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From: eldar@lomi.spb.su (Eldar A. Musaev)
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 91 13:47:13 +0300 (MSK)
Subject: Viruses in the USSR

This is my paper on the situation with viruses in the USSR.
It was written in october-november of 1990, so there are
some notes to it:
1)It does not names all viruses in the SU, but this number
  is NOT too high. Maybe there are a couple of dozens, not more.
  If you'd got an information about hundred and more viruses
  in the USSR, don't beleive it !
2)Vienna (648) virus is dated by 1987 there. I don't know how
  it could be and where is a bug but three my friends independently
  points out to 1987 as a first time of our problems with
  this virus. This is the reason why I've left out this date
  in the paper, though ALL other sourcers points out to the 1988.

I try to make who-is-who in our field so I am interested in
names, adresses, fields of interests of antiviral researchers
all over the world. Another (and ORIGINAL) reason for this
interest is that I am writing (and modifing) the book devoted
to the problems connected with the different badware. I don't
want to make a catalog, but a textbook for students and future
antiviral researchers. It is going concurrently with a research
work, so I'm interested to discuss different ideas as wide as

Eldar A. Musaev
Ph.D., Researcher
Leningrad Division of the Mathematical Institute
Academy of Sciences of the USSR        email: eldar@lomi.spb.su
USSR 191 011 Leningrad              (maybe through fuug.fi, or
Fontanka 27                     demos!lomi.spb.su!eldar@fuug.fi)

                       Eldar A.Musaev

     First time I had met a virus in my computer was the end
of 1986 - first months of 1987. It  was  well  known  Vienna
virus  (648,  COM-files).  Since  that  time  I  am  closely
connected with this problem and observe the situation in the
     Due to some reasons it is  hard  nowadays  to  organize
antiviral community in the USSR and  get  full  information.
Despite that I've could keep together sufficient  volume  of
information on this problem.
     What viruses circulated in the USSR this time ?
1.648, COM, Vienna - As I have already said I've got  it  at
the beginning of 1987 from Mathematical Institute in Moscow.
They got it at  the  end  of  1986  from  one  of  the  U.S.
universities with the game. It is strange  but  all  sources
reffers to the 1988, so this incident seems to be one of the
first ones.
2.Dropper, 1701, Falling Letters - I've met it first at  the
computer in my institute (Mathematical Institute of  Academy
of Sciences, Leningrad). The supposed source is  the  Palace
of Pioneers and Schoolboys in Leningrad. They could  got  it
from game. Most of all, this game was brought from the  West
by one of the parents.  This  virus  appeared  in  the  USSR
approximately in the middle of 1987(88?)
3.TPxx-family, Yankee Doodle - oI've never  met  them  in  a
wild state. I've got an exemplar of this virus from  friend,
who had  isolate  it  during  recreational  work  under  the
computer in one of  the  Leningrad  institutes.  Some other
version I've got from  S.Abramov  (antiviral  researcher  in
Pereslavl-Zalessky)  and  friends  in  Leningrad.   Possible
sources - big parties of bulgarian computers, games.
4.Dark Avenger, Sofia, Eddie  -  First  time  I've  met  and
isolated this virus was an autumn(?) of 1989 at the computer
bought in West  Berlin.  It  was  on  the  disk  with  legal
exemplar of a Disk Manager. It seems to be so that this disk
was infected during the use at the infected computer in West
Berlin. First information  about  this  virus  in  the  USSR
referred to the summer of the 1989.
5.Black Friday, Jerusalem(?), Black Hole - First information
I've  heard  about  this  virus  referred  to   the   summer
1988(???). Possible sources  -  West  Berlin,  South-Eastern
6.Italy Ball  -  I've  got  it  from  friends  in  Leningrad
Institute of Informatic and  Automatization  of  Academy  of
Sciences in the autumn 1988. First information  referred  to
the summer-spring 1988.
7.532, COM -  safe  variant  of  the  648-virus.  There  is
suggestion that it was made from 648-virus  in  the  Soviet
Union. I amn't quite sure  that  it  is  so.  In  particular
american sources are familiar with this virus but the stream
of programs from SU to US seems to be very pure  to  provide
explosion of any soviet vires, if present  at  all,  to  the
U.S. First information on this virus is dated by 1988


     At the autumn of 1990 there was not  printed  books  on
this  topic.   Nearest   time   "Computer   virusology"   of
N.N.Bezrukov is supposed to be  published.  There  are  some
computer prepared manuscripts (all one are in Russian).
1.PC Shield Demo&Tutorial Disk  /  Sergey  Abramov  &oth.  -
Pereslavl-Zalessky: Institute of the Program Systems, 1988 -
contains approx. 170 Kb data base in Norton  Guides  format.
For users.
2.Computer Virusology / N.N.Bezrukov - Kiev: KIIGA, 1988-90
Depending on the version from 120 to 700 Kb manuscript.  For
system programmers, users.
3.Computer  viruses  and  antiviruses  /  Anatoly  Sedoi   -
Leningrad: Novintex, 1990
About 1.2 Mb  of  manuscript.  For  system  programmers  and
4.Trojanology / Eldar Musaev - Leningrad: LOMI, 1990
About 150  Kb  of  manuscript.  For  students&developers  of
antiviral software

     There are some papers in new computer journals. Most of
them are not very professional,  but  useful  as  a  popular
introduction in the problem. The paper of Bezrukov ([9])  is
the only paper  which  is  not  only  a  popular  paper  and
contains some  attempts  of  really  systemathic  approach.
Standard structure of other papers is:
     - an introduction to history and some  funnystories  on
the topic;
     - recommenations to avoid any infected  software,  some
words for a legal way to obtain programs;
     - list of some viruses  with  several  technical  notes
(such as a length, standard victims etc.)
     - some words about western antiviral  programs,  maybe,
about a couple of soviet ones;
     - and advertisment of the author's antiviral product.
     Here is a  list  of  these  papers.  All  ones  are  in
1.Some considerations on the  computer  viruses  /  A.Chijov
(F&Xb;jd) - In the world of PC (D vbht  GR)  -  Moscow:  IDG
Communication, Radio&communication, 1988 - N 1 - p.121-124
     The basis information, some rude  words  about  illegal
2.Osipenko A.S. Computer viruses (Jcbgtyrj F&C& Rjvgm.nthyst
dbhecs) / World of PC (Vbh GR) - Moscow: ICE, 1990  -  N3  -
     The basis information,  description  of  some  viruses,
some recommendations to avoid viruses.
3.Nikolaev A. Attention - virus ! (Ybrjkftd F&  Jcnjhj;yj  -
dbhec !)/ Computer Press - Moscow: Sovaminko, 1990  -  N6  -
     A review and a summary of the west publications.
4.Lozinski D. One of the soviet antiviral programs: AIDSTEST
(Kjpbycrbq  L&  Jlyf  bp  cjdtncrb[  fynbdbhecys[  ghjuhfvv:
AIDSTEST)/ Computer Press - Moscow: Sovaminko, 1990 -  N6  -
     An advertyisment of the author's antiviral program.
5.Cadloff Andjey Viruses (Fyl;tq Rflkja Dbhecs)/ Computer  -
Moscow: Finances&Statistiks, Komputer, 1990 - N1 - p.44-47
     The history and some recommendations.
6.Agasandyan G. Don't harm your fellow creature (U&Fufcfylzy
Yt dhtlb ,kb;ytve cdjtve) /  Computer  -  Moscow:  Finances&
Statistiks, Komputer, 1990 - N1 - p.47-49
     Description of 5 viruses
7.Psemyslav Vnuk 10 Antiviral commandments  (Gitvsckfd  Dyer
10 Fynbdbhecys[ pfgjdtltq) / The same - p.49
     Antiviral recommendations
8.Ageev C. Wonders in our "zoo" (Futtd  R&  Xeltcf  d  yfitv
pjjgfhrt) / File (Afqk) - Moscow: Mir, 1990 - May - p.61-65
     Descriptions of some viruses and a  few  words  on  the
history and antiviral protection.
9.Bezrukov N.N. Classification of viruses / Intercomputer  -
Moscow: Interunity, 1990 - N3 - p.38-47

     There are many separate researchers and  little  groups
in this field, but as a main activity it  is  used  only  in
some join ventures and little  commercial  firms.  The  only
centre where scientific  approach  could  be  recognized  is
Kiev. The main groups are:
   Leader           Sity      Comments
N.N.Bezrukov        Kiev      Computer virusology, analysis,
                              computer bulletin
S.Abramov           Pereslavl- Antiviral software
C.Ageev             Leningrad Antiviral software
A.Chizhov           Moscow    Antiviral software
     That is only most evident groups, not separate user.
Really complete list you can read in appendix.
     The main problem of antiviral researches in SU  is  the
absense of financial support, so most of work  concerns  the
development of antiviral software with well  known  ideas  -
active   monitors,   detectors,   control   sums   checkers.
Fundamental research in this field nowadays  is  practically
     For a long time the only place for soviet virusologists
to meet (excluding occasional  personal  contacts)  was  the
seminar  of  system  programming  in  Kiev,   organized   by
N.Bezrukov. This autumn the "VIRUS-90" conference  was  held
in Kiev and that was the first conference of this kind.  The
only problem with this conference was  a  high  registration
fee (about 100 rubles, that is near to the 30-50% of a month
salary of Ph.D. mathematician  in  research  institute),  so
many researchers from non-commercial  organizations  had  no
possibility to participate this conference. The  main  topic
at conference (at least by the time) was description of  new
antiviral software.

     For additional information  see  appendix  (written  by
A.Sedoi, translated in short by me).


(C) Anatoly Sedoy, NovInTex, InfoPro, Leningrad, 1990
(C) Translation in short in English Eldar A.Musaev,
    Mathem.Institute of Acad.of Sci., Leningrad, 1990

 You may copy, distribute and make any use of this text free

                  Anatoliy Sedoy

            Antiviral workers and groups in the USSR
   (The essence of the catalog of viruses and antiviral software
           InfoPro - Leningrad dep. of NovInTex, 1990)

                O R G A N I Z A T I O N S

  Sci.research centre of     103104, Moscow, Tverskoy b. 7/2
  computer security          Director: Alexander S. Ageev
                             (095) 203-99-85
                             (095) 202-81-16
                             Antiviral software

 Kiev's institute of the     252058 Kiev-58, pr.kosm.Komarova 1
 Civil Aviation Engeneers    k.3 aud.103 Nikolay N. Bezrukov
 Dep.of automatization       (044) 268-10-26
                             from 10.00 to 11.00 (044) 484-94-63
                             Computer bulletin, researches,
                             antiviral software

 InfoPro - Leningrad         191025 Leningrad, Nevskiy pr. 104
 dep. of NovInTex            191025 Leningrad box 140
                             (812)2726054     Anatoliy I.Sedoy
                             Catalog of viruses and antiviral software

 Bulletin "InterComputer"    121069 Moscow, ul.Chaikovskogo 20a
 joint venture "Interunity"  (095) 202-92-80    Carasic I.Sh.
                             Telex: 413932 NIDEL SU
                             Fax : (095) 230-20-35

            A N T I V I R A L    S O F T W A R E

        a - driver;
        b - resident;
        c - batch program;
        d - active monitor;
        e - detector: boot, system, RAM;
        f - detector: control while loading program;
        g - detector: files on disks;
        h - doctor: boot, system. RAM;
        i - doctor: cure while loading program;
        j - doctor: cure files on disks;
        k - commercial product.
(Russian alphabetical order, +/- - yes/no, o/. - no information)

  Organization or name           Address       a b c d e f g h i j k
 --------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
 "Ampersand", Sci.-Tech.     123060, Moscow Antiviral package "Revisor"
  cooperative                box 439, NTK
                             (095) 492-21-54  o o o o o o o o o o +

 "BIS"                       340055, Donetsk, Antiviral IMMUNER
  Sci.-Ind.Coop.Firm         Universitetskaya o o o o o o o o o o +
                             ul. 25
                             (062-2) 93-10-21    DISINFECTOR
                             (0562) 24-88-81  o o o o o o o o o o +

 Bulletin "Intercomputer"    121069  Moscow,  Autorisation access
 joint venture Interunity    ul.Chaikovskogo, package "Watchdog"
 Carasik I.Sh.               20a
                             (095) 202-92-80  . . . . . . . . . . +
                             Fax: (095) 230-20-35

 Header Comp.Centre          1....., Moscow        AIDSTEST.exe
 of GosPlan USSR             (095) 292-40-76  - - + - + - + + - + +
 Lozinskiy D.N.

 Header comp.centre of       1....., Moscow      ANTI-KOT.exe
 MinChim USSR                (095) 227-00-04  - - + - + - + + - + +
 Oleg A. Cotic               add. 25-20

 "Data service",             Estonia, 203600,    ANTI3008.exe
  Small enterprize           Pyarnu, ul.Ruitli- - + - - - + - - + o
  Bazhenov J.E.              21/23
                             (01444) 41-703

 "Omega-IIT",                198052,Leningrad  Cassandra - AV system
  Eldar A. Musaev            5-aya Krasnoar-  - + + + + + + + + + +
                             meiskaya 12/15
                             Internet: eldar@lomi.spb.su

 "Dialog", soviet-american   19....,Leningrad Antiviral package
  joint venture, Leningrad   Fontanka 46      CERBER
  department                 (812) 311-04-52, - + + + + + + + - + +
  Cyrill Yu. Ageev           (812) 311-08-93
  Tsal I. Michael            (812) 560-01-73
                             Fax: (812) 315-15-66

 Institute of Applied         125047, Moscow       VIRUS_D1.exe
 Mathematics AS USSR          Miusskaya pl. 4 - - + - + - + + - + o
  Vitaly S. Ladygin          (095) 333-65-12

 "InterQuadro", joint        125130,  Moscow  Antiviral tools in
  soviet-french-italy        2-Novopodmoskov- educational package
  venture                    ny per. 4        o o o o o o o o o o +
  Victor E. Figurnov         Dep.of mathemat.
                             (095) 150-92-01,
                             (095) 259-92-04
                             Telex : (871) 413560
                                KVINT SU
                             Fax : (095) 943-00-59

 "Kris", sci.-ind.coop.      194021,Leningrad   VCHECK.sys
  Korolyev S.A.,             ul.Chlopina 11   + - - + + + - + + - +
  Marshak Yu.L.,             (812) 534-49-07,
  Savchenko S.P.             (812) 534-10-86

 "Magistr", software         1.....,  Moscow  PROTEK - hard disk
  centre                     (095) 464-81-72, protection
                             (095) 464-80-90  o o o o o o o o o o +

 "Mobile Virusology Labor."  25...., Kiev     ADOCTOR.com, MVL.com
  ShaLeem Ltd. Corp.         (044) 417-53-00, - - + - - - + - - + -
  SHApovalenko Sergei,       (044) 417-61-76
  Wl.von LEEMan
  (Name maybe a joke, phones are correct)

 "New Informational Tech-    119517  Moscow,  VR.exe
  nologies - NovInTex"       ul.Nezhinskaya   - - + - + - + + - + +
  joint venture "Sip"        13
  Osipenko A.                (095) 442-57-92
                             Fax: (095) 943-00-72

 "NovInTex" Leningrad        191025,Leningrad VACcine V - AV system
  dep. "InfoPro"             Nevsky 104       - + + + + + + + - + +
  group "SoftUnion"          (812) 272-60-54
  Kireenko I.

  The same                   The same         ANTI2888.exe - TP viruses
 Pavel V. Semyanov                             - - + - + - + + - + -

 "NovInTex" Tver departm.    1700021, Tver,   DOG - AV package
  "Tver"                     (08222) 9-66-69  - + + o + o + + o + +

 "OFIS", NPG                 1......, Moscow  DIAGAIDS.exe,
  Agasandyan George          (095) 129-17-44  DIAG-LOT.exe
                             (095) 129-39-11  DIAGLOT.exe
                                              - - + - + - + + - + +

 "ParaGraf" soviet-american  103051,  Moscow         DOCTOR.exe
  joint venture              Petrovsky bulv.  (Chi-Doctor,1.14/10/06)
  Chizhov Anton              23               - - + - + - + + - + +
                             (095) 200-25-66,
                             (095) 924-17-81
                             (095) 928-36-88
                             Fax : (095) 931-06-01

 PCB MPS (project-constr.    1....., Moscow       CLISTIR.exe
  bureau of Railways         (095) 262-99-07  - - + - + - + + - + o
  Ministry )
  Igor L. Rass

 "SAPPHIR" MicrpComp.Group   34...., Donetsk     FASTANTI.exe
  of VCETr Donetsk raylways  (062-2) 91-55-65 - - + - + - + + - + +
   Nikulenko D.E.
   Serbinenko A.V.

 "Terminal", sci.-tech.      103045, Moscow   "SHPRITS" tool to work
  coop.                       box 48,         with anitviral(?)programs
                             (095) 148-02-14  o o o o o o o o o o +

 "ELIAS", coop. &            127276, Moscow   "Ynjector  Panzer"
 "Alex Software",            Kargopolskaya 17 o o o o o o o o o o +
  research group             (095) 903-04-57

  Caspersly E.               1......, Moscow  "Doctor Caspersky"
                             B.Akademichaskaya- + + + + + + + . + o
                             73 k.3 kv.11
                             (095) 482-60-05
                             from 21.30 to 23.00

            O T H E R    A V   S O F T W A R E
                 ( pure information )

DISINFCT      191180 Leningrad Fontanka 76 CNTTM "Synthes"
              Deineka Alexander M.
              (812) 112-44-12, (812) 315-18-22,
              (812) 315-34-00
              Designer - Tallinn polytechnical Inst.
              Price: 98.00 rubl.
              Form: A 5.25" copy-protected diskette

              100108 Tallinn, Echitayte tee 5 EKTA Soft '89
              Ehatamm M.
              (0142) 53-73-21

LFD.com       Leningrad Bolshoi pr. P.S. 59
              Larionov D.V.
              (812) 233-34-10, (812) 248-16-61

NO.exe        Igor N. Postnikov
CHECKV.exe    Alexey A. Tereshin
              (812) 296-95-94
              (812) 271-25-18

AIDSITAL.exe  "MicroCom", Michael S. Rezhepp
              (812) 277-93-94

CHKVIR.exe    Leningrad Bolshoi pr. P.S. 59
              Schachmanski I., Azbel
              (812) 233-34-10, (812) 248-16-61

CONVIR.exe    Institute of Applied Mathematics AS USSR
              Andreev S.V., Chodulev A.B.
              (095) 333-71-89

ANTIC.exe     Mechanical Engineering Research Institute
ANTIE.exe     Belousov V., Semenov A.
FFIND.com     (095) 135-62-98
DOCTOR.exe    AcademySoft, Gerasimov V.V.

CMVR.exe      Economic & Statistic Institute,
              Scientific Problem Laboratory
              119517 Moscow, Nezhinskaya 7
              Gusev Alex (095) 442-77-55

AV.com        Academy Soft, Strakhov A.

KILLER.com    Zaparovanny Alexey, Himchenko Serge
              Komsomolsky pr. 48/22 kv.39
              InterRus. SBH SoftWare

AntiMol       State Comp.Centre Ministry of See Fleet USSR
(package)     Department V-3 (B-3) teleprocessing and

MGCI.exe      GKWTI & MGCI  (095) 246-19-23

ANTMUSIC.exe  "Slavich"
              152140 Yaroslavskaya obl. Pereslavl-Zalessky

PCShield      coop. "Term"
              152140 Yaroslavskaya obl., Pereslavl-Zalessky,
              Abakumov A.A., Abramov S.M., Pimenov S.P.
              Chatkevich M.I.
              (095) 359-37-80

DET2890.exe   252056 Kiev pr.Pobedy 37 Kiev polytechnical
              inst., dep. of appl. mathem., "Data Traveller"
              Tkachenko V.O.
              (044) 514-26-88
