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EXCERPTS FROM: Y O U N G ' S D E M O N S T R A T I V E T R A N S L A T I O N O F S C I E N T I F I C S E C R E T S ; O R A C O L L E C T I O N O F A B O V E 5 0 0 U S E F U L R E C E I P T S O N A V A R I E T Y O F S U B J E C T S T O R O N T O P R I N T E D B Y R O W S E L L & E L L I S, K I N G S T R E E T E A S T ---------- 1 8 6 1 304. RAILROAD SYSTEM OF HORSE TRAINING This excellent and very simple method of horse training is nearly all accomplished by what is called the persuader or bit; which is made as follows: take a piece of strong rope eight or ten feet long and a quarter of an inch thick, then part the horse's mane in the centre, turning one half towards the ears, and the other towards the back of the horse; next tie the rope by one end in a hard knot that will not slip - not too tightly - round the horse's neck in the place at which the mane is divided, having the knot on the right side of the neck; then pass the loose end of the rope forwards, along the right side of the neck, into the horse's mouth and back along the left side of the neck to that part of the rope which surrounds the horse's neck, and underneath which it is passed; than take the loose end of the rope in your hand, and you have the persuader or bit completed. By pulling on the end which you now hold, you draw his mouth up towards his throat, and can thereby inflict the most excruciating torture that is possible for a horse to undergo, and the beauty of it is, without the least injury to the animal. One pull on this persuader is more dreaded by the horse than a whole day's flogging with raw-hide. In fact he cannot stand it; no matter how ugly his tricks may be, such as kicking, balking or anything else, if you use the persuader on him at the time, you can conquer him at once; make him as meek as a lamb, and glad to do anything to escape the torture inflicted by the persuader. A few times is all you will have to use it, even on the most sulky animal, until you will see no more of his tricks, and he is completely conquered. 305. TO HALTER WILD COLTS How to approach and halter the wildest colt of any age without danger, and lead him quietly, is as follows: choose a large floor, that of a wagonhouse answers well, strew it over with straw two or three inches deep, turn your colt into it, follow him in with a good whip, shut the door, and he will clear to the furthest corner, follow him, and whip him well on the hips, he will clear to another corner, follow him, treat him in the same manner, and he will soon begin to turn his head towards you, then stop and bid him come to you, if he does not come, lay on the whip again, being always careful not to touch him about the head or shoulders, but always about the hips, in a short time he will come to you when you bid him, then rub his ears, nose, neck, chest, &c., and pet him all you can; halter and lead him about the floor; it at any time he clears from you, pay the whip well on his hips until he comes to you again; after a little use him the same way in a small yard, and after this you can do as you like with him in any place. 306. HORSES WITH TENDER EARS How to make a horse, that is afraid of his head or ears, easy to bridle or halter, is as follows: - if your horse is very fractious and wild, you will need to treat him according to receipt No.305, first: at all events you will want the floor well covered with straw, then raise the left fore leg and strap it so that your horse will stand on three legs, then tie a strap just above his right fore foot, and standing on the left side of the horse, holding the strap in your hand, chirp to him, and the moment he attempts to move forwards, he is on his knees; you may then fasten the strap to that on the left leg, or hold it in your hand, as you please; then after the horse gets done struggling and working, rub his nose and ears gently, and put the halter on and take it off repeatedly, to show him that it may be done without hurting him, and in a short time he will not mind the halter or bridle. 307. HOW TO CONTROL A VICIOUS HORSE How to acquire the most perfect control over the most vicious and wildest horse, in a short time, without the use of drugs or charms, is by going according to receipts No.305 and No.306, and sometimes you may have to use the persuader. 308. TO BREAK A WILD COLT How to break the wildest colt in a short time, so that a boy of 14 years old can ride or handle him in perfect safety. This is done by means of the persuader receipts No.305 and No.306, and if the boy is to ride him, after the horse is on his knees, as directed in receipt No.306, and the horse is tired out by struggling, then let somebody get on his back, sit there for a while, then move on to his shoulders, and back unto his hips, and so work round the horse until he does not mind it, and has no fear from it. When he has a few lessons like this, any lad may ride him in safety. 309. TO MAKE A STALLION LIE DOWN How to make the worst stallion lie down and allow you to perform any surgical operation on him that you wish, without the assistance of any one. If the horse is very ugly, you may need to follow, first, receipt No.305, and perhaps, use the persuader, but it is principally done by receipt No.306, with this addition: when you have the horse on his knees, you standing on his left side, and holding the strap which is attached to his right fore foot in your hand, as taught in receipt No.306, then put a headstall on him, and to its ring on the left side of his mouth, tie firmly a stick about an inch and a half thick, which, let run up on the left side of his neck, to the top of his shoulders, then tie the strap, which is attached to the right foot, to this pole; now pull the horse over on his left side, and you have him powerless, his fore feet are drawn up, and on account of the pole he cannot raise his head, so that you have perfect control over him to do as you please. 310. PULLING AT THE HALTER To break a horse from pulling at the halter. This is done by means of the persuader; if he pulls once on this, he will never try it again. 311. WILD STALLIONS How to break the wildest stallion in a short time, so that a boy can lead him in perfect safety. This is done by putting the horse through a regular course of training, according to receipts No.305 and No.306, and the use of the persuader. 312. BALKY HORSES How to make the worst of balky horses pull true. Whenever your horse balks, if you there and then, openly and publicly make use of the persuader, and jerk him well with it, he will be glad to go, and in a short time you will have to use it no more; but as long as this system is kept secret, and when a horse balks, you do not then use the persuader, you will never break the horse from balking. 313. SHOEING HORSES How to make a horse stand to be shod. This is accomplished by having the persuader fitted on, and whenever the horse makes an attempt to be ugly, pull on the persuader, and he will very soon be glad to stand as quiet as a lamb. 314. "WHOA" How to make a horse understand the word "whoa" so perfectly, that he will always stop when spoken to, no matter what may occur to frighten him. This is done by having the persuader fitted on, and whenever you sat "whoa", in a loud and stern tone of voice, pull on the persuader, and it is impossible for a horse to fear or dread anything else as much as this, he will stop instantly, no matter what may occur to frighten him. 315. THROWING How to break a horse off the habit of throwing his rider. This is accomplished by means of the persuader, and receipt No.308. 316. SCARING How to break a horse off scaring at umbrellas or buffalo robes, so that you may toss them at him without disturbing him. To accomplish this you want to get the horse on his knees, according to receipt No.306; then bring your robes and umbrellas near him, let him smell them, toss them at him, and throw them over his head carefully, and so continue to work, showing him that they do not harm him, until all fear of them is lost. 317. KICKING HORSES How to break the worst class of kicking horses. To accomplish this, you will want to put the horse through a regular course of training, according to this system, until you have him well conquered; then keep the persuader on, and if he should ever attempt to kick, at that moment jerk well on the persuader, and he will think of everything but kicking; when he attempts it a few times, and you check him in this manner, he will quit it altogether. 318. TO BIT A HORSE How to bit a horse more perfectly, in ten minutes, at a cost of ten cents, that can be done with any other bit and rig, at a cost of five to ten dollars. This bit is what is called the persuader, and it is the best bit that ever was used for bitting colts. It puts a most beautiful curve in the neck, and leaves the colt at ease while wearing it. When it is used for this purpose, the end that you hold in your hand in other cases, is now to be tied to that part of the persuader which surrounds the neck of the horse or colt. 319. JOCKEY TRICKS - TO PRODUCE FOUNDER How to make a horse appear as if he was badly foundered in one night's time. Take a fine wire, or any substitute, and fasten it tightly round the castor tit, the back side of the pasture joint at night; smooth the hair down nicely over it, and by morning he will walk as stiff as any foundered horse. 320. FOOD AND STARVATION How to make a horse stand by his food and starve to death. Grease the front teeth and roof of the mouth with common beef-tallow, and he will not eat until you wash it out; this, in conjunction with the above, will consummate a complete founder. 321. GLANDERS How to make a horse appear as if he had the glanders, in one night's time. This is done by melting fresh butter and pouring it into his ears, not too hot. 322. BALKING How to make a true pulling horse balk. Take tincture of cantharides 1 oz., and corrosive sublimate 1 drachm; mix and bathe his shoulders at night. 323. TO COVER UP HEAVES How to cover up the heaves so effectually, that you may work, ride, or run him, and they cannot be detected. This will last from twelve to twenty-four hours, long enough to trade off. Drench the horse with one-fourth pound of common bird shot, and he will not heave until they pass through him. 324. THE COUNTENANCE How to put a young countenance on a horse. Make a small incision near the sunk place over the eye, insert the point of a blow-pipe or goose-quill, and blow it up; close the external wound with thread, and it is done. 325. THE CRIB How to cure a horse of the crib, or sucking wind; saw between the upper front teeth. 326 QUESTIONS To teach a horse to answer questions. This is done by pricking him with a pin; for instance, you may say to the horse, is your name Tom ? and at that moment prick him with a pin so that he will squeal; then ask him is your name Sam ? don't prick him and he will not squeal. Then say again is your name Tom, prick him again, and he will squeal; so continue, and after a time he will squeal without being pricked when you ask him the first question, &c. 327. TO NERVE A HORSE How to nerve a horse that is lame. Make a small incision about half way from the knee to the joint on the outside of the leg, and at the back part of the shin bone; you will find a small white tendon or cord; cut it off and close the external wound with a stick, and he will walk off on the hardest pavement, and not lame a particle. 328. A HORSE'S AGE The following rules will enable any man to ascertain with tolerable certainty the age of any horse. Every horse has six teeth above and six below; before he arrives at the age of three he sheds his two middle teeth by the young teeth rising and shoving the old ones out of their place. When he arrives at the age of three, he sheds one more on each side of the middle teeth; when four years old he sheds two corner and the last of his fore teeth; between four and five he cuts his under tusks, and when five will cut his upper tusks, and have a mouth full and complete, and the teeth will have hollows of a very dark brown colour. At six years old the grooves and hollows in a horse's mouth will begin to fill up a little and their tusks have their full growth, with their points sharp, and a little concave. At seven years old the grooves and hollows will be pretty well filled below. At eight the whole of the hollows and groves are filled up, and you see the appearance of what is termed smooth below. At nine years old, the point of the tusk is worn off, and the part that was concave begins to fill up and become rounded. Between nine and ten years of age a horse generally looses the marks of the mouth. After nine years old a wrinkle comes on the eyelid at the upper corner of the lower lid, and every year thereafter he has one well defined wrinkle for each year over nine. If, for instance, a horse has three wrinkles, he is twelve; if four, he is thirteen, &c. 329. HEAD, NECK OR LUNGS How to tell by looking at a horse whether there is any thing the matter with his head, neck or lungs. A knowledge of this is as useful as it is simple. If there is nothing the matter with the head, neck or lungs of a horse, the nostrils will have a clean, healthy, and bright appearance, but if there is, they have always a dirty, muddy, or in some way an unhealthy appearance. 330. PROF. MANDIE'S HORSE TAMING Take finely grated horse caster, or the warty excrescence from the horse's leg, oils of rhodium, and cumin, keep these in separate bottles well corked; put some of the oil of cumin on your hand and approach the horse on the windy side that he may smell it; he will then move towards you, then rub some of the cumin on his nose; give him a little of the castor on sugar, salt, or any thing he likes, and get 8 or 10 drops of the oil of rhodium on the point of his tongue; you can then get him to do any thing you please. Follow up your advantage by all the kindness and attention possible towards the animal, and your control is certain. This is only fit for nervous horses; but the railroad system is certain. In all kinds of ugly horses it is the best of methods. 331. BOTTS IN HORSES This may be relied on as a certain and safe remedy for botts in horses. When the horse is attacked, pound some common glass very fine, sift it through a fine piece of muslin, take a tablespoonful, put it inside a ball of dough, (not mixed with the dough,) then put it down the horse's throat, and in from two to five minutes the horse will get up and feel and will be well. The moment the glass touches the botts though they may have eaten their way into the coats of the stomach, so that but a small portion is exposed, they will let go their hold, will pucker up and be driven off by the bowels. This remedy is perfectly safe, and is the only certain cure for botts under the sun. Try it. 332. RING BONE AND SPAVIN Take of sweet oil, 4 oz.; spirits of turpentine, 2 ozs.; oil if stone, 1/2 oz. Mix and apply three times a day. If the horse is over four years old, or in any case where there is not sufficient, in addition to it, you will fit a bar of lead just above it, wiring the ends together, so it constantly wears upon the enlargement, and the two together, will cure nine cases out of every ten in six weeks. 333. POLL EVIL AND FISTULA Take 1 lb. common potash dissolved in 1/2 pint of water. Add 1/2 oz. extract of belladona and 1 oz. gum-arabic dissolved in a little water; work all into a paste with wheat flour, and box or bottle up tight. In applying this, the place should be well cleansed with soap-suds, (castile soap is best) then tallow should be applied all around by the paste dissolving and running over it. Now this paste must be pressed to the bottom of all the orifices; if very deep it must be made sufficiently thin to inject by means of a small syringe, and repeated once in two days, until the callous pipes, and hard fibrous base around the poll evil, or fistula, is completely destroyed. Sometimes one application has cured cases of this kind, but it will generally require two or three. If the horse cannot be kept up, you will put a piece of oiled cloth over the place. The advantage of this caustic over all others is that less pain and inflammation is induced. The sores may be cured by the following or Sloan's ointment: ceder oil is to be applied to the tendons, to prevent them stiffening, in pole evil, or other cases. 334. DeGRAY, OR SLOAN'S HORSE OINTMENT Take of rosin 4 oz., lard 8 oz., honey 2 oz., mix and melt slowly, gently bring it to a boil, and as it begins to boil slowly, add a little less than a pint of spirits of turpentine, stirring all the time it is being added, then remove from the stove, and stir till cool. This is an extraordinary ointment for bruses in flesh or hoof, broken knees, galled backs, bites, cracked heels, &c. or when a hoirse is gelded, to heal and keep away flies. 335. NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT Take of beef's gall 1 quart, alcohol 1 pint, volatile liniment 1 lb., spirits of turpentine 1 lb., oil of origanum 4 oz., aqua ammonia 4 oz., tincture of cayenne 1/2 pint, oil of amber 3 oz., tincture of spanish fly 6 oz., mix and shake well. Uses too well known to need description. 336. TO CURE FOUNDERS IN 24 HOURS Boil or steam oat straw for half an hour, then wrap it round the horses legs while quite hot, cover up with wet woollen rags to keep in the steam: in six hours renew the application. Take 1 gallon of blood from the neck vein, and give a quart of linseed oil. He may be worked next day. 337. TO CURE COLIC IN TEN MINUTES Bleed freely at the horse's mouth, and take 1 oz. of oil of juniper, 1 oz. of laudanum, and 2 ozs. of sweet spirits of nitre. Mix in a pint of gruel, and drench him with it. 338. GARGLING OIL Take of tanner's oil 1 quart, oil of vitriol 2 oz., spirits of turpentine 1 oz. Mix all together, leave the bottles open till it stops working, then it is ready for use. 339. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL Take of linseed oil 2 1/2 galls., spirits of turpentine 2 1/2 galls., western petroleum 1 gall., liquor potass 8 oz., sap green 1 oz., mix all together, and it is ready for use. 340. PURGING BALLS Take of aloes, 3 oz.; anise seed, 3 oz.; pulverise and mix with castile soap. This makes one ball for a horse. 341. URINE BALLS Take of white resin, 1/2 lb.; castile soap, 1/2 lb.; venice turpentine, 1/2 pint; mix well together; make the balls the size of butternuts. Give the horse three the first day, two the second day, and one the third day. 342. FOR THE HEAVES Give the horse 1/2 drachm of nitric acid, in a pint of sweet milk. Repeat once in two days, once in three days, and once in four days. This receipt is highly prized, and is good; but the best remedy for heaves is so simple that scarcely any one will try it; it is to take fresh sumack tops, break two or three bunches of them up in the horse's feed, three times a day. This will actually cure the heaves unless, they are very bad. 343 INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS The symptoms of inflammation of the lungs in the horse is as follows: - it is usually ushered in by a shivering fit, the horse is cold all over, reaction soon takes place, the body becomes warmer, and the extremities extremely cold. The breathing is quick, he refuses to lie down. If when wearied out, he lies down, it is but for a moment. Treatment - This may be commenced by a good bleeding, which is to be followed by a drachm of emetic tartar, and three drachms of nitre, every eight hours, rubbing the extremities, and giving bran-mashes; throw warm blankets over the animal, hanging down to the floor, and place vessels of hot water in which put hot stones or bricks, and sweat freely, also, give one scruple of opium, and two of calomel, twice a day. The sides of the chest may be thoroughly blistered. This is the proper treatment. 344. STOMACH AND BOWELS Inflammation of the stomach and bowels in the horse, resembles colic in its symptoms, except in colic the pains pass off at times, and return again, whereas in inflammation, the pain is constant, and the animal is never easy; after a time the eye acquires a wild haggard, unnatural stare, and the pupil, or dark spot in the eye, dilates. Treatment - Take away, at once, six or eight quarts of blood, and repeat the bleeding if the pain returns. Follow the bleeding by one scruple of opium, and two of calomel, twice a day; also blister the sides of the chest; give him bran mash and purging balls, (Receipt No. 340). 345. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS The principal symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys in the horse, is, pressure on the loins elicit symptoms of pain, the breathing is hurried, there is a constant desire to void urine, although passed in small quantities, highly coloured, and sometimes tinged with blood. Treatment - This is blood letting, active purging, mustard poultices as near the kidneys as possible, and the horse warmly clothed, &c., as in other inflammations. 346. CONDITION POWDERS Take of flax-seed meal 2 lbs., finygreek meal 2 lbs., liver antimony 1/2 lb., and nitre 1/2 lb., mix well; give a tablespoon for three days and omit three days, &c. 347. FOR BONE SPAVIN Take of cantharides 2 oz., strong mercurial ointment 4 oz., oil of turpentine 4 oz., iodine 3 oz., mix all with a sufficiency of lard to make a thin ointment; apply to the spavin only once a day until it bursts; then oil it with sweet oil until healed. If the bunch is not then removed, apply it again, and again if necessary, which is seldom the case. 348. TO MAKE A HORSE FOLLOW YOU The horse is treated in the same manner as mentioned in the receipt NO. 305, always being careful to whip him on the hips. When he will follow you round the barn floor, then treat him in the same manner in a yard, and when he follows you here, he will any place. 349. COLTS CHEWING HALTERS Take scab from the wart on the inside of the leg, rub the halter thoroughly with it, and they will not be found chewing their halters very soon. 350 A. HORSES JUMPING FENCES Pass a small and strong cord around his body just behind his shoulders, and tie the halter to this cord between his forelegs, so as to leave the distance about two feet from the cord to his head; if then he attempts to jump, he is compelled to throw his head forward, which draws hard on the cord, and causes it to cut into his back, and he instantly desists. The cord should not be more than a quarter of an inch in diameter. 350 B. BLAZE OR STAR When we have a pair of horses that match well in every respect, except that one has a blaze or star on the face, it becomes very interesting and important to know how to make their faces match. Take a piece of oznaburgs the size you want the star or blaze; spread it with warm pitch and apply it to the horses face; let it remain two or three days, by which time it will bring off the hair clean, and make the part a little tender; then take of elixor vitriol a small quantity, anoint the part two or three times; or, take of a very common weed called asmart, a small handfull, bruise it, and add to it about a gill of water, use it as a wash until the face gets well, when the hair will grow out entirely white. 351. BLACK SPOTS To spot a white horse with black spots, take litharge 3 oz., quick lime 6 oz., beat fine and mix together; put it into a pan and pour a sharp ley over it; then boil it and you will have a fat substance swim on top, with which anoint the horse in such places as you design to have black, and it will turn to the colour immediately. 352. INFLUENZA OR HORSE-AIL The first symptom is debility. The horse appears dumpish, refuses to eat, mouth hot, in six or twelve hours the appetite diminishes, legs and eyelids swell. This disease may end in chronic cough, a bad discharge from the nose, and in inveterate cases in glanders. Treatment - Keep the horse on light food, as mashes, scalded shorts, green grass, &c., and if he is very plethoric, he should be half starved and bled from the mouth. If the throat is sore, rub it with warm vinegar and salt, or blister; walk him a little for exercise, administer the following: oil of croton, 5 drops; nitrate of potassa 4 to 6 drachms; potassio-tartrate of antimony, 1 drachm; spirit of nitric ether, 4 drachms to 1 oz; solution of acetate of ammonia 2 to 4 ozs.; and warm water sufficient to make a draught; and when the head is much affected, add a drachm of camphor. This draught may be administered once and sometimes twice a day, the croton oil being omitted after the first dose; after the first day, 2 drachms of powdered gentian may be added. 353. STRANGLES OR HORSE DISTEMPER Symptoms - A discharge from the nostrils, with a swelling under the throat, a disinclination to eat. Thirst, but after a gulp or two the horse ceases to drink. In attempting to swallow, a convulsive cough comes on; mouth hot and tongue coated with a white fur. The tumor under the jaw soon fills the whole space, and is evidently one uniform body, and may thus be distinguished from glanders or the enlarged glands of catarrh. Treatment - Blister over the tumor at once; when the glands remain hard and do not suppurate, it may lead to glanders, in which case rub it with iodine ointment, and give internally, hydriodate of potash in daily doses of 10 to 40 grains, combined with gentian and ginger. As soon as the swelling is fit, lance it freely and apply a linseed poultice; give bran mashes, fresh grass, &c. 354. STAGGERS Symptoms - Giddiness, he may fall down, or suddenly turn several times round first; he may be quiet, or struggle violently. Treatment - If the horse be full and well fed, take 3 or 4 quarts of blood at once; cease using him for a time, and give him an occasional physic ball or powdered aloes 6 drachms and a little in honey. 355. GREEN OINTMENT Take of lard, 6 lbs., put into a ten gallon kettle; add 2 gallons of water; cut jimpson seeds and fill them in, and cook from 4 to 6 hours slowly, till all the water is gone; then put into jars, and add to each pound of ointment one ounce of turpentine. Good for galls, cuts, scratches, &c. 356. HOOF EVIL OR THRUSH GREASE HEELS Bleed and physic, and poultice the feet with boiled turnips and some finely ground charcoal at night, for two or three nights; then wash the feet clean with castile soap and soft water, and apply the blue ointment every day; keep the horse on a floor and he will be well in 12 days. 357. BLUE OINTMENT Take the ointment of rosin, 4 ozs; finely ground verdigris, 1/2 oz; turpentine, 2 oz; mutton tallow, 2 lbs; oil of origanum, 1/2 oz; tincture of iodine, 1/2 oz. Mix all together. This is one of the best medicines that can be made for scratches, hoof-evil, and cuts, and is good to apply on fistula after the rowels have been taken out. It is as good for human as horse flesh. 358. HOOF BOUND OR TENDER FEET Never have the feet spread at the heels, nor rasped about the nail holes; use the liquid, and apply it according to directions. For hoof bound or tender feet, apply it all around the top of the hoof down one inch every day. First have a stiff shoe on the foot, and cleanse the cut or cork. Never cut or burn for it. 359. HOOF LIQUID Take of linseed or neatsfoot oil, 1/2 a pint; turpentine, 4 oz; oil of tar, 6 oz; origanum, 3 oz; mix and shake well together. 360. HOOF AIL Apply blue vitriol, and put on a tarred rag to keep out the dirt. 361. BIG, OR MILK LEG Apply the liquid blister every there hours until it blisters; then in six hours grease with soft oil of any kind; then in eight days wash the part clean, and apply it again. Repeat it there or four times, then use the iodine ointment. If this does not remove it all, apply the ringbone and spavin medicine, this will remove it all. 362. IODINE OINTMENT Get 1oz. of the grease iodine, put in 1 pint of alcohol; let this stand in the sun two days, and you have the tincture of iodine. Take 2oz. of the tincture and 1/2lb. of lard; mix well, and you have the iodine ointment. 363. SPRAIN IN THE STIFLE Symptoms - The horse holds up his foot, moans when moved, swells in the stifle. This is what is called stifling; there is no such thing as this joint getting out of place. Treatment - Bleed two gallons, foment the stifle with hot water, rub it dry, then bathe it well with the general liniment every morning and night, give him mash, and he will soon be well. Never allow any stifle-shoe or cord on the foot or leg. 364. GENERAL LINIMENT Take of turpentine, 1/2 pint; linseed oil, 1/2 pint; aqua-ammonia, 4 oz.; tincture of iodine, 1 oz.; shake all well together. This is used for different things spoken of in the different receipts, sores or swellings, sprains, &c. 365. LIQUID BLISTER Take of alcohol, 1 pint; turpentine, 1/2 pint; aqua-ammonia, 4 oz.; oil of origanum, 1 oz.; mix, apply this as spoken of, every three hours until it blisters. 366. TO CURE CORNS Take of the shoe, cut out the corns, and drop in a few drops of muriatic acid, then make the shoes so they will not bear on the part affected. Apply the hoof liquid to the hoof to remove the fever. This is a sure cure for corns in horses. 367. WATER FARCY, OR DROPSY This is a swelling along under the chest, and forward to the breast; bleed, rowel in the breast and along the swelling, six inches apart, apply the general liniment to the swelling, move the rowels every day, let them stay in until the swelling goes down. Give soft food, mashes, with the cleansing powder in them. 368. CLEANSING POWDER This is to be used when the blood is out of order. It is good to restore lost appetite, good for yellow water, whenever it is to be used it is spoken of in the receipts. Take of good ginger 1 lb., powdered gentian 4oz., crude antimony 1/2 oz., mix well together. Give one large spoonful every day in wet food. This is perfectly safe. 369. POLL EVIL Cure before it breaks, run a rowel or seaton from the lower part of the top through the centre of the enlargement, then make the following lotion. Take of sal-ammoniac 2 oz., spirts of turpentine 1/2 a pint, linseed oil 4 oz., and spirts of tar 4 oz., shake well, and apply it all over the swelling every other day. Let the seaton stay in until all the swelling is gone down, move it every day, and when all is gone throw it out. Bleed when you first open it, and keep the part clean. 370. GLANDERS Bleed copiously, put a rowel or seaton of polk root between the jaw and breast, put tar thoroughly up the nostrils twice a day. This is the best remedy ever in use. 371. FRESH WOUNDS If there is an artery cut, tie it if possible; if not possible, or if there is much bleeding without the separation of an artery, apply the following wash: nitrate of silver 4 grains, soft water 1 oz., wet the wound with this, then draw the edges together by stitches one inch apart, then wash clean, and if any swelling in twenty-four hours, bleed and apply the blue ointment, or any of the liniments spoken of, Keep the bowels open. 372 THE LIVER In disease of the liver or yellow water, give the following ball every morning until it operates upon the bowels. Take of aloes 7 drachms, calomel 1 drachm, ginger 4 drachms, and molassas enough to make it into a ball, wrap it in a paper and give it; give scalded bran and oats, grass if it can be got; when his bowels have moved, stop the physic, and give 1 oz. spirits of camphor in half a pint of water, every morning, for twelve days, rowel in the breast, and give a few doses of cleansing powder. Turn him out. 373. BALLS FOR WORMS IN HORSES Take of barbadose aloes 6 drachms, powdered ginger 1 1/2 oz., oil of wormwood 20 drops, powdered natron 2 drachms, and molassas to form a ball. 374. BALLS FOR HIDE BOUND Take of barbadose aloes 1 oz., castile soap 9 drachms, and ginger 6 drachms. Make into a ball. 375. HEALING OINTMENT Take of lard 5 parts, rosin 1 part, melt them together; when they begin to get cool add two parts of calamine powder, stirring well till cool. If the wound is unhealthy add a little turpentine. 376. GALLS ON HORSES Bathe the parts affected with spirits saturated with alum. 377. GRUBS IN HORSES Take of red precipitate a teaspoonful, form into a ball, repeat if necessary in 30 minutes. 378. STIFF SHOULDERS OR SWEENEY Rowel from the top of the shoulder blade down as far as there is no pealing. First cut through the skin, and then two thin fibres or strippings, use the blunt needle, move it back and forwards five or six inches, draw in a tape or seaton, and the next morning wet it with tincture of cantharides, do this every other day, move them every day, wash the part clean, let the tape stay in until the matter changes to blood, this is for both diseases. Let him run out if possible. He will be well in six or eight weeks. If for sweeney you may work him all the time. 379. SICK STOMACH IN HORSES Bleed half a gallon, then if he will eat a mash give him one, give no hay, then give him 1/2 oz. of rhubarb every night until it moves his bowels, then take of gentian root 4 oz., fenu-greek 2 oz., nitre 1/2 oz., mix and give a large spoonful every day. Do not give him too much to eat when his appetite returns. 380. LUNG FEVER Bleed four gallons from the neck vein, and take 1 oz. of aquanite, add to it half a gallon of cold water, drench him with a gill of it every three hours, drench him over the lungs, then give him water to drink that hay has been boiled in, and to each gallon of it add 1 oz. of gum-arabic, and 1/2 oz. of spirits of nitre; give this every four hours; foment and rub the legs with alcohol and camphor, until they get warm; do not move the horse. Keep him in open stall if hot weather. 381. EYE WASH FOR HORSES Take of sugar of lead, 2 drachms; white vitriol, 1 drachm; and soft water, 1 quart; mix and dissolve; wash the eyes out well every morning, having first washed then well with cold water, continue this for three or four weeks; and then, if the eyes are not much better, bleed and give a mild physic. The horse should be kept on low diet, and not over heated or worked too hard. Scalded shorts or oats are good. 382. MANGE AND SURFEIT Bleed and physic, then take sulphur, 1/2 lb.; and lard, 2 lbs.; mix well; grease the part affected every three or four days; stand the horse in the sun until it dries in; give him a few doses of the cleansing powder. 383. CONTRACTION OF THE NECK If it is taken in the first stages, bleed from the neck 2 galls.; then ferment or bathe the part well with hot water; rub it dry, and apply the general lineament every day, two or three times; this will cure if it is of long standing. Then blister all along the part affected with the liquid blister. Do this every three weeks until he is well, and rub with the white ointment, Do not work the horse till well. 384. WHITE OINTMENT For rheumatism, sprains, burns, swelling, bruises, or any inflammation on man or beast, chapped hands or lips, black eyes, or any kind of bruises. Take of fresh butter 2 lbs.; tincture of iodine, 1/2 oz.; oil of origanum, 2 ozs.; mix well for fifteen minutes, and it is fit for use; apply it every night; rub it in well with your hand. 385. OLD HORSES YOUNG Drops to make old horses as lively as young. Take the tincture of assafoetida, 1 oz.; tincture of cantharides, 1 oz.; antimony, 2 oz.; fenugreek, 1 oz.; and fourth proof brandy, 1/2 gal.; mix all and let stand ten or twelve days; then give ten drops in a pail, or one gallon, of water. 386. RHEUMATIC LINEAMENT Take of alcohol, 1/2 pint; oil of origanum, 1/2 oz.; cayenne pepper, 1/2 oz.; gum myrrh, 1/2 oz.; and lobelia, 1 teaspoonful; mix and let stand one day; then bathe the part affected. 387. TO KILL LICE ON CATTLE Take of buttermilk, 1 quart; salt, 1/3 pint; mix and dissolve; pour this along the back, letting it run down each side; if this should ever fail use the water in which potatoes have been boiled, in the same way, it will be effectual. 388. HORSES FROM FIRE The difficulty of getting horses from burning stables is well known. The remedy is to blindfold them perfectly, and by gentle usage, they may be easily led out. If you like you may also throw the harness upon them. 389. SNOW BALLS To prevent snow balls on horses' feet clean their hoofs well, and rub with soft soap before going out in the snow. ============================================================================ Another text file from Stonehenge BBS [415] 479-8328 ============================================================================