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The Environmental Movement and the Value of "Moderation" by Brian K. Yoder [Presented at a 1992 commencement address in California. An excellent analysis of the totalitarian threat posed by environmentalism. The historical examples discussed here bring to mind Santayana's maxim, "Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it." Note that asterisks are used to represent italics in this transcript.] -------------------------------- If you could give some advice to a fish about how not to end up on a fisherman's stringer, you might recommend that he closely examine each juicy tidbit he encounters to see if it contains a hook. I would like to make that same recommendation to you this evening with regard to political ideologies. If you consider swallowing an ideology containing some true and good components, you should scrutinize its structure in order to determine whether it contains a false and evil hook. A look at history will show us many instances of large numbers of people adopting tyrannical ideologies which killed and enslaved them. What caused this? Were these people less intelligent than we are? Weimar Germany had one of the best educated populations in the world before the Nazis came to power. Certainly they weren't grossly stupid or uneducated. Even today, many of the most vocal proponents of Marxism on American campuses are otherwise intelligent people. Were they more subject to evil intent? There is certainly no evidence of this. Nobody promotes ideas he considers to be evil. Do you have ideas you consider to be evil? Of course not. Neither did the citizens of Russia and Germany. It must be something else. How could the proponents of tyranny have been so effective and the oppo- nents so ineffective? If the common people wouldn't stand up for themselves, didn't business and religious leaders stand up to the tyrants? No, for the most part, they supported them. How can it be that intelligent, well-meaning people can allow and even support the development of tyrannical political move- ments? The answer is that the majority swallowed some juicy bait uncritically, without looking for an ideological hook, and that's how they ended up on the stringer. So, how does one identify a "hook" of this kind? Answering this question is vitally important today because we are being presented with an ideology similar in many respects to those of the worst tyrannies of the 20th century. It is necessary to be able to recognize such ideologies in order to fight against them. The ideology I would like to discuss this evening is environmentalism as a philosophical and political movement. We will examine the philosophy of environmentalism, and determine whether or not it is safe to swallow. I could speak about the scientific case (or lack of it) behind such issues as ozone depletion, the greenhouse effect, and the solid waste "crisis", but I won't, because these issues have been dealt with by many others already, and because I do not believe that science is what makes environmentalism "work" as a political movement. Let's begin by looking at several environmental issues and trying to see what they have in common and how they differ. Remember Acid Rain? Asbestos? Mercury in fish? Ozone Depletion from Supersonic Transports? Alar in apples? Rachel Carson's Silent Spring of the 1960s? The Coming Ice Age of the 1970s? Paul Ehrlich's Population Bomb of the 1980s? What all of these have in common is that they are based on dubious scientific theories, and that they predicted disaster unless the environ- mentalists were given the power to violate the rights of individual citizens. Also, ultimately all of the apocalyptic claims were proven to be false, if for no other reason than that the massive disease and death these theories predict- ed never materialized. What about today's predictions such as ozone depletion from CFCs, the greenhouse effect, deforestation, and the solid waste crisis? What do they all have in common? They are being trumpeted by the same people, they have the same dubious scientific foundations, and they are accompanied by the same demands for power to violate individual rights as the previous list. The only difference is that this last list is newer and therefore has not yet fallen to scientific dis- proof. Actually, global warming is already on its way out as more and more scientists stand up and point out the theory's faults. Don't worry though, there will be more sources of doomsday predictions next year. Perhaps the next big crisis will be the evil of road kills, paint fumes, neon lights, navigation beacons, or something else I can't even imagine. Probably that. If these predictions of doomsday are again and again shown to be false, why do new ones rise to take the place of each one that falls? This propensity can only be understood in a philosophical and political context rather than a scientific one. That is because environmentalism is a philosophical and political movement rather than a scientific one. It is no more scientific than communism (with its pseudo-science of history) or Naziism (with its pseudo- science of race). The communists claimed that scientific socialism would put an end to poverty and alienation. The Nazis claimed that the science of genetics proved that the Aryan race was blessed by nature with superior abilities. No matter how many times these theories were disproved, the adherents remained loyal to the ideology. Even today one can find many proponents of Marxist or racial ideologies plying their wares. Is environmentalism an ideology of the same kind? If we are to understand the nature of tyrannical political ideologies and determine whether environmentalism fits into that mold, we should examine some historical examples, and identify what makes them tick politically. We'll start with the communists. The essence of what they said to the public was, "Poverty is bad. We are the people opposed to poverty. In order for poverty to be eliminated, the people opposed to it must be given the power to violate individual rights. After all, helping others is the moral ideal and that's all we are doing. Trust us, we'll do it right this time.". The Nazis had a slightly different message for the common man. They said, "The destruction of Germany is bad. We are the people opposed to the destruction of Germany. In order for Germany to be defended, the people who defend Germany must be given the power to violate individual rights. After all, helping others is the moral ideal and that's all we are doing. Trust us, we'll do it right this time." The Khmer Rouge in Cambodia said, "Corruption is bad. We are the people opposed to corruption. In order for corruption to be eliminated, the people opposed to it must be given the power to violate individual rights. After all, helping others is the moral ideal and that's all we are doing. Trust us, we'll do it right this time." Each of these ideologies has a common set of attributes. 1. Each defends an utterly uncontroversial position about which most people are likely to be concerned. (In these examples, that poverty is bad, that national destruction is bad, or that corruption is bad). 2. Each offers to solve the uncontroversial problem, if only the public will grant the group the power to violate the rights of individuals. 3. Each justifies that violation on the basis of the morality of altruism, that is, the moral theory that the standard of goodness is doing what is beneficial for others. 4. Each resulted in millions of deaths, and slavery for millions more. Ideologies of this kind work by establishing a "package deal" in which a true and good idea is attached to a false and evil one which is swallowed whole by the unwitting citizen. This works the same way as a worm on a fisherman's hook and has similar results for those who swallow the combination. The simplest way of understanding how people can be tricked into swallowing a package deal of this kind is to notice that the first claim of each of these ideologies (that poverty, national destruction, and corruption are evil) are things everyone already agrees with. So ask yourself, what does taking such a position accomplish in a political context? Does it mobilize the public to change its opinions on the issue? Of course not, everyone already agrees. Does it differentiate the movement from the massive pro-poverty, pro-national destruction, or pro-corruption forces afoot in the population? Certainly not, there are no such wide-scale movements. It merely serves as the "worm" for the hook that follows. Once one has swallowed the worm and believes that "The Communists are the opponents of poverty," "The Nazis are the defenders of Germany," or "The Khmer Rouge are the opponents of corruption," there is only one step left for the advocates of tyranny. They must establish their goal as a moral primary. This is necessary because otherwise people could object to the tyranny on the basis of some higher moral principle such as individual rights. What I mean by "Moral Primary" is a moral concept which need not be justified on the basis of any other *moral* premise. For example, if I said, "It is good to eat your vegetables." you might ask why, to which I would answer, "A diet containing vegetables promotes health." That means my vegetable- eating principle was not moral primary. It was based on a more fundamental moral principle...the goodness of health. After hearing this, you might ask, "But why is being healthy good?" to which I would answer (depending on my moral philosophy), "Because having a healthy body is important to my life," or "Because God commands it," or "Because society needs strong citizens to survive," or "Because health brings pleasure." In each case, one is expressing a moral primary, that one's life, the will of God, the good of society, or pleasure is the foundation of moral evaluation. Each of these is moral prima- ry. An egoist has no *moral* principle that underlies his evaluation of his life as his standard of value. What underlies it is an *epistemological* principle. A theist cannot explain what *moral* issue underlies the goodness of God. A collectivist cannot explain what moral issue underlies the goodness of society, and a hedonist cannot explain what moral issue underlies the goodness of pleasure. In each case, the explanation of the standard of good is epistemological, not moral. The theist, the collectivist, and the hedonist, will typically explain why their standard is correct with some version of "My standard is good because I feel it is." We'll get back to this issue later when we discuss the relationship between theories of knowledge and ethical systems. We will see why egoism can be defended on the basis of more than arbitrary feelings, while the others cannot. The moral foundation that the creators of tyrannical package deals count on, and the moral system already accepted by most people, is altruism. Altruism is the ethical theory which says that the moral ideal is to do what benefits others. Broadly speaking, "others" could include other people, supernatural beings, or even inanimate objects; the important issue is that altruism demands that one abandon one's own concerns and do things which are contrary to one's rational self-interest in order to lead a morally acceptable life. This is the perfect basis for a tyrannical ideology since anyone who claims that he is being personally harmed by Communism, Naziism, or the Khmer Rouge, is merely being selfish and is thus an agent of poverty, national destruction, or corruption. (Do you see how the package deal works here? To oppose the movement is taken as opposition to the uncontroversial idea, and since that idea has been elevated to a moral primary, such opposition must be considered the worst possible sin.) So, how can anyone oppose the tyranny? Once one has swallowed the hook, the chance for the citizen to oppose the violation of his rights in a consistent way is *gone*. Accepting the premises that the tyrants are the advocates of the good, and that the good supersedes the rights of any individual leads inexorably to the conclusions of the ty- rants...that they should rule outside of considerations of individual rights. In our examples, anyone opposed to communism was considered to be in favor of poverty, and therefore could be treated without regard to individual rights, since communism was considered to be equivalent to the opposition to poverty, which was considered to be a moral primary. Anyone opposed to Naziism was considered to be in favor of the destruction of Germany, and therefore could be treated without regard to his rights. Anyone opposed to the Khmer Rouge was considered to be in favor of corruption, and therefore could be treated without regard to his rights. By grafting the movement to an uncontroversial idea which is a moral primary, tyrants can dismiss any objections to their movement as opposition to that moral idea. Opposition to the actions of the movement therefore becomes an unforgivable sin, subject to any retaliation the movement chooses. I should point out that the worst of such retaliation historically has not become a reality until *after* the tyrants took power. Obviously they can't build death camps before they take over, so you should not assume that any movement that hasn't imposed press censorship or started mass purges yet is not tyranni- cal. Mass killings and censorship are not the hallmarks of tyranny on the rise, they are the hallmarks of tyrannies in power. OK. Enough for history. Let's look at current affairs. Consider the reaction to those who speak out against environmentalism here in 1992. Anyone opposed to the environmentalists is considered to be in favor of pollution, and can be treated without regard to his rights (at least if the environmentalists have their way). The essential message of the environmental movement is, "Pollution is bad. We are the people opposed to pollution. In order for pollution to be eliminat- ed, the people opposed to it must be given the power to violate individual rights. After all, helping others is the moral ideal and that's all we are doing. Trust us. we'll do it right this time." One can expect that the results of this package deal will be the same as those generated by its ideological counter- parts if the environmentalists have their way. -------------------------------- Let's look at what several prominent environmentalists have to say in their own words . . . Christopher Manes, the editor of the Earth First! Journal writes "[T]he biological meltdown is most directly the result of values fundamental to what we have come to recognize as culture under the regime of technological society: economic growth, "progress", property rights, consumerism, religious doctrines about humanity's dominion over nature, [and] technocratic notions about achieving an optimum human existence at the expense of all other life- forms." Lynn White, a professor of history at UCLA wrote: "men must not crowd coyotes [or] try to exterminate locusts," because, he says: "we can sense our comradeship with a glacier, a subatomic particle, or a spiral nebula," and therefore, "We must extend compassion to rattlesnakes, and not just to koala bears." Paul Ehrlich, a prominent writer on population control in the Population Bomb writes: "We must have population control...by compulsion if voluntary methods fail." Dave Foreman, a founder of the Earth First! movement and a former repre- sentative for The Wilderness Society writes: "An individual human life has no more intrinsic value than does an individual Grizzly Bear life. Human suffer- ing resulting from drought in Ethiopia is tragic, yes, but the destruction there of other creatures and habitat is even more tragic." Kirkpatrick Sale, an "ecological historian" was quoted in the Washington Post as saying Western civilization is "founded on a set of ideas that are fundamen- tally pernicious, and they have to do with rationalism, humanism, materialism, science, progress. These are to my mind just pernicious concepts." David Graber is a research biologist with the National Park Service. In Graber's Los Angeles Times review of Bill McKibben's book, "The End of Nature" he wrote: "Somewhere along the line -- at about a billion [sic] years ago, maybe half that -- we quit the contract and became a cancer. We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth . . . Until such time as Homo sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along." -------------------------------- When I present this evidence and reasoning to friends and debating opponents, a common reaction is "Oh sure, those guys are bad, but they are just on the lunatic fringe. I'm no misanthrope, I just want clean air and clean water. That's why I'm an environmentalist, not because I believe in all those radical ideas." But aren't these "radicals" the ones who are leading influential envi- ronmentalist groups? Writing books? Making speeches? Raising and spending millions of dollars for environmentalist causes? Writing educational materials for our children? Even so, the everyday environmentalists say "That's not what *I* mean when I talk about environmentalism. I'm a moderate *and* I'm an environmentalist. Why don't you talk about what moderate environ- mentalists have to say?" Well, that's exactly what I would like to do this evening. Let's look at what Senator Al Gore, someone moderate enough to be elected vice-president of the United States, thinks is a proper response to the environmental "crisis". First, let's turn to the explanation Gore gives in his book "Earth In the Balance: Ecology & the Human Spirit" of why we are in such a terrible position in the first place. He essentially gives two reasons. First, that we human beings and Western civilization are mentally ill. On the one hand, we are individually "addicted" to civilization... [p. 222] "Industrial civilization's great engines of distraction still seduce us with a promise of fulfillment. Our new power to work our will upon the world can bring with it a sudden rush of exhilaration, not unlike the momentary "rush" experienced by drug addicts when a drug injected into their bloodstream triggers changes in the chemis- try of the brain." That is because we are more interested in technology than in nature: [p. 207] "[F]ar too often, our fascination with technology displaces what used to be a fascination with the wonder of nature." On the other hand Western civilization itself is "addicted" to technology... [p. 220] "I believe that our civilization is, in effect, addicted to the consump- tion of the Earth itself. This addictive relationship distracts us from the pain of what we have lost: a direct experience of our connection to the vividness, vibrancy, and aliveness of the rest of the natural world. The froth and frenzy of industrial civilization masks our deep loneliness for that communion with the world that can lift our spirits..." How can addicts of civilization solve this problem? [p. 225] "Rather than distracting their inner awareness through behavior, addicts must learn to face the real pain they have sought to avoid. Rather than distracting their inner awareness through behavior, addicts must learn to face their pain -- feel it, think it, absorb it, own it. Only then can they begin to honestly deal with it instead of running away." Notice that according to Gore, in order to even recognize that one is addicted, one needs to accept the idea that one is making choices because of addiction, rather than because of reason. Anyone who claims to make rational choices in favor of technological civilization, must be mentally ill and therefore blind to his illness. In fact, the only "solution" to this illness is for people to accept that it is real despite the fact that there is no evidence of this technologically- induced mental illness: [p. 236] "[Experts have shown] than the act of mourning the original loss while fully and consciously feeling the pain it has caused can heal the wound and free the victim from further enslavement." So, anyone who claims not to feel this "psychic pain", is a wounded, enslaved victim who can only be cured of this disease, which he doesn't know he has, by adopting an environmentalist view of civilization, by mourning, and by experiencing pain. Those who don't agree are mentally ill and are in need of re-education and psychological help. This is reminiscent of the attitude of the Soviet Union toward dissidents. Gore's second explanation is that the prime mover of history is not philoso- phy, necessity, money, religion, or great men, but the weather. He equivo- cates about this considerably explaining that he really isn't saying that climate is necessarily the most important factor in the course of civilization, but you can decide what he really thinks. He attributes more historic events to weather than I have time to recite, but I'll read you a few just to give you an idea of where Gore is coming from. He says weather caused: Human evolution, p. 63 Vanishing of the Minoan civilization, p. 58 Mass disappearance of population in Scotland in 1150 BC, p. 58 Cannibalism & failed harvests in China in 209 B.C. p. 59 Migration of Indians to America, p. 61 The rise of Mesopotamia and Jericho, p. 62, p. 103 The rise of Egypt, p. 62 End of northern bronze age, p. 64 The invasion of Europe by germanics, p. 64 Macedonian conquest of Greece, p. 64 Alexander the Great's conquest, p. 64 Expansion of Chinese civilization, p. 64 Decline of the Mali civilization in West Africa, p. 65 Disappearance of the Mycenaean civilization, p. 65 Migration of bronze age people from Balkans, p. 65 The collapse of Hittite civilization, p. 65 The rise of Rome, p. 65 The imperial nature of Roman civilization, p. 64 The fall of Rome & Barbarian invasions, p. 64 The fall of the Mayan civilization, p. 66,67,379 The voyages of Leif Erikson & Eric the Red, p. 66 French revolution, p. 59 Napoleonic wars, p. 57 Anti-semitic riots in Wurzburg, p. 57 The European emigration to the United States, p. 71 The rise of the modem bureaucratic state (including the New Deal), p. 73 The renaissance and enlightenment, & individualism in politics, p. 68 If you still don't think that Gore considers weather to be the prime mover of history, I suggest you read his book and look at the rest of the list I didn't have time to recite. Third, he explains that we as a civilization are a "dysfunctional family" because we can't seem to give up on science and reason, a dreadful hang-up according to Gore. [p. 230] "Like the rules of a dysfunctional family, the unwritten rules that govern our relationship to the environment have been passed down from one generation to the next since the time of Descartes, Bacon, and the pioneers of the scientific revolution some 375 years ago. We have absorbed these rules and lived by them for centuries without seriously questioning them. As in a dysfunctional family, one of the rules in a dysfunctional civilization is that you don't question the rules." All of this addiction and dysfunctional interaction ultimately arises, according to Gore from "psychic pain" [p. 219] which we experience because we are separated from nature. This separation began with the invention of agriculture, and is directly related to the use of knowledge in the creation of civilization. Civilization keeps us "out of touch" with nature by creating artificial environ- ments like homes and fields. Being "in touch with nature" apparently requires the most primitive animal state of existence. Another problem Gore cites is that we have too much information available to us: [p. 197] "... rarely do we examine the negative impact of information on our lives..." [p. 200] "We have...automated the process of generating data -- with inven- tions like the printing press and computer -- without taking into account our limited ability to absorb the new knowledge thus creat- ed." [p. 201] "Vast amounts of information ultimately become a kind of pollu- tion." So, we westerners and our civilization have been driven to insanity by too much civilization, technology and information. What method does Gore suggest we should use to understand our problem? He gives a long list of methods: the Hindu method, the American Indian method, the Buddhist method, the Christian method, the Baha'i method and others. All of these methods, Gore tells us, will lead to the same conclusion...that civilization is a failure, that technology doesn't work, and that we should give it all up for some higher purpose. This theme is repeated in his book again and again in regard to pesticides, fertilizers, mechanical trucks and plows, mass-produc- tion, decorations, electronic communication, transportation, and the mass- production of artwork. Gore bases this on some interesting and very scientific premises: [p. 244] "Whatever is done to the Earth must be done with an awareness that it belongs to God." [p. 243] "From the biblical point of view, nature is only safe from pollution and brought into a secure moral relationship when it is united with people who love it and care for it." His scientific analysis continues on: [p. 244] "...whatever verses are selected in an effort to lend precision to the Judeo-Christian definition of life's purpose, that purpose is clearly inconsistent with the reckless destruction of that which belongs to God and which God has seen as 'good'." Now we arrive at the real enemy...human efficacy and achievement. The idea that we can have what we want out of life is wrong according to Gore. [p. 206] "Technological hubris tempts us to lose sight of our place in the natural order and believe that we can achieve whatever we want." To be more specific... [p. 240] "We have been so seduced by industrial civilization's promise to make our lives comfortable that we allow the synthetic routines of modern life to soothe us in an inauthentic world of our own mak- ing. Life can be easy, we assure ourselves. We need not suffer heat or cold; we need not sow or reap or hunt and gather. We can heal the sick, fly through the air, light up the darkness, and be enter- tained in our living rooms by orchestras and clowns whenever we like." Apparently, Gore thinks that medicine, aircraft, heating, light bulbs and agriculture are intrusions against God's creation. If God had meant us to be mobile, healthy, well-fed, warm in the winter, and able to read at night, he would have provided us with wings, disease-free bodies, heated caves, and nite-lights. Since he didn't, it is wrong for us to provide them for ourselves. That wasn't what God created and saw to be "good" . But isn't environmentalism supposed to be a scientific ideology? If so, why bother with the religious arguments? According to Gore, we can reconcile science with religion in such a way as to allow religious revelation to inform scientific opinion. [p. 253] "...science offers a new way to understand -- and perhaps begin healing -- the long schism between science and religion." ...and he goes on to explain that the Heisenberg uncertainty principle opens the way to allowing religion and science to coexist without contra- diction. Exactly how he proposes that this might be done, is not clear, but Gore really does think that religion can be used in place of science, and therefore that religion is a proper method for dis- covering the truth. In a C-Span interview just after his book was published, Gore explained that the source of the idea that civilization must be restrained is irrelevant. One can justify that idea using science, religion, social solidarity, whatever you like, as long as the conclusion is that we should renounce our civilization, technology, and power over nature. Any method that does not create that conclusion should be discarded. The moral goal toward which that renunciation is to be directed is also optional according to Gore. You can give up your comforts for the benefit of the state, for your children, for your class, for the biosphere, for cute little animals, or for God. What matters is that we use *some* method to arrive at the conclusion that we should perform *some* acts of renunciation toward