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                         WISDOM REVEALED

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          Bank of Wisdom, Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201

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     This essay was written to be delivered as a lecture and is
worded accordingly. It was part of a two day debate with a
Fundamentalist minister. For each evening there are two parts, one
of thirty minuets and a conclusion of ten minuets.


                  IS THE BIBLE THE WORD OF GOD? 

                         DAY 1 -- PART 1

                       by Emmett F. Fields

     Before we can talk about the Bible we must consider another
question, a deeper and a far more important question.

     First we must consider God.

     Throughout history mankind has sought God. Sought to find some
proof, some indication, some hope, that God is; or might be.

     That search goes on today.

     Wisdom seeks to find a trace of God in the vastness of eternal
space, seeks some indication throughout the far reaches of the
cosmos -- within the very heart of nature itself -- that there is,
or might be, some guiding intelligence -- however remote -- that
would, perhaps, be God. Wisdom seeks, and continues to seek, a
trace of God, but has not yet found that trace.

     Upon this tiny, remote, speck that we call earth and home, and
across the endless reaches of space, wisdom and science finds only
nature and the workings of nature. Nothing more!

     And yet, while wisdom seeks and searches in vain for a trace
of God, ignorance found God. Or, at least, believes it has found
God, Ignorance not only found God, but has direct information as to
what God said and did, what God wants, what God thinks, what God
likes, and what God hates.

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

     The ignorance that found God has nothing to do with religious
believers today. God, or the illusion of God, was found long ago;
in the childhood of the human race. Ignorance found God long before
mankind found science; even before the wheel was invented, or fire
was captured and made a friend of man. In that barren, cold,
dangerous world stood our remote ancestors. Humanity was in its
infancy, struggling to understand the forces of nature, to escape
its enemies, to feed itself, and to reproduce its kind. The human
mind was emerging from the darkness of animal instincts into the
beginnings of reason. Its only thought: Survival! It was a
dangerous world with enemies, everywhere and always.

     "How great and powerful was our leader who was killed last
season" they would think. "If only his might was with us now, we
would easily destroy this enemy."

     "Oh great leader help us in this time of our greatest need!"

     And so ignorance created faith in the face of necessity.

     And God was born!

     This God that ignorance found, or formed, looks a great deal
like a man. They tell us it has a face, hands, bowels, a foot
(maybe two). They tell us it has nostrils and likes to smell the
burnt offerings upon the primitive altar.

[NOTES: Face: Ex. 33:11,20,23; Num. 14:15. Hands: Ps. 28:5. Bowels:
Jer. 31:20. Foot: Is. 37:25. Maybe two feet: Ps. 18:9. Nostrils: 2
Sam. 22:9,16. Smell burnt offerings: Gen. 8:2]

     This God, that ignorance found or formed, also has remarkably
human desires and emotions. It hates, it loves, it feels anger and
it feels compassion. It has favorite individuals, and a chosen
people. This God is definitely of the male sex, and has definite
male tendencies. It is often angry, easily enraged, swears,
destroys things, pouts, shouts, deceives, and often rests.

     Any wife would recognize God.

[NOTES: Hates: Mal. 1-2,3, Rom. 9:11-13. Love: Deut. 7:13. Anger:
Ex. 4:14. Compassion: Ps. 111:4. Favorite: Ex. 3:21. Chosen people:
Is. 44:2. Angry: Deut. 9:20, 1 Kin. 11:9, etc. Enraged: 1 Sam.
6:19. Swears: Gen. 12:3. Destroys things: Gen. 6:17. Pouts: Ex.
32:9-10. Shouts: Ps. 47:5. Deceives: Jer. 20:7. Rests: Gen. 2:2]

     This God that was found by a primitive and ignorant people
some thousands of years ago, just happened to have the same world
outlook, and the same beliefs about nature as the people who found 

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

him. This God thought the sun revolved around the earth, and that
a day could be made longer by simply stopping the sun for a while.
It is truly amazing, the number of similarities there are between
the beliefs of God, and the beliefs of the people who discovered

[NOTE: Stopping the sun: Josh. 10:12]

     Those people, though primitive, possessed skills, and so did
the God they found. This God gave instructions for building a boat,
he designed clothes for the priests, gave the formula for a
perfume, was a tailor and made coats of skins. This God also made
many simple, often foolish, laws that are called "Commandments."
And God did many other things very human, and very peculiar to the
time and people who first discovered God.

[NOTES: Boat: Gen. 6:14-18. Designed clothes for the priests: Ex.
28:39. Formula for perfume: Ex. 30:34-35. Made coats of skin: Gen.

     But of all the human-like things that God is said to have
done, the most important thing of all, we are told, was to write
books, or to guide the hand and mind of those who wrote. It is the
books that God is said to have written, or caused to be written,
that are to be considered tonight.

     The story I have told about the discovery of God is not
unique. Anthropologists agree it has happened many times, and in
many different places. Whenever primitive people needed a God they
have always found a God, tailor made. It was their own God, and
always resembled them a great deal. The God always had the same
enemies and the same morals, as the people who found him, and many
of those Gods were authors; They wrote books.

     I would have no trouble, if I were in a Moslem part of the
world, convincing the people there that the Christian Bible is not
"the word of God." If I were addressing Buddhist, Hindus, or people
of any other religion I would have no trouble proving, to their
satisfaction, that the Christian Bible is not the inspired word of

     But I am in a Christian dominated part of the world. And being
in a Christian part of the world, I feel that I would have no
trouble convincing most of you that the Moslem holy books are
false, that those books are not the true word of God. You would
tend to agree that all those other people, who have other Gods and
other religious books, are mistaken. You might agree that they have
been misinformed, or even deceived. It would seem that people in
other parts of the world are so easily made to believe whatever is
accepted in their part of the world. They so easily believe in
false idols. Only we, who happen to be born in the Christian part
of the world, have the "true truth." Well, most of us do. There
are, of course, the Jews, and those terrible old Atheists, and many
others who refuse to accept the "truth" of the Christian Bible ....
but they don't count.

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

     Let us ignore the non-Christians among us and assume the
Christian religion -- and Bible, is totally accepted in this part
of the world. The point is simply this: is truth geographical?
Should not the same things that are true in Iran be also true in
India, Japan, Africa, Canada, and in the rest of the world? It
would seem so, doesn't it? Scientific truths are universal, why are
religious truths not universal? Is it reasonable to assume that we
alone are right and all the rest of the world wrong? That we are
the ones, the only ones, who have the true God and the true "word
of God" book?

     Can the simple God of the Christian Bible, that is so like a
man, that is so like the people who first found God, can that God
be the God that wisdom seeks? Wisdom is well aware of the God that
the primitive mind has found. Wisdom is aware of the Bible, and of
all the other God books, and is aware of the religions built upon
those books and those Gods; and yet wisdom and reason continue to
seek God, or even a trace of God.

     Once the God idea was established in a tribe it was passed
along from generation to generation, the children were taught to
believe as the parents believed, and the children's children were
in turn taught to believe. Just as we were taught to believe what
our parents believed. Children have always been taught to believe,
but never to question.

     And so God became a self perpetuating assumption.

     In our part of the world the Christian Bible dominates. In
these countries there are many people who believe the Bible is "the
inspired word of God." They have been taught to believe that book
is the foundation of our laws, the essence of justice, the source
of our liberty and even of our civilization. They believe it
promises to defeat death and gives hope of another world where
happiness will be theirs for all eternity.

     I wish it were true.

     Those people have not read the Bible, or they have read it
with a closed mind. They have failed to see the ignorance, the
injustice, the hatred of liberty, the religious intolerance, the
persecutions, and the gross immorality that is in the Bible.

     They remember the heaven, but they forget the hell.

     It is not lightly that I take the task of proving the Bible
cannot be the word of God. If the promises, though false, were
helpful to mankind, I would pass over them in silence. But they are
not beneficial! "Holy books" have never been a help to humanity,
and can never be. In fact they are becoming more dangerous every
day. The honest historian knows that religious books are, and have
always been, a great burden to mankind. And in spite of all our
modern knowledge those old books continue to cause hatred and wars 

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

     So we must examine the Christian Bible, not because it is
greatly different from other religious books, of other nations and
of other Gods, but because it is the one book that is made to
dominate our society by indoctrination. We are taught to believe it
in childhood, and forbidden to question it in adulthood. It
endangers our modern world, it prevents intellectual maturity and
limits the scope of our thoughts to primitive legends.

     Is the Christian Bible "The inspired word of God"? Let us
think carefully what that claim must mean. With that claim comes
the obvious conclusion that the Bible must be "God perfect." That
is to say the Bible must be far more perfect than any mere human
minds could possibly have made it. Any mistake in that book, any
error or contradiction, in fact or form, would prove that book
could not be "God's inspired word."

     Not only would the Bible be perfect in itself, but it would be
equally plain and understandable to every human mind, and every
person would understand it exactly the same.

     Perhaps you feel that I demand too much of a mere book. That
a God who could create the human understanding, could not be
expected to produce a book that would agree with that creation.

     Personally, I believe it is asking too much of us to believe
that God would write, or inspire, a book that mankind could not
agree upon. A book that has caused endless wars, persecutions,
torture, bigotry and hatred. A book that is so unintelligible that
not only do "non-believers" reject it, but those who believe it to
be the true word of God cannot agree upon its interpretation. There
are hundreds of different Christian sects in the United States
alone, and that does not include the countless thousands of private
individuals who have their own, personal, interpretations of the

     The very fact of this debate, or any debate about the Bible,
is irrefutable proof that the Bible cannot be "the word of God."

     It is often claimed by theologians that the original
scriptures were perfect, but that the Bible has lost is perfection
through copy errors and by being translated through several
languages. Impossible! There could not be an imperfect copy or
translation of a perfect book that was perfectly understood by the
translator. God would not permit it!

     If there is a God.

     There are many versions of the Christian Bible and there are
many conflicting interpretations of each version. Not only by the
ordinary Christian believers and clergymen, but by those scholars
who have spent their entire lives studying the scriptures. Such
confusion is not the work of God.

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

     From the evil and confusion the Bible has caused, and
continues to cause, and from the primitive, foolish and
contradictory nature of that book, it is self-evident that the
Bible cannot represent the word of God. I will quote a few
passages, from one of the many versions of the Bible to show why I
reject the Bible. I will quote the King James version, as I read
and understand it. I am not foolish enough to believe what I
understand the Bible to say, is what the Bible says. Considering
the numerous versions and interpretations of the Bible, I am amazed
that there is any person on earth foolish enough to believe his, or
her, interpretation of the Bible is the correct one; that he or she
alone, somehow, has stumbled upon the true meaning of the Bible,
while all the other believers, non-believers, ministers, priests,
scholars and infidels have misinterpreted, and misunderstood, the

     Some people say there are over two thousand self-
contradictions in the Bible, some other people say they cannot find
even one. All I can do at this time, is to point out a few, of the
many, that seem contradictory to me.

     I will begin with the first commandment that God gave to man;
the one that no fundamentalist Christian has ever broken.

     Genesis 2: verses 16-17 reads: "And the Lord God, commanded
the man, saying "of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely
eat: (17) But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt
not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt
surely die."

     According to the Bible, the man, Adam, did not die in the day
that he ate from the forbidden tree. For the Bible says that Adam
and Eve were expelled from the garden and; Genesis 5: verse 5
reads: "And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and
thirty years; and he died."

     But, as I understand the Bible, there is yet another
contradiction to Genesis 2: verse 16-17.

     In Genesis 3: verse 22-23 God seems to be talking to some
other Gods and I read it to say: (22) "And the Lord God said,
behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil --
lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and
eat, and live forever; (23) therefore the Lord God sent him forth
from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was

     In Genesis 2:16-17, God said "of every tree of the garden thou
mayest freely eat but of the tree of knowledge." Now, in Genesis
3:22-23 we find that there is yet another tree in the garden that
was forbidden; the tree of life.

     As I read the Bible, it does appear that God's word cannot be
relied upon as in this, apparent, contradiction:

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

     Exodus 33: verse 20, God is said to have said: "Thou canst not
see my face; for there shall no man see me and live."

     Exodus 33: verse 22 reads: "And the Lord spoke unto Moses face
to face, as a man speakest unto his friend."

     That seems like a self-contradiction to me, but as I have
said, the Bible is obviously incomprehensible, and you may not see
anything strange about the two statements at all. I could spend the
rest of the evening giving contradictions that are to be found in
the Old Testament, so I must skip over the rest.

     How about the New Testament, are there contradictions in that
too? Well, some say there obviously are many contradictions in the
New Testament, and there are others who say there are none at all.
I can only tell you what that book says to me.

     As I read the New Testament I find the first contradiction in
the very first verse, of the very first chapter, of the very first
book of the New Testament.

     In Matthew 1: verse 1, I read. -- "The book of the generation
of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham." And after
that verse comes a long line of "begats" until we come to verse 16,
that reads: "And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom
was born Jesus, who is called Christ."

     Now if Joseph was not the natural father of Jesus, but only
the husband of Mary, as Matthew 1:16 says, then Matthew 1, 1 to 16,
is not, cannot be, "the origin of Jesus Christ," as is stated in
the first chapter, first verse of Matthew.

     But if Joseph is the natural father of Jesus, as is implied in
other verses of the Bible, then the story of Jesus being born of a
virgin is the contradiction. That legend is in Matthew 1:18 and
reads: "Now the origin of Christ was in this wise. When Mary his
mother had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she
was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit."

     Also, and most important, if Jesus were born of a virgin and
was not the descendant of David, then the words of Peter in Acts
2:29-30 are false. In Acts 2:29-30 Peter says: "Men and brethren,
let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is
both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is with us unto this day.
(30) therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with
an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the
flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;"

     Now we have a pretty kettle of fish. If Jesus is the son of
God through the "Holy Spirit," as is stated in Matthew 1:18-20,
then either he is not the Christ, or God has "sworn with an oath"
a lie to David. Or else, Jesus is the son of Joseph, son of David,
son of Abraham, and thus might be the "Christ"; but then he cannot 

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

be the son of God by the Holy Spirit, and could not have been born
of a virgin.

     Again I could spend the entire evening going through the
apparent contradictions in the New Testament. But as we are
speaking of a book that is said to be the word of God, we need only
one contradiction, anywhere in the Bible to prove it is not the
word and work of God.

     If there is a God.

     The Bible cannot be true as it constantly contradicts itself.
Yet it might be an inspiration to good morals and proper conduct.
So let us see what the Bible says about goodness, justice,
kindness, morality and respect for family, friend and neighbor.

     Let us look at some of the sexual morals that are in the
Bible. I will begin with Genesis 19. As I read the story, two
"angels" are guests in Lot's house when "the men of the city" come
to the house and Genesis 19:5-8 reads: "And they called unto Lot,
and said unto him, where are the men which came in to thee this
night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them. (6) and Lot
went out the door unto them and shut the door after him: (7) and
said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. (8) Behold now, I
have two daughters which have not known men; let me, I pray you,
bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes;
only unto these men do nothing, for therefore they came under the
shadow of my roof."

     Naturally, I cannot know what that says to anyone else, but to
me it seems to say: "Behold now, I have two daughters which have
not known men; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do
ye to them as is good in your eyes;".

     What kind of father would offer his children to a mob to be
used as they see fit? I will be honest with you, if you were a
guest in my house, I would protect you with all my might, but if it
came to the point of it being either you or my children, it would
be you. And I would expect the same, if it were your choice between
your children or me. If it were God himself, if there is a God, he
would go before my children. I am not a Christian. I am very pro-
family, my innocent children come first.

     But that is not the end of the story, it goes on and gets
worse. In Genesis 19:31-32, Lot's daughters are talking: "And the
firstborn said unto the younger, Our Father is old, and there is
not a man in the earth to come unto us after the manner of all the
earth: (32) come let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie
with him, that we may preserve seed of our father."

     And this seedy story goes on until Genesis 19:36 reads: "Thus
were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father."

     Now I know that is not what the Bible says to you who believe
it to be "the word of God." But to me, it seems to say: "Thus were 

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

both the daughters of Lot with child by their father." To me that
story is pure filth, but others say there is no filth, and no
immorality, in the Bible, so I do not know what that story says to
others, but to me it is pure filth. And, to me, filth cannot be a
part of "the word of God."

     There are many stories in the Christian Bible that I believe
are immoral, pure filth. but that one will serve as an example for
the rest. After all, we are considering the Bible as "the word of
God," we need only one "bad" story, only one contradiction, only
one untruth or injustice, to prove the Bible is not "the word of

     Let us consider God's justice as recorded in the Bible.

     King David obtained one of his many wives through kidnap, rape
and murder. The story is in the second book of Samuel, chapter 11,
and verse 4 reads: "And David sent messengers, and took her; and
she came in unto him and he lay with her . . ." I hope you will
forgive me for repeating such filthy stories, but that is what the
Bible says. The story goes on and Bathsheba is pregnant. David has
her husband, Uriah, killed and in verse 26 and 27 we read: "And
when the wife of Uriah heard that Uriah her husband was dead, she
mourned for her husband. (27) And when the mourning was past, David
sent and fetched her to his house, and she became his wife, and
bore him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased the

     Good! Now we will have a chance to see God's justice in
action. How did God punish David for those most awful crimes? How
do you think such a terrible man should be punished? Well, God's
punishment for David's crimes can be read in the second book of
Samuel, chapter 11: verse 15, it reads: "And the Lord struck the
child, that Unah's wife bore unto David, and it was very sick." and
verse 18 reads: "And it came to pass on the seventh day, that the
child died." Believe it or not; God's idea of justice for the
murder of Bathsheba's husband, was for God himself to murder
Bathsheba's innocent baby. That is God's justice according to the
Christian Bible.

     I don't know what that story says to a believing Christian,
but if what I understand the Bible to say, is what it says, it
would take a very deprived mind to believe the Bible is "the word
of God."

     Let us consider the Commandments of God, according to the
Bible. There are not just ten Commandments, as many people seem to
believe, but hundreds. There are no less than 73 chapters filled
with the Commandments of God. And a God being what a God is, every
Commandment must receive the same obedience as every other
Commandment. Now, let us see what God hath Commanded.

     Exodus 22:18 reads: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."
When Christianity had power these eight words caused hundreds of 

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

thousands of innocent people to be tortured and burned alive. That
Commandment is of the same group as one version of the, so called,
Ten Commandments.

     God's Commandment in Exodus 21:2 reads "If thou buy an Hebrew
servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go
free for nothing." Exodus 21:4 reads "If his master have given him
a wife, and she have born him sons or daughters; the wife and her
children shall be her master's and he shall go out by himself."
Remember, these are God's Commandments, and God's justice,
according to the Bible. Exodus 21:5-6 reads "And if the servant
shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children: I
will not go out free: (6) Then the master shall bring him unto the
judges . . . and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl;
and he shall serve him forever."

     The Bible always upholds slavery, and has always been the
greatest obstacle to justice and human progress in the world.

     Another of God's Commandments is Deuteronomy 13:6-8, it reads:
"If thy brother, the son of thy mother. Or thy son, or thy
daughter, or thy wife of thy bosom. Or thy friend, which is as
thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, let us go and serve
other Gods which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; (7)
namely, of the Gods of the people which are round about you, nigh
unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth unto
the other end of the earth (8) thou shalt not consent unto him, nor
harken unto him; neither shalt thou conceal him (9) but thou shalt
surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to
death, and afterward the hand of all the people. (10) and thou
shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to
thrust thee away from the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of
the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage."

     Who said God was pro-life?

     I have often pointed out to Christians that Christianity has
caused untold suffering in the world. That history is so filled
with Christian wars, persecutions, torture, burning and hate that
no gentle and kind person would call himself a Christian if they
knew the truth of Christian history.

     The answer is always the same: "How can I, or any Christian
today, be held responsible for what people, who called themselves
Christians, have done in the past?" And yet, according to the
second Commandment God holds the children responsible for the
mistakes, or crimes of their parents, "even unto the third and
fourth generation." In fact the entire concept of Christianity is
based upon "original sin," the ultimate in unjust hereditary guilt.
I do not believe in hereditary guilt. The very idea that we, the
human race are born in sin because of some small misdeed that Adam
was said to have done is foolish. No! It is more than foolish, it
is insane. Such insanity is not of God.

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

     The very idea that God would have to be born to a virgin, or
anything else, and then have to be murdered by mankind, in order to
forgive mankind, is very insane. I believe a God would do just as
you would do if your child had been naughty, and you had became
angry for a while. You would not say to that child: Bringeth thou
me a hammer and hitteth thou me upon thine hand, hard, that I
mayeth forgive thee thy naughtiness that thou hath done."

     No! You would go to the child, and you would take that child
into your arms, and you would tell your child that you love him/her
with all your heart, and that you could never really be angry with
him. That he/she means more to you than your own life. That is what
you would do, or should do: That is what I would do, and any book
that says God would do any less simply cannot be the word of God.

     We must not be a slave to a primitive superstition. We must
not be afraid to think, to question and to investigate. We must set
our minds free: Get up off your knees and stand upon your own two
feet, raise your head, open your eyes and start to use your mind.
The use of the human mind has risen us above all the other animals
and has made mankind master of the entire earth. The human mind --
reason -- is the only hope we have of surviving in our modern,
atomic, world. We must learn to use our minds.

     There is good news tonight: Spread the good news!

     Our minds are now free to reason;


                          CONCLUSION #1

                         DAY 1 -- PART 2

     We are, without doubt, one of the most indoctrinated and
deceived nations on earth; at least, at very least, in the area of
religion. Today there is no greater threat to our nation, and to
our liberty than Christianity. No other force could have silenced
and changed American history as Christianity has done. And no other
force could have so completely deceived the American public as
Christianity has done.

     The Christian aggression against America, against the rights
of non-Christians, is based on the delusion that the Bible is "the
word of God." Let us look at the terrible history of that delusion.

     If you know any history at all, you know Christianity and the
Bible has not only failed to maintain peace, you know they have
been entirely responsible for the most bloody and unnecessary wars
of history. You know all the Crusades were pure Christian
aggressions. You know the crusaders, in spite of their devout faith
in the Bible, in prayer, in Christianity, and in their God, failed 

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

again and again to recapture the "Holy land." And true to their
Bible the Crusaders slaughtered men, women and children whenever
they captured a city.

     And yet Christians call the Bible "the word of God," and
themselves "moral"!!

     If you know any history at all you know the Dark Ages was a
time of the absolute establishment of the Christian Bible and the
Christian religion. You know it was a time of the greatest poverty,
ignorance, oppression and superstition, and you know there was
never a more evil and immoral age. You know the torture and burning
of heretics was justified by the Bible. You know the Bible was the
excuse for the Holy Inquisition, for the torture and burning of
witches, for robbing orphans and widows. You know the Bible has
caused more hate and persecution than any other book; more
suffering than any other disease. And you know the Bible has always
been the greatest enemy of human progress, of science, of culture
and learning; the greatest enemy of morality, liberty, and justice
in the world.

     If you know any history at all you know America was a refuge
for those who were persecuted by the Bible, and the established
church in Europe. You know Bible-believing Christians have never
had any concept of freedom. They have always thought freedom was
their right to force their belief upon others. And you know the
first concern of the Founding Fathers was to separate religion from
government, and to establish a free nation, and a free people. And
you know also that most of the Founding Fathers were Deists, not

     If you know any history at all you know when the Bible was 
established, and Christianity had power, Christians tortured and
murdered those who doubted or disagreed with their Bible.

And whenever Christians lose the power to persecute, they slander
and call "immoral" those they can no longer persecute.

     And yet Christians call the Bible "the word of God," and
themselves "moral"!!

     Today Christianity has gained its dangerous power in America
by teaching Bible, instead of nation; by confusing piety with
patriotism; by calling good Americans "Communists," good patriots
"traitors." They teach hate and distrust against those who uphold
the great American ideals of separation of state and church and
hate against the American courts that dare to uphold our nation's

     Christianity has suppressed and changed American history, has
hidden quotes, facts and evidence which prove that Christianity and
the Bible was recognized as the enemy of freedom by those who
founded this nation. Christians have hidden the fact that the
Founding Fathers struggled to insure freedom of conscience; 

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

struggled to put Christianity in its rightful place -- the equal of
every other religious opinion; struggled to put the Bible in its
rightful place -- the equal of every other book.

     Today Christian history tells us one truth: Those who have
murdered will also lie!

     Unless you are a dedicated scholar of American history, you do
not know that Deism was the direct rejection, and refutation, of
the Christian Bible, the Christian religion, and the Christian God;
You do not know that George Washington "was the leading statesman
who advocated total separation of state and church and who saw to
it that no reference to Christianity or even Deity was made in the
Constitution" (The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. 2). You do not
know that the first freedom the Constitution was meant to establish
is the freedom from religion. That Thomas Jefferson was a Deist and
advised his young nephew to "question with boldness even the
existence of a god" (Letter to Peter Carr, Aug. 10, 1787, "Deism in
the United States," pp. 222-34.) You do not know that the outspoken
Deist Thomas Paine, did more to make the United States of America
a free and separate nation than any other American. And you do not
know a thousand other facts of American history that disprove
Christian claims; facts that would keep America free.

     You do not need to be a scholar to know that fundamentalist
Christianity, and the forces of Bible superstition are attacking
the very roots of our nation's freedom today.

     And yet Christians call the Bible "the word of God," and
themselves "moral."

     History has proved again and again that personal morality
cannot survive where people believe in divine forgiveness, believe
in the Bible delusion that some "higher power" can remove the guilt
from the guilty, without removing the wrong from the victim.

     Religion always claims that immorality springs from a lack of
religion, but the facts prove just the opposite. Christianity has
never been stronger in the United States than it is today.
Christians have churches in every community, they monopolize radio
and television time with religious propaganda. They have forced
their religion into our government, into our laws and into our
lives. They have silenced all opposing facts and opinions. They are
constantly acquiring more and more power, more and more property
and more and more wealth. Yet they have not the basic morality to
pay their honest taxes.

     At the same time that Christianity has been growing every
richer and ever more powerful, taxes have risen higher and higher,
poverty and hunger have increased, the crime rate has been climbing
ever higher and ever faster, the aged are afraid to leave their
homes; narcotics have become a national plague, and our nation has
been involved in more wars and international conflicts than at any
time in its history.

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201
                  Is the Bible the Word of God?
                             part 1

     How do Christians gain power again and again after failing
constantly to establish peace, progress, prosperity and morality?

     Their technique is very simple. They call their Bible "the
word of God" and themselves "moral."

     We must not allow organized ignorance to destroy this great
nation of ours. The American people must be made aware of one
simple fact:

     The Bible is not, AND CANNOT BE, "the word of God."

                          ****    ****

     The Bank of Wisdom is a collection of the most thoughtful,
scholarly and factual books. These books cover American and world
history, the Biographies and writings of famous persons, and
especially of our nations Founding Fathers. They include philosophy
and religion. all these subjects, and more, will be made available
to the public in electronic form, easily copied and distributed,
so that America can again become what its Founders intended -- The
Free Market Place of Ideas.

     The Bank of Wisdom, Inc. is always looking for more of these
old, hidden, suppressed and forgotten books that contain needed
facts and information. If you have such books and want them put to
good use please contact us, we need to give them back to America.

                         Bank of Wisdom
                  Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201