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#: 114297 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    30-Jun-88  14:21:12
Sb: #1400LT Questions
Fm: Mack Moore 72257,1607
To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X)

Stopped at local RS just a while ago and discovered that price of LT1400 jumps
$300 tomorrow.  Couple of questions before I plunk down the money.

1.  Can Ramdrive be larger than 128K?  If so can it be configured with software
provided with machine?

2.  If operating with AC adapter and AC fails, will battery automatically
provide power quickly enough that data isn't lost?

3.  Are boards available or palnned that provide additional memory?

4.  Any known problems running WordPerfect 4.2 or Crosstalk XVI?

5.  Is machine available from other suppliers?  If so what price range?

6.  Is processor speed switchable from keyboard?

Thanks.  Questions are most timely due to price increase tomorrow.  I left a
very similar message on M100SIG.  Please disregard that one.  I didn't know
where to find the 1400LT section.  Will now capture messages here and read up

#: 75358 S13/Computer Programs (AVSIG)
    30-Jun-88  13:42:14
Sb: #75346-LT1400 Questions
Fm: Andy Dulay [MCO] 70645,272
To: Mack Moore [Chi-ORD] 72257,1607

  First off, you might want to mailorder it and save about $400!
  The 128K Ramdisk that they provide is a little utility that allows the use
of some video memory that was available or something like that.  Although IT
can only be 128K, you can make a "normal" Ramdisk also to any size you need
using just about any of the ramdisk or Vdisk files that are available
everywhere.  I've got them all so just yell if you need a good one to work
with the 1400.   The AC power is small and works fine.  If AC is lost or the
plug gets pulled then nothing happens.  I unplug the power a few times a day
to move the machine or switch a cable off of the back with the phone lines. 
Have also been in the middle of a dBase file (on AC power) and had to carry
the computer down the hall for awhile.  Just unplugged it and walked on down
with out shutting anything off.  Works equally well when plugging IN after
using the battery power.
  There don't appear to be any add-on memory boards (ala Toshiba) for added
memory.  At least none that I've heard of.
  I haven't heard of anyone having any problems to date with any programs. 
TRS80PRO sig will probably have info like that.  But I haven't read anything
over there either.
  I think I covered all your questions.  Yell if you have any others.
  Andy (on the 1400 as we speak!)

#: 114298 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    30-Jun-88  16:10:55
Sb: #114297-#1400LT Questions
Fm: Brad Harrison 76077,3676
To: Mack Moore 72257,1607 (X)

1. No

2. Yes. (if batteries are charged)

3. (don't know)

4. From my experience, no problems with Xtalk XVI, no problems
   with WP Executive witch is a stripped down WP 4.2.

   Only thing to watch out for is 'standby mode' kicking in while
   doing a un-attended file transfer. (Tandy has a patch to disable
   standby mode if you desire)

5. Sorry, again I don't have much info in this area.

6. To switch CPU speed, you press <CTRL><ALT><INS> and a menu appears.
   You can change several other options from this same menu.
   (ie: internal/external display)

#: 114301 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    30-Jun-88  18:49:41
Sb: #114298-#1400LT Questions
Fm: Mack Moore 72257,1607
To: Brad Harrison 76077,3676 (X)

Thanks, Brad.

#: 114346 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    01-Jul-88  08:05:02
Sb: #114301-1400LT Questions
Fm: Stuart M. Mulne 72227,742
To: Mack Moore 72257,1607 (X)

Re changing processor speed - some programs suck up the hot-key sequence.
Sidekick, for one, eats them, and then won't give them back without a
re-boot, even if you tell Sidekick to go away.
Not serious, but unpleasant.
Mine's about two months old, and I still like it!
Re the "plug falling out of the wall" problem - it's happened to me several
times.  I'd expect a keyboard glitch, or something, but so far, nothing
_detectable_ has happened.
Stu<still waiting for an $800 HD, though>.
#: 114321 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    30-Jun-88  23:15:22
Sb: #114297-1400LT Questions
Fm: JAMES WINTERS 73137,1552
To: Mack Moore 72257,1607 (X)

    Mack, Check the thread which I started with a question about Word Perfect.
WORDPERFECT AND THE 1400LT. Starts with Message #113762. Stephen Lankton really
gave some good answers to my questions about WP.
    Also check the current 80 Micro magazine for lots of suppliers for RS
computers. Also Marymac Industries on the mall. Go MM. Considerably under list.
   I'm going on a trip tomorrow for a week, but hope this helps. Jim.

#: 114325 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    30-Jun-88  23:43:35
Sb: #114297-#1400LT Questions
Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376
To: Mack Moore 72257,1607 (X)

Lessee...  to fill in the blanks...

(3)No.. so far, no one's announced any add-on memory boards, either extended
memory or expanded memory.  What's on the drawing board, no one knows.

(5) Oh, yeah.. the franchise stores normally discount anywhere from 20%-15% off
Tandy's list price, and provide the same warranty, etc.  As mentioned, Merymac
is online (GO MM) and 80 Micro is/was the bible for the advertisers listings.

Price going up, huh?  Interesting.. must be the RAM plus the fact that Tandy
seems to be selling all of the 1400's they can produce.


#: 114336 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    01-Jul-88  01:10:10
Sb: #114325-#1400LT Questions
Fm: Mack Moore 72257,1607
To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X)

Thanks, Wayne, and everyone else.  Yes, price 6/30 was $1499 and price 7/1 is
$1799.  Don't know if it's a franchise store or not but was offered $100 off
accessories after I showed them copies of some earlier replies I got from a
message left on another SIG.

I really hadn't thought about the 1400 until I saw a thread elsewhere and saw
your message on IBMHW.  You're right!  That screen is nice!

#: 114353 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    01-Jul-88  10:16:56
Sb: #114336-#1400LT Questions
Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376
To: Mack Moore 72257,1607 (X)

Heh heh.. yep, it sure is.  I always enjoy seeing a Toshiba owner's face light
up when he sees the 1400 screen for the first time.  It's wonderful to see the
'light' dawn in their eyes <grin>.

If it's a franchise store, it'll most probably say so on the front, somewhere..
or, you can ask 'em if they're a corporately owned store or are a franchise.

The corporate stores don't have much leeway in setting prices.. what comes down
from Fort Worth is what they're gonna charge, for the most part.  The franchise
stores, on the other hand, aren't under the same constraints.


#: 114499 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    05-Jul-88  19:40:32
Sb: #114353-#1400LT Questions
Fm: Mack Moore 72257,1607
To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X)

Thanks to you, Brad Harrison, James Winters, Bill Prensky, Stu Mulne and Kerry
Wilson for the timely responses to my questions!  Those answers and the price
info I got as a result convinced me that my search for a laptop wasn't quite as
pressing as I had thought.  I've offered to provide the file of responses to at
least one other laptop prospect over on IBMHW.

I noticed on PCVEN that the Toshiba 1200 apparently has no timed screen
blanking program.  I also noted that the 1400 LT must use such a program since
the screen blanked about 5 minutes after keyboard input was completed.  Is this
a result of a program invoked on boot-up or something built-in and controlled
via the set-up (cntrl alt ins) menu?  If it's a program in the autoexec batch
file, what's the file name and will it work with other laptops?

My choice is now narrowed to two.  I'll let you know what I buy.

#: 114508 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    05-Jul-88  22:04:46
Sb: #114499-#1400LT Questions
Fm: William Prensky 75226,205
To: Mack Moore 72257,1607 (X)

Mack:  The Screen Blanking Program actually is a complete standby, not just a
screen blank.  The whole system goes into a "sleep" state.  The green standby
lite, next to the low batt light, goes on.  you can awaken the machine by
pressing any key.
       The time between the last keyboard input and the standby is variable,
set from the set up menu.  The existence of the standby counter is built in,
and varies from 1 minute minimum to 3 hours 39 minutes maximum.
       The standby timer is also supposed to be reset by RS232 and MODEM
input/output, but that doesn't seem to work as designed, and there have been
numerous threads about 1400's timing out in the middle of a long download.     
  The whole thing can be disabled by a program called NODOZE.SYS, which is
only available from a TANDY dealer.  it is invoked from the CONFIG.SYS file and
resets the timer to the maximum continuously, or functionally continuously.    
   Even with NODOZE installed, you can toggle the screen on and off by the
"cntrl alt f11/f12" switch, which turns on and off the internal screen and the
external screen interchangeably.
       Hope that this helps.  Can't tell from your message, looks like you
already have a 1400 ("screen blanked about 5 minutes after keyboard input was
completed". Or was this on a machine you tested at the dealers?  Now that both
an internal and an external HD is available, the 1400 will compete on
performance and price with any other machine in its class (my opinion). On
screen performance, it is the clear winner.

#: 114513 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    06-Jul-88  00:31:31
Sb: #114508-#1400LT Questions
Fm: Mack Moore 72257,1607
To: William Prensky 75226,205 (X)

Bill...Thanks for the *great* explanation!  I use a screen dimming program on
my Victor 9000 which does only that... it dims the screen after 5 minutes of
keyboard inactivity and returns the screen with any keyboard activity.  It's
adjustable from 3 to 30 minutes and has suited me just fine for over 4 years.
Downloads aren't a problem since only the screen is dimmed.  Since the 1400
screen can be toggled on and off (same with T-1200, I believe), it shouldn't be
a big problem; especially since I'm at the machine for most downloads.
       I looked at the 1400 at a dealer and timed it several times.  Don't know
why I didn't notice the standby light but suppose it's because I expected the
screen to come up when I hit the shift key and it did.  Of course the help from
sales people at the RS was almost non-existent.
       Competing on screen presentation alone, the 1400 wins.  Toshiba will
offer a backlit screen upgrade beginning in September, though.  Additionally,
my Victor supplier (there are *very* few left) also sells Toshiba and knows of
my desire for a laptop.  He's offered a very reasonable price on the T-1200F (2
floppy drives and easily upgradeable to 1 20 meg hard drive) and promises to
offer the screen upgrade at his cost.  He hasn't lied to me yet so I have no
reason to doubt him.  The T-1200 has 1MB of RAM standard and offers an
additional 1MB board.  The floppy version is 3 pounds lighter than the 1400 (I
don't know how much weight the new screen will add).  There's also about a $700
difference in price (including the screen upgrade) in favor of the 1400.  I
could buy the T-1200 for about $200 less than my dealer can sell it to me if I
bought at a high volume discounter.  I want the dealer to stay in business and
continue to support the Victor.  So, you see, there's a quandary here.  I'll
let you know what I do.

#: 114519 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    06-Jul-88  04:39:01
Sb: #114513-1400LT Questions
Fm: William Prensky 75226,205
To: Mack Moore 72257,1607 (X)

Mack:  Glad to be of help.  I don't know where you are, but there are a number
of places where you can buy the 1400 at a deep discount and also a number where
you can get good technical support.
       In discount marketers, I buy from MaryMac, in Texas.  They have a slot
on the CIS/Consumer Shopping services, "go MM" if you want to find them.  A
telephone call to them will give you the price, which is generally
significantly lower than any store I can walk into.  In addition, they can give
you very good support over the telephone.
       In New York, the local radio shack computer center main depot is on 36th
street and fifth avenue, and is run by a fellow by the name of Larry. ( I don't
remember his last name.)  He can't do much about price because it is a company
owned store, but his technical support is terrific.  If the company would only
let him discount, he would be the East Coast version. You can count on him to
know what he is talking about.
       I haven't used the 20meg HD for the 1200... either the internal or the
external, but both have been used here and people say they work very well. (I
am waiting for the price to come down.)  And don't forget the support available
here on the Forum.  (I am biased, of course.  The larger the 1400 user base,
the more likely that TANDY will come out with a less expensive 20 meg drive for
it in the near future.)
       I have been using my 1400 for 7 months now, and have found it to be
everything I expected and wanted.
       Hope this helps.  Good luck with your purchase decision.

#: 114533 (P) S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    06-Jul-88  12:32:28
Sb: #114513-1400LT Questions
Fm: name removed - private message
To: Mack Moore 72257,1607 (X)

Mack, a short comment on your earlier messages, as noted the 1400 does a
complete stand-down to conserve power, there is however a .com TSR I uploaded
here which is a screen blanker for the 1400LT, just shuts down the backlight to
conserve power, saves about 40% on battery power. Specific to the 1400LT (of

#: 114535 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    06-Jul-88  12:46:52
Sb: #114499-1400LT Questions
Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376
To: Mack Moore 72257,1607 (X)

Our pleasure, Mack.  We're always more than happy to help.

And since I see Bill has got the screen-blanking tiger by the tail.....


#: 114339 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    01-Jul-88  04:01:10
Sb: #114297-1400LT Questions
Fm: William Prensky 75226,205
To: Mack Moore 72257,1607 (X)

Mack:  Processor speed is switchable from the keyboard either through the set
up menu (cntrl alt ins) or by invoking the MODE command from DOS.  The relevant
switches are: MODE FAST or MODE SLOW.   Bill

#: 114351 S5/T1000/1400/3000/4K
    01-Jul-88  09:46:44
Sb: #114297-1400LT Questions
Fm: Kerry Wilson 71006,440
To: Mack Moore 72257,1607 (X)

Regarding your question #5, it is available through Fort Worth Computers.
That's where I got mine and I saved a lot on the computer itself, not to
mention the sales tax.  1-800-433-SAVE.
