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Interrupt List, part 8 of 18 Copyright (c) 1989-1999,2000 Ralf Brown --------D-215E00----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET MACHINE NAME AX = 5E00h DS:DX -> 16-byte buffer for ASCII machine name Return: CF clear if successful CH = validity 00h name invalid nonzero valid CL = NetBIOS number for machine name DS:DX buffer filled with blank-paded name CF set on error AX = error code (01h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Note: supported by OS/2 v1.3+ compatibility box, PC-NFS SeeAlso: AX=5E01h --------N-215E00----------------------------- INT 21 - 10NET v5.0 - GET MACHINE NAME AX = 5E00h Return: CL = redirector's NetBIOS name number ES:DI -> network node ID SeeAlso: AX=5E01h"10NET" --------D-215E01CH00------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET MACHINE NAME AX = 5E01h CH = 00h undefine name (make it invalid) <> 0 define name CL = name number DS:DX -> 15-character blank-padded ASCIZ name SeeAlso: AX=5E00h --------N-215E01----------------------------- INT 21 - 10NET v5.0 - GET LOCAL 10NET CONFIGURATION TABLE AX = 5E01h CX = length of buffer DS:DX -> buffer for 10Net configuration table (see #01691) Return: DS:DX buffer filled SeeAlso: AX=5E00h"10NET",INT 6F/AH=02h,INT 6F/AH=03h Format of 10Net Configuration Table: Offset Size Description (Table 01691) 00h 8 BYTEs user name 08h 15 BYTEs node ID 17h 3 BYTEs unique portion of Ethernet address 1Ah BYTE Who group number 1Bh WORD services mask (see #01693) 1Dh DWORD serial number 21h BYTE maximum concurrent users with same serial number allowed on net 22h BYTE chat mask (see #01694) 23h BYTE internal system bits (see #01695) 24h 9 BYTEs version number in format MM.mm.xxx 2Dh BYTE flag: 01h if machine is a PS/2 2Eh BYTE flag: 03h if 80386 2Fh BYTE spool termination mode: 01h concatenate, 02h truncate (see AX=5D09h) 30h WORD autospool timeout in clock ticks 32h WORD monitor timeout in clock ticks 34h WORD unused 36h WORD chat timeout in clock ticks 38h WORD netBIOS session timeout in half-seconds 3Ah WORD datagram send timeout in seconds 3Ch WORD keyboard value for initiating chat mode 3Eh WORD Who timeout in clock ticks 40h BYTE flag: 01h if server should process rom NetBIOS Post return 41h BYTE flag: 01h if FCBs should be recycled 42h 3 BYTEs signature "DBG" 45h BYTE last interrupt (21h or 6Fh) 46h BYTE last INT 21 AH value 47h BYTE last INT 6F AH value 48h WORD last item posted 4Ah WORD last item free-posted 4Ch WORD last item handled by server 4Eh WORD last redirector send NCB 50h WORD last redirector receive NCB 52h 4 BYTEs signature "TABL" 56h WORD offset of datagram buffer table header (see #01692) 58h WORD offset of chat buffer table header (see #01692) 5Ah WORD offset of Raw buffer table header (see #01692) 5Ch WORD offset of Workstation buffer table header (see #01692) 5Eh WORD offset of server receive-any table header (see #01692) 60h WORD offset of Tiny buffer table header (see #01692) 62h WORD offset of zero-length buffer table (NCBs) (see #01692) 64h WORD offset of Rdr (Redirector Mount) table header (see #01692) 66h WORD offset of Ntab (Redirector Session) table header (see #01692) 68h WORD offset of FCB table header (see #01692) 6Ah WORD offset of user file handle table header (see #01692) 6Ch WORD offset of workstation printer RDR extension table header 6Eh WORD offset of server shared device table header (see #01692) 70h WORD offset of server connection table header (see #01692) 72h WORD offset of server login table header (see #01692) 74h WORD offset of server file table header (see #01692) 76h WORD offset of server shared file table header (see #01692) 78h WORD offset of server record lock table header (see #01692) 7Ah WORD offset of remote printer claim table header (see #01692) 7Ch WORD offset of remote printer device table header (see #01692) 7Eh WORD offset of print server mount table header (see #01692) 80h WORD offset of print server sessions table header (see #01692) 82h WORD offset of print server print job structure table header 84h WORD offset of print server pooled device table header (see #01692) 86h WORD size of workstation buffer 88h WORD size of server receive-any buffer 8Ah WORD size of server raw I/O buffer 8Ch 6 BYTEs reserved 92h DWORD pointer to profile pathname 96h BYTE datagram retry count 97h BYTE NetBIOS LAN adapter number 98h 6 BYTEs physical Ethernet address 9Eh BYTE NetBIOS server name number 9Fh BYTE NetBIOS redirector name number A0h BYTE 10Net interrupt number A1h BYTE flag: chat is loaded A2h BYTE flag: INT 6F APIs permanently loaded A3h BYTE flag: file security present A4h WORD reserved A6h BYTE fixed mount bitmask for drives A:-H: A7h BYTE reserved A8h WORD 10Net system flags (see #01696) AAh BYTE monitor flags (see #01697) ABh 5 BYTEs reserved B0h WORD offset of monitor timer block B2h WORD offset of server timer block B4h WORD offset of chat timer block B6h WORD timer chain B8h 4 BYTEs signature "TALS" BCh WORD number of 10Net sends BEh WORD number of 10Net receives C0h WORD number of no-buffer conditions C2h WORD number of dropped posted messages C4h WORD number of server NCB errors C6h WORD number of redirector NCB errors C8h WORD number of datagram send/receive errors CAh WORD number of dropped Whos CCh WORD number of dropped submits CEh WORD number of session aborts D0h BYTE number of NetBIOS interface-busy errors D1h BYTE last NetBIOS bad post command D2h BYTE last NetBIOS bad redirector command D3h BYTE do send datagram send/receive error command D4h DWORD -> DOS system parameter table D8h WORD number of DOS physical drives DAh WORD offset of DOS PSP field in DOS data segment DCh WORD offset of in-DOS flag in DOS data segment DEh WORD DOS data segment E0h WORD offset of DOS SFT in DOS data segment E2h WORD offset of number-of-physical-units field in DOS data segment E4h WORD 10Net code segment E6h WORD 10Net data segment E8h WORD 10Net common server segment EAh WORD 10Net file server segment ECh WORD 10Net print server segment EEh WORD 10Net remote printer segment Note: documentation lists field at offset D0h as a WORD, but all following offsets are as though it were a BYTE; if it is indeed a WORD, all offsets after D0h must be increased by one byte Format of 10Net Table Header: Offset Size Description (Table 01692) -16 4 BYTEs table identifier -12 WORD peak number of tables allocated -10 WORD number of tables currently in use -8 WORD total number of tables -6 WORD size of each table -4 WORD offset of first allocated table -2 WORD offset of first free table Bitfields for 10NET services mask: Bit(s) Description (Table 01693) 0 workstation 1 file server 2 print queue server 3 de-spool server Bitfields for 10NET chat mask: Bit(s) Description (Table 01694) 0 chat permitted 1 bell enabled 2 chat keyboard initiated 3 in INT 16 handler 4 in Get Input 5 display has timed out 6 chat is idle Bitfields for 10NET internal system bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 01695) 0 submit permitted 1 submit initiated 2 submit executing 3 internal client call/chat/spool/autospool 4 in spool termination 5 print permitted 6 waiting for keyboard input Bitfields for 10NET System Flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01696) 0 in NetBIOS 1 processing INT 28 2 is server 3 in net user-DOS function 4 in DOS user-DOS function 5 in net for user non-DOS function 6 in server DOS function 7 in server non-DOS function 8 in terminate 10 in user on server request 13 in DOS for user on server 14 disable critical error handler Bitfields for Monitor Flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01697) 0 waiting for monitor response 4 in monitor get-input routine 5 monitor display timeout 6 sensing for escape key --------D-215E02----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET NETWORK PRINTER SETUP STRING AX = 5E02h BX = redirection list index (see AX=5F02h) CX = length of setup string DS:SI -> setup string Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: also supported by 10NET v5.0 SeeAlso: AX=5E03h,INT 2F/AX=111Fh --------D-215E03----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET NETWORK PRINTER SETUP STRING AX = 5E03h BX = redirection list index (see AX=5F02h) ES:DI -> 64-byte buffer for setup string Return: CF clear if successful CX = length of setup string ES:DI buffer filled CF set on error AX = error code (01h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: also supported by 10NET v5.0, but 10NET is documented as using DS:SI instead of ES:DI SeeAlso: AX=5E02h,INT 2F/AX=111Fh --------D-215E04----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET PRINTER MODE AX = 5E04h BX = redirection list index (see AX=5F02h) DX = mode bit 0: set if binary, clear if text (tabs expanded to blanks) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Notes: calls INT 2F/AX=111Fh with 5E04h on stack supported by DR DOS 3.41+ SeeAlso: AX=5E05h"DOS",INT 2F/AX=111Fh --------N-215E04----------------------------- INT 21 - 10NET v5.0 - INITIATE PRINT JOB AX = 5E04h BX = zero-based redirection list index (see AX=5F02h) DS:DX -> extended workstation printer setup structure (see #01698) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=5E05h"10NET",AX=5E06h"10NET" Format of 10NET extended workstation printer setup structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01698) 00h BYTE notification flags (see #01699) 01h BYTE job control mask (see #01700) 02h WORD days to retain file 04h WORD test print length 06h BYTE number of copies to print 07h BYTE compression algorithm 08h BYTE tab width (00h = don't expand) 09h BYTE initiation type (00h normal, 01h non-spooled) 0Ah 38 BYTEs job start operation notification instructions 30h 32 BYTEs comment for job 50h 64 BYTEs output filename or non-spooled file Bitfields for 10NET notification flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01699) 0 user at print start 1 operator at start, with reply 2 user at print completion 3 operator at completion, with reply 4 user on queue switch 5 operator on queue switch, with reply 6 user on print error Bitfields for 10NET job control mask: Bit(s) Description (Table 01700) 0 print banner page 1 eject page at end of job 2 mark as "held" (queue but don't print) 3 rush job (queue at top) 4 overwrite file with zeros before deletion 5 hyperspool if possible --------D-215E05----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET PRINTER MODE AX = 5E05h BX = redirection list index (see AX=5F02h) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful DX = printer mode (see AX=5E04h) Notes: calls INT 2F/AX=111Fh with 5E05h on stack supported by DR DOS 3.41+ SeeAlso: AX=5E04h"DOS",INT 2F/AX=111Fh --------N-215E05----------------------------- INT 21 - 10NET v5.0 - TERMINATE PRINT JOB AX = 5E05h BX = zero-based redirection list index (see AX=5F02h) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: this call resets the spool termination mode to "truncate" (see AX=5D08h) SeeAlso: AX=5E04h"10NET",AX=5E06h --------N-215E06----------------------------- INT 21 - 10NET v5.0 - GET/SET 10NET WORKSTATION PRINTER SETUP STRUCTURE AX = 5E06h BX = zero-based redirection list index (see AX=5F02h) CX = operation (06h set, 07h get) DS:DX -> buffer for setup structure (same as first nine bytes of workstation printer setup) (see #01698) Return: CF clear if successful DS:DX buffer updated on get CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=5E04h"10NET",AX=5E05h"10NET" --------D-215F00----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET REDIRECTION MODE AX = 5F00h BL = redirection type 03h printer 04h disk drive Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful BH = redirection state 00h off 01h on Note: calls INT 2F/AX=111Eh with AX on top of the stack SeeAlso: AX=5F01h,INT 2F/AX=111Eh --------D-215F01----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET REDIRECTION MODE AX = 5F01h BL = redirection type 03h printer 04h disk drive BH = redirection state 00h off 01h on Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Notes: when redirection is off, the local device (if any) rather than the remote device is used calls INT 2F/AX=111Eh with AX on top of the stack SeeAlso: AX=5F00h,INT 2F/AX=111Eh,INT 60/AX=0002h --------D-215F02----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET REDIRECTION LIST ENTRY AX = 5F02h BX = zero-based redirection list index CX = driver signature 0000h LANtastic 4E57h ('NW') NetWare DS:SI -> 16-byte buffer for ASCIZ local device name or drive letter followed by colon ES:DI -> 128-byte buffer for ASCIZ network name Return: CF clear if successful BH = device status 00h valid 01h invalid 02h valid (connected from inside Windows for Workgroups v3.11) BL = device type 03h printer 04h disk drive CX = user data previously set with AX=5F03h DS:SI and ES:DI buffers filled DX,BP destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (01h,12h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: this function is passed through to INT 2F/AX=111Eh by the DOS kernel error code 12h is returned if BX is greater than the size of the list also supported by Banyan VINES, PC-NFS, LANtastic, and 10NET supported by LapLink RemoteAccess but returns the local drive letter; the remote drive letter can be obtained with INT 2F/AX=Cxxxh (see INT 2F/AX=C000h"LapLink") the returned device name may or may not include a colon, depending on the network software SeeAlso: AX=5F03h,AX=5F46h,INT 2F/AX=111Eh,INT 2F/AX=C000h"LapLink" --------D-215F03----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - REDIRECT DEVICE AX = 5F03h BL = device type 03h printer 04h disk drive CX = user data to save 0000h for LANtastic 4E57h ("NW") for NetWare 4.0 requester DS:SI -> ASCIZ local device name (16 bytes max) ES:DI -> ASCIZ network name + ASCIZ password (128 bytes max total) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h,03h,05h,08h,0Fh,12h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Notes: if device type is disk drive, DS:SI must point at either a null string or a string consisting the drive letter followed by a colon; if a null string, the network attempts to access the destination without redirecting a local drive the DOS kernel calls INT 2F/AX=111Eh with AX on top of the stack also supported by Banyan VINES, LANtastic, and 10NET SeeAlso: AX=5F02h,AX=5F04h,INT 2F/AX=111Eh,INT 60/AX=0002h --------D-215F04----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - CANCEL REDIRECTION AX = 5F04h DS:SI -> ASCIZ local device name or path CX = 4E57h ("NW") for NetWare 4.0 requester Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h,03h,05h,08h,0Fh,12h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Notes: the DS:SI string must be either a local device name, a drive letter followed by a colon, or a network directory beginning with two backslashes the DOS kernel calls INT 2F/AX=111Eh with AX on top of the stack also supported by Banyan VINES, LANtastic, and 10NET for NetWare, if only a server name is specified (i.e. "\\SERVER"), the connection to that server will be closed SeeAlso: AX=5F03h,INT 2F/AX=111Eh,INT 60/AX=0003h --------D-215F05----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 4.0+ network - GET EXTENDED REDIRECTION LIST ENTRY AX = 5F05h BX = redirection list index DS:SI -> buffer for ASCIZ source device name ES:DI -> buffer for destination ASCIZ network path Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful AX = server's network process ID handle (10NET) BH = device status flag (bit 0 clear if valid) BL = device type (03h if printer, 04h if drive) CX = stored parameter value (user data) from AX=5F03h BP = NETBIOS local session number DS:SI buffer filled ES:DI buffer filled Notes: the local session number allows sharing the redirector's session number if an error is caused on the NETBIOS LSN, the redirector may be unable to correctly recover from errors the DOS kernel calls INT 2F/AX=111Eh with AX on top of the stack supported by DR DOS 5.0 also supported by 10NET v5.0 SeeAlso: AX=5F06h"Network",INT 2F/AX=111Eh --------O-215F05----------------------------- INT 21 - STARLITE architecture - MAP LOCAL DRIVE LETTER TO REMOTE FILE SYSTEM AX = 5F05h DL = drive number (0=A:) DS:SI -> ASCIZ name of the object to map the drive to Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful SeeAlso: AX=5F06h"STARLITE",INT 60/AX=0002h --------N-215F06----------------------------- INT 21 U - Network - GET FULL REDIRECTION LIST AX = 5F06h ??? Return: ??? Notes: similar to AX=5F02h and AX=5F05h, but also returns redirections excluded from those calls for various reasons calls INT 2F/AX=111Eh with AX on top of the stack SeeAlso: AX=5F05h"DOS",INT 2F/AX=111Eh --------O-215F06----------------------------- INT 21 - STARLITE architecture - UNMAP DRIVE LETTER AX = 5F06h DL = drive to be unmapped (0=A:) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful SeeAlso: AX=5F05h"STARLITE",INT 60/AX=0003h --------D-215F07----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 5+ - ENABLE DRIVE AX = 5F07h DL = drive number (0=A:) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (0Fh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: simply sets the "valid" bit in the drive's CDS this function is not supported by Novell DOS 7 through at least Update 4, but support was added by Update 13 SeeAlso: AH=52h,AX=5F08h"DOS" --------O-215F07----------------------------- INT 21 - STARLITE architecture - MAKE NAMED OBJECT AVAILABLE ON NETWORK AX = 5F07h DS:SI -> ASCIZ name of object to offer to network ES:DI -> ASCIZ name under which object will be known on the network MUST begin with three slashes Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful SeeAlso: AX=5F08h"STARLITE" --------D-215F08----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 5+ - DISABLE DRIVE AX = 5F08h DL = drive number (0=A:) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (0Fh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: simply clears the "valid" bit in the drive's CDS this function is not supported by Novell DOS 7 through at least Update 4, but support was added by Update 13 SeeAlso: AH=52h,AX=5F07h"DOS" --------O-215F08----------------------------- INT 21 - STARLITE architecture - REMOVE GLOBAL NETWORK NAME OF OBJECT AX = 5F08h DS:SI -> ASCIZ network name (not local name) of object to unshare Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful SeeAlso: AX=5F07h"STARLITE" --------O-215F09----------------------------- INT 21 - STARLITE architecture - BIND TO NETWORK DEVICE AX = 5F09h DS:DX -> ASCIZ name of the device driver to attach to Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Note: the STARLITE distributed file system can attach to multiple networks simultaneously SeeAlso: AX=5F0Ah --------O-215F0A----------------------------- INT 21 - STARLITE architecture - DETACH FROM NETWORK DEVICE AX = 5F0Ah DS:DX -> ASCIZ name of device driver to detach from Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful SeeAlso: AX=5F09h --------N-215F30----------------------------- INT 21 U - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - GET REDIRECTOR VERSION AX = 5F30h Return: AX = version (AH=major,AL=minor) --------N-215F32----------------------------- INT 21 u - Named Pipes - LOCAL DosQNmPipeInfo AX = 5F32h BX = handle CX = size of _PIPEINFO structure DX = level (must be 0001h) DS:SI -> _PIPEINFO structure (see #01701) Return: CF clear if successful _PIPEINFO structure filled in CF set on error AX = error code Note: this function was introduced by LAN Manager but is also supported by the Novell DOS Named Pipe Extender, Banyan VINES, OS/2 Virtual DOS Machines, and others SeeAlso: AX=5F33h,AX=5F34h Format of Named Pipes _PIPEINFO structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01701) 00h WORD size of outgoing buffer 02h WORD size of incoming buffer 04h BYTE maximum number of instances allowed 05h BYTE current number of instances 06h BYTE length of the name (including terminating NUL) 07h N BYTEs name --------N-215F33----------------------------- INT 21 u - Named Pipes - LOCAL DosQNmPHandState AX = 5F33h BX = handle Return: CF clear if successful AH = pipe mode bit mask (see #01702) AL = maximum number of instances CF set on error AX = error code Note: this function was introduced by LAN Manager but is also supported by the Novell DOS Named Pipe Extender, Banyan VINES, OS/2 Virtual DOS Machines, and others SeeAlso: AX=5F32h,AX=5F34h Bitfields for Named Pipes pipe mode: Bit(s) Description (Table 01702) 7 set if nonblocking, clear if blocking 6 set if server end, clear if client end 2 set if write in message mode, clear if write in byte mode 0 set if read in message mode, clear if read in byte mode --------N-215F34----------------------------- INT 21 u - Named Pipes - LOCAL DosSetNmPHandState AX = 5F34h BX = handle CX = pipe mode bit mask bit 15: set if nonblocking, clear if blocking bit 8: set if read in message mode, clear if read in byte mode Return: CF clear if successful CF set if error AX = error code Note: this function was introduced by LAN Manager but is also supported by the Novell DOS Named Pipe Extender, Banyan VINES, OS/2 Virtual DOS Machines, and others SeeAlso: AX=5F32h,AX=5F33h,AX=5F36h --------N-215F35----------------------------- INT 21 u - Named Pipes - LOCAL DosPeekNmPipe AX = 5F35h BX = handle CX = buffer length DS:SI -> buffer Return: CF set on error AX = error code CF clear if successful (LAN Manager v1-v2) AX = 0000h if successful (LAN Manager 3.x) ---if successful--- CX = bytes read SI = bytes left in the pipe DX = bytes left in the current message AX = pipe status (v1-v2) (see #01703) DI = pipe status (v3.x) Note: this function was introduced by LAN Manager but is also supported by the Novell DOS Named Pipe Extender, Banyan VINES, OS/2 Virtual DOS Machines, and others SeeAlso: AX=5F38h,AX=5F39h,AX=5F51h (Table 01703) Values for pipe status: 0001h disconnected 0002h listening 0003h connected 0004h closing --------N-215F36----------------------------- INT 21 u - Named Pipes - LOCAL DosTransactNmPipe AX = 5F36h BX = handle CX = in buffer length DS:SI -> in buffer DX = out buffer length ES:DI -> out buffer Return: CF clear if successful CX = bytes read CF set on error AX = error code Note: this function was introduced by LAN Manager but is also supported by the Novell DOS Named Pipe Extender, Banyan VINES, OS/2 Virtual DOS Machines, and others SeeAlso: AX=5F34h,AX=5F37h --------N-215F37----------------------------- INT 21 u - Named Pipes - DosCallNmPipe AX = 5F37h DS:SI -> DosCallNmPipe stack frame (see #01704) Return: CF clear if successful CX = bytes read CF set on error AX = error code Note: this function was introduced by LAN Manager but is also supported by the Novell DOS Named Pipe Extender, Banyan VINES, OS/2 Virtual DOS Machines, and others SeeAlso: AX=5F36h,AX=5F38h Format of Named Pipes DosCallNmPipe stack frame: Offset Size Description (Table 01704) 00h DWORD timeout 04h DWORD -> bytes read WORD (not used!) 08h WORD out buffer length 0Ah DWORD address of out buffer 0Eh WORD in buffer length 10h DWORD address of in buffer 14h DWORD address of pipe name --------N-215F38----------------------------- INT 21 u - Named Pipes - LOCAL DosWaitNmPipe - AWAIT AVAIL. OF PIPE INSTANCE AX = 5F38h DS:DX -> pipe name BX:CX = timeout value Return: CF clear if successful CF set if error AX = error code Notes: when a client gets a return code of ERROR_PIPE_BUSY on attempting to open a pipe, it should issue this call to wait until the pipe instance becomes available again; on return from this call, the client must attempt to open the pipe once again this function was introduced by LAN Manager but is also supported by the Novell DOS Named Pipe Extender, Banyan VINES, OS/2 Virtual DOS Machines, and others SeeAlso: AX=5F37h,AX=5F39h --------N-215F39----------------------------- INT 21 U - Named Pipes - LOCAL DosRawReadNmPipe AX = 5F39h BX = handle CX = buffer length DS:DX -> buffer Return: CF clear if successful CX = bytes read CF set if error AX = error code Notes: this function was introduced by LAN Manager but is also supported by the Novell DOS Named Pipe Extender, Banyan VINES, OS/2 Virtual DOS Machines, and others not documented in the LAN Manager Toolkit SeeAlso: AX=5F35h,AX=5F3Ah,INT 2F/AX=1186h --------N-215F3A----------------------------- INT 21 U - Named Pipes - LOCAL DosRawWriteNmPipe AX = 5F3Ah BX = handle CX = buffer length DS:DX -> buffer Return: CF clear if successful CX = bytes written CF set if error AX = error code Notes: this function was introduced by LAN Manager but is also supported by the Novell DOS Named Pipe Extender, Banyan VINES, OS/2 Virtual DOS Machines, and others not documented in the LAN Manager Toolkit SeeAlso: AX=5F39h,AX=5F3Bh,INT 2F/AX=118Fh --------N-215F3B----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - NetHandleSetInfo AX = 5F3Bh BX = handle CX = handle_info_1 structure length or sizeof DWORD DI = parameter number to set 0000h all 0001h number of milliseconds 0002h number of characters DS:DX -> handle_info_1 structure (DI=0000h) (see #01705) or DWORD (DI=0001h or 0002h) SI = level of information (0001h) Return: CF clear if successful CX = total bytes available CF set if error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F3Ch Format of LAN Manager handle_info_1 structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01705) 00h DWORD number of milliseconds which workstation collects data before it sends the data to the named pipe 04h DWORD number of characters which workstation collects before it sends the data to the named pipe --------N-215F3C----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - NetHandleGetInfo AX = 5F3Ch BX = handle CX = length of handle_info_1 structure DS:DX -> handle_info_1 structure (see #01705) SI = level of information (must be 0001h) Return: CF clear if successful CX = total bytes available CF set if error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F3Bh --------N-215F3D----------------------------- INT 21 U - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - WRITE MAILSLOT??? AX = 5F3Dh ??? Return: ??? --------N-215F3E----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetSpecialSMB AX = 5F3Eh ??? Return: ??? Note: This function is not documented anywhere in the LAN Manager 2.x Toolkit but was documented in LAN Manager 1.x manuals. --------N-215F3F----------------------------- INT 21 U - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - REMOTE API CALL AX = 5F3Fh CX = api number ES:DI -> data descriptor ES:SI -> parameter descriptor ES:DX -> auxiliary descriptor (if DX <> 0) ??? Return: ??? --------N-215F40----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetMessageBufferSend AX = 5F40h DS:DX -> NetMessageBufferSend parameter structure (see #01706) Return: AX = error code Format of LAN Manager NetMessageBufferSend parameter structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01706) 00h DWORD -> recipient name (name for specific user, name* for domain wide name, * for broadcast) 04h DWORD -> buffer 08h WORD length of buffer --------N-215F41----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetServiceEnum AX = 5F41h BL = level of detail (0000h, 0001h or 0002h) CX = buffer length ES:DI -> buffer of service_info_0, service_info_1, or service_info_2 (see #01707,#01708,#01709) Return: CF clear if successful CX = entries read DX = total available CF set on error AX = error code Format of LAN Manager service_info_0 structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01707) 00h 16 BYTEs name SeeAlso: #01708,#01709 Format of service_info_1 structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01708) 00h 16 BYTEs name 10h WORD status bitmask (see #01710) 12h DWORD status code (see #01711) (also see Microsoft LAN Manager Programmer's Reference) 16h WORD process id SeeAlso: #01707,#01709 Format of service_info_2 structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01709) 00h 16 BYTEs name 10h WORD status bitmask (see #01710) 12h DWORD status code (see #01711) 16h WORD process id 18h 64 BYTEs text SeeAlso: #01707,#01708 Bitfields for LAN Manager status bitmask: Bit(s) Description (Table 01710) 0,1 00 uninstall 01 install pending 10 uninstall pending 11 installed 2,3 00 active 01 Continue pending 10 Pause pending 11 paused 4 uninstallable 5 pausable 8 disk redirector paused 9 spooled device redirector paused (printing) 10 communication device redirector paused (Table 01711) Values for LAN Manager status code: high word 3051 Bad parameter value 3052 A parameter is missing 3053 An unknown parameter was specified 3054 The resource is insufficient 3055 Configuration is faulty 3056 An MS-DOS or MS OS/2 error occured 3057 An internal error occured 3058 An ambiguous parameter name was given 3059 A duplicate parameter exists 3060 The service was terminated by NetSeviceControl when it did not respond 3061 The service program file could not be executed 3062 The subservice failed to start 3063 There is a conflict in the value or use of these parameters 3064 There is a problem with the file low word 3070 There is insufficient memory 3071 There is insufficeient disk space 3072 Unable to create thread 3073 Unable to create process 3074 A security failure occured 3075 There is bad or missing default path 3076 Network software is not installed 3077 Server software is not installed 3078 The server could not access the UAS database 3079 The action requires user-level security 3080 The log directory is invalid 3081 The LAN group specificed could not be used 3082 The computername is being used as a message alias on another computer 3083 The workstation failed to announce the servername 3084 The user accounts system is not configured properly --------N-215F42----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetServiceControl AX = 5F42h DH = opcode 00h interrogate status 01h pause 02h continue 03h uninstall DL = argument 01h disk resource 02h print resource 04h communications resource (not implemented for DOS) ES:BX -> NetServiceControl parameter structure (see #01712) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Format of LAN Manager NetServiceControl parameter structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01712) 00h DWORD -> service name 04h WORD result buffer size 06h DWORD -> result buffer as service_info_2 structure --------N-215F43----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL DosPrintJobGetId AX = 5F43h BX = handle of remote print job CX = size of PRIDINFO struture ES:DI -> PRIDINFO structure (see #01713) Return: CF clear if successful PRIDINFO filled in CF set on error AX = error code Format of LAN Manager PRIDINFO structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01713) 00h WORD job id 02h 16 BYTEs server name 12h 13 BYTEs queue name 1Fh 1 BYTE pad --------N-215F44----------------------------- INT 21 - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetWkstaGetInfo AX = 5F44h BX = information level (00h, 01h, or 0Ah) CX = buffer size DX = 0000h ES:DI -> buffer in which to store info (see #01714,#01715,#01716), including any returned strings Return: AX = error code DX = amount of buffer required, unchanged if supplied buffer large enough to hold data SeeAlso: AX=5F45h,AX=5F49h Format of LAN Manager wksta_info_0 structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01714) 00h WORD reserved (0) 02h DWORD reserved (0) 06h DWORD -> path to computer's LANMAN directory 0Ah DWORD -> computername of the workstation 0Eh DWORD -> username of user logged onto workstation 12h DWORD -> domain to which workstation belongs 16h WORD LAN Manager version number (2 bytes, Major, Minor) 18h DWORD reserved (0) 1Ch WORD number of seconds workstation waits for resource availability 1Eh DWORD delay (in millsecs) before sending data to resource 22h WORD reserved (0) 24h WORD reserved (0) 26h WORD ??? 28h WORD number of seconds to maintain an inactive connection 2Ah WORD number of seconds an inactive search continues 2Ch WORD threads to dedicate to network (not supported in MSDOS) 2Eh WORD number of simultaneous commands sent to network 30h WORD reserved6 (must be 0) 32h WORD number of internal buffers 34h WORD size (in bytes) of each internal buffer 36h WORD max size (in bytes) of an internal cache buffer (not MSDOS) 38h WORD seconds before disconnecting inactive session (not MSDOS) 3Ah WORD size (in bytes) of an internal error buffer (not MSDOS) 3Ch WORD number of clients that can receive alert messages (not MSDOS) 3Eh WORD number of services that can be started on workstation 40h WORD max size (in kilobytes) of error log (not MSDOS) 42h WORD number of secs before closing inactive print jobs (not MSDOS) 44h WORD number of character buffers for workstation 46h WORD max size (in bytes) of character buffer 48h DWORD -> name of server that validated logon 4Ch DWORD -> workstation heuristics 50h WORD number of mailslots allowed Note: pointers to strings are set to 0000h:0000h if there is insufficient space in the buffer to hold them SeeAlso: #01715,#01716 Format of LAN Manager wksta_info_1 structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01715) 00h 82 BYTEs wksta_info_0 structure (see #01714) 52h DWORD -> name of domain which user is logged on to 56h DWORD -> all domains in which computer is enlisted 5Ah WORD number of buffers to allocate for receiving datagrams SeeAlso: #01716 Format of LAN Manager wksta_info_10 structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01716) 00h DWORD -> computername of the workstation 04h DWORD -> username of user logged onto workstation 08h DWORD -> domain to which workstation belongs 0Ch WORD LAN Manager version number (2 bytes, Major, Minor) 0Eh DWORD -> name of domain which user is loggod on to 12h DWORD -> all domains in which computer is enlisted Note: pointers to strings are set to 0000h:0000h if there is insufficient space in the buffer to hold them SeeAlso: #01714,#01715 --------N-215F45----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetWkstaSetInfo AX = 5F45h BX = level (0000h or 0001h) CX = buffer size DX = parameter to set ES:DI -> buffer Return: CF clear if successful CF set if error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F44h --------N-215F46----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetUseEnum AX = 5F46h BX = level (0000h or 0001h) CX = size of buffer ES:DI -> buffer of use_info_0 or use_info_1 structures (see #01717,#01718) Return: CF clear if successful CX = entries read DX = total available entries CF set if error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F47h,AX=5F48h,AX=5F4Ch Format of LAN Manager use_info_0 structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01717) 00h 9 BYTEs local device name 09h BYTE padding 0Ah DWORD -> remote device name in UNC form \\server\share SeeAlso: #01718 Format of LAN Manager use_info_1 structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01718) 00h 9 BYTEs Local device name 09h BYTE padding 0Ah DWORD -> remote device name in UNC form \\server\share 0Eh DWORD -> password 12h WORD network link status (00h OK, 02h disconnected, else unsure) 14h WORD use type (-1 wildcard, 0 disk, 1 print, 2 com, 3 ipc) 16h WORD ignored 18h WORD ignored SeeAlso: #01717 --------N-215F47----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetUseAdd AX = 5F47h BX = level (0001h) CX = size of use_info_1 structure ES:DI -> use_info_1 structure (see #01718) Return: CF clear on success CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F46h,AX=5F48h --------N-215F48----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetUseDel AX = 5F48h BX = force level 0000h no force 0001h force 0002h lots of force ES:DI -> buffer as either the local device name or UNC remote name Return: CF clear on success CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F46h,AX=5F48h,AX=5F49h --------N-215F49----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - NetUseGetInfo AX = 5F49h DS:DX -> NetUseGetInfo parameter structure (see #01719) Return: CF clear on success DX = total available CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F44h,AX=5F47h Format of LAN Manager NetUseGetInfo parameter structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01719) 00h DWORD pointer to either the local device name or UNC remote name 04h WORD level of information (0000h or 0001h) 06h DWORD pointer to buffer of use_info_0 or use_info_1 structures 0Ah WORD length of buffer --------N-215F4A----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetRemoteCopy AX = 5F4Ah DS:DX -> NetRemoteCopy parameter structure (see #01720) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F4Bh Format of LAN Manager NetRemoteCopy parameter structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01720) 00h DWORD -> source name as UNC 04h DWORD -> destination name as UNC 08h DWORD -> source password 0Ch DWORD -> destination password 10h WORD destination open bitmap if destination path exists 0000h open fails 0001h file is appended 0002h file is overwritten if destination path doesn't exist 0000h open fails 0010h file is created 12h WORD copy control bitmap (see #01721) 14h DWORD -> copy_info buffer 18h WORD length of copy_info buffer Bitfields for LAN Manager copy control: Bit(s) Description (Table 01721) 0 destination must be a file 1 destination must be a directory 2 destination is opened in ascii mode instead of binary 3 source is opened in ascii mode instead of binary 4 verify all write operations --------N-215F4B----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetRemoteMove AX = 5F4Bh DS:DX -> NetRemoteMove parameter structure (see #01722) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F4Ah Format of LAN Manager NetRemoteMove parameter structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01722) 00h DWORD -> source name as UNC 04h DWORD -> destination name as UNC 08h DWORD -> source password 0Ch DWORD -> destination password 10h WORD destination open bitmap if destination path exists 0000h open fails 0001h file is appended 0002h file is overwritten if destination path doesn't exist 0000h open fails 0010h file is created 12h WORD move control bitmap 0001h destination must be a file 0002h destination must be a directory 14h DWORD -> move_info buffer 18h WORD length of move_info buffer --------N-215F4C----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - LOCAL NetServerEnum AX = 5F4Ch BX = level (0000h or 0001h) CX = buffer length ES:DI -> buffer in which to store information Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI -> server_info_X structures (depending on level) (see #01723,#01724) BX = entries read CX = total entries available CF set on error AX = error code Notes: this function is also supported by the Novell DOS Named Pipe Extender this function has been obseleted by NetServerEnum2 SeeAlso: AX=5F53h Format of LAN Manager server_info_0 structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01723) 00h 16 BYTEs name SeeAlso: #01724 Format of LAN Manager server_info_1 structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01724) 00h 16 BYTEs name 10h BYTE major version in lower nibble 11h BYTE minor version 12h DWORD server type bitmask (see #01725) 16h DWORD -> comment string SeeAlso: #01723 Bitfields for LAN Manager server type: Bit(s) Description (Table 01725) 0 workstation 1 server 2 SQL server 3 primary domain controller 4 backup domain controller 5 time server 6 Apple File Protocol (AFP) server 7 Novell server 8 Domain Member (v2.1+) 9 Print Queue server (v2.1+) 10 Dialin server (v2.1+) 11 Unix server (v2.1+) Note: set all (FFFFFFFFh) for All Types --------N-215F4D----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - DosMakeMailslot AX = 5F4Dh BX = message size CX = mailslot size (must be bigger than message size by at least 1) (minimum 1000h, maximum FFF6h) (buffer must be 9 bytes bigger than this) DS:SI -> name ES:DI -> memory buffer Return: CF clear if successful AX = handle CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F4Eh,AX=5F4Fh,AX=5F50h,AX=5F51h --------N-215F4E----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - DosDeleteMailslot AX = 5F4Eh BX = handle Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI -> memory to be freed (allocated during DosMakeMailslot) CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F4Dh,AX=5F4Fh --------N-215F4F----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - DosMailslotInfo AX = 5F4Fh BX = handle Return: CF clear if successful AX = max message size BX = mailslot size CX = next message size DX = next message priority SI = number of messages waiting CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F4Dh,AX=5F4Eh,AX=5F50h --------N-215F50----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - DosReadMailslot AX = 5F50h BX = handle DX:CX = timeout ES:DI -> buffer Return: CF clear if successful AX = bytes read CX = next item's size DX = next item's priority CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F4Dh,AX=5F4Fh,AX=5F51h,AX=5F52h --------N-215F51----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - DosPeekMailslot AX = 5F51h BX = handle ES:DI -> buffer Return: CF clear if successful AX = bytes read CX = next item's size DX = next item's priority CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F35h,AX=5F4Fh,AX=5F50h,AX=5F52h --------N-215F52----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - DosWriteMailslot AX = 5F52h BX = class CX = length of buffer DX = priority ES:DI -> DosWriteMailslot parameter structure (see #01726) DS:SI -> mailslot name Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F4Fh,AX=5F50h,AX=5F51h Format of LAN Manager DosWriteMailslot parameter structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01726) 00h DWORD timeout 04h DWORD -> buffer --------N-215F53----------------------------- INT 21 u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - NetServerEnum2 AX = 5F53h DS:SI -> NetServerEnum2 parameter structure (see #01727) Return: CF clear if successful BX = entries read CX = total entries available CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F4Ch Format of LAN Manager NetServerEnum2 parameter structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01727) 00h WORD level (0000h or 0001h) 02h DWORD -> buffer as array of server_info_??? structures (see #01723) 06h WORD length of buffer 08h DWORD server type bitmask (see #01725) 0Ch DWORD -> Domain name (may be 0000h:0000h for all local domains) --------N-215F55---------------------------- INT 21 U - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - KILL ALL CONNECTIONS??? AX = 5F55h BX = ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code --------N-215F80----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - GET LOGIN ENTRY AX = 5F80h BX = login entry index (0-based) ES:DI -> 16-byte buffer for machine name Return: CF clear if successful buffer filled with machine name ("\\" prefix removed) DL = adapter number (v3+) CF set on error AX = error code Note: the login entry index corresponds to the value BX used in AX=5F83h SeeAlso: AX=5F83h --------N-215F81----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - LOGIN TO SERVER AX = 5F81h ES:DI -> ASCIZ login path followed immediately by ASCIZ password BL = adapter number FFh try all valid adapters 00h-07h try only specified adapter Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Notes: login path is of form "\\machine\username" if no password is used, the string at ES:DI must be terminated with three NULs for compatibility with LANtastic v3.0. SeeAlso: AX=5F82h,AX=5F84h --------N-215F82----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - LOGOUT FROM SERVER AX = 5F82h ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name (in form "\\machine") Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F81h,AX=5F88h,AX=5FCBh --------N-215F83----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - GET USERNAME ENTRY AX = 5F83h BX = login entry index (0-based) ES:DI -> 16-byte buffer for username currently logged into Return: CF clear if successful DL = adapter number (v3+) CF set on error AX = error code Note: the login entry index corresponds to the value BX used in AX=5F80h SeeAlso: AX=5F80h --------N-215F84----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - GET INACTIVE SERVER ENTRY AX = 5F84h BX = server index not currently logged into ES:DI -> 16-byte buffer for server name which is available for logging in to ("\\" prefix omitted) Return: CF clear if successful DL = adapter number to non-logged in server is on CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F81h --------N-215F85----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - CHANGE PASSWORD AX = 5F85h ES:DI -> buffer containing "\\machine\oldpassword" 00h "newpassword"00h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Notes: must be logged into the named machine this function is illegal for group accounts --------N-215F86----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - DISABLE ACCOUNT AX = 5F86h ES:DI -> ASCIZ machine name and password in form "\\machine\password" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: must be logged into the named machine and concurrent logins set to 1 by NET_MGR. Requires system manager to re-enable account. --------N-215F87----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v3+ - GET ACCOUNT AX = 5F87h DS:SI -> 128-byte buffer for account information (see #01728) ES:DI -> ASCIZ machine name in form "\\machine" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code BX destroyed Note: must be logged into the specified machine Format of LANtastic user account structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01728) 00h 16 BYTEs blank-padded username (zero-padded for v4.x) 10h 16 BYTEs reserved (00h) 20h 32 BYTEs user description 40h BYTE privilege bits (see #01729) 41h BYTE maximum concurrent users 42h 42 BYTEs bit map for disallowed half hours, beginning on Sunday (bit set if half-hour not an allowed time) 6Ch WORD internal (0002h) 6Eh 2 WORDs last login time 72h 2 WORDs account expiration date (MS-DOS-format year/month:day) 76h 2 WORDs password expiration date (0 = none) 7Ah BYTE number of days to extend password after change (1-31) 00h if no extension required ---v3.x--- 7Bh 5 BYTEs reserved ---v4.x--- 7Bh BYTE storage for first letter of user name when deleted (first character is changed to 00h when deleting account) 7Ch BYTE extended privileges 7Dh 3 BYTEs reserved Bitfields for LANtastic privilege bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 01729) 7 bypass access control lists 6 bypass queue protection 5 treat as local process 4 bypass mail protection 3 allow audit entry creation 2 system manager 0 user cannot change password --------N-215F88----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.0+ - LOGOUT FROM ALL SERVERS AX = 5F88h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F82h --------N-215F97----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - COPY FILE AX = 5F97h CX:DX = number of bytes to copy (FFFFFFFFh = entire file) SI = source file handle DI = destination file handle Return: CF clear if successful DX:AX = number of bytes copied CF set on error AX = error code Note: copy is performed by server --------N-215F98----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - SEND UNSOLICITED MESSAGE AX = 5F98h DS:SI -> message buffer (see #01730) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: v4.1- return no errors SeeAlso: AX=5F99h Format of LANtastic message buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01730) 00h BYTE reserved 01h BYTE message type 00h general 01h server warning 02h-7Fh reserved 80h-FFh user-defined 02h 16 BYTEs ASCIZ destination machine name 12h 16 BYTEs ASCIZ server name which user must be logged into 22h 16 BYTEs ASCIZ user name 32h 16 BYTEs ASCIZ originating machine name (filled in when received) 42h 80 BYTEs message text --------N-215F99----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - GET LAST RECEIVED UNSOLICITED MESSAGE AX = 5F99h ES:DI -> messsage buffer (see #01730) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F98h --------N-215F9A----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - GET MESSAGE PROCESSING FLAGS AX = 5F9Ah Return: CF clear if successful DL = bits describing processing of received messages (see #01731) CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F9Bh,AX=5F9Ch,AX=5F9Dh Bitfields for unsolicited message processing flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01731) 0 beep before message is delivered 1 deliver message to message service 2 pop up message automatically (v3+) --------N-215F9B----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - SET MESSAGE PROCESSING FLAGS AX = 5F9Bh DL = bits describing processing for received unsolicited messages (see #01731) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F9Ah,AX=5F9Eh --------N-215F9C----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v3+ - POP UP LAST RECEIVED MESSAGE AX = 5F9Ch CX = time to leave on screen in clock ticks DH = 0-based screen line on which to place message Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (0Bh) Notes: the original screen contents are restored when the message is removed the message will not appear, and an error will be returned, if the screen is in a graphics mode SeeAlso: AX=5F9Ah --------N-215F9D----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.1+ - GET REDIRECTOR CONTROL BITS AX = 5F9Dh Return: DL = redirector control bits bit 7: set to notify on print job completion SeeAlso: AX=5F9Ah,AX=5F9Eh --------N-215F9E----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.1+ - SET REDIRECTOR CONTROL BITS AX = 5F9Eh DL = redirector control bits (see AX=5F9Dh) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=5F9Bh,AX=5F9Dh --------N-215FA0----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - GET QUEUE ENTRY AX = 5FA0h BX = queue entry index (0000h is first entry) DS:SI -> buffer for queue entry (see #01732) ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name in form "\\name" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code BX = entry index for next queue entry (BX-1 is current index) SeeAlso: AX=5FA1h,AX=5FA2h Format of LANtastic queue entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01732) 00h BYTE status of entry (see #01733) 01h DWORD size of spooled file 05h BYTE type of entry (see #01734) 06h BYTE output control (see #01735) 07h WORD number of copies 09h DWORD sequence number of queue entry 0Dh 48 BYTEs pathname of spooled file 3Dh 16 BYTEs user who spooled file 4Dh 16 BYTEs name of machine from which file was spooled 5Dh WORD date file was spooled (see #01666 at AX=5700h) 5Fh WORD time file was spooled (see #01665 at AX=5700h) 61h 17 BYTEs ASCIZ destination device or user name 72h 48 BYTEs comment field (Table 01733) Values for status of LANtastic queue entry: 00h empty 01h being updated 02h being held 03h waiting for despool 04h being despooled 05h canceled 06h spooled file could not be accessed 07h destination could not be accessed 08h rush job (Table 01734) Values for type of LANtastic queue entry: 00h printer queue file 01h message 02h local file 03h remote file 04h to remote modem 05h batch processor file Bitfields for output control: Bit(s) Description (Table 01735) 6 don't delete (for mail) 5 mail file contains voice mail (v3+) 4 mail message has been read 3 response has been requested for this mail --------N-215FA1----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - SET QUEUE ENTRY AX = 5FA1h BX = handle of opened queue entry DS:SI -> queue entry (see #01732) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Notes: the only queue entry fields which may be changed are output control, number of copies, destination device, and comment the handle in BX is that from a create or open (INT 21/AH=3Ch,3Dh) call on the file "\\server\\@MAIL" or "\\server\@name" (for printer queue entries) SeeAlso: AX=5FA0h,AX=5FA2h,AX=5FA9h --------N-215FA2----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - CONTROL QUEUE AX = 5FA2h BL = control command 00h start despooling (privileged) 01h halt despooling (privileged) 02h halt despooling at end of job (privileged) 03h pause despooler at end of job (privileged) 04h print single job (privileged) 05h restart current job (privileged) 06h cancel the current job 07h hold queue entry 08h release a held queue entry 09h make queue entry a rushed job (privileged) CX:DX = sequence number to control (commands 06h-09h) DX = physical printer number (commands 00h-05h) 00h-02h LPT1-LPT3 03h,04h COM1,COM2 other all printers ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name in form "\\machine" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code --------N-215FA3----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v3+ - GET PRINTER STATUS AX = 5FA3h BX = physical printer number (00h-02h = LPT1-LPT3, 03h-04h = COM1-COM2) DS:SI -> buffer for printer status (see #01736) ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name in form "\\machine" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code BX = next physical printer number Note: you must be logged in to the specified server Format of LANtastic printer status: Offset Size Description (Table 01736) 00h BYTE printer state (see #01737) 01h WORD queue index of print job being despooled FFFFh if not despooling--ignore all following fields 03h WORD actual characters per second being output 05h DWORD number of characters actually output so far 09h DWORD number of bytes read from spooled file so far 0Dh WORD copies remaining to print Bitfields for LANtastic printer state: Bit(s) Description (Table 01737) 7 printer paused 0-6 0 printer disabled 1 will stop at end of job 2 print multiple jobs --------N-215FA4----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v3+ - GET STREAM INFO AX = 5FA4h BX = 0-based stream index number DS:SI -> buffer for stream information (see #01738) ES:DI -> ASCIZ machine name in form "\\machine" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code BX = next stream number SeeAlso: AX=5FA5h Format of LANtastic stream information: Offset Size Description (Table 01738) 00h BYTE queueing of jobs for logical printer (0=disabled,other=enabled) 01h 11 BYTEs logical printer resource template (may contain ? wildcards) --------N-215FA5----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v3+ - SET STREAM INFO AX = 5FA5h BX = 0-based stream index number DS:SI -> buffer containing stream information (see #01738) ES:DI -> ASCIZ machine name in form "\\machine" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5FA4h --------N-215FA7----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - CREATE USER AUDIT ENTRY AX = 5FA7h DS:DX -> ASCIZ reason code (max 8 bytes) DS:SI -> ASCIZ variable reason string (max 128 bytes) ES:DI -> ASCIZ machine name in form "\\machine" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: you must be logged in to the specified server and have the "U" privilege to execute this call --------N-215FA9----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.1+ - SET EXTENDED QUEUE ENTRY AX = 5FA9h BX = handle of opened queue entry DS:SI -> queue entry (see #01732) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: functions exactly the same as AX=5FA1h except the spooled filename is also set. This call supports direct despooling. SeeAlso: AX=5FA1h --------N-215FB0----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - GET ACTIVE USER INFORMATION AX = 5FB0h BX = server login entry index DS:SI -> buffer for active user entry (see #01739) ES:DI -> ASCIZ machine name in form "\\server" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code BX = next login index SeeAlso: AX=5FB2h Format of LANtastic active user entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01739) 00h WORD virtual circuit number 02h BYTE login state (see #01740) 03h BYTE last command issued (see #01741) 04h 5 BYTEs number of I/O bytes (40-bit unsigned number) 09h 3 BYTEs number of server requests (24-bit unsigned) 0Ch 16 BYTEs name of user who is logged in 1Ch 16 BYTEs name of remote logged in machine 2Ch BYTE extended privileges (v4+???) bit 0: user cannot change his password 2Dh WORD time left in minutes (0000h = unlimited) (v4+???) Bitfields for login state: Bit(s) Description (Table 01740) 0 fully logged in 1 remote program load login 2 user has system manager privileges 3 user can create audit entries 4 bypass mail protection 5 treat as local process 6 bypass queue protection 7 bypass access control lists (Table 01741) Values for last LANtastic command: 00h login 01h process termination 02h open file 03h close file 04h create file 05h create new file 06h create unique file 07h commit data to disk 08h read file 09h write file 0Ah delete file 0Bh set file attributes 0Ch lock byte range 0Dh unlock byte range 0Eh create subdirectory 0Fh remove subdirectory 10h rename file 11h find first matching file 12h find next matching file 13h get disk free space 14h get a queue entry 15h set a queue entry 16h control the queue 17h return login information 18h return link description 19h seek on file 1Ah get server's time 1Bh create audit entry 1Ch open file in multitude of modes 1Dh change password 1Eh disable account 1Fh local server file copy ---v3+--- 20h get username from account file 21h translate server's logical path 22h make indirect file 23h get indirect file contents 24h get physical printer status 25h get logical print stream info 26h set logical print stream info 27h get user's account record ---v4+--- 28h request server shutdown 29h cancel server shutdown 2Ah stuff server's keyboard 2Bh write then commit data to disk 2Ch set extended queue entry 2Dh terminate user from server 2Eh enable/disable logins 2Fh flush server caches 30h change username 31h get extended queue entry (same as get queue, but can return named fields blanked) --------N-215FB1----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - GET SHARED DIRECTORY INFORMATION AX = 5FB1h DS:SI -> 64-byte buffer for link description ES:DI -> ASCIZ machine and shared directory name in form "\\machine\shared-resource" Return: CF clear if successful CX = access control list privileges for requesting user (see #01742) CF set on error AX = error code Bitfields for LANtastic access control list: Bit(s) Description (Table 01742) 4 (I) allow expansion of indirect files 5 (A) allow attribute changing 6 (P) allow physical access to device 7 (E) allow program execution 8 (N) allow file renaming 9 (K) allow directory deletion 10 (D) allow file deletion 11 (L) allow file/directory lookups 12 (M) allow directory creation 13 (C) allow file creation 14 (W) allow open for write and writing 15 (R) allow open for read and reading --------N-215FB2----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v3+ - GET USERNAME FROM ACCOUNT FILE AX = 5FB2h BX = username entry index (0 for first) DS:SI -> 16-byte buffer for username ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name in form "\\machine" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code BX = next queue entry index SeeAlso: AX=5FB0h --------N-215FB3----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v3+ - TRANSLATE PATH AX = 5FB3h DS:SI -> 128-byte buffer for ASCIZ result ES:DI -> full ASCIZ path, including server name DX = types of translation to be performed bit 0: expand last component as indirect file bit 1: return actual path relative to server's physical disk Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: always expands any indirect files along the path SeeALso: AX=5FB4h,INT 21/AH=60h --------N-215FB4----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v3+ - CREATE INDIRECT FILE AX = 5FB4h DS:SI -> 128-byte buffer containing ASCIZ contents of indirect file ES:DI -> full ASCIZ path of indirect file to create, incl machine name Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: the contents of the indirect file may be any valid server-relative path SeeAlso: AX=5FB3h,AX=5FB5h --------N-215FB5----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v3+ - GET INDIRECT FILE CONTENTS AX = 5FB5h DS:SI -> 128-byte buffer for ASCIZ indirect file contents ES:DI -> full ASCIZ path of indirect file Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5FB4h --------N-215FB6----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.1+ - SET AUTO-LOGIN DEFAULTS AX = 5FB6h ES:DI -> pointer to ASCIZ default user name, immediately followed by ASCIZ password BL = adapter number to use for default login attempt FFh try all valid adapters 00h-05h try adapter 0-5 explicitly Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Notes: call with ES:DI -> two nulls to disable auto-login SeeAlso: AX=5FB7h --------N-215FB7----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.1+ - GET AUTO-LOGIN DEFAULTS AX = 5FB7h ES:DI -> pointer to 16-byte buffer to store ASCIZ auto-login user name Return: CF clear if successful DL = adapter number used for default login attempt FFh all valid adapters will be tried 00h-05h specified adapter will be tried explicitly CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5F81h,AX=5FB6h --------N-215FC0----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - GET TIME FROM SERVER AX = 5FC0h DS:SI -> time block (see #01743) ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name to get time from Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AH=E7h"Novell" Format of LANtastic time block: Offset Size Description (Table 01743) 00h WORD year 02h BYTE day 03h BYTE month 04h BYTE minutes 05h BYTE hour 06h BYTE hundredths of second 07h BYTE second --------N-215FC8----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.0+ - SCHEDULE SERVER SHUTDOWN AX = 5FC8h ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name in form "\\machine" DS:SI -> ASCIZ reason string (80 characters) CX = number of minutes until shutdown (0 = immediate) DX = option flags (see #01744) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5FC9h Bitfields for LANtastic option flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01744) 0 auto reboot 1 do not notify users 2 halt after shutdown 3 shutdown due to power fail (used by UPS) 4-7 reserved 8-14 user definable 15 reserved --------N-215FC9----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.0+ - CANCEL SERVER SHUTDOWN AX = 5FC9h ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name in form "\\machine" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: you must have the "S" privilege to use this call SeeAlso: AX=5FC8h --------N-215FCA----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.0+ - STUFF SERVER KEYBOARD BUFFER AX = 5FCAh ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name in form "\\machine" DS:SI -> ASCIZ string to stuff (128 bytes) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: you must have the "S" privilege to use this call maximum number of characters that can be stuffed is determined by the server's RUN BUFFER SIZE. SeeAlso: INT 16/AH=05h --------N-215FCB----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.1+ - TERMINATE USER AX = 5FCBh ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name in form "\\machine" DS:SI -> blank-padded username. A null char = wildcard. DS:DX -> blank-padded machine name. A null char = wildcard. CX = minutes until termination (0 = immediate) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: you must have the "S" privilege to use this call you cannot log yourself out using this call SeeAlso: AX=5F82h --------N-215FCC----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.1+ - GET/SET SERVER CONTROL BITS AX = 5FCCh ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name in form "\\machine" CX = bit values (value of bits you want to set) (see #01745) DX = bit mask (bits you are interested in, 0 = get only) (see #01745) Return: CF clear if successful CX = control bits after call (see #01745) CF set on error AX = error code Note: you must have the "S" privilege to SET, anyone can GET. Bitfields for control bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 01745) 0 disable logins --------N-215FCD----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic v4.1+ - FLUSH SERVER CACHES AX = 5FCDh ES:DI -> ASCIZ server name in form "\\machine" Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: you must have the "S" privilege to use this call. --------N-215FD0----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - GET REDIRECTED PRINTER TIMEOUT AX = 5FD0h Return: CF clear if successful CX = redirected printer timeout in clock ticks of 55ms 0000h if timeout disabled CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5FD1h --------N-215FD1----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - SET REDIRECTED PRINTER TIMEOUT AX = 5FD1h CX = printer timeout in clock ticks of 55ms, 0000h to disable timeouts Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5FD0h --------N-215FE0----------------------------- INT 21 C - LANtastic - GET DOS SERVICE VECTOR AX = 5FE0h Return: CF clear if successful ES:BX -> current FAR service routine CF set on error AX = error code Note: the service routine is called by the LANtastic redirector whenever DOS may safely be called, permitting external TSRs and drivers to hook into LANtastic's DOS busy flag checking SeeAlso: AX=5FE1h,INT 28,INT 2A/AH=84h --------N-215FE1----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - SET DOS SERVICE VECTOR AX = 5FE1h ES:BX -> FAR routine to call when DOS services are available Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: new handler must chain to previous handler as its first action SeeAlso: AX=5FE0h --------N-215FE2----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - GET MESSAGE SERVICE VECTOR AX = 5FE2h Return: CF clear if successful ES:BX -> current FAR message service routine CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5FE0h,AX=5FE3h --------N-215FE3----------------------------- INT 21 - LANtastic - SET MESSAGE SERVICE VECTOR AX = 5FE3h ES:BX -> FAR routine for processing network messages Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Notes: handler must chain to previous handler as its first action on invocation, ES:BX -> just-received message SeeAlso: AX=5FE2h --------D-2160------------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - "TRUENAME" - CANONICALIZE FILENAME OR PATH AH = 60h DS:SI -> ASCIZ filename or path ES:DI -> 128-byte buffer for canonicalized name Return: CF set on error AX = error code 02h invalid component in directory path or drive letter only 03h malformed path or invalid drive letter ES:DI buffer unchanged CF clear if successful AH = 00h or 3Ah (DOS 6.1/6.2 for character device) AL = destroyed (00h or 2Fh or 5Ch or last character of current directory on drive) buffer filled with qualified name of form D:\PATH\FILE.EXT or \\MACHINE\PATH\FILE.EXT Desc: determine the canonical name of the specified filename or path, corresponding to the undocumented TRUENAME command in COMMAND.COM Notes: the input path need not actually exist letters are uppercased, forward slashes converted to backslashes, asterisks converted to appropriate number of question marks, and file and directory names are truncated to 8.3 if necessary. (DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0 do not expand asterisks) '.' and '..' in the path are resolved filespecs on local drives always start with "d:", those on network drives always start with "\\" if path string is on a JOINed drive, the returned name is the one that would be needed if the drive were not JOINed; similarly for a SUBSTed, ASSIGNed, or network drive letter. Because of this, it is possible to get a qualified name that is not legal under the current combination of SUBSTs, ASSIGNs, JOINs, and network redirections under DOS 3.3 through 6.00, a device name is translated differently if the device name does not have an explicit directory or the directory is \DEV (relative directory DEV from the root directory works correctly). In these cases, the returned string consists of the unchanged device name and extension appended to the string X:/ (forward slash instead of backward slash as in all other cases) where X is the default or explicit drive letter. under MS-DOS 7.0, this call returns the short name for any long-filename portions of the provided pathname or filename functions which take pathnames require canonical paths if invoked via INT 21/AX=5D00h supported by OS/2 v1.1 compatibility box NetWare 2.1x does not support characters with the high bit set; early versions of NetWare 386 support such characters except in this call. In addition, NetWare returns error code 3 for the path "X:\"; one should use "X:\." instead. Novell DOS 7 reportedly has difficulty with non-MS-DOS filenames on network drives, and can return "D:" instead of "SERVER/VOLUME" for DOS 3.3-6.0, the input and output buffers may be the same, as the canonicalized name is built in an internal buffer and copied to the specified output buffer as the very last step for DR DOS 6.0, this function is not automatically called when on a network. Device drivers reportedly cannot make this call from their INIT function. Using the same pointer for both input and output buffers is not supported in the April 1992 and earlier versions of DR DOS Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows95 and even MS-DOS 7.00 only return the local drive path; to obtain network paths use INT 21/AX=5F02h or INT 21/AX=5F46h instead Corel's CORELCDX and MSCDEX without the /S switch return canonical names of the form "\\D.\A.\path", where "D" is the CD-ROM drive letter and "A" appears to indicate the first physical CD-ROM drive; MSCDEX with the /S switch returns a canonical name with embedded blanks. Novell DOS 7 NWCDEX as of the 11/16/94 update returns the same canonical path as MSCDEX; earlier revisions returned "Cdex. D:\path", where "D" is the CD-ROM drive letter the Windows95 MSCDEX-replacement VxD returns "D:\path", even though the MS-DOS 7.00 MSCDEX behaves identically to older versions (above) BUG: Windows95 incorrectly treats filenames where the first two characters after the drive letter and colon are both slashes (either forward or backward) as a UNC (network name) and requires several seconds to attempt to resolve the name before returning an unchanged string SeeAlso: AX=5F02h,AX=5FB3h,AX=7160h/CL=00h,INT 2F/AX=1123h,INT 2F/AX=1221h --------D-2161------------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - UNUSED (RESERVED FOR NETWORK USE) AH = 61h Return: AL = 00h Note: this function does nothing and returns immediately --------O-2161--BP6467----------------------- INT 21 U - OS/2 v1.x FAPI - OS/2 FILE SYSTEM JOIN/SUBST AH = 61h BP = 6467h ("dg") AL = function 00h list (i.e. get) 01h add 02h delete BX = drive number CX = size of buffer SI = type (0002h JOIN, 0003h SUBST) ES:DI -> buffer Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0000h ES:DI buffer filled, if appropriate CF set on error AX = error code Notes: used by JOIN and SUBST to communicate with the OS/2 file system for function 00h (list), the ES:DI buffer is filled with the ASCIZ JOIN/SUBST path or an empty string if the drive is not JOINed/SUBSTed also supported by OS/2 v2.0+ Virtual DOS Machines --------D-2162------------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - GET CURRENT PSP ADDRESS AH = 62h Return: BX = segment of PSP for current process Notes: this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time, even during another INT 21h call the current PSP is not necessarily the caller's PSP identical to the undocumented AH=51h SeeAlso: AH=50h,AH=51h --------U-216262SI1994----------------------- INT 21 - ENVLOCK - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 6262h SI = 1994h Return: AX = 1994h if installed ES = ENVLOCK's resident segment Notes: to deactivate ENVLOCK, zero out the byte at ES:[0102h] Program: ENVLOCK is a TSR by Alexander Yanovsky that forces other TSRs to deallocate their environment when they stay resident --------D-216300----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 2.25 only - GET LEAD BYTE TABLE ADDRESS AX = 6300h Return: CF clear if successful DS:SI -> lead byte table (see #01746) CF set on error AX = error code (01h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: does not preserve any registers other than SS:SP the US version of MS-DOS 3.30 treats this as an unused function, setting AL=00h and returning immediately SeeAlso: AX=6301h,AH=07h,AH=08h,AH=0Bh Format of double-byte character set lead byte table entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01746) 00h 2 BYTEs low/high ends of a range of leading byte of double-byte chars 02h 2 BYTEs low/high ends of a range of leading byte of double-byte chars ... N 2 BYTEs 00h,00h end flag --------D-216300----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.2+ - GET DOUBLE BYTE CHARACTER SET LEAD-BYTE TABLE AX = 6300h Return: AL = error code 00h successful DS:SI -> DBCS table (see #01746) all other registers except CS:IP and SS:SP destroyed FFh not supported Notes: probably identical to AH=63h/AL=00h for DOS 2.25 the US version of MS-DOS 3.30 treats this as an unused function, setting AL=00h and returning immediately, WITHOUT setting DS:SI; only the Far East versions of MS-DOS 3.2 and 3.3 supported this call the US version of DOS 4.0+ accepts this function, but returns an empty list IBM DOS 6.1 SYS.COM assumes that CF is set on error SeeAlso: AX=6300h"DOS 2.25" --------D-216301----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 2.25, DOS 3.2+ - SET KOREAN (HANGEUL) INPUT MODE AX = 6301h DL = new mode 00h return only full characters on DOS keyboard input functions 01h return partially-formed (interim) characters also Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh invalid mode Notes: Novell DOS 7 simply stores DL in the caller's PSP (see #01378 at AH=26h) the US version of MS-DOS 3.30 treats this as an unused function, setting AL=00h and returning immediately; only the Far East versions of MS-DOS 3.2 and 3.3 supported this call SeeAlso: AH=07h,AH=08h,AH=0Bh,AX=6300h,AX=6302h --------D-216302----------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 2.25, DOS 3.2+ - GET KOREAN (HANGEUL) INPUT MODE AX = 6302h Return: AL = status 00h successful DL = current input mode 00h return only full characters (clears interim flag) 01h return partial characters (sets interim flag) FFh not supported Notes: Novell DOS 7 simply reads the value out of the caller's PSP, so it can return values other than 00h or 01h if the last call to AX=6301h used another value the US version of MS-DOS 3.30 treats this as an unused function, setting AL=00h and returning immediately, WITHOUT setting DL; only the Far East versions of MS-DOS 3.2 and 3.3 supported this call SeeAlso: AH=07h,AH=08h,AH=0Bh,AX=6300h,AX=6301h --------v-216303------------------------ INT 21 - VIRUS - "DOS IDLE" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 6303h Return: BX = 6303h if resident SeeAlso: AX=5643h"VIRUS",AX=6304h"VIRUS",AX=9AD5h"VIRUS" --------v-216304------------------------ INT 21 - VIRUS - "Replicator" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 6304h Return: BX = 6304h if resident SeeAlso: AX=6303h"VIRUS",AX=6969h"VIRUS" --------D-2164------------------------------- INT 21 - DOS 3.2+ internal - SET DEVICE DRIVER LOOKAHEAD FLAG AH = 64h AL = flag 00h (default) call device driver function 5 (non-dest read) before INT 21/AH=01h,08h,0Ah nonzero don't call driver function 5 Return: nothing (MS-DOS) CF set, AX=error code??? (DR DOS 5.0, which does not support this call) Notes: this function is called by the DOS 3.3+ PRINT.COM under MS-DOS, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time, even during another DOS call SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=08h,AH=0Ah,AX=5D06h --------O-2164--DX0000----------------------- INT 21 U - OS/2 v2.0+ Virtual DOS Machine - ENABLE AUTOMATIC TITLE SWITCH AH = 64h DX = 0000h (function number) CX = 636Ch (magic value, "cl") BX = 0000h (indicates special request) Note: if CX is not 636Ch on entry, INT 21/AH=6Ch is invoked, because a bug in OS/2 1.x FAPI erroneously called AH=64h instead of AH=6Ch SeeAlso: AH=64h/DX=0001h,INT 21/AH=4Bh --------O-2164--DX0001----------------------- INT 21 U - OS/2 v2.0+ Virtual DOS Machine - SET SESSION TITLE AH = 64h DX = 0001h (function number) CX = 636Ch (magic value, "cl") BX = 0000h (indicates special request) ES:DI -> new ASCIZ title (max 12 char) or "" to restore default title Note: if CX is not 636Ch on entry, INT 21/AH=6Ch is invoked, because a bug in OS/2 1.x FAPI erroneously called AH=64h instead of AH=6Ch SeeAlso: AH=64h/DX=0000h,AH=64h/DX=0002h,INT 15/AH=12h/BH=05h --------O-2164--DX0002----------------------- INT 21 U - OS/2 v2.0+ Virtual DOS Machine - GET SESSION TITLE AH = 64h DX = 0002h (function number) CX = 636Ch (magic value, "cl") BX = 0000h (indicates special request) ES:DI -> 13-byte buffer for current title Return: buffer filled (single 00h if title never changed) Note: if CX is not 636Ch on entry, INT 21/AH=6Ch is invoked, because a bug in OS/2 1.x FAPI erroneously called AH=64h instead of AH=6Ch SeeAlso: AH=64h/DX=0000h,AH=64h/DX=0001h,INT 15/AH=12h/BH=05h --------O-2164--DX0003----------------------- INT 21 U - OS/2 v2.1 Virtual DOS Machine - GET LASTDRIVE AH = 64h DX = 0003h (function number) CX = 636Ch (magic value, "cl") BX = 0000h (indicates special request) Return: AL = highest drive supported Notes: if CX is not 636Ch on entry, INT 21/AH=6Ch is invoked, because a bug in OS/2 1.x FAPI erroneously called AH=64h instead of AH=6Ch used by WinOS2 not supported by OS/2 Warp 3.0, check list of lists instead (see #01627) SeeAlso: AH=52h --------O-2164--DX0004----------------------- INT 21 U - OS/2 v2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - GET SIZE OF PTDA JFT AH = 64h DX = 0004h (function number) CX = 636Ch (magic value, "cl") BX = 0000h (indicates special request) Return: AX = number of entries in OS/2 JFT for VDM Notes: if CX is not 636Ch on entry, INT 21/AH=6Ch is invoked, because a bug in OS/2 1.x FAPI erroneously called AH=64h instead of AH=6Ch in an OS/2 VDM, the DOS Job File Table in the PSP contains an index into the OS/2 JFT in the Per-Task Data Area rather than an SFT index because the OS/2 SFT can contain more than 255 entries --------O-2164--DX0005----------------------- INT 21 U - OS/2 v2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - GET SECOND SFT FLAGS WORD AH = 64h DX = 0005h (function number) CX = 636Ch (magic value, "cl") BX = 0000h (indicates special request) DI = DOS file handle Return: AX = value of second flags word from OS/2 SFT entry for file Notes: if CX is not 636Ch on entry, INT 21/AH=6Ch is invoked, because a bug in OS/2 1.x FAPI erroneously called AH=64h instead of AH=6Ch the OS/2 SFT has two flags words rather than DOS's one word, and this function provides access to the word which is not present in DOS --------O-2164--DX0006----------------------- INT 21 U - OS/2 v2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - UNLOAD DOSKRNL SYMBOLS & LOAD PROGR AH = 64h DX = 0006h (function number) CX = 636Ch (magic value, "cl") BX = 0000h (indicates special request) ES:DI -> ASCIZ filespec DS = base address for loading Notes: if CX is not 636Ch on entry, INT 21/AH=6Ch is invoked, because a bug in OS/2 1.x FAPI erroneously called AH=64h instead of AH=6Ch this function is only supported by the kernel debugging version of OS2KRNL --------O-2164--DX0007----------------------- INT 21 U - OS/2 v2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - GET WinOS2 CALL GATE ADDRESS AH = 64h DX = 0007h (function number) CX = 636Ch (magic value, "cl") BX = 0000h (indicates special request) Return: AX = call gate address Notes: if CX is not 636Ch on entry, INT 21/AH=6Ch is invoked, because a bug in OS/2 1.x FAPI erroneously called AH=64h instead of AH=6Ch used by WinOS2 to make direct calls to OS2KRNL, bypassing the overhead of DOSKRNL --------O-2164--DX0008----------------------- INT 21 U - OS/2 v2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - GET LOADING MESSAGE AH = 64h DX = 0008h (function number) CX = 636Ch (magic value, "cl") BX = 0000h (indicates special request) Return: DS:DX -> '