alternative to my favorite program (Typing Made Easy). The Apple II
version teaches, not only standard QWERTY, but Dvorak board. For those not
familiar with Dvorak, it is an arrangement of the keyboard whereby all of
the vowels are on the home-row (AOEUI), keyed with the left hand, while the
right hand keys the most commonly used consonants (DHTNS).

From just the home-row, one can type almost 70% of the English language. Up
reaches are less prone to mistakes, therefore the top row consists of the
next most common characters and letters, while the bottom row has the least
used characters and letters.

I had done some experimenting with the Dvorak layout and found it to be
intriguing. But when I discovered that this student was not only
handicapped (in the above mentioned way), and really showed an aptitude for
using the computer, I decided to try the Dvorak system on him. After all,
all of the vowels are executed with the left hand, and the balance of
characters/letters for that hand are used less frequently than is the

He took to it like a fish to water. (By the way, the IIgs keyboard can
easily be changed through the control panel -- Dvorak = American Simplified
Keyboard.) At last speed check, he was typing (with 0% errors) around 70
words per minute.

I own a couple of IIc's and a IIe. I spend most of my time on the "e".
I really wanted to have Dvorak available for my "e". In the back of the
"Mavis" booklet there are a number of manufacturers listed who sell
hardware to convert the IIe. I called all of them. They were either no
longer in business, or no longer making the hardware.

I had read in "Apple Thesaurus" by Aaron Filler (Datamost, 1984) that the
Dvorak keyboard was available -- built in, like the IIc (and IIc+) -- but
that was all that was mentioned. After spending considerable time reviewing
reduced schematics of both the "e" and "c" in "Apple Thesaurus",
I discovered that the keyboard switch on the "c" merely broke a connection
from the keyboard ROM chip -- part 342-0132-D.


I removed the chip and gently bent one of the legs out and slightly up
(away from the motherboard). Then I inserted a piece of insulated wire,
that I had stripped approx 3/16" of the insulation from, into the base for
the chip. The location is the sixth hole up from the bottom -- as you look
at the motherboard from the keyboard side:


                      |o| |o|
                      |o| |o|
                      |o| |o|
                      |o| |o|
                      |o| |o|
                      |o| |o|
                  ----|o| |o|
                      |o| |o|
                      |o| |o|
                      |o| |o|
                      |o| |o|


The other end of this wire is attached to one side of a 3-pole micro toggle
switch (from Radio Shack -- approx $2.00).

The other outside tap has a wire from it to the lower left hand corner of
the mother board where there are three small rectangular silvered contact
points. (There is also a fourth point, but it is roughly square.) The wire
from the toggle is soldered to the middle of the three rectangular contact

Now you can attach a third wire to the center tap of the toggle switch.
This wire is attached, either by carefully soldering -- use a heat shield
of some sort so as not to damage the ROM chip -- or buy a small slide on
connecter and solder the wire to the connecter. If the latter, then slide
the connector carefully onto the leg of the chip you previously gently bent

Presto! By flipping the toggle switch one way you have standard (QWERTY)
and the other way you have Dvorak. And you can switch back and forth in

If you have never done any soldering, may I suggest you go the latter
route. It is very easy to damage an IC chip with heat.

Good luck, and ENJOY. Get a copy of Mavis, leave your switch in the
standard position. Configure Mavis for Dvorak and learn how to use this
old/new keyboard. When you feel ready, use Appleworks (or your other
wordprocessor) and flip the switch for Dvorak.

In no time at all, you should easily increase your touch-typing skills
(especially if you already now real touch-typing) by at least 100% or

If you are a user of a BBS the length of time online costs $$. The faster
you can type, the less time online -- or at least less time responding in a
Real-Time Conference.

     Feel free to e-mail any comments to me.

                 Chuck Stites
                 ChuckS 1073 (AOL)
                 C.Stites (GEnie)



CHunk_S --- Your A2 Forum Host -- (chunk.s@foxvalley.net)

  Delivered by OLRight! (v4.1) scripts for ANSITerm for the Apple IIgs
    and posted on the TEXT side.

(CHUNK_S, 35150, GO COM A2)

How can I work out the best (fastest) interleaving to use on my 1MHz IIe's
HDD ? I noticed that Chinook Utilities gives you an almost unlimited choice
of interleaving options starting from 1:1 up. I thought it'd be wise to
make that decision now, rather than wait until it's full. Is there some
kind of test/benchmark that can be done ?


(LUKE65816, 35187, GO COM A2)

There is no formal test that I have ever seen. What I used to do in the old
days was to partition the drive and put a fairly large file on one

I would then copy the file from one partition to the other while timing the
operation. I timed the amount of time it took to read the file and the
amount of time it took to write it back to the other partition. For MY
purposes, the best interleave was the one that gave the shortest overall
time to complete the entire operation while reading and writing took
approximately the same time.

You need a single large file to do this properly, but it only needs to be
large enough so that you are able to time it with reasonable accuracy.

Gary R. Utter

(UTTER, 35191, GO COM A2)


by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>

The toolbox reference manuals are en encyclopedia of the various calls you
can make to the libraries Apple provides with the operating system. The
tools themselves cover graphics, sound, menus, windows and so forth.

The complete basic set is actually five volumes, shown here with their Byte
Works catalog numbers:

APDA-53 to APDA-55 Apple IIGS Toolbox Reference, Volumes 1-3
GS-16 Programmer's Reference for System 6.0 & 6.0.1
APDA-56 Apple IIGS GS/OS Reference Manual

You can get an overview of the toolbox from Apple's Programmer's
Introduction to the Apple IIGS.

AW-05 Programmer's Introduction to the Apple IIGS

For a more in-depth exploration of toolbox programming, get either of the
Toolbox Programming courses. These have an abridged toolbox reference
manual as an appendix, so you do not need to buy the full set of books to
get a good understanding of the toolbox.

GS-18 Toolbox Programming in Pascal
GS-20 Toolbox Programming in C

You can find all of these for sale at {<http://www.byteworks.org.>

Mike Westerfield
Byte Works, Inc.


Is there such a document? Anything close?

Email: tarage@bellsouth.net

(TARAGE, 3274, GO COM A2P)

Strictly speaking, GS/OS doesn't have a UI. It's just a file system.

The Apple IIGS Toolbox is really where the UI comes into play. When the
Apple IIGS and Macintosh were both being sold, Apple published a
single-volume human interface guideline that was supposed to cover both
machines, and basically did.

It's called "Human Interface Guidelines: The Apple Desktop Interface," with
a subtitle of "For any Macintosh or Apple II computer." It's an
Addison-Wesley book, ISBN 0-201-17753-6.

Mike Westerfield


ORCA/Shell News:

A cosmetic Y2K+1 bug has been found. The CATALOG command in the ORCA shell
reports the year as 0 for all files dated 1 January 2000 or later. While
the actual date stamp is correct, you sure can't tell that from the CATALOG

Updates to the ORCA shell are available by e-mail free of charge to any
registered owner of one of these products:

* ORCA/C 2.x
* ORCA/Pascal 2.x
* ORCA/M 2.x
* ORCA/Modula-2
Opus ][ The Software
Opus ][ The Works

Updates to the source files involved in this error are also available by
e-mail free of charge to anyone who has purchased Opus ][ The Source or
Opus ][ The Works.

To get the update, e-mail me at
Be sure to identify who you are so I can check registration; it's not
always obvious from just an e-mail address!

Mike Westerfield


GTE (Generic Tile Engine) for the IIgs has been released today (1/31/01).
This is a first beta release.

Please see
for details.

-Lucas S.


Lucas--I'm a non-programmer and haven't heard of a "tile engine". Could you
enlighten a neophyte as to what it does and is for? :)


(HKATZ, 3295, GO COM A2P)

Gladly --

A "Tile Engine" basically means that it is a collection of subroutines that
allows for (relatively) easy production of "tile-based" games. A good
reference on what tile-based games are from a programmer's perspective can
be found at


My own example of a tile-based game is pretty much _any_ Nintendo, Super
NES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear, or 80's arcade game. The game elements
are made up of a finite amount of "tiles", usually 8x8 or 16x16 pixel
bitmaps that are repeated across the screen to create background and

Hope this helps a bit.

-Lucas S.


             LETTERS TO THE EDITOR |

The mail box for Letters to the Editor remained empty this month.

Express your opinions about the comings and goings in the world of the
Apple II computers.

Send your comments to Lyle Syverson, Editor <lyle@FoxValley.net>

The Editor reserves the right to edit any material submitted.

The Editor reserves the right to reject any material he considers
unsuitable for publication in _The Lamp!_.

KFest 2001
                                Plan Ahead
KFest 2001 is set for July 25-29 (early arrivals on July 24) at Avila
College.  Put it on your calender and start saving your money.  You will be
glad you did.

                     EXTRA INNINGS |
About The Lamp!   The Lamp! is published on the fifteenth of every month in
"""""""""""""""   the Database of the II Scribe Forum on the Delphi online
service (GO CUS 11).

This publication produced entirely with real or emulated Apple II computers
using Appleworks 5.1 and Hermes.  Apple II Forever!

     * The Lamp! is (c) copyright 2001 by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W.  All
       rights reserved.

     * To reach The Lamp! on Internet email send mail to

     * Back issues of The Lamp! are available in the II Scribe Forum on
       Delphi as well as The Lamp! Home Page,

Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors, and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of A2Central.com, Delphi Online
Services, Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, or Lyle Syverson.  Forum messages are
reprinted verbatim and are included in this publication with permission
from the individual authors.  A2Central.com, Delphi Online Services,
Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, and Lyle Syverson do not guarantee the accuracy
or suitability of any information included herein.  We reserve the right to
edit all letters and copy.

Material published in this edition may not be reprinted without the
expressed written consent of the  publisher.   Registered computer user
groups, not for profit publications , and other interested parties may
write the publisher to apply for permission to reprint any or all material.