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Interrupt List, part 13 of 18 Copyright (c) 1989-1999,2000 Ralf Brown --------N-2F7A00----------------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - LOW-LEVEL API (IPX) INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7A00h Return: AL = status 00h not installed FFh installed ES:DI -> FAR entry point for routines accessed exclusively through INT 7A in NetWare versions through 2.0a. Call with same values as INT 7A ES:BX -> two bytes containing IPX major/minor version (IPXODI v2.12; BX unchanged by older IPX drivers) CX = ES ??? SeeAlso: AX=7AFFh/BX=0000h,AX=D800h,INT 64"Novell",INT 7A"LOW-LEVEL API" --------N-2F7A10----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1+ - GET TBMI STATUS AX = 7A10h Return: DH = major TBMI version number DL = minor TBMI version number (01h for v1.1) CX = segment address of TBMI resident part BX = status word of TBMI (see #02857) Note: TBMI is the Task-Switched Buffer Manager Interface SeeAlso: AX=7A11h,AX=7A12h,AX=7A13h,AX=7A14h Bitfields for NetWare TBMI status word: Bit(s) Description (Table 02857) 0 INT2F intercepted by TBMI 1 INT7A intercepted by TBMI 2 INT64 intercepted by TBMI 3-14 reserved or unused ??? 15 outstanding task ID was detected --------N-2F7A11----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1+ - GET INT2F HANDLERS AX = 7A11h Return: ES:BX -> old INT 2F handler DS:DX -> TBMI INT 2F handler SeeAlso: AX=7A10h,AX=7A12h,AX=7A13h,AX=7A1Ah --------N-2F7A12----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1+ - GET INT64 HANDLERS AX = 7A12h Return: ES:BX -> old INT 64 handler DS:DX -> TBMI INT 64 handler SeeAlso: AX=7A10h,AX=7A11h,AX=7A13h --------N-2F7A13----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1+ - GET INT7A HANDLERS AX = 7A13h Return: ES:BX -> old INT 7A handler DS:DX -> TBMI INT 7A handler SeeAlso: AX=7A10h,AX=7A11h,AX=7A12h --------N-2F7A14----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1+ - GET STATISTICS AX = 7A14h CX = statistic to retrieve 0000h available diagnostic functions??? Return: CX = maximum available function??? (000Ch for v2.0) 0001h buffers in use Return: CX = TBMI buffers currently in use 0002h maximum buffers used Return: CX = maximum number of buffers ever in use 0003h unavailable buffers Return: CX = count of unavailable TBMI buffers 0004h old interrupt usage Return: CX = TBMI accesses to intercepted old vectors INT 2F, INT 64, and INT 7A 0005h far call usage Return: CX = TBMI accesses to IPX/SPX far call handler (not including internal accesses) 0006h task buffering Return: CX = TBMI task buffering status (enabled/disabled or disable/enable switch count???) 0007h current task ID Return: CX = TBMI current task ID number (0000h if ???) 0008h outstanding ID count Return: CX = number of outstanding TBMI IDs 0009h configured ECBs Return: CX = number of TBMI Event Control Blocks configured 000Ah configured data ECBs Return: CX = number of TBMI data ECBs configured 000Bh configured sockets Return: CX = number of TBMI sockets configured (from NETCFG) 000Ch current sockets Return: CX = number of TBMI sockets currently in use Return: BX = maximum supported subfunction (000Ch) SeeAlso: AX=7A10h --------N-2F7A15----------------------------- INT 2F OU - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1 only - RESET ??? AX = 7A15h Return: BX = new value of ??? Desc: set ??? to its default value Note: this call is a NOP under TBMI v2.0 (TBMI2) SeeAlso: AX=7A17h --------N-2F7A16----------------------------- INT 2F OU - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1 only - ??? AX = 7A16h CX = ??? ??? Return: ??? Note: this call is a NOP under TBMI v2.0 (TBMI2) --------N-2F7A17----------------------------- INT 2F OU - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1 only - ??? AX = 7A17h ??? Return: BX = old value of ??? CX = new value of ??? Note: this call is a NOP under TBMI v2.0 (TBMI2) SeeAlso: AX=7A15h --------N-2F7A18----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TASKID v1.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7A18h Return: AL = FFh if installed BX = configuration flags (see #02858) CX = resident code segment SeeAlso: AX=7A10h Bitfields for NetWare TASKID configuration flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 02858) 0 INT 2F hooked 3 INT 08 hooked other unused --------N-2F7A19----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TASKID v1.0 - GET INT 08 HANDLERS AX = 7A19h Return: AL = FFh DS:DX -> TASKID INT 08 handler ES:BX -> original INT 08 handler --------N-2F7A1A----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TASKID v1.0 - GET INT 2F HANDLERS AX = 7A1Ah Return: AL = FFh DX:DX -> TASKID INT 2F handler ES:BX -> original INT 2F handler SeeAlso: AX=7A11h,AX=7A19h --------N-2F7A1B----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TASKID v1.0 - GET DIAGNOSTICS INFORMATION AX = 7A1Bh CX = desired information 0000h supported functions 0001h TASKID ID number Return: CX = ID number 0002h set-ID count Return: CX = ID set count Return: AL = FFh BX = highest supported subfunction number (0002h) SeeAlso: AX=7A14h,AX=7A18h --------N-2F7A1C----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1+ - ??? AX = 7A1Ch BP = ??? CX:DX = ??? Return: AX = 70FFh --------N-2F7A1D----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1+ - ??? AX = 7A1Dh ??? Return: ES = ??? ??? SI destroyed --------N-2F7A1E----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1+ - ??? AX = 7A1Eh ES:SI -> ??? ??? Return: ??? --------N-2F7A20BX0000----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - Adv NetWare 4.0 DOS Requester - GET VLM CALL ADDRESS AX = 7A20h BX = 0000h Return: AX = 0000h on success (installed) ES:BX -> far call address for DOS Requester (see #02859) Notes: the DOS Requester replaces the NetWare Shell (ANETx, NETx) on NetWare LAN's as of the release of Advanced NetWare 4.0 (1993). It is backward compatible with NetWare 2.1x through 3.11 servers as well. Note that there was a NetWare 4.0 in the early 1980's, which can cause confusion. this call is used as the installation check by VLM.EXE, which is the loader for all the modules of the DOS Requester .VLMs are standard old .EXE format executables whose normal entry point merely terminates to prevent loading from the command line (Novell's VLMs all return errorlevel 6). The real entry point is found by looking at the VLM header at the beginning of the load image (see #02862) Index: installation check;NetWare 4.0 DOS Requester SeeAlso: AX=7A20h/BX=0001h,AX=7A20h/BX=0002h (Table 02859) Call DOS Requester entry point with: STACK: WORD destination function WORD destination VLM ID (see #02861) WORD source VLM ID (0000h = application program) other registers (except BP) as appropriate for function Return: AX = status code (0000h,8811h,8846h,8848h,8853h) (see #02860) ZF set if successful, clear on error other registers as appropriate for function STACK popped BP destroyed (Table 02860) Values for VLM status code: 0000h successful 88xxh error generated by requester 8801h invalid or non-attached connection handle 8802h drive in use (OS/2 only) 8803h cannot add CDS 8804h bad path 8805h error sending or receiving NCP packets 8806h unknown network error 8807h invalid server connection slot 8808h no connection slots available 880Ah no route to server 880Bh "BAD_LOCAL_TARGET" (OS/2 only) 880Ch too many request fragments 880Dh "CONNECT_LIST_OVERFLOW" (OS/2 only) 880Eh buffer overflow on receive 880Fh no connection to server 8810h no router found (OS/2 only) 8811h nonexistent function called 8830h internal server request attempted between two separate connections 8831h no primary connection set 8833h invalid buffer length 8834h invalid user name 8835h no local print spooler installed 8836h attempted function with invalid parameter 8837h failed to open configuration file (OS/2 only) 8838h no configuration file (OS/2 only) 8839h configuration file read failed (OS/2 only) 883Ah line too long in configuration file (OS/2 only) 883Bh configuration lines ignored (OS/2 only) 883Ch foreign resource 883Dh daemon already installed (OS/2 only) 883Eh print spooler already installed 883Fh local connection table already full 8840h configuration section not found (OS/2 only) 8841h invalid transport type 8842h TDS tag in use (OS/2 only) 8843h TDS out of memory (OS/2 only) 8844h called TDS function with invalid tag 8845h TDS write was truncated 8846h called partially asynchronous function while it was busy 8847h unable to find any responding servers 8848h non-loaded or nonexistent VLM called 8849h network drive already mapped 884Ah attempted map to local drive which was already in use 884Bh no more drives available for mapping 884Ch device is not redirected 884Dh no more SFT entries (too many handles) 884Eh unable to unload 884Fh connection entry was already in use 8850h too many reply fragments 8851h name table already full 8852h socket not open 8853h memory management error 8854h SFT III switch occurred in mid-transfer 8855h preferred server was not found (alternate returned) 8856h device not recognized 8857h bad network byte 88A0h memory allocation error 88A1h connection timeout failure 88A2h transport: bad request 88A3h specified transport not installed 88A4h unable to open connection with specified parameters 88A6h unsupported function 88A7h no such task 88A8h too many tasks 88A9h version mismatch 88AAh request cancelled 88ABh invalid NDS name 88ACh unable to perform operation while logged into NDS 88ADh requester not available for use 88AEh MacIPX not configured properly 88AFh no servers found 88B0h no volume or session associated with identifier 88B1h not a NetWare volume 88B2h MacIPX version incompatible with Requester 88B4h MacIPX not open 88B5h insufficient stack 88B6h client API already initialized 88B7h checksums required by client are not available 88B8h packet signing required by client are not available 88B9h server requires checksum 88BAh server requires packet signing 88BBh already logged in 88BCh negotiated checksums but connection timed out 89xxh error generated by server low byte = return code from server (see also #01927,#01961) 8900h server successful 8901h out of disk space 897Eh NCP boundary check failed 897Fh ??? 8980h lock failed; file in use 8981h out of handles 8982h no open privileges 8983h hard (non-correctable) I/O error 8984h no creation privileges 8985h no create/delete privileges 8986h attempted to create a file which already exists read-only 8987h filename error during creation (wildcards in name) 8988h invalid file handle 8989h no search privileges 898Ah no deletion privileges 898Bh no rename privileges 898Ch no modify privileges 898Dh some affected files are in use 898Eh all affected files are in use 898Fh some affected files are read-only 8990h all affected files are read-only; volume read-only 8991h some files could not be renamed because target names already exist 8992h all affected names exist 8993h no read privileges 8994h no write privileges 8995h file detached 8996h server out of memory 8997h no disk space for spool file 8998h disk map error; volume does not exist 8999h directory full 899Ah attempt to rename across volumes 899Bh bad directory handle 899Ch invalid path; no more trustees 899Dh no directory handles 899Eh bad filename 899Fh directory active 89A0h directory not empty 89A1h directory I/O error 89A2h I/O lock error 89A3h-89A5h ??? 89A6h auditing is active 89A7h auditing version error 89A8h no auditing rights 89A3h-89BEh ??? 89BFh invalid name space 89C0h no account privileges 89C1h no account balance 89C2h credit limit exceeded 89C4h account disabled 89C5h login lockout (intruder detection activated) 89C6h no console rights 89C7h-89CFh 89D0h queue error 89D1h no queue 89D2h no queue server 89D3h no queue rights 89D4h queue full 89D5h no queue job 89D6h no job rights; unencrypted password 89D7h queue servicing error; duplicate password; bad account 89D8h queue not active; password too short 89D9h station not queue server; maximum logins exceeded 89DAh queue halted; bad login time 89DBh maximum queue servers; unauthorized login station 89DCh account disabled or expired 89DEh password expired (all grace logins used up) 89DFh password expired but login allowed (grace login) 89E0h-89E6h ??? 89E7h no disk track 89E8h property is not an item property; write to group 89E9h member exists 89EAh no such member 89EBh property is not a set property 89ECh no such set 89EDh property exists 89EEh object exists 89EFh illegal name 89F0h illegal wildcard 89F1h invalid bindery security level 89F2h not allowed to read object 89F3h not allowed to write/rename object 89F4h not allowed to delete object 89F5h not allowed to create object 89F6h not allowed to delete property 89F7h not allowed to create property; attempt to use non-local drive 89F8h not allowed to write property; already attached to server 89F9h not allowed to read property; no free connection slots 89FAh temporary remap error; no more server slots 89FBh no such property; invalid parameters 89FCh no such object; internet packet request canceled; unknown file server 89FDh bad station number; lock collision 89FEh directory locked; bindery locked; timeout 89FFh general error; hard error; lock error Note: some server-generated error codes have multiple interpretations; use the one appropriate to the failing call (Table 02861) Values for VLM identifier: 0001h VLM.EXE Virtual Loadable Modules manager (see also #02864) 0010h CONN.VLM connection table manager (see also #02867) 0020h TRAN.VLM transport protocol multiplexor (see also #02871) 0021h IPXNCP.VLM transport protocol implementation using IPX (see #02873) 0022h TCPNCP.VLM TCP/IP transport 0030h NWP.VLM NetWare protocol multiplexor (see also #02875) 0031h BIND.VLM bindery 0032h NDS.VLM NetWare Directory Services (see also #02877) 0033h PNW.VLM Personal NetWare 0034h RSA.VLM RSA encryption for directory services re-authentication 0040h REDIR.VLM DOS redirector (see also #02879) 0041h FIO.VLM file I/O (see also #02882) 0042h PRINT.VLM printer redirector (see also #02884) 0043h GENERAL.VLM misc functions for NETx and REDIR (see also #02888) 0050h NETX.VLM NetWare shell compatibility (see also #02890) 0060h AUTO.VLM auto-reconnect/auto-retry 0061h SECURITY.VLM enhanced security module (see #02892) 0100h NMR.VLM NetWare management responder 09F2h DRVPRN.VLM Desktop SNMP Services - Drive/Printer Mappings 09F5h SAA.VLM SAA client API for Netware 09F6h IPXMIB.VLM SNMP IPX-monitoring Module??? 09F7h PNWMIB.VLM Personal Netware SNMP Instrumentation Module 09F8h PNWTRAP.VLM Personal Netware SNMP Trap Module 09F9h MIB2PROT.VLM MIB-II Protocol Groups 09FAh MIB2IF.VLM MIB-II Interfaces Group 09FBh NVT.VLM ??? 09FCh WSTRAP.VLM Desktop SNMP Services - Trap Module 09FDh WSREG.VLM Desktop SNMP Services - Registration Module 09FEh WSASN1.VLM Desktop SNMP Services - ASN.1 Module 09FFh WSSNMP.VLM Desktop SNMP Services - Agent Module Format of VLM header: Offset Size Description (Table 02862) 00h DWORD -> initialization entry point 04h DWORD -> VLM API entry point 08h DWORD -> ??? entry point 0Ch DWORD -> ??? entry point 10h DWORD -> ??? entry point ... var DWORD 00000000h (end of entry point list) 4 BYTEs signature "NVlm" WORD VLM identifier (see #02861) ---v1.20+ --- 1Eh WORD ??? 20h WORD Transient Switch Count 22h WORD VLM Call Count 24h WORD Offset ControlBlocks (See #02863) 26h WORD Current VLMID 28h BYTE Memory Type 00h=Conventional 02h=EMS 04h=XMS 29h BYTE Modules Loaded 2Ah WORD BlockId 2Ch WORD Transient Block 2Eh WORD Global Segment 30h 3 DWORDs pointers to AsyncQueue head, tail, and s??? 3Ch 3 DWORDs pointers BusyQueue head, tail, and s??? 48h WORD ReEntrance Level 4Ah WORD Full Map Count 4Ch WORD ??? 4Eh 80 BYTEs ASCIZ configuration file filename Note: the number of entry points in the header is reported as "Func" in the VLM /D display. Format of VLM Control Block for VLM v1.20 [array]: Offset Size Description (Table 02863) 00h WORD Flag 02h WORD VLM Identifier (See #02861) 04h WORD Func 06h WORD Maps 08h WORD number of times called 0Ah WORD ??? 0Ch WORD Transient Segment 0Eh WORD Global Segment 10h WORD Address Low 12h WORD Address High 14h WORD TSegSize 16h WORD GSegSize 18h WORD SSegSize 1Ah BYTE VLMName[9] ASCIZ Note: this information is shown in VLM /d under the dashed line. There are as many 35-byte blocks as modules loaded SeeAlso: #02862 (Table 02864) Call VLM Manager (VLM.EXE, ID 0001h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h VLM Notify BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h VLM Statistics CX = length of buffer ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #02865) Return: AX = status (0000h if successful) buffer filled if successful 04h VLM internal use BX = function 0000h get interrupt vector (calls INT 21/AH=35h) 0001h begin critical section (calls INT 2F/AX=1681h) 0002h end critical section (calls INT 2F/AX=1682h) 0003h ??? Format of VLM.EXE statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 02865) 00h WORD size of statistics record in bytes (including this word) 02h WORD number of times a VLM has been mapped into memory 04h WORD number of times a VLM has been called 06h WORD offset of vcbArray buffer 08h WORD VLM ID of VLM currently mapped into memory 0Ah BYTE memory type: conventional/EMS/XMS 0Bh BYTE number of loaded VLMs 0Ch WORD EMS/XMS handle or 0000h if conventional memory 0Eh WORD start segment for conventional memory swap 10h WORD segment for global memory, or 0000h if conventional memory 12h 12 BYTEs queue structure for asynchronous calls (see #02866) 1Eh 12 BYTEs queue structure for synchronous calls (see #02866) 2Ah WORD current re-entrance level 2Ch WORD number of times EMS/XMS map-out performed 2Eh BYTE stack switch control 2Fh BYTE flag: nonzero if switcher loaded 30h 80 BYTEs pathname of configuration file SeeAlso: #02864 Format of VLM.EXE queue structure: Offset Size Description (Table 02866) 00h DWORD queue head (initially 00000000h) 04h DWORD queue tail (initialized to be same as head) 08h WORD current queue size (number of nodes in queue) 0Ah WORD maximum queue size (in nodes) SeeAlso: #02865 (Table 02867) Call Connection Manager (CONN.VLM, ID 0010h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h Conn Get Version BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h Conn Statistics CX = length of buffer ES:DI -> buffer for connection statistics (see #02868) Return: AX = status (0000h successful) 04h Conn Alloc Handle Return: AX = status (0000h successful) CX = connection handle 05h Conn Validate Handle CX = connection handle Return: AX = 0000h if valid handle 06h Conn Free Handle CX = connection handle Return: AX = status (0000h successful) 07h Conn Get Entry Field BH = connection parameter (see #02870) CX = connection handle DX = value if BH is non-array parameter DH = offset in array if BH is array parameter DL = number of bytes to copy if BH is array ES:DI -> return buffer if BH is array Return: AX = 0000h if successful DL/DX = value if non-array parameter DH = maximum number of bytes in buffer if array parameter DL = number of bytes copied if array BX destroyed 08h Conn Set Entry Field BH = connection parameter (see #02870) CX = connection handle DL/DX = value if BH is non-array parameter DH = offset in array if BH is array parameter DL = number of bytes to copy if BH is array DS:SI -> buffer if BH is array Return: AX = 0000h if successful DH = maximum number of bytes in buffer DL = number of bytes copied BX destroyed 09h Conn Reset Entry Field BH = connection parameter (see #02870) CX = connection handle Return: AX = 0000h if successful BX,DX destroyed 0Ah Conn Lookup Handle BL = lookup type (00h equal, 40h not equal) BH = connection parameter (see #02870) CX = connection handle, 0000h if first DL/DX = value if BH is non-array parameter DH = offset in array if BH is array parameter DL = number of bytes to copy if BH is array DS:SI (ES:DI???) -> buffer if BH is array Return: AX = 0000h if successful CX = handle matching given parameters 0Dh Conn Name Lookup CX = connection handle ES:DI -> 49-byte buffer for server name or 0000h:0000h Return: AX = 0000h if successful BX = length of server name ES:DI buffer filled if pointer not 0000h:0000h 0Eh Conn Name To Handle DS:SI -> uppercased server name CX = length of server name, 0000h if ASCIZ name Return: AX = error code or 0000h if successful CX = connection handle if successful 0Fh Conn Get Num Connections Return: AX = status (0000h if successful) DX = number of connections CX = segment of connection table first entry in table (See #02869) Format of VLM connection statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 02868) 00h WORD total length of statistics record (including this word) 02h WORD number of connection handles allocated 04h WORD average name length (configured in NET.CFG) 06h WORD maximum number of tasks (configured in NET.CFG) 08h WORD number of failed "allocate handle" calls 0Ah WORD number of failed "add name" calls 0Ch WORD number of failed task calls Note: some versions of the NetWare requester reportedly do not implement this correctly SeeAlso: #02867 Format of NetWare VLM Connection Table [array]: Offset Size Description (Table 02869) 00h WORD Protocol VLMid 0032(NDS) 0031(BIND) Func 07 equiv. 0033(PNW) 0000(unused) BH=01h 02h BYTE (connection status) bit 6: connection locked BH=16h bit 5: authenticated BH=03h bit 4: permanent BH=02h bit 2: broadcast msg waiting BH=12h 03h BYTE (connection capabilities) bit 5: Large Internet Packets none bit 3: Packet Burst Reset BH=07h bit 2: Max I/O BH=06h bit 1: SFT3 change BH=05h bit 0: Packet Burst Support BH=04h 04h WORD reference count BH=09h 06h WORD soft resource count BH=15h 08h BYTE NCP Order Number BH=0Eh 09h BYTE Server security options BH=14h bit 0: CRC enabled bit 1: packet signing required bit 5: packet signing enabled 0Ah BYTE OS Major Version BH=08h 0Bh BYTE OS Minor Version BH=08h 0Ch WORD Hops to Server BH=0Ah 0Eh WORD Maximum Packet Size for this connection BH=0Bh 10h WORD LIP Parameters BH=13h 12h WORD NCP Request Type BH=10h 14h BYTE NCP Sequence BH=0Ch 15h WORD Connection Number BH=0Dh 17h BYTE ??? none 18h WORD Transport VLMid 21(IPXNCP) 22(TCPNCP) BH=0Fh 1Ah BYTE Node Address[4] BH=11h 1Eh BYTE Network[6] BH=11h 24h BYTE Socket[2] BH=11h 26h BYTE Local Target[6] BH=11h 2Ch WORD Round Trip Time BH=11h 2Eh WORD ??? none SeeAlso: #02867 (Table 02870) Values for NetWare Connection Manager CEI (Connection Entry Information): number flags description 00h FR error 01h WL VLM id of transport protocol (NDS/BIND/PNW) 00h = wildcard 02h FR permanent flag (01h if connection is permanent) 03h F authenticated flag (01h if connection is authenticated) 04h F packet burst supported 05h FR SFT3 change status 06h FR connection needs maximum I/O transmission 07h FR packet burst reset needed 08h W server version 09h W reference count (tasks using connection, 00h = dynamic) 0Ah W distance to server associated with connection 0Bh W maximum packet size supported by transport protocol 0Ch B NCP sequence number 0Dh W connection number 0Eh B NCP order number 0Fh WL VLM id for transport protocol 00h = wildcard, 21h = IPX, 22h = TCP 10h W NCP request type 11h A transport specific buffer 12 byte server address 6 byte router address 2 byte round trip time 12h FR broadcast message waiting 13h W large internet packets supported 14h B security options bit 0: CRC enabled bit 1: packet signing enabled bit 5: packet signing active 15h W soft resource count 16h FR connection locked Note: flag meanings F=flag value B=byte value W=word value A=array R=resettable L=settable only before authentication others=read only SeeAlso: #02867 (Table 02871) Call TRAN.VLM (VLM ID 0020h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h TRAN Get Version BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h TRAN Statistics 06h TRAN Request Reply (see INT 21/AH=F2h) AL = NCP request code (see #02095 at INT 21/AH=F2h) BH = error handler flag 00h default error handler 01h return network errors to caller 02h handle network errors in requester BL = request list length (max 5 fragments) (see #02872) CX = connection handle DH = 00h (reserved) DL = reply list length (max 5 fragments) (see #02872) DS:SI -> address list (each element is DWORD address + WORD length) ES:DI -> address list Return: AX = error code, 0000h if successful (see #02860) BX,DX destroyed ES:DI buffer filled with reply packet fragments 08h TRAN Schedule/Cancel Event BX = subfunction 0000h schedule event AX = number of timer ticks to delay before calling function ES:SI -> event control block (including valid call address) 0001h cancel event ES:SI -> event control block (including call address) Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860) 09h TRAN Get Max Phys Size BX = subfunction 00h get maximum node size Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860) BX = maximum supported physical packet size DX = size of protocol header SI = RequestReply socket number 01h get maximum route size to specified server CX = connection handle for route to be checked Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860) DX = maximum supported packet size for current route 0Ah TRAN Broadcast Mux BX = subfunction 0001h get stored broadcast (Personal NetWare) ES:DI -> 60-byte buffer for counted ASCIZ message string Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860) Format of TRAN.VLM request/reply fragment descriptor (array): Offset Size Description (Table 02872) 00h DWORD address of buffer 04h WORD length of buffer (Table 02873) Call IPXNCP.VLM (VLM ID 0021h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h IPX Get Version BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h IPX Statistics CX = length of buffer ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #02874) Return: AX = status (see #02860) 06h IPXNCP Request Reply??? functionally equivalent to Tran Request Reply??? Format of NetWare IPX statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 02874) 00h WORD size of statistics, including this word 02h DWORD number of TRAN Request Reply calls made 06h WORD number of user aborts 08h WORD number of user retries 0Ah WORD IPX receive errors 0Ch WORD IPX send errors 0Eh WORD number of unrecognized responses 10h WORD number of bad connection numbers in requests 12h WORD number of bad sequence responses 14h WORD receive buffer overflows 16h WORD number of times route to attached server was lost 18h WORD number of times server responded "busy" 1Ah WORD number of unknown "NCPRepCompCode" values 1Ch WORD number of bad connection numbers in responses 1Eh WORD padding for NETX compatibility 20h WORD padding for NETX compatibility 22h WORD number of attach requests to server without route 24h WORD number of times server responded to attach without slot 26h WORD number of times a server went down during a request 28h DWORD same-server optimizations 2Ch WORD local route changes 2Eh WORD IPX CRC errors 30h WORD number of user fails 32h BYTE flag: CRCs enabled 33h BYTE flag: LIP enabled 34h BYTE flag: configurable NET error handler SeeAlso: #02873 (Table 02875) Call NWP.VLM (VLM ID 0030h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h NWP Get Version BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h NWP Statistics CX = size of buffer for statistics ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #02876) Return: AX = status (see #02860) 04h NWP Connect DL = resource count state (NDS connections only) CX = proposed connection handle (not yet connected to server) DS:SI -> 48-byte server name (NUL-terminated if less than 48 bytes) Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860) CX = actual connection handle to use Note: if the returned handle differs from the proposed handle, the proposed handle should be freed 05h NWP Disconnect DL = ??? 00h global disconnect -- clear all resources associated with conn. 01h destroy connection -- send disconnect request to server CX = connected connection handle Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860) 06h NWP Attach DL = resource count state (NDS connections only) CX = connection handle (allocated by not yet attached to server) DS:SI -> full network address for desired server Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860) 08h NWP Login BX = object type CX = connection handle (must be connected) to be authenticated DS:SI -> ASCIZ user name (max 48 bytes) ES:DI -> ASCIZ user password (max 128 bytes) Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860) 09h NWP Logout CX = connection handle Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860) 0Ah NWP Get Bindery Object/Get Message Handler BX = subfunction 0002h set workstation's broadcast message mode DL = message mode 00h client hold client message set on, retrieve/display on 01h client hold client message set off, retr/display on 02h client hold client message set on, retrieve/dislay off 03h client hold client message set off, retr/display off 04h get current message mode 05h set broadcast callback CX:SI -> callback handler 06h get broadcast timeout 07h set broadcast timeout CX = timeout in timer ticks (0000h = never) CX = connection handle, or 0000h to notify all servers 0003h get object ID for object name AX = object type (big-endian) CX = connection handle DX = length of object name ES:DI -> uppercased ASCIZ object name Return: AX = status (see #02860) DX:BX = object ID 0004h get object name for object ID DX:SI = object ID CX = connection handle for server which is to do the lookup ES:DI -> 48-byte buffer for object name Return: AX = status (see #02860) 0005h retrieve broadcast message 0Ch NDS Fragment Request (passed to NDS.VLM's function 0Ch) (see #02877) AX = verb or request type CX = connection handle DS:SI -> request structure (DWORD data address followed by WORD size) ES:DI -> buffer for reply structure (same format as request) Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860) 0Eh NWP Ordered Send To All AL = NCP request code AH = inverse request code (FFh if none) to back out from failures BX = number of fragments in request list DX = number of fragments in reply list buffer DS:SI -> request fragment list ES:DI -> reply fragment list Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX, CX, DX destroyed Note: the available functions are described under INT 21/AX=F2xxh 0Fh NWP Preferred Handler BX = subfunction 0000h get preferred connection name DX = VLM ID (NDS/BIND/PNW) ES:DI -> 49-byte buffer for connection name Return: ES:DI buffer filled 0001h set preferred connection name DX = VLM ID (NDS/BIND/PNW) CX = length of connection name (may be 0000h, max 48) DS:SI -> name of preferred connection 0002h get preferred connection ID DX = VLM ID (NDS/BIND/PNW) Return: AX = status (see #02860) CX = connection handle if successful 0003h get server address CX = connection handle or 0000h DS:SI -> ASCIZ name to be resolved ES:DI -> 12-byte buffer for server address 10h NWP Security??? BX = subfunction 0001h get security flags (see also INT 21/AX=B301h) Return: BX:CX indicates signature level = 0100h:0000h if signature level=0 = 0300h:0000h if signature level=1 = 0302h:0000h if signature level=2 = 0302h:0202h if signature level=3 0002h create session keys (see also INT 21/AX=B302h) CX = server connection handle DS:SI -> 24-byte input buffer 0004h set security flags (see also INT 21/AX=B304h) BL:CL = new flags 0006h renegotiate security level (see also INT 21/AX=B306h) CX = server connection number (01h-08h) Format of NWP.VLM statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 02876) 00h WORD size of statistics record (including this byte) 02h BYTE flag: Large Internet Packets enabled 03h BYTE bit flags: enabled security features 04h BYTE bit flags: preferred security features 05h BYTE bit flags: required security features 06h BYTE minimum level of required security SeeAlso: #02875 (Table 02877) Call NDS.VLM (VLM ID 0032h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h NDS Get Version BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h NDS Statistics 06h NDS Attach CX = allocated connection handle DS:SI -> server address 08h NDS Fragment Requst Return: AX = 8836h (invalid parameter) Note: this function was documented but does not work 0Ch NDS context BX = subfunction 0000h get default name context CX = length of buffer for default context ES:DI -> buffer to receive name Return: ES:DI buffer filled 0001h set default context CX = length of new default context name DS:SI -> context name 0002h read from TDS CX = reply buffer length DX = 0110h ??? SI = offset in TDS ES:DI -> reply buffer 0003h write to TDS 0005h "NWDSChangeResourceConnection/Lock Connection" CX = connection handle DL = subfunction (00h-09h) 04h = NWDSChangeResourceOnConnection 07h = NWDSChangeResourceOnConnection 08h = NWDSLockConnection 0006h NDS change connection state (internal) CX = connection handle AL = 00h or 01h 0007h "NWDSSetMonitoredConnection" AX = subfunction 0001h get monitored connection Return: CX = connection handle??? 0002h set monitored connection CX = connection handle??? 0008h send NDS request AX = NDS function CX = connection handle DS:SI -> request buffer descriptor (see #02878) ES:DI -> reply buffer descriptor (see #02878) 000Ah set NDS CEI Info DL = buffer length DS:SI -> input buffer Format of NetWare NDS request/reply buffer descriptor: Offset Size Description (Table 02878) 00h DWORD -> buffer 04h WORD length of buffer in bytes SeeAlso: #02877 (Table 02879) Call REDIR.VLM (VLM ID 0040h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h Redir Get Version BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h Redir Statistics CX = length of buffer ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #02880) Return: AX = status (0000h if successful) (see #02860) buffer filled if successful 04h Redir Build SFT (see INT 21/AH=B4h"NetWare") CX = connection handle ES:DI -> SFT build request (see #02881) Return: AX = 0000h if successful BX = DOS file handle 05h Redir DOS To NW Handle BX = DOS file handle ES:DI -> 11-byte buffer for NetWare handle 08h Redir Specific BX = 0000h get item DS:SI -> ASCIZ string "LPTx" (x='1'-'9') or drive spec ("d:") ES:DI -> 512-byte reply buffer for "\\server\resource",00h,"path",00h Return: AX = status (0000h if successful) (see #02860) Format of REDIR.VLM statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 02880) 00h WORD size of statistics record (including this word) 02h WORD number of network errors causing a critical error (see INT 24) 04h WORD number of drives currently redirected SeeAlso: #02879 Format of NetWare SFT build request: Offset Size Description (Table 02881) 00h 6 BYTEs NetWare handle 06h WORD reserved for internal use 08h 14 BYTEs ASCIZ filename 16h BYTE DOS file attributes bit 7: file is shareable 17h BYTE reserved 18h LONG file size 1Ch WORD creation date 1Eh WORD last access date or 0000h 20h WORD last update date or 0000h 22h WORD last update time or 0000h (Table 02882) Call File I/O FIO.VLM (VLM ID 0041h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h FIO Get Version BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h FIO Statistics CX = length of buffer ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #02883) Return: AX = status (0000h if successful) buffer filled if successful 04h FIO Remote Copy Format of NetWare FIO statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 02883) 00h WORD length of statistics record (including this word) 02h WORD number of read requests 04h WORD number of write requests 06h WORD number of cache read hits 08h WORD number of cache write hits 0Ah WORD number of cacheable files with free blocks 0Ch WORD number of cacheable files without free blocks 0Eh WORD number of standard read requests 10h WORD number of standard write requests 12h WORD number of burst read requests 14h WORD number of burst write requests 16h BYTE flag: cache writes enabled 17h BYTE flag: true commits enabled 18h WORD number of cache blocks 1Ah WORD size of a cache buffer 1Ch WORD number of ECBs for packet bursts (0000h if bursts disabled) SeeAlso: #02882 (Table 02884) Call PRINT.VLM (VLM ID 0042h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h Print Get Version BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h Print Statistics CX = length of buffer ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #02885) Return: AX = status (0000h if successful) (see #02860) buffer filled if successful 04h Print Get/Set Data BX = subfunction 00h set printer control flags (see #02886) 01h get printer control flags 02h set extended printer control flags (see #02887) 03h get extended printer control flags AX = offset within Print structures at which to start read/write CX = number of bytes to transfer DX = printing device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.) DS:SI -> buffer containing values for flags (subfunctions 00h/02h) ES:DI -> buffer for flags (subfunctions 01h/03h Return: AX = status (see #02860) ---if successful--- CX = number of bytes returned (subfunctions 01h/03h) DX = maximum supported size for function/type of data 05h Print Open Capture File 07h Print Get Num Of Printers BX = subfunction 0000h get number of physical printers nonzero: get configured printer (from NET.CFG) Return: AX = status (see #02860) ---if successful--- BX = number of physical/configured printers 08h Print Redirection BX = subfunction 0000h redirect device to queue AX = length of queue name, 0000h to use queue ID CX = connection handle DX = printer/device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.) DS:SI -> uppercased ASCIZ queue name ES:DI -> DWORD queue ID, 00000000h to use queue name 0001h test whether device is redirected DX = printer/device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.) 0002h cancel redirection DX = printer/device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.) 0003h redirect device to file AX = 0000h or 4E57h ('NW') CX = connection handle DX = printer/device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.) ES:DI -> ASCIZ path of file 0004h get extended redirection information (see #02886) DX = printer/device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.) ES:DI -> buffer for server/queue name Return: ES:DI buffer filled Return: AX = 0000h if successful 09h Print Flush And Close Job BX = subfunction 0000h unconditional close nonzero: conditional close -- close only if concatenate flag is clear DX = index of printing device (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.) Return: AX = status (see #02860) 0Ch Print Get/Set Banner Name BL = subfunction 00h set banner name DS:SI -> ASCIZ banner name (12 bytes, including NUL) 01h get banner name ES:DI -> 12-byte buffer for banner name Return: AX = status (see #02860) Format of PRINT.VLM statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 02885) 00h WOFD size of statistics buffer (including this word) 02h DWORD -> old INT 17 handler 06h WORD number of physical printers reported by BIOS SeeAlso: #02884 Format of PRINT.VLM standard print control information: Offset Size Description (Table 02886) 00h BYTE PFStatus (reserved, 00h) 01h BYTE print flags (default 80h) bit 2: release job for printing if capture interrupted bit 3: suppress form feed bit 4: notify bit 6: text file bit 7: print banner 02h BYTE tab size (01h-12h, default 08h) 03h BYTE number of copies (default 01h) 04h BYTE ??? (may be number of copies instead of offset 03h) 05h BYTE form type to be mounted in printer (default 00h) 06h BYTE reserved (00h) 07h 14 BYTEs banner 15h BYTE capture printer (LPT) number 16h WORD capture timeout in seconds 18h BYTE job concatenation flag (00h or 01h, default 00h) 19h BYTE maximum lines per page (default 66) 1Ah BYTE ??? (may be maximum lines instead of offset 19h) 1Bh BYTE maximum characters per line (default 132) 1Ch BYTE ??? (may be maximum characters instead of offset 1Ch) 1Dh 13 BYTEs name of form to be mounted in printer 2Ah BYTE flag: capture active (00h or FFh, default 00h) 2Bh BYTE flag: capturing to file (00h or 01h, default 00h) 2Ch BYTE flag: timeout field is being decremented (default 00h) 2Dh DWORD -> printer setup string 31h DWORD -> printer reset string 35h BYTE reserved (01h) ---remainder is read-only--- 36h BYTE flag: job has started printing (00h or FFh, default 00h) 37h BYTE flag: job placed in queue (00h or FFh, default 00h) 38h BYTE flag: PJobValid (00h or FFh, default 00h) FFh if associated capture file is open for capturing data 39h DWORD print-queue ID 3Dh WORD print-job number (default 00h) (1-999) 3Fh BYTE number of chars in INT 17h print cache buffer (default 00h) 40h BYTE ??? 41h WORD high word of print-job number (default 00h) SeeAlso: #02884,#02887 Format of PRINT.VLM extended print control information: Offset Size Description (Table 02887) 00h DWORD NDS printer object ID or directory entry number (when capturing to a file) 04h BYTE connection handle for server 06h 48 BYTEs ASCIZ print queue name on server 36h DWORD ID of target server, or FFFFFFFFh if any server may be used 3Ah 6 BYTEs target print time, FFFFFFFFFFFFh for immediate printing 40h BYTE status flags 41h BYTE ??? 42h 13 BYTEs client's banner name (overrides global banner if set) 4Fh 13 BYTEs job description 5Ch 4 BYTEs reserved (0) SeeAlso: #02884,#02886 (Table 02888) Call GENERAL.VLM (VLM ID 0043h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h Gen Get Version BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h Gen Statistics CX = length of statistics buffer ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #02889) Return: AX = status (see #02860) 04h Gen Get/Set Primary BX = subfunction 0001h get primary connection CX = primary connection handle to be retrieved Return: AX = status (see #02860) CX = primary connection handle 0002h set primary connection CX = primary connection handle to be stored Return: AX = status (see #02860) 06h Gen Specific BX = subfunction 0000h get command processor and master environment addresses Return: DX = segment of master environment ES:DI -> command processor's private COMSPEC= copy 0001h get default or primary connection Return: AX = status (0000h successful) CX = connection handle if successful 0002h last queue information AL = operation 00h zap 01h set 02h get DI:DX = queue file handle CX = connection handle Return: AX = status (0000h successful) DI:DX = queue file handle CX = connection handle or 0000h if queue info invalid 0003h get/set machine name(s) AX = name type 00h get short machine name 02h get long machine name 04h set short machine name 06h set long machine name 08h get DOS name 0Ah set DOS name ES:SI -> ASCIZ name if setting Return: AX = status (0000h if successful) ES:SI -> ASCIZ name if getting 0004h set per-task EXEC search mode Return: AX = status (0000h if successful) 09h Gen Return Drive Info BX = subfunction 0000h get first available drive Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = drive letter of first drive 0001h get Lastdrive Return: AX = status (see #02860) CH = number lastdrive 1=A: - 1Ah=Z: Format of NetWare GENERAL.VLM statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 02889) 00h WORD size of statistics record, including this word 02h DWORD previous INT 21 vector SeeAlso: #02888 (Table 02890) Call NETX.VLM (VLM ID 0050h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h NetX Get Version BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h NetX Statistics CX = length of statistics buffer ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #02891) Return: AX = status (see #02860) Format of NETX.VLM statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 02891) 00h WORD buffer size, including this word 02h DWORD previous INT 21 handler SeeAlso: #02890 (Table 02892) Call SECURITY.VLM (VLM ID 0061h) with: Func Description/Registers 01h Security Get Version BX = function 0000h get version Return: AX = status (see #02860) BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h) CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h) 03h Security Statistics 04h ??? AL = subfunction 01h compute session key DS:SI -> 24-byte input buffer ES:DI -> 8-byte output buffer --------N-2F7A20BX0001----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester v1.03+ - GET VLM CallA ADDRESS AX = 7A20h BX = 0001h Return: AX = 0000h if request was handled ES:BX -> CallA entry point (see #02893) SeeAlso: AX=7A20h/BX=0000h (Table 02893) Call VLM CallA entry point with: AX = function 0000h submit 0001h cancel (not implemented) ES:DI -> Overlay Asynchronous Control Block structure (see #02894) Return: DI, DS, ES preserved; all other registers may be destroyed interrupts disabled Desc: asychronously call the specified VLM and then return to caller, which might be another VLM Format of Overlay Asynchronous Control Block (OACB): Offset Size Description (Table 02894) 00h DWORD link to next OACB, 0000h:0000h if last (filled by VLM.EXE) 04h DWORD callback address or 0000h:0000h 08h BYTE InUse flag (00h if complete) (set by VLM.EXE) 09h BYTE flag, reserved for VLM use 0Ah WORD destination VLM 0Ch WORD destination function 0Eh WORD temporary storage for VLM.EXE 10h 6 BYTEs reserved 16h 6 DWORDs EAX,EBX,ECX,EDX,ESI,EDI 2Eh 4 WORDs DS,ES,FS,GS (FS and GS not used) --------N-2F7A20BX0002----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester v1.03+ - GET VLM MULTIPLEX ADDRESS AX = 7A20h BX = 0002h Return: AX = 0000h ES:BX -> VLM multiplex entry point (see #02895) Note: for v1.10, this function is only available while VLM.EXE is loading the .VLM modules, because ES is destroyed on return SeeAlso: AX=7A20h/BX=0000h,AX=7A20h/BX=0001h,AX=7A20h/BX=0003h (Table 02895) Call DOS Requester entry point with: BX = function??? 0000h DX = ??? DI = ??? BP = ??? 0002h CX = ??? 0003h DX = ??? BP = ??? 0006h AH = subfunction??? AL = ??? STACK: variable (0, 4, 10, 14 bytes seen) --------N-2F7A20BX0003----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester v1.03+ - GET VLM PARSE API ADDRESS AX = 7A20h BX = 0003h Return: AX = 0000h if request was handled ES:BX -> VLM parse API entry point --------N-2F7A20BX0004----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester v1.03+ - GET VLM MULTICAST CALLOUT AX = 7A20h BX = 0004h Return: AX = 0000h if request was handled ES:BX -> VLM multicast data (see #02896) SeeAlso: AX=7A20h/BX=0000h,AX=7A20h/BX=0002h,AX=7A20h/BX=0005h Format of DOS Requester data: Offset Size Description (Table 02896) 00h DWORD pointer to ??? (code) 04h 4 BYTEs ??? 08h DWORD pointer to ??? (code) (see #02897) ??? (Table 02897) Call offset 08h function with: AL = function (00h-07h) ??? Return: ??? --------N-2F7A20BX0005----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester v1.03+ - GET VLM INT 24 ADDRESS AX = 7A20h BX = 0005h Return: AX = 0000h if request was handled ES:BX -> VLM INT 24 handler SeeAlso: AX=7A20h/BX=0000h,AX=7A20h/BX=0002h,AX=7A20h/BX=0004h --------N-2F7A20BX0006----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester v1.03+ - GET ??? ENTRY POINT AX = 7A20h BX = 0006h Return: AX = 0000h if request was handled ES:BX -> ??? entry point (RETF in v1.03 and v1.10) --------N-2F7A20BX0007----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester v1.03+ - GET ??? ENTRY POINT AX = 7A20h BX = 0007h Return: AX = 0000h ES:BX -> ??? entry point (RETF in v1.03 and v1.10) --------N-2F7A20BX0008----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester v1.03+ - GET ??? ENTRY POINT AX = 7A20h BX = 0008h Return: AX = 0000h ES:BX -> ??? entry point (RETF in v1.03 and v1.10) --------N-2F7A20BX0080----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester v1.03+ - GET ??? ENTRY POINT AX = 7A20h BX = 0080h Return: AX = 0000h ES:BX -> ??? entry point (RETF in v1.03 and v1.10) Note: this function is identical to AX=7A20h/BX=0006h in v1.03 and v1.10 --------N-2F7A20BX0081----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester v1.03+ - GET ??? ENTRY POINT AX = 7A20h BX = 0081h Return: AX = 0000h ES:BX -> ??? entry point (RETF in v1.03 and v1.10) Note: this function is identical to AX=7A20h/BX=0007h in v1.03 and v1.10 --------N-2F7A20BX0082----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester v1.03+ - GET ??? ENTRY POINT AX = 7A20h BX = 0082h Return: AX = 0000h ES:BX -> ??? entry point (RETF in v1.03 and v1.10) Note: this function is identical to AX=7A20h/BX=0008h in v1.03 and v1.10 --------N-2F7A21----------------------------- INT 2F C - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester - BROADCAST CALLBACK AX = 7A21h CX = server connection (FFFFh if message from Personal NetWare user) interrupts disabled Return: CX = 0000h if broadcast handled interrupts disabled Note: this function is only linked into INT 2F when INT 21/AH=DEh/DL=05h has been issued SeeAlso: AX=7A22h,AX=7A85h,INT 21/AH=DEh --------N-2F7A22----------------------------- INT 2F C - Novell NetWare - DOS Requester - BROADCAST/SFT3 INFORM AX = 7A22h DL = function 21h ('!') broadcast waiting for workstation 40h ('@') SFT3 server-change inform BX = transport type 0021h IPX 0022h TCP ES:SI -> transport-specific data block (ECB for IPX, undefined for TCP) interrupts disabled Return: AX = 0000h if event handled, unchanged if not interrupts disabled Note: this callback is made from within a hardware interrupt handler; a separate call to AX=7A21h is made once the system is in a safe state for receiving the message SeeAlso: AX=7A21h --------N-2F7A2F----------------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - IPXODI v2.12 - GET GNMA SUPPORT AX = 7A2Fh Return: AX = 0000h if supported and active BX = support level (0001h) ES:DI -> GNMA entry point (see #02898) Program: GNMA is the Generic NetWare Management Agent Note: IPXODI v2.12 is distributed as part of the Personal NetWare system bundled with Novell DOS 7 SeeAlso: INT 7A/BX=001Fh (Table 02898) Call IPXODI GNMA entry point with: BX = function 0000h Register Responder ES:SI -> responder structure (see #02899) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = status FFFFh if specified responder is already registered interrupts enabled all other registers except DS, CS:IP, SS:SP destroyed Note: the responder structure must not be deallocated until the responder is deregistered 0001h Deregister Responder AX = type of responder to deregister Return: AX = status FFFFh if specified responder not registered interrupts enabled ES:SI buffer from original registration may now be freed all other registers except DS, CS:IP, SS:SP destroyed 0002h Get Responders Return: ES:SI -> head of responder structure list (read-only) interrupts enabled all other registers except DS, CS:IP, SS:SP destroyed Note: the returned list may change as tasks are swapped in and out 0003h Send Acknowledgement AL = completion code 00h successful 01h-FCh responder-specific FDh invalid function CX = length of return data (0000h if none) DX:SI -> return data Return: interrupts enabled all other registers except DS, CS:IP, SS:SP destroyed Format of NetWare GNMA responder structure: Offset Size Description (Table 02899) 00h DWORD -> next responder structure (used by GNMA) 04h DWORD -> responder's request handler (called by GNMA) (see #02900) 08h WORD responder ID 0Ah WORD number of functions supported by responder 0Ch DWORD reserved for use by GNMA SeeAlso: #02898 (Table 02900) Values GNMA responder's request handler is called with: AL = function 00h responder request CX = length of request data (not including header) (see #02901) DS:DI -> request data (see #02901) DS:BX -> 528-byte reply buffer ES:SI -> responder structure (see #02899) from registration DF clear interrupts disabled Return: AH = acknowledement status 00h acknowledgment being returned synchronously nonzero: acknowledgment will be sent via GNMA function 0003h (see #02898) CX = length of acknowledement data DX:BX -> acknowledgment (may use provided buffer or another buffer) AL = completion code 00h successful 01h-FCh responder-specific FDh invalid request DF clear interrupts disabled other registers may be destroyed 01h responder acknowledgement complete ES:SI -> responder structure (see #02899) from registration DF clear interrupts disabled Return: DF clear interrupts disabled all registers (except SS:SP) may be destroyed Note: this function is called if function 00h returned a responder-provided data buffer; once this function is called, the responder may deallocate the buffer 02h responder reset ES:SI -> responder structure (see #02899) from registration DF clear interrupts disabled Return: DF clear interrupts disabled all registers (except SS:SP) may be destroyed Note: called whenever a network managment application terminates Note: the responder handler should switch to a local stack if it enables interrupts or uses more than a few words of stack space SeeAlso: #02899 Format of GNMA responder request data: Offset Size Description (Table 02901) 00h WORD responder's assigned ID 02h WORD function number (defined by responder) 04h N BYTEs data for request (max 528 bytes; actual amount is determined by CX) SeeAlso: #02900 --------N-2F7A2FBX0EDC----------------------- INT 2F U - Personal NetWare - HRMIB - UNINSTALL AX = 7A2Fh BX = 0EDCh ('EDC' = Novell European Development Center) Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=7AA0h --------N-2F7A40----------------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - TCP/IP Protocol Stack - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7A40h Return: AX = 7AFFh if installed 0000h:BX = address of interrupt vector for MLID ISR CX = version (CH=major, CL=minor) DX = 0000h ES:DI -> entry point for TCP/IP stack (see #02903) Notes: Novell's LAN Workplace for DOS TCPIP.EXE also supports this interface this function is also supported by the Beame&Whiteside BWLWP40 shim, but it only returns AL and ES:DI, and does not support AX=7A41h SeeAlso: AX=7A41h,INT 15/AX=DE2Eh,INT 60"Excelan" (Table 02902) Values for NetWare TCP/IP function code: 01h "accept" accept a network connection request 02h "bind" associate an address with a socket 03h close socket Call: socket number field set 04h "connect" connect to a remote host 05h "getmyipaddr" get IP address Call: socket number field in sockaddr set to 0000h 06h "getmymacaddr" get hardware address 07h "getpeername" 08h "getsockname" get socket name 09h "getsockopt" get socket options 0Ah "getsubnetmask" get subnet mask 0Bh "ioctl" 0Ch "listen" wait for connection request on socket 0Dh "select" Return: socket bitmap updated (1=active) 0Eh "setmyipaddr" (obsolete) set IP address 0Fh "setsockopt" set socket options 10h "shutdown" 11h "socket" open socket Call: socket number field set to 0000h Return: socket number set 12h "recv" get data from peer 13h "recvfrom" get data from specified remote host Call: socket number set packet length and buffer descriptors set Return: packet length and receive buffers updated sockaddr field set to source port number + IP address 14h "send" write data to socket 15h "sendto" write data to specified recipient Call: socket number set flags at offset 18h = 0000h packet length and buffer descriptors set ---v4.02+ --- 16h get BOOTP data Return: BOOTP data stored in parameter block (see #02906) 17h "getsnmpinfo" 18h "getpathinfo" get/set configuration??? ---v4.??? --- 19h "getifn" get interface number 1Ah "setipinfo" set IP information 1Bh "getipinfo" get IP information 1Ch "setdnsinfo" set DNS information 1Dh "getdnsinfo" get DNS information 1Eh "setroutes" set/modify route entry(ies) 1Fh "getroutes" get route entry(ies) 20h "removeroutes" remove route entry(ies) 21h "setarpe" set/modify ARP entry(ies) 22h "getarpe" get ARP entry(ies) 23h "removearpe" remove ARP entry(ies) Notes: these functions are based on the Unix socket interface OR function number with 80h to call ESR SeeAlso: #02904 (Table 02903) Call NetWare TCP/IP entry point with: ES:SI -> parameter block (see #02904) Return: ES:SI parameter block updated DX may be destroyed Format of NetWare TCP/IP Request Control Block (RCB): Offset Size Description (Table 02904) 00h DWORD -> next RCB 04h DWORD -> previous RCB 08h DWORD -> FAR post routine called if bit 7 of function code set 0Ch BYTE flags (internal use) bit 0: request in progress bit 1: posted bit 2: Windows bit 3: "PROTBUF" bit 4: "ABORTRCB" for Ctrl-Break handling bit 5: call INT 21/AX=0B00h while blocking 0Dh 7 BYTEs ??? 14h BYTE (ret) temporary result code 15h BYTE (call) function code (bit 7 set if non-blocking) (see #02902) 16h BYTE socket number 17h BYTE (ret) result or error code (see #02905) ---accept/bind/connect/getmyipaddr/getpeername/getsockname commands--- 18h sockaddr structure (WORD port + DWORD IP address) ---close comand--- no additional fields ---getmymacaddr command--- 18h 6 BYTEs low-level hardware network address ---BOOTP command--- 18h 64 BYTEs BOOTP VSA data (see #02906) ---getpathinfo command 18h 8 BYTEs key "TCP_CFG" used by PING.EXE 20h 128 BYTEs path A0h WORD length of path in previous field ---getsockopt/setsockopt commands--- 18h WORD option name 0004h SO_REUSEADDR 0008h SO_KEEPALIVE 0080h SO_LINGER 1Ah WORD option value 1Ch WORD "linger" ---getsubnetmask command--- 18h DWORD sockaddr structure (WORD port + DWORD subnet mask) ---ioctl command--- 18h DWORD argument value 1Ch WORD ioctl number ---listen command--- 18h WORD maximum allowable connection backlog ---select command--- 18h WORD number of sockets 1Ah fd_set readfds (bitmap of sockets) fd_set writefds fd_set expectionfds DWORD timeout in clock ticks ---shutdown command--- 18h WORD shutdown type ---socket command--- 18h WORD protocol (1 = ICMP, 6 = TCP, 17 = UDP) ---I/O commands (recv,recvfrom,send,sendto)--- 18h WORD flags 1Ah 6 BYTEs sockaddr from/to WORD port number DWORD IP address 20h WORD length of packet sent/received 22h WORD number of pointer/length pairs following (max 8) 24h 6N BYTEs buffer descriptors, each Offset Size Description 00h DWORD pointer to buffer 04h WORD length of buffer ---getsnmpinfo command--- 18h DWORD (ret) -> ??? data in TCPIP code segment --getifn command--- 18h WORD interface number 1Ah WORD MLID instance number 1Ch 128 BYTEs MLID name ---getipinfo/setipinfo commands--- 18h WORD interface number (00h = default) 1Ah DWORD IP address 1Eh DWORD IP netmask 22h 3 DWORDs router addresses (00000000h = unused entry) ---getdnsinfo/setdnsinfo commands--- 18h WORD interface number (00h = default) 1Ah 3 DWORDs name server IP addresses (00000000h = unused entry) 26h 128 BYTEs domain name ---getroutes/setroutes/removeroutes commands--- 18h WORD number of route entries to follow (max 5) 1Ah 10N BYTEs route entries DWORD destination host/net IP address DWORD IP address of first router WORD route type ---getarpe/setarpe/removearpe commands--- 18h WORD number of ARP entries to follow (max 16) 1Ah 10N BYTEs ARP entries DWORD destination IP address 6 BYTEs destination hardware address ---other commands--- 18h 4 WORDs parameter words 0 to 3 (see #02902 for usage) (Table 02905) Values for NetWare TCP/IP status: 00h successful 04h would block 09h invalid socket 23h would block 24h operation in progress 25h already in progress 26h not a socket 27h destination address required 28h message too long 29h wrong protocol type for socket 2Ah protocol not available 2Bh protocol not supported 2Ch socket type not supported 2Dh operation not supported on socket 2Eh protocol family not supported 2Fh address family not supported by protocol family 30h address already in use 31h unable to assign requested address 32h network is down 33h network is unreachable 34h network dropped connection 35h software caused connection abort 36h connection reset by peer 37h no buffer space 38h socket is already connected 39h socket is not connected 3Ah socket is in shutdown mode 3Bh too many references 3Ch connection timed out 3Dh connection refused 3Eh too many levels of symbolic links 3Fh file name too long 40h host is down 41h host unreachable 42h protocol stack not installed 43h asynchronous operation not supported 44h synchronous operation not supported 45h no RCB available FFh blocking (call has not yet returned) SeeAlso: #02904 Format of BOOTP data (stored in parameter block): Offset Size Description (Table 02906) 18h 4 BYTEs ??? 1Ch BYTE ??? (01h) 1Dh BYTE address length (04h) 1Eh 4 BYTEs subnet mask 22h BYTE ??? (03h) 23h BYTE ??? (04h) 24h 4 BYTEs IP address of nearest router 28h BYTE ??? (06h) 29h BYTE length of following data (08h) 2Ah 4 BYTEs IP address of nameserver 1 2Eh 4 BYTEs IP address of nameserver 2 32h BYTE ??? (0Ch) 33h BYTE length of local name 34h N BYTEs local host name BYTE FFh (end marker) SeeAlso: #02904,#02902 --------N-2F7A41----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TCP/IP Protocol Stack - WINDOWS SUPPORT??? AX = 7A41h ES:DI -> FAR entry point for ??? (will be called with BX=1,2,3,4) Return: AX = 7AFFh if supported 0000h:BX = address of interrupt vector for MLID ISR CX = version (CH=major, CL=minor) DX = 0000h ES:SI -> DWORD containing passed value of ES:DI ES:DI -> entry point for TCP/IP stack Notes: Novell's LAN Workplace for DOS TCPIP.EXE also supports this interface the pointer which is set to ES:DI is cleared to 0000h:0000h when a Windows exit broadcast is received SeeAlso: AX=7A40h --------N-2F7A42----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TCPIP.EXE v4.1 - GET ??? ENTRY POINT AX = 7A42h Return: AX = 7AFFh if supported ES:DI -> ??? entry point (see #02907) (Table 02907) Call NetWare TCPIP.EXE entry point with: DX = ??? ES:DI -> ??? (see #02908) Return: AX = 0000h other registers destroyed Format of data buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02908) 00h WORD offset of WORD ??? or 0000h 02h WORD offset of DWORD ??? or 0000h 04h WORD offset of DWORD ??? or 0000h --------N-2F7A43----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TCPIP.EXE v4.1 - GET ??? AX = 7A43h Return: AX = 7AFFh if supported DX = offset of ??? SeeAlso: AX=7A44h --------N-2F7A44----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TCPIP.EXE v4.1 - SET ??? AX = 7A44h DX = offset of ??? (see AX=7A43h) Return: AX = 7AFFh if supported SeeAlso: AX=7A43h --------N-2F7A4C----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - TCPIP.EXE v4.1 - GET ??? AX = 7A4Ch Return: AX = 7AFFh if supported BX = ??? (0037h) CX = ??? (001Ch) --------N-2F7A4DBX0001----------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - ??? AX = 7A4Dh BX = 0001h ES:DI -> ??? Return: AL = FFh if ??? ES:DI -> ??? Note: called by NETBIOS.EXE v3.01 --------N-2F7A4E----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell LAN Workplace for DOS - RARPD.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7A4Eh Return: AX = 7AFFh if installed SeeAlso: AX=7A4Fh"RARPD" --------N-2F7A4F----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell LAN Workplace for DOS - RARPD.EXE - UNINSTALL AX = 7A4Fh Return: AX = 7AFFh if installed DX,ES destroyed Note: this call conflicts with SNMP.EXE (both RARPD and SNMP are supplied with LAN Workplace for DOS!), such that running SNMP will uninstall RARPD as SNMP checks whether it is already installed! SeeAlso: AX=7A4Eh"RARPD",AX=7A4Fh/BX=0001h --------N-2F7A4FBX0001----------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - SNMP.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7A4Fh BX = 0001h Return: AX = 7AFFh if installed Note: this call conflicts with RARPD.EXE (both SNMP and RARPD are supplied with LAN Workplace for DOS!), such that running SNMP will uninstall RARPD as SNMP checks whether it is already installed! SeeAlso: AX=7A4Fh"RARPD",AX=7A4Fh/BX=0002h --------N-2F7A4FBX0002----------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - SNMP.EXE - ??? AX = 7A4Fh BX = 0002h Return: AL = status 4Fh if failed FFh if successful SeeAlso: AX=7A4Fh/BX=0001h --------N-2F7A80----------------------------- INT 2F C - Novell NetWare - SHELL 3.01d BROADCAST - ABNORMAL EXIT AX = 7A80h Return: nothing Notes: called on abnormal exit of the NetWare shell to notify other Novell TSRs that it is unsafe to call the shell in the future; also called by NETX.VLM when it is unloaded must be passed through so that all interested programs see the exit on receiving this call, IPXODI clears an internal pointer to a default value; Novell's NETBIOS.EXE clears its INT 21h pointer to 0000h:0000h and stops calling it SeeAlso: AX=7A81h --------N-2F7A81----------------------------- INT 2F C - Novell NetWare - SHELL 3.01d BROADCAST - SET SHELL INT 21 HANDLER AX = 7A81h CX:DX -> shell's INT 21h entry point Return: nothing Notes: the shell calls this function as it loads to allow interested TSRs and drivers to make a local copy of the shell's entry point must be passed through so that all interested programs see it --------N-2F7A85----------------------------- INT 2F C - Novell NetWare - shell 3.01 - BROADCAST INFORM AX = 7A85h CX = broadcast server number Return: CX = 0000h if broadcast message handled by another program CX unchanged if broadcast not handled SeeAlso: AX=7A21h --------N-2F7A90----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - NETBIOS.EXE 3+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7A90h Return: AL = 00h if present BX = ??? CX = PSP segment of NETBIOS resident code SeeAlso: AX=7AFEh --------N-2F7AA0----------------------------- INT 2F U - Personal NetWare - HRMIB - ??? AX = 7AA0h BX = function 0000h ??? 0001h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=7A2Fh/BX=0EDCh --------N-2F7AC1----------------------------- INT 2F - LAN HiJack - LHR - DISABLE??? AX = 7AC1h Program: LAN HiJack is a NetWare utility by KDS Software which allows a user to take over control of a workstation remotely; LHR is the program run on the slave workstation SeeAlso: AX=7AC8h,AX=7AC9h,AX=7ACFh --------N-2F7AC2----------------------------- INT 2F - LAN HiJack - LHR - SYNCHRONIZE SHIFT STATES??? AX = 7AC2h Note: sets BIOS keyboard status byte to an internal variable SeeAlso: AX=7AC3h,AX=7ACFh --------N-2F7AC3----------------------------- INT 2F - LAN HiJack - LHR - CLEAR ??? FLAG AX = 7AC3h SeeAlso: AX=7AC2h,AX=7ACFh --------N-2F7AC8----------------------------- INT 2F - LAN HiJack - LHR - ENABLE FUNCTIONS AX = 7AC8h BL = function(s) to enable (see #02909) SeeAlso: AX=7AC1h,AX=7AC9h,AX=7ACFh Bitfields for LAN HiJack function(s) to enable/disable: Bit(s) Description (Table 02909) 0 ??? 1 remote keyboard enabled 2 support remote's mouse 3-7 unused --------N-2F7AC9----------------------------- INT 2F - LAN HiJack - LHR - DISABLE FUNCTIONS AX = 7AC9h BL = function(s) to disable (see #02909) SeeAlso: AX=7AC1h,AX=7AC8h --------N-2F7ACA----------------------------- INT 2F - LAN HiJack - LHJ - ??? AX = 7ACAh BL = ??? Return: ??? Program: LAN HiJack is a NetWare utility by KDS Software which allows a user to take over control of a workstation remotely; LHJ is the program run on the controlling workstation --------N-2F7ACB----------------------------- INT 2F - LAN HiJack - LHJ - ??? AX = 7ACBh BX = ??? Return: ??? Note: this function appears to be related to the keyboard SeeAlso: AX=7ACCh --------N-2F7ACC----------------------------- INT 2F - LAN HiJack - LHJ - ??? AX = 7ACCh BX = ??? Return: ??? Note: this function appears to be related to the mouse SeeAlso: AX=7ACBh --------N-2F7ACFBX0000----------------------- INT 2F - LAN HiJack - LHR - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7ACFh BX = 0000h Return: BX = segment of resident code if installed Program: LAN HiJack is a NetWare utility by KDS Software which allows a user to take over control of a workstation remotely; LHR is the program run on the slave workstation --------N-2F7AF0----------------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - DOSNP.EXE v1.30G - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7AF0h Return: AL = FFh if present ES = 7AF0h CX = PSP segment of resident code --------N-2F7AF1----------------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - Access Server Driver - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7AF1h BL = sequence number (01h first driver, 02h second, 00h no driver) Return: AX <> 7AF1h if present BH = total number of drivers ---if BL nonzero on entry--- AL = number of ports provided by specified driver ES:DI -> driver entry point (see #02910,#02911,#02912,#02913,#02914,#02915,#02916,#02917) ES:DX -> ID string SeeAlso: INT 7A/BX=001Ch (Table 02910) Call Access Server driver "initialize port" function with: AH = 01h AL = port number (00h-0Fh) ES:BX -> configuration parameter block (see #02923) interrupts disabled Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error SeeAlso: #02911 (Table 02911) Call Access Server driver "get port status" function with: AH = 02h AL = port number (00h-0Fh) interrupts disabled Return: CF clear if successful BL = transmitter status (see #02920) BH = receiver status (see #02921) DL = external status signals (see #02922) CF set on error interrupts disabled SeeAlso: #02910,#02912,#02915 (Table 02912) Call Access Server driver "get input from port" function with: AH = 03h AL = port number (00h-0Fh) CX = size of data buffer ES:BX -> buffer for data interrupts disabled Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error interrupts disabled CX = number of bytes read Note: the driver will add a NUL to the buffer when a break signal is detected SeeAlso: #02912,#02913 (Table 02913) Call driver "send output data to port" function with: AH = 04h AL = port number (00h-0Fh) CX = number of bytes to send ES:BX -> buffer containing data interrupts disabled Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error interrupts disabled CX = number of bytes actually written SeeAlso: #02912,#02914 (Table 02914) Call driver "get I/O character counts" function with: AH = 05h AL = port number (00h-0Fh) interrupts disabled Return: CF clear if successful BX = number of bytes pending transmission CX = number of bytes available for reading CF set on error interrupts disabled SeeAlso: #02912,#02913 (Table 02915) Call driver "control XON/XOFF" function with: AH = 06h AL = port number (00h-0Fh) DL = new state (00h software flow control disabled, else enabled) interrupts disabled Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error interrupts disabled SeeAlso: #02916 (Table 02916) Call driver "get error counts and statistics" function with: AH = 07h AL = port number (00h-0Fh) ES:BX -> buffer for statistics (see #02924) interrupts disabled Return: CF clear if successful ES:BX buffer filled CF set on error interrupts disabled SeeAlso: #02917,#02918,#02919 (Table 02917) Call driver "general request" function with: AH = 08h AL = port number (00h-0Fh) DX = requested operations bit 0: flush transmit buffers bit 1: flush receive buffers bit 4: define XON/XOFF characters ES:BX -> XON/XOFF characters (see #02925) if DX bit 4 set interrupts disabled Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error interrupts disabled (Table 02918) Call driver "deadman timer management" function with: AH = 09h AL = port number (00h-0Fh) BX = next time interval in seconds (0000h to disable timer) interrupts disabled Return: CF clear interrupts disabled SeeAlso: #02919 (Table 02919) Call driver "get buffer sizes" function with: AH = 0Ah AL = port number (00h-0Fh) interrupts disabled Return: CF clear if successful BX = size of transmit buffer CX = size of receive buffer CF set on error interrupts disabled SeeAlso: #02918 (Table 02920) Values for Access Server transmitter status: 00h uninitialized 01h ready, not transmitting 02h transmitting 03h XOFF received 04h transmitting, buffer full 05h XOFF received and buffer full (Table 02921) Values for Access Server receiver status: 00h uninitialized 01h ready 02h receive buffer full, data may have been lost Bitfields for external status signals: Bit(s) Description (Table 02922) 7,6 undefined 5 CTS active 4 DSR active 3 DCD active 2,1 undefined 0 ring indicator Format of Access Server configuration parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 02923) 00h BYTE receive baud rate index 00h 50 bps, 01h 75 bps, 02h 110 bps, 03h 134.5 bps, 04h 150 bps, 05h 300 bps, 06h 600 bps, 07h 1200 bps, 08h 1800 bps, 09h 2000 bps, 0Ah 2400 bps, 0Bh 3600 bps, 0Ch 4800 bps, 0Dh 7200 bps, 0Eh 9600 bps, 0Fh 19200 bps, 10h 38400 bps, 11h 57600 bps, 12h 115200 bps 01h BYTE receive bits per character (0=5 bits..3=8 bits) 02h BYTE receive stop bits 03h BYTE receive parity 00h none, 01h odd, 02h even, 03h mark, 04h space 04h BYTE transmit baud rate index (same as receive baud rate) 05h BYTE transmit bits per character (0=5 bits..3=8 bits) 06h BYTE transmit stop bits 07h BYTE transmit parity (same as receive parity) 08h BYTE DTR state (00h off, 01h on) 09h BYTE RTS state (00h off, 01h on) 0Ah BYTE flow control (00h none, 01h XON/XOFF, 02h RTS/CTS, 03h both) 0Bh BYTE break control (00h off, 01h on) Format of Access Server statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 02924) 00h BYTE port number 01h BYTE external status signals (see #02922) 02h BYTE transmitter status (see #02920) 03h BYTE receiver status (see #02921) 04h DWORD number of characters received 08h DWORD number of characters transmitted 0Ch WORD input parity errors 0Eh WORD input framing errors 10h WORD lost characters due to hardware overrun 12h WORD lost characters due to data buffer overrun Note: the counts are not allowed to wrap around; once a count reaches FFFFh or FFFFFFFFh, it is no longer incremented Format of Access Server XON/XOFF characters: Offset Size Description (Table 02925) 00h BYTE 04h (number of bytes following) 01h BYTE transmit XON character 02h BYTE transmit XOFF character 03h BYTE receive XON character 04h BYTE receive XOFF character --------N-2F7AFE----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare - DOSNP.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7AFEh Return: AL = FFh if present ES = (data???) segment of DOSNP Program: DOSNP.EXE provides "named pipes" support for DOS workstations running NetWare Note: the NetWare shell calls this function and refuses to load if DOSNP is present SeeAlso: AX=7A90h --------N-2F7AFFBX0000----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1+ - INSTALLATION CHECK / Windows SUPPORT AX = 7AFFh BX = 0000h CX = 4E65h ("Ne") DX = 7457h ("tW") ES:DI -> Windows support procedure (see #02926) Return: AL = FFh if installed CX = configured sockets (14h) DS:SI -> data table ??? ES:DI -> IPX far call handler Notes: for IPX/SPX this call reportedly returns DS:SI pointing to the table of pointers to service events queue head and tail this function is also supported by IPXODI; v2.12 does not change DS, but does set SI to an internal address SeeAlso: AX=7AFFh/BX=0001h (Table 02926) Values Windows support procedure called with: BP = function 0001h Get ECB BX = socket number Return: ES:SI -> ECB or 0000h:0000h if none available 0002h Count Listen ECBs AX = BX = socket Return: CX = number of listen ECBs for socket (must be >= 2 for SPX to work) 0003h ??? 0004h Inform task switcher of ECB locations Note: registers other than those listed above are equal to the values when IPX was called Note: the support function will not be called if IPX is called with BX bit 15 set --------N-2F7AFFBX0001----------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare - TBMI v1.1+, shell v3.01d - INSTALLATION CHECK??? AX = 7AFFh BX = 0001h CX = 4E65h ("Ne") DX = 7457h ("tW") Return: AL = FFh if installed CX = ??? (8000h) SI = ??? (or -> ???) (0002h and 0007h seen) ES:DI -> IPX far call handler ES:DX -> 6-byte data area ??? Note: this function is also supported by IPXODI, but IPXODI v2.12 does not return ES:DX SeeAlso: AX=7AFFh/BX=0000h --------d-2F7F00----------------------------- INT 2F - Jim Harper's CD-ROM redirector SCSI driver - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7F00h Return: AL = FFh if installed SeeAlso: AX=7F01h"Harper",AX=7F02h"Harper",AX=7F03h"Harper" --------P-2F7F00----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 7F00h Return: AL = FFh if installed BX = version (BH = major, BL = minor) CX:DX -> ASCIZ signature "PRINDIR" Range: AH=7Fh is the default, may be changed at installation time Note: prior versions of PRINDIR used INT 7C or INT 7A SeeAlso: AX=7F01h"PRINDIR",AX=7F02h"PRINDIR",AX=7F03h"PRINDIR" SeeAlso: AX=7F06h"PRINDIR",AX=7F08h,AX=7F0Ah,AX=7F0Ch,AX=7F0Eh,INT 7C"PRINDIR" --------d-2F7F01----------------------------- INT 2F - Jim Harper's CD-ROM redirector SCSI driver - DO COMMAND AX = 7F01h DS:DX -> command record (see #02927) Return: AL = status 00h successful else error code SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"Harper",AX=7F02h"Harper",INT 11/AH=FFh"SDLP" SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=4402h"ASPI",INT 4F/AX=8100h Format of CD-ROM redirector command record: Offset Size Description (Table 02927) 00h BYTE ID 01h 10 BYTEs CDB (Command Descriptor Block) for operation (see #03236,#03237) 0Bh WORD segment of buffer 0Dh WORD offset of buffer 0Fh BYTE status 10h BYTE sense 12h WORD count --------P-2F7F01----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SET CAPTURE DEVICE AX = 7F01h DX = capture device (as used by /GET commandline option) Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh invalid device SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F02h"PRINDIR",AX=7F03h"PRINDIR" SeeAlso: AX=7F05h"PRINDIR" --------d-2F7F02----------------------------- INT 2F - Jim Harper's CD-ROM redirector SCSI driver - DO RESET AX = 7F02h SeeAlso: AX=7F00h,AX=7F01h --------P-2F7F02----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SET DESTINATION DEVICE AX = 7F02h DX = destination device number (as used by /PUT commandline option) Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh invalid device number SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F01h"PRINDIR",AX=7F04h"PRINDIR" SeeAlso: AX=7F06h"PRINDIR" --------d-2F7F03----------------------------- INT 2F - Jim Harper's CD-ROM redirector SCSI driver - UNINSTALL AX = 7F03h Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h unable to uninstall SeeAlso: AX=7F00h --------P-2F7F03----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SET CAPTURE FILENAME AX = 7F03h CX:DX -> ASCIZ name of capture file Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh name too long SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F01h"PRINDIR",AX=7F04h"PRINDIR" SeeAlso: AX=7F05h"PRINDIR",AX=7F07h"PRINDIR" --------P-2F7F04----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SET LOCK FILENAME AX = 7F04h CX:DX -> ASCIZ name of lock file Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh invalid device number SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F01h"PRINDIR",AX=7F03h"PRINDIR" SeeAlso: AX=7F05h,AX=7F06h,AX=7F08h,AX=7F0Ah,AX=7F0Bh --------P-2F7F05----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - DUMP CAPTURE BUFFER AX = 7F05h Return: AX = status 0000h successful SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F01h"PRINDIR",AX=7F04h"PRINDIR",AX=7F06h --------P-2F7F06----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SET NORMAL TEXT COLOR AX = 7F06h DH = new attribute for normal text Return: AX = status 0000h successful SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F01h"PRINDIR",AX=7F05h"PRINDIR",AX=7F07h --------P-2F7F07----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SET HIGHLIGHT TEXT COLOR AX = 7F07h DH = new attribute for highlighted text Return: AX = status 0000h successful SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F01h"PRINDIR",AX=7F06h"PRINDIR",AX=7F08h --------P-2F7F08----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SET POPUP HOTKEY AX = 7F08h DH = new scancode for hotkey Return: AX = status 0000h successful SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F05h"PRINDIR",AX=7F09h,AX=7F0Bh,AX=7F0Dh --------P-2F7F09----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SET BYTE COUNTER DISPLAY AX = 7F09h DH = new state (00h off, 01h on) Return: AX = status 0000h successful SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F07h"PRINDIR",AX=7F08h,AX=7F0Ah,AX=7F0Ch --------P-2F7F0A----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SET FLUSH DELAY AX = 7F0Ah DX = number of clock ticks before flushing Return: AX = status 0000h successful SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F07h"PRINDIR",AX=7F09h,AX=7F0Bh,AX=7F0Ch --------P-2F7F0B----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SET MINIMUM DUMP SIZE AX = 7F0Bh DX = number of kilobytes to accumulate before dumping Return: AX = status 0000h successful SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F0Ah,AX=7F0Ch,AX=7F0Dh,AX=7F0Eh --------P-2F7F0C----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SET ECHO STATE AX = 7F0Ch DX = new state (00h echo off, 01h echo on) Return: AX = status 0000h successful SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F0Ah,AX=7F0Bh,AX=7F0Dh,AX=7F0Eh --------P-2F7F0D----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SHOW POPUP PARAMETER MENU AX = 7F0Dh Return: AX = status 0000h successful else failed SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F0Ah,AX=7F0Bh,AX=7F0Ch,AX=7F0Eh --------P-2F7F0E----------------------------- INT 2F - PRINDIR v9.0 - SUBMIT BYTE TO CURRENT DESTINATION DEVICE AX = 7F0Eh DL = byte to send to destination device Return: AX = status 0000h successful else failed SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"PRINDIR",AX=7F0Ah,AX=7F0Bh,AX=7F0Ch,AX=7F0Dh ----------2F7F24----------------------------- INT 2F - Multiplex - ??? AX = 7F24h ??? Return: ??? Note: called by PC/370, an IBM 370 emulator by Donald S. Higgins ----------2F7F26----------------------------- INT 2F - Multiplex - ??? AX = 7F26h ??? Return: ??? Note: called by PC/370, an IBM 370 emulator by Donald S. Higgins --------N-2F8000----------------------------- INT 2F - EASY-NET - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 8000h Return: AL = 00h not installed FFh installed Program: EASY-NET is a shareware two-machine serial-port network --------N-2F8000----------------------------- INT 2F - Nanosoft, Inc. TurboNET server - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 8000h Return: AL = FFh if installed BX = CS of resident code CX = ??? (03FCh) Program: TurboNET is a NetBIOS-based file redirector and server; a demonstration version may be downloaded from Nanosoft's BBS SeeAlso: AX=8100h --------t-2F8000----------------------------- INT 2F - CS_TSR specification - TSR INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 8000h DS:SI -> 4-byte CS_TSR signature (11h 43h 53h 10h) Return: AL = status 00h no CS_TSR-compliant TSRs installed 01h installed, but signature did not match FFh installed, signature matches ES:DI -> resident process block (see #02928) of last installed TSR (if DS:SI pointed at signature on entry) Program: the CS_TSR specification is a standardized TSR interface by Compact Soft group in Kiev, Ukraine Desc: determine whether any CS_TSR-compliant TSRs are installed on the selected multiplex number Range: AH=80h to AH=FFh SeeAlso: AX=8001h"CS_TSR",AX=8002h"CS_TSR",AX=8003h"CS_TSR" Format of CS_TSR process block: Offset Size Description (Table 02928) 00h 4 BYTEs CS_TSR signature 11h 43h 53h 10h 04h BYTE INT 2F multiplex number 05h WORD virtual process handle (unique among loaded TSRs) 07h 2 BYTEs version (binary minor version, then major version) 09h WORD PSP segment of TSR 0Bh DWORD pointer to ASCIZ program name 0Fh 3 BYTEs program creation date (day, month, year) 12h 3 BYTEs process start time (seconds, minutes, hours) 15h 3 BYTEs process start date (day, month, year) --------F-2F8000DX0000----------------------- INT 2F - FaxBIOS interface - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 8000h DX = 0000h DI = 0000h Return: AL = FFh if installed DX:DI -> signature "FaxBiosjpc" Range: AH=80h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning multiplex numbers for signature SeeAlso: AH=2Ah,AX=80FBh --------N-2F8001----------------------------- INT 2F - Nanosoft, Inc. TurboNET server - ??? AX = 8001h DS:SI -> 16-byte buffer for ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h error (TurboNET busy) Note: makes NetBIOS calls --------t-2F8001----------------------------- INT 2F - CS_TSR specification - GET HANDLE (TSR-SPECIFIC INSTALLATION CHECK) AX = 8001h DS:SI -> ASCIZ signature string for desired TSR (see #02929) Return: BX = process handle or 0000h if specified TSR not installed ES:DI -> process block for TSR (see #02928) if BX<>0000h Note: A widely-available copy of ASCII billing itself as "ASCII 2.OO by Nick Zaikin Jr." is in fact a hacked copy of the Compact Soft ASCII v4.23 which is identical except for the changed attribution and version (in fact, some instances of "4.23" were missed); the hacked copy requires the signature string "ASCII 2.OO by Nick Zaikin Jr." instead of the unhacked version's simple signature "ASCII" SeeAlso: AX=8000h"CS_TSR",AX=8002h"CS_TSR" (Table 02929) Values for CS_TSR signature strings: "ASCII" ASCII, a popup ASCII table with character input "Halculator" HALC, a 32-bit RPN WYSIWIH calculator with undo and ptr support "AntiTurbo" AT!, an intelligent system slow-down utility --------t-2F8002----------------------------- INT 2F - CS_TSR specification - GET PROCESS BLOCK BY PROCESS HANDLE AX = 8002h BX = process handle for TSR (see AX=8001h"CS_TSR") Return: ES:DI -> process block for specified TSR (see #02928) unchanged if no match for process handle Note: This function is used to allocate a process handle when the TSR installs itself, by setting ES:DI to point at something other than a CS_TSR process block's signature string and iterating through the possible process handles (0001h to FFFFh) until ES:DI is returned unchanged SeeAlso: AX=8000h"CS_TSR",AX=8001h"CS_TSR",AX=8003h"CS_TSR" --------t-2F8003----------------------------- INT 2F - CS_TSR specification - CUSTOM SUBFUNCTION AX = 8003h BX = process handle for TSR (see AX=8001h"CS_TSR") other registers vary by TSR Return: vary by TSR, unchanged if not supported Program: the CS_TSR specification is a standardized TSR interface by Compact Soft group in Kiev, Ukraine SeeAlso: AX=8000h"CS_TSR",AX=8001h"CS_TSR",AX=8002h"CS_TSR" --------F-2F80FB----------------------------- INT 2F - FaxBIOS interface - COMMAND SUBMISSION AX = 80FBh BX = function number (see #02930) DX:DI -> command buffer (see #02932,#02935,#02936,#02937,#02938,#02939,#02944,#02950,#02957) Return: AL = FFh if submitted OK CX = result code (see #02931) Range: AH=80h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning multiplex numbers for signature SeeAlso: AX=8000h"FaxBIOS",AX=CBDDh (Table 02930) Values for FaxBIOS function number: 0001h SYS_LOGIN 0002h SYS_LOGOUT 0003h SYS_GET_FAXAPP_INFO 0004h STAT_IO_GET 0005h STAT_FAXBIOS_GET 0006h PDIR_OPEN 0007h PDIR_CLOSE (see #02940) 0008h PDIR_READ_PERSON (see #02941) 0009h PDIR_PARTIAL_READ 000Ah PDIR_READ_GROUP 000Bh PDIR_READ_MEMBER_LIST 000Ch PDIR_WRITE_PERSON 000Dh PDIR_WRITE_GROUP 000Eh PDIR_DELETE_PERSON 000Fh PDIR_DELETE_GROUP 0010h PDIR_READ_GROUP_LIST 0011h PDIR_IN_GROUP 0012h PDIR_OUT_GROUP 0013h SCHED_OPEN (see #02942) 0014h SCHED_ADD_DEST (see #02943) 0015h SCHED_ADD_FILE (see #02944) 0016h SCHED_SET_PARAMS (see #02945) 0017h SCHED_CANCEL (see #02942) 0018h SCHED_CLOSE (see #02946) 0019h SLOG_OPEN (see #02947) 001Ah SLOG_CLOSE (see #02947) 001Bh SLOG_SHORT_ENV_STAT 001Ch SLOG_LONG_ENV_STAT 001Dh SLOG_DEST_STAT 001Eh SLOG_FILE_STAT 001Fh SLOG_CANCEL_ENV 0020h RLOG_OPEN (see #02947) 0021h RLOG_CLOSE (see #02947) 0022h RLOG_READ 0023h GRAPH_GET_FILE_TYPE (see #02948) 0024h GRAPH_EXPORT_FILE 0025h GRAPH_GET_LAYOUT_INFO 0026h GRAPH_CREATE_FILE (see #02949) 0027h GRAPH_CLOSE_FILE (see #02950) 0028h GRAPH_CREATE_PAGE (see #02951) 0029h GRAPH_WRITE (see #02952) 002Ah GRAPH_END_PAGE 002Bh GRAPH_OPEN_FILE (see #02953) 002Ch GRAPH_GOTO_PAGE (see #02954) 002Dh GRAPH_READ (see #02955) 002Eh IOCTL_GET 002Fh IOCTL_SET 0030h IOCTL_ANSWER_FAX (see #02956) 0031h IOCTL_DIAL (see #02957) (Table 02931) Values for FaxBIOS result code: 0000h successful 0001h not prepared or servicing another client (busy) 0002h call failed due to sharing (LOCKED) 0003h logged-in client limit reached (FULL) 0004h transport denied (TRANSPORT_DENIED) 0005h not implemented (NOT_IMPLEMENTED) 0006h aborted while in progress (ABORTED) 0007h permissions denied (PERMISSION_DENIED) 0008h requested data is no longer valid (NO_LONGER_VALID) 0080h unspecified system error occurred 0081h an internal file was not found 0082h an internal file could not be created 0083h an internal file could not be opened 0084h an internal file could not be closed 0085h error occurred writing to an internal file 0086h error occurred reading from an internal file 0087h bad or corrupted file encountered 0088h an access violation occurred 0089h an internal file is empty 008Ah insufficient memory to process request 008Bh FaxBIOS was unable to issue a handle 008Ch an error internal to FaxBIOS occurred 008Dh no room on disk 0100h unspecified error accessing client file 0101h file not found 0102h creation fault 0103h open fault 0104h close fault 0105h write fault 0106h read fault 0107h file corrupted 0108h access violation 0109h empty file 0200h unspecified argument error 0201h bad function 0202h bad option 0203h bad structure size 0204h bad buffer size 0205h bad client ID 0300h unspecified error with token 0301h cover sheet token was invalid 0302h logo token was invalid 0303h signature token was invalid 0304h font token was invalid 0305h phone directory token was invalid 0306h outbound route token was invalid 0307h priority token was invalid 0308h sort token was invalid 0309h billing token was invalid 0400h unspecified handle error 0401h bad Phone Directory handle 0402h bad scheduling handle 0403h bad read send log handle 0404h bad read receive log handle 0405h bad graphics handle 0500h data passed in structure was invalid 0501h name field given is invalid 0502h phone number given is invalid 0503h poll code submitted is invalid 0504h file type constant was invalid 0505h BFT constant not defined or supported 0506h resolution not defined or supported 0507h page length not defined or supported 0508h page width not defined or supported 0509h date & time requested are ridiculous 050Ah Subject text was not an ASCIZ string 050Bh From text was not an ASCIZ string 050Ch requested envelope ID was not found 050Dh requested envelope ID is not valid 050Eh envelope requested was not found 050Fh destination index is out of range 0510h file index is out of range 0511h index into receive log is out of range 0512h file name specified was incomplete or invalid 0513h page selected was out of range 0514h bit width more than byte width 0515h mode for open is not defined 0516h person index is out of range 0517h person ID is out of range 0518h group index out of range or invalid 0519h group ID out of range or invalid 051Ah range of indices to read is invalid 051Bh group name given is invalid 051Ch field_to_use is badly specified 051Dh predicate invalid for field specified 0600h unspecified client procedure error 0601h device of interest is not present 0602h device of interest has been removed 0603h device of interest is not responding 0604h device of interest is disabled 0605h could not dial because device was in use 0606h maximum destination limit exceeded 0607h maximum file limit exceeded 0608h scheduling closed with no destination 0609h scheduling closed with no files or poll 060Ah scheduling closed with no parameters specified 060Bh file type specified does not match file 060Ch file type specified is not supported 060Dh file submitted is not exportable 060Eh file type specified is not imageable 060Fh error converting file 0610h envelope could not be cancelled 0611h Phone Directory is full 0612h record is already in the Phone Directory 0613h selected group in Phone Directory is full 0614h person is already in the group 0615h person is not in the group & cannot be removed 0616h a graphics file to be created already exists 0617h a graphics file to be read is empty 0618h GRAPH_CREATE_PAGE called before GRAPH_END_PAGE 0619h graph read or write attempted without goto or create 061Ah graph page contains no data 061Bh Phone Directory is already open for this client 061Ch schedule log is already open for this client 061Dh receive log is aready open for this client 061Eh Phone Directory function requires write mode 0800h denied exclusive use of the API Format of FaxBIOS SYS_LOGIN command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02932) 00h WORD structure size 02h WORD function number 04h WORD return code 06h WORD client ID 08h WORD API Major Version 0Ah WORD API Minor Version 0Ch DWORD reserved for manufacturer's use 10h 22 BYTEs manufacturer's ID 26h WORD highest possible device number 28h WORD maximum destinations per envelope 2Ah WORD maximum files per envelope 2Ch WORD FaxBIOS capabilities (see #02933) 2Eh DWORD T.30 capabilities (see #02934) 32h WORD IPC handle 34h DWORD amount of memory needed to load 38h WORD scope (00h for public, nonzero for private) 3Ah 6 BYTEs future expansion 40h WORD structure size Bitfields for FaxBIOS capabilities: Bit(s) Description (Table 02933) 0 transmit supported 1 receive supported 2 IOCTL supported 3 IOCTL_DIAL supported 4 IOCTL_ANSWER_FAX supported 5 manual transmit supported 6 optional phone services supported 7 canonical phone objects 8 seam with next supported Bitfields for T.30 capabilities: Bit(s) Description (Table 02934) 0 low vertical resolution (minimum) 1 high vertical resolution 2 page width 107mm (4.21 in) 3 page width 151mm (5.91 in) 4 page width 215mm (8.46 in) (minimum) 5 page width 255mm (10.04 in) 6 page width 303mm (11.93 in) 7 unused 8 page length 297mm (11.69 in) (minimum) 9 page length 364mm (14.33 in) 10 page length 279mm (11 in) 11 page length unlimited 12 Group 4 resolution 300x300 13 Group 4 resolution 400x400 14 able to respond to poll from remote 15 able to poll remote 16 binary file transfer supported Format of FaxBIOS SYS_LOGOUT command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02935) 00h WORD structure size 02h WORD function number 04h WORD return code 06h WORD client ID 08h DWORD client tag (for client's internal use) 0Ch 6 BYTEs future expansion 12h WORD structure size Format of FaxBIOS SYS_GET_FAXAPP_INFO command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02936) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch 80 BYTEs FaxBIOS data 5Ch 80 BYTEs default cover ACh 80 BYTEs default logo FCh 80 BYTEs default signature 14Ch 80 BYTEs default font 10 19Ch 80 BYTEs default font 165 1ECh 80 BYTEs default user font 23Ch 80 BYTEs default Pdir 28Ch 80 BYTEs default sort 2DCh 10 BYTEs default bill 2E6h 10 BYTEs default route 2F0h 40 BYTEs default cover sheet form 318h 34 BYTEs valid dial characters 33Ah 6 BYTEs local country code 340h 6 BYTEs local city or area code 346h 6 BYTEs future expansion 34Ch WORD structure size Format of FaxBIOS STAT_IO_GET command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02937) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD device number 0Eh WORD current activity 10h WORD number of rings (if ringing) 12h WORD number of fascimiles transmitted 14h WORD number of fascimiles received 16h WORD status of last transmission 18h WORD envelope number of last transmission 1Ah WORD index of last destination in envelope 1Ch WORD status of last reception 1Eh WORD current page (if session in progress) 20h 80 BYTEs current file 70h 104 BYTEs remote number D8h 20 BYTEs last name ECh 20 BYTEs first name 100h 32 BYTEs company name 120h 32 BYTEs notes 140h WORD current envelope ID (if sending) 142h WORD total pages in transmission (if sending) 144h 6 BYTEs future expansion 14h WORD structure size Format of FaxBIOS STAT_FAXBIOS_GET command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02938) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD status ID 0Eh WORD currenty FaxBIOS function number 10h WORD current Client ID being serviced 12h WORD number of things to do 14h WORD number of them done 16h WORD number of pages to do (if any) 18h WORD number of them done 1Ah WORD number of files to do 1Ch WORD number of them done 1Eh 80 BYTEs current File 6Eh WORD 0 if all devices are idle 70h WORD number of fascimiles transmitted 72h WORD number of fascimiles received 74h WORD status of last transmission in system 76h WORD envelope ID of last transmission 78h WORD index of last destination in envelope 7Ah WORD status of last reception in system 7Ch DWORD time of next transmission 80h 6 BYTEs future expansion 86h WORD structure size Format of FaxBIOS PDIR_OPEN command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02939) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch 80 BYTEs Phone Directory token 5Ch 80 BYTEs sort order token ACh WORD open Mode (0 = read, 1 = write) AEh WORD Phone Directory handle B0h WORD number of people B2h WORD number of groups B4h WORD bitmap of fields supported by partial read B6h 6 BYTEs future expansion BCh WORD structure size Format of FaxBIOS PDIR_CLOSE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02940) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD Phone Directory handle 0Eh 6 BYTEs future expansion 14h WORD structure size Format of FaxBIOS PDIR_READ_PERSON command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02941) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD Phone Directory handle 0Eh WORD retrieve by index 10h WORD person ID or index 12h WORD how many groups person is in 14h WORD person ID 16h 20 BYTEs last name 2Ah 20 BYTEs first name 3Eh 32 BYTEs company 5Eh 32 BYTEs notes 7Eh 6 BYTEs FAX country code 84h 6 BYTEs FAX city/area code 8Ah 14 BYTEs FAX local number 98h 14 BYTEs FAX extension A6h 24 BYTEs reserved BEh 6 BYTEs voice country code C4h 6 BYTEs voice city/area code CAh 14 BYTEs voice local number D8h 14 BYTEs voice extension E6h 24 BYTEs reserved FEh 10 BYTEs outbound routing information 108h 10 BYTEs billing information, credit card etc 112h DWORD remote FAX capabilities 116h 21 BYTEs T.30 poll code of FAX number 12Bh 15 BYTEs reserved 13Ah 6 BYTEs future expansion 140h WORD structure size Format of FaxBIOS SCHED_OPEN, SCHED_CANCEL command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02942) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD scheduler handle 0Eh 6 BYTEs future expansion 14h WORD structure size Format of FaxBIOS SCHED_ADD_DEST command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02943) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD schedule handle 0Eh WORD device number if manual send wanted 10h WORD non-zero if poll desired 12h WORD person ID 14h 20 BYTEs last name 28h 20 BYTEs first name 3Ch 32 BYTEs company 5Ch 32 BYTEs notes 7Ch 6 BYTEs FAX country code 82h 6 BYTEs FAX city/area code 88h 14 BYTEs FAX local number 96h 14 BYTEs FAX extension A4h 24 BYTEs reserved BCh 6 BYTEs voice country code C2h 6 BYTEs voice city/area code C8h 14 BYTEs voice local number D6h 14 BYTEs voice extension E4h 24 BYTEs reserved FCh 10 BYTEs outbound routing information 106h 10 BYTEs billing information, credit card etc 110h DWORD remote FAX capabilities 114h 21 BYTEs T.30 poll code of FAX number 129h 15 BYTEs reserved 138h 6 BYTEs future expansion 13Eh WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02944 Format of FaxBIOS SCHED_ADD_FILE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02944) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD schedule handle 0Eh WORD file type 0000h unidentified 0001h native file format 0002h ASCII 0003h FaxBIOS Tiff Class F 10h 80 BYTEs file name 60h 80 BYTEs font token B0h WORD conversion options bitmap B2h WORD resolution 0000h standard 98 lines per inch, 204 dpi 0001h fine 196 lines per inch, 204 dpi 0002h Group4 300 dpi 0003h Group4 400 dpi B4h WORD page length 0000h 279 mm (11 in) 0001h 297 mm (11.69 in) 0002h 364 mm (14.33 in) 0003h unlimited B6h WORD page width 0000h 215 mm (8.46 in) 0001h 255 mm (10.04 in) 0002h 303 mm (11.93 in) 0003h 151 mm (5.91 in) 0004h 107 mm (4.21 in) B8h WORD binary file transfer specification 0000h only as FAX 0001h only as file (for non-faxable files) 0002h as file when possible else FAX BAh WORD seam flag (nonzero for seam with next) BCh WORD delete flag (nonzero to delete when done) BEh 6 BYTEs future expansion C4h WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02943,#02945 Format of FaxBIOS SCHED_SET_PARAMS command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02945) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD scheduler handle 0Eh DWORD time to send 10h 10 BYTEs priority token 1Ch 80 BYTEs logo file token 6Ch 80 BYTEs signature file token BCh 80 BYTEs cover page token 10Ch 40 BYTEs Subject text 134h 40 BYTEs From text 15Ch WORD user ID 15Eh 6 BYTEs future expansion 164h WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02943,#02944,#02946 Format of FaxBIOS SCHED_CLOSE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02946) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD scheduler handle 0Eh WORD envelope ID generated 10h 6 BYTEs future expansion 16h WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02945 Format of FaxBIOS SLOG_OPEN, SLOG_CLOSE, RLOG_OPEN, RLOG_CLOSE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02947) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD log handle 0Eh WORD number of entries 10h 6 BYTEs future expansion 16h WORD structure size Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_GET_FILE_TYPE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02948) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch 80 BYTEs filename 5Ch WORD file type 0000h unidentified 0001h native file format 0002h ASCII 0003h FaxBIOS Tiff Class F 5Eh WORD bitmap of supported capabilities 60h 6 BYTEs future expansion 66h WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02949,#02950 Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_CREATE_FILE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02949) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch 80 BYTEs filename 5Ch WORD graph handle 5Eh 6 BYTEs future expansion 64h WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02948,#02950,#02951 Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_CLOSE_FILE, GRAPH_END_PAGE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02950) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD graph handle 0Eh 6 BYTEs future expansion 14h WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02949,#02951 Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_CREATE_PAGE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02951) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD graph handle 0Eh WORD resolution 10h WORD page width 12h 6 BYTEs future expansion 18h WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02949,#02950,#02952 Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_WRITE_PAGE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02952) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD graph handle 0Eh DWORD pointer to storage for image 12h WORD band height in lines 14h WORD width of page image in bytes 16h WORD facsimile page width constant 18h WORD width of page image in bits 1Ah WORD number of bytes actually processed 1Ch 6 BYTEs future expansion 22h WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02951,#02953 Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_OPEN_FILE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02953) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch 80 BYTEs filename 5Ch WORD file type 5Eh WORD graph handle 60h WORD number of pages 62h 6 BYTEs future expansion 68h WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02952,#02954 Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_GOTO_PAGE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02954) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD graph handle 0Eh WORD page number 10h WORD vertical resolution 12h WORD page width 14h DWORD page length 18h 6 BYTEs future expansion 1Eh WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02952,#02953,#02955 Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_READ_PAGE command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02955) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD graph handle 0Eh DWORD pointer to storage for image 12h WORD band height in lines 14h WORD width of page image in bytes 16h WORD facsimile page width constant 18h WORD width of page image in bits 1Ah WORD number of bytes actually processed 1Ch 6 BYTEs future expansion 22h WORD structure size Format of FaxBIOS IOCTL_ANSWER_FAX command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02956) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD device number 0Eh 6 BYTEs future expansion 14h WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02957 Format of FaxBIOS IOCTL_DIAL command buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02957) 00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935) 0Ch WORD device number 0Eh 6 BYTEs country code 14h 6 BYTEs city or area code 1Ah 14 BYTEs local number 28h 14 BYTEs extension 36h 14 BYTEs reserved 4Eh 6 BYTEs future expansion 54h WORD structure size SeeAlso: #02956 --------N-2F8100----------------------------- INT 2F U - Nanosoft, Inc. TurboNET redirector - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 8100h Return: AL = FFh if installed Program: TurboNET is a NetBIOS-based file redirector and server; a demonstration version may be downloaded from Nanosoft's BBS SeeAlso: AX=8000h"TurboNET" --------N-2F8101----------------------------- INT 2F U - Nanosoft, Inc. TurboNET redirector - ??? AX = 8101h Return: AL = ??? DL = ??? --------N-2F8102----------------------------- INT 2F U - Nanosoft, Inc. TurboNET redirector - ??? AX = 8102h Return: AL = ??? DL = ??? --------N-2F8103----------------------------- INT 2F U - Nanosoft, Inc. TurboNET redirector - GET MACHINE NAME??? AX = 8103h ES:DI -> 17-byte buffer Return: buffer filled --------N-2F8104----------------------------- INT 2F U - Nanosoft, Inc. TurboNET redirector - ??? AX = 8104h BL = ??? BH = ??? CX = ??? DX = ??? DS:SI -> 16-byte buffer containing ??? Return: AL = 00h ??? --------N-2F8105----------------------------- INT 2F U - Nanosoft, Inc. TurboNET redirector - ??? AX = 8105h CX = ??? (don't change current value if 0000h) DX = ??? (don't change current value if 0000h) Return: AL = 00h successful --------s-2F8200----------------------------- INT 2F - RESPLAY - SAMPLE/PLAYBACK AX = 8200h DX:DI -> start of sample space CX:BX = length in bytes Return: AX = status (see #02958) Program: RESPLAY is a freeware sound sampling/playback utility by Mark J. Cox SeeAlso: AX=8201h"RESPLAY",AX=8210h (Table 02958) Values for RESPLAY status: 1000h successful 2000h not initialized (see AX=8210h) other RESPLAY not installed --------G-2F8200----------------------------- INT 2F U - Nanosoft, Inc. CAPDOS - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 8200h Return: AL = FFh if installed Program: CAPDOS is a TSR by Nanosoft, Inc. which allows INT 21h calls to be captured and recorded for later analysis SeeAlso: AX=8100h,AX=8201h"CAPDOS",AX=8202h"CAPDOS",AX=8203h"CAPDOS" SeeAlso: AX=8204h"CAPDOS" --------s-2F8201----------------------------- INT 2F - RESPLAY - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 8201h Return: AX = 7746h if installed SeeAlso: AX=8202h"RESPLAY",AX=8210h --------G-2F8201----------------------------- INT 2F - Nanosoft, Inc. CAPDOS - CLEAR QUEUE AX = 8201h Note: resets queue of captured INT 21 calls SeeAlso: AX=8200h"CAPDOS" --------s-2F8202----------------------------- INT 2F - RESPLAY - UNINSTALL AX = 8202h Return: AX = status 1000h successful SeeAlso: AX=8201h"RESPLAY",AX=8210h"RESPLAY" --------G-2F8202----------------------------- INT 2F - Nanosoft, Inc. CAPDOS - START COLLECTION AX = 8202h SeeAlso: AX=8200h"CAPDOS",AX=8203h"CAPDOS" --------G-2F8203----------------------------- INT 2F - Nanosoft, Inc. CAPDOS - STOP COLLECTION AX = 8203h SeeAlso: AX=8200h"CAPDOS",AX=8202h"CAPDOS",AX=8204h"CAPDOS" --------G-2F8204----------------------------- INT 2F - Nanosoft, Inc. CAPDOS - GET QUEUE PARAMETERS AX = 8204h Return: AH = flag: queue wrapped if nonzero BX = index of current start of queue CX = size of queue in entries SeeAlso: AX=8200h"CAPDOS",AX=8202h"CAPDOS",AX=8205h"CAPDOS" --------G-2F8205----------------------------- INT 2F - Nanosoft, Inc. CAPDOS - GET QUEUE ITEM AX = 8205h BX = queue item number Return: AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI,DS,ES as on entry to captured DOS call SeeAlso: AX=8200h"CAPDOS",AX=8204h"CAPDOS" --------s-2F8210----------------------------- INT 2F - RESPLAY - INITIALIZE AX = 8210h BL = sound device number (see #02959) BH = sample rate in multiples of 250 Hz (14h to A0h) CL = direction 00h playback 01h sample Return: AX = status (see #02958) SeeAlso: AX=8200h"RESPLAY",AX=8220h"MODRES" (Table 02959) Values for RESPLAY sound device: 00h printer port LPT1 01h printer port LPT2 02h prototype board at I/O address 0300h 03h printer port (alternative LPT1) 04h internal speaker --------s-2F8220----------------------------- INT 2F - MODRES - PLAY MODULE AX = 8220h DX:CX -> MODPARM structure (see #02960) Return: AX = status 5722h succesful 2000h parameters out of range other MODRES not installed SeeAlso: AX=8221h,AX=8223h,AX=8225h,AX=8227h,AX=8200h"RESPLAY" Format of MODPARM Structure: Offset Size Description (Table 02960) 00h WORD signature 504Dh ("MP" = Modparm) 02h BYTE output device (see #02962 at INT 2F/AX=8221h) 03h WORD segment of start of main module (pattern) data 05h 31 WORDs segment of start of sample numbers 1-31 43h BYTE pattern at which to start playing (00h to 7Fh) 44h BYTE function 00h play from pattern [offset 43h] until end of the song 01h play indicated pattern [offset 43h] only 45h BYTE Machine speed 00h 10-12Mhz 01h 12-25Mhz (default) 02h 25Mhz+ 03h mix speed 10kHz (fast 8Mhz machines) 04h mix speed 12kHz (10Mhz machines) 05h mix speed 13kHz 06h mix speed 8kHz (test for 8Mhz machines) 46h BYTE allow >64k sample playing 80h MOD has samples >64k in it else all samples in MOD are <64k Notes: Main module data and all samples must start on segment boundaries. In version 2.00 (ONLY) this function carries on playing (works in the background) SeeAlso: #02961 --------s-2F8221----------------------------- INT 2F - MODRES - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 8221h Return: AX = status 5722h successful other MODRES not installed BX = BCD version number (BH = major, BL = minor) DX:CX -> Output Device structure (read-only) (see #02961) SeeAlso: AX=8220h,AX=8222h,AX=8225h,AX=8227h Format of Output Device structure [array]: Offset Size Description (Table 02961) 00h 20 BYTEs ASCIZ name of the output device (end of list if first char is FFh) 14h WORD apparently always FFFFh 16h WORD 0000h if output device not available else first I/O port for the output device 18h WORD second I/O port for the output device (for example if it is stereo) 000oh if only one port used or device is not available 1Ah 7 BYTEs ??? SeeAlso: #02960,#02962 (Table 02962) Values for MODRES v1.52 output device index: 00h PC speaker 01h D/A Converter on LPT1 02h D/A Converter on LPT2 03h D/A Converter on LPT3 04h D/A Converter on LPT4 05h D/A Converter on LPT1&LPT2 (stereo) 06h D/A Converter on LPT1&LPT2 (mono) 07h Sound Blaster (port 02x0h) 08h User Defined D/A (mono) 09h User Defined D/A (stereo) 0Ah Stereo-on-1 0Bh Disney SS su LPT1 0Ch Disney SS su LPT2 0Dh Disney SS su LPT3 0Eh Disney SS su LPT4 Note: this list may vary between versions of MODRES --------s-2F8222----------------------------- INT 2F - MODRES - UNINSTALL AX = 8222h Return: AX = code segment of the program Note: this function does not release the TSRs memory; the caller must do so SeeAlso: AX=8220h,AX=8221h,AX=8223h --------s-2F8223----------------------------- INT 2F - MODRES - PLAY SAMPLE AX = 8223h DX:CX -> SAMPARM structure (see #02963) Return: AX = status 5722h succesful 2000h parameters out of range other MODRES not installed SeeAlso: AX=8221h,AX=8224h,AX=8225h,AX=8226h Format of SAMPARM Structure: Offset Size Description (Table 02963) 00h WORD signature 5053h ("SP" = SAMPARM) 02h WORD segment of start of sample to play 04h WORD length of sample (IN WORD) 06h BYTE output device (see #02962 at INT 2F/AX=8221h) 07h WORD pitch to play (see #02964) 09h BYTE volume (from 00h to 40h) 0Ah WORD loop start 0Ch WORD loop length 0Eh BYTE machine speed (see INT 2F/AX=8220h) SeeAlso: #02960 (Table 02964) Values for Pitch to play:: C 0 is 06B0h C#0 is 06B0h / 2^(1/12) D 0 is (06B0h / 2^(1/12)) / 2^(1/12) ... Note: C 1 is 06B0h / 2 C 2 is 06B0h / 4 etc. SeeAlso: #02963 --------s-2F8224----------------------------- INT 2F - MODRES - ??? AX = 8224h DX:CX -> ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=8221h,AX=8223h,AX=8224h --------s-2F8225----------------------------- INT 2F - MODRES v2.00+ - GET LOCATION IN MOD AX = 8225h Return: AL = status 00h playing 01h reached end or stopped AH = speed of MOD BX = position within pattern 0000h-0400h CL = position within the song (track number) SeeAlso: AX=8220h,AX=8221h,AX=8223h,AX=8226h --------s-2F8226----------------------------- INT 2F - MODRES v2.00+ - STOP PLAYING AX = 8226h Return: AX = status 5722h succesful other MODRES not installed Desc: stops playing the MOD file before performing critical operations such as disk accesses SeeAlso: AX=8220h,AX=8221h,AX=8223h,AX=8225h,AX=8227h --------s-2F8227----------------------------- INT 2F - MODRES - CONFIGURE AX = 8227h BX = function 0001h set default playing speed (06h) 0002h select output device CL = output device (see #02962 at INT 2F/AX=8221h) Return: AX = status 5722h succesful 2000h parameters out of range other MODRES not installed Note: function 0001h should be called every time a new module is loaded SeeAlso: AX=8220h,AX=8221h,AX=8222h,AX=8223h ----------2F86------------------------------- INT 2F U - ??? AH = 86h AL = function (at least 06h and 07h) ??? Return: ??? Note: called by Codeview for Windows SeeAlso: AH=44h --------U-2F8900----------------------------- INT 2F - WHOA!.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 8900h Return: AL = state 00h not installed FFh installed Program: WHOA!.COM is a system slow-down utility by Brad D Crandall SeeAlso: AX=8901h,AX=8902h --------U-2F8901----------------------------- INT 2F - WHOA!.COM - UNINSTALL AX = 8901h Return: AL = status FDh successful FEh error SeeAlso: AX=8900h --------U-2F8902----------------------------- INT 2F - WHOA!.COM - SET DELAY COUNT AX = 8902h BX = delay count (larger values slow system down more) Return: AL = status FDh successful FEh error Program: WHOA!.COM is a system slow-down utility by Brad D Crandall SeeAlso: AX=8900h --------U-2F9000----------------------------- INT 2F U - RAID - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 9000h Return: AL = FFh if installed Program: RAID (Resident AID) is a TSR utility program by Ross Neilson Wentworth that resides mostly in EMS --------U-2F9001----------------------------- INT 2F U - RAID - GET ??? AX = 9001h Return: DX:AX -> ??? SeeAlso: AX=9000h --------U-2F9002----------------------------- INT 2F U - RAID - GET RESIDENT SEGMENT AX = 9002h Return: AX = segment of resident (conventional memory) portion SeeAlso: AX=9000h --------U-2F9003----------------------------- INT 2F U - RAID - UNINSTALL AX = 9003h Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=9000h --------U-2F9004----------------------------- INT 2F U - RAID - GET ??? AX = 9004h Return: AX = first available paragraph past end of resident portion??? CX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=9000h --------e-2F92------------------------------- INT 2F - Network Courier E-Mail - API AH = 92h AL = function 00h installation check 01h uninstall 02h pop down MICRO.EXE notification window 03h ??? 04h ??? 05h ??? Return: ??? Program: The Network Courier is an electronic mail package by Consumers Software of Vancouver, BC which was bought by Microsoft in 1991 and renamed Microsoft Mail v3.0. SeeAlso: AX=9400h,AX=9401h,AX=9402h,AH=9Ch Index: installation check;Network Courier E-Mail Index: uninstall;Network Courier E-Mail --------R-2F9200----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - BUG AX = 9200h Program: DRIVEMAP is a redirector which allows drives on computers connected over the parallel or serial ports to appear as local drives BUG: jumps to data because jump table entry is 0000h Note: DRIVEMAP returns AX=FFFFh if not a valid function number in AL --------R-2F9201----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - CHECK IF MAPPED DRIVE AX = 9201h DL = drive number (01h = A:, etc.) Return: AL = 92h if mapped drive AH may be destroyed (v8.0 DRIVEMAP returns AX=0000h if not mapped) SeeAlso: AX=9204h,AX=920Bh --------R-2F9202----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - UNINSTALL AX = 9202h BX = caller's CS Return: AX = status 0000h failed nonzero successful SeeAlso: AX=9204h --------R-2F9203----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - GET VERSION AX = 9203h Return: AH = major version AL = minor version CX = segment of resident code Note: the DRIVEMAP included with PC Tools v8.0 is version 1.00 SeeAlso: AX=9204h,INT 16/AX=FF70h --------R-2F9204----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 9204h Return: AX = 9200h if installed BL = ??? CX = segment of resident code Program: DRIVEMAP is a redirector which allows drives on computers connected over the parallel or serial ports to appear as local drives SeeAlso: AX=9201h,AX=9202h,AX=9203h --------R-2F9205----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - SET ??? AX = 9205h BX = ??? to set Return: CX = new value of ??? --------R-2F9206----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 9206h ??? Return: ??? --------R-2F9207----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - GET ??? AX = 9207h ??? Return: AX = ??? --------R-2F9208----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 9208h ??? Return: ??? --------R-2F9209----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 9209h ??? Return: AX = ??? BX = ??? CX = ??? DX = ??? --------R-2F920A----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 920Ah BX = ??? Return: AX = ??? or FFFBh on error --------R-2F920B----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - SET DRIVE MAPPING AX = 920Bh BL = drive letter (41h ['A'] = A:, etc) CX = ??? (0000h removes mapping) Return: AX = ??? or FFF8h on error SeeAlso: AX=9201h,AX=920Dh --------R-2F920C----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 920Ch ??? Return: AX = ??? (0002h) CX = ??? (0000h) --------R-2F920D----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - GET DRIVE TYPE AX = 920Dh BL = drive letter (41h ['A'] = A:, etc) Return: AX = type flags bit 0: ??? bit 1: available bit 5: local BX = ??? CX = segment of resident code (apparently an unintended side effect) Program: DRIVEMAP is a redirector which allows drives on computers connected over the parallel or serial ports to appear as local drives SeeAlso: AX=9218h,INT 16/AX=FF70h --------R-2F920E----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - SET LPT MAPPING AX = 920Eh BX = port number (0-2) CX = ??? (0000h to unmap) Return: ??? --------R-2F920F----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - GET ??? AX = 920Fh ES:DI -> 3-byte buffer for ??? Return: CX = 0000h ES:DI buffer filled --------R-2F9210----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 9210h ??? Return: ??? --------R-2F9211----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - GET ??? AX = 9211h ES:DI -> 8-word buffer for ??? Return: CX = 0000h ES:DI buffer filled --------R-2F9212----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - CRITICAL SECTION??? AX = 9212h BX = phase 0000h leave critical section??? nonzero enter critical section??? --------R-2F9213----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 9213h BX = function number (0000h-000Bh) ??? Return: ??? --------R-2F9214----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - GET ??? AX = 9214h ES:DI -> 6-word buffer for ??? Return: CX = 0000h AX = ??? ES:DI buffer filled --------R-2F9215----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - GET ??? AX = 9215h ES:DI -> 100-word buffer for ??? Return: CX = 0000h ES:DI buffer filled --------R-2F9216----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 9216h ES:DI -> ??? Return: ??? --------R-2F9217----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 9217h DS:SI -> 25-word buffer containing ??? Return: ??? --------R-2F9218----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - GET LPT TYPE??? AX = 9218h BX = port number??? Return: AX = ??? BX = ??? (0000h) CX = ??? (0000h) Program: DRIVEMAP is a redirector which allows drives on computers connected over the parallel or serial ports to appear as local drives --------R-2F9219----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 9219h ??? Return: ??? --------R-2F921A----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 921Ah ??? Return: AH = ??? AL = ??? BX = ??? --------R-2F921B----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 921Bh ??? Return: AX = ??? CX = segment of resident code (apparently an unintended side effect) --------R-2F921C----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 921Ch ??? Return: ??? --------R-2F921D----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - GET ??? AX = 921Dh Return: AX = ??? --------R-2F921E----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC Tools v8.0 DRIVEMAP - ??? AX = 921Eh ??? Return: ??? Program: DRIVEMAP is a redirector which allows drives on computers connected over the parallel or serial ports to appear as local drives Note: this function sets two variables to 24h each SeeAlso: INT 16/AX=FF70h --------V-2F93------------------------------- INT 2F - InnerMission v1.7+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 93h BX = CX = AX Return: AL = state FFh if installed and BX=CX=AX on entry BX = segment of resident code 01h if installed but BX or CX differ from AX (multiplex number not available) Program: InnerMission is a shareware graphical screen blanker by Kevin Stokes SeeAlso: INT 14/AX=AA01h,INT 2F/AX=6400h Index: screen saver;InnerMission --------e-2F9400----------------------------- INT 2F - MICRO.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 9400h Return: AL = 07h or 08h if installed Program: MICRO.EXE is a TSR of the Microsoft Mail part of Workgroup Connection SeeAlso: AH=92h"Network Courier",AX=9401h,AX=9402h,AX=9403h,AX=9404h SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=3Fh"WORKGRP.SYS" --------e-2F9401----------------------------- INT 2F - MICRO.EXE - SET ??? FLAG AX = 9401h SeeAlso: AX=9400h,AX=9403h --------e-2F9402----------------------------- INT 2F - MICRO.EXE - ??? AX = 9402h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=9400h --------e-2F9403----------------------------- INT 2F - MICRO.EXE - SET ??? FLAG AX = 9403h SeeAlso: AX=9400h,AX=9404h --------e-2F9404----------------------------- INT 2F - MICRO.EXE - CLEAR ??? FLAG AX = 9404h ES:DI -> name of executable from which MICRO.EXE was started Note: if the specified name is identical to the name of the program file from which MICRO was started, the ??? flag is cleared; otherwise, it is left unchanged SeeAlso: AX=9400h,AX=9403h --------V-2F96C7----------------------------- INT 2F U - STRETCH - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 96C7h Return: AX = AAAAh if installed Program: stretch.exe is a TSR for Toshiba Laptops with WD90C24 video chip to avoid blank screen areas in VGA text modes by increasing inter-line spacing ----------2F97------------------------------- INT 2F U - Micro Focus COBOL v3.1.31 internal - ??? AH = 97h AL = function 00h installation check Return: AL = FFh if installed 08h get ??? Return: AL = ??? BX = ??? DX = ??? AH destroyed 20h get ??? Return: AX:BX = far entry point of ??? CX = segment of ??? 80h ??? Return: ??? Notes: Micro Focus COBOL compiler v3.1.31 and companion programs supply these functions for internal use; these programs call the installation check at startup (before installing the INT 2F handler) and crash the system if a not authorized program answers with AL=FFh the handler checks AL only if an internal flag is 1, otherwise ??? SeeAlso: AH=98h"COBOL",AH=99h"COBOL",AH=9Ah"COBOL" ----------2F98------------------------------- INT 2F U - Micro Focus COBOL v3.1.31 internal - ??? AH = 98h AL = function 00h installation check Return: AL = FFh if installed 10h get ??? Return: AX = ??? 18h get segment of ??? Return: AX = segment of ??? 19h get pointer to ??? Return: AX:BX -> ??? Notes: Micro Focus COBOL compiler v3.1.31 and companion programs supply these functions for internal use; these programs call the installation check at startup (before installing the INT 2F handler) and crash the system if a not authorized program answers with AL=FFh the handler checks AL only if an internal flag is 0, otherwise ??? SeeAlso: AH=97h"COBOL",AH=99h"COBOL",AH=9Ah"COBOL" --------V-2F9800----------------------------- INT 2F U - S3RMDRV.SYS - INSTALLATION CHECK / VERSION CHECK AX = 9800h BX = function 0000h installation check Return: AX = 524Dh ('RM') if installed 0001h get driver version Return: AX = driver version (AH=major, AL=BCD minor) Program: S3RMDRV.SYS provides support for the S3 MPEG driver FMPDRV SeeAlso: AX=9803h --------V-2F9803----------------------------- INT 2F U - S3RMDRV.SYS - COPY ??? INTO USER BUFFER AX = 9803h DX:BX -> 116-byte buffer for ASCIZ ??? Return: AX = 0000h DX:BX buffer filled with string stored in driver from its parameter list when it was loaded Note: the examined version of the driver returns CF set for any AL other than 00h or 03h SeeAlso: AX=9800h ----------2F99------------------------------- INT 2F U - Micro Focus COBOL v3.1.31 internal - ??? AH = 99h ??? Return: ??? Note: used internally by Micro Focus COBOL compiler v3.1.31 and companion programs SeeAlso: AH=97h"COBOL",AH=98h"COBOL",AH=9Ah"COBOL" --------l-2F9900----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 9900h Return: BX = 444Eh ('DN') if installed AX = number of DOS Navigator executions CL = child process exit code DX = version number (see #02965) Notes: old versions of DOS Navigator II always returned AH=1, while newer ones return AH=0 and store AL in the DN.FLG file Program: DOS Navigator is a multi-window shell for MS-DOS by RIT S.R.L. DOS Navigator(TM) is a registered trademark of RIT S.R.L. SeeAlso: AX=9901h,AX=9902h,AX=9903h,AX=9904h,AX=9905h,AX=9906h (Table 02965) Values for DOS Navigator II version code: 2100h version 1.35 2138h version 1.38 2141h version 1.41 2150h version 1.50 --------l-2F9901----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II - RETURN POINTER TO COMMAND LINE AX = 9901h Return: ES:BX -> command line (terminated with 0Dh) AX = ES SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9902h,AX=9903h --------l-2F9902----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II - SET 'TRUE' EXIT CODE OF DN.PRG AX = 9902h CL = exit code Return: AX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9901h,AX=9903h --------l-2F9903----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II - SPECIFY HOW TO EXECUTE COMMANDS AX = 9903h CL = 1 to use INT 2E CL <> 1 to use INT 21/AH=4Bh SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9901h,AX=9902h --------l-2F9904----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II v1.49 - SET ??? AX = 9904h CX:DX = new value for ??? SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9905h,AX=9906h --------l-2F9905----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II v1.49 - GET ??? AX = 9905h Return: CX:DX = current value of ??? (set by AX=9904h) SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9904h,AX=9906h --------l-2F9906----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II v1.49 - GET ??? AX = 9906h DX = new value for ??? (bit 15 must be set, otherwise not changed) Return: CX = previous value for ??? SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9904h,AX=9905h ----------2F9A------------------------------- INT 2F U - Micro Focus COBOL v3.1.31 internal - ??? AH = 9Ah ??? Return: ??? Note: used internally by Micro Focus COBOL compiler v3.1.31 and companion programs SeeAlso: AH=97h"COBOL",AH=98h"COBOL",AH=99h"COBOL" --------e-2F9C------------------------------- INT 2F - Network Courier E-Mail OPERATOR.EXE - API AH = 9Ch AL = subfunction 01h uninstall Return: ??? Program: The Network Courier is an electronic mail package by Consumers Software of Vancouver, BC which was bought by Microsoft in 1991 and renamed Microsoft Mail v3.0. SeeAlso: AH=92h Index: uninstall;Network Courier E-Mail OPERATOR.EXE --------G-2F9E00----------------------------- INT 2F U - INTMON v2.1 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 9E00h Return: AX = FFFFh if installed BX = segment of resident code Program: INTMON is a shareware interactive interrupt monitoring TSR for 386 and higher machines by Celso Minnitti, Jr. SeeAlso: AX=9E01h,AX=9E02h,AX=9E03h,AX=9F00h --------G-2F9E01----------------------------- INT 2F U - INTMON v2.1 - RESET AX = 9E01h Return: ??? Desc: this function specifies that INTMON should assume that any interrupts on which it is currently awaiting a return have completed (i.e. interrupts which never return such as INT 20 and INT 27) SeeAlso: AX=9E00h,AX=9E03h --------G-2F9E02----------------------------- INT 2F U - INTMON v2.1 - DISPLAY CPU REGISTERS??? AX = 9E02h Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=9E00h --------G-2F9E03----------------------------- INT 2F U - INTMON v2.1 - HOOK INTERRUPT??? AX = 9E03h BH = interrupt number??? Return: ??? Note: if AL > 03h on entry, INTMON 2.1 returns immediately SeeAlso: AX=9E00h,AX=9E01h --------G-2F9F00----------------------------- INT 2F U - INTCFG v2.1 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 9F00h Return: AX = FFFFh if installed Program: INTCFG is an optionally-resident control program for INTMON by Celso Minnitti, Jr. SeeAlso: AX=9E00h,AX=9F01h,AX=9F30h,AX=9F49h --------G-2F9F01----------------------------- INT 2F U - INTCFG v2.1 - ??? AX = 9F01h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=9F00h --------G-2F9F30----------------------------- INT 2F U - INTCFG v2.1 - GET ??? AX = 9F30h Return: AX = ??? (0002h) SeeAlso: AX=9F00h --------G-2F9F49----------------------------- INT 2F U - INTCFG v2.1 - UNINSTALL AX = 9F49h Return: AX,DX,DS,ES destroyed SeeAlso: AX=9F00h --------E-2FA1--BX0081----------------------- INT 2F - Ergo DOS extenders - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = A1h BX = 0081h AL = which FEh OS/286,OS/386 FFh HummingBoard DOS extender ES:DI -> 16-byte buffer Return: if installed, first four bytes of ES:DI buffer are "IABH" Note: since TKERNEL is a licensed version, it is likely that subfunctions BX=0082h and BX=0084h are present and function identically to the AX=FBA1h/BX=008xh calls SeeAlso: AX=ED00h,AX=FBA1h/BX=0081h,INT 15/AX=BF02h --------m-2FA189----------------------------- INT 2F U - Biologic HRAMDEV.SYS - API AX = A189h BX = subfunction 0000h set ??? 0001h remove ??? 0002h get status ??? 0003h enable ??? 0004h disable ??? 0005h set ??? flag 0006h clear ??? flag 0007h set ??? flag 0008h clear ??? flag 0009h set ??? ES:DI -> function-specific arguments if func 0000h: 20-byte buffer containing ??? if func 0001h: 20-byte buffer for returned ??? if func 0002h: 16-byte buffer for returned ??? if func 0009h: WORD containing ??? Return: BX = A189h if installed AH = status 00h successful FFh failed or invalid function number Program: HRAMDEV.SYS is a part of the shareware package HRAM by Biologic which provides improved high memory access under MS-DOS 5.0 Note: functions 00h and 01h use a stack of four entries; function 01h always removes the values stored with the most recent function 00h call which has not yet been matched with a function 01h call. --------U-2FA4E0----------------------------- INT 2F - Futurus Team - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = A4E0h Return: AL = 52h ("R") if installed AH = major version plus 30h ("0") ES:BX -> ??? (INT A4 handler???) Note: older versions of Right Hand Man (from which Team evolved) store the signature "RH" at offset 103h in the INT 2F handler's segment SeeAlso: INT A4"Right Hand Man" --------U-2FA900----------------------------- INT 2F - METZTSR.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = A900h CF set Return: CF clear if resident AX = 97FFh CF set if not present Notes: METZTSR.COM prevents METZ applications (such as the MAGIC screen saver) inactivity timeout while running a DOSapp under MS Windows. the default multiplex number is A9h, but may be set to any value from 80h to FFh with a commandline switch SeeAlso: AX=A901h,AX=A902h --------U-2FA901----------------------------- INT 2F - METZTSR.COM - GET TIME OF LAST KEYBOARD ACTIVITY AX = A901h CF set Return: CF clear if successful AX:DX = BIOS time at which INT 09 was last invoked CF set if not present SeeAlso: INT 09,INT 1A/AH=00h --------U-2FA902----------------------------- INT 2F - METZTSR.COM - SET METZ Ctrl-Alt-Del FLAG AX = A902h BL = new value 00h Ctrl-Alt-Del not allowed else Ctrl-Alt-Del allowed (startup default is 01h) CF set Return: CF clear if successful AX = 97FFh CF set if not resident SeeAlso: AX=A903h --------U-2FA903----------------------------- INT 2F - METZTSR.COM - GET METZ Ctrl-Alt-Del FLAG AX = A903h CF set Return: CF clear if successful AX = 97FFh if Ctrl-Alt-Del allowed AX = 0000h if Ctrl-Alt-Del not allowed CF set if not resident SeeAlso: AX=A902h --------U-2FAA------------------------------- INT 2F - Player's Tool 3.996b+ - UNINSTALL AH = AAh Return: AL = status 00h unloaded successfully 01h unable to unload: in DOS shell Program: Player's Tool is a game cheater by Dima Yakunin & Andy Robinson SeeAlso: AH=ABh"Player's Tool",AH=ACh"Player's Tool",INT 10/AH=AAh --------U-2FAA00----------------------------- INT 2F - VIDCLOCK.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AA00h Return: AL = 00h not installed FFh installed Program: VIDCLOCK.COM is a memory-resident clock by Thomas G. Hanlin III --------U-2FAB------------------------------- INT 2F - Player's Tool 3.996b+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = ABh Return: BH = FFh if installed BL = DOS shell state 01h in DOS shell 00h not in DOS shell SeeAlso: AH=AAh"Player's Tool",AH=ACh"Player's Tool",INT 10/AH=ABh --------f-2FAB00----------------------------- INT 2F - Btrieve Multi-User - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AB00h Return: AL = 4Dh if installed SeeAlso: AX=AB01h,AX=AB02h,INT 7B"Btrieve" ----------2FAB00----------------------------- INT 2F - SRSoft MODAL PC v2+ - INSTALLATION CHECK / GET VERSION AX = AB00h Return: AX = 5253h ('SR' byte-swapped) if installed BX = MODAL PC version (BL = major, BH = minor) Program: MODAL PC is an algorithm/real-system simulation package by SR Soft using Petri-nets to describe simulated objects SeeAlso: AX=AB01h"MODAL",AX=AB02h"MODAL",AX=AB06h"MODAL" --------f-2FAB01----------------------------- INT 2F - Btrieve Multi-User - EXECUTE Btrieve OPERATION AX = AB01h BX = process ID DS:DX -> 38-byte parameter record (see #03840 at INT 7B"Btrieve") Return: AL = status 00h OK other retry after calling INT 7F/AX=0200h SeeAlso: AX=AB00h"Btrieve",AX=AB02h"Btrieve",INT 7B"Btrieve",INT 7F/AX=0200h ----------2FAB01----------------------------- INT 2F - SRSoft MODAL PC v2+ - GET PROCESS RUN PARAMETER AX = AB01h Return: AX = 5253h ('SR' byte-swapped) if installed BL = run parameter 00h normal process 01h run with tracing enabled 02h run initialization process (first thread of main task) SeeAlso: AX=AB00h"MODAL",AX=AB02h"MODAL" --------f-2FAB02----------------------------- INT 2F - Btrieve Multi-User - GET NEW PROCESS ID AX = AB02h Return: AL = 00h successful BX = process ID AL > 00h failed, retry after calling INT 7F/AX=0200h SeeAlso: AX=AB00h,AX=AB01h,INT 7B"Btrieve",INT 7F/AX=0200h ----------2FAB02----------------------------- INT 2F - SRSoft MODAL PC v2+ - SET PROCESS EXIT CODE AX = AB02h BL = exit code Return: AX = 5253h ('SR' byte-swapped) if installed SeeAlso: AX=AB00h"MODAL",AX=AB01h"MODAL",AX=AB03h"MODAL" ----------2FAB03----------------------------- INT 2F - SRSoft MODAL PC v2+ - ALLOCATE COMMON MEMORY AX = AB03h BX = required size of common memory for variables/semaphores in bytes Return: AX = 5253h ('SR' byte-swapped) if installed SeeAlso: AX=AB00h"MODAL",AX=AB02h"MODAL",AX=AB04h"MODAL" ----------2FAB04----------------------------- INT 2F - SRSoft MODAL PC v2+ - GET ALL COMMON VARIABLES AND SEMAPHORES AX = AB04h DS:DX -> buffer for common data Return: AX = 5253h ('SR' byte-swapped) if installed CF clear if successful CF set on error SeeAlso: AX=AB00h"MODAL",AX=AB03h"MODAL",AX=AB05h"MODAL",AX=AB06h,AX=AB07h ----------2FAB05----------------------------- INT 2F - SRSoft MODAL PC v2+ - SET ALL COMMON VARIABLES AND SEMAPHORES AX = AB05h DS:DX -> buffer containing common data Return: AX = 5253h ('SR' byte-swapped) if installed CF clear if successful CF set on error SeeAlso: AX=AB00h"MODAL",AX=AB03h"MODAL",AX=AB04h"MODAL",AX=AB06h,AX=AB07h ----------2FAB06----------------------------- INT 2F - SRSoft MODAL PC v2+ - GET A COMMON VARIABLE OR SEMAPHORE AX = AB06h BX = offset of variable or semaphore in common memory CX = variable/semaphore size in bytes DS:DX -> buffer for variable or semaphore Return: AX = 5253h ('SR' byte-swapped) if installed CF clear if successful CF set on error SeeAlso: AX=AB00h"MODAL",AX=AB04h,AX=AB05h,AX=AB07h ----------2FAB07----------------------------- INT 2F - SRSoft MODAL PC v2+ - SET A COMMON VARIABLE OR SEMAPHORE AX = AB07h BX = offset of variable or semaphore in common memory CX = variable/semaphore size in bytes DS:DX -> buffer containing variable or semaphore Return: AX = 5253h ('SR' byte-swapped) if installed CF clear if successful CF set on error SeeAlso: AX=AB00h"MODAL",AX=AB04h,AX=AB05h,AX=AB06h --------U-2FAC------------------------------- INT 2F u - Player's Tool 3.996b+ - POP UP AH = ACh Return: AX = 1001h SeeAlso: AH=AAh"Player's Tool",AH=ABh"Player's Tool" --------V-2FAC00----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS 4.01+ GRAPHICS.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AC00h Return: AX = FFFFh ES:DI -> ??? (graphics data?) (not documented) Note: this installation check was moved here to avoid the conflict with the CD-ROM extensions that occurred in DOS 4.00 SeeAlso: AX=1500h"GRAPHICS" --------V-2FAC00DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - GIVE CPU TO QRIP AX = AC00h DI = 1092h Return: nothing Program: QRIP/TSR is a shareware TSR by Shane Hathaway implementing the Remote Imaging Protocol (RIP, RIPscrip) used by several BBS systems to provide a graphical user interface Desc: give QRIP some CPU time to update music and flashing timers Notes: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call this function should be called regularly whenever the terminal program is otherwise idle; the updates are automatically performed on any other QRIP call SeeAlso: AX=AC01h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC01DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - CHANGE INTERNAL FLAGS AX = AC01h DI = 1092h BX = flags to be turned on (see #02966) CX = flags to be turned off (see #02966) Return: AX = 9142h if installed DX = DOS-takeover flag (nonzero if QRIP able to take over DOS) ---if DX nonzero--- BX = QRIP version number in hex (BH = major, BL = minor) CX = new flags (see #02966) Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC00h/DI=1092h,AX=ACF0h Bitfields for QRIP internal flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 02966) 0 ANSI emulation enabled (default on) 1 RIP emulation enabled (default on) 2 graphical commands allowed (default on) 3 TTY text allowed (default on) 4 disable @ variables (default off in TSR mode) 5 wait for key on RIP "end scene" command (default off) 6 anti-stripping (default off in TSR mode) 7 sound enabled (default on) 8 automatic message filter (default off in TSR mode) 9 display-only mode (no user prompts) 10 TTY text suppression (default off in TSR mode) 11-15 reserved --------V-2FAC02DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - TURN OFF GRAPHICS SCREEN AX = AC02h DI = 1092h Return: nothing Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC03h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC03DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - TURN ON GRAPHICS SCREEN AX = AC03h DI = 1092h Return: nothing Notes: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call this function does not restore the contents of the screen (see AX=AC15h) SeeAlso: AX=AC02h,AX=AC14h,AX=AC15h --------V-2FAC04DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - OUTPUT STRING THROUGH QRIP AX = AC04h DI = 1092h DX:BX -> string CX = length of string Return: nothing Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC05h,AX=AC09h,AX=AC0Ah,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC05DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - OUTPUT NULL-TERMINATED STRING THROUGH QRIP AX = AC05h DI = 1092h DX:BX -> ASCIZ string Return: nothing Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC04h,AX=AC06h,AX=AC09h,AX=AC0Ah,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC06DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - RECEIVE CHARACTERS FROM QRIP AX = AC06h DI = 1092h Return: AX = character to send to BBS (0001h-00FFh) or special code (see #02967) BX = string-waiting flag 0001h entire string waiting to be sent to terminal (call AX=AC0Ch) CX = DX = AX Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC04h,AX=AC05h,AX=AC0Ch,AX=AC16h,AX=AC18h,AX=AC1Ah (Table 02967) Values for QRIP special codes: 0000h if none 0100h wait for user keypress (must call AX=AC16h/BL=00h or AX=AC18h) 0101h both/middle mouse button pressed 0102h entering block mode (up/download) (call AX=AC1Ah) 0103h right mouse button pressed 0104h BBS requested status bar on 0105h BBS requested status bar off 0106h BBS requested VT-102 terminal emulation (keypad keys should send VT-102 escape codes) 0107h BBS requested VT-102 mode off 0108h BBS requested doorway mode (raw IBM keyboard ASCII/scan code pairs) 0109h BBS requested doorway mode off 010Ah hotkey mode on 010Bh hotkey mode off 010Ch BBS requested Tab-key button changing on 010Dh BBS requested Tab-key mode off 010Eh XOFF (use flow control to stop incoming characters) 010Fh XON (use flow control to resume incoming characters) 0110h-0119h BBS requested application (0-9) be run application 0 should be a standard text editor 01FFh send ASCII 00h to BBS Note: for special codes 0104h to 010Dh, the terminal program should report any mode changes it make in response by calling AX=AC16h --------V-2FAC07DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - GET FONT DIRECTORY AX = AC07h DI = 1092h Return: DX:BX -> 80-byte internal buffer containing ASCIZ font directory name Notes: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call the application may change the font directory by overwriting the returned buffer, ensuring that it does not exceed 80 bytes incl. NUL if changed, the new path will not become effective until the graphics screen is reinitialized SeeAlso: AX=AC08h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC08DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - GET ICON DIRECTORY AX = AC08h DI = 1092h Return: DX:BX -> 80-byte internal buffer containing ASCIZ icon directory name Notes: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call the application may change the icon directory by overwriting the returned buffer, ensuring that it does not exceed 80 bytes incl. NUL, and includes a trailing backslash if changed, the new path becomes effective immediately SeeAlso: AX=AC07h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC09DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - OUTPUT STRING THROUGH QRIP AX = AC09h DI = 1092h DX:BX -> string CX = length of string Return: AX = character to send to BBS (0001h-00FFh) or special code (see #02967) BX = string-waiting flag 0001h entire string waiting to be sent to terminal (call AX=AC0Ch) CX = DX = AX Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC04h,AX=AC06h,AX=AC0Ah,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC0ADI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - OUTPUT NULL-TERMINATED STRING THROUGH QRIP AX = AC0Ah DI = 1092h DX:BX -> ASCIZ string Return: AX = character to send to BBS (0001h-00FFh) or special code (see #02967) BX = string-waiting flag 0001h entire string waiting to be sent to terminal (call AX=AC0Ch) CX = DX = AX Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC05h,AX=AC06h,AX=AC09h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC0BDI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - EXECUTE RIP "END SCENE" COMMAND AX = AC0Bh DI = 1092h Return: nothing Notes: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call enables all mouse buttons and cancels the RIP timeout SeeAlso: AX=AC01h,AX=AC04h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC0CDI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - GET STRING TO BE SENT TO BBS AX = AC0Ch DI = 1092h Return: AX = status 0000h nothing to be sent 0001h a string is waiting to be sent DX:BX -> string to be sent (may contain NULs) CX = length of string 0002h special code waiting (call AX=AC06h) Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC06h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC0DDI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - SET PROTECTED SCREEN AREA AX = AC0Dh DI = 1092h CL = number of text lines at bottom of screen to protect (00h = off) BL = attribute with which to fill area (bit 7 = high-int. background) Return: nothing Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC0Eh,AX=AC0Fh,AX=AC10h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC0EDI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - WRITE ASCIZ STRING IN PROTECTED AREA AX = AC0Eh DI = 1092h DX:BX -> ASCIZ string to be written CL = column at which to begin writing CH = row number within protected area (00h = first line) Return: nothing Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC0Dh,AX=AC0Fh,AX=AC10h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC0FDI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - SCROLL PROTECTED AREA AX = AC0Fh DI = 1092h BH,BL = row,column of upper-left corner in protected area DH,DL = row,column of lower-right corner CL = number of lines to scroll up Return: nothing Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC0Dh,AX=AC0Eh,AX=AC10h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC10DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - SET OUTPUT COLOR FOR PROTECTED AREA AX = AC10h DI = 1092h BL = new attribute (bit 7 set for high-intensity background) Return: nothing Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC0Dh,AX=AC0Eh,AX=AC0Fh,AX=AC11h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC11DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - CONVERT PROTECTED AREA TO ENTIRE SCREEN AX = AC11h DI = 1092h BX = mode (0000h = normal protect, 0001h = allow full-screen access) Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC0Dh,AX=AC0Eh,AX=AC0Fh,AX=AC10h,AX=AC12h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC12DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - BEGIN POPUP-WINDOW MODE AX = AC12h DI = 1092h Return: nothing Notes: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call while popup-mode is in effect, the terminal program can write to the screen (and easily restore it) by outputting a RIP file with AX=AC04h or AX=AC05h QRIP will automatically drop out of popup-window mode if the terminal program invokes RIP pick-lists any changes to the protected area will be restored when popup-window mode is cancelled SeeAlso: AX=AC04h,AX=AC11h,AX=AC13h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC13DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - END POPUP-WINDOW MODE AX = AC13h DI = 1092h Return: nothing Notes: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call restores screen SeeAlso: AX=AC12h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC14DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - SAVE GRAPHICS SCREEN AND SWITCH TO TEXT MODE AX = AC14h DI = 1092h Return: nothing Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC03h,AX=AC15h --------V-2FAC15DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - RESTORE GRAPHICS SCREEN AX = AC15h DI = 1092h Return: nothing Desc: restores the graphics screen saved by the last call to AX=AC14h Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC03h,AX=AC14h --------V-2FAC16DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - REPORT MODE CHANGE TO QRIP AX = AC16h DI = 1092h BL = new mode 00h terminate key wait 01h status bar on 02h status bar off 03h VT-102 mode on 04h VT-102 mode off 05h doorway mode on 06h doorway mode off 07h hotkeys mode on 08h hotkeys mode off 09h tabkey mode on 0Ah tabkey mode off Return: nothing Notes: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call all modes default to OFF when QRIP is first installed --------V-2FAC17DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - CALL (EXECUTE) A RIP FILE AX = AC17h DI = 1092h DX:BX -> ASCIZ filename for RIP file to be executed Return: nothing Notes: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call the specified file may be in the current icon directory, the QRIP startup directory, or the current directory; any pathnames specified with the filename are ignored --------V-2FAC18DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - SEND USER KEY TO QRIP AX = AC18h DI = 1092h BX = key (00xxh is normal ASCII, xx00h is an extended key) Return: nothing Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC06h,AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC19DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - HANGUP AX = AC19h DI = 1092h Return: nothing Desc: inform QRIP that carrier has been lost Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAC1ADI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - GET RIP_ENTER_BLOCK_MODE INFORMATION AX = AC1Ah DI = 1092h Return: AH = requested protocol (see #02968) AL = file type (see #02969) DX:BX -> ASCIZ filename or 0000h:0000h CX = length of filename Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=ACF0h (Table 02968) Values for QRIP protocol identifier: 00h Xmodem (checksum) 01h Xmodem-CRC 02h Xmodem-1K 03h Xmodem-1K-G 04h Kermit 05h Ymodem 06h Ymodem-G 07h Zmodem with crash recovery 08h-0Fh same as 00h-07h, but for uploading instead of downloading SeeAlso: #02969 (Table 02969) Values for QRIP file type: 00h RIP file sequence to be displayed 01h RIP file sequence to be stored in icon directory 02h ICN file sequence to be stored in icon directory 03h HLP file sequence to be stored, then auto-loaded if needed 04h COMPOSITE DYNAMIC file sequence (batch protocols only) 05h ACTIVE DYNAMIC file sequence (batch protocols only) Note: for file types 04h and 05h, any .RIP or .ICN files are stored in the icon directory; in mode 05h, any .RIP files are also played back as they are received SeeAlso: #02968 --------V-2FAC1BDI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - SET SYSTEM FONT SIZE AX = AC1Bh DI = 1092h BX = font size (see #02970) Return: nothing Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC04h,AX=ACF0h (Table 02970) Values for QRIP font size specifier: 00h 8x8 font, 80x43 screen 01h 7x8 font, 90x43 screen 02h 8x14 font, 80x25 screen 03h 7x14 font, 90x25 screen 04h 16x14 font, 40x25 screen --------V-2FACF0DI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = ACF0h DI = 1092h Return: AX = 9142h if installed DX = DOS-takeover flag (nonzero if QRIP able to take over DOS) ---if DX nonzero--- BX = QRIP version number in hex (BH = major, BL = minor) CX = current flags (see AX=AC01h) Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=AC00h/DI=1092h,AX=AC01h,AX=AC04h,AX=AC06h,AX=AC1Ah,AX=ACFFh --------V-2FACFFDI1092----------------------- INT 2F - QRIP/TSR - UNINSTALL AX = ACFFh DI = 1092h Return: AX = status 0000h unable to remove (interrupt vector hooked by another prog) 0001h successful 0002h unable to take over DOS at this time (retry uninstall) Note: if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call SeeAlso: AX=ACF0h --------V-2FAD00----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ DISPLAY.SYS internal - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AD00h Return: AL = FFh if installed BX = ??? (0100h for MS-DOS 3.3+) Note: DOS 5+ DISPLAY.SYS chains to previous handler if AL is not one of the subfunctions listed here SeeAlso: AX=AD01h"DISPLAY",AX=AD02h"DISPLAY" --------O-2FAD00----------------------------- INT 2F U - DR DOS 3.41-5.0, Novell DOS 7 KEYB - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AD00h Return: AX = FFFFh if installed flags destroyed Note: the Novell DOS 7 KEYB driver only checks AL to determine whether it is already installed SeeAlso: AX=AD80h"Novell" --------V-2FAD01----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ DISPLAY.SYS internal - SET ACTIVE CODE PAGE AX = AD01h BX = new code page (see #01757 at INT 21/AX=6602h) Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0001h CF set on error (unsupported code page) AX = 0000h SeeAlso: AX=AD02h"DISPLAY" --------O-2FAD01----------------------------- INT 2F U - DR DOS 3.41,5.0 KEYB - GET CONFIGURATION AX = AD01h Return: BX = current code page (see #01757 at INT 21/AX=6602h) CX = current keyboard layout (0100h = US, 0102h = foreign) ES = resident code segment SeeAlso: AX=AD01h"Novell",AX=AD00h"KEYB",AX=AD02h"KEYB",AX=AD83h"KEYB" --------O-2FAD01----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell DOS 7 KEYB - GET/SET??? CONFIGURATION AX = AD01h CX = ??? (0000h) Return: AX = FFFFh if Novell DOS 7 KEYB installed BX = current code page (see #01757 at INT 21/AX=6602h) CX = current keyboard layout (0100h = US, 0102h = foreign) ES = resident code segment SeeAlso: AX=AD01h"DR DOS",AX=AD00h"KEYB",AX=AD02h"KEYB",AX=AD83h"KEYB" --------V-2FAD02----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ DISPLAY.SYS internal - GET ACTIVE CODE PAGE AX = AD02h Return: CF set if code page never set AX = 0001h BX = FFFFh (assume first hardware code page) CF clear if successful BX = current code page (see #01757 at INT 21/AX=6602h) SeeAlso: AX=AD01h"DISPLAY",AX=AD03h --------O-2FAD02----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell DOS 7 KEYB - ??? AX = AD02h DX = ??? (0000h) Return: AX = FFFFh if installed flags destroyed SeeAlso: AX=AD01h"KEYB" --------V-2FAD03----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ DISPLAY.SYS internal - GET CODE PAGE INFORMATION AX = AD03h ES:DI -> buffer for code page information (see #02971) CX = size of buffer in bytes Return: CF set if buffer too small CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled SeeAlso: AX=AD01h,AX=AD02h Format of DOS 5.0-6.0 DISPLAY.SYS code page information: Offset Size Description (Table 02971) 00h WORD number of software code pages 02h WORD ??? (0003h) 04h WORD number of hardware code pages 06h N WORDs hardware code page numbers (see #01757 at INT 21/AX=6602h) N WORDs software (prepared) code pages (FFFFh if not yet prepared) --------V-2FAD04----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 4.x only DISPLAY.SYS internal - ??? AX = AD04h ??? Return: ??? --------V-2FAD10----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 4.x DISPLAY.SYS internal - INSTALLATION CHECK??? AX = AD10h ??? Return: AX = FFFFh BX = ??? (0100h in PC-DOS 4.01) --------V-2FAD10----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 5+ DISPLAY.SYS internal - ??? AX = AD10h ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error Note: this function is a NOP if the active code page has never been set (AX=AD02h returns BX=FFFFh); its purpose otherwise is not known --------V-2FAD40----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS 4.0+ - ??? AX = AD40h DX = ??? ??? Return: ??? Note: called by PC-DOS 4.01 PRINT.COM --------V-2FAD41----------------------------- INT 2F - Arabic/Hebrew DOS 5.0???+ - GET CURRENT FONTPAGE AX = AD41h (CX = 0000h) Return: CX = current fontpage Notes: Called by Arabic/Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0 CODEPAGE.COM immediately before a call to INT21h/6601h to get the current codepage. The function is probably implemented in the ARABIC.COM/HEBREW.COM driver. The CX = 0 on call is not actually a requirement, but it should be initialized this way to receive a fontpage 0 if ARABIC.COM/ HEBREW.COM is not loaded. A fontpage 0 indicated no fontpage support. At least this is what CODEPAGE.COM assumes (by using the CX=0 init status of a .COM program, when not being loaded in DEBUG.) Some European clones have code page 850 as their hardware font instead of code page 437 !!!more details to follow SeeAlso: AX=AD42h,AX=AD43h --------V-2FAD42----------------------------- INT 2F - Arabic/Hebrew DOS 5.0???+ SET CURRENT FONTPAGE AX = AD42h CX = fontpage (> 0) Return: ??? Note: called by Arabic/Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0 CODEPAGE.COM almost immediately before a call to INT21h/6602h to set the current codepage (without checking any possible error codes returned from the call). The function is probably implemented in the ARABIC.COM/HEBREW.COM driver. SeeAlso: AX=AD41h,AX=AD43h,INT 21/AX=6601h,INT 21/AX=6602h --------V-2FAD43----------------------------- INT 2F - Arabic/Hebrew DOS 5.0???+ - GET FONTPAGE STATUS??? AX = AD43h Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h-0Ah codepage info not found 0Bh bad codepage info file 0Ch font page not found or not available with codepage else device prepare error Note: called by Arabic/Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0 CODEPAGE.COM when the sequence INT 2F/AX=AD42h & INT 21/AX=6602h to set fontpage & codepage returned with CF set and AX <> 2, and the following INT 21/AH=59h returned error code 41h (65) (that is, the codepage was prepared, but could not be set). SeeAlso: AX=AD41h,AX=AD42h,INT 21/AX=6601h,INT 21/AX=6602h --------K-2FAD80----------------------------- INT 2F u - MS-DOS 3.3+ KEYB.COM internal - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AD80h Return: AL = FFh if installed BX = version number (BH = major, BL = minor) ES:DI -> internal data (see #02972) AH destroyed (set to FFh by some implementations/versions) Notes: MS-DOS 3.30, PC-DOS 4.01, MS-DOS 5.00, and MS-DOS 6.22 all report version 1.00. this function was undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0 most versions of KEYB completely replace the BIOS INT 09 handler, but Novell DOS's KEYB partially uses the BIOS code and thus continues to chain to the original INT 09 at times some utilities check for AX=FFFFh on return SeeAlso: AX=AD80h"Novell",AX=AD81h,AX=AD82h,AX=AD83h Format of KEYB internal data: Offset Size Description (Table 02972) 00h DWORD original INT 09 04h DWORD original INT 2F 08h DWORD unused (0) original INT 16 in older KEYB versions??? 0Ch WORD flags A (see #02973) 0Eh WORD flags B (see #02974) 10h BYTE flags??? (bit1 used) 11h BYTE ??? 12h 4 BYTEs ??? 16h 2 BYTEs country ID letters, default is "US" 18h WORD current code page (see #01757 at INT 21/AX=6602h) ---DOS 3.3--- 1Ah WORD pointer to first item in list of code page tables??? 1Ch WORD pointer to ??? item in list of code page tables 1Eh 2 BYTEs unused??? 20h WORD pointer to key translation data (see #02976) 22h WORD pointer to last item in code page table list (see #02975) 24h 9 BYTEs ??? ---DOS 4.01--- 1Ah 2 BYTEs ??? 1Ch WORD pointer to first item in list of code page tables??? 1Eh WORD pointer to ??? item in list of code page tables 20h 2 BYTEs unused??? 22h WORD pointer to key translation data (see #02976) 24h WORD pointer to last item in code page table list (see #02975) 26h 9 BYTEs ??? ---DOS 6.22--- (checked out with 6.22, but might be earlier) 1Ah 2 BYTEs ??? 1Ch WORD pointer to current (first???) item in list of code page tables (corresponding to codepage indicated at offset 18h) (initial value is FFFFh) 1Eh WORD pointer to (entry to) list of code page tables (see #02975) If not FFFFh, INT 2F/AX=AD81h scans this list of code page tables until the requested code page was found in list or end of table was reached (FFFFh). If found, offsets 18h and 1Ch will be changed to requested new code page. If not found, it returns with AX=0001h 'code page not supported'). 20h WORD unused??? (initial value: FFFFh) 22h WORD pointer to key translation data (see #02455) 24h WORD pointer to last item in code page table list (see #02454) 26h WORD CAPSLock/ShiftLock management flags??? (0) Note: It appears that none of the bits is ever set inside KEYBs code! The following is guesswork: bit15: =1: With country specific keyboard mapping (<Ctrl>+ <Alt>+<F2>) active, <CapsLock> works as CAPSLock instead of ShiftLock??? Pressing a key in first row resets CapsLock??? (Effective only on PC Convertible or with Enhanced keyboard). bit14-10: unused (0) bit 9: =1: With country specific keyboard mapping active: some kind of temporary (table) shift??? bit 8-0: unused (0) 28h BYTE unused (0) 29h BYTE make code xx for <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<xx> to set keyboard mapping to US-layout (default is 3Bh=<F1>???) (see INT 2F/AX=AD82h,INT 2F/AX=AD83h) 2Ah BYTE make code yy for <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<yy> to set keyboard mapping to country specific layout (default is 3Ch=<F2>???), (see INT 2F/AX=AD82h,INT 2F/AX=AD83h) 2Bh 16 BYTEs unused (0) ??? Note: at least in MS-DOS v6.22, the signature "SHARED DATA" immediately precedes this structure Bitfields for MS-DOS v6.22 KEYB flags A: Bit(s) Description (Table 02973) 15 unused??? (0) 14 set on machine with BIOS machine type FBh or FEh/FFh without enh kbd 13 not FAh: ??? 12 set on start of machine detection, cleared on machine types F9h, FBh, FEh, FFh 11 not FAh: ??? (on ATs: override bit12 NOT to set NumLock on) 10 set on machine type F9h 9 unused??? (0) 8 unused??? (0) 7 used by INT 09, but never set! =1: after keyboard self test resulting AAh, INT 09 handler will (re)set keyboard code-set 1 and temporarily disable a PS/2 mouseport. 6 used by INT09, but never set! =1: after keyboard self test resulting AAh, INT 09 handler will (re)set keyboard code-set 1 and temporarily disable a PS/2 mouseport. 5 set for JP, KO, PR, TA layouts during installation??? =1: some special codepage (>932???) management??? 4-0 unused??? (0) SeeAlso: #02974,MEM F000h:FFFEh,INT 15/AH=C0h Bitfields for MS-DOS v6.22 KEYB flags B: Bit(s) Description (Table 02974) 15 INT 16/AH=1xh supported (INT 16h/AH=92h call returns AH<=80h) if clear, extended keyboard scan codes are immediately discarded 14 INT 16/AH=2xh supported (INT 16h/AH=A2h call returns AH<=80h) 13 unused (0) 12 network installed (INT 2F/AX=B800h) 11 original IBM PC (BIOS date 1981) 10 PC or PC/XT (BIOS machine type byte of FBh or FEh) 9 PC Convertible (BIOS machine type byte of F9h); use INT 15/AX=4104h 8 unused (0) 7 IBM PS/2 model 30 (BIOS machine type byte of FAh) 6 IBM AT (BIOS machine type FCh) 5 IBM PS/2 (BIOS machine type F8h) 4 PS/2 and unknown only: non-standard 8042 reported by INT 15/AH=C0h =1: after keyboard self test resulting AAh, INT 09 handler will (re)set keyboard code-set 1 and temporarily disable a PS/2 mouseport. 3 temporary flag??? 2-0 ??? SeeAlso: #02972,#02973 Format of code page table list entries: Offset Size Description (Table 02975) 00h WORD pointer to next item, FFFFh = last 02h WORD code page (see #01757 at INT 21/AX=6602h) 04h 2 BYTEs ??? Format of KEYB translation data: Offset Size Description (Table 02976) 00h WORD size of data in bytes, including this word 02h N-2 BYTEs ??? --------K-2FAD80----------------------------- INT 2F u - Novell DOS 7 KEYB.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AD80h Return: AX = FFFFh if installed CX = Novell DOS KEYB version number (CL = major, CH = minor) DX = current keyboard codepage ES:DI -> internal data and tables (ES=FFFEh if KEYB in HMA) flags destroyed Notes: versions: v2.08 (original ship 4/94), v2.09 (Update 10, 11/18/94), v2.10 (Update 12, 2/22/95), v2.11 (Update 13, 5/8/95), v2.12 (Update 14, 7/31/95) although the installation check is via this INT 2F call, Novell DOS 7's KEYB has no known INT 2F entry point! Presumably, the handler is either coded in the kernel or reached via a FAR JMP from the kernel SeeAlso: AX=AD80h"MS-DOS" --------K-2FAD81----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS 3.3+ KEYB.COM - SET KEYBOARD CODE PAGE AX = AD81h BX = code page (see #01757 at INT 21/AX=6601h) Return: CF set on error AX = 0001h (code page not available) CF clear if successful Notes: called by DISPLAY.SYS this function was undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0 SeeAlso: AX=AD80h,AX=AD82h --------K-2FAD82----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS 3.3+ KEYB.COM - SET KEYBOARD MAPPING AX = AD82h BL = new state 00h US keyboard (Control-Alt-F1) FFh foreign keyboard (Control-Alt-F2) Return: CF set on error (BL not 00h or FFh) CF clear if successful Notes: this function was undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0 the states 00h and FFh correspond with the byte stored at offset +02h in KEYBs INT 09h handler SeeAlso: AX=AD80h,AX=AD81h,AX=AD83h,AX=AD84h --------K-2FAD83----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS 5+ KEYB.COM - GET KEYBOARD MAPPING AX = AD83h Return: BL = current state 00h US keyboard FFh foreign keyboard Note: the states 00h and FFh correspond with the byte stored at offset +02h in KEYBs INT 09h handler SeeAlso: AX=AD82h,AX=AD85h,INT 09 --------K-2FAD84----------------------------- INT 2F - PC DOS 5.0+ KEYB.COM - SET KEYBOARD SUB-MAPPING AX = AD84h Return: if KEYB is in foreign mode: AL = current layout 00h primary layout 01h secondary layout Note: This function is not supported by MS-DOS 5 - 7.10. SeeAlso: AX=AD85h,AX=AD82h --------K-2FAD85----------------------------- INT 2F - PC DOS 5.0+ KEYB.COM - GET KEYBOARD SUB-MAPPING AX = AD85h BL = new layout 00h primary layout 01h secondary layout Note: This function is not supported by MS-DOS 5.0 - 7.10. SeeAlso: AX=AD84h,AX=AD83h ----------2FADC1----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 4.0+ SELECT - DISPLAY FORMAT DISK PROMPT AX = ADC1h Return: AX destroyed??? Note: This function is called by DOS 4.0+ FORMAT utility just as it prompts for a disk to be formatted. It is only issued when the undocumented /SELECT option was specified and is intercepted by SELECT displaying the prompt. However, the callout is still present in DOS 6.0 at least. --------l-2FAE00----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - INSTALLABLE COMMAND - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AE00h DX = magic value FFFFh CH = FFh CL = length of command line tail (4DOS v4.0) DS:BX -> command line buffer (see #02977) DS:SI -> command name buffer (see #02978) DI = 0000h (4DOS v4.0) Return: AL = FFh if this command is a TSR extension to COMMAND.COM AL = 00h if the command should be executed as usual Notes: This call provides a mechanism for TSRs to install permanent extensions to the command repertoire of COMMAND.COM. It appears that COMMAND.COM makes this call before executing the current command line, and does not execute it itself if the return is FFh. APPEND hooks this call, to allow subsequent APPEND commands to execute without re-running APPEND SeeAlso: AX=AE01h Format of COMMAND.COM command line buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02977) 00h BYTE max length of command line, as in INT 21/AH=0Ah 01h BYTE count of bytes to follow, excluding terminating 0Dh N BYTEs command line text, terminated by 0Dh Format of command name buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02978) 00h BYTE length of command name 01h N BYTEs uppercased command name (blank-padded to 11 chars by 4DOS v4) --------l-2FAE01----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - INSTALLABLE COMMAND - EXECUTE AX = AE01h DX = magic value FFFFh CH = 00h CL = length of command name (4DOS v4.0) DS:BX -> command line buffer (see #02977) DS:SI -> command name buffer (see #02978) Return: DS:SI buffer updated if length byte is nonzero, the following bytes contain the uppercase internal command to execute and the command line buffer contains the command's parameters (the first DS:[SI] bytes are ignored) Notes: this call requests execution of the command which a previous call to AX=AE00h indicated was resident APPEND hooks this call BUG: Novell DOS 7.0's COMMAND.COM (prior to Update 12) will attempt to run a disk program with the indicated name even if the returned length byte is zero, because the register used to flag this case is clobbered without first checking it. The workaround is to set the command name buffer to "REM" followed by enough blanks to pad out the original command's length, which will also work with MS-DOS 6. (from padgett@tccslr.dnet.mmc.com) SeeAlso: AX=AE00h --------O-2FAF00----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AF00h Return: AL = FFh if installed Program: WinDOS is a DOS clone (claimed to be mostly MS-DOS 5.0 API compatible) written by Heiko Goemann SeeAlso: AX=AF01h"WinDOS",INT 21/AH=30h ----------2FAF00----------------------------- INT 2F U - ??? AX = AF00h ??? Return: AX = 0000h if interface supported SeeAlso: AX=AF02h,AX=AF03h,AX=AF04h,AX=AF13h,AX=AF30h --------O-2FAF01----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - TURN ON ONLINE MODE AX = AF01h Return: nothing Desc: indicate that the user will not exchange floppy disks, allowing WinDOS to cache disk sectors in memory and avoid writing modified sectors back out to the floppy disk SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF02h"WinDOS" --------O-2FAF02----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - TURN OFF ONLINE MODE AX = AF02h Return: nothing Desc: indicate that the floppy disk may be removed, and that WinDOS should write all buffered sectors out to the floppy disk SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF01h"WinDOS" ----------2FAF02----------------------------- INT 2F U - ??? AX = AF02h ??? Return: ES = ??? SeeAlso: AX=AF00h --------O-2FAF03----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - TURN VIDMEM ON AX = AF03h Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h CPU not in mode set by DOS386=On 0002h video adapter in graphics mode 0003h memory chain corrupted SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF04h"WinDOS",AX=AF05h"WinDOS" ----------2FAF03----------------------------- INT 2F U - ??? AX = AF03h ??? Return: DX = ??? SeeAlso: AX=AF00h --------O-2FAF04----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - TURN VIDMEM OFF AX = AF04h Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h video memory is in use SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF03h"WinDOS",AX=AF05h"WinDOS" ----------2FAF04----------------------------- INT 2F U - ??? AX = AF04h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=AF00h --------O-2FAF05----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - GET VIDMEM STATE AX = AF05h Return: AX = status (0000h off, 0001h on) SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF03h"WinDOS",AX=AF04h"WinDOS" ----------2FAF05----------------------------- INT 2F U - ??? AX = AF05h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=AF00h --------O-2FAF06----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - MAKE PROGRAM UNBREAKABLE AX = AF06h DS:DX -> break handler DI:BX = stack to use for break handler Return: nothing Desc: set a handler which should be invoked when Ctrl-C is pressed instead of aborting the program SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF0Ah"WinDOS",AX=AF0Ch"WinDOS" --------O-2FAF07----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - SIGNAL FATAL OVERLAY FAULT AX = AF07h Return: never -- system reset Desc: pop up a window indicating that the system overlay file can not be loaded SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF08h"WinDOS" --------O-2FAF08----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - SIGNAL RECOVERABLE OVERLAY FAULT AX = AF08h Return: nothing Desc: pop up a window requesting that a disk containing SH.OVL be inserted SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF07h"WinDOS",AX=AF0Bh --------O-2FAF09----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - GET TERMINATED PSP AX = AF09h Return: DS = PSP segment of most recently ended TSR SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF0Ah --------O-2FAF0A----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - GET MAIN SHELL PSP AX = AF0Ah Return: AX = shell's PSP (same as DS on last call to AX=AF06h) Desc: get the PSP address of the last program to call AX=AF06h (normally the main command interpreter) SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF06h"WinDOS",AX=AF09h --------O-2FAF0B----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - SIGNAL FATAL ERROR AX = AF0Bh Return: never -- system reset Desc: pop up a window indicating a terminal system error SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF07h,AX=AF08h,AX=AF15h"WinDOS" --------O-2FAF0C----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - GET OTHER MAIN SHELL PARAMETERS AX = AF0Ch Return: DI:AX = stack SI = offset of break handler Desc: retrieve the parameters last set by AX=AF06h (normally by the main command interpreter) SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF06h"WinDOS" --------O-2FAF0D----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - GET CURRENT PARAMETER AX = AF0Dh BX = offset of desired parameter in global data area Return: AX = current value of parameter (AH undefined if byte value) SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF0Eh --------O-2FAF0E----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - SET CURRENT PARAMETER BYTE VALUE AX = AF0Eh BX = offset of desired parameter in global data area DL = new value of parameter Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF0Dh --------O-2FAF0F----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - GET HISTORY SEGMENT AX = AF0Fh Return: AX = segment of buffer for input history, or 0000h if none SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF10h"WinDOS" --------O-2FAF10----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - SET HISTORY SEGMENT AX = AF10h BX = segment of new buffer for input history Return: nothing Note: the buffer must have been allocated with INT 21/AH=48h SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF0Fh"WinDOS" --------O-2FAF11----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - FREE XMS BLOCKS AX = AF11h Return: nothing Desc: free all XMS blocks whose XMS identification value (see AX=AF12h) equals the current PSP SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF12h"WinDOS",INT 21/AH=50h --------O-2FAF12----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - SET XMS IDENTIFICATION VALUE AX = AF12h DS = new XMS identification value (normally caller's PSP segment) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF11h"WinDOS" ----------2FAF12----------------------------- INT 2F U - ??? AX = AF12h ??? Return: ES = ??? SeeAlso: AX=AF00h --------O-2FAF13----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - SET ASSIGN VALUE AX = AF13h BL = number of drive to remap (00h = A:) DL = number of drive to be accessed via drive number BL Return: nothing Desc: remap a drive letter Note: the remapping can be canceled by specifying DL=BL SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF14h"WinDOS",AX=0601h ----------2FAF13----------------------------- INT 2F U - ??? AX = AF13h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=AF00h --------O-2FAF14----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - GET ASSIGN VALUE AX = AF14h BL = drive number (00h = A:) Return: DL = drive number which is actually accessed by drive number BL Desc: determine the current mapping for a drive SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF13h"WinDOS",AX=0601h --------O-2FAF15----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - SIGNAL STACK ERROR AX = AF15h Return: never -- system reset Desc: pop up a window indicating a stack overflow SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",AX=AF0Bh"WinDOS" --------O-2FAF16----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - GET SIMPLE TRUENAME AX = AF16h DS:SI -> path to be canonicalized ES:DI -> buffer for canonicalized filename/pathname Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0000h CF set on error AX = DOS error code (see #01680 at INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h) Desc: partially canonicalize a path, omitting SUBST, JOIN, ASSIGN, and network redirections SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS",INT 21/AH=60h --------O-2FAF17----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - QUERY FOR NEW CURRENT DRIVE AX = AF17h Return: nothing Desc: pop up a dialog allowing the user to select a new default drive SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS" --------O-2FAF18----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - SET CTRL-C/CTRL-BREAK DISABLE FLAG AX = AF18h DL = new break-checking state (00h enabled, 01h disabled) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS" --------O-2FAF19----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - SET HEAD SETTLE FLAG AX = AF19h DL = new state 00h diskette head settling time reset to 15ms before each access 01h no additional head settling time used between accesses Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS" --------O-2FAF1A----------------------------- INT 2F - WinDOS v2.11 - SEARCH FOR NON-FRAGMENTED DISK AREA AX = AF1Ah BL = drive (00h = current, 01h = A:, etc.) CX = number of clusters desired Return: CF clear if successful DI = first free cluster on logical drive BP = first cluster of contiguous free area AX destroyed CF set on error AX = DOS error code (see #01680 at INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h) Desc: attempt to find an area of the disk containing the specified number of contiguous unallocated clusters SeeAlso: AX=AF00h"WinDOS" ----------2FAF30----------------------------- INT 2F U - ??? AX = AF30h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=AF00h --------d-2FAFDE----------------------------- INT 2F - Disk-Emu - INSTALLATION CHECK / GET VERSION AX = AFDEh ES:DI -> 14-byte buffer for data (see #02979) Return: AX = CFDEh (Carlos Fernandez Disk-Emu) if installed BX = version (BH = major, BL = minor) Format of Disk-Emu information data: Offset Size Description (Table 02979) 00h BYTE number of tracks 01h BYTE sectors per track 02h WORD bytes per sector 04h BYTE number of heads 05h BYTE flag: 00h inactive, 01h active 06h BYTE write protection (00h none, 01h full, 02h pseudo) 07h BYTE saved (00h some unsaved data, 01h all data saved) 08h BYTE disk in memory (00h no, 01h yes) 09h WORD EMS handle 0Bh WORD XMS handle 0Dh BYTE memory type used for disk (00h XMS, 01h EMS) --------V-2FB000----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS 3.3+ GRAFTABL.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = B000h Return: AL = status 00h not installed, OK to install 01h not installed, not OK to install FFh installed Notes: called by DISPLAY.SYS documented for DOS 5.0, but undocumented in prior versions SeeAlso: AX=2300h,AX=2E00h,AX=B001h --------V-2FB001----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS 3.3+ GRAFTABL.COM - GET GRAPHICS FONT TABLE AX = B001h DS:BX -> DWORD buffer for address of 8x8 font table Return: buffer filled AL = FFh Note: PC-DOS 3.30/4.01 and MS-DOS 6.0 set the font table offset to 0130h, MS-DOS 3.30 sets it to 0030h SeeAlso: AH=2Eh"GRAFTABL",AX=B000h --------I-2FB400----------------------------- INT 2F - IBM PC3270 EMULATION PROG v3 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = B400h Return: AL = FFh if installed --------I-2FB401----------------------------- INT 2F - IBM PC3270 EMULATION PROG v3 - GET HOST BUFFER ADDRESS AX = B401h Return: ES -> host screen buffer (PC ASCII format) ES unchanged if communications not started --------I-2FB402----------------------------- INT 2F - IBM PC3270 EMULATION PROG v3 - ??? AX = B402h BX = ??? Return: ??? --------I-2FB403----------------------------- INT 2F - IBM PC3270 EMULATION PROG v3 - ??? AX = B403h ??? Return: ??? --------I-2FB404----------------------------- INT 2F - IBM PC3270 EMULATION PROG v3 - ??? AX = B404h ??? Return: ??? --------I-2FB405----------------------------- INT 2F - IBM PC3270 EMULATION PROG v3 - ??? AX = B405h ??? Return: ??? --------f-2FB700----------------------------- INT 2F - APPEND - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = B700h Return: AL = status 00h not installed FFh installed Note: MS-DOS 3.30 APPEND refuses to install itself when run inside TopView or a TopView-compatible environment SeeAlso: AX=B702h --------f-2FB701----------------------------- INT 2F U - APPEND v3.21 only - GET APPEND PATH AX = B701h Return: ES:DI -> active APPEND path Notes: the only version of APPEND known to support this call is the APPEND shipped with Microtek MS-DOS 3.21; MS-DOS 3.30-6.00 APPEND displays "Incorrect APPEND Version" and aborts the caller use AX=B704h first, and only call this function if that one is not supported SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B704h --------f-2FB702----------------------------- INT 2F - APPEND - GET VERSION AX = B702h Return: AX = FFFFh if not DOS 4.0 APPEND (also if DOS 5.0 APPEND) AL = major version number AH = minor version number, otherwise SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B710h --------f-2FB703----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 3.3, DOS 5.0 APPEND - HOOK INT 21 AX = B703h ES:DI -> INT 21 handler APPEND should chain to Return: ES:DI -> APPEND's INT 21 handler Note: each invocation of this function toggles a flag which APPEND uses to determine whether to chain to the user handler or the original INT 21 SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B706h --------f-2FB704----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS 3.3+ APPEND - GET APPEND PATH AX = B704h Return: ES:DI -> active APPEND path (128 bytes max) Note: some versions of append do not support this call, and return ES unchanged; in this case, you should call AX=B701h to get the APPEND path SeeAlso: AX=B701h --------f-2FB706----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS 4.0+ APPEND - GET APPEND FUNCTION STATE AX = B706h Return: BX = APPEND state (see #02980) SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B707h Bitfields for APPEND state: Bit(s) Description (Table 02980) 0 set if APPEND enabled 1-11 reserved 12 (DOS 5.0) set if APPEND applies directory search even if a drive has been specified 13 set if /PATH flag active 14 set if /E flag active (environment var APPEND exists) 15 set if /X flag active --------f-2FB707----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS 4.0+ APPEND - SET APPEND FUNCTION STATE AX = B707h BX = APPEND state bits (see #02980) SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B706h --------f-2FB710----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ APPEND - GET VERSION INFO AX = B710h Return: AX = current APPEND state (see #02980) BX = ??? (0000h in MS-DOS 3.30 and 5.00) CX = ??? (0000h in MS-DOS 3.30 and 5.00) DL = major version DH = minor version SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B702h --------f-2FB711----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS 4.0+ APPEND - SET RETURN FOUND NAME STATE AX = B711h Note: if the next INT 21h call (and ONLY the next) is function 3Dh, 43h, or 6Ch (also 4B03h and 4Eh if /X active), the fully qualified filename is written over top of the filename passed to the INT 21h call. The application must provide a sufficiently large buffer. This state is reset after the next INT 21h call processed by APPEND. APPEND uses the byte at offset 3Dh in the PSP (see #01378 at INT 21/AH=26h) to store the flag telling it to overwrite the filename BUG: DOS 4.0 APPEND reportedly overwrites DS:DX instead of DS:SI for INT 21/AH=6Ch SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=26h,INT 21/AH=4Eh --------N-2FB800----------------------------- INT 2F - NETWORK - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = B800h Return: AL = status 00h not installed nonzero installed BX = installed component flags (test in this order!) bit 6 server bit 2 messenger bit 7 receiver bit 3 redirector bit 1 LANPUP (LANtastic 4.0) Notes: this function is supported by PC LAN Program, LAN Manager, LANtastic, NetWare Lite, SilverNET, 10NET, etc. LANtastic and NetWare Lite use only BL for the return value, preserving BH; LAN Manager and DOS LAN Requester return BH=00h. This permits differentiation between those two groups by setting BH to a nonzero value before the call and checking its value on return. SeeAlso: AX=4E53h,AX=B809h --------N-2FB800CXF041----------------------- INT 2F - 10NET - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = B800h CX = F041h Return: AL = status 00h not installed nonzero installed BX = installed component flags (test in this order!) bit 6 server bit 2 messenger bit 7 receiver bit 3 redirector bit 1 LANPUP (LANtastic 4.0) CX = 10Net data segment CX:DX -> 10Net Configuration Table (see #01691 at INT 21/AX=5E01h"10NET") Note: if CX <> F041h on entry, neither CX nor DX will be changed, and this call becomes identical to the standard installation check above SeeAlso: AX=B800h"network",INT 21/AX=5E01h"10NET" --------N-2FB803----------------------------- INT 2F - NETWORK - GET NETWORK EVENT POST HANDLER AX = B803h Return: ES:BX -> current event post handler (see AX=B804h) Note: this function is supported by PC LAN Program, 10NET v5.0, NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ SeeAlso: AX=B800h,AX=B804h,AX=B903h --------N-2FB804----------------------------- INT 2F - NETWORK - SET NETWORK EVENT POST HANDLER AX = B804h CX = (10NET) 0370h if 10Windows is hooking post handler ES:BX -> new event post handler (see #02981) Notes: used in conjunction with AX=B803h to hook into the network event post routine this function is supported by PC LAN Program, 10NET v5.0, NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ The specified handler is called on any network event. Two events are defined: message received and critical network error. SeeAlso: AX=B800h,AX=B803h,AX=B904h (Table 02981) Values network post routine is called with: AX = 0000h single block message DS:SI -> ASCIZ originator name DS:DI -> ASCIZ destination name ES:BX -> text header (see #02982) AX = 0001h start multiple message block CX = block group ID DS:SI -> ASCIZ originator name DS:DI -> ASCIZ destination name AX = 0002h multiple block text CX = block group ID ES:BX -> text header (see #02982) AX = 0003h end multiple block message CX = block group ID AX = 0004h message aborted due to error CX = block group ID AX = 0101h server received badly formatted network request Return: AX = FFFFh (PC LAN will process error) AX = 0102h unexpected network error ES:BX -> NCB (see #03249 at INT 5C"NetBIOS") AX = 0103h server received INT 24 error other registers as for INT 24, except AH is in BH Return: as below, but only 0000h and FFFFh allowed Return: AX = response code 0000h user post routine processed message 0001h PC LAN will process message, but message window not displayed FFFFh PC LAN will process message Format of text header: Offset Size Description (Table 02982) 00h WORD length of text (maximum 512 bytes) 02h N BYTEs text of message Note: all CRLF sequences in message text are replaced by 14h; all other values below 20h (space) are reserved --------N-2FB807----------------------------- INT 2F - NETWORK - GET NetBIOS NAME NUMBER OF MACHINE NAME AX = B807h Return: CH = NetBIOS name number of the machine name SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=5E00h --------N-2FB808----------------------------- INT 2F U - NETWORK - RELINK KEYBOARD HANDLER AX = B808h ES:BX -> INT 09 handler network should call after it finishes INT 09 Notes: this call replaces the address to which the network software chains on an INT 09 without preserving the original value. This allows a prior handler to unlink, but does not allow a new handler to be added such that the network gets the INT 09 first unless the new handler completely takes over INT 09 and never chains. this function is called by the DOS 3.2 KEYBxx.COM and DOS 3.3+ KEYB.COM SeeAlso: AX=B908h --------N-2FB809----------------------------- INT 2F - NETWORK - LANtastic, NetWare Lite - GET VERSION AX = B809h Return: AH = major version AL = minor version (decimal) Notes: this function is supported in this form by LANtastic, NetWare Lite, SilverNET, ... NetWare Lite returns its own version number rather than a PC LAN compatibility version SeeAlso: AX=4E53h,AX=B800h,AX=B809h"PC LAN Program" --------N-2FB809----------------------------- INT 2F - NETWORK - PC LAN Program, Microsoft Networking - GET VERSION AX = B809h Return: AH = minor version (decimal) AL = major version Notes: this function is supported in this form by PC LAN Program, LAN Manager, the DOS LAN Requester, 10NET v5.0, and Microsoft Networking under WfWg 3.11 10NET returns version 1.10 (AX=0A01h) for compatibility SeeAlso: AX=4E53h,AX=B800h,AX=B809h"LANtastic" --------N-2FB80A----------------------------- INT 2F u - PC Network 1.00 - ??? AX = B80Ah ??? Return: ??? Program: PC Network is an early networking package which was renamed the IBM PC Local Area Network Program (PC LAN Program) as of v1.10 Note: called by RECEIVER (equivalent to NetWare Lite SERVER) --------N-2FB80E----------------------------- INT 2F U - DOS LAN Requester - GET XSI2 ADDRESS / DATA AX = B80Eh Return: DS:DI -> XSI2 TSR's resident data (see #02983) Note: this function is used by NET.COM to locate the USERID and DOMAIN of the logged-in user (which may differ from the NET START domain name from DOSLAN.INI which is returned by AX=B80Fh) SeeAlso: AX=B800h,AX=B80Fh Format of XSI2 resident data: Offset Size Description (Table 02983) 00h 254 BYTEs ??? FEh 10 BYTEs user ID 1 108h 10 BYTEs user ID 2 112h 10 BYTEs domain name 1 11Ch 10 BYTEs domain name 2 126h ? BYTEs domain controller --------N-2FB80F----------------------------- INT 2F - DOS LAN Requester - GET START PARAMETERS AX = B80Fh CX = size of return data buffer ES:DI -> return data buffer (see #02984) Return: AX = status 00h network started nonzero network not started CX = number of bytes returned in buffer ES:DI buffer filled SeeAlso: AX=B809h"PC LAN Program",AX=B80Eh Format of DOS LAN Requester return data buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02984) 00h BYTE major version 01h BYTE minor version 02h WORD configuration flags given when network was started (see #02985) 04h 15 BYTEs NET START machine name (space padded) 13h BYTE 00h 14h 9 BYTEs NET START domain name (NULL padded) 1Dh BYTE 00h 1Eh 32 BYTEs /WRK heuristics string (space padded, not terminated) 3Eh WORD /SRV value 40h WORD /ASG value 42h WORD /NBC value 44h WORD /NBS value 46h WORD /BBC value 48h WORD /BBS value 4Ah WORD /PBC value 4Ch WORD /PBS value 4Eh WORD /PFS value 50h WORD /PFT value 52h WORD /PWT value 54h WORD /KUC value 56h WORD /KST value 58h WORD /NVS value 5Ah WORD /NMS value 5Ch WORD /NDB value 5Eh WORD /MBI value 60h BYTE NetBIOS name number for machine name 61h BYTE NetBIOS name number for domain name 62h WORD NetBIOS sessions required for configuration 64h WORD NetBIOS commands required for configuration 66h WORD NetBIOS names required for configuration 68h 128 BYTEs NET START path (LANROOT) E8h BYTE 00h Bitfields for configuration flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 02985) 0 /NVS nonzero 1 /NMS nonzero 2 /API 3 /HIM 4 /LIM 5 /ENC 6 /POP 7 /EMS 8 /RPL 9-12 reserved 13 RDR started 14 RCV started 15 User is currently logged on --------N-2FB900----------------------------- INT 2F - PC Network RECEIVER.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = B900h Return: AL = state 00h if not installed FFh if installed --------N-2FB901----------------------------- INT 2F - PC Network RECEIVER.COM - GET RECEIVER.COM INT 2F HANDLER ADDRESS AX = B901h Return: AL = ??? ES:BX -> RECEIVER.COM INT 2F handler Desc: allows more efficient execution by letting the caller bypass any other INT 2F handlers which have been added since RECEIVER.COM was installed --------N-2FB903----------------------------- INT 2F - PC Network RECEIVER.COM - GET RECEIVER.COM POST ADDRESS AX = B903h Return: ES:BX -> POST handler SeeAlso: AX=B803h,AX=B904h --------N-2FB904----------------------------- INT 2F - PC Network RECEIVER.COM - SET RECEIVER.COM POST ADDRESS AX = B904h ES:BX -> new POST handler SeeAlso: AX=B804h,AX=B903h --------N-2FB905----------------------------- INT 2F - PC Network RECEIVER.COM - GET FILENAME AX = B905h DS:BX -> 128-byte buffer for filename 1 DS:DX -> 128-byte buffer for filename 2 Return: buffers filled from RECEIVER.COM internal buffers Note: use of filenames is unknown, but one appears to be for storing messages SeeAlso: AX=B906h --------N-2FB906----------------------------- INT 2F - PC Network RECEIVER.COM - SET FILENAME AX = B906h DS:BX -> 128-byte buffer for filename 1 DS:DX -> 128-byte buffer for filename 2 Return: RECEIVER.COM internal buffers filled from user buffers Note: use of filenames is unknown, but one appears to be for storing messages SeeAlso: AX=B905h --------N-2FB908----------------------------- INT 2F - PC Network RECEIVER.COM - UNLINK KEYBOARD HANDLER AX = B908h ES:BX -> INT 09 handler RECEIVER should call after it finishes INT 09 Note: this call replaces the address to which RECEIVER.COM chains on an INT 09 without preserving the original value. This allows a prior handler to unlink, but does not allow a new handler to be added such that RECEIVER gets the INT 09 first. SeeAlso: AX=B808h ----------2FBB00BX0000----------------------- INT 2F - CATC USB4DOS Host Controller - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = BB00h BX = 0000h Return: AX = 0001h if installed ----------2FBB00BX0001----------------------- INT 2F - CATC USB4DOS Host Controller - GET ??? AX = BB00h BX = 0001h Return: AX = 0000h CX:BX -> ??? ----------2FBB00BX0002----------------------- INT 2F - CATC USB4DOS Host Controller - EXECUTE USB REQUEST AX = BB00h BX = 0002h CX:DX -> request packet (see #04097) Return: AX = destroyed Format of USB4DOS Host Controller request packet: Offset Size Description (Table 04097) 00h WORD command number 02h WORD (ret) major status 04h WORD (ret) minor status 06h DWORD -> callback function 0Ah 25 BYTEs data for command (varies by command number) 23h 12 BYTEs reserved for future use ----------2FBB00BX0003----------------------- INT 2F - CATC USB4DOS Host Controller - ??? (POLLS VARIOUS I/O PORTS) AX = BB00h BX = 0003h Return: AX = ??? ----------2FBB00----------------------------- INT 2F - CATC USB4DOS Host Controller - INVALID FUNCTION AX = BB00h BX > 0003h Return: AX = FFFFh (invalid function) --------V-2FBC00----------------------------- INT 2F - Windows 3.0, DOS 5+ EGA.SYS - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = BC00h Return: AL = state 00h not installed, OK to install 01h not installed, not OK to install FFh installed BX = 5456h ("TV") Range: AH=80h to AH=FFh, selected by commandline switch SeeAlso: AX=BC06h"EGA",INT 10/AH=FAh"EGA" ----------2FBC00BL00------------------------- INT 2F - CATC USB4DOS Device Manager - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = BC00h BL = 00h Return: AX = installation state 0000h not installed 0001h installed BC00h not installed SeeAlso: AX=BC00h/BL=01h,AX=BC00h/BL=03h ----------2FBC00BL01------------------------- INT 2F - CATC USB4DOS Device Manager - REGISTER DEVICE AX = BC00h BL = 01h CX:DX -> client_info structure (see #04096) Return: AX = client number, 0000h on failure SeeAlso: AX=BC00h/BL=02h,AX=BC00h/BL=00h Format of CATC USB4DOS client_info structure: Offset Size Description (Table 04096) 00h DWORD -> Attach() worker function 04h DWORD -> Detach() worker function ----------2FBC00BL02------------------------- INT 2F - CATC USB4DOS Device Manager - UNLOAD DEVICE AX = BC00h BL = 02h CX = client number Return: AX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=BC00h/BL=01h,AX=BC00h/BL=00h ----------2FBC00BL03------------------------- INT 2F - CATC USB4DOS Device Manager - HUB DEVICE ATTACHED AX = BC00h BL = 03h BH = address and device type bits 7-1: USB address of hub bit 0: device speed =0 low-speed device =1 full-speed device CX:DX -> callback function Return: AX = USB address of attached device, or 0000h on failure SeeAlso: AX=BC00h/BL=04h,AX=BC00h/BL=00h ----------2FBC00BL04------------------------- INT 2F - CATC USB4DOS Device Manager - HUB DEVICE DETACHED AX = BC00h BL = 04h BH = USB address of detached device (may be the hub itself) Return: AX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=BC00h/BL=03h,AX=BC00h/BL=00h --------s-2FBC00BX3F3F----------------------- INT 2F - MediaVision MVSOUND.SYS - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = BC00h BX = 3F3Fh ('??') CX = 0000h DX = 0000h Return: if installed, BX XOR CX XOR DX = 4D56h ('MV') Program: MVSOUND.SYS is a driver for the MediaVision ProAudio Spectrum family of sound boards; its primary programmer was Bryan Crane SeeAlso: AX=BC01h"MVSOUND",AX=BC02h,AX=BC03h,AX=BC04h,AX=BC06h"MVSOUND" --------s-2FBC01----------------------------- INT 2F - MediaVision MVSOUND.SYS - GET VERSION AX = BC01h BX = magic value 6D20h ('m ') CX = magic value 2076h (' v') DX = magic value 2020h (' ') Return: BX = ASCII major version (leading zeros significant) CX = ASCII minor version (leading zeros significant) SeeAlso: AX=BC00h/BX=3F3Fh --------s-2FBC02----------------------------- INT 2F - MediaVision MVSOUND.SYS - GET STATE TABLE POINTER AX = BC02h Return: AX = 4D56h ('MV') BX:DX -> state table SeeAlso: AX=BC00h/BX=3F3Fh,AX=BC03h --------s-2FBC03----------------------------- INT 2F - MediaVision MVSOUND.SYS - GET FUNCTION TABLE POINTER AX = BC03h Return: AX = 4D56h ('MV') BX:DX -> function table CX = ??? (000Eh) SeeAlso: AX=BC00h/BX=3F3Fh,AX=BC02h --------s-2FBC04----------------------------- INT 2F - MediaVision MVSOUND.SYS - GET DMA AND IRQ CHANNELS AX = BC04h Return: AX = 4D56h ('MV') BL = DMA channel CL = IRQ number SeeAlso: AX=BC00h/BX=3F3Fh,AX=BC01h"MVSOUND" --------V-2FBC06----------------------------- INT 2F U - MS Windows 3.0, DOS 5+ EGA.SYS - GET VERSION INFO AX = BC06h Return: BX = 5456h ("TV") CH = major version CL = minor version DL = revision SeeAlso: AX=BC00h"EGA",INT 10/AH=FAh"EGA" --------s-2FBC06----------------------------- INT 2F - MediaVision MVSOUND.SYS - GET STATUS STRING AX = BC06h Return: AX = 4D56h ('MV') DX:BX -> status string (first byte 0Ch if no status message to display) SeeAlso: AX=BC00h/BX=3F3Fh,AX=BC01h"MVSOUND",AX=BC0Bh"MVSOUND" --------s-2FBC0B----------------------------- INT 2F - MediaVision MVSOUND.SYS - GET EXECUTABLE PATH AX = BC0Bh Return: BX:DX -> ASCIZ path for MVPROAS.EXE, 0000h:0000h if not available SeeAlso: AX=BC00h/BX=3F3Fh --------s-2FBC0E----------------------------- INT 2F - MediaVision MVSOUND.SYS - RE-INITIALIZE INT 09 HANDLER AX = BC0Eh Return: BX = status 0000h on failure AX = 0000h FFFFh if successful DX:AX -> prior INT 09 handler Desc: re-initialize INT 09 handler to re-enable hotkeys (e.g. after loading KEYB) --------U-2FBE00----------------------------- INT 2F - REDVIEW - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = BE00h Return: AL = FFh if installed Program: REDVIEW is a public-domain TSR by Alexandr Novy and Petr Horak which copies data sent to standard output to standard error when the former has been redirected to a file, thus allowing the data to be seen on the screen at the same time it is captured in a file --------N-2FBF00----------------------------- INT 2F - PC LAN PROGRAM REDIRIFS.EXE internal - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = BF00h Return: AL = FFh if installed Note: this function is also supported by NetSoft's DOS-NET v1.20+; however, none of the remaining BFxxh calls are supported SeeAlso: AX=BF01h,AX=BF80h,INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-2FBF01----------------------------- INT 2F U - PC LAN PROGRAM REDIRIFS.EXE internal - ??? AX = BF01h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=BF00h --------N-2FBF80----------------------------- INT 2F - PC LAN PROG REDIR.SYS internal - SET REDIRIFS ENTRY POINT AX = BF80h ES:DI -> FAR entry point to IFS handler in REDIRIFS Return: AL = FFh if installed ES:DI -> internal workspace Note: all future IFS calls to REDIR.SYS are passed to the ES:DI entry point SeeAlso: AX=BF00h --------F-2FC0------------------------------- INT 2F - METZ XpressFax Hardware TSR (CLASS2) - API AH = C0h AL = function code (01h to 15h) Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=C000h/BX=444Bh,AX=CB00h/BX=4D53h --------N-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F - Novell ODI Link Support Layer (LSL.COM) - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed DX:BX -> FAR entry point (see #02986,#02987,#02988) ES:SI -> signature string "LINKSUP$" Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number Note: on return, ES = DX for LSL v1.10 and v2.05; LSL makes use of this in its search for a previous installation SeeAlso: AX=5100h,AX=C000h"NESL" (Table 02986) Call LSL function "Request MLID Registration" with: BX = 0001h ES:SI -> registration??? record (see #02990) DS:DI -> buffer for LSL information block (see #02991) Return: AX = completion code (0000h,8001h) (see #02989) DS:DI buffer filled if successful BX,CX corrupted Note: see "Novell LAN Driver Developer's Guide, Volume III" for more details (Table 02987) Call LSL function "get support entry points" with: BX = 0002h ES:SI -> buffer for entry point record (see #02992) Return: ES:SI buffer filled (Table 02988) Call LSL function "Request MLID API entry point" with: BX = 0003h Return: ES:SI -> MLID (Multiple Link Interface Driver) API entry point (call with BX=function 00h-10h, not range-checked) Note: LSL v1.10 and v2.05 execute BX=0003h for BX=0000h and any BX >= 0003h (Table 02989) Values for LSL completion code: 0000h successful 8001h out of resources 8002h bad parameter 8003h no more items 8004h item not present 8005h failed 8006h receive overflow 8007h canceled 8008h bad command 8009h duplicate entry 800Ah no such handler 800Bh no such driver Format of LSL registration record: Offset Size Description (Table 02990) 00h DWORD -> ??? FAR function (to be called with ES:SI -> ??? and returning AX = completion code) 04h DWORD -> ??? 08h DWORD -> ??? data (at least 3Eh bytes) Format of LSL information block: Offset Size Description (Table 02991) 00h DWORD -> ??? entry point (called with BX=function 00h-11h) 04h WORD ??? 06h WORD ??? Note: due to a fencepost error, LSL v2.05 (distributed with Novell DOS 7) will crash if the above entry point is called with BX=0012h Format of entry point record: Offset Size Description (Table 02992) 00h DWORD pointer to protocol support entry point in LSL (see #02993) 04h DWORD pointer to general support entry point in LSL (see #02994) (Table 02993) Call protocol support entry point with: BX = function number 0000h ??? 0001h ??? 0002h ??? 0003h "ScheduleAESEvent" ES:SI -> AES ECB to be scheduled (see #02997) Return: ES,SI preserved 0004h "CancelAESEvent" ES:SI -> ECB to be cancelled (see #02997) Return: ES,SI preserved 0005h "GetIntervalMarker" Return: DX:AX = current interval marker in milliseconds all other registers preserved 0006h "RegisterStack" AX = logical board number ES:SI -> bound stack info structure (see #03007) Return: BX = assigned Stack ID if AX=0000h 0007h "DeRegisterStack" AX = protocol stack's assigned Stack ID 0008h "RegisterDefaultStack" AX = logical board number ES:SI -> stack info structure (see #03008) 0009h "DeRegisterDefaultStack" AX = logical board number 000Ah "RegisterPrescanStack" AX = logical board number ES:SI -> stack info structure (see #03008) 000Bh "DeRegisterPrescanStack" AX = logical board number 000Ch "SendPacket" ES:SI -> send ECB Return: interrupts disabled 000Dh ??? 000Eh ??? 000Fh ??? 0010h "GetStackIDFromName" ES:SI -> counted NUL-terminated protocol name (max 15 chars) Return: BX = Stack ID if AX=0000h 0011h "GetPIDFromStackIDBoard" AX = Stack ID for protocol CX = logical board number ES:SI -> 6-byte buffer for protocol ID 0012h "GetMLIDControlEntry" AX = logical board number Return: ES:SI -> MLID control handler (see #02995) if AX=0000h 0013h "GetProtocolControlEntry" AX = Stack ID or FFFEh Prescan stack CX = logical board number FFFFh default protocol CX = logical board number Return: ES:SI -> protocol stack control entry point if AX=0000h (see #02996) 0014h "GetLSLStatistics" Return: AX = 0000h (successful) ZF set ES:SI -> LSL statistics table (see #02999) 0015h "BindStack" AX = protocol stack's assigned Stack ID CX = logical board number 0016h "UnbindStack" AX = protocol stack's assigned Stack ID CX = logical board number 0017h "AddProtocolID" AX = frame type ID code ES:SI -> 6-byte protocol ID CX:DI -> counted NUL-terminated short protocol name (max 15 ch) 0018h "RelinquishControl" Return: after LSL performs any necessary background processing 0019h "GetLSLConfiguration" Return: AX = 0000h (successful) ZF set ES:SI -> LSL configuration table (see #02998) 001Ah "GetTickMarker" Return: AX = number of 55ms ticks since LSL loaded BX destroyed Return: AX = completion code (see #02989) ZF set if successful SS:SP, DS, BP preserved; most other registers may be destroyed (Table 02994) Call general support entry point with: BX = function number 0000h "Allocate Memory" (obsolete) always returns AX=8008h (BAD_COMMAND) 0001h "Free Memory" (obsolete) always returns AX=8008h (BAD_COMMAND) 0002h "Realloc Memory" (obsolete) always returns AX=8008h (BAD_COMMAND) 0003h "Memory Statistics" (obsolete) always returns AX=8008h (BAD_COMMAND) 0004h "Add Memory To Pool" (obsolete) always returns AX=8008h (BAD_COMMAND) 0005h "AddGeneralService" ES:SI -> General Service Control Block (see #03009) 0006h "RemoveGeneralService" ES:SI -> General Service Control Block (see #03009) 0007h "GetNETcfgPath" Return: AX = 0000h (successful) DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname for NET.CFG 0008h U ??? (in LSL 1.10) Return: AX = 0000h ES:SI -> ??? (a 22-byte data area) 000Ah "GetCriticalSectionStatus" Return: BX = total outstanding calls to "StartCriticalSection" 000Bh "ServiceEvents" interrupts disabled Return: interrupts disabled 0010h "GetStackECB" DS:DI -> Lookahead structure (see #03010) interrupts disabled Return: ES:SI -> ECB if successful (AX=0000h,ZF set) interrupts disabled 8000h-FFFFh reserved for user general service providers Return: AX = completion code (see #02989) ZF set if successful SS:SP, DS, BP preserved (Table 02995) Call MLID control handler with: AX = logical board number BX = function number 0000h "GetMLIDConfiguration" Return: ES:SI -> MLID's configuration table if successful (see #03002 for format) 0001h "GetMLIDStatistics" Return: ES:SI -> MLID's statistics table if successful (see #03002 for format) 0002h "AddMulticastAddress" ES:SI -> 6-byte multicast address to add 0003h "DeleteMulticastAddress" ES:SI -> 6-byte multicast address to delete 0005h "MLIDShutdown" CX = type 0000h permanent (also deregisters from LSL) other temporary (shutdown hardware only) 0006h "MLIDReset" reinitialize board / restart from temp shutdown 0007h "Create Connection" (obsolete?) ??? 0008h "Delete Connection" (obsolete?) ??? 0009h "SetLookAheadSize" CX = requested lookahead size (00h-80h) 000Ah "PromiscuousChange" CX = what to receive promiscuously bit 0: MAC frames bit 1: non-MAC frames 000Bh "RegisterReceiveMonitor" CX = subfunction 0000h disable receive monitoring else enable receive monitoring ES:SI -> monitor receive routine ES:DI -> monitor transmit routine 000Ch "Driver Poll" (obsolete?) ??? Return: AX = completion code (see #02989) ZF set if successful Note: not all boards/MLIDs support function 0010h; see bit 13 in the MLID mode flags field of the MLID's configuration table (Table 02996) Call protocol stack control entry point with: BX = function number 0000h "GetProtocolStackConfiguration" Return: ES:SI -> protocol stack's configuration table (see #03001) 0001h "GetProtocolStackStatistics" Return: ES:SI -> protocol stack's statistics table (see #03000) 0002h "BindToMLID" CX = board number to bind to ES:SI -> implementation-dependant parameter string 0003h "UnBindFromMLID" CX = board number from which protocol should unbind ES:SI -> optional implementation-dependant parameter string 0004h "MLIDDeRegistered" CX = board number that has de-registered from LSL Return: AX = status 0000h successful else implementation-dependant error codes ZF set if successful SS:SP, DS, BP preserved Format of AES ECB: Offset Size Description (Table 02997) 00h DWORD "AESLink" pointer used by LSL for list management 04h DWORD number of milliseconds to wait 08h DWORD "AESStatus" (is set to 00000000h when AES ESR is invoked) 0Ch DWORD -> function to be invoked when time expires ES:SI will point to this structure on entry, DS, BP, and SS:SP must be preserved. SeeAlso: #03011 Format of LSL Configuration Table: Offset Size Description (Table 02998) 00h BYTE major version of configuration table 01h BYTE minor version of configuration table (decimal, 0-99) 02h 8 BYTEs reserved 0Ah BYTE LSL major version (decimal) 0Bh BYTE LSL minor version (decimal, 0-99) ---LSL 1.0x --- 0Ch 14 BYTEs reserved ---LSL 1.10+ --- 0Ch WORD maximum number of boards which LSL can handle 0Eh WORD maximum number of protocol IDs which LSL can handle 10h 12 BYTEs reserved Format of LSL Statistics Table: Offset Size Description (Table 02999) 00h BYTE major version of statistics table format 01h BYTE minor version of statistics table format (decimal, 0-99) 02h WORD "GenericCounters" number of counters in static portion of table 04h DWORD "ValidCountersMask" bit mask indicating which generic counters are actually used. Bit 31 = TotalTxPackets, bit 30 is the next field, etc. 08h DWORD "TotalTxPackets" total SendPacket requests made 0Ch DWORD reserved 10h DWORD reserved 14h DWORD "AESEventsCount" number of completed AES events 18h DWORD "PostponedEvents" number of events postponed due to critical sections inside the MLIDs 1Ch DWORD "CancelAESFailures" number of times CancelAESEvent failed 20h DWORD reserved 24h DWORD reserved 28h DWORD "TotalRxPackets" total number of GetStackECB requests 2Ch DWORD "UnclaimedPackets" total number of packets not consumed by a protocol stack 30h WORD "NumberCustom" number of custom variables that follow 32h N DWORDs custom counters N DWORDs -> CustomCounterStrN (one per custom counter) var length-prepended and NULL terminated string for Counter 0 ... var length-prepended and NULL terminated string for Counter N-1 SeeAlso: #03000,#03006 Format of Protocol Stack Statistics Table: Offset Size Description (Table 03000) 00h BYTE statistics table major version 01h BYTE statistics table minor version (decimal, 0-99) 02h WORD number of generic counters following 04h DWORD "ValidCountersMask" (bitmask, bit 31 is TotalTxPackets) 08h DWORD TotalTxPackets 0Ch DWORD TotalRxPackets 10h DWORD IgnoredRxPackets 14h WORD number of custom counters 16h N DWORDs custom counters N DWORDs -> CustomCounterStrN (one per custom counter) var length-prepended and NULL terminated string for Counter 0 ... var length-prepended and NULL terminated string for Counter N-1 SeeAlso: #02999,#03006 Format of Protocol Stack Configuration Table: Offset Size Description (Table 03001) 00h BYTE configuration table major version 01h BYTE configuration table minor version (decimal, 0-99) 02h DWORD -> counted NUL-terminated long descriptive name for protocol 06h DWORD -> counted NUL-terminated short name for protocol (15 chars) 0Ah BYTE protocol stack major version 0Bh BYTE protocol stack minor version (decimal, 0-99) 0Ch 16 BYTEs reserved for future use Format of MLID Configuration Table: Offset Size Description (Table 03002) 00h 26 BYTEs signature 'HardwareDriverMLID ' (8 spaces on end) 1Ah BYTE configuration table major version 1Bh BYTE configuration table minor version (decimal, 0-99) 1Ch 6 BYTEs node address 22h WORD MLID mode flags (see #03003) 24h WORD board number 26h WORD board instance (if more than one of same board installed) 28h WORD maximum packet size 2Ah WORD BestDataSize 2Ch WORD WorstDataSize 2Eh DWORD -> counted NUL-terminated long name for NIC 32h DWORD -> counted NUL-terminated short name for NIC (8 chars max) 36h DWORD -> counted NUL-terminated Frame and Media type 3Ah WORD reserved (0000h) 3Ch WORD frame type ID 3Eh WORD TransportTime (milliseconds) 40h DWORD -> SourceRouteHandler for TokenRing. (Used by ROUTE.COM) 44h WORD lookahead size 46h WORD line speed (Mbps if high bit clear, else Kbps) 48h WORD QueueDepth 4Ah 6 BYTEs reserved (0) 50h BYTE driver major version 51h BYTE driver minor version (decimal, 0-99) 52h WORD bus/multicast flags (see #03004) 54h WORD send retries 56h DWORD ConfigTableLink 5Ah WORD MLID sharing flags (see #03005) 5Ch WORD slot number 5Eh WORD I/O address 1 60h WORD I/O range 1 62h WORD I/O address 2 64h WORD I/O range 2 66h DWORD memory address 1 6Ah WORD memory size 1 6Ch DWORD memory address 2 70h WORD memory size 2 72h BYTE interrupt line 1 73h BYTE interrupt line 2 74h BYTE DMA line 1 75h BYTE DMA line 2 Bitfields for MLID mode flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03003) 15 MLID supports Octet Reversal 14 node address is non-canonical 13 promiscuous mode is supported 12-8 reserved 7 LDataSize field in LookAhead structure supported 6 raw send supported 5 MLID needs to be polled by LSL 4 reserved (0) 3 multicasting is supported 2 not currently used by DOS ODI, set to 0. 1 network card uses DMA. 0 RealDriverBit, always set to 1. Bitfields for bus/multicast flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03004) 10-9 specialized multicast support 00 = Group addressing is default for medium 01 = Invalid 10 = Filter group address in MLID. 11 = Adapter filters group address. 2 supports Micro Channel cards 1 supports ISA cards 0 supports EISA cards Bitfields for MLID sharing flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03005) 8 NIC can share DMA2 7 NIC can share DMA1 6 NIC can share IRQ2 5 NIC can share IRQ1 4 NIC can share Memory2 3 NIC can share Memory1 2 NIC can share IO2 1 NIC can share IO1 0 MLID is currently shut down Format of MLID Statistics Table: Offset Size Description (Table 03006) 00h BYTE driver statistics table major version 01h BYTE driver statistics table minor version (decimal, 0-99) 02h WORD number of generic counters (typically 13) 04h DWORD "ValidCountersMask" (bit mask, bit 31 is TotalTxCount) 08h DWORD TotalTxCount 0Ch DWORD TotalRxCount 10h DWORD NoECBAvailableCount 14h DWORD TxTooBigCount 18h DWORD TxTooSmallCount 1Ch DWORD RxOverflowCount 20h DWORD RxTooBigCount 24h DWORD RxTooSmallCount 28h DWORD TxMiscCount 2Ch DWORD RxMiscCount 30h DWORD TxRetryCount 34h DWORD RxChecksumErrorCount 38h DWORD RxMismatchCount 3Ch WORD number of custom counters 3Eh N DWORDs custom counters N DWORDs -> CustomCounterStrN (one per custom counter) var length-prepended and NULL terminated string for Counter 0 ... var length-prepended and NULL terminated string for Counter N-1 SeeAlso: #02999,#03000 Format of bound stack info structure: Offset Size Description (Table 03007) 00h DWORD -> protocol stack's short name (counted, NUL-terminated) 04h DWORD -> receive handler 08h DWORD -> control handler Format of stack info structure: Offset Size Description (Table 03008) 00h DWORD -> receive handler 04h DWORD -> control handler Format of General Service Control Block: Offset Size Description (Table 03009) 00h DWORD -> next GSCB (maintained internally by LSL) 04h DWORD -> entry point for general service handler 08h WORD command code for this general service (8000h-FFFFh) Note: the control block must not be altered or deallocated until the general service is removed Format of Lookahead structure: Offset Size Description (Table 03010) 00h DWORD -> Media header 04h DWORD -> lookahead buffer 08h WORD length of lookahead buffer 0Ah 6 BYTEs protocol ID 10h WORD logical board number 12h WORD lookahead size Format of ODI ECB: Offset Size Description (Table 03011) 00h DWORD link to next ECB 04h DWORD link to previous ECB 08h WORD general status 0000h received successfully 8006h packet overflow 8007h reception aborted (data not valid) 0Ah DWORD -> event service routine or RETF (never 0000h:0000h)(see #03012) 0Eh WORD protocol stack identifier 10h 6 BYTEs protocol ID (sending only) 16h WORD MLID board number (sending only) 18h 6 BYTEs MAC destination address 1Eh 4 BYTEs driver workspace 22h 8 BYTEs protocol workspace 2Ah WORD total length of sent buffer 2Ch WORD fragment count 2Eh 2 WORDs segment,offset of first fragment buffer 32h WORD length of first fragment buffer ... SeeAlso: #02997 (Table 03012) Values event service routine is called with: ES:SI -> associated ODI ECB (see #03011) interrupts disabled Return: DS,BP,SS,SP preserved interrupt disabled Notes: the service routine may invoke any IPX/ODI function except CloseSocket it is safe to send a packet and wait for completion if enough stack space is available --------N-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare Event Service Layer (NESL) 1.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed DX:BX -> FAR entry point (see #03013,#03014,#03015,#03016,#03017,#03018) ES:SI -> signature string "NESL_EVENTS" Program: NESL is a generic interface for event handling in ODI drivers and other NetWare-oriented modules. Primarily intended to support power management and "hot swapping" of PCMCIA cards, but it is not limited to this. Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"Link Support Layer",AX=C000h"NETWARN" (Table 03013) Call NESL function GetNESLConfigPointer with: BX = 0000h Return: AX = completion code (0000h,8008h) (see #03019) ES:SI -> NESL configuration table if successful (see #03020) BP,DS,STACK preserved Desc: Obtain a pointer to the NESL Configuration Table SeeAlso: #03014,#03017 (Table 03014) Call NESL function RegisterEventProducer with: BX = 0001h ES:SI -> Producer Event Control Block (PECB) (see #03021) Return: AX = completion code (0000h, 8005h, 8008h) (see #03019) ES:SI -> still points to PECB BP,DS,STACK preserved Desc: Allows a module to register as a producer of a given event class Note: PECB_ClassName and PECB_Flags must be filled in on entry SeeAlso: #02870,#03015,#03016,#03017 (Table 03015) Call NESL function DeRegisterEventProducer with: BX = 0002h ES:SI -> PECB previously passed to RegisterEventProducer (see #03021) Return: AX = completion code (0000h, 8002h, 8008h) (see #03019) ES:SI -> still points to PECB BP,DS,STACK preserved Desc: Allows a module to de-register as a producer of a given event class SeeAlso: #03014,#03018 (Table 03016) Call NESL function EventNotification with: BX = 0003h ES:SI -> PECB previously registered (see #03021) Return: AX = completion code (0h, 8005h, 8008h) (see #03019) ES:SI -> still points to PECB BP,DS,STACK preserved Desc: Allows a module to signal that an event has just occurred in a given event class. Notes: Once called, NESL will generate corresponding callouts for this event, as described in Table #03023. on entry, the PECB_DataPtr must point at an Event Parameter Block (EPB) (see #03024) filled in to match the desired event SeeAlso: #03014 (Table 03017) Call NESL function RegisterEventConsumer with: BX = 0004h ES:SI -> Consumer Event Control Block (CECB) (see #03022) Return: AX = completion code (0h, 8005h, 8008h) (see #03019) ES:SI -> still points to CECB BP,DS,STACK preserved Desc: Allows a module to register as a consumer of a given event class Note: on entry, the CECB_ClassName, CECB_NotifProc and CECB_OSILevel must be filled in. SeeAlso: #03014,#03018 (Table 03018) Call NESL function DeRegisterEventConsumer with: BX = 0005h ES:SI -> CECB previously passed to RegisterEventConsumer (see #03022) Return: AX = completion code (0h, 8002h, 8008h) (see #03019) ES:SI -> still points to CECB BP,DS,STACK preserved Desc: Allows a module to de-register as a consumer of a given event class SeeAlso: #03015,#03017 (Table 03019) Values for NESL Error code: 0000h Successful 8002h Bad Parameter 8005h Fail 8008h Bad Command Format of NESL Configuration Table: Offset Size Description (Table 03020) 00h WORD NESL_Cfg_MajVer Major Version of this table (=1) 02h WORD NESL_Cfg_MinVer Minor Version of this table (=0) 04h DWORD NESL_Cfg_ModLName -> ASCIZ long name of NESL module (typically -> "NetWare Event Service Layer for 16-Bit DOS") 08h DWORD NESL_Cfg_ModSName -> ASCIZ short name of NESL module (typically -> "NESL") 0Ch WORD NESL_Cfg_ModMajVer Major Version of NESL itself (=1) 0Eh WORD NESL_Cfg_ModMinVer Minor Version of NESL itself (=0) Format of NESL Producer Event Control Block (PECB): Offset Size Description (Table 03021) 00h WORD PECB_MajVer Major Version of this structure (=1) 02h WORD PECB_MinVer Minor Version of this structure (=0) 04h DWORD PECB_NextProducer -> next PECB. NULL if last. 08h DWORD PECB_ClassName -> ASCIZ string identifying event class (see #03025) 0Ch DWORD PECB_ConsumerList -> list of consumers for this event class 10h DWORD PECB_DataPtr -> points to additional data during events 14h DWORD PECB_Flags Bit 0 =0 consumers should be called "top down" for this event class. (OSI level 7 down to OSI level 1) =1 consumers should be called "bottom up" Bits 1-31 Reserved =0 18h 8 BYTEs PECB_Reserved (all zeros) Note: Although the event producer provides the memory for the PECB, the NESL module controls this memory until the event class is de-registered. While owned by NESL, this structure should be treated as read-only, except for the PECB_DataPtr field. Format of NESL Consumer Event Control Block (CECB): Offset Size Description (Table 03022) 00h WORD CECB_MajVer Major Version of this structure (=1) 02h WORD CECB_MinVer Minor Version of this structure (=0) 04h DWORD CECB_NextConsumer -> next CECB. NULL if last. 08h DWORD CECB_ClassName -> ASCIZ string identifying event class (see #03025) 0Ch DWORD CECB_NotifProc -> FAR CALL event handler (see #03023) 10h WORD CECB_OSILevel Bits 4-7 = OSI Layer of this module (1 through 7) Bits 0-3 = relative ordering with other modules on same layer 13h 14 BYTEs CECB_Reserved (all zeros) Note: Although the event consumer provides the memory for the CECB, the NESL module controls this memory until the consumer is de-registered. While owned by NESL, this structure should be treated as read-only, (Table 03023) Values NESL Consumer Notification Procedure is called with: ES:SI -> Event Parameter Block (EPB) (see #03024) Return: AX = completion code (0000h, 8005h) (see #03019) ES:SI -> still points to EPB Desc: Called by NESL to notify the consumer when an event has occurred in an event class for which it has registered. SeeAlso: #03022 Format of NESL Event Parameter Block (EPB): Offset Size Description (Table 03024) 00h WORD EPB_MajVer Major Version of this structure (=1) 02h WORD EPB_MinVer Minor Version of this structure (=0) 04h DWORD EPB_ClassName -> ASCIZ string identifying event class (see #03025) 08h DWORD EPB_EventName -> ASCIZ string identifying event within class (see #03026) 0Ch DWORD EPB_ModuleName -> ASCIZ string identifying module producing event 10h DWORD EPB_DataPtr0 -> event-defined data or NULL if not used 14h DWORD EPB_DataPtr1 -> event-defined data or NULL if not used 18h 8 BYTEs EPB_Reserved (all zeros) (Table 03025) Values for NESL Event Class Names: Event Class Description ------------------- ----------------------------------------- Service Suspend Suspension of a service. Called top-down. Service Resume Resumption/availability of a service. Called bottom-up. Service/Status Change Change in status or level of service. Called top-down. Suspend Request Request to suspend a service. Called bottom-up. Note: Contact Novell Labs to register new event classes. (Table 03026) Values for NESL Event Names: Event Name Class Description -------------------------- ------------- --------------------------- MLID Cable Disconnect Service Suspend Cable disconnected from NIC MLID Card Removal Service Suspend PCMCIA card removed MLID Hardware Failure Service Suspend Serious hardware failure in NIC MLID Not In Range Service Suspend Wireless access point is out of range MLID Shutdown Service Suspend MLID was shut down MLID Media Access Denied Service Suspend Access to physical medium unsuccessful MLID Cable Reconnect Service Resume Cable re-connected to NIC MLID Card Insertion Complete Service Resume PCMCIA card inserted MLID In Range Service Resume Wireless access point in range MLID Reset Service Resume MLID was just reset MLID Access Point Change Serv/Status Change Station has moved to new access point MLID Speed Change Serv/Status Change Change in communic. speed Note: Contact Novell Labs to register new event names. For all predefined events above, EPB_DataPtr0 (see #03024) points to the MLID Configuration table (see AX=C000h"ODI") for the affected MLID. --------N-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F - Novell NetWare Connect NETWARN - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed SI = segment of resident portion Program: NETWARN is a utility supplied with NetWare Connect to warn a remote dialup user when programs are about to be loaded slowly over the modem link. Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number Note: on return, verify that it is NETWARN responding by examining signature at in NETWARN's data table in the resident segment (see #03027) SeeAlso: AX=C000h"ODI",AX=C000h"NESL" Format of NETWARN Configuration structure: Offset Size Description (Table 03027) 103h 7 BYTEs signature string "NETWARN" 10Ah BYTE major version in ASCII (="1") 10Bh BYTE minor version in ASCII (="0") 10Ch DWORD minimum size of EXE cared about in bytes (/S=xxxx) 110h WORD same value in kilobytes (see #03028 [bit 4]) 112h BYTE multiplex code (AH value) actually being used 113h WORD options (see #03028) 115h DWORD INT 21h vector before NETWARN loaded 119h DWORD INT 2Fh vector before NETWARN loaded 11Dh 16 BYTEs ASCIIZ local name of last device which was checked 12Dh 128 BYTEs ASCIIZ remote name of last device which was checked Note: the specified offsets are from the start of the resident segment Bitfields for NETWARN options: Bit(s) Description (Table 03028) 0 ??? (=0) 1 /U (Unload) selected (never in resident) 2 /E (Enabled) Will trap & check EXEC's 3 /D (Disabled) No EXEC checking done 4 /S (Size) was set (see #03027 [offsets 010Ch and 0110h]) 5 /P (Path shown) 6 /H or /? (Help) (never in resident) SeeAlso: #03027 --------f-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F - FN32 32 character filename utilities - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed ES:DI -> signature string "FN32 32CHAR TSR" Program: FN32 is a TSR which supports 32 character filenames under PC/MS-DOS Note: the TSR intercepts INT 21 calls and performs filename substitution by managing dictionary files in each directory which contains long filenames --------M-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F - QMR - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed ES:DI -> signature string "QMR1!" Program: QMR (Cove Software, Quick Mouse Reset) monitors the mouse service interrupt (int 33h) and substitutes a fast software reset (mouse fn 21h) for the slow hardware reset (mouse fn 0). Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C001h"QMR",AX=C002h"QMR",AX=C003h"QMR" --------V-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F - VGAsave v1.93 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed BX = segment of resident code Program: VGAsave is a freeware VGA-specific, mouse-aware screenblanker by Bill Javurek Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for a free multiplex number Note: the transient portion of VGAsave compares the first 38 bytes of the resident code (addressed through BX) against its own copy of the resident code to complete the installation check SeeAlso: INT 14/AX=AA01h,INT 2F/AH=93h Index: screen saver;VGAsave --------V-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed BX = 4144h ('AD') CX = 2D44h ('-D') DX = 4F53h ('OS') Program: AD-DOS is the DOS version of the After Dark screen blanker for MS Windows Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C001h"AD-DOS",AX=C003h"AD-DOS",AX=C005h"AD-DOS",AX=C007h"AD-DOS" SeeAlso: AX=C009h"AD-DOS",AX=C020h"AD-DOS",INT 14/AX=AA01h Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------U-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F U - WANG_ER.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed ES = segment of resident code Program: WANG_ER is a TSR from Compaq which permits Compaq systems equipped with 3-mode floppy drives to read Wang document diskettes Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number Note: The installation check is completed by comparing the resident code with the copy in the transient program --------i-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F O - ASPIHOOK.SYS - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if multiplex number in use ES:DI -> ASCIZ signature "ASPIHOOK" if ASPIHOOK.SYS installed Program: ASPIHOOK is a device driver for monitoring SCSI activity through an ASPI host manager; it is part of the Personal Measure system activity monitor from Spirit of Performance, Inc. Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PMEASURE" --------i-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F - PMEASURE.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if multiplex number in use ES:DI -> ASCIZ signature "PMEASURE.EXE" if PMEASURE.EXE installed Program: PMEASURE.EXE is a TSR for monitoring system hardware activity which is part of the Personal Measure system activity monitor from Spirit of Performance, Inc. Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number Note: If a Personal Measure Hook Module, such as ASPIHOOK.SYS, is already installed, PMEASURE.EXE uses the next highest free multiplex number. SeeAlso: AX=C000h"ASPIHOOK",AX=C000h"PERSONAL MEASURE" --------i-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F - PERSONAL MEASURE - HOOK MODULE INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed ES:DI -> signature string "PMEASUREHOOK" AX = C000 if not installed, per mux id conventions DH = major release number (binary) DL = minor release number (binary) Program: The Personal Measure system activity monitor from Spirit of Performance, Inc. uses an extensible series of modules to hook into various operating system interfaces and monitor system calls. Current hook modules are ASPIHOOK.SYS for ASPI device activity and CDRHOOK.SYS for non-ASPI CD-ROM activity. All hook modules share the same mux id. Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PMEASURE.EXE",AX=C001h"PERSONAL MEASURE" --------c-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed SI = signature value 20D6h DI = signature value 8761h ES:BX -> configuration table (see #03029) CX = ??? (0300h) DX = ??? (0020h) Program: PCACHE is the resident print spooler portion of PrintCache by LaserTools; it may use either memory or disk space to spool output Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by commandline switch SeeAlso: AX=0100h/SI=20D6h,AX=C001h"PCACHE" Format of PrintCache configuration table: Offset Size Description (Table 03029) 00h 26 BYTEs ASCIZ signature string "TORQ Configuration Table: " 1Ah 2 BYTEs ??? 1Ch DWORD -> data table (see #03030) 20h 4 BYTEs ASCIZ version string ("3.1" for v3.1) 24h 5 BYTEs ??? 29h 12 BYTEs ASCIZ version date string ("Aug 31 1993" for v3.1) 35h WORD buffered port type (01h = LPT, 02h = COM) 37h WORD buffered port BIOS port number 39h 5 BYTEs ASCIZ buffered port name ("LPTn" or "COMn") 3Eh WORD physical port type (01h = LPT, 02h = COM) 40h WORD physical port BIOS port number 42h 5 BYTEs ASCIZ physical port name ("LPTn" or "COMn") 47h BYTE port driver IRQ 48h 21 BYTEs ??? 5Dh WORD buffer size in K 5Fh 27 BYTEs ??? 7Ah BYTE popup hotkey shift states (see #00582 at INT 16/AH=02h) 7Bh BYTE popup hotkey scan code (see #00006 at INT 09"IRQ1") 7Ch 4 BYTEs ??? 80h 20 BYTEs ASCIZ printer type name ??? Format of PrintCache data table: Offset Size Description (Table 03030) 00h 2 BYTEs ??? 02h DWORD -> ??? entry point ??? --------U-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F - Frank Kintrup TSR Utilities - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed BX = program ID (see #03031) CX = 464Bh (signature "FK") DX = revision number (DH = major, DL = minor) ES = resident segment of TSR Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by searching for a free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C001h"Kintrup",AX=C002h"Kintrup" (Table 03031) Values for Frank Kintrup TSR program ID: 4153h "AS" ASCII.COM ASCII table with paste function 434Ch "CL" CLOCK.COM clock with date/time display and alarm 5043h "PC" PCALC.COM programmer's calculator with paste function 5343h "SC" SCRSAVE.COM screen saver with mouse support and hotkey 5544h "UD" UNDEL.COM undelete program like SMARTCAN or DPROTECT --------K-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F U - HP 100LX/200LX - PUSHKEYS - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if possibly installed Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for signature with AL=AEh SeeAlso: AX=C001h"HP 100LX",AX=C0AEh"HP 100LX",AX=C0AFh"HP 100LX" --------V-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F - DIMWIT - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed ES:DI -> signature string "DIMDOS" or "DIMWIN" Program: DIMWIT is a freeware Windows-aware screen blanker by Larry Board Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"AD-DOS",AX=C001h"DIMWIT" Index: screen saver;DIMWIT --------F-2FC000BX444B----------------------- INT 2F - METZ XpressFax Hardware TSR (CLASS2) - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h BX = 444Bh ('DK') CX = 4A4Eh ('AN') Return: AL = status 00h not installed, OK to install FFh installed BX = 646Bh ('dk') CX = 6A6Eh ('an') Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected automatically SeeAlso: AH=C0h"METZ" --------V-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F U - TSENGP.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = status 00h not installed, OK to install FFh installed DS = segment of resident code Program: TSENGP.COM is a TSR supplied by Compaq to fix an incompatibility between some applications and Tseng ET4000-based video adapters Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected automatically Note: the installation check is completed by comparing the first eleven bytes at DS:005Fh against the TSR's code (80h FCh 06h 74h 0Ah 80h FCh 07h 74h 05h EAh) --------N-2FC000----------------------------- INT 2F U - LapLink RemoteAccess (LLRA) - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if one of the components is installed CX:BX -> signature within LLRA component: "TSI_LapLinkCore" for LLRA1.EXE "TSI_Blackbird" for LLRA2.EXE "TSI_Redirector" for LLRA3.EXE "TSI_Compression" for LLRA4.EXE DL = major version number DH = minor version number Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number Note: LapLink components are installed in the order listed above, but not necessarily all four; each gets its own multiplex number (default C0h-C3h) SeeAlso: AX=C002h"LapLink",AX=C205h"LapLink",AX=C2F0h"LapLink" SeeAlso: AX=C2F1h"LapLink",AX=C301h"LapLink",AX=C3F0h"LapLink" SeeAlso: AX=C3F1h"LapLink" --------M-2FC001----------------------------- INT 2F - QMR - REQUEST HARDWARE RESET AX = C001h Return: ES = QMR code segment AL destroyed Desc: this function is used to force a full mouse reset when QMR is installed SeeAlso: AX=C000h"QMR",AX=C002h"QMR" --------V-2FC001----------------------------- INT 2F - DIMWIT - GET CONFIGURATION DATA AX = C001h Return: ES:DI -> TSR configuration data (see #03032) Program: DIMWIT is a freeware Windows-aware screen blanker by Larry Board Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"DIMWIT",AX=C001h"AD-DOS" Index: screen saver;DIMWIT Format of DIMWIT TSR configuration data: Offset Size Description (Table 03032) 00h WORD blanking delay in clock ticks 02h BYTE instant-blanking hotkey scan code (see #00006) Ctrl and Alt must also be pressed --------V-2FC001ES0000----------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - GET RESIDENT CODE SEGMENT AX = C001h ES = 0000h Return: AL = 00h if successful ES = AD-DOS TSR Code Segment SeeAlso: AX=C000h"AD-DOS",AX=C001h"DIMWIT" Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC001----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - GET ENTRY POINTS AX = C001h Return: AL = FFh if installed ES:BX -> ??? ES:DX -> ??? ES:SI -> ??? ES:DI -> ??? (equivalent to AX=C002h) SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C002h"PCACHE" --------U-2FC001----------------------------- INT 2F - Frank Kintrup TSR Utilities - CLOCK - DISABLE DISPLAY UPDATE AX = C001h Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by searching for a free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"Kintrup",AX=C002h"Kintrup" --------K-2FC001CX03FB----------------------- INT 2F U - HP 100LX/200LX - PUSHKEYS - INTERNAL - UNINSTALL AX = C001h CX = 03FBh return address to continue uninstall if possible Return: program uninstalled Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for signature with AL=AEh SeeAlso: AX=C000h"HP 100LX",AX=C0AEh"HP 100LX",AX=C0AFh"HP 100LX" --------i-2FC001----------------------------- INT 2F - PERSONAL MEASURE - PASS PARAMETERS TO HOOK MODULE(S) AX = C001h DX = segment of PMEASURE.EXE or 0000h BX = offset in PMEASURE.EXE or 0000h CX = offset in PMEASURE.EXE or 0000h Return: None Program: PMEASURE.EXE is a TSR for monitoring system hardware activity which is part of the Personal Measure system activity monitor from Spirit of Performance, Inc. PMEASURE uses this call to inform its hook modules whether or not it is running and to pass information about shared data and procedures. Warning: This information documents a function that is private to Personal Measure and is provided as information only. It should NOT be called by any software other than Personal Measure. SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PERSONAL MEASURE" --------V-2FC002----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - CHECK FOR NEW INPUT AX = C002h Return: AL = 00h if successful BX = status 0000h no input since last check 0001h new input available Note: this call also resets the new-input flag SeeAlso: AX=C000h"AD-DOS",AX=C004h Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------M-2FC002----------------------------- INT 2F - QMR - DISABLE QMR AX = C002h Return: ES = QMR code segment AL destroyed Desc: this call temporarily disables QMR SeeAlso: AX=C000h"QMR",AX=C003h"QMR" --------c-2FC002----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - GET BUFFER SIZE AX = C002h Return: AX = ??? in K BX = size of print buffer in K Program: PCACHE is the resident print spooler portion of PrintCache by LaserTools; it may use either memory or disk space to spool output SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------U-2FC002----------------------------- INT 2F - Frank Kintrup TSR Utilities - CLOCK - ENABLE DISPLAY UPDATE AX = C002h Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by searching for a free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"Kintrup",AX=C002h"Kintrup" --------N-2FC002----------------------------- INT 2F U - LapLink RemoteAccess (LLRA) - Core - ??? AX = C002h details not yet available Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"LapLink",AX=C002h"LapLink",AX=C2F0h"LapLink" SeeAlso: AX=C2F1h"LapLink",AX=C301h"LapLink" --------V-2FC003----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - SET MINUTES TO WAIT AX = C003h BX = minutes to wait before blanking screen Return: AL = 00h if successful Program: AD-DOS is the DOS version of the After Dark screen blanker for MS Windows Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number Note: this call also resets the delay timer SeeAlso: AX=C000h"AD-DOS",AX=C004h Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------M-2FC003----------------------------- INT 2F - QMR - ENABLE QMR AX = C003h Return: ES = QMR code segment AL destroyed Desc: this call enables QMR after it has been disabled SeeAlso: AX=C000h"QMR",AX=C002h"QMR" --------c-2FC003----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - SET ??? FLAG AX = C003h Return: BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C004h"PCACHE" --------V-2FC004----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - GET MINUTES TO WAIT AX = C004h Return: AL = 00h if successful BX = minutes to wait before blanking screen SeeAlso: AX=C000h"AD-DOS",AX=C003h"AD-DOS" Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC004----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - CLEAR ??? FLAG AX = C004h Return: BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C003h"PCACHE" --------V-2FC005----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - SET BLANKER STATUS AX = C005h BX = new state (0000h inactive, 0001h active) (default 0001h) Return: AL = 00h if successful SeeAlso: AX=C006h"AD-DOS" Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC005----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - ??? AX = C005h ??? Return: BX destroyed ??? Program: PCACHE is the resident print spooler portion of PrintCache by LaserTools; it may use either memory or disk space to spool output Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by commandline switch SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------V-2FC006----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - GET BLANKER STATUS AX = C006h Return: AL = 00h if successful BX = current state of screen blanker (0000h inactive, 0001h active) Program: AD-DOS is the DOS version of the After Dark screen blanker for MS Windows Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"AD-DOS",AX=C005h"AD-DOS" Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC006----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - ??? AX = C006h ??? Return: BX destroyed ??? Note: this function appears to be identical to AX=C007h SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C007h"PCACHE" --------V-2FC007----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - SET HOT KEY AX = C007h BX = hot key CL = hot key shift status Return: AL = 00h if successful SeeAlso: AX=C008h"AD-DOS" Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC007----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - ??? AX = C007h ??? Return: BX destroyed ??? Note: this function appears to be identical to AX=C006h SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C006h"PCACHE" --------V-2FC008----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - GET CURRENT HOT KEY AX = C008h Return: AX = status 0000h successful BX = Hot Key CL = Hot Key Shift Status 0008h otherwise SeeAlso: AX=C000h"AD-DOS",AX=C007h"AD-DOS" Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC008----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - CLEAR ??? FLAG AX = C008h Return: BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C009h"PCACHE" --------V-2FC009----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - UNBLANK MONITOR AX = C009h Return: AL = 00h if successful Program: AD-DOS is the DOS version of the After Dark screen blanker for MS Windows Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number Note: this function works by simulating keyboard activity Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC009----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - SET ??? FLAG AX = C009h Return: BX destroyed Program: PCACHE is the resident print spooler portion of PrintCache by LaserTools; it may use either memory or disk space to spool output Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by commandline switch SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C008h"PCACHE" --------V-2FC00A----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - ??? AX = C00Ah Return: AX = status 0000h successful BH = ?? BL = ?? 000Ah failed Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC00A----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - ??? AX = C00Ah ??? Return: AH = bit flags bit 5: ??? AL = bit flags bit 4: ??? bit 3: ??? BX destroyed ??? SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------V-2FC00B----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - ??? AX = C00Bh Return: AX = status 0000h successful 000Bh failed Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC00B----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - NOP AX = C00Bh Return: BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------V-2FC00C----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - SET ??? INTERNAL FLAG TO 01h AX = C00Ch Return: AX = status 0000h successful 000Ch failed Program: AD-DOS is the DOS version of the After Dark screen blanker for MS Windows Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC00C----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - GET ??? AX = C00Ch Return: AX = ??? (0000h) BX = ??? (0000h) CX = ??? (0100h) DL = ??? DH = ??? SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------c-2FC00D----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - SET ??? AX = C00Dh DL = ??? Return: BX destroyed Program: PCACHE is the resident print spooler portion of PrintCache by LaserTools; it may use either memory or disk space to spool output Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by commandline switch SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------V-2FC00E----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - SET PASSWORD STATUS AX = C00Eh BX = new state (0000h disabled, 0001h enabled) Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=C000h"AD-DOS",AX=C00Fh"AD-DOS" Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC00E----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - INSTALL ??? AX = C00Eh ES:DX -> ??? Return: BX destroyed Note: ES:DX is stored internally if the variable is currently 0000h:0000h, but ignored if already set; a counter is incremented SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C00Fh"PCACHE" --------V-2FC00F----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - GET PASSWORD STATUS AX = C00Fh Return: BX = current state (0000h disabled, 0001h enabled) SeeAlso: AX=C00Eh"AD-DOS" Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------c-2FC00F----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - REMOVE ??? AX = C00Fh Return: BX destroyed Note: this function decrements the counter used by AX=C00Eh, and clears the internal pointer variable to 0000h:0000h when it reaches zero SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C00Eh"PCACHE" --------c-2FC010----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - GET ??? AX = C010h CX = index of ??? table (00h-02h, others treated as 00h) SI = offset into data table Return: AL = byte at specified offset into table BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------c-2FC011----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - GET ??? AX = C011h Return: AX = ??? (0007h) BX = ??? (0001h) CH = ??? CL = ??? SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------c-2FC012----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - GET ??? AX = C012h Return: AX = ??? BX = ??? CX = ??? DX = ??? SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------c-2FC013----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - ??? AX = C013h ??? Return: BX destroyed ??? Program: PCACHE is the resident print spooler portion of PrintCache by LaserTools; it may use either memory or disk space to spool output Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by commandline switch SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------c-2FC014----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - ??? AX = C014h ??? Return: BX destroyed ??? SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------c-2FC015----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - ??? AX = C015h ??? Return: BX destroyed ??? SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------c-2FC016----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - INCREMENT ??? AX = C016h Return: BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C017h"PCACHE" --------c-2FC017----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - DECREMENT ??? AX = C017h Return: BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C016h"PCACH" --------c-2FC018----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - ??? AX = C018h ??? Return: BX destroyed ??? Note: the first instruction of this function is an indirect jump which points at a RET by default SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C019h"PCACHE" --------c-2FC019----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - ??? AX = C019h ??? Return: BX destroyed ??? Note: the first instruction of this function is an indirect jump which points at a RET by default SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C018h"PCACHE" --------c-2FC01A----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - CLEAR ??? FLAG AX = C01Ah Return: BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C01Bh"PCACHE" --------c-2FC01B----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - SET ??? FLAG AX = C01Bh Return: BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE",AX=C01Ah"PCACHE" --------c-2FC01C----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - ??? AX = C01Ch ??? Return: AX = ??? BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------c-2FC01D----------------------------- INT 2F U - PrintCache v3.1 PCACHE.EXE - NOP AX = C01Dh to C01Fh Return: BX destroyed Program: PCACHE is the resident print spooler portion of PrintCache by LaserTools; it may use either memory or disk space to spool output Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by commandline switch SeeAlso: AX=C000h"PCACHE" --------V-2FC020----------------------------- INT 2F - AD-DOS - GET AND RESET VxD API STATUS AX = C020h Return: AL = 00h if successful BX = VxD API Status 0000h no error 0001h error 0100h neither Windows 3.X enhanced mode nor Windows/386 2.x is running 0200h VM API entry point not found (VxD not installed) Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number Note: this call resets the VxD API Status to zero SeeAlso: AX=1602h,AX=1607h"CALL OUT API" Index: screen saver;AD-DOS --------V-2FC04E----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v2.00+ - NON-TSR EXECUTING CHECK AX = C04Eh Return: AL = 4Fh if Explosiv is running but not memory-resident Program: Explosiv is a shareware animated screen blanker for DOS and Windows 3 by H&G Software (Reidar Gresseth and Chris Hook) Range: AH=C0h to AH=C9h, selected by configuration SeeAlso: AX=C050h Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC050----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v2.00+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C050h Return: AL = 51h if installed ---v3.0+ --- BX = interval in clock ticks CH = animation display color (00h mono, 01h tinge, 02h color) CL = animation delay factor DH = animation parameters DL = INT 10 checking (00h on, 01h off) SI = number of bytes available for animation code DI = display type (00h VGA, 01h EGA, 02h CGA, 03h HGC, 04h MDA) Program: Explosiv is a shareware animated screen blanker for DOS and Windows 3 by H&G Software (Reidar Gresseth and Chris Hook) Range: AH=C0h to AH=C9h, selected by configuration SeeAlso: AH=93h,AX=C000h"AD-DOS",AX=C04Eh,AX=C052h,AX=C054h"v3" SeeAlso: INT 14/AX=AA01h Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC052----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v2.00+ - UNINSTALL AX = C052h DX:BX = address to return to on successful uninstall Return: at specified address if successful AL = 53h on error Note: specified return address must have the segment of the caller's PSP SeeAlso: AX=C050h Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC054----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v2.x - GET ANIMATION DELAY FACTOR AX = C054h Return: AL = delay factor SeeAlso: AX=C057h Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC054----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v3.0+ - UPDATE PARAMETERS AX = C054h BX = new interval in clock ticks CH = animation display color (00h mono, 01h tinge, 02h color) CL = animation delay factor DH = animation parameters DL = INT 10 checking (00h on, 01h off) SeeAlso: AX=C050h Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC055----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v2.x - SET BLANKING INTERVAL AX = C055h BX = new interval in clock ticks Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC056----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v2.x - SET ANIMATION DISPLAY TYPE AX = C056h BL = animated display type (00h mono, 01h color) SeeAlso: AX=C058h"v2.x" Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC056----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v3.0+ - ENABLE/DISABLE EXPLOSIV AX = C056h BX = new state 0000h disabled 0100h enabled 0101h enabled, but never blank 0102h enabled, always blank --------V-2FC057----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v2.x - SET ANIMATION DELAY FACTOR AX = C057h BL = delay factor SeeAlso: AX=C054h"v2.x" Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC058----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v2.x - SET ANIMATION PARAMETER AX = C058h BL = animation parameter Note: the animation parameter has different interpretations for each display SeeAlso: AX=C056h"v2.x" Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC058----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v3.0+ - LOAD NEW ANIMATION DISPLAY CODE AX = C058h BX = file handle for file containing display code CX = number of bytes to load DX = offset at which animation code should be loaded Return: AL = status (see #03033) Note: if AL=00h-03h on return, the file will be closed Index: screen saver;Explosiv (Table 03033) Values for Explosiv function status: 00h successful 01h code too large to available space 02h no data read, load aborted 03h incomplete load, default blanking display loaded instead 58h unexpected offset in DX --------V-2FC059----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v2.x - DISABLE EXPLOSIV AX = C059h Note: clears flag set by AX=C05Ah SeeAlso: AX=C05Ah Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC05A----------------------------- INT 2F u - Explosiv v2.x - ENABLE EXPLOSIV AX = C05Ah BL = ??? Note: sets flag cleared by AX=C059h then stores BL SeeAlso: AX=C059h,AX=C05Bh Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC05B----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v2.x - CHANGE ANIMATION DISPLAY AX = C05Bh BL = animation display Note: this function fails silently if the requested display is not in memory SeeAlso: AX=C05Ah,AX=C05Ch Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------V-2FC05C----------------------------- INT 2F - Explosiv v2.x - SET INT 10 CHECKING AX = C05Ch BL = new state of INT 10 checking (00h enabled, 01h disabled) SeeAlso: AX=C05Bh Index: screen saver;Explosiv --------v-2FC080----------------------------- INT 2F U - AMI IAM.SYS - INSTALL ??? CALLBACK AX = C080h CX:DX -> ??? callback DI = segment of ??? buffer (first WORD copied into IAM.SYS) Program: IAM.SYS is the Illegal Activity Monitor portion of American Megatrends, Inc.'s PC-Defender anti-virus product Note: also sets ??? flag SeeAlso: AX=C081h Format of IAM.SYS buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 03034) 00h BYTE ??? 01h BYTE ??? 02h N BYTEs ??? (ASCIZ strings) --------v-2FC081----------------------------- INT 2F U - AMI IAM.SYS - CLEAR ??? AX = C081h Desc: clears the ??? flag that AX=C080h sets SeeAlso: AX=C080h --------K-2FC0AE----------------------------- INT 2F U - HP 100LX/200LX - PUSHKEYS - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C0AEh Return: AX = 4453h if installed CX = 5259h if installed Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for signature SeeAlso: AX=C000h"HP 100LX",AX=C001h"HP 100LX",AX=C0AFh"HP 100LX" --------K-2FC0AF----------------------------- INT 2F U - HP 100LX/200LX - PUSHKEYS - INTERNAL - GET BUFFER ADDRESS AX = C0AFh Return: ES:DI -> buffer (behind code) Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for signature with AL=AEh SeeAlso: AX=C000h"HP 100LX",AX=C001h"HP 100LX",AX=C0AEh"HP 100LX" --------N-2FC100----------------------------- INT 2F U - Personal NetWare - STPIPX v1.00 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C100h Return: AL = FFh if installed ES:SI -> signature string "STP-IPX$" BX = version??? (0001h for v1.00) DI corrupted Note: AH=C1h is the default value; STPIPX probably scans a range of multiplex numbers to find a free one, as LSL does SeeAlso: AX=C000h"LSL",AX=C101h --------N-2FC101----------------------------- INT 2F U - Personal NetWare - STPIPX v1.00 - UNINSTALL AX = C101h Return: AL = status??? BX corrupted SeeAlso: AX=C101h --------N-2FC205----------------------------- INT 2F U - LapLink RemoteAccess (LLRA) - Redirector - ??? AX = C205h details not yet available Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"LapLink",AX=C002h"LapLink",AX=C2F0h"LapLink" SeeAlso: AX=C2F1h"LapLink",AX=C301h"LapLink" --------N-2FC2F0----------------------------- INT 2F U - LapLink RemoteAccess (LLRA) - Redirector - ??? AX = C2F0h details not yet available Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"LapLink",AX=C002h"LapLink",AX=C205h"LapLink" SeeAlso: AX=C2F1h"LapLink",AX=C301h"LapLink" --------N-2FC2F1----------------------------- INT 2F U - LapLink RemoteAccess (LLRA) - Redirector - ??? AX = C2F1h details not yet available Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"LapLink",AX=C002h"LapLink",AX=C205h"LapLink" SeeAlso: AX=C2F0h"LapLink",AX=C301h"LapLink" --------d-2FC300----------------------------- INT 2F - SETWPR.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C300h Return: AL = FFh if installed Program: SETWPR is a hard-disk write-protection TSR by Jaroslaw Rafa SeeAlso: AX=C302h"SETWPR" --------k-2FC300DX0000----------------------- INT 2F U - SpaceManager - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C300h DX = 0000h Return: AL = FFh if any SpaceManager programs installed BX = 6F73h CX = 6F68h Program: SpaceManager is an enhancement for MS-DOS DoubleSpace by Vertisoft Systems, Inc. Range: AH=C3h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C300h/BX=4F53h --------k-2FC300BX4F53----------------------- INT 2F U - SpaceManager - INSTALLATION VERIFICATION AX = C300h BX = 4F53h ('OS') CX = 4F48h ('OH') DX = program identifier (see #03035) or 0666h for any SpaceManager prog Return: AL = FFh if BX/CX as specified and specified program installed BX = 6F73h ('os') CX = 6F68h ('oh') Range: AH=C3h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number Note: this call is chained if BX,CX, or DX are not as specified above SeeAlso: AX=C300h/DX=0000h (Table 03035) Values for SpaceManager program identifier: 9000h SMOUNT (SuperMount) 9001h SELECTC (SelectCompress) 9002h SUPERX (SuperExchange) 9003h FORTUNE (FortuneTeller) --------k-2FC301----------------------------- INT 2F U - SpaceManager - ??? AX = C301h DX = program identifier (9000h,9001h,9003h) (see #03035) ??? Return: ??? --------N-2FC301----------------------------- INT 2F U - LapLink RemoteAccess (LLRA) - Compression - ??? AX = C301h details not yet available Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"LapLink",AX=C002h"LapLink",AX=C205h"LapLink" SeeAlso: AX=C2F0h"LapLink",AX=C3F0h"LapLink",AX=C3F1h"LapLink" --------k-2FC302----------------------------- INT 2F U - SpaceManager - ENABLE PROGRAM AX = C302h DX = program identifier (9000h,9001h,9003h) (see #03035) Return: AX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C303h,AX=C306h --------d-2FC302----------------------------- INT 2F - SETWPR.COM - SET WRITE-PROTECTION STATE AX = C302h BL = new state 00h disk may be written 01h disk write-protected Return: AL = FFh if installed Program: SETWPR is a hard-disk write-protection TSR by Jaroslaw Rafa SeeAlso: AX=C300h"SETWPR" --------k-2FC303----------------------------- INT 2F U - SpaceManager - DISABLE PROGRAM AX = C303h DX = program identifier (9000h,9001h,9003h) (see #03035) Return: AX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C302h,AX=C306h --------k-2FC304----------------------------- INT 2F U - SpaceManager - GET PER-DRIVE ENABLEMENT TABLE AX = C304h DX = program identifier (9000h,9001h,9003h) (see #03035) Return: ES:BX -> 26-byte drive table (00h disabled for drive, 01h enabled) AX destroyed --------k-2FC305DX9003----------------------- INT 2F U - SpaceManager - FORTUNE.EXE - NOP AX = C305h DX = 9003h Return: AX destroyed --------k-2FC305----------------------------- INT 2F U - SpaceManager - ??? AX = C305h DX = program identifier (9000h,9001h) (see #03035) ??? Return: ??? --------k-2FC306----------------------------- INT 2F U - SpaceManager - CHECK WHETHER PROGRAM ENABLED AX = C306h DX = program identifier (9000h,9001h,9003h) (see #03035) Return: AL = current state (00h disabled, FAh enabled) AH destroyed SeeAlso: AX=C302h,AX=C303h --------k-2FC307DX9001----------------------- INT 2F U - SpaceManager - SELECTC - ??? AX = C307h DX = 9001h BX = ??? CX = ??? ??? Return: ??? --------k-2FC308DX9001----------------------- INT 2F U - SpaceManager - SELECTC - ??? AX = C308h DX = 9001h ??? Return: ??? --------N-2FC3F0----------------------------- INT 2F U - LapLink RemoteAccess (LLRA) - Compression - ??? AX = C3F0h details not yet available Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"LapLink",AX=C002h"LapLink",AX=C205h"LapLink" SeeAlso: AX=C2F0h"LapLink",AX=C301h"LapLink",AX=C3F1h"LapLink" --------N-2FC3F1----------------------------- INT 2F U - LapLink RemoteAccess (LLRA) - Compression - ??? AX = C3F1h details not yet available Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=C000h"LapLink",AX=C002h"LapLink",AX=C205h"LapLink" SeeAlso: AX=C2F0h"LapLink",AX=C301h"LapLink",AX=C3F0h"LapLink" --------N-2FC500----------------------------- INT 2F - PC-DOS Econet v1.05 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C500h Return: AL = status 00h not installed, OK to install 01h not installed, can't install FFh installed Note: the interrupt-enable state will be preserved, but interrupts may be enabled during processing of this function SeeAlso: AX=C501h,AX=C508h --------N-2FC501----------------------------- INT 2F - PC-DOS Econet v1.05 - RESET BOARD AND DRIVER AX = C501h Return: AX = return code (see #03037) Desc: reset both the network board and the driver software Notes: use this function with caution, as it will affect any other resident software using the network board the interrupt-enable state will be preserved, but interrupts may be enabled during processing of this function SeeAlso: AX=C500h --------N-2FC502----------------------------- INT 2F - PC-DOS Econet v1.05 - PERFORM NETWORK OPERATION AX = C502h DS:DX -> control block (see #03036) Return: AX = return code (see #03037) (same as returned in control block) Note: the interrupt-enable state will be preserved, but interrupts may be enabled during processing of this function SeeAlso: AX=C500h Format of Econet control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03036) 00h DWORD -> command block (see #03038) 04h WORD length of transmit data block 06h DWORD -> transmit data block 0Ah WORD length of reply block (set to 0000h prior to call) 0Ch DWORD -> reply block 10h WORD return code (set to 0000h prior to call) (see #03037) 12h DWORD reserved for Econet use (Table 03037) Values for Econet return code: 0000h successful 0001h bad command in command block 0002h no handles left 0003h bad handle 0004h bad argument in command 0005h buffer too small 0006h kill condition failed 0007h control block in use 007Fh command aborted 01xxh retryable board error XXh 02xxh fatal board error XXh 0300h invalid subfunction number in AL 0301h timeout 03xxh other driver errors SeeAlso: #03036 Format of Econet command block: Offset Size Description (Table 03038) 00h BYTE command code (see #03039) ---command 00h--- 01h BYTE direction (00h = read initialization data, 01h = set init data) 02h WORD "TxCB" transmit control block size 04h WORD "RxCB" receive control block size Notes: TxCB and RxCB are always the same size in v1.05, permitting any CB to be used for either receive or transmit this command should not be used by applications to set the buffer sizes 06h 6 BYTEs padding (0) ---command 01h--- 01h BYTE port number (00h = receive on all ports) if the RxCB is opened for RPC, the port number indicates the allowable RPC (see #03040) 02h WORD station number (FEFFh = broadcast) 04h BYTE RPC flags bit 7: CB is open for RPCs only bit 6: restrict to RPC number given in next field 05h WORD RPC number 07h BYTE timeout in 1/2-second units (00h = never) if a timeout occurs, the RxCB can still receive data, and may generate another event after the timeout unless it is explicitly killed 08h 4 BYTEs padding (0) ---command 02h--- 01h BYTE control byte 02h BYTE port number 03h WORD station number 05h BYTE number of retries 06h WORD length of data to be sent (bits 14-0), 0000h allowed if bit 15 is set, no data will be transferred, but this field will be updated (needed for peeking) 08h DWORD -> destination address on remote machine ---command 03h--- 01h BYTE Control Block Handle FEh first filled-in RxCB FFh first TxCB which has been sent 02h 10 BYTEs padding (0) ---command 04h--- 01h BYTE Control Block Handle 02h BYTE kill condition 00h always 01h kill only if bit7 of control byte is clear 81h kill only if bit7 of control byte is set 03h 9 BYTEs padding (0) Notes: control blocks are not freed until explicitly killed because all TxCBs for a given destination are stored on a separate subchain, it is necessary to kill all failed TxCBs to a given destination before any new ones are opened to that destination ---command 06h--- 01h BYTE Control Block Handle 02h WORD starting byte within CB to read 04h WORD number of bytes if 0000h or greater than remaining bytes in CB, return all bytes from starting byte to end of CB 06h 6 BYTEs padding (0) ---command 07h--- 01h BYTE subfunction 00h-0Fh get/set M/C type (bit N=1 indicates to set byte N) four data bytes 10h get station number 11h set station number 12h get Tx pause in 5ms units (default 20) 13h set Tx pause 14h get software version numbers 16h get event enable mask 17h set event enable mask 18h get number of non-volatile bytes available 80h+2N get non-volatile byte N 81h+2N set non-volatile byte N 02h var new data Note: all command blocks should be padded to twelve bytes with zeros if needed SeeAlso: #03036 (Table 03039) Values for Econet command code: 00h initialize 01h open receive 02h open transmit 03h poll 04h kill 06h read 07h get/set system parameters SeeAlso: #03038 (Table 03040) Values for Econet RPC type: 00h all 81h peek 82h poke 83h remote JSR 84h remote procedure call 85h OS procedure 86h Halt 87h Continue SeeAlso: #03038 Format of Econet Reply Block (command 00h): Offset Size Description (Table 03041) 00h WORD TxCB size (default is 0500h, the maximum Econet packet length) 02h WORD RxCB size 04h BYTE number of TxCBs allocated 05h BYTE number of RxCBs allocated SeeAlso: #03036,#03042,#03044 Format of Econet Reply Block (commands 01h,02h): Offset Size Description (Table 03042) 00h BYTE control block handle SeeAlso: #03036,#03041,#03045 Format of Econet Reply Block (command 03h): Offset Size Description (Table 03043) 00h BYTE CB number (when wildcard specified for poll) 01h BYTE control (RxCB) 00h until received, then Sent Control byte (TxCB) transmit status bit 7: transmission pending bit 6: transmission failed bits 3-0: error number 02h BYTE Port number 03h WORD station number 05h WORD length 07h WORD 0000h SeeAlso: #03036,#03041,#03044 Format of Econet Reply Block (command 06h): Offset Size Description (Table 03044) 00h N BYTEs data read from network SeeAlso: #03036,#03043,#03045 Format of Econet Reply Block (command 07h): Offset Size Description (Table 03045) 00h N BYTEs returned information SeeAlso: #03036,#03044 --------N-2FC503----------------------------- INT 2F - PC-DOS Econet v1.05 - ADD EVENT HANDLER AX = C503h DS:DX -> event handler (see #03046) Return: AX = return code (see #03037) Note: the interrupt-enable state will be preserved, but interrupts may be enabled during processing of this function SeeAlso: AX=C500h,AX=C504h,AX=C505h,AX=C508h Format of Econet event handler: Offset Size Description (Table 03046) 00h DWORD -> next handler's code (at offset 8, filled in by Econet) 04h DWORD -> previous event handler (filled in by Econet) 08h var entry point (executable code called on event) (see #03047) (Table 03047) Values Econet event handler is called with: AL = event number AH = timeout flag (01h if timeout, else 00h) Return: all registers preserved if event trapped by this handler, issue RETF if event not trapped, jump to address stored at offset 0 SeeAlso: #03046 --------N-2FC504----------------------------- INT 2F - PC-DOS Econet v1.05 - REMOVE EVENT HANDLER AX = C504h DS:DX -> event handler Return: AX = return code (see #03037) Note: the interrupt-enable state will be preserved, but interrupts may be enabled during processing of this function SeeAlso: AX=C500h,AX=C503h,AX=C506h,AX=C508h --------N-2FC505----------------------------- INT 2F - PC-DOS Econet v1.05 - SET DEFAULT EVENT ACTION AX = C505h DL = new default action 00h disable event handling (ignore incoming events) 01h enable (call event handler chain) 02h store until enabled or disabled (default) Return: AX = return code (see #03037) Note: the interrupt-enable state will be preserved, but interrupts may be enabled during processing of this function SeeAlso: AX=C500h,AX=C503h,AX=C506h,AX=C508h --------N-2FC506----------------------------- INT 2F - PC-DOS Econet v1.05 - SET INDIVIDUAL EVENT ACTION AX = C506h DH = event number DL = new default action 00h disable event handling (ignore incoming events) 01h enable (call event handler chain) 02h store until enabled or disabled (default) Return: AX = return code (see #03037) Note: the interrupt-enable state will be preserved, but interrupts may be enabled during processing of this function SeeAlso: AX=C500h,AX=C504h,AX=C505h,AX=C507h --------N-2FC507----------------------------- INT 2F - PC-DOS Econet v1.05 - TEST/CLEAR EVENT STATUS AX = C507h DH = event number (FFh = first event in queue) DL = disposition (00h test only, 01h test and clear) Return: AX = return code (see #03037) DH = event number if one is pending, 00h if none Note: the interrupt-enable state will be preserved, but interrupts may be enabled during processing of this function SeeAlso: AX=C500h,AX=C503h,AX=C506h,AX=C508h --------N-2FC508----------------------------- INT 2F - PC-DOS Econet v1.05 - ENABLE/DISABLE EVENT SCHEDULER AX = C508h DL = new state of scheduler (01h enabled, 02h disabled) Return: AX = return code (see #03037) DL = previous state Notes: the interrupt-enable state will be preserved, but interrupts may be enabled during processing of this function while the scheduler is disabled, all events are queued until the scheduler is re-enabled SeeAlso: AX=C500h,AX=C503h,AX=C504h,AX=C506h,AX=C507h --------d-2FC64CBX5553----------------------- INT 2F U - Smart Prompt - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C64Ch BX = 5553h Return: AX = 4CC6h if installed BX = 5355h if installed Program: Smart Prompt (SMARTPMT) is a freeware TSR by Steve Gibson which forces an immediate flush of SmartDrive's (and compatible caches') buffers on returning to the DOS prompt --------V-2FC700CX434C----------------------- INT 2F u - COLAP - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C700h CX = 434Ch "CL" Return: AL = FFh if installed Program: colap.com is a freeware TSR by Eric Meyer which controls contrast and brightness of color laptops by changing the VGA palette colors; for Toshiba laptops there are more hotkeys for shutting off display and harddisk. --------v-2FC900BP0000----------------------- INT 2F U - ThunderByte??? - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C900h BP = 0000h Return: AL = FFh if installed BP >= 0014h Note: called by TBSCANX SeeAlso: AX=C987h,AX=CA00h --------v-2FC987----------------------------- INT 2F U - ThunderByte??? - DISINFECT FILE??? AX = C987h BX:DX -> filename BX:CX -> virus name Return: AX = status 0000h successful??? Note: called by TBSCANX SeeAlso: AX=CA00h --------v-2FC9FD----------------------------- INT 2F - ThunderByte TBLOG - WRITE STRING TO LOG AX = C9FDh DS:SI -> ASCIZ string (max 110 chars) Return: AH = 00h AL = last character in string CX = number of unused characters in string SI,DI destroyed Notes: The string can also be terminated with a '%'-character. This function is never called within ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus. SeeAlso: AX=C900h --------r-2FC9FF----------------------------- INT 2F C - StackMan - INSTALLATION BROADCAST AX = C9FFh BL = BCD version number CX = number of stacks DX = stack size in bytes Program: StackMan is a freeware stack manager by Franz Veldman of ESaSS B.V. which functions as a replacement for the DOS STACK= command as well as permitting multiple TSRs to share a pool of stack space InstallCheck: test for the string "STACKXXX" at offset 0Ah from the INT B4 handler Note: called by StackMan when it goes resident to inform interested TSRs that its API is available SeeAlso: INT B4"StackMan",INT B5"StackMan" Index: installation check;STACKMAN|broadcasts;STACKMAN installation --------F-2FCA------------------------------- INT 2F - FAXPLUS - FAX TSR AH = CAh ??? Return: ??? Program: FAXTSR is a resident FAX send/receive module for FAXPLUS by Frans Veldman SeeAlso: AH=2Ah"Gammafax" --------v-2FCA00BX5442----------------------- INT 2F - TBSCANX - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CA00h BX = 5442h ('TB') Return: AL = state 00h not installed FFh installed BX = 7462h ('tb') if BX was 5442h on entry Program: TBSCANX is a resident virus scanning module by Frans Veldman. Notes: programs may perform virus checks on themselves, other program files, or their data files by invoking the TBSCANX API. current versions of TBScanX don't actually check the value of BX SeeAlso: AX=4653h/CX=0002h,AX=4653h/CX=0007h,AX=C900h --------v-2FCA01----------------------------- INT 2F - TBSCANX - GET STATUS AX = CA01h Return: AH = BCD version number (v2.2+) CAh for versions before 2.2 AL = state (00h = disabled, 01h = enabled) CX = number of signatures which will be searched ---v2.0--- BX = EMS handle, 0000h if not using EMS ---v2.3+--- BX = segment of swap area, 0000h if not swapped DX = EMS or XMS handle (XMS handle if BX=0000h), FFFFh if not using EMS SeeAlso: AX=CA02h --------v-2FCA02----------------------------- INT 2F - TBSCANX - SET STATE AX = CA02h BL = new state (00h = disabled, 01h = enabled) SeeAlso: AX=CA01h --------v-2FCA03----------------------------- INT 2F - TBSCANX - SCAN BUFFER AX = CA03h CX = size of buffer DS:DX -> buffer containing data to scan Return: CF clear if no virus signatures found BX,ES destroyed CF set if signature found ES:BX -> ASCIZ virus name (v2.3+) DS:DX -> ASCIZ virus name (v2.0) AX,CX,DX destroyed (v2.3+) all other registers except CS:IP and SS:SP destroyed (v2.0) SeeAlso: AX=CA04h --------v-2FCA04----------------------------- INT 2F - TBSCANX - SCAN FILE AX = CA04h DS:DX -> filename Return: CF clear if no virus signatures found BX,SI,DI,ES destroyed CF set if signature found ES:BX -> ASCIZ virus name AX,CX,DX destroyed Note: this function requires at least 4K free memory SeeAlso: AX=CA03h --------U-2FCAFEBX0000----------------------- INT 2F U - THELP v3.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CAFEh BX = 0000h Return: BX = segment of resident code if installed 0000h if not installed SeeAlso: AX=5453h,INT 2D"AMIS" --------F-2FCB00----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CB00h Return: AL = status 00h not installed, OK to install 01h not installed, not OK to install FFh installed Note: AH = CBh is the default identifier, but may be reconfigured SeeAlso: AH=2Ah,AX=8000h"FaxBIOS",AX=CB0Eh,AX=CBDCh --------F-2FCB00BX4D53----------------------- INT 2F - METZ XpressFax CASMGR - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CB00h BX = 4D53h ('MS') CX = 4949h ('II') Return: AL = status 00h not installed, OK to install 01h not installed, not OK to install FFh installed BX = 6D73h ('ms') CX = 6969h ('ii') Note: this function is equivalent to the standard CASMGR installation check, but uses the additional magic values to identify which CAS is installed SeeAlso: AH=2Ah,AX=8000h"FaxBIOS",AX=C000h/BX=444Bh,AX=CB0Eh,AX=CB16h --------F-2FCB01----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - SUBMIT A TASK AX = CB01h DS:DX -> ASCIZ name of task control file Return: AX >= 0: event handle AX < 0: two's complement of error code (see #03048) Note: files needed for an event must be kept until task is complete or error SeeAlso: AX=CB0Bh,AX=CB15h (Table 03048) Values for CAS error code: (AH = class, AL = subcode, value passed back is 2's complement) Class 00h --- FAX warnings Subcode 00h no error 02h bad scanline count 03h page sent with errors, could not retransmit 04h received data lost 05h invalid or missing logo file 06h filename does not match nonstandard format (NSF) header 07h file size does not match NSF header Class 01h --- DOS warnings (data was sent) Subcode 01h invalid function 05h access denied 06h invalid handle others see #01680 at INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h Class 02h --- fatal errors (data not sent) Subcode 00h multiplex handler failed 01h unknown command 02h bad event handle 03h FIND NEXT attempted before FIND FIRST 04h no more events 07h invalid queue type 08h bad control file 09h communication board busy 0Ah invalid command parameter 0Bh can't uninstall resident code 0Ch file exists 80h unknown task type 81h bad phone number 82h bad .PCX file header 83h unexpected EOF 84h unexpected disconnect 85h too many dialing retries 86h no file specified for send 87h communication board timeout 88h received too many pages (>1023) of data 89h manual connect initiated too long ago 8Ah hardware command set error 8Bh bad NonStandard Format (NSF) header file Class 03h --- fatal DOS errors Subcode 02h file not found 03h path not found others see #01680 at INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h Class 04h --- FAX errors Subcode 01h remote unit not Group 3 compatible 02h remote unit did not send capabilities 03h other FAX machine incompatible 04h other FAX incapable of file transfers 05h exceeded retrain or FAX resend limit 06h line noise or failure to agree on bit rate 07h remote disconnected after receiving data 08h no response from remote after sending data 09h remote's capabilities incompatible 0Ah no dial tone (v1.2+) 0Bh invalid response from remote unit after sending data 0Dh phone line dead or remote unit disconnected 0Eh timeout while waiting for secondary dial tone (v1.2+) 11h invalid command from remote after receiving data 15h tried to receive from incompatible hardware 5Ch received data overflowed input buffer 5Dh remote unexpectedly stopped sending data 5Eh other FAX machine jammed (no data sent) 5Fh remote took too long to send fax scan line 63h can't get through to remote unit 64h user canceled event Class 05h --- application-specific (v1.2+) ---Intel FAXPOP.EXE Subcode 00h tried to send while in graphics mode 01h insufficient disk space 02h internal buffer overflow Class 06h --- CAS implementation-specific (v1.2+) --------F-2FCB02----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - ABORT CURRENT EVENT AX = CB02h Return: AX >= 0: event handle of aborted event AX < 0: error code (see #03048) Note: termination could take up to 30 seconds SeeAlso: AX=CB08h,AX=CB10h --------F-2FCB05----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - FIND FIRST QUEUE ENTRY AX = CB05h CX = status of events to find 0000h successful completion 0001h waiting to be processed 0002h number has been dialed 0003h connection established, sending 0004h connection established, receiving 0005h event aborted FFFFh find any event, regardless of status other negative values, match error code DH = direction 00h chronological order, earliest to latest 01h reverse chronological order, latest to earliest DL = queue to search 00h task queue 01h receive queue 02h log queue Return: AX = 0000h successful BX = event handle for found event AX < 0 error code (see #03048) SeeAlso: AX=CB06h,AX=CB07h --------F-2FCB06----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - FIND NEXT QUEUE ENTRY AX = CB06h DL = queue to search 00h task queue 01h receive queue 02h log queue Return: AX = 0000h successful BX = event handle for found event AX < 0 error code (see #03048) Note: direction of search is same as preceding FIND FIRST call SeeAlso: AX=CB05h --------F-2FCB07----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - OPEN FILE AX = CB07h BX = event handle from find (AL=05h,06h) or submit task (AL=01h) CX = receive file number (ignored for task queue and log queue) 0000h open receive control file N open Nth received data file DL = queue 00h task queue 01h receive queue control file or received file, as given by CX 02h log queue 03h group file in task queue (v1.2+) 04h group file in log queue (v1.2+) Return: AX = 0000h successful BX = DOS file handle for requested file AX < 0 error code (see #03048) Note: the returned file handle has been opened in read-only mode and should be closed with INT 21/AH=3Eh after use SeeAlso: AX=CB01h,AX=CB05h,AX=CB14h --------F-2FCB08----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - DELETE FILE AX = CB08h BX = event handle CX = receive file number 0000h delete ALL received files and receive control file N delete Nth received file DL = queue 00h delete control file in task queue and corresponding group file if it exists 01h delete file in receive queue, as given by CX 02h delete control file in log queue (individual deletions not recommended, to maintain integrity of log) and corresponding group file if it exists Return: AX = 0000h successful AX < 0 error code (see #03048) SeeAlso: AX=CB02h,AX=CB09h --------F-2FCB09----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - DELETE ALL FILES IN Q AX = CB09h DL = queue 00h delete all control files in task queue, including all group files 01h delete all files in receive queue 02h delete all control files in log queue, including all group files Return: AX = 0000h successful AX < 0 error code (see #03048) SeeAlso: AX=CB08h --------F-2FCB0A----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - GET EVENT DATE AX = CB0Ah BX = event handle DL = queue 00h task queue 01h receive queue 02h log queue Return: AX = 0000h successful CX = year DH = month DL = day AX < 0 error code (see #03048) SeeAlso: AX=CB0Bh,AX=CB0Ch --------F-2FCB0B----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - SET TASK DATE AX = CB0Bh BX = event handle (task event only) CX = year DH = month DL = day Return: AX = 0000h successful AX < 0 error code (see #03048) Note: setting a task's date and time to before the current date and time causes it to execute immediately SeeAlso: AX=CB01h,AX=CB0Ah,AX=CB0Dh --------F-2FCB0C----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - GET EVENT TIME AX = CB0Ch BX = event handle DL = queue 00h task queue 01h receive queue 02h log queue Return: AX = 0000h successful CH = hour CL = minute DH = second DL = 00h AX < 0 error code (see #03048) SeeAlso: AX=CB0Ah,AX=CB0Dh --------F-2FCB0D----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - SET TASK TIME AX = CB0Dh BX = event handle (task events only) CH = hour CL = minute DH = second DL unused Return: AX = 0000h successful AX < 0 error code (see #03048) Note: setting a task's date and time to before the current date and time causes it to execute immediately SeeAlso: AX=CB0Bh,AX=CB0Ch,AX=CB10h --------F-2FCB0E----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - GET EXTERNAL DATA BLOCK AX = CB0Eh DS:DX -> 256-byte buffer for external data block (see #03049) Return: AX = 0000h successful DS:DX buffer filled AX < 0 error code (see #03048) Format of CAS external data block: Offset Size Description (Table 03049) 00h BYTE CAS major version 01h BYTE CAS minor version 02h 68 BYTEs ASCIZ path to directory containing CAS software, ends in slash 46h 13 BYTEs ASCIZ name of current phonebook (in CAS directory) 53h 13 BYTEs ASCIZ name of current logo file (in CAS directory) 60h 32 BYTEs ASCIZ default sender name 80h 21 BYTEs ASCIZ CCITT identification of fax device 95h 107 BYTEs reserved --------F-2FCB0F----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - GET/SET AUTORECEIVE AX = CB0Fh DL = subfunction 00h get current autoreceive state 01h set autoreceive state DH = number of rings before answer, 00h = never Return: AX = 0000h autoreceive disabled AX = N number of rings before answer AX < 0 error code (see #03048) --------F-2FCB10----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - GET CURRENT EVENT STATUS AX = CB10h DS:DX -> 512-byte buffer for status area (see #03051) Return: AX = 0000h successful BX = event handle of current event or negative error code if no current event buffer filled AX < 0 error code (see #03048) SeeAlso: AX=CB02h,AX=CB0Dh (Table 03050) Values for CAS event type: 00h send 01h receive 02h polled send 03h polled receive 04h to 7Fh reserved FFh serious hardware error Format of CAS status area: Offset Size Description (Table 03051) 00h BYTE event type (see #03050) 01h BYTE transfer type 00h 200x200 dpi, FAX mode 01h 100x200 dpi, FAX mode 02h file transfer mode 03h to 7Fh reserved 02h WORD event status (see #03052) 04h WORD event time (packed DOS time format, see INT 21/AX=5700h) 06h WORD event date (packed DOS date format, see INT 21/AX=5700h) 08h WORD number of files to transfer, max 7FFFh 0Ah WORD offset of file transfer record 0Ch 47 BYTEs ASCIZ phone number to call 3Bh 64 BYTEs ASCIZ application-specific tag string 7Bh BYTE reserved (00h) 7Ch BYTE connect time, seconds 7Dh BYTE connect time, minutes 7Eh BYTE connect time, hours 7Fh DWORD total number of pages in all files 83h DWORD pages already transmitted 87h WORD number of files already transmitted 89h BYTE cover page flag 00h don't transmit cover page 01h transmit cover page 02h to 7Fh reserved 8Ah WORD total number of transmission errors 8Ch 78 BYTEs reserved (zeros) DAh 21 BYTEs ASCIZ remote FAX's CCITT identification EFH 32 BYTEs ASCIZ destination name 10Fh 32 BYTEs ASCIZ sender name 12Fh 80 BYTEs filename of PCX logo file (max 1780x800 pixels) 17Fh 128 BYTEs file transfer record for current event (see #03053) (Table 03052) Values for CAS event status: 0000h completed successfully 0001h waiting 0002h number dialed 0003h connected, sending 0004h connected, receiving 0005h aborted 0006h to 007Fh reserved 0080h to 7FFFh application-specific events 8000h to FFFFh error codes Format of CAS file transfer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03053) 00h BYTE file type (ignored unless FAX) 00h ASCII 01h PCX 02h DCX 03h to 7Fh reserved 01h BYTE text size for ASCII FAX file 00h = 80 columns by 66 lines (11 inches) 01h = 132 columns by 88 lines (11 inches) 02h to 7Fh reserved 02h BYTE status of file 00h untouched 01h opened 02h moved 03h deleted 04h not yet received 05h to 7Fh reserved 03h DWORD bytes already transmitted 07h DWORD file size in bytes 0Bh WORD pages alread transmitted 0Dh WORD number of pages in file 0Fh 80 BYTEs ASCIZ filename 5Fh BYTE 1/8 inch page length if page length below set to 01h through 7Fh, this value specifies additional 1/8 inch increments to page length 60h BYTE page length 00h = 11 inches 01h to 7Fh = page length is this number of inches plus value of 1/8 inch field above 80h to FEh reserved FFh = ASCII pages ending with formfeed 61h 31 BYTEs reserved (zeros) --------F-2FCB11----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - GET QUEUE STATUS AX = CB11h DL = queue to get status of 00h task queue 01h receive queue 02h log queue 03h send events (v1.2+) 04h receive events (v1.2+) Return: AX >= 0 total number of changes made to queue, modulo 32768 BX = number of control files currently in queue CX = number of received files (zero for task and log queues) AX < 0 error code (see #03048) SeeAlso: AX=CB12h --------F-2FCB11DL03------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Spec v1.2+ - GET NUMBER OF SEND EVENTS AX = CB11h DL = 03h Return: AX = number of successful sends since resident manager started BX = number of unsuccessful sends, including warnings SeeAlso: AX=CB11h/DL=04h --------F-2FCB11DL04------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Spec v1.2+ - GET NUMBER OF RECEIVE EVENTS AX = CB11h DL = 04h Return: AX = number of received file events since resident manager started BX = number of received FAX events SeeAlso: AX=CB11h/DL=03h --------F-2FCB12----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - GET HARDWARE STATUS AX = CB12h DS:DX -> 128-byte status buffer (see #03054,#03056) Return: AX = 0000h successful DS:DX buffer filled with hardware-dependent status information < 0 error code (see #03048) SeeAlso: AX=CB10h,AX=CB11h Format of status buffer for Intel Connection CoProcessor: Offset Size Description (Table 03054) 00h BYTE Connection CoProcessor connection status flags (see #03057) 01h BYTE number of kilobytes of free buffer space 02h BYTE page buffer status bit 7: Connection CoProcessor has documents to send bits 6-0: number of pages in buffer 03h BYTE number of retries left for dialing number 04h BYTE page number to retransmit 05h BYTE communications status (see #03058) 06h BYTE baud rate (see #03055) 07h 3 BYTEs reserved 0Ah BYTE Connection CoProcessor hardware status (see #03059) 0Bh BYTE Connection CoProcessor switch states (see #03060) 0Ch BYTE communications flags (see #03061) 0Dh BYTE reserved 0Eh WORD error count (only valid while busy, reset when idle) 10h DWORD size of nonstandard format (NSF) file in bytes 14h BYTE 'A' if Connection CoProcessor board present 15h 9 BYTEs reserved 1Eh 21 BYTEs ASCIZ CCITT identification 33h 77 BYTEs reserved Note: the Intel Connection CoProcessor and SatisFAXtion may be distinguished by examining the byte at offset 14h Bitfields for Connection CoProcessor baud rate: Bit(s) Description (Table 03055) 7 reserved 6-4 baud rate 000 = 300 baud (V.21 SDLC or HDLC mode) 100 = 2400 baud (V.27 ter) 101 = 4800 baud (V.27 ter) 110 = 7200 baud (V.29) 111 = 9600 baud (V.29) 3-0 reserved, should be 0110 Format of status buffer for Intel SatisFAXtion board: Offset Size Description (Table 03056) 00h BYTE SatisFAXtion connection status flags (see #03062) 01h BYTE SatisFAXtion board state (see #03063) 02h BYTE number of KB free in buffer 03h BYTE number of pages or files in buffer 04h BYTE number of redials remaining on current number 05h BYTE FAX page number to retransmit 06h BYTE current page/file in block transfer 07h BYTE number of rings received (only if auto-answer enabled) 08h WORD error count 0Ah DWORD length of file being transferred 0Eh 6 BYTEs reserved 14h BYTE 'B' if SatisFAXtion board present 15h 13 BYTEs ASCIZ transfer agent name 22h 5 BYTEs ASCIZ transfer agent version number 27h 13 BYTEs ASCIZ resident loader name 34h 5 BYTEs ASCIZ resident loader version number 39h 21 BYTEs ASCIZ remote CSID 4Eh 13 BYTEs ASCIZ resident manager name 5Bh 5 BYTEs ASCIZ resident manager version number 60h 32 BYTEs reserved Note: the Intel Connection CoProcessor and SatisFAXtion may be distinguished by examining the byte at offset 14h Bitfields for Connection CoProcessor connection status flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03057) 7 hardware busy sending or receiving 6 last page of data 5 no data on current page 4 retransmit request for current page being transmitted 3 NSF (nonstandard file) mode active 2-0 reserved Bitfields for communications status: Bit(s) Description (Table 03058) 7 originating call 6 FAX message to be sent 5 on line 4 ring detected and receive enabled 3 buffer dumped on receive 2-0 hardware sequence state 000 idle 001 dial 010 answer 011 transmit 100 receive 101 pre-message 110 post-message 111 disconnect Bitfields for Connection CoProcessor hardware status: Bit(s) Description (Table 03059) 7 modem option installed 6 Connection CoProcessor has control of DAA (not latched) 5 on line (not latched) 4 ring detected (not latched) 3 data in command buffer (not latched) 2 set if using DMA channel 1, clear if using DMA channel 3 1 line length compensation 1 set (not latched) 0 line length compensation 0 set (not latched) Bitfields for Connection CoProcessor switch states: Bit(s) Description (Table 03060) 7 reserved 6 unused 5 spare switch open 4 FAX ADR1 switch open 3 FAX ADR0 switch open 2 alternate interrupt switch open 1 COM SEL 1 switch open 0 COM SEL 0 switch open Note: valid combinations of 0-2 are 000 COM2 IRQ3 IObase 2F8h 001 COM1 IRQ4 IObase 3F8h 010 COM4 IRQ3 IObase 2E8h 011 COM3 IRQ4 IObase 3E8h 110 COM4 IRQ2 IObase 2E8h 111 COM3 IRQ5 IObase 3E8h Bitfields for communications flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03061) 7 reserved 6 auxiliary relay forced ON 5 modem select relay forced ON 4 offhook relay forced ON 3 9600 bps enabled 2 7200 bps enabled 1 4800 bps enabled 0 2400 bps enabled Bitfields for SatisFAXtion connection status flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03062) 7 busy in T.30 CCITT fax protocol 6 data on current page/file (only used for block xfers) 5 retransmission of last page requested 4 in file transfer mode 3 data in buffer 2 data buffer dumped on receive 1 200x100 dpi resolution instead of 200x200 dpi 0 data modem in use, FAX image modem not available Bitfields for SatisFAXtion board state: Bit(s) Description (Table 03063) 7 reserved 6 handset jack active, data and FAX modems not available 5-3 current rate 000 300 bps (V.21 HDLC) 100 2400 bps (V.27 ter) 101 4800 bps (V.27 ter) 110 7200 bps (V.29) 111 9600 bps (V.29) 2-0 T.30 CCITT protocol state 000 idle 001 dialing 010 answering 011 transmitting 100 receiving 101 pre-message 110 post-message 111 disconnect --------F-2FCB13DL00------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - GET DIAGNOSTICS RESULTS AX = CB13h DL = 00h Return: AX = 0040h in progress >= 0 passed < 0 hardware-dependent failure code (see #03064,#03065) SeeAlso: AX=CB13h/DL=01h Bitfields for Intel Connection CoProcessor failure codes: Bit(s) Description (Table 03064) 3 9600 bps FAX modem module failed 2 SDLC chip failed 1 RAM failed 0 ROM checksum failed Bitfields for Intel SatisFAXtion failure codes: Bit(s) Description (Table 03065) 1 2400 bps data modem failed 0 9600 bps FAX modem failed --------F-2FCB13DL01------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - START DIAGNOSTICS AX = CB13h DL = 01h Return: AX = 0000h successfully started AX < 0 error code (see #03048) SeeAlso: AX=CB13h/DL=00h --------F-2FCB14----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - MOVE RECEIVED FILE AX = CB14h BX = event handle CX = receive file number 0001h first received file N Nth received file DS:DX -> ASCIZ string specifying new name for file (must not exist) Return: AX = 0000h successful AX < 0 error code (see #03048) --------F-2FCB15----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Specification - SUBMIT FILE TO SEND AX = CB15h DS:DX -> variable-length data area (see #03066) Return: AX >= 0 event handle AX < 0 error code (see #03048) SeeAlso: AX=CB01h Format of CAS file submission data area: Offset Size Description (Table 03066) 00h BYTE transfer type 00h = 200x200 dpi, fax mode 01h = 100x200 dpi, fax mode 02h = file transfer mode 03h to 7Fh reserved 01h BYTE text size 00h = 80 columns 01h = 132 columns 02h to 7Fh reserved 02h WORD time to send (DOS packed time, see #01665 at INT 21/AX=5700h) 04h WORD date to send (DOS packed date, see #01666 at INT 21/AX=5700h) 06h 32 BYTEs ASCIZ destination name 26h 80 BYTEs ASCIZ name of file to send 76h 47 BYTEs ASCIZ phone number to dial A5h 64 BYTEs ASCIZ application-specific tag string E5h BYTE reserved (00h) E6h BYTE cover page 00h don't send cover page 01h send cover page 02h to 7Fh reserved E7h 23 BYTEs reserved (zeros) FEh variable ASCIZ string containing text of cover page (if cover page flag set to 01h) --------F-2FCB16BX1234----------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Spec v1.2+ - UNLOAD RESIDENT MANAGER AX = CB16h BX = 1234h CX = 5678h DX = 9ABCh Return: AX = 0000h successful AX < 0 error code Note: the METZ XpressFax CASMGR ignores the values in BX,CX, and DX SeeAlso: AX=C000h/BX=444Bh,AX=CB00h Index: uninstall;CAS Manager --------F-2FCB17----------------------------- INT 2F - Communicating Applications Spec v1.2+ - SET COVER PAGE STATUS AX = CB17h BX = event handle CL = cover page status 00h not read 01h read by user Return: AX = 0000h successful AX < 0 error code --------F-2FCB80----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel SatisFAXtion CASMGR - ??? AX = CB80h ??? Return: ??? --------F-2FCB81----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel SatisFAXtion CASMGR - ??? AX = CB81h ??? Return: ??? --------F-2FCB82----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel SatisFAXtion CASMGR - ??? AX = CB82h ??? Return: ??? --------F-2FCBDCBL56------------------------- INT 2F - Comwave Microfax Specification - GET STATUS ARRAY AX = CBDCh BL = 56h BH = line number (starts with 1) CX:DX -> 32-byte status buffer or 80 character string Return: AX = number of cards installed, or FFFFh on error Program: Comwave manufacturers the Microfax line of fax cards which are a high-performance multi-card FAX solution for OEMs. Note: defaults to AH=CBh but can be changed SeeAlso: AX=CBDDh,AX=DA00h --------F-2FCBDDBL56------------------------- INT 2F - Comwave Microfax Specification - COMMAND SUBMISSION AX = CBDDh BL = 56h BH = ? CX:DX -> command to execute Return: AX = status 0000h success FFFFh on error SeeAlso: AH=2Ah,AX=CBDCh,AX=80FBh --------c-2FCC--SI5453----------------------- INT 2F U - PC-Kwik Programs - API AH = CCh SI = 5453h or 7473h AL = function number (at least 00h,01h,04h,05h,07h,80h) DL = program identifier (see #03067) Return: SI = 7473h other registers vary by function Note: Qualitas Qcache v4.00 is an OEM version of Super PC-Kwik v4.00, and thus supports this call SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=2Bh/CX=4358h (Table 03067) Values for PC-Kwik program identifier: 00h all installed PowerPak programs 01h SUPERPCK/SUPER/QCACHE v4.00+ (disk cache) 02h PCKSPL (print spooler) 04h PCKSCRN (screen accelerator) 05h PCKKEY (keyboard enhancer) 06h PCKRAMD (RAM disk) 08h PCKWIK.SYS 10h PCKCDROM (CD-ROM support for SUPERPCK) --------N-2FCC00----------------------------- INT 2F - Tsoft NFSDRVR - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CC00h Return: AX = 7777h BX = ??? CX = ??? DX = ??? ES = data segment of resident portion SeeAlso: AX=CC01h,AX=CC06h --------N-2FCC01----------------------------- INT 2F - Tsoft NFSDRVR - ??? AX = CC01h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=CC00h --------N-2FCC02----------------------------- INT 2F - Tsoft NFSDRVR - ??? AX = CC02h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=CC00h --------N-2FCC03----------------------------- INT 2F - Tsoft NFSDRVR - ??? AX = CC03h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=CC00h --------N-2FCC04----------------------------- INT 2F - Tsoft NFSDRVR - ??? AX = CC04h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=CC00h --------N-2FCC05----------------------------- INT 2F - Tsoft NFSDRVR - ??? AX = CC05h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=CC00h --------N-2FCC06----------------------------- INT 2F - Tsoft NFSDRVR - ??? AX = CC06h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=CC00h --------P-2FCD00----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel Image Processing Interface - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CD00h Return: AL = state 00h not installed, OK to install 01h not installed, not OK to install FFh installed SeeAlso: AX=CD02h"Image" --------P-2FCD00----------------------------- INT 2F - LaserPort Interface - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CD00h Return: AL = status FFh installed SeeAlso: AX=CD0Fh"LaserPort" --------U-2FCD00----------------------------- INT 2F - SWELL.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CD00h Return: AX = 00FFh installed BH = major version BL = minor version Program: SWELL.EXE is a TSR which swaps programs to disk when they EXEC a child process with INT 21/AH=4Bh --------s-2FCD00BX464F----------------------- INT 2F - Forte/Gravis ULTRAMID - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CD00h BX = 464Fh ('FO') CX = 5254h ('RT') DX = 4520h ('E ') Return: AL = FFh if installed BX = 4155h ('AU') CX = 4449h ('DI') DX = 4F20h ('O ') ES:SI -> program ID string Program: ULTRAMID is a MIDI driver for the Gravis UltraSound which allows use of AIL drivers with other software Range: AH=CDh-ECh, selected by scanning for an available multiplex number SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=FD12h,AX=CD00h/DX=4957h --------s-2FCD00DX4957----------------------- INT 2F R - InterWave Game API - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CD00h DX = 4957h ('IW') SI = 5645h ('VE') Return: AL = FFh if installed DX = 4554h ('ET') SI = 454Bh ('EK') Range: AH=CDh-ECh, selected by scanning for an available multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=CD00h/BX=464Fh,AX=CD01h"InterWave",AX=CD21h"InterWave" SeeAlso: AX=CD80h"InterWave" --------P-2FCD01----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel Image Processing Interface - SET DEVICE NAME AX = CD01h CX:BX -> ASCIZ character device name ("LPTn", "COMn", "PRN") Return: AL = status 00h successful CX:BX -> internal character device name 80h error --------U-2FCD01----------------------------- INT 2F - SWELL.EXE - SUSPEND ONCE AX = CD01h Return: AX = 0000h SeeAlso: AX=CD02h"SWELL" --------s-2FCD01BX0000----------------------- INT 2F R - InterWave Game API - GET NUMBER OF INTERWAVE PROGRAMS / PROGRAM ID AX = CD01h BX = 0000h Return: BX = number of programs currently installed on the Game API Desc: get the number of programs supporting the InterWave Game API which are currently installed in memory, which also forms the next program ID number if the caller wishes to go resident on the API Range: AH=CDh-ECh, selected by scanning for an available multiplex number Notes: the first program to install on the IW Game API must use ID 00h the AMD-recommended implementation is for the handler to increment BX and chain to the previous handler (if any), but this will fail if TSRs are unloaded out-of-order SeeAlso: AX=CD00h"InterWave",AX=CD02h"InterWave",AX=CD03h"InterWave" SeeAlso: AX=CD05h"InterWave",AX=CD21h"InterWave",AX=CD80h"InterWave" --------P-2FCD02----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel Image Processing Interface - GET VERSION NUMBER AX = CD02h Return: AL = status 00h/01h successful BH = major version number (BCD) BL = minor version number (BCD) 80h error Note: if return AL = 01h, the IPI supports network redirection SeeAlso: AX=CD00h"Image" --------U-2FCD02----------------------------- INT 2F - SWELL.EXE - SUSPEND AX = CD02h Return: AX = 0000h SeeAlso: AX=CD03h"SWELL" --------s-2FCD02----------------------------- INT 2F R - InterWave Game API - GET PROGRAM STATUS AND INFORMATION AX = CD02h BX = program identifier Return: CX = program status bit 0: using synthesizer bit 1: using Codec bit 2: supports at least one Game Device (see AX=CD21h,AX=CD22h) BX = supported API version (BCD, BH=major, BL=minor) if CX bit 2 set ES:DI -> ASCIZ identification string Range: AH=CDh-ECh, selected by scanning for an available multiplex number Note: ordinarily, an application will loop through all valid program identifiers (as returned by AX=CD01h); if any of the installed programs conflicts with the use the caller wishes to make of the InterWave chip, it should be disabled with AX=CD03h first SeeAlso: AX=CD00h"InterWave",AX=CD01h"InterWave",AX=CD03h"InterWave" SeeAlso: AX=CD05h"InterWave",AX=CD21h"InterWave",AX=CD80h"InterWave" --------P-2FCD03----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel Image Processing Interface - SELECT SCAN LINE AX = CD03h BX = scan line CX = requested density in dots per inch (300, 600, or 1200) Return: AL = status (see also AX=CD04h"Image") 00h successful CX = density at which scan line was mapped ES:DI -> start of scan line 80h unsuccessful 81h scan line out of range 82h unsupported scan line density 83h out of memory SeeAlso: AX=CD04h"Image" --------U-2FCD03----------------------------- INT 2F - SWELL.EXE - ACTIVATE AX = CD03h Return: AX = 0000h SeeAlso: AX=CD02h"SWELL" --------s-2FCD03----------------------------- INT 2F R - InterWave Game API - SUSPEND PROGRAM AX = CD03h BX = installed program identifier CX = InterWave section to be released 0000h all 0001h synthesizer 0002h Codec Return: AL = status 00h successful BX = base port CL = IRQ CH = DMA channel (Codec only) else failed SeeAlso: AX=CD00h"InterWave",AX=CD01h"InterWave",AX=CD02h"InterWave" SeeAlso: AX=CD04h"InterWave",AX=CD21h"InterWave",AX=CD80h"InterWave" --------P-2FCD04----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel Image Processing Interface - MOVE BITMAP TO SCANLINE AX = CD04h CX:BX -> structure (see #03069) Return: AL = status (see #03068) SeeAlso: AX=CD03h"Image" (Table 03068) Values for IPI function status: 00h successful 80h unsuccessful 81h scan line out of range 82h unsupported scan line density 83h out of memory 84h unrecognized source 85h initialization error Format of structure: Offset Size Description (Table 03069) 00h WORD image source (0 = conventional memory, 1 = expanded memory) 02h DWORD pointer to image data 06h WORD scan line on which to place 08h WORD bit offset from start of scan line at which to place 0Ah WORD density of bitmap data (300, 600, or 1200 dpi) 0Ch WORD width in bits of data 0Eh WORD source logical page number 10h WORD source handle (only if source in expanded memory) 12h WORD source offset (only if source in expanded memory) --------U-2FCD04----------------------------- INT 2F - SWELL.EXE - TURN OFF VERBOSE MODE AX = CD04h Return: AX = 0000h SeeAlso: AX=CD05h"SWELL" --------s-2FCD04----------------------------- INT 2F R - InterWave Game API - WAKE PROGRAM AX = CD04h BX = installed program identifier Return: AL = status 00h successful else failed Note: this function should only be called after the program has been suspended with AX=CD03h SeeAlso: AX=CD00h"InterWave",AX=CD01h"InterWave",AX=CD03h"InterWave" SeeAlso: AX=CD05h"InterWave",AX=CD21h"InterWave",AX=CD80h"InterWave" SeeAlso: INT 7E/AL=84h"IWSBSDRV" --------P-2FCD05----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel Image Processing Interface - PRINT PAGE AX = CD05h Return: AL = status (00h,80h) (see #03068) Note: page image is retained, so multiple calls will print multiple copies of the page SeeAlso: AX=CD06h"Image" --------U-2FCD05----------------------------- INT 2F - SWELL.EXE - TURN ON VERBOSE MODE AX = CD05h Return: AX = 0000h SeeAlso: AX=CD04h"SWELL" --------s-2FCD05----------------------------- INT 2F R - InterWave Game API - UNINSTALL RESIDENT DEVICE DRIVER AX = CD05h BX = installed program identifier Return: AL = status 00h successful else failed SeeAlso: AX=CD00h"InterWave",AX=CD01h"InterWave",AX=CD02h"InterWave" SeeAlso: AX=CD03h"InterWave",AX=CD21h"InterWave",AX=CD80h"InterWave" --------P-2FCD06----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel Image Processing Interface - CLEAR PAGE AX = CD06h Return: AL = status (00h,80h) (see #03068) Note: palette is reset to default SeeAlso: AX=CD09h"Image" --------U-2FCD06----------------------------- INT 2F - SWELL.EXE - UNINSTALL AX = CD06h Return: AX = status 0000h uninstalled 8002h programs still swapped, not uninstalled --------P-2FCD07----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel Image Processing Interface - reserved AX = CD07h SeeAlso: AX=CD00h"Image" --------U-2FCD07----------------------------- INT 2F - SWELL.EXE - GET INFO AX = CD07h ES:BX -> 32-byte buffer for info (see #03070) Return: AX = status 0000h successful ES:BX buffer filled 8001h buffer wrong size Format of SWELL.EXE info buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 03070) 00h WORD 20h (total size of buffer) 02h BYTE suspend-once mode active if nonzero 03h BYTE 00h active, 01h suspended 04h BYTE 00h quiet, 01h verbose 05h BYTE "Borland support" (allowing INT 21/AX=4B01h) on if nonzero 06h 26 BYTEs unused??? --------P-2FCD08----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel Image Processing Interface - SCREEN IMAGE AX = CD08h CX:BX -> structure (see #03071) Return: AL = status (00h,80h-85h) (see #03068) SeeAlso: AX=CD05h"Image",AX=CD09h"Image" Format of IPI screen image structure: Offset Size Description (Table 03071) 00h WORD image source (0 = conventional memory, 1 = expanded memory) 02h DWORD pointer to image data 06h WORD horizontal position on paper of left edge (in 1200 dpi units) 08h WORD vertical position on paper of top edge (in 1200 dpi units) 0Ah WORD left cropping (currently must be zero) 0Ch WORD top cropping (currently must be zero) 0Eh WORD width (currently must be 8000h) 10h WORD height (currently must be 8000h) 12h WORD horizontal size of image in 1200 dpi units 14h WORD vertical size of image in 1200 dpi units 16h WORD aspect ratio (currently reserved) 18h WORD initialization flag (if 01h, initialization is performed) 1Ah WORD pixels per line of source data 1Ch WORD number of scan lines in source data 1Eh WORD number of scan lines in packet 20h WORD bits per pixel (1,2,4,6, or 8) 22h WORD pixels per byte (1,2,4, or 8) 24h WORD compression type (currently only 00h [uncompressed] supported) 26h WORD source page number (if in expanded memory) 28h WORD source handle (if in expanded memory) 2Ah WORD source offset (if in expanded memory) --------U-2FCD08----------------------------- INT 2F - SWELL.EXE - UNUSED AX = CD08h Return: AX = FFFFh (error) --------P-2FCD09----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel Image Processing Interface - LOAD SCREEN AX = CD09h CX:BX -> structure (see #03072) Return: AL = status (00h,80h) (see #03068) SeeAlso: AX=CD06h"Image Processing",AX=CD0Ah"Image Processing" Format of IPI load screen structure: Offset Size Description (Table 03072) 00h BYTE style 44h ('D') diamond style 4Ch ('L') line style 01h BYTE reserved (00h) 02h WORD frequency in lines per inch [sic] currently, coerced to nearest of 50, 60, 68, 70, 75, 85, or 100 04h WORD screen angle in degrees (-360 to 360) currently coerced to nearest of -45, 0, 45, or 90 --------U-2FCD09----------------------------- INT 2F - SWELL.EXE - TURN OFF "BORLAND SUPPORT" AX = CD09h Return: AX = 0000h SeeAlso: AX=CD0Ah"SWELL" --------P-2FCD0A----------------------------- INT 2F - Intel Image Processing Interface - LOAD PALETTE AX = CD0Ah CX:BX -> palette structure (see #03073) Return: AL = status (00h,80h) (see #03068) SeeAlso: AX=CD09h"Image Processing" Format of IPI palette structure: Offset Size Description (Table 03073) 00h BYTE bits per pixel for which palette is to be used (1,2,4,6, or 8) 01h 2**N palette translation values, one per possible pixel value --------U-2FCD0A----------------------------- INT 2F - SWELL.EXE - TURN ON "BORLAND SUPPORT" AX = CD0Ah Return: AX = 0000h SeeAlso: AX=CD09h"SWELL" --------P-2FCD0F----------------------------- INT 2F - LaserPort Interface - EXECUTE FUNCTION AX = CD0Fh BL = function 01h enable 02h disable 03h ??? Return: AL = status 00h success SeeAlso: AX=CD00h"LaserPort" --------s-2FCD21----------------------------- INT 2F R - InterWave Game API - OPEN GAME DEVICE AX = CD21h BX = installed program identifier ES:DI -> ASCIZ device name "MIDISIMPLE" "MIDICOMPLEX" "DIRECTCODEC" Return: AL = status 00h successful DX = device handle ---MIDISIMPLE and MIDICOMPLEX--- BX = real-mode interrupt number (see #03074,#03075) ---DIRECTCODEC--- BX = base port CL = IRQ CH = DMA channel (04h = no DMA) SI = size of FIFO in bytes (0000h = use DMA) nonzero failed (not supported or already in use) AH may be destroyed Range: AH=CDh-ECh, selected by scanning for an available multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=CD00h"InterWave",AX=CD01h"InterWave",AX=CD02h"InterWave" SeeAlso: AX=CD05h"InterWave",AX=CD22h"InterWave",AX=CD80h"InterWave" (Table 03074) Call MIDISIMPLE with: EAX = function number 0001h MIDI byte out BL = MIDI byte to send 0002h MIDI string out ECX = length of MIDI string in bytes ES:EDI -> MIDI string to send (should not include timing info) DX = device handle INT xxh (as returned by AX=CD21h) Return: EAX = status 00000000h if successful FFFFFFFFh on error (bad handle) SeeAlso: #03075,INT 7E/AX=0001h"IWSBSDRV",INT 7E/AX=0002h"IWSBSDRV" (Table 03075) Call MIDICOMPLEX with: EAX = function number ??? (specification is still in development) DX = device handle INT xxh (as returned by AX=CD21h) Return: EAX = status 00000000h if successful FFFFFFFFh on error (bad handle) SeeAlso: #03074 --------s-2FCD22----------------------------- INT 2F R - InterWave Game API - CLOSE GAME DEVICE AX = CD22h BX = installed program identifier DX = device handle (from AX=CD21h) Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh inavlid handle or device is not open Range: AH=CDh-ECh, selected by scanning for an available multiplex number SeeAlso: AX=CD00h"InterWave",AX=CD01h"InterWave",AX=CD02h"InterWave" SeeAlso: AX=CD05h"InterWave",AX=CD21h"InterWave",AX=CD80h"InterWave" --------s-2FCD80----------------------------- INT 2F RC - InterWave Game API - MIXER SETTINGS CHANGED BROADCAST AX = CD80h Return: nothing Desc: called by an application controlling the InterWave chip's mixer whenever the mixer's settings are changed Range: AH=CDh-ECh, selected by scanning for an available multiplex number Note: when an application intercepts this function call, it must read the new mixer settings from the InterWave chip SeeAlso: AX=CD00h"InterWave",AX=CD01h"InterWave",AX=CD02h"InterWave" SeeAlso: AX=CD05h"InterWave",AX=CD21h"InterWave",AX=CD22h"InterWave" --------K-2FCF00----------------------------- INT 2F - TEMPLEXX 1.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CF00h Return: AL = FFh if installed Program: TEMPLEXX is a popup keyboard template by Henson Scientific, Inc. Note: values in AL other than 00h cause an immediate return without modifying any registers --------G-2FD000----------------------------- INT 2F C - MDEBUG display driver - GET DRIVER STATUS AX = D000h Return: CF set on error all other registers must be unchanged) CF clear if successful AL = FFh AH = driver semaphor 00h driver is not active 01h driver is active BX = CS of the driver CX = driver version (CH = major, CL = minor, must be >= 013Ch) DL = buffer semaphor 00h driver is not pending 01h driver is pending between functions 02h and 03h DH = show semaphor 00h driver is not pending 01h driver is pending between functions 04h and 05h Program: MDEBUG is a shareware memory-resident debugging tool by Bernd Schemmer, including a memory monitor, an interpreter and a disassembler Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by switch or programmatically Notes: MDEBUG can use any two consecutive multiplex numbers between C0h and FFh; the default is D0h for the display driver and D1h for the command driver (call INT 60/AH=00h"MDEBUG" for the actual multiplex numbers used) this function MUST be reentrant, as MDEBUG calls it after every popup before any other actions. The handler should not change any registers if the display is in an unsupported mode or in a mode MDEBUG supports itself, e.g. a normal text mode with at least 80x25 characters (i.e. 80x43 or 132x44 (v1.60+)). In this case MDEBUG will not call any of the other functions for this popup session. MDEBUG will not call the other functions if the returned version is less than the actual version of MDEBUG. if the driver is reentrant, DL and DH should be 00h SeeAlso: AX=D001h,AX=D002h,AX=D003h,AX=D004h,AX=D005h --------M-2FD000----------------------------- INT 2F - ZWmous - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D000h Return: AX = 5A57h ("ZW") if installed BX = segment of resident code Program: ZWmous is a shareware TSR by Zen Wu which permits the use of a mouse with many non-mouse applications by entering the letter under the mouse cursor on button presses SeeAlso: INT 33/AX=0003h --------N-2FD000----------------------------- INT 2F - Lotus CD/Networker - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D000h Return: AL = FFh if CD/Networker TSR is loaded BX = 4D44h ("MD") signature CX = Windows mode word (from INT 2F/AX=1600h) at time of TSR load DX = bitmap identifying all loaded CD/Networker TSRs. Notes: INT 2F/AH=D0h is used by CD/Networker to communicate between a resident redirector TSR and a transient program that controls the TSR's CD-ROM drive emulation (volume attachments, caching, etc). At present there is only one CD/Networker TSR; the bitmap always = 4. SeeAlso: AX=D002h"Lotus",INT 2F/AX=1500h"CD-ROM" --------G-2FD001----------------------------- INT 2F C - MDEBUG display driver - INITIALIZE DRIVER AX = D001h Return: CF set on error AL = driver semaphor AH = buffer semaphor Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by switch or programmatically Notes: MDEBUG calls this function after every successful call of the function 00h. The function should reset all internal data and the status of the driver. If this function returns an error, MDEBUG will not call the other functions in this popup session. MDEBUG can use any two consecutive multiplex numbers between C0h and FFh; the default is D0h for the display driver and D1h for the command driver SeeAlso: AX=D000h --------G-2FD002----------------------------- INT 2F C - MDEBUG display driver - SAVE GRAPHIC DATA AX = D002h Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful display memory saved and display switched to one of the text modes 02h, 03h or 07h. Note: MDEBUG calls this function only once every popup session before displaying its windows. SeeAlso: AX=D000h,AX=D003h --------N-2FD002BX4D44----------------------- INT 2F - Multiplex - Lotus CD/Networker GET DATA AREA AX = D002h BX = 4D44h DX = bitmap identifying one loaded CD/Networker TSR Return: ES:DI -> data area owned by TSR Note: the format of the data area changes with each minor revision, so it cannot be counted on SeeAlso: AX=D000h"Lotus" --------G-2FD003----------------------------- INT 2F C - MDEBUG display driver - RESTORE GRAPHIC DATA AX = D003h Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful display restored to the mode it was in before calling AX=D002h and the display memory is restored Note: MDEBUG calls this function only once every popup session just before it exits to normal DOS. SeeAlso: AX=D000h,AX=D002h --------G-2FD004----------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG display driver - SHOW SAVED DATA AX = D004h Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful display switched to mode it was in before calling AX=D002h and the display memory is restored Note: This function needn't save the display memory before changing it. SeeAlso: AX=D000h,AX=D005h --------G-2FD005----------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG display driver - SWITCH BACK TO TEXT SCREEN AX = D005h Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful display restored to mode it was in before calling AX=D004h Note: This function needn't save or change the display memory SeeAlso: AX=D000h,AX=D004h --------G-2FD0------------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG display driver - RESERVED FUNCTION NUMBERS AH = D0h AL = 06h-7Fh Note: these functions are reserved for future use --------G-2FD0------------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG display driver - USER DEFINED FUNCTION NUMBERS AH = D0h AL = 80h-FFh Note: these functions numbers are reserved for user defined features (e.g. communication between the transient und resident parts of the driver) --------G-2FD100----------------------------- INT 2F C - MDEBUG command driver - GET STATUS AX = D100h BX = version of MDEBUG (BH = major, BL = minor) CX = command driver counter ---v1.60+--- DS:SI -> MDEBUG identification table (see #03076) ES = segment of display memory used by MDEBUG DI = size of video mode used by MDEBUG (high byte = lines, low byte = columns) Return: DL = FFh BX = version number of the driver if it is less than the version in BX, else unchanged CX incremented Program: MDEBUG is a shareware memory-resident debugging tool by Bernd Schemmer, including a memory monitor, an interpreter, and a disassembler Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by switch or programmatically Notes: called by MDEBUG at start of popup session; if the version number returned in BX is less than 1.52 (1.60 for MDEBUG v1.70), MDEBUG will not call any of the other functions during this popup session MDEBUG can use any two consecutive multiplex numbers between C0h and FFh; the default is D0h for the display driver and D1h for the command driver (call INT 60/AH=00h"MDEBUG" for the multiplex numbers actually used) this function must end with a far call to the old INT 2F handler after changing the registers this function MUST be reentrant command drivers must also declare the following data at the given offsets in the code segment 100h 3 BYTEs JMP-command in .COM-files 103h BYTE NOP-command (90h) 104h 26 BYTEs signature "Kommandotreiber f�r MDEBUG" 11Eh 12 BYTEs name of driver, e.g. "MDHISDRV.COM" each driver must have a unique name MDEBUG will pass every key and command to the command driver(s) before checking for a valid internal command SeeAlso: AX=D000h,AX=D101h Format of MDEBUG identification table: Offset Size Description (Table 03076) -2 WORD entry offset 00h WORD CS of MDEBUG 02h DWORD old INT 08h vector 06h DWORD old INT 09h vector 0Ah DWORD address INT 16h routine used by MDEBUG 0Eh BYTE length of version string 0Fh N BYTEs version string --------G-2FD101----------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG command driver - INITIALIZE DRIVER AX = D101h CX = command driver counter Return: DL = status FFh if successful CX incremented else error: all registers unchanged Note: this function must end with a far call to the old INT 2F handler after changing the registers this function must be reentrant --------G-2FD102----------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG command driver - EXECUTE INTERPRETER COMMAND AX = D102h BL = first character of the interpreter command BH = last character of the interpreter command (or blank) DS:SI -> parameter for the interpreter command as ASCIZ string DS:DI -> MDEBUG data structure (see #03078) Return: AL = FFh CF set on error AH = error number (see #03077) DS:SI -> ASCIZ error message (max 30 characters) if AH=0Ch CF clear if successful AH = return code 00h continue processing the command line 01h leave MDEBUG popup session 02h leave MDEBUG popup session and automatically popup again if the InDOS flag is zero 03h not used (same as 00h) 04h not used (same as 00h) 05h put new command line into the input buffer, DS:SI -> new command line (ASCIZ string, max 66 chars) 06h process new command line DS:SI -> new command line (ASCIZ string, max 66 chars) else unknown status, but continue processing commmand line Note: this function must end with a far call to the old INT 2F handler (with registers unchanged) if the driver does not support the interpreter command in BX. Otherwise, the driver must not chain to the old INT 2F. (Table 03077) Values for MDEBUG error number: 01h syntax error 02h first shell of the command.com is activ 03h Esc pressed 04h break pressed 05h DOS is busy 06h command ended 07h division by zero 08h invalid display driver 09h invalid command driver 0Ah error 8 and 9 0Bh unknown error 0Ch new error else unknown error Format of MDEBUG data structure: Offset Size Description (Table 03078) 00h WORD register SE 02h WORD register OF 04h WORD register FS 06h WORD register FO 08h WORD register AX 0Ah WORD register BX 0Ch WORD register CX 0Eh WORD register DX 10h WORD register SI 12h WORD register DI 14h WORD register DS 16h WORD register ES 18h WORD register BP 1Ah WORD register SS 1Ch WORD register SP 1Eh WORD register FL (flags) 20h WORD register R0 22h WORD register R1 24h WORD register R2 26h WORD register R3 28h WORD register R4 2Ah WORD register R5 2Ch WORD register R6 2Eh WORD register R7 30h WORD register R8 32h WORD register CS, return-address 34h WORD register IP, return-address 36h DWORD saved pointer to data for key <F6> (v1.60) saved monitor address (v1.70) 3Ah 12 WORDs saved register values on last popup entry (for <F8> key) (original register values at popup entry of MDEBUG) AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, DS, ES, BP, SS, SP, flags 52h 12 WORDs saved register values on last popup exit (for <SHIFT-F8> key) AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, DS, ES, BP, SS, SP, flags 6Ah DWORD address of the DOS-invars-table 6Eh DWORD address of the InDOS flag 72h WORD offset of the register which is used for the segment of the first monitor window 74h WORD offset of the register which is used for the offset of the first monitor window 76h WORD name of the register which is used for the segment of the first monitor segment 78h WORD name of the register which is used for the offset of the first monitor window 7Ah WORD pseudo register 1 7Ch WORD pseudo register 2 --------G-2FD103----------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG command driver - EXECUTE KEY IN THE MONITOR AX = D103h BX = key code (like result of an interrupt 16h call) CX = cursor position 0000h in the ASCII column of the monitor 0001h in one of the hex fields of the monitor DS:SI -> MDEBUG data structure (see #03078) ES:DI -> actual byte in the monitor Return: AL = FFh AH = return code 00h key processed, read next key 01h leave MDEBUG popup session 02h leave MDEBUG popup session and automatically popup again if DOS is not busy 03h signal an error (beep) 04h driver has redefined the key, proceed with the new key BX = new key code MDEBUG will not pass the new key to the command driver(s) else treat like code 00h Note: this function must end with a far call to the old INT 2F handler (with registers unchanged) if the driver does not support the key in BX. Otherwise, the driver must not chain to the old INT 2F. SeeAlso: AX=D104h --------G-2FD104----------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG command driver - EXECUTE KEY IN THE INTERPRETER AX = D104h DS:SI -> MDEBUG data structure (see #03078) Return: AL = FFh AH = return code 00h key processed, read next key 01h leave MDEBUG popup session 02h leave MDEBUG popup session and automactically popup again if DOS is not busy 03h signal an error (beep) 04h driver has redefined the key, proceed with the new key BX = new key code MDEBUG won't pass the new key to the command driver(s) 05h put new command line into the input buffer DS:SI -> new command line (ASCIZ string, max 66 chars) 06h process new command line DS:SI -> new command line (ASCIZ string, max 66 chars) else treat like code 00h Note: this function must end with a far call to the old INT 2F handler if the driver does not support the key in BX. Otherwise, the driver must not chain to the old INT 2F. SeeAlso: AX=D103h --------G-2FD1------------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG command driver - RESERVED FUNCTIONS AH = D1h AL = 05h-0Ah Note: these functions are reserved for future use --------G-2FD110----------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG command driver - GET ADDRESS OF THE OLD INT 2F AX = D110h Return: DL = FFh ES:BX -> next program in the chain for INT 2F CX = code segment of this driver DI = offset of driver identification table (see #03079) (v1.60+) Notes: only called by the transient part of the driver must be reentrant and the driver must not chain this function to the old INT 2F Format of the MDEBUG driver identification table: Offset Size Description (Table 03079) 00h 26 BYTEs signature "Kommandotreiber f�r MDEBUG" ^- Note: ASCII 129,German U-umlaut 27h 12 BYTEs name of driver, e.g. "MDHISDRV.COM" each driver must have a unique name --------G-2FD111----------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG command driver - START DRIVER AX = D111h Return: DL = FFh Notes: only called by the transient part of the driver to inform the resident part that it is installed the function must be reentrant and the driver mustn't chain this function to the old INT 2F SeeAlso: AX=D101h,AX=D112h --------G-2FD112----------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG command driver - END DRIVER AX = D112h Return: DL = FFh Notes: only called by the transient part of the driver to inform the resident part that it will be released after this function the function must be reentrant and the driver mustn't chain this function to the old INT 2F SeeAlso: AX=D101h,AX=D111h --------G-2FD1------------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG command driver - RESERVED FUNCTIONS AH = D1h AL = 13h-7Fh Note: these functions are reserved for future use --------G-2FD1------------------------------- INT 2F - MDEBUG command driver - USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS AH = D1h AL = 80h-FFh Note: these functions are reserved for user defined features (e.g. communication between the transient und resident parts of the driver) --------U-2FD200----------------------------- INT 2F - PCL-838.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D200h Return: AL = FFh if installed??? (documented as AX = return value) Program: PCL-838 is a resident utility for controlling a stepmotor adapter board by Advantec SeeAlso: AX=D201h"PCL-838",AX=D202h"PCL-838" --------Q-2FD200BX5144----------------------- INT 2F - Quarterdeck RPCI - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D200h BX = 5144h ("QD") CX = 4D45h ("ME") DX = 4D30h ("M0") Return: AL = FFh installed if BX,CX,DX registers were as specified on entry: BX = 4D45h ("ME") CX = 4D44h ("MD") DX = 5652h ("VR") Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning AH=D2h-FFh, then AH=C0h-D1h Notes: the Quarterdeck RPCI (Resident Program Communication Interface) is supported by QEMM v5.0+, QRAM, MANIFEST, VIDRAM, etc. for AL <> 0, if the BX/CX/DX values don't match the identifier of a Quarterdeck product, it just chains to the previous INT 2F handler SeeAlso: AX=D201h/BX=4849h,AX=D201h/BX=4D41h,AX=D201h/BX=4D45h SeeAlso: AX=D201h/BX=5145h,AX=D201h/BX=5649h --------U-2FD201----------------------------- INT 2F - PCL-838.EXE - UNINSTALL AX = D201h Return: AX = return value SeeAlso: AX=D200h"PCL-838",AX=D202h"PCL-838" --------m-2FD201BX4849----------------------- INT 2F - Quarterdeck RPCI - GET QD HIMEM PRESENCE AX = D201h BX = 4849h ("HI") CX = 4D45h ("ME") DX = 4D51h ("MQ") Return: BX = 4F4Bh ("OK") ES:DI -> HIMEM entry point Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning AH=D2h-FFh, then AH=C0h-D1h SeeAlso: AX=D200h,AX=D201h/BX=5145h --------m-2FD201BX4849----------------------- INT 2F - Quarterdeck RPCI - QEMM/QRAM v5.0+ - GET HIRAM MEMORY CHAIN AX = D201h BX = 4849h ("HI") CX = 5241h ("RA") DX = 4D30h ("M0") Return: BX = 4F4Bh ("OK") CX = segment of start of HIRAM chain DX = reserved block owner (QEMM/QRAM code segment) Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning AH=D2h-FFh, then AH=C0h-D1h Note: the HIRAM memory chain has the same format as the regular DOS 4.0 memory chain (see #01628 at INT 21/AH=52h), except that XMS Upper Memory Blocks have the block header program name field set to "UMB"; blocks whose "owner" field is set to the reserved segment returned in DX are locked-out regions such as video memory and ROMs. SeeAlso: AX=12FFh/BX=0006h,AX=D200h --------G-2FD201BX4D41----------------------- INT 2F U - Quarterdeck RPCI - MANIFEST v1.0+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D201h BX = 4D41h ("MA") CX = 4E49h ("NI") DX = 4645h ("FE") Return: BX = 5354h ("ST") if installed Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning AH=D2h-FFh, then AH=C0h-D1h SeeAlso: AX=D200h --------E-2FD201BX4D45----------------------- INT 2F U - Quarterdeck RPCI - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? AX = D201h BX = 4D45h ("ME") CX = 5155h ("QU") DX = 5044h ("PD") Return: AL = FFh BX = 4F4Bh ("OK") Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning AH=D2h-FFh, then AH=C0h-D1h Note: this function is called by QEMM 6.03 performs a variety of actions before setting return registers SeeAlso: AX=D200h --------m-2FD201BX5145----------------------- INT 2F - Quarterdeck RPCI - QEMM v5.0+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D201h BX = 5145h ("QE") CX = 4D4Dh ("MM") DX = 3432h ("42") Return: BX = 4F4Bh ("OK") ES:DI -> QEMM API entry point (see INT 67/AH=3Fh) Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning AH=D2h-FFh, then AH=C0h-D1h Note: this call is not available under QEMM v6.00 unless Windows3 support has been disabled with the NW3 switch to QEMM386.SYS SeeAlso: AX=D200h,AX=D201h/BX=4849h,INT 67/AH=3Fh --------V-2FD201BX5649----------------------- INT 2F u - Quarterdeck RPCI - VIDRAM v5.0+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D201h BX = 5649h ("VI") CX = 4452h ("DR") DX = 414Dh ("AM") Return: BX = 4F4Bh ("OK") ES:DI -> VIDRAM entry point (see #03080) Range: AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning AH=D2h-FFh, then AH=C0h-D1h SeeAlso: AX=D200h (Table 03080) Call VIDRAM entry point with: AH = 00h get status Return: AL = VIDRAM state (see #03081) BL = extra RAM status (see #03082) BH = feature flags (see #03083) CL = current monitor (01h = mono, 80h = color) SI = current top of memory (paragraph) DI = segment of start of HiRAM chain AH = 01h setup AL = VIDRAM state (see #03081) BL = extra RAM status (see #03082) BH = feature flags (see #03083) CL = monitor (01h = monochrome, 80h = color) SI = new top of memory (paragraph) DI = segment of start of HiRAM chain AH = 02h get end address of VIDRAM code Return: ES:DI -> VIDRAM partial map context (see #03084,#03085) Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful (Table 03081) Values for VIDRAM state: 00h off 01h no EGA graphics 02h no graphics at all (Table 03082) Values for VIDRAM extra RAM status: 00h VIDRAM does not use extra RAM 01h VIDRAM uses EMS as extra RAM 02h VIDRAM uses EGA as extra RAM Bitfields for VIDRAM feature flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03083) 0 override enabled 1 mapped memory detected in A000h-B000h range 2 top of memory not at 640K 3 MDA detected 4 high RAM exists in video area 5 mapped memory detected in video area 6-7 reserved??? Format of VIDRAM partial map context (EMS 3.2): Offset Size Description (Table 03084) 00h BYTE EMS version ID (32h) 01h WORD EMM handle for this entry 03h BYTE number of frames 04h BYTE first page frame 05h WORD offset from ES to previously saved map Format of VIDRAM partial map context (EMS 4.0): Offset Size Description (Table 03085) 00h BYTE EMS version ID (40h) 01h WORD mappable segment count 03h N WORD mappable segments WORD offset to previously saved map??? --------U-2FD202----------------------------- INT 2F - PCL-838.EXE - EXECUTE PCL838 COMMANDS AX = D202h CX:BX -> parameter table Return: AX = return value SeeAlso: AX=D200h"PCL-838",AX=D201h"PCL-838" --------R-2FD300BX4562----------------------- INT 2F U - TeleReplica - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D300h BX = 4562h CX = 2745h DX = serial port I/O base address??? (03F8h for v3.9) Return: SI = segment of resident code AX = 251Dh BX = DF21h CX = F321h DX = ??? --------R-2FD3CB----------------------------- INT 2F U - LapLink Quick Connect v6 - API AX = D3CBh CX = function 0002h get ??? Return: BX:AX -> ??? CL = ??? CH = ??? DX = ??? DI = COM1 I/O port??? SI = COM2 I/O port??? 0003h initialization??? 0004h ??? 0005h initialization??? 0006h reset/clear ??? Return: AX = 0000h ES:DI -> next byte after ??? cleared by this call 0007h initialization??? 0008h uninstall Return: BX = status 0000h successful FFFFh incomplete, stub remains in memory Return: CX = 534Bh (except function 0002h) Index: uninstall;LapLink Quick Connect --------K-2FD3D3BH00------------------------- INT 2F - KDRIVE v2.x - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D3D3h BH = 00h Return: BX = 3D3Dh if installed CF clear if installed AX = driver ID??? (returns 0087h for KDRIVE.EXE and 0880h for KDRIVOS2.EXE in one examined version) Program: KDRIVE is a shareware extended German keyboard driver by Martin Austermeier, originally based on K3 by Martin Gerdes as published in c't magazine 7/1988 --------l-2FD44D----------------------------- INT 2F - 4DOS.COM v2.1+ - API AX = D44Dh BH = function 00h installation check Return: AX = 44DDh BL = major version number BH = minor version number CX = PSP segment address for current invocation DL = 4DOS shell number (0 for the first (root) shell, updated each time a new copy is loaded) 01h (internal, v2.1-3.03) terminate current copy of 4DOS Return: nothing (internal, v4.0+) ??? Return: AX = 44DDh ES:BX -> data area (see #03086) 02h ??? DX = ??? Note: v5.52 signals "unrecoverable error" and then terminates with INT 21/AH=4Ch or enters a deliberate infinite loop if ??? ---v2.1-3.03 only--- 03h EXEC program CX:DX -> EXEC record (see #03087) FEh deallocate shell number (passed through to root shell) ??? FFh allocate shell number (passed through to root shell) ---v5.52--- 03h get ??? BL = ??? (00h/01h) Return: DX = current value of ??? 04h set ??? BL = ??? (00h/01h) DX = new value for ??? Note: a bug in v3.00 will crash the system if unrecognized value in BH SeeAlso: AX=D44Eh,AX=D44Fh/BX=0000h,AX=E44Dh,INT 21/AX=4403h"DOS" SeeAlso: INT 14/AX=7000h Index: installation check;4DOS|installation check;NDOS Format of 4DOS v4.0 data area: Offset Size Description (Table 03086) 00h 2 BYTEs ??? 06h WORD XMS handle for swapping ??? SeeAlso: #03087 Format of 4DOS EXEC v2.1-v3.03 record: Offset Size Description (Table 03087) 00h WORD offset of ASCIZ program name in same segment as EXEC record 02h WORD offset of DOS commandline in same segment as EXEC record 04h WORD segment of environment for child process (see INT 21/AH=26h) SeeAlso: #03086 --------l-2FD44E----------------------------- INT 2F C - 4DOS v3.0+ - AWAITING USER INPUT AX = D44Eh ---4DOS v3.01+--- BX = condition 0000h 4DOS is ready to display prompt 0001h 4DOS has displayed the prompt, about to accept user input Return: the handler must preserve SI, DI, BP, SP, DS, ES, and SS Note: v3.00 only makes the call corresponding to BX=0001h, does not set BX SeeAlso: AX=D44Dh --------K-2FD44FBX0000----------------------- INT 2F - 4DOS v4.0+ - KSTACK.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D44Fh BX = 0000h Return: AX = 44DDh if installed Note: this function is also supported by ANSIPLUS v3.01+ and K3PLUS v6.20+, which emulate the 4DOS and NDOS keystack SeeAlso: AX=D44Dh,AX=D44Fh/BX=0001h,AX=E44Fh/BX=0000h --------K-2FD44FBX0001----------------------- INT 2F - 4DOS v4.0+ - KSTACK.COM - PLACE KEYSTROKES INTO KEYSTACK AX = D44Fh BX = 0001h CX = number of keystrokes (01h-FFh) DS:DX -> keystroke list (one word per keystroke) Return: AX = status 0000h successful nonzero failed BX,CX,DX destroyed Notes: the keystrokes are the exact values to return from subsequent calls to INT 16 with AH=00h,01h,10h, or 11h, with the following exceptions: 0000h causes subfunctions 01h and 11h to indicate an empty keyboard buffer FFFFh is followed by a word indicating the number of clock ticks to delay before the next faked keystroke v4.00 KSTACK overwrites any unread keystrokes from the previous invocation, and does not range-check CX; it will overwrite memory following the resident portion if CX is greater than 100h. this function is also supported by ANSIPLUS v3.01+ and K3PLUS v6.20+, which emulate the 4DOS and NDOS keystack SeeAlso: AX=D44Dh,AX=D44Fh/BX=0000h,INT 16/AH=00h,INT 21/AX=4403h"DOS" --------G-2FD600----------------------------- INT 2F - HEART.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D600h Return: AX = 0303h (two hearts) if installed ES:DI -> buffer (see #03088) Program: HEART.COM is a CPU lock-up/critical indicator utility by Mitch Davis. Notes: Once the host program has identified the address of the data area, it can change this to indicate safe/critical, alternate colours, etc. The entries for the color table are in char/attrib form. Every two entries form a pair which is alternated between 68 times a minute. The first half of the table is for color videos, the second mono. Within each half, the first half is for the safe chars, and the second for the critical chars. Format of HEART.COM buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 03088) 00h 8 WORDs table of colors/attributes (refer to notes above) 10h BYTE flags bit 0: program is in critical section, so flash double exclamation mark bit 1: program is in safe code, so flash the heart character 11h WORD position of heartbeat on screen, normally 009Eh (last column of second line) --------T-2FD600----------------------------- INT 2F U - VEDIT VSWAP - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D600h Return: AL = D6h if installed Program: VSWAP is the resident portion of VEDIT's "swapper" capability; VEDIT is a programmer's text editor by Greenview Data. SeeAlso: AX=D601h,AX=D602h --------T-2FD601----------------------------- INT 2F U - VEDIT VSWAP - ??? AX = D601h BL = subfunction number??? Return: BL = return code ??? ES = resident portion's data??? segment DX = resident portion's code segment SeeAlso: AX=D600h"VSWAP" --------T-2FD602----------------------------- INT 2F U - VEDIT VSWAP - EXEC PROGRAM WITH SWAP AX = D602h other registers set as for INT 21/AX=4B00h Return: CF set on error AL = error code 82h = failure due to ??? CF clear on success SeeAlso: AX=D600h"VSWAP",INT 21/AH=4Bh"EXEC" --------N-2FD701BX0000----------------------- INT 2F - Banyan VINES v4+ - GET BANV INTERRUPT NUMBER AX = D701h BX = 0000h Return: AX = 0000h if installed BX = interrupt number (60h to 66h) nonzero not present Note: if AX is nonzero, VINES 3.x or earlier may be installed, thus it is necessary to examine the four bytes preceding the handlers for INT 60 through INT 66 for the string "BANV" SeeAlso: AX=D702h,AX=D703h,AX=D704h --------N-2FD702----------------------------- INT 2F U - Banyan VINES v4+ - PCPRINT interface AX = D702h BX = function ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=D701h,AX=D703h,INT 61/AX=0005h"Banyan" --------N-2FD703----------------------------- INT 2F U - Banyan VINES v4+ - MAIL interface AX = D703h BX = function ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=D702h,AX=D704h --------N-2FD704----------------------------- INT 2F U - Banyan VINES v4+ - Streettalk Directory Assistance interface AX = D704h BX = function ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=D703h,INT 61/AX=0007h/BX=0002h"Banyan",INT 61/AX=0007h/BX=0008h --------N-2FD800----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare Lite - CLIENT.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D800h Return: AL = FFh if installed DX = version number (0100h for v1.0, 0101h for v1.1) BX = data segment of resident copy ES:DI -> private API entry point (see #03089) SI = segment of resident code Note: Microsoft assigned multiplex number D8h to Novell on 1991/05/21 SeeAlso: AX=7A00h,AX=D880h (Table 03089) Call CLIENT API entry point with: BX = function 0000h get ??? Return: DX = CLIENT version??? (0101h for v1.1) ES:BX -> ??? data 0001h ??? 0002h ??? 0003h ??? 0004h ??? 0005h ??? DL = ??? ??? Return: ??? 0006h get module name??? ES:DI -> 16-byte buffer Return: CX = ??? ES:DI filled with "NWLITE_CLIENT" 00h 00h 00h 0007h ??? DX:CX = ??? ??? Return: ??? 0008h ??? 0009h ??? DL = ??? ES:DI -> 16-byte buffer for ??? Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0000h CX = 0000h SI,DI destroyed CF set on error AX = error code 4903h 000Ah ??? AH = subfunction 00h get ??? 01h clear/set ??? flag AL = new state (00h cleared, 01h set) 02h set ??? DX = new value of ??? Return: DX = old value of ??? 000Bh ??? AX = ??? ??? Return: ??? 000Ch ??? AX = ??? ??? Return: ??? 000Dh ??? AX = ??? ??? Return: ??? 000Eh get original INT 17 Return: CF clear ES:BX -> original INT 17 000Fh ??? 0010h ??? AX = ??? ??? Return: ??? 0011h get ??? Return: CF clear DL = ??? 0012h get ??? AL = index of ??? ES:DI -> 10-byte buffer for ??? Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled AX,CX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (4907h if AL out of range) 0013h get ??? Return: CF clear DH = ??? DL = ??? 0014h ??? DL = ??? ??? Return: CF clear if successful ??? CF set on error AX = error code 8056h 0015h ??? DX = ??? Return: ES:DI -> ??? other Return: CF set AX = 0001h (invalid function) --------N-2FD856----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare Lite v1.1 - SERVER - "VNWLSERV_INIT" - GET ??? AX = D856h Return: AX = 0001h if supported??? BX = ??? (0004h for v1.1) CX = ??? (0F20h for v1.1) DS = segment of resident code ES = data segment of resident copy Note: this function is also supported by Personal NetWare SERVER, bundled with Novell DOS 7 --------N-2FD880----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NetWare Lite v1.0+ - SERVER - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D880h Return: AL = FFh if installed DX = version number (binary, DH = major, DL = minor) BX = data segment of resident copy CL = current state (00h SERVER is disabled, 01h SERVER is active) ES:DI -> private API entry point (see #03090) SI = ??? (offset of configuration info?) AH may be destroyed Note: this function is also supported by Personal NetWare SERVER, but DI is not set; instead, ES:SI points at the API entry point SeeAlso: AX=7A00h,AX=D800h,INT 2A/AX=D852h (Table 03090) Call SERVER API entry point with: BX = function 0000h shut down server ??? Return: ??? Note: closes open files by calling INT 21/AH=3Eh 0001h get connection information DX = connection number (0001h-max connections) ES:DI -> 28-byte buffer for connection information Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled CF set on error AX = FFFFh ---Personal NetWare only--- 0002h ??? 0003h ??? 0004h ??? 0005h ??? 0006h get server info table CX = size of buffer ES:DI -> buffer AL = mode (02h = get current status) 0007h ??? other Return: CF set AX = 0001h (invalid function) --------d-2FD8C0----------------------------- INT 2F U - Novell NLCACHE,NWCACHE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D8C0h Return: AL = FFh if installed CL = memory type (01h NLCACHEC, 02h NLCACHEX, 03h NLCACHEM) DH = major version (01h for v1.1) DL = minor version (01h for v1.1) ES:DI -> private API entry point (see #03091) Program: NWCACHE is the disk cache included with Personal NetWare, Novell DOS 7, Caldera OpenDOS 7.01, DR-OpenDOS 7.02, DR-DOS 7.02, and Caldera Thin Clients/Lineo DR-DOS 7.03. Note: This function is called by the NetWare Lite and Personal NetWare SERVER. It may also be called by future (post DR-DOS 7.03) COMMAND.COM before it returns to the prompt. BUG: Some pre-BETA 17 (1993/09/28) versions of NWCACHE returned -1,0,1 instead of 1,2,3 for the memory type in CL. SeeAlso: AX=D800h,AX=D880h (Table 03091) Call NLCACHE/NWCACHE "sideband function" API entry point with: BX = function 0000h flush request from server Return: CF clear if successful at flushing deferred writes AX = 0000h CF set on error AX = error code 0001h (NWCACHE only) get cache statistics ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #04122) Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0000h ES:DI buffer filled other Return: CF set AX = 0001h (invalid function) Format of NWCACHE cache statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 04122) 00h WORD version 02h BYTE memory type 03h WORD initial cache size in KB 05h WORD current cache size in KB 07h DWORD number of read requests 0Bh DWORD number of physical reads performed 0Fh DWORD number of write requests 13h DWORD number of physical writes performed 17h BYTE delay ticks for deferred write (0 if no deferral) 18h WORD maximum number of sectors in lookahead buffer 1Ah WORD number of disk errors 1Ch WORD number of cache memory errors SeeAlso: #03091 --------!---Section--------------------------