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??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??20 Mar 90????????????????????_ROR_-_ALUCARD_?????????????????????????? ?? ? ? A ?? ? SHROOM06.DOC - A Trip to The Land Of Else! ? ??? ? A ?????? ? <Shifting> Through Time & Fading Fast! Tfile ?? ? Distribution ?? ????? Centere ?? ?? ? By: Doctor Murdock - RoR - ?? ? A ?_____________________________________________________________________?? ? ?? Shawn-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???The Pirates' Hollow - xxx/xxx/xxxx??The Electric Pub - xxx/xxx/xxxx???? ?Primary Drop Sites??????Rat Head - xxx/xxx/xxxx?????Primary Drop Sites??? 03/19/90 SHROOM06.DOC Lost in the clouds and loosing altitude FAST! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= And here sir we have some of the FINEST pinewood in these parts! HUH? WHERE AM I? Your here. And there. I'm so therefore YOu are here. Yet there......in another sense. Of course. HERE? WHERE'S HERE??? Here. Not there. HERE : LAND OF ELSE THERE: Small planet. Blue/White/Grey/BROWN/GREEN. Most intelligent species: Oxygen revlaf, Carbon Based "Human" Units. Planet is classified ~Offlimits~ for scientific study. Alpha mammals on planet are very aggresive and very dense. Considered dangerous in their primal state. ARE YOU off your rocker? Are you? NO! No? NO! Are you sure! YES! Yes, no? NO! I MEAN, YES! No, yes? I see.....tell me about your mother.... Uh...well....she was born in May, and a very beautiful.....huh? Wha? WHAT...WHO....HOW.....WHERE AM I? We've been through that already....you're Here. Ok...I see. So...where's your leader? Leader? Is that one that follows the leader or the leader that follows the following leader? Hmmmmm....So are we? Yes...Lets....tell me, ever try a Purple Mushroom? Umm, never, you? Of course I have....wanna try some? Uhh...sure. Here. <smack> <smack> <KCAMS!> Good...tasty....liquid....liquid seeping....upward......OH, THERE! MY...BRAIN! YOWWWWZZZER! With a CAPITAL ZZZ! What was in that there mushroom pilgrim??? That wuz a vedy special mushzzzzzzzroom from the maGic muSHroom grOwer! And where doe she gEt theSSSSE? TheY arE verrrrrrrrrryyyy stunning. verrrrrryyyy buzzy and veerrryyyyy purper.....I mean purpppple! I'M GLAD YA LIKEM! WANT ANOTHER? uMMMMMMM, I dunthinkso man. That just aabbOUT did IT. I'm Zonning - apcing - tripping - and most of A, L, L, SHIFTEN!!!! Just liek the Post Bros. man! SHiftin har and thar. Ovvveir and uuuuunndour. ArrroWm and dooowwwwiiiinnn. Looopppiiee! I didn't think ya'd want anymore. And the best thing IS: These magic Purple mushrooms, with the straw at the top are THEE SpeCiAlTy! They kEEp ya Har for SOOOOOOOOOO LoooOOONnng! On your planet called urth, the ETA for DownArrive is...OHHHH...AbbooOUUTTT: 6,072 hours. SO fINd yourself a nice little corner/shadow, eat a big dinner and buckle your life supports, CUZ YOU'R IN FOR ONE HELLUV A TRIP, MAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! No, SHIT. Gee, I didn't even pack. Pack WhAT? PaCK my mushroom traps!! AHHH, You Should KNOw that only vERy Rare Mushroomies Walk about HERE! HEY, LOOKS THERE'S ONE THERE!! See? WHat DID I tell Ya? But, yOU said.... SHUTAPPP! Whoa, like, man......kick me in the ass and send me the bill.....I'm seeing orbits! Fuck...I was seeing stars a LONG time ago! We'RE PAST STARS, SONNY! WE NOW SEEING ORBITS! + Attention Passangers...we're are now in Orbit field. Don't panic this should only last about another 2 minutes. Hell.....forget LIFE SUPPORT! HAHAHAHHA, WE'ERE GOIN DOWN!!!! JUST TAKE A LITTLE TIME OUT TO LET YOUR LIFE PAST IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE AND THEN KISS YOUR ASS GOODBYE! ROR, MAN......ROR!!!! + Psssssst..........wanna buy sum purple doses, man? ........is it pure?.... Yeah, man....no cut. Beautiful...makes ya drool just lookin at it.. 50 bc? 60... ok......I guess if it's pure. It's pure, right? Man.just.but.this.shit.and.go.home.and.SHIFT!!!!!! Your rushing me. Let me thiNK.... <thinki....> OK! I WANNUM NOW!!! Here/thanx/buy/bye/bye/buy/bye/buy/ok neato!/heh heh,MONEY!/yummie/yummie OK, GOTTA GET HOME, I GOT THE "BIG" SHIPMENT! Gotta get to safety. Heh Heh if they only knew what I HAD! heh heh. Gotta go rent a private room for about 6 months! yeaH! yeAH! yEAH! YEAH! Room/thanks/key/bye/bye....yippe! ROOM. ROOM. ROOM. NO PEOPLE! ROOM! <open> <Lock> <close curtains> <Turn lights off> <go bathroom> <close door> <turn light off> OK, by myself. By myself? Bye myself? Bye myself? bye mYSELF? Same difference. Now, I eat mushroom! Eat little peice of mushroom and I'm on a 6 months vacation from reality. I'll be all smelly and hungry when I come down. But nO thinKY AbOUT tHE futurE! YUCK! <gobble> <gulp> <yummiiieee!> Boy that sure tasted like Blue.... Okaya...time for fun to begin. FUNSIE FUNSIE FUNSIII! OUCH hello Mister Mushroom! <BIG hefty VOICE!> HA-=-=HA-=-=HA-=-=HA! I AM THE BIGGEST MUSHROOM IN ELSE! I HAVE THE MOST POWER!!! I CAN KEEP YOU HERE FOR THE REST OF YOUR EXISTENCE AS A MORTAL! WOULDOTH THOU CONSIDER MY SPICE? --- - You gotta bEE Kinding? Llaalalalalalala, I can't hear you! --- - LalalalLALlaAlalalLalallLAlaaALlla! ----- -- - ---- - - - -------------- -- - -- ---- --- - --- ----- - - - - -- - ----- - - - E IN T --- -- N O U Well so much for that BROADCAST! LET T ANOTHER MIND EXPANSION! _-__ _-____--_______-------______-----_--___-_---__----__---_---______-______-_ Yes, Control....we're coming down FAST! No control! I repeat...NO CONTROL! Do you READ ME CONTROL!????!?? Loud and clear....now please be prepared to be Shifted out of daNNNNNger.... . . . . .0 .0 . 0 0 00. 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 o o . o /o * ????????? ?? ????? ??? ?? ??????????? ??????? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ???????? ??#?? ? ??? ???? ?? ? ??? ?? ? ??? ???? ? #? ?? ? ??? ??? ? ??? ? ? ?? ?? ? ??? ? ?? ??? ? ??? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ? ?? ???? ? ?? ?? ???? ? ?????? ? ? ? ??? ??? ?? ? ? ?? ????? ? ????? ? ? ??? ?? ? ? ? ????? ?? ? ??? ???? ??? = ??? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ ~ My god, RUN! It's a LONG WORM! ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~~~~~ ~~w `,' ~ RUN, RUN..IT'S A LONG WORM!!! A WHAT? I LONG HORM, I mean LONG STERN! No, no...LOOOOONNGGGGG LEARN! huh? Wha? Long Flern? Long stuuuuuvvve? Long graft. limb fwizzle.......... <giggle chuckle> Looooop, Looooooop! Shizzar! Time I was on my way! Thanx to you I'm much ablidged! Such a pleasant high! But now it's time to Shift...into another dEEEEmenSHUN!!! Oh no....It's a PeeeeeeeeeeK! It's a PEEK! Peek! Brain cell activity at it's highest possible function on chemical A! Yip...yip! Laaaauuuriiieee...........what a bitch......what a gorgeous little bitch. Object A: Prepare for impregnation. Open hatch and receive pod of life. Projectile C: Launch....all systems Launch! Object A: Projectile C is out of orbit...prepare for full impact collision! Projectile C: Hell....you guys might as well floor it...give it all it's got! Object A: <KKKAAAAABBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM> And then the last of the Tarakian race died and a the first birth begins anew..... -< Fade to shot of classic vette being dropped from a space shuttle and quickly shooting to Earth! Fire blazing!!! Vehicle heating to EXTREMES! Frame BENDING!! WINDSHIELD CRACKING! Helmet flaming! Tires exploding! AC/DC BLASTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >- Veins surging quickly! Eyeballs bulging! Brain dementing! Fingers breaking! Let us sing a song while AC/DC's plaaaaaaaayyyiiiiinnnnnnggg! RoR, man....RoR... Led zEppLeLin is most soundseristic.....eh? DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DEATH BLEAK HELL BLANK DEPRESSION! ANGER! INSANITY!!!!!! <pOOf!> . . . Life..................................................... * . . . . Hello, Sir....here meet your brilliant future.....now here's your bag full of problems and dilemma to throw over your shoulder and off your go! Have fun and may Death be painless....... Hello, Madam....welcome to your new Life! Right this way and you'll be one your way! Oh, and here is your sack full of addictions and pain.... Oh, back again mr. stone, back again? Let me see what we have for your this bright and sunny Life! Ah....a satchel full of gut wrenching torture and a most extensively long and painful death................Oh...how unlucky of you, Sir....it seems that you've just drawn the Jocker out of the deck! Ahh..pity, pity. Well....guess you must hurry and get that life over with, huh? <CLANK!> Aaaaa a aa a aa aaaaaa a a a a a a hhh hhhh h h h! Where am I? hell, mr. stone. please have a seat and somedemon will come to get you. Hell? hell. ready to suffer for all the sins of your brother man, who ever now as we speak is enjoying life for YOU???? uh....................................no? HA HA HA! How bout YES!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S TIME TO PAY TAXES, MR. STONE!!!!!!! <mmmUUUUUUUUUUUUUrrrrrddddddeeEEEEerrrouuuSSS sscCCRREEEEEEEAAAMMMM!!!!> "HAHAHAHAHA! Bye now! Come back and visit sometime!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Call these other fine boards..... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -= The Legion Outpost.........................................xxx/xxx/xxxx =- -= The Crystal Ship...........................................xxx/xxx/xxxx =- -= The Village................................................xxx/xxx/xxxx =- -= Pro Leech..................................................xxx/xxx/xxxx =- -= The Nimitz Downport........................................xxx/xxx/xxxx =- -= Lunatic Labs...............................................xxx/xxx/xxxx =- -= Bad Dudes Hideout..........................................xxx/xxx/xxxx =- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RoR - Alucard -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-