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Subject: Cyberpoet's Guide to Virtual Culture - 3.14.94 - p1/5

_________________...____.. _____ . _______....________.....  . ..  ____.__

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///////////// yberpoet's Guide to \\//irtual ///////ulture              |
A multipart guide to the electronic frontier.                    039414 o

-=- 01.Introduction

Beyond the hype, behind the glamour, underneath the sea of buzzwords,
icons and flames a new subculture is spreading in this petri dish known as
the Internet. Here science and art - media and mind - combine in a cyborg
frenzy to create this replicant cousin to cyberpunk and hacking. It is a
subculture with no name, few labels, but thousands of common attractors,
which link together before our eyes like digital DNA to create, in the 
helix of the autologue, a new frontier for participants in these wide 
virtual spaces to explore.

Any document that attempts to cover an emerging culture is doomed to be
incomplete. Even more so if the culture has no overt identity (at least
none outside virtual space). But the other side of that coin presents us
with the oportunity to document the ebb and flow, the moments of growth
and defeat, the development of this young culture.

Although young, there is rich history and varied philosophies for this
group to draw on. From cyberpunk, the quest for access to information and
a vision of the future (the cyber) has been exorcised from the
distopic and 'punk'ish views of the monster the media has made of
cyberpunk. From the Hacker ethic, we get the rally cry that "infomation
wants to be free." From the workings of the Internet, we see the desire
for universal access and the pursuit of Jeffersonian Democracy (kapor)
that is manifested itself partially through the anarchy inherent in the
system and partially through the efforts of many net.users.

This document, although significantly different, attempts to pick up where
the FutureCulture FAQ (by andy hawks) left off. It should act as a
starting point for those new to the net, as one avenue to reach a level
of net.literacy, and as a handy reference point for those already
comfortable in this pocket of the net.

It is a road map to the interesting viewpoints, hot dog stands, museums, 
flora and fauna that dots this constantly changing landscape of virtual
space. Explore these sites. Dig in the cyborganic gardens. Report back 
your findings, so that others may follow. And they will.

                     -oO   -=<>=-   Oo-

[Cyberpoet]   Cyber-, having to do with information flow, human and
computer use/combinations, computer mediated communication. -Poet, one who
makes art with words, an artist, a renaissance trait. A cyberpoet is one
who strives to be artful in their use of virtual space. Someone who makes
frequent trips to the edge of technology/culture/society and then reports
back to anyone who will listen. The avant-guard of virtual culture.
Someone who, like a renaissance man, has their eye on the future and their
nose in its knowledge, technologies and politics.

                     -oO   -=<>=-   Oo-

-=- 01.2.Contents       |

Part I

-=- 01.Introduction
        o preface
        o contents -=>what you are reading<=-
        o copyright notices & stuph
        o Lexicon of Virtual Culture
             o The dictionary

Part II

-=- 02.Cultural Signposts
        o Libraries - cyber-repositories of data
        o Museums, galleries, ezines & stuph
        o Organizations - EFF, FAF, CPSR, etc.
        o Gov't - USA and otherwise

Part III

-=- 03.Virtual Hangouts
        o Elists & newsgroups
        o Cafes - virtual pubs and coffeehouses
        o Parks & rec - public spaces and interesting faces


-=- 04.Resources & References
        o Online how-to's
        o Similiar lists
        o Assorted online resources
        o Access points

Part V

-=- 05.Offline Interests
        o Magazines
        o Bibliography

x                                                                      x
X                    ***and our newest feature***                      X
x                      KIBBLE: The CGVC Journal                        x
X                                                                      X
x           C     O     N     T     E     N    T     S      !          x       
X                                                                      X
x 1- Editorial             o      Welcome to Kibble the zine           x
X 2- Guest FAQ             o      Clipper News & action.               X
x 3- Ongoing projects      o      Interpedia - Internet Encyclopedia   x 
X 4- Upcoming conferences  o      DEFCON ][ - July 22, 23, 24 - 1994   X
x 5- Letters to the editor o                                           x
X 6- Editorial Policy      o                                           X
x                                                                      x

-=- 01.4.Stuph         |

o  Legalese, copyright notice, some parting          o
o  words.                                            o

The contents contained herein are not to be construed as legal advice, nor
is the author/publisher responsible for any damage that might result from
the use of any information or software gathered from using this document.
The author/publisher will make every effort to see that the information is
up to date, but cannot warranty that it is.

This document, it's format, theme and articles are copyright 1993,1994
John Frost [frost@netcom.com], except where the copyright is retained by
the original author. The rights to distribute and reproduce this document
are granted in accord with the Agitprop guidelines founded by Bruce
Sterling. A copy of those guidelines may be found via ftp at ftp.eff.org
ftp/pub/Publications/Bruce_Sterling/README or at EFF's gopher site. Other
uses and non-electronic reproduction of this document must first be
cleared, in writing, with John Frost. Under no circumstance may
money/script/funds be charged for access to this document, beyond the
money charged for general access to the system it is found on. The guide
may not be distributed on any disk/tape/device with a capacity of more
then 80 megs. 

To add information to, or suggest changes in, this document please email
frost@netcom.com with the word CYBERPOET in the subject.

As far as I know this list is archived at mindvox &

USENET//alt.cyberspace, alt.cyberpunk, alt.virtual.culture

Please inform me of any other archival so that I may make mention of 
it here. I hear that somebody is marking up an HTML verson too.

==-----------=======      The Lexicon of Virtual Culture
====-------=========        Virtual Culture -- >>From A to Z

-=- 01.Lexicon of Virtual Culture
-=- 01.3.The dictionary   |

Virtual Culture -- >>From A to Z

ADSL (Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Loop) - The transmission method
likely to be used to send movies, tv shows and sports - at the viewers
request - over existing telephone lines right to your television. Look for
this to be available and affordable in the next two years. This is the
main contender to ISDN, the winner will provide the link between 50
channels and 500 channels, 50,000 channels or (hopefully) more.

Agrippa: A Book of the Dead - A collaboration between author William
Gibson, publisher Kevin Begos Jr., and artist Dennis Ashbaugh. This
art-work contains engravings by Ashbaugh which appear or disappear in
light and an on-disk semi-autobiographical poem by William Gibson  which
is unreadable after having been read once.  Agrippa is notable because in
many respects it blurs the lines concerning what art is, and adds fuel to
the fire on issues of property rights and intellectual property.  A
highlight of 1992 was the release of Gibson's poem on to the net.

Artificial Life - man-made systems that exhibit characteristics associated
with the concept of "life".

Artificial Reality - similar to virtual reality, but more interactive,
with the participant being part of, not just experiencing, the artificial

Barlow, John Perry - A drummer for the Grateful Dead and co-founder of the
EFF. Now a net.denizen who speaks often on virtual culture and cyberspace
sociology and technology.

BBSes - electronic Bulletin Board Systems.  Begun in the late 70's, a form
of virtual community existing in cyberspace where participants (usually
using aliases) may send and receive public and private messages to each
other on any topic imaginable, transfer software (copyrighted and/or
public domain), play on-line games, etc.  There is the "over-ground" BBS
world where aliases are less common and illegal activities are avoided in
discussion, and the computer underground where illegal activities and
discussions are very common, members use aliases, and illegal information
and/or software is exchanged.

Boxing - A variety of electronic devices used to aid in phreaking. The
original was the blue box, used from the mid 60's to the mid 80's, which
allowed long distance phone calls to be made for free. A variety of other
similar instruments accomplishing different tasks have been developed,
some purely comical, some quite practical.

Chaos - Chaos is a state that garners a lot of respect in cyberculture, to
the point of being a techno-pagan religion. Many people are self-described

Chaos Theory - A field of science revolving around simplistic equations
involving a large number of variables. Gave rise to fractals, a form of
cyberdelic art. For further info on the subject, James Gleick's "Chaos:
Making a New Science" is suggested.

C0dez Doodz - Essentially a phreaker's version of pirates. People who seek
out telco codes to be used to gain long distance (ld) telephone calls
without paying for them. Scourge of the computer underground.

Communitek - an informational technology that provides the potential for a
community to develop in cyberspace. For example, within the net, IRC and
elists are two communiteks.

Computer Underground - "A group organized in secrecy, hidden behind
aliases, to promote the free exchange of information regarding anything
and everything including, but not limited to: computers, telephones,
radios, chemicals, and ideas." (Thanx to The Butler for this definition)
The mainstay of communication for the computer underground is cyberspace,
more specifically BBSes. The computer underground is composed of hackers,
phreakers, pirates, anarchists, and other cyberpunks.

Cyber- - A prefix taken from cybernetics generally used in popular culture
to mean anything that is technologically oriented.

Cyberculture - Often used in the media to denote aspects of "life as a
cyberpunk." Yet if we are to follow strict meaning, cyberculture is more
accurately defined as an information-based culture.

Cyberdeck - Term originated by William Gibson to refer to a computer used
by deck cowboys that can connect to the matrix.

Cyberdelic - "Cyber-art".  Examples include fractals, computer-generated
pictures and/or music, virtual worlds, etc. (sidebar - fractal pict)

Cybernetics - The study of communication systems in living organisms and
machines, the mathematical analysis of the flow of information.

Cyberpunk - Begun as a literary movement in the 80's, an off-shoot of
normal science fiction. Unique in that it generally occurs in the present
or not so distant future, the characters are often considered "punks"
(social deviants) and technology, (the cyber aspect), is prominent.
"Neuromancer" by William Gibson, published in 1984, is considered by most
to be the "bible" of cyberpunk.  Another prominent author is Bruce
Sterling, editor of another worthy cyberpunk collection, "Mirrorshades".
Other examples of cyberpunk include Max Headroom (TV show) and BladeRunner
(movie). Cyberpunk is special in that it has evolved from a purely
literary movement to a realistic subculture. Many "techno-punks" (i.e.,
hackers) are considered cyberpunks. Other contributing factors to the
cyberpunk subculture include:  virtual reality, hallucinogenic and
nootropic drugs, and industrial and punk music. For an in-depth, detailed
look at cyberpunk fiction and cyberpunk culture, "Storming the Reality
Studio," ed. by Larry McCaffery is suggested.

Cyberspace - "The electronic frontier." A completely virtual environment:
the sum of all BBSes, computer networks, and other virtual communities.
Unique in that it is constantly being changed, exists only virtually, can
be practically infinite in "size", communication occurs instantaneously
world-wide - physical location is completely irrelevant most of the time.
Some include video and telephone transmissions as part of cyberspace.

Cypherpunks - net.folks who have evolved from hacking to encryption and
concern with creating multiple anonymous identities.

Deck Cowboys - Futuristic, some say fantasy, version of a computer hacker
or a modern-day cyberpunk.

Electronic Frontier Foundation - (EFF). Organization founded by Mitch
Kapor (of Lotus fame) and John Perry Barlow (writer and Grateful Dead
songwriter) to establish laws for cyberspace and apply the constitution to
virtual communities. The EFF has recently morphed into a strong lobbying
force in Washington D.C..

Elist (email-lists) - An electronic discussion group that anyone with an
email address can subscribe to. Email addresses for the elist members are
stored on a single computer. When you send email to that machine, it will
automatically bounce your letter to every other subscriber. Thousands of
these elists, covering almost every topic, exist on the Internet for your
reading pleasure and more are materializing weekly.

Ezine - An net version of the small press magazine (known as a zine)
culture. Usually ezines exist only on the net, but more and more
paper-zines are distributing an electronic version as well. (sidebar, some
zines to watch for)

F2F - face to face meeting (also FTF)

Flame - Disagreement (hell, full fledged war sometimes) occurring in
cyberspace. Common on Usenet.

Fleshmeet - a F2F meeting. Often a party of some sort where people who
have met previously on the net get together.

Fractals - Images created using chaos theory. A mish-mash of colors
presented in a pattern that repeats itself many times over.  A popular
type of fractal image is one created using the "Mandlebrot set".  Fractals
are considered cyberdelic art.

Gibson, William - Considered by most to be the "father" of cyberpunk,
along with Bruce Sterling. His works include the infamous "Neuromancer",
"Count Zero", "Mona Lisa Overdrive" (these 3 works are known as the sprawl
series), "The Difference Engine" with which he was co-author with Bruce
Sterling, and "Burning Chrome" a collection of short stories.  A recent
work of his is a poem in "Agrippa: A Book of the Dead".  Gibson says he
will no longer be writing the "classic"  cyberpunk novels he is famous
for.  His latest work is entitled "Virtual Light" is futuristic fiction
was released in August.

Global Village - Famous term coined by Marshall McLuhan, exemplified by
the net.

Gopher - A menu driven service useful for grep'ing info off the net. You
forgot your friend's email address, look here. Need to read the latest
issue of "Voices from the net" (An electronic text based zine or ezine),
look here. Searching for a file to read or software to download, use
Gopher. Over 1200 individual gopher sites exist and the number is growing

Grep - search, or scan.

Grok - Word with roots in Shamanism that is akin to gnow. and implies a
thorough and complete holistic understanding. Popularized in Robert A.
Heinlein's _Stranger in a Strange Land_.

Hacker - 60's (1st) generation (orig. MIT):  one who tinkers with
software, electronics, computer hardware, etc.  80's (2nd) WarGames
generation:  one who enters computer systems without permission with
either malicious or non-malicious intent, to gain, alter, or destroy
information (labeled as crackers by the 60's generation).  90's (3rd)
generation:  often called cyberpunks, mostly non-malicious crackers
interested in information for the sake of information, and not hacking for
the sake of the hack - sometimes calling themselves "information
liberators", they have re-adopted more of the original hacker ethic of the
60's that mainly states "all information should be free", "access to
computers should be unlimited and total" and "promote decentralization".
This new, 3rd generation is commonly associated with the computer
underground, despite its mostly non-malicious intent.

Identity Hacking - The use of pseudo-anonymity or false accounts to
put ones self off as another person on the Internet. Not nice.

Infonomics - The idea of an economy based on information, which obviously
holds many different properties from our current state of the world.

Internet - A large and very popular world-wide computer network begun by
the Department of Defense in the 60's that connects educational
institutions, corporations, organizations, and military and government
installations around the globe. Some organizations exist that offer
Internet access to the general public for an hourly,monthly or yearly fee.
Suggested are places like the WELL, MindVox, Nyx (which is free of cost),
Netcom, etc.  Many Internet users partake in reading and contributing to
Usenet, playing MUDs, FTPing text files and programs free of charge at the
various FTP sites, and 'telnet'ing to other Internet sites. Because of its
accessibility at a relatively low cost, size (the largest computer network
in the world), connectivity, and infinite amounts of information, many
network users prefer the Internet to such services as CompuServe (often
called Compu$erve on the Internet) or Prodigy (which is more restricting
in its content). The Internet has something to offer for everyone. There
are many helpful books published about how to use the Internet, some are
available right on-line.  Once you gain access to the Internet, it is
suggested that you read the 'news.announce.newusers' and
'news.newusers.questions' and 'news.answers' newsgroups on Usenet.

IRC - Internet Relay Chat. Realtime communication forums between Internet
users all over the world.

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network.  A communitek hopefully coming
soon to a house near you, basically it will greatly expand the potential
for information coming into your house, such as having 700 cable TV
channels, interactive realtime video-phones, and far off in the future
possible even realtime networked interactive 3d virtual reality.

Kapor, Mitch - One of EFF's founders (along with John Perry Barlow). He
started the Lotus software company and built it into one of the top 5
software companies in the world, then left to start the EFF. In addition
to working at the top of EFF ladder, he frequently writes stories for
magazines and newspapers, interviews on the TV and is often called to
testify before congressional hearings.

Knowbot - provides a uniform user interface to heterogeneous remote
information services. A predecesor to the Intelligent Agent.

Legion of Doom - (LoD). A legendary group of hackers from the computer
underground. When they disbanded, some members went on to form a computer
security firm (ComSec), Loyd Blankenship wrote GURPS Cyberpunk for Steve
Jackson Games and some ended up in jail from Operation Sundevil.

Matrix - Term coined by William Gibson that refers to the consensual
hallucination of cyberspace.

Meme - An "agent of communicative resonance," or more simply, "an
information virus."  Memetics is the study and theories behind the root
structures of information itself.

MindVox - A virtual community in cyberspace, also a BBS connected to the
Internet.  A nexus of the computer underground and cyberpunk and virtual
reality began by Phantom Access Technologies, former members of the Legion
of Doom. See also the WELL.

Mirrorshades - A very important collection of cyberpunk fiction by various
authors, most of whom are labeled as the mirrorshades group. This book is
edited by Bruce Sterling and should be available in most bookstores.

Mirrorshades Group - Original collection of cyberpunk authors which
includes William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Tom Maddox, Lewis Shiner, John
Shirley, SF Eye magazine editor Steve Brown, Rudy Rucker, Pat Cadigan, and

Mondo 2000 - Very popular cyberpunk and new edge magazine. Recently
challenged by a new magazine, WIRED.

MUD - Multi-User Domain, Multi-User Dungeon, or Multi-User Dimension. MUDs
are multi-user role-playing-games of sorts that exist on the Internet for
entertainment purposes. MUDs are essentially text-based virtual worlds
which players (participants) may explore, change, or add on to. In most
cases, the MUD is actually a "game" with scores, player attributes,
levels, etc., but some MUDs are with more social goals in mind. MUDs tend
to be based around different science fiction genres such as fantasy,
space, or even cyberpunk.
More recently MUDs have         SIDEBAR - MU*'s have a somewhat unfortunate
developed new uses. Research,   SIDEBAR - of being addicting. I attribute
conferencing, and more          SIDEBAR - this to the strong feeling of
academic MUDs are popping       SIDEBAR - community one gets from mudding.
up like wildflowers these       SIDEBAR - Students have been known to drop
days and indicate a possible    SIDEBAR - out of school just to MUD. Others
trend in the Internet, that     SIDEBAR - have fallen in love over a mu*
being integration of services.  SIDEBAR - only to later realize the other
                                SIDEBAR - player doesn't feel the same.
Nanotechnology - the science    SIDEBAR - I recommend going cold turkey as
of "micro-machines". Small      SIDEBAR - the only solution to the MUDding
gears or other machines seen    SIDEBAR - addiction. =)
only by a microscope, that
can be used in areas such as medicine and health, art, and other

Net - A computer network. Often used to mean the Internet when referred to
as "the net".

Netrip - Many similarities exist in some people's minds between
psychedelic drugs and the net, and a netrip is the state of literally
getting "high" off the net, accompanied by distortions in space and time,
a gnowledge of the net itself, an intense desire to communicate your
subconscious to the rest of the net, etc.

New Edge - Fringe culture and fringe science, mostly techno-oriented, and
very popular in Southern California. Mondo 2000 is a magazine devoted to
the new edge.

Nexus - The dictionary defines a "nexus" as a "a connection, tie, or link
between individuals of a group, members of a series, etc." When applied to
virtual cultures and the networked humans which comprise them, a NEXUS is
basically a domicile/workspace/cultural-center formed in real-life by
people who have met and established relationships over the Net.  They
purchase and secure group Internet access, and thus control their own
node, living in close proximity, since creativity blossoms in people when
surrounded with creativity; since similar approaches to work and life can
re-inforce each other.  We have seen this happen on the Net; the NEXUS
community intends to manifest it in reality, to integrate it into our

Nootropics - A new science revolving around drugs used to increase
intelligence, aid in memory, enhance brain activity, etc. Touted as a fad
by some, others claim that use of nootropics actually work.  See also

Operation Sundevil - Secret Service operation begun in 1990 intended to
destroy the computer underground by confiscating BBSes and detaining

Paste Bomb - Sometimes a litteral core dump. Via the Mac's Cut and Paste
capability, take random bits of data from one's hard drive and paste it
into an online conversation, email, mud, whatever.  Eris Lives. Sci-fi
author Bruce Sterling is a notorious paste bomber. Get in the habit

Phrack - An important magazine existing only in cyberspace, of interest to
the computer underground. It's founder, Craig Neidorf, now works for the
Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Phreaker - Hacking the phone system. Usually meaning to get phone calls
for free, whether by boxing or calling card fraud. Individual phreakers
are called phreaks.

Pirate - One who copies software illegally. Commonly associated with the
computer underground.  Although commonplace, pirates are looked down upon
as with codez d00dz . (sidebar SPA and the big corporation pirates)

Post-industrial - The state of the world, including megacorp zaibatsus, an
evolving infonomics, etc.

Post-modern - Literary, artistic, cultural, and philosophical movement
revolving around the post-industrial world in which we live, and the
unique aspects of the trends of modern society.

Raves - A 'dying' subculture revolving around all-night dance parties.
Typically, the parties are generally illegal and thus a complex process is
involved to find out where they are located. Rave music is generally
techno or house , the parties usually include 1 or more DJs. Also present
in many cases are "chill out rooms" which feature more ambient music.
Lasers, blaring music, cyberdelic images, SmartDrinks and drugs most often
MDMA {X, XTC, Ecstasy, E}, LSD {acid}, ketamine, or nootropics) are all
general contributors to the rave experience.  Raves are usually held in
warehouses, and last until the next morning. Another large part of rave
culture is the flyers - used to find out where your next  party will be.
Raves are meant to be very happy events, everyone ideally should be open
and free, laying aggressions and inhibitions aside for the night. Some
have likened the rave experience to "a weekly roving techno-woodstock for
the 90's."  Rave fashion includes over-sized baggy t-shirts and pants,
hooded sweat-shirts, ski caps, and usually bright colors, as well as
accessories such as whistles, Cat In The Hat hats, "doctor" masks,
VapoRub, etc. Many factors have led to an often heard questions these
days, "where have all the ravers gone?" (one answer is... they've gone Retro)

RTFM - Read The Fucking Manual. An abbreviation used when clueless 
questions are asked about subjects that are answered in the manual or FAQ.

Shaman - An overused word that in ancient and modern cultures implies one
who is a wise medicine man or healer, with a keen understanding of the
ways of things. Used increasingly in modern culture, especially in
conjunction with techno-paganism.

Slipstream - Term used to denote cyberpunk fiction, particularly pre-1984
fictional works that have been influential to the mirrorshades group or
that closely resemble cyberpunk, but are sometimes outside of the sf
genre. An example would be William S. Burroughs.

SmartDrugs - nootropics.

SmartDrinks - Similar to SmartDrugs, or nootropics, the intent of  these
substances, loaded with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other healthy
substances, is to aid in brain functioning. Smart Drinks are most often
consumed at raves, thus, the purpose of some smart drinks is to "energize"
the drinker, not to make them smarter.

Sprawl - Word used by William Gibson to mean large mega-cities, and places
where different cities collide. Southern California and New York City
might be early examples of the sprawl. This word is used often in modern
times as "urban sprawl".

Steve Jackson Games - RPG manufacturers that have played a key role in the
evolution of cyberpunk and the computer underground. Operators of the
Illuminati BBS and makers of GURPS Cyberpunk, an RPG guide written by Loyd
Blankenship, a member of the Legion of Doom.

Sterling, Bruce - considered by most to be the "co-founder" of cyberpunk
along with William Gibson. He is the editor of "Mirrorshades: A cyberpunk
anthology," which is considered the quintessential collection of cyberpunk
works by the mirrorshades group. Some of his other works include "Islands
in the Net", "Schismatrix", "Involution Ocean", "The Artificial Kid", "The
Difference Engine" which he co-authored with Gibson and "The Hacker
Crackdown" a non-fiction account of the computer underground and Operation
Sundevil, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Phrack, the Legion
of Doom, Steve Jackson Games, etc. Sterling has also been a vocal member
of the net. Keep your eyes open, you never know where he will surface next.

Social Engineering - Technique by which hackers or crackers acquire
information, such as names and passwords.  Essentially a modern-day con,
often conducted via phone conversations, such as portraying oneself as a
telco employee.

TBT - Talking by Typing.

Techno- - prefix similar to cyber-, referring to anything which has its
roots in current or futuristic technology.

Techno - type of music made almost entirely with the help of computers,
revolving around a fast-paced drum beat (as high as 160 BPM), sampling,
and synthesizers.

Technoculture - The idea of a culture with a strong foundation rooted  in
technology. Often used loosely in association with cyberculture and new edge.

Techno-paganism - Literally the worshipping of technology. Many people

entity in itself, or that technology can be an agent of evolution.
(sidebar Aleph spew)

Teledildonics - Virtual sex in a virtual environment. Term often used by
the new edge community. (sidebar: from new CD to magazine to etc)

Toasternet - Putting together a LAN, WAN or Internet hook up with the
cheapest of technology. Read up on Toasternets on the Wells Gopher.

Usenet - A collection of "newsgroups" on the Internet, in which Internet
users may post or read messages on almost any subject imaginable. The
topics of discussion are divided up into the individual newsgroups, which
total about 2000 on average. Usenet is divided into various large
sections, including the 'alt'ernative newsgroups, the 'comp'uter
newsgroups, the 'sci'ence newsgroups and the 'talk' newsgroups, among
others. Some groups are moderated, while most remain completely
uncensored. Usenet is often referred to as Abusenet for its all-too
familiar flames and appearance of perpetual chaos.

Virtual Community - any group or gathering that exists in cyberspace. This
could be a BBS, a hacking group, a net, or even a zaibatsu.

Virtual Culture - the collection of virtual communities, and the cultural
aspects unique to those communities.

Virtual Reality - a consentual hallucination of a world existing only in
cyberspace.  Modern day virtual reality uses helmets, gloves, and body
suits to create such a world, which is first created on a computer and
connected to the vr devices. A goal of some virtual reality researchers is
to generate a completely alternate reality. Research in vr includes
networking people, so spatial limitations are meaningless. The
possibilities of vr-generated environments are as limitless as the

Virtual World - a world existing in cyberspace created and used with
virtual reality technologies.

WELL - The Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link. An important gridpoint in the
matrix, a virtual community in cyberspace, also a BBS connected to the
Internet. A group concerned mostly with cyberpunk, virtual reality,
nootropics, and other aspects of the new edge. Many celebreties have an
account on the Well.

WIRED - A new magazine devoted to exploring virtualspace and new
technologies. Wired is not as new edge as Mondo 2000 and seemingly gives
off a more corporate news oriented format. However, it is a refreshing
view and perhaps infonomics first steps into the public realm. (The TIME
magazine of virtual culture.)

Wirehead - a hardware hacker.

Zaibatsu - Japanese term used a lot by William Gibson that means a large
mega-corporation, such as Sony for example.

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  \/_____/ \/____ / \/_/ \/_/   \/_/ \/_/  In Part 2 of 5
                                           copyright 1994 John Frost