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            -=[ UHC TOOLS ]=-

This is a collection of programs and scripts for Amiga computers and their


How to install:


There are two options to install. Both require an internet connection on

the machine you are installing on:

- First, if you don't have aget or wget on the machine, download aget:


- Then download the installation script and launch it with execute:


- The other option is to download UHCTools.lha which bundles a small

installation script with aget to bootstrap the install:


A changelog can be found here:


The following programs and scripts are currently included in the package.



aget - A small and performant HTTP/HTTPS/Gemini download tool.

AskMore - Asks a question and saves the answer in local env.

BreakForEach - Used by ForEachLine.

EndForEach - Used by ForEachLine.

FlushDevice - Flushes cached writes to a device.

ForEachLine - Loop over each line of a file in a script.

ModifyPath - String manipulator that can get parts of a given path.

NoClick - Minimal noclick-program that disables the clicking noise on all floppydrives in a system.

Reboot - Reboots the computer.

SetResult - Sets $RC and optionally $Result2 (IoErr) to given values.

sntp - NTP/SNTP time sync utility.

SetFromCmd - Set env from output of command. The command result is returned to $RC, which regular "Set + backticks" won't do.

StackSize - Prints the stack size in a format usable in scripts.

SynergyClient - Control mouse and keyboard from another computer.

TCPBlock - Connects to a host socket and only reads data when you press enter, causing the other side to block

TCPEcho - Echoes data to a host socket and displays the response if present.

TCPRec - Like TCPEcho but in reverse.

TCPSend - Send data to a host socket.

time - Very small time measurement utility.

TypeLine - Types out a specific line-number from a textfile.

UHCSearch - Master program used by the search scripts.

UTF8Echo - Converts a ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8 and echoes it to STDOUT.



bootablerad - Prepares RAD: with an empty floppyimage with a bootblock.

checkifsys - Checks if a Volume/Device is SYS: or not.

detectos - A script that tries to figure out if it's running under AmigaOS3, AmigaOS4, MorphOS or AROS.

dirs - Displays directory stack.

drawertoadf - Makes a floppy of all files in a drawer (directory).

extracttag - Can extract text from tags in markup-language files.

formatpath - Similiar to ModifyPath but uses LFORMAT-like syntax.

head - Reads the first few lines of a text-file.

help - Help-system, same as uhchelp.

installdeps - Downloads and installs 68020 versions of programs a few scripts rely on.

popd - Retrieves the newest directory from the stack.

posttoslack - Post a message to a Slack messageboard.

pushd - Pushes current dir to the directory stack.

tail - Reads the last few lines of a text-file.

uhccheck - Checks if a new version of UHCTools is available.

uhcextract - Masterscript for extract-scripts.

uhcget - Masterscript for get-scripts.

uhchelp - Help-system, same as help.

uhchtmlreadme - Masterscript for extracting readmes from HTML-files.

uhcmirrorget - Masterscript for downloading files using a mirror list.

uhcmirrorsearch - Master script for searching using UHCSearch and mirror list.

uhcrecent - Masterscript for displaying recent files.

uhcresultpath - Masterscript used by get/readme/extract scripts.

uhcstatus - Shows all UHC-related ENV-variables.

uhctextreadme - Masterscript for text readmes.

uhctoggle - Toggles UHC-related ENV-variables that have two states.

uhcupdate - Updates UHC Tools to the latest version.

unpack - Can unpack various archives by checking the file extension of the archive and launch the apropriate unpacking-tool.




aminetextract - Downloads and extracts a file from Aminet.

aminetget - Downloads a file from Aminet.

aminetreadme - Downloads and views a readme from Aminet.

aminetrecent - Displays recent Aminet-files.

aminetsearch - Searches Aminet for files.

AROS Archives:

arosextract - Downloads and extracts a file from AROS Archives.

arosget - Downloads a file from AROS Archives.

arosreadme - Downloads and views a readme from AROS Archives.

arosrecent - Displays recent AROS Archives files.

arossearch - Searches AROS Archives for files.

MorphOS Storage:

mosstorageextract - Downloads and extracts a file from MorphOS Storage.

mosstorageget - Downloads a file from MorphOS Storage.

mosstoragereadme - Downloads and views a readme-file from MorphOS Storage.

mosstoragerecent - Displays recent MorphOS Storage files.

mosstoragesearch - Searches MorphOS Storage for files.

OS4 Depot:

depotextract - Downloads and extracts a file from OS4 Depot.

depotget - Downloads a file from OS4 Depot

depotreadme - Downloads and views readme from OS4 Depot.

depotrecent - Displays recent OS4 Depot files.

depotsearch - Searches OS4 Depot for files.


whdextract - Downloads and extracts a file from www.whdload.de

whdget - Downloads a file from www.whdload.de

whdreadme - Downloads and views a readme from www.whdload.de.

whdrecent - Displays recent www.whdload.de files.

whdsearch - Searches www.whdload.de for files.


whdownextract - Downloads and extracts a file from WHDownload.

whdownget - Downloads a file from WHDownload.

whdownsearch - Search WHDownload for files.


scneextract - Downloads and extracts a file from amigascne.org.

scneget - Downloads a file from amigascne.org.

scnesearch - Search amigascne.org for demo files.


modlandget - Downloads a file from Modland.

modlandsearch - Search Modland for modules.

Fred Fish Disc collection:

fishextract - Downloads and extracts a file from the Fred Fish Disk collection.

fishget - Downloads a file from the Fred Fish Disk collection.

fishreadme - Downloads and views a readme from the Fred Fish Disk collection.

fishsearch - Searches the Fred Fish Disk collection for files.


asciiarenaextract - Downloads and extracts a file from aSCIIaRENA.

asciiarenaget - Downloads a file from aSCIIaRENA.

asciiarenarecent - List the recent aSCIIaRENA files.

asciiarenasearch - Searches aSCIIaRENA for files.

asciiarenareview - Downloads and views a file from aSCIIaRENA.


modulesextract - Downloads and extracts a file from modules.pl.

modulesget - Downloads a file from modules.pl.

modulessearch - Searches modules.pl for files.

The Ultimate Retro Repository for Amiga Nuts:

turranextract - Downloads and extracts a file from TURRAN.

turranget - Downloads a file from TURRAN.

turranrecent - Lists the recent TURRAN files.

turransearch - Searches TURRAN for files.

High Voltage SID Collection:

hvscget - Downloads a file from HVSC.

hvscsearch - Searches HVSC for files.


amigaremixget - Downloads a file from AmigaRemix.

amigaremixrecent - Lists the recent AmigaRemix files.

amigaremixsearch - Searches AmigaRemix for files.


rkoget - Downloads a file from RKO.

rkorecent - Lists the recent RKO files.

rkosearch - Searches RKO for files.

Mirror list:





