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From tequesta.gate.net!news.sprintlink.net!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!news.hal.COM!decwrl!tribune.usask.ca!quartz.ucs.ualberta.ca!gpu2!josephro Wed Dec 21 23:15:26 1994

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From: josephro@gpu2.srv.ualberta.ca (Joseph Robinson)

Newsgroups: rec.pyrotechnics

Subject: handbook.txt

Date: 15 Dec 1994 18:07:08 GMT

Organization: University of Alberta

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[ Article crossposted from alt.engr.explosives ]

[ Author was S Colacino ]

[ Posted on 14 Dec 1994 23:41:51 GMT ]




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			       Home Companion.

			 First Release: June 1st 1989

			(Canada Day...what a country!)



		       The Anarchist's Home Companion.


			      Table Of Contents:



	      I    An Introduction to the Anarchial Arts. Pg.  3

	      II   The Tools of the Arts................. Pg.  4

	      III  Mild Anarchism........................ Pg.  5

	      IV   Anarchy for Amusement................. Pg.  6

	      V    Anarchy for Profit.................... Pg.  8

	      VI   Havoc and Hell........................ Pg. 10

	      VII  The Black Arts........................ Pg. 12 

	      VIII Theft:................................ Pg. 13

	      A          Single Party Theft.............. Pg. 14

	      B          Multiple-Party Theft............ Pg. 15 

	      C          Other Forms of Theft............ Pg. 16

	      IX   Destruction:.......................... Pg. 19

	      A          Home Made Weapons............... Pg. 21

	      B          Interesting Ideas............... Pg. 22

	      C          The Fun Part.................... Pg. 23

	      X    Deception............................. Pg. 24

	      XI   Sub-Forms............................. Pg. 25

	      XII  Weapons and Explosives:............... Pg. 26

	      A          Home-Made Explosives............ Pg. 27

	      B          Chemical Explosives............. Pg. 39

	      XIII General Anarchy....................... Pg. 41

	      XIV  More Easy Gadgets..................... Pg. 43

	      XV   Complex Explosives:................... Pg. 50

	      A          Common "Weak" Explosives........ Pg. 51

	      B          Thermite Reactions.............. Pg. 53

	      C          Nitrogen-Containing High Exp.... Pg. 54

	      D          Other Stuff..................... Pg. 56

	      XVI  Stars, Flares, and Color Mixtures..... Pg. 57

	      XVII The Chemistry of Pyrotechnics......... Pg. 64

		   Note Sheets........................... Pg. 70



	      Chapter One: An Introduction to the Anarchial Arts


   First off, I guess I must allot for those of you who don't know what I mean 

when I say Anarchy. (ALWAYS capitalize that word...don't forget!)  Well, maybe 

I should start off with a definition..        

	  Anarchy: <`an-ahr-kee>...noun.  1. A social structure without law

		 and order, government, or authority.  2. Utter  confusion.

		 3. A rebellion against what's accepted as right or correct.

    Ya...right  outta  Webster's own, there.  Well, I HOPE that you  got  some 

idea  as   to what I'm talking about from that.  If not,  toss  this  out...it 

isn't  for you.  Done?  Okay.  Now that only the REAL people of the world  are 

here,  we  may commence the study of the perfection of this art,  and  examine 

some  of  the  newer developments and state-of-the-art  achievements  in  this 

religious pastime. 



		      Chapter Two: The Tools of the Arts


	Explosives - A personal favorite. As everybody knows, there are many, 

		     many, files floating  'round  out  there on this  topic.

		     I  have  seen  docs and  plans for  everything from  the 

		     front  axle  car  bomb to the  exploding  ball-point pen. 

		     So, you should have no trouble with this section...

	Flammables - Gasoline, hairspray, ANYTHING that burns enthusiastically

		     classifies.  However,  with the availability of gasoline,

		     and the relative inexpensivity, (now .68/gal!), this most

		     often becomes the  chosen  fluid.  Attain  some, and I'll

		     tell you what to do with it later...

       Projectiles - Yes,  even the  most basic of prehistoric weaponry can be

		     the Anarchist's  best friend.  Everything  from rocks  to

		     eggs to your little brother classifies, anything that can 

		     be  used  to  damage  or  destroy  when thrown will do...

		     however,  due  to   the  relative   inexpensiveness   and

		     availability of rocks leads to their wide usage...

       Instability - C'mon, let's not be silly.  Every Anarchist is so BECAUSE

		     of an  inherent  mental imbalance.  A true Anarchist is a

		     psychopathic Anarchist.  This REALLY  comes in handy when

		     preparing for a "run", for to an Anarchist, quite simply,

		     the  mad,  the  impossible,  isn't.  This   is  sometimes

		     referred to by Anarchists as "guts" or "balls"...

    Transportation - (Preferably  motorized... be real).  Or, in many cases, a

		     flock  of such.  A mandatory requirement for a successful

		     authoritative  attack,  for  true  Anarchists  don't  get

		     caught at the scene...



			 Chapter Three: Mild Anarchism


     As  much as people would like to deny it, prank calls, yes,  prank  calls 

are a  form  of what could be known as "pre-Anarchy". It can even be found  in

The  Specter's infamous satire of the loser, "Anarchy for the  PreAdolescent",

under  "Major   Devilment  for the American Youngster."  Face  it,   EVERYBODY

as  made prank  calls once in a while for entertainment, and we still do, yet  

now   it's  more  for  profit  than for amusement.   Even   the   universally-

despised   jokes,  phrases,  and clauses told to preteens  by  their  visiting 

grandparents  such  as, "Excuse  me,  but is your refrigerator running?"  and, 

"Is  there a John  in  the house?"  are heard from time to time spewing  forth 

from the mouths of  giggling infants into the phone receiver into your hateful 

ear.   It's unavoidable.   Yet they do successfully annoy you,  therefore,  in 

essence,  completing SOME form  of mild  anarchy.   Face  it, like it or  not, 

these little jerks  are  the  future freaks and Anarchists of America...

    More  inventive  forms  of  this  nature  include  ringing  doorbells  and

running, putting  a  modem on auto-redial at an enemy's home, letting air  out

of  your neighbor's  tires,  and selling fake raffle tickets...(100%  profit!)

    Yet,  we must move on...



		      Chapter Four: Anarchy for Amusement


     Yes,   Anarchy   CAN  be an entertainment outlet  for  a  slow   Saturday

night!  Just  get  a couple friends together, grab some brew, and  you're  off

to  wreak unholy havoc upon society!  But what to do first?  Hmm, you  consult

your   ever-  ready   "Anarchist's  Handbook,"  and  espy  the  chapter,  "Fun

Through  Blatant  Destruction  of Property!"  Aha.  That's the one,  but  how? 


     A. Spray Paint - Fun  stuff!  Sure,  why  not, for no reason at all, just

		      go  out  and  paint  "@#$% You!"  all over everything in

		      sight, or  maybe the infamous Anarchy sign, an encircled

		      "A" everywhere?  Why not,  YOU  won't  have  to clean up

		      that mess?  Hey!   Why  not paint "Can't Drive 55" signs

		      all up and  down  Interstate  75  like  on Sammy Hagar's

		      album?  A  warning, though.  Park OFF of the InterState,

		      like  in a parking lot on a nearby road.  That way, when

		      the pigs  see you, you've got plenty of time to scramble

		      to the car and get away.  Also, paint can be "picked up"

		      quite easily  from any drug store or hardware store, or,

		      if you're not "into shoplifting," it's relatively cheap.

		      A movie's  about $4.50, a can of paint's $1.75 or so, I

		      don't know, haven't BOUGHT any in quite some time..  But

		      in any  case,  it's cheap entertainment.  Not even a new

		      flick  can  get  your  heart racing like a cop chase can.

     B. Destruction - Where are those bricks I threw back here?!?  Hmm,  maybe

		      one or two would look good in Ms. Johnson's living room?

		      Sure, the colors match beautifully!  But, aw shucks, the

		      door's shut.  No need to bother the sweet old bitch,  we

		      will just have to put them there ourselves...but how?  A

		      window -- perfect.  Just toss 'em in  there!   I'm  sure

		      she'd like to thank you for your good  day, but the Good

		      Book says that we shouldn't do  something for the thanks

		      that we receive, but  just  out  of  the goodness of our

		      heart...so,  get  out  of  there before she sees you and

		      tries to thank you personally it's the "good thing".

     C. An Invasion - (of privacy, that is!)  Blackmail material, possibly?  I

		      wonder...   Grab  your  ever-handy beige boxes!  A swift

		      kick to the bottom of the  phone  box should cause it to

		      open freely.  Alligator  clips,  do  your stuff.. But if

		      you'd  prefer  continual  results, simply  plant a "bug"

		      in their house when you're there, like under the kitchen

		      table, and,  can't  forget,  under  the bed... There are

		      literally  hundreds  of plans circulating for the quick-

		      'n-easy construction and usage of this homemade hardware

		      also, don't  gripe  if you can't find any, 'cause if you

		      can't, then you just haven't been looking!



		       Chapter Five: Anarchy for Profit


     Financial   gain  is the goal, social disruption is the route.   No,  I'm

not  talking  about  becoming a "hit-man" for the mob or anything, just   some

clean  fun,   and a little profit on the side.  Sure, you could use  step  "C"

above  for blackmail  and information hostage purposes, but let's be a  little

inventive, that's been being done for YEARS.. 

     No,  you  can't  say  that  making  people  pay  "protection  money"   is

inventive.  G'zus,  it's on the "A-Team" every week,  for  chrissakes!   Let's 

think..  Watch  we make  money  by calling with MCI, Metro, and  Sprint,  but, 

that's   not   outright collection  of  payment,  that's...well,  that's  more 

like   SAVING   money,   like  clipping  coupons  in  the  newspaper,  if  you 

will...you  get what you want  for  a lower price than usual.  We need  money, 

and we need it NOW!  Maybe if  you're.. "into"  this  stuff..<ahem>..you could 

possibly  CREATE   an  imaginary  employee at  some  company deep  within  the 

bowels  of  the  conglomerate  computer?   Maybe send   his   paychecks  to  a 

mysterious  P.O.  Box?  Sure, why the hell  not?   Hey, this  P.O.  Box  stuff 

sounds good.  I wonder...

     Visa...MasterCard...American       Express...Diner's        Club...K-Mart

Credit Cards! Sure, goods on credit!  It's the AMERICAN way, after all,  isn't 

it?   Why  not  do some late-night trashing?  G'z..you'll have to  miss  David

Letterman!?!  Just   go   up  to the video  store,  (Highland's  the  easiest: 

they've   a  "no-questions-asked" return policy), and "buy" a VCR.  (I'm  sure 

you can get ahold of your mummy's credit card for an hour or so to do a little 

shopping..).   Next  stop, Radio Shack.  Waltz inside like  you're  some  rich 

preppie/yuppie  with   all the  money  in the world, and he won't  notice  the 

holes  in   your  faded  jeans, he'll  think that  they're  "in."   Sunglasses 

always work best, for some  reason, rich  people tend to wear 'em a lot.  (Why 

not  slip  a pack of ten'a dem  cheap-ass  Tandy  disks into  your  jacket  as 

long's  you're  there?    Don't  worry...alltheir   "security   systems"   are

Tandy-Made, so  they  always  work  like  crap anyhow..) Yes, sir, I'd like to 

buy  THAT  model.   Yes, that's right, the  TX156-34YI38Ejr.   Yes,   I  think 

that'll  be  all.   Here's my card.   I'll  sign...okie.   Thank   YOU,   sir. 

(After all, you need some toons  for  tonight's  trashing..) Now, return  your 

mummy's  card,  and,  as soon'z it's dark, we're off! (But  don't   forget  to 

return the box and the VCR after tonight, you can buy them  on somebody else's 

card tomorrow!  Or else mommie'll get mad...)

    Try to locate an "everything store," like K-Mart or Major's.  These places 

are   the most open, the most disorganized.  9 times out of 10 there will   be

a  couple large trash bins behind the store.  Whatever they try to  tell  you,

they  most   often will NOT lock these, because that's the job  of  the  stock

boy,   and  he's   most  often more concerned with Jenny,  the  salesclerk  in

Electronics  to bother once he's off work.  Most of their stock boys are about

16 or 17, so  as long  as  they're NORMAL teen-agers, they'll do as little  as 

possible   to  keep from being fired.  Why lock the bins, sir, who would  want 

to  go  in THERE?!?   I  would..   EVERYTHING they have goes  in  there.   The 

salesclerks  are SUPPOSED  to rip the carbons in half, but we know  how  often 

they  REALLY do that.  Even  when they  do, it's no problem getting the  name, 

number,  and  anything else  you  may need for card identification  off  of  a 

ripped carbon, they usually stick to each other  anyhow..  Get one kid to keep 

watch, and everybody else go  fishing  for anything...computer  access  codes, 

(good luck at K-Mart!),  telephone  numbers, credit check phone numbers,  but, 

most of all, look for card carbons! These will provide  you  with a  limitless 

source  of  TV-Ad goodies and  mail-order  stuff.. This   search  should  take 

anywhere  from :30 min to all night, depending  on  cop  surveillance.    Fill

suitcases  and  travel  bags  with  anything  that  looks important,  you  can 

sort  it all out at home.. (This is one good thing about  K-Mart,  there's  no 

produce section..no rotting food to sift through..)

     Got it all?  Now, just flip on a local station, or MTV, or whatever,  and,

before you can say "I Love Ma Bell," you'll run across 9 or 10 million ads  for

stuff  like "Ronco 'In the Shell' Egg Scramblers" and "ACME Nosehair  Clippers"

and  the like..write down the phone number for the company that makes  whatever

product  you could want, and give them your name, (off of the  card,  stupid!),

and  your card number..and presto!  In 4 to 6 weeks, you've got your own  brand

new  set of Ronco Party Circumcisers..free of charge.  (YOU try to say "I  Love

Ma Bell"...*I* can't!)  Another good idea is to cruse over to the 7-11 and,once

you've  gotten  your  Slurpee, buy a lot of mail-order  magazines,  (ie.  Ninja

Magazines,  etc.)   They've got a lot of card order forms and  phone  numbers..

But,  don't  forget!  NEVER SEND THE GOODS TO YOUR HOME!   That's  the  PERFECT

loser  thing to do.. Always find a "drop point," like a vacant house  which  is

for sale, or a P.O. Box.  You cannot be traced back through either method...

Have fun...



			  Chapter Six: Havoc and Hell


     Just   what   you've been waiting for, I knew it.  Well,  there  are   SO

many  different forms of Anarchial aggression that it would be  impossible  to 

even TRY to list them all.  New and inventive methods of destruction are being

conjured up  every day, so I'll just try to give a brief overview.  First off, 

I'd  like to state that you don't HAVE to be a stoner or a headbanger to be an 

Anarchist, you don't even have to drink alcohol.  You can be perfectly  NORMAL

and...well, I  guess  if  you  didn't do any of that you wouldn't  be  normal,

would   you?  Anyhow,  you can be perfectly  NORM..er..ODD..and  still  be  an 

Anarchist at heart you  don't  have to be into blatant destruction, you  don't 

even  have  to  like  heavy  metal music...but it helps.  Who knows, maybe you 

just  like  to  replace normal light bulbs with gasoline-filled  ones?   Maybe 

you just, for some reason, enjoy  running down little kiddies.. YOU can't help 

it.   So,  if  you can't  help it,  pursue it.  Become  the  best  hit-and-run 

artist  on  your  block!  Maybe  even in  the  whole   county!    Modify  your 

vehicle  to your  interests  and  mount  a kangaroo  bar on the front of  your 

Ford  Bronco  or S-15, so that the people  you run  over   slide  more  easily 

under  your car...maybe even put a  window  in  the floor  so  you   can   see 

who you just helplessly  maimed?   Ms.  Johnson?   Oh- hello...did  you  enjoy 

the bricks?  You did?  That's good.  If  they  convulse, you did it right.

     A  good way to make a great start on a successful career as  another  one

of  "those  'Anarchial  @#$holes'" is to try drowning the neighbor's  cat   in

their pool.   Hmm, knowing how much cats hate water, we'll have to try to find

a   way  around  their fears...see how thoughtful Anarchists have  to  be?   I

think  that it's a very good training for future life myself.. Hmm,  howzabout 

the   infamous TV favorite, "cement shoes?" Perfect.  But how to get  the  cat 

into  cement?  Ah- replace  the kitty litter with cement and spike  the  cat's 

water  with  something like the cyanide found in many medicines.  It's  barely 

perceptible,  so  the  catill  get blitzed off of its ass and then go  to  the 

kitty  litter,  and get  stuck inside..  Cats make a LOT of  noise  when  they 

realize  that they've been trapped, so act quickly before  suspicions  arise.. 

Slip  the  cement  out  of the bin, (don't  forget   to   use  "no-stick"  PAM 

before!), with the cat stuck by  all  four  legs inside,  and  have  a  friend 

wash out the bin quickly..it  should  be  somewhat clean,  so then re-fill  it 

with kitty litter before you are noticed. Hurry  up, or  you'll  miss all  the 

fun.  Drop the kitty into the pool.  If you  used  the right  cement, then you 

won't have to worry about it sinking.. It  is  actually quite interesting  the 

way that all the cat's fur floats in the water with every current!  Wild.. 

     Next   target...the  dog!   Make  your own lynch plan  for  the  dog,   I

haven't perfected  one  as  of  yet, they are too big and  noisy..  (I   don't

consider  chihuahuas and the like to be dogs..they are just sub-dogs) You  can 

treat   sub-dogs as cats, though, if you want the cat to have some  company... 

Hey,  why  not try  the  bird?  Easily captured, easily cemented!   It  really

is  quite  funny watching  a bird try and fly with it's feet cemented..  don't 

worry,   they  sink just as well as anything... Most of all, though, have  fun 

at it..experiment!



			 Chapter Seven: The Black arts


    Well  here it is, the path to true Anarchy... Are you worthy of the  title 

of  a   true   Anarchist?   We will soon see. The  Black   arts   are   Theft,

Deception,  Destruction   and   all  sub-forms  of  Anarchy.  To  master   the

techniques  involved takes  time and patience but most of all, it has to be in 

your blood!  You  can always  tell the difference between a True Anarchist and 

a   dabbler...   Pulling the  fire  alarm at school doesn't cut  it  (Although 

that can be  fun  during  a slow  day)...  Anyone can do that, BUT, can you do 

it  without  getting  caught? Well,that  is  the tough part. Even at an  early 

age  one  can see  the  signs  of Anarchy  emerge... if a kid  watches  Mister 

Rogers all day, forget it but if  he builds  crude  weapons  out of  household 

items  and delights  in  torturing  the family pet, his sister etc..  then  he 

has potential. 

    Anarchy  usually starts off small and grows over a long period of  time... 

at first,  primitive  forms of Anarchy such as crank calls, nicky nine   doors

and  petty   theft   will   begin  the process.  At   this   point,   frequent

failure   or  getting   caught  may  put a  stop  to  the  increasing  chaotic 

tendencies  within   the  person   in  question.  If  the  little  bastard  is 

successful  in  his  endeavors, however, he will move on to bigger and  better 

things.  The  real  fun  stuff starts  in  high-school...  there  are  endless 

possibilities  for  amusement  at the  expense of   others...  these  will  be 

documented  later.  One thing to remember however  is that   there   are  many 

obstacles  which  stand  in your path such as  COPS,   locks,  alarms  and  of 

course,  the  most important thing to watch out for is  carelessness  on  your 

part. It is because of carelessness that many good hellraisers have met  their 

fate. Well, enough bull@#$%, let's get started!



			     Chapter Eight: Theft


    Theft   is one of the most common forms of Anarchy, almost  everyone  does

it  at  one point in their lives... Even the Pope  probably  stole  dime-store

candies  when   he  was  a kid... Not everyone, however,  will  perform   this

maneuver   to  the   same  extent  or  with the same  rate  of  success.   The

CARELESS   ones   get  eliminated  by the forces of good.  Regardless  of  the 

motive, the  objective  is always  the same... To acquire at no cost and  with 

minimal effort, items  which are  not originally or rightfully yours...  There 

are  two sub-classes of  theft. These  are  single  party theft  and  multiple

party   theft  (with  accomplice). Regardless  of  the  type  of theft,  there

are   three   important   elements  to  consider:   Planning,  Execution,  and 

ESCAPE.  The  latter  is  probably  the  hardest  part  and  must  be  planned 

carefully.  A  plan is always required for a  successful  theft   and   should 

offer a high probability of success with as little risk as possible.



			  Part A: Single party theft


    It   is   a  good  idea  to make a surveillance  sweep   of   the   target

area beforehand in order to decide on the best route to the desired item and a 

quick  escape  route.  Always have at least one alternative escape  route   in

case   of unexpected  intervention  by  cops or onlookers which  render   your

first  one impassable.  Once  you  have entered the target area, time  is   of

the   utmost  importance...   Get  in and out as  quickly  as  possible...  Be 

discrete and do  not attract  attention.  Always make a quick scan for mirrors 

or  cameras,  try  to stay  out of direct sight of others. 

    Sometimes,  the easiest things to take are items which are kept  right  in 

front  of  the  cashier... all it takes is for him to turn his  back  for  one 

second and  before you know it... FREE JUNK FOOD! Be alert, if there are other

people  present, do not go directly to the desired item. Browse a little,  but 

take   the  first  reasonably safe opportunity to make your way  over  to  it. 

Pocket  the   item quickly without looking at it or fumbling with it.  DO  NOT 

rush  out of the  area immediately if you don't have to, be casual  and  maybe 

even make a purchase.  If you  are  confronted however, GET THE $#@! OUT  Take 

the  quickest   one  of  your escape routes that you can, if you  are  perused 

then  you  must  leave  a  difficult trail  to follow. Dodge  on  and  out  of 

buildings  or cars, backtrack, hop  fences or  do what ever you have to do  to 

lose  them. If possible, motorized  transport is  a  good idea...  (cover  the 

license plate) If not, then work with  what  you have, create obstacles as you 

go, such as throwing objects at your pursuers  or knocking things down in your 


    Sometimes, a good cop chase can really give you a good feeling... It  sure 

satisfies   the Rambo in me! If you are forced to deviate from your  plan  due

to  unexpected  interference,  follow your instincts... but remember  that   a

true  Anarchist doesn't get caught at the scene! If it seems  inevitable  that

you will be  caught, stash the goods somewhere safe until you can collect  it.

After   you  have  bin  caught  then it's all over...unless, you  lie  like  a

bitch   or   your  captor  turns  out to be a friend of  the  family.  If  you 

escape,  then   you  have successfully completed your mission.  Hopefully  you 

will  have the foresight  not to hit a store in your neighborhood or one  that 

you  go  to  regularly. Try not to hit the same  place  every  time...  that's 


     For   an  added  challenge, you may want to try  to  swipe  items  stored

behind  the cashier's counter. There are ways to do this such as  the  classic 

"Can  I use your phone? I'm stranded and need to call home" Heh, if  they  let 

you  then   your only  problem is how to distract their  attention.  For  this 

reason,  it  is   often easier to execute a successful theft if  you  have  an 




			 Part B: Multiple party theft


    In  a  multiple  party  theft,  the  basics  are  the  same  but   certain

adjustments  must  be  made to your plan. First you must decide  who  will  do 

what...  One person as  to  distract  the  attention of onlookers  while   the

other  performs  the actual  crime. You should have included a signal in  your 

plan  so that  the  you can  discretely  inform  your buddy that you have  the 

goods  and   it's  time  to leave.  A third person may have been posted  as  a 

look-out and if so, must  also be  kept aware of what's going' on. 

     One  of the important tricks is to make it look like you don't  know  any

of your  accomplishes... don't walk in together or leave together, unless  you

get burned.  If  you are confronted, then it is not always necessary  for  all

the members of your team to flee if you have successfully convinced the teller

you are not together. 

     The  guy  with the goods has to split BUT while the  Cashier  is  chasing

him, or  calling the cops, what better opportunity will the other two have  to

fill  their pockets? If it becomes necessary for all parties to run, at  least

you  now have  an  added benefit due to the fact that if you split  up,   it's

harder   to catch  all  of you. It is an unwritten rule that a guy  who   gets

caught  can't squeal on the others if there is a chance they can get away with 

it. You should have  a specified rendezvous point and time if you split up  so 

all  the   parties  (minus  those  who were bagged) can  meet  and  decide  on 

appropriate  actions  to take  to insure no further problems will arise. 

     After  a few hits with the same people, you should have a  kick-ass  team 

and will be able to tackle anything! One thing though, always watch your  back 

cause as Stalin said "You can't trust anyone, not even yourself."



			 Part C: Other forms of theft


     Well,   if  your not into stealing' from convenience  stores,  there  are

many  available  sources of "low-cost" items, such as cars, houses,  purses  &

wallets and my personal favorite... school lockers! 

     Cars  are  easy... just get a 1.5 ft. long piece of flexible  but  sturdy 

wire  (coathanger  will do) and bend a loop at the end to fit over  the   lock

button.  Slide  the  wire through the gap between the window  and  the  middle 

section  of the car  (not the top of the window). Now loop the end around  the 

lock   button   and pull. For newer cars that do not have the  lockbutton  but 

have  the  switch  by the lever  on  the  inside door  panel,  you  need  more 

equipment.  You  will  need  a flashlight, a mirror and a coathanger. 

     Before  you  begin,  look through the opposite window at  the  door  your

gonna open  and memorize where everything is positioned. Now, tape the  mirror 

to   the  outside of that window with the reflective surface facing  into  the 

car.  If   you have  a friend helping you, you don't need the mirror  as  your 

friend can  stand on  the opposite side of the car and see through that window 

where  you  have   to move. Now slip the coathanger in as above  and  use  the 

window to bend it as  you insert  it  so it touches the inside of the  door... 

using  the  mirror  or  your friend to guide your movements, unlock  the  door 

and there you go! 

     If  you  are in a hurry or don't need to worry about noise  or  anything, 

just throw  a  brick  through the window. Remember to search  the   dashboard,

glove  compartment and back window ledge. If you have a lock pick set and  can 

use   it,  go   for   the  trunk to!

     Motorcycles are a cinch to swipe. All you need are a pair of  vice-grips, 

a  screwdriver  and a dime. Jam the screwdriver into the ignition,  clamp  the

vice-grips  to  the shaft of the screwdriver and twist... -=SNAP!=-  Now  just 

press the start  button and away you go! When you've had your fun and ya wanna 

ditch   the  bike,   drop  the dime into the ignition keyhole and  give  it  a 

quarter turn to turn off the engine.

     Now,  the most risky but often most profitable source is a house.  Before 

you even  approach the house, phone to make sure they're not in. If you  don't

have  their number or they are a bunch of rug-pilots who don't have  a  phone, 

ring  the  doorbell... once you have established the fact that  they  are  not 

home, you  can decide  on  your method of entry. 

     To   break  into  a  house, Your two sources  of  entry  are  doors   and

windows.  Before   I  start  describing methods to  bypass  locks  and  bolts, 

remember that  if you think there is a security system on the house FORGET  IT 

and  move on...  why risk it? Anyway, there are many types of door  locks  and 

for  most  you  will   need a  lock pick set which will be  dealt  with  in  a 

separate chapter. If you have  a lot  of  time and are in a deserted area, you 

can use various  power  tools  to destroy  the  door  itself. Windows are  the 

harder to  reach  but  more  simply bypassed  entry routes. There is either  a 

deadbolt  or a simple twist/pull  lock for  both, you just blow a hole in  the 

window  just above the lock (with a  bee-bee  gun)  or bar and use wire  or  a 

thin screwdriver to knock the  bar  out  or release  the lock. 

     Apartment  buildings  are also a good target... just go  into  the  front 

doors  and  press every intercom button on the panel. Some deluded idiot  will 

let   you  in.   If  not, wait `till a resident comes in  and  pretend  to  be 

fumbling  for   the door  key... he will of course, open the door  for  you... 

Heh. Once you get  in, make  sure no one is home... then grab a pillow case or 

a garbage bag and  take everything  that  is even remotely valuable! Once  you 

have  done  that,   cut   the phone line and  GET  THE  @#$%^  OUT!!!  Mission 



    The  easiest  way to get money or goods for nothing. One way is  to  write 

down  the  serial # and the combination of the lock your using this  year  and 

then  next  year,   find  it and voila! In the mean time,  you  have  to  find 

alternate   methods to  keep you busy for a whole year, but look... there  are 

hundreds  of   lockers!  With  little peckers you can stand  behind  them  and 

simply watch them enter  the combination.  

     If  you want to hit a locker belonging to an older student, you  have  to

be  covert about it. You might as well start close to home by easily  breaking

into the  lockers on either side of yours. This method is simple but  requires

time and  you will need a hex-driver. Look at the inside panel of your  locker

that forms  the wall separating it from the adjacent one. If the heads of  the

bolts are on your side, you will have no problems. Just unscrew the bolts  and

remove the panel... Hmm... now why didn't you think of that before?

     Well,   now you know. Most of the schools supply spin combo  locks   that

are hard  to  pick so if all else fails, use those heavy duty metal shears  to

cut through the shank. Once your in, you are on your own... Have fun! 

     The  last  type of theft I will discuss is the art  of  picking  pockets.

This method  is  becoming more and more difficult with the  advent  of   self-

defense lessons... yes!... even little Grandma Johnson could be a black  belt. 

Basically  all  you  have to do is either run by the victim and snatch it,  or

wait   `till they put it down somewhere where you can whisk it away. Once  you 

have the purse or wallet, there are many things you can do... Money! I'm  sure 

you  can all find a  use for that... Credit Cards! Now we're talking! You  can 

go  crazy  ordering and  carding everything you desire (not to your  house)... 

You  may  find  a  spare key  in  there  to, if so, look at the  I.D.  in  the 

wallet   to  find  out  their address  and away you go! Geez, what a week  for 

the poor sucker eh!  First  his wallet now his house and car!!! Heh, always be 






			   Chapter Nine: Destruction


     Ahhh,  there's  nothing' like a good hour of destruction to  relieve  all 

that tension  after  failing  your math exam. Yeah you remember, the  one  you

were   supposed  to be studying for while you were mixing  explosives  in  the 


     This   form  of  Anarchy allows for more creativity than  most.  You  can

stick  to   doing   mild  damage with your hands or you can  obtain   a   wide

variety  of weapons for more severe effects. It is usually easier to make your 

own   weapons and  there  are  a  large number of chapters dealing  with   the

production  of explosives and simple weapons. For a successful strike on  your 

target area, you will need the following:

	 o Camouflage (dark clothing, mask)-   To prevent discovery

					       & Identification

	 o A small bat or solid stick/bar  -   To  eliminate  people

					       or  dogs  who  get in

					       the way & to increase

					       destructive power

	 o A small, "efficient" weapon     -   For serious  emergen-

					       cies only! (knives or 

					       mini-chucks are good)

	 o Flashlight                      -   So  you  can see!

	 o Several projectiles             -   To increase fire pow-

					       er  and  range 

	 o Smoke Bombs                     -  A    valuable    tool,

	 o FIRE                            -  .......... A  MUST!!!!

	 o Explosives                      -  Not compulsory for the

					      job  but   they   sure

					      add  a  spark  to  the


	 o Spray Paint                     -  To   mark   out   your

					      territory  &  let  the

					      world  know  you  were


	 o Lock Picks & a Bag              -  Just in  case  an easy

					      target    for    theft

					      presents itself  while

					      your vandalizing.



			   Part A: Home-Made Weapons



    These   little  babies are easy to make and are easily  concealable.   All

you  need  are  a pair of those metal nut-crackers and a 2 foot   length    of

chain.  First,  take the nut crackers and cut through the  hinge  with  metal-

shears,  being sure  to leave the rivets intact. Now open up the last link  at 

each  end  of  the chain  and close them around the rivet shaft on  the  metal 

bars. HEY! Look  what you've done... little nun-chakaus.

    Tennis Ball Bombs:

    Cut   a  one  inch slit in the tennis ball and stuff  it  full  of  wooden

match-heads.  (A little gunpowder adds to the effect) Once the ball is  firmly

packed,  it   will  detonate on contact with a solid surface  producing  large

amounts of flame and flaming projectiles.

    Flaming Darts/ Exploding Darts:

    Take   ordinary  darts  and wrap an oil soaked strip  of  rag  around  the

shaft. Then  just  light and throw. For an exploding dart, tie a cherry   bomb

to  the shaft using a twist tie and light the fuse.

    Molocov Cocktail:

    Fill  a  Pepsi  bottle half way to the top with gasoline,  insert  a  rag,

light and throw... instant hell fire!



			   Part B: Interesting Ideas


    Try out these nasty thoughts on your local loser:

    Personalized  Lawns:

    Sure!  Why  not  leave your initials on the guys lawn  using  gasoline  or

weed-killer?   Better   yet,  if  your artistic, a  graphic  picture  of   him

pumping the local stray dog... heh, long-lasting damage!

     Hose Through The Mail Slot:

     Stick   the  end of the garden hose through the mail slot  in  his  door,

then crank  the faucet and run like a *&^%er! If you do this at 3am, his house

will be floating down the street before he even wakes up.

     Address Switching:

     Use your trusty screwdriver to switch address numbers and steal mailboxes 

throughout   the  neighborhood. Heh, if you find the right  numbers,  you  can

make  three  houses in a row with the same address, the fun part is  when  you 

order  a party-size  pizza to that address. (If you are really on the ball you

can rip off the delivery car while Guido is walking from door to door).



			     Part C: The Fun Part


     Once  you  have all your equipment, your ready to go.  Easy  targets  are

mail  boxes, bird feeders, X-mas lights (when in season) and greenhouses.  The

weapon you  will  use most is the bat or steel bar you brought along  in  your

trusty Anarchist's  bag. Remember to spray paint the traditional encircled "A" 

where ever you go to let the world know Anarchy is alive an' well. 

     If   you  possess  a  slight sadistic streak,  domestic  pets  can   make

amusing targets.  The  classic " "cement shoes" is good to drown the neighbors

cat   in  their  pool. Fire can be used in countless ways  to  destroy  almost 

anything.   The good part is once you've set the fire, it will continue to  do 

damage  while  you are running' to the next target. The interesting  thing  is 

when you are  spotted and chased. 

     Now   you  have to use some direct methods to evade  capture.  Start  off

mild  by   simply  running. If they persist, create obstacles as you   go   by

knocking  things   down  in your wake, jumping' fences, cars,  etc..  If  that 

fails,   try   a   few smoke bombs lobbed over your shoulder  to  block  their 

view...  NO! Hmmmm well it's  time  to get serious because you smoke too  much 

to stay ahead  for  long. Sooo,  use  the explosives... that should do it  but 

if  not,  just  turn  around, whip out the projectiles or the weapon  of  your 

choice an' just beat the living' &^%$#  out of `em. Now you can go home, being 

sure  to spray paint an  encircled "A"  on Mr. Johnson's bleeding  forehead... 

(heh, I doubt he'll chase  you  next time).



			    Chapter Ten: Deception


     Well,   anyone   who  has done anything similar to  the  acts   described

above must also have found it necessary to lie once in a while. Remember  that 

to  get away  with  lying,  you must make the lie seem like reality.  If   you

convince  yourself   that  it is true then others are more likely  to  believe 

you.  It's  a good idea to make sure all the people involved in the caper have 

the exact same story. 

     Always  stick  to  your  story  and never stray  from  it.  Try  to  have 

supporting  evidence on your side too, go for realism! Unfortunately, no  book 

is  gonna turn a lousy liar into a good one... it has to be in your blood,  it 

does, honest!



			   Chapter Eleven: Sub-Forms


    Aside   from  the  themes  outlined above, there are  many   other   forms

of  Anarchial  behavior.  Some  people  are  specialists  in  one  area   like 

Pyromaniacs or  assasins.  Others  tend to be less proficient in a wider range

of   areas.   For those of you who are specialists, SPEAK UP! There  are  many 

people  who  are  hungry  for  material  which you  could  provide  from  your 

experience.  Those of  you  who don't  even bother and are just  reading  this 

book  for   entertainment...  "*&^% OFF!"  I don't have time for pussies...  I 

would  suggest that you find out  what your specific interests are and  pursue 

them.  Whatever your topic is, there is a book on it somewhere... believe  me! 

If  you are not sure where your skills  lie, then  start small until you  find 

them.  I know your all probably saying  "C'mon, get on with it  @$hole!"  So, 

here we go...



		     Chapter Twelve: Weapons & Explosives



    Assuming that you have read the first bit in this series and that you  are 

a  true  Anarchist,  I'm  sure you will find this  chapter  both   interesting

and  useful.   We   have   compiled some of the easiest  to  make   but   most

destructive  devices  in  the Anarchist's arsenal  of  home-made  weapons  and 

explosives.  A   true  Anarchist  has  a remarkable ability  to  overcome  any 

obstacle  using  only  the materials at his disposal. I am not saying that you 

need  to know 100  different ways to kill a man with a stapler, just that  you 

should be able to get by using whatever  you  have.  This  chapter  shows  you 

a   few  ways  to  increase  your destructive  power  using  simple  household 

items.  Remember   that   there  is  a certain element  of  risk  involved  in 

handling  some  of the devices which you will see,  so  please   use  caution. 

Neither  myself  nor anyone  associated  with  the creation   of   this   book

will take any responsibility  for  damage  or  injury sustained as a result of 

attempting any of the procedures depicted. 



		    Part A: Home-Made Explosives


				The Motor Mine


    This  device causes basically the same damage as the "basic mine", but  it 

is  more  convenient  if  the intended victim  happens  to  miss  stepping  on 


    Materials:     Film Canister ( or any container )


		   Match Books ( 17 fill a Black's film canister )

		   Wire ( preferably long lengths )

		   Small Electric Motor

		   Battery & Push-button Switch


     First,   take  the lid of your container and make a small  hole  in   it. 

This  should  be big enough to hold the axle of the motor snugly. You need  to 

make  a small cardboard disk or,  if you can find one,  a small plastic  gear-

like  piece  meant to fit on an electric motor. You have to cover  this  small 

disk ( about  1 cm. wide ) with the brimstone from the matchbooks. 

     Fill  the container with match-heads, push the motor's axle  through  the 

lid and  push the disk onto the axle from the other side.  Now put on the  lid 

and tape the whole thing up, plus the motor so it doesn't wobble around.  Hook

your  wire   up   to the terminals on the motor and then to  a  switch  or   a

battery   or whatever.  Conceal  the  mother and stand back. You will hear   a

high  pitched screech of the motor grinding and then BOOM!  Works well.



				   Time Bomb


	 This  device isn't too hard to make, but it does have  a  limitation.

It  doesn't work on the principle that the time you set it to is when it  goes

off, it's more of a mechanical thing....just read.


		   o Some sort of container

		   o Wooden Matches ( 17 boxes fill a film canister but if

				    you want a bigger bomb, buy about 50 or

				    so boxes and fill a 2ltr. pop bottle.

		   o Small Electric Motor

		   o Friction Disk ( see previous file "motor mine" )

		   o Wire

		   o Battery ( 9 volt should do it )

		   o Cheap Clock with hands

		   o Electrical Tape


		   1) Make the "motor mine" explained above.

		   2) Instead of both leads going straight to the battery,

		      you will have a clock in between, with the faceplate

		      taken off.

		   3) Tie the positive and negative leads to the clock hands

		      and set them to an appropriate distance apart.

		   4) When the hands meet, this will complete the circuit

		      which will start the motor. The Friction disk will spin

		      and rub against the matchheads and KABOOM!!

    Note:  To increase the power of this device, gun powder may be added to

	   The match-heads to fill the container.

    Here's a Diagram:                                   __________

				     Clock with hands-> !  \    __!___

			________________________________!___\ /~  !  |

		       |  ___________              _    !   ~o    !  |

		       +-~           |_______+___-/ |   !         !  |

		   ____##____<-Motor         [   ]  |   !_________!  |

		   !* * * * *!               [9v ]  |                |

		   !* * * * *!               [___]  |________________|

		   !* * * * *!

		   !* * * * *!                 ^

		   !* * * * *!                Battery



		   Container filled with match-heads



				  Napalm Bomb


	   Napalm  is, in itself a very simple substance.  It can be used  for 

in the construction of many simple explosive weapons. Here's a good one:


	 ----------     Gasoline            Dishsoap (Joy is good)

			A Nail              Ammonia Pellets

			A Drill             Flexible Wire

			A Coke can



    [1]  First, make a mixture of 1/2 Dish-soap and 1/2 Gasoline.

    [2]  Cut the top off of the Coke can and fill it with the mixture.

    [3]  Take the drill and put a hole in the ammonia pellet big enough so

	 that the nail can fit through it.

    [4]  Put the nail through the pellet and wire it to the top of the can

	 so that the nail can be slipped out easily, allowing the pellet to

	 drop into the mixture.

    [5]  Attach some string or fishing line to the nail head and detonate

	 from a distance by pulling the string.


     SAFE OR YOUR WIFE WILL SOON BECOME A WIDOW!  Wait until you are ready

     to set it off to pull the string... It should look like this:

				       Ammonia Pellet


			       <====[*]====() <- Nail

			       |           |

			       |           | <- Coke Can

			       |           |



			       |===========| <- Mixture






			       Das Crackkerwork!


    Das Crackkerwork:   A neat way to scare the $#!^ out of someone and to

    ----------------   cause moderate amounts of damage.

    Materials:         o A rocket engine (The bigger the better but class

    ----------                            A will do fine)

		       o A fire cracker

		       o Tape

		       o A kick-ass nature

	 First,  take  the engine, it will have one hollow end and  the  other

end  is   filled   with  the  rocket  fuel  (it  resembles  clay).   Take    a

screwdriver   or something hard and start grinding up the substance  from  the 


	 Don't   grind   up  the  thing totally though.  Now  put   the   fire

cracker inside the engine, with the fuse sticking out of the convenient  hole. 

The  hole is usually used for solar flares.

	Now tape up the son of a bitch so that it's black an' mean looking.

	Finally,  light  it and throw it, the fire cracker will  go  off  (but 

won't  damage   the   engine), then the engine will ignite  and  go   whipping

around.  It makes a lot of ruckus and the exhaust can cause damage.









		     |__|   <- Fire-cracker inside engine body

		     |  |      and fuse through little hole in

		     |  |      rocket substance.


	 Basically, it looks like one mean fire-cracker...

	 Have fun with Das Crackkerwork !



				  Smoke Bomb


	       Materials                        Diagram

	      -----------                      ---------

	   -   Coffee can    -              screen  \ <-fuse

	   -   Fuse or Rag  -                    \__\___

	   -   Gunpowder    -                    !__/___!

	   -   Motor Oil    -                    !  \   !<- gunpowder

	   -   Screen       -       coffee can ->!__/___!

	   -   Lighter      -                    !______!<- motor oil



	      1) Pour a 1/2 inch layer of motor oil into the coffee can.

	      2) Pour in some gun powder ( The more, the merrier )

	      3) Cut a 6" diameter circle of metal screening and poke a

		 small hole in the center of it.

	      4) Place the screen on top of the can and secure it.

	      5) Insert a dry fuse or oiled rag through the screen so

		 that it reaches the bottom of the can.

	      6) Light the fuse.

    This device will produce extremely large amounts of smoke and flame.



			      How To Make A Fuse


       One   reason   for which many well made bombs fail is the  lack  of   a

good fuse. To make a dry fuse, you will need the following:

	      o Several sheets of tissue paper (The kind used for machee)

	      o Gasoline/Kerosene

	      o Gunpowder

	      o A paint brush

	      o Patience



	      1) Use the paint brush to apply a thin film of gasoline on a

		 sheet of tissue paper.

	      2) Let dry

	      3) Sprinkle a thin line of gunpowder onto the paper

	      4) Roll the paper up tightly from one end

	      5) Apply a few more layers by repeating steps 1&2 and rolling

		 each new layer around the existing fuse.

	      6) Let the whole thing sit for a couple of hours

	      7) Apply a final coating of gasoline with the paintbrush

	      8) After it is completely dry, it will work beautifully


    -------   Experiments are currently being done in an attempt to design

	      a fuse which will burn under water.



			      Tennis Ball Grenade


	 Most  of  you have probably heard of the Tennis Ball Bomb.  It  is  a 

handy  explosive or noisemaker. The Tennis Ball Grenade is based on  the  same 

idea  but does more damage.

    You will need the following:

	 1) A Tennis Ball

	 2) A Knife

	 3) Several boxes of wooden matches (not safety matches)

	 4) Hockey Tape

	 5) Gunpowder

	 6) A Sparkler

	 7) Flint



	 1) Cut a small round hole in the ball with the knife

	 2) Take the flint (the kind used for flip-top lighters) and crush

	    it into a powder

	 3) Separate the wire handle from the sparkler and grind it up

	 4) Mix the flint and sparkler powder together with gunpowder

	 5) Pour the mixture into the tennis ball

	 6) Cut off the match-heads and pack the ball with them until you

	    can't fit anymore into it.

	 7) Use the tape to cover the hole completely

	 8) The grenade will explode on contact with any solid surface,

	    producing large amounts of flame and flaming projectiles.

	 9) [optional] For a delayed blast grenade, insert a dry fuse into

	    the hole before you tape it up.

    These   babies are easy to make, light weight, concealable and  do  plenty

of damage for their size....in general, a kick-ass weapon. You can make dozens

of them for hours of enjoyment.



				 The Boom-Box


	 The   Boom-Box  is  simple  to make and is very  effective.   It   is

an antipersonnel device and works on one or more victims.



	      o A metal box with a hinged lid

	      o String

	      o A mouse trap

	      o C-4 or any volatile plastic explosive

	      o Tape



	      1) Secure the mousetrap to the bottom of the box (inside)

		 with tape.

	      2) Tie a piece of string to the trip-bar of the mouse trap

	      3) Place a wad of C-4 where the cheese would normally go and

		 be sure that the spring loaded bar will hit it

	      4) Set the trap

	      5) CAREFULLY tape the other end of the string to the inside

		 of the lid so that it is taught when only half open

	      6) Close the box

	      7) Leave the box somewhere where the intended victim will find

		 it, when he does...he will open it and BOOM!




					 / \ <- lid

			      string -> /   \


				  |   /      |

				  | o/____   |

		   mouse trap ->  | =======  | <- metal box

		    with C-4      ~----------~



				 Exploding Pen


	 This   device   is hardly a weapon but it is a  mild  explosive   and

will  serve as a good prank or practical joke. If you wanted to  increase  the 

power  of the  explosive,  it  would not be hard to hard to turn it   into   a

destructive device with a few alterations to the construction.



	      1) A ball point "click" pen

	      2) Gun powder

	      3) 8-10 wooden match heads

	      4) 1 wooden match

	      5) A piece of sand paper (1 1/2" X 2")



	      1) Unscrew pen and remove all parts except for the button at

		 the top of the pen

	      2) Stick the match inside the pen where the ink fill was

	      3) Roll the sand paper around the match with the rough side

		 facing in so it touches the match head

	      4) Put the remaining match heads in, be sure they are inside

		 the sand paper

	      5) Put a wax stopper in the other end of the pen where the ball

		 point came out

	      6) Fill the front part of the pen with gunpowder and make sure

		 that the wax prevents it from spilling out

    The finished pen should look like this:

       Wax stopper          Gun powder              Matches & Sandpaper

	    \                    |                           |

	     \                   |                           |

	      \   _______________|___________________________|________







	      Basically,   anywhere  there  is writing to be done,  there   is

a target for this device. Think of exams!! Heh, I don't think many people will 

be asking to borrow a pen from now on. 



				 The Cat Bomb


    This  bit is for amusement only. We suggest that you do not try  this  out

at home.

    It   has  come to my attention that a real panic can be  generated  by   a

cat-bomb in a supermarket or department store.

    A cat-bomb is a simple and inexpensive thing to make.



    1 cat - large

    1 sparkler or 1 ft. of waterproof fuse

    1 acetylene/oxygen torch

    1 book of matches



    Squeeze all air and $#!^ out of cat, being careful not to kill same.

    Insert torch nozzle into cat's ass.

    Turn on a 50/50 mixture of the gasses, inflating the cat to approximately

    1/3 larger than normal.

    Insert either sparkler or fuse into cat's ass being careful to minimize

    gas release (some recommend stapling the orifice shut after insertion

    of fuse) very messy!



    Place cat in a place of demonstration, and light fuse with matches.

    Retire quickly to a safe place, (entrails will be a-flying soon)



    Recent   experiments   with  larger  animals  have  shown  a   10   minute

railroad  flare to be of substantially greater sealing capacity than the  fuse 

or  sparkler  method. Greater gas retention and thus a greater  explosion  are 

possible in this manner.



			  Part B: Chemical Explosives


			      Astrolite Mixtures




	 Astrolite   is   a liquid explosive which was a product   of   rocket 

propellant  research  in the 60's. Astrolite A-1-5 is said to be  the  world's 

most powerful non-nuclear explosive. It is approximately 2 times more powerful

than TNT and is safer to handle.

    Astrolite G


	 Astrolite  G  is  a clear liquid  explosive  especially  designed  to 

produce  very  high detonation velocity, 8600 mps (meters/sec.) compared  with 

7,700   mps for  nitroglycerin  and  6,900  mps  for  TNT...In   addition,   a

very   unusual characteristic  is  that the liquid explosive has  the  ability

to   be   absorbed easily into the ground while  remaining  detonatable...  In 

field  tests, Astrolite G  has remained detonatable in the ground for 4  days, 

even after being  exposed to rain.



	 Mix   2   parts  (by  weight)  of  ammonium  nitrate  with   1   part

anhydrous  hydrazine.  The 2:1 ratio is not exactly perfect but if  you  screw

around  with the  mixture,  you will find a better formula. Hydrazine is quite 

hard   to   get ahold of. It is used in; Rocket fuel,  agricultural  chemicals 

(maleic    hydrazide),    drugs    (antibacterial     &     antihypertension),

polymerization   catalyst,  solder fluxes,  photographic development &  diving 

equipment. Hydrazine is  a  chemical that you should be careful with.

    Astrolite A/A-1-5


	 Mix  20% (weight) aluminum powder to the ammonium nitrate,  and  then 

mix  with  the  hydrazine. The aluminum powder should be 100  mesh  or  finer.

Astrolite A has a detonation velocity of 7,800 mps.



			   Sodium Chlorate Mixtures


    Sodium Chlorate:


	 Sodium   chlorate  is  similar to potassium chlorate,  and  in   most

cases  can  be  a substitute. Sodium chlorate is also more soluble  in  water.

You  can find  sodium chlorate at any hardware/home improvement store.   It is

used  in blowtorches and you can get about 3 lbs. for $7.50

    SC Rocket Fuel


    Mix 50% sodium chlorate

	35% rubber cement

	10% epoxy resin hardener

	 5% sulfur

    You   may  want to add more sodium chlorate depending on the  purity   you

are using.

    SC Incendiary Mixture                 SC Impact Mixture

    ---------------------                 -----------------

    Mix 55% aluminum powder              Mix 50% red phosphorus

	45% sodium chlorate                   50% sodium chlorate

	 5% sulfur

    SC Filler Explosive                   SC Gunpowder

    -------------------                   ------------

    Mix 85% sodium chlorate               Mix 65% sodium chlorate

	10% vaseline                          22% charcoal

	 5% aluminum powder                  13% sulfur

					      A sprinkling of graphite



		       Chapter Thirteen: General Anarchy


    J.L.   Hudsons!    Bring  a good, strong magnet with you, and   head   for

the clothing section... Look at the clothes on the rack, look at the tag...


	       |                   |

	       | X X X   X   X X X |



     See   that   row  of  colons ^^ I  drew?   Well,  that   represents   the

magnetic strip which they use for inventory purposes.  If you erase this strip 

with  the magnet, the cash register won't be able to read the tag and the lady 

will   have  to  enter  the whole number... this gets very nasty if you  erase

the   tags  on almost  every  shirt, blouse, etc. in the store... most of  the 

stuff  has  more than one tag, be sure to erase both... 

     Anywhere:   Bring  a  small  screwdriver with  you,  find  one  of  those

drinking fountains that has a cooling system, (it makes a humming sound  every 

so   often, and  there  is a fan).. Reach underneath, behind it and  find  the

coolant  line that is the largest.  Next, find the little valve on it, it will 

have  a  cap   on it.   Remove  the cap and you will see  what  looks  like  a 

bicycle-  type  valve.  Poke  it with the screwdriver until some air is sucked 

into  the   system..   Then get out of there, the compressor  will  make  some 

strange noises, then will quit.  In  a  few minutes, it will cool off, and try 

to start again. This  cycle  will destroy the compressor...ha.

     Restrooms:    Take the toilet paper and pull off a section about  4  feet

in  length.   Stick  it in the toilet the flush it down.. If you  still   have

your screwdriver,  turn  the  water inlet valve to full - this is that   valve

on  a normal toilet...





     It's   a  little hard to understand, but it is usually capped,  take  off

the  cap.   If  you do it right, the whole roll of toilet paper will  be  gone

in  no time - keep doing it 'till it floods...!

     Any   Store!   Some stores have a security system that employs  the   use

of little  plastic  buttons,  slips, or disks that are  fastened  to  articles

of  clothing.    Inside these articles are a piece of  copperish-looking  foil

coated with  some green plastic marked, "Inventory Control - Property of   the

Store."  (In  some cases, this piece of plastic is placed on a string  all  by 


     Take   this piece of plastic and do any of the following - drop it   into

a bag or the pocket of another piece of clothing, (they won't be able to  find

it but  it will trigger the alarm all the time!).. Find a little kid  standing

all  by   himself,  and tell him it's a special magic card, and  to  keep  it!

(Once   he  leaves,   the   alarm   will go off,  and  his  parents  will  get

busted..)   Or,  of course, you can drop it into the bag of another  customer, 

that's always fun.. 

     Any   Large Department Store:  Sometimes there are phones  laying  around

in unsupervised  check-out  booths, (like in hudson's or something), pick   up

the  phone,   and dial a three digit number - this usually connects  you  with

another  part of the store - after some real pranking around the whole  store, 

you  might want  to walk around and see what you've done; (usually, there will 

be a  small store directory taped into the handset, it always comes in handy.)

     The    HardWare   Department:    Find  a  small   cylinder   of    methyl

acetylene  propeniene,  (or the tradename "mapp"), and jam a small  nail  into 

the top,  not allowing  too much gas to escape at one time... The smell of the 

gas   you   will soon  find out is -->terrible<--  and if left  around  slowly 

releasing the  gas, it might cause an explosion, (if it is near the electrical 

and lighting dept.), or most likely it will cause some really pissed customers 

who smell the  stuff; it really smells bad!!

     Elevators:   Remember when your parents got pissed when you  messed  with 

the  buttons   on   an  elevator?   Well, forget that  -  find   the   switch,

usually   a  pushtype, and turn it off when you are at a floor.   Most  people 

don't know  how the hell to work it, and will get quite pissed... 

     Also,  push  and  stick one of the buttons down, (lets  say  the  highest

floor  so it is in a non-traffic area), with some gum or tape or a  nail;  the

elevator  will   always seek that floor when it's not being  called  by  other 

floors -  over time, it becomes slower and slower...

     At  A  Large  Department Store:  Find one of those  brass  disks  on  the 

floor.. Stand  on it and turn your whole body counter-clockwise to unscrew it.

Take   a  look  inside,  and you'll see a pair of wires that look  very  thin, 

there   is   a good  chance that those are serial register bus  wires.   Strip 

them,  (with  your handy-dandy swiss), and touch them together, if there is  a 

small  spark,  you're in  luck.   If there is a large spark forget  where  you 

read  this  -  this  will effectively  knock  out all the  data  transmissions 

from  each   register  to  the master computer, depending on the  setup,  each 

register might go dead.. (What  a mess...)



		      Chapter Fourteen: More easy gadgets


    These  devices  aren't of the chemical nature, so they shouldn't  be  hard

for  anyone   to  build.  They are also the kinds  of  devices  which  can  be

improved  by simply making them bigger.


				  Simple mine  


     This    is    where  it all started. The simple land mine  is   used   in

other  devices.  The  device itself isn't complicated, but takes  patience  to

make  it work well.

	      Materials: Film Canister (or Folger's Coffee

			 can  if  you  wanna blow away the


			 Packs of  matches (17 fill a film



    First,   take the lid of the canister or can, etc. and cut a  square  hole

in  the lid the width of the striking strip on a book of matches (about  5mm). 

Next,  cut  4 striker strips off the matchbooks. With these you  must  make  a 

"box".   You might want to leave an extra millimeter of cardboard on the  edge 

of  the  strips,  and   bend them so you can glue  the  edges  of  each  strip 

together.  Because  it's hard to glue just edges together. 

     Form   the  box around a pencil or something, so you  can  have   support

when  gluing  it. Make sure the whole inside of the box is the brimstone  side 

of   the strips.  What it will look like when it's made is a 3cm  long  hollow

box,  with the ends open. You then push this box halfway through the lid  with 

the  hole  in it. Now cut the joint edges of the box only on the top  side  of 

the  lid, so  you can fold these sides down to the lid, to hold it better.  It 

now will look  like a  lid,  will a cross of cardboard on the top side, and on 

the   underside,  the rest  of  the box is sticking out. Next cut  your  match 

heads off and  fill  the canister.  

     Then,   take   2 or 3 matches, tape them together  tightly,  and   insert

them  Carefully in the "box" from the top side of the lid. MAKE SURE they  fit 

snugly, otherwise  they'll  slip  about and won't strike the insides  of   the

box  and therefore light everything else. 

     Finally,   put  the  lid  on, and tape the son of a bitch  up   as   much

as possible, over the lid as well. Bury the whole thing in the ground so  just

the "button"  (the  2  or 3 matches, which are about half way  into  the  box)

are  sticking   above  ground. And when someone steps on it, BOOM!  Of  course

with   a film canister, the explosion isn't too big, but if you had  a  Godamn 

coffee can, you  could blow someone's foot off. Or a 2 litre pop bottle, using 

the  cap  in place of the lid!!



				 String Cannon


     Once again, the basic principle of the mine is used here.

Materials:      Container.


		Piece of piping with one end closed off (make

		sure  it  is possible  to  put  a hole in the

		closed end  though).   ABS piping  (available

		at  Home  Hardware)  Blacks is  good  because  

		the film  canisters fit  PERFECTLY.  But only 

		the   see  through   ones.  Ask   Blacks  for 

		TRANSPARENT film canisters.


		Violent nature.

    Ok,  make a basic mine (you MUST have the mine to do this). But don't  put 

in  the   match heads yet. Pierce a hole in the bottom of the  canister   (big

enough  for  strong  string to fit through). Now, once you have made the 2  or

3   match button  (from the first mine explained) you will be pulling it  from 

the  bottom rather than stepping on the top. 

    Tie   the   string  to the matches in the brimstone box and   then   bring

the  string through the bottom of the canister, fill the canister  with  match

heads, and put on the lid. Once again, the more you tape, THE BETTER. You want 

to  hold this  explosion as much as possible, so when it  goes off it's   more

powerful.  Put a hole (for the string) in the blocked end of the  piping.  You

might  find  it hard  to  the  string through, but try and get  it  through  a 

small  a  hole  as possible.  You  don't  want anything coming out the back! 

     A   good  idea is to, insert the string through the pipe,  THEN  do   the

rest explained  above. And drop the mine CAREFULLY down to the bottom of   the

pipe.  Now walk around like you have a shotgun and whenever you want  to  blow 

something  away,   just  point and pull the string. A spray  of  match  heads,

fire,  plastic bits etc. will fly out, pretty impressive I guess.





     Basically,   that's  exactly  what this is. It  shoots  out   projectiles 

that  explode on contact. Useful for small scale war.

Materials:  4 or 5 cans.

	    Strong  tape (or a welder if you can get your

	    hands on one)

	    Matches (MUST be "eddy lights" (the ones with

	    the different coloured tip))

	    Squashball or dogball, as long as it's hollow

	    (a tennis ball can be used, but you need cans

	    wide enough to house it)

	    Ronson's lighter fluid

	    Will to blow something up.

    Basically,  this  device  is quite easily made, you just  need  some  good

tools  to do it properly. First, take one of the cans, and cut the entire  top 

of of it (this  might be hard with pop cans, since they have a high edge which

gets  in the  way of using a can opener). Then, on the bottom of the can,  cut 

about  3/4 of it out, so you have a semi-circle of tin missing on the  bottom, 

like in this diagram:



	   / }******\     * = amount of tin left on bottom

	  [  }*******]        of can.

	  [  }*******]

	   \ }******/



     Do   exactly  the same thing to all the rest of the  cans  as   explained

above (NOT the last one though), making sure that the open part in the  bottom 

of  each can  alternates with the one below it. In other words, if you  looked

down  the barrel  of  the thing, you'd see a semi-circle missing on the  left,

then  the right  (directly opposite) then the left etc. It must look this way.

     When  you  get to your last can, leave the bottom on and  still  cut  the 

whole  top off. Now you must tape/weld all these cans together (with  the  one 

with   the  bottom  on  the  bottom, naturally). This might be  hard  if   you

used   pop-cans  since the edges would be very rough (because  you'd  need  to 

actually CUT off the top, not use a  an opener). Anyway, now that's done. 

     Last,  make a small hole in the side of the bottom can (as close  as  you 

can  get to the bottom). It just has to be big enough to squirt  the  Ronson's 

inside. Next,  you need to make "Roly Poly Match Heads". You must find a  ball

that   is hollow, and will fit as best as possible in the cans, so it  doesn't 

wobble  too much,  but doesn't have trouble coming out the end. 

     Make  a  small slice in the ball (not a hole), and start pouring  in  cut

off match  heads (eddy lights, remember) until it's quite tightly packed.  Put

this  down  the  barrel of the mortar, tilt it upright at about a  45   degree

angle.  Squirt   some  ronsons into the small hole at the bottom  (and  a  bit

around   the hole, in case it doesn't catch right away), light it,  and  BOOM. 

The  ball should go  VERY far if the cannon is made well, and it will  explode 

when it  lands  to boot!



			    Simple Rocket Launcher


Materials: ABS piping  (at  least  8  cm  diameter, so the

	   fins of the rocket can  be  fit  inside, and it

	   should  be   about  4  feet  long).   Also  get

	   a smaller piece of ABS piping about 1 foot long

	   and 3 inches wide  (home hardware will tell you

	   what  diameters  the  piping comes in exactly). 

	   This one foot piece will need to be cut in half 

	   with a hack saw.

	   Switch (get it at Radio shack)

	   9 volt battery

	   Alligator clips (Radio shack of $#!^)

	   Small rocket (buy smallest  size at Merry  Land 

	   toys at Bloor and Yonge)

	   3 "A" sized engines.

	   Solar flares (3 come with the engines, but it's

	   good to get another pack of them)

	   Mine.  This  is if you want an explosion at the 


    Relatively   easy   (as  I always say) to build. After  you've   cut   the

small piece of ABS in half. Tape the two "handles" to the bottom of the larger

piece of  ABS (the launcher itself), one will act as the front handle, and the

other will  have  the "switch" on it. 

     Tape  them in places where it's comfortable to  you. You will be  holding 

it  most  likely  on  your  right shoulder, and your left arm  will   be   out

front  supporting   you, and your right arm will be close into you,  ready  to

pull   the  switch,  and the back end of the barrel will be  resting  on  your 

shoulder   (don't  worry, barely anything comes out the back, just  a  bit  of 


     Next    put   the  rocket  together  (you  can  read  the    instructions

yourself).  *BUT*,   since  the  rocket only supplies fins for the  back   end

(because  your supposed to be launching it up, not less than something like 70 

degrees   (which is considered "ballistic")), you will have to make  makeshift 

fins  for  the   from  so the rocket is pointing  straight  ahead  inside  the 

launcher, not the from  end sagging  down,  and  only  the back end up. 

     The   good  part about getting  he smallest rocket  is,  the  transparent

film  canisters (once again, they are the better of the two types, so ask  for 

those),  have  sort  of a circle that juts out on the lid, which fits  EXACTLY

into  the cardboard  body of the rocket. So, voila, you can put a mine on  the

front.   It seems  they  make  these things fit nicely just for us   anarchist

doesn't  it? 

     Anyway,   once  you have the rocket built, you should now  hook  up  some

long wire  to the switch you have, and have one end going to the battery,  and

from  the  other  terminal  on the battery to the rocket, and the  other   end

of  the switch to the rocket. Here's a diagram...


     ________________<-----__      < rocket inside

      II         *II

      ^                            * = switch

   front handle

Close up diagram:

				  + -

	     _____________________] ]   < put alligator clips

	     [         _____________]     on  ends  of  these

&&&&&&&&&&&&&[&& H  & ]&&&&&&&&&&&&&&     wires (which should

	     [ & A  & ]                   be taped along  the

on/off >    \# & N  & ]                   body     of     the

switch       [ & D  & ]                   launcher) and clamp

	     [ & L  & ]                   them to the   solar

	     [_& E  &_]                   flare,   which   is

					  in the  back of the


 & = ABS plastic

     Obviously,  if you have a mine, the "button" on the top of the mine  will 

be  facing   outwards,  so  when it lands, boom. The weight  of   the   engine

should  balance  the  weight of the bomb on the front. Well, there  you   have

it.  Just point, and launch!



		      Chapter Fifteen: Complex Explosives


    This    chapter   deals   with  the  instructions   for   creating    some

dangerous explosives.  If  you  intend to make any of these explosives, do  so

in   SMALL AMOUNTS ONLY, as they are all dangerous and could seriously  injure 

or  kill   you  if done in larger amounts. If you don't  know  anything  about 

chemistry,  DON'T  DO  THESE   EXPERIMENTS! I am not  joking  in  giving  this 

warning.  Unless  you   have   a death  wish, you shouldn't  try  any  of  the 

following unless you have  had  prior experience with chemicals.

    I   am  not responsible for any injury or damage caused  by  people  using

this  information.   It  is  provided  for  use  by  people  knowledgeable  in

chemistry   who are interested in such experiments and can safely handle  such 




		       Part A: Common "weak" explosives


 A. Gunpowder:

     75% Potassium Nitrate

     15% Charcoal

     10% Sulfur

      The   chemicals should be ground into a fine powder (separately!)   with

a mortar & pestle. If gunpowder is ignited in the open, it burns fiercely, but 

if  in  a closed space it builds up pressure from the released gases  and  can 

explode  the   container.  Gunpowder works like this:  the  potassium  nitrate

oxidizes   the  charcoal   and  sulfur,  which  then  burn  fiercely.   Carbon

dioxide  and  sulfur dioxide are the gases released.

 B. Ammonal:

     Ammonal  is  a  mixture  of ammonium nitrate  (a  strong  oxidizer)  with 

aluminum  powder   (the   'fuel'   in this case). I am not  sure  of   the   %

composition   for Ammonal, so you may want to experiment a little using  small 


 C. Chemically ignited explosives:

  1.   A  mixture  of  1  part potassium chlorate  to  3  parts  table   sugar

(sucrose)  burns fiercely and brightly (similar to the burning  of  magnesium) 

when  1  drop of concentrated sulfuric acid is placed on it.  What  occurs  is 

this:  when the  acid is added it reacts with the potassium chlorate  to  form 

chlorine dioxide,  which explodes on formation, burning the sugar as well.

  2.   Using  various chemicals, I have developed a mixture  that  works  very

well  for   imitating   volcanic eruptions. I have given it  the   name   'MPG

Vulcanite'   tm).  Here it is: potassium chlorate +  potassium  perchlorate  + 

ammonium  nitrate +  ammonium  dichromate + potassium nitrate + sugar + sulfur 

+ iron  filings  + charcoal  +  zinc  dust + some coloring  agent.   (scarlet=

strontium   nitrate,  purple=   iodine  crystals,  yellow=  sodium   chloride, 

crimson=  calcium  chloride, etc...).

  3.  So,  do  you  think water puts out fires? In this  one,  it  starts  it. 

Mixture:  ammonium  nitrate + ammonium chloride + iodine + zinc dust.  When  a 

drop  or  two of water is added, the ammonium nitrate forms nitric acid  which 

reacts  with  the zinc  to produce hydrogen and heat. The heat  vaporizes  the 

iodine   (giving  off purple smoke) and the ammonium chloride (becomes  purple 

when  mixed  with  iodine vapor). It also may ignite the  hydrogen  and  begin 


     Ammonium nitrate: 8 grams

    Ammonium chloride: 1 gram

     Zinc dust: 8 grams

     Iodine crystals: 1 gram

  4.   Potassium   permanganate  + glycerin when mixed  produces   a   purple-

colored  flame  in  30 secs-1 min. Works best if the  potassium   permanganate

is  finely ground.

  5.  Calcium  carbide + water releases acetylene gas  (highly  flammable  gas

used in blow torches...)



			  Part B: Thermite reactions


   The   Thermite  reaction is used in welding, because it  generates   molten 

iron  and  temperatures  of  3500 C (6000F+). It  uses  one  of  the  previous 

reactions that I talked about to START it!

  Starter=potassium chlorate + sugar

  Main pt.= iron (III) oxide + aluminum powder (325 mesh or finer)

    Put   the  potassium chlorare + sugar around and on top of the  main   pt.

To start the reaction, place one drop of concentrated sulfuric acid on top  of

the starter  mixture. STEP BACK! The ratios are: 3 parts iron(III) oxide to  1

part aluminum powder to 1 part potassium chlorate to 1 part sugar.

    When you first do it, try 3g:1g:1g:1g!

    Also,   there   is  an alternative starter for  the   Thermite   reaction.

The  alternative is potassium permanganate + glycerin. Amounts: 55g  iron(III) 

oxide, 15g aluminum powder, 25g potassium permanganate, 6ml glycerin.



		  Part C: Nitrogen-Containing High Explosives



  A. Mercury(II) Fulminate

      To   produce  Mercury(II) Fulminate, a very sensitive  shock  explosive,

one might  assume that it could be formed by adding Fulminic acid to  mercury.

This  is   somewhat   difficult  since Fulminic acid is  very   unstable   and

cannot  be purchased.  I  did  some  research and figured out a way  to   make

it  without fulminic  acid.  You  add  2 parts nitric acid to 2 parts  alcohol

to  1  part mercury.  This is theoretical (I have not yet tried it) so please, 

if  you  try this, do it in very* small amounts and tell me the results.

  B. Nitrogen Triiodide

     Nitrogen Triiodide is a very powerful and very shock sensitive explosive. 

Never  store  it and be careful when you're around it- sound,  air  movements,

and other tiny things could set it off.


   2-3g Iodine

   15ml conc. ammonia

   8 sheets filter paper

   50ml beaker

   feather mounted on a two meter pole

   ear plugs



   stirring rod

  Add 2-3g Iodine to 15ml ammonia in the 50ml beaker. Stir, let stand for 5



   Retain  the  solid,  decant the liquid (pour off the liquid  but  keep  the

brown  solid...). Scrape the brown residue of Nitrogen Triiodide onto a  stack 

of   four sheets  of  filter  paper.  Divide solid into four  parts,   putting

each  on  a separate sheet of dry filter paper. Tape in position, leave to dry

undisturbed  for  AT LEAST 30 minutes (preferably longer). To detonate,  touch 



  C. Cellulose Nitrate (Guncotton)

       Commonly   known as Smokeless powder, Nitrocellulose is  exactly  that-

it does not give off smoke when it burns.


  70ml concentrated sulfuric acid

  30ml concentrated nitric acid

  5g absorbent cotton

  250ml 1M sodium bicarbonate

  250ml beaker

  ice bath


  paper towels

   Place   250ml   beaker  in the ice bath, add 70ml  sulfuric  acid,  30   ml

nitric acid. Divide cotton into .7g pieces. With tongs, immerse each piece  in 

the acid solution  for 1 minute. Next, rinse each piece in 3 successive  baths

of   500ml ater.  Use  fresh  water  for each piece. Then  immerse  in   250ml

1M   sodium  bicarbonate.  If it bubbles, rinse in water once  more  until  no 

bubbling  occurs. Squeeze dry and spread on paper towels to dry overnight.

  D. Nitroglycerin

    Nitroglycerin   is  a *VERY* dangerous shock sensitive  explosive.  It  is

used  in  making  dynamite,  among  other things. I am  not  sure  as  to  the 

proportions and amounts of chemicals to be used, so I shall use estimates.


  70ml conc. sulfuric acid

  30ml conc. nitric acid

  10 ml glycerin

  ice bath

  150ml beaker

    Put   the  150ml  beaker in the ice bath and make sure that  it  is   very

cold.  Slowly   add  the 70ml sulfuric and 30ml nitric acids  to  the  beaker,

trying   to maintain a low temperature. When the temperature starts  to  level 

off, add about 10ml  glycerin.  If  it turns brown or looks funny,  **RUN  LIKE

HELL**.  When Nitroglycerin  turns  brown, that means it's ready to explode...

If   it  stays  clear and all works well, keep the temperature as low  as  you

can and let it sit for  a few hours. You then should have some  Nitroglycerin, 

probably  mixed  with nitric  and  sulfuric  acids.  When you set it off,  you

must  not  be  nearby. Nitroglycerin  can  fill 10,000 times its original area 

with   expanding  gases. This  means that if you have 10ml's of  Nitroglycerin 

in there, it will  produce some 100,000ml's of gases.

    To  make  it  into  dynamite, the  Nitroglycerin  must  be  absorbed  into 

something like wood pulp or diamaeceous earth (spelled something like that).



			      Part D: Other stuff


    A. Peroxyacetone

    Peroxyacetone   is   extremely  flammable and has been  reported   to   be

shock sensitive.


  4ml Acetone

  4ml 30% Hydrogen Peroxide

  4 drops conc. hydrochloric acid

  150mm test tube

    Add   4ml  acetone and 4ml hydrogen peroxide to the test tube.  Then   add

4  drops   concentrated  hydrochloric acid. In 10-20 minutes  a  white   solid

should  begin   to appear. If no change is observed, warm the test tube  in  a 

water   bath  at  40 celsius. Allow the reaction to continue  for  two  hours. 

Swirl  the   slurry and  filter  it. Leave out on filter paper to dry  for  at 

least   two   hours.  To ignite,  light  a candle tied to a  meter  stick  and 

light it (while  staying  at least a meter away).

    B. Smoke smoke smoke...

    The   following  reaction should produce a fair amount  of  smoke.   Since

this  reaction  is  not  all that dangerous you  can  use  larger  amounts  if 

necessary  for larger amounts of smoke.

    6g zinc powder

    1g sulfur powder

    Insert   a red hot wire into the pile, step back. A lot of  smoke   should

be created.



	      Chapter Sixteen: Stars, Flares, and Color Mixtures


    This   is serious stuff, and can be really dangerous if you  don't   treat

it  seriously.  For you kids out there who watch too many  cartoons,  remember 

that if a part of your body gets blown away in the REAL world, it STAYS  blown 

away.  If you can't treat this stuff with respect, don't screw around with it.

    Each  part  will start with a set of safety rules. Don't skip  over  them. 

Read 'em and MEMORIZE 'em!!  At the beginning, there will be a set of  general

rules that  always apply. Then there will be some things that you HAVE TO KNOW

about the materials you will be using and making this time. Read it thoroughly 

before starting anything.

    Pyrotechnic    preparations   and   explosives   are,   by   their    very 

nature,  unstable,   and subject to ignition by explosion or heat,  shock,  or 

friction.  A clear understanding of their dangerous properties and due care in 

the   handling  of   ingredients   or   finished   products  is  necessary  if

accidents   are   to   be avoided. Always observe  all  possible  precautions, 

particularly the following:

	 1. Mix  only small batches at one time. This means a few grams, or at

	    most, an ounce or so. Don't go for big mixes -- they only make for

	    bigger  accidents.  The  power  of  an explosive cubes itself with

	    every ounce. (9 Ounces is 729 times as powerful as one ounce.)

	 2. When  weighing  chemicals, use a clean piece of paper on the scale

	    pan for  each  item.  Then discard the used paper into a bucket of

	    water before weighing the next ingredient.

	 3. Be  a  safe  worker.  Dispose  of  any  chemicals  spilled  on the

	    workbench  or  equipment   between  weighings.   Don't  keep  open

	    containers  of  chemicals on your table, since accidental spillage

	    or mixing may occur. When finished with a container, close it, and

	    replace it on the storage shelf. Use only clean equipment.

	 4. Where  chemicals  are  to  be ground, grind them separately, NEVER

	    TOGETHER.  Thoroughly  wash  and  clean  equipment before grinding

	    another ingredient.

	 5. Mixing  of  batches  should  be done outdoors, away from flammable

	    structures,  such  as buildings, barns, garages, etc. Mixes should

	    also be made in NON  METALLIC  containers  to  avoid sparks. Glass

	    also  should  not  be  used  since  it  will shatter in case of an

	    accident.  Handy  small  containers can be made by cutting off the

	    top of a plastic bottle three or four inches from the bottom. Some

	    mixes may most conveniently be made by  placing the ingredients in

	    a plastic bottle and rolling  around until the mixture is uniform.

	    In  all  cases,  point  the  open  end  of the container away from

	    yourself.  Never  hold  your  body or face over the container. Any

	    stirring  should  be  done  with a wooden paddle or stick to avoid

	    sparks or static.

	    Powdered or  ground materials may also be mixed by placing them on

	    a large sheet   of  paper  on a flat surface and then rolling them

	    across the sheet by lifting  the  sides and corners one at a time.

	 6. Never  ram  or tamp  mixes into paper or cardboard tubes. Pour the

	    material  in  and  gently  tap  or  shake  the  tube to settle the

	    contents down.

	 7. Store ingredients and finished mixes where they will not be a fire

	    hazard away from  heat  and  flame. Finished  preparations  may be

	    stored  in plastic  bottles which  will not  shatter in case of an

	    accident.  Since many of  the ingredients and mixes are poisonous,

	    they should be stored out of reach of children or pets, preferably

	    locked away.

	 8. Be  sure  threads  of screw top containers and caps are thoroughly

	    cleaned. This  applies also  to containers with stoppers of rubber

	    or cork  and to all  other types  of closures.  Traces of  mixture

	    caught  between the container  and closure may  be ignited  by the

	    friction  of opening  or closing  the  container.  Throughout  any



	    Any careful worker does when handling dangerous materials. Be sure

	    lenses and frames are not flammable.

	10. Always  wear  a dust  respirator  when  handling chemicals in dust

	    form.  These small  particles gather in your lungs and stay there.

	    They may cause serious illnesses later on in life.

	11. Always wear gloves when working with chemicals.

	12. Always wear a waterproof lab apron.

	13. If you must work indoors, have a good ventilation system.

	14. Never smoke anywhere near where you are working.

	15. Make  sure there  are NO open flames present,  and NO MOTORS (they

	    produce  sparks  inside.) No hot water heaters, furnaces, or pilot

	    lights in  stoves!! Sparks have been known to very readily explode

	    dust floating in the air.

	16. ALWAYS work with someone. Two heads are better than one.

	17. Have a source of water READILY available. (Fire extinguisher,

	    hose, etc.)

	18. Never, under any circumstances, use any metal to load chemicals or

	    put chemicals in. Fireworks with metal casings are worse to handle

	    than a  live  hand  grenade. Never use any metal container or can.

	    This includes the  very dangerous CO2 cartridges. Many people have

	    been KILLED because of flying fragments from metal casings. Again,

	    please do not use metal in any circumstance.

	19. Always  be  thoroughly  familiar with the chemicals you are using.

	    Some information  will be  included in  each  bit,  but  look for

	    whatever  extra information you  can. Materials  that  were  once

	    thought to be safe can later be found out to be dangerous stuff.

	20. Wash  your hands and face  thoroughly after using chemicals. Don't

	    forget to wash your EARS AND YOUR NOSE.

	21. If  any device you've built fails to work, leave it alone. After a

	    half hour or so,  you may try  to bury it, but never try to unload

	    or reuse any dud.

	22. If  dust  particles  start  to  form in the air, stop what you are

	    doing and leave until it settles.

	23. Read the entire file before trying to do anything.

	24. NEVER  strike   any   mixture   containing   Chlorates,  Nitrates,

	    Perchlorates, Permanganates, Bichromates, or powdered metals don't

	    drop them, or even handle them roughly.

    These   rules may all look like a lot of silly nonsense, but  let's   look

at  one  example. When the move "The Wizard of OZ" was made, the  actress  who

played the  good witch was severely burned when one of the exploding   special

effects  got   out of hand. The actress who played the bad  witch  got  really 

messed up  by the green coloring used on her face, and the original actor  who 

played  the   Tin Man  got his lungs destroyed by the aluminum  dust  used  to 

color his  face.  

     The  actor  we  know of as the tin man was actually  a  replacement.  The

point  is,   these chemicals were being used under the direction of  people  a

lot   more  knowledgeable of chemicals than you are,  and  terrible  accidents 

still happened. Don't take this stuff lightly.

    We  will  be using the following materials this time.  Get  familiar  with 

them. Some can be highly dangerous.

Aluminum Dust (and powder)   Al

An  element used for brilliancy in the fine powder form. It can  be  purchased

as  a   fine silvery or gray powder. All grades from  technical  to  superpure

(99.9%)  can  be used. It is dangerous to inhale the dust. The  dust  is  also 

flammable, by itself. In coarser forms, like powder, it is less dangerous.

Antimony Sulfide Sb S

		   2 3

Also   known as "Black" Antimony Sulfide. (There is also a "Red"  form,  which

is  useless   to  us.) This is used to sharpen the  report  of   firecrackers,

salutes, etc.,  or  to add color to a fire. The technical, black,  powder   is

suitable. Avoid contact with the skin. Dermatitis or worse will be the result.

Barium Chlorate   Ba(ClO ) * H O

			3 2   2

Available   as a white powder. It is poisonous, as are all Barium  salts.   It

is  used   both   as an oxidizer and color imparter. It  is  as  powerful   as

Potassium  Chlorate   and  should  be  handled with the  same  care.   Melting

point  is  414 degrees.

Barium Nitrate  Ba(NO )

		     3 2

Poisonous.  Used  as an oxidizer and colorizer. The uses and  precautions  are

the same as with a mixture containing Potassium Nitrate.

Charcoal  C

A   form  of  the  element carbon. Used in  fireworks  and  explosives  as   a

reducing  agent.  It can be purchased as a dust on up to a coarse powder.  Use 

dust   form, unless  otherwise  specified. The softwood variety is  best,  and

it  should  be black, not brown.

Copper Acetoarsenite   (CuO) As O Cu(C H O )

			    3  2 3    2 3 2 2

The   popular  name for this is Paris Green. It is also called  King's   Green

or  Vienna  Green.  It  has  been used as an insecticide, and   is   available

as   a  technical   grade,  poisonous, emerald green powder.  It  is  used  in

fireworks  to add color. Careful with this stuff. It contains arsenic.

Copper Chloride   CuCl


A color imparter. As with all copper salts, this is poisonous.

Copper Sulfate   CuSO *5H O

		     4   2

Known  as Blue Vitriol, this poisonous compound is available as blue  crystals 

or  blue   powder. Can be purchased in some drugstores and  some  agricultural

supply stores. Used as a colorizer.


This  can  be purchased as a white or yellow powder. It is a good  cheap  glue

for binding cases and stars in fireworks.

Lampblack   C

This  is  another  form of the element carbon. It is a  very  finely  powdered

black  dust (soot, actually) resulting from the burning of crude oils.  It  is 

used  for special effects in fireworks.

Lead Chloride  PbCl


Available   as   a  white,  crystalline, poisonous powder,  which   melts   at

501  degrees.  As  with  all lead salts, it is not only poisonous,   but   the

poison  accumulates in the body, so a lot of small, otherwise  harmless  doses 

can be  as bad as one large dose.

Mercurous Chloride  HgCl

Also  known  as calomel or Mercury Monochloride. This powder will brighten  an 

otherwise     dull   colored   mixture.   Sometimes   it   is   replaced    by

Hexachlorobenzene for  the  same purpose. This is non poisonous ONLY if it  is

100%   pure.   Never confuse this chemical with Mercuric  Chloride,  which  is 

poisonous in any purity.

Potassium Chlorate  KClO


This,   perhaps,   is the most widely used chemical in fireworks.  Before   it

was  known,   mixtures were never spectacular in performance.  It  opened  the

door   to what  fireworks are today. It is a poisonous, white powder  that  is 

used   as   an oxidizer.  Never ram or strike a mixture  containing  Potassium 

Chlorate. Do  not store  mixtures  containing this chemical for any length  of 

time, as they may explode spontaneously.

Potassium Dichromate   K Cr O

			2  2 7

Also   known  as  Potassium  Bichromate.  The  commercial  grade  is  used  in

fireworks and matches. The bright orange crystals are poisonous.

Potassium Nitrate   KNO


Commonly  called Saltpeter. This chemical is an oxidizer which  decomposes  at 

400 degrees. It is well known as a component of gunpowder and is also used  in 

other firework pieces. Available as a white powder.

Potassium Perchlorate   KClO


Much   more  stable  than  its chlorate brother, this chemical  is   a   white

or  slightly  pink powder. It can often substitute for Potassium Chlorate   to

make  the  mixture safer. It will not yield its oxygen as easily, but to  make 

up  for this, it gives off more oxygen. It is also poisonous.

Red Gum

Rosin   similar  to  shellac  and  can often  replace  it  in  many  fireworks

formulas. Red Gum is obtained from barks of trees.

Shellac Powder

An   organic  rosin made from the secretions of insects which live  in  India.  

The exact  effect it produces in fireworks is not obtainable from other  gums.  

The  common   mixture   of  shellac  and alcohol  sold  in   hardware   stores  

should  be avoided. Purchase the powdered variety, which is orange in color.

Sodium Oxalate  Na C O

		  2 2 4

Used   in  making  yellow fires. Available as a fine dust,  which  you  should

avoid breathing.

Strontium Carbonate   SrCO


Known  in the natural state as Strontianite, this chemical is used for  adding

a red  color  to  fires. It comes as a white powder, in  a  pure,   technical,

or natural state.

Strontium Nitrate   Sr(NO )

			 3 2

By  far  the  most common chemical used to produce red in  flares,  stars  and 

fires.  Available   in the technical grade as a white powder. It  does  double 

duty  as   an oxidizer,  but  has a disadvantage in that it will  absorb  some 

water  from  the air.

Strontium Sulfate   SrSO


Since   this  chemical does not absorb water as readily as the   nitrate,   it

is  often  used when the powder is to be stored. In its natural  state  it  is 

known  as  Celestine,  which  is comparable to the  technical  grade  used  in 


Sulfur   S

A  yellow  element  that acts as a reducing agent. It burns  at  250  degrees, 

giving  off  choking fumes. Purchase the yellow, finely  powdered  form  only. 

Other   forms  are  useless without a lot of extra and  otherwise  unnecessary 

effort to  powder it.

Zinc Dust   Zn

Of  all  the  forms  of  zinc available, only the dust  form  is  in  any  way

suitable.  As  a dust, it has the fineness of flour. Should be either  of  the 

technical   or  high purity grade. Avoid breathing the dust, which  can  cause 

lung  damage.   Used in certain star mixtures, and with sulfur,  as  a  rocket 




	       Chapter Seventeen: The Chemistry of Pyrotechnics


    Most  pyrotechnic  mixtures follow a very simple set  of  chemical  rules. 

We'll  go  over  those now. Most mixtures contain an oxidizing  agent,   which

usually produces oxygen used to burn the mixture, and a reducing agent,  which 

burns   to  produce hot gasses. In addition, there can be coloring  agents  to 

impart a color to  the fire, binders, which hold the mixture in a solid  lump,

and   regulators  that speed up or slow down the speed at  which  the  mixture 

burns. These are  not all the possibilities, but they cover most all cases.

    Oxidizing  agents, such as nitrates, chlorates, and  perchlorates  provide 

the  oxygen.   They usually consist of a metal ion and  the  actual  oxidizing

radical. For  example,  Potassium  Nitrate  contains a metal  ion  (Potassium)

and   the  oxidizing   radical  (the  Nitrate).  Instead  of   potassium,   we

could   instead substitute  other metals, like sodium, barium,  or  strontium, 

and  the  chemical would still supply oxygen to the burning mixture. But  some 

are less  desirable. Sodium Nitrate, for example, will absorb moisture out  of 

the  air,  and  this will make it harder to control the  speed  at  which  the 

mixture will burn.

    In  the following examples, we'll use the letter "X" to show the  presence 

of a generic metal ion.

    Note  that  Nitrates are stingy with the oxygen that they  give  up.  They

only give one third of what they have.

    Some        Some

   Nitrate     Nitrite  Oxygen

     2XNO  ---> 2XN0    +  O

	 3          2       2

    Chlorates  are  very  generous, on the other hand. They give  up  all  the 

oxygen  they  have.  Furthermore, they give it up more easily. It  takes  less

heat,  or less  shock  to  get  that oxygen loose. Mixtures  using   chlorates

burn   more  spectacularly,  because a smaller volume of the mix needs  to  be 

wasted  on  the oxidizer, and the ease with which the oxygen is supplied makes 

it burn  faster. But the mixture is also MUCH more sensitive to shock. 

     Some           Some

   Chlorate       Chloride     Oxygen

     2XClO   --->   2XCl     +   3O

	  3                        2

Perchlorates   round  out  our  usual set  of  oxidizing  tools.  Perchlorates

contain  even  more oxygen than Chlorates, and also give it all  up.  However, 

they  are  not as sensitive as the Chlorates, so they make mixtures  that  are 

"safer". That is, they're less likely to explode if you drop or strike them.  

     Some          Some

  Perchlorate    Chloride     Oxygen

     XClO   --->   XCl     +    2O

	 4                        2

     Reducing   agents,  like  sulfur and charcoal (carbon)  simply  burn  the

oxygen  to produce  sulfur  dioxide  and carbon dioxide. It's usually best  to

include   a   mixture  of the two in a pyrotechnic mixture, as  they  burn  at 

different   speeds  and  temperatures,  and the proper combination  will  help 

control the  speed  of combustion. 

     Also,   when   extra  fast  burning speed is needed,  like   in   rockets

and   firecrackers,  metal powder is often added. The finer  the  powder,  the 

faster  the   burning   rate.  The proportions  change  the  speed,  as  well. 

Magnesium  powder  or dust  is often used for speed. Aluminum dust works,  but 

not  as well. Zinc  dust is  used  in some cases. Powdered metal,  (not  dust)

particularly   aluminum   or iron,  are often used to produce a  mixture  that 

shoots  out sparks as it  burns. In  rare cases, it is desirable to slow  down 

the burning speed. In  this  case, corn meal is often used. It burns, so  acts 

as a reducing agent, but it  doesn't burn very well.

     Coloring   agents  are  very  interesting. It's  long  been  known   that

various  metals  produce different colored flames when burned in a  fire.  The 

reasons  are buried  in the realm of quantum physics, but the results are what 

matters,  and we can present them here. Note that if we use an oxidizing agent 

that   contains  a colorizing metal, it can do a double job.  It  can  produce 

oxygen and color.

Barium     -Barium  salts  give a pleasant green color. Barium Nitrate is most

	    often used.

Strontium  -Strontium  salts  give  a strong red color. Strontium Nitrate is a

	    very convenient material for red.

Sodium     -Sodium salts give an intense yellow color. So intense in fact that

	    any  sodium  compounds  in  a  mixture will usually wash out other

	    colorizers. As has been said, Sodium Nitrate absorbs moisture from

	    the air, and so is not really  suitable to  impart color. Instead,

	    Sodium  Oxalate  is  usually  used.  This  does not absorb lots of 

	    water,  but   has  the  disadvantage   of  being  very  poisonous.

Copper     -Copper salts  are  used  to  give  a  blue color. Blue is the most 

	    difficult  color to produce, and it's usually not too spectacular.

	    Usually Copper  Acetoarsenite (Paris Green) is used. This compound

	    contains arsenic, and  is  very  poisonous. Since it still doesn't

	    produce a very  memorable blue,  it's often  used  with  mercurous

	    chloride, which  enhances  the  color,  but is also poisonous, and

	    expensive, to boot.

Potassium  -Potassium salts will give a delicate purple color, if they're very

	    pure. The  cheaper  lab  grades of potassium nitrate often contain

	    traces of sodium,  which  completely  obscure the purple color. In

	    order to get  the  purple coloring, very pure grades must be used,

	    and you must be  very careful to mix it in very clean vessels, and

	    scoop it from the supply jar with a very clean scoop. The color is

	    certainly worth the effort, if you can get it.

    Some   mixtures   that  burn in colors also contain binders,   that   hold

the  mixture together in a solid lump. These lumps are usually referred to  as 

stars.  The  balls fired from a roman candle or the colorful  showers  sprayed 

from aerial bombs  are examples of stars. Depending on the mixture, the binder 

is either  a starch  called  dextrin  or  finely powdered  orange  shellac.  A

shellac-like  material  called  red  gum is also used  on  occasion.  In  some 

mixtures,  the  shellac  powder  also  helps produce  a  nice  color.  Shellac 

mixtures are  moistened  with alcohol  to  get them to stick together. Dextrin 

mixtures  are  moistened  with water.

    If  the colored mixture is to be used as a flare, it's just packed into  a 

thin  paper  tube.  If  it's to be fired from a  roman  candle,  it's  usually 

extruded from a heavy tube by pushing it out with a dowel, and the pieces  are 

cut off as  the proper  length  pops out. Stars fired from an aerial bomb  are 

usually   made   by  rolling  the moist mixture flat, and cutting  it  with  a 

knife  into  small  cubes. Stars  that are extruded are often  called  "pumped 

stars" those that are  rolled out are "cut stars".

The   following  are  formulas for mixtures that burn  with  various   colors.

Parts are by weight.


Potassium Chlorate    9

Sulfur                2

Lampblack             1

Strontium Nitrate     9

bind with shellac

dissolved in alcohol


Potassium Chlorate    9         This one is inferior

Copper Acetoarsenite  2         Potassium Chlorate    12

Mercurous Chloride    1         Copper Sulfate        6

Sulfur                2         Lead Chloride         1

bind with dextrin               Sulfur                4

in water                        bind with dextrin in water


Barium Chlorate       8         Barium Nitrate        3

Lampblack             1         Potassium Chlorate    4

Shellac Powder        1         Shellac Powder        1

bind with alcohol               Dextrin              1/4

				Bind with alcohol


Potassium Chlorate    8         Potassium Chlorate    8

Sodium Oxalate        3         Sodium Oxalate        4

Lampblack             2         Shellac Powder        2

Bind with shellac in            Dextrin              1

alcohol or dextrin              Bind with alcohol

in water


Potassium Nitrate     6

Sulfur                1

Antimony Sulfide      2

bind with dextrin in



Strontium Nitrate     36

Sodium Oxalate        8

Potassium Chlorate    5

Shellac Powder        5

Sulfur                3

Bind with alcohol

Purple (ingredients must be very pure)

Potassium Chlorate    36        This one has more of a lilac color

Strontium Sulfate     10        Potassium Chlorate    38

Copper Sulfate        5         Strontium Carbonate   18

Lead Chloride         2         Copper Chloride       4

Charcoal              2         Lead Chloride         2

Sulfur                12        Sulfur                14

Bind with dextrin in            Bind with dextrin in water


Brilliant White

Potassium Perchlorate 12

Aluminum Dust         4

Dextrin              1

Bind with water

Golden   Twinkler   Stars  - Falls through the air and burns in  an   on   and

off manner. The effect is spectacular. A pumped or cut star.

Potassium Nitrate     18

Sulfur                3

Lampblack             3

Aluminum Powder       3

Antimony Sulfide      3

Sodium Oxalate        4

Dextrin              2

Bind with water

Zinc   Spreader   Stars  - Shoot out pieces of burning  zinc   and   charcoal.

These stars are much heavier than usual, and require larger charges if they're 

to  be fired from a tube.

Zinc Dust             72

Potassium Chlorate    15

Potassium Dichromate  12

Granular Charcoal     12

Dextrin               2

bind with water

Electric Stars - Stars that contain aluminum powder

Potassium Nitrate     15        Potassium Chlorate    60

Aluminum, fine        2         Barium Nitrate        5

Aluminum, medium      1         Aluminum, fine        9

Black Powder          2         Aluminum, medium      4

Antimony Sulfide      3         Aluminum, coarse      3

Sulfur                4         Charcoal              2

bind with dextrin in            Dextrin               5

water                           bind with red gum in


Potassium Perchlorate 6

Barium Nitrate        1         Potassium Perchlorate 4

Aluminum              20        Aluminum, medium      2

Dextrin               1         Dextrin               1

bind with shellac in            bind with shellac in alcohol


Simpler Zinc Spreaders

Potassium Nitrate     14        Potassium Chlorate    5

Zinc Dust             40        Potassium Dichromate  4

Charcoal              7         Charcoal, medium      4

Sulfur                4         Zinc Dust             24

bind with dextrin in           bind with dextrin in water


Willow   Tree  Stars  - Use large amounts of lampblack --  too  much  to  burn

fully. Gives a willow tree effect.

Potassium Chlorate    10

Potassium Nitrate     5

Sulfur                1

Lampblack             18

bind with dextrin in water

    As  always,  don't  forget that it's just plain stupid to  go  buying  all

these  materials  from  one chemical supply house. When you buy it  all  as  a 

group,  they know  what  you  plan  to do with it, and they keep  records.  If

anyone   goes investigating  the source of homemade fireworks and checks  with 

your   supplier, there will be a lead straight to you. Be sure to  cover  your 






		       Look for the next in the series:  

			       Phone Phreaking


			      Electronic Devices               







