πŸ’Ύ Archived View for bacaliu.de β€Ί 20220710-meta.txt captured on 2023-07-10 at 13:39:47.

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More Information


                            About this page

Table of Contents

1. Orgmode makes it all possible
.. 1. Org-publish
.. 2. Why semantics matter
.. 3. Is this designed to last?
.. 4. Targeting Org or HTML
2. Bibliography

1 Orgmode makes it all possible

1.1 Org-publish

  I write this website in Orgmode. It's a markup-language like Markdown,
  but with way more capabilities. Just consider, this entire Document is
  exported out of it. The text I write looks like this:

  β”‚  :ID:       5e5e2b79-18ab-4bce-9036-b02fa0b19c91
  β”‚  :END:
  β”‚  #+title: Meta
  β”‚  #+subtitle: About this page
  β”‚  #+keywords: Meta, Orgmode, Bacaliu.de
  β”‚  #+filetags: Meta Orgmode
  β”‚  #+description: Why is this site so clean? Why does it need no cookies?
  β”‚  #+language: en
  β”‚  #+bibliography: ../ref.bib
  β”‚  #+cite_export: csl ~/Vorlagen/csl/rub-eng.csl
  β”‚  * Orgmode makes it all possible
  β”‚  ** Org-publish
  β”‚  I write this website in Orgmode. It's a markup-language like Markdown, but with way more capabilities. Just consider, this entire Document is exported out of it. The thig I write looks like this:
  β”‚  #+caption: The org-file
  β”‚  #+begin_src org
  β”‚ ...
  Listing 1: The org-file

  Through Org-publish (β€œPublishing (The Org Manual)” 2022) I create
  HTML, txt and gemini out of it. This is sent over to the server with
  git (over GitLab). I can even put programm-code inside this document
  and run it. I just type the code-part and the results are generated

  β”‚ for i in range(3, 19, 4):
  β”‚     print(f"The number {i} is one more than {i-1}")
  Listing 2: for-loop

  β”‚ The number 3 is one more than 2
  β”‚ The number 7 is one more than 6
  β”‚ The number 11 is one more than 10
  β”‚ The number 15 is one more than 14

1.2 Why semantics matter

  Orgmode supports different markup:

  If you see the html-verison you will notice: underlined text is
  green. I don't see the need of having /tree/ different emphasis
  options. How should I decide if an important word should be bold,
  italic or underlined? By creating a complement to struck through text,
  I can correct +erorrs+ _errors_ in this intuitive way. The css and my
  Emacs-config makes the underlined text green. But also on other
  exports it is somewhat intuitive that /struck-through/ text folowed by
  /underlined/ text means first was replaced by second.

  This whole thing shows a problem with most modern content. Semantics
  and aesthetics are often very bound together. I have to write my own
  css to make sure the content looks like I want. By making headings
  bigger and colored I don't mean the words are literally big and
  colorful. I mean they are a heading and you should see it as a
  heading. At least html-tags are somewhat semantic-driven. When your
  browser reads a `<h1>Heading</h1>' it can use it to mark it big by
  default. But it can also give this information to a screen-reader in
  case you are blind or something.

1.3 Is this designed to last?

  While reading in Karl Voids Blog I came across the concept of
  designing a website to last (β€œThis Page is Designed to Last: A
  Manifesto for Preserving Content on the Web” 2022). In short: By
  removing possible failing-points like getting JavaScript via a CDN or
  hotlinking images the probability of a site loosing its functionality
  and information is strongly reduced.

  Is my site designed to last? At least I hate CDNs for exactly this
  reason: I would have to trust a third party when I could just download
  and serve the JS myself. And it's not much anyway. Just the
  interactive things like weather-forecast depend on it. Anything else
  is just formatted text.

1.4 Targeting Org or HTML

  When writing Orgmode-Documents as notes, mostly for university, I
  write them with the knowledge that I won't search through the
  documents itself. Instead I export it to HTML and view it in a
  browser. Some upsides about this:
  ⁃ no accidental editing
  ⁃ nicely formattet $\LaTeX$ equations
  ⁃ dark-mode dimms images by `img.invertable{hue-rotate: 180deg;
    filter: invert();}'

  On the other hand I cut actually profit from Orgmode's capabilities
  when e.g. searching for something, outline foldung, and such stuff.

  In any case when writing /this/ it would be bad to target the
  HTML-output, because the parallel output as
        <https://www.bacaliu.de/index.txt> - with maybe broken links
        - i browse it with the cli-program `amfora'

  For some reason Markdown made problems, I wish that would do it too.

2 Bibliography

  β€œPublishing (The Org Manual),”. 2022. June 19, 2022, URL:
  <https://orgmode.org/manual/Publishing.html>, retrieved on July 10,

  β€œThis Page is Designed to Last: A Manifesto for Preserving Content on
  the Web,”. 2022. July 1, 2022, URL:


  ⁃ Tags: [Meta] - [Orgmode]
  ⁃ Formats: [md] - [txt] - [html] - [gmi]

[Meta] <./tags/Meta.org>

[Orgmode] <./tags/Orgmode.org>

[md] <./20220710-meta.md>

[txt] <./20220710-meta.txt>

[html] <./20220710-meta.html>

[gmi] <./20220710-meta.gmi>


  License: CC BY-4.0
  [Impressum und Datenschutz]

[Impressum und Datenschutz] <./impressum-datenschutz.gmi>