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<section id="sec-title-slide"><h1 class="title">Vamprire 4 Stand Alone</h1><p class="subtitle">(my first week with an Amiga-ish Computer)</p>
<h2 class="author">Carsten Strotmann</h2><p class="date">Created: 2020-12-18 Fri 12:57</p>

<section id="slide-org90ee589">
<h2 id="org90ee589">the Vampire 4 Stand Alone</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-org90ee589">
<section id="slide-orga1bc498">
<h3 id="orga1bc498">What is the Vampire 4 SA?</h3>
<li>a new Amiga-ish Computer from Apollo Accellerators</li>
<li>custom 68080 CPU in FPGA (Altera Cyclone V, Equivalent to 1000MHz
68030 / 500MHz 68040 / 250MHz 68060)</li>
<li>512 MB DDR3 RAM</li>
<li>SAGA Graphics (Modes up to 1280×720@60Hz, 1920×1080@24Hz, Color
depths of 8, 15/16, 24, 32 bits per pixel)</li>

<section id="slide-org7ac163a">
<h3 id="org7ac163a">Vampire 4 SA</h3>

<div class="figure">
<p><img src="./images/Vampire-Setup.jpg" alt="Vampire-Setup.jpg" />
<section id="slide-orgb7aa9f7">
<h3 id="orgb7aa9f7">Vampire 4 SA</h3>

<div class="figure">
<p><img src="./images/Vampire-Setup2.jpg" alt="Vampire-Setup2.jpg" />

<section id="slide-org353548c">
<h3 id="org353548c">What is the Vampire 4 SA?</h3>
<li>IDE/CF Card</li>
<li>SD-Card Slot</li>
<li>Ethernet (100Mbit)</li>
<li>USB (Keyboard/Mouse/Joystick/Joypad)</li>
<li>Amiga Joystick Ports (DB9 style)</li>
<li>Power via Mini-B USB</li>

<section id="slide-orgd42f406">
<h3 id="orgd42f406">Main Operating System</h3>
<li>comes with ApolloOS (customized AROS - AROS research operating system <a href="http://www.aros.org/">http://www.aros.org/</a>)</li>
<li>Open Source: AROS Public License, based on MPL <a href="https://aros.sourceforge.net/license.html">https://aros.sourceforge.net/license.html</a></li>
<li>API and ABI compatible with classic m68k AmigaOS</li>

<section id="slide-org127889c">
<h3 id="org127889c">Alternative operating systems</h3>
<li>Modern AmigaOS</li>
<li>EmuTOS (Atari ST)</li>
<li>MiNT (Atari ST)</li>

<section id="slide-org9d0df75">
<h3 id="org9d0df75">V4SA can be picky</h3>
<li>power supply - use the one that comes with the machine</li>
<li>keyboard - I use a Vortex TAB75 <a href="https://candykeys.com/product/vortex-tab75">https://candykeys.com/product/vortex-tab75</a></li>
<li>mouse - I had luck with a Lenovo USB mouse</li>
<li>USB ports: keyboard <b>must</b> be in the rear USB port, mouse <b>must</b> be in lower front USB port</li>
<li>HDMI: works fine even with my wide screen LG monitor in 1280×720@60Hz with 24bit color</li>

<section id="slide-orgfe46f38">
<h2 id="orgfe46f38">First impression</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-orgfe46f38">
<section id="slide-org732dabb">
<h3 id="org732dabb">Desktop looks great</h3>
<li>nice prepackaged and preconfigured system</li>
<li>Network (TCP/IP) was disabled, but enabling on startup was a breeze</li>
<li>a lot of "Batteries" included
<li>Tools and applications (AWeb and IBrowse)</li>


<section id="slide-orge501b3f">
<h3 id="orge501b3f">Browsers</h3>

<div class="figure">
<p><img src="./images/Vampire-Browser.jpg" alt="Vampire-Browser.jpg" />
<section id="slide-orga19a463">
<h3 id="orga19a463">Developer Tools - gcc</h3>
<li>ADE - Amiga Development Environment (GeekGadgets)
<li>Unix-Environment for AmigaOS  (<a href="https://github.com/bebbo/ixemul">https://github.com/bebbo/ixemul</a>)</li>
<li>translates Syscalls, a BSD kernel running inside AmigaOS/AROS/ApolloOS</li>
<li>comes with gcc 2.95.3</li>
<li>m68k binutils</li>
<li>common Posix tools (ksh, awk, perl, sed &#x2026;)</li>


<section id="slide-org599af6d">
<h3 id="org599af6d">Developer Tools - vbcc</h3>
<li>Nice C-Compiler <a href="http://sun.hasenbraten.de/vbcc/">http://sun.hasenbraten.de/vbcc/</a>
<li>ISO C according to ISO/IEC 9899:1989 and a subset of the new standard ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (C99).</li>
<li>supports Amiga (AmigaOS, MorphOS) and Atari (TOS, MiNT, Jaguar).</li>
<li>comes with vlink <a href="http://sun.hasenbraten.de/vlink/">http://sun.hasenbraten.de/vlink/</a></li>
<li>comes with vasm <a href="http://sun.hasenbraten.de/vasm/">http://sun.hasenbraten.de/vasm/</a></li>


<section id="slide-orgcbba9a9">
<h3 id="orgcbba9a9">Developer Tools - Assembler</h3>
<li>ASMone Assembler (m68k, PPC)</li>
<li>DevPac Assembler</li>

<section id="slide-org1330476">
<h3 id="org1330476">Developer Tools - Basic</h3>
<li>AmigaBlitz <a href="https://www.amiblitz.de/">https://www.amiblitz.de/</a></li>
<li>PureBasic <a href="https://www.purebasic.com/">https://www.purebasic.com/</a></li>

<section id="slide-org3f456ac">
<h3 id="org3f456ac">AMOSPro Basic</h3>

<div class="figure">
<p><img src="./images/Vampire-AMOSPro.jpg" alt="Vampire-AMOSPro.jpg" />
<section id="slide-org8a9350e">
<h3 id="org8a9350e">Development Tools - Editors</h3>
<li>VIM (MUI) - AmigaOS/AROS/ApolloOS is VIM land</li>
<li>Annotate <a href="https://www.onyxsoft.se/annotate.html">https://www.onyxsoft.se/annotate.html</a></li>
<li>ED (AmigaOS default editor)</li>

<section id="slide-orgd5815d5">
<h3 id="orgd5815d5">VIM</h3>

<div class="figure">
<p><img src="./images/Vampire-VIM.jpg" alt="Vampire-VIM.jpg" />
<section id="slide-org576218e">
<h3 id="org576218e">Development Tools - Others</h3>
<li>FreePascal <a href="https://freepascal.org">https://freepascal.org</a></li>
<li>Lua (AmiLua)</li>
<li>MUIBuilder (MUI Interface builder)</li>
<li>(Regina) REXX (of course)</li>

<section id="slide-org7aa79ec">
<h3 id="org7aa79ec">FreePascal</h3>

<div class="figure">
<p><img src="./images/Vampire-FPC.jpg" alt="Vampire-FPC.jpg" />
<section id="slide-org6d468f6">
<h3 id="org6d468f6">MUIBuilder</h3>

<div class="figure">
<p><img src="./images/Vampire-MUI-Builder.jpg" alt="Vampire-MUI-Builder.jpg" />
<section id="slide-org6ab9382">
<h3 id="org6ab9382">Lua</h3>

<div class="figure">
<p><img src="./images/Vampire-AmiLUA.jpg" alt="Vampire-AmiLUA.jpg" />
<section id="slide-org801e6cb">
<h3 id="org801e6cb">Emulators</h3>
<li>PCTask4 (PC Emulator)</li>
<li>AMIMSX (MSX)</li>
<li>Stella (Atari 2600)</li>
<li>GNGeo (NeoGeo)</li>

<section id="slide-org1e21855">
<h3 id="org1e21855">PCTask</h3>

<div class="figure">
<p><img src="./images/Vampire-PCTask-Setting.jpg" alt="Vampire-PCTask-Setting.jpg" />
<section id="slide-org9c1d788">
<h3 id="org9c1d788">PCTask</h3>

<div class="figure">
<p><img src="./images/Vampire-PCTask-MSDOS.jpg" alt="Vampire-PCTask-MSDOS.jpg" />

<section id="slide-org21ef59b">
<h2 id="org21ef59b">Issues in the first week</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-org21ef59b">
<section id="slide-org5dd4936">
<h3 id="org5dd4936">the "make" shutdown</h3>
<li>ADE GNU make - shuts down machine (WTF??)
<li>very annoying</li>
<li>downloaded a different "make" port from AmiNet - works</li>


<section id="slide-org74fa559">
<h3 id="org74fa559">GCC instabilities</h3>
<li>after compiling 2-3 source files, gcc "crashes" in VFORK() with an illegal stack frame
<li>either a AROS, IXEMUL or gcc issue</li>
<li>current workaround: "suspend" crashed task, restart "make" in another shell process</li>


<section id="slide-org423a423">
<h3 id="org423a423">Free-Pascal date issue</h3>
<li>compiling even simple programms ("Hello World") stopps with "Error:
1980-0-0 is not a valid date specification"
<li>possibly an issue between ApolloOS and FPC</li>


<section id="slide-orgcd09bea">
<h3 id="orgcd09bea">Whats missing</h3>
<li>IPv6 Networking</li>
<li>Real Time Clock - available as an I2C add-on for ~ 3 Euro</li>
<li>stable GCC environment</li>
<li>Emacs (some wort of)</li>

<section id="slide-orga422259">
<h2 id="orga422259">Vampire 4 SA final thought after one week</h2>
<li>great system</li>
<li>lots of fun</li>
<li>fast enough for most tasks</li>
<li>small teething issues - but team and community are responsive</li>

<section id="slide-orgc9f2a1b">
<h2 id="orgc9f2a1b">Questions? Discussion!</h2>

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