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Interrupt List, part 3 of 18 Copyright (c) 1989-1999,2000 Ralf Brown --------O-1510------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX - "sys_virtual" - EXECUTE CONFORMING FUNCTION IN PROTECTED MODE AH = 10h STACK: DWORD pointer to function N WORDs function args Return: AX = function's return value??? (not specified in documentation) Note: while the function is executing, the following global descriptors are available: 20h stack segment 38h code segment of function 40h data alias for function's code segment additional GDT descriptors can be allocated using AH=02h with function "assign gdt" SeeAlso: AH=02h"VMiX",AH=51h"VMiX" --------T-1510------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - TEST RESOURCE SEMAPHORE AH = 10h AL = semaphore number (00h-3Fh) Return: AH = status 00h semaphore not in use 01h semaphore owned by another task 02h invalid semaphore number 03h semaphore owned by caller SeeAlso: AH=02h"MultiDOS",AH=0Dh"MultiDOS",AH=1Dh"MultiDOS" --------Q-151000----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "PAUSE" - GIVE UP CPU TIME AX = 1000h Return: after other processes run Note: under DESQview, if the process issuing this call has hooked INT 08h, the current time-slice is set to expire at the next clock tick rather than immediately SeeAlso: AH=00h"MultiDOS",AX=5305h,INT 21/AH=89h,INT 21/AH=EEh"DoubleDOS" SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1680h,INT 60/DI=0106h,INT 62/AH=01h,INT 6F/AH=2Ah"F_YIELD" SeeAlso: INT 7A/BX=000Ah,INT 7F/AH=02h"MultiLink",INT 7F/AH=E8h --------Q-151001----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "GETMEM" - ALLOCATE "SYSTEM" MEMORY AX = 1001h BX = number of bytes to allocate Return: ES:DI -> block of memory or 0000h:0000h (DV v2.26+) AX = status (DV v2.42) 0000h successful 0001h failed Note: use SETERROR (AX=DE15h) to avoid a user prompt if there is insufficient common memory. Under DV v2.42, this call never generates a user prompt regardless of the SETERROR value; instead, it always returns AX=0001h and ES:DI=0000h:0000h if out of memory SeeAlso: AX=1002h,AX=102Eh,AX=DE0Ch,AX=DE15h --------Q-151002----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "PUTMEM" - DEALLOCATE "SYSTEM" MEMORY AX = 1002h ES:DI -> previously allocated block Return: block freed SeeAlso: AX=1001h,AX=DE0Dh --------Q-151003----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "PRINTC" - DISPLAY CHARACTER/ATTRIBUTE ON SCREEN AX = 1003h BH = attribute BL = character DX = segment of object handle for window Return: nothing Note: BX=0000h does not display anything, it only positions the hardware cursor to the logical cursor's current position --------Q-1510------------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - UNIMPLEMENTED IN DV 2.x AH = 10h AL = 04h thru 12h Return: pops up "Programming error" window in DV 2.x --------Q-151013----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "GETBIT" - DEFINE A 2ND-LEVEL INTERRUPT HANDLER AX = 1013h ES:DI -> FAR service routine Return: BX = bit mask indicating which bit was allocated 0000h if no more bits available SeeAlso: AX=1014h,AX=1015h Note: only a few TopView/DESQview API calls are allowed during a hardware interrupt; if other calls need to be made, the interrupt handler must schedule a 2nd-level interrupt with "SETBIT" (AX=1015h) --------Q-151014----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "FREEBIT" - UNDEFINE A 2ND-LEVEL INTERRUPT HANDLER AX = 1014h BX = bit mask from INT 15/AX=1013h Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=1013h,AX=1015h --------Q-151015----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "SETBIT" - SCHEDULE ONE OR MORE 2ND-LEVEL INTERRUPTS AX = 1015h BX = bit mask for interrupts to post Return: indicated routines will be called: (DV 2.0x) at next task switch (DV 2.2x) immediately on return from hardware interrupt Notes: this is one of the few TopView calls which are allowed from a hardware interrupt handler the handler will be called with ES containing the segment of the handle of the next task to be executed; on return, ES must be the segment of a task handle SeeAlso: AX=1013h,AX=1014h --------Q-151016----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "ISOBJ" - VERIFY OBJECT HANDLE AX = 1016h ES:DI = possible object handle Return: BX = status FFFFh if ES:DI is a valid object handle (see #00414) 0000h if ES:DI is not Note: under DESQview versions prior to 2.50, an object handle is always a pointer to the object; for versions 2.50 and up, only task handles are always pointers--other handles may consist of a unique object number and offset into DESQview's common memory (see #00423) SeeAlso: AX=DE14h,AX=DE2Bh,AX=DE2Ch (Table 00413) Values for DESQview object type: 00h window/task 01h mailbox 02h keyboard 03h timer 04h pointer 05h panel 06h objectq Format of DESQview object: Offset Size Description (Table 00414) 00h WORD offset in common memory of previous object of same type 02h WORD offset in common memory of next object of same type 04h WORD signature FEDCh (DV 2.42-) signature FEDCh or object number (DV 2.50+) 06h WORD object type (see #00413) 08h DWORD object handle to return to caller 0Ch DWORD canonicalized object address (segment = common memory) 10h WORD offset in common memory of owning task (0000h for unowned OBJECTQs) 12h WORD mapping context offset in common memory of mapping context record (see #00416) remainder varies by object type and DESQview version ---v2.42 keyboard object--- 14h WORD flag bits (see also AH=12h/BH=0Ah"OBJECT") bit 15: keyboard opened 16h 4 BYTEs ??? 1Ah WORD priority in OBJECTQ??? 1Ch ... 25h WORD offset in common memory of ??? task 27h 4 BYTEs ??? ---v2.42 objectq object--- 14h WORD flag bits (see also AH=12h/BH=0Ah"OBJECT") bit 15: OBJECTQ opened 16h 2 BYTEs ??? 18h WORD offset in common memory of ??? task 1Ah 6 BYTEs ??? ---v2.42 mailbox object--- 14h WORD flag bits (see also AH=12h/BH=0Ah"OBJECT") bit 15: mailbox opened 1Ah WORD priority in OBJECTQ??? 1Ch 6 BYTEs ??? 22h WORD offset in common memory of mailbox name (counted string) 0000h if no name <= 5 BYTEs ??? ---v2.22-2.42,2.52,2.60 window/task object--- 14h BYTE 00h window, 01h task 15h BYTE internal (not Switch menu) window number??? 16h BYTE internal (not Switch menu) window number??? 17h WORD segment of internal window record (see #00417) 19h 2 BYTEs ??? 1Bh BYTE cursor row 1Ch BYTE cursor column 1Dh BYTE visible window origin, row 1Eh BYTE visible window origin, column 1Fh BYTE window height (logical) 20h BYTE window width (logical) 21h BYTE window position, row 22h BYTE window position, column 23h BYTE window height (visible) 24h BYTE window width (visible) 25h BYTE row of top of frame (or window if unframed) 26h BYTE column of left of frame (or window if unframed) 27h BYTE window height (physical, including frame) 28h BYTE window width (physical, including frame) 29h BYTE unzoomed visible origin, row (00h before first zoom) 2Ah BYTE unzoomed visible origin, column (00h before first zoom) 2Bh BYTE unzoomed window position, row (00h before first zoom) 2Ch BYTE unzoomed window position, column (00h before first zoom) 2Dh BYTE unzoomed window height (00h before first zoom) 2Eh BYTE unzoomed window width (00h before first zoom) unzoomed parameters above are updated when window is zoomed to full screen 2Fh BYTE ??? initially logical window height 30h BYTE ??? initially logical window width 31h 2 BYTEs ??? 33h BYTE minimum height of window 34h BYTE minimum width of window 35h BYTE maximum height of window 36h BYTE maximum width of window 37h 3 BYTEs ??? 3Ah 8 BYTEs window frame characters: ul,ur,ll,lr,t,b,l,r 42h 24 BYTEs attributes??? 5Ah 8 BYTEs window frame characters: ul,ur,ll,lr,t,b,l,r 62h 3 BYTEs ??? 65h BYTE ??? bitflags 66h BYTE bit 0: window is zoomed 67h BYTE ??? 68h WORD offset in common memory of window name or 0000h if untitled 6Ah WORD length of window name 6Ch 2 BYTEs ??? 6Eh WORD offset of logical cursor in window (in character cells) 70h DWORD pointer to field table for window 74h BYTE ??? 75h 2 BYTEs ??? 77h BYTE number of last-visited field 78h DWORD pointer to field table entry for last-visited field 7Ch 3 BYTEs ??? 7Fh BYTE select field marker character 80h BYTE ??? bit flags bit 0: allow ECh window stream opcode to change reverse logattr bit 1: alternate field processing mode selected 81h BYTE ??? 82h DWORD notification function (manager stream opcode 8Ah) no notification if segment = 0000h 86h DWORD notification argument (manager stream opcode 8Bh) 8Ah WORD offset in common memory of ??? window object or 0000h 8Ch WORD offset in common memory of ??? window object or 0000h 8Eh WORD offset in common memory of ??? window object or 0000h 90h BYTE ??? bitflags 91h BYTE ??? ---task object only 92h BYTE bit flags (bits 0-4) 93h BYTE character for ??? (default 20h) 94h BYTE ??? flag 95h WORD offset in common memory of ??? 97h 2 BYTEs ??? 99h WORD ??? 9Bh BYTE ??? bit flags bit 3: ??? bit 6: perform protected-attribute processing on select fields 9Ch BYTE ??? 9Dh WORD offset in common memory of current register save record (see #00415). No register save record in use if < 01C0h 9Fh WORD offset in common memory of task's keyboard object A1h WORD offset in common memory of task's OBJECTQ object A3h WORD offset in common memory of task's mailbox object A5h WORD semaphore: FFFFh if on user stack, else on task's private stack A7h DWORD user's SS:SP ABh WORD task's private SP (SS read from offset 0Ah) ADh 6 BYTEs ??? B3h BYTE ??? bit flags bit 0: run in foreground only B4h BYTE ??? B5h BYTE ??? bitflags B6h BYTE task status (see #00555 at AX=DE2Ch) B7h 9 BYTEs ??? C0h WORD head pointer for keyboard buffer (wraps back to 00h after 80h) C2h WORD tail pointer for keyboard buffer (wraps back to 00h after 80h) C4h 2 BYTEs ??? (0000h) C6h WORD segment of keyboard buffer for task C8h WORD offset in common memory of ??? keyboard object CAh BYTE ??? ---v2.22-2.42 CBh WORD offset in common memory of ??? object CEh BYTE ??? flag CFh WORD offset in common memory of default notify window for task or 0000h if none D1h 4 BYTEs ??? D5h BYTE window number on Switch Window menu D6h 5 BYTEs ??? DBh WORD offset in common memory of ??? object DDh 2 BYTEs ??? DFh WORD API level for task E1h WORD offset in common memory of object task is waiting on if task status is 'waiting', else 0000h E7h WORD segment of ??? E9h 4 BYTEs ??? EDh WORD EMS handle of virtualization buffer, 0000h if no virtualization F1h 12 BYTEs ??? FBh WORD ??? FDh BYTE ??? FFh 12 BYTEs ??? 10Bh DWORD pointer to process record (see #00418,#00419) 10Dh 10 BYTEs ??? 119h DWORD SS:SP for ??? 11Dh 4 BYTEs ??? 121h DWORD pointer to ??? 125h 25 BYTEs ??? 13Eh DWORD pointer to ??? in system memory ---v2.22 142h 3 BYTEs ??? 145h task's default keyboard object ---v2.42 142h DWORD pointer to first task instance data record in system memory 148h DWORD pointer to last task instance data record in system memory (see #00420) 14Ah BYTE ??? 14Dh 42 BYTEs task's default keyboard object 177h 32 BYTEs task's ObjectQ object 197h 41 BYTEs task's default mailbox object 1C0h 24 BYTEs first register save record 450h -- default top of private stack ---v2.52 (probably all DV/X) Same as v2.60 below except there is an extra 29 bytes inserted somewhere before offset 9Fh, but not yet known exactly where. Also, for the WAIT_ON field (v2.60 offset E3h), some X apps (probably waiting on a socket) have 0000h even when waiting. ---v2.60 CBh WORD ??? (added in 2.50 - rest is same as 2.42) CDh WORD offset in common memory of ??? object D0h BYTE ??? flag D1h WORD offset in common memory of default notify window for task or 0000h if none D3h 4 BYTEs ??? D7h BYTE window number on Switch Window menu D8h 5 BYTEs ??? DDh WORD offset in common memory of ??? object DFh 2 BYTEs ??? E1h WORD API level for task E3h WORD If status at B6h=waiting, offset in common memory of object that task is waiting on, else 0000h. (Task with CPU also has 0000h here) E9h WORD segment of ??? EBh 4 BYTEs ??? EFh WORD EMS handle of virtualization buffer, 0 if no virtualization F3h 12 BYTEs ??? FDh WORD ??? FFh BYTE ??? 101h 8 BYTEs ??? 109h DWORD pointer to process record in system memory 10Dh 14 BYTEs ??? 11Bh DWORD SS:SP for ??? 11Fh 4 BYTEs ??? 123h DWORD pointer to ??? 127h 25 BYTEs ??? 140h DWORD pointer to ??? in system memory 144h DWORD pointer to first task instance data record in system memory 148h DWORD pointer to last task instance data record in system memory (from INT 15/AX=DE27h) (see #00420) 14Ch BYTE ??? 14Eh 42 BYTEs task's default keyboard object 179h 32 BYTEs task's ObjectQ object 199h 41 BYTEs task's default mailbox object 1C2h 24 BYTEs first register save record 452h -- default top of private stack Format of DESQview Register Save Record: Offset Size Description (Table 00415) 00h WORD AX 02h WORD BX 04h WORD CX 06h WORD DX 08h WORD DI 0Ah WORD SI 0Eh WORD DS 10h WORD ES 12h DWORD return address 16h WORD original flags Format of DESQview mapping context record: Offset Size Description (Table 00416) 00h WORD lowest segment in process's memory (often start of system memory chain) 02h WORD size of process's memory in paragraphs 04h BYTE flag: 00h if process swapped out, 01h otherwise 05h BYTE flag: 00h if allocated in conventional memory, 01h if EMS 06h 2 BYTEs ??? 08h WORD EMS handle if in EMS, else 0 0Ah 2 BYTEs ??? (nonzero if system memory resides in shared mem???) 0Ch WORD segment of system memory block that contains process record, referenced from segment of start of system memory chain 0Eh BYTE ??? 0Fh WORD size of system memory block that contains process record and DOS memory in paragraphs 11h BYTE bit flags Bit 0: Swapped out??? Bit 1: ??? Bit 2: Swapped out??? 12h BYTE ??? 13h BYTE reference count ---v2.31 14h 10 BYTEs ??? 1Eh WORD segment of process record 20h 2 BYTEs ??? 22h WORD segment of ??? (in first free system memory block???) 24h WORD segment of end of system memory chain 26h WORD segment of start of system memory chain 28h 8 BYTEs ??? 2Ah DWORD pointer to ??? (process record???) 2Dh 10 BYTEs ??? 37h BYTE lowest interrupt vector to save on context switch 38h BYTE highest interrupt vector to save on context switch 39h WORD offset in common memory of main task with this context 3Ah 12 BYTEs ??? 46h BYTE internal mapping context number 47h 12 BYTEs ??? ---v2.5x-2.60 14h 6 BYTEs ??? 1Ah WORD segment of process record 1Ch 2 BYTEs ??? 1Eh WORD segment of first free system memory block 20h WORD segment of start of system memory chain 22h WORD segment of end of system memory chain 24h 8 BYTEs ??? 2Ch DWORD pointer to ??? (1 segment into process record???) 30h 3 BYTEs ??? 33h WORD Offset in common memory of main task with this context 35h 7 BYTEs ??? 3Ch BYTE internal mapping context number 3Dh 14 BYTEs ??? 4Bh WORD first DOS memory segment (first MCB segment+1) 4Dh BYTE ??? (flag???) ---v2.53 (2.5x???) 4Eh 12 BYTEs ??? ---v2.60 4Eh WORD segment of script buffer (see #00421) 50h 6 BYTEs ??? Format of DESQview Internal Window Record (v2.31-2.60): Offset Size Description (Table 00417) 00h BYTE internal window number??? 01h BYTE display page??? 02h BYTE video mode 03h 3 BYTEs ??? 06h BYTE logical window height 07h BYTE logical window width 08h DWORD pointer to text video buffer 0Ch 116 BYTEs ??? Format of DESQview process record (v2.31): Offset Size Description (Table 00418) -470h 13 BYTEs filename of ??? Script -463h 1117 BYTEs ??? (script buffer???) -6h 6 BYTEs ??? 00h WORD segment of parent PSP in process 02h 5 BYTEs ??? 07h WORD segment of current PSP in process 09h WORD segment of first MCB in process 0Bh 13 BYTEs ??? 18h 1024 BYTEs process's interrupt vector table 418h 376 BYTEs ??? 590h first MCB in process SeeAlso: #00419 Format of DESQview process record (v2.52-v2.60) (probably also 2.5x): Offset Size Description (Table 00419) 00h 28 BYTEs EXE header of last EXE, ??? if last program run was COM 1Ch ??? BYTEs overwritten with ASCIZ filename of last program run (EXE/COM) 11Ch WORD segment of parent PSP in process 11Eh 4 BYTEs ??? 122h WORD segment of current PSP 124h WORD segment of current PSP 126h WORD segment of first MCB in process 128h 4 BYTEs ??? 12Ch DWORD pointer to first process instance data record in system memory 130h DWORD pointer to last process instance data record in system memory (from INT 15/AX=DE27h) (see #00420) 134h 8 BYTEs ??? 13Ch WORD size of current environment 13Eh WORD segment of current environment 140h WORD segment of current PSP 142h DWORD entry point of current program 146h 10 BYTEs ??? ---v2.52 (v2.5x???) 150h BYTE ??? 151h WORD segment of parent PSP in process 153h WORD ??? 155h WORD ??? 157h WORD ??? 159h 4 BYTEs ??? 15Dh WORD segment of current environment 15Fh WORD segment of current PSP 161h WORD segment of ??? 162h WORD ??? 164h 3 BYTEs ??? 168h 1024 BYTEs process's interrupt vector table 568h 120 BYTEs ??? 5E0h first MCB in process ---v2.60 150h WORD segment of parent PSP in process 152h WORD ??? 154h WORD ??? 156h WORD ??? 158h 4 BYTEs ??? 15Ch WORD segment of current environment 15Eh WORD segment of current PSP 160h WORD segment of ??? 162h WORD ??? 164h 1024 BYTEs process's interrupt vector table 564h 108 BYTEs ??? 5D0h first MCB in process SeeAlso: #00418 Format of DESQview task or process instance data record (v2.5x???, v2.60): Offset Size Description (Table 00420) 00h DWORD pointer to next record of same type or 00000000 04h DWORD pointer to previous record of same type or 00000000 08h DWORD pointer to source area of memory during restore state 0Ch WORD number of bytes to save/restore 0Eh DWORD pointer to destination area of memory during restore state 12h WORD ??? (0) 14h N BYTEs source memory buffer during restore state Format of DESQview script buffer (v2.60): Offset Size Description (Table 00421) 00h 13 BYTEs ASCIZ Script filename 0Dh 80 BYTEs ??? 5Eh N BYTEs script records (see #00422) Format of one DESQview script record (v2.60): Offset Size Description (Table 00422) 00h BYTE signature 12h 01h 18 BYTEs blank-padded script name 13h BYTE ASCII code of key attached to script or 0 if non-ASCII key 14h BYTE scan code of key attached to script if non-ASCII, else 0 15h BYTE ??? 16h WORD size of script in bytes 18h N BYTEs script (ASCII code of each keystroke; if 0, next byte is scan code of non-ASCII key) SeeAlso: #00421 Format of DESQview Common Memory Header (v2.31-2.60): Offset Size Description (Table 00423) 00h WORD offset of lowest used block 02h WORD bytes of commom memory, including header 04h WORD offset of first free block 06h N BYTEs size depends of DV version, ??? (DVP buffer???) Note: the above is located at the beginning of the commom memory segment SeeAlso: #00424,#00425,#00433 Format of DESQview Free block header: Offset Size Description (Table 00424) 00h WORD size of block in bytes including header 02h WORD offset of next free block 04h N BYTEs free block SeeAlso: #00423,#00425 Format of DESQview Used block header: Offset Size Description (Table 00425) 00h WORD size of block in bytes including header 02h N BYTEs used block SeeAlso: #00423,#00424 --------Q-151017----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - UNIMPLEMENTED IN DV 2.x AX = 1017h Return: pops up "Programming error" window in DV 2.x --------Q-151018----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "LOCATE" - FIND WINDOW AT A GIVEN SCREEN LOCATION AX = 1018h BH = column BL = row ES = segment of object handle for window below which to search 0000h = start search with topmost window Return: ES = segment of object handle for window which is visible at the indicated position, or covered by indicated window 0000h if no window SeeAlso: AX=1023h,AX=1024h --------Q-151019----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "SOUND" - MAKE TONE AX = 1019h BX = frequency in Hertz (0000h = silence) CX = duration in clock ticks (18.2 ticks/sec) Return: immediately, tone continues to completion Notes: if another tone is already playing, the new tone does not start until completion of the previous one. Up to 32 tones may be queued before the process is blocked until a note completes. in DV 2.00, the lowest tone allowed is 20 Hz if CX = 0, the current note is cancelled; if BX = 0 as well, all queued notes are also cancelled SeeAlso: AH=82h"HUNTER",INT 16/AH=73h --------Q-15101A----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "OSTACK" - SWITCH TO TASK'S INTERNAL STACK AX = 101Ah Return: stack switched Notes: this call may not be nested; a second call must be preceded by a call to "USTACK" (AX=1025h) while TopView requires many API calls to be executed while on the task's internal stack, DESQview allows those calls to be executed regardless of the current stack SeeAlso: AX=1025h --------Q-15101B----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "BEGINC" - BEGIN CRITICAL REGION AX = 101Bh Return: task-switching temporarily disabled Notes: will not task-switch until "ENDC" (AX = 101Ch) called unless task voluntarily releases the CPU (upon regaining the CPU, task-switching will again be disabled) suspends the caller until DOS is free SeeAlso: AH=0Dh"MultiDOS",AX=101Ch,AX=DE13h,AX=DE1Ch,INT 2F/AX=1681h SeeAlso: INT 60/DI=0602h --------Q-15101C----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "ENDC" - END CRITICAL REGION AX = 101Ch Return: task-switching enabled Note: this API call may be made from within a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=101Bh,AX=DE13h,AX=DE1Bh,INT 2F/AX=1682h,INT 60/DI=0603h --------Q-15101D----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "STOP" - STOP TASK AX = 101Dh ES = segment of object handle for task to be stopped (== handle of main window for that task) Return: indicated task will not get any CPU time until restarted with AX=101Eh Note: once a task has been stopped, additional "STOP"s are ignored BUG: in DV 2.00, this function is ignored unless the indicated task is the current task SeeAlso: AX=101Eh,AX=102Bh,AH=12h"VMiX",INT 21/AH=81h --------Q-15101E----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "START" - START TASK AX = 101Eh ES = segment of object handle for task to be started (== handle of main window for that task) Return: indicated task is started up again Note: once a task has been started, additional "START"s are ignored SeeAlso: AX=101Dh,AX=102Bh,INT 21/AH=82h --------Q-15101F----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "DISPEROR" - POP-UP ERROR WINDOW AX = 101Fh BX = bit fields bits 0-12: number of characters to display bits 13,14: which mouse button may be pressed to remove window 00 = either 01 = left 10 = right 11 = either bit 15: beep if 1 ES:DI -> text of message CH = width of error window (0 = default) CL = height of error window (0 = default) DX = segment of object handle Return: BX = status: 1 = left button, 2 = right, 27 = ESC pressed Note: window remains on-screen until ESC or indicated mouse button is pressed --------Q-151020----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - UNIMPLEMENTED IN DV v2.00+ AX = 1020h Return: pops up "Programming error" window in DV v2.00+ --------Q-151021----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "PGMINT" - INTERRUPT ANOTHER TASK AX = 1021h BX = segment of object handle for task to interrupt (not self) DX:CX -> FAR routine to jump to next time task is run Return: nothing Notes: the FAR routine is entered with the current ES, DS, SI, DI, and BP values, using the task's internal stack (see AX=101Ah); only SS:SP needs to be preserved multiple PGMINTs to a single task are processed last-in first-out if the other task is in a DOS or DV API call, the interruption will occur on return from that call --------Q-151022BX0000----------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "GETVER" - GET VERSION AX = 1022h BX = 0000h Return: BX nonzero, TopView or compatible loaded (BL = major version, BH = minor version) Notes: TaskView returns BX = 0001h, DESQview v2.00+ returns BX = 0A01h --------Q-151023----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "POSWIN" - POSITION WINDOW AX = 1023h BX = segment of object handle for parent window within which to position the window (0 = full screen) ES = segment of object handle for window to be positioned DL = general window position (see #00426) CH = number of columns to offset from position specified by DL CL = number of rows to offset from position specified by DL Return: nothing Bitfields for TopView general window position: Bit(s) Description (Table 00426) 0,1 horizontal position 00 = current, 01 = center, 10 = left, 11 = right 2,3 vertical position 00 = current, 01 = center, 10 = top, 11 = bottom 4 don't redraw screen if set 5-7 not used --------Q-151024----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "GETBUF" - GET VIRTUAL SCREEN INFO AX = 1024h BX = segment of object handle for window (0000h = use default) Return: ES:DI -> virtual screen CX = size of virtual screen in bytes DL = screen type 00h text screen 01h graphics screen SeeAlso: INT 10/AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=2Bh/CX=4445h --------Q-151025----------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - "USTACK" - SWITCH BACK TO USER'S STACK AX = 1025h Return: stack switched back Notes: call only after having switched to internal stack with AX=101Ah while TopView requires many API calls to be executed while on the task's private stack, DESQview allows those calls to be executed regardless of the current stack SeeAlso: AX=101Ah --------Q-1510------------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview (TopView???) - UNIMPLEMENTED IN DV 2.x AH = 10h AL = 26h thru 2Ah Return: pops up "Programming error" window in DV 2.x --------Q-15102B----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.00+ (TopView???) - "POSTTASK" - AWAKEN TASK AX = 102Bh BX = segment of object handle for task Return: nothing Note: forces a task which is waiting on its objectq to continue by placing the handle for the task on the objectq SeeAlso: AX=101Dh,AX=101Eh,INT 21/AH=82h --------Q-15102C----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.00+ - "NEWPROC" - START NEW APPLICATION IN NEW PROCESS AX = 102Ch ES:DI -> contents of .PIF/.DVP file (see #00427) BX = size of .PIF/.DVP info Return: BX = segment of object handle for new task 0000h on error SeeAlso: AX=DE24h,INT 21/AH=4Bh Format of .PIF/.DVP file: Offset Size Description (Table 00427) 00h BYTE reserved (0) 01h BYTE checksum of bytes 02h through 170h 02h 30 BYTEs blank-padded program title 20h WORD maximum memory to allocate to partition in KB 22h WORD minimum memory required in KB 24h 64 BYTEs ASCIZ program pathname 64h BYTE default drive letter ('A',...) 65h 64 BYTEs ASCIZ default directory name A5h 64 BYTEs ASCIZ program parameters E5h BYTE initial screen mode (0-7) (also see offset 189h) E6h BYTE number of text pages used E7h BYTE number of first interrupt to save E8h BYTE number of last interrupt to save E9h BYTE rows in virtual screen buffer EAh BYTE columns in virtual screen buffer EBh BYTE initial window position, row ECh BYTE initial window position, column EDh WORD system memory in KB EFh 64 BYTEs ASCIZ shared program name 12Fh 64 BYTEs ASCIZ shared program data file 16Fh BYTE program flags 1 (see #00428) 170h BYTE flags2 bit 6: uses command-line parameters in field at A5h bit 5: swaps interrupt vectors ---information unique to .DVP files--- 171h 2 BYTEs keys to use on open menu 173h WORD size of script buffer in bytes 175h WORD automatically give up CPU after this many tests for keyboard input in one clock tick (default 0 = never) 177h BYTE nonzero = "uses own colors" 178h BYTE nonzero if application swappable 179h 3 BYTEs reserved (0) according to Quarterdeck documentation in actual .DVP files, frequently 01h 17Ch BYTE nonzero to automatically close on exit (see also #00430) 17Dh BYTE nonzero if copy-protect floppy is required ---information unique to DESQview 2.0+--- 17Eh BYTE .DVP version number 00h DESQview v1.2+ 01h DESQview v2.0+ 02h DESQview v2.2+ 17Fh BYTE reserved (0) 180h BYTE initial number of rows in physical window 181h BYTE initial number of columns in physical window 182h WORD maximum expanded memory to allow, in KB 184h BYTE DVP program flags 3 (see #00429) 185h BYTE keyboard conflict level (0-4 for DV<2.26, 00h-0Fh for DV2.26+) (see #00431) 186h BYTE number of graphics pages used 187h WORD extra system memory size 189h BYTE initial screen mode (FFh = default) (overrides offset E5h) ---information unique to DESQview 2.2+--- 18Ah BYTE serial port usage FFh uses all serial ports 00h no serial ports 01h only COM1 02h only COM2 18Bh BYTE DVP program flags 4 (see #00430) 18Ch BYTE protection level for 386 machines 18Dh 19 BYTEs reserved (0) for regular DESQview ---information unique to DESQview/X 1.0--- 18Dh BYTE X flags bits 3-7: unused (0) bit 2: don't display wait message when opening window bit 1: don't display DOS window bit 0: (XNEWPROC) use DOS client layer (DOS-to-X) (NEWPROC) inherit DOS client layer usage 18Eh BYTE X keyboard behavior (0-3) 18Fh BYTE font scaling 00h fixed fonts 01h scalable fonts 190h 10 BYTEs reserved (0) 19Ah WORD length of data follownig XDVP signature 19Ch 4 BYTEs signature "XDVP" 1A0h N BYTEs list of variable length records (see #00432) Bitfields for .PIF/.DVP program flags 1: Bit(s) Description (Table 00428) 7 writes text directly to screen 6 runs in foreground only (see also #00427 offset 184h) 5 uses math coprocessor 4 accesses system keyboard buffer directly 3-1 reserved (0) 0 swappable SeeAlso: #00427,#00429,#00430 Bitfields for .DVP program flags 3: Bit(s) Description (Table 00429) 7 automatically assign window position 5 maximum memory value has been specified 4 disallow "Close" command 3 foreground-only when doing graphics set by DV 2.3+ when "Runs in Background" = "D" (undoc) 2 don't virtualize (see also #00430) 1 foreground-only during DOS calls set by DV 2.3+ when "Runs in Background" = "D" (undoc) SeeAlso: #00427,#00428,#00430 Bitfields for .DVP program flags 4: Bit(s) Description (Table 00430) 7 automatically close application on exit if .COM or .EXE specified (see also #00427 offset 17Ch) 6 swappable if not using serial ports 5 start program with window hidden (v2.26+) 4 start program in background (v2.26+) 3 virtualize text (see also #00429) 2 virtualize graphics (see also #00429) 1 share CPU when foreground 0 share EGA when foreground and zoomed SeeAlso: #00427,#00428,#00429 Bitfields for DESQview keyboard conflict level: Bit(s) Description (Table 00431) 3 save/restore entire INT 09 handler state every taskswtch 2 take special precautions for programs which read the BIOS keyboard buffer directly from memory 1 never indicate keystroke available during scripts/xfers 0 only indicate keystroke available every sixth poll SeeAlso: #00427 Format of DESQview/X variable length record: Offset Size Description (Table 00432) 00h WORD length of following record, 0000h if end of record list 02h BYTE record type 01h script filename, up to 64 characters 02h command-line parameters (allows >64 characters on cmdline) 03h environment inheritance 04h environment string 05h starting window position ---types 01h,02h,04h--- 03h N BYTEs ASCII data ---type 03h--- 03h BYTE inheritance 00h do not inherit 01h inherit environment ---type 05h--- 03h N BYTEs ASCII copy of fields as typed into DVPMAN, separated by commas: starting row, starting column, starting height, starting width Note: if there are multiple occurrences of record types 01h, 02h, or 03h, only the last instance of each type is used; multiple occurrences of type 04h are concatenated SeeAlso: #00427 --------Q-15102D----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.00+ - "KMOUSE" - KEYBOARD MOUSE CONTROL AX = 102Dh BL = subfunction 00h determine whether using keyboard mouse Return: BL = 00h using real mouse 01h using keyboard mouse 01h turn keyboard mouse on 02h turn keyboard mouse off SeeAlso: INT 33/AX=0024h --------Q-15102E----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.40+ - ALLOCATE SYSTEM MEMORY AX = 102Eh BX = number of bytes Return: AX = status 0000h successful ES:DI -> allocated system memory (see #00433) 0001h failed ES:DI = 0000h:0000h Note: under DV 2.42, this call is identical to AX=1001h SeeAlso: AX=1001h,AX=1002h,AX=DE0Ch Format of DESQview system memory block header: Offset Size Description (Table 00433) 00h WORD segment of next header or 0000h 02h WORD segment of previous header or 0000h 04h WORD size of block in paragraphs, including header 06h BYTE availability flag (00h in use, 01h free) Note: this header is located one paragraph before the memory block proper SeeAlso: #00423 --------Q-1511------------------------------- INT 15 - TopView commands AH = 11h AL = various (except 17h) Return: varies by function Note: in DESQview 2.x, these function calls are identical to AH=DEh, so see those below SeeAlso: AX=DE00h,AX=DE22h,AX=DE30h --------T-1511------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX - "sys_system" - EXECUTE SHELL SYSTEM COMMANDS AH = 11h STACK: DWORD pointer to ASCIZ string containing a VMiX shell request (max len = 127) Return: AX = status (SYS_OK or SYS_ERROR) SeeAlso: AH=0Ch"VMiX" --------T-1511------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - TURN OFF AltZ TOGGLE AH = 11h Note: disables the Alt-Z MultiDOS command/program-selection hotkey SeeAlso: AH=12h"MultiDOS" Index: hotkeys;MultiDOS Plus --------Q-151117BX0000----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.20+ - "ASSERTMAP" - GET/SET MAPPING CONTEXT AX = 1117h BX = 0000h get current mapping context without setting nonzero set new mapping context Return: BX = mapping context in effect before call interrupts enabled Notes: this function differs from AX = DE17h for DESQview v2.20 through 2.25 mapping contexts determine conventional-memory addressability; setting a mapping context ensures that the associated program and data areas are in memory for access. Usable by drivers, TSRs and shared programs. caller need not be running under DESQview, but must ensure that the stack in use will not be mapped out by the call SeeAlso: AX=DE17h,INT 2F/AX=1685h --------m-1511DE----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview - QEXT.SYS - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 11DEh Return: CF clear if installed AX = segment at which QEXT.SYS is located Desc: QEXT.SYS is Quarterdeck's HMA manager for DESQview; more recent versions also implement the XMS standard Note: a private entry point (see #00434) may be found by searching the beginning of the returned segment for the signature string "QUARTERDECK EXTENDED MEMORY MANAGER 286"; the word immediately prior to the signature contains the QEXT version number in BCD, and the word prior to that contains the offset within the QEXT code segment of the private entry point SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=4310h"XMS",INT 67/AH=3Fh (Table 00434) Call QEXT.SYS private entry point with: AH = 00h ??? AH = nonzero ??? --------T-1512------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX - "sys_sleep" - PUT PROCESS TO SLEEP AH = 12h STACK: WORD process ID Return: AX = status (SYS_OK or SYS_ERROR) SeeAlso: AH=03h"MultiDOS",AX=101Dh,AH=13h"VMiX" --------T-1512------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - TURN ON AltZ TOGGLE AH = 12h Note: enables the Alt-Z MultiDOS command/program-selection hotkey SeeAlso: AH=11h"MultiDOS" Index: hotkeys;MultiDOS Plus --------Q-1512--BH00------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "HANDLE" - RETURN OBJECT HANDLE AH = 12h BH = 00h BL = which handle to return 00h handle in DWORD on top of stack 01h current task's window handle 02h given task's mailbox handle (task's handle on stack) 03h current task's mailbox handle 04h given task's keyboard handle (task's handle on stack) 05h current task's keyboard object handle 06h given task's OBJECTQ handle (task's handle on stack) 07h current task's OBJECTQ handle 08h \ thru > return 0000:0000 under DV < 2.26 10h / 0Ch (2.26+) task owning object with handle in DWORD on top of stack 0Dh (2.26+) task handle of owner (parent) of current task Return: DWORD on top of stack is object handle Note: BL=0Ch,0Dh returns 00000000h if the object is not open (keyboard, mailbox, panel, pointer, and timer objects) or is an orphan (task, window) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=02h,AH=12h/BH=80h --------Q-1512--BH01------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "NEW" - CREATE NEW OBJECT AH = 12h BH = 01h BL = object type to create (see #00435) STACK: (only if window object or WINDOW class) DWORD address to jump to (no new task if high word == 0) DWORD (reserved) 0 = non-task window, FFFFh = task window DWORD bytes for task's private stack (FFFFh == default of 0100h) DWORD bytes system memory for input buffer for READ/READN (0 == none, -1 == default--same as logical window size) DWORD window size, columns DWORD window size, rows DWORD length of window title DWORD address of window title Return: DWORD on top of stack is new object handle Notes: if a new task is created, it is started with AX = BX = SI = DI = BP = 0 DX:CX = handle of parent task DS = ES = SS = segment of private stack (and new task's handle) new windows are orphans, inherit the colors/hidden status of the creating task's window, and are placed in the upper left hand corner of the screen but not automatically redrawn new keyboards are closed, and have all object bits cleared except for the hardware cursor bit SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=02h,AH=12h/BH=81h (Table 00435) Values for TopView/DESQview object type (for creation): 00h (DV 2.0x only) handle is DWORD on top of stack 01h (DV 2.0x only) use task's window handle 02h (DV 2.0x only) given task's mailbox (task's handle on stack) 03h (DV 2.0x only) current task's mailbox 04h (DV 2.0x only) given task's keyboard (task's handle on stack) 05h (DV 2.0x only) current task's keyboard object 08h WINDOW class 09h MAILBOX class 0Ah KEYBOARD class 0Bh TIMER object (counts down 32-bit time in 10ms increments) 0Fh POINTER object 10h PANEL object --------Q-1512--BH02------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "FREE" - FREE AN OBJECT AH = 12h BH = 02h BL = object 00h handle in DWORD on top of stack window: close window and free timer: free timer panel: free panel object pointer: free pointer 01h task's window handle - kills task, never returns 02h given task's mailbox (task's handle on top of stack) 03h current task's mailbox 04h given task's keyboard (task's handle on top of stack) 05h current task's keyboard object Return: STACK popped if handle passed on stack Notes: when a window is freed, its keyboard and pointer objects are freed; task windows also free any mailbox, objectq, and panel objects held by the task and any child tasks if the keyboard being freed is the default keyboard for a task, this call is equivalent to CLOSE panel and pointer objects are automatically closed if open SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=01h,AH=12h/BH=0Dh,AH=12h/BH=82h --------Q-1512--BH03------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "ADDR" - GET HANDLE OF MESSAGE SENDER AH = 12h BH = 03h BL = object 00h mailbox handle in DWORD on top of stack 02h sender of last msg read from mailbox (task's handle on stack) 03h sender of last msg read from current task's mailbox Return: DWORD on stack is task handle of message sender SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=00h,AH=12h/BH=83h --------Q-1512--BH03------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.26+ - "CONNECT" - CONNECT TWO WINDOWS AH = 12h BH = 03h BL = window to be connected 00h handle of window to be attached in DWORD on top of stack 01h attach current task's main window STACK: DWORD handle of window to attach to or 00000000h to detach Return: STACK popped Notes: when two windows are connected, both will move if the user moves either multiple windows may be attached to a single window, but each window may only be attached to one window at a time SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=83h --------Q-1512--BX0300----------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "DIR" - GET PANEL FILE DIRECTORY AH = 12h BX = 0300h STACK: DWORD handle of panel object (see #00436) Return: STACK: DWORD length of directory (always multiple of 14 bytes) DWORD address of directory Note: a null string is returned if the object is not open SeeAlso: AH=12h/BX=0400h"APPLY",AH=12h/BH=83h Format of TopView panel file: Offset Size Description (Table 00436) 00h 2 BYTEs C0h C3h 02h BYTE number of panels in file 03h for each panel in file: 8 BYTEs blank-padded panel name DWORD panel offset in file WORD panel length data for panels (each consists of one or more window/query/manager streams); first byte of each panel must be 1Bh, fifth byte must be E5h --------Q-1512--BH04------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "READ" - READ NEXT LOGICAL LINE OF WINDOW AH = 12h BH = 04h BL = window to read from 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack 01h use calling task's default window 0Ch (DV 2.26+) default window of task owning handle on top of stack 0Dh (DV 2.26+) default window of parent task of current task Return: STACK: DWORD number of bytes read DWORD address of buffer Notes: reading starts at the current logical cursor position; the cursor is updated to point at the character following the last one read any translucent blanks (FFh) which are visible on screen are changed to the character which is seen through them the string produced by the read is placed in an input buffer which may be reused by the next READ or READN of a window window stream opcodes D8h and D9h determine whether the read returns characters or attributes SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=05h"WINDOW",AH=12h/BH=12h,AH=12h/BH=84h --------Q-1512--BH04------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "READ" - GET NEXT RECORD FROM OBJECT AH = 12h BH = 04h BL = object 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack mailbox: wait for and get next message keyboard: wait for and get pointer to next input buffer pointer: wait for and get next message 02h get next message from mailbox (task's handle on top of stack) 03h get next message from current task's mailbox 04h get the next input from keyboard (handle on top of stack) 05h get the next input from task's default keyboard 06h wait for input from any object in OBJECTQ (handle on stack) 07h wait for input from any object in task's default OBJECTQ Return: STACK: (if objectq) DWORD handle of object with input (otherwise) DWORD number of bytes DWORD address of pointer message (see #00437) Notes: for a keyboard in keystroke mode, the input buffer is a single byte containing the character code as returned by the BIOS; the BIOS scan code is available via the STATUS call if the character is zero for a keyboard in field mode, the input buffer format is determined by the field table header for the window the keyboard is attached to keyboard input buffers and mailbox message buffers may be invalidated by the next READ, ERASE, CLOSE, or FREE message to the same object SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=05h"OBJECT",AH=12h/BH=84h Format of DESQview pointer message: Offset Size Description (Table 00437) 00h WORD row 02h WORD column 04h BYTE status (see #00438) 05h BYTE field number or zero (APILEVEL >= 2.00 only) Bitfields for DESQview pointer status: Bit(s) Description (Table 00438) 7-2 number of clicks-1 if multiple-click mode active 7 set when press/release mode active and button pressed 6 set when press/release mode active and button released 1-0 button pressed (00=none,01=button1,10=button2) SeeAlso: #00437 --------Q-1512--BX0400----------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "READ" - WAIT FOR TIMER TO EXPIRE AH = 12h BX = 0400h STACK: DWORD timer's handle Return: after timer expires STACK: DWORD time in 1/100 sec after midnight when timer expired SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Ah,AH=12h/BH=84h --------Q-1512--BX0400----------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "APPLY" - WRITE PANEL TO WINDOW AH = 12h BX = 0400h STACK: DWORD handle of panel object DWORD window's handle (or 0 for current task's window) DWORD length of panel name DWORD pointer to panel name Return: STACK: DWORD handle of window which was used DWORD handle of keyboard or 0 Notes: status of APPLY may be checked with STATUS message panel MUST have the following format first byte must be 1Bh (i.e. must start with a stream) first opcode in stream must be E5h single byte arg of opcode is interpreted thus: bits 7,6 11 means create new window 10 means create new field table for existing window 01 means use existing window and field table bit 5 if set, panel contains a field table (creates a new keyboard and puts it in field mode) bit 4 if set, panel contains input fields bit 3 if set, panel contains select fields but no input fields if the panel contains input or select fields, a keyboard handle is returned; either the window's current open keyboard or a newly-created keyboard object. The caller should read that keyboard to obtain input from the panel. SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=84h --------Q-1512--BH05------------------------ INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "WRITE" - WRITE TO OBJECT AH = 12h BH = 05h BL = object 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack timer: start timer to end at a specified time keyboard: add input buffer to queue pointer: move pointer icon to specified position 02h send message by value/status=0 to mbox (task's handle on stack) 03h send message by value/status=0 to current task's mailbox 04h add input buffer to KEYBOARD queue (handle on top of stack) 05h add input buffer to task's default KEYBOARD queue 06h add an object to OBJECTQ (handle on top of stack) 07h add an object to task's default OBJECTQ STACK: (if mailbox) DWORD length DWORD address (if keyboard) DWORD status (scan code in keystroke mode) DWORD length (should be 1 in keystroke mode) DWORD address (if objectq) DWORD handle of object to add (if timer) DWORD 1/100ths seconds since midnight (actually only accurate to 1/18 sec) (if pointer) DWORD column relative to origin of window DWORD row relative to origin of window Return: STACK popped Notes: under DV 2.2+, failed mailbox writes may return CF set (see AX=DE15h) the data and status written to a keyboard object must match the format returned by the keyboard object in the current mode the pointer position is scaled according to the current scaling factors SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=04h,AH=12h/BH=85h --------Q-1512--BH05------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "WRITE" - WRITE STRING TO WINDOW AH = 12h BH = 05h BL = window to write to 00h DWORD on top of stack is window handle 01h write string to task's default window 0Ch (DV 2.26+) default window of task owning handle on top of stack 0Dh (DV 2.26+) default window of parent of current task STACK: DWORD object handle if handle passed on stack DWORD total length of string (high word == 0) DWORD address of string to display (see #00439) Return: indicated actions performed a. non-control characters are displayed (opcodes DEh and DFh control whether the attributes are left or changed to the current attrib) b. CR/LF/BS/Tab cause the usual cursor movement c. ESC starts a data structure with additional commands if following byte is less than 20h; otherwise, it is written to the window STACK: DWORD handle of new window if window stream opcode E6h else nothing (arguments have been popped) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=04h,AH=12h/BH=85h Format of stream data structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00439) 00h BYTE 1Bh magic value identifying start of stream 01h BYTE stream type (00h, 01h, 10h, 14h-1Fh legal) (see #00440,#00446,#00447,#00448) 02h WORD length of remainder of stream in bytes var-length fields follow, each an OPCODE followed by zero or more args (Table 00440) Values for MODE 00h (set or display values) "WINDOW STREAM" opcodes: Opcodes:args 00h display 20h blanks with the default attribute 01h-1Fh display OPCODE blanks with the default attribute 20h display char with default attribute 20h times BYTE char to repeat 21h-3Fh display char with default attribute OPCODE-20h times BYTE char to repeat 40h display 20h blanks with specified attribute BYTE attribute of blanks 41h-5Fh display OPCODE-40h blanks with specified attribute BYTE attribute of blanks 60h display next 20h characters 20h BYTEs characters to display 61h-7Fh display next OPCODE-60h characters N BYTEs characters to display 80h-87h display N blanks with default attribute BYTE low 8 bits of 11-bit count (high 3 in low 3 bits of OPCODE) [000h means 800h] 88h-8Fh display N copies of the character BYTE low 8 bits of 11-bit count (high 3 in low 3 bits of OPCODE) [000h means 800h] BYTE character to repeat 90h-97h display N blanks with specified attribute BYTE low 8 bits of 11-bit length (high 3 in low 3 bits of OPCODE) [000h means 800h] BYTE attribute 98h-9Fh display string at logical cursor pos BYTE low 8 bits of 11-bit length (high 3 in low 3 bits of OPCODE) [000h means 800h] N BYTEs string to display A0h set logical cursor row BYTE row number (0 is top) A1h set logical cursor column BYTE column number (0 is leftmost) A2h set top edge of scrolling region BYTE row A3h set left edge of scrolling region BYTE column A4h set row of physical window position BYTE line A5h set column of physical window position BYTE column A6h set height of physical window BYTE number of rows A7h set width of physical window BYTE number of columns A8h set viewport row BYTE row A9h set viewport column BYTE column AAh set virtual screen height [contents of window unpredictable after] BYTE rows ABh set virtual screen width [contents of window unpredictable after] BYTE columns ACh-AEh unused AFh set compatible/preferred video modes BYTE compatibility/preference mask bit 7 compatible with monochrome bit 6 compatible with color text, EGA/VGA graphics bit 5 compatible with medium-resolution CGA graphics bit 4 compatible with high-resolution CGA graphics bit 3 prefer monochrome bit 2 prefer color text, EGA/VGA graphics bit 1 prefer medium-resolution CGA graphics bit 0 prefer high-resolution CGA graphics B0h move logical cursor down BYTE number of rows (signed, negative values move up) [if rows=0 and hardware cursor owner, update hardware cursor] B1h move logical cursor right BYTE number of columns (signed, negative values move left) [if cols=0 and hardware cursor owner, update hardware cursor] B2h shift top edge of scrolling region BYTE number of rows (signed) B3h shift left edge of scrolling region BYTE number of columns (signed) B4h shift physical window down BYTE number of lines (signed) B5h shift physical window right BYTE number of columns (signed) B6h expand physical window vertically BYTE number of lines (signed) B7h expand physical window horizontally BYTE number of columns (signed) B8h adjust viewport row BYTE number of rows (signed) B9h adjust viewport column BYTE number of columns (signed) BAh adjust virtual screen height [contents of window unpredict after] BYTE number of rows to increase (signed) BBh adjust virtual screen width [contents of window unpredictbl after] BYTE number of columns to increase (signed) BCh-BFh reserved (currently unused) C0h set logical cursor position BYTE row number (0 is top border) BYTE column number (0 is left border) C1h set top left corner of scrolling region BYTE row BYTE column C2h set physical window pos BYTE upper left row (no top border if 0) BYTE upper left column (no left border if 0) C3h set current window size BYTE number of rows BYTE number of columns C4h set upper left corner of viewport (portion of virtual screen displayed in window) BYTE row BYTE column C5h set size of virtual screen [contents unpredictable afterwards] BYTE number of rows BYTE number of columns C6h unused C7h unused C8h set logical cursor relative to current position BYTE number of rows to move down (signed) BYTE number of columns to move right (signed) [if rows=cols=0 and hardware cursor owner, update hardw cursor] C9h shift top left corner of scrolling region BYTE number of rows (signed) BYTE number of columns (signed) CAh set window pos relative to current position BYTE number of rows to shift down (signed) BYTE number of columns to shift right (signed) CBh set window size relative to current size BYTE number of rows to expand (signed) BYTE number of cols to expand (signed) CCh shift viewport relative to current position BYTE rows to shift (signed) BYTE cols to shift (signed) CDh resize virtual screen BYTE number of rows to expand (signed) BYTE number of columns to expand (signed) CEh scroll text when using E8h-EBh/F8h-FBh opcodes (default) CFh scroll attributes when using E8h-EBh/F8h-FBh opcodes D0h allow window frame to extend beyond screen D1h always display a complete frame, even if window extends beyond edge of screen D2h allow DV to change logical colors on video mode switch (default) D3h application changes logical attributes D4h window is visible [must redraw to actually make visible] D5h window is hidden [must redraw to actually remove] D6h window has frame (default) D7h window unframed [must redraw to actually remove frame] D8h READ/READN will read characters from window (default) D9h READ/READN will read attributes from window DAh use logical attributes, which may be remapped (see #00441) DBh use physical attributes for characters DCh enable special actions for control characters (default) DDh disable special control char handling, all chars displayable by BIOS TTY call DEh write both character and attribute (default) DFh write character only, leave attribute untouched E0h repeat following commands through E1h opcode BYTE number of times to repeat (00h means 256 times) E1h end of commands to repeat, start repeating them E2h set current output color BYTE color E3h clear virtual screen from scroll origin to end using current color E4h redraw window E5h select menu style BYTE style (normally 18h) bits 5,4 = 01 use two-letter menu entries for remainder of this stream E5h (panel file only) BYTE modifier bits 7,6 = 11 panel stream creates new window = 10 panel defines new field table for existing window = 01 panel stream uses existing window & field table bit 5 = 1 stream contains a field table (create kyboard object) bit 4 = 1 stream defines input fields (create keyboard object) bit 3 = 1 stream defines select fields but not input fields bit 2 = 1 stream defines exclusive input window (DV 2.2) bit 1 reserved bit 0 reserved E6h create new window and perform rest of manipulations in new window BYTE number of rows BYTE number of columns Return: DWORD object handle of new window returned on stack at end Note: the window is created with a physical size of 0x0 at the same position as the window to which this stream was sent E7h no operation E8h scroll area up (top left corner defined by opcode C1h) BYTE height BYTE width E9h scroll area down (top left corner defined by opcode C1h) BYTE height BYTE width EAh scroll area left (top left corner defined by opcode C1h) BYTE height BYTE width EBh scroll area right (top left corner defined by opcode C1h) BYTE height BYTE width ECh set logical attributes for window contents BYTE video modes command applies to bit 7 monochrome bit 6 color text, EGA/VGA graphics bit 5 medium-resolution CGA graphics bit 4 high-resolution CGA graphics BYTE which attributes to set bit 7 if set, copy single following byte to indicated attribs bits 4-6 number of first attribute to change - 1 bits 0-3 number of consecutive attributes to change N BYTEs new attributes EDh set logical attributes for window frame BYTE video modes command applies to (also see opcode ECh) BYTE which attributes to set bit 7 if set, copy single following byte to indicated attrs bits 4-6 number of first attribute to change - 1 bits 0-3 number of consecutive attributes to change N BYTEs new attributes attributes 1 = top left corner 2 = top right corner 3 = bottom left corner 4 = bottom right corner 5 = top edge 6 = bottom edge 7 = left edge 8 = right edge EEh set characters for window frame BYTE video modes command applies to (also see opcode ECh) BYTE which characters to set bit 7 if set, copy single following byte to indicated chars bits 4-6 number of first character to change - 1 bits 0-3 number of consecutive characters to change N BYTEs new chars (same relative position as attributes above) EFh set window name BYTE length of name (should be in range 0 to logical screen width) N BYTEs name F0h clear input field to blanks BYTE field number F1h fill input field with character BYTE field number BYTE char F2h set color of input field BYTE field number (1-N) BYTE attribute F3h set initial contents of input field BYTE field number (1-N) N BYTEs enough chars to exactly fill field as defined by op FFh F4h position cursor to start of specific input field BYTE field number (1-N) F5h change field table entry BYTE field number 7-8 BYTEs field table entry (also see opcode FFh below) F6h set field type BYTE field number BYTE type 00h inactive 40h output field 80h input field C0h deselected field C2h selected field F7h "broadcast write" write data to fields with program output bit set in the field table entry, in field number order N BYTEs (total length of all program output fields) F8h scroll field up a line BYTE field number F9h scroll field down a line BYTE field number FAh scroll field left BYTE field number FBh scroll field right BYTE field number FCh set field table header 6 BYTEs field table header (see #00442) FDh reset modified bit for all fields FEh reset selected and modified bits for all fields FFh set up input fields 6 BYTEs table header (see #00442) 7/8N BYTEs the field table entries, one for each field (see #00444) Note: DESQview uses and updates the actual copy of the information which is contained in the stream. Thus this info must remain intact until after the data entry is complete. SeeAlso: #00439,#00446 (Table 00441) Values for TopView logical attributes: 01h normal text 02h highlighted normal text 03h help text 04h highlighted help text 05h error message 06h highlighted error message 07h emphasized text 08h marked text 9-16 reverse video versions of 1-8 SeeAlso: #00440 Format of TopView field table header: Offset Size Description (Table 00442) 00h BYTE number of fields (must be <= existing number of fields) 01h BYTE screen behavior bits (see #00443) 02h BYTE current input field (updated by DESQview) 03h BYTE current select field (updated by DESQview) 04h BYTE attribute for select fields when they are pointed at 05h BYTE attribute for select fields which have been selected SeeAlso: #00440,#00444 Bitfields for TopView screen behavior bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 00443) 7 reserved 6 menu items may be selected via keyboard 5 left mouse button in "status" mode (press anywhere in window immediately returns control to application) 4 right mouse button in "status" mode 3 select fields return contents or blanks rather than 'Y' or 'N' 2 modified bits reset on return to application 1-0 type of data returned 00 no data returned on read of keyboard 01 data returned as array of characters containing all fields packed together, with no field numbers 10 data returned as numbered variable-length records for all fields 11 data returned as numbered variable-length records for the fields which were modified SeeAlso: #00440 Format of TopView field table entry: Offset Size Description (Table 00444) 00h BYTE start row \ 01h BYTE start column \ if menu selection and start is to 02h BYTE end row / right or below end, select from kbd only 03h BYTE end column / 04h BYTE field type (see #00445) 05h BYTE modifier if type is fill-in, then bit flags to determine behavior bit 7 automatically enter CR when field full bit 6 move to next field when current field is full bit 5 enter text from right end (for numbers) bit 4 force input to uppercase bit 3 clear old contents on first keystroke bit 2 input returned when cursor moves out of modified field ("validate", API level 2.02+) bit 1 reserved bit 0 reserved if select field, first key to press to activate 00h if have to point-&-click or is an extended-ASCII keystroke (only if two-key menus enabled) 06h BYTE (select field only) normal color of field 07h BYTE second key for select field. This byte is present iff two-letter menu entries selected with opcode E5h, and in that case is present regardless of field type SeeAlso: #00442 Bitfields for TopView field type: Bit(s) Description (Table 00445) 7,6 field class 00 inactive (non-entry) field 01 echos keystrokes input to make menu selection 10 fill-in field 11 select field 5 field can be filled by broadcast write (F7h opcode) 4 reserved 3 reserved 2 reserved 1 set if field selected 0 set if field modified SeeAlso: #00444 (Table 00446) Values for MODE 01h "QUERY STREAM" opcodes: (valid only for those opcodes listed here) A0h return logical cursor row in next byte A1h return logical cursor column in next byte A2h return top row of scrolling region in next byte A3h return left column of scrolling region in next byte A4h return row of physical window origin in next byte A5h return column of physical window origin in next byte A6h return height of physcial window in next byte A7h return width of physical window in next byte A8h return row of viewport origin in next byte A9h return column of viewport origin in next byte AAh return height of virtual screen in next byte ABh return width of virtual screen in next byte AFh return current video mode in next byte C0h return current logical cursor position in next two bytes C1h return top left corner of scrolling region in next two bytes C2h return current window position in next two bytes C3h return current window size in next two bytes C4h return current viewport origin in next two bytes C5h return current virtual screen size in next two bytes D0h \ overwritten with D0h if frames may fall off screen edge D1h / D1h if frames always displayed entirely D2h \ overwritten with D2h if DESQview controls color palette D3h / D3h if application changes color palette D4h \ overwritten with D4h if window visible D5h / D5h if window hidden D6h \ overwritten with D6h if window has frame D7h / D7h if window unframed D8h \ overwritten with D8h if reading characters from window D9h / D9h if reading attributes from window DAh \ overwritten with DAh if using logical attributes DBh / DBh if using physical attributes DCh \ overwritten with DCh if TTY control char interpretation on DDh / DDh if TTY control char interpretation off DEh \ overwritten with DEh if writing both characters and attributes DFh / DFh if leaving attributes untouched E2h return current color in next byte ECh get logical attributes for window contents BYTE execute call if currently in specified video mode bit 7 monochrome bit 6 color text, EGA/VGA graphics bit 5 medium-resolution CGA graphics bit 4 high-resolution CGA graphics BYTE which attributes to get bit 7 unused??? bits 4-6 first attribute to get - 1 bits 0-3 number of consecutive attributes N BYTEs buffer to hold attributes EDh get logical attributes for window frame BYTE execute call if currently in video mode (also see opcode ECh) BYTE which attributes to get bit 7 unused??? bits 4-6 first attribute to get - 1 bits 0-3 number of consecutive attributes N BYTEs buffer to hold attributes EEh get characters for window frame BYTE execute call if currently in video mode (also see opcode ECh) BYTE which attributes to get bit 7 unused??? bits 4-6 first char to get - 1 bits 0-3 number of consecutive chars N BYTEs buffer to hold chars EFh return first N characters of current window name BYTE max length of returned name N BYTEs buffer to hold window name F3h return contents of specified field BYTE field number N BYTEs buffer to hold field contents (size equal to field size) F5h get field table entry BYTE field number 7-8 BYTEs buffer to hold field table entry (see #00444) Notes: DV < 2.26 always returns 7 bytes DV 2.26+ w/ APILEVEL < 2.26 returns 8 bytes iff field table is using 8-byte entries and eighth byte after F5h is E7h (NOP); otherwise, 7 bytes are returned DV 2.26+ w/ APILEVEL > 2.26 returns 7 or 8 bytes depending on the field table entry size F6h get type of a field BYTE field number BYTE type FCh get field table header 6 BYTEs buffer to store field table header (see #00442) SeeAlso: #00439,#00447 (Table 00447) Values for MODE 10h "MANAGER STREAM" opcodes (valid only for those listed): 00h allow window to be moved horizontally 01h allow window to be moved vertically 02h allow window to change width 03h allow window to change height 04h allow window to be scrolled horizontally 05h allow window to be scrolled vertically 06h allow "Close Window" menu selection for application 07h allow "Hide Window" menu selection for application 08h allow application to be suspended ("Rearrange/Freeze") 0Eh allow "Scissors" menu 10h allow DESQview main menu to be popped up 11h allow "Switch Windows" menu 12h allow "Open Window" menu 13h allow "Quit" menu selection 20h-33h opposite of 00h-13h, disallow specified action 40h notify if horizontal position of window changes 41h notify if vertical position of window changes 42h notify if width of window changes 43h notify if height of window changes 44h notify if window scrolled horizontally 45h notify if window scrolled vertically 46h notify if window is closed--program has to clean up and exit itself 47h notify if window is hidden 48h notify if "?" on main menu selected 49h notify if pointer message sent to window 4Ah notify if window is placed in foreground 4Bh notify if window is placed in background 4Ch notify if video mode changes 4Dh notify if "Scissors" menu "Cut" option selected 4Eh notify if "Scissors" menu "Copy" option selected 4Fh notify if "Scissors" menu "Paste" option selected 50h notify if DESQview main menu about to pop up 51h notify if DESQview main menu popped down 60h-71h opposite of 40h-51h: don't notify on specified event 84h attach window to parent task's window (both move together) 85h detach window from parent task's window (may move independently) 86h disable background operation for application 87h enable running in background 88h set minimum size of physical window BYTE rows BYTE columns 89h set maximum size of physical window BYTE rows BYTE cols 8Ah set primary asynchronous notification routine (see #00449) DWORD address of routine, 0000h:0000h means none (see also below) 8Bh set async notification parameter DWORD 32-bit value passed to 8Ah async routine in DS:SI ACh (DV2.2+) perform regular select field attribute processing ADh (DV2.2+) protect attributes in selected field from being lost AEh make window default notify window for owning app (API level 2.00+) AFh set selected field marker character BYTE character to display at left edge of selected fields BCh set standard field processing mode BDh set alternate field processing mode (enables cursor pad for menus) BEh disables changing reverse logical attributes with ECh opcode BFh enables changing reverse logical attributes with ECh opcode C0h make current window topmost in system C1h force current process into foreground C2h make current window topmost in process C3h position mouse pointer relative to origin of current field BYTE rows below upper left corner of field BYTE columns to right of upper left corner of field C4h position mouse pointer relative to origin of given field BYTE field number BYTE rows below upper left corner of field BYTE columns to right of upper left corner of field C5h orphan current window (also hides it) Note: must be last in stream; all subsequent commands ignored C6h show all windows for this process C7h hide all windows for this process C8h suspend process and hide all its windows C9h force current process into background CAh make current window bottom-most in process CBh cancel current window manager operation, remove DV menu, give control to topmost application CCh orphan window and give it to the system for use as paste data CEh reorder windows DWORD pointer to null-terminated list of words; each word is segment of object handle for a window FFh no operation SeeAlso: #00439,#00446,#00448 (Table 00448) Values for MODES 14h to 1Fh "USER STREAMS": normally NOPs, but may be defined by SETESC message to invoke FAR routines, one for each mode number on entry to handler, DS:SI -> first byte of actual stream (not header) CX = number of bytes in stream ES:DI = window's handle SeeAlso: #00446,#00447 (Table 00449) Values asynchronous notification routine defined by man.stream 8Ah called with: ES:DI = handle of window DS:SI is 32-bit value set by 8Bh manager stream opcode mailbox contains message indicating event Opcode 40h horizontal movement DWORD object handle of window BYTE new row BYTE new col 41h vertical movement DWORD object handle of window BYTE new row BYTE new col 42h horizontal size change DWORD object handle of window BYTE new rows BYTE new cols 43h vertical size change DWORD object handle of window BYTE new rows BYTE new cols 44h scrolled horizontally DWORD object handle of window BYTE mouse row within window BYTE mouse column within window BYTE field mouse is on, 0 if none BYTE amount moved: >0 right, <0 left, 0 done 45h scrolled vertically DWORD object hande of window BYTE mouse row within window BYTE mouse column within window BYTE field mouse is on, 0 if none BYTE amount moved: >0 down, <0 up, 0 done 46h window close request DWORD object handle of window BYTE mouse pointer row BYTE mouse pointer column BYTE field mouse is on, 0 if none 47h application's windows hidden 48h Help for Program selected DWORD object handle of window BYTE mouse pointer row BYTE mouse pointer column BYTE field mouse is on, 0 if none 49h pointer message sent to window DWORD pointer handle which received message 4Ah switched to window from another ("raise") 4Bh switched away from the window ("lower") 4Ch video mode changed BYTE new BIOS video mode 4Dh Scissors/cUt selected DWORD object handle of window BYTE row of upper left corner BYTE column of upper left corner BYTE field number ul corner is in, 0=none DWORD handle of orphaned window created with copy of data from specified region BYTE height of region BYTE width of region 4Eh Scissors/Copy selected DWORD object handle of window BYTE row of upper left corner BYTE column of upper left corner BYTE field number ul corner is in, 0=none DWORD handle of orphaned window created with copy of data from specified region BYTE height of region BYTE width of region 4Fh Scissors/Paste selected DWORD object handle of window BYTE row of upper left corner BYTE column of upper left corner BYTE field number ul corner is in, 0=none DWORD handle of orphaned window with data BYTE height of region BYTE width of region Note: orphaned data window should be adopted or freed when done 50h main menu about to pop up 51h main menu popped down Return: all registers unchanged --------Q-1512--BH06------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview 2.20+ - SEND MESSAGE - "SETPRI" - SET PRIORITY WITHIN OBJECTQ AH = 12h BH = 06h BL = object 00h object handle in DWORD on top of stack mailbox, keyboard, pointer, or timer (DV 2.50+) window 01h (DV 2.50+) current task's window 04h given task's keyboard (task's handle on top of stack) 05h current task's default keyboard STACK: DWORD new priority of object in task's OBJECTQ (new priority of task if window handle) Return: STACK popped Notes: initially all objects have the same default value. Should only make relative adjustments to this default value. when changing priorities, all objects already on the objectq are reordered for window handles, only the non-blocked task(s) with the highest priority receive CPU time under DESQview 2.50-2.52; the default priority is 0Ah SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=07h,AH=12h/BH=87h --------Q-1512--BH07------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview 2.20+ - SEND MESSAGE - "GETPRI" - GET PRIORITY WITHIN OBJECTQ AH = 12h BH = 07h BL = object 00h object handle in DWORD on top of stack mailbox, keyboard, pointer, or timer (DV 2.50+) window 01h (DV 2.50+) current task's window 04h given task's keyboard (task's handle on top of stack) 05h current task's default keyboard Return: STACK: DWORD object priority Note: initially all objects have the same default value. Should only make relative adjustments to this default value. SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=06h --------Q-1512--BH08------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "SIZEOF" - GET OBJECT SIZE AH = 12h BH = 08h BL = object 00h handle in DWORD on top of stack window: total character positions in window timer: elapsed time since timer started pointer: number of messages queued to pointer object panel: number of panels in panel file keyboard: number of input buffers queued 01h total chars in current task's default window 02h number of messages in task's mailbox (task's handle on stack) 03h number of messages in current task's mailbox 04h number of input buffers queued in task's kbd (handle on stack) 05h number of input buffers queued for current task's default kbd 06h number of objects queued in OBJECTQ (task's handle on stack) 07h number of objects queued in current task's OBJECTQ 0Ch (DV 2.26+) total chars in window owning handle on top of stack 0Dh (DV 2.26+) total chars in parent task's window Return: DWORD on top of stack is result (any handle on stack has been popped) Note: for panel objects, a count of zero is returned if no panel file is open for the object SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=04h,AH=12h/BH=09h --------Q-1512--BH09------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "LEN" - GET OBJECT LENGTH AH = 12h BH = 09h BL = object 00h handle in DWORD on top of stack window: get chars/line timer: get 1/100 seconds remaining before timer expires mailbox: (DV/X) get number of bytes queued to mailbox 01h get number of chars/line in current task's default window 0Ch (DV 2.26+) get chars/line in window owning handle on top of stk 0Dh (DV 2.26+) get chars/line in parent task's window Return: DWORD on top of stack is length (any handle on stack has been popped) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=08h --------Q-1512--BH0A------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "ADDTO" - WRITE CHARS AND ATTRIBS TO WINDOW AH = 12h BH = 0Ah BL = window to write to 00h window handle is DWORD on top of stack 01h current task's default window 0Ch (DV 2.26+) default window of task owning handle on top of stack 0Dh (DV 2.26+) default window of parent of current task STACK: DWORD count of attributes DWORD address of attribute string DWORD count of characters DWORD address of character string Return: STACK popped Notes: if one string is longer than the other, the shorter one will be reused until the longer one is exhausted the cursor is left just after the last character written SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Bh"WINDOW" --------Q-1512--BH0A------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "ADDTO" - SEND MAILBOX MESSAGE/STAT BY VALUE AH = 12h BH = 0Ah BL = mailbox to write to 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack 02h default mailbox of task whose handle is on top of stack 03h current task's default mailbox STACK: DWORD status (low byte) DWORD length of message DWORD address of message Return: STACK popped Notes: the message is copied into either system or common memory insufficient memory normally causes the process to be aborted; under DESQview 2.2+, failed writes may return CF set instead (see AX=DE15h) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Bh"MAILBOX" --------Q-1512--BH0A------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "ADDTO" - SET OBJECT BITS AH = 12h BH = 0Ah BL = object 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack timer: start timer for specified interval pointer: set control flags (see #00451) keyboard: set control flags (see #00450) 04h set control flags on KEYBOARD object (handle on top of stack) 05h set control flags on task's default KEYBOARD object STACK: (if timer) DWORD duration in 1/100 seconds (otherwise) DWORD bits to set Return: STACK popped SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Bh"OBJECT" Bitfields for DESQview keyboard object bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 00450) 15 reserved, can't be set 14 unused 13 reserved, can't be set 12-6 unused 5 (DV 2.2+) exclusive input 4 filter all keys (used with handler established by SETESC) if 0, only keys that would normally be displayed are filtered 3 program continues executing while input in progress 2 insert mode active for field mode 1 hardware cursor displayed when task is hardware cursor owner must be set if keyboard in field mode and field table includes input fields 0 keyboard is in field mode rather than keystroke mode Bitfields for DESQview pointer object bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 00451) 15 reserved, can't be set 14-8 unused 7 mouse pointer is hidden while in window 6 get messages even if window not topmost 5 get messages even if window not foreground 4 multiple clicks separated by less than 1/3 second are counted and returned in a single message 3 pointer position is relative to screen origin, not window origin 2 send message on button release as well as button press 1 (DV 2.23+) send message with row=FFFFh and col=FFFFh whenever the pointer leaves the window 0 send message only on button activity, not movement DV-specific, and INT 15/AX=DE0Fh must have been called first --------Q-1512--BH0B------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "SUBFROM" - WRITE ATTRIBUTES TO WINDOW AH = 12h BH = 0Bh BL = window to write attributes to 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack 01h current task's default window 0Ch (DV 2.26+) default window of task owning handle on top of stack 0Dh (DV 2.26+) default window of parent of current task STACK: DWORD number of attributes to write DWORD address of attributes Return: STACK popped Note: the attributes are written starting at the current cursor position; the cursor is left just after the last position written SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Ah"WINDOW" --------Q-1512--BH0B------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "SUBFROM" - SEND MAILBOX MESSAGE/STAT BY REF AH = 12h BH = 0Bh BL = mailbox to write to 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack 02h default mailbox of task whose handle is on top of stack 03h current task's default mailbox STACK: DWORD status (low byte) DWORD length of message DWORD address of message Return: STACK popped Notes: only a pointer to the message is stored, but the write may still fail due to insufficient memory under DV 2.2+, failed mailbox writes may return CF set (see AX=DE15h) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Ah"MAILBOX" --------Q-1512--BH0B------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "SUBFROM" - REMOVE OBJECT FROM OBJECTQ AH = 12h BH = 0Bh BL = OBJECTQ from which to remove all copies of a particular object 06h OBJECTQ of task whose handle is on top of stack 07h task's default OBJECTQ STACK: DWORD handle of object to remove Return: STACK popped Note: should be sent whenever an object is erased or closed --------Q-1512--BH0B------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "SUBFROM" - RESET OBJECT BITS AH = 12h BH = 0Bh BL = object 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack pointer: reset control flags keyboard: reset control flags 04h clear control flags on KEYBOARD object (handle on top of stack) 05h clear control flags on task's default KEYBOARD object STACK: DWORD which bits to clear (see #00450,#00451) Return: STACK popped SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Ah"OBJECT" --------Q-1512--BH0C------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "OPEN" - OPEN OBJECT AH = 12h BH = 0Ch BL = object 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack window: fill with given character from scroll origin to end keyboard: attach to a window timer: open pointer: start taking input for window panel: associate with a panel file 01h fill task's default window with given char from scrl org to end 02h open given task's mailbox for input (task's handle on stack) 03h open current task's mailbox 04h attach a KEYBOARD to a window (handle on top of stack) 05h attach task's default KEYBOARD to a window 06h open a task's OBJECTQ (task's handle on top of stack) 07h open current task's OBJECTQ 0Ch (DV 2.26+) fill def window of task owning handle on top of stck 0Dh (DV 2.26+) fill default window of parent of current task STACK: (if window) DWORD character to fill with (if keyboard) DWORD handle of window to attach to (if pointer) DWORD handle of window to attach to (if panel) DWORD length of filename or resident panel DWORD address of filename or resident panel (otherwise) nothing Return: STACK popped Notes: if first byte of panel file name is 1Bh, then the "name" IS a panel if first two bytes of panel file "name" are C0hC3h, then the "name" IS the panel file result code of open may be retrieved with STATUS message logical cursor is left at scroll origin after filling window the task opening a mailbox becomes its owner, and the only task allowed to read the mailbox messages are only sent to a pointer object when the mouse is positioned in the window to which the pointer has been attached there is no need to explicitly open a timer object, as ADDTO and WRITE messages automatically open the timer SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Dh,AH=12h/BH=14h"LOCK" --------Q-1512--BH0D------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "CLOSE" - CLOSE OBJECT AH = 12h BH = 0Dh BL = object 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack timer: close keyboard: detach from window and discard queued input pointer: stop taking input panel: close mailbox: close, unlock, and discard any pending messages 02h close given task's mailbox (task's handle on top of stack) 03h close task's default mailbox 04h close KEYBOARD object (handle on top of stack) 05h close task's default KEYBOARD 06h close given task's OBJECTQ (task's handle on top of stack) 07h close current task's OBJECTQ Return: STACK popped if handle passed on stack Notes: when an OBJECTQ is closed, each object in the OBJECTQ is sent an ERASE message (AH=12h/BH=0Eh) when a panel object is closed, the panel file and any panels currently in use are freed; window and keyboard objects created by APPLY are not affected, but field mode input ceases open but idle timer objects consume a small amount of CPU time SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Ch,AH=12h/BH=0Eh,AH=12h/BH=14h"LOCK" --------Q-1512--BH0E------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "ERASE" - ERASE OBJECT AH = 12h BH = 0Eh BL = object 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack window: clear from scroll origin to end of window keyboard: discard input timer: cancel current interval pointer: discard all pending messages mailbox: discard all pending messages 01h clear task's default window from scroll origin to end 02h discard all queued messages in mailbox (handle on top of stack) 03h discard all queued messages in current task's default mailbox 04h discard all input queued to KEYBOARD (handle on top of stack) 05h discard all input queued to task's default KEYBOARD 06h remove all objects from OBJECTQ (task's handle on top of stack) 07h remove all objects from current task's OBJECTQ 0Ch (DV 2.26+) clear window of task owning handle on top of stack 0Dh (DV 2.26+) clear default window of parent of current task Return: STACK popped if handle passed on stack Note: when an OBJECTQ is erased, each object in the OBJECTQ is also erased SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=02h --------Q-1512--BH0F------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "STATUS" - GET OBJECT STATUS AH = 12h BH = 0Fh BL = object 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack timer: is it running? pointer: return status of last message panel: verify success of last OPEN or APPLY 02h return status of last msg READ from mailbox (handle on stack) 03h return status of last msg READ from task's default mailbox 04h get stat of last msg from task's KEYBOARD (task handle on stk) 05h get status of last msg from task's default KEYBOARD 06h return whether OBJECTQ is open or not (handle on top of stack) 07h return whether task's default OBJECTQ is open or not Return: DWORD on top of stack is status (any handle passed on stack popped) Notes: if object is a panel object, the status indicates the error code: 00h successful 14h panel name not in panel directory 15h not enough memory to apply panel 16h invalid panel format 17h panel file already open 81h-92h DOS error codes+80h \ codes > 80h indicate 95h not enough memory to open panel file > that the panel was 98h null panel file name / not opened if object is a timer, the status is: 00000000h open but not running 40000000h open and running 80000000h closed if object is an OBJECTQ, the status is: 00000000h open 80000000h closed if object is a keyboard in keystroke mode, the status is the extended character code (scan code) of the last keystroke if object is a keyboard in field mode, the status indicates the reason for the last return from the field manager 00h Enter key pressed 01h Button 1 or keystroke selection 02h Button 2 03h validation 04h auto Enter on field 1Bh Escape pressed 46h ^Break pressed other: extended code for key terminating input the status of mailbox messages sent by the window manager is always 80h the status of a pointer message is the same as the status field in the message SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=04h"READ" --------Q-1512--BH10------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "EOF" - GET OBJECT EOF STATUS AH = 12h BH = 10h BL = object 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack window: return TRUE if logical cursor past end of window mailbox: ??? 01h returns TRUE if logical cursor past end of task's def window 02h return ??? for task's mailbox (task's handle on top of stack) 03h return ??? for current task's mailbox 0Ch (DV 2.26+) check log crsr of window owning handle on top of stk 0Dh (DV 2.26+) check log cursor of window of parent task Return: DWORD on top of stack is status (any handle on stack has been popped) --------Q-1512--BH11------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "AT" - POSITION OBJECT CURSOR AH = 12h BH = 11h BL = window for which to move cursor 00h window's handle is DWORD on top of stack 01h task's default window 0Ch (DV 2.26+) default window of task owning handle on top of stack 0Dh (DV 2.26+) default window of parent of current task STACK: DWORD column DWORD row Return: STACK popped --------Q-1512--BH11------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "SETNAME" - ASSIGN NAME TO MAILBOX AH = 12h BH = 11h BL = mailbox to name 00h DWORD on top of stack is mailbox handle 02h use given task's mailbox (task's handle on top of stack) 03h use current task's default mailbox STACK: DWORD length of name DWORD address of name Return: STACK popped SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=12h"GETNAME",AX=DE0Eh --------Q-1512--BX1100----------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "SETSCALE" - SET POINTER SCALE FACTOR AH = 12h BX = 1100h STACK: DWORD object handle for pointer object DWORD number of colums to scale pointer position to DWORD number of rows to scale pointer position to Return: STACK popped SeeAlso: AH=12h/BX=1200h --------Q-1512--BH12------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "READN" - GET NEXT N OBJECT BYTES AH = 12h BH = 12h BL = window to read from 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack 01h read next N chars or attributes on task's default window 0Ch (DV 2.26+) read window of task owning handle on top of stack 0Dh (DV 2.26+) read default window of parent of current task STACK: DWORD count Return: STACK: DWORD number of bytes actually read DWORD address of buffer containing data Notes: reading starts at the current logical cursor position; the cursor is updated to point at the character following the last one read any translucent blanks (FFh) which are visible on screen are changed to the character which is seen through them the string produced by the read is placed in an input buffer which may be reused by the next READ or READN of a window window stream opcodes D8h and D9h determine whether the read returns characters or attributes SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=04h"WINDOW",AH=12h/BH=05h"WINDOW" --------Q-1512--BH12------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview 2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE - "GETNAME" - GET NAME OF MAILBOX AH = 12h BH = 12h BL = mailbox for which to retrieve name 00h DWORD on top of stack is mailbox handle 02h use given task's mailbox (task's handle on top of stack) 03h use current task's default mailbox STACK: DWORD length of buffer for name DWORD pointer to buffer Return: STACK: DWORD length of returned name (or size of buffer, if less) Program: DESQview 2.5x is distributed as part of DESQview/X 1.0x Note: the returned name is not NUL-terminated SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=11h"SETNAME",AX=DE0Eh --------Q-1512--BX1200----------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "GETSCALE" - GET POINTER SCALE FACTOR AH = 12h BX = 1200h STACK: DWORD object handle for pointer Return: STACK: DWORD pointer pos scaled as if window were this many colums wide DWORD pointer pos scaled as if window were this many rows high SeeAlso: AH=12h/BX=1100h --------Q-1512--BH13------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "REDRAW" - REDRAW WINDOW AH = 12h BH = 13h BL = window object 00h DWORD on top of stack is handle for window to redraw 01h redraw task's default window 0Ch (DV 2.26+) redraw window of task owning handle on top of stack 0Dh (DV 2.26+) redraw default window of parent of current task Return: STACK popped if handle was passed on stack SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=05h"WINDOW",AH=12h/BH=0Eh --------Q-1512--BH13------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview 2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE - "READINTO" - GET NEXT MAIL MESSAGE AH = 12h BH = 13h BL = mailbox from which to read 00h DWORD on top of stack is mailbox handle 02h use given task's mailbox (task's handle on top of stack) 03h use current task's default mailbox STACK: DWORD size of buffer in bytes DWORD pointer to buffer Return: STACK: DWORD number of bytes read Program: DESQview 2.5x is distributed as part of DESQview/X 1.0x Notes: this call blocks if no input is available, but will return less than the requested number of bytes if some (but insufficient) data is available use this call instead of AH=12h/BH=04h if the mailbox has flag bits 4 or 5 set, as common memory may be exhausted by that call when attempting to read the next message SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=04h"READ",AH=12h/BH=05h,AH=12h/BH=16h --------Q-1512--BX1300----------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "SETICON" - SPECIFY POINTER ICON AH = 12h BX = 1300h STACK: DWORD object handle for pointer DWORD character to use for pointer Return: STACK popped --------Q-1512--BH14------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "SETESC" - SET ESCAPE ROUTINE ADDRESS AH = 12h BH = 14h BL = message modifier 00h handle is DWORD on top of stack 01h define user stream 04h intercept keystrokes from KEYBOARD to window (handle on stack) 05h intercept keystrokes from task's default KEYBOARD to a window STACK: (if window) DWORD user stream number (14h-1Fh) DWORD address of FAR user stream handler (if keyboard) DWORD address of FAR filter function (see #00452) Return: STACK popped (Table 00452) Values keyboard filter function is called with when keyboard is in field mode: AL = character AH = 00h or extended ASCII code if AL = 00h BL = field number CH = cursor column CL = cursor row DL = field type modifier (sixth item in field table entry) DH = seventh item in field table entry ES:SI = window's handle DS:DI -> field table entry for field containing the cursor Return: AH = action to take 00h use keystroke 01h ignore keystroke FFh beep and ignore keystroke Note: the filter function is not allowed to make INT 15, DOS, or BIOS calls --------Q-1512--BH14------------------------- INT 15 - TopView - SEND MESSAGE - "LOCK" - REQUEST EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO RESOURCE AH = 12h BH = 14h BL = object 00h mailbox handle is DWORD on top of stack 02h use given task's mailbox (task's handle on top of stack) 03h use current task's default mailbox Return: STACK popped if BL=00h Note: release exclusive access by sending CLOSE message to mailbox access may be requested multiple times, and requires multiple CLOSEs SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Dh --------Q-1512--BH15------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.20+ - SEND MESSAGE - "SETFLAGS" - SET OBJECT FLAGS AH = 12h BH = 15h BL = object 00h DWORD on top of stack mailbox, keyboard, or pointer only 02h mailbox for task whose handle is on top of stack 03h mailbox for current task 04h keyboard for task whose handle is on top of stack 05h keyboard for current task STACK: DWORD flags (see #00453,#00454) Return: STACK popped Notes: only available if the API level has been set to at least 2.20 equivalent to performing SUBFROM and ADDTO calls on the object if a mailbox has bits 4 or 5 set, you must use "READINTO" rather than "READ" (see AH=12h/BH=13h"READINTO") to retrieve messages SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Ah,AH=12h/BH=0Bh,AH=12h/BH=16h Bitfields for DESQview mailbox object flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00453) 0 all mail messages in common memory 1 allow write even if closed 2 don't erase messages when mailbox closed 4 (DV/X) append messages with like status and sender (stream-oriented mail) 5 (DV/X) store mail in expanded memory (pool grows as needed) 6 (DV/X) make mailbox into non-owned mailbox Bitfields for DESQview keyboard object flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00454) 5 exclusive input when keyboard in use for input --------Q-1512--BH16------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.20+ - SEND MESSAGE - "GETFLAGS" - GET OBJECT FLAGS AH = 12h BH = 16h BL = object 00h DWORD on top of stack mailbox, keyboard, or pointer only 02h mailbox for task whose handle is on top of stack 03h mailbox for current task 04h keyboard for task whose handle is on top of stack 05h keyboard for current task Return: STACK: DWORD current control flags (see #00453,#00454) Notes: only available if the API level has been set to at least 2.20 if a mailbox has bits 4 or 5 set, you must use "READINTO" rather than "READ" (see AH=12h/BH=13h"READINTO") to retrieve messages SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Ah,AH=12h/BH=0Bh,AH=12h/BH=13h"READINTO",AH=12h/BH=15h --------Q-1512--BH17------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.42-2.52 - BUG AH = 12h BH = 17h BL = object 00h DWORD on top of stack mailbox, keyboard, or pointer only 02h mailbox for task whose handle is on top of stack 03h mailbox for current task 04h keyboard for task whose handle is on top of stack 05h keyboard for current task Return: STACK popped if handle passed on stack Notes: due to a fencepost error, message 17h is accepted for mailboxes, keyboards, and pointers, but causes a random branch DESQview v2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.02 --------Q-1512--BH80------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 00h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 80h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=00h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=00h (Table 00455) Values for DESQview error code: 00h no error 01h invalid values 02h alias invalid 03h handle valid but wrong type 04h invalid handle --------Q-1512--BH81------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 01h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 81h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=01h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=01h --------Q-1512--BH82------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 02h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 82h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=02h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=02h --------Q-1512--BH83------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 03h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 83h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=03h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=03h,AH=12h/BX=0300h --------Q-1512--BH84------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 04h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 84h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=04h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=04h,AH=12h/BX=0400h --------Q-1512--BH85------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 05h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 85h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=05h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=05h --------Q-1512--BH86------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 06h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 86h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=06h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=06h --------Q-1512--BH87------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 07h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 87h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=07h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=07h --------Q-1512--BH88------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 08h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 88h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=08h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=08h --------Q-1512--BH89------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 09h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 89h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=09h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=09h --------Q-1512--BH8A------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 0Ah WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 8Ah Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=0Ah, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Ah --------Q-1512--BH8B------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 0Bh WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 8Bh Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=0Bh, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Bh --------Q-1512--BH8C------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 0Ch WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 8Ch Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=0Ch, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Ch --------Q-1512--BH8D------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 0Dh WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 8Dh Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=0Dh, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Dh --------Q-1512--BH8E------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 0Eh WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 8Eh Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=0Eh, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Eh --------Q-1512--BH8F------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 0Fh WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 8Fh Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=0Fh, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=0Fh --------Q-1512--BH90------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 10h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 90h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=10h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=10h --------Q-1512--BH91------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 11h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 91h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=11h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=11h,AH=12h/BX=1100h --------Q-1512--BH92------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 12h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 92h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=12h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=12h,AH=12h/BX=1200h --------Q-1512--BH93------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 13h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 93h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=13h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=13h --------Q-1512--BH94------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 14h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 94h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=14h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=14h --------Q-1512--BH95------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 15h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 95h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=15h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=15h --------Q-1512--BH96------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - SEND MESSAGE 16h WITH ERROR RECOVERY AH = 12h BH = 96h Note: this function is identical to AH=12h/BH=16h, except that DESQview will not pop up a "Programming Error" window, instead returning an error code in AL (see #00455) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=16h --------T-1513------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX - "sys_wake" - WAKE SLEEPING PROCESS AH = 13h STACK: WORD process ID Return: AX = status (SYS_OK or SYS_ERROR) SeeAlso: AH=12h"VMiX" --------T-1513------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - GET TASK CONTROL BLOCK AH = 13h Return: BX:AX -> task control block (see #00456) SeeAlso: AH=15h"MultiDOS" Format of MultiDOS Plus v4.0 task control block: Offset Size Description (Table 00456) 00h DWORD pointer to next TCB 04h 8 BYTEs ASCIZ task name 0Ch 2 BYTEs ??? 0Eh WORD task PSP segment 10h WORD abort/suspend flags 12h WORD current screen segment (see AH=0Bh,AH=0Ch) 14h WORD priority level (0000h-FFFEh) 16h WORD time slice counter 18h 2 BYTEs ??? 1Ah WORD suspend timer value 1Ch WORD stack segment 1Eh WORD stack pointer 20h WORD display type 22h WORD display memory 24h 2 BYTEs ??? 26h WORD termination count 28h WORD equipment flag for BIO10 driver 2Ah BYTE background CRT mode 2Bh WORD screen width in columns 2Dh WORD screen size in bytes 2Fh WORD segment of physical screen memory 31h 16 BYTEs eight cursor positions 41h WORD current cursor shape 43h BYTE active display page 44h WORD CRT controller I/O port base 46h 2 BYTEs ??? 48h WORD foreground task flag 4Ah 6 BYTEs ??? 50h WORD saved video segment (see AH=0Bh,AH=0Ch) 52h DWORD old INT 22 56h DWORD old INT 23 5Ah DWORD old INT 24 5Eh WORD top of memory for task 60h 4 BYTEs ??? 64h WORD DTA segment (see INT 21/AH=1Ah) 66h WORD DTA offset 68h 4 BYTEs ??? 6Ch BYTE current ANSI.SYS attribute 6Dh BYTE current ANSI.SYS column 6Eh BYTE current ANSI.SYS row 6Fh BYTE current ANSI.SYS display state 70h BYTE maximum ANSI.SYS columns 71h BYTE current ANSI.SYS page 72h WORD saved ANSI.SYS cursor position 74h BYTE ANSI.SYS parameter buffer index 75h BYTE current ANSI.SYS screen mode 76h BYTE ANSI.SYS wrap flag 77h 6 BYTEs ANSI.SYS parameter buffer 7Dh BYTE ANSI.SYS keyboard DSR state 7Eh 7 BYTEs ANSI.SYS keyboard DSR buffer 85h 3 BYTEs ??? 88h 16 BYTEs request header for DOS driver calls 98h 14 BYTEs ??? A6h WORD segment of EMS map if EMS task A8h WORD flag: task makes EMS calls AAh WORD EMS handle for task ACh WORD keyboard shift state AEh 12 BYTEs ??? BAh WORD TCB of parent if child task BCh WORD termination code BEh WORD COM port number C0h 4 BYTEs ??? C4h WORD current IRQ number C6h 2 BYTEs ??? C8h WORD miscellaneous flag word CAh 2 BYTEs ??? CCh DWORD old INT 10 D0h WORD EMS alternate map set number D2h 414 BYTEs DOS current disk and directory context (optional) --------T-1514------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX - "sys_clrwindow" - CLEAR WINDOW AH = 14h STACK: WORD top left corner of window (high byte = row, low = col) WORD bottom right corner of window (high = row, low = col) Return: AX = status (SYS_OK) Note: clears window to color set with "sys_setcolors" (AH=18h) SeeAlso: AH=15h"VMiX",AH=16h"VMiX",AH=18h"VMiX",AH=1Fh"VMiX" --------T-1514------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - CHECK IF MultiDOS FOREGROUND OR BACKGROUND AH = 14h Return: AX = current state 0000h MultiDOS Plus command prompt is background task 0001h command prompt is foreground task SeeAlso: AH=0Bh"MultiDOS" --------T-1515------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX - "sys_setbwindow" - SET BANNER WINDOW MESSAGE AH = 15h STACK: DWORD pointer to ASCIZ banner message for top of screen Return: AX = status (SYS_OK) SeeAlso: AH=14h"VMiX",AH=16h"VMiX" --------T-1515------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - GET SYSTEM BLOCK AH = 15h Return: BX:AX -> system block (see #00457) SeeAlso: AH=13h"MultiDOS" Format of MultiDOS Plus 4.0 system block: Offset Size Description (Table 00457) 00h WORD segment of system control block 02h WORD redirection flag set by /NOREDIRECT 04h WORD no-INT 10 flag set by /NO10 06h DWORD old INT 10 0Ah DWORD new INT 10 0Eh DWORD pointer to WORD with current TCB offset (see #00456) 12h DWORD pointer to WORD with idle task TCB offset 16h DWORD pointer to WORD with foreground TCB offset (see #00456) 1Ah DWORD pointer to WORD with MultiDOS TCB offset (see #00456) 1Eh WORD Task Control Block size 20h WORD number of TCBs 22h WORD flag: EMS present 24h WORD EMS page frame base segment 26h WORD 16K pages in EMS page frame 28h WORD base segment for conventional memory tasks 2Ah WORD conventional memory size in paragraphs 2Ch DWORD pointer to list of queue pointers --------T-1516------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX - "sys_setwindow" - SET ROOT WINDOW SIZE AND HOME CURSOR AH = 16h STACK: DWORD pointer to I/O Request Packet WORD top left corner of window (high byte = row, low = col) WORD bottom right corner of window (high = row, low = col) Return: AX = status (SYS_OK or SYS_ERROR) SeeAlso: AH=14h"VMiX",AH=17h"VMiX" --------T-1516------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - INITIALIZATION AH = 16h Note: used internally during initialization; any other calls will cause unpredictable results --------T-1517------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX - "sys_getcolors" - GET CONSOLE WINDOW COLORS AH = 17h Return: AH = foreground color AL = background color SeeAlso: AH=16h"VMiX",AH=18h"VMiX" --------T-1517------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - MAP IRQ AH = 17h AL = IRQ to map (01h-0Fh) BX = offset of task control block (see #00456) to associate with IRQ Return: AX = status 0000h successful other invalid IRQ Note: the EMS map of the specified TCB is associated with the given interrupt SeeAlso: AH=18h"MultiDOS",AH=19h"MultiDOS" --------T-1518------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX - "sys_setcolors" - SET CONSOLE COLORS AH = 18h STACK: WORD new background/foreground colors bits 3-0: foreground bits 7-4: background bits 15-8: unused Return: AX = color SeeAlso: AH=14h"VMiX",AH=17h"VMiX",AH=19h"VMiX" --------T-1518------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - UNMAP IRQ AH = 18h AL = IRQ to unmap (01h-0Fh) Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h invalid IRQ Note: results are unpredictable if the IRQ has not been mapped SeeAlso: AH=17h"MultiDOS",AH=19h"MultiDOS" --------T-1519------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX v2+ - "sys_setconwn" - SET WINDOW COLORS AH = 19h STACK: WORD new background/foreground colors bits 3-0: foreground bits 7-4: background bits 15-8: unused Return: AX = color SeeAlso: AH=18h"VMiX" --------T-1519------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - UNMAP ALL IRQs AH = 19h Return: AX destroyed Note: for MultiDOS internal use only SeeAlso: AH=17h"MultiDOS",AH=18h"MultiDOS" --------T-151A------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX v2+ - "sys_sint" - INVOKE SOFTWARE INTERRUPT AH = 1Ah STACK: WORD interrupt number DWORD pointer to register structure Return: AX = returned flags --------T-151A------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - MAP SEMAPHORE NAME TO NUMBER AH = 1Ah DS:SI -> 8-byte name Return: AL = status 00h successful AH = semaphore number (20h-3Fh) 04h out of string space Notes: all eight bytes of the name are significant if the name does not already exist, it is added to the name table and associated with a free semaphore number names cannot be destroyed SeeAlso: AH=1Bh"MultiDOS",AH=1Ch"MultiDOS",AH=1Dh"MultiDOS" --------T-151B------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX v2+ - "sys_blkmov" - MOVE MEMORY BLOCK AH = 1Bh STACK: DWORD source address DWORD destination address WORD number of words to move Return: nothing --------T-151B------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - REQUEST RESOURCE SEMAPHORE BY NAME AH = 1Bh DS:SI -> 8-byte name Return: AH = status 00h successful 02h invalid semaphore number 03h caller already owns semaphore 04h out of string space Notes: (see AH=01h"MultiDOS") equivalent to AH=1Ah followed by AH=01h SeeAlso: AH=01h"MultiDOS",AH=1Ah"MultiDOS",AH=1Ch"MultiDOS",AH=1Dh"MultiDOS" --------T-151C------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX v2+ - "sys_bitblt" - PUT GRAPHICAL OBJECT AT CURSOR POSITION AH = 1Ch STACK: WORD AND/OR pixel with background (00h = OR, 01h = AND) DWORD pointer to object bitmap WORD object width in pixels WORD object height in pixels Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=1Dh"VMiX" --------T-151C------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - RELEASE RESOURCE SEMAPHORE BY NAME AH = 1Ch DS:SI -> 8-byte name Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h not semaphore owner 02h invalid semaphore number 04h out of string space Notes: (see AH=02h"MultiDOS") equivalent to AH=1Ah followed by AH=02h SeeAlso: AH=02h"MultiDOS",AH=1Ah"MultiDOS",AH=1Bh"MultiDOS",AH=1Dh"MultiDOS" --------T-151D------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX v2+ - "sys_getfont" - GET CURRENT CONSOLE GRAPHICS FONT AH = 1Dh Return: AX = current font number (00h-03h) SeeAlso: AH=1Ch"VMiX",AH=1Eh"VMiX" --------T-151D------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - TEST RESOURCE SEMAPHORE BY NAME AH = 1Dh DS:SI -> 8-byte name Return: AH = status 00h semaphore not in use 01h semaphore owned by another task 02h invalid semaphore number 03h caller owns semaphore 04h out of string space Notes: (see AH=10h"MultiDOS") equivalent to AH=1Ah followed by AH=10h SeeAlso: AH=10h"MultiDOS",AH=1Ah"MultiDOS",AH=1Bh"MultiDOS",AH=1Ch"MultiDOS" --------T-151E------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX v2+ - "sys_setfont" - SET CONSOLE GRAPHICS FONT AH = 1Eh STACK: WORD new font number (00h-03h) Return: AX = current font number (00h-03h) SeeAlso: AH=1Dh"VMiX" --------T-151E00----------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - CLEAR EVENT COUNTER AX = 1E00h DX = event/trigger number (00h-3Fh) Return: AH = status 00h successful SeeAlso: AX=1E01h,AX=1E02h --------T-151E01----------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - TRIGGER EVENT AX = 1E01h DX = event/trigger number (00h-3Fh) Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h invalid event/trigger number Notes: schedules any task waiting for event; if no task is waiting, the event counter is incremented (and will roll over if it was 65535) may be invoked by interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=1E00h,AX=1E02h --------T-151E02----------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus - WAIT FOR EVENT AX = 1E02h DX = event/trigger number (00h-3Fh) Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h invalid event/trigger number Note: if the event counter is zero, the task is suspended until the event is triggered with AX=1E01h; else, the counter is decremented and the call returns immediately SeeAlso: AX=1E00h,AX=1E01h --------T-151E08----------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus 4.01 - SET CONTEXT-SWITCH FUNCTIONS AX = 1E08h DX:BX -> context save handler (see #00458) DX:CX -> context restore handler (see #00458) Return: nothing Note: handlers may be removed by setting addresses to 0000h:0000h (Table 00458) Values MultiDOS Plus context-switch handlers are called with: ES:BX -> task's TCB Return: all registers preserved --------T-151F------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX v2.???+ - "sys_scrollwin" - SCROLL WINDOW AH = 1Fh STACK: WORD top left corner of window (high byte = row, low = col) WORD bottom right corner of window Return: AX = status (SYS_OK) SeeAlso: AH=14h"VMiX",AH=18h"VMiX" --------T-151F------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus v4.01 - GET MEMORY PARAMETERS AH = 1Fh Return: BX = first segment of conventional memory DX = first segment of EMS swap frame into which MultiDOS will load programs --------T-1520------------------------------- INT 15 - MultiDOS Plus v4.01 - CHECK IF MULTITASKING ENABLED AH = 20h Return: AX = current state 0000h multitasking enabled other TCB of task that disabled multitasking SeeAlso: AH=0Dh"MultiDOS",AH=13h"MultiDOS" --------c-152000----------------------------- INT 15 U - DOS 3.0+ PRINT.COM - DISABLE CRITICAL REGION FLAG AX = 2000h Return: nothing Desc: stop setting user flag on entry to PRINT critical region Note: also supported by PC Network v1.00 RECEIVER.COM SeeAlso: AX=2001h --------c-152001----------------------------- INT 15 U - DOS 3.0+ PRINT.COM - SET CRITICAL REGION FLAG AX = 2001h ES:BX -> byte which is to be incremented while in a DOS call Return: nothing Desc: specify a user flag which PRINT should set to let an interested application know it is in a critical region Note: also supported by PC Network v1.00 RECEIVER.COM SeeAlso: AX=2000h --------O-152010----------------------------- INT 15 - OS HOOK - SETUP SYSREQ ROUTINE (AT,XT286,PS50+) AX = 2010h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=2011h --------O-152011----------------------------- INT 15 - OS HOOK - COMPLETION OF SYSREQ FUNCTION (AT,XT286,PS50+) AX = 2011h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=2010h --------B-1521------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - POWER-ON SELF-TEST ERROR LOG (PS50+) AH = 21h AL = subfunction 00h read POST log 01h write POST log BH = device ID BL = error code Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status 00h OK 01h list full 02h unsupported subfunction 80h invalid command 86h unsupported function if function 00h: BX = number of error codes stored ES:DI -> error log Notes: the log is a series of words, the first byte of which identifies the error code and the second the device. supported by AMI PCI BIOS IBM considers this a required BIOS function if the device ID is FFh, the "error code" is the actual device number minus 255 (thus these devices have no specific error codes) SeeAlso: AH=23h"SYSTEM",AH=24h"SYSTEM" --------B-1522------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - later PS/2s - LOCATE ROM BASIC AH = 22h Return: CF set on error AH = status (86h if function not supported) CF clear on success AH = 00h ES:BX -> ROM BASIC Notes: if this function is not supported, ROM BASIC is at F600h:0000h IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: INT 86"BASIC",INT F0"BASIC" --------B-152300----------------------------- INT 15 u - IBM BIOS - SMART ENERGY SYSTEM - GET ??? CMOS DATA AX = 2300h Return: CF clear if successful CL = value of CMOS location 2Dh CH = value of CMOS location 2Eh CF set on error AH = error code (80h,86h) Note: IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AX=2301h,AX=2304h,AX=2305h --------B-152301----------------------------- INT 15 u - IBM BIOS - SMART ENERGY SYSTEM - SET ??? CMOS DATA AX = 2301h CL = new value for CMOS location 2Dh CH = new value for CMOS location 2Eh Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = error code (80h,86h) Notes: sets the contents of CMOS locations 2Dh and 2Eh IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AX=2300h,AX=2304h,AX=2305h --------B-152302----------------------------- INT 15 u - IBM BIOS - SMART ENERGY SYSTEM - GET ROM STARTUP VIDEO REG TABLES AX = 2302h BL = data index (00h-0Dh) (see #00459) Return: ES:BX -> table for register (see #00460,#00461) CX = size of table in bytes (may be 0000h) Note: IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AX=2300h,AX=2301h,AX=2303h (Table 00459) Values for PS/1 ROM startup video register tables: 00h DAC registers 01h ??? 02h Palette registers 03h-0Dh ??? Format of PS/1 ROM startup DAC register table: Offset Size Description (Table 00460) 00h WORD number of DAC registers in table 02h var array of 3-byte DAC register values, starting at register 00h SeeAlso: #00459 Format of PS/1 ROM startup Palette register table: Offset Size Description (Table 00461) 00h 16 BYTEs colors for palette registers 00h through 0Fh 10h BYTE border color SeeAlso: #00459,#00018 --------B-152303----------------------------- INT 15 U - IBM BIOS - SMART ENERGY SYSTEM - ??? AX = 2303h BX = ??? ('x') DX = 'y' and 'z' bits 15-7 = 'y' bits 6-3 unused bits 2-0 = 'z' DI = ??? (0352h) Return: ??? Notes: performs graphics functions, writes to segment A000h and VGA I/O ports IBM classifies this function as optional --------B-152304----------------------------- INT 15 u - IBM BIOS - SMART ENERGY SYSTEM - SYSTEM SETUP AX = 2304h DX = segment of 32K buffer Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0003h (left over from setting video mode 3) BX,CX,DX,BP,DS,ES destroyed CF set on error AH = error code (80h,86h) Desc: run system setup utility, and optionally save any changed settings to CMOS RAM Note: IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AX=2301h,AX=2305h --------B-152305----------------------------- INT 15 u - IBM BIOS - SMART ENERGY SYSTEM - GET PROCESSOR SPEED AX = 2305h Return: CF clear if successful AL = processor speed in MHz CF set on error AL = FFh (speed unknown or >80 MHz) AL = error code (80h,86h = unsupported function) Note: IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AX=2301h,AX=2304h,AH=BCh --------b-152400----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - later PS/2s - DISABLE A20 GATE AX = 2400h Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = status 01h keyboard controller is in secure mode 86h function not supported Notes: also supported by AMI PCI BIOS and Qualitas 386MAX v6.01+ IBM classifies this function as optional BUG: AMI BIOS v1.00.03.AV0M never reports an error on failure to disable the A20 gate; it simply writes 0 to PORT 0092h SeeAlso: AX=2401h,AX=2402h,AX=2403h,PORT 0092h --------b-152401----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - later PS/2s - ENABLE A20 GATE AX = 2401h Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = status 01h keyboard controller is in secure mode 86h function not supported Notes: also supported by AMI PCI BIOS and Qualitas 386MAX v6.01+ IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AX=2400h,AX=2402h,PORT 0092h --------b-152402----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - later PS/2s - GET A20 GATE STATUS AX = 2402h Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h AL = current state (00h disabled, 01h enabled) CX = ??? (set to 0000h-000Bh or FFFFh by AMI BIOS v1.00.03.AV0M) FFFFh if keyboard controller does not become ready within C000h read attempts CF set on error AH = status 01h keyboard controller is in secure mode 86h function not supported Notes: also supported by AMI PCI BIOS and Qualitas 386MAX v6.01+ IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AX=2400h,AX=2401h --------b-152403----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - later PS/2s - QUERY A20 GATE SUPPORT AX = 2403h Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h BX = status of A20 gate support (see #00462) CF set on error AH = status 01h keyboard controller is in secure mode 86h function not supported Notes: also supported by AMI PCI BIOS and Qualitas 386MAX v6.01+ IBM classifies this function as optional BUG: at one point early in processing INT 15/AH=24h, the AMI PCI BIOS version 1.00.05.AX1 compares whether AL==03h instead of AL>=03h, thus causing a random branch on any value of AL greater than 3. SeeAlso: AX=2402h Bitfields for A20 gate support status: Bit(s) Description (Table 00462) 0 supported on keyboard controller 1 supported with bit 1 of I/O port 92h 14-2 reserved 15 additional data is available (location not yet defined) --------T-153000----------------------------- INT 15 - Object Kernel for DOS - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 3000h Return: AX:BX = 4F42h:4A21h ('OBJ!') if installed CX = resident segment Program: the Object Kernel is a program by M.W. Pieters which is currently under development Note: Central Point's CPBACKUP v9 calls INT 15/AX=3000h at startup, but it may be checking for a different program's presence SeeAlso: AX=3001h,AX=3008h --------T-153001----------------------------- INT 15 - Object Kernel for DOS - GET STATUS BLOCK AX = 3001h Return: AX = FFFFh ES:DI -> status block SeeAlso: AX=3000h,AX=3008h --------T-153002----------------------------- INT 15 - Object Kernel for DOS - KILL PROCESS AX = 3002h (not yet implemented) SeeAlso: AX=3000h --------T-153003----------------------------- INT 15 - Object Kernel for DOS - STOP PROCESS AX = 3003h (not yet implemented) SeeAlso: AX=3000h --------T-153004----------------------------- INT 15 - Object Kernel for DOS - START PROCESS AX = 3004h (not yet implemented) SeeAlso: AX=3000h --------T-153005----------------------------- INT 15 - Object Kernel for DOS - RESTART PROCESS AX = 3005h (not yet implemented) SeeAlso: AX=3000h --------T-153006----------------------------- INT 15 - Object Kernel for DOS - EXECUTE PROCESS AX = 3006h (not yet implemented) SeeAlso: AX=3000h --------T-153007----------------------------- INT 15 - Object Kernel for DOS - LIST PROCESSES AX = 3007h (not yet implemented) SeeAlso: AX=3000h --------T-153008----------------------------- INT 15 - Object Kernel for DOS - SWITCH ObjectKernel ON/OFF AX = 3008h BH = new state (00h disabled, 01h enabled) Return: AX = FFFFh SeeAlso: AX=3000h,AX=3009h --------T-153009----------------------------- INT 15 - Object Kernel for DOS - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE AX = 3009h to 30FFh SeeAlso: AX=3000h Program: the Object Kernel is a program by M.W. Pieters which is currently under development ----------153D------------------------------- INT 15 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AH = 3Dh SeeAlso: AH=07h"IBM",AH=3Eh"IBM" ----------153E------------------------------- INT 15 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AH = 3Eh SeeAlso: AH=3Dh"IBM",AH=3Fh"IBM" ----------153F------------------------------- INT 15 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AH = 3Fh SeeAlso: AH=07h"IBM",AH=3Eh"IBM" --------B-1540------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - READ/MODIFY PROFILES (CONVERTIBLE) AH = 40h AL = subfunction 00h get system profile in CX and BX 01h set system profile from CX and BX 02h get internal modem profile in BX 03h set internal modem profile from BX Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = status (80h = profile execution failed) --------V-154000----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq SLT/286 or Portable 386 - READ LCD/PLASMA TIMEOUT AX = 4000h Return: AX = 4000h CL = timeout in minutes, 00h if disabled SeeAlso: AX=4001h,AX=4600h --------V-154001----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq SLT/286 or Portable 386 - SET LCD/PLASMA TIMEOUT AX = 4001h CL = timeout in minutes, 00h to disable Return: AL = status 00h timeout modified 01h timeout cannot be modified 40h timeout cannot be modified CL = timeout in minutes, 00h if disabled SeeAlso: AX=4000h,AX=4601h --------B-1541------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - WAIT ON EXTERNAL EVENT (CONVERTIBLE and some others) AH = 41h AL = condition type (see #00463) BH = condition compare or mask value BL = timeout value times 55 milliseconds 00h means no timeout DX = I/O port address if AL bit 4 set ES:DI -> user byte if AL bit 4 clear Return: after event or timeout occurs Note: call AH=C0h and examine bit 3 of feature byte 1 to determine whether this function is supported SeeAlso: AH=83h,AH=86h,AH=C0h Bitfields for external event wait condition type: Bit(s) Description (Table 00463) 0-2 condition to wait for 0 any external event 1 compare and return if equal 2 compare and return if not equal 3 test and return if not zero 4 test and return if zero 3 reserved 4 1=port address, 0=user byte 5-7 reserved --------B-1542------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - REQUEST POWER OFF (CONVERTIBLE,HP 95LX) AH = 42h AL = suspend type 00h to use system profile 01h to force suspend regardless of system profile Return: nothing Note: the HP 95LX apparently suspends regardless of the value in AL; on power-up, execution will resume following the instruction calling this function SeeAlso: AH=44h --------b-154280----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq SLT/286 - ENTER STANDBY AX = 4280h Return: AH = 42h CF clear if successful CF set if unable to enter standby SeeAlso: AX=4600h,AX=5307h/CX=0001h"STAND-BY" --------B-1543------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - READ SYSTEM STATUS (CONVERTIBLE) AH = 43h Return: AL = status bits (see #00464) Bitfields for Convertible system status: Bit(s) Description (Table 00464) 7 power low 6 external power in use 5 standby power lost 4 power activated by alarm 3 internal modem powered on 2 RS232/parallel adapter powered on 1 reserved 0 LCD detached --------B-1544------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - (DE)ACTIVATE INTERNAL MODEM POWER (CONVERTIBLE) AH = 44h AL = new modem power state (00h power off, 01h power on) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=42h --------b-1544C0----------------------------- INT 15 - Olivetti Quaderno - INITIALIZE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING??? AX = 44C0h ES:DI -> new DSP procedure (exchanged with CMOS[28h]) ES:SI -> ??? buffer Return: ES:DI -> old DSP procedure ES:SI buffer filled with ten bytes from CMOS (addresses 14h-1Ch) followed by 00h (addresses 15h-1Ch copied only if less than 21h) Note: this function is also supported by XBIOS.COM SeeAlso: AX=44C9h --------b-1544C1----------------------------- INT 15 - Olivetti Quaderno - ??? AX = 44C1h ??? Return: ??? Note: this function is also supported by XBIOS.COM SeeAlso: AX=44C9h --------b-1544C2----------------------------- INT 15 - Olivetti Quaderno - ??? AX = 44C2h DL = byte to be written to I/O port 350h Note: this function is also supported by XBIOS.COM SeeAlso: AX=44C3h,AX=44C9h --------b-1544C3----------------------------- INT 15 - Olivetti Quaderno - GET ??? AX = 44C3h Return: DH = bitfields (see #00465) DL = value read from I/O port 350h Note: this function is also supported by XBIOS.COM SeeAlso: AX=44C2h,AX=44C9h Bitfields for Olivetti Quaderno ???: Bit(s) Description (Table 00465) 5-7 5-7 read from I/O port 351h 2-4 zero 1-0 "tres complique" --------b-1544C4----------------------------- INT 15 - Olivetti Quaderno - ??? AX = 44C4h and 44C5h ??? Return: ??? Note: this function is also supported by XBIOS.COM SeeAlso: AX=44C9h --------b-1544C6----------------------------- INT 15 - Olivetti Quaderno - READ LCD AX = 44C6h Return: DX = FFFFh clock is displayed on LCD display DX = other: hex number displayed in first four positions of display BH = left alphanumeric character on display (see #00466) BL = right alphanumeric character on display (see #00466) CL = colon flags (see #00467) Notes: the LCD display has the format HH:HH:AA, where H is a hex digit and A is an alphanumeric character this function is also supported by XBIOS.COM SeeAlso: AX=44C7h,AX=44C9h (Table 00466) Values for Olivetti Quaderno LCD alphanumeric characters: 00h-0Fh hex digit 2Bh "+" 2Dh "-" 30h-39h "0" to "9" 41h-5Ah "A" to "Z" 61h-6Ah "a" to "z" else blank Bitfields for Olivetti Quaderno LCD colon flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00467) 0 left colon on 1 right colon on 2-7 unused --------b-1544C7----------------------------- INT 15 - Olivetti Quaderno - WRITE LCD AX = 44C7h DX = hex display FFFFh display clock and "HI", "Md", or "Lo" BH,BL,CL unused other: display specified hex number in first four positions BH = left alphanumeric character on display (see #00466) BL = right alphanumeric character on display (see #00466) CL = colon flags (see #00467) Return: nothing Note: this function is also supported by XBIOS.COM SeeAlso: AX=44C6h --------b-1544C8----------------------------- INT 15 - Olivetti Quaderno - ??? AX = 44C8h CL = ??? (00h,02h,21h) CH = ??? ??? Return: ??? Note: this function is also supported by XBIOS.COM SeeAlso: AX=44C9h --------b-1544C9----------------------------- INT 15 - Olivetti Quaderno - GET XBIOS VERSION AX = 44C9h Return: AL = major version AH = minor version Note: this function is also supported by XBIOS.COM --------B-1544F1----------------------------- INT 15 U - Toshiba laptops - SECURITY LEVEL CHECK AX = 44F1h DS:DX -> byte with 00h ??? Return: ??? Note: used by Toshiba BIOS setup utility TSETUP.EXE to distinguish between USER and SUPERVISOR security level SeeAlso: AX=44F2h,AX=44F3h --------B-1544F2BX0604----------------------- INT 15 U - Toshiba laptops - SECURITY LEVEL CHECK AX = 44F2h BX = 0604h ??? Return: CF = ??? AH = ??? DX = ??? Note: used by Toshiba BIOS setup utility TSETUP.EXE to distinguish between USER and SUPERVISOR security level SeeAlso: AX=44F1h,AX=44F3h --------B-1544F3----------------------------- INT 15 U - Toshiba laptops - SECURITY LEVEL CHECK AX = 44F3h DS:DX -> byte with 00h or 01h ??? Return: DS:DX -> changed ??? Note: used by Toshiba BIOS setup utility TSETUP.EXE to distinguish between USER and SUPERVISOR security level SeeAlso: AX=44F1h,AX=44F2h --------b-1545------------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - SET DISPLAY CONTROL STATUS AH = 45h AL = new display control status bit 0: DISPCTL flag +C instead of -C bit 1: DISPCTL flag +K instead of -K SeeAlso: AH=46h"HP",AH=47h"HP" --------b-1546------------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - SET POWER OFF TIMEOUT AH = 46h BX = timeout value in ticks 0000h inhibit auto power off Note: the 200LX default timeout is 0CCDh = 3277 ticks = approx. 3 min. SeeAlso: AH=45h"HP",AH=47h"HP" --------b-154600----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq SLT/286 - READ POWER CONSERVATION/MODEM CONFIGURATION AX = 4600h Return: AH = modem configuration information (see #00468) AL = power conservation status information (see #00469) BH = default system inactivity timeout (1-21 minutes) BL = current system inactivity timeout (1-21 minutes) CH = default video display inactivity timeout (1-63 minutes) CL = current video display inactivity timeout (1-63 minutes) DH = default fixed disk drive inactivity timeout (1-21 minutes) DL = current fixed disk drive inactivity timeout (1-21 minutes) SeeAlso: AX=4280h,AX=4601h,INT 77 Bitfields for Compaq SLT/286 modem configuration information: Bit(s) Description (Table 00468) 0 powerup state (0 off, 1 on) 1 modem installed 2 IRQ line assignment (0 IRQ 4, 1 IRQ 3) 3 COM port assignment (0 = COM 2, 1 = COM 1) 4 modem state (0 not assigned, 1 assigned) 5 modem is on Bitfields for Compaq SLT/286 power conservation status: Bit(s) Description (Table 00469) 0 power source (0 internal, 1 external) 1-2 low battery state 00 no low battery condition 01 low battery 1 10 reserved 11 low battery 2 3-4 power conservation mode 00 automatic, 01 on, 10 off, 11 reserved --------b-154601----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq SLT/286 - MODIFY POWER CONSERVATION/MODEM CONFIGURATION AX = 4601h BL = system inactivity timeout (1-21 minutes) FFh do not change CL = video display inactivity timeout (1-63 minutes) FFh do not change DL = current fixed disk drive inactivity timeout (1-21 minutes) FFh do not change DH = new modem state (00h turn off, 01h turn on, FFh don't change) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h BL = current system inactivity timeout (1-21 minutes) CL = current video display inactivity timeout (1-63 minutes) DL = current fixed disk drive inactivity timeout (1-21 minutes) DH = modem state (FFh unchanged, 00h turned off, 01h turned on) CF set on error AH = error code 01h input is out of range 02h no modem present SeeAlso: AX=4600h,INT 77 --------b-154604----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq Contura 486 and "Alladin" 1993/08/05 ROMs - GET ??? AX = 4604h Return: CF clear if successful AL = byte read from I/O port 03F8h CF set on error (not supported) AH = 86h (unsupported function) Note: also supported by 1993/7/26 LTE Lite 386 ROM --------b-154605----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq Contura 486 and "Alladin" 1993/08/05 ROMs - ??? AX = 4605h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (not supported) AH = 86h (unsupported function) Note: this function is a NOP (other than clearing CF) in the 1993/08/05 version of the Contura 486/486c/486cx and "Aladdin" ROM, and the 1993/7/26 LTE Lite 386 ROM --------b-1547------------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - GET/SET DISPLAY CONTRAST AH = 47h AL = subfunction 00h set contrast BL = new contrast (00h-0Fh, 0Fh is darkest, 10h-FFh are same as 0Fh) other get current contrast Return: AL = contrast (00h-0Fh, 0Fh is darkest) Note: may be for backward compatibility with HP95LX, as INT 15/AH=62h does substantially the same thing as this function SeeAlso: AH=45h"HP",AH=48h"HP",AH=62h"HP" --------b-1548------------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - SET BUZZER VOLUME AH = 48h AL = volume (00h-03h; 03h is loudest, 04h-FFh are same as 03h) SeeAlso: AH=47h"HP" --------S-1549------------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - SERIAL INTERFACE SELECT AH = 49h AL = serial interface 00h wired (COM1) 01h infrared Note: interface should only be changed in deactivated state (see AH=4Ah) SeeAlso: AH=4Ah"HP" --------J-154900----------------------------- INT 15 - Far East MS-DOS - GET BIOS TYPE AX = 4900h Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h BL = BIOS mode 00h DOS/V 01h standard DBCS DOS (hardware DBCS support) CF set on error AH = 86h (function not supported) Note: in practice, DOS/J returns AH=86h; AX DOS does not support this call SeeAlso: AH=50h,INT 21/AH=30h --------S-154A------------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - SERIAL INTERFACE CONTROL AH = 4Ah AL = control 00h deactivate 01h activate Note: interface selected with AH=49h will be (de)activated SeeAlso: AH=49h"HP",AH=4Bh"HP" --------b-154B------------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - ADJUST SYSTEM TIME AH = 4Bh Desc: adjust system time based on real-time clock SeeAlso: AH=4Ah"HP",INT 1A/AH=02h,INT 21/AH=2Ch --------b-154DD4----------------------------- INT 15 - HP 95LX/100LX/200LX - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 4DD4h Return: BX = 4850h ("HP") if HP 95LX/100LX/200LX CX = model 0101h HP 95LX 0102h HP 100LX/200LX DH = ??? 02h HP 200LX 2MB BIOS 1.01 A D german DL = ??? 00h HP 95LX 01h HP 200LX 2MB BIOS 1.01 A D german SeeAlso: INT 0B"HP 95LX",INT 0F"HP 95LX",INT 5F/AH=00h,INT 60/DI=0100h SeeAlso: INT 61"HP 95LX" --------b-154E------------------------------- INT 15 - HP 95LX - ENABLE/DISABLE LIGHT SLEEP AH = 4Eh AL = light sleep 00h disabled 01h enabled Note: when light sleep is disabled, the system will continue running at full speed; when enabled, it may automatically slow to conserve batteries SeeAlso: INT 06"HP 95LX",INT 60/DI=0100h ----------154E------------------------------- INT 15 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AH = 4Eh SeeAlso: AH=07h"IBM",AH=3Eh"IBM" --------B-154F------------------------------- INT 15 C - KEYBOARD - KEYBOARD INTERCEPT (AT model 3x9,XT2,XT286,CONV,PS) AH = 4Fh AL = hardware scan code (see #00006) CF set Return: CF set to continue processing scan code AL = possibly-altered hardware scan code (see #00006) CF clear scan code should be ignored Notes: called by INT 09 handler to translate scan codes; the INT 09 code does not examine the scan code it reads from the keyboard until after this function returns. This permits software to rearrange the keyboard; for example, swapping the CapsLock and Control keys, or turning the right Shift key into Enter. DOS 6 KEYB.COM will not pass through this function if Ctrl-Alt-Del is pressed and a SmartDrive v4-compatible cache is installed which has dirty cache buffers; some other disk caches such as HyperDisk operate similarly in order to prevent loss of cached data which has not yet been written to disk IBM classifies this function as required SeeAlso: INT 09,INT 15/AH=C0h --------J-1550------------------------------- INT 15 - DOS/V - FONT SUBSYSTEM ACCESS AH = 50h AL = which function address to retrieve 00h "read font" function 01h "write font" function BL = 00h BH = character size (00h single-byte, 01h double-byte) DH = width of character cell DL = height of character cell BP = code page (see #00470) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h ES:BX -> requested function's address CF set on error AH = error code (see #00471) SeeAlso: AH=49h (Table 00470) Values for DOS/V code page: 0 default 437 US English 932 Japanese 934 Korea 936 China 938 Taiwan SeeAlso: #01757 (Table 00471) Values for DOS/V error code: 01h invalid font type in BH 02h BL not zero 03h invalid font size 04h invalid code page 80h unsupported function (PC) 86h unsupported function (XT) SeeAlso: #01680 --------T-1550------------------------------- INT 15 - VMIX v2.???+ - "sys_vm_page" - SET NEW VIRTUAL PAGE TABLE AH = 50h BX = segment of page directory table CX = page number of page table SeeAlso: AH=10h"VMiX",AH=51h"VMiX",AH=52h"VMiX" --------T-1551------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX v2.???+ - "sys_vm_func" - EXECUTE FUNCTION IN PROTECTED MODE AH = 51h STACK: DWORD selector:offset of function Return: registers as returned by function Note: executes function with privilege level 0 (highest privilege) SeeAlso: AH=10h"VMiX",AH=52h"VMiX" --------B-155101----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - later PS/2s - EXPANSION UNIT, RETURN CONFIGURATION NUMBER AX = 5101h Return: CF set if successful AH = 00h AL = current configuration number 00h system unit only FFh configuration not recognized BX = status flag bits 0-14: reserved bit 15: additional data is available (location TBD) CF clear on error AH = status 01h expansion unit is not present 86h function not supported Note: CF convention is the reverse of the standard convention for this interrupt. (Perhaps a typo in the IBM BIOS Tech Ref?) --------T-1552------------------------------- INT 15 - VMiX v2.???+ - "sys_vm_init" - INITIALIZE PROTECTED-MODE ENVIRONMENT AH = 52h SeeAlso: AH=50h"VMiX",AH=51h"VMiX" --------d-1552------------------------------- INT 15 C - IBM/MS INT 13 Extensions - MEDIA EJECT INTERCEPT AH = 52h DL = drive number Return: CF clear if OK to eject media AH = 00h CF set if ejection disallowed AH = error code (B1h,B3h) (see #00234) Note: called by the IBM/MS INT 13 Extensions driver/BIOS when an ejection request is made SeeAlso: INT 13/AH=46h"INT 13 Extensions" --------p-155300----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 5300h BX = device ID of system BIOS (0000h) Return: CF clear if successful AH = major version (BCD) AL = minor version (BCD) BX = 504Dh ("PM") CX = flags (see #00472) CF set on error AH = error code (06h,09h,86h) (see #00473) BUG: early versions of the Award Modular BIOS with built-in APM support reportedly do not set BX on return Bitfields for APM flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00472) 0 16-bit protected mode interface supported 1 32-bit protected mode interface supported 2 CPU idle call reduces processor speed 3 BIOS power management disabled 4 BIOS power management disengaged (APM v1.1) 5-7 reserved (Table 00473) Values for APM error code: 01h power management functionality disabled 02h interface connection already in effect 03h interface not connected 04h real-mode interface not connected 05h 16-bit protected-mode interface already connected 06h 16-bit protected-mode interface not supported 07h 32-bit protected-mode interface already connected 08h 32-bit protected-mode interface not supported 09h unrecognized device ID 0Ah invalid parameter value in CX 0Bh (APM v1.1) interface not engaged 0Ch (APM v1.2) function not supported 0Dh (APM v1.2) Resume Timer disabled 0Eh-1Fh reserved for other interface and general errors 20h-3Fh reserved for CPU errors 40h-5Fh reserved for device errors 60h can't enter requested state 61h-7Fh reserved for other system errors 80h no power management events pending 81h-85h reserved for other power management event errors 86h APM not present 87h-9Fh reserved for other power management event errors A0h-FEh reserved FFh undefined --------p-155301----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - CONNECT REAL-MODE INTERFACE AX = 5301h BX = device ID of system BIOS (0000h) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = error code (02h,05h,07h,09h) (see #00473) Note: on connection, an APM v1.1 or v1.2 BIOS switches to APM v1.0 compatibility mode until it is informed that the user supports a newer version of APM (see AX=530Eh) SeeAlso: AX=5302h,AX=5303h,AX=5304h --------p-155302----------------------------- INT 15 R - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - CONNECT 16-BIT PROTMODE INTERFACE AX = 5302h BX = device ID of system BIOS (0000h) Return: CF clear if successful AX = real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 16-bit code segment BX = offset of entry point CX = real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 16-bit data segment ---APM v1.1--- SI = APM BIOS code segment length DI = APM BIOS data segment length CF set on error AH = error code (02h,05h,06h,07h,09h) (see #00473) Notes: the caller must initialize two consecutive descriptors with the returned segment base addresses; these descriptors must be valid whenever the protected-mode interface is called, and will have their limits arbitrarily set to 64K. the protected mode interface is invoked by making a far call with the same register values as for INT 15; it must be invoked while CPL=0, the code segment descriptor must have a DPL of 0, the stack must be in a 16-bit segment and have enough room for BIOS use and possible interrupts, and the current I/O permission bit map must allow access to the I/O ports used for power management. functions 00h-03h are not available from protected mode on connection, an APM v1.1 or v1.2 BIOS switches to APM v1.0 compatibility mode until it is informed that the user supports a newer version of APM (see AX=530Eh) SeeAlso: AX=5301h,AX=5303h,AX=5304h --------p-155303----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - CONNECT 32-BIT PROTMODE INTERFACE AX = 5303h BX = device ID of system BIOS (0000h) Return: CF clear if successful AX = real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 32-bit code segment EBX = offset of entry point CX = real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 16-bit code segment DX = real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 16-bit data segment ---APM v1.1--- SI = APM BIOS code segment length DI = APM BIOS data segment length CF set on error AH = error code (02h,05h,07h,08h,09h) (see #00473) Notes: the caller must initialize three consecutive descriptors with the returned segment base addresses for 32-bit code, 16-bit code, and 16-bit data, respectively; these descriptors must be valid whenever the protected-mode interface is called, and will have their limits arbitrarily set to 64K. the protected mode interface is invoked by making a far call to the 32-bit code segment with the same register values as for INT 15; it must be invoked while CPL=0, the code segment descriptor must have a DPL of 0, the stack must be in a 32-bit segment and have enough room for BIOS use and possible interrupts, and the current I/O permission bit map must allow access to the I/O ports used for power management. functions 00h-03h are not available from protected mode on connection, an APM v1.1 or v1.2 BIOS switches to APM v1.0 compatibility mode until it is informed that the user supports a newer version of APM (see AX=530Eh) SeeAlso: AX=5301h,AX=5302h,AX=5304h --------p-155304----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - DISCONNECT INTERFACE AX = 5304h BX = device ID of system BIOS (0000h) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = error code (03h,09h) (see #00473) SeeAlso: AX=5301h,AX=5302h,AX=5303h --------p-155305----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - CPU IDLE AX = 5305h Return: CF clear if successful (after system leaves idle state) CF set on error AH = error code (03h,0Bh) (see #00473) Notes: call when the system is idle and should be suspended until the next system event or interrupt should not be called from within a hardware interrupt handler to avoid reentrance problems if an interrupt causes the system to resume normal processing, the interrupt may or may not have been handled when the BIOS returns from this call; thus, the caller should allow interrupts on return interrupt handlers may not retain control if the BIOS allows interrupts while in idle mode even if they are able to determine that they were called from idle mode the caller should issue this call continuously in a loop until it needs to perform some processing of its own SeeAlso: AX=1000h,AX=5306h,INT 2F/AX=1680h --------p-155306----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - CPU BUSY AX = 5306h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = error code (03h,0Bh) (see #00473) Notes: called to ensure that the system runs at full speed even on systems where the BIOS is unable to recognize increased activity (especially if interrupts are hooked by other programs and not chained to the BIOS) this call may be made even when the system is already running at full speed, but it will create unnecessary overhead should not be called from within a hardware interrupt handler to avoid reentrance problems SeeAlso: AX=5305h --------p-155307----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - SET POWER STATE AX = 5307h BX = device ID (see #00474) CX = system state ID (see #00475) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = error code (01h,03h,09h,0Ah,0Bh,60h) (see #00473) Note: should not be called from within a hardware interrupt handler to avoid reentrance problems SeeAlso: AX=530Ch (Table 00474) Values for APM device IDs: 0000h system BIOS 0001h all devices for which the system BIOS manages power 01xxh display (01FFh for all attached display devices) 02xxh secondary storage (02FFh for all attached secondary storage devices) 03xxh parallel ports (03FFh for all attached parallel ports) 04xxh serial ports (04FFh for all attached serial ports) ---APM v1.1+ --- 05xxh network adapters (05FFh for all attached network adapters) 06xxh PCMCIA sockets (06FFh for all) 0700h-7FFFh reserved 80xxh system battery devices (APM v1.2) 8100h-DFFFh reserved Exxxh OEM-defined power device IDs F000h-FFFFh reserved (Table 00475) Values for system state ID: 0000h ready (not supported for device ID 0001h) 0001h stand-by 0002h suspend 0003h off (not supported for device ID 0001h in APM v1.0) ---APM v1.1--- 0004h last request processing notification (only for device ID 0001h) 0005h last request rejected (only for device ID 0001h) 0006h-001Fh reserved system states 0020h-003Fh OEM-defined system states 0040h-007Fh OEM-defined device states 0080h-FFFFh reserved device states --------p-155307CX0001----------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - SYSTEM STAND-BY AX = 5307h CX = 0001h BX = 0001h (device ID for all power-managed devices) Return: CF clear Notes: puts the entire system into stand-by mode; normally called in response to a System Stand-by Request notification after any necessary processing, but may also be invoked at the caller's discretion should not be called from within a hardware interrupt handler to avoid reentrance problems the stand-by state is typically exited on an interrupt SeeAlso: AX=4280h,AX=5307h/CX=0002h"SUSPEND",AX=5307h/CX=0003h,AX=530Bh --------p-155307CX0002----------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - SUSPEND SYSTEM AX = 5307h CX = 0002h BX = 0001h (device ID for all power-managed devices) Return: after system is resumed CF clear Notes: puts the entire system into a low-power suspended state; normally called in response to a Suspend System Request notification after any necessary processing, but may also be invoked at the caller's discretion should not be called from within a hardware interrupt handler to avoid reentrance problems the caller may need to update its date and time values because the system could have been suspended for a long period of time SeeAlso: AX=5307h/CX=0001h"STAND-BY",AX=530Bh --------p-155307CX0003----------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.2 - TURN OFF SYSTEM AX = 5307h CX = 0003h BX = 0001h (device ID for all power-managed devices) Return: after system is resumed CF clear Notes: if supported by the system's power supply, turns off the system power SeeAlso: AX=5307h/CX=0001h"STAND-BY",AX=530Bh --------p-155308----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - ENABLE/DISABLE POWER MANAGEMENT AX = 5308h BX = device ID for all devices power-managed by APM 0001h (APM v1.1+) FFFFh (APM v1.0) CX = new state 0000h disabled 0001h enabled Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = error code (01h,03h,09h,0Ah,0Bh) (see #00473) Notes: when power management is disabled, the system BIOS will not automatically power down devices, enter stand-by or suspended mode, or perform any power-saving actions in response to AX=5305h calls should not be called from within a hardware interrupt handler to avoid reentrance problems the APM BIOS should never be both disabled and disengaged at the same time SeeAlso: AX=5309h,AX=530Dh,AX=530Fh --------p-155309----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - RESTORE POWER-ON DEFAULTS AX = 5309h BX = device ID for all devices power-managed by APM 0001h (APM v1.1) FFFFh (APM v1.0) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = error code (03h,09h,0Bh) (see #00473) Note: should not be called from within a hardware interrupt handler to avoid reentrance problems SeeAlso: AX=5308h --------p-15530A----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - GET POWER STATUS AX = 530Ah BX = device ID 0001h all devices power-managed by APM 80xxh specific battery unit number XXh (01h-FFh) (APM v1.2) Return: CF clear if successful BH = AC line status 00h off-line 01h on-line 02h on backup power (APM v1.1) FFh unknown other reserved BL = battery status (see #00476) CH = battery flag (APM v1.1+) (see #00477) CL = remaining battery life, percentage 00h-64h (0-100) percentage of full charge FFh unknown DX = remaining battery life, time (APM v1.1) (see #00478) ---if specific battery unit specified--- SI = number of battery units currently installed CF set on error AH = error code (09h,0Ah) (see #00473) Notes: should not be called from within a hardware interrupt handler to avoid reentrance problems supported in real mode (INT 15) and both 16-bit and 32-bit protected mode (Table 00476) Values for APM v1.0+ battery status: 00h high 01h low 02h critical 03h charging FFh unknown other reserved SeeAlso: #00477,#00478 Bitfields for APM v1.1+ battery flag: Bit(s) Description (Table 00477) 0 high 1 low 2 critical 3 charging 4 selected battery not present (APM v1.2) 5-6 reserved (0) 7 no system battery Note: all bits set (FFh) if unknown SeeAlso: #00476,#00478 Bitfields for APM v1.1+ remaining battery life: Bit(s) Description (Table 00478) 15 time units: 0=seconds, 1=minutes 14-0 battery life in minutes or seconds Note: all bits set (FFFFh) if unknown SeeAlso: #00476,#00477 --------p-15530B----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - GET POWER MANAGEMENT EVENT AX = 530Bh Return: CF clear if successful BX = event code (see #00479) CX = event information (APM v1.2) if BX=0003h or BX=0004h bit 0: PCMCIA socket was powered down in suspend state CF set on error AH = error code (03h,0Bh,80h) (see #00473) Notes: although power management events are often asynchronous, notification will not be made until polled via this call to permit software to only receive event notification when it is prepared to process power management events; since these events are not very time- critical, it should be sufficient to poll once or twice per second the critical resume notification is made after the system resumes from an emergency suspension; normally, the system BIOS only notifies its partner that it wishes to suspend and relies on the partner to actually request the suspension, but no notification is made on an emergency suspension should not be called from within a hardware interrupt handler to avoid reentrance problems SeeAlso: AX=5307h,AX=5307h/CX=0001h"STAND-BY",AX=5307h/CX=0002h"SUSPEND" (Table 00479) Values for APM event code: 0001h system stand-by request 0002h system suspend request 0003h normal resume system notification 0004h critical resume system notification 0005h battery low notification ---APM v1.1--- 0006h power status change notification 0007h update time notification 0008h critical system suspend notification 0009h user system standby request notification 000Ah user system suspend request notification 000Bh system standby resume notification ---APM v1.2--- 000Ch capabilities change notification (see AX=5310h) ------ 000Dh-00FFh reserved system events 01xxh reserved device events 02xxh OEM-defined APM events 0300h-FFFFh reserved --------p-15530C----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.1+ - GET POWER STATE AX = 530Ch BX = device ID (see #00474) Return: CF clear if successful CX = system state ID (see #00475) CF set on error AH = error code (01h,09h) (see #00473) SeeAlso: AX=5307h --------p-15530D----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.1+ - EN/DISABLE DEVICE POWER MANAGEMENT AX = 530Dh BX = device ID (see #00474) CX = function 0000h disable power management 0001h enable power management Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = error code (01h,03h,09h,0Ah,0Bh) (see #00473) Desc: specify whether automatic power management should be active for a given device SeeAlso: AX=5308h,AX=530Fh --------p-15530E----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.1+ - DRIVER VERSION AX = 530Eh BX = device ID of system BIOS (0000h) CH = APM driver major version (BCD) CL = APM driver minor version (BCD) (02h for APM v1.2) Return: CF clear if successful AH = APM connection major version (BCD) AL = APM connection minor version (BCD) CF set on error AH = error code (03h,09h,0Bh) (see #00473) SeeAlso: AX=5300h,AX=5303h --------p-15530F----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.1+ - ENGAGE/DISENGAGE POWER MANAGEMENT AX = 530Fh BX = device ID (see #00474) CX = function 0000h disengage power management 0001h engage power management Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = error code (01h,09h) (see #00473) Notes: unlike AX=5308h, this call does not affect the functioning of the APM BIOS when cooperative power management is disengaged, the APM BIOS performs automatic power management of the system or device SeeAlso: AX=5308h,AX=530Dh --------p-155310----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.2 - GET CAPABILITIES AX = 5310h BX = device ID (see #00474) 0000h (APM BIOS) other reserved Return: CF clear if successful BL = number of battery units supported (00h if no system batteries) CX = capabilities flags (see #00480) CF set on error AH = error code (01h,09h,86h) (see #00473) Notes: this function is supported via the INT 15, 16-bit protected mode, and 32-bit protected mode interfaces; it does not require that a connection be established prior to use this function will return the capabilities currently in effect, not any new settings which have been made but do not take effect until a system restart SeeAlso: AX=5300h,AX=530Fh,AX=5311h,AX=5312h,AX=5313h Bitfields for APM v1.2 capabilities flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00480) 15-8 reserved 7 PCMCIA Ring Indicator will wake up system from suspend mode 6 PCMCIA Ring Indicator will wake up system from standby mode 5 Resume on Ring Indicator will wake up system from suspend mode 4 Resume on Ring Indicator will wake up system from standby mode 3 resume timer will wake up system from suspend mode 2 resume timer will wake up system from standby mode 1 can enter global suspend state 0 can enter global standby state --------p-155311----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.2 - GET/SET/DISABLE RESUME TIMER AX = 5311h BX = device ID (see #00474) 0000h (APM BIOS) other reserved CL = function 00h disable Resume Timer 01h get Resume Timer 02h set Resume Timer CH = resume time, seconds (BCD) DL = resume time, minutes (BCD) DH = resume time, hours (BCD) SI = resume date (BCD), high byte = month, low byte = day DI = resume date, year (BCD) Return: CF clear if successful ---if getting timer--- CH = resume time, seconds (BCD) DL = resume time, minutes (BCD) DH = resume time, hours (BCD) SI = resume date (BCD), high byte = month, low byte = day DI = resume date, year (BCD) CF set on error AH = error code (03h,09h,0Ah,0Bh,0Ch,0Dh,86h) (see #00473) Notes: this function is supported via the INT 15, 16-bit protected mode, and 32-bit protected mode interfaces SeeAlso: AX=5300h,AX=5310h,AX=5312h,AX=5313h --------p-155312----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.2 - ENABLE/DISABLE RESUME ON RING AX = 5312h BX = device ID (see #00474) 0000h (APM BIOS) other reserved CL = function 00h disable Resume on Ring Indicator 01h enable Resume on Ring Indicator 02h get Resume on Ring Indicator status Return: CF clear if successful CX = resume status (0000h disabled, 0001h enabled) CF set on error AH = error code (03h,09h,0Ah,0Bh,0Ch,86h) (see #00473) Notes: this function is supported via the INT 15, 16-bit protected mode, and 32-bit protected mode interfaces SeeAlso: AX=5300h,AX=5310h,AX=5311h,AX=5313h --------p-155313----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.2 - ENABLE/DISABLE TIMER-BASED REQUESTS AX = 5313h BX = device ID (see #00474) 0000h (APM BIOS) other reserved CL = function 00h disable timer-based requests 01h enable timer-based requests 02h get timer-based requests status Return: CF clear if successful CX = timer-based requests status (0000h disabled, 0001h enabled) CF set on error AH = error code (03h,09h,0Ah,0Bh,86h) (see #00473) Notes: this function is supported via the INT 15, 16-bit protected mode, and 32-bit protected mode interfaces some BIOSes set AH on return even when successful SeeAlso: AX=5300h,AX=5310h,AX=5311h,AX=5312h --------p-155380BH00------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - GET SUSPEND/GLOBAL STANDBY MODE AX = 5380h BH = 00h Return: CF clear if successful AL = 82360SL Auto Power Off Timer High Count (APWR_TMRH) BL = sustdbymode (see #00481) SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=01h,AX=5380h/BH=02h,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh Bitfields for APM SL sustdbymode: Bit(s) Description (Table 00481) 2 ??? 1 Auto Power Off Timer Enable (APWR_TMR_EN) 0 ??? --------p-155380BH01------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - SET SUSPEND/GLOBAL STANDBY MODE AX = 5380h BH = 01h BL = sustdbymode (see #00481) Return: CF clear if successful SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=00h,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH02------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - GET GLOBAL STANDBY TIMER AX = 5380h BH = 02h Return: CF clear if successful SI:DI = timer count in seconds (actually 1.024 seconds) Desc: reads the value of 82360SL GSTDBY_TMRH & GSTDBY_TMRL registers SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=00h,AX=5380h/BH=03h,AX=5380h/BH=04h,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH03------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - SET GLOBAL STANDBY TIMER AX = 5380h BH = 03h SI:DI = timer count in seconds (actually 1.024 seconds) Return: CF clear if successful Desc: sets the value of 82360SL GSTDBY_TMRH & GSTDBY_TMRL registers Note: the maximum timer count is 268431 seconds SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=02h,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH04------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - GET AUTO POWER OFF TIMER AX = 5380h BH = 04h Return: CF clear if successful SI:DI = timer count in seconds (actually 1.024 seconds) Desc: reads the value of 82360SL APWR_TMRH & APWR_TMRL registers SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=02h,AX=5380h/BH=05h,AX=5380h/BH=06h,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH05------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - SET AUTO POWER OFF TIMER AX = 5380h BH = 05h SI:DI = timer count in seconds (actually 1.024 seconds) Return: CF clear if successful Desc: sets the value of 82360SL APWR_TMRH & APWR_TMRL registers Note: the maximum timer count is 134213 seconds SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=04h,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH06------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - GET RESUME CONDITION AX = 5380h BH = 06h Return: CF clear if successful BL = resume condition (see #00482) Desc: reads the value of 82360SL RESUME_MASK register SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=04h,AX=5380h/BH=07h,AX=5380h/BH=08h,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh Bitfields for APM SL resume condition: Bit(s) Description (Table 00482) 7-2 reserved (0) 1 alarm enabled (resume on CMOS alarm) 0 ring enabled --------p-155380BH07------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - SET RESUME CONDITION AX = 5380h BH = 07h BL = resume condition (see #00482) Return: CF clear if successful Desc: sets the value of 82360SL RESUME_MASK register SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=06h,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH08------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - GET CALENDAR EVENT TIME AX = 5380h BH = 08h Return: CF clear if successful CH = hours CL = minutes SI = seconds CF set on error AH = error code (see #00483) Desc: gets calendar event time from CMOS ram SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=06h,AX=5380h/BH=09h,AX=5380h/BH=0Ah,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh (Table 00483) Values for APM SL error code: 02h no alarm set 03h no battery --------p-155380BH09------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - SET CALENDAR EVENT TIME AX = 5380h BH = 09h CH = hours CL = minutes SI = seconds Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = error code (see #00483) Desc: sets calendar event time in CMOS ram, enables Alarm resume SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=08h,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH0A------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - GET CALENDAR EVENT DATE AX = 5380h BH = 0Ah Return: CF clear if successful SI = century DI = year CH = month CL = day CF set on error AH = error code (see #00483) Desc: reads calendar event date from Extended CMOS ram SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=08h,AX=5380h/BH=0Bh,AX=5380h/BH=0Ch,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH0B------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - SET CALENDAR EVENT DATE AX = 5380h BH = 0Bh SI = century DI = year CH = month CL = day Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = error code (see #00483) Desc: sets calendar event date in Extended CMOS ram SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=0Ah,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH0C------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - GET CPU SPEED MODE AX = 5380h BH = 0Ch Return: CF clear if successful CL = CPU clock divider (1,2,4 or 8) BL = autocpumode ??? Desc: reads bits 4-5 of CPUPWRMODE register SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=0Ah,AX=5380h/BH=0Dh,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH0D------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - SET CPU SPEED MODE AX = 5380h BH = 0Dh CL = CPU clock divider (1,2,4 or 8) BL = autocpumode ??? Return: CF clear if successful Desc: writes bits 4-5 of CPUPWRMODE register SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=0Ch,AX=5380h/BH=7Eh,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH7E------------------------- INT 15 - APM SL Enhanced v1.0 - SL HW PARAMETER AX = 5380h BH = 7Eh Return: AL = ??? 03h on A-Step 386SL BIOSes 12h on later steps BX = Control port (00B0h) SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=00h,AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BH7F------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.1 - OEM APM INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 5380h BH = 7Fh Return: CF clear if successful BX = OEM identifier all other registers OEM-defined ---Intel SL Enhanced Option BIOS--- BX = 534Ch ('SL') CL = 4Fh ('O') AL = version (10h = 1.0) ---HP APM BIOS--- BX = 4850h ('HP') CX = version (0001h) CF set on error AH = error code (03h) (see #00473) SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=00h --------p-155380----------------------------- INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.1 - OEM APM FUNCTIONS AX = 5380h BH <> 7Fh all other registers OEM-defined Return: OEM-defined SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BH=7Fh --------p-155380BX8000----------------------- INT 15 U - Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Rel 6.0 - ??? AX = 5380h BX = 8000h CX = 0020h Return: ??? Note: although a check for the indicated value is present in the examined copy of the BIOS, no code was associated with it (possibly an OEM option not included in that copy) and this function always returns CF set/AH=03h if CX=0020h and CF set/AH=86h for CX<>0020h SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BX=8001h --------p-155380BX8001----------------------- INT 15 U - Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Rel 6.0 - ??? AX = 5380h BX = 8001h CX = 0020h Return: ??? Note: although a check for the indicated value is present in the examined copy of the BIOS, no code was associated with it (possibly an OEM option not included in that copy) SeeAlso: AX=5380h/BX=8000h --------X-1553B0BH00------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - RESERVED AX = 53B0h BH = 00h Program: the SMBus is a variant of ACCESS.bus being used by Intel and Duracell for the Smart Battery proposal, but designed to be generic enough to handle other devices besides batteries --------X-1553B0BH01------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 53B0h BH = 01h BL = 72h ('r') CX = 6164h ('ad') Return: CF clear if installed AH = SMBus BIOS Interface Specification major version (01h) AL = SMBus BIOS Interface Specification minor version (00h) BL = number of SMBus devices present CX = 6941h ('iA') DX = vendor-specified SMBus hardware code 0000h means undefined hardware type CF set if error AH = Error code 0Ah, 86h (see #00484) Note: this function is only supported in INT 15h mode SeeAlso: AX=53B0h/BH=02h,AX=53B0h/BH=03h,AX=53B0h/BH=04h,AX=53B0h/BH=06h SeeAlso: #01105 at INT 1A/AX=B10Ah/SF=8086h (Table 00484) Values for Intel System Management Bus error codes: 00h SMBus OK 01h SMBus connect failed 02h SMBus already connected (see also #00485) 03h SMBus disconnect failed 04h SMBus not connected 05h SMBus INT 15 interface disabled 06h SMBus device address request out of range 07h SMBus unknown failure 08h SMBus message list empty 09h SMBus message list overflow 0Ah SMBus invalid signature 10h SMBus device address not acknowledged 11h SMBus device error detected 12h SMBus device command access denied 13h SMBus unknown error 14h SMBus transaction pending 15h SMBus no transaction pending 16h SMBus request does not match pending transaction 17h SMBus device access denied 18h SMBus timeout 19h SMBus protocol not supported 1Ah SMBus busy 1Bh SMBus SMI detected 80h SMBus OK (previously unreported SMI occurred) 86h SMBus not supported (Table 00485) Values for Intel System Management Bus Already Connected sub-error codes: 01h real mode connect already established 02h 16-bit PMode connect already established 03h 32-bit PMode connect already established SeeAlso: #00484 --------X-1553B0BH02------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - REAL MODE CONNECT AX = 53B0h BH = 02h CX = 6941h ('iA') Return: CF clear if successful AX = SMBus Real mode code segment BX = offset of entry point into SMBus BIOS Interface CX = SMBus Real mode data segment CF set if error AH = error code (01h,02h,0Ah,86h) (see #00484) AL = sub-error code if error code is 02h (see #00485) Desc: connect to SMBus interface; once connected, all SMBus calls are made to the supplied entry point instead of INT 15 (with registers identical to those described here for INT 15) Notes: Support for this function is optional this function is only supported in INT 15 mode when implemented SeeAlso: AX=53B0h/BH=01h,AX=53B0h/BH=03h,AX=53B0h/BH=04h,AX=53B0h/BH=05h --------X-1553B0BH03------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - 16-BIT PROTECTED-MODE CONNECT AX = 53B0h BH = 03h CX = 6941h ('iA') Return: CF clear if successful AX = SMBus 16-bit code segment (real mode base address) BX = offset of entry point into SMBus BIOS Interface CX = SMBus 16-bit data segment (real mode base address) SI = code segment length in bytes DI = data segment length in bytes CF set if error AH = error code (01h,02h,0Ah,86h) (see #00484) AL = sub-error code if error code is 02h (see #00485) Desc: connect to SMBus interface; once connected, all SMBus calls are made to the supplied entry point instead of INT 15 (with registers identical to those described here for INT 15) Notes: before calling the entry point, two descriptors must be initialized in the GDT or LDT. They must be consecutive and be in the order of code, then data. At the time of the call, the descriptors must be valid and have CPL=0. the code descriptor must be ring-0 privilege this function is only supported in INT 15 mode SeeAlso: AX=53B0h/BH=01h,AX=53B0h/BH=02h,AX=53B0h/BH=04h,AX=53B0h/BH=05h --------X-1553B0BH04------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - 32-BIT PROTECTED-MODE CONNECT AX = 53B0h BH = 04h CX = 6941h ('iA') Return: CF clear if successful AX = SMBus 32-bit code segment (real mode base address) EBX = offset of entry point into SMBus BIOS Interface CX = SMBus 16-bit code segment (real mode base address) DX = SMBus data segment (real mode base address) SI = code segment length in bytes DI = data segment length in bytes CF set if error AH = error code (01h,02h,0Ah,86h) (see #00484) AL = sub-error code if error code is 02h (see #00485) Desc: connect to SMBus interface; once connected, all SMBus calls are made to the supplied entry point instead of INT 15 (with registers identical to those described here for INT 15) Notes: before calling the entry point, two descriptors must be initialized in the GDT or LDT. They must be consecutive and be in the order of 32-bit code, 16-bit code, then data. At the time of the call, the descriptors must be valid and have CPL=0. the code descriptors must be ring-0 privilege this function is supported only in INT 15 mode SeeAlso: AX=53B0h/BH=01h,AX=53B0h/BH=02h,AX=53B0h/BH=03h,AX=53B0h/BH=05h --------X-1553B0BH05------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - DISCONNECT AX = 53B0h BH = 05h CX = 6941h ('iA') Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h (SMBus OK) CF set if error AH = error code (03h,04h,05h,0Ah,86h) (see #00484) Note: this function is supported in connected mode (far CALL entry point) only SeeAlso: AX=53B0h/BH=01h,AX=53B0h/BH=02h,AX=53B0h/BH=03h,AX=53B0h/BH=04h --------X-1553B0BH06------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - GET DEVICE ADDRESSES AX = 53B0h BH = 06h BL = position in list to report CH = 6941h ('iA') Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h (SMBus OK) BH = number of SMBus devices BL = SMBus Device Address of device at position BL in list (see #00486) CF set if error AH = error code (06h,0Ah,86h) (see #00484) Desc: retrieves already assigned SMBus device addresses Notes: this function is supported in INT 15h mode only bit 0 of the device address indicates read/write, so a device may be listed at both xxxxxxx0b and xxxxxxx1b SeeAlso: I2C A0h [and I2C.LST in general] (Table 00486) Values for System Management Bus predefined device addresses: 10h SMBus host 12h Smart Battery charger 14h Smart Battery selector 16h Smart Battery 18h SMBus Alert response 50h ACCESS.bus host 58h LCD contrast controller 5Ah CCFL backlight driver 6Eh ACCESS.bus default address 80h-86h PCMCIA socket controllers 88h VGA graphics controller 90h-96h unrestricted addresses 82h SMBus device default address --------X-1553B0BH07------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - RETRIEVE CRITICAL MESSAGES AX = 53B0h BH = 07h CX = 6941h ('iA') Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h (SMBus OK) AL = device address BX = device message CF set if error AH = error code (05h,07h,08h,09h,0Ah,86h) (see #00484) Desc: retrieves oldest queued critical message from an SMBus device to the host Notes: up to five messages are queued; if the queue is full, messages will be lost and error 09h returned --------X-1553B0BH08------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - RESERVED AX = 53B0h BH = 08h-0Fh --------X-1553B0BH10------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - REQUEST AX = 53B0h BH = 10h BL = protocol (see #00487) CH = device address CL = device command (see #00488) DH = MSB Data or block length (for BlockWrite) DL = LSB Data or first byte of block (for BlockWrite) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h or 80h (SMBus OK) (80h indicates a previously unreported SMI took place) CF set if error AH = error code (05h,10h,11h,12h,13h,14h,17h,19h,1Ah,86h) (see #00484) Desc: request access to a device on the SMBus SeeAlso: AX=53B0h/BH=11h, AX=53B0h/BH=13h (Table 00487) Values for Intel System Management Bus protocol codes: 00h Quick Command 01h Send Byte 02h Receive Byte 03h Write Byte 04h Read Byte 05h Write Word 06h Read Word 07h Block Write 08h Block Read 09h Process Call 0Ah-FFh reserved SeeAlso: #00488 (Table 00488) Values for Intel System Management Bus Smart Battery command codes: Cmd Protocol(s) Description 00h Rd/Wr Word "ManufacturerAccess" implementation-specific 01h Rd/Wr Word get/set Low Capacity Alarm threshold 02h Rd/Wr Word get/set Remaining Time Alarm value (in minutes) 03h Rd/Wr Word get/set battery characteristics (see #00489) 04h Rd/Wr Word "AtRate" indicate charge/discharge rate 05h Read Word "AtRateTimeToFull" time to completely charge (in min.) 06h Read Word "AtRateTimeToEmpty" time to entirely discharge (min.) 07h Read Word "AtRateOK" boolean: can battery supply another 10sec? 08h Read Word internal battery temperature (in 0.1 Kelvins) 09h Read Word current battery voltage in millivolts 0Ah Read Word current flowing through battery in milliamperes (positive if charging, negative if discharging) 0Bh Read Word average current over the past minute 0Ch Read Word expected error margin in capacity computations in % 0Dh Read Word predicted remaining charge as % of full charge 0Eh Read Word predicted remaining charge as % of design capacity 0Fh Read Word predicted remaining charge in mAh or 10mWh 10h Read Word predicted full charge capacity in mAh or 10mWh 11h Read Word predicted remaining battery life in minutes FFFFh = not discharging 12h Read Word rolling average of predicted life over past minute 13h Read Word rolling average of predicted charge time over past min. FFFFh = not charging 14h Read Word get battery's desired charging current in mA 14h Write Word set charging current in mA 15h Read Word get battery's desired charging current in mV 15h Write Word set desired charging voltage in mV 16h Read Word get current battery status (see #00490) 17h Read Word get number of charge/discharge cycles for battery 18h Read Word get design capacity in mAh or 10mWh 19h Read Word get design voltage 1Ah Read Word get specification information (see #00491) 1Bh Read Word get manufacture date (see #01665 at INT 21/AX=5700h) 1Ch Read Word get serial number 1Dh-1Fh reserved 20h Read Block get manufacturer's name 21h Read Block get device name 22h Read Block get device chemistry (see #00492) 23h Read Block get manufacturer data 24h-2Eh reserved 2Fh manufacturer-specific 30h-3Bh reserved 3Ch-3Fh manufacturer-specific Note: bits 7-6 are reserved for addressing multiple batteries in a future version of the specification SeeAlso: #00487 Bitfields for Smart Battery battery characteristics: Bit(s) Description (Table 00489) 0 battery has internal charge controller (read-only) 1 primary/secondary battery support (read-only) 6-2 reserved 7 conditioning cycle requested 8 internal charge controller enabled 9 battery operating in primary mode 13-10 reserved 14 disable broadcast to charger 15 report capacity in units of 10mW / 10mWh instead of mA / mAh SeeAlso: #00488,#00490 Bitfields for Smart Battery battery status: Bit(s) Description (Table 00490) 15 overcharged 14 terminate-charge alarm 13 reserved 12 over-temperature alarm 11 terminate-discharge alarm 10 reserved 9 remaining-capacity alarm 8 remaining-time alarm 7 initialized 6 charging 5 fully charged 4 fully discharged 3-0 error codes 0000 OK 0001 busy 0010 reserved command 0011 unsupported command 0100 access denied (tried to write to read-only value) 0101 overflow/underflow 0110 bad size 0111 unknown error SeeAlso: #00488,#00489,#00491 Bitfields for Smart Battery specification information: Bit(s) Description (Table 00491) 3-0 SmartBattery specification minor revision number 7-4 SmartBattery specification version number 11-8 voltage scaling (0-3, multiply voltages by 10^scale) 15-12 current scaling (0-3, multiply currents by 10^scale) SeeAlso: #00488,#00490 (Table 00492) Values for Smart Battery device chemistry (not case-sensitive): "LION" Lithium ion "NiMH" Nickel metal hydride "PbAc" lead-acid "NiCd" Nickel Cadmium "NiZn" Nickel Zinc "RAM" rechargeable Alkaline Manganese "ZnAr" Zinc-Air SeeAlso: #00488 --------X-1553B0BH11------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - REQUEST CONTINUATION AX = 53B0h BH = 11h BL = protocol (see #00487) CH = device address CL = number of valid bytes in DX (1 or 2) DH = MSB Data (CL = 1 or 2) DL = LSB Data (CL = 2) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h (SMBus OK) CL = SMBus status 00h SMBus hardware not ready for more data 01h SMBus hardware ready for 2 more data bytes CF set if error AH = error code (05h,11h,13h,15h,16h,18h,1Bh,86h) (see #00484) Desc: continue WriteBlock protocol started with function 10h SeeAlso: AX=53B0h/BH=10h, AX=53B0h/BH=13h --------X-1553B0BH12------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - REQUEST ABORT AX = 53B0h BH = 12h BL = protocol (see #00487) CH = device address CL = device command Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h (SMBus OK) CF set if error AH = error code (05h,13h,15h,16h,86h) (see #00484) Desc: stop the currently pending SMBus request; usually used to terminate a request after an SMI Detected error --------X-1553B0BH13------------------------- INT 15 - Intel System Management Bus - REQUEST DATA AND STATUS AX = 53B0h BH = 13h BL = protocol (see #00487) CH = device address CL = device command Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h (SMBus OK) CH = status 00h no data pending, transaction complete 01h no data pending, transaction continues 02h data pending CL = number of valid bytes in DX (0-2) DH = MSB data DL = LSB data CF set if error AH = error code (05h,10h,11h,13h,15h,16h,18h,1Bh,86h) (see #00484) Desc: determine when a transaction is complete, gather data returned by read transactions Note: for Block Read protocol (08h), first call returns block length in DH and the first byte of the block in DL ----------1554------------------------------- INT 15 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AH = 54h SeeAlso: AH=07h"IBM",AH=3Eh"IBM" --------T-155400----------------------------- INT 15 C - Omniview Multitasker - INSTALLATION NOTIFICATION AX = 5400h ES:BX -> device information tables DI:DX -> dispatcher entry point Note: called by OmniView to notify programs loaded before OmniView of state changes inside OmniView SeeAlso: AX=5407h,INT 2F/AX=DE00h --------T-155401----------------------------- INT 15 C - Omniview Multitasker - PROCESS CREATION AX = 5401h ES:BX = process handle Note: called by OmniView to notify programs loaded before OmniView of state changes inside OmniView SeeAlso: AX=5402h,INT 2F/AX=DE04h --------T-155402----------------------------- INT 15 C - Omniview Multitasker - PROCESS DESTRUCTION AX = 5402h ES:DX = process handle Note: called by OmniView to notify programs loaded before OmniView of state changes inside OmniView SeeAlso: AX=5401h,INT 2F/AX=DE05h --------T-155403----------------------------- INT 15 C - Omniview Multitasker - SAVE AX = 5403h ES:DX = process swapping out Note: called by OmniView to notify programs loaded before OmniView of state changes inside OmniView SeeAlso: AX=5404h,INT 2F/AX=DE08h --------T-155404----------------------------- INT 15 C - Omniview Multitasker - RESTORE AX = 5404h ES:DX = process swapping in Note: called by OmniView to notify programs loaded before OmniView of state changes inside OmniView SeeAlso: AX=5403h,INT 2F/AX=DE09h --------T-155405----------------------------- INT 15 C - Omniview Multitasker - SWITCHING TO BACKGROUND AX = 5405h ES:DX = process swapping in Note: called by OmniView to notify programs loaded before OmniView of state changes inside OmniView SeeAlso: AX=5406h --------T-155406----------------------------- INT 15 C - Omniview Multitasker - SWITCHING TO FOREGROUND AX = 5406h ES:DX = process swapping in Note: called by OmniView to notify programs loaded before OmniView of state changes inside OmniView SeeAlso: AX=5405h --------T-155407----------------------------- INT 15 C - Omniview Multitasker - EXIT NOTIFICATION AX = 5407h Note: called by OmniView to notify programs loaded before OmniView of state changes inside OmniView SeeAlso: AX=5400h,INT 2F/AX=DE03h --------V-155F31----------------------------- INT 15 C - Chips & Technologies '65530' BIOS - POST INITIALIZATION NOTIFICATION AX = 5F31h Return: nothing Desc: this function is called after the video BIOS completes power-up initialization and just prior to displaying the sign-on message SeeAlso: AX=5F33h,AX=5F35h,INT 10/AX=5F50h --------V-155F33----------------------------- INT 15 C - Chips & Technologies '65530' BIOS - MODE SET HOOK AX = 5F33h BL = current width in characters BH = curent video mode CH = active display page Return: nothing Desc: this function is called at the end of a video mode set Note: the OEM has the option of enabling or disabling this callout, as well as specifying whether the callout occurs on INT 15h or INT 42h SeeAlso: AX=5F31h,AX=5F35h,INT 10/AX=5F50h,INT 42/AX=5F33h --------V-155F35----------------------------- INT 15 C - Chips & Technologies '65530' BIOS - MONITOR SENSING HOOK AX = 5F35h Return: DL = boot display 00h CRT 01h flat panel (LCD) 02h both simultaneously leave unchanged to boot according to BIOS settings SeeAlso: AX=5F31h,AX=5F33h,INT 10/AX=5F50h --------b-1560------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SET SYSTEM CLOCK SPEED AH = 60h AL = new speed 00h normal (8 MHz) 01h Slow Mode 1 (4 MHz) 02h Slow Mode 2 (2 MHz) Note: the Husky Hunter 16 is an 8088-based ruggedized laptop. Other family members are the Husky Hunter, Husky Hunter 16/80, and Husky Hawk. SeeAlso: AX=6301h --------p-156000----------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - GET MAIN BATTERY LEVEL AX = 6000h Return: AX = battery level Note: multiply the returned value with 1Bh and add 622h to get millivolts SeeAlso: AX=6001h,AX=6002h,AX=6003h,AX=6004h --------p-156001----------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - GET BACKUP BATTERY LEVEL AX = 6001h Return: AX = battery level Note: multiply the returned value with 1Bh and add 622h to get millivolts SeeAlso: AX=6000h,AX=6002h --------p-156002----------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - GET POWER INFO AX = 6002h Return: AL = power settings (see #00493) SeeAlso: AX=6000h,AX=6003h,AX=6004h Bitfields for power settings: Bit(s) Description (Table 00493) 0-1 unused ??? 2 card battery status low (OK if bit clear) 3 battery charging off (disabled if bits 3-5 clear) 4 battery charging slow 5 battery charging fast 6 power adaptor active 7 battery type NiCad (alkaline if bit clear) --------p-156003----------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - SET MAIN BATTERY TYPE AX = 6003h BL = battery type 00h alkaline 01h NiCad SeeAlso: AX=6000h,AX=6004h --------p-156004----------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - SET BATTERY CHARGING MODE AX = 6004h BL = charging 00h disabled 01h enabled SeeAlso: AX=6000h,AX=6003h --------b-1561------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET POWER LEVEL AH = 61h Return: AH = percentage of full power left (0..100) Desc: determine how much battery power is left SeeAlso: AH=62h,AH=66h,AH=73h"HUNTER" --------b-1561------------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - SET ANNOUNCIATORS POSITION AH = 61h AL = position (20h = left, 60h = right) Note: The announciators are the indicator symbols for the Shift and Fn keys in the bottom line SeeAlso: AH=62h"HP",INT 16/AH=02h --------b-1562------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SET LOW POWER THRESHOLD AH = 62h AL = level (00h 5%, 01h 10%, ... 12h 95%) BX = interval between power low warnings in seconds (1..600) Return: AH = Status Desc: set the level (relative to full power) when power-low warnings begin and the interval between the warnings SeeAlso: AH=61h,AH=65h,AH=66h --------b-1562------------------------------- INT 15 U - HP 100LX/200LX - SET DISPLAY CONTRAST AH = 62h BL = contrast (00h-1Fh, 1Fh is the darkest) SeeAlso: AH=47h"HP",AH=61h"HP" --------b-156300---------------------------------- INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET IDLE TIMEOUT AX = 6300h Return: AH = status BX = timeout in seconds (0-3600) Desc: get the idle timeout value, the interval without keyboard or communications activity before the system shuts down SeeAlso: AX=6301h --------b-156301---------------------------------- INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SET IDLE TIMEOUT AX = 6301h BX = timeout in seconds (0-3600) Desc: sets the idle timeout value, the interval without keyboard or communications activity before the system shuts down SeeAlso: AX=6300h --------b-1564------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL RESUME MODE AH = 64h AL = new state 00h disable Resume mode 01h enable Resume mode Return: AH = status Desc: turn Resume mode on or off. In Resume mode the system starts in the application that was running when it shut down as if nothing had happened. SeeAlso: AH=67h,AH=68h,AH=69h --------b-1565------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - AUTHORISE CHARGING AH = 65h AL = charging level 01h charging not allowed 02h charging allowed until power down 03h charging allowed until batteries changed or fail. Ask user if charging is still allowed on next poweron 04h charging allowed indefinitely BX = 0203h CX = 0405h DX = 0607h Return: AH = status SeeAlso: AH=66h,AH=68h --------b-1566------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SET BATTERY LEVEL AH = 66h AL = level in percent of maximum (0..100) Return: AH = status SeeAlso: AH=61h,AH=65h --------b-1567------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL STOP MODE AH = 67h AL = mode when waiting for input 00h use STOP mode (allows communication) 01h use HALT mode (disallows communication) Return: AH = status Desc: select the power save mode to use when waiting for input SeeAlso: AH=69h ----------156700BXFFFF----------------------- INT 15h - Arabic/Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0???+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 6700h BX = FFFFh Return: BX = FFFFh (Arabic/Hebrew MS-DOS not installed) BX = version (e.g. 0101h for Arabic/Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0) Note: This call is made by the SK_HGC.COM TSR for HGC and HGC/RAMFont graphics adapters to ensure it runs on the correct version of Arabic or Hebrew MS-DOS. The function is probably implemented in the ARABIC.COM/HEBREW.COM driver. Arabic/Hebrew versions of MS-DOS 3.3 existed, but no details are available. SeeAlso: AX=67C3h,INT 2F/AX=AD41h ----------1567C3CX1Bh ----------------------- INT 15h - Arabic/Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0???+ - HGC & HGC/RAMFont support??? AX = 67C3h CX = 1Bh CS|DS???:SI -> buffer Return: ES:DI -> ??? AX = ??? Program: The SK_HGC.COM TSR is used to support operation of ARABIC.COM/ HEBREW.COM with the Hercules Graphic Card series of video adapters. It is provided for compatibility with ADOS 3.30/HDOS 3.30 only. This file must be loaded immediately after ARABIC.COM/HEBREW.COM to insure correct operation with these devices. Notes: This call is made by the SK_HGC.COM TSR for HGC and HGC/RAMFont graphics adapters when it has successfully detected an Arabic/Hebrew issue of MS-DOS via INT15h/6700h/BX=FFFFh to ensure it runs on the correct version of Arabic or Hebrew MS-DOS. At some unknown offset in the buffer it contains a flag indicating if a HGC or HGC/RAMFont adapter is present or not. ARABIC/HEBREW does not operate with Monochrome Display Adapters (MDA) and the Hercules Graphic Card Plus (HGC+). ARABIC/HEBREW does operate with Hercules Graphic Card (HGC) with a burnt-in ROM/EPROM font (many HGC cards, even the highly integrated ones, allow for this kind of user customization), though this is not officially supported. In some pre-1987 IBM XT/AT and compatibles, the Hercules Graphic Card Plus operates like a MDA card. This hardware limitation prevents ARABIC/HEBREW from running on this combination of hardware. SeeAlso: AX=6700h --------b-1568------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - REQUEST POWER DOWN AH = 68h Desc: turns off the Hunter 16 if power down is allowed (see AH=69h) SeeAlso: AH=69h --------b-1569------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL POWER DOWN AVAILABILITY AH = 69h AL = mode 00h inhibit power down 01h allow power down Return: AH = status SeeAlso: AH=67h,AH=68h,AH=6Ah --------b-156A------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL SLOW MODE AH = 6Ah AL = mode 00h inhibit Slow mode 01h allow Slow mode Return: AH = status SeeAlso: AH=69h --------b-156B------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET ROM BIOS VERSION AH = 6Bh Return: BH = version number (ASCII) BL = release number (ASCII) CH = major??? release number (ASCII) CL = minor??? release number (ASCII) SeeAlso: AH=6Ch --------b-156C------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET SERIAL NUMBER AH = 6Ch Return: BL:CX = BCD serial number Note: when shipped, all Hunter 16s have the same Serial Number, but a different number can be stored (see AH=72h) SeeAlso: AH=6Bh,AH=72h --------b-156D------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET EVENT DETAIL AH = 6Dh Return: AH = 00h if successful CX:BX = event flags bit 0..31 (see #00494) Note: this function allows testing for events SeeAlso: AH=6Eh,AH=6Fh Bitfields for HUNTER 16 events: Bit(s) Description (Table 00494) 6 RI received 5 RTC Alarm 4 data received on COM2 3 data received on COM1 2 error on COM2 1 error on COM1 0 PWR button pressed --------b-156E------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - ENABLE/TRAP EVENT AH = 6Eh AL = Software Interrupt 00h do not trap event else trap as software interrupt number AL BH = event number (see AH=6Dh) BL = enable mask 00h disable event 01h enable event Return: AH = 00h if successful SeeAlso: AH=6Dh,AH=6Fh --------b-156F------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - ACKNOWLEDGE EVENT AH = 6Fh AL = event number (see AH=6Dh) Return: AH = 00h if successful Desc: Acknowledges the event, so the next similar event can be detected SeeAlso: AH=6Dh"HUNTER",AH=6Eh --------b-1570------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL SOUND AH = 70h AL = new state 00h disable sound else enable sound Note: the Husky Hunter 16 is an 8088-based ruggedized laptop. Other family members are the Husky Hunter, Husky Hunter 16/80, and Husky Hawk. --------x-157000----------------------------- INT 15 - Tandy 1000SL/TL - READ FROM EEPROM AX = 7000h BL = number of word to read (00h-3Fh) Return: CF clear if function supported DX = contents of EEPROM word Note: newer Tandy 1000-series machines use EEPROM instead of CMOS RAM in the clock chip to store system configuration information SeeAlso: AX=7001h --------x-157001----------------------------- INT 15 - Tandy 1000SL/TL - WRITE TO EEPROM AX = 7001h BL = number of word to read (00h-3Fh) DX = new value for EEPROM word Return: CF clear if function supported Note: the EEPROMs are normally written only by the system setup program; changing the values can badly mess up a Tandy SeeAlso: AX=7000h ----------157002----------------------------- INT 15 U - Tandy 1000 Model ??? - GET ROM PAGE AX = 7002h Return: AL = ROM page mapped at 0E0000h (0-6 (13?)) Note: some Tandy machines have DOS and DeskMate in a 512k paged ROM. The BIOS uses this call to determine what ROM page is mapped in the 64k segment at 0E0000h. the 1000TL has 8 64k ROM pages; page 7 is permanently mapped at 0F0000h. There may be 16 32k ROM pages on other systems. SeeAlso: AX=7003h,INT E0"DeskMate" ----------157003----------------------------- INT 15 U - Tandy 1000 Model ??? - SET ROM PAGE AX = 7003h DL = ROM page to be mapped at 0E0000h (0-6 (13?)) Return: CF clear if valid ROM page specified Note: Some Tandy machines have DOS and DeskMate in a 512k paged ROM. The BIOS uses this call to map ROM pages in the 64k segment at 0E0000h. The 1000TL has 8 64k ROM pages; page 7 is permanently mapped at 0F0000h. There may be 16 32k ROM pages on other systems. SeeAlso: AX=7002h,INT E0"DeskMate" --------b-1571------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SELECT POWER UP KEYS AH = 71h BL = column BH = row AL = column switch (00h disable, 01h enable) CL = row switch (00h disable, 01h enable) Return: AH = status SeeAlso: AH=7Bh,AH=88h --------b-157200---------------------------------- INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - RESET SERIAL NUMBER AX = 7200h Return: AH = 00h if successful Desc: reset the serial number to the default serial number present when the Hunter 16 was shipped SeeAlso: AH=6Ch,AH=72h --------b-1572------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - REDIRECT SERIAL NUMBER AH = 72h AL nonzero DS:BX -> new serial number (6 ASCII digits) Return: AH = 00h if successful Desc: install a new serial number SeeAlso: AH=6Ch,AX=7200h --------b-1573------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET ORACLE GT POWER LEVEL AH = 73h AL = drive (0: A:, 1: B:) Return: AH = status 00h successful FFh Oracle GT drive not connected AL = power level in percent of maximum (0..100) Desc: get the power remaining in the Oracle GT batteries SeeAlso: AH=61h --------b-1574------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SET BACKLIGHT POWER UP STATE AH = 74h AL = new level 01h off 02h unchanged 03h change level BL = desired level (00h-7Fh) Return: AH = status Desc: select the backlight level to use when the Hunter is next turned on SeeAlso: AH=64h,AH=75h,INT 10/AH=64h,INT 10/AH=78h --------b-1575------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SET CONTRAST POWER UP STATE AH = 75h AL = new level 01h off 02h unchanged 03h change level BL = desired level (00h-7Fh) Return: AH = status Desc: select the LCD contrast level to use when the Hunter is next turned on SeeAlso: AH=63h,AH=74h --------b-1576------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL POWER SAVE AH = 76h BX = power save control (see #00495) SeeAlso: AH=74h Bitfields for HUNTER 16 power save control: Bit(s) Description (Table 00495) 0 power save enabled 1 inhibit power save when waiting for COM1 data 2 inhibit power save when waiting for COM2 data 3 inhibit power save when waiting for data from barcode wand 4 inhibit power up on timer tick --------b-1579------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - REDIRECT LPT1 AH = 79h AL = port to which to redirect (00h COM1, 01h COM2) --------b-157A------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - INVOKE HOT KEY AH = 7Ah Desc: this function has the same effect as pressing the HOT key SeeAlso: AH=7Bh --------b-157B------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL HOT KEY AH = 7Bh AL = 00h prevent HOT key else allow HOT key Desc: Allow or prevent the HOT key function which is used to examine and change the Hunter setup SeeAlso: AH=71h,AH=7Ah,AH=7Ch --------b-157C------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL HOT KEY POWER OPTION AH = 7Ch AL = 00h prevent HOT key power option else allow HOT key power option Desc: allow or prevent changing the power options SeeAlso: AH=7Bh,AH=7Dh --------b-157D------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - OVERRIDE LOW POWER TURN OFF AH = 7Dh AL = 00h turn off after 10 warnings else never turn off Desc: specify whether the Hunter 16 turns off after 10 low power warnings SeeAlso: AH=7Ch --------b-157E------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL BATTERY CHANGE FACILITIES (APM) AH = 7Eh AL = 00h do not prompt else prompt Desc: select whether the user is prompted for the battery state if the battery cap has been off when the system is turned on SeeAlso: AH=7Fh --------b-157F------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SET BATTERY TYPE (APM) AH = 7Fh AL = battery type 00h non-rechargeable else rechargeable SeeAlso: AH=7Eh --------B-1580------------------------------- INT 15 C - OS HOOK - DEVICE OPEN (AT,XT286,PS) AH = 80h BX = device ID CX = process ID CF clear Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = status (see #00496) Note: this function should be hooked by a multitasker which wishes to keep track of device ownership; the default BIOS handler merely returns successfully SeeAlso: AH=81h,AH=82h (Table 00496) Values for status: 80h invalid command (PC,PCjr) 86h function not supported (XT) --------b-1580------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET/SET BATTERY CAPACITY (APM) AH = 80h AL = function 00h get Return: AL = capacity (500mA + AL * 50mA, max 40 = 2500mA) else set BL = battery capacity (same as AL above) SeeAlso: AH=61h"HUNTER",AH=81h"HUNTER" --------B-1581------------------------------- INT 15 C - OS HOOK - DEVICE CLOSE AH = 81h BX = device ID CX = process ID CF clear Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = status (see #00496) Note: this function should be hooked by a multitasker which wishes to keep track of device ownership; the default BIOS handler merely returns successfully SeeAlso: AH=80h,AH=82h --------b-1581------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL POWER OUTPUT AH = 81h AL = new state of power output (00h off, nonzero on) Desc: turn the +5V low power output on or off SeeAlso: AH=80h"HUNTER" --------B-1582------------------------------- INT 15 C - OS HOOK - PROGRAM TERMINATION AH = 82h BX = process ID CF clear Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = status (see #00496) Notes: closes all devices opened by the given process ID with function 80h this function should be hooked by a multitasker which wishes to keep track of device ownership; the default BIOS handler merely returns successfully SeeAlso: AH=80h,AH=81h --------b-1582------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SOUND OUTPUT AH = 82h DX = length (duration in seconds = DX * 666670 / frequency) BX = pitch (see #00497) Desc: Sound the tone specified in BX for the duration in DX SeeAlso: AX=1019h (Table 00497) Values for HUNTER 16 sound pitch: BX(dec) Note Frequency BX(dec) Note Frequency 425 G 1568.000 1515 A 440.000 451 F# 1479.503 1605 G# 415.307 477 F 1396.900 1701 G 392.000 506 E 1318.500 1802 F# 369.998 536 D# 1244.523 1909 F 349.230 568 D 1174.700 2022 E 329.630 601 C# 1108.749 2143 D# 311.127 637 C 1046.500 2270 D 293.660 675 B 958.770 2405 C# 277.183 715 A# 932.329 2548 MID C 261.630 758 A 880.000 2700 B 246.940 803 G# 830.609 2860 A# 233.081 850 G 783.990 3030 A 220.000 901 F# 739.990 3210 G# 207.654 954 F 698.460 3401 G 196.000 1011 E 659.260 3604 F# 184.996 1071 D# 622.257 3818 F 174.610 1135 D 587.330 4045 E 164.810 1203 C# 554.365 4286 D# 155.560 1274 C 523.250 4540 D 146.830 1350 B 493.880 4668 C# 142.827 1430 A# 466.162 4803 C 138.810 --------B-1583------------------------------- INT 15 - BIOS - SET EVENT WAIT INTERVAL (AT,PS50+) AH = 83h AL = subfunction 00h set interval CX:DX = microseconds to delay ES:BX -> byte whose high bit is to be set at end of interval 01h cancel wait interval Return: CF set on error or function already busy AH = status 80h invalid command (PC,PCjr) 86h function not supported (XT and later) CF clear if successful Notes: the resolution of the wait period is 977 microseconds on many systems because many BIOSes use the 1/1024 second fast interrupt from the AT real-time clock chip which is available on INT 70 IBM AT 1984/1/10 BIOS ignores AL and always performs subfunction 00h SeeAlso: AH=41h,AH=86h,INT 70,MEM 0040h:0098h,MEM 0040h:009Ch --------b-1583------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL SCREEN SYNCHRONISATION AH = 83h AL = state of LCD window (00h disabled, nonzero enabled) Desc: Enable/disable the facility where the displayed window tracks the cursor output to keep the focus visible --------B-1584------------------------------- INT 15 - BIOS - JOYSTICK SUPPORT (XT after 1982/11/8,AT,XT286,PS) AH = 84h DX = subfunction 0000h read joystick switches Return: AL bits 7-4 = switch settings 0001h read positions of joysticks Return: AX = X position of joystick A BX = Y position of joystick A CX = X position of joystick B DX = Y position of joystick B Return: CF set on error AH = status (see #00496) CF clear if successful Notes: if no game port is installed, subfunction 0000h returns AL=00h (all switches open) and subfunction 0001h returns AX=BX=CX=DX=0000h a 250kOhm joystick typically returns 0000h-01A0h SeeAlso: AH=84h"V20-XT-BIOS" --------b-1584------------------------------- INT 15 - V20-XT-BIOS - JOYSTICK SUPPORT AH = 84h DX = subfunction 0000h read joystick switches Return: AL bits 7-4 = switch settings other: read positions of joysticks as indicated by bits 0-3 Return: AX = X position of joystick A (if DX bit 0 set) BX = Y position of joystick A (if DX bit 1 set) CX = X position of joystick B (if DX bit 2 set) DX = Y position of joystick B (if DX bit 3 set) Return: CF set on error AH = status (see #00496) CF clear if successful Program: V20-XT-BIOS is a ROM BIOS replacement with extensions by Peter Koehlmann / c't magazine SeeAlso: AH=84h"PS",INT 10/AH=0Eh/CX=ABCDh ----------1584--DX0002----------------------- INT 15 - AMIGATSR - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 84h DX = 0002h Return: AX = 1234h if installed Program: AMIGATSR is a serial-port driver for using an Amiga gamepad on a PC SeeAlso: AH=84h/DX=0002h"MULTIJOY" ----------1584--DX0002----------------------- INT 15 - MULTIJOY - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 84h DX = 0002h Return: AX = 4321h if installed SeeAlso: AH=84h/DX=0002h"AMIGATSR",AH=84h/DX=0003h"MULTIJOY" ----------1584--DX0003----------------------- INT 15 - MULTIJOY - GET ACTIVE JOYSTICK AH = 84h DX = 0003h Return: AX = number of the currently-active joystick device BX = device classification (see #04098) SeeAlso: AH=84h/DX=0002h"MULTIJOY" !!! more info to follow Bitfields for MULTIJOY device classification: Bit(s) Description (Table 04098) 15 device connected and ready 14 no buttons (overrides bits 12-9) 13 no axes (overrides bits 8-5) 12-9 number of buttons, less one 8-5 number of axes, less one 4 digital device rather than analog 3-0 device type 0000 keyboard emulating joystick 0001 gamepad 0010 joystick 0011 steering wheel 0100 flight yoke 0101 mouse emulating joystick 0110 trackball emulating joystick 0111 GlidePoint (touchpad) emulating joystick 1000 touchscreen emulating joystick 1001 steering wheel 1010 light pen emulating joystick 1011 speech recognition emulating joystick 1100 TV remote emulating joystick 1101 network/Internet remote control 1110 PC software-controlled (demo mode, etc.) 1111 other device ----------1584--DX0004----------------------- INT 15 - MULTIJOY - SELECT JOYSTICK AH = 84h DX = 0004h BX = number of the joystick device to make active Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=84h/DX=0003h"MULTIJOY" --------b-158400---------------------------------- INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET DISKETTE PORT AX = 8400h BH = Drive (0: A:, 1: B:) Return: AL = Port (0: COM1, >0: COM2) Desc: return the COM port used for the floppy drive SeeAlso: AX=8401h --------b-158401---------------------------------- INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SET DISKETTE PORT AX = 8401h BH = Drive (0: A:, 1: B:) BL = Port (0: COM1, >0: COM2) Desc: set the COM port used for the floppy drive SeeAlso: AX=8400h --------B-1585------------------------------- INT 15 C - OS HOOK - SysReq KEY ACTIVITY (AT,PS) AH = 85h AL = SysReq key action (00h pressed, 01h released) CF clear Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = status (see #00496) Notes: called by keyboard decode routine the default handler simply returns successfully; programs which wish to monitor the SysReq key must hook this call the SysReq key is often labeled SysRq SeeAlso: INT 09 --------b-158500---------------------------------- INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - RESTORE POWER MENU (APM) AX = 8500h Desc: restore the standard power menu SeeAlso: AX=8501h"HUNTER" --------b-158501---------------------------------- INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SET POWER MENU (APM) AX = 8501h BL = user software interrupt number Desc: install an alternate power menu routine SeeAlso: AX=8500h"HUNTER" --------B-1586------------------------------- INT 15 - BIOS - WAIT (AT,PS) AH = 86h CX:DX = interval in microseconds Return: CF clear if successful (wait interval elapsed) CF set on error or AH=83h wait already in progress AH = status (see #00496) Note: the resolution of the wait period is 977 microseconds on many systems because many BIOSes use the 1/1024 second fast interrupt from the AT real-time clock chip which is available on INT 70; because newer BIOSes may have much more precise timers available, it is not possible to use this function accurately for very short delays unless the precise behavior of the BIOS is known (or found through testing) SeeAlso: AH=41h,AH=83h,INT 1A/AX=FF01h,INT 70 --------b-1586------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET/SET SCREEN ATTRIBUTE TABLE AH = 86h AL = function (00h get, nonzero set) BX = 1234h DS:SI -> 256-byte Attribute buffer Note: In text modes each character has its attribute byte XOR'd with the corresponding byte in the attribute table. If the attribute is 15, 15 is XOR'd with Table[15] --------B-1587------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - COPY EXTENDED MEMORY AH = 87h CX = number of words to copy (max 8000h) ES:SI -> global descriptor table (see #00499) Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful AH = status (see #00498) Notes: copy is done in protected mode with interrupts disabled by the default BIOS handler; many 386 memory managers perform the copy with interrupts enabled on the PS/2 30-286 & "Tortuga" this function does not use the port 92h for A20 control, but instead uses the keyboard controller (8042). Reportedly this may cause the system to crash when access to the 8042 is disabled in password server mode (see also PORT 0064h,#P0398) this function is incompatible with the OS/2 compatibility box SeeAlso: AH=88h,AH=89h,INT 1F/AH=90h (Table 00498) Values for extended-memory copy status: 00h source copied into destination 01h parity error 02h interrupt error 03h address line 20 gating failed 80h invalid command (PC,PCjr) 86h unsupported function (XT,PS30) Format of global descriptor table: Offset Size Description (Table 00499) 00h 16 BYTEs zeros (used by BIOS) 10h WORD source segment length in bytes (2*CX-1 or greater) 12h 3 BYTEs 24-bit linear source address, low byte first 15h BYTE source segment access rights (93h) 16h WORD (286) zero (386+) extended access rights and high byte of source address 18h WORD destination segment length in bytes (2*CX-1 or greater) 1Ah 3 BYTEs 24-bit linear destination address, low byte first 1Dh BYTE destination segment access rights (93h) 1Eh WORD (286) zero (386+) extended access rights and high byte of destin. address 20h 16 BYTEs zeros (used by BIOS to build CS and SS descriptors) --------b-1587------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SET INT 72h VECTOR AH = 87h DS:DX = new service routine Desc: set the INT 72h vector which is called in 2 cases: - when the machine is about to turn off or reboot, INT 72h is called with AH=0 - when the machine is powering up INT 72h is called with AH=01h Note: the actual INT 72h vector must also be changed with INT 21/AH=25h --------B-1588------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - GET EXTENDED MEMORY SIZE (286+) AH = 88h Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of contiguous KB starting at absolute address 100000h CF set on error AH = status 80h invalid command (PC,PCjr) 86h unsupported function (XT,PS30) Notes: TSRs which wish to allocate extended memory to themselves often hook this call, and return a reduced memory size. They are then free to use the memory between the new and old sizes at will. the standard BIOS only returns memory between 1MB and 16MB; use AH=C7h for memory beyond 16MB not all BIOSes correctly return the carry flag, making this call unreliable unless one first checks whether it is supported through a mechanism other than calling the function and testing CF Due to applications not dealing with more than 24-bit descriptors (286), Windows 3.0 has problems when this function reports more than 15 MB. Some releases of HIMEM.SYS are therefore limited to use only 15 MB, even when this function reports more. SeeAlso: AH=87h,AH=8Ah"Phoenix",AH=C7h,AX=DA88h,AX=E801h,AX=E820h --------b-1588------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET POWER UP KEYS AH = 88h Return: AH = 00h BX = column CL = row SeeAlso: AH=71h --------B-1589------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - SWITCH TO PROTECTED MODE AH = 89h BL = interrupt number of IRQ0 (IRQ1-7 use next 7 interrupts) BH = interrupt number of IRQ8 (IRQ9-F use next 7 interrupts) ES:SI -> GDT for protected mode (see #00500) Return: CF set on error AH = FFh error enabling address line 20 CF clear if successful AH = 00h in protected mode at specified address BP may be destroyed; all segment registers change Notes: BL and BH must be multiples of 8 the protected-mode CS must reference the same memory as the CS this function is called from because execution continues with the address following the interrupt call SeeAlso: AH=87h,AH=88h,INT 67/AX=DE0Ch Format of BIOS switch-to-protected-mode Global Descriptor Table: Offset Size Description (Table 00500) 00h 8 BYTEs null descriptor (initialize to zeros) 08h 8 BYTEs GDT descriptor (see #00501) 10h 8 BYTEs IDT descriptor 18h 8 BYTEs DS descriptor 20h 8 BYTEs ES 28h 8 BYTEs SS 30h 8 BYTEs CS 38h 8 BYTEs uninitialized, used to build descriptor for BIOS CS Format of segment descriptor table entry: Offset Size Description (Table 00501) 00h WORD segment limit, low word 02h 3 BYTEs segment base address, low 24 bits 05h BYTE access mode (see #00502) 06h BYTE 386+ extended access mode (see #00505) 07h BYTE 386+ segment base address, high 8 bits SeeAlso: #00500,INT 2C/AX=0002h,INT 31/AX=0009h Bitfields for segment descriptor table access mode field: Bit(s) Description (Table 00502) 3-0 segment type (see #00503,#00504) 4 descriptor type (1 = application, 0 = system) 6-5 descriptor privilege level 7 segment is present in RAM SeeAlso: #00501,#00505 (Table 00503) Values for system segment descriptor type: 0 reserved 1 available 16-bit TSS 2 LDT 3 busy 16-bit TSS 4 16-bit call gate 5 task gate 6 16-bit interrupt gate 7 16-bit trap gate 8 reserved 9 available 32-bit TSS 10 reserved 11 busy 32-bit TSS 12 32-bit call gate 13 reserved 14 32-bit interrupt gate 15 32-bit trap gate SeeAlso: #00502,#00504 Bitfields for application segment descriptor type: Bit(s) Description (Table 00504) 3 code/data 0 date 1 code ---data segments--- 2 expand down 1 writeable ---code segments--- 2 conforming 1 readable ------ 0 accessed SeeAlso: #00502,#00503 Bitfields for 386+ segment descriptor table extended access mode field: Bit(s) Description (Table 00505) 3-0 high 4 bits of segment limit 4 available 5 reserved (0) 6 default operation size (1 = 32 bits, 0 = 16 bits) 7 granularity (1 = 4K, 0 = byte) SeeAlso: #00501,#00502,#02557 --------b-158900---------------------------------- INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET POWER MODE AX = 8900h Return: AH = 00h BL = current power mode 00h Standard Power Mode (SPM) 01h Advanced Power Mode (APM) SeeAlso: AX=8901h --------b-158901---------------------------------- INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - SET POWER MODE AX = 8901h BL = new mode 00h Standard Power Mode (SPM) 01h Advanced Power Mode (APM) Return: AH = 00h SeeAlso: AX=8900h --------b-158A------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL POWER INPUT (SPM) AH = 8Ah AL = new state of Power Input (00h disabled, nonzero enabled) SI = 1234h DI = 5678h Return: AH = status 00h success FFh failure Desc: Enable or disable Power Input. When Power Input is disabled the AC adapter will neither charge the batteries nor supply power to the Hunter 16. Disable Power Input if using Alkaline batteries. --------b-158A------------------------------- INT 15 - Phoenix BIOS v4.0 - GET BIG MEMORY SIZE AH = 8Ah Return: DX:AX = extended memory size in K SeeAlso: AH=88h,AX=E801h,AX=E820h --------b-158B------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET/SET CHARGER TEMPERATURE OVERRIDE AH = 8Bh AL = function 00h get Return: BH = Maximum charging temperature Temp = -20 + (n * 0.63) degrees Centigrade BL = Minimum charging temperature else set BH = maximum charging temperature (as above) BL = minimum charging temperature (as above) Return: AH = status 00h success FFh failure Desc: get/set the temperature interval within which the charger should operate --------b-158C------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET/SET POWER SAVE ENTRY FLAG AH = 8Ch AL = function 00h get Return: BX = which operations disable power save (see #00506) else set BX = which operations should disable power save (see #00506) SeeAlso: AH=8Dh Bitfields for HUNTER 16 operations disabling power save: Bit(s) Description (Table 00506) 0 INT 10h prevents power save 1 INT 13h prevents power save 2 INT 14h prevents power save 3 INT 15h prevents power save 4 INT 1Ah prevents power save 5 INT 21h prevents power save 6 direct write to video RAM prevents power save 7 access to 8250 UART prevents power save 8 access to 8253 (Sound) prevents power save --------b-158D------------------------------------ INT 15 - HUNTER 16 - GET/SET BOOST CHARGE (SPM) AH = 8Dh AL = function 00h get Return: AL = Fast Charge state (00h prevented, else allowed) nonzero set BH = Fast Charge state (00h prevent, nonzero allow) Return: AH = status 00h success FFh failure Desc: control whether Fast Charging (200ma rather than 70ma) is allowed SeeAlso: AH=8Ch --------B-1590------------------------------- INT 15 - OS HOOK - DEVICE BUSY (AT,PS) AH = 90h AL = device type (see #00507) ES:BX -> request block for type codes 80h through BFh CF clear Return: CF set if wait time satisfied CF clear if driver must perform wait AH = 00h Notes: type codes are allocated as follows: 00-7F non-reentrant devices; OS must arbitrate access 80-BF reentrant devices; ES:BX points to a unique control block C0-FF wait-only calls, no complementary INT 15/AH=91h call floppy and hard disk BIOS code uses this call to implement a timeout; for device types 00h and 01h, a return of CF set means that the timeout expired before the disk responded. this function should be hooked by a multitasker to allow other tasks to execute while the BIOS is waiting for I/O completion; the default handler merely returns with AH=00h and CF clear SeeAlso: AH=91h,INT 13/AH=00h,INT 17/AH=00h,INT 1A/AH=83h (Table 00507) Values for device type: 00h disk 01h diskette 02h keyboard 03h PS/2 pointing device 21h waiting for keyboard input (Phoenix BIOS) 80h network FBh digital sound (Tandy) FCh disk reset (PS) FDh diskette motor start FEh printer --------B-1591------------------------------- INT 15 - OS HOOK - DEVICE POST (AT,PS) AH = 91h AL = device type (see #00507) ES:BX -> request block for type codes 80h through BFh CF clear Return: AH = 00h Note: this function should be hooked by a multitasker to allow other tasks to execute while the BIOS is waiting for I/O completion; the default handler merely returns with AH=00h and CF clear SeeAlso: AH=90h --------B-1592------------------------------- INT 15 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AH = 92h SeeAlso: AH=07h"IBM",AH=3Eh"IBM" --------B-15A0------------------------------- INT 15 - IBM SurePath BIOS - ACCESS LOADABLE-ABIOS SIGNATURE AH = A0h AL = function 00h get loadable-ABIOS signature Return: BL = signature value 00h loadable-ABIOS prompting not required A1h loadable-ABIOS prompting is required 01h write loadable-ABIOS signature BL = new signature value 00h loadable-ABIOS prompting not required A1h loadable-ABIOS prompting is required Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status 00h successful 01h invalid subfunction 02h unable to read/write signature 86h function not supported Note: IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AH=08h"IBM" --------x-15A100----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - SET ??? FLAG AX = A100h Return: AX = 0000h CF clear BX,CX,DI may be destroyed Desc: sets bit 7 of CMOS RAM location 37h and updates the CMOS checksum in locations 3Eh and 3Fh Notes: in the examined version of the BIOS, nonzero values in AL cause it to drop through to checking the next possible value of AH, i.e. only subfunction 00h is supported also supported by Dell XPS P90 and IBM PS/PV 6384, which also use AMI BIOSes --------B-15AB------------------------------- INT 15 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AH = ABh SeeAlso: AH=07h"IBM",AH=3Eh"IBM" ----------15B001CX5354----------------------- INT 15 - Stac STACKER - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = B001h CX = 5354h ('ST') DX = 4143h ('AC') Return: AX = 4F4Bh ('OK') if installed Note: this function is encapsulated in Stac's STACKER.LIB C library; it is called by Novell DOS 7+ NWCACHE v1.01, which makes use of this library --------n-15BA10----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - Pen Driver - REPORT PEN CONTROL AREA EVENT AX = BA10h BL = event 00h the pen left control areas 01h the pen entered the Brightness- area 02h the pen entered the Brightness+ area 03h the pen entered the Contrast- area 04h the pen entered the Contrast+ area Return: CF clear if successfully processed CF set on error (function not supported, ie. not an OmniShare BIOS) Note: The pen driver is responsible for detecting when the pen enters and leaves control areas of the OmniShare tablet, and notifying the BIOS. The BIOS manages the events, including the autorepetition, and sets the status LEDs. SeeAlso: AX=BA20h,AX=BA13h --------n-15BA11----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - Pen Driver - SET THE COMMUNICATION LED STATE AX = BA11h BL = new LED state (00h steady, 01h flashing) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error Note: this function is for use by communication software to give visual feedback of active communications even if the display is in standby mode. SeeAlso: AX=BA10h,AX=BA24h --------n-15BA12----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - Pen Driver - STORE PEN BATTERY CHARGE AX = BA12h BL = new battery state (00h good, 01h low charge) Return: CF set on error CF clear if successfully stored in CMOS Note: The last report will be displayed by the Power-On Self Test the next time the OmniShare boots. This allows something meaningful to be reported even if the pen is not detected during the POST. SeeAlso: AX=BA13h --------n-15BA13----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - Pen Driver - GET PEN BATTERY CHARGE AX = BA13h Return: CF clear if successful BL = pen battery state (00h good, 01h low charge) CF set on error Note: returns the last value set by AX=BA12h. SeeAlso: AX=BA12h --------p-15BA20----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - STANDBY.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = BA20h Return: CF clear if successful (installed) CF set on error (not installed) Notes: The display controller can enter a standby mode after a given timeout, to conserve power or (for the OmniShare) to increase the life of the backlight. A side effect of standby mode is that the communications LED turns on automatically when the display is in standby mode. This is done in hardware, and is intended to show that the unit is still on. SeeAlso: AX=BA10h,AX=BA20h,AX=BA22h,AX=BA24h,AX=BA26h --------p-15BA21----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - STANDBY.COM - SET STANDBY DURATION AX = BA21h BL = new timeout before standby mode in minutes (01h-0Fh) 00h to disable automatic switch to standby mode Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (function not supported) Note: The actual timeout with a GD6205 controller is ((N*64)-32) seconds, instead of (N*60) seconds as documented. SeeAlso: AX=BA20h,AX=BA22h --------p-15BA22----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - STANDBY.COM - GET STANDBY DURATION AX = BA22h Return: CF clear if successful BL = standy duration in minutes (01h-0Fh), or 00h if disabled CF set on error (function not supported) Note: The actual timeout with a GD6205 controller is ((N*64)-32) seconds, instead of (N*60) seconds as documented. SeeAlso: AX=BA20h,AX=BA21h --------p-15BA23----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - STANDBY.COM - TURN ON THE SCREEN IMMEDIATELY AX = BA23h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error SeeAlso: AX=BA11h,AX=BA20h,AX=BA24h --------p-15BA24----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - STANDBY.COM - TURN OFF THE SCREEN IMMEDIATELY AX = BA24h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error Note: This function is not implemented yet. Reserved for future versions of the OmniShare. SeeAlso: AX=BA11h,AX=BA20h,AX=BA23h --------p-15BA25----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - STANDBY.COM - PREPARE FOR UNINSTALL AX = BA25h Return: CF clear if successful AX = 25BAh BX = PSP of STANDBY.COM resident portion DX:CX -> previous INT 15 handler CF set on error Note: This function is used internally by the STANDBY.COM /u option, and should not be used by application programs. SeeAlso: AX=BA20h --------p-15BA26----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - STANDBY.COM - IS THE DISPLAY IN STANDBY MODE? AX = BA26h Return: CF clear if successful AL = display state (00h active, 01h in standby mode) CF set on error (function not supported) SeeAlso: AX=BA20h,AX=BA23h --------p-15BA27----------------------------- INT 15 - HP OmniShare - STANDBY.COM - RESERVED FUNCTIONS AX = BA27h to BA2Fh Desc: reserved for future use --------b-15BC------------------------------- INT 15 - Phoenix 386 BIOS - DETERMINE CPU SPEED FOR DELAY LOOPS AH = BCh Return: CF clear (Phoenix 1.10 10a) BYTE 0040h:00B0h set to delay loop count (Dell 4xxDE BIOS A11) WORD 0040h:00ECh set to delay loop count Note: this function reads system timer channel 0 twice, then does calculations on the returned values to determine the delay loop counter needed by the BIOS for beeps and floppy timeouts SeeAlso: AX=2305h,MEM 0040h:00B0h --------E-15BF00----------------------------- INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/16M - ??? AX = BF00h ??? Return: ??? Note: under DESQview/X 1.02 DVDOS4GX.DVR, this call is identical to AX=BF02h SeeAlso: AX=BF02h --------E-15BF01----------------------------- INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/16M - ??? AX = BF01h ??? Return: ??? Notes: under DESQview/X 1.02 DVDOS4GX.DVR, this call is identical to AX=BF02h called by DOS/4GW SeeAlso: AX=BF00h,AX=BF02h --------E-15BF02DX0000----------------------- INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/16M - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = BF02h DX = 0000h Return: DX = nonzero if installed DX:SI -> XBRK structure (see #00508) Note: this function is also supported by DOS/4G SeeAlso: AX=BF01h,AX=BFDCh,AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=FFh/DH=0Eh,INT 2F/AH=A1h,INT 2F/AX=F100h,INT 2F/AX=FBA1h Format of DOS/16M XBRK structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00508) 00h DWORD linear address of first available byte 04h DWORD linear address of last available byte + 1 ??? 08h DWORD real-mode address of XBRK structure??? 0Ch DWORD ??? 10h 2 BYTEs ??? 12h WORD segment of ??? 14h 8 BYTEs ??? 1Ch 512 BYTEs protected-mode IDT 21Ch N BYTEs protected-mode GDT --------E-15BF03----------------------------- INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - UNINSTALL??? AX = BF03h BX = PSP segment of extender ??? Return: ??? Note: if BX is not the PSP segment of the extender, it passes the call down the INT 15 chain; this allows nested instances of the extender SeeAlso: AX=BF06h --------E-15BF04----------------------------- INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? AX = BF04h BX = PSP segment of extender Return: nothing??? Notes: if BX is not the PSP segment of the extender, it passes the call down the INT 15 chain; this allows nested instances of the extender grabs INT 2Fh and installs handlers for INT 2F/AX=1605h-1607h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1607h/BX=22C0h --------E-15BF05----------------------------- INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - INITIALIZE PROTECTED-MODE INTERFACE AX = BF05h BX = PSP segment of extender Return: nothing??? Notes: if BX is not the PSP segment of the extender, it passes the call down the INT 15 chain; this allows nested instances of the extender calls INT 67/AX=DE01h if ??? --------E-15BF06----------------------------- INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? AX = BF06h BX = PSP segment of extender ??? Return: ??? Note: if BX is not the PSP segment of the extender, it passes the call down the INT 15 chain; this allows nested instances of the extender SeeAlso: AX=BF03h --------E-15BFDCDX0000----------------------- INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = BFDCh DX = 0000h SI = 0000h Return: DX = nonzero if installed DX:SI -> XBRK structure (see #00508) SeeAlso: AX=BF02h --------E-15BFDEBX0000----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X - DVDOS4GX.DVR - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = BFDEh BX = 0000h Return: AX = ??? (0003h) BX = FFFFh SeeAlso: AX=BF02h --------E-15BFDEBX0001----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET PROCESS MANAGER NAME AX = BFDEh BX = 0001h Return: BX = 0000h (success) CX:DX -> name of process manager executable SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h --------E-15BFDEBX0002----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - SET ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 0002h CX:DX -> ??? Return: BX = 0000h (success) SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h,AX=BFDEh/BX=0003h --------E-15BFDEBX0003----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 0003h Return: BX = 0000h (success) CX:DX -> ??? SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h,AX=BFDEh/BX=0002h --------E-15BFDEBX0004----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 0004h CL = ??? Return: BX = 0000h (success) CX:DX -> XBRK structure (see #00508) SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h --------E-15BFDEBX0005----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 0005h CX = new value for ??? Return: BX = 0000h (success) AX = old value of ??? DS:SI -> ??? (if AX nonzero on return) ES:DI -> ??? (if AX zero on return) Note: called by DOS4GW.EXE SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h --------E-15BFDEBX0006----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 0006h Return: BX = 0000h (success) AH = interrupt number??? (BEh) CX:DX = ??? SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h,AX=BFDEh/BX=0007h,INT BE"DESQview" --------E-15BFDEBX0007----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - SET ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 0007h CX:DX = ??? Return: BX = 0000h (success) SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h,AX=BFDEh/BX=0006h --------E-15BFDEBX0008----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 0008h CX = segment of ??? DS = ??? Return: BX = status 0000h successful AL = ??? (80h or C0h) DX = ??? (0603h) if AL=C0h 0001h failed AX = 0000h Note: called by DOS4GW.EXE SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h --------E-15BFDEBX0009----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET PROTECTED MODE PROGRAM LOADER AX = BFDEh BX = 0009h Return: BX = 0000h (success) CX:DX -> full pathname to LOAD32.EXP SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h --------E-15BFDEBX000A----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - DECREMENT ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 000Ah Return: BX = 0000h (success) AX = new value of ??? counter Notes: also resets a variety of values if the counter goes negative called by DOS4GW.EXE SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h,AX=BFDEh/BX=000Bh --------E-15BFDEBX000B----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - INCREMENT ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 000Bh Return: AX = new value of ??? counter Note: called by DOS4GW.EXE SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h,AX=BFDEh/BX=000Ah --------E-15BFDEBX000C----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 000Ch CL = ??? 00h nonzero Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h --------E-15BFDEBX000D----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 000Dh ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h --------E-15BFDEBX000E----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 000Eh DX:CX -> ??? Return: AX = segment of handle for calling task BX = ??? (probably destroyed) DX:CX -> ??? SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h,AX=BFDEh/BX=000Fh,AX=BFDEh/BX=0013h --------E-15BFDEBX000F----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 000Fh Return: AX = segment of handle for calling task BX = ??? (probably destroyed) DX:CX -> ??? Note: identical to AX=BFDEh/BX=000Eh with CX:DX = 0000h:0000h SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=000Eh,AX=BFDEh/BX=0010h --------E-15BFDEBX0010----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET TASK HANDLE AX = BFDEh BX = 0010h Return: AX = segment of caller's task handle BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=000Fh --------E-15BFDEBX0011----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 0011h Return: CX = code segment of DVDOS4GX.DVR BX = ??? (0004h) SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h --------E-15BFDEBX0012----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 0012h Return: DX = code segment of DVDOS4GX.DVR BX = ??? (012Ch) CX = ??? (0006h) SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h --------E-15BFDEBX0013----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? AX = BFDEh BX = 0013h Return: DX:CX -> ??? SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=000Eh --------E-15BFDEBX0014----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - LOCK ??? MAILBOX AX = BFDEh BX = 0014h CX = index of ??? mailbox (0000h-0004h valid, but no range checking done) Return: AX,BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0015h,AX=BFDEh/BX=0017h --------E-15BFDEBX0015----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - UNLOCK ??? MAILBOX AX = BFDEh BX = 0015h CX = index of ??? mailbox (0000h-0004h valid, but no range checking done) Return: AX,BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0014h,AX=BFDEh/BX=0016h --------E-15BFDEBX0016----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - CHECK IF ??? MAILBOX OWNED AX = BFDEh BX = 0016h CX = index of ??? mailbox (0000h-0004h valid, but no range checking done) Return: AX = status 0000h no one owns mailbox 0001h mailbox has an owner BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0015h,AX=BFDEh/BX=0017h --------E-15BFDEBX0017----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? MAILBOX OWNER AX = BFDEh BX = 0017h CX = index of ??? mailbox (0000h-0004h valid, but no range checking done) Return: AX = segment of mailbox owner's handle BX = segment of caller's task handle SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0015h,AX=BFDEh/BX=0016h --------E-15BFDEBXFFFD----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? AX = BFDEh BX = FFFDh Return: CX:DX = ??? SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=FFFEh --------E-15BFDEBXFFFE----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - SET ??? AX = BFDEh BX = FFFEh CX:DX = ??? SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=FFFDh --------E-15BFDEBXFFFF----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - NOP AX = BFDEh BX = FFFFh SeeAlso: AX=BFDEh/BX=0000h --------B-15C0------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - GET CONFIGURATION (XT >1986/1/10,AT mdl 3x9,CONV,XT286,PS) AH = C0h Return: CF set if BIOS doesn't support call CF clear on success ES:BX -> ROM table (see #00509) AH = status 00h successful The PC XT (since 1986/01/10), PC AT (since 1985/06/10), the PC XT Model 286, the PC Convertible and most PS/2 machines will clear the CF flag and return the table in ES:BX. 80h unsupported function The PC and PCjr return AH=80h/CF set 86h unsupported function The PC XT (1982/11/08), PC Portable, PC AT (1984/01/10), or PS/2 prior to Model 30 return AH=86h/CF set Notes: the 1986/1/10 XT BIOS returns an incorrect value for the feature byte the configuration table is at F000h:E6F5h in 100% compatible BIOSes Dell machines contain the signature "DELL" or "Dell" at absolute FE076h and a model byte at absolute address FE845h (see #00516) Hewlett-Packard machines contain the signature "HP" at F000h:00F8h and a product identifier at F000h:00FAh (see #00519) Compaq machines can be identified by the signature string "COMPAQ" at F000h:FFEAh, and is preceded by additional information (see #00517) Tandy 1000 machines contain 21h in the byte at F000h:C000h and FFh in the byte at FFFFh:000Eh; Tandy 1000SL/TL machines only provide the first three data bytes (model/submodel/revision) in the returned table the ID at F000h:C000h is used by some Microsoft software before trusting the floppy flags bits 1 and 0 at 0040h:00B5h. the Wang PC contains the signature "WANG" at FC00h:0000h. This is used by Peter Reilley's portable binary editor and viewer BEAV to detect a Wang PC. Toshiba laptops contain the signature "TOSHIBA" at FE010h as part of a laptop information record at F000h:E000h (see #00520) some AST machines contain the string "COPYRIGHT AST RESEARCH" one byte past the end of the configuration table the Phoenix 386 BIOS contains a second version and date string (presumably the last modification for that OEM version) beginning at F000h:FFD8h, with each byte doubled (so that both ROM chips contain the complete information) SeeAlso: AH=C7h,AH=C9h,AX=D100h,AX=D103h Format of ROM configuration table: Offset Size Description (Table 00509) 00h WORD number of bytes following 02h BYTE model (see #00515) 03h BYTE submodel (see #00515) 04h BYTE BIOS revision: 0 for first release, 1 for 2nd, etc. 05h BYTE feature byte 1 (see #00510) 06h BYTE feature byte 2 (see #00511) 07h BYTE feature byte 3 (see #00512) 08h BYTE feature byte 4 (see #00513) 09h BYTE feature byte 5 (see #00514) ??? (08h) (Phoenix 386 v1.10) ??? (0Fh) (Phoenix 486 v1.03 PCI) ---AWARD BIOS--- 0Ah N BYTEs AWARD copyright notice ---Phoenix BIOS--- 0Ah BYTE ??? (00h) 0Bh BYTE major version 0Ch BYTE minor version (BCD) 0Dh 4 BYTEs ASCIZ string "PTL" (Phoenix Technologies Ltd) also on Phoenix Cascade BIOS ---Quadram Quad386--- 0Ah 17 BYTEs ASCII signature string "Quadram Quad386XT" ---Toshiba (Satellite Pro 435CDS at least)--- 0Ah 7 BYTEs signature "TOSHIBA" 11h BYTE ??? (8h) 12h BYTE ??? (E7h) product ID??? (guess) 13h 3 BYTEs "JPN" Bitfields for feature byte 1: Bit(s) Description (Table 00510) 7 DMA channel 3 used by hard disk BIOS 6 2nd interrupt controller (8259) installed 5 Real-Time Clock installed 4 INT 15/AH=4Fh called upon INT 09h 3 wait for external event (INT 15/AH=41h) supported 2 extended BIOS area allocated (usually at top of RAM) 1 bus is Micro Channel instead of ISA 0 system has dual bus (Micro Channel + ISA) SeeAlso: #00509,#00511 Bitfields for feature byte 2: Bit(s) Description (Table 00511) 7 32-bit DMA supported 6 INT 16/AH=09h (keyboard functionality) supported (see #00585) 5 INT 15/AH=C6h (get POS data) supported 4 INT 15/AH=C7h (return memory map info) supported 3 INT 15/AH=C8h (en/disable CPU functions) supported 2 non-8042 keyboard controller 1 data streaming supported 0 reserved SeeAlso: #00509,#00512,AH=C6h,AH=C7h,AH=C8h,INT 16/AH=09h Bitfields for feature byte 3: Bit(s) Description (Table 00512) 7 not used 6-5 reserved 4 POST supports ROM-to-RAM enable/disable 3 SCSI subsystem supported on system board 2 information panel installed 1 IML (Initial Machine Load) system (BIOS loaded from disk) 0 SCSI supported in IML SeeAlso: #00509,#00511,#00512 Bitfields for feature byte 4: Bit(s) Description (Table 00513) 7 IBM "private" (set on N51SX, CL57SX) 6 system has EEPROM 5-3 ABIOS presence 001 not supported 010 supported in ROM 011 supported in RAM (must be loaded) 2 "private" 1 system supports memory split at/above 16M 0 POSTEXT directly supported by POST SeeAlso: #00509,#00512,#00514 Bitfields for feature byte 5 (IBM): Bit(s) Description (Table 00514) 7-5 IBM "private" 4-2 reserved 1 system has enhanced mouse mode 0 flash EPROM SeeAlso: #00509,#00513 (Table 00515) Values for model/submodel/revision: Model Submdl Rev BIOS date System FFh * * 04/24/81 PC (original) FFh * * 10/19/81 PC (some bugfixes) FFh * * 10/27/82 PC (HD, 640K, EGA support) FFh 00h rev ??? Tandy 1000SL FFh 01h rev ??? Tandy 1000TL FFh 46h *** ??? Olivetti M15 FEh * * 08/16/82 PC XT FEh * * 11/08/82 PC XT and Portable FEh * * ../..x.. Toshiba laptops up to ~1987 ("x"=product ID) (see #00521) FEh 00h *** * ??? Olivetti M19 FEh 43h *** ??? Olivetti M240 FEh A6h ??? ??? Quadram Quad386 FDh * * 06/01/83 PCjr FCh * * 01/10/84 AT models 068,099 6 MHz 20MB FCh * * 02/25/93 Linux DOSEMU (all versions) FCh 00h 00h ??? PC3270/AT FCh 00h 01h 06/10/85 AT model 239 6 MHz 30MB FCh 00h > 01h ??? 7531/2 Industrial AT FCh 01h 00h 11/15/85 AT models 319,339 8 MHz, Enh Keyb, 3.5" FCh 01h 00h 09/17/87 Tandy 3000 FCh 01h 00h ../..x.. Toshiba laptops since ~1988 ("x"=product ID) (see #00521) FCh 01h 00h 03/08/93 Compaq DESKPRO/i FCh 01h 00h various Compaq DESKPRO, SystemPro, ProSignia FCh 01h 00h 07/20/93 Zenith Z-Lite 425L FCh 01h 00h 04/09/90 AMI BIOS FCh 01h 20h 06/10/92 AST FCh 01h 30h ??? Tandy 3000NL FCh 01h ??? ??? Compaq 286/386 FCh 02h 00h 04/21/86 PC XT-286 FCh 02h 00h various Compaq LTE Lite FCh 02h 00h 08/05/93 Compaq Contura 486/486c/486cx FCh 02h 00h 08/11/88 SoftWindows 1.0.1 (Power Macintosh) FCh 04h 00h 02/13/87 ** PS/2 Model 50 (10 MHz/1 ws 286) FCh 04h 01h 05/09/87 PS/2 Model 50 (10 Mhz 286, LW-type 32) FCh 04h 02h ??? PS/2 Model 50 FCh 04h 02h 01/28/88 PS/2 Model 50Z (10 Mhz 286, LW-type 33) FCh 04h 03h 04/18/88 PS/2 Model 50Z (10 MHz/0 ws 286) FCh 04h 04h ??? PS/2 Model 50Z FCh 05h 00h 02/13/87 ** PS/2 Model 60 (10 MHz 286) FCh 06h 00h ??? IBM 7552-140 "Gearbox" FCh 06h 01h ??? IBM 7552-540 "Gearbox" FCh 08h *** ??? Epson, unknown model FCh 08h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 25/286 FCh 09h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 25 (10 MHz 286) FCh 09h 00h 08/25/88 PS/2 Model 30 286 (10 Mhz, LW-type 37) FCh 09h 02h 06/28/89 PS/2 Model 30-286 FCh 09h 02h 06/28/89 PS/2 Model 25 286 (10 Mhz, LW-type 37) FCh 0Bh 00h 12/01/89 PS/1 (LW-Type 44) FCh 0Bh 00h 02/16/90 PS/1 Model 2011 (10 MHz 286) FCh 20h 00h 02/18/93 Compaq ProLinea FCh 25h 09h 12/07/91 PS/2 Model 56 SLC (20 MHz 386SLC) FCh 30h *** ??? Epson, unknown model FCh 31h *** ??? Epson, unknown model FCh 33h *** ??? Epson, unknown model FCh 42h *** ??? Olivetti M280 FCh 45h *** ??? Olivetti M380 (XP 1, XP3, XP 5) FCh 48h *** ??? Olivetti M290 FCh 4Fh *** ??? Olivetti M250 FCh 50h *** ??? Olivetti M380 (XP 7) FCh 51h *** ??? Olivetti PCS286 FCh 52h *** ??? Olivetti M300 FCh 81h 00h 01/15/88 Phoenix 386 BIOS v1.10 10a FCh 81h 01h ??? "OEM machine" FCh 82h 01h ??? "OEM machine" FCh 94h 00h ??? Zenith 386 FBh 00h 01h 01/10/86 PC XT-089, Enh Keyb, 3.5" support FBh 00h 01h 05/13/94 HP 200LX 2MB BIOS 1.01 A D german FBh 00h 02h 05/09/86 PC XT FBh 00h 04h 08/19/93 HP 100LX 1MB BIOS 1.04 A FBh 4Ch *** ??? Olivetti M200 FAh 00h 00h 09/02/86 PS/2 Model 30 (8 MHz 8086) FAh 00h 01h 12/12/86 PS/2 Model 30 FAh 00h 02h 02/05/87 PS/2 Model 30 FAh 01h 00h 06/26/87 PS/2 Model 25/25L (8 MHz 8086) FAh 30h 00h ??? IBM Restaurant Terminal FAh 4Eh *** ??? Olivetti M111 FAh FEh 00h ??? IBM PCradio 9075 F9h 00h 00h 09/13/85 PC Convertible F9h FFh 00h ??? PC Convertible F8h 00h 00h 03/30/87 ** PS/2 Model 80 (16MHz 386) F8h 00h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 75 486 (33Mhz 486) F8h 01h 00h 10/07/87 PS/2 Model 80 (20MHz 386) F8h 02h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 55-5571 F8h 04h 00h 01/29/88 PS/2 Model 70 (20 Mhz 386DX,LW-type 33) F8h 04h 02h 04/11/88 PS/2 Model 70 20MHz, type 2 system brd F8h 04h 03h 03/17/89 PS/2 Model 70 20MHz, type 2 system brd F8h 05h 00h ??? IBM PC 7568 F8h 06h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 55-5571 F8h 07h 00h ??? IBM PC 7561/2 F8h 07h 01h ??? PS/2 Model 55-5551 F8h 07h 02h ??? IBM PC 7561/2 F8h 07h 03h ??? PS/2 Model 55-5551 F8h 09h 00h 01/29/88 PS/2 Model 70 16MHz 386DX, type 1 sysbd F8h 09h 02h 04/11/88 PS/2 Model 70 some models F8h 09h 03h 03/17/89 PS/2 Model 70 some models F8h 09h 04h 12/15/89 PS/2 Model 70 (16 Mhz 386, LW-type 33) F8h 0Bh 00h 01/18/89 PS/2 Model P70 (8573-121) typ 2 sys brd F8h 0Bh 02h 12/16/89 PS/2 Model P70 ?? F8h 0Ch 00h 11/02/88 PS/2 Model 55SX (16 MHz 386SX) F8h 0Dh 00h ??? PS/2 Model 70 25MHz, type 3 system brd F8h 0Dh 00h 06/08/88 PS/2 Model 70 386 25MHz, type 3 sys brd F8h 0Dh 01h 02/20/89 PS/2 Model 70 386 25MHz, type 3 sys brd F8h 0Dh ??? 12/01/89 PS/2 Model 70 486 25Mhz, type 3 sys brd F8h 0Eh 00h ??? PS/1 486SX F8h 0Fh 00h ??? PS/1 486DX F8h 10h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 55-5551 F8h 11h 00h 10/01/90 PS/2 Model 90 XP (25 MHz 486) F8h 12h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP F8h 13h 00h 10/01/90 PS/2 Model 90 XP (33 MHz 486) F8h 14h 00h 10/01/90 PS/2 Model 90-AK9 (25 MHz 486), 95 XP F8h 15h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 XP F8h 16h 00h 10/01/90 PS/2 Model 90-AKD / 95XP486 (33MHz 486) F8h 17h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 XP F8h 19h 05h ??? PS/2 Model 35/35LS or 40 (20 MHz 386SX) F8h 19h 05h 03/15/91 PS/2 Model 35 SX / 40 SX (LW-type 37) F8h 19h 06h 04/04/91 PS/2 Model 35 SX / 40 SX (LW-type 37) F8h 1Ah 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP F8h 1Bh 00h 09/29/89 PS/2 Model 70 486 (25 Mhz 386DX) F8h 1Bh 00h 10/02/89 PS/2 Model 70-486 (25 MHz 486) F8h 1Ch 00h 02/08/90 PS/2 Model 65-121 / 65 SX (16MHz 386SX) F8h 1Eh 00h 02/08/90 PS/2 Model 55LS (16 MHz 386SX) F8h 23h 00h ??? PS/2 Model L40 SX F8h 23h 01h ??? PS/2 Model L40 SX (20 MHz 386SX) F8h 23h 02h 02/27/91 PS/2 Model L40 SX (20Mhz386SX,LW-typ37) F8h 25h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 57 SLC F8h 25h 06h ??? PS/2 Model M57 (20 MHz 386SLC) F8h 26h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 57 SX F8h 26h 01h ??? PS/2 Model 57 (20 MHz 386SX) F8h 26h 02h 07/03/91 PS/2 Model 57 SX (20Mhz 386SX, SCSI) F8h 28h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP F8h 29h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 XP F8h 2Ah 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP (50 MHz 486) F8h 2Bh 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 / 90XP486 (50 MHz 486) F8h 2Ch 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP F8h 2Ch 01h ??? PS/2 Model 95 (20 MHz 486SX) F8h 2Dh 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 XP (20 MHz 486SX) F8h 2Eh 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP F8h 2Eh 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP486 (20 Mhz 486SX) F8h 2Eh 01h ??? PS/2 Model 95 (20 MHz 486SX + 487SX) F8h 2Fh 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 XP (20 MHz 486SX + 487SX) F8h 30h 00h ??? PS/1 Model 2121 (16 MHz 386SX) F8h 33h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 30-386 F8h 34h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 25-386 F8h 36h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP F8h 37h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 XP F8h 38h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 57 F8h 39h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP F8h 3Fh 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 XP F8h 40h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP F8h 41h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 77 F8h 45h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 XP (Pentium) F8h 46h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP (Pentium) F8h 47h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90/95 E (Pentium) F8h 48h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 85 F8h 49h 00h ??? PS/ValuePoint 325T F8h 4Ah 00h ??? PS/ValuePoint 425SX F8h 4Bh 00h ??? PS/ValuePoint 433DX F8h 4Eh 00h ??? PS/2 Model 295 F8h 50h 00h ??? PS/2 Model P70 (8573) (16 MHz 386) F8h 50h 01h 12/16/89 PS/2 Model P70 (8570-031) F8h 52h 00h ??? PS/2 Model P75 (33 MHz 486) F8h 56h 00h ??? PS/2 Model CL57 SX F8h 57h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 XP F8h 58h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP F8h 59h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 XP F8h 5Ah 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP F8h 5Bh 00h ??? PS/2 Model 90 XP F8h 5Ch 00h ??? PS/2 Model 95 XP F8h 5Dh 00h ??? PS/2 Model N51 SLC F8h 5Eh 00h ??? IBM ThinkPad 700 F8h 61h *** ??? Olivetti P500 F8h 62h *** ??? Olivetti P800 F8h 80h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 80 (25 MHz 386) F8h 80h 01h 11/21/89 PS/2 Model 80-A21 (25 Mhz 386) F8h 81h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 55-5502 F8h 87h 00h ??? PS/2 Model N33SX F8h 88h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 55-5530T F8h 97h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 55 Note N23SX F8h 99h 00h ??? PS/2 Model N51 SX F8h F2h 30h ??? Reply Model 32 F8h F6h 30h ??? Memorex Telex F8h FDh 00h ??? IBM Processor Complex (with VPD) F8h ??? ??? ??? PS/2 Model 90 (25 MHz 486SX) F8h ??? ??? ??? PS/2 Model 95 (25 MHz 486SX) F8h ??? ??? ??? PS/2 Model 90 (25 MHz 486SX + 487SX) F8h ??? ??? ??? PS/2 Model 95 (25 MHz 486SX + 487SX) E4h ??? ??? ??? Triumph Adler PC/XT E1h ??? ??? ??? ??? (checked for by DOS4GW.EXE) E1h 00h 00h ??? PS/2 Model 55-5530 Laptop D9h ??? ??? ??? Peacock XT 9Ah * * ??? Compaq XT/Compaq Plus 30h ??? ??? ??? Sperry PC 2Dh * * ??? Compaq PC/Compaq Deskpro ??? 56h ??? ??? Olivetti, unknown model ??? 74h ??? ??? Olivetti, unknown model Notes: BIOS dates may vary without changes to the revision code, especially for non-IBM machines * This BIOS call is not implemented in these early versions or under Linux's DOSEMU. Read the Model byte at F000h:FFFEh and BIOS date at F000h:FFF5h instead. ** These BIOS versions require the DASDDRVR.SYS patches. *** These Olivetti and Epson machines store the submodel in the byte at F000h:FFFDh. SeeAlso: #00509,#00516 (Table 00516) Values for Dell model byte: 02h Dell 200 03h Dell 300 05h Dell 220 06h Dell 310 07h Dell 325 09h Dell 310A 0Ah Dell 316 0Bh Dell 220E 0Ch Dell 210 0Dh Dell 316SX 0Eh Dell 316LT 0Fh Dell 320LX 11h Dell 425E SeeAlso: #00509,#00515 Format of Compaq product information: Address Size Description (Table 00517) F000h:FFE4h BYTE product family code (first byte) F000h:FFE5h BYTE Point release number F000h:FFE6h BYTE ROM version code F000h:FFE7h BYTE product family code (second byte) F000h:FFE8h WORD BIOS type code SeeAlso: #00518,#00520 Format of Hewlett-Packard ROM ID at F000h:00F8h: Offset Size Description (Table 00518) 00h 2 BYTEs signature "HP" (48h 50h) 02h 2 BYTEs 00h 00h 04h BYTE secondary code revision 05h BYTE primary code revision 06h BYTE date code, year-1960 (BCD) 07h BYTE date code, week of year (BCD) SeeAlso: #00517,#00519 Bitfields for Hewlett-Packard product identifier: Bit(s) Description (Table 00519) 4-0 machine code 0 original Vectra 1 ES/12 2 RS/20 3 Portable/CS 4 ES 5 CS 6 RS/16 other reserved 7-5 CPU type 0 = 80286 1 = 8088 2 = 8086 3 = 80386 other reserved SeeAlso: #00518 Format of Toshiba laptop information: Offset Size Description (Table 00520) 00h 8 BYTEs ASCII product number (e.g. "T2200SX ") 08h 8 BYTEs ASCII version number (e.g. "V1.20 ") 10h 8 BYTEs ASCII signature string "TOSHIBA " 18h 8 BYTEs always zero??? 20h DWORD -> built-in BIOS setup program entry point or 0000h:0000h Note: this record is located at F000h:E000h SeeAlso: #00517,#00518 (Table 00521) Values for Toshiba product ID: model prodID version date product number FEh 29h ../..).. Toshiba T1000LE FEh 2Ah ../..*.. Toshiba T1000XE FEh 2Bh ../..+.. Toshiba T1000SE FEh 2Ch ../..,.. Toshiba T1000 FEh 2Dh ../..-.. Toshiba T1200F FEh 2Dh V4.00 12/26-87 Toshiba T1200H FEh 2Eh ../..... Toshiba T1100+ FCh 22h ../..".. Toshiba T8500 FCh 26h 01/15&88 Toshiba T5200 FCh 27h ../..'.. Toshiba T5100 FCh 28h ../..(.. Toshiba T2000 FCh 2Ah 12/26*89 Toshiba T1200XE FCh 2Bh ../..+.. Toshiba T1600 FCh 2Ch ../..,.. Toshiba T3100e FCh 2Dh ../..-.. Toshiba T3200 FCh 2Fh ../../.. Toshiba T3100 FCh 34h V1.50 02/04494 Toshiba T100X FCh 38h ../..8.. Toshiba T2000SXe FCh 39h V1.20 09/16991 Toshiba T2200SX FCh 39h V1.40 10/01992 Toshiba T2200SX FCh 3Ch V1.50 01/28<91 Toshiba T2000SX FCh 3Dh ../..=.. Toshiba T3200SXC FCh 3Eh ../..>.. Toshiba T3100SX FCh 3Fh ../..?.. Toshiba T3200SX FCh 40h ../..@.. Toshiba T4500C FCh 41h V1.20 04/05A92 Toshiba T4500 ("T4500SXC" ???) FCh 45h V3.20 04/14E92 Toshiba T4400SX ("C" or "SXC" on cover) FCh 45h 01/13E93 Toshiba T4400SXC FCh 46h * ../..F.. Toshiba T6400 FCh 46h * ../..F.. Toshiba T6400C FCh 5Fh V1.40 01/18_94 Toshiba T3300SL FCh 69h ../..i.. Toshiba T1900C ("T1900CT" ???) FCh 6Ah V1.30 05/19j93 Toshiba T1900 ("T1900S" ???) FCh 6Dh V1.10 12/25m92 Toshiba T1850C FCh 6Eh V1.00 08/19n92 Toshiba T1850 FCh 6Eh V1.10 12/25n92 Toshiba T1850 FCh 6Fh V1.00 07/17o92 Toshiba T1800 FCh 6Fh V1.10 12/25o92 Toshiba T1800 FCh 7Eh V1.30 06/17~93 Toshiba T4600C FCh 7Fh V1.40 11/10x94 Toshiba T4600 FCh 8Ah V1.30 10/22x93 Toshiba T6600C FCh 91h V1.20 07/15x94 Toshiba T2400CT FCh 91h V5.00 07/28x95 Toshiba T2400CS/CT FCh 92h V5.00 07/28x95 Toshiba T3600CT FCh 96h * V1.40 12/08x94 Toshiba T200 FCh 96h * V1.50 12/08x94 Toshiba T200CS (T200) FCh 97h ../..x.. Toshiba T4800CT FCh 98h * V1.10 12/22x93 Toshiba T1910 FCh 98h * V2.40 07/12x94 Toshiba T1910/CS (T19XX) FCh 99h ../..x.. Toshiba T4700CS FCh 9Bh V2.30 01/31x94 Toshiba T4700CT FCh 9Bh V2.50 03/22x94 Toshiba T4700CT FCh 9Bh V5.00 07/28x95 Toshiba T4700CT FCh 9Ch V1.30 01/11x94 Toshiba T1950CT FCh 9Ch V2.50 07/22x94 Toshiba T1950CT (T19XX) FCh 9Dh * V2.40 07/12x94 Toshiba T1950/CS (T19XX) FCh 9Eh * V1.20 12/25x93 Toshiba T3400 FCh 9Eh * V1.30 03/22x94 Toshiba T3400/CT FCh B5h ** V5.10 08/25x95 Toshiba T2110/CS (T21XX) FCh B5h V5.10 08/25x95 Toshiba T2130CS/CT (T21XX) FCh BAh V1.30 02/16x95 Toshiba T2150CDS/CDT FCh BAh V5.00 07/27x95 Toshiba T2150CDS/CDT (T2150) FCh BBh ** V1.30 01/25x95 Toshiba T2100/CS/CT FCh BBh ** V5.00 07/27x95 Toshiba T2100/CS/CT FCh BCh V1.20 12/05x94 Toshiba T2450CT FCh BCh V5.00 07/28x95 Toshiba T2450CT FCh BEh V5.00 07/28x95 Toshiba T4850CT FCh C0h V5.20 05/30x96 Toshiba 420CDS/CDT FCh C1h V5.20 03/27x96 Toshiba 100CS FCh C3h V5.60 07/19x96 Toshiba 710CDT / 720CDT FCh C6h V5.30 11/30x95 Toshiba 410CS/CDT FCh CAh V5.10 08/18x95 Toshiba 400CS/CDT FCh CAh V5.40 12/18x95 Toshiba 400CS/CDT FCh CBh V5.10 09/01x95 Toshiba 610CT FCh CCh V5.50 06/13x96 Toshiba 700CS/CT FCh CFh V5.00 08/07x95 Toshiba T4900CT FCh DCh V5.10 06/17x96 Toshiba 650CT FCh DCh V5.10 05/10x96 Toshiba 110CS/CT FCh DDh V5.10 05/10x96 Toshiba 110CS/CT FCh DFh V5.20 05/27x96 Toshiba 500CS/CDT FCh ??? V5.??? ../..x.. Toshiba 620CT FCh ??? V5.??? ../..x.. Toshiba 660CDT FCh ??? V5.30 11/22/96 Toshiba 730CDT FCh ??? V6.00 09/20/96 Toshiba 200CDS/CDT FCh ??? V6.20 11/14/96 Toshiba 430CDS/CDT FCh ??? V6.40 12/05/96 Toshiba 510CS/CDT Notes: the 8-bit ASCII graphics character in the "date" column above has been substituted by "x" if larger than 80h BIOS version numbers and dates may vary, esp. due to harddisk and (flash) BIOS upgrades; all BIOS versions 5.xx are flash updates for Windows95, the product number may indicate the series only (T21XX) or does no longer contain the exact type suffix (CS/CT) the most recent versions of the BIOS have stopped including the product ID code in the BIOS date [*] These models have monochrome and color versions which can be distinguished with INT 42/AX=7503h (WD90C24 chipset) [**] These models have monochrome and color versions which can be distinguished with INT 10/AX=5F50h (CT655xx chipset) models not found here like T21x5 are variants differing only in bundled software SeeAlso: #00515 --------B-15C1------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - RETURN EXTENDED-BIOS DATA-AREA SEGMENT ADDRESS (PS) AH = C1h Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful ES = segment of data area (see #M0001,#M0004,#M0005) SeeAlso: AH=04h"ABIOS",MEM 0040h:000Eh"DATA" --------M-15C200----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - POINTING DEVICE BIOS INTERFACE (PS) - ENABLE/DISABLE AX = C200h BH = new state 00h disabled 01h enabled Return: CF set on error AH = status (see #00522) Note: IBM classifies this function as required SeeAlso: AX=C201h,AX=C207h,AX=C208h (Table 00522) Values for pointing device function status: 00h successful 01h invalid function 02h invalid input 03h interface error 04h need to resend 05h no device handler installed --------M-15C201----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - POINTING DEVICE BIOS INTERFACE (PS) - RESET AX = C201h Return: CF set on error AH = status (see #00522) CF clear if successful BH = device ID BL = value returned by attached device after reset AAh if device is a mouse Notes: after successful completion of this call, the pointing device is set as follows: disabled, sample rate 100 Hz, resolution 4 counts/mm, scaling 1:1, unchanged data package size this function should be called before rebooting the system (see INT 15/AH=4Fh), since otherwise the mouse may behave erratically on some systems after the boot. Before calling this function, the caller should check that the INT 15h vector is in fact initialized (on some very old machines the IVT may contain 0000h:0000h). IBM classifies this function as required SeeAlso: INT 33/AX=0000h,AX=C200h,AX=C207h --------M-15C202----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - POINTING DEVICE BIOS INTERFACE (PS) - SET SAMPLING RATE AX = C202h BH = sampling rate 00h 10/second 01h 20/second 02h 40/second 03h 60/second 04h 80/second 05h 100/second 06h 200/second Return: CF set on error AH = status (see #00522) SeeAlso: INT 33/AX=001Ch --------M-15C203----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - POINTING DEVICE BIOS INTERFACE (PS) - SET RESOLUTION AX = C203h BH = resolution (see #00523) Return: CF set on error AH = status (see #00522) (Table 00523) Values for pointing device resolution: 00h one count per mm 01h two counts per mm 02h four counts per mm 03h eight counts per mm --------M-15C204----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - POINTING DEVICE BIOS INTERFACE (PS) - GET TYPE AX = C204h Return: CF set on error AH = status (see #00522) CF clear if successful BH = device ID --------M-15C205----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - POINTING DEVICE BIOS INTERFACE (PS) - INITIALIZE AX = C205h BH = data package size (1 - 8 bytes) Return: CF set on error AH = status (see #00522) Note: the pointing device is set as follows: disabled, 100 Hz sample rate, resolution 4 counts/mm, scaling 1:1 SeeAlso: AX=C201h --------M-15C206----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - POINTING DEVICE BIOS INTERFACE (PS) - EXTENDED COMMANDS AX = C206h BH = subfunction 00h return device status Return: BL = pointing device status (see #00524) CL = resolution (see #00523) DL = sample rate, reports per second 01h set scaling at 1:1 02h set scaling at 2:1 Return: CF set on error AH = status (see #00522) Bitfields for pointing device status: Bit(s) Description (Table 00524) 0 right button pressed 1 reserved 2 left button pressed 3 reserved 4 0 if 1:1 scaling, 1 if 2:1 scaling 5 device enabled 6 0 if stream mode, 1 if remote mode 7 reserved --------M-15C207----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - POINTING DEVICE BIOS INTERFACE (PS) - SET DEVICE HANDLER ADDR AX = C207h ES:BX -> FAR user device handler or 0000h:0000h to cancel Return: CF set on error AH = status (see #00522) Note: when the subroutine is called, it is passed the following values on the stack; the handler should return with a FAR return without popping the stack: WORD 1: status (see #00525) WORD 2: X data (high byte = 00h) WORD 3: Y data (high byte = 00h) WORD 4: 0000h SeeAlso: INT 33/AX=000Ch Bitfields for pointing device status: Bit(s) Description (Table 00525) 15-8 reserved (0) 7 Y data overflowed 6 X data overflowed 5 Y data is negative 4 X data is negative 3 reserved (1) 2 reserved (0) 1 right button pressed 0 left button pressed --------M-15C208----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - POINTING DEVICE BIOS INTERFACE - WRITE TO POINTER PORT AX = C208h BL = byte to be sent to the pointing device Note: IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AX=C200h,AX=C209h --------M-15C209----------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - POINTING DEVICE BIOS INTERFACE - READ FROM POINTER PORT AX = C209h Return: BL = first byte read from pointing device CL = second byte read DL = third byte read Note: IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AX=C200h,AX=C208h --------M-15C2------------------------------- INT 15 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AH = C2h AL = 10h-23h SeeAlso: AH=07h"IBM",AH=3Eh"IBM" --------B-15C3------------------------------ INT 15 - SYSTEM - ENABLE/DISABLE WATCHDOG TIMEOUT (PS50+) AH = C3h AL = function 00h disable PS/2 watchdog timer 01h enable PS/2 watchdog timer BX = timer counter (0001h-00FFh) 02h disable Gearbox system 03h enable Gearbox system Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful Note: the watchdog timer generates an NMI SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=2Bh/CX=6269h"WDTSR" --------B-15C4------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - PROGRAMMABLE OPTION SELECT (PS50+) AH = C4h AL = subfunction 00h return base POS register address 01h enable selected slot for setup BL = slot number (1 to 8) 02h disable setup for all slots (enable adapter) Return: CF set on error DX = base POS register address (if subfunction 00h) SeeAlso: AH=C6h --------B-15C5------------------------------- INT 15 UC - OS HOOK - ROM BIOS TRACING CALLOUT (PS30/286,PS50Z,PS95) AH = C5h AL = interrupt being invoked 01h INT 19 02h INT 14 03h INT 16 04h INT 40 (floppy INT 13) 05h INT 17 06h INT 10 07h INT 12 08h INT 11 09h INT 1A Return: all registers except AX must be preserved Notes: called as the very first action of the indicated ROM BIOS interrupt handlers on the PS/2 Models 30/286, 50Z, and 95 default handler does nothing and returns CF clear for the above subfunctions, CF set and AH=86h for all other subfunctions value of AX passed to the original interrupt handler is pushed on stack immediately prior to call --------B-15C6------------------------------- INT 15 U - later PS/2 models - GET POS DATA AH = C6h ??? Return: ??? Notes: this function is referenced by name and number in some IBM BIOS manuals IBM reports that "there are a number of problems with this call" and does not recommend its use. SeeAlso: AH=C4h --------B-15C7------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - later PS/2s - RETURN MEMORY-MAP INFORMATION AH = C7h DS:SI -> user supplied memory map table (see #00526) Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful Notes: call AH=C0h and examine bit 4 of feature byte 2 to check if this function is supported IBM classifies this function as optional Windows95 OSR2 reportedly does not support this function even though INT 15/AH=C0h indicates that it is available (observed on several different systems) SeeAlso: AH=C0h,AH=C9h,AH=D1h,AX=E820h Format of memory-map table structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00526) 00h WORD length of table (excluding this word) 02h DWORD local memory between 1M and 16M, in 1K blocks 06h DWORD local memory between 16M and 4G, in 1K blocks 0Ah DWORD system memory between 1M and 16M, in 1K blocks 0Eh DWORD system memory between 16M and 4G, in 1K blocks 12h DWORD cacheable memory between 1M and 16M, in 1K blocks 16h DWORD cacheable memory between 16M and 4G, in 1K blocks 1Ah DWORD 1K blocks before start of non-system memory between 1M and 16M 1Eh DWORD 1K blocks before start of non-system memory between 16M and 4G 22h WORD start segment of largest free block from C0000h-DFFFFh 24h WORD size of largest free block 26h DWORD reserved --------B-15C8------------------------------- INT 15 - SYSTEM - ENABLE/DISABLE PROCESSOR FUNCTIONS AH = C8h AL = function 00h disable L1 cache 01h enable L1 cache ---models 90 and 95 only--- 02h disable L2 cache 03h enable L2 cache 04h disable both caches 05h enable both caches 06h return status of both caches 07h-FFh Reserved Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful AH = status (see #00527) For subfunction 06h only: BL = status of L1 cache 00h enabled 01h disabled or not installed 02h disabled due to test error (can not be enabled) BH = status of L2 cache (same codes as BL) Notes: supported by at least PS/2 70, 70/486, 80-A21, 90, 95 call AH=C0h and examine bit 3 of feature byte 2 to check if this function is supported. on a 486 system, any external caches must be disabled when the on-chip cache (L1) is disabled. SeeAlso: AH=C0h (Table 00527) Values for status: 00h operation successful 01h function choice (in AL) is invalid 02h NVRAM data is invalid 03h cache test error 04h (90 and 95 only) cannot perform operation requested due to state of other cache (also see note above) 05h no L2 cache is present 07h invalid input values 09h CPU in protected mode --------B-15C9------------------------------- INT 15 - newer PS/2; various BIOSes - GET CPU TYPE AND MASK REVISION AH = C9h AL = 10h (may be required on some non-PS BIOSes) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CH = CPU type (see #00528) CL = mask revision (stepping level) (see #00529) CF set on error AH = status (80h,86h = function not supported) Notes: the BIOS must save DX at startup in order to be able to support this call; PS/2 Models 56, 57, 90, and 95 are known to support it the PS/2 BIOS merely reads CMOS locations 190h (type) and 191h (rev) IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AX=D100h,AX=DA92h,MEM 0040h:00BCh (Table 00528) Values for CPU type: 03h 80386DX or clone 04h 80486 05h Pentium 23h 80386SX or clone 33h Intel i376 43h 80386SL or clone A3h IBM 386SLC A4h IBM 486SLC (Table 00529) Values for stepping level: ---i376 (type code 33h)--- 05h A0 08h B ---80386/80386DX (type code 03h)--- 03h Intel B1 to B10, Am386DX/DXL step A 05h Intel D0 08h Intel D1/D2/E1, Am386DX/DXL step B ---80386SL (type code 43h)--- 05h A 1xh B ---80386SX (type code 23h)--- 04h Intel A0 05h Intel B, Am386SX/SXL step A1 08h Intel C/D1, Am386SX/SXL step B 09h Intel 386CX/386EX/386SXstatic step A ---80486DX (type code 04h)--- 00h Intel A0/A1 01h Intel B2 to B6 02h Intel C0 03h Intel C1 04h Intel D0 10h Intel cA2/cA3, Cx486SLC step A 11h Intel cB0/cB1 ---486DX2 (type code 04h)--- 02h Am486DX2 (unknown stepping) 32h Intel DX2/Overdrive steps A0 to A2 33h Intel DX2/Overdrive step B1 ---486SX (type code 04h)--- 20h Intel A0 22h Intel B0 27h Intel cA0 28h Intel cB0 ---486SL (type code 04h)--- 40h Intel A ---IntelSX2 (type code 04h)--- 5xh Intel A ---IntelDX4 (type code 04h)--- 8xh Intel A ---487SX (type code 04h)--- 20h Intel A0 21h Intel B0 ---Pentium (type code 05h)--- 0xh Intel P5 steps Ax (1993) 1xh Intel P5 steps Bx (1994) 2xh Intel P54C step A ---RapidCAD (type code 03h)--- 40h A --------B-15CA------------------------------- INT 15 U - PS/2 Model 95 - READ/WRITE CMOS MEMORY AH = CAh AL = function 00h read CMOS Return: CL = value of CMOS location 01h write CMOS CL = new value for CMOS location BL = CMOS location (0Eh-3Fh) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = error code (see #00530) Note: writes do not update the CMOS checksum (Table 00530) Values for CMOS read/write error code: 01h CMOS lost power or has invalid checksum 03h specified location out of range (too high) 04h specified location out of range (too low) 80h unsupported function (PC) 86h unsupported function (XT) --------B-15CB------------------------------- INT 15 U - PS/2 Model 95 - RESERVED AH = CBh ??? Return: ??? --------B-15CC------------------------------- INT 15 U - PS/2 Model 95 - RESERVED AH = CCh ??? Return: ??? --------V-15CCCC----------------------------- INT 15 U - Toshiba laptops - VCHAD.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CCCCh Return: AX = ABCDh if installed Note: supported by Toshiba VGA change display utility VCHAD.EXE ver 2.90+ older versions have the string "VCHAD" 2 bytes after the address of the INT 15 handler which is hooked by all versions for the SysReq key SeeAlso: AH=85h --------B-15CD------------------------------- INT 15 U - PS/2 Model 95 - RESERVED AH = CDh ??? Return: ??? --------B-15CE--BL00------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - ALLOCATE DMA ARBITRATION LEVEL AH = CEh BL = 00h-0Eh arbitration level to be allocated 0Fh-FFh reserved AL = option byte bit 7-1: reserved (0) bit 0: 0 = need DMA channel for arbitration level requested 1 = no channel required for arbitration level Return: CF set on error AH = status (80h,86h = function not supported) CF clear on success AL = channel number 00h-07h channel number allocated for the arbiration level 08h-FEh reserved FFh no channel requested for arbitration level AH = status (see #00531) Notes: arbitration level 00h has the highest priority, 0Eh the lowest to perform a DMA transfer operation, be sure to call this function first, and call AH=CFh afterward. Failure to use this function can cause unpredictable results. SeeAlso: AH=CFh (Table 00531) Values for DMA arbitration status: 00h success 01h arbitration level not available 02h channel not available 03h invalid arbitration level passed --------B-15CF------------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - DEALLOCATE DMA ARBITRATION LEVEL AH = CFh BL = arbitration level to be deallocated (see AH=CEh) Return: CF set on error AH = status (80h,86h = function not supported) CF clear on success AH = status 00h success 04h arbitration level not allocated SeeAlso: AH=CEh --------B-15D0------------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - RESERVED AH = D0h ??? Return: ??? ----------15D042BL00------------------------- INT 15 R - Intel Pentium Pro BIOS UPDATE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D042h BL = 00h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status 00h successful EBX:ECX = signature "INTELPEP" EDX = BIOS update loader version SI = number of 2K update blocks which can be recorded in NVRAM 86h not implemented AL = OEM error (if AH is not 00h or 86h, otherwise undefined) 00h successful Program: the Pentium Pro BIOS update allows the system BIOS or other software to install a microcode patch into the Pentium Pro processor Notes: this API must be called from actual real mode, not V86 mode at least 32K stack space must be available when this function is called SeeAlso: AX=D042h/BL=01h,AX=D042h/BL=02h,AX=D042h/BL=03h SeeAlso: @xxxxh:xxxxh"Intel BIOS Upgrade",MSR 00000079h ----------15D042BL01------------------------- INT 15 R - Intel Pentium Pro BIOS UPDATE - WRITE BIOS UPDATE AREA AX = D042h BL = 01h ES:DI -> microcode update block (see #00533) CX,DX,SI = segments of three 64K scratchpad areas for BIOS use Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status (see #00532) AL = OEM error (if AH is not 00h or 86h, otherwise undefined) 00h successful Notes: a microcode update may also be initiated by a WRMSR instruction with ECX=0079h, EDX=00000000h, and EAX=linear address of update block (see #00533) at least 32K stack space must be available when this function is called SeeAlso: AX=D042h/BL=00h,AX=D042h/BL=02h,AX=D042h/BL=03h,MSR 00000079h (Table 00532) Values for Pentium Pro BIOS update status: 00h successful 86h not implemented 90h unable to erase NVRAM device 91h unable to write to NVRAM device 92h unable to read storage 93h NVRAM is full 94h specified processor stepping is not present in system 95h invalid header or loader version 96h wrong checksum in header 97h processor rejected the update 98h the same or a more recent update is already stored 99h update block number was out of range Format of Pentium Pro microcode update block: Offset Size Description (Table 00533) 00h DWORD update header version number (currently 00000001h) FFFFFFFFh = unused block 04h DWORD revision number of this microcode update 08h DWORD update creation date, as BCD mmddyyyy (month,day,year) 0Ch DWORD family/model/stepping of processor to which update applied (same value as returned by CPUID instruction) 10h DWORD checksum (used to force sum of all 512 DWORDs of the update block to 00000000h) 14h DWORD revision number of loader needed to install update (currently 00000001h) 18h 24 BYTEs reserved for future expansion 30h 2000 BYTEs encrypted microcode data SeeAlso: MSR 00000079h,OPCODE "CPUID" ----------15D042BL02------------------------- INT 15 R - Intel Pentium Pro BIOS UPDATE - BIOS UPDATE CONTROL AX = D042h BL = 02h BH = function 01h enable update loading at initialization time 02h check whether update loading is enabled CX,DX,SI = segments of three 64K scratchpad areas for BIOS use Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status (see #00532) 00h successful BL = enabled/disabled flag 86h not implemented AL = OEM error (if AH is not 00h or 86h, otherwise undefined) 00h successful Notes: this API must be called from actual real mode, not V86 mode at least 32K stack space must be available when this function is called there is no call to disable update loading due to security risks; the BIOS setup can disable loading SeeAlso: AX=D042h/BL=00h,AX=D042h/BL=02h,AX=D042h/BL=03h ----------15D042BL03------------------------- INT 15 R - Intel Pentium Pro BIOS UPDATE - READ BIOS UPDATE AREA AX = D042h BL = 03h ES:DI -> buffer for microcode update block (see #00533) ECX = two real-mode 64K scratchpad segments (upper and lower words) DX = segment of 64K scratchpad area for BIOS use SI = zero-based index number of update block to retrieve Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status 00h successful ES:DI buffer filled with 2048-byte update block 86h not implemented AL = OEM error (if AH is not 00h or 86h, otherwise undefined) 00h successful Program: the Pentium Pro BIOS update allows the system BIOS or other software to install a microcode patch into the Pentium Pro processor Notes: this API must be called from actual real mode, not V86 mode at least 32K stack space must be available when this function is called SeeAlso: AX=D042h/BL=00h,AX=D042h/BL=01h,AX=D042h/BL=03h --------B-15D100DX0000----------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - GET NUMBER OF DEVICE DESCRIPTOR TABLE (DDT) ENTRIES AX = D100h DX = 0000h (reserved, must set to 0) Return: BL = size of one DDT entry, in bytes CX = number of DDT entries AH = return code (see #00534) CF set on error CF clear on success SeeAlso: AH=C0h,AH=C7h,AH=C9h,AX=D101h,AX=D102h,AX=D103h,AX=D104h (Table 00534) Values for return code: 00h success 01h requested DDT entry not found 02h DDT data not valid 86h function not supported --------B-15D101----------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - RETURN DEVICE DESCRIPTOR TABLE (DDT) ENTRY BY NUMBER AX = D101h BX = number of requested entry (starting with 1) DX = 0000h (reserved, must be set to 0) ES:DI -> buffer to contain DDT entry (see #00535) Return: AH = return code (see #00534) CF set on error CF clear on success ES:DI buffer filled with DDT entry SeeAlso: AH=C0h,AH=C7h,AH=C9h,AX=D100h,AX=D102h,AX=D104h Format of Device Descriptor Table (DDT): Offset Size Description (Table 00535) 00h BYTE bits 7-4: reserved (set to 0) bits 3-0: slot of device (0 = system board) 01h BYTE bits 7-4: second interrupt for this device (0 = none) bits 3-0: first interrupt for this device (0 = none) 02h BYTE bits 7-4: second arbitration level for this device bits 3-0: first arbitration level for this device 03h WORD DDT indicators (see #00536) 05h BYTE reserved (0) 06h WORD device ID (0 = none) 08h WORD starting address of first I/O block (0 = none) 0Ah WORD starting address of second I/O block (0 = none) OCh WORD starting address of third I/O block (0 = none) OEh DWORD start of first non-system memory block (0 = none) 12h WORD size of first non-system memory block (in kilobytes) 14h DWORD start of second non-system memory block (0 = none) 18h WORD size of second non-system memory block (in kilobytes) 1Ah BYTE implementation identifier of the device 1Bh BYTE implementation revision level of the device Note: I/O block addresses and non-system memory addresses are listed in ascending order in each DDT entry. Bitfields for DDT indicators: Bit(s) Description (Table 00536) 15 reserved (0) 14 second arbitration level exists 13 first arbitration level exists 12 serial interface is RS-422 11 not address limited 10 DMA channel used 9 second arbitration level can be shared 8 first arbitration level can be shared 7-0 reserved (0) --------B-15D102----------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - RETURN DEVICE DESCRIPTOR TABLE (DDT) ENTRY BY I/O ADDRSS AX = D102h BX = entry number at which to start searching CX = requested I/O port address DX = 0000h (reserved, must be set to 0) ES:DI -> buffer to contain DDT entry (see #00535) Return: AH = return code (see #00534) BX = DDT entry number where I/O port was found, or total entries plus 1 if port was not found. CF set on error CF clear on success ES:DI buffer filled with DDT entry Desc: the DDT is searched from the specified entry for the I/O port in CX, and the first entry in which it is found is returned SeeAlso: AH=C0h,AH=C7h,AH=C9h,AX=D100h,AX=D101h,AX=D103h,AX=D104h --------B-15D103DX0000----------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - RETURN ENTIRE DDT AX = D103h DX = 0000h (reserved, must be set to 0) ES:DI -> buffer to contain DDT entry (see #00535) Return: AH = return code (see #00534) CF set on error CF clear on success ES:DI buffer filled with DDT entry SeeAlso: AH=C0h,AH=C7h,AH=C9h,AX=D100h,AX=D104h --------B-15D104----------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - RETURN DEVICE DESCRIPTOR TABLE (DDT) ENTRY BY DEVICE ID AX = D104h BX = entry number at which to start searching CX = requested device ID DX = 0000h (reserved, must be set to 0) ES:DI -> buffer to contain DDT entry (see #00535) Return: AH = return code (see #00534) BX = DDT entry number where device ID was found, or total entries plus 1 if port was not found. CF set on error CF clear on success ES:DI buffer filled with DDT entry Desc: the DDT is searched from the specified entry for the device ID in CX, and the first entry in which it is found is returned. SeeAlso: AH=C0h,AH=C7h,AH=C9h,AX=D100h,AX=D101h,AX=D103h --------B-15D2------------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - RESERVED AH = D2h ??? Return: ??? --------B-15D3------------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - RESERVED AH = D3h ??? Return: ??? --------B-15D4------------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - GET PHYSICAL FIXED DISK DRIVE NUMBER (SELECTABLE BOOT) AH = D4h DL = logical fixed disk drive number Return: AH = return code (see #00537) CF set on error CF clear on success AL = physical fixed disk drive number (Table 00537) Values for return code: 00h success 01h specified logical drive number is invalid 80h function not supported (on PCjr and PC) 86h function not supported --------B-15D5------------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - RESERVED AH = D5h ??? Return: ??? --------B-15D600BL00------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - READ BOOT DEVICE ID AX = D600h BL = 00h DX = device ID Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = status (86h for function not supported) SeeAlso: AX=D600h/BL=01h,AX=D601h/BL=00h,AX=D602h --------B-15D600BL01------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - WRITE BOOT DEVICE ID AX = D600h BL = 01h DX = device ID Return: CF clear on success AH = 00h CF set on error AH = status (86h for function not supported) SeeAlso: AX=D600h/BL=00h,AX=D601h/BL=01h --------B-15D601BL00------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - READ BOOT DEVICE KEY AX = D601h BL = 00h DX = device ID Return: CF clear on success AH = 00h CF set on error AH = status (86h for function not supported) SeeAlso: AX=D600h/BL=00h,AX=D601h/BL=01h,AX=D602h --------B-15D601BL01------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - WRITE BOOT DEVICE KEY AX = D601h BL = 01h DX = device ID Return: CF clear on success AH = 00h CF set on error AH = status (86h for function not supported) SeeAlso: AX=D600h/BL=01h,AX=D601h/BL=00h --------B-15D602----------------------------- INT 15 - later PS/2s - QUERY BOOT REFERENCE PARTITION AX = D602h Return: CF clear on success AH = 00h AL = status of reference-partition boot request 00h boot not requested 01h boot requested CF set on error AH = status (86h for function not supported) SeeAlso: AX=D601h/BL=00h --------X-15D800----------------------------- INT 15 - EISA SYSTEM ROM - READ SLOT CONFIGURATION INFORMATION AX = D800h CL = slot number (including embedded and virtual) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = error code (80h,82h,83h,86h,87h)(see #00539) AL = bit flags (see #00538) BH = major revision level of configuration utility BL = minor revision level of configuration utility CX = checksum of configuration file DH = number of device functions DL = combined function information byte (see #00540) SI:DI = 4-byte compressed ID (DI = bytes 0&1, SI = bytes 2&3) Note: call with AL=80h if using 32-bit CS addressing mode instead of 16-bit SeeAlso: AX=D801h,AX=D804h Bitfields for EISA AL bit flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00538) 7 set if duplicate IDs 6 set if product ID readable 4,5 slot type (00=expansion, 01=embedded, 10=virtual device) 0-3 duplicate ID number if bit 7 set SeeAlso: #00540 (Table 00539) Values for EISA error code: 80h invalid slot number 81h invalid function number 82h EISA CMOS corrupt 83h empty slot 84h error clearing CMOS 85h EISA CMOS is full 86h invalid BIOS-FW function call 87h invalid system configuration 88h config utility version not supported Bitfields for EISA combined function information byte: Bit(s) Description (Table 00540) 7 reserved 6 slot has free-form data entries 5 slot has port initialization entries 4 slot has port-range entries 3 slot has DMA entries 2 slot has IRQ entries 1 slot has memory entries 0 slot has function type entries SeeAlso: #00538 --------X-15D801----------------------------- INT 15 - EISA SYSTEM ROM - READ FUNCTION CONFIGURATION INFORMATION AX = D801h CH = function number to read CL = slot number (including embedded and virtual) DS:SI -> 320-byte buffer for standard configuration data block Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h DS:SI buffer filled CF set on error AH = error code (80h-83h,86h,87h) (see #00539) BX destroyed Note: call with AL=81h if using 32-bit CS addressing mode instead of 16-bit this function is also supported by the Compaq SystemPro 486, but it uses more than 1297 bytes of stack. BUG: some implementations appear to destroy the DF direction flag; the Novell DOS 7+ memory managers explicitly clear it afterwards. --------X-15D802----------------------------- INT 15 - EISA SYSTEM ROM - CLEAR NONVOLATILE MEMORY (EISA CMOS) AX = D802h BH = EISA config utility major revision level BL = EISA config utility minor revision level Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = error code (84h,86h,88h) (see #00539) Note: call with AL=82h if using 32-bit CS addressing mode instead of 16-bit SeeAlso: AX=D803h --------X-15D803----------------------------- INT 15 - EISA SYSTEM ROM - WRITE NONVOLATILE MEMORY AX = D803h CX = length of data structure (0000h = empty slot) includes two bytes for config file checksum DS:SI -> configuration data Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = error code (84h-86h) (see #00539) Note: call with AL=83h if using 32-bit CS addressing mode instead of 16-bit SeeAlso: AX=D802h --------X-15D804----------------------------- INT 15 - EISA SYSTEM ROM - READ PHYSICAL SLOT AX = D804h CL = slot number (including embedded and virtual) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = error code (80h,83h,86h) (see #00539) SI:DI = 4-byte compressed ID (DI = bytes 0&1, SI = bytes 2&3) Note: call with AL=84h if using 32-bit CS addressing mode instead of 16-bit SeeAlso: AX=D800h --------b-15D820----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq LTE Lite - GET ??? AX = D820h DS:SI -> 17-byte buffer for ??? Return: DS:SI buffer filled (first byte is length of remaining data, unless it is greater than 10h, in which case the second byte is 00h and no other data is returned) Note: this function is also supported by Compaq's EISA System ROM, Contura 486/486c/486cx and recent DESKPRO/i ROMs SeeAlso: AX=D821h --------b-15D821----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq LTE Lite - SET ??? AX = D821h DS:SI -> counted string (should not be more than 16 bytes) Return: AH = 00h Note: this function is also supported by Compaq's EISA System ROM, Contura 486/486c/486cx and recent DESKPRO/i ROMs SeeAlso: AX=D820h --------b-15D822BL00------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq EISA System ROM 04/08/93 - GET ??? AX = D822h BL = 00h CX = size of buffer or 0000h to retrieve required buffer size DS:SI -> buffer for ??? (if CX nonzero) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h DH = 08h CX = required buffer size to retrieve all data (if CX=0 on entry) DS:SI buffer filled (if CX nonzero on entry) CF set on error (BL nonzero) AH = 86h --------b-15D823----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq EISA System ROM 04/08/93 - ??? AX = D823h BL = subfunction??? (00h or 80h) BH = ??? DS:SI -> buffer for ??? (see #00541) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h DH = 08h DL = ??? CF set on error AH = error code 86h BL neither 00h nor 80h 87h ??? Format of Compaq EISA buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 00541) 00h BYTE ??? 01h WORD ??? 03h BYTE ??? 04h WORD ??? 06h WORD ??? ??? ----------15D824----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq EISA System ROM 04/08/93 - ??? AX = D824h CX = ??? DS:SI -> ASCIZ string containing ??? Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CX = ??? CF set on error AH = error code 87h ??? failed 88h ??? Note: these functions are only available if ??? from keyboard controller command C0h ----------15D825----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq EISA System ROM 04/08/93 - ??? AX = D825h CX = ??? SI = ??? DI = ??? ??? Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CX = ??? CF set on error AH = error code 87h ??? failed 88h ??? CX = ??? Note: these functions are only available if ??? from keyboard controller command C0h ----------15D826----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq EISA System ROM 04/08/93 - ??? AX = D826h BX = ??? CX = size of buffer in bytes DS:SI -> buffer for ??? ??? Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CX = ??? CF set on error AH = error code 87h ??? failed 88h ??? Note: these functions are only available if ??? from keyboard controller command C0h --------X-15D8------------------------------- INT 15 - EISA SYSTEM ROM - 32-bit CS ADDRESSING MODE CALLS AH = D8h AL = 80h to 84h other registers as appropriate for AL=00h to 04h Return: as appropriate for AL=00h to 04h Note: these functions are identical to AX=D800h to D804h, except that they should be called when using 32-bit CS addressing mode (pointers use ESI rather than SI as offset) instead of 16-bit addressing mode SeeAlso: AX=D800h,AX=D801h,AX=D802h,AX=D803h,AX=D804h --------b-15D8------------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq EISA System ROM 04/08/93 - 32-bit CS ADDRESSING MODE CALLS AH = D8h AL = A0h to A6h other registers as appropriate for AL=20h to 26h Return: as appropriate for AL=20h to 26h Note: these functions are identical to AX=D820h to D826h, except that they should be called when using 32-bit CS addressing mode ----------15DA------------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS v1.00.05.AX1 - ??? AH = DAh AL = function (00h-08h,12h,14h,15h,19h,88h-8Eh,92h,99h) other registers vary by function Return: CF clear if successful varies by function CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported [sub]function) Note: functions not listed above always return CF set and AH=86h; in the examined BIOS, functions 02h-04h,06h-07h,89h-8Bh, and 8Dh also always return CF set and AH=86h SeeAlso: AX=DA00h,AX=DA01h,AX=DA88h,AX=DA99h,AX=DB00h --------b-15DA00----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - ??? AX = DA00h CL = subfunction 00h ??? 01h ??? 02h get ??? ??? Return: CF clear if successful ??? CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported subfunction) Note: in the v1.00.05.AX1 BIOS, subfunctions 00h and 01h always return failure SeeAlso: AX=DA01h --------b-15DA01----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - CPU SPEED CONTROL AX = DA01h CL = subfunction (00h-02h) 00h set low CPU speed 01h set high CPU speed 02h get current CPU speed Return: CF clear if successful AH = current/new CPU speed (00h low, 01h high) AL = ??? (00h) CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported subfunction) Notes: in the v1.00.05.AX1 BIOS, subfunctions 00h and 01h are NOPs in both protected and V86 modes due to a test of MSW bit 0 setting the CPU speed also generates the same audible signals generated when manually switching speeds with Ctrl-Alt-Gray- and Ctrl-Alt-Gray+ BUG: the BIOS apparently intends to return CF set if ???, but fails to use a different exit path in that case, resulting in CF clear ----------15DA05----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - GET ??? AND BIOS REVISION STRINGS AX = DA05h ES:SI -> 8-byte buffer for ??? and BIOS revision strings Return: CF clear ES:SI buffer filled AL = 00h CX = ??? (0000h) Notes: for BIOS v1.00.05.AX1, the ??? string is "IDNO" and the BIOS revision string is "AX1 " SeeAlso: AX=DA15h,AX=DB04h ----------15DA08----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - ??? AX = DA08h ??? Return: CF clear if successful ??? CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported subfunction) Note: in the examined v1.00.05.AX1 BIOS, this call always returns failure ----------15DA12----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - v1.00.05.AX1 - ??? AX = DA12h CL = subfunction 00h ??? 01h ??? 02h get ??? 03h ??? 04h ??? ??? Return: CF clear if successful ??? CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported subfunction) Desc: ??? performs various manipulations on system chipset registers Notes: subfunctions 00h and 01h are NOPs in protected and V86 modes due to a test of MSW bit 0 subfunctions 00h-02h always return success ----------15DA14----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - GET/SET ??? AX = DA14h CL = subfunction 00h read 01h write DH = new value for ??? (00h-02h) DL = index of ??? (00h-03h, but not range-checked) ??? Return: CF clear if successful DH = current value of ??? if reading CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported subfunction) Note: the values for indexes 00h and 01h are stored in CMOS RAM location 19h, and the values for 02h and 03h are stored in location 36h BUG: the v1.00.05.AX1 BIOS range-checks DH on subfunction 00h instead of subfunction 01h, even though DH is never used by subfunction 00h ----------15DA15----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - GET ??? AND BIOS REVISION STRINGS AX = DA15h ES:DI -> 8-byte buffer for ??? and BIOS revision strings Return: CF clear ES:DI buffer filled AL = 00h Note: for BIOS v1.00.05.AX1, the ??? string is "IDNO" and the BIOS revision string is "AX1 " SeeAlso: AX=DA05h,AX=DB04h ----------15DA19----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - GET/SET ??? AX = DA19h CL = subfunction 00h get first ??? 01h get second ??? 02h set first ??? BX = ??? DX = ??? 03h set second ??? BX = ??? DX = ??? Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0000h BX,DX = ??? (subfunctions 00h and 01h only) CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported subfunction) Note: the first ??? is stored in CMOS RAM locations 1Bh-1Eh, the second in locations 1Fh-22h in the v1.00.05.AX1 BIOS --------b-15DA20----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS v1.00.12.AX1T - CMOS RAM BITFIELD MANIPULATION AX = DA20h BL = subfunction 00h set CMOS data field BH = CMOS data field number (00h-4Dh) CH = new value for bitfield (in lowest bits of register) 01h read CMOS data field BH = CMOS data field number (00h-4Dh) Return: CH = value of bitfield CL = mask of valid bits Note: both CL/CH shifted to move valid bits into lowest pos 02h set CMOS byte CL = CMOS RAM address (00h-7Fh) CH = new value for CMOS byte 03h get CMOS byte CL = CMOS RAM address (00h-7Fh) Return: CH = value of CMOS byte 04h update CMOS checksums Note: sets 2Eh/2Fh to checksum of 10h-2Dh and 7Eh/7Fh to checksum of 48h-7Dh 05h verify CMOS checksums Return: CF clear if checksums OK AH = 00h CF set if checksum mismatch AH = 01h Return: CF clear if successful AH = 00h CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported function/data field) Notes: this function was not supported by the v1.00.05.AX1 BIOS, but had been added by 1.00.12.AX1T after using subfunctions 00h or 02h, the application must call subfunction 04h to update the checksums to prevent an error the next time the system is booted (Table 00542) Values for AMI BIOS v1.00.12.AX1T CMOS bitfield identifier: ID address bit(s) contents 00h 1Ah 7-6 01h 1Dh 7-6 02h 6Eh 1 03h 77h 0 04h 77h 1 05h 77h 2 06h 77h 3 07h 77h 5 08h 77h 6 09h 77h 7 0Ah 78h 7 power management enabled??? 0Bh 78h 6 0Ch 10h 7-4 first floppy drive type 0Dh 10h 3-0 second floppy drive type 0Eh 11h 7 0Fh 20h 4-0 selected language for error messages/setup utility 10h 11h 2-1 11h 11h 4 12h 11h 0 13h 11h 3 14h 13h 7 15h 13h 6-5 16h 13h 4-2 17h 19h 7 18h 19h 6 19h 19h 5 1Ah 19h 4 1Bh 1Eh 2-0 1Ch 1Bh 7-6 1Dh 1Ch 7 1Eh 1Ch 3 1Fh 1Ah 5-4 20h 1Dh 5-4 21h 1Bh 5-4 22h 1Ch 6 23h 1Ch 2 24h 1Ah 3-2 25h 1Dh 3-2 26h 1Bh 3-2 27h 1Ch 5 28h 1Ch 1 29h 1Ah 1-0 2Ah 1Dh 1-0 2Bh 1Bh 1-0 2Ch 1Ch 4 2Dh 1Ch 0 2Eh 50h 7-0 2Fh 51h 7-0 30h 52h 7-0 31h 53h 7-0 32h 60h 0 33h 60h 0 34h 60h 0 35h 60h 0 36h 60h 0 37h 60h 0 38h 60h 1 39h 61h 7 3Ah 60h 2 3Bh 61h 6-4 3Ch 61h 2-0 3Dh 60h 7-6 3Eh 60h 5-4 3Fh 78h 5-4 40h 6Eh 5 41h 1Eh 3 42h 6Eh 0 43h 6Eh 2 44h 6Fh 1-0 45h 6Fh 1-0 46h 28h 4-2 47h 28h 7-5 48h 6Eh 4 49h 6Eh 3 4Ah 76h 7-0 4Bh 77h 4 4Ch 11h 6 4Dh 1Fh 7-0 ----------15DA88----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - GET EXTENDED MEMORY SIZE AX = DA88h Return: CF clear (successful) AX = 0000h CL:BX = extended memory size in KBytes SeeAlso: AH=88h ----------15DA8C----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - GET BIOS AND CHIPSET IDENTIFICATION AX = DA8Ch CL = subfunction 00h get BIOS version string ES:DI -> 12-byte buffer for version string 01h get chipset identification BL = what to retrieve (00h host/PCI bridge,01h motherboard chipset) ES:DI -> 12-byte buffer for chipset identification (see #00543) Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported subfunction) Notes: the v1.00.05.AX1 BIOS returns "1.00.05.AX1 " as its version string subfunction 01h returns the five bytes read from the PCI configuration registers 00h-05h (see #00878), padded to 12 bytes with NULs SeeAlso: AX=DB04h,PORT C000h"Neptune" Format of AMI PCI BIOS chipset identification: Offset Size Description (Table 00543) 00h WORD vendor ID (see #00732 at AX=B102h) 8086h = Intel 02h WORD device ID 0484h (BL=01h) 04A3h (BL=00h) 04h BYTE low byte of PCI Command Register 05h 7 BYTEs unused (00h) ----------15DA8E----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - ??? AX = DA8Eh ??? Return: CF clear if successful ??? CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported subfunction) Note: in the v1.00.05.AX1 BIOS, this call always returns failure ----------15DA92----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - GET CPU TYPE AND SPEED AX = DA92h Return: CF clear (successful) AL = CPU stepping (see also #00529 at INT 15/AH=C9h) AH = CPU model BL = CPU family (05h = Pentium, etc.) CX = external clock speed in MHz (BCD) (0040h,0050h,0060h,0066h are possible return values on my Pentium with the Intel "Neptune" chipset) EAX high word destroyed Note: 90 MHz and faster Pentium CPUs can be configured to run at varying multiples of the external clock speed, i.e. a typical 90 MHz Pentium system will run the motherboard at 60 MHz (my 90 MHz Pentium returns 0060h in CX) SeeAlso: AH=C9h ----------15DA99----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI PCI BIOS - GET/SET ??? FLAG AX = DA99h CL = subfunction 00h check if ??? 01h set ??? flag 02h clear ??? flag Return: CF clear if successful AH = ??? (00h,01h) AL = 00h CF set on error AH = error code (86h unsupported subfunction) Note: the flag is stored in bit 0 of CMOS RAM location 2Ch for BIOS v1.00.05.AX1 --------b-15DB00----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI BIOS - Flash ROM - READ FLASH BIOS AX = DB00h DS:SI -> parameter block (see #00544) ES:DI -> buffer for copied information Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status (86h if not implemented) DS,ES destroyed, possibly other registers Note: used by FMUP.EXE, Intel's Flash Memory Update utility SeeAlso: AH=DAh,AX=DB01h,AX=DB04h Format of AMI BIOS Flash ROM parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 00544) 00h 32 BYTEs ASCIZ description of the file's contents 20h BYTE Logical area type (see #00545) 21h DWORD logical area size (overall size of area) 25h BYTE flag: load from file (FF=yes, 00=no) 26h BYTE flag: reboot after update (FF=yes, 00=no) 27h BYTE flag: update entire image (FF=yes, 00=no) 28h 24 BYTEs ASCIZ logical area name (cooresponds to offset 20) "System BIOS" "Logo Data Area", etc. 40h 15 BYTEs ASCIZ time stamp string: MM/DD/YY-HH:MM 4Fh BYTE checksum for this header (sum of all bytes except this one) if checksum would be 00h,01h, or FFh, it is set to 2Ah 50h DWORD this file's starting address (offset in image) 54h DWORD size of image chunk in this file 58h BYTE logical area type - same as offset 20h 59h BYTE flag: last file in chain (FF=yes, 00=no) 5Ah 6 BYTEs ASCIZ signature "FLASH" 60h 16 BYTEs ASCIZ filename of next file in chain 70h 16 BYTEs ASCIZ BIOS reserved string (usually version #) Notes: this block is identical in format to the 128-byte header on an AMI BIOS Update file for AX=DB00h, the following fields must be specified: 50h,54h,58h; the fields at offset 20h and 5Ah should also be set if possible the fields at offsets 40h and 70h will be set on return, if available SeeAlso: #00546 --------b-15DB01----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI BIOS - Flash ROM - GET BIOS SUBSYSTEM INFORMATION AX = DB01h CL = BIOS subsystem information identifier (see #00545) Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0000h ES:DI -> 56-byte record describing subsystem (see #00546) CF set on error AH = status 01h nonexistent subsystem 86h function not supported AL = 00h Note: used by FMUP.EXE, Intel's Flash Memory Update utility SeeAlso: AX=DB00h,AX=DB02h (Table 00545) Values for AMI BIOS subsystem identifier: 00h recovery code 01h system BIOS 02h PCI configuration data 03h OEM logo data area (see #00547) 04h system BIOS/Language Set (one system) configuration utility (another system) SeeAlso: #00546 Format of AMI BIOS subsystem information: Offset Size Description (Table 00546) 00h BYTE subsystem identifier/logical area type (see #00545) 01h DWORD subsystem (FlashROM page) size in bytes 05h BYTE flag: loadable from file (FFh=yes) 06h BYTE flag: reboot after update (FFh=yes) 07h BYTE flag: update entire image (FFh=yes) 08h 24 BYTEs subsystem/logical area name 20h BYTE subsystem identifier??? 21h BYTE flag: reprogrammable if FFh 22h BYTE ??? (01h,02h seen) 23h 5 BYTEs ??? (apparently always 00h) 28h 16 BYTEs BIOS reserved string (usually version number) SeeAlso: #00544 Format of AMI OEM Logo data area: Offset Size Description (Table 00547) 00h 8 BYTEs signature "TEXTLOGO" if text-mode OEM logo 8 DUP (FFh) if unused 08h WORD offset of logo font definition table 0Ah WORD offset of logo data 0Ch WORD size of logo font table in words 0Eh WORD offset of upper left corner of logo in video page 10h WORD width of logo 12h WORD height of logo 14h BYTE reserved??? var var logo font definition (16 bytes per character) var var logo data as character/attribute pairs Note: the attribute for the logo characters specifies which font will be used for that character. If bit 3 is cleared, the normal system font is used; if bit 3 is set, the logo font is used, with screen colors adjusted to match the corresponding non-bright attribute for the system font SeeAlso: #00545,#00546 --------b-15DB02----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI BIOS - Flash ROM - GET SIZE OF FLASH ROM PROGRAMMING CODE AX = DB02h Return: CF clear AX = 0000h BX = size of ROM programming code in bytes Note: used by FMUP.EXE, Intel's Flash Memory Update utility SeeAlso: AX=DB00h,AX=DB03h --------b-15DB03----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI BIOS - Flash ROM - GET FLASH ROM PROGRAMMING CODE AX = DB03h DS:SI -> ??? ES:DI -> buffer for Flash ROM programming code BX = ??? DX = ??? Return: CF clear if successful AH = ??? BX = ??? DX = ??? CF set on error AH = error code Notes: the entry point for the copied code (which is fully relocatable) is the very first byte (see #00548) used by FMUP.EXE, Intel's Flash Memory Update utility SeeAlso: AX=DB00h,AX=DB02h (Table 00548) Call AMI BIOS ??? code with: AL = function 00h erase Flash ROM block CX = ??? bit 8: address line A16 inverted ??? 01h program new data into Flash ROM ??? 02h perform cold reboot DS:SI -> ??? (see #00549) ES:DI -> ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h invalid function 02h ??? 03h ??? 04h ??? Note: DS:SI and ES:DI are ignored for function 02h Format of AMI BIOS Flash ROM programming parameters: Offset Size Description (Table 00549) 00h 32 BYTEs ??? 20h BYTE BIOS section number 21h DWORD length of BIOS code/data in bytes 25h 43 BYTEs ??? 50h DWORD ??? 54h 44 BYTEs ??? SeeAlso: #00548 --------b-15DB04----------------------------- INT 15 U - AMI BIOS - Flash ROM - GET BIOS REVISION AX = DB04h Return: CF clear if supported BL:BH:DL:DH = BIOS revision string (e.g. 'AX1 ' for v1.00.05.AX1, 'AV0M' for v1.00.03.AV0M) CL = flag: DH valid? 00h ignore DH; ignore DL as well if 20h (space) 01h ignore DH if 20h (space) CH = BIOS status 00h normal mode 01h ROM recovery mode AL = ??? (02h) Note: used by FMUP.EXE, Intel's Flash Memory Update utility SeeAlso: AX=DA05h,AX=DA15h,AX=DA8Ch,AX=DB00h,AX=DB03h --------Q-15DE00----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview - GET PROGRAM NAME AX = DE00h Return: AX = offset into DESQVIEW.DVO of program most recently selected from the "Switch Windows" menu (see #00550) Note: always returns AX=0000h under DESQview/X SeeAlso: AX=DE07h Format of program entry in DESQVIEW.DVO: Offset Size Description (Table 00550) 00h BYTE length of name (FFh if end of file) 01h N BYTEs name 2 BYTEs keys to invoke program (second = 00h if only one key used) BYTE program type 00h normal program 04h divider 80h Delete a Program 81h Change a Program WORD ??? apparently always 0000h --------Q-15DE01----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview - UPDATE "OPEN WINDOW" MENU AX = DE01h Return: nothing Notes: reads DESQVIEW.DVO, disables Open menu if file not in current directory NOP for DESQview/X --------Q-15DE02----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview 1.x only - SET ??? FLAG FOR CURRENT WINDOW AX = DE02h Return: nothing Note: this call is a NOP in DV 2.x SeeAlso: AX=DE03h --------Q-15DE03----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview 1.x only - GET ??? FOR CURRENT WINDOW AX = DE03h Return: AX = ??? for current window BX = ??? for current window Note: this call is a NOP in DV 2.x SeeAlso: AX=DE02h --------Q-15DE04----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview - GET AVAILABLE COMMON MEMORY AX = DE04h Return: BX = bytes of common memory available CX = largest block available DX = total common memory in bytes SeeAlso: AX=DE05h,AX=DE06h --------Q-15DE05----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview - GET AVAILABLE CONVENTIONAL MEMORY AX = DE05h Return: BX = KB of memory available CX = largest block available DX = total conventional memory in KB SeeAlso: AX=DE04h,AX=DE06h --------Q-15DE06----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview - GET AVAILABLE EXPANDED MEMORY AX = DE06h Return: BX = KB of expanded memory available CX = largest block available DX = total expanded memory in KB SeeAlso: AX=DE04h,AX=DE05h --------Q-15DE07----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview - "APPNUM" - GET CURRENT PROGRAM'S NUMBER AX = DE07h Return: AX = number of program as it appears on the "Switch Windows" menu Note: this API call may be made from a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=DE00h --------Q-15DE08----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview - GET ??? AX = DE08h Return: AX = 0000h if ??? is not set to the current task 0001h if ??? is set to the current task --------Q-15DE09----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview - UNIMPLEMENTED AX = DE09h Return: nothing (NOP in DV 1.x and 2.x) --------Q-15DE0A----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.00+ - "DBGPOKE" - DISPLAY CHARACTER ON STATUS LINE AX = DE0Ah BL = character Return: character displayed, next call will display in next position (which wraps back to the start of the line if off the right edge of screen) Notes: displays character on bottom line of *physical* screen, regardless of current size of window (even entirely hidden) does not know about graphics display modes, just pokes the characters into display memory this API call may be made from a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=1003h --------Q-15DE0B----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.00+ - "APILEVEL" - DEFINE MINIMUM API LEVEL REQUIRED AX = DE0Bh BL = API level minor version number BH = API level major version number Return: AX = maximum API level (AH = major, AL = minor) Notes: if the requested API level is greater than the version of DESQview, a "You need a newer version" error window is popped up the API level defaults to 1.00, and is inherited by child tasks --------Q-15DE0C----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.00+ - "GETMEM" - ALLOCATE "SYSTEM" MEMORY AX = DE0Ch BX = number of bytes Return: ES:DI -> allocated block or 0000h:0000h (DV 2.26+) Note: use SETERROR (AX=DE15h) to avoid a user prompt if there is insufficient system memory SeeAlso: AX=1001h,AX=102Eh,AX=DE0Dh,AX=DE15h,AX=DE19h --------Q-15DE0D----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.00+ - "PUTMEM" - DEALLOCATE "SYSTEM" MEMORY AX = DE0Dh ES:DI -> previously allocated block Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=1002h,AX=DE0Ch --------Q-15DE0E----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.00+ - "FINDMAIL" - FIND MAILBOX BY NAME AX = DE0Eh ES:DI -> name to find (see #00551) CX = length of name Return: BX = 0000h not found 0001h found DS:SI = object handle SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=11h,AH=12h/BH=12h"GETNAME" (Table 00551) Values for special DESQview mailbox names: "COM1" ... "COM4" RBcomm using COM1 ... COM4 "DESQview/X Help Engine" "DESQview/X Network Server" Network Manager "DESQview X Server0" X-Windows server "DESQview X Server7" X-Windows printing service "INBOX" DESQview/X LPD requests "OUTBOX" DESQview/X LPD responses "WAITBOX" semaphore to synchronize DESQview/X LPD communications "_DVNM_" DV/X v1.10 network manager --------Q-15DE0F----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.00+ - ENABLE DESQview EXTENSIONS AX = DE0Fh Return: AX and BX destroyed (seems to be bug, weren't saved&restored) Notes: sends a manager stream with opcodes AEh, BDh, and BFh to task's window enables an additional mouse mode --------Q-15DE10----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.00+ - "PUSHKEY" - PUT KEY INTO KEYBOARD INPUT STREAM AX = DE10h BH = scan code BL = character Return: nothing Notes: a later read will get the keystroke as if it had been typed by the user multiple pushes are read last-in first-out if a script exists for the pushed key in the current application, the script will be executed early copies of DV 2.00 destroy AX, BX, ES, and DI SeeAlso: INT 16/AH=05h --------Q-15DE11BL00------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.00+ - "JUSTIFY" - EN/DISABLE AUTOM. WINDOW JUSTIFICATION AX = DE11h BL = 00h viewport will not move automatically nonzero viewport will move to keep cursor visible (default) Return: nothing --------Q-15DE12BX0000----------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.01+ - "CSTYLE" - SET "C"-COMPATIBLE CONTROL CHAR INTERPRET AX = DE12h BX = 0000h select normal style (linefeed only moves down) nonzero select C style (linefeed moves to start of next line) Return: nothing Note: set on a per-task basis, and inherited from the parent task --------Q-15DE13----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.20+ - "GETCRIT" - GET CRITICAL NESTING COUNT AX = DE13h Return: BX = number of calls to BEGINC or ENTERC (see INT 15/AX=101Bh,INT 15/AX=DE1Ch) without matching ENDC (see INT 15/AX=101Ch) Note: this API call may be made from within a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=101Bh,AX=101Ch,AX=DE1Bh,AX=DE1Ch --------Q-15DE14----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.20+ - GET OBJECT TYPE AX = DE14h ES:DI -> object Return: BL = 00h not an object 08h window or task 09h mailbox 0Ah keyboard 0Bh timer 0Ch objectq 0Fh pointer 10h panel SeeAlso: AX=1016h --------Q-15DE15----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.20+ - SET ERROR HANDLING AX = DE15h BL = error handling mode 00h post system error on all error conditions 01h return carry flag set on calls to ADDTO, SUBFROM, and WRITE messages sent to mailboxes which fail due to lack of system or common memory 02h (v2.26+) same as 01h, but also return null pointer for GETMEM calls which fail due to lack of system memory Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=DE0Ch,AX=DE16h --------Q-15DE16----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.20+ - GET ERROR HANDLING AX = DE16h Return: BL = current mode 00h always post system error 01h return carry flag set on failed mailbox writes 02h return CF set on failed mailbox writes and NULL on failed GETMEM calls SeeAlso: AX=DE15h --------Q-15DE17----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.20-2.25 - reserved AX = DE17h Return: pops up "Programming error" window Note: AX = 1117h is NOT identical to this call under DESQview 2.20 thru 2.25 SeeAlso: AX=1117h --------Q-15DE17----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.26+ - "ASSERTMAP" - GET/SET MAPPING CONTEXT AX = DE17h BX = function 0000h get current mapping context without setting nonzero set new mapping context to BX Return: BX = mapping context in effect before call Notes: mapping contexts determine conventional-memory addressability; setting a mapping context ensures that the associated program and data areas are in memory for access. Usable by drivers, TSRs and shared programs. caller need not be running under DESQview this API call may be made from a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=1016h,AX=1117h,AX=DE21h,INT 2F/AX=1685h --------Q-15DE18----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.20+ - internal - ??? AX = DE18h BP = function number high byte must be 10h low byte is function 00h set ??? BL = ??? (00h-10h, video mode???) BH = value to store 03h set ??? BL = ??? (stored in driver) 0Ah get ??? ES:DI -> 18-byte buffer to hold ??? Note: calls video driver (NOP for Hercules driver,probably CGA and MCGA also) --------Q-15DE19----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.23+ - "GETCOMMON" - ALLOCATE "COMMON" MEMORY AX = DE19h BX = number of bytes to allocate Return: AX = 0000h successful ES:DI -> allocated block nonzero insufficient memory Note: this API call may be made from within a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=DE0Ch,AX=DE15h,AX=DE1Ah --------Q-15DE1A----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.23+ - "PUTCOMMON" - DEALLOCATE "COMMON" MEMORY AX = DE1Ah ES:DI -> previously allocated block Return: AX = 0000h (successful) Note: this function may be called from within a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=DE0Dh,AX=DE19h --------Q-15DE1B----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.23+ internal - DECREMENT CRITICAL NESTING COUNT AX = DE1Bh Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=101Ch,AX=DE13h,AX=DE1Ch --------Q-15DE1C----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.23+ - "ENTERC" - INCREMENT CRITICAL NESTING COUNT AX = DE1Ch Return: nothing Notes: similar to AX=101Bh, but begins the critical region without ensuring that DOS is free the official documentation states that this call should be paired with "ENDC" (AX=101Ch); no mention is made of AX=DE1Bh this API call may be made from within a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=101Bh,AX=101Ch,AX=DE13h,AX=DE1Bh --------Q-15DE1D----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.23+ - "PUTKEY" - FAKE USER KEYSTROKES AX = DE1Dh DX = segment of handle for task to receive keystroke BL = character BH = scan code Return: AX = 0000h if successful nonzero if receiver's keyboard buffer was full Notes: the key is treated as though the user had pressed it, ignoring any script which may be bound to the key, and using the current field table if the keyboard object is in field processing mode multiple PUTKEYs are seen in the order in which they are executed SeeAlso: AX=DE10h --------Q-15DE1E----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.23+ - "SCRNINFO" - GET TRUE VIDEO PARAMETERS AX = DE1Eh Return: CL = actual number of rows on screen CH = actual number of columns on screen BL = actual video mode (may differ from INT 10/AH=0Fh return) (v2.26+) Note: this API call may be made from a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: INT 10/AH=0Fh --------Q-15DE1F----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.23+ - "DOSUSER" - GET HANDLE OF TASK CURRENTLY USING DOS AX = DE1Fh Return: BX = segment of task handle or 0000h if no tasks are using DOS Note: this API call may be made from within a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=DE13h,INT 21/AH=34h --------Q-15DE20----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.26+ - "DISPATCHINT" - INTERRUPT ANOTHER TASK AX = DE20h BX = segment of handle of task to interupt DX:CX -> FAR interrupt routine BP,SI,DI,DS,ES as required by interrupt routine Return: nothing Notes: unlike "PGMINT" (AX=1021h), DISPATCHINT may be applied to the task making the DISPATCHINT call multiple "DISPATCHINT" calls are processed in the order in which they were executed the FAR routine is entered with the current ES, DS, SI, DI, and BP values, using the task's internal stack (see AX=101Ah); only SS:SP needs to be preserved this API call may be made from within a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=1021h,AX=DE2Ah --------Q-15DE21----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.26+ - "ASSERTVIR" - CONTROL 386 SCREEN VIRTUALIZATION AX = DE21h BX = new state 0000h turn off nonzero turn on Return: BX = old state of virtualization Notes: this API call may be made from within a hardware interrupt handler under DV 2.40 and 2.42, this call appears to have no effect and always returns a nonzero value in BX which appears to be the offset within the DV common memory segment of the caller's task object; it may only have an effect within a hardware interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=1117h,AX=DE17h --------Q-15DE22----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.26+ - "PROCESSMEM" - GET TASK MEMORY STATUS AX = DE22h DX = segment of task handle Return: DX = total amount of memory in paragraphs BX = amount of system memory in paragraphs CX = largest block of system memory available in paragraphs AX = memory flags (see #00552) Notes: if the task handle is a child task, the returned values will be for the process containing the task, rather than the task itself if the process's system memory is swapped out, BX,CX,DX remain unchanged, because the memory usage cannot be determined SeeAlso: AX=DE04h,AX=DE05h,AX=DE06h Bitfields for DESQview process memory flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00552) 0 system memory resides in shared memory 1 process's memory is swapped out 2 process's system memory is swapped out --------Q-15DE23----------------------------- INT 15 U - DESQview v2.31+ - ??? AX = DE23h BX = ??? IRQ number on first PIC? CX = ??? IRQ number on second PIC? Return: ??? Note: called by QEMM 6.00+ --------Q-15DE24----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.40+ - "XNEWPROC" - START NEW APPLICATION AX = DE24h BX = length of .DVP data CX = length of ??? string DS:SI -> ??? string ES:DI -> .DVP data (see #00427 at AX=102Ch) Return: BX = segment of task handle??? or 0000h on error Note: this call is similar to AX=102Ch except that it can interpret the extended DVP data SeeAlso: AX=102Ch --------Q-15DE25----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.40+ - "GETDVPATH" - GET DESQview DIRECTORY AX = DE25h ES:DI -> 67-byte buffer for ASCIZ directory name Return: ES:DI buffer filled with directory from which DESQview was started BUG: DV 2.42 does not place a terminating NUL at the end of the directory name, so if the buffer is not cleared to zeros before the call, there is no way to tell where the directory name ends. This bug has been fixed in DV 2.52 (DV/X 1.02) SeeAlso: AX=DE2Eh,INT 21/AH=47h --------Q-15DE26----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.40+ - "GETFOREGROUND" - GET KEYBOARD FOCUS AX = DE26h Return: BX = segment of handle for task with keyboard focus Note: under DESQview/X, the X server always has the keyboard focus unless a "direct" window is active SeeAlso: AX=DE2Fh,INT 2F/AX=DE0Ah --------Q-15DE27----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - "ADDINSTANCEDATA" - ADD PER-TASK SAVE/RESTORE AREA AX = DE27h BX = type 0000h process 0001h task ES:DI -> list of Instance Item Structures (see #00553) Return: CF clear if successful AX = ??? BX = ??? CF set on error AX = error code??? 0004h invalid BX value Note: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=DE08h,INT 2F/AX=DE09h Format of DESQview Instance Item Structure [one element of list]: Offset Size Description (Table 00553) 00h WORD length of data area DESQview should save and restore on context switches (0000h = end of list) 02h DWORD pointer to area to be saved/restored --------Q-15DE28----------------------------- INT 15 U - DESQview v2.50+ - ??? AX = DE28h BX = segment of ??? or 0000h for default ??? Return: ??? Note: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. SeeAlso: AX=DE2Ah --------Q-15DE29BX0000----------------------- INT 15 U - DESQview/X - ??? AX = DE29h BX = 0000h ??? Return: CF clear if successful ??? CF set on error Notes: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. under DESQview 2.60, this function and all other subfunctions of AX=DE29h always return CF set, as they are unique to DESQview/X --------Q-15DE29BX0001----------------------- INT 15 U - DESQview/X - ??? AX = DE29h BX = 0001h DX = segment of window handle Return: CF clear if successful AX = ??? DX = ??? CF set on error Note: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. --------Q-15DE29BX0002----------------------- INT 15 U - DESQview/X - ??? AX = DE29h BX = 0002h DX = segment of window handle Return: CF clear if successful AX = ??? DX = ??? CF set on error Note: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. --------Q-15DE29BX0003----------------------- INT 15 U - DESQview/X - ??? AX = DE29h BX = 0003h DX = segment of window handle Return: CF clear if successful ??? CF set on error Note: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. --------Q-15DE29BX0004----------------------- INT 15 U - DESQview/X - GET DISPLAY NAME AX = DE29h BX = 0004h CX = size of buffer in bytes DX = segment of window handle ES:DI -> buffer for display name Return: CF clear if successful buffer filled with ASCIZ display name (truncated if necessary) or null string if no display CF set on error Notes: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. the name ":0" refers to the local display --------Q-15DE29BX0005----------------------- INT 15 U - DESQview/X - ??? AX = DE29h BX = 0005h ??? Return: CF clear if successful ??? CF set on error Note: under DESQview 2.60, this function and all other subfunctions of AX=DE29h always return CF set, as they are unique to DESQview/X --------Q-15DE2A----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - "DISPATCHINTAFTERDOS" - INTERRUPT ANOTHER TASK AX = DE2Ah BX = segment of handle for task to interrupt or 0000h for caller DX:CX -> interrupt routine BP,SI,DI,DS,ES as required by interrupt routine Return: nothing Notes: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. this call is the same as AX=DE20h except that it will delay interrupting the specified task until after it has exited DOS SeeAlso: AX=1021h,AX=DE20h --------Q-15DE2B----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - "OBJNEXT" - TRAVERSE OBJECT LIST AX = DE2Bh ES:DI -> starting object 0000h:0000h for first object in list??? Return: AX = status 0000h successful ES:DI -> next object of same type (window/non-window) 0001h failed (ES:DI was not a valid handle) Notes: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. there are two separate lists, one for window/task objects and one for all other objects SeeAlso: AX=1016h,AX=DE2Ah,AX=DE2Ch --------Q-15DE2C----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - "WININFO" - GET WINDOW INFORMATION AX = DE2Ch DX = window information format version (0100h for DESQview 2.5x) BX = segment of window handle or 0000h for default ES:DI -> buffer for window information (see #00554) Return: AX = status 0000h successful Note: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. SeeAlso: AX=1000h,AX=1016h,AX=DE01h,AX=DE2Bh Format of DESQview window information: Offset Size Description (Table 00554) 00h BYTE task flag: 00h window, 01h task 01h BYTE process number if owner task 00h if non-owner task 02h WORD segment of owner's handle, 0000h if orphaned 04h WORD mapping context (see #00416 at AX=1016h) 06h BYTE task status (see #00555) 07h BYTE unused 08h WORD status bits (see #00556) 0Ah BYTE 01h if foreground-only window (Table 00555) Values for DESQview task status: 00h "Waiting" waiting for input 01h "Idle" keyboard poll limit reached 03h same as 01h 04h "Pausing" INT 15/AX=1000h pause called 04h DV/X direct: user did something to allow task switch 05h "ModeChg" video mode about to be changed 06h "ModeNtf" notify that video mode changed 07h "MoniCh" requested change to other monitor 08h "StartPgm" control relinquished to start new process 09h "MgrCan" made window manager CANCEL command 0Ah "Slicing" time slice expired 0Bh "Exit DOS" notify on DOS calls 0Ch "Enter DOS" process is re-entering DOS 0Dh "Terminate" INT 21/AH=4Ch or task freed 0Eh "BrkNxt" Control-Break pressed 0Fh "MgrCol" keyboard focus taken away 10h "PgmInt" interrupted by API call from another task 11h "BldOpen" call to INT 15/AX=DE01h Bitfields for DESQview task status bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 00556) 6 task is freeing another task 5 process is being created 4 user suspended process 3 process suspended itself 2 process is resized direct window (suspended) 1 process swapped out 0 DESQview process --------Q-15DE2D----------------------------- INT 15 U - DESQview v2.50+ - GET/SET SOCKET HANDLER AX = DE2Dh CX = direction FFFFh set socket handler DX:BX -> FAR function for socket interface must be of the format described under INT 63"DESQview" at #03515 other get socket handler Return: DX:BX -> socket handler (see #03515) Notes: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. the "set" subfunction is normally called only by SOCKET.DVR SeeAlso: AX=DE2Eh,INT 63"DESQview",#03515 --------Q-15DE2E----------------------------- INT 15 U - DESQview v2.50+ - SOCKET API AX = DE2Eh DX:BX -> socket record (see #00558) 0000h:0000h to create a new socket record Return: CX = size of socket record in bytes DX:BX -> socket record which was used Notes: DESQview 2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.0x. socket records are allocated from common memory for Unix compatibility, each socket and connection on a socket is allocated a DOS file handle (referencing an SFT for NUL) which is used on various calls to specify which of possibly multiple connections is to be operated upon SeeAlso: AX=DE2Dh,INT 61/AX=0001h/SF=0001h"VINES",INT 63"DESQview" (Table 00557) Values for DESQview/X socket API function number: 0000h initialize socket??? 0001h "gethostname" 0002h "ioctl" check for input 0003h "sleep" delay for specified period 0004h "htons" convert word to network (big-endian) byte order 0005h "select" 0006h "bsd_close"/"so_close" close socket 0007h NOP 0008h "connect" initiate connection on socket 0009h "recv"/"recvfrom" read from socket 000Ah "socket" 000Bh ??? 000Ch "gethostbyname" 000Dh "send"/"sendto" write to socket 000Eh ??? (does something to all connections for process) 000Fh "getpid" get process identifier 0010h "gettimeofday" 0011h "bind" assign name to socket 0012h "listen" listen for connections on socket 0013h "accept" accept connection on socket 0014h connect to X server 0015h "gethostbyaddr" get host information for an address 0016h "getprotobyname" 0017h "getprotobynumber" 0018h "getservbyname" 0019h "getservbyport" 001Ah "getsockname" determine name bound to socket 001Bh "getpeername" get name of connected peer 001Ch "getsockopt"/"setsockopt" 001Dh "so_exit" close all sockets for calling process 001Eh "issock" determine whether file handle references socket 001Fh "so_attach" reattach previously detached socket 0020h "so_detach" temporarily detach socket 0021h "dvpath" get DESQview directory (see also AX=DE24h) 0022h "NewProc" start new application (see also AX=102Ch) 0023h "so_linkup" 0024h "CanonicalPath" canonicalize filename (see also INT 21/AH=60h) 0025h indirect INT 15h call 0026h Network Manager interface 0027h "so_unlink" close connection from "so_linkup" 0028h "raisepriority" 0029h "lowerpriority" 002Ah "so_private" ??? FFFFh "NetExit" (appears to be a NOP) Format of DESQview/X socket record: Offset Size Description (Table 00558) 00h WORD signature F0ADh 02h WORD function number (see #00557) 04h WORD returned error code (see #00578) 06h WORD maximum message size??? (usually 0400h) 08h WORD PSP segment to use or 0000h if socket not valid 0Ah WORD scratch space (JFT size) 0Ch DWORD scratch space (JFT address) 10h DWORD mailbox handle (initialized by function 0000h) 14h DWORD timer object handle (initialized by function 0000h) ---function 0000h--- 18h WORD (ret) ??? ---function 0001h--- 18h WORD (ret) status??? 1Ah 128 BYTEs (ret) ASCIZ hostname (empty string if not on network) 9Ah WORD maximum length of hostname to return ---function 0002h--- 18h WORD (ret) status 1Ah WORD socket's file handle 1Ch WORD IOCTL function 05h "FIONREAD" determine available input 06h "FIONBIO" set blocking state of socket 1Eh WORD (return, subfn 05h) number of bytes available for reading (call, subfn 06h) 0000h blocking, nonzero nonblocking ---function 0003h--- 18h 2 BYTEs unused 1Ah WORD delay time in seconds ---function 0004h--- 18h WORD (ret) result in network (big-endian) byte order 1Ah WORD value to convert to network byte order ---function 0005h--- 18h WORD (ret) number of handles meeting the specified conditions??? 1Ah WORD number of file handles in each bitset 1Ch DWORD bitset of socket handles to check for readability 20h DWORD bitset of socket handles to check for writability 24h DWORD bitset of socket handles to check for errors 28h WORD timeout in ??? or 0000h to block until some socket ready 2Ah DWORD ??? 2Eh DWORD ??? ---function 0006h--- 18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle ---function 0008h--- 18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle 1Ch WORD 0001h if socket name specified, 0000h if not 1Eh WORD length of socket name 20h N BYTEs name of socket to which to connect ---function 0009h--- 18h WORD (ret) number of bytes actually read, 0000h if connection closed, or FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle 1Ch WORD number of bytes to read 1Eh WORD flags 20h WORD 0000h if no source address desired 0001h if source address is to be stored (datagram sockets) 22h WORD length of source address 24h 110 BYTEs source address 92h 1K BYTEs buffer for data to be read ---function 000Ah--- 18h WORD (ret) socket's file handle or FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD address family (0001h,0002h) 1Ch WORD socket type 1Eh WORD protocol ---function 000Bh--- 18h WORD (ret) 0001h if ??? or FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle 1Eh WORD (call) ??? ---function 000Ch--- 18h 128 BYTEs ASCIZ hostname (special case if empty string or "unix") 98h ??? (ret) packed 'hostent' structure A2h ??? (ret) ??? ---function 000Dh--- 18h WORD (ret) number of bytes actually written or FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle 1Ch WORD number of bytes to write 1Eh WORD number of bytes to follow in subsequent writes??? 20h WORD flags 22h WORD 0000h if no destination specified, 0001h if destination present 24h WORD 0001h if broadcast message???, 0000h if not (ignored if no destination specified) 26h WORD length of destination address 28h 110 BYTEs destination address 96h 1K BYTEs buffer containing data to be written ---function 000Eh--- no additional fields ---function 000Fh--- 18h DWORD (ret) DESQview task handle of calling process ---function 0010h--- 18h DWORD (ret) current time 1Ch DWORD (ret) ??? ---function 0011h--- 18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle 1Ch WORD length of name 1Eh N BYTEs buffer for socket name ---function 0012h--- 18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle 1Ch WORD maximum backlog of pending connections allowed on socket ---function 0013h--- 18h WORD (ret) file handle for new connection or FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD listen()ing socket's file handle 1Ch WORD (call) length of buffer for connecting entity's address (ret) actual length of address 1Eh N BYTEs buffer for connecting entity's address (110 bytes???) ---function 0014h--- 18h WORD (ret) socket's file handle or FFFFh on error 1Ah 4 BYTEs (ret) ??? 1Eh WORD (ret) ??? 20h WORD (ret) ??? 22h 256 BYTEs ASCIZ X display name 122h ??? ---function 0015h--- 18h WORD (call) type of address??? (test for 0001h seen) 1Ah WORD (call) length of buffer for host address 1Ch 110 BYTEs buffer containing ASCIZ host address 8Ah WORD (ret) offset of official host name 8Ch WORD (ret) offset of alias list??? 8Eh WORD (ret) address type??? 90h WORD (ret) length of an address in bytes??? 92h WORD (ret) offset of address??? 9Ah N BYTEs (ret) buffer for hostname, alias list, and host address ---function 0016h--- 18h ??? buffer for ASCIZ protocol name 98h ??? ---function 0017h--- 18h WORD (call) protocol number 1Ah WORD (ret) ??? or 0001h ---function 0018h--- 18h 128 BYTEs buffer containing ASCIZ ??? 98h 128 BYTEs buffer containing ASCIZ ??? 118h WORD (ret) ??? ---function 0019h--- 18h WORD port number 1Ah 128 BYTEs (call) ASCIZ host name (ret) packed servent strctures??? 9Ah WORD (ret) ??? ---function 001Ah--- 18h WORD (ret) 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle 1Ch WORD (call) length of buffer for socket name (ret) actual length of socket name 1Eh N BYTEs buffer for socket name ---function 001Bh--- 18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle 1Ch WORD (call) size of buffer for name (ret) actual size of name 1Eh N BYTEs buffer for peer's name ---function 001Ch--- 18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD direction: 0000h to get, 0001h to set 1Ch WORD socket's file handle 1Eh WORD option level 20h WORD option name 22h WORD (call) length of buffer for option value (ret) actual length of option value 24h N BYTEs buffer for option value ---function 001Dh--- no additional fields ---function 001Eh--- 18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h ??? or 0001h ??? 1Ah WORD file handle which may or may not be a socket ---function 001Fh--- 18h WORD (ret) file handle or FFFFh on error 1Ah DWORD (call) pointer to Socket Context Record (see #00579) of a previously detached socket ---function 0020h--- 18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful or FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle 1Ch DWORD (ret) pointer to Socket Context Record (see #00579) for the file handle ---function 0021h--- 18h 64 BYTEs buffer for DESQview startup directory (see AX=DE25h) ---function 0022h--- 18h DWORD (ret) task handle of new application 1Ch WORD size of .DVP data 1Eh 129 BYTEs ASCIZ ??? 9Fh N BYTEs .DVP data (see #00427 at AX=102Ch) ---function 0023h--- 18h WORD (ret) ??? or FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle??? ---function 0024h--- 18h WORD (ret) DOS error code (see #01680 at INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h) 0000h if successful 1Ah 129 BYTEs ASCIZ filename/pathname 11Bh 129 BYTEs ASCIZ canonicalized filename/pathname (see INT 21/AH=60h) ---function 0025h--- 18h WORD value of AX 1Ah WORD value of BX 1Ch WORD (call) value of CX for call if AH value other than 12h (call) number of stack parameters if AH value is 12h (ret) returned CX for calls other than INT 15/AH=12h 1Eh WORD value of DX 20h WORD value of DI 22h WORD value of SI 24h WORD value of DS 26h WORD value of ES 28h WORD (ret) value of FLAGS after call 2Ah N DWORDs (call) stack parameters for INT 15/AH=12h call (ret) stack results from INT 15/AH=12h call ---function 0026h--- 18h WORD (call) Network Manager subfunction (see #00559) (ret) status??? (0000h on error) 1Ah WORD (call) size of parameter data (ret) size of returned data 1Ch N BYTEs (call) parameter data required by call (see #00560,#00561,#00577) (ret) result data (see #00570,#00571,#00576) ---function 0027h--- 18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error 1Ah WORD socket's file handle ---functions 0028h,0029h--- 18h WORD (call) file handle for which to set priority low/high FFFFh to change calling task's priority ---function 002Ah--- no additional fields (Table 00559) Values for DESQview/X Network Manager subfunction: 0004h "so_exit"??? 0005h "gethostbyname" 0006h "gethostname" 0009h "socket" 000Dh "gethostbyaddr" 000Fh "getprotobyname" 0010h get protocol name for protocol number 0011h "getservbyname" 0012h "getservbyport" (see #00563) 0013h "getsockname"??? (see #00564) 0016h "shutdown" (see #00565) 0017h kill Network Manager 0018h "getpeername"??? (see #00566) 0019h ??? (called by socket function 0000h) (see #00567) 001Ah ??? (see #00568) 001Bh "so_linkup" (see #00569) 001Dh "getnetstatus" get network services (see #00570) 001Fh "getpwuid" 0020h "getpwnam" 0021h "getpwvar" 0022h "crypt" 0023h "so_unlink" 0024h "getlogin" (see #00571) 0028h "sethostent" 0029h "gethostent" 002Ah "soaddhost" 002Bh "soupdatehost" 002Ch "sodeletehost" 002Dh "setservent" 002Eh "getservent" 002Fh "setpwent" 0030h "getpwent" (see #00572) 0031h "sethostpath" (see #00573) 0032h "endservent" 0033h "endhostent" 0034h "getnettype" get IP network number (see #00574) 0035h ??? (pops up Network Manager window) 0037h "getnettimeout" (see #00575) 0038h get machine name and IP address (see #00576) 0039h "getuid" (see #00577) ---DV/X v2.0+ --- 0041h "deletepwnam" 0045h "renamepw" Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 000Fh data: Offset Size Description (Table 00560) 00h 8 BYTEs (ret) ??? Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0010h data: Offset Size Description (Table 00561) 00h 2 BYTEs (ret) ??? 02h WORD (ret) protocol number 04h WORD (call) protocol number for which to get name 06h WORD (ret) ??? 08h var (ret) ASCIZ protocol name N var (ret) ASCIZ protocol name Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0011h data: Offset Size Description (Table 00562) 00h 8 BYTEs ??? 08h var (ret) ASCIZ protocol name var (ret) ASCIZ ??? name var (ret) ASCIZ ??? name Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0012h data: Offset Size Description (Table 00563) 00h 8 BYTEs (ret) ??? Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0013h data: Offset Size Description (Table 00564) 00h 116 BYTEs (ret) ??? Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0016h ("shutdown") data: Offset Size Description (Table 00565) 00h WORD (ret) shutdown status (0000h successful, FFFFh error) 02h 4 BYTEs (ret) ??? 04h WORD (call) socket handle 06*h WORD (call) what (0 = receives, 1 = sends, 2 = both) Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0018h data: Offset Size Description (Table 00566) 00h 116 BYTEs (ret) ??? Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0019h data: Offset Size Description (Table 00567) 00h 4 BYTEs (ret) ??? 04h DWORD (ret) task handle of ??? Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 001Ah data: Offset Size Description (Table 00568) 00h 38 BYTEs (ret) ??? Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 001Bh data: Offset Size Description (Table 00569) 00h 10 BYTEs (ret) ??? Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 001Dh return data [array]: Offset Size Description (Table 00570) 00h WORD ??? or FFFFh if end of array 02h 7 BYTEs ??? 09h 27 BYTEs ASCIZ name of service Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0024h return data: Offset Size Description (Table 00571) 00h var ASCIZ username Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0030h data: Offset Size Description (Table 00572) 00h WORD (call) UID or 0000h for current user (ret) ??? 02h WORD (ret) UID 04h 6 BYTEs (ret) ??? 0Ah var (ret) ASCIZ username var (ret) ASCIZ encrypted password var (ret) ASCIZ initial ("home") directory Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0031h ("sethostpath") data: Offset Size Description (Table 00573) 00h 4 BYTEs ??? 04h 144 BYTEs ASCIZ ??? Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0034h data: Offset Size Description (Table 00574) 00h 1-3 BYTEs IP network number of caller's machine (low byte first) Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0037h ("getnettimeout") return data: Offset Size Description (Table 00575) 00h WORD (ret) timeout 02h 2 BYTEs (ret) ??? Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0038h return data: Offset Size Description (Table 00576) 00h BYTE ??? 01h 4 BYTEs IP address 05h var ASCIZ machine name ??? Format of Function 0026h/Subfunction 0039h ("getuid") return data: Offset Size Description (Table 00577) 00h WORD user ID 02h 2 BYTEs ??? SeeAlso: #00573,#00576 (Table 00578) Values for DESQview/X socket error code: 0000h successful 0009h "BADF" bad file handle 000Ch "ENOMEM" out of memory 000Eh "EFAULT" bad address 0016h "EINVAL" invalid argument 0018h "EMFILE" too many open files 0020h "EPIPE" ??? broken pipe 0023h "EWOULDBLOCK" operation cannot be completed at this time 0024h "EINPROGRESS" operation now in progress 0026h "ENOTSOCK" socket invalid 0028h "EMSGSIZE" message too long to send atomically 002Ch "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT" socket type not supported 002Fh "EAFNOSUPPORT" address family not supp. by protocol fam. 0031h "EDOM" argument too large 0038h "EISCONN" socket is already connected 0039h "ENOTCONN" socket is not connected Format of DESQview/X Socket Context Record: Offset Size Description (Table 00579) 00h DWORD pointer to next Socket Context Record, 0000h:0000h if last 04h WORD SFT index for socket, 00FFh if not connected, FFFFh if detached 06h WORD PSP segment of owner or 0000h 08h WORD mapping context of owning window (see #00416 at AX=1016h) 0Ah 2 BYTEs ??? 0Ch WORD address family 0Eh WORD socket type 10h WORD protocol 12h WORD socket state 0001h created 0002h bound 0003h listening??? 0005h connected 14h DWORD timer object handle 18h DWORD object handle (mailbox???) 1Ch DWORD object handle of parent of above object or 0000h:0000h 20h DWORD pointer to ??? or 0000h 24h 6 BYTEs ??? 2Ah WORD file handle for socket or FFFFh 2Ch 2 BYTEs ??? 2Eh WORD nonzero if socket nonblocking ---network connections only--- 30h 2 BYTEs ??? 32h WORD ??? 34h 4 BYTEs (big-endian) IP address of remote 38h 6 BYTEs ??? --------Q-15DE2F----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - "VIDEONOTIFY" - HAS DIRECT WINDOW BEEN ACTIVE? AX = DE2Fh Return: BX = status 0001h keyboard focus has been given to a direct window since the last call 0000h if not Notes: DESQview 2.50-2.53 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.00-1.10. Quarterdeck stated that this call would not be available under future versions of DESQview Classic, but it is still present in v2.60 --------Q-15DE30----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview v2.50+ - "GETDVXVERSION" - GET DESQview/X VERSION AX = DE30h Return: BX = version (BH=major, BL=minor) or 0000h if not DESQview/X Notes: DESQview 2.50-2.53 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.00-1.10. you must first check the DESQview version to verify that it is 2.50 or greater SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=2Bh/CX=4445h --------Q-15DE31----------------------------- INT 15 - DESQview/X v1.10 - ??? AX = DE31h CX = ??? 0000h ??? nonzero ??? ??? Return: ??? --------b-15DF------------------------------- INT 15 - Juko UNIQUE UX BIOS - TURBO MODE CONTROL AH = DFh AL = function 00h turn on Turbo mode 01h turn off Turbo mode 02h set Turbo mode according to hardware switch SeeAlso: INT 13/AX=FFFFh --------b-15E00F----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq Systempro - MULTIPROCESSOR DISPATCH AX = E00Fh ES:BX -> start of 2nd processor's execution Return: AL = status 0Fh successful 00h failure SeeAlso: AX=E10Eh,AX=E200h --------b-15E10E----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq Systempro - MULTIPROCESSOR END-OF-DISPATCH AX = E10Eh ES:BX -> start of 2nd processor's execution Return: AL = status 0Fh successful (halted) 00h failure (not halted) SeeAlso: AX=E00Fh,AX=E200h --------b-15E200----------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq Systempro - MULTIPROCESSOR AVAILABLE AX = E200h Return: AX bit 15 set if 2nd processor available SeeAlso: AX=E00Fh,AX=E10Eh --------b-15E4------------------------------- INT 15 - Tandy??? - ??? AH = E4h AL = subfunction 21h, 89h, 8Ah, 8Bh called by 386MAX v6.01 DL = ??? Return: DL = 00h if successful??? Note: the section of code in 386MAX which calls these functions also checks whether the ROM BIOS has both Tandy and Phoenix Technologies signatures if these calls fail; the Tandy 1000SL/TL BIOS does not support this function, however, returning the usual CF set/AH=86h for "unsupported function". --------b-15E4------------------------------- INT 15 - Compaq ROM BIOS 1993/08/03 and newer - ??? AH = E4h AL = subfunction 00h get advanced system info Return: CF clear AH = 00h CX = 0000h BX = advanced system info flags (read from [XBDA:0094h]) bit 4: "mode 2" (dual harddisk controller) enabled 01h,02h unsupported by this ROM version Return: CF set, AH = 86h 80h set advanced system info BX = advanced system info flags bit 4: enable "mode 2" (dual harddisk controller) ??? Return: ??? Note: On Compaq machines with "COMPAQ" signature at F000h:FFEAh (see also MEM F000h:FFE0h), MS-DOS/PC DOS IO.SYS/IBMBIO.COM use this function to set bit 4 before calling INT 13h/AH=08h to retrieve the number of hard disks installed (DL). 90h,A0h,B0h,C0h,D0h,E0h,F0h set ??? Return: CF clear AH = 00h CX = 0000h BX = ??? 81h,91h,A1h,B1h,C1h,D1h,E1h,F1h unsupported by 3/8/93&4/8/93 ROMs Return: CF set, AH = 86h Notes: functions 80h/90h/etc. are not supported by the 4/8/93 EISA System ROM these functions are not supported by the 7/26/93 LTE Lite 386 ROM --------!---Section--------------------------