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A Brainfuck Compiler

Finally playing with QBE!

Written while listening to “The Pretender” by Foo Fighters.

Published: 2022-04-28

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A couple of weeks ago bcallah@ imported QBE into the OpenBSD ports tree and, since then, I was looking forward to play with it. When a friend of mine studying for a course on declarative programming in F# told me they wrote a little interpreter i forced^W convinced him to write a compiler for brainfuck in F# that outputs QBE, and I'm following him in Haskell.

(heph, now you have to write a blog post too!)

Why in Haskell? It's the closer language to F# that I know. I don't any idea on how (if?) mono/.Net works on OpenBSD, and I don't have any experience in OCaml (even if I've read a bit about it). On the other hand, I studied a bit of Haskell in uni and used XMonad for a while.

I don't think I've ever written a compiler for brainfuck, but if I had to write one again I don't think I'll write like this. Brainfuck it's a really simple language, and the compiler I've written is, maybe, a bit overkill: it includes a tokenizer and a parser. Turns out probably it wasn't a completely bad idea, but we'll see that in a follow up post.



Let's get hands-on with QBE

Brainfuck is a really simple programming language: there's a tape of integers and six "operations" defined. + and - increments/decrements the current cell, < and > moves one cell to the left or one to the right, "." and "," are input and output commands and to get the turing-completeness [ and ] are a looping construct. It's called esoteric for a reason.

QBE is a compiler backend: instead of outputting assembly, one can output QBE IL (intermediate language) and leave the assembly step to QBE.

Without further ado, here's the source for bfc, a brainfuck compiler, fully annotated. Please keep in mind thought that this was the first bit of Haskell I wrote after many, many years. Don't use it as a reference on how to write proper Haskell code, because it's not.

All the code is available here:

Codeberg: op/bfc

GitHub: omar-polo/bfc

bfc uses very little from the standard library: just printf from Text.Printf, getArgs from System.Environment and the functions in Prelude.

module Main where

import Text.Printf
import System.Environment as E

The first part is a simple tokenizer. A tokenizer is a program that reads a file (or any stream of characters really) and returns a stream of tokens. Let's start by modeling the tokens:

data Token = Plus
           | Minus
           | Lesser
           | Greater
           | Point
           | Comma
           | BracketOpen
           | BracketClose
           deriving (Eq, Show)

Any character outside of those is implicitly a comment in brainfuck: that's why the tokenizer routine is so simple:

tokenize :: String -> [Token]
tokenize (x:xs) =
  let table = [ ('-', Minus), ('+', Plus)
              , ('<', Lesser), ('>', Greater)
              , ('.', Point), (',', Comma)
              , ('[', BracketOpen), (']', BracketClose) ]
      token = lookup x table in
    case token of
      Just x  -> x:(tokenize xs)
      Nothing -> tokenize xs
tokenize _ = []

It's quite common in Haskell, I guess, to have functions like this. It process a single character at a time and calls back itself with the rest of the things to process.

Being a lazy language, the recursive call is not done until the caller tries to access the elements of the list. More than a list, maybe, the correct term is "stream", or "sequence".

Let's see if the tokenizer works:


With a tokenizer in place, the next step is usually to write a parser able to create an AST (abstract syntax tree) starting from the stream of tokens.

Since we're writing Haskell, let's start with the types declaration.

data Expr = Inc
          | Dec
          | ShiftLeft
          | ShiftRight
          | Input
          | Output
          | Loop [Expr]
          deriving (Eq, Show)

type AST = [Expr]

Unlike the tokenizer, our parser can fail. Well, real world tokenizers can fail too, it's just that brainfuck is so simple that a tokenizer can't fail by design.

To model the fact that our parser can fail I'm using the Either type. It's fundamentally a tuple of a "Right" value and a "Left" error.

parser :: [Token] -> [AST] -> Either String AST

The parser uses an explicit stack of AST to keep track of the loops.

parser (x:xs) stack =
  case x of
    BracketOpen -> parser xs ([]:stack)

Upon finding a [ I'm pushing an empty AST on the stack.

    BracketClose -> case stack of
                      (y:(z:zs)) -> parser xs $ pushexpr (Loop (reverse y)) (z:zs)
                      _          -> Left "unexpected end of loop"

and when reading the matching ] that temporary AST gets popped and wrapped in a Loop. The strange destructuring is to make sure that there's at least two elements on the stack. If there aren't then it's an unmatched end of loop: report the error and terminate

    _ -> parser xs $ pushexpr expr stack
      where expr = case x of
                     Plus    -> Inc
                     Minus   -> Dec
                     Lesser  -> ShiftLeft
                     Greater -> ShiftRight
                     Point   -> Output
                     Comma   -> Input

The other tokens have a one-to-one mapping to our expressions, so it's just a matter of a simple translation

parser _ [x] = return (reverse x)
parser _ _ = Left "unterminated loop"

If we've reached the end of the token stream with only one element on the stack then it's all good, otherwise we have an unterminated loop and we report the error.

I've used an helper function, a one-liner actually, to push an expression in front of the current AST at the top of the stack

pushexpr expr (y:ys) = (expr:y):ys

There are sequences in haskell that guarantees O(1) for append, but to keep everything simple (and because my knowlegde is really limited) I decided to just use lists. Thus, I'm building the inverted AST and then reversing it once it gets popped off the stack.

Since the parser needs an explicit stack, I wrote a simple frontend for it:

parse toks = parser toks [[]]

Nice. Let's test it!

Right [Loop [Inc,Output,Inc]]

Left "unterminated loop"

Left "unexpected end of loop"

Seems to work just fine!

The only thing left is now turning this abstract syntax tree into a QBE intermediate language.

I'm using the Instruction type to represent the QBE instruction that we need:

data Instruction = StoreW (Int, Int)        -- storew a, b
                 | StoreL (Int, Int)        -- storel a, b
                 | LoadW (Int, Int)         -- a =w loadw b
                 | LoadL (Int, Int)         -- a =w loadl b
                 | AddW (Int, Int, Int)     -- a =w add b, c
                 | AddL (Int, Int, Int)     -- a =l add b, c
                 | SubW (Int, Int, Int)     -- a =w sub b, c
                 | SubL (Int, Int, Int)     -- a =l sub b, c
                 | Call0 (Int, String)      -- a =w call $b()
                 | Call1 (Int, String, Int) -- a =w call $b(w c)
                 | Jmp (Int)                -- jmp a
                 | Jnz (Int, Int, Int)      -- jnz a, @loop.b, @loop.c
                 | Label (Int)              -- @loop.a
  deriving (Eq)

It looks a bit like assembly, isn't it?

QBE Intermediate Language

The compile function itself it's not hard, but it's a bit long. It uses two counters, one for the temporaries and one for the loops names, plus two extra stacks, and returns a stream of Instruction.

Remembering that I said not to take this as an example on how to write Haskell, let's see the compiler in its glory.

-- the pointer to the current cell is always in the %.1 temporary
cell = 1

compile' :: Int -> Int -> [AST] -> [Int] -> [Instruction]
compile' n h ((x:xs):ys) trail =
  case x of
    Inc -> LoadL(n+1, cell)  :
           LoadW(n+2, n+1)   :
           AddW(n+3, n+2, 1) :
           StoreW(n+3, n+1)  :
           compile' (n+3) h (xs:ys) trail

As a side note, one of the things that I had troubles wrapping my head around was how to manage the temporaries and the pointers. Take how Inc is compiled: it first loads the pointer from the intermediary and then dereferences it, because you can't directly dereference the address stored in an intermediary as far as I've understood.

The compile' function has always a recursive call at the end: the idea is to leverage as much as possible on the tail call optimizations that GHC should do, turning this into a loop that produces a stream.

    Dec -> ...
    ShiftLeft -> LoadL(n+1, cell)  :
                 SubL(n+2, n+1, 4) :
                 StoreL(n+2, cell) :
                 compile' (n+2) h (xs:ys) trail
    ShiftRight -> ...
    Input -> Call0(n+1, "getchar") :
             LoadL(n+2, cell)      :
             StoreW(n+1, n+2)      :
             compile' (n+2) h (xs:ys) trail
    Output -> LoadL(n+1, cell)           :
              LoadW(n+2, n+1)            :
              Call1(n+3, "putchar", n+2) :
              compile' (n+3) h (xs:ys) trail
    Loop (ast) -> Label(h)           :
                  LoadL(n+1, cell)   :
                  LoadW(n+2, n+1)    :
                  Jnz(n+2, h+1, h+2) :
                  Label(h+1)         :
                  compile' (n+3) (h+3) (ast:(xs:ys)) (h:trail)

The loop is the most complex part. When I'm encountering a loop I'm pushing it's body into the AST stack, so that the recursive call will start compiling the body. I'm using the integer stack to push the label number.

compile' n h ([]:ys) (t:ts) = Jmp(t) : Label(t+2) : compile' n h ys ts
compile' _ _ _ _ = []

When the AST at the top of the stack is empty, it generates the code to end the loop and compiles the rest of the stack recusively.

Like I did for the parser, also for the compiler I wrote a small frontend for it, so it's simpler to call it:

compile ast = compile' 1 1 [ast] []

Let's see if it works:

Right [ LoadL (2,1)
      , LoadW (3,2)
      , AddW (4,3,1)
      , StoreW (4,2)
      , LoadL (5,1)
      , LoadW (6,5)
      , AddW (7,6,1)
      , StoreW (7,5) ]

(reformatted just for readability)

<{body}gt; is just a built-in function that "pipes" the AST to the compile function if parse succeeds, or returns the error otherwise.

cproc was incredibly helpful to understand how to translate certain patterns into the QBE IL: I've often compiled some small C programs with cproc-qbe to see what code was produced.

cproc: small C11 compiler based on QBE

The compiler isn't finished yet thought. The QBE instructions need to be wrapped in a main function, and we need to somehow print them. Let's start by implementing the Show typeclass for Instruction:

instance Show Instruction where
  show x =
    case x of
      StoreW (a, b)    -> printf "    storew %%.%d, %%.%d" a b
      StoreL (a, b)    -> printf "    storel %%.%d, %%.%d" a b
      Label (a)        -> printf "@loop.%d" a

and then printing the prologue of the main function, followed by the body of the compiled program, followed by the epilogue:

prologue = "export function w $main() {\n" ++
           "@start\n" ++
           "    %.1 =l alloc8 8\n" ++
           "    storel $tape, %.1"
epilogue = "    ret 0\n" ++
           "}\n" ++
           "data $tape = align 8 { z 4096 }"

compileProg program = do
  let t = parse $ tokenize program in
    case t of
      Right ast -> do putStrLn prologue
                      mapM_ print (compile ast)
                      putStrLn epilogue
      Left err  -> error err

Haskell is a language that really takes at heart the idea of avoiding side effects as much as possible. They're not difficult to perform however, just a bit awkward to do sometimes, or at least it seems so coming from other languages. Let's take the task of printing a list of values:

mapM_ print list

The mapM_ function has the following type signature

mapM_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()

It takes a function that does something with a value and returns a monad and applies it to a list (really a "foldable"). This is just perfect for printing streams of values, since the print function returns an "IO ()" monad.

By wrapping the whole thing in a do-block we can "join" these multiple side effects (i.e. printing) into a single IO monad.

The last thing to do is to implement a main function. I tried to use getopt in Haskell but failed badly to do so, and I don't really need any flag: just read the file given (or standard input) and print the QBE IL on the standard output!

parseArgs [] = getContents
parseArgs path = concat `fmap` mapM readFile path

main = E.getArgs >>= parseArgs >>= compileProg

(as a side note, among the various "ASCII art"-named functions in Haskell >>= is the one I like the most)

I'll leave as an exercise for the reader the task of adding the bounds check to the shifts.

Having a separate tokenizer and parser made, in this specific case, the compiler slighter complex: usually I would have just done pattern matching on the input and produced the QBE output from it. In a follow up post thought I'd like to explore some optimization that bfc could apply, so maybe having an AST could become an advantage!

-- text: CC0 1.0; code: public domain (unless specified otherwise). No copyright here.