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Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 3.  Sat 10-26-91 20:09  (NO KILL)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Introduction

   Hello, and welcome to Kind Bud's Corner. On this sub we'll be
discussing the most versatile, profitable, and sustainable natural
resource on the planet...Hemp.
   With well over 50,000 commercial uses, conservative estimates of its'
profit potential surpass $500 Billion per year. Industry experts project
a 12-fold (or greater) increase in hemp earnings, once the trade barriers 
are removed and this valuable cash crop is, again, allowed to compete.
   We'll examine the history of hemp, and it's many uses which include
paper(1 acre of hemp = 4.1 acres of trees for pulp), fiber (textiles),
food, fuel(bio-mass), cordage, plastics, fabrication ( including fiber-
board and other construction materials) medicine, and so forth...Anything
petroleum does, Hemp can  do better!
   We'll talk about the REAL reasons behind the hemp prohibition in 1937,
and what efforts are being made by the burgeoning H.E.M.P. Movement to
put an end to this insane and inhumane law.  And, We'll look at what you
and I can do locally....
   I want to hear what you're thinking (whether pro/con/indifferent). And
Questions...I like Questions.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 4.  Sat 10-26-91 20:19  (NO KILL)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: "...a remarkable little book..

...is what Hugh Downs said on ABC's 20/20.  He was talking about
"The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer.  It is an excellent primer
on hemp and can be picked up at The Tattered Cover bookstore for around
$15...also, by calling 470-1100 from your touch-tone phone and entering
extension 477, you can hear a 10 minute recording of the Hugh Downs 20/20
piece.  Journalism at its' finest!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 5.  Sun 10-27-91  8:26  (NO KILL)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: ...can you hear voices?

Here's Colorado NORML's voice message directory. Use touch-tone phone and
dial (303) 470-1100. When connected punch in desired ext #
111...Initial greeting
222...FAX Mailbox 
123...Special Msg(AIDS sufferer addressing HEMP rally at State Capital
333...Modem Mailbox
421...Help in Using This System
422...How To Leave a Message
423...How to Send a FAX
424...How to Receive Our FAX Newsletter
431...An Introduction to NORML
441...How to Get Involved
442...How to Join NORML-Colorado
443...Coming Events
444...Chapter Mailing Address
445...National Office Information
446...Legislative Alert Signup
447...Other Organizations
448...Recommended Reading
449...Chapter Meetings
451...Current News
452...Marijuana and Medicine
453...The HEMP Patrol
454...Colorado RoundUp
456...WECOF: Freedom Fighter Radio Network
461...Legal Information
462...Lawyer Referral
463...State Laws
464...Urine Testing
471...Hemp Information
472...Marijuana and Health
473...Fuel and Energy
476...Food and Seed Products
477...Hugh Downs' ABC 20/20 Program on Hemp
481...General Information
491..."The Emperor Wears No Clothes" By Jack Herer
492...High Times Magazine
511...Hemp Initiative Project

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 6.  Sun 10-27-91  8:40
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Quote for the Day...

"Make the most of the Indian Hemp seed, and sow it everywhere."
                                            George Washington

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 8.  Sun 10-27-91 11:12  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: D.A.R.E.
ALSO SEE: 9, 130, 317.

Thanks for telling me about that meeting.  Barring death I'll be there.
If anybody else want to go, and you live in Aurora, and want to ride with
me, let me know.
Now on to the subject...
The other day my son came home with a nice red ribbon that was insribed 
"Drug Free and Proud".  Now on the face of this it would seem like a good
thing.  I would just a soon my kids don't get involved with drugs, and
stay away from beer and hemp till they are at least sisteen.  Sill, I got
a very uneasy feeling in the pit of my gut.
The cops say (and we know they NEVER lie) that they are not telling kid to 
turn their parents into the police.  Myself, I think that is a bunch of
Bull Doody.  Where would a ten year old kid get the idea to turnhis
parents into the state, if not from the nice officer Friendly of the
D.A.R.E. program?
I think I have a strong enough relationship with my kids that I don't have 
to worry about them turning me in.  But that dosn't stop the nagging worry 
sitting in the back of my mind.
So, how do I as a parent, sit down my ten year old, a child  who should
not have to worry about these things and explain to him the facts of life.
The goverment's ONLY concern is it's own preservation.  The cops are not
really your friends.  And in no case should he trust either one to tell
the truth.
I think that's a bit heavy for a kid his age.  But now I am faced with
having to counter what he is being told in school.  If I let it go I am
faced with the posibility of him turning me in, (reguardless of weither or 
not I smoke hemp) or worse yet, the system turning him into another
trusting, unquestoning drone.
Putting aside the compairison to "1984", a more real life compairison
would be Germany in 1937.  The schools there also encouraged children to
turn their parents into the state.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 9.  Mon 10-28-91  6:24  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: D.A.R.E./Hitler Youth

So very true.  The cops don't have 'em wearing brown shirts,yet...but it
doesn't mean they wouldn't like to.  My kids are all in college now, but
when they were younger, like yours, I had to maintain a sort of on-going
"de-programming" campaign to keep them from being brainwashed....They were
able to understand that their teachers weren't necessarily 'bad', just
ignorant....I don't think that Colorado had any D.A.R.E. programs then.
Just as an aside, the D.A.R.E. program is the brain child of L.A. Top Cop
Daryl Gates, who has recieved so much good press lately.
   Colorado NORML and the Rocky Mtn Hemp Network are putting together a
program called Double-Dare where volunteer-parents are demanding equal
time in schools to talk paper-fiber-fuel-food-medicine, Bill of Rights,
etc....I'll be talking to them today and I'll try to get more info.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 11.  Tue 10-29-91  6:18
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Public Meeting

The Rocky Mountain Hemp Network is hosting a public seminar/discussion
group on Saturday, Nov 2 from 6 pm to 8 pm at 1090 S Wadsworth, suite F.
This group will continue to meet on the first Saturday of each month
...also, Rocky Mountain Hemp Network is filing a class-action suit against
the State of Colorado for witholding medication.  Colorado is one of
several states which recognize the thereaputic application of Cannabis.
   Litigants will include sufferers of Glaucoma,Cancer,AIDS,MS,MD,
epilepsy,asthma,anorexia, et al....To qualify to participate in the law-
suit, one must have it in his medical records that an attempt has been
made to obtain cannabis through legal channels.  At the present, all re-
quests from the states must go through the F.D.A. and then the D.E.A.
Currently, only thirty-seven people in the U.S. have a legal prescription
for the herb. Rocky Mountain Hemp has lined up nine litigants and is look-
ing for more.  If you know someone who qualifies, have them call Connie
at 1-838-1235.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 12.  Tue 10-29-91 12:57
    From: Thanatos
      To: Kind Bud, Et Al.
 Subject: Legalization
ALSO SEE: 13, 15, 16.

I don't agree with you, Kind Bud.
I don't see all the uses that you suggest.  All I see is that people want
the option to smoke THC at any time and any place they wish.
Perhaps all those fabrics and fuels and such are possible, but I don't see 
the supporters of Hemp legalization using it for that now.  Most
supporters are private users of Hemp and they will not, in my option,
change.  Legal or not.
Let it be said that I also don't support the rights of tobacco smokers.  I 
have learned that inhaling smoke of any kind is unhealthy and should not
be advocated.
I have also heard that the users of THC are more passive that other
people.  That is fine for avoiding war; My concern is with the already low 
nation production rate in the USA.  Do we really need an entire work force 
that is passive?
Sorry, but I won't be at any of your rallies.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 13.  Thu 10-31-91 16:53  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Thanatos
 Subject: Legalization

I somewhat agree with you.  I think some of the proposed uses for hemp are 
a bit on the optomistic side.  Things such as fuel are still pretty much
on the drawing board.  And until hemp is legaized, they will stay there.
But many things such as food, fabric, paper, medicne, and building
materials are not only proven, but they were widely used until Herst and
his buddies hatched their scheme.
As far as paper..
One acre of hemp can produce as much paper as 4.3 acres of trees.  That
acre of hemp can be replanted and renewed every year.  In some areas of
the country it can be havested twice a year.  That 4.3 acres of trees can
only be harvested every 15 to 30 years.
The only chem needed to make paper from hemp is Hyd-porxcide (however the
hell you spell it).
You don't even want to think abought what goes into wood paper.
Have you ever picked up a book that is 50+ years old and wondered why it's 
in better shape than a book printed twenty years ago?  It's because the
older book was printed before hemp was outlawed.  The hemp paper is acid
As far a THC users beind docile and worthless...
The most sucsessfull person I know smokes hemp.  He prefers it to beer,
and uses it the same way a mature person uses beer.
He is anything but docile.  In fact he has recived a number of awards for
exelence in his field.  But none of this matters, because the instand it
were to become public that he smoked hemp, he would be labled a "usless,
lazy, no good pervert". 

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 14.  Thu 10-31-91 17:20  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Hemp in The Truth Seeker

I subscribe to an unusual magazine based in San Diego called The Truth
Seeker (Box 2832, San Diego, CA 92112, $20/year).  In the latest issue was 
a good article by Howard Anshell called "Could One Plant Save the Earth".
Guess what it was about Nyuk Nyuk!  Yuse guys are really getting around
Nyuk Nyuk!  It said the original draft of the Declaration of Independence
was written on hemp paper, and still exists today.
Anyway, I've always believed that all drugs should be decriminalized, even 
crack cocaine, as long as it's taxed and regulated like tobacco and
alcohol.  But with the purported value of the hemp plant itself being held 
back by the anti-drug laws, I gotta say I hope yuse guys keep working hard 
and fight where it counts in the Congress and the Legislatures -- and win!
Maybe if decriminalization starts with this one little step, everybody can 
see I've been right all along Nyuk Nyuk!
In the same mag. was a letter to the editor advocating that the government 
establish "legal drug stores" which would sell seized drugs at cut rates
in direct competition to the street hoodlums...what do you think about
that, "Bud"?
"Bud?....Bud?  Are you awake?  What have you been smoking?..." Nyuk Nyuk!  
(just joshing)

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 15.  Fri 11-01-91  6:32  (NO KILL)  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Thanatos
 Subject: Legalization
ALSO SEE: 12, 35.

You're more than welcome to disagree....however, there are NO studies 
which indicate that hemp-smokers are any more or less passive or lazy than
any other group....and these days, the joint is not the point. Hemp can
produce approx. 50,000 commercial products that are practically pollution
free.  According to the U.S.D.A., one acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of
trees for the production of paper. Hemp paper is dioxine-free.  Wood paper
making processes release sulfer into the atmosphere.  Up until the mid-
19th century, ALL our paper was made from hemp...The first two copies of
the Declaration of Independence were made on hemp paper.  We all know that
Geo. Washington and T. Jefferson grew hemp. Benj. Franklin started the
first hemp-paper mill in America. That way, we wouldn't have to justify
use of paper to England.  Sailing ships in those days used from 60 to 100
tons of hemp per year.  When England blockaded France, Napolean's first
move was to invade Russia (which supplied England with 90% of its' hemp)
in an effort to cut off England's hemp supply, thus crippling its' navy.
An American could pay his taxes with hemp until 1810.  In the latter
1800's paper made from wood became the vogue, because at this time it was
more labor-effective than hemp.  Clothing and other fibers still were made
from hemp.  Canvas is the Dutch word for cannabis.
In the mid-1930's, something happened which got Big-Money worried.  A
new machine was invented which would make the pulping of hemp very labor-
effective. This prompted Popular Mechanics to offer an article about hemp
calling it the New Billion Dollar crop.  Also, Henry Ford was so convinced
that bio-mass was the ONLY way to go as far as fueling cars, he grew hemp
on his estate at Iron Mountain for that purpose..As a bio-mass crop, hemp
is superior to any including kenaf, corn, or sugar-cane all added in to-
gether!  At this time William Raldolf Hearst and Kimberly Clarke owned
vast timber acreage.  DuPont had just patented "nylon", the forerunner of
all poisonous plastics, and Big Oil didn't like the sound of this bio-
mass business.  Fibers which had traditionally been made from hemp could
be made with plastics.  Hemp can also be made into plastics, and,
according to Pop.Mech, it can be made into anything from cellophane to
dynamite.  Hearst, the Melons and DuPonts held a series of "secret
meetings" with '30's drug czar Harry Anslinger and conspired to conduct a
smear campaign against hemp in an effort to whip the public into an anti-
hemp hysteria.  But they did'nt call it hemp...everyone knew what hemp
was.  Hearst news-papers were the first to call it 'marijuana' and made up
all manner of horror stories about it. Anslinger, in his testimony before
Congress, said that 'marijuana' was the most violence-inducing narcotic
known to man! Hearst papers told of how it was the drug of choice among
"mexicans, negros, and entertainers." This campaign was nothing less than
a pack of lies designed by the super-rich to rid themselves of their
number one competitor...HEMP.  The law is called the Marijuana Tax Stamp
Act, but after that title, you'll never see the word "marijuana" used in
the bill again.  It refers only to hemp...after the law was passed, the
medical profession wanted to know what happened to cannabis.  Cannabis was
one of the most useful medicines known.  They were not aware that
cannabis and "marijuana" were the same thing.  2.5 million people in this
country have glaucoma; 10,000 of them are going to lose their vision this
year...yet, only 37 people have a legal prescription for this useful herb,
which is proven to HALT the advance of glaucoma.  It is also known to be
useful in treating epilepsy, MS, etc......more on this later.....I've run o
ut of time.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 16.  Fri 11-01-91 10:30  (NO KILL)  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Thanatos
 Subject: Legalization

Part Two:
Cannabis has many therapeutical applications including glaucoma, MS,MD
asthma, anorexia, epilepsy, etc. The medical body of literature on the
topic is vast.  The government is quite aware of this, yet still
classifies "marijuana" as a schedule one narcotic, meaning it has NO KNOWN
medical value. This is, of course, a lie. The gov't knows it's a lie, and
more importantly, the Big $$ who tell the gov't what to think know it is
a lie. They simply do not want the competition that hemp would bring into
the market place.  When hemp is re-commercialized, it's not just going to 
save the family farm....American farmers are going to PROSPER like they 
never have in this century!
Since you have no plans to visit one of our meetings, you are really
unaware of what the hemp movement is doing as regards the
commercialization of legal hemp products....these products are how the
word is being spread....hemp clothing, hemp-seed oil products including
food, bio-mass products, etc.  I recently helped Colorado bio-scientist
Agua Das set up Colorados first hemp-seed oil press and his products are
being stocked on shelves all over the state.  You're not going to get much
of this info in the "News."  I recently filmed a Hemp Rally in Madison,WI
where more than 20,000 hempsters attended.  Did you hear anything about it
on the news back here?  ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN were all aware of the event,
but didn't manage to mention anything about it. Why? Forty people can act
badly in front of an abortion clinic, and it's all over prime time TV.
20,000 people can petition the state for redress of grievances(i.e. re-
legalization of a plant that can save the environment and producea 500
Billion Dollar a year industry) and they go completly ignored.  Is it
because it's not important? No. It's because people are scared.  They
have a reason to be scared....what's being hyped as a War On Drugs is
really a war on you and me.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 17.  Fri 11-01-91 10:55  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: Hemp in The Truth Seeker

I'm with you all the way,Big Boy! Actually, I'm for freeing up any
commerce or interaction between consenting adults. That means everything.
The HEMP movement  is such a useful tool in the over-all freedom movement
because its' position is unassailable.....paper,fiber,fuel,medicine...it's
all documented and cannot be disproved.  The D E A quit debating hempster
about two years ago....The national
HEMP movement offers a $10,000 challenge to anyone who can prove their
position to be wrong. For me, the picture is like this:
The shit we each put up with everyday makes the McCarthy Era look like a
sitcom hoot. Property routinely confiscated without due process, cops
being able to do ANYTHING with impunity so  long as they say they were
acting in good faith, people being led like sheep to go pee in little
bottles(you'd think the streets would be filled with folks screaming about
that one).  Folks are living in a climate of fear and paranoia....some
people have been there so long, they don't even know they're scared.
We're losing our freedoms and if we don't start fighting for them now,
we probably won't have ANY in the coming century.  And there ain't nobody
around to do it for us.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 19.  Mon 11-04-91  8:10  (NO KILL)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: you may have allready won....

The following $10,000 Challenge is issued by H.E.M.P.--5632 Van Nuys Blvd,
Suite 210, Van Nuys, CA 91401    TEL:(213) 392-1806.....call them and
they'll verify it for you....their challenge goes like this:
"Prove Us Wrong: If all fossil fuels and their derivatives (coal,oil,
natural gas, synthetic fibers and petro-chemicals) as well as the
deforestation of trees for paper and agriculture (e.g. Brazilian and
Indonesian rainforests), are banned from use in order to save the planet,
preserve the ozone layer and reverse the greenhouse effect with its global
warming trend: Then there is only one known renewable natural resource
to provide ALL of the following goods and essentials such as paper and
textiles, meet all the world's transportation, home, and industrial energy
needs, and clean the atmosphere--all at the same time--our old stand-by
that did it all before: Cannabis Hemp...Marijuana!"
Pretty interesting challenge, huh?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 20.  Mon 11-04-91  8:21  (NO KILL)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Therapeutic Applications

Before getting lost in the many industrial/commercial uses of hemp (50
000 is a LOT), let's look at some of the therapeutic uses of cannabis. My
special thanx to UCLA Pulmonary Studies, 1969-1991; UCLA asthma studies, 
1969-1976; Cohen,Sidney,&Stillman,"Therapeutic Pontential of Marijuana
1976",Medical College of Georgia; University of North Carolina; National
Eye Institute;and very special thanx to Dr. Donald Tashkin of UCLA...
Smoking the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant would be beneficial for
80% of asthmatics. More than 15 million Americans are affected, and the
use of cannabis would add 30 to 60 million person-years in the aggregate
of extended life to current asthmatics in this country alone.  The use of
cannabis for asthmatics goes back thousands of years in literature;
American doctors in the last century wrote about it in their medical
papers saying that "asthma sufferes of the world would *bless* the Indian
Hemp plant all their lives."  In 1991, no American receives or uses

a single hit of (cannabis) has been known to stop a full blown asthma
14% Of all blindness in the U.S. is from glaucoma.  Smoking the leaves and
flowers of the hemp plant would benefit 90% of all 2.5 million American
glaucoma victims.  Cannabis is 2-3 times as effective as any current
medicines for reducing ocular pressure....also, hemp use has no toxic side
effects to the liver/kidneys, and no occasional sudden-death syndromes 
associated with the *legal* pharmaceutical glaucoma drugs.  Eye doctors
often advise their glaucoma patients to by illegal black-market street pot
to mitigate their toxic *legal* glaucoma medicines.  At the current black-
market prices of $400+ per oz. this is quite a drain on their pocket book,
not to mention living in fear because of their "criminal" activity. When
the 1937 Marijuana Tax Stamp Act was passed, one ounce of cannabis was
available from the local drugstore for one dollar (!)...in 1991, only 37
Americans have a legal prescription for cannabis.  In the Spring of this
year George Bush declared that no more prescriptions would be issued,
because they don't want to "send the wrong message about marijuana." In
1988 the DEA's own conservative administrative law judge, Francis Young,
after hearing 15 days of medical testimony, and reviewing hundreds of DEA
documents declared,"Marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active
substances known to man."  Oddly, the DEA continues to list marijuana as
a Schedule One narcotic:As having no known medical use.  According to
NORML, High Times, and OMNI: Eli Lilly Co; Abbott Labs; Pfizer; Smith,
Kline & French; and other pharmaceutical companies would lose billions of
dollars annually if hemp were legal in the U.S., and even more billions in
the Third World. (Some 500,000 people are poisoned each year in Third
World countries by drugs, pesticides, etc that are sold to them by
American companies, but which are banned for sale in the U.S.)  It was
because of lobbying by the pharmaceutical companies that cannabis research
has been banned by the Feds since 1977 (Ford Administration.)  The Reagan/
Bush/Quale boys are absolutey refusing to allow resumption of University
marijuana research, and, in fact, sent out a "feeler" in the early '80's
to Universities suggesting that they DESTROY all their findings from
previous hemp research.  Thankfully, many declined.  Some of the
University studies suggested that cannabis could replace 50% of Valium,
Librium, Thrazine(and other 'zine drugs. (According to the U.S. Center for
Disease Control in Atlanta 20% - 40% of "-zine" drug users have or will
develop permanent lifetime palsies (shakes).) 
   In all of this, it's interesting to note that when George Bush left
the CIA in 1977, he was appointed director of Eli Lilly by none other than
Dan Quayle's father.
Odd, that.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 21.  Mon 11-04-91 10:04  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Therapeutic Applications
ALSO SEE: 20, 22, 25.

I was wondering if hemp flowers could be used in beer making, as a
preservative, an aromatic, and flavoring, like hop flowers are? Nyuk Nyuk! 

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 22.  Mon 11-04-91 17:15  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: Beer
ALSO SEE: 21, 24.

I talked to a guy in the HEMP club at school who said he had made
pot-beer.  I can try find out from him how to make it if ya want.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 23.  Mon 11-04-91 17:19  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Wee-Willy

I don't know how documented it is, but I have found the herb to be an
excellent blood presure medicne.  Unlike the stuff the dr. gave me, it
dosen't cause hair to grow in weird places, and it don't make my willy
fall over limp.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 24.  Mon 11-04-91 22:56  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Beer
ALSO SEE: 22, 28.

Do it! Post the recipe!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 25.  Tue 11-05-91  9:18  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: This Bud's for you....

actually, yes they can....the flowers(buds) can be added during the
initial brew or with the woert(sp) 

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 26.  Tue 11-05-91  9:22  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Wee-Willy
ALSO SEE: 23, 29.

Yes, it lowers blood pressure, and opens up the arteries, as well as
reducing stress, our #1 Killer...and, according to UCLA eating the raw
seeds cuts down cholesterol dramatically.(more so than any other plant)

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 27.  Tue 11-05-91 17:43
    From: The Foad
      To: All
 Subject: The American dream
ALSO SEE: 30, 34.

Farmer Donald Clark of Florada was growing hemp in his corn field.  So
were many of his neibors.  Donald got them all together to form a Hemp
Yesterday, Donald recived a life sentence (without posibility of parole).
What tipped of the DEA?
Donald and his neibors were able to make thier farm payments.
Boy Howdy, I sure do feel safer with Donald behind bars.  How bought you?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 28.  Tue 11-05-91 17:48  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: Beer

I will probaly see him again monday.  I'll try to get it then.
He said that you can use the leagal stuff, but it's pretty expencive, and
God only knows what they used to rice out the THC.  Best to just get it
from your regular supplier.
It sure would make one hell of an entry at a beef contest.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 29.  Tue 11-05-91 17:51  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Wee-Willy

Actualy, the hair groth wasn't all bad.  My bald spot is gone.
It's the damm tree trunks growing out of my ears.
The Doctor said it could be the BP drug that was making me look like big
I quit taking it and quit going to him.
P.S. Missed you last Saturday.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 30.  Wed 11-06-91  7:23  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: American Dream(on Elm St.)

Yes, we can all sleep a little easier, now, with Donald and his ilk behind
bars.  Imagine the noive of the guy....actually making his farm payments!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: THe crap that's going on
around us everyday makes the McCarthy Era look mild by comparison.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 31.  Wed 11-06-91  7:31
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Quote for the day...

"Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to
control a man's appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things
that are not crimes...A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very
principles upon which our government was founded."
                                          Abraham Lincoln

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 32.  Wed 11-06-91  7:35
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: More Medical stuff...

According to Dr. Thomas Ungerleider, head of California's Marijuana for
Cancer Research Project from 1979-1984:"Marijuana is the best agent for
control of nausea in cancer chemotherapy."  The same is being found by
those who are undergoing ADZ therapy for AIDS.  One AIDS patient said it
best,"Marijuana makes the difference between LIVING with AIDS and DYING
of AIDS." Still, only 37 Americans have a *legal* prescription for a
plant which grows wild.  In effect, the government is saying to these
people,"F*ck you. It's better that you go blind, better that you die in
agony, wrapped around a toilet everyday, than for us to change a law which
was based on a Big Lie, anyway."
Marijuana is also proven to help 60%-80% of those who suffer from epilepsy,
MS,MD, and other tremor-related diseases(like Parkinsons).
In 1975 the D E A and the Nat'l Health Instute directed the Medical
College of Virginia to conduct studies on the smoking of the herb in hopes
of finding possible immunicological problems associated with marijuana.
Instead, researchers were surprised to find that the herb was incredibly
successful in reducing many malignant and benign tumors! A dissapointed
D E A then issued orders to CEASE all further cannabis/tumor research
and reporting.
Hemp plants also provide extractions called cannabidiolic acids.
These acids are a natual antibiotic that can be used to treat a variety
of ailments(indluding gonorrhea, etc).  According to Czechoslovakian
Studies, any disease or infection that can be treated with terramycin,
cannabis derivatives will do better.  Thankfully, the Czechs still
publish farm crop reports on strategies to grow Cannabidiol-rich hemp.
The medicinal uses of this natural herb go on and on(arthritis,rheumatism,
blood pressure,emphysema,migraines, stress, anorexia, etc.)  We have
been robbed of fifty years worth of real medical research, as well as
research&developement as regards paper,bio-mass fuel, textiles,plastics,
food, and on and on and on....
This is OUR plant, and it's time we take it back!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 34.  Wed 11-06-91  9:40  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: The Foad
 Subject: The American dream

With such insane laws and penalties for violation thereof, on the books, I 
hope none of yuse guys try to become a hero and break them just because
you don't like them.  The action is in getting them repealed, lobbying the 
lawmakers, and getting them off the books.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 35.  Wed 11-06-91 11:46  (RECV'D)
    From: Thanatos
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Legalization
ALSO SEE: 15, 37, 39.

        I do remember studies that showed THC affected short term memory in an 
adverse way.  This equates, to me, a lower function level.
        As far as the media's bias, I have seen reports of the Hemp movement.  
I believe I watched NBC report on a rally in California, and I think the
wire services also carry the reports.  There was an article in Time not
too long ago and I believe the Rocky Mountain News covered it too.
        I just don't want to see another mind altering drug legalized in the
USA.  We have enough of a problem with alcohol and Nicotine.  I work in a
Halfway House and I see the result of misuse.  We have men and women who
did nothing more that misuse alcohol, and not they are doing time for
killing someone.  Without the drug use, they would have been in control of 
their vehicle and lives would have been saved.  Why give more people more
opprotunity to use and misuse more drugs??

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 37.  Wed 11-06-91 20:18  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Thanatos
 Subject: Legalization

Well, Dead Guy (nyuk nyuk), if you were for prohibition of alcohol and
tobacco in the first place, why didn't you say so?  Despite all your
"horror stories", the horror of Prohibition and the terrible black market
that forked society over, was much much worse.  So, the arguments for
prohibition of drugs seem, to me, to be intellectually discreditable, even 
for a slob like me Nyuk Nyuk!
Still, taking drugs is for losers, legal or not, so have a malted milk and 
some popcorn, and when you get over 300 lbs. you can chance a Colt 45 or
two and still not raise your b.a.l. too much percentagewise Nyuk Nyuk!  

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 38.  Wed 11-06-91 22:29  (RECV'D)
    From: Digital Dave
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Fat Chance!

Dear Mr. Bud:
        May I call you Kind?  I should like to respectfully disagree with
everything you've said thus far.  And just because you can back up your
points with documented fact doesn't mean that I'm going to alter my
opinions one iota.  Likewise, just because the biased government-sponsored 
studies have been exposed as so much horse hocky doesn't mean I won't
continue to believe them.  My mind is quite firmly made up, and regardless 
of how many lives might be saved, or what benefit hemp would be to the
environment, I, like Comatose Thanatos, will not be found at any of your
        But seriously, folks, I'm glad to see this topic being explored
intelligently.  And, while I would welcome hemp's legalization, it would
seem to be an extreme long shot.  Do you really think they're going to
repeal the marijuana laws in our lifetime?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 39.  Thu 11-07-91  6:48  (NO KILL)  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Thanatos
 Subject: ...umm, let me....uh....I.....
ALSO SEE: 35, 40, 231.

..uhhh...errr...what was I going to?....OH! Yeah, right....like,uh..
Short Term Memory ....uh....Loss, Yeah...Right...OK!...
I believe you are referring to conclusions drawn from the Heath/Tulane
University studies in 1974. The short-term memory loss allegations stem
from those studies, and a lot of other erroneous bullsh*t as well...
The Official Version goes like this: An impartial Dr. Heath concluded that
Rhesus monkeys, smoking the equivalent of "only" 30 joints a day began to
atrophy and die after 90 days. He then opened the brains and counted the
brain cells; next, he took control monkeys who hadn't smoked, killed them,
and counted their brain cells. The pot smoking monkeys had enormous
amounts of dead brain cells as compared to the "straight" monkeys. This
prompted Reagan to say"The *most reliable scientific* sources say
permanent brain damage is one of the inevitable results of the use of
marijuana!".....Now, as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story:
   It took Playboy Press/NORML six years of suing under the Freedom of
Information Act to finally get an accurate accounting of the research
proceedures used in the experiment: The monkeys were strapped into chairs
and then strapped into gas-masks and given the equivalent of 63 Columbian
strength joints in five minutes thru the gas-masks, with no smoke
escaping.  In other words, they were suffocating.  Carbon Monoxide (given
off by any burning object) is a deadly gas that kills brain cells. The
Heath/Tulane report is a study in animal asphyxiation, carbon monoxide
poisoning, and human cruelty. You could achieve the same results if you
locked yourself in your garage and ran your car for 15 minutes every
day. I can only speak from personal experience...When I returned from my
four-year, government sponsored, all-expense paid vacation in Southeast
Asia in the early '70's, I was quite familiar with the herb. I enjoyed it
just about every day. I returned to college and finished with a straight-A
average, and didn't find it much of a challenge at all. This, while
working full time and supporting a family.  I now own my own business,
have three kid in college, and am still married to the same woman I
started out with. I don't think this indicates brain damage....(well,
except the part about being married.) When my personal experience flows
contrary to Consensus Reality, I'll stick with my personal experience,
thankyou. Any caring adult is going to feel badly about the tragedy you
have to deal with every day, but the fact is, those poor souls each made
an error in judgement.  And, to be blunt, if they had stayed at home and
smoked a joint, instead of going out and driving like drunk maniacs, lives
would have been saved and they wouldn't be in a half-way house. Fact is,
the hysteria that passes for a drug policy has f*cked up more people than
all the half-way house denizens put together. the United States has a
larger percentage of its' citizens in prison than ANY other country in the
world. #2 is South Africa. Do you think that means the U.S. has a higher
percentage of Bad Guys than any other country? I don't think so, yet Bush
wants to build more and more prisons.
 As far as the media is concerned....the press can't completely ignore
what is becoming the biggest movement of the decade. I didn't say that.
I just find it odd that they ignored the Madison rally where 20,000 people
protested the insane drug laws.  We have to remember, Than, that many of
the largest publishers have direct holdings in timberland for paper, and
the pharmaceutical drug, petrochemical companies, etc. are among the
media's major advertisers. It's the Golden Rule: whoever has the Gold
makes the Rules.
Hemp for paper/bio-mass fuel has been rather successful in Europe for
several years, now. (Funny that Kimberly Clarke is so involved there,
since they were behind hemp prohibition in this country in the '30's.)
It may comfort you to know, Thanny, that the particular strains of hemp
being grown there make for lousy smoking. Business Alliance for Commerce
in Hemp recently sent a delegation over there to study the farming methods,
pulping proceedures, etc.  A couple of their less intrepid delegates
bravely volunteered to sample some of the flowers/leaves.  The only result
they reported was "a mild, but annoying head-ache."
It's not a matter of IF hemp will be re-legalized, but when, and which
state will be the first.  A 500 Billion dollar a year industry cannot be
ignored, especially with the state of our economy.  The current illicit
revenues from hemp (black-market) are about 45-60 Billion annually. This
is ridiculous because 1. Our farmers are not getting any of this cash, and
2. The leaves and flowers are
[Reality Captioned For The Doublespeak Impaired]

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 40.  Thu 11-07-91  8:17  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: ...umm, let me....uh....I.....
ALSO SEE: 39, 41.

A dumb question perhaps, but if the hemp industry is worth 500 billion
dollars a year potentially, where's all the big money fatcats supporting
it politically so they can buy up the new industry and get richer?  That
the tree industry has its fatcats too doesn't explain it.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 41.  Sun 11-10-91  8:09  (NO KILL)  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: fatcat backers
ALSO SEE: 40, 43.

In addition to the tree-industry folks, there's also the petrochemical
giants, pharmaceutical companies and textile folks all of whom like things
just the way they are...
Yesterday I talked with John Birenbach of the Instute for Hemp in St.Paul.
He told me that Kimberly Clark is involved in the hemp industry in France,
but it took him a month of phone calls to Kimberly Clark before he found
a company spokesperson who was even aware of it....(they're doing it thru
a subsidiary with a different name.) We're also dealing with 50 years of
public brainwashing....we've been told over and over that hemp(marijuana)
is very,very evil....It's going to take a complete re-education of the
public before any major company is going to come out as publically in
favor of re-legalization.  Although this information has been around in
bits and pieces for quite some time, it's just recently that it's been put
together in a complete package....the concept is new.  The Wall St.
Journal ran a front page story on hemp in May..."What Is as Versatile as
the Soybean But Illegal Anyway?"  In June Pulp & Paper magazine's tech-
nical editor wrote an article:"It's Time to Reconsider Hemp." Both these
articles are a major step forward for hemp...it's a battle for peoples'
minds and it's going to take a while....but it seems like everywhere you
turn, hemp information is popping up!  Right now it's a grass-roots(nyuk?)
effort.  Last year there were about 3-4 suppliers of legal hemp products
in the U S and now there's over 20.  The Institute for Hemp has obtained
the necessary permits from the Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture to grow
100 acres of hemp in 1992.  Rocky Mtn Hemp is opening a Hempwear, etc
store in a mall at 1090 S. Wadsworth. Willie Nelson has started his own
line of Hemp Clothing and has plans to preach hemp at his next Farm-Aid
concert this month. I think we're at the begining of something very big,
and quite inevitable.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 42.  Sun 11-10-91  8:34  (NO KILL)  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Digital Dave
 Subject: Fat Chance!
ALSO SEE: 38, 44.

I don't think "THEY" are ready to legalize it, yet. But then, THEY don't
have to.  WE can legalize it OURSELVES.
How?  Colorado, like about 25 other states, has a Citizens Initiative
Process. This means that Colorado citizens have equal power with thier
legislators to enact laws...and,because our population is so small, we
only need 50,000 valid signatures of registered voters by August '92 to
get it on the November ballot. A Newscenter-4 poll about a month ago
showed that 55% of Coloradoans are in favor of re-legalization of hemp
right now....and that's without knowing about paper-fiber-fuel-food-
non-toxic paints & varnish-medicine. etc!  It's up to us to get the word
out...it's not going to be easy, but, at least for now, we've got a better
shot than any other state. California is going to run a hemp-initiative in
'92 also, but they've got to get almost 400,000 signatures (meaning more
that 700,000 just to get a "good" 400,000.....quite a chore....we've got
to get 75,000 sigs to get a 'good' 50,000. I think we can get that done,
and once we do, the entire nation is going to be watching us in November
to see what we do.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 43.  Sun 11-10-91  9:18  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: fatcat backers
ALSO SEE: 41, 45, 51.

I don't mean to play the devil's advocate, Bud, but I still can't
understand how you can claim there's a $500 BILLION industry being held
back by anybody.  $5 Billion maybe, not $500 Billion.  There's plenty of
money out there just looking for something to invest in, and greed alone
would make hemp legalization impossible to stop if there were that big an
economic boom at the end waiting.  So, either you overestimate the
potential size of the industry, or you haven't explained what's holding it 
back well enough.  Heck, IBM Corp. only brings in $50 Billion a year Nyuk
As for the paper and petrochemical dudes, how big are their industries
now?  $500 Billion is enough to make them want to SWITCH Nyuk Nyuk!  

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 44.  Sun 11-10-91 12:17  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Hemp init.
ALSO SEE: 42, 47.

I want to throw out some questions on the hemp Initiative.
1.  Who gets to set up the wordingon the actual ballot. We all no how the
summery on the ballot can be misleading.  So is there any chance of it
being worded "should it be legal for dope heads to smoke pot and kill our
dogs?" or something to that effect?
2. What abought the people in prison for hemp related political crimes? 
Will they be released?
3. Will money and property taken by the government under RICO beacuse the
rightful owner had a three year old copy of "High Times" have to be
4. What abought the federal laws?  Will the feds still be able to throw
people in jail?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 45.  Sun 11-10-91 12:27  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: fatcat backers
ALSO SEE: 43, 46.

| understand how you can claim there's a $500 BILLION industry being held
| back by anybody.  $5 Billion maybe, not $500 Billion.  There's plenty of
Easy.  Hemp is alot like solar power.
It is very difficult to controld from a central location.  This makes it
hard for the giant multi-nationals to sell it.
Why would a glocoma (prob spelled wrong) sufferer want to pay $15-$20 a
day for something that they could grow in their back yard?
How is giant tree farmer going to sell his product when hemp is more
easily grown on a small scale?
The bottom line is that 500 billion a year won't be made by the giant
corporations, but by the little farmer who gets back on his feet, the sick 
people who save money on their medicine, in general the little guy.
So it is easy to see why the fat-cats are fighting it tooth and nail.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 46.  Sun 11-10-91 19:03  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: The Foad
 Subject: fatcat backers
ALSO SEE: 45, 50.

Yes, I see it now that you've accounted for every one of the FIVE HUNDRED
BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR IN PROFITS that Kind Bud talked about in msg #2
Nyuk Nyuk!  Let's see, since there's a quarter billion Americans, that's
only TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS a year in profits that the Hemp Industry could
make that it now isn't, from EVERY AMERICAN IN THE U.S. EACH YEAR.
Such a piddling profit potential would be no problem for the paper &
petrochemical industries to squelch, without themselves wanting to capture 
that industry for themselves on the side Nyuk Nyuk!
It's SOOOO clear Nyuk Nyuk!  

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 47.  Mon 11-11-91  7:19  (NO KILL)  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Hemp init.

I'll check on the wording of the ballot initiative today.  The long
version will go something like this...
 An Act To Amend The Health and Safety Code of Colorado
 I. Add Section #________ to the Health and Safety Code of Colorado any
laws or policies to the contrary not withstanding:
   (1) Persons, 18 years or older, shall not be prosecuted, be denied any
   right or privilege, nor be subject to criminal or civil penalties for
   the cultivation, transportation, distribution, or consumption of:
      (a) Industrial hemp products.  Hemp farmers and manufacturers of
      industrial hemp products shall not be subject to any special zoning
      or licensing fees that are discriminatory or prohibitive.
      (b) Hemp medicinal preparations.
      (c) Hemp products for nutritional use.
      (d) Hemp products for personal use.  No permit or license may be
      required for non-commercial cultivation, transportation,
      distribution, or consumption of any hemp product.
There are then 10 paragraphs and sub paragraphs dealing with definitions
and taxation methods. One deals with retroactive amnesties and clearing 
of criminal records.....then it goes on:
 IV. No Colorado law enforcement personnel or funds shall be used to 
     assist enforcement of federal cannabis/marijuana laws governing 
     cannabis/marijuana related acts which are no longer illegal in the
     state of Colorado.
  V. The legislature, the Govenor, and the Attorney General are directed
     to challenge federal cannabis/marijuana prohibitions which conflict
     with this act.
VIII.Within 120 days following the passage of this act the legislature
     shall fund, from law enforcement savings hereby generated, an
     advisory panel to study the feasibility and methods of making
restitution to all persons who were imprisoned, fined or had private
properties forfeited as a result of criminal or civil actions for
cannabis/marijuana related acts which are hereby no longer illegal.
It then goes on to explain how the monies for restitution are to be
obtained from new tax revenues on hemp, etc.
  This will only be a state law, and will not stop the feds...federal
law will have to be changed, also. But it's a giant step forward.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 48.  Mon 11-11-91  9:56
    From: Big Boy
      To: All
 Subject: Great Idea Nyuk Nyuk!  

                   HAPT (Hazardous Pursuit Terminator)

A police officer is beginning to chase a suspect though a populated 
neighborhood. The officer noticed the suspect speeding, ran a check on the 
license number and found that the driver was wanted as a fugitive in a 
bank robbery. After the officer turns on the flashers, the suspect speeds 
up to 70 mph in a 25 mph zone! There are people around and someone could 
get killed. The officer makes a decision that it's time to turn on HAPT.  
She opens a console on the dash board and pushes a button, then moves the 
joystick inside the console so that a red dot touches the back of the 
vehicle she is chasing. She pushes the button again and a voice from the 
box says; "Fire control system locked on target". Suddenly, all four tires 
of the suspect's car are shot from beneath it, almost simultaneously!  She 
screeches to a stop and jumps from the car, shotgun in hand. The suspect 
is stunned and easily captured. Science Fiction, or Science Fact?  This 
system can be developed for police departments all over the country, and 
save many innocent lives each year, lost because of hazardous pursuits. 
Funding is needed to develop the HAPT device.  Write your representatives now!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 49.  Mon 11-11-91  9:57
    From: Big Boy
      To: All
 Subject: Hemp Files on De Board

I now have 2 hemp-related downloadable files on the board:
   HEMP.LZH  - a motley collection of files I got from World Peace BBS
               They are not in plain ASCII format, they seem to be from a
               word processor, you tell me which.
   NORML.ZIP - "How A Single Plant Could Save the Earth" -- reprint of am
               article on Hemp and NORML, giving addresses.
I sure wish you would start preparing some extensive text article or
portfolio on the subject with LOCAL contact info./addresses, Bud, so I can 
make it into a Zip file and put it on the board.  That way, you multiply
your time by letting the file spread on its own momentum across BOARDWORLD,
so to speak.
Of course, if there's any hemp critics out there, I invite you to do
likewise, you're all welcome.  I still can't figure out where they got the 
$500 Billion dollar figure from, it makes them sound like CRACKPOTS Nyuk
Nyuk!  (get it, crackPOTS!).  Why not $338 Billion for example?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 50.  Mon 11-11-91 16:25  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: fatcat backers

We're not talking abought 500 billion new dollars comming in.  Alot of it
will come from a shift in sources.  That is to say, themp industry will
generate 500 billion, but the timber, oil, pharmi.. companys will lose at
least 250 billion.
Me personaly, I don't like to use that figure because, to me anyway, it
seems a bit confusing.
Mayve Kind Bud could explain it better.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 51.  Mon 11-11-91 17:56  (NO KILL)  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: fatcat backers

Greed (in the *best* sense of the word) IS making hemp re-legalization
impossible to stop.  It's re-legalization is inevitable because of the
profit-potential. There's no shortage of investors waiting in the wings.
The problem is that it's ILLEGAL now.  When it's re-legalized, then we'll
also see the more famous big-money people jumping on the band wagon and
probably pretending it was their idea. Kimberly-Clark is active in hemp
production in Europe. Levi's Corp is looking at hemp for their jeans,
which used to be made from hemp. The Big Oil and Pharmaceutical Guys
are going to protect their investments and infrastructure as long as they
can. They already are aware of the threat hemp poses to them and will
continue to fight against it. Hemp will do nothing for Oil and
Pharmaceuticals except eat into their market share.
For other companies which aren't into Oil and Pharmaceuticals, being
in the forefront of this movement is not attractive because it is anathama
in the eye of the public. The public has to be made aware of the truth
about hemps' usefulness before it is acceptable.  The hemp movement is
about education...it is old information put into a new integrated
awareness. A hemp economy will resemble Toffler's third wave of a
decentralized global community.  The $500 billion figure is an estimate
from the Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp's studies into the use
of hemp for 50,000 existing commercial products. I don't find the figure
to be offensive, but if it bothers you, then substitute a figure you're 
more comfortable with. It won't change the importance of the hemp info
one bit.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 53.  Tue 11-12-91 14:57  (NO KILL)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Local Hemp Organizations

Here's a list of local contacts in the Hemp Movement you can contact for
more information, or to get involved, or to rag on if you disagree....
Hemp Initiative Project
Jon Baraga
1015 S. Gaylord # 181
Denver, Co 80209
(303) 470-1100 ext 511
They need petitioners for the 1992 Hemp Initiative.
No More Drug War Foundation
P.O. Box 18780
Denver, Co 80218
Rocky Mountain Hemp Network
Connie Barr-Rowe
P.O. Box 150804
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 239-6410 or 470-1100 ext 611 (leave msg)
General Hemp Info, Coalition of people with illnesses requiring hemp
for medicine. Lots of legal hemp products such as clothing, nutritional
hemp products, etc.
137 W. County Line Road #500
Littleton, Co 80215
(303) 470-1100
Hemp information, lawyer referal, lots of other info.
Sustainable Futures
Auga Das, director
(303) 470-1100 ext 711
Your one stop shop for hemp-seed oil, hemp-seed cake, instructional
hemp videos.
Auraria Hemp Club
Student Union Building Room 230-C, Meets every monday 3:30-5:00 PM
Headed up by a knowledgable herbalist, lots of good info and videos.
Hemp Educational Media Productions
Rt. 7, Box 373
Golden, Co 80403
Hemp videos, information, general rabble-rousing.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 55.  Tue 11-12-91 15:22  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Ballot Wording....

The final wording will be determined by the Ballot Access Committee
appointed by the Secretary of State. I imagine it will be quite a battle
to get them to word it fairly...."Should reefer-crazed ruffians be allowed
to touch your children?"...etc.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 56.  Tue 11-12-91 15:35
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Quote for the day...

"The Greatest service which can be rendered to any country is to add a
useful plant to its culture."
                                 Thomas Jefferson

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 58.  Wed 11-13-91  7:09  (NO KILL)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: What's a FIJA?

FIJA stands for the Fully Informed Jury Alliance.  This is a national
organization started by a couple of freedom minded patriots in Montana, of
all places.  It's purpose is, ostensibly, to get laws passed in each state
requiring judges to inform juries of their right to practice what is known
as "Jury Nullification." I say 'ostensibly' because I think their real
purpose is to educate the public of the fact that we all have the right to
nullify law when we sit on a jury.  Jury nullification means that when you
sit on a jury, you're not only judging the guilt or innocence of the
accused, you're also judging the law which the accused is charged with
breaking.  If you think the law is a bad one, or if you think that it is a
good law being misapplied, then you have the right (and obligation) to
vote for an acquital regardless of the facts of the case (even if the
accused was caught "red-handed"). The right of jury-nullification goes
back to the days of the Magna-Carta and has been traditionally practiced
in this country. It is the ultimate of our checks and balances to keep an
oppressive gov't from passing laws of which we disapprove. In American
case law (Georgia v. Brailsford 1794) the concept was codified by Chief
Justice John Jay. So how come we haven't heard about it lately? Because in
1964 (in a case involving draft-card burning as protest to the Viet Nam
war) the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that jurors were no longer to be
informed of this right by any officer of the court(including both
prosecuting and defense attorneys.)  We still have the right of
nullification....it's just that the court doesn't have to tell us about it
during the course of a trial, anymore.
So what? So this. If called to be a juror, you won't have to send anyone
to jail for violating hemp laws! (or any other law with which you
disagree.) All it takes is one juror to hang a jury. In fact, during the
last four yeats of alcohol prohibition, half of all such trials ended in
acquitals or hung juries due to juries excercising their right of jury
nullification.  This helped bring alcohol prohibition to a grinding halt.
We must send the same signal about hemp-prohibition. Refuse to send your
bro's and sis's to jail!  Right now, in Kentucky (traditionally a hemp-
growing state) somewhere between one-third to one-half of hemp cultivation
cases being brought to trial do not end in convictions because of jury
   We may be in a police-state now, with the Bill of Rights being
destroyed through Drug-War hysteria, but we still have enough of the tools
of freedom left to fight back and win this thing.  And we have to win. The
quality of life for us and our kids depends on our victory.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 59.  Wed 11-13-91  7:45
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: More on FIJA

I want to make it clear that when a jury nullifies a law, that law is not
wiped off the books....it is nullified only in the particular case on
trial.  Also, often these days, a judge will charge a jury to judge only
the facts of a case.  I think some judges do this from ignorance of the
jury-nullification concept.  I think most judges, however, are just plain

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 61.  Wed 11-13-91 15:05
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Quote for the Day...

"The casual user, if there is such a thing as a casual user, ought to be
 taken out and shot, because he or she has no reason to use drugs."
                                Daryl F. Gates L.A. Chief of Police(Ret.)
                                & Father of the D.A.R.E Pogrom
      unanswerable logic.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 62.  Wed 11-13-91 17:47  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Quote for the Day...

| "The casual user, if there is such a thing as a casual user, ought to be
|  taken out and shot, because he or she has no reason to use drugs."
|                                 Daryl F. Gates L.A. Chief of Police(Ret.)
|                                 & Father of the D.A.R.E Pogrom
It has perfect logic.
If you are doing bad or un-healthy things to your body, we will help you
stop by killing you.  That way you will never do anything bad to your body 

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 63.  Thu 11-14-91  6:48  (NO KILL)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: clear as mud

Oh!.....I get it.
I've been puzzling about why some folks have a hard time with the
potential high-buck projections (such as the $500 billion I mentioned a
few msgs back) concerning hemp. Big Boy isn't the only one with a "?" over
his head. I assume no one will object if I try to clear this up....
If the Hemp-fairy waved its wand tonight and hemp was completely legal
tomorrow for all its applications, we would not have an instant "new" $500
billion to play with.  This high figure is based on the Replacement of
an entire fossil-fuel industry, the *replacement* of and industry based on
wood-for-paper, the replacement of most wood for construction, the
replacement of about 50% of the pharmaceuticals presently on the market,
the replacement of cotton, plastic, toxic paints and varnishes, and on and
on. It would mean the replacement of the synthetic with the natural, and
the replacement of our present way of thinking. It would call for, what
amounts to, a Hemp-based economy.  Unrealistic?  It all depends on your
point of view.  My point of view is: It's unrealistic to continue
depending on fossil-fuels when industry studies project that 80% of our
oil reserves will be used up by the turn of the century; it's unrealistic
to  continue the planned de-forestation of the planet and all that ensues.
I think it's unrealistic to continue to crank out non-biodegradable
plastics and other poisons.  Unrealistic to expect farmers to suffer and
atrophy on $150-$200 per acre crops, when hemp could bring them $400-
$600 per acre today. Unrealistic to have an economy based on anything
other than sustainable-renewable-agricultural products.  Look at the box
that holds your CRT, your CPU, and look at your keyboard....everything you
see there(except the CRT) could be made with Hemp grown by an American
farmer! We have to change the way we think in order to survive.  And I'm
no gloomy doomsayer....We will survive.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 64.  Thu 11-14-91  7:26
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Quote for the day...

"It's the only newspaper with the courage 
to tell the truth:Everything's OK."
          Homer Simpson talking about USA TODAY.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 65.  Thu 11-14-91  7:47  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: clear as mud
ALSO SEE: 63, 66, 68.

So, Kind Bud, you're saying that the hemp industry will supersede current
industries, not add an extra $500B/year to the GNP. Plausible, but I'm still
skeptical, because there's plenty of other nations on the globe that don't 
have any trees or oil, and if all they had to do was grow hemp to make
themselves economically self-sufficient, what's holding them back?  They
sure grow a lot of hemp for personal "pleasure" Nyuk Nyuk!
Is all of the $500B/year a replacement figure, or is there some new GNP to 
be generated from unique products, and if so, what is that figure?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 66.  Thu 11-14-91 17:25  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: clear as mud

| themselves economically self-sufficient, what's holding them back?  They
We (as in the good ol' USA) are holding them back.
We don't let anybody grow it, if they do, we cut off their aid, and send
in the CIA to overthrow their government.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 67.  Fri 11-15-91  3:11  (RECV'D)
    From: Digital Dave
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: Broken Record

Why are you so hung up on this $500 billion dollar nyuk nyuk?  With all
the evil nyuk nyuks that threaten to destroy our planet and its people,
and all the beneficial nyuks nyuks of hemp, $500 billion nyuk nyuks more
or less are just that.  Who gives a flying nyuk?  Are we missing the big
picture here?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 68.  Fri 11-15-91  7:39  (NO KILL)  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: some does, some doesn't
ALSO SEE: 65, 69.

The Foad speaks well. Many countries are currently bound by U.N. Single
Convention on Narcotic Drugs of March 30,1961-International Treaty on
'Marijuana' Production & Law.  This was pushed through the U.N. by the
U.S. and maintains the fiction that 'Marijuana' is a Schedule One Narcotic,
meaning it has NO KNOWN medicinal value. Since that time the U.S. has
"paid" many third world countries to abide by this treaty and criminalize
the commercial production of hemp.  Singapore used to produce extremely
fine hemp-cloth, but at the behest of our govt made its' cultivation a
capital offense in 1971. But it would be a mistake to think that other
countries are not jumping on the hemp bandwagon.  Italy, France, Spain,
Denmark, Holland, and China are currently producing hemp for paper, bio-
mass and textiles.  Kimberly Clark is involved in France's hemp-pulp
industry.  The industry is new(at least in Europe) but it must be making
sense to somebody.  Last April, Russia sent an agricultural delegation
to Minnesota to meet with John Birenbach of the institute for hemp. Their
purpose was to re-learn hemp cultivation and processing proceedures. I
say "re-learn" because Russia was a leading producer of hemp back in the
19th century.  Russia is getting back into hemp production and they are
dead-nuts serious.
As to the $500B/yr, no it is not all a replacement figure.  There would
be immediate increase in GNP with the introduction of hemp cultivation/
production and serveral thousand new jobs.  As to the exact amount, I
do not have that info....but I know who might:
   Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp (B.A.C.H.)
   (213) 288-4152 LA, Ask for Chris
   (209) 277-1319 Fresno, Ca ask for Chuck
   (619) 274-0034 San Diego,  ask for John
   (415) 826-0787 San Fran.  ask for Peter
   (916) 444-0718 Sacramento ask for Matthew
   (404) 928-0827 Atlant, GA ask for Kathy
   (404) 739-1870 Atlanta,GA ...James
   (808) 969-9712 Hilo, HI ...Roger
   (515) 243-7351 Des Moines...Carl
   (502) 895-7757 Louisville, KY...Randy
   (504) 899-8417 New Orleans...Gary
This list just scratches the surface of the BACH representatives in the
U.S. and Canada.....one of these folks ought to be able to answer your
questions regarding hemponomics.  If not, let me know and I'll continue
down the list 'till we find someone who can.  My phone bill has
quadrupled since getting involved in this thing and don't plan on making
any more calls for the rest of the month...if your in a hurry, give one
of these folks a call....Also try John Birenbach of the Inst. for Hemp
in St. Paul (612) 222-2628....a very friendly fellow and knowledgeable.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 69.  Fri 11-15-91  8:28  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: some does, some doesn't
ALSO SEE: 68, 72.

Well, you sidestepped the issue, so if you want to substantiate your OWN
allegations better, that's your DUTY, according to my high school debating 
team coach Nyuk Nyuk!  I'm not trying to destroy your credibility, Bud, I
just don't like unsubstantiated allegations that, if I repeated them,
might make me look like a kook.  I'll bet you've never run a company that
has revenues of $500 thousand, so $500 billion is such a big number to
casually toss out, a human mind can almost not even conceive what it truly 
means.  So pardon me, but it needs a lot of substantiation, a whole lot of 
Of course, I don't even care personally Nyuk Nyuk!  But I'm sure you want
converts, and they might, so how 'bout plugging up the holes before the
really big critics move in and reduce you to the size of a peanut Nyuk
Nyuk!  (Such as my mother-in-law Nyuk Nyuk!)
BTW, did David Duke tell you that if all the "inferior races" were
exterminated and made into fertilizer, it would bring in SIX HUNDRED
billion dollars? Nyuk Nyuk!  And at the rate they breed, the "resource"
would be annually "renewable" Nyuk Nyuk!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 70.  Fri 11-15-91 16:58
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All

November 30---A new store selling hemp products exclusively.
HEMPwear, etc.
1090 S. Wadsworth, Unit D
Grand Opening Giveaways! Bring the kids!
Also, Alfalfa's market is now carrying Das's Hemp Seed Oil.
I have no idea how this will impact the GNP.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 71.  Fri 11-15-91 17:07
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Fastest growing club on campus

The Auraria Hemp Club is growing by leaps and bounds....80 members and
moving forward....they have regular meetings on mondays at the Student
Union building from 3:30 - 5:30 with a public information table in
operation on mondays from 10:00 am - 3:15: lots of good info and videos
to view....some of them are mine, so go buy one. 

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 72.  Fri 11-15-91 17:15  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: some does, some doesn't

I've no less credibility than anyone else quoting economic predictions.
When the  Hemp Initiative petition hits the Sec. of States office, it
will be accompanied by an economic-impact statement.  When I get it,
you'll get it.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 73.  Sat 11-16-91  7:38
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: those who live in grass houses

An outfit called Mansion Industries is introducing a new type of house
called Pyramod.  It gets its name form the pyramidal shape of its' roof.
The structural system is made entirely of compressed agricultural fiber
paneling, making for a low cost, high quality home. They are currently
using rice, wheat-straw, kenaf, or sugar-cane.  The fibers are heated to
400 degrees F compressed under extremely high pressure and bonded with an
adhesive. They are looking for entrepeneurs who would like to start a
factory locally. Their address is:
Mansion Industries
14425 E. Clark Ave/P O Box 2220
Industry, CA 91746
It appears that we are now able to "grow" our own housing.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 74.  Sat 11-16-91 19:14
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: A Giant Step Forward...

In the elections held earlier this month, the city of San Francisco voted
on Proposition P, legalizing the medical use of Cannabis Hemp. 
Proposition P passed by an amazing 79.1%.  This bill is an "advisory" in
that it does not affect Calif. State law nor the Feds, but it does send a
strong msg to Sacramento. The San Francisco DA has promised to respect it.
Watch for the Great San Fransisco Glaucoma Epidemic of 1992!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 75.  Sat 11-16-91 19:19
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: The Power of One....

Here's a few things each of us can do:
  1. Learn the facts.  Any of the organizations I've posted will be more
     than happy to help you learn about hemp.  "The Emperor Wears No
     Clothes" by Jack Herer is an excellent source book. B.A.C.H has a lot
     of practical info for getting into the legal hemp business.
  2. Talk about hemp to friends, family, co-workers and everybody. Never
     get tired and never be ashamed.  Just say you think hemp should be
     made legal again.  You'll be amazed at how many agree.  Talk about
     medical marijuana,  free choice and non-smoking commercial hemp(rope,
     paper, fabric, fuel, oil, food, etc.) Be proud of what you believe!
     This is America. Remember, you're in good company: Both Washington
     and Jefferson were hemp farmers.  Pretend the entire movement rests
     on your shoulders.  Never get tired of talking about hemp.
  3. Photocopy literature to pass out and send with your letters. Rubber
     Stamps are available for your envelopes.
  4. Write letters to your elected officials, newspapers, magazines, TV&
     radio stations. Be brief and clear.  I'll be posting some "sample"
     letters soon.
  5. Help out a local group. Attend meetings. Make phone calls, do office
     work, fold and mail literature, etc. Offer your special skills (like
     data entry, research, speaking, art, organizing, copying, etc).
  6. Donate money to local groups. Contribute SUPPLIES or postage! All
     groups need access to free or cheap printing services. Donate books 
     and magazines subscriptions to schools and libraries.  Later on in
     the Spring, we'll be needing Billboard space, etc.
  7. Never let a lie (marijuana causes brain-damage, etc) to go by. Stand
     up and correct people when they speak ill of this plant.
  8. Register to vote!  You have to be a registered voter to sign the
     Hemp Initiative petition.  Voting also gets you on the prospective
     jurors list and may afford you an opportunity to excerice the right
     of jury-nullification in a hemp-law case.  We have the power to STOP
     sending good people to jail!
  9. Stay positive and be happy! We live in exciting times. Great things
     are afoot! You have an opportunity to live the patriotic rhetoric
     we've all grown up with. Use the method of CONVERSION rather than
     confrontation.  Trust that people are capable of making the right
     decision when given all the information. 55% of Coloradoans are in
     favor of re-legalizaton NOW!  It's up to us to educate the public
     about medicine/paper/fiber/fuel/food/non-toxic paints and varnishes,
     etc. Once this information is learned, it cannot be ignored. (there
     are only two types of people who can ignore hemp: the hoplessly
     ignorant and the politically corrupt!) 1992 is going to be a fun
     and exciting year!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 76.  Sun 11-17-91 19:36  (RECV'D)
    From: Ace Mon
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Good Views

I'm TRULY glad to see a forum of this type.  I've been advocating the
legalization of hemp for years and years.  When you consider how addictive 
nicotine is (and destructive), it almost makes me ashamed to call myself
an American.  Here we have so many other legal chemicals that cause lung
cancer, liver damage, etc., yet a harmless substance like hemp is stuck in 
the same "tarnished" corner as coke, crack, heroin, et all.
However, despite the recent decade of conservative rulings, I see (and
hear) more and more people beginning to see the hypocracy of such laws. 
I'm working every avenue that I can to help with the legalization and
taxation of hemp, from discussions with friends and coworkers, to letters
to state and federal legislators.  I will not stop!
The savings and benefits of legalized hemp are enormous.  The first (and
obvious) savings are the elimination of the so-called "drug war", which
would allow budget funds to be used for more important social issues. 
Taxing hemp might prove to be lucrative enough to help destroy our
staggering deficit.  Ah, the ramifications boggle the mind.
Anyway, enough flogging on my part.  Thanks for cluing me into this
section - I'll be checking it out from time to time.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 77.  Mon 11-18-91 20:35
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: D U NORML

The University of Denver chapter of NORML meets Wednesday nights at 9:00
at B A  Room 209.  All are welcomed.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 78.  Mon 11-18-91 20:37
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Contemporary Folk Hero in town

Set aside December 6th.  Jack Herer, author of "The Emperor Wears No
Clothes" will be in Denver.  Jack is probably America's foremost authority
on the commercial use of cannabis hemp.  He'll give a lecture and there
will be a book-signing.  I'll post more info as it becomes available.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 79.  Tue 11-19-91 17:02  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Contemporary Folk Hero in town
ALSO SEE: 78, 80.

When did jack get outta the slammer?
I thought the good folks of South Carolina had managed to get him under
Glad he's out.  Did they drop the charges, or did he make bail?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 80.  Wed 11-20-91  7:02  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Contemporary Folk Hero in town
ALSO SEE: 79, 81, 82.

He made bail. I don't know all the details yet, but I hear they tore the
sh*t out of his R-V, confiscated all his T-shirts, books, videos, etc.
Kind of devestating, when you consider he makes his living from his
travelling hemp-show. I'll talk to Connie over at Rocky Mtn Hemp today and
see if I can learn more.  There still looking for an indoor place to hold
the rally....any suggestions?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 81.  Wed 11-20-91  8:08  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Contemporary Folk Hero in town
ALSO SEE: 80, 83.

The Regency Hotel, I-25 and 38th Ave.  They have all kinds of meeting
rooms, from small to large.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 82.  Wed 11-20-91 18:20  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Contemporary Folk Hero in town
ALSO SEE: 80, 84.

| see if I can learn more.  There still looking for an indoor place to hold
| the rally....any suggestions?
If it would be acceptable for the Auraria Hemp club to be the offical host,
 then I can check on the gym or the student union.  We have a meeting this 
saturday, I'll light it and see if it smokes.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 84.  Thu 11-21-91  5:16  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Contemporary Folk Hero in town
ALSO SEE: 82, 85.

I don't think there will be a problem with Auraria Hemp Club being
official host....either the gym or the student union sounds good....they
should be aware that there will be live bands.  I'll run it up the hemp-
stalk and see who salutes it over at NORML/Rcky Mtn Hemp. tks.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 85.  Thu 11-21-91  9:05  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Big Plans?
ALSO SEE: 84, 86, 119.

So, when are yuse guys gonna set up a Rocky Mt. Hemp Board, and then a
national hemp board net?  Use them to publish and circulate mainly text
files and messages/bulletins, and to feed your nets into other nets such
as Fido.  Make the netmail system work across a variety of board and pc
types to have a wider reach.  Spread the info. among lots of boards in
different states and you'll be immune from "interference", if you know
what I mean Nyuk Nyuk!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 86.  Fri 11-22-91  6:57  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: Big Plans?
ALSO SEE: 85, 88.

Just as soon as possible.  The only things I'm lacking are Time, Money,
and Know-how. Open to suggestions.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 87.  Fri 11-22-91  6:59
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Library Project

The following is from the Colorado Hemp Initiative Project:
In order to fully inform all high school students in Colorado about hemp,
we make this offer:  send $15 plus $3 postage to H.I.P. and we will donate 
one copy of "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" to the Colorado high school
library of your choice.  Or you may allow us to select a school.  Author
Jack Herer's fine resource book about hemp is a "must" read for every high 
school student in the state.  Our intention is to insure each student
access to this book this year.  Please help our youth to know the true
facts about hemp.  This could potentially be our most important
information promotion this year.  This book is the "bible" of hemp.  Order 
a copy for yourself also.
1015 South Gaylord #181
Denver, Co 80209
I see two possible things happening here, and both of them are good:
1. The book will find its' way into many school libraries, and/or...
2. Some tight-ass will attempt to "ban" the book, thereby insuring that
every student in the state will WANT to read it.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 88.  Fri 11-22-91 11:03  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Big Plans?
ALSO SEE: 86, 89.

You're also lacking a little plastic object called a Round Tuit.  Sorry,
I'm fresh out Nyuk Nyuk!  Suggestions? 1. Download a BBS sw pkg, GTP is
just waiting for d/l on my h.d., but there's a whole lot more, for you I'd 
recommend Telegard because it has a million neat "security" or access
features.  2. Start a BBS part time at first, then get a spare pc and
phone line and go 24 hours.  Can't the "movement" adopt the board and
contribute $?  3. Advertise to other "brothers" the idea, and maybe
they'll have pcs that can turn into boards and hook up to your new "net".
4. Pretty soon you won't be able to live without it.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 90.  Fri 11-22-91 20:19  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Library Project
ALSO SEE: 87, 92.

| I see two possible things happening here, and both of them are good:
| 1. The book will find its' way into many school libraries, and/or...
| 2. Some tight-ass will attempt to "ban" the book, thereby insuring that
| every student in the state will WANT to read it.
I'll put my money on Number two.  It's sad, but I don't think we will
Jack's bood in the school librarys any time soon.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 92.  Sat 11-23-91  7:48  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Library Project
ALSO SEE: 90, 94.

I wish youse guys would wake up and smell the roses.  Publish your
materials electronically, not on paper (tree or hemp Nyuk Nyuk!).
If you can talk Jack H. into it, you can electronicize his book into a
text file or files that can be on every school's apple in months, and
would be unstoppable.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 93.  Sat 11-23-91  7:50  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: The Foad
 Subject: BBS
ALSO SEE: 91, 95.

Just get half of them to call my board Nyuk Nyuk!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 94.  Sat 11-23-91 10:12  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: Library Project

Good Idea, but the logistics of it would be a bid difficult. Unless Jack
still has an eltronic copy of his book.  Also, this is a captilist society,
 for now anyway, and Jack does Sell his book to make his living, pay  his
bail, pay his lawyers, get his motor home fixed after the NC Storm
Troopers tore it apart ans so fourth.
I think the Double-Dare-Program is the best bet.  It's going to be one
mother**cker of a court battle to get one started here in Denver thou.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 100.  Wed 11-27-91  7:48
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Jack Herer's visit....

Jack Herer("The Emperor Wears No Clothes") will be in town Dec. 6...
He will meet the public at HEMPwear, etc...1090 S. Wadsworth Unit D
all day...10 AM - 8 PM....He'll be signing books and answering any
questions you might have about hemp. HEMPwear, etc is Denver's only hemp-
only store....just a reminder, HEMPwear, etc has it's grand opening on 
Sat, Nov 30 .....giveaways, hoopla.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 105.  Wed 11-27-91 20:57  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: BBS
ALSO SEE: 101, 109.

I'll be there on the 6th, but I don't know about this saturday.  Does
sound like a fun family outing.
I'm really looking forward to meeting Jack.  
Just got done organizing the club rouster.  It looks like we got about 150 
members, after alowing for smart asses sighing phoney names.
Our table at the Student Union was a real kick in the ass this week.  We
got put right between Citibank and the Marine Recruters.  We tried to be
nice, but the jarheads got real hostile when we offered them a free (a two 
dollor value) bumper sticker. 

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 108.  Fri 11-29-91 14:14
    From: The Foad
      To: All
 Subject: Fatigue

I was watching Heraldo's "Now it Can be Told' the other night.  Not the
most reliable Journalist, but he hit on a real interesting area.
A few years back, when drugs started causing trains to run into each other,
and planes started falling out of the sky, sometimes before, some times
after running into other planes, the FAA and DOT both losened up the rest
requiremnetsents for the operationrs of these vehicles.
It used to be that piolots and other operators were required to have a
  minimum of eight hours rest between shifts and shift lengths /, and
varried, depending on the job.
Now, they are only required to have SIX hours between shifts.  I don't
know if there is any limit on the length of the shift.  A lot of these
people that were supposrdly on drugs at the time of the accident had been
working for thirteen or more hours, often with no break.
Both the FAA and the DOT refuse to acknowledge the posibilty that fatigue
could be causing these accidents.
Perhaps the we shouldn't be so worried about wether or not the pilot was
blowing a dobbie last night, but wether or not the airlines let him get any 
sleep last night.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 109.  Mon 12-02-91 18:09  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: 60 Minutes
ALSO SEE: 105, 110.

I guess marines haven't changed much, though a lot I knew 20+ years ago
were virtual smoking machines....different times, different circumstances.
Last night 60 Minute did an excellent piece on medical marijuana. One
doctor they interviewed preferred to prescribe a certain pharmaceutical
drug (not marijuana) but it turned out THAT drug costs about $600 per day. 
Another doctor nailed it:Pharmaceutical companies are against hemp because 
they can't patent a plant.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 110.  Mon 12-02-91 22:02  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: 60 Minutes
ALSO SEE: 109, 113.

I really ment to watch it, but I couldn't be home.  I did set my VCR, but
it pretty much watches what it wants to watch.
So, I missed it.  
Did they bring out that the Bush-man takes Maranol (sp?).  I guess when
one make $250,000-plus-perks per year, one can afford a few hundred a day.
But those of us of a somewhat lower income braket)
[Db bracket would sure find it nice to be able to grow it in our back yard 
for nothing.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 111.  Tue 12-03-91  9:56
    From: The Lensman
      To: All
 Subject: Hempwear
ALSO SEE: 112, 120.

Does anyone know what the story is on the Hempwear store that was supposed 
to open last weekend at Wadsworth and Mississippi?  I stopped by for the
scheduled grand opening last Saturday to find an empty storefront.  Is it
a lost cause or just a delayed one... and until when?
Greg Bradt  aka  ()The Lensman()

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 112.  Tue 12-03-91 17:30  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: The Lensman
 Subject: Hempwear
ALSO SEE: 111.

I haven't actualy been there YET, but it is right next to where the Rocky
Moutian Hemp Network has been meeting, so I got a good idea why you didnt
find it.
The shopping center it's located in has two addresses.  The 'L' shaped 
part is actualy 1080 S Wadsworth.  1090 S Wadsworth is the building in the 
center of the parking lot.  Both 1080 and 1090 have a unit D, so chances
are you went to 1080, next to the blood center.
From what I understan, it's been open, but the big grand opening is going
to be this Saturday.  

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 113.  Thu 12-05-91  6:19  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: 60 Minutes
ALSO SEE: 110, 117.

No...they didn't mention King Geo's use of marinol...please tell me more.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 115.  Thu 12-05-91  6:22
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Give 'em enough rope...

Hemp rope, that is....One of the benefits of living under an unwieldy
bureaucracy is that it will always trip itself up with its own statistics.
The following comes to us from the Federal Bureau of Mortality
How Dangerous is Marijuana Compared To Other Substances?
                                     # of Deaths Per Year
Tobacco..............................340,000 to 425,000
Aspirin..............................180 to 1,000+
'Legal' Drug Overdose................14,000 to 27,000

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 116.  Thu 12-05-91 14:53
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Today In History...

December 5, 1933 Alcohol Prohibition Repealed by Citizen Referendum...
Shows that, when given the chance, we CAN do something right.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 117.  Thu 12-05-91 17:50  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: 60 Minutes
ALSO SEE: 113, 118.

You mean that you of all people didn't know that fearless leader has
Glacoma (sp?).

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 118.  Fri 12-06-91  7:27  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: squinty George...
ALSO SEE: 117.

I had no idea.....I'll bet ya he and Babs have a bong squirreld away
somewhere (Kinnebunkport?)

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 119.  Fri 12-06-91 20:40  (RECV'D)
    From: Nasty Bitch
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: Question
ALSO SEE: 85, 124.

I'm sorry, but I just got here.
But I don't understand what you are talking about.
What is Hemp?  It sounds very familire.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 120.  Fri 12-06-91 20:44  (RECV'D)
    From: Nasty Bitch
      To: The Lensman
 Subject: Hempwear
ALSO SEE: 111, 121.

Oaky, I see now.  It's like halson, or chick.  what kind of clothes does
Hemp make?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 121.  Sat 12-07-91  7:58  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Nasty Bitch
 Subject: Hempwear
ALSO SEE: 120.

Hi, you Nasty Bitch, you. Welcome to this part of the board. Hemp is a
fiber yielding plant which has been cultivated for 12,000 years. These
days it's more popularly known as marijuana, a term coined by the Hearst
newspapers during the smear campaign of the 30's. It can be made into just 
about any kind of cloth from the coarsest canvas (the Dutch word for
cannabis) to elegant silk-like materials. The famous old Irish linens were 
originally made from hemp. The original long-lasting Levi's jeans were
made from hemp. Unlike cotton, on which 50% of our agricultural
pesticides/herbicides are used, hemp requires no such poisons. Hemp can be 
made into long-lasting paper so we can save our forests. Hemp can be made
into fuel for energy to run our cars/homes/factories. It will yield from
20-60 barrels methanol fuel per acre, making it the #1 bio-mass source.
The Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp estimates that it can provide
90% of our energy. We don't need nuclear power and we don't have to go to
war in the Gulf again. Hemp, as medicine, has hundreds of uses. It is
saving thousands of lives. Chemo-therapy and AIDS therapy produce what is
called a "Wasting Syndrom"....patients lose their appetite and are plagued 
by a terrible nausea which hinders the use of oral medications. Smoking
the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant stops the nausea, revives their
appetite and lets them live. 10,000 glaucoma sufferers can save their
vision by smoking hemp(10,000 per year in this country alone.) Hemp seeds
yield cheap and plentiful food-stuffs, more versatile than the soybean. It 
can cheaply and quickly feed the starving people of this country and the
third world. Not ten years from now. This could be a reality in less than
a year, after hemp is relegalized. Anything petroleum makes, can be made
from hemp. It can be made into plastic, etc. It can be made into
fiberboard and other construction materials. With a profit potential of
$500-$700 (or higher) per acre, it will save family farms. I believe our
success in the coming century depends on our stewardship and utilization
of this God-given miracle plant.
I have also heard that smoking the leaves and flowers of this plant
produces a mild-but-enjoyable relaxing effect.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 122.  Sat 12-07-91  8:20
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Fidonet Hemp Echo
ALSO SEE: 123, 125.

The sysop over at The Circuit Board BBS (303) 666-0302 is working very
hard to start up a National Hemp Echo. In order to justify an echo, he
needs to have a lot of hemp-topic traffic going in the next week or so.
From the main menu tap 9 for Rocky Mountain Hemp Network Information area.
Let's all (both of us) make time to leave hemp msgs/info over there for
him. I think this is going to be the first hemp echo, and it's very
important....patriotic hempsters all over this great land can communicate
with each other quickly and exchange ideas, schedules, who's in jail, who
needs bail-money, who's going to be where, etc. It's also a quick way to
educate the curious. The best thing about hemp info is that once you learn 
it, you can't forget it. You can't make it go away. It is turning
thousands of people into dedicated activists. And it's the most fun many
of us have had in years. My God....I think we're actually going to win
this thing....

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 123.  Sat 12-07-91 13:22  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Fidonet Hemp Echo
ALSO SEE: 122, 126, 127.

Only problem is the Circuit Board is a FEE board.  If you don't pay the
fee, you barely get enough time to log on.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 124.  Sat 12-07-91 18:14  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Nasty Bitch
 Subject: Question
ALSO SEE: 119.

Try reading the first 100 or so posts in this sub Nyuk Nyuk!
Maybe you need to SMELL it to get the idea Nyuk Nyuk!  

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 125.  Sat 12-07-91 18:15  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Fidonet Hemp Echo
ALSO SEE: 122.

I just tried the Circuit Board 666-0302, and my gosh, you're right Nyuk
Nyuk!  Just hit 9 from the Main Menu and you're in a veritable Hempland,
on their much superior multiline Cadillac rig Nyuk Nyuk!  Nice!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 126.  Sat 12-07-91 18:16  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Fidonet Hemp Echo
ALSO SEE: 123, 128.

Well, you get more time if you upload them something first, so just have
something ready, and maybe your access will improve.
Maybe Kind Bud can swing a deal where those who get into the Hemp section
of the board are given improved access just by posting a message there?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 127.  Sun 12-08-91  6:48  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Special Dispensation
ALSO SEE: 123.

I'll do that! There are many of us who are chronically self-employed,
students, victims of IRS tyranny, etc (I have three kids in college!) and
might be apt to avoid FEE type boards...In the mean time, just d/loading
the registration form will net you more time.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 128.  Sun 12-08-91  8:49  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: Fidonet Hemp Echo
ALSO SEE: 126.

I tried uploading, but you don't get much time to look around and see what 
they don't have.  That and I can't get any protocal to work, not even
xmodem.  It downloads ok.  I tried to leave a note asking if he had any
suggestons, but I could't figure out how to exit the message editor.  I
guess I was having a bad day.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 129.  Tue 12-10-91 12:40
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Fed.Judge sees the light....

A friend of mine in local broadcasting told me of a recent AP newservice
wire he recently saw. In W. Palm Beach FLA Fed Judge James C. Paine called 
for re-legalization of cannabis and other substances in his address to the 
Federal Bar Assn (I'm guessing the Fed Bar is for Fed Judges...not to be
confused with the A B A.) He drew parallels between the current
prohibition and the old Alcohol Prohibition, and said:"Trying to wage war
on 23 million Americans who are obviously very committed to certain
recreational activities is not working." The report said that other judges 
in attendance were "intrigued" by the concept. In 1988 DEA Administrative
Law Judge Francis L. Young recommended that marijuana be reclassified as a 
Schedule II drug:"Based upon the facts established in this record and set
out above, one must reasonably conclude that there is accepted safety for
use of marijuana...To conclude otherwise, on this record, would be
unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious..."
Slowly, but surely.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 130.  Tue 12-10-91 23:49  (RECV'D)
    From: Rick Blair
      To: The Foad
 Subject: D.A.R.E.
ALSO SEE: 8, 132.

I was bothered by one of your statements.  It referred to the police not
really being our friends.  While I may not always agree with every law
enacted, I do recognize their job is to enforce these laws.  I believe the 
problem lies with the law and not the police.  My attitude is probably
biased in that a very close friend is an officer.  I would not trade
places with him for anything due to the nature of his job.  I do respect
him and the other officers I have met personally.  Please do not take this 
as an all encompassing endorsement for all officers.  There are bad apples 
in each walk of life.  Just wanting to suggest all not be judged by the
actions of a few or due to misdirected frustration over the legal system.
Best of luck with your family.      Rick

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 131.  Wed 12-11-91 10:16  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Comments 
ALSO SEE: 135, 228.

I got a private message t'other day by user Andy Weiss, I think he really
wanted it to go in this sub, so I'm quoting it in full.
He must have just read the One Plant article off the Bulletin menu.
Very interesting argument.  Here are some counter facts.  The rain forests 
are being demolished for grazing land for cattle not paper production. 
Increased CO2 follows global warming, it isn't a cause this is a
documented fact I just read in this months edition of either Scientific
American or Discover.  As far as relief goes for medical conditions I'd
rather be cured, not temporarially relieved.  Didn't China use opium for
relief in the 1800's as it was heading to be a world power and ended up a
third world pit with a majority of it population laying in opium dens? 
Yes, I do know pot isn't nearly as addictive as opium, but the similiarity 
is there.
   Hemp would make great jeans, shirts, jackets, or whatever.  I'd gladly
pay less for a pair of jeans that lasted much longer than cotton while
being just as comfortable if not more comfortable.
   Poeple who are against drugs see your argument as a little step in the
legalization of pot because they believe that members of NORML want to be
able to smoke some thunder fuck or skunk weed without the threat of jail a 
lot more than they're interested in glaucoma or cancer patients.  And
legalizing pot is just a step in the legalization of all drugs.  That's
what some people believe and they are as scared of drugs as they are of
change be it for the better or worse.
   The government falls under this catagory.  I heard about how we paid
the Chinese gov't to destroy some of their large hemp fields and in the
process 3 species of birds that needed the large hemp fields to live were
exterminated.  I have friends who like to smoke pot and I've heard all the 
pro's, a lot more than the ones you've listed, and I've also heard the
con's.  One of my friends who really likes it thinks that its being
illegal is good.  He's knows too many people who, once they get some can't 
help themselves, they just sit there and smoke it till it's gone.
   I know a nurse who says she'd smoke it if it was legal but being
professional and a member of a medical clinic, it would look real bad if
she got busted, won't.  bou has she got some stories of the days before
she became professional.   and the pictures of her fields too boot
   I also know that there is much less violence as concerts when pot is
plentyfull in the county as there is when pot is scarce.
   One of my friends who likes to smoke it tells me that he'll never go to 
a hemp rally.  I don't know about the ones out here in Colorado, but the
ones in Michigan are attended by 14 year olds in heavy metal t-shirts,
60's rejects and 60's wanna-bee's (his words).  He says they hurt the
cause more than they help it.  Then a picture of the worst looking ones
end up in the news paper to further convince every one else the pot
destroys lives.
   It may sound like I've gone about a 180 degree turnabout, or was it 270 
, either way I don't think NORML is going to mke a difference, especially
with all the bad publicity that crack and gang violence is giving drugs
even though crack is in no way similiar to pot.
   Is NORML trying to grow hemp for industry.  The way I see it NORML
isn't doing anything.  It wants to legalize high THC pot.  It's fighting
big government and I don't think it has any chance of winning.  Why
doesn't it propose to grow low THC hemp in a prototype industry and
produce some tough, cheap, comfortable cloth; oil; and food?
   I've rambled on long enough. I'll go browse the adult section and get

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 132.  Wed 12-11-91 17:44  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Rick Blair
 Subject: D.A.R.E.
ALSO SEE: 130.

Ah, new blood.
I'm glad you are bothered by my attitude twards the police.  I'm bothered
by it too.  I SHOULD not have that attitude.  But we line in a country
were not having that attitude has proven leathal to many.
As far as the D.A.R.E. program, the officers flat out lie to the children, 
and they use their postion of authority to convince children to search
their homes and turn their parents in if they find anything.
Officers regularly take the possession of private citizens without  
So much as even filing charges.
I could go on and on, but that would be pointless.  I still stand by my
belief that anybody who trusts a cop is a fool.
As far a having friends that are cops..
I have many friends that are cops, I also have many friends, that like
myself, didn't like the direction things are going, so they quit being
Did you know that there were eight bank robberies in the Denver area last
week?  The reason nobody hears about them is the cops on't give a diddly
about them.  What counts is taking the most property, and putting the most 
"junkies" in jail.
In a survey taken a few months ago of children who had compleated the 
D.A.R.E. programing, there was a question about the job of the police
"What is the job of a police officer
     (A) To arrest people who break the law
     (B) To protect people
87 percent of the children answered "A".
Mabye it's just a matter of semantics.  But it scares the hell outa me.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 137.  Sun 12-15-91  7:00  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Andy Weiss
 Subject: Permit me....
ALSO SEE: 183.

Hi, Andy...welcome to the discussion. You've raised some interesting
points, and I'd like to jump in and address them, if I may...
|Rain forests are being demolished for grazing land for cattle, not for
The destruction of the Brazilian includes agriculture as well as other
timber-related enterprises. The Indonesian and South-East Asian
rainforests are being decimated by the Japanese at an alarming rate
strictly for traditional timber purposes. Our own North American forests
are also in danger...According to the Dept. of the Interior, over 50% of
our forests have been cut in the last half-century. The average age of an
American tree is just under 8 years. Last spring, Wisconsin paper mills
began receiving shipments of Brazilian Eucalyptus pulp to be made into
paper. These are dollars that should be going to American farmers. A lot
of sulfer acids are needed to pulp wood for paper...dioxins are released
into the atmosphere and ground water. Hemp can be pulped using 1/5 to
1/7th the harmful chemicals needed to pulp wood. Roughly half the
pesticides/herbicides used in agriculture are used on cotton, again
seeping into our ground water supply....hemp needs no such poisons, and
can be grown on marginal land where little else grows.
|As far as relief goes for medical conditions, I'd rather be cured, not
|temporarily relieved.
I doubt you'd find any dissenters among the millions of people suffering
from cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, MS, MD, epilepsy, asthma, anorexia, et al.
Until those miracle cures are found, it's our responsibility to see to it
that every American who needs marijuana for medicine recieves it
immediately. To do anything less is worse than inhumane..it's insane.      
|I know pot is not nearly as addictive as opium...
Right. I see no parallels between marijuana and opium, either, though
alcohol and tobacco would certainly fit in that category: both are
addictive and deadly. There is not a single marijuana induced death on
|Hemp would make great jeans, shirts, jackets, etc.  I'd gladly...
Check out Hempware, etc, 1090 S Wadsworth, Unit D...Colorado's first
full-blown hempery...hemp clothing, and other hemp products, including a
brand of hempseed-oil called "Happy Hempster!" There is a reading room and 
video selection in the back of the store...you can view "Hemp For
Victory!", a WWII propaganda film produced by the Dept. of Agriculture,
encouraging farmers to grow 400,000 acres of hemp for the war effort. A
lot of the "ditch-weed" found in the midwest is the progeny of that
effort. While at Hempware, etc, you can sit and read "The Emperor Wears No 
Clothes" by Jack Herer....the bible of the contemporary hemp movement. Or
just drop by and say hi to Connie, who owns the store....she's an
outspoken and patriotic lady, a true bulwark of the movement. She suffers
from glaucoma and is full of info about the commercial/industrial/medical
applications of cannabis hemp. Hempware, etc is open from 10 am to 8 pm
Monday thru Saturday.
|People who are againts drugs...believe that members of NORML want to be
|able to smoke some Thunderfuck or Skunkweed without the threat of jail.
At least we have no trouble getting that portion of our message across.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are not priveleges to be taken 
away at the whim of some petty despot...They are inalienable rights, and
worth fighting for. It's not unreasonable for productive, responsible
individuals to expect to be able to enjoy this herb without fear of
imprisonment, property forfeiture and financial ruin. Drug War Hysteria
has violated every one of our Bill of Rights, with the exception of
Article III, the quartering of troops. Hemp is as much a freedom-movement, 
as an evironmental/economic/medicinal one. I believe if we don't fight for 
our freedom in this last decade of the 20th century, we probably won't
have any in the next century. I think we'll win, because America is the
country that started it all.
|I don't think NORML is going to make a difference...Is NORML trying to
grow hemp for industry? THe way I see it, NORML isn't doing anything. It
wants to legalize high THC pot. It's fighting Big Government and I don't
|think it has a chance of winning...
C'mon Andy! Let's see that frown turn upside down! The Government is a
dinosaur dying under it's own weight....still dangerous and deadly, but
dying all the same. We can each run up and chuck a spear or two to help
put it out of it's misery. It's unable to serve the needs of it's people

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 138.  Sun 12-15-91  7:49  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Andy Weiss
 Subject: Part 2, how I do prattle on...

unable to serve the needs of it's people. There is growing dissatisfaction 
everywhere. Our president's kid stole a billion (give or take) dollars.
Links between the CIA and hard-drugs are well documented. Workers are
being laid off in record numbers, and small businesses are failing at a
higher rate than at any time in our history. People are ready to learn the 
truth about hemp and what it can do for our economy. And, there's never
been a better time than the present for it's relegalization. Who among us
could have predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall? The break-down of the
Soviet Union? There's the smell of freedom in the air, and it's high time
we spread some of around in the good old U S of A.
|Why doesn't (NORML) propose to grow some low THC hemp in a prototype
|industry and provide some tough, cheap, comfortable cloth:oil:food?
Because it;s ILLEGAL to grow hemp. That's what this is all about. After a
two year battle, John Birrenbach of the Institute for Hemp (St. Paul) has
finally obtained the necessary permits from the Minnesota Department of
Agriculture to grow 100 acres of Hemp in 1992. Now, he has to battle the
feds to obtain THEIR permits, so that he can possess viable seed in order
to plant the hemp. (Probably several more years in court.) A Russian
agricultural delegation met with John last spring to learn
hemp-harvesting/pulping methods. Russia was a leading producer of hemp in
the last century, and are planning to get back into its production
again.(Napolean invaded Russia to cut off Englands hemp supply.) Bill I.
of Hemp Environmental Activists (Michigan State University) is also
attempting to obtain the necessary permits for Hemp farming. The battle is 
being waged all across the country as the movement gains momentum. Jim
Young, technical editor of PULP & PAPER Magazine (a wood-pulp industry
rag) recently wrote an article:"It's Time To Reconsider Hemp." (June 1991)
I also recommend a look at the May 2, 1991 WALL STREET JOURNAL's front
page arcticle by Sonia L. Nazario:"What Is As Versatile As The Soybean But 
Illegal Anyway?" Willie Nelson, Gatewood Gailbraith, Hugh Downs and others 
are going public in support of hemp. It's an idea who's time has come. BTW,
to listen to a 10 minute recording of Hugh Down's ABC 20/20 piece on Hemp, 
just call 470-1100 from your touch-tone phone....when connected, punch in
477. If you appreciate what you hear, then punch 411 for a complete
directory of recorded information. There is a lot going on  here that the
general public is not yet aware of...the hemp movement is going to grow
throughout the 90's....I'm out of time....talk to you later...come join us 
at Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion corner....check out the msgs and let us know 
what you're thinking....

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 139.  Sun 12-15-91  8:39  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Andy Weiss
 Subject: just one more thing...

A local bio-mass specialist named Auga Das produces a show called
"Sustainable Futures" on Mile High Community Access...the show often
touches on the many applications of hemp...Das also runs a small company
called Original Sources which produces hempseed-oil and hemp
foods...Alfalfa's Market has recently started carrying the
hempseed-oil...his oil and other hemp-food products are also available in
several other health-food type strores. This holiday season, he's also
marketing an egg-nog made from hempseed milk. If you have time to check
out Kind Bud's Corner, but find the traffic too much to bear, try reading
msg#'s 5/19/53/54/58-59/73/74/75...
Sorry for all the typo's....My wood-stove is a slow starter and I'm
freezing my fingers off.....

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 140.  Mon 12-16-91 13:46
    From: M Man
      To: All
 Subject: HEMPWARE
ALSO SEE: 141.

First of all I would like to say how great it is to see this type of
disscusion going on. People are finally spreading the word!
The Boulder Hemp Inititive Project (B.H.I.P.) was started this fall on the 
CU campus and there is lots of interest here.  yes
Meetings are tuesday evenings at 7:00pm and we meet just inside the doors
of the UMC terrace entrance on the CU Boulder campus everyone is welcome.
Has anyone been to Hempware yet?  time is up

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 141.  Tue 12-17-91  7:10  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: M Man
 Subject: Hello
ALSO SEE: 140.

and welcome to the discussion. Yes! I've been to HEMPware, etc. several
times and the place is really popping. They've recieved excellent coverage 
from AP news service, Denver Post, and several radio stations...lots of
good hemp products plus a reading room for the general public. The last
time I was there they had a device on loan from MindFlight, Inc....I can
only describe the device as a "Brain-machine"...sort of an electronic
audio-visual psychedelic experience....you'd have to try it to appreciate
it. Keep us informed as to the goings-on at B-H.I.P., and let those
fine folks know about this bbs. Be talking to ya later...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 142.  Tue 12-17-91  8:09
    From: Big Boy
      To: All
 Subject: New to Board?

If you are new to this board and want to download some files on hemp,
try the following command at the main menu prompt:
    w k hemp
This will show you the names of any hemp files available for download,
as well as the file area where they reside.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 143.  Thu 12-19-91  7:14
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Swiss Hash Law

From Rocky Mtn News Nov. 8,91:
Lausanne, Switzerland
The Swiss Supreme Court yesterday reduced the penalty for casual dealers
of hashish, saying the drug was no more dangerous than alcohol. Those
convicted of selling even large quantities of hashish on an occasional
basis will no longer be classed as "serious" offenders.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 144.  Thu 12-19-91 17:00
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Rotarians learn about reefer..

Last Tuesday, Mark Culverhouse of NORML-Colorado was invited to speak at a 
Rotarian luncheon at a North Denver Red Lobster....he reports that the
group was very receptive to the information and asked all the "right"
questions concerning economics/environment/medicine, etc. He has been
invited to speak at another Rotarian meeting soon. After the speech, 3
wait-persons volunteered to work as petitioners....

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 145.  Thu 12-19-91 17:04
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: It's Legal! It's Legal!

A friend of mine writes for "High Times" magazine and is often in touch
with the editorial staff of that fine journal. He tells me that they
report that Tazmania, a province of Australia, has legalized the
commercial farming of hemp....This is the result of months of lobbying by
a group of environmentalists/farmers....apparently Tazmania has been
having a serious pollution problem as a result of their wood-pulp-paper
industry. This shows that it can be DONE! Tazmania will join China,
Hungary, Czecho, Italy, Spain, and France in the production of commercial
hemp. Russia and other east-European countries will follow suit soon. The
United Nation's International Treaty on Marijuana is going hell in a

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 146.  Thu 12-19-91 17:12
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: more through the hemp-vine....
ALSO SEE: 154.

That same friend also tells me that the Polish General Assembly has gone
the de-criminalization route as far as personal use goes....apparently
they are using the "Amsterdam Model" of pot regulation....For those who
are not aware of what's happening in Holland, marijuana is still "illegal",
but it is not considered worth prosecuting....many coffee houses in
Amsterdam and smaller villages openly offer marijuana/hashish on a
separate menu. Patrons are free to smoke in a stress-free environment. In
the fall, after the ballot-initiative battle is over, we're all going to
need a much-deserved vacation....I propose we put together a coalition of
hemp-warriors and get a group-rate for a week in Amsterdam! Tourist class
hotels run $40 a night for a double. Anyone interested should drop me a

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 147.  Fri 12-20-91 11:43  (NO KILL)
    From: M Man
      To: All
 Subject: B.H.I.P.

Well all is well after another meeting of the Boulder Hemp Inititive
Project.  We now have our own meeting room in the UMC on the CU campus. 
The administration likes what we are doing!  Since we are mostly students
there will not be anymore meetings until January.  I will let you know
when we are going to start up again.  We have some good plans for the new
year!  The year of HEMP!!!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 148.  Sun 12-22-91 18:45
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: quote for the day 
ALSO SEE: 161.

"Now this hemp is the finest fibre known to mankind, my God, if you ever
have a shirt made out of it, your grandchildren would never wear it out.   
You take Polish families. We used to see marijuana in the yards of Polish
families. We'd go in and start to tear it up and the man came out with his 
shotgun, yelling:'These are my clothes for next winter.'"
                                             Harry J Anslinger,
                              former Commissioner, US Fed.Bureau of

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 149.  Mon 12-23-91 11:39
    From: Big Boy
      To: All
 Subject: Another Board Hemps Up

I just found out that Mobius Continuum, 466-5368, a Telegard board, has
started a sub on Hemp, and most of the posts were pro-hemp Nyuk Nyuk!
Now somebody should get them to sponsor a Hemp echo on whatever net
they're on, I think they call it Swashnet.  They also started a hemp file
area with no download ratio (all my areas have no d/l ratio already Nyuk
Nyuk!).  All because I u/l-ed them a hemp file a month ago and forgot to
check up on what they did after that Nyuk Nyuk!  

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 150.  Wed 12-25-91  6:13
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Hemp Hemp Hemp Hemp Hemp Hemp

I've found another hemp discussion going on over on One World-One People
BBS, 238-6976 in their environmental issues sub. I logged on about three
weeks ago, and mentioned what a shame it was that the trees were
disappearing....I came back a couple of days ago, and their talking hemp!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 151.  Wed 12-25-91  6:16
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: New Files....
ALSO SEE: 152.

I've just uploaded KINDBUD.ZIP and MUGGLES.ZIP...KB contains a
prosecutor's expert panel recommendations for legalization....this was
suppressed by the Calif Atty General...also DEA Judge Francis Young's 
decision calling for re-scheduling of marijuana, and a conversation
between Jack Herer and a high-ranking USDA official.
MUGGLES contains the Pulp & Paper article "It's Time To Reconsider
Hemp"...the Wall St Journal front page article on hemp, the famous 1938
Popular Mechanics article "New Billion Dollar Crop", and more...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 152.  Wed 12-25-91 10:10  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: New Files....
ALSO SEE: 151.

Well (ahem), muggles.zip is now called hempsrce.zip.  I have so many hemp
files now that I've set up a special hemp file area.  Now if somebody with 
wp would d/l the files that are in wp format and reformat them into text
files that us yokels without wp can read....

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 153.  Mon 12-30-91 10:59
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Fido Echo

Ask your favorite sysops to drop a line to Jim Burt [1:104:115] and ask
for a feed of the hemp echo....we need to spread the word.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 154.  Mon 12-30-91 21:33  (RECV'D)
    From: The Deicide
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: more through the hemp-vine
ALSO SEE: 146, 160.

re.  amsterdam.  Me and three other friends are seriously considering 
going this summer and have a lot of the shit worked out.  It'll cost
around $700.00 on airfare alone in the middle of the summer which is
quite a bit, but I think it will be well worth it.  the travel agent
I talked to said that hotels might run as high as $70.00 a night (for
bread and breakfast).  got any better suggestions for where to look
kind bud?)
another serious idea that I have been considering is flat out moving
thereaargh.. two minute warning... i guess i'll continue later...
the deicide

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 156.  Tue 12-31-91  6:45
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Hemp Initiative...

was submitted to the appropriate legislative body yesterday, Dec 30. They
have 15 days to make wording suggestions. If changes are minor, the
document should be at the Secretary of State's office by mid January and
the petition drive will be underway!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 157.  Wed  1-01-92 10:20
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Year of Hemp

Happy New Year to all! 1992 is the year of hemp!
When I get the final draft of the Hemp Initiative Petition Document, I'll
convert it to text file for you....(right now it runs about 14 pages.)
I'll also keep you informed as to when/where it will be available for

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 158.  Fri  1-03-92 18:59
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Public Hemp Meeting Reminder
ALSO SEE: 162.

Saturday, January 4, Rocky Mountain Hemp Network has it's Public Meeting
at HEMPware, etc., 1090 S Wadsworth Unit D from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 159.  Sat  1-04-92 11:17
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: this just in...

According to the Dec 30 issue of Time,  a garden supply  chain in Prague,
Czecho is selling one pound bags of Romanian marijuana for 85 cents...not
a typo...85 cents a pound...as fertilizer. This seems to have re-sparked
an interest in gardening among the citizens of Prague. According to the
article, thanks to the "confused" post-communist legal system this is
legal. It seems to me that we are the ones with the confused legal system.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 161.  Sun  1-05-92 21:44  (RECV'D)
    From: The Deicide
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: quote for the day 
ALSO SEE: 148, 163.

(re. Harry Aslinger quote)
was this before or after his campaign to combat weed?  anyone know what
he's doing now-a-days?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 163.  Mon  1-06-92  6:53  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Deicide
 Subject: Harry Anslinger
ALSO SEE: 161.

He remained this country's top narc until 1961....I think he died a couple 
of years after that. Too bad.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 164.  Mon  1-06-92  6:55  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Deicide
 Subject: Hempware, etc./Rocky Mtn Hemp 
ALSO SEE: 162.

phone number....I only have the # where you can leave a msg....470-1100
ext 611.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 166.  Sun  1-12-92  9:12  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: George Bush's Puke Lumps
ALSO SEE: 167, 170.

Do you think Bush's puking episode had anything to do with drugs? Nyuk

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 167.  Sun  1-12-92 18:43  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: George Bush's Puke Lumps
ALSO SEE: 166.

I think a little pot could have helped with the nausea. I basically
have the same reaction to Japanese cuisine. The really scarry part is the
thought of little Danny Quayle running around the White House asking:"Is
Georgies tummie better?.....Georgies tum-tum better?"

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 168.  Sat  1-18-92 10:03  (RECV'D)
    From: Dr. Hemp
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: hello

Saw your area listed in the Colorado NORML Reformer we got in the mail
today.  Thought we'd give it a looksee.  We have a H.E.M.P. BBS set up
here in Maryland at (410) 685-2894, which has areas for a lot of the major 
activist groups around right now... including C.H.A.W. (Coalition for Hemp 
Awareness Worldwide), which is organizing events for 1992 across the
country.  We have many file areas with lots of information on the benefits 
of hemp as well as excerpts from Jack Herer's book dealing with the
history of the hemp plant.  It's great to see more BBS's willing to handle 
the question of legalization and ending the drug war.
  Right now, the Maryland Marijuana Movement is busy organizing the state
capitol for an initiative like Proposition P in San Francisco. They have
the support of a member of the City Council who is willing to present it
as a ballot initiative if they can collect enough signatures.  People are
finally starting to listen.
   Keep up the good work and educate as many people as you can.
                                      Dr. Hemp
                                      Chief Hempster

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 169.  Sat  1-18-92 12:25  (RECV'D)
    From: Mongo Stack
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Greetings
ALSO SEE: 178.

Dear Mr. Bud, I've finally got around to dialing this BBS, and what a fine 
corner you have here too! The Libertarian Party O' Boulder County meets at 
the James Pub the second Sunday of each month, 2:00 pm. Just starting a
campus group at CU, which will probably be a branch of Students for
Individual Liberty (SIL) which is affiliated with the International
Society for Individual Liberty. We're hoping that this will attract
students who ordinarily join a purely political group, since the ISIL has
worldwide prestige while still remaining libertarian in a very upfront
kind of way. They also publish a number of position papers such as "Ending 
our Drug Nightmare", written by Jarret Wollstein, which shows the benefits 
of ending the WOD by legalization. Hope to see you again soon, just
checked out the HEMP shop in Lakewood, looking pretty good! Our
Libertarian pal Steve was recently busted on four misdemeanors, including
failure to produce a license on demand by a police officer, no
registration, driving on suspended license, and failure to produce proof
of insurance. When the cop pulled Steve over, he asked Steve for his
license and Steve refused, citing his Fifth Amendment right to avoid self
incrimination. The cop told him that he was "technically under arrest", so 
Steve told him that if that was the case, he demanded counsel, a Fourth
Amendment Search Warrent, and probable cause, whereupon the cop escorted
him to jail after searching his car. At the jail, Steve again demanded
counsel and a phone call. The jailer told him that he "had been watching
too much tv". Anyhow, Steve was arraigned Thursday. We had worked up a
brief, refusing jurisdiction and claiming violation of Constitutional
rights, but never got to use it! Apparently, the DA had read the police
report and realized what we were up to. All charges were dropped except
for failure to produce license, and when Steve plead Not Guilty, they said 
they'd drop that one too. Smash the State! Steve can still sue under Title 
42 of the USC, and we're looking into that. This all came about through
taking the Barrister Inn school of Common Law, and we haven't even
finished it yet! We plan to open a school in Boulder soon, to let people
know what their rights really are, and how they can sue for big bucks when 
the police invariably violate these rights. The secret lies in claiming
all your rights while waiving none, which is what they try to get you to
do when they arrest you. It takes a lot of studying, but knowing your
rights can keep you out of jail! Hope to see you soon, xxxoo Mongo.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 170.  Sat  1-18-92 19:57  (RECV'D)
    From: The Deicide
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: George Bush's Puke Lumps
ALSO SEE: 166.

(re.  GB throwing chunks):  I dunno....  Nancy Reagan was a Valium addict
during Ronnie's presidency, though, making it possible...
I'm sure GB just had too much to drink, but it doesn't really matter
considering alcohol is socially acceptable in America... ahh well.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 171.  Fri  1-24-92 17:07  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: I'm Baaaack
ALSO SEE: 165, 174.

I kinda, sorta forgot to pay my phone bill for a few months, and they went 
and cut me off.  Can you belive that?
But it's paid now, and I got my modem back.  It got pretty scary for
awhile there, withdrals and all.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 174.  Wed  1-29-92 11:43  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: I'm Baaaack
ALSO SEE: 171, 175, 176.

Nice to see ya back....
The Hemp Initiative is almost ready to go public...it's sitting at the
Secretary of State's office now....Natalie the Nazi....If she thought
Doug Bruce was a pain in the ass, wait'll she gets a load of us!....
BTW, I had a terrific HEMP topic going on PRODIGY, of all places, for
a week, till the Prodigy censors freaked out and destroyed it....funny
thing, there's a "Legalize All Drugs" topic going on Prodigy, and it's not
being touched by the censors....somebody was sensitive to the industrial/
commercial message that HEMP tells, and they X'd it....that just goes to
prove what we've been saying all along.
This coming weeken I'll be running a HEMP booth at the BIG
Motorcycle Show at the Western Stock Show Complex.....about 7,000 people
are expected to show up, and I expect the HEMP table to be the most
popular one there....try to make it, if you can.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 175.  Wed  1-29-92 19:06  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: I'm Baaaack
ALSO SEE: 174.

I'll try to make it.  I wanted an excuse to get out.  

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 176.  Thu  1-30-92 21:25  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Cycle Show
ALSO SEE: 174.

Any chance of having the petitions in hand by the show?  Seems like it
would be good for a couple of thousand sigs.  
Anyway, where will your both be and what time will you be there, and most
inportant, can you get me in free? (just kidding)

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 177.  Fri  1-31-92 14:23
    From: M Man
      To: All
 Subject: B.H.I.P.

Well another B.H.I.P. meeting has come and gone but it was a real good one 
so I thought I would tell you about it.  Tom Barrus came by the meeting 
with a copy of the inititive which he had just submitted to state
legislature earlier that day.  He explained everything in great detail and 
it sounded real good.  The earliest that signatures could be collected is
probably February 6 after the hearings on the inititive are done. 
Hopefully there will not be any unseen delays but who knows with our
government.  The next meeting is on tuesday at 7:00 pm in UMC 157A on the
Boulder CU campus.  The room is downstairs.  We are going to be watching
some good movies so come on by if you can.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 179.  Mon  2-03-92  3:13
    From: Peter Perez
      To: All
 Subject: Weedman

I've been following (sorta) the hemp thang.....It's very interesting for a 
former hoppie....who's sunk into the dregs of alcohol....as a legal
alternative to my choice......
Anyhooo.....a good joke I robbed from Playboy mag a few years ago.... 
they did a thang on macho sushi.....
Evereybody gotta see old George choke and puke live.....
It goes somethin` like this.....
Geo...was at the state din. din...in Japan.....he turns to his side and
asks the Japanese man to his side....."what is this dish called"????
The gent replies....."We call it macho sushi".....Geo.....asks????huh?
The Japanese gent says "it's called blow-hunka"  well we all know what
happenes next.....
Wicked Uncle Pete...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 180.  Wed  2-05-92 12:12
    From: The Foad
      To: All
 Subject: Paul Harvey

I didn't get it tapped, couldn't find a blank in time.
But just a few moments ago, on his noon broadcast on KOA, Paul Harvey came 
out PRO-HEMP.  I couldn't belive it!
Things do be lookin up.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 183.  Sun  2-09-92 19:12  (RECV'D)
    From: Andy Weiss
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Reply to "permit me...."
ALSO SEE: 137.

I agree with a lot of what you said.  I know how devastating the paper
industry is to the environment.  Hemp would reduce that burden on the
        "chuck a spear or two to help put it out of its misery."  OUR
government fills a lot of OUR needs.  I think anyone who is looking to
put the government out of its misery is going to lose.  I believe that the 
gov't has reached critical mass years ago and is now growing beyond our
control or its control.  Isn't the gov't the largest employer in the
        There are two things that scare me about our gov't.  First more and
more people are relinquishing responsibilities.  To keep order someone or
something must accept responsibility.  Here the gov't is willing to 'serve 
the people', except with responsibilities the people are also giving up
        Secondly, the gov't also creates jobs where none are needed.  While
this may be nice for some politician to be able to say "I created 250 jobs 
for my constituents last year" and it may be nice for the worker who got
the job, the odds are that job will be involved in the regulation of
something that wasn't regulated the year before.
        That results in a greater tax burden for me that I don't want and it
also may limitsomething that I may want to do.
        I've seen assholes at work create positions underneath them to enlarge 
their departments and stroke their egos.  "I now head the largest
department" they say.  Yea, but all they do is sit on their ass and the
people under them play pocket pool all day because there is nothing to do
I know politicians do this and WE are their cash cow.  they lie to us and
take our money.  I'm glad some of the gov't is there and I don't mind
or should I say I accept, paying taxes for the things that I need.  I
believe, though, that I pay a lot of taxes for things that I don't need or 
want.----I seem to be going off on a tangent, but I'll finish it.
        Soon, how soon(who knows) there will be enough people dependent on the 
gov't that there will be no reducing it.  (Thomas Jefferson wrote that he
felt there should be a revolution every 5 to 10 (Ithink) years.  He knew
what politicians were like.)

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 184.  Tue  2-11-92 21:05  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Yo
ALSO SEE: 185.

Is you still there?
You didn't get your phone cut off too, did ya?
Whats the story on the petition drive?
Did it start without me?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 185.  Thu  2-13-92 19:03  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Yo
ALSO SEE: 184, 187, 190.

And BigBoy, and all...
   whew....sorry I been gone so long...I been out husslin' trying to take
care of biz, pay the rent, etc...
From what I hear, the petition should be in our hands in about 13 days...
There were some things to be worked out in the Titling....Natalie the Nazi
wanted to use the word "marijuana" in the title 3 or 4 times, but now it
reduced to one...hemp or cannabis is used the rest of the time....this
makes sense as 'marijuana' is a mexican slang expression made popular in
this country by the Hearst Newspaper smear campaign of the '30s.
ALL PLEASE NOTE: Connie Barr-Rowe of the Rocky Mountain Hemp Network and
HEMPware, etc will be interviewed by Gary Tessler of KNUS Friday morning
at 8:00 O'Clock.....thats 710 on the AM dial....
...and she tells me that Ole Gary is PRO-HEMP!
Foad...Paul "and now, the rest of the story" Harvey is Pro-Hemp? That's
fantastic! Can you recall a little about what he said? I'll check around
with my contacts in the broadcast biz and see if we can get a recording of 
the broadcast...it'll make a great addition to the 470-1100 hempline!
Let's see....so far we have Hugh Downs, Paul Harvey, Willie Nelson, etc.
Where the hell is Jerry Garcia?!?!
Gotta Run.....later

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 187.  Fri  2-14-92 16:13  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Spaced out
ALSO SEE: 185.

I saw Frank at Auraria last wensday, he had a booth set up, and he told me 
about Connie being on the radio.  I, of course, spaced it out.  It was
right when I was driving to school too.
As for Paul Harvey, I will have to look back at my message.  I typed it
just momments after the broadcast.
Anyway, I'm sure somebody will have taped Connie's interview, I'll catch
it from them.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 189.  Sat  2-15-92 15:05  (RECV'D)
    From: Adam Selene
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Sector R

Warning! Warning!  Containment has broken down in Sector R.  Repeat,
containment has broken down in Sector R.  I have jury-rigged this link, in 
hopes that you will get this message.  Can't hold out much longer.  Send
ammo and hemp cakes.  Repeat, send ammo and hemp cakes.  I will advise as
soon as situation becomes clear.  Also tell the others that I have
important information regarding

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 190.  Sat  2-15-92 22:22  (RECV'D)
    From: Spike
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: HEMP/DIR
ALSO SEE: 185, 192, 197.

Hey this is what I always wanted a place to talk about mt second favorite
subject in the world. Anyway I'm new to the board and thought this was a
really great idea
I'm here stationed in the Air Force which means I can't participate in my
favorite part of the Hemp movement but I would like to lend my support any 
way I could to help my buddies in the "WORLD". I'm originally from Oregon
where they say pot is the #2 cash crop in the state and I think I can
vouch for that. Well if there is anything I can do or if there is some way 
I can help just leave me a message.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 192.  Mon  2-17-92 12:44  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Spike
 Subject: [DHemp and the Military
ALSO SEE: 190, 193.

| I'm here stationed in the Air Force which means I can't participate in my
| favorite part of the Hemp movement but I would like to lend my support any 
| way I could to help my buddies in the "WORLD". I'm originally from Oregon
Actualy, the Military has always been one of the biggest hemp consumers.  
In fact our nations #1 war hero (the big Bush-man) owes his life to hemp.
Both times he had to bail out of his plane, he floated safely to earth on
a parachute made out of hemp.  In fact, note just the chute, but the cords,
and pack were also hemp.
The time his plane caught fire on the flight deck, the hoses that put him
and his plane out were made of hemp.
The uniform that kept his equipment from getting shot off, was made out of 
There is a Propaganda film from WWII called "Hemp For Victory".  The war
department tried to claim that they never made any such film, but they
were, of course, lieing.  It's aimed at farmers, telling them how
inportant it was to grow hemp (Note: they didn't call it Marajwan) for the 
war effort.  If you want to see it, just stop by "Hemp Wear etc..." on
Wadsworth and Mississippi.  They might have a copy for sale, or you can
plug it in and watch it there.
Also, I've been in your postion.  You can support the movement, you just
can't smoke it.  

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 193.  Mon  2-17-92 22:15  (RECV'D)
    From: Spike
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Hemp Wear etc...
ALSO SEE: 192, 195.

Tell me more about this Hemp Wear etc... store. You say on Wadsworth and
Mississippi? I've seen several such item advertised in "High Times" are we 
talking about the same stuff here?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 194.  Tue  2-18-92 14:42
    From: M Man
      To: All

Hello fellow Hempsters!
        I want to let everyone know about an important meeting of B.H.I.P.
which is coming up soon.  On March 3 we will be having a petition
information meeting. Folks from Denver will be coming up to talk about
petition strategies and such.  The estimate is that we need about 50
people to effectively cover the Boulder area.  If anyone is from the area
I urge you to come down and get involved. It is going to be hard work but
also fun! The group is filled with good people but we definitely need
more.  March 3 (Tuesday) at 7:00PM in UMC rm 157A (around the corner from
Quiglys) on the Boulder CU campus.     Hope to see some of you there.
Also if you are not from the Boulder area you can still get involved in
your area.  Contact the Hemp Inititive Project 470-1100 ext 511.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 195.  Tue  2-18-92 17:11  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Spike
 Subject: Hemp Wear etc...
ALSO SEE: 193, 202.

Pretty much the same stuff.  Plus they get in bulk cloth, and make alot of 
custom stuff.  
They have a lot of information too.  
Right now they are starting to catch a bunch of _hit abought thier
products.  Guess the powers that be couldn't find a legal way to mess with 
them, so they are putting pressure on the shopping center owners.
Anyway, they got hemp shirts, bags, flags, keychains, and hakey sacs. 
Plus if you want something made, they will make it for ya.
Not a thing that your CO can say about it.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 197.  Wed  2-19-92 16:53  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Spike
 Subject: HEMP/DIR
ALSO SEE: 190.

Howdy, Spike...Welcome to the board....sorry it's taking me a little while
to get around to saying HI, but things are a bit hectic for me of late...
If you get a chance, visit HEMPware, etc, 1090 S Wadsworth, Unit D....lots
of good products there....
Yeah, the military seems to take a dim view of a wonderful plant which has
helped us through several wars...and, as a former sailor during 'Nam, I
can vouch that the military was the #1 importer of the herb during that
period....ships would return from S E Asia loaded with TONS of the stuff.
Gotta Run, see ya...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 198.  Wed  2-19-92 16:59
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Petitioners!!!
ALSO SEE: 199.

A training class will be held for petitioners at HEMPware, etc 1090 S
Wadsworth Unit D on Saturday, March 7 at 2 PM (thats 1400, Spike) to
cover all the details of petitioning....if you can't make that date, just
drop by the store, and Connie will train you individually.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 199.  Wed  2-19-92 17:53  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Petitioners!!!
ALSO SEE: 198.

If anybody needs a ride to that class Saturday, leave me a message.  We
can ride over together.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 200.  Wed  2-19-92 23:55
    From: Hempman
      To: You
 Subject: hemp etc.

and HEY! don't forget to blaze down to HempWare Etc.! 1090 S. Wadsworth Blv
d. Suite D, Lakewood, Co. 80232. (n.e. corner of mississippi & Wadsworth)
in the Villa South Shopping Center.

        [i hope that's not overkill, ohwell]

pretty much there are only 3 things left to do:

        1) register to vote

        2) sign THE petition

        3) collect signatures

education is sometimes considered another goal, but is usually respected a
s a constant, a given, a full-time job....

        i tell you,
        that in '92,

        i wanna wipe my _ss
        with grass!             that's right, EVERY grade of paper with less
than 10% the chemicals used in paper-making w/trees,,, even butt-rags!

        more excellent, WORLDWIDE, hemp talk on NYX 871-4824 (7 bits, even

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 202.  Sat  2-22-92 24:30  (RECV'D)
    From: Spike
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Fuck the CO!!!
ALSO SEE: 195, 205.

I really don't give a shit what amnyone says. Actually I try to get in to
it with as many people who will argue the point with me. I bring my HIGH
TIMES in every month hoping that someone will challenge my right to read
the mag. So far no luck, but most of the time the guys kinda get off on
it. especcially the last issue, " How to roll a Blunt" Fuck em all is my
attitude. I would really like to stay in for 20 years and collect my
retirement, but my greatest goal in life is to simply live in the Oregon
country side and grow excellent bud and one day be a leader in the
revolution that will happen eventually. At that time we will have
complete rights to do what ever we want with our own bodies. I guess that
is my biggest problem with society at this point, What right does anyone
have to tell another what they can or cannot do with there own body.
Anarchy is the only way!!!!!!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 204.  Sat  2-22-92 13:39
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Hittin' the Fan....

Come one, come all ....Monday, February 24 at HEMPware, etc. 1090 S
Wadsworth, Unit D....Help Connie protest....her Store landlord wants to
kick HEMPware out of the mall because she's convinced that hemp is an
illegal substance (meaning shirts, oil, seed cake, etc.)
Media will be on hand...C'mon down!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 205.  Sun  2-23-92 14:02  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Spike
 Subject: Fuck the CO!!!
ALSO SEE: 202.

Shit, when I was in, I got nailed for having drug Paraphernalia in my
desk.  When I finaly got someone to tell me what the hell they were
talking about, I found out they were talking about my "Freak Brothers"

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 206.  Sun  2-23-92 21:17
    From: Hempman
      To:  you
 Subject: Hemp anyone?

        okay, here's something for those late nighters (or early morningers)!

KOA everyday has public talk radio shows....

        mon-fri 12am-5am

        sun 3:30am-4am

the weekdays is your basic whatever-everyone-wants-to-talk-about program, 
and the topic follows the direction of each successive caller (unless
ofcourse, the next caller returns the topic to HEMP!!).

 sunday is, i think, 'hit or miss', you have maybe 15 sec. to say anything
 you want and you can call as many times as you like as long as you keep
getting through you can keep listing off statistics or whatever you want,
even plugs for hempware, hemp hotline, petition classes, rallies, etc....

these koa shows, i hear, are broadcast to about 38 states. 

                THE #, 623-8585!!!
i called during the Persian "War", and said we didn't need it, what we NEED
ED to do was to relegalize, got only positive comebacks from around the

i'll be calling tonight.




for the daytimers, KOOL 105 is doing something called T.I.T.T.S. (Taking i
It To The Streets).

        the way this one works is that the public calls and leaves a message
about their topic, the station tallies topic interest and then broadcastss 
the winning topic, listeners can now call in and voice their opinion on
the topic, the station will then broadcast groups of opinions between

                        i recommend.....oh maybe.....HEMP!!!! yeah, everyone
call in hemp everyday!

also, i hear that the dj's on KOA are pro, and you would have good luck se
tting up an interview with them!


Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 207.  Sun  2-23-92 21:59
    From: Hempman
      To:  kindbud
 Subject: new world order

in the misc. text file section, i have uploadedd some new world order zips
, containing some 40 or 50 files about this new world order that connie
has been freaked out about by that weird dude in colo. sprgs. when she had 
a booth down there last weekend.

        she asked me to find out about it and this is all i've heard about it, 
so i was wondering if you had a printer to print them up for her and get
it to her.....


gotta go make some signs!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 208.  Tue  2-25-92 12:44
    From: The Foad
      To: All
 Subject: KOA
ALSO SEE: 209.

Yesterday was a good day for the Hemp movement.
Connie's store (HEMPwear etc..) got exposure on both radio and tv.
What started out as a consumer call to Tom Martineo, turned in to a great
education spot.  That lead to getting the lead story on that evenings
No mention of the movement or the initiative, but at least a 100,000 people
who didn't know that hemp has more than one use, now know better.
Initaly, Tom didn't think the whole thing was for real, so we got an
education pack over to him, which he opened and talked about on the air. 
That led to a news story on Channel 4.  The lead story included a
interview with Connie, several good examples of hemp products, and footage 
from "Hemp for Victory" (1942 Pro-Hemp USDA film)
Also, I just want to say thanx to all the people who showed up for the big 
rally monday morning.
Comon people, get off your butts and help out.  We can sit here and jerk
each other off on the BBS all day, and come Novemer we will still be going 
to jail for lighing and enjoying the herb.  O2 producing trees will still
be cut down at the rate of thousands of acers a day to make paper.  We
will still be using millions of gallons of toxic chemicals to grow cotton. 
And millions of gallions of even more toxic pesticides trying to kill off
the ditch weed growing around the country, and to kill off the people who
minght try and smoke it.  Glocoma(sp?) sufferers will still be faced with
a choice of going blind, or breaking the law.
If you want change, you got to make change happen.  Making excuses makes
nothing happen.  
So you say you don't know what you can do to help.  Well, first get
registered to vote.  It's not hard, takes no more than ten minutes.  Sign
the damm petition, YES your one single signature will count, and YES you
vote will matter.  Telling yourself otherwise is just a lazy cop-out.
Call Connie at 935-6410, ask her what you can do.  The poor woman is
running herself ragged trying to get YOU the right to use hemp, without
getting sent to jail and having all you belongings stolen by the
Write letters to your state legislators.  Tell them that not only do you
want the law changed, you don't want them circumventing the peoples will
after we get it changed.
BUY and USE hemp products.  I know they are more expensive, but every
person wearing a hamp shirt, or using hemp flour, or any other hemp
product is living, walking, indisputable proof that hemp is a better way.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 209.  Tue  2-25-92 21:00  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
ALSO SEE: 208, 241.

I have more and more respect and admiration for Connie everyday! And she's
really learning how to use the media....and GOD! how NICE the media is 
being to us! You couldn't BUY the kind of exposure she got yesterday...
Martino's show is a BIG deal....lot's of people who would not ordinarily
be exposed to hemp-truths got an earfull yesterday!
But  the Channel Four news at 10 PM!...I think they are the #1 news show
in that  time slot....I don't have any firm numbers, but I know that
channel two's little piss-ant newscast at 9:30 gets 800,000! Last night
at 10 PM, thanx to cable, Connie and Hemp were seen by close to Two
Million people!!!!!(including Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, and ALL of
And Hempman is right on the mark, too....let's all start calling the
radio talk shows....when folks get the truth about hemp, it CHANGES
them...and we are basically in a  battle for people's minds. Gary Tessler
will  be resuming his talk show on KDEN 1470 AM...last week on KNUS, he
made is  clear that he is PRO-HEMP!....and he hadn't even read the EMPEROR
at that point in time....he has since received his very own copy...
Jack Herer is right....Colorado has the best chance of any state to
legalize the bud in 1992! We can actually pull this off...the "opposition"
just is NOT THERE! And the media is HELPING us....
We absolutely MUST NOT f**k up this opportunity.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 212.  Fri  2-28-92 21:08
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Petition time!

Time to put or shut up....time to get out and hit the bricks with our
petition. To find out how to become a petitioner, call 470-1100 and punch
in ext 555...free classes are being held  in YOUR area. THis can really
happen!...Colorado will become the first state to completely re-legalize/
re-commercial this useful plant in the last 50+ years.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 213.  Tue  3-03-92 18:41
    From: The Foad
      To: All
 Subject: Day one and counting
ALSO SEE: 214, 215.

Well, yesterday was the first day in the trenches.  I must say it was
interesting.  I ended up skipping my classes and going after signatures. 
After six hours I had eighty seven names.  Out of all the people I talked
to, only three were negative. 
Shame I'm married.  I found myself with more than one opportunity to
strike up a really deep conversation with a really hot looking woman.
Anyway, if the response that I got was any indication of what we face come 
November, we got it in.
That is if we can get some more people up off their butts, and hit the
One sour note.
When you go out, be sure to wear a hat. (They will be getting hemp ball
caps at HEMPwear etc.. next week)  I once again got reminded that I'm a
balding kind of guy.  I burned the living -hit out of my bald spot.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 214.  Wed  3-04-92  7:45  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Day one and counting
ALSO SEE: 213.

What area did you hit, Foad? Was it around Auraria? I am coming down off
my mountain hideaway on Thurs to collect petitions....after testifying
at the hearing on Connie's  behalf. Looking forward to it.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 215.  Wed  3-04-92  7:53  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Day one and counting
ALSO SEE: 213.

Yeah. Encountering 3 negative people all day is about what I've
experienced when going public. The opposition is NOT THERE. People know
this country has a lot of problems, and  pot is not on the list. We are
going to re-commercialize cannabis hemp in Colorado this year, and the
anti-pot people are going  to be sitting around wondering what the hell

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 216.  Wed  3-04-92  9:35
    From: Big Boy
      To: All
 Subject: You finally got in print!
ALSO SEE: 217.

Monday Mar. 2, 1992, Denver Post, 1B,2B: "Pro-hemp petitioners hit
streets. Supporters hope to get issue on Nov. ballot." Good job.
Reading the article, I can see yuse guys will have no trouble getting the
signatures needed to get on the ballot from campus canvasers alone, but
then after that it's a whole different ballgame, because the fatcats that
come out against you will manipulate public opinion by calling you various 
labels, and you ain't financed well enough to get in the same media and
call them names back...then there's them outright lies Nyuk Nyuk!
Still, if you can get your word out grassroots style then the big papers
and TV might not be able to manipulate opinion against you in the week
before the election like the fatcats want.  I recommend that your
petitioners give out plenty of informative literature along the way, and
you save up your pennies for at least one big half or full page ad in the 2 
Denver papers right before the election, the day before Nyuk Nyuk!
If your initiative gets voted down, though, don't give up hope, just learn 
how to win next time...time is definitely on your side.
BTW, I logged onto Realm of Lost Souls (680-7688), and Twin Towers
(934-1297), and saw a NORML forum, but I forgot which board it was on Nyuk 
You might also be thinking of the good ole American compromise, such as an 
initiative to legalize hemp for commercial purposes that don't include the 
little flowers in it Nyuk Nyuk!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 217.  Wed  3-04-92 16:56  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: You finally got in print!
ALSO SEE: 216.

Hemp is legal for commercial purposes.  Only the flowers and leaves are
ilegal.  Kinda hard to grow the stalks without the  leaves thou.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 218.  Fri  3-06-92 24:02  (RECV'D)
    From: Hempman
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: few negative responses

actually, i haven't had any negative responses when petitioning, if they'r
e not positive responses (i.e. signatures, or those who run off to
register), they are ignorant responses that are treated with some
on-location education which produces one of the first two!

        always have some sorta flyer advertising hempware and/or the hemp
hotline, this is intensely quick and informative for them to find out
EVERYTHING that is happening (when, where, how, why, which, etc...),

and if anyone has a roomy vehicle (a van?), consider scheduling rides to t
he DMV for registerees, maybe ask for a buck from ea. person, i've asked
those who need rides and they usually say HECK I'LL GIVE YOU $1 EACH WAY!

well, cruising around at work i found that repeteetive calls to radio stat
ions does pay off! (educational harrassment?) after numerous calls to KRFX,
 the FOXX (103.5) has broken down into plugging the store, petition, and
hotline...they even say "for more information, call us at the foxx"!!!

keep it up all!

        petition EVERYWHERE! cafes, restaraunts, theaters, campuses,
door-to-door neighborhoods/apartment complexes, libraries, concerts, DMV's,
etc...........the greatness of petitioning is that it can be done 24HRS. A 
relegalization by realization that it's the pollution solution!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 219.  Fri  3-06-92 21:55
    From: Adam Selene
      To: All
 Subject: Wyoming
ALSO SEE: 221, 222.

From the ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS..."A measure acknowledging marijuana has
medicinal uses was killed Tuesday in a Wyoming Senate committee by
senators believing it would send the 'wrong message.'"  It doesn't specify 
what the "wrong message' is; infer your own.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 220.  Sat  3-07-92 21:57
    From: Mongo Stack
      To: Skeeter Blades
 Subject: Turn 'em n Burn 'em
ALSO SEE: 178.

Amazing, but the evil THEY do not, in fact, know the law. If you read
about the bust recently that was baited with tennis shoes, a friend of
ours showed up with a copy of the bogus "award letter" (it was his
brother's) and got busted for impersonation (felony)! This cats heinous
crime was being one month late with his child support. Any how, our pal
refused to give his driver's license, so the boys claimed they'd hold him
forever and thirteen years after that! Our other pal, Sensai JM came with
him, and the boys were going to bust him too, even though he wasn't on the 
list, but when they searched him found him wired for sound! The boys
decided it would be in their best interest to let JM go, oddly
enough....meanwhile, holding our pal "forever" turned out to be two days.
The police report was a real hoot..."suspect cited legal decisions and
threatened litigation...arrested for obstructing an officer..."blah blah
blah. So those naughty statists become the victim of a Title 42 suit for
$100,000 as of Tuesday.....har har! Turn 'em 'n' Burn 'em! Ciao.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 221.  Sun  3-08-92  1:58  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Adam Selene
 Subject: Wyoming
ALSO SEE: 219.

Sounds good.  Come January they can just drive down to Denver.  That
there Wyoming money spends just ducky down here.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 222.  Wed  3-11-92 13:04  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Adam Selene
 Subject: Wyoming
ALSO SEE: 219.

The wrong message is:"Hey, we've been lying to you yokels for 53 years,
and we'll keep doing so in order to keep our phoney-baloney jobs."

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 223.  Wed  3-11-92 17:30
    From: The Foad
      To: All
 Subject: ASCII

Does anybody have the text of the initiative in an ascii file?
I got a couple of boards wanting it, an I don't want to type it all.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 226.  Fri  3-13-92 11:43
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: it's amazing...

If at all possible, try to talk to at least 4 people a day, and give them
the  truth about hemp...I bumped into a stranger over the weekend, and the
first thing I asked  was:"Are you a registered voter?" He said he was and
I proceeded to lay the hemp info on him.....as I did, I saw the "light of
knowledge" spark to life in his eyes....he called me yesterday and told me 
that he's now converted 26 people, including a religious family, and
they're now on the hemp-bandwagon....this guy is fired up and will be a
real asset to the movement...never pass up an opportunity to tell someone
about the hemp initiative...you never know what you might be starting.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 227.  Tue  3-17-92  3:08
    From: Cyberskunk Jones
      To: All
 Subject: Aesop's Fable

The Swallow and the Other Birds (Aesop, 550 BC)
It happened that a Countryman was sowing some hemp seeds in a field where
a Swallow and some other birds were hopping about picking up their food. 
"Beware of that man," quoth the Swallow.  "Why, what is he doing?" said
the others.  "That is the hemp seed he is sowing; be careful to pick up
every one of the seeds, or else you will repent it."  The birds paid no
heed to the Swallow's words, and by the time the hemp grew up and was made 
into cord, and of the cord nets were made, and many a bird that had
despised the Swallow's advice was caught in nets made out of that very
hemp.  "What did I tell you?"  said the Swallow.  DESTROY THE SEEDS OF
                  --- Aesop

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 228.  Tue  3-17-92  3:43  (RECV'D)
    From: Cyberskunk Jones
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: Hemp and CO2
ALSO SEE: 131.

Burning methanol (in place of gasoline) emits one third the CO2 as does
petroleum.  Using hemp to make methanol is the best idea because of hemp's 
high yeild of cellulose, the basis of methanol fuel.  Hemp seed oil, used
in a Diesel motor, would have a different emission level, unknown to me. 
But methanol has one third the CO2 as does gasoline.  Of course, methanol
would be a transitional fuel moving toward hydrogen/solar, or some other
low-impact renewable resource.  Also, the argument for hemp takes on a
greater importance in light of what some have called "Global Supercrisis." 
To some of us tree-huggers it's obvious, but there are a whole lot of
problems in a whole lot of areas -- all coming together into a big threat
to our continued survival as a civilization and perhaps as a species.  The 
greenhouse effect, ozone/chlorine cycle, and toxic waste are three global
aspects to this "Supercrisis."  There are many more aspects, each as
potentially devastating.  Economics, politics, and social values are all
bound up together in this Supercrisis; it's not just an "environmental"
thing.  The reason I'm hammering this point in is because HEMP, if used
properly and used immediately, is capable of solving so many (if not all)
of our problems.  The figure quoted earlier, $500 Billion, may seem like
an underestimate in a future socioeconomic system based on hemp to the
extent to which our today is based on petroleum.  This is not only
possible, there are many of us who are starting to think it's imperative.
  ALSO:  All the hemp feilds and ever-regenerating forests worldwide would 
act as CO2 "sinks," trapping vast quantities of CO2 in their lifespans. 
Also, the oceans would continue to contain plankton and other organisms
which would continue to absorb CO2, instead of potentially depleting by
orders of nagnitude because of the synergism of oceanwater toxicity,
degenerating ozonosphere, and possible temperature changes.  In order to
stop the chlorine cycle and head off ozone destruction a century from now
(one molecule of chlorine destroys 100,000 molecules of ozone in a hundred 
-year cycle) we need to stop using the stuff to make paper.  In order to
stop deforestation, one of the things we need to do is stop cutting down
trees for paper products.  Here, as well as everywhere else, hemp is the
common-sense choice for saving the Earth.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 229.  Tue  3-17-92 20:46
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Hunter Thompson Signs....
ALSO SEE: 230.

Last Saturday, March 14, Gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson signed the
Hemp Initiative Petition in front of a large group he was addressing...he
took a moment to explain the importance of the Hemp Initiative, and then
cerimoniously added his signature.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 230.  Tue  3-17-92 21:32  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Hunter Thompson Signs....
ALSO SEE: 229, 232.

Glad to hear it.  I tried to get us inside, to set up a table in the lobby,
 in fact I did get us in, but two days before hand, I got a call telling
me that they had changed their mind.  I wasn't so much pissed as saddened. 
But I am glad that sombody got in.  Although I'm kinda pissed it wasn't
me.  Gotta quit being so damm competitive about this.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 231.  Thu  3-19-92 13:39  (RECV'D)
    From: Jeff Dehaven
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: ...umm, let me....uh....I.....
ALSO SEE: 39, 233.

 I am responding to a VERY old message of yours, I am a new user on this
board and didn't feel like reading All the way up to message 200 something 
without asking this- The information you have displayed on this sub is
very informative- I am also pro legalization, and I was wondering if there 
is any way to get ahold of all this information that you have- is there
some book or is it just an immense collection of studies?  And I must say
it is good to have someone with real facts on our side- keep up the good
work, and I back ya 100%!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 232.  Fri  3-20-92  7:12  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Hunter Thompson Signs....
ALSO SEE: 230, 235.

Nothing wrong with being competitive about this....any one of us would
have loved to get Hunter's signature....I hear there were at least five
petitioners in the meeting.....just luck as to who got to him first...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 233.  Fri  3-20-92  7:14  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Jeff Dehaven
 Subject: Welcome to the Board...
ALSO SEE: 231, 234.

High, Jeff! The definitive book on the subject is "The Emperor Wears No
Clothes," by Jack Herer....about 200 pages, half of which is footnotes/
documentation....blows the lid off the marijuana conspiracy which is
bigger than BCCI and the S & L scandal put together...the book is
available at HEMPwear, etc, 1090 S Wadsworth, Unit D. This store has a lot 
of fine hemp products such as cloth and clothing, hemp-seed oil and
hemp-seed cake, (including hemp-seed cake granola bars) and lots of
printed info. HEMPware, etc is going to be moving soon to a new 4000 sq
foot space near Alameda & Sheridan.....more info on this as it developes.
THE EMPEROR      is also available at The Tattered Cover bookstore....as of
last night they only had one copy left...it sells fast. The Denver Public
Library also has four copies, which are ALWAYS out....probably quite a
waiting list,too.
Also, call our FREE Hempline: 470-1100.....from a touch-tone phone...it's
all recorded hemp information....ext 477 is a 10 minute recording of Hugh
Downs' ABC 20/20 piece on hemp as the earth's number one producer of paper,
fiber, fuel, food, medicine, etc....The Hempline also has info on how to
register to vote, where to find a petition to sign, and how to become a
petitioner. The opposition has yet to rear it's ugly head, and it's
starting to look as if we have a real chance to re-commercialize hemp in
Colorado THIS YEAR....A recent NewsCenter 4 poll showed 64% in favor at
this time!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 235.  Mon  3-23-92 15:33  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Hunter Thompson Signs....
ALSO SEE: 232, 238.

Actualy I took a friend to the "Shakedown Street" concert at the Buffalo
Rose that night.  The band invited me to come out and do some petitioning
durring their show.  It was really cool, got in without paying the cover
and got almost a full packet of signatures.  We just sat up front and the
band would plug us every few songs.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 236.  Mon  3-23-92 20:22
    From: The Foad
      To: All
 Subject: stray thoughts

Since most of is would agree that cocaine is not a nice drug, and 
some of us might agree with the government that it should be against the
How come only cocaine is illegal, but not the rest of the Coco plant?
After all, hemp is bad if you smoke it (supposedly), so the whole plant is 
illegal, including the hemp that was grown for commercial usee and had
virtualy no smoakable parts.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 237.  Mon  3-23-92 22:19  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Jeff Dehaven
 Subject: Hugh Downs
ALSO SEE: 234, 240.

Yeah, that Hugh Downs piece is really powerful stuff for converting the
unbeliever....give out the 470-1100 number to EVERYONE....write it on
bathroom walls....yell it from  the rooftops.  See Ya...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 238.  Mon  3-23-92 22:22  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Concerts! Yeah!
ALSO SEE: 235.

Outstanding info....I think we'll get a lot of help from bands in the
area....Keep up the good work!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 239.  Mon  3-23-92 22:23
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: D.A.R.E. lies...

For all concerned parents who have kids who are being subjected to
the lies and disinformation of the insidous D.A.R.E./Nazi machine, I have
U/L'd DARE.TXT....it helps teach kids the TRUTH about  hemp. I  think it
is well written and has a lot of info which they can understand.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 240.  Wed  3-25-92 24:08  (RECV'D)
    From: Jeff Dehaven
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Hugh Downs
ALSO SEE: 237.

 Yhea- Ive been posting it around and telling people I know to call it-
its "converted" a few nonbelievers- the quest continues...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 241.  Wed  3-25-92 24:11  (RECV'D)
    From: Jeff Dehaven
      To: Kind Bud
ALSO SEE: 209, 243.

 Channel 4 is one of the top- and with Hemp publicity comes controversy,
and with controversy comes National News- and hopefully if the National
News gets it one day, then the REAL facts will have to be presented... 
But butting up against government bullshit and industries billions of
dollars in no small task- but hopefully if at least colorado gets the
thumbs up for legalization, other states will take a second look!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 242.  Thu  3-26-92 24:58
    From: Hempman
      To: All
 Subject: movement stuff

come all ye petitioners and kind rainbow brothers & sisters to the 


        MERCURY CAFE on

        APRIL 12 at

        7:00pm with


also, hit the DENVER COLISEUM for the POW-WOW which happens all weekend lo
ng (THIS weekend), and petition at CURRIGAN HALL for the Rocky Mtn.
Homebuilders Assoc. Expo. (for layman signatures, you know: painters,
construction, framers, drywallers, electricians....in other words pot

  at the kazy expo, we filled at least ten petitions (including the st pat
rick's parade [but mostly the expo]), all you need to do is hit these
events and it happens really smoothly like.

        i am finally back up, and will asap have an ascii of the petition, but 
for now, i will u/l a pic. "i grew hemp"!! dig it!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 243.  Thu  3-26-92  8:26  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Jeff Dehaven
 Subject: Keep Crankin'
ALSO SEE: 241, 246.

We're about to start our blitz campaign of FAX'd newsreleases to ABC/CBS/
NBC/CNN/MacNeil-Lehrer/Larry King, etc. Larry King is for across the board
drug re-legalization, because it makes sense.
Although the loyal opposition has been quiet, I have noticed that
Partnership for a Drug Free America is concentrating on marijuana in their
ads for this region. Fortunately, I don't think they realize that
everyone's laughing at them.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 245.  Thu  3-26-92  8:33
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Annecdote....

The following inspirational story was told to me by The Foad....I'll try
to get it right as I relate it here:
After the St. Patty's Day Parade, an elderly Jewish gentleman went to
HEMPware, etc.,....He'd previously been "anti-drug", but at the parade he
was shaken by a sight: Black-shirted D.A.R.E. kids marching is strict
formation being "directed" by a rather harsh woman with a bull-horn...
he said that the sight reminded him so much of Germany in the '30s that he
did a complete about face. HE SIGNED THE PETITION!      
This thing is bigger than I'd thought it would ever be. Wing-tipped
conservative business-persons are coming out of the cannabis closet to
offer office space, advertising space, financial support, etc.
MJ prohibition is gonna go, and it's gonna go BIGTIME.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 246.  Fri  3-27-92 21:44  (RECV'D)
    From: Jeff Dehaven
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Keep Crankin'
ALSO SEE: 243, 251.

 Good plan- Are the Fax's going to be facts and information for
legalization or just how far colorado is doing so far, or both?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 247.  Fri  3-27-92 21:48  (RECV'D)
    From: Jeff Dehaven
      To: The Foad
 Subject: HEy!

 Just thought I'd drop a note saying Good luck with more signee's and I'll 
hopefully see ya down at CCD again.  Ive told a few people about it and
they're ready to sign!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 248.  Sat  3-28-92 14:16
    From: Dwarfo Suedomsa
      To: Whoever
 Subject: Hemp products
ALSO SEE: 249, 253.

Got a question.  If all hemp products are illegal haow can that hemp store 
sell the clothes and food and such?  Also, while I c am against legalizati
on you people seem to be doing a bang up job.  Keep up the good work.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 249.  Sun  3-29-92 11:30  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Dwarfo Suedomsa
 Subject: Hemp products
ALSO SEE: 248, 250.

To really over-simplfy and ultra-nutshell an answer to your question....
It is only illegal to possess the female buds and leaves.  It is illegal
to grow the plant in this country.  But if the plant is grown and made
into cloth/paper elswhere and then imported, then it's okay.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 250.  Sun  3-29-92 21:26  (RECV'D)
    From: Dwarfo Suedomsa
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Hemp products
ALSO SEE: 249, 254.

Thank you.  Very consise.  

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 251.  Tue  3-31-92  7:03  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Jeff Dehaven
 Subject: fax's
ALSO SEE: 246.

They'll be both, and anything else that we can put together to get press.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 252.  Tue  3-31-92  7:05
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Heard through the hempvine...
ALSO SEE: 255, 257.

...that in addition  to France, Spain, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Czechoslavakia,
China, and Tazmania, we can now add Russia to our budding (no pun) list of
hemp cultivating nations...I recall that last year, they met with John 
Bierenbach of the Institute for Hemp in St. Paul....they were attempting
to RElearn the harvesting/pulping methods....in the last century, Russia
produced 80% of the world's hemp...Napolean invaded Russia to cut off
England's hemp supply, in an attempt to cripple her navy...would have
worked too, if it weren't for good old American smugglers...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 253.  Tue  3-31-92  7:11  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Dwarfo Suedomsa
 Subject: Hemp products
ALSO SEE: 248, 259.

...I'd only add that the raw, sterilized seeds may be imported and
rendered into oils/seed cake here...
BTW, just curious.....why are you against re-legalization?      

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 254.  Tue  3-31-92 17:27  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Dwarfo Suedomsa
 Subject: Hemp products
ALSO SEE: 250, 256, 260.

Thank you, but not only is it very consise, it's very, very, very
A few weeks ago, Germany struck down all it's drug laws.
Now, there are a number of mills "retooling" thruough out Germany.  Guess
who is going to be exporting a whole shitload of eco-safe, high quality,
and durable cloth and paper.
Why the hell are we hanging on to these stupid outdated concepts that tell 
us it's unhealthy to smoke a dobbie, there for we have to drink dioxon in
our water.
To keep people from sucking on a bong, we have cut down 2/3 of all the
forests in the world.
Because somebody might get high for a few minutes, we destroy our
enviorment drilling and trasporting oil, rather than let our farmers grow
what we need, WHERE we need it.
For fear that somebody, somewhere, might have a good time ( or even screw
up their life, but hell, that's there right) we refuse Glocomia sufferers
the ONLY thing proven to ease their suffering.
We keep AIDS patients from a safe, natural, appetite restorer.
We force cancer patients to endure even more suffering.
All because of this bill of goods that we've been sold over the last 50
Well, wake up people. YOU WERE LIED TO!!!
Don't get angry at the people trying to tell you the truth, get really
pissed at those who lied to you!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 255.  Tue  3-31-92 17:43  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Heard through the hempvine...
ALSO SEE: 252, 258, 261.

Looks like it's time to get on the bandwagon before it runs us over.
Has anybody else noticed the virtual news black-out from Europe?
COuld be that things are going better with the re-legalization that our
keepers would like us to know.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 256.  Wed  4-01-92  1:32  (RECV'D)
    From: Cyberskunk Jones
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Hemp products
ALSO SEE: 254, 262.

I liked that diatribe!  I'm beginning to see hemp as a "keystone" element
which is needed now to support the arch of civilization, threatening
collapse.  Hemp is Right, hemp is Moral, in the very highest sense, both
utilitarian and deontological.  Blah blah blah -- it's the right thing to
do.  Information is the only weapon hemp-o-philes have against all the
money, rules, and enemies of The People who are anti-hemp for whatever
reasons.  Information: education, Truth-telling, ready facts, and just the 
whole rap what gives the Hemp Movement power: but it must be scholarly
information, as Jack Herer has presented, all mucho well-documented and
readily available.  The media says: ". . . which they say can replace
petroleum. . . " or somesuch bombastic claims.  The facts are there, in
theory and in big, round numbers, but it must be quantified, and if it
really is, then folk need to see it point blank.  This ever-increasing
information has been spread all around the country heavily in the last
couple of years, and it's obvious that this country is at least ambivalent 
on the issue, even though the third of Coloradoans who toke is like one
third of the total population -- a political majority.  This is strange,
and I wonder what really holds people back who know friends who smoke, and 
tolerate it, but won't lift a pen to advocate what's right.  This country
was built on hemp, by people who had little else but hemp and horses to
base a technology on before the age of steam.  To reclaim hemp for America 
is not only one of the most patriotic things we can do, but also one of
the very best (probably crucial) things we can do, right now, for our
planet.  People who don't support hemp, I belive, are sort of hurting the
Earth all that much more, stealing from our great-grandchildren.  Stealing 
their WORLD from them, and we laugh about it.  My heart does not bleed,
Sirs, but my mind is strong enough to discern what is right from
inculturated balderdash.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 257.  Wed  4-01-92 23:54  (RECV'D)
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Heard through the hempvine...
ALSO SEE: 252, 263.

From what we've heard from John about his meeting with the Russians, they
have been growing it all along, and in fact, were talking about making
"pressed hemp" furniture.  They didn't know about paper, but were going
back to get started on producing it ASAP.  
   The latest news from the European Parliament is that they are against
prohibition and in favor of hemp for industrial uses and that drug
addiction should be treated as a medical problem.  Sounds like they got it 
together, huh?
                                   the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 258.  Thu  4-02-92 24:01  (RECV'D)
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Heard through the hempvine...
ALSO SEE: 255.

That's exactly what's going on.  Europe recognizes that the drug war
doesn't work and are talking alternatives.  They want the farmers to
benefit from the industrial uses of the plant.  Why should they continnue
to waste billions of dollars on enforcement when they could make billions
if it were legal?  Our Radical Letter was full of it... we also heard that 
Amsterdam is subsidizing hemp farmers to grow hemp for industrial
purposes. Of course, the farmers discovered a way to process the
"leftovers" into hash and it started a bunch of people complaining abut
the government "subsidizing" drugs, but the govt said they would continue
to subsidize hemp production and praised the farmers for being so
resourceful with their recycling efforts.  Neat huh?
                                       the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 261.  Thu  4-02-92  8:55  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Being a hermit....
ALSO SEE: 255, 267.

I'm a little out of touch with some news....what's going on in Germany/

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 262.  Thu  4-02-92  8:58  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Cyberskunk Jones
 Subject: Hemp products
ALSO SEE: 256.

You're note was so truthful and beautiful that, verily, I wept.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 263.  Thu  4-02-92  9:00  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Dr Hemp
 Subject: Heard through the hempvine...
ALSO SEE: 257.

Blessed Be!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 267.  Thu  4-02-92 19:04  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Being a hermit....
ALSO SEE: 261, 270.

It be legal over there.
And they are getting ready to make things out of it.
And then they are going to sell them to us.
And then they are going to buy the World Trade Center.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 268.  Fri  4-03-92  2:32  (RECV'D)
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: hemp oil
ALSO SEE: 271.

We got an interesting call today from an energy company in Southwest Texas 
wanting to know if they could get information on hemp oil as a viable
energy source -- BTU ratings, consumption, etc.  I sent them to John
because they want some hemp oil to test.  Also gave him an hour historical 
hemp lesson.  He was a hemp virgin, so I hempnotized him.  I gave him data 
from our hempstorian and am thoroughly convinced that he's not one of
those hempophobic maramoonies.  Time will tell.
        Law is blind.  Justice will out.
                                          the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 270.  Fri  4-03-92  6:03  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Being a hermit....
ALSO SEE: 267.


Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 271.  Fri  4-03-92  6:05  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Dr Hemp
 Subject: hemp oil
ALSO SEE: 268, 272.

Outstanding....Another source hemp-seed oil is here in Colorado....call
470-1100 ext 711.
I'm hempnotized!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 273.  Sat  4-04-92 12:08
    From: Hempman
      To: Anyone Who Has A Clue
 Subject: hash bash 92
ALSO SEE: 274.

when is this most festive event?
or did i miss it again?
hemp me!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 274.  Sun  4-05-92  1:33  (RECV'D)
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: Hempman
 Subject: hash bash 92
ALSO SEE: 273, 275.

I think you missed it again.  Was today... oh, well.  for the latest info, 
Elvy got Freedom Fighter of the Year 1992.  Was cold and rainy, but still
had around 4000 people show up.  The police were a real hassle,
confiscating goods that activists had for sale.  Vicki Linker even got
hauled away with her goods.  maybe you'll make it next year... they voted
to have it the first weekend in May... we'll see...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 275.  Sun  4-05-92  8:49  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Dr Hemp
 Subject: hash bash 92
ALSO SEE: 274, 276, 277.

We had nothing special planned for the 4th...our petition drive is in full 
swing, however....over 1,000 petitions in the field, with new petitioners
being trained every day.....Glad to hear about Elvy.....and sorry to hear
about the cops.....the goods you mentioned....I assume copies of "The
Emperor...", hemp bracelets, etc?....Later.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 281.  Wed  4-08-92  9:30  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Hemp Initiative Petition

I never got it, so if you got one, u/l it.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 282.  Sat  4-11-92 12:08
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Petitions
ALSO SEE: 283.

The following Colorado Stores have the petition available for signing.
Gallery NuVo
1010 S Gaylord
Johnny's Newstand
1555 Champa Street
A-Vitamin Store
302 S. Broadway
A-Vitamin Store
508 E. Colfax
Bill's Grocery Art
3438 Downing
Mother's Cafe
1333 Broadway, Suite 118
Offbeat Records
5692 S. Cedar
C.J.'s Records
4361 S. Broadway
The Energy Store
802 E. Fillmore
Colo. Springs
Summit Records
208 N. Main Street
Tomboy Tattoos
756 North Ave
Grand Junction
Butterhorn Bakery
408 Main
You know what to do.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 285.  Tue  4-14-92  3:51  (RECV'D)
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Atlanta Pot Festival
ALSO SEE: 287.

  Just got our report in tonight from Ohio NORML about the Atlanta
festival.  Said it was reminiscent of the 60's and the press wrote it up
that way, too... was a bigggg event... more than 50,000 people, he called
it the biggest pot rally in the history of the country, and i can believe
it.  More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of hemp and
are willing to speak out... sometimes, when talking to politicians, it may 
seem like we're getting nowhere fast, but we are making a difference. 
We're getting lots of calls from local people wanting to know how to join
our organization now.  They're tired of the repressive laws and see more
and more people getting hurt by them.  
   Keep up the good work with your petitions... look forward to further
progress reports soon.
                               the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 286.  Tue  4-14-92  7:48
    From: Big Boy
      To: All
 Subject: Communique from Dr. Hemp

I got this post from Dr. Hemp of Maryland, so I'll share it with you all:
Heard from Casper today that they're almost ready to release the new "Hemp 
Chronicles", which is a revamping of "Time 4 Hemp."  They are doing a
special introductory offer of 1000 numbered tape/t-shirt combinations as
collectors editions dedicated to the 400 activists that have helped them
continue through it all.  The introductory price is $26.95 + $2.90 S&H. 
After this time, all other tapes/t-shirts will be $31.95 + S&H, unless you 
are active at gettng them shown on cable access, in which case the price
will remain the same.  For people that only want either the t-shirt or a
tape, the prices will be $17.76 for a t-shirt and $19.37 for a tape. 
Prices look familiar???  If you want more info, you can call him direct at 
1-800-882-3317.  He wants as many people as possible to get the word.. the 
tapes go out to activists on May 8th and to the general public on May
20th.  I don't know if you can put this up on the board, which is why I'm
leaving the message here for ya... I leave it to your discretion, but if
you could pass it along, would be gratefully appreciated.
                                    the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 290.  Wed  4-22-92 22:44
    From: The Foad
      To: All
 Subject: BIG Hemp Rally
ALSO SEE: 291, 314.

This Friday, April 24, we are having a Major Hemp rally.  There will be
music, speakers, vendors, product demonstrations, and a BAKE SALE of
yummies made from HEMP. (Had to fight like hell to pull that off)
It will be on the Auraria Campus, by the student union, from 1 to 5.  
In addion to the speakers, we will be alowing a generous amount ov
open-mic time.  That is when ANYBODY may get up and speak, be they for or
against Hemp RE-Legalization.
If you think that you know all there is to know about Hemp, and there is
no more you can learn, you are wrong.  
If you think you can't make a difference in this movement, you are right!  
You have to want, and belive that you can make a difference, in order to
be able to make a change.
I'm not taking the namby pamby aproach any more (it has been pointed out
to me that I never have).  I am sick of all the loser jerk-offs out there
that are too lazy or (this really pisses me off) too scared to stand up and
 be counted.
And to be real frank, it chaffes my butt that the lazy and scared are
going to benifit as much or even more than the ones of us who are busting
our butts.  Were it up to me, they would some how be writen out,  But it's 
not, so I just have to live with it.
That said, Show up at the DAMM RALLY!  We need you, each and every one of
you, to be there, show your support, look good for the media, and just
have a good time.
The Foad

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 292.  Fri  4-24-92  2:22
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: All
 Subject: bad news
ALSO SEE: 294.

we got word today from several sources that Kentucky has made all hemp
products illegal.  We have been trying to reach the CAN gang, but no one
is answering their phone.  We haven't been able to get in touch with
Gatewood either.  Wonder what he plans to do about Gatewoodstock...  It's
a real blow to the movement that a state can be so paranoid about a plant
that it makes all the beneficial products illegal as well just so people
aren't getting the "wrong message."  How many more legislators will be
convinced about this?  
        We have personal experience of this, on a local level.  Our oldest
daughter, who was taken by the state a year and a half ago had all her
hemp twine taken away, as well as the bracelets, necklace and anklet she
had been given by her brothers and sisters.  The social worker said it was 
because she "might get high" working with the twine, and it did have such
a relaxing effect to sit around and braid bracelets... And of course, it
had to be the effect of the "marijuana" she was working with, not the fact 
that braiding bracelets can be very relaxing.  Comes with keeping your
hands busy and your mind free to wander...
        If you hear any more about this, please let us know. thanks.
                                        the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 294.  Fri  4-24-92  9:42  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Dr Hemp
 Subject: bad news
ALSO SEE: 292, 296.

I gotta totaly disagree with you there my friend.  It's GOOD NEWS.
Everytime they do something like that, more people open their eyes.  More
poeple get fed up and decide that it is time to do something.
Besides, that there Kentucky money spends just fine here in Colorado.
The Foad

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 295.  Fri  4-24-92  9:45
    From: The Foad
      To: All
 Subject: Rocky Mount News

Sometime in the next three days I will have my letter opposing David Cox,
the President of Colorado DARE officers, printed in the RMN.
The moral is...
You can get your Pro-Hemp Letters printed.
You CAN be heard.
If I am still here next week, you can, for the time being anyway, speak up 
without getting "Dissapeared."

The Foad
(Bradley Edison, for those of you that want to read my letter)

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 297.  Fri  4-24-92 18:38
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: All
 Subject: Kentucky

With Kentucky passing a law against hemp products, it means the only
"paper" Kentuckyians will be allowed will be "pay per" view.
        The law makes the Kentucky Constitution (1890) the first document
ruled illegal because of the paper it's written on!
                                       the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 298.  Fri  4-24-92 18:39  (NO KILL)
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: All
 Subject: Operation "Smokescreen"
ALSO SEE: 299.

        DEA Operation "Smokescreen" came down in Indiana with a bang.  Circle
City Hydroponics was an undercover DEA operation selling growing
equipment.  They claim to have advertised in "High Times", which  High
Times says they did not do.  The most recent information we have gotten is 
that there were 40 arrests in an operation that involved 400 Indiana
police and 600 National Guard.  It's being touted as the largest state
police operation to date.
                                    the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 299.  Sat  4-25-92  5:19  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Dr Hemp
 Subject: Operation "Smokescreen"
ALSO SEE: 298, 300.

National Guard.......Hmmmmmmm......
I could have sworn that the US Constitution forbids the use of the
military in civilian law inforcement.
The Foad

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 301.  Sat  4-25-92 21:05
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: All
 Subject: War?

Have you guys heard about the DEA surveillance plane that was shot upon by 
a Peruvian military plane?  Our PBS station has been broadcasting reports
for the last couple hours.  Seems now that one crewman is missing and two
were injured.  It was flying "off course" and did not respond with radioed 
by the Peruvian planes.  Very interesting.....
                                        the dr

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 313.  Fri  5-01-92  3:32
    From: Hempman
      To: All
 Subject: petitioning
ALSO SEE: 315.

        get out to the rodney king rallies for to shout & tout HEMP!!!
make signs, take flyers, and break out your petitions.
        it'sa free rally spot.
i here and now declare that all rodney king rallies become HEMP
        riots are breaking out all over the country, the problem is that the
people are fighting the people! we need to remind the people that the
government is the enemy! NOT THE PEOPLE!
leave to the potsmokers to straighten shit out.
notice: abortion rallies result in violence!
gay/lesbian rallies result in violence!
                race rallies result in violence!
                  war rallies result in violence!
MARIJUANA rallies result in PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
potheads don't riot...........they smokem' peace pipe and be mellow!
groove in the sun and be happy!
hmmmm, if only the national guard dusted L.A. with pot smoke!
oddly enough nobody had blown up gov't. buildings (nat'l., state, county,
i heard that this shit has spread into Van Nuys, how's Jack (H.E.M.P.)
hanging with it?
rodney king verdict...................the hair that broke the camel's
tomorrow at your state capitol/university.....GO PETITION!!!!!!!!!!
later daze!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 315.  Tue  5-05-92 15:41  (RECV'D)
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: Hempman
 Subject: petitioning
ALSO SEE: 313.

        We've been in touch with friends in LA and the word we're getting back 
is that the whole thing was staged.  One fireman reported that big men in
big cars with big guns stopped by a fire and told him to "let it burn." 
We've also noticed that the arsonists that were caught by the firemen were 
white, not black.  The word is that it was all planned and further proof
is that Darryl Gates predicted it before the verdict even came in.  Need
                                        the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 316.  Tue  5-05-92 15:43  (RECV'D)
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: The Foad
 Subject: JFK and Bush

we came across an article in The Zenger that talked about Cassalero, the
reporter that was "suicided" in West Virginia last year when he was
investigating the Justice Department in the INSLAW affair.  The things
that he came up with could have pointed more than one finger at Bush. 
They even talk about an FBI document that proves Bush was involved with
the CIA as long ago as 1963 with the Kennedy assassination coverup.  Both
aBush and Nixon were in Dallas that day!  check for the file.  I'm u/l it
today, so it just depends on when big boy gets it posted.  you might like
what you read.  If so, it also tells you where you can subscribe to the
Zenger if you don't already.
                                        the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 317.  Sun  5-10-92 13:21  (RECV'D)
    From: Love Muffins
      To: The Foad
 Subject: D.A.R.E.
ALSO SEE: 8, 318.

I would agree that children won't turn their parents in on drug charges
(minor ones) unless persuaded.  However, I don't think it's only Officer
Friendly from the DARE program.  When you and I were growing up, we didn't 
have the same programs, etc.  By the time a kid is 5 or 6, he or she knows 
that smoking, drinking and drugs are wrong.  It's not because of DARE ...
they might not even be in school yet.  Have you sat down and watched
Saturday morning cartoons lately?  There are commercials every half hour
telling kids not to do drugs, etc.  
I think those commercials are ok.  It's the programs that use cartoon
spokesmen that I oppose.  MacGruff for instance.  MacGruff tells kids that 
they should turn in anyone they see doing or selling drugs.  Normally I
would say that's great ... if they're smoking or selling in public then
they're stupid enough to be caught!  However, MacGruff doesn't tell kids
that there's a stopping line.  
I don't know if it can be done.  How do you tell a 6-year-old that he
should turn in people smoking pot unless it's a family member?  Can you?

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 318.  Tue  5-12-92 14:36  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Love Muffins
 Subject: D.A.R.E.
ALSO SEE: 317, 319.

| I don't know if it can be done.  How do you tell a 6-year-old that he
| should turn in people smoking pot unless it's a family member?  Can you?
Easy.  I tell my six year old that there is nothing wrong with an ADULT
making a GROWNUP choice to smoke Hemp.  So it dosen't matter if it's a
family member or a next door neighbor, neither one should be turned into
the State.
The Foad

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 319.  Tue  5-12-92 18:05  (RECV'D)
    From: Love Muffins
      To: The Foad
 Subject: D.A.R.E.
ALSO SEE: 318, 320.

I don't know how to quote ... but you said to tell the kid that there's
noting wrong with an ADULT making a GROWNUP choice.
I say ... OK!  Good idea.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 320.  Wed  5-13-92 15:42  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Love Muffins
 Subject: D.A.R.E.
ALSO SEE: 319, 323.

| I don't know how to quote ... but you said to tell the kid that there's
| noting wrong with an ADULT making a GROWNUP choice.
| I say ... OK!  Good idea.
Hit return on a blank line, then at the menu, hit "R".  It will ask you
the message number you want to quote from.  Took me a long time to figure
it out.  In fact, I think BB had to pop in and show me.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 321.  Wed  5-13-92 21:22
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: All
 Subject: Georgie Porgy Pie in the Sky
ALSO SEE: 322.

Georgie Porgy
Bushin' around
Ruled the world and made them frown
And when the Blacks came out to play,
Georgie Porgy ran away.
Georgie Bushy
Foolin' around
Started a war that made us frown
Took the cash and took our hash
Now it's time to start the Bash!
Georgie Porgy
Broccoli or die
Food and life come from the sky
Give us back our water and air
Bury Gates and with him D.A.R.E.
The life you live is not your own
So if you can't fix it,
Runaway home.
    George Bush came to town today and his motorcade went by less than a
block from our house.  I tried to protest it with my hemp sign, but the
cops made me move, so I sat on our front steps with the sign leaning up
against the house where all the traffic that was rerouted could see it! He 
was here to visit a Hopkins health center and a local high school, both
within 10 blocks of us.  The health center set out a healthy feast for him,
 and lo and behold, they included broccoli on the menu.... et tu, George!
                                     the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 322.  Thu  5-14-92 13:36  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Dr Hemp
 Subject: Georgie Porgy Pie in the Sky
ALSO SEE: 321, 324.

Keep fighting the good fight, Doc.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 332.  Fri  6-05-92  7:00
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Hemp petition

If you haven't had a chance to sign the hemp petition, there will be
plenty circulating at the People's Fair this weekend.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 335.  Tue  6-16-92  4:13
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: All
 Subject: Perot
ALSO SEE: 336, 337.

   Right now, we are waiting for a copy of the hemp proposal that Willie
Nelson will be presenting to Perot within the next week or so.  If Perot
is the smart businessman that he's supposed to be, with what we've heard
of Willie's proposal so far, he won't be able to resist if only because of 
the greed factor.  As soon as we get it, we'll get it posted.  It will be
interesting to see whether he will come out publicly in favor of
                                        the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 336.  Tue  6-16-92  8:11  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Dr Hemp
 Subject: Perot
ALSO SEE: 335, 338.

Well, we can all cross our fingers, but we shouldn't hold our
breath...Perot designed the Texas drug war at the behest of their
govenor...and in an interview he stated that, if elected, the Federal drug 
war would "turn ugly." It's already pretty ugly. Like a lot of folks, Ross 
sees some portions of the Bill of Rights as "inconvenient." However, as a
smart business man, he ought to be able to see the economic potential of
hemp. Keep us informed, and thanx for the info.
BTW, Rainbow Gathering to be held at Four Corners real soon. Jack Herer
should be there.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 337.  Tue  6-16-92  9:45  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Dr Hemp
 Subject: Perot
ALSO SEE: 335, 339.

Well, don't get Perotnoid if he don't go for it Nyuk Nyuk!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 338.  Tue  6-16-92 17:29  (RECV'D)
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Perot
ALSO SEE: 336.

     Heard about it a few months ago and have had the info on our board in 
the rainbow area ever since.  Will u/l a copy of the proposal as soon as
we get it in.  Have also heard that he will be hard on the urban areas and 
drugs, but if Willie can convince him the value of hemp as a natural
resource is more advantageous than the cost of fighting the drug war and
the crime it causes, then maybe we have a chance.
        Also just got in a copy today of the latest DEA decision not to
reschedule marijuana as a drug... will u/l it as soon as I can get it
typed up and on the board...
                                the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 339.  Tue  6-16-92 17:31  (RECV'D)
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: Perot
ALSO SEE: 337.

will continue to pray that there is some sense in his small head and it
hasn't all flowed out his ears. hehehe!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 340.  Mon  6-29-92 23:11  (RECV'D)
    From: Hempman
      To: Dr Hemp
 Subject: perot-noia!
ALSO SEE: 341, 360.

well, how did those mega-meg of files get through to you that i sent
months ago?
        i was 1/2 an inch away from going on east coast dead tour, and
would've hit your pad, or rang at least, but owhell!
now about this perot guy, and this other guy whose working on the hemp
initiative in colo. and crashing at my pad for the while......ray cristl
(oprah winfrey's next door neighbor, of the ever-so-infamous HEMPSTOCK
1991!)....perot had a petition collecting rally here at the capitol, and
ray was there with a sign "ROSS PEROT for HEMP///Jesus Saves!",,,ah but
perot's men came down on the cops, who then came down on ray with the
threat "if you raise that sign above your head, we're gonna arrest
you!"... well ray stayed out of jail (false arrest by breach of 1st
amendment rights) by waiting til the end of the rally and raising it with
everyone else.
        anyway ray says "hi", and wants to know a little more about maine,
"keep up the great work", and "god bless!" (not maine, maryland).
ah, for those who are petitioning in co., das says we can petition at
stapelton airport this week,,,,contact him if you can, i have no # for
also, Jack Herer is hitting THE GATHERING, and then will hemp us petition
for a couple weeks or so i hear, i have been instructed to take 100
petitions with me to get to jack (i'm leaving in the morn'), because jack
will be doing a colorado hemp circuit (hop from town to town petitioning), 
and if so...i think i'll go.
great success! at red rocks for the ozzy concerts (2 nights) with 3 people 
each night we averaged 200 signatures/person, ended up with about 1000 sigs
.!! we need more force, call 470-1100 or 722-9469@@@@@@@@@

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 341.  Sat  7-04-92 20:37
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Hempman
 Subject: Jack....
ALSO SEE: 340.

Any info on Jack's schedule is much appreciated.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 342.  Mon  7-06-92 13:27
    From: Phineas Faust
      To: All
 Subject: I'm not ashamed..
ALSO SEE: 343, 344.

Well, friends, I've gotta go to court tomorrow because I got caught
pullin' a tube (the cop was peekin' in the window at the time), and I
guess they're gonna give me some kind of hassle, but all I've got to say
is that I've broken no law in the eyes of God, and the judge and the
president and all the wicked representatives of the State can put that in
their pipes and smoke it.
                                  So There.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 343.  Mon  7-06-92 16:14  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Phineas Faust
 Subject: I'm not ashamed..
ALSO SEE: 342, 345.

From what I understand, we got enough to get it on the ballot.  So if you
go in, take comfort that you should be out come Jan first.  That is if
Governor Roy (I KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU) Rommer dosen't find a way to
kill the will of the people.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 344.  Tue  7-07-92 19:08  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Phineas Faust
 Subject: I'm not ashamed..
ALSO SEE: 342, 346.

Give 'em Hell, Phineas!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 345.  Wed  7-08-92 14:28  (RECV'D)
    From: Phineas Faust
      To: The Foad
 Subject: I'm not ashamed..
ALSO SEE: 343.

Thanx for the kind words, brother Foad.  I'm pleased to report that I
didn't go in - I sweet-talked the DA and she let me off real easy.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 346.  Wed  7-08-92 14:30  (RECV'D)
    From: Phineas Faust
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: I'm not ashamed..
ALSO SEE: 344, 347.

Thanx, Kind Bud.  I didn't give 'em Hell in court 'cuz I didn't have to,
(they put me in the same group with some really dangerous folks who had
got caught fishin' without a license), but neither am I going to let The
Man intimidate me - a man has to reach a certain level of maturity where
he can decide what's right and wrong, and follow his own heart, rather
than let the state dictate his actions.  I don't go for this fascist
'Everything not compulsory is forbidden' crap, and I don't fall for the
mass-media brainwash routine.  I prefer to wash my own brain, thank you,
and I'd rather wash it in a tub of warm water than spray it with chemicals 
from DuPont.
                                       - Phineas

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 347.  Mon  7-20-92 12:11  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Phineas Faust
 Subject: I'm not ashamed..
ALSO SEE: 346.

I'm glad things worked out for ya in court....
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond to you, but I've been up to my neck 
in busy these days...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 348.  Mon  7-27-92 10:28  (NO KILL)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: It's time...

It's time to turn in all petitions.....right now! Even if you are holding
on to an incomplete petition, turn it in.....let's put Natalie to work!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 349.  Tue  7-28-92 14:14
    From: Phineas Faust
      To: All Heads
 Subject: Jack Herer

   Did anybody go see Jack Herer in Boulder yesterday?  He was (according
to reports) at the Wild Oats Vegetarian Market (AKA Crystal Market) on
Pearl Street between about 11 am and 1 pm.  I didn't get off work until 
almost one, so by the time I arrived on the scene he was gone.  There 
were a few deadicated heads passing the petition around, and they said
that they had been on tour with Jack, and that he was supposed to be back
on the mall later that afternoon, so I went away and came back later, but
there was still no sign of the dude by 7:30.  I guess he just lost track
of time.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 350.  Sun  8-09-92 22:13
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: The Petition
ALSO SEE: 351.

Latest word is that we got 60,000 signatures in to Natalie...
   More as word developes...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 351.  Mon  8-10-92 18:00  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: The Petition
ALSO SEE: 350, 352.

Hot DAMM!!
I had a good feeling.  We were short when I left the rally; but there was
a steady stream of people showing up to turn in names.
If it gets on the ballot, I'm sure we'll make it.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 352.  Mon  8-10-92 23:46  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: The Petition
ALSO SEE: 351.

Yessir! Let's Keep A Good Thought!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 353.  Tue  8-11-92 23:28
    From: Phineas Faust
      To: All
 Subject: The Petition
ALSO SEE: 354.

Hooray!   When the law passes I'm gonna light up a fat spleefand dance a
jig on the courthouse lawn!
                              Keepin' me fingers crossed,

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 354.  Fri  8-14-92  8:29  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Phineas Faust
 Subject: The Petition
ALSO SEE: 353, 355.

We should know by August 24th whether we have enough "good" signatures to
get on the November ballot...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 355.  Fri  8-14-92  9:26  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: The Petition
ALSO SEE: 354, 356.

| Absolutely....
| We should know by August 24th whether we have enough "good" signatures to
| get on the November ballot...
At that time we will get a listing of ALL the sigs, and a report on each
one, saying if it is good, and if not, why.
if they don't have them counted by then, it goes on to the ballot by
The moral here.....
DON'T be calling up the Secretary of State's office and bugging them. 
These people seem to be somewhat sympathetic to our cause. But the people
who have been calling up demanding to observe the count are pissing them
If they do shaft us, we have plenty of recourse, and plenty of time to
take it.
In the mean time, if they get down to two petitions, and they only got
time to count one; and certain ASSHOLES continue to call a scream threats
and obscenities at them, which one do you thing will get passed onto the
ballot, and which one do you think will be gone over with a fine tooth
BTW, as I am sure you know, I am not refering to you.  The message just
got addressd to you cause it's a "responce".
See ya tomarrow.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 356.  Sat  8-15-92  8:59  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: The Foad
 Subject: The Petition
ALSO SEE: 355.

I agree 100%, even though I was unaware that folks were calling up and
making a pain-in-the-ass of themselves....
Out of sight, Out of mind...

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 357.  Mon  8-17-92  8:09
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Just say know...
ALSO SEE: 358.

Last week Boulder citizens successfully said NO to the War on Drugs...
An employee of a Boulder sandwich shop, the YELLO SUB, was accused of
mailing psilocybin mushrooms to a friend in Albany, NY....little did she
know that her "friend" had been turned into a snitch by the feds....In a
particularly ballsy move, the feds then decided to seize the assets of
her EMPLOYER! However, due to media coverage and public outcry, the DEA
back-peddled and returned the assets. These fascist pigs are just like
cockroaches....turn the light on 'em, and they scurry away! On Saturday,
the Boulder County Libertarians and the Boulder Hemp Initiative hosted an
Eat-In at the Yello Sub to protest these bogus forfeiture laws....quite a
crowd showed up, with speakers from all across the country. A shit-load of 
sandwiches were sold, hopefully enough to help cover the $5,000 legal fees 
spent by the owner in his battle to keep what was rightfully his to begin
The tide is turning, and folks are simply tired of this unwinable war.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 358.  Mon  8-17-92 10:55  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Just say know...
ALSO SEE: 357.

One of, if not the most major, tennent of the Quaker faith is witnessing.  
That's not witnessing in the  sense that bible thumpers mean it.  What the 
Quakers belive is that it is the duty and responsibility of all men (and
women) to bear witness to evil.  IT IS WRONG to turn away from evil, and
let it hide.
How strong of a truth that is was proved in Boulder last Saturday.  Over a 
hundred people gathered simply to say "We see what you are doing, and you
are not fooling anybody."
Another sign of just how powerfull this is;
Last week I, along with a number of other NORML activests, got a call from 
a gentleman who said he was head of a group called F.E.A.R. (stood for
some kind of anti-seizure thing) and he tried to tell us that the owner of 
Yellow Sub was involved in drug traficing and money laundering, and that
we would be incredibly remiss if we supported this victim of the DEA.
Obviously, that is a pile of horse shit.  Now I'm not saying this guy was
an agent, but I would be happy to entertain any other theories that
anybody might have as to this persons motives.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 359.  Tue  8-18-92 17:57  (NO KILL)
    From: The Foad
      To: All
 Subject: School's open

As all you parents know, school opens this week.
And because of the hemp initiative the D.A.R.E. assult is going to be
harder than ever.
But there is good news!
You don't have to let them get their hands on your kids.  D.A.R.E. is an
extracaricular (<- yes it is spelled wrong) activity, and they need your
permision to brainwash your child.
What? you say you didn't give any permision?  Well, sorry, you have given
"implied" permission when you enrolled them.  The only way to revoke it is 
in writing.
You can either type one up yourself, and have your lawyer check it over
for loopholes, or you can dowload Foad's Handy Dandy
Keep-Your=Mitts-Offa-My-Kids letter.
Just fill in the blanks with basic info, and send three copies with each
kid on the first day of school.  One for the principal, one for the
teacher, and one for the principal to sign and return.
soon as the big guy puts it up it will be called "ANTIDARE.LTR".  DL it,
look it over, and protect your kids minds with it.
If you don't, don't blame me when you get hauled off to prison cause your
kids turned you in for anti government activity.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 360.  Thu  8-20-92 21:28
    From: Dr Hemp
      To: Hempman
 Subject: perot-noia!
ALSO SEE: 340.

got your messages on our board great.. have them up and posted with the
other meg of info that we have available...
Things here in MD are going great!  We got word the other day that the
state legislature is talking about proposing a bill legalizing cultivation 
of marijuana for medicinal purposes when the new session starts in
January.  We look forward to hearing more about it as things progress.
Right now, we're in the process of changing addresses.  And when we say
change, we mean change!!  We're moving to Texas.  As soon as we get set up 
there, we'll be logging back on with our new number.  We plan to keep the
board going as an archive for hempformation.  Hopefully, we'll succeed.
Keep up the good work in Colo and we look forward to hearing from ya again 
soon.  You might be surprised at our new BBS.
                                          the dr.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 361.  Sat  8-22-92 18:37
    From: Phineas Faust
      To: All Heads
 Subject: Where's mine?

I was just reading in HT that according to the National Narcotics
Intelligence Consumers Committee report (uh... that's the government,
right?), 110 million pounds of marijuana is bought and sold in Amerika
each year.  If that's true, we're averaging about seven ounces of grass
for every man, woman and child in the country.  But the figures are even
better when youu compare it to the government's claim that 20.5 million
people smoke - that means that the average toker burns about 5.2 pounds
each year.  If that's true, I must be waaaaayyyyyy behind!  So come on -
who's hoarding those extra pounds?
                                       - Phineas

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 362.  Mon  8-24-92 22:36
    From: Ganja King
      To: All
 Subject: Hemp For Victory

There's a new Hemp BBS on the west coast... help get it off the ground!
Call Hemp For Victory! Open 9 PM - 9 AM Pacific Time, 300-9600 BPS
V32/42 bis... (619)/441-9949. All opinions welcome!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 363.  Tue  8-25-92  6:32
    From: Kind Bud
      To: All
 Subject: Natalie....
ALSO SEE: 364.

a k a the Sec of State has disallowed a sufficient number of sigs to keep
us off the ballot this year....the Hemp Initiative Board is discussing
whether to challenge, as we are only about 3,000 short. I'll keep you
posted....should have more info in  a day or two....this is far from over.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 364.  Wed  8-26-92  3:26  (RECV'D)
    From: Jesus Christ
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Natalie....
ALSO SEE: 363, 365, 368, 373.

| a k a the Sec of State has disallowed a sufficient number of sigs to keep
| us off the ballot this year....the Hemp Initiative Board is discussing
| whether to challenge, as we are only about 3,000 short. I'll keep you
| posted....should have more info in  a day or two....this is far from over.
I just heard that the HEMP initiative failed (on KOA radio).
Can't say that I'm sorry either. I'm not really too concerned about pot so 
much as the harder drugs. Legalization of pot (not MJ. Let's be honest
people, fabric manufacture is NOT the "real" reason you want it
legalized... =) isn't going to help combat the drug problem any.
"Well it's our bodies right? Why can't we do drugs if we want to?"
Speaking from personal experience, there is already TONS of peer pressure
on kids to do drugs as it is. Kids are forced into it at a young age. I
don't buy the argument that if you legalize it everything will be better.
It *is* addictive and it is detrimental to your health (ok, maybe your
health is YOUR bussiness, but what about the kids who are pushed into it
at 10-14 years of age?)
It's basically the same reason people aren't allowed run around in no
cloths and have sex in public. This is still a democracy, and the laws are 
defined by the majority.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 365.  Wed  8-26-92  7:20  (RECV'D)
    From: Kind Bud
      To: Jesus Christ
 Subject: Source, please...
ALSO SEE: 364.

You have stated that cannabis is *addictive* and *detrimental* to one's
health....please give us the source of this information....cough cough...( 
Nyuk Nyuk!)hahaha
Methinks that three days in the tomb hath left thee brain-damaged.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 366.  Wed  8-26-92 14:10  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: Kind Bud
 Subject: Hemp 4 Victory BBS
ALSO SEE: 367, 369.

For lack of something to do, I made some gif ads for that new Hemp For
Victory BBS the dude called in and advertised.  But, I'm too cheap to call 
them l.d. and u/l them, any takers? Nyuk Nyuk!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 368.  Wed  8-26-92 18:45  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Jesus Christ
 Subject: Wait just a damm minute....
ALSO SEE: 364.

| much as the harder drugs. Legalization of pot (not MJ. Let's be honest
| people, fabric manufacture is NOT the "real" reason you want it
| legalized... =) isn't going to help combat the drug problem any.
Just where do you get off telling Kind Bud or anybody else the REAL reason 
we are doing this?!?!?
As a matter of fact, WE ARE doing it for fabric and paper and food, and
for that mater even fuel.
I can smoke it any time I want to now.  What I can't do is buy ecologicly
safe paper and cloth.
Mabye you should have a talk with Charles Bartwood.  Thirty years ago, he
was diagnosed with glocoma (sp?).  Every day since then he has smoked the
about half a joint a day.  That is up until 1 year and a half ago.  He was 
arrested for posesion and recived five years.  Six months ago, he was
hardship released.  You see, he is now blind.
I suggest you climb out of you safe little government control cocoon and
have a look around at the REAL world.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 369.  Wed  8-26-92 18:55  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Big Boy
 Subject: Hemp 4 Victory BBS
ALSO SEE: 366, 370, 371.

sure, what's the number?
BTW, your first LD call using penny express is only a penny for the first
ten minutes.  Maybe you could use it to call them.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 370.  Thu  8-27-92  9:21  (RECV'D)
    From: Big Boy
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Hemp 4 Victory BBS
ALSO SEE: 369.

I already used it to call some adult bbs Nyuk Nyuk!

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 373.  Fri  9-11-92  9:26  (RECV'D)
    From: T'xai Robles
      To: Jesus Christ
 Subject: Natalie....
ALSO SEE: 364, 374.

Whoa!  Hold on a sec, JC.  Your argument is using so much circular logic
and is so full of holes as to be almost painful to a logical mind.  First, 
if something is so horrible as to need being outlawed, then you must make
a few choices about what kind of law you're going to use to outlaw it. 
Currently, the law outlawing the use of Marijuana says that it is
A)patently dangerous and B) has not legitimate use.  Both of these
statements are FALSE!  First and foremost, the GOVERNMENT, not me, has
studies showing that deaths from Marijuana are 0 per year.  Compare that
to Alcohol, Cigs, cars, etc...  Second, there are hundreds of uses.  The
fact that the constitution was written on it should kinda prove that.
Secondly, your argument is that making it legal will let little school
children get access to it is both a rediculous statement, and a scare
tactic employed by the anti-drug establishment.  First, of all the legal
drugs available, and pot, I'd much rather find out my son was smoking pot. 
 At least he's not going to be getting drunk and trying to drive.  You're
usually too mellow to worry about driving when smoking.  
Are you aware that it was the petro-chemical industry that shoved the bill 
down your throat saying you couldn't use pot for ANYTHING!  Of course they 
did, it's easier for them to make money offa you.  So while our landfills
overflow with petro-chemical crapola, the "weed" that could well save the
environment is illegal, and will get you SENT TO JAIL for just smoking it. 
 Do you really believe that if a person of otherwise good standing is
caught smoking pot, a productive member of society at that, should go
from making $30,000 a year, to COSTING $32,000 a year?  That is insane, we 
simply cannot afford anyone else in prison unless they really deserve to
be there.  We are not talking about nameless faceless statistics, but REAL 
people, with REAL lives.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 378.  Tue 10-13-92 18:22
    From: Phineas Faust
      To: All
 Subject: Where is everybody?
ALSO SEE: 379.

It seems as though nobody's posted here since the Hemp Initiative was
knocked down.  Was the initiative officially defeated at the petition
Regardless of all that, some of us still haven't lost interest.  I'm sure
there's still plenty to discuss in this forum.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 379.  Wed 10-14-92 19:59  (RECV'D)
    From: The Foad
      To: Phineas Faust
 Subject: Where is everybody?
ALSO SEE: 378, 380.

I kept meaning to put something up here.  
First.  Yes it is dead for this year.  Note that I said "this year."  We
learned a lot of things about the system and how to deal with it.  Next
time we'll have 'em.
It is inportant to remember that we had more than enough signatures.  So
next time around we can take our support and what we learned and nail 'em
in the butt.
Second.  We are starting a Medical Hemp initave in Denver.  We only 5000
names to get it on the ballot in '93, and we can take as long as we need
so we will have plenty of time to deal with the crap.
This will legalize it within the Denver city limits, provided the posseser 
has a perscription for it.  It will also instruct the mayor to ordr the
cheif of police to make hemp proabition enforcement the lowest priority. 
Even below parking.
Third.  Kind Bud is computerless for the next mont or so.

Msg Base: BOARD 1  AREA 5  - Kind Bud's Hemp Discussion Corner
  Msg No: 380.  Thu 10-15-92 15:27  (RECV'D)
    From: Phineas Faust
      To: The Foad
 Subject: Encouraging...
ALSO SEE: 379.

Yes, it's great that medical hemp initiatives are being introduced in so
many places.  They tell me it has a good chance of passing this year in
Santa Cruz and some other cities.  The real good thing is that as soon as
the government acknowledges that cannabis has valid medical uses,
marijuana will no longer fit the DEA's definition of a schedule I
controlled substance.
                             Vive la revolution!

Messages on tap (some may be pvt.): #1 to 380.  You last read #380.