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Newsgroups: bit.listserv.politics
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1993 16:19:19 +0100
Sender: Forum for the Discussion of Politics <POLITICS@UCF1VM.BITNET>
Subject: Who's Who In Russia
Comments: To: POLITICS@ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu
Lines: 242

                        WHO'S WHO IN RUSSIA

ABALKIN LEONID ----------------- director of the Economic
                                 Institute of the Russian
                                 Academy of Sciences
ABDULATIPOV RAMAZAN ------------ chairman of the Nationalities
                                 Council of the Supreme Soviet
ADAMISHIN ANATOLII-------------- first deputy Foreign minister
AGANBEGYAN ABEL ---------------- economist
AKSYUCHITS VICTOR -------------- leader of the Christian
                                 Democratic party of Russia
ALKSNIS VICTOR ----------------- ?
AMBARTSUMOV EVGENII ------------ chairman of the Supreme
                                 Soviet's Foreign Affairs
ANDRONOV IONA ------------------ conservative deputy of the
                                 Supreme Soviet
ANPILOV VICTOR ----------------- leader of Trudovaja Rossija
ASTAFJEV MIKHAIL --------------- Civic Society faction in
                                 parliament; co-chairman of the
                                 Rossijskoe Narodnoe Sobranie
AVEN PETR ---------------------- former minister of Foreign
                                 economic relations
BABURIN SERGEJ ----------------- leader of the Russian Unity
                                 faction in parliament
BARANNIKOV VICTOR -------------- minister of Security
BARKASHOV ALEKSANDR ------------ leader of the Russian National
                                 Unity  (a fascist party)
BOKSER VLADIMIR ---------------- member of the Democratic Choice
                                 faction in parliament
BONNER YELENA ------------------ widow of A. Sakharov; public
BOROVOJ KONSTANTIN ------------- co-chairman of the Economic
                                 Freedom Party
BURTIN YURII ------------------- chairman of the Independent
                                 Civic Initiative (split from
                                 the Democratic Russia movement)
CHERNICHENKO YURII ------------- leader of the Agrarian party
                                 of Russia (krestjanskaya)
CHERNOMYRDIN VICTOR ------------ Prime-minister of Russia;
                                 former Fuel and Energy minister
CHUBAJS ANATOLIJ --------------- minister of Privatisation
CHURKIN VITALIJ ---------------- deputy Foreign minister
DETKOV NIKOLAJ ----------------- one of the leaders of Pamyat
DISKIN IOSIF ------------------- chief economist of the Civic
                                 Union faction in parliament
                                 (chlen politsoveta G.S.)
FILATOV SERGEI------------------ Yeltsin's chief of
FYODOROV NIKOLAI --------------- Justice minister
FYODOROV SVYATOSLAV ------------ co-chairman of the Economic
                                 Freedom Party
FYODOROV BORIS------------------ deputy Prime-minister
FRONIN V.A. -------------------- chief editor of the newspaper
                                 Komsomolskaya Pravda
GDLYAN TELMAN ------------------ leader of the People's party
GEKHT YURII -------------------- chairman of the Industrial
                                 Union faction in parliament
GOLEMBIOVSKY IGOR -------------- chief editor of the newspaper
GOLOVIN ANDREJ ----------------- leader of the Smena-Novaja
                                 Politika faction in parliament
GRACHEV PAVEL ------------------ Defence minister
GROMOV BORIS V. ---------------- deputy Defence minister
GROMOV FELIKS N. --------------- admiral; commander in chief
                                 of the Navy
ISAKOV VLADIMIR ---------------- leader of the National
                                 Salvation Front, member of the
                                 Russian Unity fraction in the
                                 Supreme Soviet
KAZANTSEV VLADIMIR ------------- chairman of the Solidarity
                                 Movement with Russia's national
KHAIRJUZOV VALERIJ ------------- RUSSIA faction in parliament
                                 (leaders Sergej Baburin and
                                 Nikolaj Pavlov)
KHASBULATOV RUSLAN ------------- Speaker of the parliament
KHIZHA GEORGII ----------------- minister of (?)
KONSTANTINOV ILJA -------------- leader of the Russian Unity
                                 block in parliament;
                                 co-chairman of the Rossijskoe
                                 Narodnoe Sobranije
KORYAGINA TATJANA -------------- economist
KOSTIKOV VYACHESLAV ------------ presidet Yeltsin's spokesman
KOVALEV SERGEJ ----------------- member of the parliamentary
                                 block Coalition of Reforms
KOZYREV ANDREI ----------------- Russia's foreign minister
KUNADZE GEORGII ---------------- deputy foreign minister of
KUNJAEV STANISLAV -------------- writer, public figure
LIPITSKIJ VASILIJ -------------- co-chairman of the People's
                                 Party of Free Russia (Civic
LUKIN VLADIMIR ----------------- Russia's ambassador in the US
LUZHKOV YURII ------------------ mayor of Moscow
LYSENKO VLADIMIR --------------- deputy chairman of the state
                                 comittee for nationalities
                                 policy in Russia; member of the
                                 Progress Through Harmony bloc
                                 in parliament
LYSENKO NIKOLAJ ---------------- leader of the Republican
                                 People's party of Russia
                                 (a fascist party); (founder
                                 of the Leningrad branch of
MAKASHOV ALBERT ---------------- general; chairman of
                                 Vserossijskoe Veche; former
                                 candidate to Russia's
MAKHARADZE VALERIJ ------------- deputy prime-minister
MUKHA VITALII PETROVICH -------- leader of the association
                                 Sibirskoe Soglashenie
MUKHAMMADIEV RINAT ------------- chairman of the Commission for
                                 Cultural and Native Heritage
                                 of the Supreme Soviet of Russia
NECHAEV ANDREJ ----------------- economics minister
NOVIKOV VLADIMIR --------------- chairman of the coordinating
                                 comittee of parliamentary
                                 factions; member of the
                                 "Bespartijnie deputati" faction
                                 (Civic Union)
NOVODVORSKAYA VALERIA ---------- advisor to Georgia's former
                                 president Z. Gamsakhurdia
PIYASHEVA LARISA --------------- economist
POCHINOK ALEKSANDR ------------- chairman of the budget
                                 comission of the Supreme Soviet
PONOMAREV LEV ------------------ member of the Coalition of
                                 Reforms block in parliament
POPOV GAVRIIL ------------------ chairman of the Democratic
                                 Reform Movement
POPTSOV  OLEG ------------------ RUSSIAN TV (?)
POTAPOV A.S. ------------------- chief editor of the newspaper
PROKHANOV ALEKSANDR ------------ chief editor of the newspaper
PRUDNIKOV VICTOR --------------- colonel-general; commander in
                                 chief of air defense forces
RAGOZIN D. --------------------- chairman of Constitutional-
                                 Democratic party
RIBKIN IVAN -------------------- leader of the parliamentary
                                 faction Communists of Russia
RUMYANTSEV OLEG ---------------- chairman of the Constitutional
                                 Comimission; leader of the
                                 Social-Democratic party
RYABOV NOKOLAI ----------------- chairman of the Council of the
                                 Republic of the Supreme Soviet;
                                 deputy supreme soviet chairman
SAENKO GENNADII ---------------- member of the Communists of
                                 Russia faction in parliament
SALJE MARINA ------------------- leader of the Democratic Russia
SEMENOV VLADIMIR --------------- colonel-general; commander in
                                 chief of ground forces
SERGEEV ANATOLIJ --------------- colonel-general; in charge of
                                 Russia's troops stationed in
                                 the Volga area
SERGEYEV IGOR D. --------------- colonel-general; commander in
                                 chief of strategic missile
SHATALIN STANISLAV ------------- economist
SHEINIS VICTOR ----------------- Reform Coalition member
SHELOV-KOVEDYAEV FEDOR --------- former deputy Foreign minister
SHOKHIN ALEKSANDR -------------- deputy Prime-minister
SHOSTAKOVSKY VYACHESLAV -------- co-chairman of the Republican
                                 party of Russia
SHUMEIKO VLADIMIR -------------- first deputy Prime-minister
SKOKOV YURII ------------------- secretary of the Security
SOBCHAK ANATOLIJ --------------- mayor of Sankt-Peterburg;
                                 one of the leaders of the
                                 Democratic Reform Movement
STANKEVICH SERGEJ -------------- president Yeltsin's advisor
                                 (political affairs)
STARKOV ------------------------ chief editor of the newspaper
                                 Argumenti i Fakti
STAROVOITOVA GALINA ------------ Yeltsin's former advisor on
                                 nationalities affairs
STEPANKOV VALENTIN ------------- generalnij prokuror Rossii
STERLIGOV ALEKSANDR ------------ leader of Russkij Natsionalnij
                                 Sobor, former KGB general
SYROVATKO VITALII -------------- deputy chairman of the Council
                                 of Nationalities of the Supreme
TARASOV BORIS ------------------ member of the Fatherland
                                 faction in parliament (part
                                 of Russian Unity block);
TRAVKIN NIKOLAJ ---------------- leader of the Democratic Party
                                 of Russia
TRETJAKOV VITALII -------------- chief editor of Nezavisimaja
UMALATOVA SAZHI ---------------- one of the leaders of the
                                 movement Trudovaya Rossia
VASILJEV DMITRII --------------- leader of Pamyat
VLADISLAVLEV ALEKSANDR --------- one of the leaders of the Civic
VOLSKY ARKADII ----------------- chairman of the Russian Union
                                 of Industrialists and
                                 Entrepreneurs; one of the
                                 leaders of Civic Union
VORONTSOV YULII ---------------- permanent representative of
                                 Russia in the UN
YAKOVLEV ALEKSANDR ------------- former member of the Politburo
                                 of the CPSU Central Committee;
                                 member of the Gorbachev
                                 Foundation; head of the
                                 presidential comission for
                                 reabilitation of victims of
                                 political repression
YAKUNIN GLEB ------------------- member of the Coalition of
                                 Reforms block in parliament
YANAEV GENNADII ---------------- former Vice-president of the
                                 USSR; chairman of GKCHP
YAROV YURII -------------------- deputy chairman of the
YASIN EVGENIJ ------------------ economist; active in Civic
YAVLINSKY GRIGORII ------------- economist
YERIN VICTOR ------------------- minister of Internal Affairs
YUSHENKOV SERGEJ --------------- member of the Coalition of
                                 Reforms block in parliament
ZADONSKIJ GEORGIJ -------------- one of the leaders of the
                                 Radical Democrats faction
ZOLOTAREV VICTOR --------------- co-chairman of the Economic
                                 Freedom Party
ZOR'KIN VALERIJ ---------------- chairman of the Constitutional
                                 Court of Russia
ZHIGULIN VICTOR ---------------- deputy chairman of the Council
                                 of the Republic of the Supreme
ZHIRINOVSKY VLADIMIR ----------- leader of the Liberal
                                 Democratic party
ZJUGANOV GENNADIJ -------------- member of the Russkij
                                 Natsionalnij Sobor; former
                                 member of the CPSU Central
                                 Comittee; co-chairman of the
                                 National Salvation Front