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dream journal

🔙 wake up

30th October

First Dream: Me, a friend and a made up person were waiting for bus number 58. When we were inside, it drove through an air tunnel and suddenly we were at the bottom of the ocean and the walls of the bus became invisible.

Second dream: A meteor was to hit earth so we (idk) were sent out to stop it. We flung ourselves through space and bounced off of the atmosphere of the asteroid/meteor. We came onto the surface through a hole in the atmosphere (which worked like a shield) produced by a big beanstalk.

On the asteroid lived Dinosaurs. The dinos were very hungry because the surface was devoid of plant life. They wanted to eat us but we conviced them to start a revolution instead, to take all the resources that the big boss dinosaur was hoarding for himself. They looked up to us as their revolutionary leaders and obeyed our every command. My companion abused this power by, after victory was ours, telling them all to cut their own throats and I couldn't stop it.

10th October

All lamps rained green acid slime that teleported you to another dimension, at random intervals. Then it wasn't lamps that did this anymore but a plant that quickly infested every room and attached itself to the ceiling. You weren't safe anywhere. In the other dimension people were trapped in a construction in space, looking up through the glass at the stars that surrounded them

9th October

In the future there was only one human left alive. He had lived for thousands of years and he lived ontop of a hill. In the morning he went out to look down at the village but the people no longer lived there and their houses were long gone as well. There was something else alive on earth and it was hunting him.

Then I was also there and we were running from it. As we were hiding, with the flying beast just outside, I asked him why everyone died. He said that it happened so long ago that he could not remember.

24th August

I joined 2 of my friends for a weekly harvest/gardening thingie. I took a bus to the middle of nowhere to come and there were all these people on a big field. It was a lot of work and I said that if I had known this I would not have come.

The leader guy was stacking big stones on the side of the field and I threw myself into the pile like I would at the ball pit at IKEA. Some rocks fell down and I had to clean it up.

Then there were school tables set up on the lawn and it became a class room, outside. My one friends and me sat at the back and talked the whole time and I drew into a notebook. The leader/teacher didn't like that so he took my notebook with the intention of reading from it to embarass me but it was all sketches. On the back of the notebook was an invitation link to a whatsapp group but I knew nothing of this, and thought it's a group by the publisher. I then thought of getting up and telling him he can't just take my book and read of it and that I don't need to be here and then leaving but decided against it since I didn't actually care. Some time after this I left and the lesson continued.

Some guy, who was my other friend before, told the teacher that I had left uranium in my desk. Inside my desk was a big, glowing disk that filled the whole drawer. Now it got confusing.

The leader/teacher/prinicpal (for now they were in a proper school building) took the disk and something leaked out of it. Then there was something moving on the balcony. A tentacle on the balcony attacked the teacher and the green liquid from the uranium disk started to move. I think the tentacle monster merged with the sentient uranium, idk.

It turned out that the principal was but a role taken on by different aliens through time - but after some time they forgot there were ever anyone else. The tentacle monster wasn't the the next of him but the previous one who had come to kill the present one and take his place.

17th August

We were 3 kids, 2 boys and a girl. She was the oldest, 17 y/o. We were on a space ship and in a situation™ so one of us said we should take the shuttle. Another said that the shields and navigation aren't good enough but the first then asserted that there have been updates made to the shuttle.

The shuttle was a brown VW hippie bus. When we were aboard we noticed that the updates had not yet been implimented. Cut to the outside of the ship: the bus is flying through space and hitting every possible obstacle, none of which you would ever expect to find in space. They crash on a planet.

11th August

In this dream I was in my room but my lampshade was one of those paper balls from IKEA, which I used to have many years ago.

I was lying on my bed when the lamp suddenly started tilting toward the wall on my right all on its own, then it snapped back. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something ripping through the paper from the inside. I got up and reported this to my parents and asked them what they thought it was. One of them thought a pigeon might have nisted in it. This seemed very implausible to me, how would a pigeon even enter my room?

I went back to figure out what it was. Inside the lampshade the culprit was sitting again. It looked like a pigeon at first but it turned out to be a duck. It flew out of the lamp and I wondered if I could keep it as a pet.

It waddled through the corridor, then to the living room where it landed on my lap, as if it wanted to be pet so I pet it. After some time it "bit" my hand but its beak was uncharacteristically soft so it didn't hurt.

14th July

I was with someone. We were going on vacation in a hotel. We came to a sea that was placed by a forest, where we saw two people digging for moss so they could sell it later because they had no money.

Then we fused with those people - not in a literal sense but as in my brain skipped and suddenly we were them but still on vacation whilst having no money and also the clearing was our hotel and the sea was gone. There was no house on the clearing, it was just a clearing.

Every hour two trains passed closely to the clearing, in opposite directions. They were so fast that you had to run along a certain path or the pull would knock you off your feet and throw you around. This made it impossible to sleep. These conditions were not accaptable so I called someone to check the hotel (forest clearing).

The guy who arrived agreed that this was not acceptable. We met with the landlord (who was a 15 year old boy) to make the announcement but the landlord and his 2 (likewise underage) friends handed the examiner guy a few child's drawings. He quickly changed his mind and said everything was alright. We protested, shocked that he would be bribed by child's drawings. He said no one had ever made him a gift so beautiful and dismissed us.

13th July

This dream was pretty nonsensical but in it I shot a butter knife from a crossbow which I thought was a little funny so I'm mentioning it.

9th July

I was some chosen one or something and after I'd done my chosen one thing for the first people, I went to the next but they did not like me at All and they were really mean.

They started torturing me in strange ways, including an operation on my chest. I was split in 2 while they did it, one of me was getting the surgery and one was just kinda standing next to itself. I was the one "watching" except I didn't watch so I wasn't as alarmed as they thought I would be. I was wondering what she (the one operating) was doing so I did look toward the end and it turned out she was taking my heart out and implanting it in her own body.

22nd June

I had to kill this one guy, who was in a big old house. I couldn't do it myself so I had a friend do it, by going in and releasing gas while I was outside.

Suddenly the house was the entire earth, as in all of civilization actually lives in this house, and they all died of gas poisoning. I went in with a gas mask and it was kinda like returning to the dead earth after a hundred years but all the corpses were still fresh and I could see what everyone was doing when they died. I also saw my friends and everyone and I was very sad about killing every other human being but I was very sure that I had to do it.

19th June

I moved from a room downstairs into a room upstairs. It was a much better room, bigger and it even had a tube TV and a Couch. When I moved I was sad that I had to leave the three spiders in my room behind. They were normal spiders but when I had to leave them I realized that I kinda thought of them as my pets and I even thought of bringing them along. I thought that obviously there would be spiders in the new room too but they wouldn't be the same ones which was the problem.

Anyway I moved up and walked up the stairs and thought about my new living situation. It was a pretty nice deal with the TV and size and all but then I thought I don't wanna walk the stairs all the time but it was fine cause there was a lift.

Some girl needed a place to stay and I offered her my couch but she preferred to move into my old room instead, which made much more sense anyway.

With getting the new room I was also supposed to get the keys to the whole house but when idk suddenly there was this pair of old guys who were a couple and we paired of and all went outside. I left with the grumpier guy and persuaded him to take the lift because it would be quicker.

I accidentally pressed the worng button on the elevator and then pressed the 0, like I meant to. It shot sideways through town to another building because apparently it could do that. The old guy was pissed. We studied the pictures in the lift and after another wrong building we found our one and pressed the button. However, our elevator got stuck in traffic. Actual car traffic. So I had the idea of just pressing the button for a few levels up so we would fly above the cars. It kinda worked? I don't remember much after that.

14th June

I was in a fanstasy land with someone else and we had just arrived. Before us was a village of people but closest to us, to greet us, were a wizard and two boys of around 7 that were fighting.

The wizard wizarded a yellow wand on the ground before me but when I tried to pick it up I got zapped, as if it was made of pure energy. The one boy now transformed his friend into cheese and began eating it.

The wizard smiled knowingly and said something along the lines of "Elves like to cover up reality with their magic but they can't change it. Would you like to see the truth?" And I screamed no or something but he showed me anyway.

The filter now dropped and we saw a young child violently biting chunks out of his dead friends arm.

Later I fought a wizard with YuGiOh cards in a SmashBros arena or something.

7th June

I can't remember much, though I know I dreamt many things this night.

One detail I do remember was a swarm of many differently colored butterflies flying towards a person with food for them. They gathered together, hundereds of them, to look like a very big flower. It was very beautiful though, in reality, I did not see/visually imagine much of it in detail.

3rd June

I was some guy and in a fight with my wife. We were having marriage problems so we went to a restaurant called "Everything you hate".

We sat at a very very small black table and shared a glass gratin dish which was all that could fit on the table. The mood in the restaurant was very tense because everyone there had relationship issues. This also prevented us from making a scene.

A waiter came by and asked us what we wanted. I said that I want wine #7 but he said "we only have wine #8". My wife was visibly annoyed as she explained to me that whatever you want to order they won't have. I nodded and ordered "a glass of cow wine" which is not a real thing but I assume it would have tasted like steak sauce, if I had ever recieved my order.

Instead of leaving with my order the waiter sat down on my chair and I was now standing beside the table. He talked to my wife and said all the right things that I didn't tell her because I was a bad husband. One such thing was "your oldest child is totally good enough to get into the football team".

22nd May

My mom wanted to buy fish so we went to the basement. Down there was a small market for residents, which was a bit cold and dimly lit. They didn't have the fish she wanted. So we walked on and reached a big market / funfair on the outside. It was evening and dark by now. We browsed the fair but they didn't have her fish. Away from the fair lead a single semi-long path, through a grass field with the occaisional tree. At the end of the road was a small store that seemed familiar from a dream I had a while ago. We did not go inside but checked out a booth in front. They had her fish! We also looked into their glass fridge and they had something with sprinkles on top, I don't know if it was for eating or drinking. My brother got white sprinkles, my dad chocolate and I got purple.

18th May

A quite nonsensical dream. The first I don't remember much of, only that I enjoyed it. It included the 13th Doctor and Professor Layton and Luke, for some reason. In my later dream this was referred to as a game I was playing.

I fake woke up. At first I could see very badly, as if my eyes were half-closed: I could see my bright eyelashes, but I felt that my eyes were open. I then sat up and noticed there was a blanket over my head - I could clearly see the pattern of my actual blanket.

After I'd thrown my blanket aside I noticed multiple people standing around my bed. I was not in my real room now and not myself but some guy. They were addressing me, talking about something I didn't understand but I heard myself respond, as if another part of me knew what was happening. I talked to this other voice in my head for a brief moment. Everyone was treating me like I was crazy and it seemed that I had slept for days or so. I walked into a room which had a shelf full of potted plants and books about plants, most of these things in black and white safe a few green accents from the plants. An old man, some father figure to me, told me he wanted to connect with me through plants because I'd said I like them. We had a short discussion about my previous dream, which I said would have been better as a movie rather than a game.

I was constantly accompanied by guards and felt like in a looney bin. They talked of things I thought were completely untrue but the other part of me agreed with them. I was lead to a room that was very similar to "my" room in which I had awoken earlier.

It was entirely orange-brown and made of cushion-like material. It was devided in four equal sized districts by a cross structure in the middle. In each corner (to the center) was a bed, no blankets or anything. I was told to lie in my bed, the one on the left in the back. I immediately noticed that this was not my room though, because the walls were closer and the bed smaller. We moved on.

The guards were constantly talking about things I had done or should do and I remebered none of it.

When we went through a hallway I saw the old man through the columns. The old man, as I realized soon, was me but older. I saw him get shot by a woman, behind her suddenly appeared a young girl with long black hair, who I knew was the same woman as a child.

The alarm woke me.

14th May

This dream was very chaotic. I think they were several that sort of connect? You know, when the dream just silently fades into another before you realize.

I was coming out of a school gym or something. There were a *lot* of people in front of me. The one right in front of me was in a wheelchair. Of the two "doors" he chose the extremely small one that he had to crawl through, leaving his wheelchair behind. After he'd passed through he walked through the big door to get his wheelchair, folding it like a folding chair and walking on. At the time I didn't think this was strange at all because some people in wheel chairs can walk.

In the next hall there were many people reading blue folders, all were made especially for them. I felt left out because I didn't have one though I didn't even want one. In the next room the folders were being made by a machine. I took them as they were spat out, read the title and threw them in a big plastic bowl right next to the machine, where they would have landed anyway. One of them was a book about witches, which was mine.

With my book I was walking up a hill through a very pretty neighborhood. Some way up the hill I met a scottish witch in a wedding dress. We talked and when I had to ditch her to go to work she took a military pattern ribbon and wore it around her head.

I walked to a tram station but didn't know where I was and which side of the road I had to stand. The witch walked by and I asked her what her work was. She said she hated her job: forestation. I thought this strange because it sounded real neat to me. She helped me and told me I had to be on the opposite side of the road for my tram. I ran over to catch the number 5 but I was too late. Curiously, as it drove off, the tram was suddenly a little black car. Next came the number 2, which wasn't a tram either but one of those bicycles for a ton of people with a table. There were about 5 kids and one adult woman pedaling - a school group, I assumed. This seemed extremely weird to me now, so I asked the witch on the opposite side of the street if I was dreaming.

"Of course" she said and I woke up. As I felt myself waking up I though "shit, missed a chance for lucid dreaming"

10th May

Me and my parents were sitting on chairs outside on the pavement, having coffee.

We were talking about some depressing stuff (politics or philosophy probably) but in a jolly manner. We also talked about Halleys Comet for some reason.

The stop light behind my dad, which was right across from me, was shining blue in the pattern of a flame.

When we met again later, probably the next day, I was told that the flame is called Bearimy and it shone only for the fastest (probably the first to arrive at the meeting, idk dream logic).

When we met again that day Bearimy went on for me. My parents only noticed when we were done and I didn't say anything. They were happy for me.

I was handed three pictures. One was an impact font meme that read "What? I was building a relationship to Bearmy this whole time?"

I awoke with an earworm of Halley's Comet by Ezra Furman.

[CC BY 4.0]