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# Table of Contents

1.  [Motivation](#motivation)
2.  [Process](#process)
    1.  [Backup](#backup)
        1.  [System](#system)
        2.  [Data](#data)
    2.  [Install-stick](#install-stick)
    3.  [Installation](#installation)
    4.  [Get the data back](#get-data-back)
    5.  [Ready!](#another-installation-2022)
3.  [Another Installation <span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">&lt;2022-09-30 Fr&gt;</span></span>](#-another-installation)
    1.  [Problems](#problems)
    2.  [Get the packages back](#get-packages-back)
    3.  [Ready!](#ready)
4.  [Bibliography](#bibliography)
-   [Nav](#nav)
-   [Footer](#footer)

<a id="motivation"></a>

# Motivation

Manjaro is a nice OS in general. But there are some issues (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_7">Robertson 2022a</a>) like polybar fails for some weeks because Manjaros repos update two week after Archs', so the AUR is out of sync with them.  

It was a good starting point for me to experience Linux; now I feel confident enough to use bare Arch.  

<a id="process"></a>

# Process

<a id="backup"></a>

## Backup

It's possible, if having the `/home` folder in its own partition, to install a new linux system and keep the data. But there is the risk of overwriting it, therefore a Backup is recommended in any case.  

<a id="system"></a>

### System

To get a list of the currently installed packages, I stored the output of `pacman` into a file.  

    pacman -Qeq > package-list.txt

(just lists the *explicit* installed packages.)  

This way, I *could* simply push this list into pacman to get the same packages as now; but I'll rather use it to look at it if I need to and don't install all the unused packages too.  

<a id="data"></a>

### Data

To backup my personal data, I plugged in an old HDD. It was named `/dev/sda1`. So I mounted it and archived my whole home-directory into it. While doing so, i ran into some errors.  

1.  When doing my first try, I was logged in as `adrian`. At the very end complained about changed files. Conclusion: don't be logged in while cerating the backup.
2.  By trying different compressions, I found that it's faster to just throw the data uncompressed at the drive than using something like . My initial thought was that the slow HDD would be the smallest part in the pipe, but it was the compression.

So I logged in as `root`, mountet the HDD and stored my data onto it.  

    mkdir ~/media
    mount /dev/sda1 ~/media

    tar -cvf media/Backup/2022-09-15.tar /home/adrian

![img](images/IMG_20220915_145948.jpg "HDD with slightly oversized cooling fan")  

<a id="install-stick"></a>

## Install-stick

I just downloaded an Arch-iso from some mirror (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_2">“Arch Linux - Downloads” 2022</a>) and wrote it on the usb-drive. (The stick was connected as `/dev/sda`.)  

    pv archlinux-2022.09.03-x68_64.iso > /dev/sda

<a id="installation"></a>

## Installation

The installation is relatively simple. (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_6">“Installation guide - ArchWiki” 2022</a>)  

1.  make the computer boot from the usb-drive
2.  the arch-iso loads
3.  run (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_1">archlinux 2022</a>) and fill in all the information  
    I let the installer whipe the whole disk, created a user `adrian` again, set up language, time, keyboard and installed i3wm (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_4">Developers 2022</a>) as a window manager.

<a id="get-data-back"></a>

## Get the data back

Now I had a functional Arch-System with nearly empty home directory. I took the HDD, mountet it and moved the data back. I did it again as `root` to prevent any more difficulties.  

    mkdir ~/media
    mount /dev/sda1 ~/media

    tar --skip-old-files --file media/Backup/2022-09-15.tar /


1.  the flag, which I used to pause and resume the extraction to get sleep without the noise of the HDD.
2.  the location is specified as and not as , because the archive already contains the information about where the data goes.

<a id="another-installation-2022"></a>

## Ready!


          /\         adrian@archlinux
         /  \        os     Arch Linux
        /\   \       host   81LG Lenovo IdeaPad L340-15IWL
       /      \      kernel 5.19.8-arch1-1
      /   ,,   \     wm     i3
     /   |  |  -\    uptime 6h 23m
    /_-''    ''-_\   pkgs   791

Now I run Arch. Browser, Matrix-client etc. work all like before on Manjaro, because their userdata is unchanged. I've already installed some missing packages as I ran into errors in my daily workflow (one because of a bug in Doom Emacs (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_5">doomemacs 2022</a>) which I installed manually), and there are still some missing. Nevertheless There are only 791 packages installed currently. On Manjaro I had more then two thousand installed!  

<a id="-another-installation"></a>

# Another Installation <span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">&lt;2022-09-30 Fr&gt;</span></span>

After two weeks, I decided to install it again. The main reason is, that `archinstall` decided the `/` Partition should only get 20GB, which is not enough for all the software I use. Also I  

-   use Systemd-boot, because Grub has some annoying problems (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_8">Robertson 2022b</a>)
-   use no preslected profile (like i3wm which would install all stuff to make i3 run), because I made a new package-list which I just read in before the reinstall

<a id="problems"></a>

## Problems

I run into the same problems this time, as last time. But this time I was prepared for this and documented my way solving them.  

-   No Internet connection  
        systemctl enable systemd-networkd
        systemctl start systemd-networkd
        systemctl enable systemd-resolved
        systemctl start systemd-resolved
        pacman -S NetworkManager
        systemctl enable NetworkManager
        systemctl start NetworkManager
    -   `systemctl` enable and start `systemd-networkd`, `systemd-resolved`
    -   install `NetworkManager` and `systemctl` enable and start it's
-   For some reason, the locale wasn't set right. So I had to edit the `/etc/locale.conf` and `/etc/locale.gen`, then run `locale-gen`  
        de_DE.UTF-8 # (comment out the needed language)
        sudo locale-gen

<a id="get-packages-back"></a>

## Get the packages back

First, I needed to get paru (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_3">“AUR (en) - paru” 2022</a>), a very useful AUR-helper.  

Following the instructions on it's github-page, I installed `git` and `base-devel`, cloned it **as a normal user**, then `mkpkg -si`.  

Afterwards, I could simply push the List of packages into it.  

    paru -S $(cat ~/media/package-list.txt)

<a id="ready"></a>

## Ready!

Now I use Arch again, but  

-   The `/` partition will not run full unless my `/home` is full too (because both are the same)
-   by using `systemd-boot` instead of `grub` I don't risk any issues
-   By Installing it a second time, I got better in getting the network work. (last time I tried so many things, that I couldn't write about it, I just hadn't known what made it work)

<a id="bibliography"></a>

# Bibliography

<style>.csl-entry{text-indent: -0; margin-left: 0;}</style><div class="csl-bib-body">
  <div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_1"></a>archlinux. 2022. “archinstall,” <i>Github</i> September 16, 2022, URL: <a href="https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall">https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall</a>.</div>
  <div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_2"></a>“Arch Linux - Downloads,”. 2022. September 16, 2022, URL: <a href="https://archlinux.org/download">https://archlinux.org/download</a>.</div>
  <div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_3"></a>“AUR (en) - paru,”. 2022. October 1, 2022, URL: <a href="https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/paru">https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/paru</a>.</div>
  <div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_4"></a>Developers, I. 2022. “i3 - improved tiling wm,” June 21, 2022, URL: <a href="https://i3wm.org">https://i3wm.org</a>.</div>
  <div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_5"></a>doomemacs. 2022. “Symbol’s function definition is void,” <i>Github</i> September 16, 2022, URL: <a href="https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/issues/6784">https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/issues/6784</a>.</div>
  <div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_6"></a>“Installation guide - ArchWiki,”. 2022. <i>Archwiki</i> September 16, 2022, URL: <a href="https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Installation_guide">https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Installation_guide</a>.</div>
  <div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_7"></a>Robertson, B. 2022a. “I Can No Longer Recommend Manjaro Linux,” <i>Youtube</i>, Youtube September 16, 2022, URL: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KNK3e9ScPo&feature=youtu.be">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KNK3e9ScPo&#38;feature=youtu.be</a>.</div>
  <div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_8"></a>Robertson, B. 2022b. “GRUB Broke My Arch Linux Installation!,” <i>Youtube</i>, Youtube August 30, 2022, URL: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_KHtK2b5cA">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_KHtK2b5cA</a>.</div>

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