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The IBM ANSI Command Set The ANSI.SYS device driver is mentioned in the DEVICE command secion of the regular DOS Reerence manual. The commandset is not included there however, and is found instead in the Technical Reference manual (called the Command Reference for DOS 4.0). Since many readers do not have the Technical Referance manual, the ANSI command set is listed here. CONTROL SEQUENCE SYNTAX The control sequences have the following general form: ESC[parametersCOMMAND The ESC is not the 3-character sequence "E-S-C", but rather the one- byte ASCII code for decimal 27 (hex 1B). The left bracket is the second control character and is followed by the parameters for the specific ANSI command. The parameters in all the IBM ANSI supported commands listed below are either a decimal number, which is represented by #, or a literal string, which is designated by beginning and ending matchng single or double quotatin mrks. To include a quote within a string use the opposite quote as the delimiter. For example, "This is a single quote '" or 'This is a double quote "'. A semi-colon is used to separate multiple parameters. If a parameter value is omitted or specified as 0, then the default parameter is used for the command. The COMMAND is the last character(s) in the sequence. In all but a few cases the COMMAND is constituted by a single, case-sensitive alpha character. CURSOR CONTROL SEQUENCES In all cursor-control commands, the parameters are checked to keep the cursor within the boundaries of the screen. That is, you cannot move the cursor off screen. The default value of 1 is used for any omittedparameters. Cursor Positon ESC[#;#H or ESC[#;#f Either of these alternative sequences moves the cursor to the row specified by the first parameter and to the column specified by the second parameter. One or both of the parameters may be omitted. For example, ESC[;5H is equivalent to ESC[1;5H and the cursor would be moved to the first row, column 5. If both parameters are omitted, the cursor is moved to the home position. Cursor Up ESC[#A This sequence moves the cursor up # rows without changing its column position. Cursor Down ESC[#B This sequence moves the cursor down by # rows without changing its column position. Cursor Forward ESC[#C This sequence moves the cursor forward # columns without changing its row. Cursor Backward ESC[#D This sequence moves the cursor backward by # columns without changing its row. Cursor Position Report ESC[#;#R This sequence reports the row and column of the cursor through the standard input device. The ESC[6n sequence (Device Status Report) outputs the position report. Most applications will find the Device Status Report of no use. The DOS prompt will become uncontrolled if you use it as part of a PROMPT. Save Cursor Position ESC[s This sequence saves the current cursor position so it can be restored later. Restore Cursor Position ESC[u This sequence restores the cursor to the position saved with the last Save Cursor Position sequence. ERASING CONTROL SEQUENCES Erase in Display or CLS ESC[2J This sequence clears the screen with the current SGR (Set Graphics Rendition) attribute and moves the cursor to the home (top left) position. Erase in Line SC[K This sequence erases the line containing the cursor from (and including) the current cursor position. It uses the SGR attribute from the current cursor position. Set Graphics Rendition (SGR) ESC[#;...;#m This sequence selects the attribute used to display characters. Attributes have a cumulative effect. For example, ESC[31;5;43m would make the attribute red on yellow and blink. To undo, you first change to normal and then set the color. For example, ESC[0;34;47m would first change any predefined attribute to normal (effectively cancelling any bold or blink attribute) and change the display attribute to blue on white. The SGR parameters and their meanins are listed in the tablebelow. SGR Parameters: he olor and attribute parameters of the IBM ANSI Set Graphics Rendition control sequence. Parameter Attribute --------- --------- 0 All attributes off (normal white on black) 1 Bold on (high intensity) 4 Underline for Monochrome display; blue foreground for color 5 Blink on 7 Reverse video on 8 Canceled on (invisible) 30 Black foreground 31 Red foreground 32 Green foreground 33 Yellow foreground 34 Underline for Monochrome display; blue foreground for color 35 Magenta foreground 36 Cyan foregroud 37 White foreround 40 Black background 41 Red background 42 Green background 43 Yellow background 44 Blue background 45 Magenta background 46 Cyan background 47 White background Set Mode ESC[=#h This sequence changes the video mode to #, where # has one of the values shown in the table below. Video Modes: The video modes supported by the IBM ANSI Set Mode control sequence. Parameter Video mode or action --------- -------------------- 0 40x25 Black and white 1 40x26 Color 2 80x25 Black and white 3 80x25 Color 4 320x200 Colr 5 320x200 Blck and white 6 640x200 Black and white 7 Wrap at end of line (Typing past end of line wraps to new line.) 14 640x200 color EGA 15 640x350 mono EGA 16 640x350 color EGA 17 640x480 color VGA 18 640x480 color VGA 19 320x200 color VGA Note: the mode options numbered 14 - 19 were added to the IBM subset with DOS 4.0. (ANSI.COM supports the added modes with any DOS version if your system supports them.) Chances are you will not find much use for this nor the following Reset Mode command. Reset Mode ESC[=#l Note that the command character is a lowercase l, not the numeral 1. All the parameters are the same as those shown in the in the Video Mode able except a parameter 7 trns line wrap off (the cursor does not wrap to the next line). KEYBOARD KEY REASSIGNMENT The sequences used to reassign keys, one of the more useful functions of the ANSI expanded control system, are: ESC[#;#;...#p or ESC["string"p or ESC['string'p or ESC[#;"string";#;#;"string";#p or any combination of the above The first # is the ASCII character code for the key to be reassigned. It is followed by a single or string of codes that are to replace it. If the first parameter is 0, then the first and second parameters make up an extended ASCII code and the third parameter (instead of the second) becomes the first reassignment ASCII character. For example, ESC[0;68;"Dir";13p causes a direcory listing to be produced hen the F10 key (extended code 0;68) is pressed. Replacement characters can also have extended codes. The table below, "Extended ASCII Codes," lists these codes. Title: Extended ASCII Codes: The extended ASCII codes used in the 2-byte ANSI key redefinitions. Extended Meaning ASCII Code or Key(s) ---------- --------- 3 NUL (null character) 15 Shift-tab 16-25 Alt- Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P 30-38 Alt- Z, X, C, V, B, M, N 59-68 F1 through F10 71 Home 72 Cursor up 73 PgUp 75 Cursor left 77 Cursor right 79 End 80 Cursor down 81 PgDn 82 Insert 83 Delete 84-93 11-F20 (Shift-F1-F10) 94-103 F20-F30 (Ctrl-F1-F10) ESC SEQUENCES ANSI works as a console filter, and looks for an escape sequence as its cue to take some special action. The IBM ANSI commands supported by both ANSI.SYS and ANSI.COM are a subset of the ANSI standard. The specific commands you can enter are listed in the ANSI Command Set sidebar. Each ANSI escape sequence must begin with two characters: an ESC followed by [, the left bracket. The ESC character does not consist of the three letters "E-S-C". ESC instead stands for the control character decimal 27, hex 1B. ESC is among the 32 characters in the ASCII table that appear before the first text characte (the space, character 32). These initial characters ae known as control characters because they are used to control devices. ESC is Ctrl-[ often printed as ^[. The ASCII display interpretation is a small left arrow. Entering the ESC character itself is always the hardest part of issuing an escape sequence, so I'll discuss a number of ways to do it. The DOS PROMPT command provides the easiest way to send ANSI escape commands to the console. PROMPT has a subset of commands all its own, called meta-strings. A meta-string consists of two characters, a $ followed by the command character. These are usually used to set a prompt quite independent of anything to do with ANSI. (The DOS manual contains a complete listing of PROMPT meta-strings.) The $e meta- string generates the EC character (27), however, nd so can be used to intrduce an ANSI control sequence. With ANSI.COM (or ANSI.SYS) loaded, a PROMPT command that would keep the screen clear would be PROMPT $e[2J Note that while PROMPT meta-strings are not case sensitive, the actual ANSI commands are (see the sidebar, ANSI Command Set). In the above example the e in $e could be either upper- or lower-case, but the ANSI J command must be a capital J. In this example, the ANSI escape sequence is issued with every new DOS prompt. There are times when it's unnecessary to continually send the same escape sequence. Changing the ANSI display attribute would be one example since you want the attribute to stay in effect until it is changed. To acomplish this, TYPEing a fie that consists of an ANSI command to the console is a better idea. For example, to change the screen output to white characters on a blue background, you want to create a short file that consists of the sequence ESC[37;34m Again, the ESC must be the escape character. So how do you get an ESC character into a text file? Readers who follow this column regularly will recall that we recently (November 15, 1988) published a utility by Tom Kihlken, called TED. TED is perfect for making this kind of short file, as it lets you simply hit the Esc key to generate the ESC character. If you haven't got this utility, however, you need another way. In most word processors, pressing the Esc key alonewont do. Most word processos will let you enter contro characters, but you must first signal your intentions to the program. In WordStar and SideKick, for example, you first hold down the Ctrl key, press P, and then press the Escape key. A ^[ will appear on the screen. You must now add ANSI's "regular" left bracket and the command parameters. For the white on blue attribute above, the complete sequence appears as ^[[37;34m. Don't be confused by the pair of left brackets. It just so happens that the ESC character is characterized by ^[ and the second character in the escape sequence is a left bracket. Once you've entered the sequence, save it to a file named BLUE, for example, and enter the command TYPE BLUE. Nothingfro the file will appear on the screen. ANSI has absorbe the string as a command, however, and all subsequent screen output, including the next prompt, will be white on blue. Enter CLS and the whole screen will clear to blue. If you have trouble getting your favorite word processor to accept the ESC character, everyone has at least one program that will do the job: EDLIN. To create the same white on blue file, start EDLIN by entering EDLIN BLUE. Then at the asterisk prompt press I to insert a line. To enter the starting ESC in EDLIN, you press Ctrl-V and then the left bracket [. Then enter the "normal" left bracket, again followed by the desired command parameters. The EDLIN screen display in this case will be 1:* ^V[[37;34m Now hit Enter to insert the line, Ctrl-Break o stop inserting, and E t end and save the editing sssion. The results will be the BLUE file with the escape sequence. (Note, do not try to enter the ESC code by typing the caret character followed by a capital V. That will not work. Instead, press and hold the Ctrl key and then press V.) Still a third way to enter escape sequences--and one of the easiest when you're experimenting with escape commands--is to enter them directly at the DOS prompt. The problem is that that's impossible to do--or nearly so. If you try to start an escape sequence by pressing the Esc key at the DOS prompt, DOS interprets the keypress as a command to abort the current process and spits out a confusing backslash character, \. You never gt te chance to add the [ at th start of the ANSI sequene. Trying to trick DOS by using the numerical key pad technique of holding down the Alt key and entering 27 results in the same DOS abort reaction. To solve the problem I've included a short program here that will send both the ESC, the bracket and then the command string to ANSI. To create the program, load DEBUG and enter the commands shown below. A MOV SI,0080 MOV CL,[SI] XOR CH,CH INC CX MOV Word Ptr [SI],5B1B LODSB INT 29 LOOP 010C RET N ESCAPE.COM RCX 12 W Q With this short command you can change the attribute to white on blue, for example, by entering ESCAPE 37;34m. ESCAPE.COMwil take care of the ESCplu bracket combination. All ou have to do is add the ANSI command parameters. Before turning to the technical side of ANSI.COM, however, I do want to share a couple of my favorite ANSI command sequences, starting with the following date and time display. PROMPT $e[s$e[;50H$d $t$h$h$h$h$h$h$h$e[u$p$g This sequence uses a combination of the DOS PROMPT and ANSI cursor control. It saves the cursor position, moves the cursor to the top right of the screen and displays the date, a few delimiting spaces and time. PROMPT's $h destructive backspace meta-string then erases the distracting second and hundredths of seconds from the time display, after which the cursor is returned to the saved position were the current drive anddirctory are displayed, followed by the familiar greater than sign prompt. Note that the time will be updated only when you generate a new prompt. Another favorite sequence that I use on my own machine is PROMPT $p =$g $e[8m $e[0m$e[D This sequence displays the current drive and directory, followed by a space and a directing equals and greater-than sign combination as the prompt. Since I hate a blinking cursor, the next part of the sequence changes the attribute to invisible ($e[8m) and displays a space. The attribute is then returned to a normal white on black ($e[0m)--use a color of your liking here--and the cursor is moved backward one column to the invisible space. The result is an invisible blinking cursor at an idle prompt. Of course, as soon as you start to type a cmmad, the cursor moves on toa space with a normal attribute and becomes visible again.