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Strand User's Manual

(Version: 9)

                                            (Chinese Proverb)

I. Introduction

This is an open-source implementation of the "Strand" parallel
Prolog dialect as described in [1]. Strand is written in Forth and
runs on Linux x86-64/ARM/PPC64, Mac OS X x86-64 and OpenBSD amd64 
systems, has no dependencies and is entirely self-contained.

"Strand" is a trademark of Artificial Intelligence Ltd.

II. Build and installation

After unpacking the distribution archive you first need to create
the Forth interpreter on top of which which the Strand VM is
implemented. Run the following command to obtain the "ff" binary
which will be used to build the VM:

  forth/boot/ff-<ARCH>-<OS> 'include forth/tools.f' \
    'include forth/<OS>.f' 'include forth/sys.f' 'save ff' bye

Where "<OS>" is what "uname" should usually report. Next, create 
the actual Strand VM:

  ./ff 'include strand.f' 'make strandvm'

You can copy "strandvm" now into a location that is listed in your
PATH environment variable, or just run it from the current directory.
The "strandvm" has no external dependencies, but needs access to
the location where the compiled library code can be found. See below
how to override this library directory.

There is also a shell script called "strand" that is used to compile
Strand sources into loadable modules, and run these in several forms. 

The "strand" also tool provides a useful abstraction for managing of 
multiple nodes and machines. See below for more information about this.

The easiest way is to create a symbolic link to the "strand" script
is the following, assuming "$HOME/bin" exists and is in your PATH:

  ln -s <strand-distribution-directory>/strand $HOME/bin

If you want to make modifications to the Forth system, check out
the file "README" in the "forth" directory for more information.
Note that this is only necessary if you want to change or enhance
the base system (or fix bugs) - binaries for all supported platforms
are included in this distribution.

III. Usage

The Strand VM is invoked like this:

  strandvm [-h] [-s] [-hs] [-d] [-l LOGFILE] [-p PROCESS] [-i LIBDIR]
    [-f MSGFILE] [-P PORT] [-m MACHINE] [-r SHIFT] MODULE ... 
    [-- ...]

The MODULE arguments give compiled Strand modules that should be
loaded and executed. At least one module must given, where the
optional ".sm" extension may be omitted. The module will be loaded
if it can be found in the current directory in a directory named
"lib" or in one of the directories specified with the "-i" option.

The command line options that may be given are the following:

  -h            show basic usage information.
  -v            print version and exit.
  -d            enable debug mode.
  -s            enable logging of statistical information.
  -hs           enable logging of heap-statistics only.
  -l LOGFILE    write logging output to LOGFILE, if LOGFILE already
                exists, the output is appended. If LOGFILE is "-"
                logging output is written to the console.
  -p PROCESS    names module and process that should be invoked
                on startup (defaults to "main").
  -i LIBDIR     prepend LIBDIR to the list of directories where
                compiled modules can be found. This option may be
                given multiple times.
  -f MSGFILE    specify memory-mapped file used for inter-node
                communication (defaults to "strand.msg").
  -P PORT       specify port-number for inter-node communication.
  -m MACHINE    specify machine ID for tunnelled node-communication.
  -r SHIFT      specify shift-amount for internal idle-clock.
  --            ignore all following command line options.

If a module loaded on the command line exports a process named
"$start" with arity zero, then this process is spawned at startup.
If the "-p" option is given and has the form "MODULE:PROCESSNAME"
and MODULE has been loaded and exports a zero-arity process named
PROCESSNAME, then that process is spawned. Otherwise the zero-arity
process with the name given is started in all loaded modules that
export this name.

The virtual machine executes until one of the following
conditions occur:

  - All processed terminated
  - No unsuspended active processes exist (deadlock)
  - A process head fails to match
  - A fatal error was signalled
  - The strandvm process is interrupted or terminated

To run Strand code, you first need to compile a source module into
the internal representation required by "strandvm". Given this

  % hello.st
  main :- writeln('hello, world!').

Run these commands to compile and execute it:

  strand -c hello.st
  strandvm hello

or simply

  strand hello.st

All filenames given to "strand -c" will be translated to loadable 
".sm" files in the same directory as the source file. If "-o" is 
given, only a single FILENAME may be given. "strandvm" must be in your 
PATH so "strand" can find it to run the Strand compiler.

The sources for the Strand library is in the "src" directory.  "lib"
contains precompiled versions of all files in "src", to recompile
one of the files in case you make changes, simply compile them:

  strand -c src/FILE.st -o lib/FILE.sm

IV. The Strand Language

Strand is a logic programming language for parallel computing,
derived from Parlog[2] which itself is a dialect of Prolog[3].
While the language superficially resembles Prolog, depth-first
search and backtracking are not provided. Instead execution of a
goal spawns a number of processes that execute concurrently.

Strand provides pattern matching but no general unification, instead
logic variables must be explicitly assigned, which simplifies the
semantics considerably.

The following gives a basic introduction to the language, for more
information consult the book[1] which gives a detailed description
of the language and explains the programming concepts extensively.

A Strand program consists of a number of process definitions or
"rules", where each process definition has the form

  H :- G, ... | B, ... .

H is the head of the process definition, G, ... are guard expressions
and B, ... are the body. If no guards are present the "|" operator
may be omitted. An empty body is denoted by "true". If a process
definition has no guards and no body, the ":-" operator can be

Invocation of a process finds the first process definition with the
given name and arity, a matching head and where all goals evaluate
to true. When multiple definitions for the given name and arity
exist, they are tried in an unspecified order until one match
succeeds or the process suspends.

Guards are primitive logical operators and can not be defined by
user code. If the evaluation of a guard expression fails, the
resolution of another untried process definition is attempted until
no remaining rule exists. If no process definition can be matched,
the whole virtual machine terminates with an error message.

Body goals are primitive or user-defined process invocations that
spawn new processes and add them to the pool of currently active
processes. Each goal of a rule is spawned in parallel in an unspecified

An example:

  % print even numbers between 1 and 10

  main :- count(1).

  count(N) :- N =< 10 | even(N), N2 is N + 1, count(N2).

  even(N) :- M is N \\ 2, even(M, N).

  even(0, N) :- writeln(N).
  even(_, _) :- otherwise | true.

Even if somewhat contrived, this demonstrates a number of Strand
constructs. After invocation of "main", a recursive loop is started
by invoking "count(1)" that counts from 1 to 10.  If the argument
matches 11, "count" simply terminates. On an argument less or equal
to 10, the second rule is fired and invokes 3 processes: a call to
"even", a process that adds 1 to the value of "N" and assigns it
to the fresh variable "N2" and another recursive invocation of
"count" with the increased count as argument. Note here that the
two rules of "count" are mutually exclusive, note also that all
spawned processes of the body execute in parallel.

"even" with a single argument (arity 1) takes the modulo of its
argument and 2 and invokes "even/2" (process definitions are
identified by name and arity both). "even/2" will either match the
first argument with 0 and write the second argument to the console
or will do nothing and terminate. "otherwise" is a catch-all guard
that succeeds if all textually preceding rules did not match or any
guard in them failed. The second rule of "even/2" has no body but
a guard, so a default body of "true" must be given.

Variables in Strand are logical variables - they are first-class
objects, can only be assigned once and may be assigned to other
variables. Assignment in Strand is always explicit, by using the
":=" operator.

If a variable has no value (is "unbound"), then a process suspends
until the variable has been bound elsewhere. Matching of an unbound
variable in a rule head will suspend execution of the rule. Subsequent
binding may still make the match fail and another rule will be
tried. Referencing an unbound variable in a primitive process or
an arithmetic expression will suspend the process (not the rule -
all other processes in a rule body still execute until encountering
unbound variables themselves).

The order of execution of currently running Strand processes is
entirely determined by variable-dependencies.  Sequencing and
synchronization is fully controlled by the data-flow from producers
(processes that assign values to variables) and consumers (processes
that depend on the values of variables).

Strand is dynamically typed and supports the following value types:

- Integral signed numbers
- Immutable strings
- Tuples: sequences of 0 or more values
- Singly-linked lists of values
- Variables
- Byte blocks
- Modules: collections of process definitions
- Ports: identity-preserving multi-writer streams

Numbers are constrained to the word-width of the underlying machine
(32 or 64 bits) with one bit used for marking. Intermediate results
in arithmetic expressions use the full word width.  Numbers can be
given in an arbitrary base from 2 to 36 by using the "RADIX'NUMBER"
syntax. If RADIX is "0", then NUMBER is interpreted as a character
and the resulting value is the character's code.

Strings must begin with a lowercase letter and consist only of
letters numbers or the "_" (underscore) character. Strings containing
other characters must be enclosed in '...' (single quote). Escape
sequences of the form "\X" are supported where X may be "n" (newline),
"t" (tab), "e" (esc) or "r" (carriage return).

Sequences of characters enclosed in "..." (double quotes) represent
lists of character codes, so 


is identical to

  [0'f, 0'o, 0'o]

Tuples are fixed size sequences with arbitrary contents. Lists have
a head and tail cell with arbitrary values. Variables can be assigned
to other variables, chains of variable references are undeferenced
transparently and automatically.

Byte blocks are arrays of bytes that can be used as a more space
efficient sequence of small numbers and to communicate with operating
system facilities. Byte blocks are written and read using the 
"#XX.." syntax, where "#" is followed by one or more hexadecimal
digits. If a byte block literal has an uneven number of digits, an
implicit "0" is assumed at the end. "#" denotes the empty byte block

Modules can be passed as values to other processes and exported
process definitions may be invoked explicitly.

Ports are a convenient abstraction over streams, mostly similar to the
the description in [12], allowing multiple writers and multiple readers
while preserving the identity of the target object. Thus ports can
be stored in data-structures and receive messages without rebuilding the
data for holding the new stream-end as with basic streams.

Memory management is fully automatic using a Cheney-style[4]
semi-space garbage collector.

The main differences between Strand and Prolog can be summarized
as follows:

- Strand has no backtracking: once a rule head matches and the guards
  succeed, all remaining solutions are abandoned.

- All goals of a rule are executed in parallel, in an arbitrary order.

- Strand has no general unification - rule heads and guards only match,
  variables are assigned exclusively by ":=/2", "assign/3", "is/2" and
  primitives that assign results to argument variables.

- Referencing an unbound variable suspends the current process until
  the variable has been bound.

V. Primitive Processes

This implementation of Strand provides the following built-in
processes. Unless specified all primitive processes suspend when
encountering an unbound variable. Arguments marked "?" are considered
input-arguments, arguments marked "^" are expected to be unbound
variables and will be assigned a result. Any errors that are signalled
by one of these primitives will terminate the Strand VM. Additional
primitive processes are available for low-level purposes. Consult
the library code and VM sources for more details.


    VAR^ := VAL?
      Assigns VAL to VAR. If VAL is unbound, the assignment does
      not suspend. If VAR already has a value an error is signalled.
      It is forbidden to create circular structures. Currently this
      is only detected for some situations at compile time.

    assign(VAR^, VAL?, DONE^)
      Assigns VAL to the unbound variable VAR. If the assignment
      is finished the empty list is assigned to DONE.

    byte_length(VAL?, LEN^)
      Assigns the length of the internal representation of VAL in 
      bytes to LEN. If VAL is an integer, an error is signalled.

    VAR^ is EXPR
      Evaluates the arithmetic expression EXPR and assigns the
      result to VAR. See below for a list of supported arithmetic

    length(VAL?, LEN^)
      Assigns the length of the string, bytes object, list or tuple 
      in VAL to LEN.


    get_arg(INDEX?, TUPLE?, ITEM^)
    get_arg(INDEX?, TUPLE?, ITEM^, DONE^)
      Assigns the INDEXth element of TUPLE to ITEM. Indexes start
      from 1. Assigns the empty list to DONE, when completed.

    make_tuple(LEN?, TUPLE^)
      Create a tuple with LEN elements, each initialized to an
      unbound variable and assign it to TUPLE.

    put_arg(INDEX?, TUPLE?, VAL?)
    put_arg(INDEX?, TUPLE?, VAL?, DONE^)
      Assigns VAL (which may be unbound) to the INDEXth element
      of TUPLE. Assigns the empty list to DONE, when the
      assignment is complete.

  Data type conversion:

    char_list_to_bytes(LIST?, BYTES^)
      Converts the UNICODE character codes in LIST to a byte block
      object and assigns it to BYTES.

    bytes_to_char_list(BYTES?, LIST^, TAIL?)
      Converts the UTF-8 encoded data in the byte block object BYTES
      into a list of UNICODE code points. The created list will be 
      terminated with TAIL, which may be unbound.

    bytes_to_list(BYTES?, LIST^, TAIL?)
      Converts a byte block object into a list of integers. The created 
      list will be terminated with TAIL, which may be unbound.

    integer_to_list(INT?, LIST^)
    integer_to_list(INT?, BASE?, LIST^)
    integer_to_list(INT?, BASE?, LIST^, TAIL?)
      Converts the integer INT into a list of characters codes using
      the numeric base given in BASE, assigning it to LIST. BASE defaults
      to 10. If TAIL is given, the generated list is terminated by that
      value, TAIL need not be bound.

    list_to_bytes(LIST?, BYTES^)
      Converts the list of integers LIST into a byte block object and
      assigns it to BYTES.

    list_to_integer(LIST?, INT^)
    list_to_integer(LIST?, BASE?, INT^)
      Converts the characters in LIST to an integer, with the
      numeric base given in BASE and assigns the result to INT.
      BASE defaults to 10.

    list_to_string(LIST?, STRING^)
      Converts the list of character codes in LIST into a string.
      STRING will have UTF-8 character encoding.

    list_to_tuple(LIST?, TUPLE^)
      Converts LIST into a tuple, assigning it to TUPLE.

    string_to_byte_list(STRING?, LIST^, TAIL?)
      Converts STRING into a list of bytes. The list 
      will be terminated with TAIL, which may be unbound.

    string_to_integer(STRING?, INT^)
    string_to_integer(STRING?, BASE?, INT^)
      Converts the integer represented by STRING to an integral
      value using the numeric base BASE, which defaults to 10.

    string_to_list(STRING?, LIST^, TAIL?)
      Converts STRING into a list of character codes. The list 
      will be terminated with TAIL, which may be unbound. STRING
      is assumed to have UTF-8 encoding.

    tuple_to_list(TUPLE?, LIST^, TAIL?)
      Converts TUPLE into a list of its elements. The list will
      be terrminated by TAIL, which may be unbound.

    utf_decode(LIST?, CHAR^, REST^)
      Converts 1 to 4 elements of the byte list LIST into an
      UTF-8 character code and assigns it to CHAR. The remaining
      byte list is assigned to REST. If the list has fewer
      elements than necessary to complete a UTF-8 sequence, then
      the remaining bytes are assumed to be zero.

    utf_encode(CHAR?, LIST^, TAIL?)
      Encodes the UNICODE code point CHAR into a list of bytes and
      assigns the list terminated by TAIL to LIST.

  String search:

    search_string(NEEDLE?, HAYSTACK?, INDEX^)
    search_string(NEEDLE?, HAYSTACK?, START?, INDEX^)
      Searches for NEEDLE in HAYSTACK and assigns the index of the
      found substring to INDEX or 0 if the substring could not be
      found. NEEDLE and HAYSTACK may be strings, character lists
      or byte block objects and may be of different types. If START
      is given, then the search starts at that index in HAYSTACK.


      Assigns the module of the current source file to MOD.

    get_module(NAME?, MOD^)
      Locates the module with the given name and assigns it to
      MOD. The module will be loaded, if necessary. If the module
      can not be found an error is signalled.

    module_exports(MODULE?, LIST^)
      Assigns a list of the exported process definitions of 
      MODULE (which may be a module or a name of a module) to
      LIST. Each element of the list is a tuple of the form 
      "'/'(<name>, <arity>)".

    run(MODULE?, TERM?)
      Spawns the process designates by TERM, which should be a
      string or a tuple with 2 or more elements. TERM must refer
      to an exported process definition in MODULE, which may be
      a module name or the result of a "get_module/2" invocation.


      Spawns the process designated by TERM in MODULE as a new task
      and provides the STATUS variable and the stream CONTROL
      to obtain the task's current status and to control its
      execution. See below for more information about tasks.
      Note that this process always succeeds - any errors caused
      by refering to an undefined module, or if TERM does not
      designate a valid or existing export, will result in a task
      failure. If MODULE is not given, the current module is assumed
      and the process must not necessarily be exported.


    merger(STREAM1?, STREAM2?)
      Transmits data from STREAM1 to STREAM2. If an element of
      STREAM1 has the form of a tuple "merge(STREAM3)", then
      data from STREAM3 will be interleaved and sent to STREAM2
      as well. When all streams merged into STREAM2 are closed,
      STREAM2 will be closed as well. The elements of all merged
      streams will be transferred to STREAM2 in an arbitrary
      order, but the order of elements for each merged substream
      will be preserved.

    open_port(PORT^, STREAM^)
      Create a "port" object, everything sent to PORT using the 
      "send/2" primitive will eventually appended to STREAM, which can 
      be used like any other stream. Once a port is not referenced
      anymore and can be garbage collected, STREAM will be closed
      by assigning the empty list to its tail. It is usually wrong to
      assign to STREAM explicitly. Note that a port will still be
      reachable by the garbage collector if stored in the environment of 
      a currently executing process.

    send(PORT?, X?)
    send(PORT?, X?, DONE^)
      Writes X to PORT, appending it to the output-stream associated
      with the port, assigning the empty list to DONE, when the
      message send was completed.

  Byte block objects:

    copy_bytes(INDEX?, BYTES?, COUNT?, NEW^)
      Creates a byte block object with the contents of the existing
      byte block object BYTES, taken at position INDEX and with length
      COUNT, and assigns the new byte block to NEW.

    get_bytes(INDEX?, BYTES?, COUNT?, LIST^, TAIL?)
      Extracts COUNT bytes at INDEX from the byte block object BYTES
      and assigns them to LIST, which is terminated by TAIL. Note
      that indexing starts at 1.

    make_bytes(LEN?, BYTES^)
    make_bytes(LEN?, INIT?, BYTES^)
      Creates a byte block of length LEN with each byte initialized
      to INIT and assigns it to BYTES. If INIT is not given, the
      byte block contains undefined data.

  Conversion to and from Bytes

    pack(X?, BYTES^)
      Converts the object X into a byte block object representing
      X and assigns it to BYTES. X may not contain circular data.
      If X is larger than an internal limit (currently the totally
      available static heap size), then X may contain temporary
      variables referencing further objects and thus will be

    unpack(BYTES?, VAR^)
      Converts a binary representation of arbitrary data in BYTES into
      a data structure and assigns it to VAR.


    Note that all I/O operations block executing processes
    until the read- or write-operation is completed. Files are
    represented by normal UNIX file-descriptors, so to read from
    stdin or write to stdout/stderr, use 0, 1 and 2, respectively.

    listen(FILE?, VAR^)
      Registers FILE in an internal list of file-descriptors and
      assigns the empty list to VAR once input is available on
      that file.

    read_bytes(FILE?, COUNT?, BYTES^)
      Read COUNT bytes from FILE and assigns a byte block object
      to BYTES containing the read data. Signals an error on failure. 
      Note that all processes are blocked when reading from FILE and 
      insufficient input is available.

      Write VAL to standard output. X must be fully ground (i.e. 
      must not contain any unbound variables). Blocks until value 
      is written. Strings are always printed unquoted and tuples
      are shown in canonical form. For output that respects operator
      syntax and write strings in quoted form when necessary, check
      out the "fmt" library module.

    write(FILE?, VAL?)
    write(FILE?, VAL?, DONE^)
      Write VAL to FILE, VAL must be fully ground, after completion
      the empty list is assigned to DONE. 

    write_bytes(FILE?, BYTES?, DONE^)
    write_bytes(FILE?, BYTES?, OFFSET?, COUNT?, DONE^)
      Write the bytes in the bytes-object, string or byte-list BYTES
      to FILE and signal an error on failure. After completion the 
      empty list is assigned to DONE. If OFFSET and COUNT are given,
      the should be integers specifying the index of the first element
      in bytes (starting at 1) and the number of bytes to write.

    write_chars(FILE?, LIST?)
    write_chars(FILE?, LIST?, DONE^)
      Write the character codes in LIST to FILE and signal an
      error on failure. After completion the empty list is assigned
      to DONE. 

    writeln(VAL?, DONE^)
      Writes VAL to the console, followed by a newline character,
      X must be fully ground. The empty list is assigned to DONE
      after writing completed.


    close_file(FILE?, DONE^)
      Close the file designated by the file descriptor FILE and
      signal an error on failure. Assign the empty list to DONE, when 
      the file has been closed.

    delete_file(NAME?, DONE^)
      Deletes the file given by the string or character list NAME
      and assigns the empty list to DONE, when the operation has been

    file_modification_time(NAME?, MTIME^)
      Assigns the time in seconds of the file with the given name
      to MTIME. If the file does not exist, an error is signalled.
      NAME may be a string or a character list.      

    file_size(NAME?, SIZE^)
      Assigns the size in bytes of the file with the given name 
      to SIZE. If the file does not exist, an error is signalled.
      NAME may be a string or a character list.

    file_status(NAME?, TYPE^)
      Assigns one of the strings "file", "directory", "link" or
      "none" to TYPE, depending on whether the file given by
      NAME is a regular file, a directory, a symbolic link, or
      whether the file doesn't exist at all.
      NAME may be a string or a character list.

    open_file(NAME?, MODE?, FILE^)
      Open the file with the given name and mode and assigns a
      file-descriptor to FILE. If the file can not be openend
      an error is signalled. MODE may be one of the strings
      "rw" (read/write), "r"(read), "w"(write) or "a"(append).
      NAME may be a string or a character list.

    open_pipe(FILEIN^, FILEOUT^)
      Open a bidriectional pipe and assign the input- and output files
      to FILEIN and FILEOUT, respectively.


    timer(MSECS?, VAR^)
    timer(MSECS?, INTERVAL?, VAR^)
      Start a timer that assigns a value to VAR after MSECS
      milliseconds.  If INTERVAL is given, the timer is periodical
      and fires every INTERVAL milliseconds after the first MSECS.
      A periodic timer produces a stream with an internal "clock"
      value in VAR, the stream is closed (set to the empty list)
      once the timer is disabled. A non-periodic "single-shot" timer
      assigns the empty list to VAR once.  Note that there is only
      a single timer that can be set, a subsequent creation of a
      timer disables any timer previously set.

      Disables the currently executing timer and does nothing if
      no timer is active.


    chdir(NAME?, DONE^)
      Changes the current directory to NAME and assigns the empty
      list to DONE, when the operation was successful or signals
      an error if the operation failed. NAME may be a string or a 
      character list.
      Assigns a list of the command-line arguments given to the 
      Strand VM to LIST. The list elements will all be strings and
      do not include the program name. If "--" is given on the command
      line, then all previous arguments, including the "--", will be
      omitted from the returned list.

      Write error message given in MESSAGE and terminate 
      the Strand VM. MESSAGE may be any type of data object and
      should be fully ground.

      Assigns a string holding the name of the current working directory
      to DIR.

    getenv(NAME?, VALUE^)
      Retrieves the environment variable given by the string or
      character list NAME and assigns its value to VALUE. If so 
      such variable exists, VALUE is assigned the empty string.

      Instantly terminate the Strand VM with exit code CODE.

    kill(PID?, SIGNAL?, VAR^)
      Send SIGNAL to the UNIX process with the given PID and assign
      the empty list to VAR, when done. Signals an error when the
      operation failed.

    platform(OS^, ARCH^)
      Assigns strings identifying the operating system and 
      architecture to OS and ARCH, respectively. OS is one of the
      strings "linux" or "openbsd", ARCH is one of the strings
      "x86_64", "arm", "aarch64" or "ppc64"

    shell(COMMAND?, STATUS^)
      Invokes the shell command given by the string or character
      list COMMAND and assigns the integer status code to STATUS.
      The child process executes concurrently to the VM and STATUS
      will be assigned as soon as the child terminates. See also
      "execute/4" in the "proc" module for a variant that supports
      I/O redirection.

      Assigns an integer representing the current version of the 
      Strand VM to VERSION.

      Assigns an integer representing the current number of seconds 
      since the UNIX epoch to SECONDS.

      An interface to the pledge(2) system call on OpenBSD. On
      Linux and Darwin, this primitive does nothing. 
      PROMISES and EXECPROMISES may be strings or character lists. 
      An argument of "[]" (the empty list) is considered the same
      as NULL. After the system call returned, the empty list is
      assigned to DONE.

    unveil(PATH?, PERMISSIONS?, DONE^)
      An interface to the unveil(2) system call on OpenBSD. On
      Linux and Darwin, this primitive does nothing. PATH 
      and PERMISSIONS may be strings or character lists. An 
      argument of "[]" (the empty list) is considered the same
      as NULL. After the system call returned, the empty list is
      assigned to DONE.

    set_user_id(UID?, DONE^)
      Set the user ID to the integer value UID and assign the 
      empty list to DONE, when the system call succeeded.


    get_global(KEY?, VAL^)
    get_global(KEY?, VAL^, DEFAULT?)
      Retrieves the global variable with the name KEY, which should
      be a string and assign the value to VAL. If the global variable is 
      not defined, an error is signalled, unless DEFAULT is given,
      which will be assigned to VAL instead.

    put_global(KEY?, VAL?, DONE^)
      Stores VAL under the string KEY as a global variable, over-
      writing any previously stored value under the same name.
      The global variable is only accessible in the node where
      it was stored. Once the global value is stored, the empty
      list is assigned to DONE.

  Special forms:

    foreach(VAR^, LIST?, GOAL)
      Creates a process for each element of LIST in which VAR refers
      to that element, executing GOAL. VAR must be an unbound variable.
      Processes are created once LIST is fully instantiated, but the
      list elements may still refer to unbound variables. GOAL may be
      any non-compound term, either primitive or user defined, but may
      not be a variable refering to a term - it must be code.

      "foreach(VAR, LIST, GOAL)" is operationally similar to:


      with "foreach_1" being defined as (not including variables that
      used in GOAL):

        foreach_1([VAR|L]) :- GOAL, foreach_1(L).

    when(VAL?, GOAL)
      Execute goal once VAL is bound. GOAL may be a compound term,
      in that case "when(VAL, (X, Y))" is equivalent to 
      "when(VAL, X), when(VAL, Y)".

      "when(X, GOAL)" is operationally equivalent to:


      where "when_1" is defined as (not including variables that
      are referred to in GOAL):

        when_1(X) :- data(X) | GOAL.

  Other primitives:

    current_node(ADDRESS^, PID^)
      Assigns the address of the current node to ADDRESS and optionally
      the UNIX process-id of the Strand VM process to PID.

    deref(X?, DONE^)
      Completely dereference X and assign the empty list to DONE,
      when all unknown variables in X have been bound.

      Does nothing.

If you intend to extend the set of primitive operations, see the
file "HACKING" in the distribution, which contains some information
about the system's internals.

Note that there is no facility for user-defined operators unless you
modify the Strand parser in the "parse" module.

VI. Guards

The following guard expressions are supported. Unless specified
otherwise a guard referencing an unbound variable will suspend the
matching of the current rule. Errors signalled during guard execution
will terminate the Strand VM.


    X == Y
      Succeeds when X matches Y.

    X =\= Y
      Succeeds when X does not match Y.

  Numerical comparison:

    X =:= Y
      Succeeds when X is numerically equal to Y. Both arguments must
      be integer expressions, otherwise an error is signalled.

    X \=:= Y
      Succeeds when X is not numerically equal to Y. Both arguments 
      must be integer expressions, otherwise an error is signalled.

    X > Y
      Succeeds when X is greater than Y. Both arguments must be 
      integer expressions, otherwise an error is signalled.
    X < Y
      Succeeds when X is less than Y. Both arguments must be 
      integer expressions, otherwise an error is signalled.
    X >= Y
      Succeeds when X is greater than or equal to Y. Both arguments 
      must be integer expressions, otherwise an error is signalled.
    X =< Y
      Succeeds when X is less than or equal to Y. Both arguments 
      must be integer expressions, otherwise an error is signalled.

  Type predicates:

      Succeeds if X is a byte block object.

      Succeeds if X is an integer.

      Succeeds if X is not an unbound variable. If it is unbound,
      then the guard fails but the rule does not suspend.

      Succeeds if X is a list. Note that this guard fails for the
      empty list.

      Succeeds if X is a module.

      Succeeds if X is a port.

      Succeeds if X is a string.

      Succeeds if X is a tuple.

      Succeeds if X is an unbound variable.

  Term ordering:

    X @> Y
      Succeeds if X is ordered higher than Y. X and Y may be any
      term but variables are dereferenced as necessary. Terms are 
      ordered as follows:


      The empty list is ordered the same as a string.
      Integers are numerically ordered, strings lexicographically,
      lists are ordered by elements. Tuples are ordered first by
      length then element by element and byte blocks are ordered
      byte-wise. Ports and modules have an unspecified (but stable) 

    X @< Y
      Succeeds if X is ordered lower than Y. X and Y may be any

    X @>= Y
      Succeeds if X is ordered higher than Y or if it is equal. 

    X @=< Y
      Succeeds if X is ordered lower than Y or if it is equal.

  Other guards:

      Suspends if X is an unbound variable and always succeeds.

      Always succeeds when no textually preceding rule matched

      Suspends until the node becomes idle, i.e. no active processes
      are executing anymore. Note that a node is considered idle
      even if processes are currently suspended waiting for UNIX
      child processes or if listening on input from a file.

VII. Arithmetic Expressions

The second argument to the "is/2" primitive process may be an
arithmetic expression of which the result is assigned to the first
argument as with ":=". Only integer arithmetic is supported.  The
following table lists the allowed operators and their precedence,
from lowest to highest:

  Precedence  Expression    Meaning

    1          X + Y        Add
               X - Y        Substract
               X /\ Y       Binary AND
               X \/ Y       Binary OR
               X >< Y       Binary XOR
    2          X * Y        Multiplication
               X / Y        Division
               X \\ Y       Remainder
               X >> Y       Shift X arithmetically right by Y bits
               X << Y       Shift X left by Y bits
    3          -X           Negation
               \X           Binary NOT

  All binary arithmetic operators are left-associative. The 
  following functions are available inside arithmetic expressions:

    Absolute value.

    Returns the internal "ticks", one tick being one process
    execution step.

    Integer square root.

  max(X, Y)
  min(X, Y)
    Maximum and minimum of two integers.

VIII. Declarations

Declarations give additional information to the Strand compiler
that generates loadable modules and have the form


Currently the following declarations are supported:

  -exports([NAME/ARITY, ...])
    Export processes with given name + arity from the current module. 
    See below for more details.

    Add DATA to the module's metadata, which is data returned by
    the internal process '$META'/1. See the "HACKING" document for
    more information.

    Declares that this module should run in a node-network of the
    given topology, which may currently be "ring" or "torus". See
    later in the section on running multiple VMs in parallel.

IX. Modules

Strand program code is organized into modules that are compiled
from source form to a binary platform-independent representation
that can be loaded by the Strand VM. A module usually provides one
or more exports that identify processes that can be invoked inside
the module. Non-exported processes are not accessible from outside
and can only be used in the module itself.

To invoke an exported process definition, use the following syntax:


Modules are loaded on demand, on the first invocation of any exported
process definition. Modules are also loaded when the Strand VM
starts. In this case a zero-arity process named "main" will be
invoked. A module loaded at startup may also export a zero arity
process named "$start", which is invoked automatically, even if
"main" is defined.

If a module has no "exports" declaration, all process definitions
are exported by default.

Modules are first class objects and can be passed as values to
processes as arguments and can be serialized and sent to separate
executing Strand VMs.

X. Tasks

Groups of processes can run as a controlable entity in the form of
"tasks". Use "run(MOD?, TERM?, STATUS^, CTRL?)" to spawn a task,
where STATUS is a variable the holds the current execution status
of the task and CONTROL is a stream where the status can be changed.

When the last process of a task terminates, STATUS will be assigned
the string "success". Any non-fatal error encountered during the
execution of a process belonging to the task will set the status
to the tuple "fail(REASON)", where REASON is a string identifying
the general class of error (enable logging to see the full error
message). This includes matching failures, or errors triggered by
the "error/1" primitive process. Note that the errors in the initial
task will always terminate the Strand VM, the initial task also has
no accessible status and control variables.

STATUS should not be assigned directly, the effect of doing so is

CONTROL should be a stream and provides a way to control the execution
of the task. Assigning "[suspend|C]" will suspend all processes of
this task until "[resume|C2]" is assigned to C, with C2 being the
continuation of the control stream. When a task is suspended, the
status variable is assigned the pair "[suspend|S]", and S will be the
subsequent status variable once the task is resumed.

Assigning the string "stop" to C will set the status to "stop" and 
terminate all processes of the task.

Note that the control-stream should never be assigned with a remote
variable (an unassigned variable from a different node), since
retrieving the remote variable may stall indefinitely with the local
tasks's status being in an inconsistent state until the remote is
bound, due to architectural reasons.

Tasks are always local to a node. Performing a remote call to a
different node will create a process in the initial task of the
remote node.

XI. Library Modules

This implementation of Strand provides a number of library modules
with additional functionality. Consult the comments in the source
files for information about exported processes.

  map               A simple implementation of AVL trees
  compile           Strand compiler core
  fmt               Formatted output
  io                I/O stream operations
  lex               Strand lexical analysis
  list              Some list-procesing operations
  parse             Strand parser
  proc              Invoking external processes
  rnd               Random numbers
  set               Operations on lists as sets
  sort              Sorting
  stc               Strand compiler toplevel
  strand            Reading of Strand terms from a file
  sys               Runtime system for multi-node applications
  term              Term operations, used by the compiler
  topology          Topology generation, used by name-server
  tunnel            Runtime system for "tunnel" nodes
  vmrun             Support module for multi-node applications

XII. Running Multiple Strand VMs in Parallel

Multiple running Strand VMs can communicate by passing messages via
a shared memory mapped file. Messages are serialized into a
platform-independent format and allow unidirectional communication
between Strand "nodes". By passing unbound variables, results can
flow back to the message sender, the handling of forwarding and
bindings variables across node-boundaries is done transparently by
the Strand VM.

Each node (a single running "strandvm" instance) has a node-
identifier (which is the same as the UNIX process identifier), and
an "address", designating the machine the node is running on and
the index of it's "port", an area for receiving messages in the
shared  memory mapped message file. The port is automatically
computed from the node-identifier, unless explicitly given by using
the "-P" option of "strandvm". The message file defaults to
"strand.msg" in the current directory and can be overridden by using
the "-f" option. The machine-identifier is only relevant if you
want to have communicating Strand nodes between different physical
or virtual machines, see below for running Strand code in a distributed

The message file must be created manually by running the following

  strand -g strand.msg

Once the message file exists, additional strandvm processes can be 

  strandvm sys

The "sys" module needs to be loaded to allow communication
with other nodes. The node will now wait for external messages until
terminated. You can of course pass further modules to strandvm to
run your own application code. Use "-l LOGFILE" to log information
about the execution of your node and of the communication with other

Invocation of processes on other nodes is accomplished using the
"@" (at) operator:

  square(X, Y) :- Y is X * X.
  main :- square(4, R)@32, writeln(R).

Here, "square" is called on the node listening on message port 32.
The module holding the code will be requested and retrieved by the
target node automatically and "square" will execute on the remote
node. The access of "R" then will suspend and retrieve the result
once it has been computed. If you address other nodes by their port
number as above, the target node will have to be started with the
"-P" option to be assigned the port number.

Since ports are normally computed from the UNIX process-identifier,
addressing nodes by more convenient means is provided by a mapping
a topology over a collection of nodes. Currently ring and torus
topologies are supported and are created from all registered nodes
on demand.  The second argument to the "@" operator (which may be
a variable) designates the peer node and can be either a direct
port number or one of the following:

  fwd, bwd
    the next or previous  node in the ring topology.

  north, south, east, west
    the four neighbour nodes in the torus topology.

    all nodes in the topology.

Ring and torus topologies are infinite in the sense that addressing
neighbours at the edge of the map of nodes wraps around. There is
no way for a node to obtain its position in the network, this has
to be achieved by user code. Calling process with "@all" is a 
simple way of broadcasting a message to all nodes.

A topology is fixed once created. If a node in a topology terminates, the
topology can be considered broken, this is currently not handled
gracefully which means an application module using this topology
should be restarted.

When waiting for messages from external nodes and no other processes
are running, a node is "idle", repeatedly waiting for messages
through a spin-lock. This is a busy wait that consumes CPU cycles,
while periodically checking for interrupts and I/O. To reduce the
workload of long-running nodes, the VM sleeps for a short period
which progressively increases, as long as no messages are received.
This makes a node less responsive to messages but reduces the
energy consumption.

An internal counter of "idle" cycles is increased on every cycle
tick, shifted by a fixed amount and used as the number of 
milliseconds to sleep, at most 100 ms. This shift amount is by
default 10 and can be set using the "-r SHIFT" command-line option.
The lower the shift the quicker the sleep time in idle cycles
increases. This parameter is necessarily dependent on the 
performance of the underlying system. You can override the shift
by using "-r" or changing the "IDLE_SHIFT" limit in "limits.f".
Setting the shift to a very high value (e.g. the same as the
machine word size) disables the progressive slowdown, making a
node maximally responsive at the cost of a busy CPU as long as the
node runs. "-r 0" disables progressive slowdown and the VM will
always run at full speed.

XIII. Distributed Strand

Strand nodes can communicate with other nodes on separate physical
machines by "tunneling" message sending over network connections.
The "tunnel" library module converts all messages send to a separate
pool of nodes identified by a machine identifier by writing them
in a special format to its output channel. Using a tool like socat[6],
this output can then be transmitted over (say) SSH to a tunnel node
on a different machine, is converted to a normal node-to-node message
and forwarded to the destination node. On both machines a name
server node should run to make all nodes in the combined network
be known to each machine's node pool.

For example, if you have two machines, identified by the machine
identifiers 1 and 2, connect them in the following manner:

  strand -g strand.msg
  strandvm -m 1 -P 32 sys
  ssh other_machine strand -g strand.msg
  ssh other_machine strandvm -m 2 -P 32 sys &
  socat 'EXEC:strandvm -m 1 -P 2 tunnel' 'SSH:strandvm -m 2 -P 1 tunnel' &

Note that a tunnel listens on the same port as the machine it is
connected with. The two tunnels establish a connection over which
messages targeted at the remote machine are forwarded.

All machines in a distributed setting must be able to access their
peer machines via ssh(1), ideally with a password-less login.

Should a node terminate by crashing or terminate in some other 
non-graceful way, you should recreate the "strand.msg" file from 
scratch in case any held locks persist in the message file.

Machine identifiers should be selected from the integers 1 up to 31.
Since tunnels use the machine identifiers as message port index,
randomly allocated ports for normal nodes are using message port 
indexes from 32 and above to avoid conflicts.

XIV. Node Pools

To create and coordinate pools of Strand VM nodes on one or more
machines, the "strand" tool simplifies the management of VM processes
and the steps necessary to start and stop a network of nodes.

"strand" is invoked with a command specifying the intended action and
an optional list of project directories to which the action should 
apply. The following actions are available:

    Prints the home-directory, where libraries and VM are located.

  start ID [-m MAC] [-n NODES] [-l] [-s] [-d] [-i DIRECTORY] 
    [HOST:RMAC ...]
    Starts a pool of NODES nodes identified by machine identifier MAC,
    NODES defaults to 4 and MAC to 1. HOST:RMAC pairs designate remote
    hosts (reachable by ssh(1)) that are assumed to be running and local
    and remote tunnel nodes will be started to communicate with the
    remote host. This command creates a file named ID that holds the
    necessary information to work with this node pool.    

  stop ID
    Stops a pool of nodes identified by the control file ID and removes
    the file.

  watch ID
    Runs a loop that restarts nodes from the node pool identified by
    the control file ID as necessary.

    Runs a Strand module, optionally compiling it first, if it is a
    source file with the extension ".st". If ID is given, then
    module should be already compiled and will be injected into a
    running node pool designated by the control file ID.

If no command is given, "strand -c FILENAME" will compile a Strand
source file. "strand -g" creates a message file. Enter

  strand -h

To see a list of commands and the valid options.

XV. Debugging Strand Code

There are no debugging facilities besides logging. The "-l LOGFILE"
option to "strandvm" generates a log file that can be consulted and
which writes out information about major events in the lifetime of
the node. Adding "-d" will print more what processes are executed,
how the resolution mechanism tries to match process rules and how
processes suspend and resume on variable reference and assignment.
Note that logging, especially in debug mode has a noticable performance

The Strand VM catches SIGINT and SIGTERM and shuts down gracefully.
Sending SIGHUP to the VM will terminate the VM and write a report
with various VM statistics to stderr (the same report as is shown
in the log file when logging is enabled).

XVI. Generating Graphs from Logged Statistics

When given the "-s" option, the Strand VM adds statistical output
to the log file, "-l LOGFILE") must still be specified for the log
file to be created. Two types of statistics are produced:

1. System parameters, where each line holds


  where the printed numbers have the following meaning:

    CLK   current internal clock ("ticks")
    APR   number of active processes in the process pool
    SPR   number of suspended processes
    PRC   total number of processes
    DER   total number of variable dereferences performed
    SSP   total number of process suspensions on unbound variables
    RED   total number of process-reductions performed
    SNT   total number of bytes sent to other nodes
    NSN   total number of messages sent to other nodes
    RCD   total number of bytes received from other nodes
    NRD   total number of messages received from other nodes
    REM   number of active "remotes" (remote unbound variables)
    EXP   number of active "exposures" (unbound variables referenced
    ATM   number of interned strings
    STA   used amount of static string area in bytes
    ALC   total number of bytes allocated
    HEP   size of used heap space

2. Heap statistics, where each line contains


  where the printed numbers have the following meaning:

    CLK   current internal clock ("ticks")
    PRC   bytes in heap used for processes
    TUP   bytes in heap used for tuples
    LST   bytes in heap used for lists
    VAR   bytes in heap used for unbound variables
    REM   bytes in heap used for remotes
    MOD   bytes in heap used for modules
    BIN   bytes in heap used for internal byte buffers

Heap-statistics can be separately enabled with the "-hs" option,
if the other set of statistics are not required and reduces the
logging output considerably.

The "strand" tool provides a helper tool that parses a log file and
invokes Gnuplot[7] with the necessary parameters to draw a graph
for one or more of the system parameter values over the time of
execution of the node (so far), where time is measured in internal
clock ticks (not elapsed time).

"strand plot" also can create a histogram of the heap-usage. Enter

  strand plot -help

for exact usage information.

XVII. VM Execution Model

Here follows a high-level description of the execution steps the
Strand VM performs after starting up. At all times them VM maintains
a "process pool", a queue of active processes and the arguments with
which they where invoked. When the process pool is empty, then all 
processes have terminated or are suspended on unbound variables.

1. Load all modules given on the command line.
2. If any loaded module exports a process definition named "$start/0",
   then this process is added to the process pool. If any loaded
   module exports a process definition named "main/0" (or the name
   specified in the "-p" option), then this is added to the process
   pool as well.
3. Periodically, poll for input on file-descriptors that suspended 
   processes are listening on and add those processes to the process
   pool, if input is available.
4. If a UNIX child process terminates, add all processes waiting for
   this particular process to the process pool.
5. If there is a message available on the VMs message port, enqueue
   it in the local event-queue.
6. If there are processes in the process pool, dequeue the first and
   invoke it, calling it the "current process". 
  7. If the current process runs in its own task, check the tasks
     control and status streams and terminate or suspend the
     process, if necessary, continuing at step 3.
  8. If no clause of the process definition for the current process
     matches the VM terminates with an error message.
  9. If a clause matches (including the guards), then the sub-goals of
     the clause are added to the process pool and execution continues
     at step 3.
  10. If the current process suspends on an unbound variable, it is
      enqueued in the process pool and execution continues at step 3.
11. If the process pool is empty:
   12. If there are no suspended processes, the VM terminates.
   13. Trigger processes suspended on the node being idle, or
       communicate idleness to other nodes in a multi-node
   13. If there are executing UNIX child processes or the VM is
       listening for input on file descriptors, the VM performs either
       wait or polls for input, or does a combination of both.
      14. If a UNIX child process terminates, any process suspended
          on the child process is added to the process pool.
      15. If input is available on a listened-for file descriptor,
          any process waiting for this is added to the process pool.
      16. Execution continues at step 3.
   17. If there are any live ports, perform a garbage collection
       and close those port streams of ports that where reclaimed
       and continue a step 3 if any port was closed.
   18. Finally, if no UNIX child processes run, no process is listening
       for input, no ports could be reclaimed, and there are still
       processes suspended, the VM is in deadlock and terminates with
       an error message.

XVIII. VM Error Messages

The Strand VM produces the following error messages. 

Fatal errors:

These errors terminate the VM.
  "no message file open"
    The file for exchanging messages between nodes could not be
    opened and the program module tried to send a message to 
    another node.

  "port has no owner: <ADDRESS>"
    An attempt to send a message to a different node failed because
    the destination node de-registered, probably by terminating

  "error while accepting forwarded message"
    An error occurred while reading a tunnelled message from another

  "unexpected end of input from remote peer"
    A remote machine terminated its connection through a tunnel

  "can not serialize - buffer full"
    A message serialized for transfer to another node exceeded
    the buffer size.

  "string of size <SIZE> exceeds serialization limit"
    A string could not be sent to a remote node because the string
    length exceeded the message buffer size.

  "bytes object of size <SIZE> exceeds serialization limit"
    A bytevector object could not be sent to a remote node because
    the length exceeded the message buffer size.

  "tuple of size <SIZE> exceeds serialization limit"
    A tuplecould not be sent to a remote node because
    the total size exceeded the message buffer size.

  "deadlock with <COUNT> processes suspended"
    Deadlock occurred because no active, non-suspended processes

  "I/O error while polling"
    Polling for input on a file descriptor resulted in an error.

  "too many globals"
    More than the allowed number of global variables are in use.

  "too many ports"
    More than the hardcoded limit of port objects where created.

  "invalid bytecode: <CODE>"
    The bytecode-compiler encountered an illegal bytecode, 
    probably caused by a corrupt compiled module or scrambled
    message data when a modules code is transmitted to another

Non-fatal errors:

These errors will be caught when occurring during the execution of
a subtask. The string shown gives the "tag" stored in the
"fail/1" task status tuple. The actual error message written may
contain additional information.

  "division by zero"
    Attempt to divide by zero in an "is/2" expression.

  "assignment to non-variable"
    Attempt to assign a value to a previously bound variable.

  "attempt to write into closed stream"
    A value was appended to a merger-stream that was already
    closed previously.

  "port-stream contains non-list"
    "send/2" was invoked on a port whose stream was explicitly
    assigned a non-list tail.

  "global not found"
    A global variable could not be retrieved.

  "error in system call"
    An error occurred while performing an operating system call.

  "module not found"
    Unable to find module given on the command line or when using
    the "run" primitive process.

  "match falure"
    Match failure in process head.

  "process-definition not found"
    A process in a remote call via the "@/2" operator was not 
    found in the current module.

  "export not found"
    An exported process was not found in the target module.

  "invalid I/O mode"
    The mode argument given to "open/3" was invalid.

  "error opening file"
    Opening a file failed, because the file does not exist or
    the opening process does not have the necessary permissions.

  "error reading file"
    A read-operation on a file failed.

  "error writing file"
    A write-operation on a file failed.

  "index out of range"
    Indexing a tuple via "get_arg" or "put_arg" uses an index
    that is out of range.

  "status of resumed task is non-list"
    The status variable of a task is of invalid type, usually
    because the status was directly assigned, which is not

  "task control stream may not refer to remote"
    The control stream of a task refers to a remote variable
    reference, which is currently not permitted.

  "invalid task control object"
    The task control stream was assigned an invalid value.

  "task status may not refer "
    The status variable of a task refers to a remote variable
    reference, probably because it was assigned directly.

  "can not convert to integer"
    A value can not be converted to an integer in a
    "list_to_integer" or "string_to_integer" operation.

  "type error"
    A primitive process expected a value of a different type.

XIX. Bugs and Limitations

By changing values in the "limits.f" source file and rebuilding the
Strand VM, the value of various system limits and sizes of data
area sizes can be customized as desired. The current implementation
has relatively modest memory demands and can handle a large number
of processes. Programs that spawn processes excessively can be very
slow and it requires some care to structure code in such a way that
the number of concurrent processes fluctuates not too much.

As in all parallel programming languages, writing code that scales
well among the available computing resources is an art form that
needs experience.

The VM is not particularly fast and the compiler does very few
optimizations. Also, the Forth implementation is a traditional
indirect threaded one, which has some overhead but doesn't require
generating executable code at run-time.

Strings are not garbage collected. They are interned in a table
when modules are loaded or when created with "list_to_string/2" to
allow efficient comparison of strings. Excessively creating new
unique strings will at some stage exhaust the available space in
the string table.

Memory limits:

  Heap size (one half in use)               10,000,000
  Amount of space for strings               256 kB
  Maximal number of processes               131,072
  Maximal number of modules                 256
  Size of Forth dictionary space            16 MB
  Maximal size of message                   16 kB
  Maximal number of files to listen for     32
  Maximal number of strings                 16384
  Maximal number of global variables        256
  Maximal number of port objects            1024


This software is very young and, needless to say, will contain many
bugs. Please don't hesitate to report them by contacting the author.

The implementation contains a number of known shortcomings that may
or may not be addressed in the future:

- The VM currently does busy waiting when listening for messages.
  An attempt is made to at least give other nodes a chance to run
  (via usleep(2)), but still a lot of CPU cycles are burnt due to
  the use of spin-locks in the communication model. If idling 
  continuously, the VM progressively increases the sleep-time to
  reduce CPU activity but will be less responsive on the first 
  message arriving.

- When an unbound variable is "exposed" to another node, a
  reference counting scheme is used to ensure that the variable
  will not be garbage collected if still in use. Since a request
  to add a reference from a different node may still be "in flight",
  the exact moment to drop the exposed variable from the internal
  table holding it is hard to estimate. Currently the actual process
  of dropping an exposed variable is delayed for a certain period
  of "idle" periods (when a node is not busy and listening for
  remote messages), this approach should work in most cases but
  is of questionable reliability.

- Remote calls (using "@") to builtin processes are currently not
  supported. Also builtin processes can not be given directly to
  "run/3" or "run/4", use an intermediate user-defined process in 
  this case.

- Cyclic data structures are not allowed. This is currently not
  checked and may result in a VM that hangs, trying to walk an
  infinite data structure.

- The size of messages sent between nodes is fixed, sending
  sequential data objects like strings and tuples that exceed this 
  limit (32768 bytes by default) will signal an error. This limit 
  also applies to compiled modules sent to nodes.

- A remote call (using "@") automatically makes the callee request
  the relevant module from the caller, but when the module contains
  other calls to modules that are currently not loaded, these
  modules must be accessible to the callee and are not requested
  from the caller.

- The case of connection-breakdown between two tunnel nodes is not
  handled gracefully.

- When a node terminates any topology it was part of is broken and
  unusable, there is currently no mechanism of "repairing" the

- Explicit assignment to the status variable of a task has an 
  undefined effect. Assigning a remote value to the control stream 
  of a task will trigger an error.

- When a task stops or suspends itself, then the current process
  may not halt instantly, but when the next process belonging to
  the task is scheduled, due to the way tail-call optimization is 

- Tasks can not be extended to different machines, they exists only
  on the VM where they were created. A remote call from a task will
  execute on the remote VM in the default task and thus any errors
  can not be caught.

XX. Further Reading

There has been a short but busy period of research on parallel logic
languages, but unfortunately it left very little in terms of useful
information. A number of dialects have been designed, among them
Concurrent Prolog, Flat Concurrent Prolog, Parlog, Flat Parlog, GHC
and Strand, all with slightly different semantics and variations
in power and complexity.

The best introduction to Strand is given in Foster+Taylor[1], with
loads of examples and an excellent survey of programming techniques
for parallel logic languages.  A publicly available paper giving a
decent introduction to Strand is found in [5] by the same authors.
The paper "The Family of Concurrent Logic Programming Languages"[8]
by Ehud Shapiro doesn't directly describe Strand but may be useful
for the contained information on programming techniques, as does
[9]. Ian Foster's thesis "Parlog as a Systems Programming Language"
gives a thorough treatment of the implementation issues for Flat
Parlog and is a very interesting read.

No implementations of concurrent Prolog systems seem to have survived,
at least as far as I can tell, with the exception of Logix[10] which
implements Flat Concurrent Prolog. There was a commercial implementation
of Strand by the inventors of the language, the current status is
unknown. Prototypical academic implementations of other languages
of the family seem to have existed in the past but are not publicly

XXI. References

[1] "Strand: New Concepts for Parallel Programming",
    Ian Foster and Stephen Taylor, Prentice Hall, 1990
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parlog
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolog
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheney%27s_algorithm
[5] "Strand: a Practical Parallel Programming Language"
[6] http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/
[7] http://www.gnuplot.info/
[8] https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a213958.pdf
[9] "Parallel Logic Programming Techniques", 
    Stephen Taylor, Prentice Hall, 1989
[10] http://www.nongnu.org/efcp/
[11] hhttps://spiral.imperial.ac.uk/bitstream/10044/1/47065/2/Foster-I-1988-PhD-Thesis.pdf
[12] https://people.kth.se/~johanmon/papers/port.pdf

XXII. License

All documentation and code is released into the public domain.

XXIII. Contact Information

If you have questions or suggestions, send mail to

  felix <at> call-with-current-continuation <dot> org