💾 Archived View for auragem.letz.dev › texts › islam › quran › en.sarwar › 37 captured on 2023-09-28 at 17:07:35. Gemini links have been rewritten to link to archived content
[1] I swear by (the angels) who stand in ranks,
[2] by those who drive away the devil (to protect Our revelation),
[3] and those who recite Our revelations,
[4] that your Lord is the only Lord.
[5] He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, the Lord of the Eastern regions.
[6] We have decked the lower heavens with stars
[7] to protect them from the rebellious satan.
[8] The devils cannot hear those high above. They would be struck from all sides
[9] and driven away to suffer the necessary torment.
[10] Some of them who stealthily steal words from the heavens are pursued by a glistening flame.
[11] (Muhammad), ask them, "Have they (people) been created stronger than what We have created?" We have created them from moist clay.
[12] (Muhammad), you will be surprised that they still mock (God's revelations).
[13] They pay no attention when they are reminded
[14] and when they see a miracle, they mock
[15] it and say, "It is only plain magic".
[16] They say, "Shall we be brought to life again after we die and turn into dust and bones?
[17] Will our forefathers also be brought to life again?"
[18] Say, "You will certainly be brought back to life in disgrace".
[19] The Day of Judgment will come within a single roar and they will remain gazing at it.
[20] They will say, "Woe to us!" (They will be told), "This is the day of receiving recompense".
[21] This is the Day of Judgment in which you disbelieved.
[22] (God will command the angels), "Gather together the unjust, their spouses, and what they had worshipped
[23] besides God, and show them the way of hell.
[24] Stop them. They must be questioned."
[25] They will be asked, "Why do you not help each other?"
[26] In fact, on that day they will be submissive.
[27] They will turn to each other saying,
[28] "It was you who tried to mislead us from righteousness".
[29] Others will respond, "It was you who did not want to have any faith.
[30] We had no authority over you, in fact, you were a rebellious people.
[31] Thus, the words of Our Lord about us have come true and now we are suffering the torment.
[32] We mislead you and we ourselves had also gone astray."
[33] On that day they will all share the torment.
[34] This is how We deal with the criminals.
[35] They were the ones, who on being told, "God is only One," become puffed-up with pride
[36] and said, "Should we give up our idols for the sake of an insane poet".
[37] In fact, he had brought them the truth and had acknowledged the Messengers (who were sent before him).
[38] (They will be told), "You will certainly suffer the painful torment
[39] and will be recompensed only for what you deserve.
[40] But the sincere servants of God
[41] will have their determined sustenance
[42] and fruits while they are honored.
[43] (They will live) in the bountiful gardens,
[44] on couches facing each other.
[45] They will be served with a cup full of crystal clear wine,
[46] delicious to those who drink it
[47] but not harmful or intoxicating.
[48] They will have with them loving wives with big black and white eyes
[49] who are as chaste as sheltered eggs.
[50] They will turn to each other and ask questions.
[51] One of them will say, "I had a companion who asked me,
[52] 'Do you believe in the Day of Judgment?
[53] Shall we be recompensed for our deeds after we die and become bones and dust?
[54] Do you want to see him?' "
[55] He will look down and see him in hell.
[56] He will say to his friend in hell, "By God, you almost destroyed me.
[57] Had I not the guidance of my Lord, I would certainly have been brought into torment".
[58] He will ask his companion, "Did you not say that there would only be one death
[59] and that we would not be punished?"
[60] This is certainly the greatest triumph
[61] for which one must strive hard.
[62] Is this not a better reward than the tree of Zaqqum
[63] which We have made as a torment for the unjust?
[64] (Zaqqum) is a tree which grows from the deepest part of hell,
[65] and its fruits are like the heads of devils.
[66] The dwellers of hell will eat that fruit and fill-up their bellies.
[67] Then they will have on top of it a mixture of boiling water.
[68] They can only return to hell.
[69] They found their father going astray
[70] and rushed to follow them.
[71] Most of the ancient people had also gone astray.
[72] We had certainly sent warners to them.
[73] See how terrible was the end of those who were warned.
[74] Only Our sincere servants were saved.
[75] Noah called for help. How blessed was the answer which he received.
[76] We rescued him and his people from the greatest affliction
[77] and We made his offspring the only survivors.
[78] We perpetuated his praise in later generations.
[79] Peace be with Noah among all men in the worlds.
[80] Thus do We reward the righteous ones.
[81] He was one of Our believing servants.
[82] We drowned all the others (besides Noah and his people).
[83] Abraham was one of his followers.
[84] He turned to his Lord with a sound heart
[85] and asked his father and his people, "What is that you worship?
[86] Do you want to worship false idols as your lords besides God?
[87] What do you think about the Lord of the Universe?"
[88] The people invited him to attend their feast). Then he looked at the stars
[89] and said, "I am sick!"
[90] All the people turned away from him
[91] and he turned to their idols and asked them, "Do you eat?
[92] Why do you not speak?"
[93] He struck them with his right hand.
[94] Thereupon the people came running to him.
[95] He said, "How can you worship what you yourselves have carved
[96] even though God created both you and that which you have made?"
[97] They said, "Let us build a fire and throw him into the flames".
[98] They plotted against him, but We brought humiliation upon them.
[99] (Abraham) said, "I will go to my Lord who will guide me".
[100] Abraham prayed, "Lord, grant me a righteous son".
[101] We gave him the glad news of the birth of a forbearing son.
[102] When his son was old enough to work with him, he said, "My son, I have had a dream that I must sacrifice you. What do you think of this?" He replied, "Father, fulfill whatever you are commanded to do and you will find me patient, by the will of God".
[103] When they both agreed and Abraham had lain down his son on the side of his face (for slaughtering),
[104] We called to him, "Abraham,
[105] you have fulfilled what you were commanded to do in your dream." Thus do We reward the righteous ones.
[106] It was certainly an open trial.
[107] We ransomed his son with a great sacrifice
[108] and perpetuated his praise in later generations.
[109] Peace be with Abraham.
[110] Thus, do We reward the righteous ones.
[111] He was one of Our believing servants.
[112] We gave him the glad news of the birth of Isaac, one of the righteous Prophets.
[113] We had blessed him and Isaac. Some of their offspring were righteous and others were openly unjust to themselves.
[114] We certainly bestowed Our favor upon Moses and Aaron
[115] and saved them and their people from great distress.
[116] We helped them and they were victorious.
[117] We gave them the enlightening Book,
[118] guided them to the right path,
[119] and perpetuated their praise in later generations.
[120] Peace be with Moses and Aaron.
[121] Thus do We reward the righteous ones.
[122] They were two of Our believing servants.
[123] Elias was certainly a Messenger.
[124] He told his people, "Why do you not have fear of God?
[125] Do you worship Ba`al and abandon the Best Creator.
[126] who is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers?"
[127] They called him a liar. Thus, all of them will suffer torment
[128] except the sincere servants of God.
[129] We perpetuated his praise in the later generations.
[130] Peace be with the followers of Elias.
[131] In this way do We reward the righteous ones.
[132] He was one of Our believing servants.
[133] Lot was certainly a Messenger.
[134] We rescued him and his whole family,
[135] except for an old woman who remained behind.
[136] Then We totally destroyed the others.
[137] You pass by (their ruined town) in the morning and at night.
[138] Will you then not understand?
[139] Jonah was certainly a Messenger.
[140] He abandoned his people
[141] and sailed away in a laden ship, wherein people cast lots. Because he lost, he was thrown into the water.
[142] The fish swallowed him up and he deserved (all this).
[143] Had he not glorified God,
[144] he would certainly have remained inside the fish until the Day of Resurrection.
[145] We cast him out of the fish unto dry land and he was sick.
[146] We made a plant of gourd grow up for him.
[147] We sent him to a hundred thousand or more people.
[148] They believed in him so We granted them enjoyment for an appointed time.
[149] (Muhammad), ask them, "Do daughters belong to your Lord and sons to them?
[150] Have We created the angels as females before their very eyes?
[151] It is only because of their false invention that they say,
[152] 'God has begotten a son.' They are certainly liars.
[153] Has He chosen daughters in preference to sons?
[154] Woe to you! How terrible is your Judgment.
[155] Do you not understand?
[156] Do you have clear authority?
[157] Bring your book if what you say is true.
[158] They have said that there is a relationship between Him and the jinn. The jinn certainly know that they will all be brought to suffer torment.
[159] God is too glorious to be described as they describe Him
[160] except the servants of God, sincere and devoted.
[161] You and whatever you worship
[162] cannot mislead anyone
[163] except those who are doomed to enter hell.
[164] The angels say, "Each of us has an appointed place.
[165] We stand in ranks (for prayer)
[166] and we glorify God".
[167] Even though they (unbelievers) say,
[168] "Had we received guidance from the people living before us,
[169] we would have certainly been sincere servants of God".
[170] They have rejected the Quran. They will soon know the consequences (of their disbelief).
[171] We decreed that Our Messenger servants
[172] will certainly be victorious
[173] and that Our army will be triumphant.
[174] (Muhammad), stay away from them for a while
[175] and watch them. They, too, will watch.
[176] Do they want to suffer Our torment immediately?
[177] When it descends into their courtyard, it will be terrible for those who have already been warned.
[178] Stay away from them for a while
[179] and watch. They, too, will watch.
[180] Your Lord, the Lord of Honor, is too exalted to be considered as they describe Him.
[181] Peace be with the Messengers (of God).
[182] It is only God, the Lord of the Universe, who deserves all praise.