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English  to  Esperanto     English  to  Esperanto    
     NOUNS                   ADJECTIVES 
air          aero          sharp        akra         
water        akvo          tall, high   alta         
friend       amiko         beautiful    bela         
tree         arbo          good         bona         
car          a?to          sweet        dol?a        
animal       besto         easy         facila       
picture      bildo         happy        feli?a       
room         ?ambro        strong       forta        
house        domo          merry        gaja         
fire         fajro         big, large   granda       
son          filo          important    grava        
brother      frato         polite       gentila      
journal      gazeto        intelligent  inteligenta  
human        homo          interesting  interesa     
clock        horloo       young        juna         
dog          hundo         some         kelka        
child        infano        tired        laca         
year         jaro          long         longa        
case, box    kesto         new          nova         
boy          knabo         frequent     ofta         
lamp         lampo         full         plena        
book         libro         near         proksima     
sea          maro          clean        pura         
money        mono          rich         ri?a         
wall         muro          healthy,well sana         
thing,object objekto       silent       silenta      
bread        pano          simple       simpla       
father       patro         sudden       subita       
ceiling      plafono       useful       utila        
door         pordo         warm         varma        
river        rivero        true         vera         
chair        seo          right        dekstra      
cup          taso                       
earth        tero                       
town, city   urbo                       
word         vorto          PREPOSITIONS
meat         viando        to,toward    al           
I, you, we   mi, vi, ni    before,front anta?        
he, she, it  li, $i, i    beside,near  apud         
                           at, by       ?e           
      VERBS                during       dum          
buy          a?eti         out of,made  el           
love         ami           away         for          
listen       a?skulti      with         kun          
beat, hit    bati          after,behind post         
destroy      detrui        of           de           
must,have to devi          without      sen          
wish,desire  deziri        under        sub          
say, tell    diri          over,above   super        
hurt, ache   dolori        on, upon     sur          
give         doni          in           en           
sleep        dormi         for          por          
fall         fali                       
make, do     fari              ADVERBS  
close        fermi         soon         balda?       
finish,end   fini          very         tre          
fly          flugi         again        denove       
stop         halti         yesterday    hiera?       
teach        instrui       today        hodia?       
throw        ?eti          why          kial         
angry-to be  koleri        when         kiam         
know         scii          where        kie          
cost         kosti         how          kiel         
create       krei          what         kio          
cook         kuiri         who          kiu          
run          kuri          tomorrow     morga?       
lie-down     ku$i          now          nun          
work         labori        only         nur          
read         legi          that kind of tia          
raise, lift  levi          therefore    tial         
live, dwell  loi          then         tiam         
eat          mani         there        tie          
die          morti         that         tio          
shoot        pafi          because      ?ar          
pay          pagi          too          tro          
speak        paroli        also         anka?        
think        pensi         yet, still   ankora?      
ask,request  peti          usually      kutime       
carry, bear  porti         always       ?iam         
can, be able povi          everywhere   ?ie          
take,pick up preni         everything   ?io          
walk         promeni       everyone     ?iu          
stay,remain  resti         never        neniam       
look         regardi       nowhere      nenie        
break        rompi         nothing      nenio        
go           iri           nobody       neniu        
sit          sidi          something    io           
write        skribi                     
stand        stari          CONJUNCTIONS
fear,afraid  timi          farewell     adia?        
cut          tran?i        good day     bonan tagon  
find         trovi         please       pla?as al mi 
sell         vendi         if           se           
come         veni          yes          jes          
see          vidi          no, not      ne           
live, alive  vivi          but          sed          
call         voki          and          kaj          
                           or           a?           
    SUFFIXES               <question>?  ?u           
-aj-         make substance             
-an-         member of          PREFIXES
-ar-         set of things   -bo-       relaton-inlaw
-eg-         make greater    -eks-      ex-, former  
-ej-         place for ...   -ge-       both sexes   
-er-         particle of ..  -mal-      exact oposite
-estr-       chief, head of  -mis-      wrongly,badly
-et-         make smaller    -re-       back, again  
-id-         offspring of .             
-ig-         to cause ....              
-il-         tool for ...               
-in-         female version             
-ist-        profesional of             
-uj-         holder,country