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Version .1

It's time to get the damn ball rolling, so I am just going to post this

as-is.  This is the OFFICIAL FAQ for alt.society.anarchy (and if you believe

that, I have a bridge to sell you).  Please note:

1. I didn't say any of this.

2. You aren't reading any of this.

3. This is not an FAQ

4. You are probably asleep.


1. If you don't like anything that is attributed to you, email me and it's cut.

2. If you don't like anything that someone else said, tough shit.  Send me your

   rebuttal and I will include it.

3. This is much more incomplete than I would like.  Of course it's your

   responsibility to fix that, not mine.

4. If you have saved old alt.society.anarchy postings, I want them.

Please do not expect me to be fair.  I have my own opinions as well.

Your only guarantee is that concise rebuttals to statements in the FAQ will

be included in future releases.  I am editing things to shorten them in some 


My fiat is based on my initiative; so is yours.

It should be self-evident, but I DO NOT AGREE WITH EVERYTHING IN THIS FAQ.


I provide archival services for electronic texts.  Much of what is referred

to below comes from the archives, and some from usenet postings (which I do not

archive).  The archives are stored on an internet ftp fileserver, and the 

address is red.css.itd.umich.edu.  The archives are not exclusively for 

anarchist materials (in fact anarchist materials do not constitute the 

majority of political documents on the site).


March 5, 1993



1. DEFINITIONS -- What is anarchism?  Who are anarchists?  What is not

   anarchism?  What types of anarchism are there?

2. SNIPPETS OF INTERESTING DISCUSSIONS -- I guarantee that these snippets

   were interesting to me.  If you fall asleep, then you can assume that they

   were not interesting to you.




S E C T I O N   O N E :   D E F I N I T I O N S

It seems like a massive number of repeat-questions circulate around the

definitions of anarchism, anarchy, anarchists.  This issue is confused

by the fact that there is rampant sectarianism (across very broad 

ideological territory) among those who consider themselves anarchists.

This section of the FAQ needs more opinions from people who can illucidate

their working definitions of anarchy.

a. from an anarchist libertarian

From: eagle@carr3.acpub.duke.edu (Carter Butts)

Date: 1 Mar 93 05:27:19 GMT

	A number of individuals here seem to enjoy attacking anarchy,

libertarianism, and the free market in general, but few that I have seen thus far

seem to have a great deal of information on any of the above.  In defense of a

few of these concepts, then, I feel compelled to say a few things.

What anarchy is, and is not:

	Anarchy is a class of social interaction systems without a centralized

coercive control.  Anarchy does NOT mean no rules, it means no ruler.  Anarchy is

not one particular system of social interaction; there are as many types of

anarchy as there are types of governments.  Likewise, anarchy is not of necessity

a utopian ideal (one would do just as well to say that government per se is a

utopian ideal).  Before you attempt to attack anarchy, you would do well to know

what you are attacking.


	Libertarianism, as it is generally defined by Libertarians (not

necessarily those in the political party which bears the "Libertarian" name), is

a system of ethics (rules for social interaction) based on the premise that it is

wrong to initiate force or fraud.  Keep in mind that, if one is attacked, one is,

under the Libertarian ethic, free to respond with force or fraud as the situation



	(Here I'm using it in the Randian sense.) This is an egoist philosophy

which holds that one should both attempt to maintain an understanding of

objective reality (it assumes that there is such an animal) and act so as to

maximize one's long-term benefits within it.

The Market:

	In the New Libertarian Manifesto (forgive me, I forget the author's

name), the market, or agora, is defined to be all non-coerced interactions.  This

covers a LOT of territory.  Most Libertarians use the Market as a fairly generic

term, and when they talk about the benefits of the market, they usually mean the

benefits of uncoerced behavior.  (For those who don't see the connection between

the normal definition and Libertarian definition of market, read the Manifesto. 

There are very good reasons for it, but they are far too long to repeat here.)

	Someone earlier made the rather ridiculous statement that anarchy and

Libertarianism were incompatible.  I say rather that the two cannot be seperated.

 ALL government (government being defined as a monopolist of law who weilds a

coercive force in order to maintain its monopoly power witin a given region)

represents an initiation of force (governments that deny this are initiating

fraud as well).  If this is so, then no true Libertarian can be anything other

than an anarchist!  As for Objectivism, there is some tension between it and

Libertarianism.  If one is an Objectivist Libertarian, one is so because one

believes Libertarian ideals to be in one's best interests.  Libertarianism in no

way implies Randian Objectivism, so one cannot discount the former by attacking

the latter.  

	This post in and of itself does not constitute a true defense of any of

the above terms. It does, however, contain definitions which are important for

any rational discussion of anarchy or Libertarianism.

b. regarding anarchist sectarianism

From: "Svein Olav G. Nyberg" <solan@math.uio.no>

Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1993 19:08:37 GMT

There has been complaints about both the socialists who

call themselves anarchists, and the capitalists who do

call themselves anarchists.

I have the unfortunate impression that for both categories,

it is not the anarchist part of  X-anarchist that is the

real motivating force behind their thought and argument,

but the X.

Not that anything is inherently wrong with being an Xist

instead of an anarchist, but it sounds rather shallow when

the sides are trying to denounce one another as not being

the true breed of anarchist.

Besides, anarchism can itself become very dogmatic. If

freedom becomes a dogma, it becomes impossible to answer

the question of whether one is allowed to submit to any

kind of dominion.

So, you should appreciate each others' "impurities" and

perhaps even _learn_ from each others' thinking. Am I

asking the impossible?

c. regarding stirner's egoist philosophy

From: solan@math.uio.no

   "Non serviam!" - "I will not serve", is known from literature as

Satan's declaration of his rebellion against God. We wish to follow

up on this tradition of insurrection.

   In modern times, the philosophy of the individual's assertion of

himself against gods, ideals and human oppressors has been most

eloquently expressed by Max Stirner in his book "Der Einzige und

Sein Eigentum"[1].

   Stirner, whose real name was Johann Kaspar Schmidt [1806-56],

lived in a time dominated by German Idealism, with Hegel as its

prominent figure. It is against this background of fixation of ideas

that Stirner makes his rebellion. Stirner takes down these ideas

from their fixed points in the starry sky of Spirit, and declares

all ideas to be the ideas of an Ego[2], and the realm of spirits and

ideas to be the mind of the thinker himself. His heaven-storming is

total. Even the idealist tool - dialectic, and the supreme ghost of

Idealism, [Absolute] Spirit - are stripped of their status of

intrinsic existence, and are taken back into the Ego himself. This

is most clearly seen in Stirner's main triad:  Materialist -

Idealist - Egoist. And the triad stops at its last link. Any further

progress cannot negate Egoism, for - progress has been taken back

into the individual, as his - property.

   For Stirner, the solution to the "alienation", or

"self-alienation" of Idealism, is in self-expression, or -

ownership. What cannot be  one's own cause, the cause that is not

one's own, is not worth pursuing. As Stirner says "Away then, with

every cause that is not altogether my cause!"

[1] English title: "The Ego and Its Own".

[2] Einziger - single individual.


S E C T I O N   T W O :   S N I P P E T S

Please fill my mailbox with things like what's below -- clarifications and

summaries of some of the interesting debates.  It should go without saying

that these debates are not finished, and may never be.

a. regarding the nature of man

From: wlee@muskwa.ucs.ualberta.ca (Porcupine)

Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1993 02:48:31 GMT

If you think "pure communism" (whatever that is!) has ignored human

psychology you are obviously ignorant of the volumes and volumes of writing

done by Marxists, post Marxists, Existentialist Marxists, Anarchists, and

what not on this subject.  The very driving _force_ behind communism has

been its desire and logic for a world without man preying on another man

simply for the sake of material goods.  MAN IS NOT NATURALLY GREEDY; Man is

naturally self-interested.  There is a difference.

As to "communism can't work" -- grow up.  I would expect that kind of logic

from a grade 6 student.  You don't plug in Communism like a toaster or a

VCR.  It's not a bloody appliance -- it's a way of life that evolves

over hundreds, if not thousands, of years, to meet the needs of human

beings.  If you want to see what happens when you try to "plug in" a

"system" look at the USSR both old and "new" where the people are suffering

from an elite ruling class that has existed since the dark ages, and still

continues to rule.

b. regarding voting

From: bbrigade@world.std.com

[snippet from BAD Brigade's Broadside #8]

         The primary reason why anti-statists should not vote, and in fact

     should oppose voting, is that the very act of voting is an attempt on

     the part of voters to delegate to another a power that they could not

     justly possess themselves. Government is based on coercion. While

     states of various sorts provide some services and benefits to 

     residents of their jurisdictions, the institution of government also 

     utilizes cops, courts, the military, the IRS, etc, to coercively

     interfere in the lives of its subjects. Anarchists argue that no one, 

     whether in or out of government should have such power. If this is 

     true, anarchists, who oppose political power and coercion of any

     sort, cannot consistently advocate voting. Individuals should not have

     the authority to coerce others, and therefore they should not put

     themselves in a position to delegate such authority to third parties,

     which is the essence of voting. While some argue that they vote only 

     in self-defense, the consequence of their voting is that their 

     candidate coerces others who choose not to participate in the process,

     and therefore this method of self-defense should be unacceptable to 


         Besides being unethical for an anti-authoritarian in and of 

     itself, participation in electoral politics serves to legitimize the 

     whole political process and the existence of government. If people did

     not vote, the democratic theory of government would lose its 

     legitimacy and politicians would have to justify their rule on the

     basis of something other than the alleged consent of the governed. 

     This, hopefully, would make the true nature of the state more obvious

     to the governed. And such a revelation would have the potential to 

     motivate people to challenge, evade, or ignore government interference

     and coercion.

         Even if anarchists could ethically participate in voting, there is

     one major reason to boycott the process: any candidate anarchists help

     elect will implement interventionist policies and initiate coercive

     actions, the results of which will be incompatible with anarchist

     goals. While voting for a Democrat may arguably make intervention in

     cuba or nicaragua less likely, it could make matters worse in 

     israel/palestine or south africa. (Neither the ANC nor the PLO will 

     take a position on the united states presidential election, basically

     because they support Bush, but are embarrassed to admit this 

     publicly.) Voters claim that a Republican will make things worse

     economically for working and/or poor people in the united states;

     however increased taxes, which will certainly be enacted by a

     Democratic president, will further impoverish the working people from

     whom they are extorted. Additionally, while people fear a supreme 

     court with a Republican-appointed majority, individual justices are

     unpredictable (like Sandra Day O'Connor), and Democratic judges are as

     willing to coercively interfere in our lives as are Republicans.

         Besides not yielding the desired results, voting by anarchists 

     entails another weakness. Even if every anarchist in the united states

     voted in the presidential election, it would not influence the 

     outcome. There are few enough anarchists about that their individual

     votes are meaningless, since elections are decided by millions of 

     votes. If voting anarchists seriously believe that voting can 

     ethically be done, even by anarchists, then they should consider

     entering the political process fully and campaigning for presidential

     candidates. If it's acceptable for them to vote, it's acceptable for

     their candidates to hold power in a coercive government, and it's 

     acceptable for them to encourage others to vote. I have not seen any

     anarchists argue for active involvement in the Democratic party, but

     this is a logical outcome of anarchist arguments for voting. If these

     people aren't comfortable urging others to vote for their candidates, 

     they should rethink the justifications for their own voting.

         Non-voting on the part of anarchists is not a sign of apathy. On 

     the contrary, it is a sign of rejection of the political, i.e.,

     coercive, means of dealing with problems and living our lives. If, as

     anarchists, we are serious about finding new ways of living and 

     interacting, it would behoove us to stay out of the swamp of electoral

     politics and maintain our traditional opposition to involvement with 

     electoral politics in any form.

c. why anarchism today?

From: x551_003@ccvax.ucd.ie

Date: 14 Dec 92 11:40:16 GMT

This is a copy of an article originally printed in the Irish 

anarchist magazine Workers Solidarity (34).  Workers 

Solidarity can be contacted at WSM, PO Box 1528, Dublin 8, 



It is becoming clear that the bulk of what has been referred to as 

socialism up to now is in fact nothing of the sort.  The vast bulk 

of the theory and practise of the last 70 years needs to be thrown 

in the bin. Unfortunately most of the Leninist groups are avoiding 

such an exercise preparing instead to do a botched plastering job 

over the appearing cracks.  They have chosen to follow the same 

paths as the Communist parties did and will probably suffer a 

similar fate.

The vast bulk of those leaving the Leninist and labour parties are 

just disappearing from any form of politics or activism.  The few 

who are trying to continue the anti-capitalist fight in a new way 

are making old mistakes. For the most part rather then seeing their 

version of socialism as flawed they have come to see capitalism as 

triumphant.  There is a tradition however which refused to see 

socialism as something being imposed by a minority wielding state 

power on behalf of a majority.  The tradition of anarchism always 

rejected both the crude authoritarianism of Leninism and the 

reformism of the labour parties.

It is for this reason that we call ourselves anarchists.  Anarchism 

as a tradition is no doubt flawed, at times even badly flawed but it 

has always been better than any of the alternatives on offer.  

What's more, it has been capable of the sort of fierce self-

criticism needed to continually develop.  Throughout the last 120 

years it has always been the anarchist (or a sub-group of 

anarchists) that has developed the best position on the events of 

the day.  Most importantly anarchism unlike reformism, Leninism and 

Trotskyism has never imposed dictatorship and massacre on the 

working class.

d. the growth of sym

From: william@syacus.acus.oz.au

Date: Thu, 21 Jan 93 1:09:29 EST

A way, a case, an option.  I feel that perhaps the comics and poets of

this existence are where to begin (c.f. Bateson).  Nevertheless; what

I might say intellectually will be long winded, drawn-out, and "sound

like I come from Neptune" [Chomsky].  "True comics" and poets have

the capability to express thought at a highter bandwidth.  It is rare, 

in my experience, that prose is ample to such a challenging task.

I submit that the lenght of this preamble is witness to the hypothesis

I am positing. :-) <ironry>

Real question -- did you catch the oration from the commedians ?

Importantly; as follows ...

 The Growth of Sym


    Now, Sym was a Glug; and 'tis mentioned so

    That the tale reads perfectly plain as we go.

      In his veins ran blood of that stupid race

      Of docile folk, who inhabit the place

    Called Gosh, sad Gosh, where the tall trees sigh

    With a strange, significant sort of cry

    When the gloaming creeps and the wind is high.

    When Sym was born there was much to-do,

    And his parents thought him a joy to view;

      But folk not prejudiced saw the Glug,

      As his nurse remarked, "In the cut of his mug".

    For he had their hair, and he had their eyes,

    And the Glug expression of pained suprised,

    And their predilection for pumpkin pies.

    And his parents' claims were a deal denied

    By his maiden aunt on his mother's side.

      A tall Glug lady of fifty-two

      With a slight moustache of auburn hue.

    "Parental blither !" she said quite flat.

    "He's an average Glug; and he's red and fat !

    And exceedingly fat and red at that !"

    But the father, Joi, when he gazed on Sym,

    Dreamed great and wonderful things for him.

      Said he, "If the mind of a Glug could wake !

      Then, Oh, what a wonderful Glug he'd make !

    We shall teach this laddie to play life's game

    With a different mind and definite aim:

    A Glug in appearance, yet not the same."

    But the practical aunt said, "Fudge !  You fool !

    We'll pack up his dinner and send him to school.

      He shall learn about two-times and parsing and capes,

      And how to make money with inches on tapes.

    We'll apprentice him then to the drapery trade,

    Where, I've heard it reported, large profits are made;

    Besides, he can sell us cheap buttons and braid."

    So poor young Sym, he was sent to school,

    Where the first thing taught is the Golden Rule.

      "Do unto others", the teacher said ...

      Then suddenly stopped and scratched his head.

    "You may look up the rest in a book", said he.

    "At present it doesn't occur to me;

    But do it, whatever it happens to be."

    And now", said the teacher, "the day's task brings

    Consideration of practical things.

      If a man makes a profit of fifteen pounds

      On one week's takings from two milk rounds,

    How many ... ?"  And Sym went dreaming away

    To the sunlit lands where the field-mice play,

    And wrens hold revel the livelong day.

    He walked in the welcoming fields alone, 

    While far, far away came the pedagogue's drone:

      "If a man makes ... Multiply ... Abstract nouns ...

      From B take ... Population of towns ...

    Rods, poles or perches ... Derived from Greek ... "

    Oh, hawthorn buds came out this week,

    And robins are nesting down by the creek.

    So Sym was head of his class not once;

    And his aunt repeatedly dubbed him "Dunce !"

      But, "Give him a chance," said his father, Joi,

      "His head is abnormally large for a boy."

    But his aunt said, "Piffle !  It's crammed with bosh !

    Why, he don't know the rivers and the mountains of Gosh

    Nor the names of the nephews of good King Splosh !"

    So th argument ran; but one bright Spring day

    Sym settled it all in his own way.

      "'Tis a tramp," he announced, "I've decided to be;

      And I start next Monday at twenty to three ... "

    When the aunt recovered she screamed, "A tramp ?

    A low-lived, pilfering, idle scamp,

    Who steals people's washing, and sleeps in the damp ?"

    So Sym went off, and a year ran by,

    And the father said, with a smile-masked sigh,

      "It is meet that the young should leave the nest."

      Said the aunt, "Don't spill that soup on your vest !

    Nor mention his name !  He's our one discrace !

    And he's probably sneaking around some place

    With fuzzy black whiskers all over his face."

    But, under a hedge, by a flowering peach,

    A youth with a little blue wren held speech.

      With his back to a tree and his feet in the grass,

      He watched the thistledown drift and pass,

    And the cloud-puffs, borne on a lazy breeze,

    Move by on their errand, above the trees,

    Into the vault of mysteries.

    "Now teach me, little blue wren," said he.

    "'Tis you can unravel this riddle for me.

      I am 'mazed by the gifts of this kindly earth --

      Which of them all has the greatest worth ?

    He flirted his tail as he answered, then, 

    He bobbed and he bowed to his coy little hen:

    "Why, sunlight and worms !" said the little blue wren.

      -- C.J. (Den) Dennis

e. regarding your boss...

From: ee@lever.com (Edward Elhauge)

Subject: The Boss

Date: 5 Feb 93 18:57:38 GMT

This story was passed on to me at work.

                              The Boss

   When the body was first made, all the parts wanted to be boss.

The brain said, "Since I control everything and do all the thinking,

I should be boss." The feet said, "Since I carry man where he wants

to go and get him in position to do what the brain wants, I should

be boss." The eyes said, "Since I must look out for all of you and

tell you all where danger lurks, I should be boss"

   And so it went with the heart, the ears, the lungs, and finally

the ass hole spoke up and demanded that he be made boss. All the

other parts laughed and laughed, astounded at the idea of an ass

hole being boss. The brain thought this idea of an ass hole being

boss was absurd and said so.

   The ass hole was so angry that he locked himself off and refused

to function. The brain became feverish, the eyes became crossed and

ached, the feet were too weak to walk, the hands hung limply at the

sides, the heart and lungs struggled to keep going. All the parts

pleaded with the brain to relant and let the ass hole be the boss

and so it happened. All the other parts did all the work and the ass

hole just bossed and passed out a lot of shit.

THE MORAAL ------ You don't have to be a brain to be boss.

                     Just An Ass Hole.


S E C T I O N   T H R E E :   N E T W O R K I N G   A N D   C O N T A C T S

a. usenet news groups of interest








   alt.society.civil-liberties  | I don't read these two; one of them may

   alt.society.civil-liberty    | be bogus.








b. electronic mailing lists and getting stuff by mail

Since I live on usenet and get my files mostly via ftp, I am probably not

the best person to talk about mailing lists.  Anyway, please inform me of

corrections and additions to this area.

   Anarchy List

   [hmm, for some reason I can't locate the address.  I think

   cardell@lysator.liu.se can probably help...]


   Spunk Press Distribution List (Anarchist Literature)


   Autonome Forum


   [this is not a mailing list but they'll send you stuff if you're not

   an asshole.  they do "Arm the Spirit" and distribute communiques from

   a number of european groups, as well as the PKK in turkey and the

   Prison News Service.  you can regularly find their materials on

   alt.politics.radical-left on usenet.]

   Practical Anarchy Online

   [it sez to send mail to the editors, and they are:



   plus I imagine if you get on the Spunk list you'll get P@-online also]

   1-Union Mailing List (Syndicalist)

   Organizer:  mlepore@mcimail.com

   [can't remember the Listserv address, someone help me out please]

   pnews Mailing List

   odin@world.std.com puts this out.  mostly socialist materials, some

   syndicalist stuff.  basically non-sectarian, with representation from

   many groups and individuals.

   the address for the whole list is pnews@world.std.com, so don't be an

   idiot and send "subscribe pnews user@host.domain" messages to the list.

c. anonymous ftp sites


   well i don't want to pat myself on the back, but i don't know of many

   ftp sites with radical literature on them other than mine.  so, take

   a look at red.css.itd.umich.edu in /pub/Politics and /pub/Zines.  Other

   places to look at are ftp.msen.com and quartz.rutgers.edu, though

   they generally do not have much explicitly anarchist theoretical material.

   if you're into the hacker-anarchist stuff (which is mostly of the vulgar

   "let's blow 'em up" variety) you can look on ftp.eff.org in /pub/cud

   or on the eff mirror archives on my site.

   if you find text files (or postscript) on anarchist or radical political

   topics, or if you produce them yourself, you can upload them to 

   the directory "incoming" on red.css.itd.umich.edu or email them to me

   (pauls@umich.edu) and i will archive them.



S E C T I O N   F O U R :   R E A D I N G S

a. on spain

From: evonraut@MtHolyoke.edu (J. Erika von Rautenfeld)

Subject: Re: Student run @ course at HSU

Date: 3 Mar 1993 14:00:39 -0500

Also check out _Free Women of Spain_ by Martha Ackelsberg about the

Mujeres Libres, an anarcha-feminist organization in Spain in the 30s. 

Very good oral history and theory of anarchism/ana-fem.  Provides an

inroad into contemporary problems & you can do theory and history at the

same time.

Good for such student run groups is _The Dispossessed:  An Ambiguous

Utopia_, Ursula K. LeGuin's science fiction novel about two worlds.  It

presents interesting questions about what an anarchist society would be

like (for those who are interested in the utopia thing).   Particularly

interesting for me is the issue of continuous revolution and the tendency

for power to become institutionalized even within a self-conscious


Have you checked out any of the stuff coming from Autonomedia/Semiotext? 

Much of it is tons 'o fun if nothing else.

From: cardell@lysator.liu.se (Mikael Cardell)

Subject: Re: Student run @ course at HSU

Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1993 13:20:18 GMT

How about looking into the experiments in anarchistic economy as they

were carried out by millions during the spanish civil war? Check out:

  Thomas, Hugh: The Spanish Civil War

  Lorenzo: (The Swedish title translates into...) Syndicalism In Power

  (I forget the French original title)


b. spunk press reading list


'Anarchism Today', David E. Apter and James Joll, MacMillan (ISBN 333 12041

8), has chapters on various movements and a bibliography of Anarchism in

print.  George Woodcock's Anarchist Reader and Anarchism also have useful

bibliographies.  Daniel Guerin's 'Anarchism' (Monthly Review Press,

ISBN 85345-175-3) takes an anarchosyndicalist point of view (and has

a bibliography).


'The ABC of Anarchism' - Alexander Berkman

'Civil Disobedience' - Thoreau

'Anarchy' - Malatesta

Anything by Kropotkin, Bakunin, Proudhon.

'Enquiry Concerning Political Justice' - William Godwin.

On individualism:  Max Stirner's 'The Ego And His Own'

On the situationists: 

BAMN:By Any Means Necessary, Penguin (out of print, cannot remember the

author - I'd like to get hold of a copy of this).

Raoul Vaneigem's 'The Revolution of Everyday Life'

Guy Debord's 'The Society of the Spectacle'

Also, 'The Situationist Anthology' (editor??)

On the squatters' movement:  

'The Squatters' by Ron Bailey.

-  Visions of utopia:

'Journey to Utopia' by Marie Bernelli (an anthology)

'News from Nowhere' by William Morris

'The Dispossessed' - Ursula Le Guin



'The Living Spirit of the Wobblies' by Len de Caux, International

Publishers, 381 Park Avenue South, New York 10016, ISBN.  This has

an extensive bibliography on the IWW.

Also, 'The Case of Joe Hill', Philip S.Foner, same publisher.


Books published outside the anarchist press on the Spanish revolution

are in the above bibliographies.  George Orwell's 'Homage to Catalonia'

is a good introduction to the Civil War.

The definitive work is 'Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution' Jose

Peirats, Freedom Press (ISBN 0 900 384 53 0), also see 'Collectives in the

Spanish Revolution', Gaston Leval, Freedom Press (ISBN 0 900384 11 5),

'Anarchist Organisation:the History of the F.A.I', by Juan Gomez Casas,

Black Rose Books (Quebec), (ISBN 0-920057-38-1), plus others by

Freedom Press and Black Rose Books, e.g.  

'Spain 1936-1939:Social Revolution-Counter Revolution', Freedom Press 

(ISBN 0 900384 54-9) 

[ NB  Freedom Press titles are nice and cheap, and only 10% for

overseas postage; they're at 84B Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX

(Tel 081-247-9249) ]

Latin America:

'Anarchism and the Mexican Working Class 1860-1931', John M. Hart,

Univ. of Texas press (ISBN 0 292 70400 3).

Chapter on Argentina and Uruguay in 'Anarchism Today' (above)

'The Cuban Revolution' by Sam Dolgoff


'The Slow Burning Fuse' by John Quail (also see bibliography in the

Anarchist Reader)


I don't know which of these are anarchosyndicalist, there are a number

listed in the above bibliographies, esp. Voline's 'The Unknown Revolution'

Paul Avrich's 'The Russian Anarchists' and Peter Arshinov's 'History

of the Makhnovist movement'.  Emma Goldman wrote a fair bit, in

'Living My Life', volume 2, 'My Disillusionment with Russia', etc.


c. part of chuck munson's bibliography for anarchists.  i have nuked everything

   except the titles, so this is the abridged version.  get the full release

   from cmunson@macc.wisc.edu.




Le Guin, Ursula K.

 The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia.

New York: Avon  Books, 1974. 


Piercy, Marge.

Woman on the Edge of Time.

 New York: Ballantine, 1976.


Orwell, George.

 Animal Farm.

New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c.1946.







Avrich, Paul.

The Haymarket Tragedy.

New Jersey: Princeton University Press,



Berkman, Alexander.

A.B.C. of Anarchism.

 London: Freedom Press, 1977,


 published in 1929).


Goldman, Emma.

Anarchism and Other Essays.

New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1969

(originally published in 1917).





Beck, Julian.

Life of the Theater: the relation of the artist to the


 of the people.

 New York: Limelight Editions: Distributed by Harper

 & Row, 1986, c.1972.


Bookchin, Murray.

Toward an Ecological Society.

Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1980.


Clark, John.

The Anarchist Moment: Reflections on Culture,

Nature and


 Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1984.


DeLeon, David.

 The American as Anarchist: Reflections on

Indigenous Radicalism.

 Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1978.


Devall, Bill and George Sessions.

 Deep Ecology: Living as if Nature  Mattered.

 Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Books, 1985.



 Revolution for the Hell Of It.

 New York: The Dial Press, Inc. 1968.


Illich, Ivan.

Tools for Conviviality.

New York: Harper and Row, 1973.


Negrin, Su.

Begin at Start: Some Thoughts on Personal Liberation

and World Change.

Washington, NJ: Times Change Press, 1972.


Read, Herbert.

Anarchy and Order: Essays in Politics.

Boston: Beacon Press, 1954.


Roszak, Theodore.

Person/Planet: The Creative Disintegration of Industrial


New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1977.





Avrich, Paul.

An American Anarchist: The Life of Voltarine De Cleyre.

 New Jersey:

Princeton University Press, 1978.


Goldman, Emma.

Living My Life.

New York: Da Capo Press, 1970, c.1931.

  (Two volumes).


Winslow, Kent.


Tucson: The Match!, 1988.





Ehrlich, Howard. & others.

Reinventing Anarchy.

London: Routledge &

 Kegan Paul Ltd., 1979.


Roussopoulos, Dimitrios I. ed.

The Anarchist Papers.

Montreal: Black Rose  Books, 1986.



 Anthology of anarchist and libertarian socialists

writing on a variety of anarchist issues.  A sample of

some of the essays:

         "Theses on Libertarian

Municipalism," by Murray Bookchin.

         "The Greens:

Nationalism or Anti-Nationalism," by Chris Southcott

 and Jorgen Pedersen.

         "Culture and Coercion," by

 J. Frank Harrison.

         "The Manufacture of consent,"

by Noam Chomsky.

         "Emma Goldman and Woman,"

by Alice Wexler.

         "Emma Goldman: The case for

Anarcho-Feminism," by Marsha Hewitt.




Deleon, David.  in The American as Anarchist.

 Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1984,

p. 196-235.


Goehlert, Robert & Claire Herczeg.  Anarchism: A

Bibliography.  Public

         Administration Series:

Bibliography: P-902.  Feb. 1982.  Monticello, IL:

Vance Bibliographies, 1982, 122 p.




Alternative Press Index.

Baltimore, MD: Alternative Press Center, 1969-date.




Anarchy: A journal of Desire Armed:

Published bimonthly by C.A.L. (Columbia Anarchist


 PO Box 1446, Columbia, MO 65205-1446.

 Subscription rate: $6.00/six issues.


Fifth Estate:

Published quarterly.

 4632 Second Ave., Detroit, MI 48201.

Subscription rate: $5.00/year.


Social Anarchism: A Journal of Practice and Theory:

 Published semiannually by the Atlantic Center for

Research and  Education. 

2743 Maryland Ave., Baltimore, MD 21218.

Subscription rate: $10/four issues.


Practical Anarchy.

Published quarterly.

PO Box 173, Madison, WI 53701-0173.

SASE (52 cents) or $5/4 issues.

Editor: Chuck Munson.

[also available in e-version -- ed] 




A Distribution

396  7th St., #2

Jersey City, NJ 07302

Bound Together Books

1369 Haight St

San Francisco, CA 94133

Fifth Estate Bookstore 

4632 Second Ave. 

Detroit, MI 48201


Wooden Shoe Books 

112 S 20th St. 

Philadelphia, PA 19103


Left Bank Distribution

4241 Brooklyn NE, #201 

Seattle, WA 98105

d. some electronic text on anarchism (and other militant anti-state writings of

   interest) available via ftp on red.css.itd.umich.edu.  These are all in

   the directory /pub/Politics

Autonome Forum

uglymouse% ls -lR Autonome.Forum

total 8

drwxr-xr-x  2 pauls       1024 Feb 27 15:43 Misc

drwxr-xr-x  2 pauls       1024 Feb  7 19:58 PKK

drwxr-xr-x  2 pauls       1024 Feb  8 11:15 Prison.News.Service

drwxr-xr-x  2 pauls       1024 Jan 31 05:31 RAF

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls        351 Feb  8 03:25 README.AF

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1380 Feb  5 11:22 README.aforum

drwxr-xr-x  2 pauls       1024 Jan 31 05:31 RZ


total 163

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       5874 Aug 25  1992 biotech

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      29616 Aug 18  1992 open.borders

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      23764 Jan  7 18:41 taylor.interview

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      84928 Feb  5 11:23 viehmann.essay

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      20525 Nov 28 15:47 why-antia.pamphlet


total 78

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       5790 Nov  2 00:22 PKK.background

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      20576 Feb  5 11:23 PKK.update.920512

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      19490 Nov  2 00:23 PKK.update.920921

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      15106 Nov 28 15:49 PKK.update.921111

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      16083 Feb  5 11:23 PKK.women


total 52

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      49244 Feb  5 11:23 pns-37

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1866 Feb  5 11:23 pns-37.index

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls        962 Feb  8 11:15 pns-38.index


total 96

-r--r--r--  1 pauls         85 Aug 27  1992 _red.army.fraction

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      12738 Aug 27  1992 counter.power

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       8505 Oct 11 19:17 iraq

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      14444 Aug 27  1992 raf.history

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      30814 Aug 27  1992 raf.prisoners

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      14348 Oct 11 19:18 sevillano

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      12264 Aug 27  1992 world.econ.summit


total 38

-r--r--r--  1 pauls        262 Aug 28  1992 _revolutionary.cells

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      37563 Sep  1  1992 gerd.albartus

uglymouse% ls -lR Arm.the.Spirit

total 690

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       1647 Aug 14  1992 README.ATS

-r--r--r--  1 pauls     147715 Aug 14  1992 ats-12

-r--r--r--  1 pauls     190324 Sep  4  1992 ats-13

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls     324382 Mar  5 08:34 ats-14-15

Boston Anarchist Drinking Brigade

uglymouse% ls -lR BAD.brigade

total 112

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       5362 Nov  9 21:24 BAD-Broadside-#1

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       5641 Nov  9 21:24 BAD-Broadside-#2

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       8474 Nov  9 21:24 BAD-Broadside-#3

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       6482 Nov  9 21:24 BAD-Broadside-#4

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      11673 Nov  9 21:24 BAD-Broadside-#5

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       7589 Nov  9 21:24 BAD-Broadside-#6

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      10312 Nov  9 21:24 BAD-Broadside-#7

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       6490 Nov  9 21:25 BAD-Broadside-#8

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      40969 Nov 25 09:58 BAD-Pamphlet-AIDS

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       4985 Nov  9 22:55 BAD.pamphlets

Essays:  Anarchy

uglymouse% ls -lR Essays/Anarchy

total 81

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      41643 Sep 21 10:51 abolishWork

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      17212 Jan  7 22:36 anarchism.today

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      14800 Jan  7 18:40 carse

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       7736 Feb  5 11:22 growth.of.sym

Essays:  Chomsky

uglymouse% ls -lR Essays/Chomsky

total 299

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       9996 Nov 18 03:34 3rd.world.at.home

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      17954 Sep 16 20:02 chomsky.loot

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       6712 Sep 16 20:02 chomsky.on.economics

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      74470 Sep 16 20:02 chomsky.vain_hopes

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      47470 Sep 16 20:01 notes.on.anarchism

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls     131539 Feb  2 11:09 notes.on.anarchism.ps

European Counter-Notes

uglymouse% ls -lR ECN

total 48

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       3638 Feb  2 08:46 anti-british.protest

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2111 Jan  7 18:51 antiracist.news

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1049 Jan  7 18:51 bad.attitude

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1510 Jan  7 18:51 belfast.shooting

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1188 Jan  7 18:51 burnsalls.strike

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       6909 Feb  2 08:46 child.support.act

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       9725 Feb  2 08:46 domestic.violence

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       7159 Jan  7 18:51 ecn.uk

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls        930 Jan  7 18:52 highpoint.revolt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       3360 Jan  7 18:52 hospital.closures

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2417 Feb  2 08:46 parcel.bomb

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2394 Jan  7 18:52 women.march

Industrial Workers of the World (syndicalist)

uglymouse% ls -lR IWW

total 16

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       9464 Oct 20 12:23 about.the.iww

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       1414 Oct 20 12:24 bay.area.iww

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       3430 Dec 10 03:47 iww.preamble

Love and Rage

uglymouse% ls -lR Love.and.Rage

total 5

drwxr-xr-x  2 pauls       1024 Feb 17 16:01 LR-1

drwxr-xr-x  2 pauls       1024 Mar  4 12:00 LR-1.espanol

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2512 Feb 17 16:01 README.lr


total 203

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2512 Feb 17 16:01 README.lr1

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1719 Feb 17 16:00 abclist2.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2454 Feb 17 16:00 acoli.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1802 Feb 17 16:00 actup.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       3999 Feb 17 16:00 afa.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       5329 Feb 17 16:00 alf.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       4193 Feb 17 16:00 alist.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2349 Feb 17 16:00 annonce.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       9655 Feb 17 16:00 antifare.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls        450 Feb 17 16:00 ayfblurb.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1296 Feb 17 16:00 ayfbulg.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls        322 Feb 17 16:00 burning.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2362 Feb 17 16:00 calnews.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       9558 Feb 17 16:00 changes.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1481 Feb 17 16:00 columbia.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      11198 Feb 17 16:00 copklan.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       4290 Feb 17 16:00 directac.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls        425 Feb 17 16:00 discobul.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       3950 Feb 17 16:00 fascnote.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1837 Feb 17 16:00 ferre.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2124 Feb 17 16:00 grjury.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1759 Feb 17 16:00 intercal.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1242 Feb 17 16:00 italyout.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1169 Feb 17 16:00 killtv.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      25028 Feb 17 16:01 letfeb.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       5129 Feb 17 16:01 march.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       4459 Feb 17 16:01 masthead.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       4166 Feb 17 16:01 mexcolon.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       7490 Feb 17 16:01 mumia.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2620 Feb 17 16:01 mxcronol.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2636 Feb 17 16:01 mxfemeng.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2612 Feb 17 16:01 n20spain.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1254 Feb 17 16:01 natoffen.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       4298 Feb 17 16:01 ogb.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       6614 Feb 17 16:01 pamove.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1159 Feb 17 16:01 patterso.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1301 Feb 17 16:01 politics.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1730 Feb 17 16:01 serbshot.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2114 Feb 17 16:01 serbwome.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2159 Feb 17 16:01 sidebar.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       9743 Feb 17 16:01 skin.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      16014 Feb 17 16:01 somalia.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       3242 Feb 17 16:01 spain.txt


total 70

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1535 Feb 27 13:34 abclist.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       4401 Feb 27 13:42 andres.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1304 Feb 27 13:58 casapaz.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1670 Feb 28 18:57 dom.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       3529 Feb 28 18:58 ezcronol.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       6422 Feb 28 19:01 facnot.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       2282 Feb 28 19:02 madrid.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       3445 Feb 28 19:03 mexoct.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       3198 Feb 28 19:05 mxfems.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       1881 Feb 28 19:06 nigerisp.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       6338 Feb 28 19:07 presoper.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       3006 Feb 28 19:10 spantifa.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       8716 Feb 28 19:13 sppolst.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls        568 Feb 28 18:49 subsp.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       3430 Feb 28 19:16 suppgrps.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       5469 Feb 28 19:17 univerp2.txt

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls       4407 Feb 28 19:20 vcentmex.txt

Organized Thoughts (syndicalist)

uglymouse% ls -lR Organized.Thoughts

total 135

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      27170 Oct 30 22:27 ot.1

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      41047 Oct 30 22:27 ot.2

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      28427 Oct 30 22:27 ot.3

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      39215 Oct 30 22:28 ot.4

Spunk Press (Practical Anarchy Online, plus essays)

uglymouse% ls -lR Spunk

total 888

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       1317 Sep 16 12:10 README.practical.anarchy

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      57418 Feb  8 11:20 civil-disobedience

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       2401 Nov 20 11:43 durruti.interview

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      45211 Nov 25 09:49 pa-1.1

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      29776 Sep 16 12:12 pa-1.2

-r--r--r--  1 pauls      54321 Nov 24 13:34 pa-1.3

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      57609 Jan 19 11:37 pa-2.1

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls     338712 Feb  8 11:25 probchild

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      24142 Jan  7 23:19 reading.list

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls     262690 Feb 15 03:02 taz.doc

Stirner and Egoism

uglymouse% ls -lR Non.Serviam

total 29

drwxr-xr-x  2 pauls       1024 Jan 31 05:31 Stirner

-r--r--r--  1 pauls       5978 Dec  8 08:10 non.serviam-00

-rw-r--r--  1 pauls      22507 Jan 21 10:52 non.serviam-01


total 553

-r--r--r--  1 pauls        659 Dec  1 14:17 README.Stirner

-r--r--r--  1 pauls     555492 Dec  1 14:10 der.einzige.sea.hqx


That's all kids.  Some day there might be an update to this document.

On the other hand if you don't get off your ass and send me some update

material, I won't bother.
