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| QUICK VOCABULARY                                                          |
| adnate         | Gills that are fully attached to the stem                |
| adnexed        | Gills that are partly attached to the stem               |
| apex           | Top part of stem (ie. where it's attached to the cap)    |
| concave        | Cap that curves 'inward' (like the inside of a sphere)   |
| convex         | Cap that curvews 'outward' (like the outside of a sphere)|
| evanescent     | Quickly disappearing veil                                |
| fibrillose     | Stem that seems to be made of fibers packed together     |
| fissure        | Crack or cleft in cap or gills                           |
| HD             | High dose                                                |
| hygrophilous   | Absorbs water easily                                     |
| hygrophanous   | Becomes translucent when wet                             |
| LD             | Low dose                                                 |
| MD             | Medium dose                                              |
| mg/g           | Milligrams of substance per gram of *dried* mushroom     |
| N/A            | Not applicable or not available                          |
| seceding       | Gills that are detaching/detached from the stem          |
| umbonate       | Cap that is shaped like a knob                           |
| viscid         | Cap covered with sticky coating                          |
| And remember, if you think learning these is too hard, try reading Singer |
| & Smith.  "Stipe tubular, more rarely subequal, discolors to reddish      |
| cinerous, strongly sulcate at apex, glabrous to fibrillose..."            |

| CONOCYBE CYANOPODA => See CONOCYBE CYANOPUS                               |

| CONOCYBE CYANOPUS (aka Conocybe cyanopoda, Galerula cyanopus)             |
| A small and uncommon but relatively strong mushroom, often found on lawns.|
| Found in the northern parts of the U.S., Canada and northern Europe.      |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.7-2.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | rusty/dark brown to black                        |
|      | appearance      | convex, nearly hemispherical, slightly expanding |
|      |                 | slightly wrinkled at edges                       |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-1.5 millimeters                                |
|      | length          | 2-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | white or slightly grayish                        |
|      | appearance      | silky, striated                                  |
|GILLS | form            | not crowded                                      |
|      | color           | dull rust brown, white edges                     |
|SPORES| color           | dull rust brown                                  |
|      | size            | 6.5-7.5 x 4.5-5 x 4.5-5 micrometers              |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, distinct germ-pore                    |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 9.30-4.50                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.70-0.00                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.30-1.00                                        |

| CONOCYBE SMITHII (aka Galera cyanopes)                                    |
| This tiny mushroom is scattered among mosses in swamps, boggy areas and   |
| ditches.  Found in the northern parts of the U.S. and Canada.             |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.3-1.3 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | ochra/cinnamon brown, darker at edges            |
|      | appearance      | sharply conical but expands with age, glistens   |
|      |                 | when wet, hygrophanous                           |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.75-1.00 millimeters                            |
|      | length          | 1-7 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | pure white                                       |
|      | appearance      | fragile, slightly swollen at base                |
|GILLS | form            | crowded, broad                                   |
|      | color           | ochra/cinnamon brown                             |
|SPORES| color           | rust cinnamon brown                              |
|      | size            | 7-9 x 4-4.5 x 4-4.5 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, small but distinct germ-pore          |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.40-0.80                                        |

| GALERA CYANOPES => See CONOCYBE SMITHII                                   |

| GALERULA CYANOPUS => See CONOCYBE CYANOPUS                                |


| PANAEOLINA FOENISECII (aka Panaeolus foenisecii, Psilocybe foenisecii,    |
|                        "Mower's mushroom")                                |
| A very popular mushroom on lawns, grasses and cattle fields of all kind.  |
| Unlike other Panaeolus species it does *not* grow on dung!                |
| Grows from midsummer to first signs of winter. This one's everywhere!!!   |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-3 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | light brown to dark brown; dries to yellow-brown |
|      | appearance      | broad, bluntly conical to bell-shaped, expanding |
|      |                 | to convex, broadly umbonate, or nearly plane;    |
|      |                 | surface smooth or cracking into scales in dry    |
|      |                 | weather; hygrophanous but not viscid; chestnut-  |
|      |                 | brown to dark brown or cinnamon brown when moist |
|      |                 | fades as it dries to dingy buff or tan, often    |
|      |                 | with darker marginal band when partially dry;    |
|      |                 | flesh thin and fragile.                          |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 4-10 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | paler than cap                                   |
|      | appearance      | constant diameter, sometimes with enlarged base, |
|      |                 | fragile, more or less smooth, white to dingy     |
|      |                 | brownish, often becoming brown from the base     |
|      |                 | upward.                                          |
|GILLS | form            | adnate to adnexed or seceding, fairly close      |
|      | color           | brown to deep/grayish/chocolate brown, faces     |
|      |                 | often mottled and edges paler or whitish         |
|SPORES| color           | violet brown                                     |
|      | size            | 12-17 x 7-9 x 7-9 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped, large sprouter                     |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 0.30                                             |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00                                             |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Often found with other Panaeolus species.                          |
|      | "Mini-model" of Pa. subbalteatus.                                  |
|      | Very low psilocybin content and some specimens have none at all.   |
|      | TASTES HORRIBLE!  Tea recommended.                                 |

| PANAEOLUS ACUMINATUS (aka Panaeolus rickenii)                             |
| Grows in horse pastures and rarely on horse manure.  From midsummer       |
| to the borders of winter.  This fragile shroom is quite popular in        |
| Scandinavia and northern Europe.                                          |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-2 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | dark brown/black when wet, dark grey when dry,   |
|      |                 | light brown from the center                      |
|      | appearance      | cone-shaped, hygrophilous                        |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-12 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | greyish                                          |
|      | appearance      | N/A                                              |
|GILLS | form            | crowded together                                 |
|      | color           | grey to black, white tips                        |
|SPORES| color           | violet brown                                     |
|      | size            | 12-16 x 8-11 x 8-11 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped                                     |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 40 (LD), 100 (MD), 150 (HD)                      |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Makes a good strawberry milkshake!                                 |

| PANAEOLUS ATER                                                            |
| Fruits in forest clearings and cow pastures from spring to fall.          |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-2 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | dark brown when wet, pale yellow-brown when dry  |
|      | appearance      | bell-shaped, spreads until hemispherical,        |
|      |                 | smooth, hygrophilous                             |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 3-7 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | paler from tip, darker from bottom               |
|      | appearance      | N/A                                              |
|GILLS | form            | narrowly attached                                |
|      | color           | first dark grey then black                       |
|SPORES| color           | N/A                                              |
|      | size            | 9-14 x 6-7.5 x 6-7.5 micrometers                 |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped                                     |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |


| PANAEOLUS CAMPANULATUS                                                    |
| Grows in cattle pastures and especially on horse manure, from midsummer   |
| to fall.                                                                  |
|CAP   | diameter        | 2-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | brown/gray/olive gray when fresh, reddish-brown  |
|      |                 | and paler olive/tan/buff when drier              |
|      | appearance      | bluntly conical or bell-shaped, expands very     |
|      |                 | little with age; surface not viscid, often       |
|      |                 | shiny when dry, smooth or finely wrinkled        |
|      |                 | or often cracking to form scales (especially     |
|      |                 | in sunlight); margin hung with small, white,     |
|      |                 | toothlike veil remnants, at least when young;    |
|      |                 | flesh thin and fragile                           |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-15 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | grey or greyish brown                            |
|      | appearance      | equal or thicker at apex, brittle or fragile,    |
|      |                 | slightly powdered                                |
|GILLS | form            | adnate or adnexed but often seceding, fairly     |
|      |                 | close                                            |
|      | color           | first grey, blacken with age; edges whitish      |
|SPORES| color           | black                                            |
|      | size            | 13-18 x 7-12 x 7-12 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | elliptical and smooth                            |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | N/A (LD), 40-50 (MD), N/A (HD)                   |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Psilocybin content evidently varies, some people have eaten over   |
|      | 100 of these with no effects.                                      |


| PANAEOLUS RICKENII => See PANAEOLUS ACUMINATUS                            |

| PANAEOLUS SPHINCTRINUS                                                    |
| Grows on manure of all kind, from summer to fall.                         |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | grey to greyish brown, paler when dry            |
|      | appearance      | bell-shaped, usually smooth but sometimes bumpy, |
|      |                 | not hygrophilous, white scales on the edge       |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-12 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | grey, paler from tip                             |
|      | appearance      | erect, powdery                                   |
|GILLS | form            | adnate                                           |
|      | color           | grey brown/black, white tips, veil remnants      |
|SPORES| color           | N/A                                              |
|      | size            | 14-18 x 8-12 x 8-12 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped, with germ-pore                     |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | N/A (LD), 200 (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 1.90                                             |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |

| PANAEOLUS SUBBALTEATUS (aka Panaeolus benanosis)                          |
| Widespread, found in temperate zones including Canada, the northern parts |
| of the U.S. and northern Europe.  Grows on grasses, lawns, pastures,      |
| roadsides; prefers fertilized or manured soil.  Grows in the spring and   |
| fall.                                                                     |
|CAP   | diameter        | 2-6 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | variable; brown to reddish/cinnamon brown when   |
|      |                 | moist, fading as it dries to tan/buff/whitish,   |
|      |                 | margin often stays darker when dry               |
|      | appearance      | broad, convex or bluntly conical,                |
|      |                 | becoming broadly convex to broadly unbonate      |
|      |                 | to plane or with an uplifted margin;             |
|      |                 | surface smooth or wrinkled, in age sometimes     |
|      |                 | breaking into scales(fissured), not viscid;      |
|      |                 | flesh thin, brownish                             |
|STEM  | diameter        | 3-5 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-10 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | brown to reddish-brown, often dusted by spores   |
|      | appearance      | equal or tapered at either end, hollow but not   |
|      |                 | fragile; usually longitudinally striated         |
|      |                 | throughout.                                      |
|GILLS | form            | adnate to adnexed or sececing, close, broad      |
|      | color           | pale watery brown or reddish brown, darkens      |
|      |                 | gradually to black; edges whitish, faces mottled |
|SPORES| color           | dark brown                                       |
|      | size            | 11-14 x 7-9 x 6-8 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | lens shaped, with germ pore                      |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | 30 (LD), 60 (MD), 100 (HD)                       |
|      | mushrooms       | 5-10 (LD), 20-40 (MD), 60-90 (HD)                |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 1.50-6.00                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00                                             |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.01-0.05                                        |
|OTHER | Often forms tufts of 2-4 fruitbodies.                              |
|      | There are several distinct subtypes of Pa. subbalteatus, this is   |
|      | the most common one.                                               |
|      | Pa. subbalteatus bears some resemblence to Panaeolina foenisecii.  |



| PSILOCYBE ATRORUFA => See PSILOCYBE MONTANA                               |

| PSILOCYBE AZTECORUM (aka Psilocybe mexicana var. longispora)              |
| Found only around Paso de Cort?s and Puebla, Mexico, between 3300 and     |
| 3700 m elevation.  Found in small clusters in open pine woods, fruits in  |
| September only.                                                           |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.5-2.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | milk white to yellowish                          |
|      | appearance      | starts obtuse to subumbonate, expands to broadly |
|      |                 | conical; edge of cap may become cracked          |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.2-0.4 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 3.0-6.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | whitish, possibly with gray discolored portions  |
|      | appearance      | fibrous, veil remnants may be visible            |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced, broad                            |
|      | color           | deep purple brown, pallid/whitish edges          |
|SPORES| color           | dark dull ochra brown                            |
|      | size            | 11-14 x 5-8 x 5-8 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | elongated ellipsoid, with germ pore              |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Ps. aztecorum resembles Ps. mexicana to some degree and was        |
|      | originally thought to be a variant.  Dosage has been estimated on  |
|      | the assumption that they are equally potent; it is known to be a   |
|      | hallucinogen.                                                      |

| PSILOCYBE BAEOCYSTIS                                                      |
| Can be found growing on ground bark, wood chips, peat moss and sometimes  |
| on lawns. Common on campuses. This popular mushroom appears from fall     |
| through midsummer in large clumps. Prevalent throughout the Pacific       |
| Northwest.  Fruits prolifically from fall through winter.                 |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.4-5.4 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | olive brown to buffy brown, greenish if touched  |
|      | appearance      | edge of cap undulates like a bottle cap or       |
|      |                 | umbrella, a brown spot appears in the center of  |
|      |                 | the cap after drying                             |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2.0-3.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 5.0-7.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | white except for yellowish apex                  |
|      | appearance      | often characterized by twisting bends            |
|GILLS | form            | relatively closed spaced                         |
|      | color           | dark cinnamon or gray                            |
|SPORES| color           | gray                                             |
|      | size            | 10-13 x 6-7 x 6-7 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | cylindrical with tapered corners                 |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 1.50-8.50                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.50-5.90                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.10-1.00                                        |
|OTHER | As the name indicates, it has a lot of baeocystin.                 |
|      | This is the only common Psilocybe for which a fatality, a          |
|      | 7-year-old boy, is known.                                          |

| PSILOCYBE CAERULESCENS (aka Psilocybe mazatecorum, "Durrumbe",            |
|                         "Landslide")                                      |
| Found throughout the southern United States, from California to Louisiana |
| and South Carolina to Florida; a Mexican variety called Ps. caerulescens  |
| mazatecorum exists.  Evidently unknown elsewhere.  Grows on the banks of  |
| rivers and streams in the summer during rainy season.                     |
|CAP   | diameter        | 2.0-8.8 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | deep green to black, fades with age              |
|      | appearance      | cone-shaped when young, expands to convex/flat   |
|      |                 | (never bowl-shaped), smooth and sticky, no       |
|      |                 | nipple, margin of cap lighter/darker than center |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.2-1.0 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 4.0-12.2 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | glassy-white to grayish                          |
|      | appearance      | even, hollow, smooth, tough, covered w/ hairs,   |
|      |                 | possibly remnants of evanescent veil             |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced                                   |
|      | color           | light gray to dark brown/black as it ages        |
|SPORES| color           | deep purple brown                                |
|      | size            | 6-8 x 5-6 x 4-5 micrometers                      |
|      | shape           | elliptic to inequilateral, broad germ pore       |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | The dosage is an estimate, the mushroom is said to be roughly      |
|      | equivalent to Str. cubensis.                                       |

| PSILOCYBE CUBENSIS => See STROPHARIA CUBENSIS                             |
| The nomenclature of this mushroom remains confused.  Europeans and most   |
| ethnopharmacologists call it by its original name, Stropharia (Psilocybe) |
| cubensis Earle, which is the name its discoverer R.E. Schultes gave it.   |
| However, the American mycologist Rolf Singer reclassified it as Psilocybe |
| cubensis (Earle) Singer, which is what mycologists usually call it.       |
| We have decided to stick with Stropharia cubensis.                        |

| PSILOCYBE CYANESCENS (aka "Wavy Caps", "Blue Halos")                      |
| Doesn't grow on dung, but on hardwoods and woodchips. Inhabits landscaped |
| yards containing ground bark and dwells under Douglas fir or cedar and in |
| mulched rhododendron beds.  Fruits prolifically from fall through winter  |
| in the Pacific Northwest, also found in England.                          |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.5-4.0 (extreme case 7.5) centimeters           |
|      | color           | chestnut brown, lightens to yellowish with age   |
|      | appearance      | broad and convex, expands with age to plane or   |
|      |                 | margin uplifted, viscid when moist, margin of    |
|      |                 | cap often stained blue (hence the nickname)      |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2.5-6.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 3.0-8.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | dry whitish                                      |
|      | appearance      | silky, fibrous, base enlarged and often curved   |
|GILLS | form            | typically adneted, sometimes seceding; fairly    |
|      |                 | closely spaced; veil remnants may form tiny ring |
|      | color           | cinnamon color becomes dark brown, edges paler   |
|SPORES| color           | purple-brown/purple-gray/purple-black            |
|      | size            | 9-12 x 6-8 x 5-8 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | nearly elliptic, smooth, broad germ pore         |
|DOSAGE| dried grams     | N/A (LD), 2.0-2.5 (MD), N/A (HD)                 |
|      | mushrooms       | 1-2 (LD), 3-4 (MD), 5+ (HD)                      |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 3.20-16.8                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 2.00-5.10                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.10-0.50                                        |
|OTHER | Generally grows in clusters.                                       |
|      | The most potent Psilocybe mushroom known.                          |



| PSILOCYBE MEXICANA (aka "Teonan?catl")                                    |
| Found only in Southern Mexico and Guatemala.  Grows from May to October   |
| in the zone between tropical and temperate climates (1500-1800 meters),   |
| in open fields or meadows but never dung.                                 |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.5-3.3 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | deep ochra to ochra brown                        |
|      | appearance      | starts conical, gradually inverts to convex,     |
|      |                 | then to flat and finally bowl-shaped; has a      |
|      |                 | central 'nipple'                                 |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.1-0.3 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 2.0-8.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | ochra, usually paler than cap                    |
|      | appearance      | hollow                                           |
|GILLS | form            | closely to medium spaced                         |
|      | color           | pale gray, whitish edges                         |
|SPORES| color           | deep sepia to dark purple brown                  |
|      | size            | 9-11 x 7-8 x 5-7 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | compressed, elliptic/rhombic, with germ pore     |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Ps. mexicana is the original 'magic mushroom' of the Mazatec       |
|      | Indians and the first one discovered by the West.                  |
|      | Ps. mexicana always grows solitary, but there are usually many     |
|      | others near each fruitbody.                                        |


| PSILOCYBE MONTANA (aka Psilocybe atrorufa)                                |
| Grows in low moss on sandy land, roadsides etc.  From summer to fall,     |
| sometimes in spring, quite popular.                                       |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.5-2 centimeters                                |
|      | color           | red-brown, paler when dry                        |
|      | appearance      | hemispherical, sticky when wet                   |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-2 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 1-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | light brown                                      |
|      | appearance      | crumbles easily                                  |
|GILLS | form            | widely spaced                                    |
|      | color           | first light brown, become purple-brown with age  |
|SPORES| color           | N/A                                              |
|      | size            | 6-9 x 5-6 x 4-5 micrometers                      |
|      | shape           | oval shaped                                      |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 40 (LD), 100 (MD), 200 (HD)                      |
|      | fresh grams     |  5 (LD),  15 (MD),  30 (HD)                      |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 0.0 (?)                                          |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.0 (?)                                          |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Chemical studies have found no psilocybin or psilocin in this,     |
|      | yet reports of its use exist.  Caveat emptor.                      |


| PSILOCYBE PUGETENSIS => See PSILOCYBE STUNTZII                            |

| PSILOCYBE SEMILANCEATA (aka Psathyra pelliculosa, Psilocybe pelliculosa,  |
|                         "Liberty Cap")                                    |
| Found in northern temperate zone throughout the world. Grows inland up to |
| a thousand miles (1500 km) from the ocean. Northwestern U.S, Scandinavia, |
| the British Isles and western Europe. Very popular in Norway and other    |
| parts of Scandinavia.  Fruits in grasses and cow pastures, parks and      |
| roadsides in the fall.                                                    |
|CAP   | diameter        | 5-10 millimeters                                 |
|      | color           | brown, drying to yellowish brown                 |
|      | appearance      | sharply conical, small "nipple" on top, never    |
|      |                 | expands, incurved, striated margin, sticky when  |
|      |                 | wet                                              |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 6-10 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | pallid to yellowish or brown, darkens with age,  |
|      |                 | does *not* bruise blue                           |
|      | appearance      | wavy and tough, fibrilliose, veil absent or      |
|      |                 | rudimentary, small dark ring may be present      |
|GILLS | form            | adnate or adnexed, slant upwards to almost       |
|      |                 | vertical                                         |
|      | color           | first pale, soon becomes purplish brown          |
|SPORES| color           | brown                                            |
|      | size            | 12-16 x 7-9 x 7-9 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, with germ pore                        |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 5-10 (LD), 20-40 (MD), 60-90 (HD)                |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 10.0-11.0                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00                                             |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.90-3.40                                        |
|OTHER | Ps. pelliculosa is actually a separate species, but the two are    |
|      | indistinguishable to the naked eye.  It grows in sawdust or wood   |
|      | chip piles in forests where lumberjacks have been working.  The    |
|      | two can be distinguished by spore size, with Ps. pelliculosa       |
|      | spores being smaller at 9-13 x 5-7 x 5-7 micrometers.  Ps. pelli.  |
|      | is also weaker in potency, having only 1.2-7.1 mg/g and 0.0-0.5    |
|      | mg/g psilocybin and baeocystin respectively.                       |
|      | Ps. semil. contains more baeocystin than most other Psilocybes,    |
|      | which may account for the subjective difference in quality.        |

| PSILOCYBE STUNTZII (aka Psilocybe pugetensis)                             |
| Commonly found in Washington state (U.S.) and British Columbia (Canada).  |
| Found on lawns, in fields and bark mulch; originally identified growing   |
| on the U of Washington campus!  Fruits from August to December.           |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.5-3.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | variable; deep olive-brown to chestnut brown if  |
|      |                 | young, fading to dingy yellow-brown or yellowish |
|      |                 | buff; margin often tinged greenish               |
|      | appearance      | bluntly conical becoming convex to broadly       |
|      |                 | umbonate, plane, or with uplifted margin; viscid |
|      |                 | when moist; margin striate when moist            |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1.5-4.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 2.0-7.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | white to ochraceous brown                        |
|      | appearance      | becomes hollow with age, equal or thicker at     |
|      |                 | either end, often curved, not viscid, veil may   |
|      |                 | form fragile ring or fibrillose zone             |
|GILLS | form            | adnate or adnexed, narrow, close to well spaced  |
|      | color           | chocolate brown to violet/black, whitish edges   |
|SPORES| color           | deep violet to dark purple                       |
|      | size            | 8-12 x 6-7 x 6-7 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | not quite elliptic, with germ pore               |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 3.6-0.4                                          |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.1-0.6                                          |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.0-0.2                                          |
|OTHER | This mushroom is quite similar to Ps. cyanescens, Ps. venenata     |
|      | and Ps. subaeruginascens; however, the latter two do not grow in   |
|      | Northern America.  There are also some poisonous Galerina species  |
|      | that resemble Ps. stuntzii, so be careful.  The Galerinas grow in  |
|      | forested areas, not lawns and fields.                              |
|      | Ps. stuntzii can grow either in clusters or solitary.              |

| PSILOCYBE SUBAERUGINOSA                                                   |
| Found throughout Australia and regions nearby.  Grows solitary or in      |
| groups on soil in forests.                                                |
|CAP   | diameter        | up to 5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | "biscuit brown", darker when wet                 |
|      | appearance      | conical with inturned edge when young, becomes   |
|      |                 | convex when older                                |
|STEM  | diameter        | relatively thin                                  |
|      | length          | up to 10 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | white with occasional grey/blue/green blotches   |
|      | appearance      | traces of veil may remain as a small ring        |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced, may be attached to stem          |
|      | color           | smoky brown/black                                |
|SPORES| color           | purplish brown                                   |
|      | size            | 10-15 x 5-9 x 5-9 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, with germ pore                        |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-5 (LD), 5-13 (MD), 20+ (HD)                    |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |

| PSILOCYBE SUBAERUGINASCENS (aka Psilocybe aerugineomaculans, Stropharia   |
|                             caerulescens, Stropharia venenata)            |
| Found in some parts of Asia, at least northern Japan and Java, Indonesia. |
| Usually found on horse manure but evidently grows on rotten wood as well. |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.5-2.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | whitish with smoke-brown center                  |
|      | appearance      | flat to convex, glabrous and smooth              |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1.5-3.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 3.0-4.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | white                                            |
|      | appearance      | traces of veil may remain as a small ring        |
|GILLS | form            | widely spaced                                    |
|      | color           | grayish brown, edges paler                       |
|SPORES| color           | violet brown                                     |
|      | size            | 8-10 x 7-8 x 6-7 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, with germ pore                        |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | This mushroom is known to be hallucinogenic in reasonable doses,   |
|      | but unlike most other Psilocybes it is also toxic and possibly     |
|      | even lethal in higher ones (deaths are known).  Caveat emptor!     |

| PSILOCYBE ZAPOTECORUM (aka "Mbey San", "Piule de Barda")                  |
| Found only in Oaxaca, Mexico.  Grows primarily on soil in swamps.         |
|CAP   | diameter        | 6.0-11.0 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | ochra yellow to brown/purple/black               |
|      | appearance      | bell-shaped, becomes breast-shaped; always       |
|      |                 | twisted and asymmetric in shape                  |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1.0-2.0 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 10.0-20.0 centimeters                            |
|      | color           | brownish (inside of stem lighter or white)       |
|      | appearance      | very fibrous, elastic, often twisted, hollow     |
|GILLS | form            | rather closely spaced, not very broad            |
|      | color           | violet-purple                                    |
|SPORES| color           | brown purple                                     |
|      | size            | 6-9 x 4-5 x 3-4 micrometers                      |
|      | shape           | compressed ellipsoid, with germ pore             |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Ps. zapotecorum is used as a hallucinogen by Chatino and Zapotec   |
|      | Indians.                                                           |



| STROPHARIA (PSILOCYBE) CUBENSIS (aka Naematoloma caerulescens, Psilocybe  |
|                      cubensis, Stropharia cyanescens, "San Isidro")       |
| Found throughout the southern United States, from California to Louisiana |
| and South Carolina to Florida, as well as most of Central and South       |
| America, and parts of southeast Asia.  Arrived to the Americas with       |
| Spanish Brahma cattle from the Philippine Islands.  Grows on cow manure   |
| or manure-fertilized soil.                                                |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.6-8.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | pure white to light brown, translucent when wet  |
|      | appearance      | starts conical, gradually inverts to convex,     |
|      |                 | then to flat and finally bowl-shaped; has a gold |
|      |                 | center spot; covered by sticky protective film;  |
|      |                 | flesh firm and white; margin sometimes hung      |
|      |                 | with veil remnants                               |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.4-1.4 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 4.0-15.0 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | white or bluish-stained                          |
|      | appearance      | membranous, usually forms a thin fragile ring    |
|      |                 | on stalk which is blackened by falling spores    |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced, initially attached to stem but   |
|      |                 | may separate with age                            |
|      | color           | light brown/gray to deep purple/black, edges     |
|      |                 | whitish                                          |
|SPORES| color           | dark brown to blackish                           |
|      | size            | 12-17 x 8-12 x 7-9 micrometers                   |
|      | shape           | smooth, nearly elliptic, with germ pore          |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | dried grams     | 1-2 (LD), 3-5  (MD), 10-20 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 4.00-12.0                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00-1.00                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.00-0.20                                        |
|OTHER | Str. cubensis is the most important of the psilocybian mushrooms,  |
|      | being common in the Americans and relatively easy to cultivate.    |
|      | Str. cubensis variety cyanescens, found in Florida, is a sort of   |
|      | albino Str. cub. with very little pigment in the cap.              |
|      | Str. cubensis variety caerulescens, found in Indochina, has cap    |
|      | colored clear yellow in some places.                               |


.oO Other psychoactive species

   Here is a brief list of dosage information on some other mushrooms.
Some Psilocybes that are known to contain no psilocybin/psilocin are
included.  Descriptions have been purposely omitted, since I don't have
enough info for a full-scale description like the ones above; if you are
interested, look them up in a guide.

  Genus           Shrooms   Grams   Psilocyb. Psilocin  Baeocys.    Notes
   species         fresh    fresh   mg/g dry  mg/g dry  mg/g dry
| BOLETUS        |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  erythropus    |        |  100+  |         |         |         | 1        |
| COPRINUS       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  narcoticus    |        |   50+  |         |         |         |          |
|  niveus        |        |   50+  |         |         |         |          |
|  patouillardii |        |   50+  |         |         |         |          |
| GYMNOPILUS     |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  purpuratus    |        |        | 1.0-3.4 | 1.0-3.1 | 0.5-0.1 |          |
| INOCYBE        |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  aeruginascens |        |        |   4.0   |   0.0   |   2.1   |          |
| PANAEOLUS      |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  olivaceus     |        |        |   0.05  |   0.0   |         |          |
| PLUTEUS        |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  atricapillus  |        |        |   0.05  |   0.0   |         |          |
|  salicinus     |        |        | 2.1-3.0 | 0.0-0.5 |         |          |
| PSATHYRELLA    |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  candolleana   |        |        |   0.04  |   0.05  |         |          |
| PSILOCYBE      |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  bohemica      |        |        | 8.5-9.3 |         |         |          |
|  bullacea      | 40-200 |  5-30  |         |         |         |          |
|  cookei        | 10-25  |  2-10  |         |         |         | 2        |
|  coprophila    | 50-200 | 15-100 |   0.0   |   0.0   |         | 3        |
|  inquilina     |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  merdaria      |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  muscorum      | 40-200 |  5-30  |         |         |         |          |
|  percivalii    |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  rhombispora   |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  squamosa      |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  subcoprophila |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |


 1  Has poisonous lookalikes.
 2  Very similar to Ps. semilanceata.
 3  No psilocybin or psilocin detected chemically despite reports of
    successful use as a hallucinogen.
| QUICK VOCABULARY                                                          |
| adnate         | Gills that are fully attached to the stem                |
| adnexed        | Gills that are partly attached to the stem               |
| apex           | Top part of stem (ie. where it's attached to the cap)    |
| concave        | Cap that curves 'inward' (like the inside of a sphere)   |
| convex         | Cap that curvews 'outward' (like the outside of a sphere)|
| evanescent     | Quickly disappearing veil                                |
| fibrillose     | Stem that seems to be made of fibers packed together     |
| fissure        | Crack or cleft in cap or gills                           |
| HD             | High dose                                                |
| hygrophilous   | Absorbs water easily                                     |
| hygrophanous   | Becomes translucent when wet                             |
| LD             | Low dose                                                 |
| MD             | Medium dose                                              |
| mg/g           | Milligrams of substance per gram of *dried* mushroom     |
| N/A            | Not applicable or not available                          |
| seceding       | Gills that are detaching/detached from the stem          |
| umbonate       | Cap that is shaped like a knob                           |
| viscid         | Cap covered with sticky coating                          |
| And remember, if you think learning these is too hard, try reading Singer |
| & Smith.  "Stipe tubular, more rarely subequal, discolors to reddish      |
| cinerous, strongly sulcate at apex, glabrous to fibrillose..."            |

| CONOCYBE CYANOPODA => See CONOCYBE CYANOPUS                               |

| CONOCYBE CYANOPUS (aka Conocybe cyanopoda, Galerula cyanopus)             |
| A small and uncommon but relatively strong mushroom, often found on lawns.|
| Found in the northern parts of the U.S., Canada and northern Europe.      |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.7-2.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | rusty/dark brown to black                        |
|      | appearance      | convex, nearly hemispherical, slightly expanding |
|      |                 | slightly wrinkled at edges                       |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-1.5 millimeters                                |
|      | length          | 2-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | white or slightly grayish                        |
|      | appearance      | silky, striated                                  |
|GILLS | form            | not crowded                                      |
|      | color           | dull rust brown, white edges                     |
|SPORES| color           | dull rust brown                                  |
|      | size            | 6.5-7.5 x 4.5-5 x 4.5-5 micrometers              |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, distinct germ-pore                    |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 9.30-4.50                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.70-0.00                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.30-1.00                                        |

| CONOCYBE SMITHII (aka Galera cyanopes)                                    |
| This tiny mushroom is scattered among mosses in swamps, boggy areas and   |
| ditches.  Found in the northern parts of the U.S. and Canada.             |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.3-1.3 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | ochra/cinnamon brown, darker at edges            |
|      | appearance      | sharply conical but expands with age, glistens   |
|      |                 | when wet, hygrophanous                           |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.75-1.00 millimeters                            |
|      | length          | 1-7 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | pure white                                       |
|      | appearance      | fragile, slightly swollen at base                |
|GILLS | form            | crowded, broad                                   |
|      | color           | ochra/cinnamon brown                             |
|SPORES| color           | rust cinnamon brown                              |
|      | size            | 7-9 x 4-4.5 x 4-4.5 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, small but distinct germ-pore          |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.40-0.80                                        |

| GALERA CYANOPES => See CONOCYBE SMITHII                                   |

| GALERULA CYANOPUS => See CONOCYBE CYANOPUS                                |


| PANAEOLINA FOENISECII (aka Panaeolus foenisecii, Psilocybe foenisecii,    |
|                        "Mower's mushroom")                                |
| A very popular mushroom on lawns, grasses and cattle fields of all kind.  |
| Unlike other Panaeolus species it does *not* grow on dung!                |
| Grows from midsummer to first signs of winter. This one's everywhere!!!   |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-3 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | light brown to dark brown; dries to yellow-brown |
|      | appearance      | broad, bluntly conical to bell-shaped, expanding |
|      |                 | to convex, broadly umbonate, or nearly plane;    |
|      |                 | surface smooth or cracking into scales in dry    |
|      |                 | weather; hygrophanous but not viscid; chestnut-  |
|      |                 | brown to dark brown or cinnamon brown when moist |
|      |                 | fades as it dries to dingy buff or tan, often    |
|      |                 | with darker marginal band when partially dry;    |
|      |                 | flesh thin and fragile.                          |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 4-10 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | paler than cap                                   |
|      | appearance      | constant diameter, sometimes with enlarged base, |
|      |                 | fragile, more or less smooth, white to dingy     |
|      |                 | brownish, often becoming brown from the base     |
|      |                 | upward.                                          |
|GILLS | form            | adnate to adnexed or seceding, fairly close      |
|      | color           | brown to deep/grayish/chocolate brown, faces     |
|      |                 | often mottled and edges paler or whitish         |
|SPORES| color           | violet brown                                     |
|      | size            | 12-17 x 7-9 x 7-9 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped, large sprouter                     |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 0.30                                             |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00                                             |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Often found with other Panaeolus species.                          |
|      | "Mini-model" of Pa. subbalteatus.                                  |
|      | Very low psilocybin content and some specimens have none at all.   |
|      | TASTES HORRIBLE!  Tea recommended.                                 |

| PANAEOLUS ACUMINATUS (aka Panaeolus rickenii)                             |
| Grows in horse pastures and rarely on horse manure.  From midsummer       |
| to the borders of winter.  This fragile shroom is quite popular in        |
| Scandinavia and northern Europe.                                          |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-2 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | dark brown/black when wet, dark grey when dry,   |
|      |                 | light brown from the center                      |
|      | appearance      | cone-shaped, hygrophilous                        |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-12 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | greyish                                          |
|      | appearance      | N/A                                              |
|GILLS | form            | crowded together                                 |
|      | color           | grey to black, white tips                        |
|SPORES| color           | violet brown                                     |
|      | size            | 12-16 x 8-11 x 8-11 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped                                     |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 40 (LD), 100 (MD), 150 (HD)                      |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Makes a good strawberry milkshake!                                 |

| PANAEOLUS ATER                                                            |
| Fruits in forest clearings and cow pastures from spring to fall.          |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-2 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | dark brown when wet, pale yellow-brown when dry  |
|      | appearance      | bell-shaped, spreads until hemispherical,        |
|      |                 | smooth, hygrophilous                             |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 3-7 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | paler from tip, darker from bottom               |
|      | appearance      | N/A                                              |
|GILLS | form            | narrowly attached                                |
|      | color           | first dark grey then black                       |
|SPORES| color           | N/A                                              |
|      | size            | 9-14 x 6-7.5 x 6-7.5 micrometers                 |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped                                     |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |


| PANAEOLUS CAMPANULATUS                                                    |
| Grows in cattle pastures and especially on horse manure, from midsummer   |
| to fall.                                                                  |
|CAP   | diameter        | 2-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | brown/gray/olive gray when fresh, reddish-brown  |
|      |                 | and paler olive/tan/buff when drier              |
|      | appearance      | bluntly conical or bell-shaped, expands very     |
|      |                 | little with age; surface not viscid, often       |
|      |                 | shiny when dry, smooth or finely wrinkled        |
|      |                 | or often cracking to form scales (especially     |
|      |                 | in sunlight); margin hung with small, white,     |
|      |                 | toothlike veil remnants, at least when young;    |
|      |                 | flesh thin and fragile                           |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-15 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | grey or greyish brown                            |
|      | appearance      | equal or thicker at apex, brittle or fragile,    |
|      |                 | slightly powdered                                |
|GILLS | form            | adnate or adnexed but often seceding, fairly     |
|      |                 | close                                            |
|      | color           | first grey, blacken with age; edges whitish      |
|SPORES| color           | black                                            |
|      | size            | 13-18 x 7-12 x 7-12 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | elliptical and smooth                            |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | N/A (LD), 40-50 (MD), N/A (HD)                   |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Psilocybin content evidently varies, some people have eaten over   |
|      | 100 of these with no effects.                                      |


| PANAEOLUS RICKENII => See PANAEOLUS ACUMINATUS                            |

| PANAEOLUS SPHINCTRINUS                                                    |
| Grows on manure of all kind, from summer to fall.                         |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | grey to greyish brown, paler when dry            |
|      | appearance      | bell-shaped, usually smooth but sometimes bumpy, |
|      |                 | not hygrophilous, white scales on the edge       |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-12 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | grey, paler from tip                             |
|      | appearance      | erect, powdery                                   |
|GILLS | form            | adnate                                           |
|      | color           | grey brown/black, white tips, veil remnants      |
|SPORES| color           | N/A                                              |
|      | size            | 14-18 x 8-12 x 8-12 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped, with germ-pore                     |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | N/A (LD), 200 (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 1.90                                             |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |

| PANAEOLUS SUBBALTEATUS (aka Panaeolus benanosis)                          |
| Widespread, found in temperate zones including Canada, the northern parts |
| of the U.S. and northern Europe.  Grows on grasses, lawns, pastures,      |
| roadsides; prefers fertilized or manured soil.  Grows in the spring and   |
| fall.                                                                     |
|CAP   | diameter        | 2-6 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | variable; brown to reddish/cinnamon brown when   |
|      |                 | moist, fading as it dries to tan/buff/whitish,   |
|      |                 | margin often stays darker when dry               |
|      | appearance      | broad, convex or bluntly conical,                |
|      |                 | becoming broadly convex to broadly unbonate      |
|      |                 | to plane or with an uplifted margin;             |
|      |                 | surface smooth or wrinkled, in age sometimes     |
|      |                 | breaking into scales(fissured), not viscid;      |
|      |                 | flesh thin, brownish                             |
|STEM  | diameter        | 3-5 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-10 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | brown to reddish-brown, often dusted by spores   |
|      | appearance      | equal or tapered at either end, hollow but not   |
|      |                 | fragile; usually longitudinally striated         |
|      |                 | throughout.                                      |
|GILLS | form            | adnate to adnexed or sececing, close, broad      |
|      | color           | pale watery brown or reddish brown, darkens      |
|      |                 | gradually to black; edges whitish, faces mottled |
|SPORES| color           | dark brown                                       |
|      | size            | 11-14 x 7-9 x 6-8 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | lens shaped, with germ pore                      |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | 30 (LD), 60 (MD), 100 (HD)                       |
|      | mushrooms       | 5-10 (LD), 20-40 (MD), 60-90 (HD)                |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 1.50-6.00                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00                                             |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.01-0.05                                        |
|OTHER | Often forms tufts of 2-4 fruitbodies.                              |
|      | There are several distinct subtypes of Pa. subbalteatus, this is   |
|      | the most common one.                                               |
|      | Pa. subbalteatus bears some resemblence to Panaeolina foenisecii.  |



| PSILOCYBE ATRORUFA => See PSILOCYBE MONTANA                               |

| PSILOCYBE AZTECORUM (aka Psilocybe mexicana var. longispora)              |
| Found only around Paso de Cort?s and Puebla, Mexico, between 3300 and     |
| 3700 m elevation.  Found in small clusters in open pine woods, fruits in  |
| September only.                                                           |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.5-2.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | milk white to yellowish                          |
|      | appearance      | starts obtuse to subumbonate, expands to broadly |
|      |                 | conical; edge of cap may become cracked          |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.2-0.4 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 3.0-6.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | whitish, possibly with gray discolored portions  |
|      | appearance      | fibrous, veil remnants may be visible            |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced, broad                            |
|      | color           | deep purple brown, pallid/whitish edges          |
|SPORES| color           | dark dull ochra brown                            |
|      | size            | 11-14 x 5-8 x 5-8 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | elongated ellipsoid, with germ pore              |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Ps. aztecorum resembles Ps. mexicana to some degree and was        |
|      | originally thought to be a variant.  Dosage has been estimated on  |
|      | the assumption that they are equally potent; it is known to be a   |
|      | hallucinogen.                                                      |

| PSILOCYBE BAEOCYSTIS                                                      |
| Can be found growing on ground bark, wood chips, peat moss and sometimes  |
| on lawns. Common on campuses. This popular mushroom appears from fall     |
| through midsummer in large clumps. Prevalent throughout the Pacific       |
| Northwest.  Fruits prolifically from fall through winter.                 |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.4-5.4 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | olive brown to buffy brown, greenish if touched  |
|      | appearance      | edge of cap undulates like a bottle cap or       |
|      |                 | umbrella, a brown spot appears in the center of  |
|      |                 | the cap after drying                             |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2.0-3.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 5.0-7.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | white except for yellowish apex                  |
|      | appearance      | often characterized by twisting bends            |
|GILLS | form            | relatively closed spaced                         |
|      | color           | dark cinnamon or gray                            |
|SPORES| color           | gray                                             |
|      | size            | 10-13 x 6-7 x 6-7 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | cylindrical with tapered corners                 |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 1.50-8.50                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.50-5.90                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.10-1.00                                        |
|OTHER | As the name indicates, it has a lot of baeocystin.                 |
|      | This is the only common Psilocybe for which a fatality, a          |
|      | 7-year-old boy, is known.                                          |

| PSILOCYBE CAERULESCENS (aka Psilocybe mazatecorum, "Durrumbe",            |
|                         "Landslide")                                      |
| Found throughout the southern United States, from California to Louisiana |
| and South Carolina to Florida; a Mexican variety called Ps. caerulescens  |
| mazatecorum exists.  Evidently unknown elsewhere.  Grows on the banks of  |
| rivers and streams in the summer during rainy season.                     |
|CAP   | diameter        | 2.0-8.8 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | deep green to black, fades with age              |
|      | appearance      | cone-shaped when young, expands to convex/flat   |
|      |                 | (never bowl-shaped), smooth and sticky, no       |
|      |                 | nipple, margin of cap lighter/darker than center |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.2-1.0 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 4.0-12.2 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | glassy-white to grayish                          |
|      | appearance      | even, hollow, smooth, tough, covered w/ hairs,   |
|      |                 | possibly remnants of evanescent veil             |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced                                   |
|      | color           | light gray to dark brown/black as it ages        |
|SPORES| color           | deep purple brown                                |
|      | size            | 6-8 x 5-6 x 4-5 micrometers                      |
|      | shape           | elliptic to inequilateral, broad germ pore       |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | The dosage is an estimate, the mushroom is said to be roughly      |
|      | equivalent to Str. cubensis.                                       |

| PSILOCYBE CUBENSIS => See STROPHARIA CUBENSIS                             |
| The nomenclature of this mushroom remains confused.  Europeans and most   |
| ethnopharmacologists call it by its original name, Stropharia (Psilocybe) |
| cubensis Earle, which is the name its discoverer R.E. Schultes gave it.   |
| However, the American mycologist Rolf Singer reclassified it as Psilocybe |
| cubensis (Earle) Singer, which is what mycologists usually call it.       |
| We have decided to stick with Stropharia cubensis.                        |

| PSILOCYBE CYANESCENS (aka "Wavy Caps", "Blue Halos")                      |
| Doesn't grow on dung, but on hardwoods and woodchips. Inhabits landscaped |
| yards containing ground bark and dwells under Douglas fir or cedar and in |
| mulched rhododendron beds.  Fruits prolifically from fall through winter  |
| in the Pacific Northwest, also found in England.                          |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.5-4.0 (extreme case 7.5) centimeters           |
|      | color           | chestnut brown, lightens to yellowish with age   |
|      | appearance      | broad and convex, expands with age to plane or   |
|      |                 | margin uplifted, viscid when moist, margin of    |
|      |                 | cap often stained blue (hence the nickname)      |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2.5-6.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 3.0-8.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | dry whitish                                      |
|      | appearance      | silky, fibrous, base enlarged and often curved   |
|GILLS | form            | typically adneted, sometimes seceding; fairly    |
|      |                 | closely spaced; veil remnants may form tiny ring |
|      | color           | cinnamon color becomes dark brown, edges paler   |
|SPORES| color           | purple-brown/purple-gray/purple-black            |
|      | size            | 9-12 x 6-8 x 5-8 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | nearly elliptic, smooth, broad germ pore         |
|DOSAGE| dried grams     | N/A (LD), 2.0-2.5 (MD), N/A (HD)                 |
|      | mushrooms       | 1-2 (LD), 3-4 (MD), 5+ (HD)                      |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 3.20-16.8                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 2.00-5.10                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.10-0.50                                        |
|OTHER | Generally grows in clusters.                                       |
|      | The most potent Psilocybe mushroom known.                          |



| PSILOCYBE MEXICANA (aka "Teonan?catl")                                    |
| Found only in Southern Mexico and Guatemala.  Grows from May to October   |
| in the zone between tropical and temperate climates (1500-1800 meters),   |
| in open fields or meadows but never dung.                                 |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.5-3.3 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | deep ochra to ochra brown                        |
|      | appearance      | starts conical, gradually inverts to convex,     |
|      |                 | then to flat and finally bowl-shaped; has a      |
|      |                 | central 'nipple'                                 |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.1-0.3 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 2.0-8.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | ochra, usually paler than cap                    |
|      | appearance      | hollow                                           |
|GILLS | form            | closely to medium spaced                         |
|      | color           | pale gray, whitish edges                         |
|SPORES| color           | deep sepia to dark purple brown                  |
|      | size            | 9-11 x 7-8 x 5-7 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | compressed, elliptic/rhombic, with germ pore     |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Ps. mexicana is the original 'magic mushroom' of the Mazatec       |
|      | Indians and the first one discovered by the West.                  |
|      | Ps. mexicana always grows solitary, but there are usually many     |
|      | others near each fruitbody.                                        |


| PSILOCYBE MONTANA (aka Psilocybe atrorufa)                                |
| Grows in low moss on sandy land, roadsides etc.  From summer to fall,     |
| sometimes in spring, quite popular.                                       |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.5-2 centimeters                                |
|      | color           | red-brown, paler when dry                        |
|      | appearance      | hemispherical, sticky when wet                   |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-2 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 1-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | light brown                                      |
|      | appearance      | crumbles easily                                  |
|GILLS | form            | widely spaced                                    |
|      | color           | first light brown, become purple-brown with age  |
|SPORES| color           | N/A                                              |
|      | size            | 6-9 x 5-6 x 4-5 micrometers                      |
|      | shape           | oval shaped                                      |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 40 (LD), 100 (MD), 200 (HD)                      |
|      | fresh grams     |  5 (LD),  15 (MD),  30 (HD)                      |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 0.0 (?)                                          |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.0 (?)                                          |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Chemical studies have found no psilocybin or psilocin in this,     |
|      | yet reports of its use exist.  Caveat emptor.                      |


| PSILOCYBE PUGETENSIS => See PSILOCYBE STUNTZII                            |

| PSILOCYBE SEMILANCEATA (aka Psathyra pelliculosa, Psilocybe pelliculosa,  |
|                         "Liberty Cap")                                    |
| Found in northern temperate zone throughout the world. Grows inland up to |
| a thousand miles (1500 km) from the ocean. Northwestern U.S, Scandinavia, |
| the British Isles and western Europe. Very popular in Norway and other    |
| parts of Scandinavia.  Fruits in grasses and cow pastures, parks and      |
| roadsides in the fall.                                                    |
|CAP   | diameter        | 5-10 millimeters                                 |
|      | color           | brown, drying to yellowish brown                 |
|      | appearance      | sharply conical, small "nipple" on top, never    |
|      |                 | expands, incurved, striated margin, sticky when  |
|      |                 | wet                                              |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 6-10 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | pallid to yellowish or brown, darkens with age,  |
|      |                 | does *not* bruise blue                           |
|      | appearance      | wavy and tough, fibrilliose, veil absent or      |
|      |                 | rudimentary, small dark ring may be present      |
|GILLS | form            | adnate or adnexed, slant upwards to almost       |
|      |                 | vertical                                         |
|      | color           | first pale, soon becomes purplish brown          |
|SPORES| color           | brown                                            |
|      | size            | 12-16 x 7-9 x 7-9 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, with germ pore                        |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 5-10 (LD), 20-40 (MD), 60-90 (HD)                |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 10.0-11.0                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00                                             |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.90-3.40                                        |
|OTHER | Ps. pelliculosa is actually a separate species, but the two are    |
|      | indistinguishable to the naked eye.  It grows in sawdust or wood   |
|      | chip piles in forests where lumberjacks have been working.  The    |
|      | two can be distinguished by spore size, with Ps. pelliculosa       |
|      | spores being smaller at 9-13 x 5-7 x 5-7 micrometers.  Ps. pelli.  |
|      | is also weaker in potency, having only 1.2-7.1 mg/g and 0.0-0.5    |
|      | mg/g psilocybin and baeocystin respectively.                       |
|      | Ps. semil. contains more baeocystin than most other Psilocybes,    |
|      | which may account for the subjective difference in quality.        |

| PSILOCYBE STUNTZII (aka Psilocybe pugetensis)                             |
| Commonly found in Washington state (U.S.) and British Columbia (Canada).  |
| Found on lawns, in fields and bark mulch; originally identified growing   |
| on the U of Washington campus!  Fruits from August to December.           |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.5-3.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | variable; deep olive-brown to chestnut brown if  |
|      |                 | young, fading to dingy yellow-brown or yellowish |
|      |                 | buff; margin often tinged greenish               |
|      | appearance      | bluntly conical becoming convex to broadly       |
|      |                 | umbonate, plane, or with uplifted margin; viscid |
|      |                 | when moist; margin striate when moist            |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1.5-4.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 2.0-7.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | white to ochraceous brown                        |
|      | appearance      | becomes hollow with age, equal or thicker at     |
|      |                 | either end, often curved, not viscid, veil may   |
|      |                 | form fragile ring or fibrillose zone             |
|GILLS | form            | adnate or adnexed, narrow, close to well spaced  |
|      | color           | chocolate brown to violet/black, whitish edges   |
|SPORES| color           | deep violet to dark purple                       |
|      | size            | 8-12 x 6-7 x 6-7 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | not quite elliptic, with germ pore               |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 3.6-0.4                                          |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.1-0.6                                          |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.0-0.2                                          |
|OTHER | This mushroom is quite similar to Ps. cyanescens, Ps. venenata     |
|      | and Ps. subaeruginascens; however, the latter two do not grow in   |
|      | Northern America.  There are also some poisonous Galerina species  |
|      | that resemble Ps. stuntzii, so be careful.  The Galerinas grow in  |
|      | forested areas, not lawns and fields.                              |
|      | Ps. stuntzii can grow either in clusters or solitary.              |

| PSILOCYBE SUBAERUGINOSA                                                   |
| Found throughout Australia and regions nearby.  Grows solitary or in      |
| groups on soil in forests.                                                |
|CAP   | diameter        | up to 5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | "biscuit brown", darker when wet                 |
|      | appearance      | conical with inturned edge when young, becomes   |
|      |                 | convex when older                                |
|STEM  | diameter        | relatively thin                                  |
|      | length          | up to 10 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | white with occasional grey/blue/green blotches   |
|      | appearance      | traces of veil may remain as a small ring        |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced, may be attached to stem          |
|      | color           | smoky brown/black                                |
|SPORES| color           | purplish brown                                   |
|      | size            | 10-15 x 5-9 x 5-9 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, with germ pore                        |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-5 (LD), 5-13 (MD), 20+ (HD)                    |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |

| PSILOCYBE SUBAERUGINASCENS (aka Psilocybe aerugineomaculans, Stropharia   |
|                             caerulescens, Stropharia venenata)            |
| Found in some parts of Asia, at least northern Japan and Java, Indonesia. |
| Usually found on horse manure but evidently grows on rotten wood as well. |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.5-2.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | whitish with smoke-brown center                  |
|      | appearance      | flat to convex, glabrous and smooth              |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1.5-3.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 3.0-4.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | white                                            |
|      | appearance      | traces of veil may remain as a small ring        |
|GILLS | form            | widely spaced                                    |
|      | color           | grayish brown, edges paler                       |
|SPORES| color           | violet brown                                     |
|      | size            | 8-10 x 7-8 x 6-7 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, with germ pore                        |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | This mushroom is known to be hallucinogenic in reasonable doses,   |
|      | but unlike most other Psilocybes it is also toxic and possibly     |
|      | even lethal in higher ones (deaths are known).  Caveat emptor!     |

| PSILOCYBE ZAPOTECORUM (aka "Mbey San", "Piule de Barda")                  |
| Found only in Oaxaca, Mexico.  Grows primarily on soil in swamps.         |
|CAP   | diameter        | 6.0-11.0 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | ochra yellow to brown/purple/black               |
|      | appearance      | bell-shaped, becomes breast-shaped; always       |
|      |                 | twisted and asymmetric in shape                  |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1.0-2.0 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 10.0-20.0 centimeters                            |
|      | color           | brownish (inside of stem lighter or white)       |
|      | appearance      | very fibrous, elastic, often twisted, hollow     |
|GILLS | form            | rather closely spaced, not very broad            |
|      | color           | violet-purple                                    |
|SPORES| color           | brown purple                                     |
|      | size            | 6-9 x 4-5 x 3-4 micrometers                      |
|      | shape           | compressed ellipsoid, with germ pore             |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Ps. zapotecorum is used as a hallucinogen by Chatino and Zapotec   |
|      | Indians.                                                           |



| STROPHARIA (PSILOCYBE) CUBENSIS (aka Naematoloma caerulescens, Psilocybe  |
|                      cubensis, Stropharia cyanescens, "San Isidro")       |
| Found throughout the southern United States, from California to Louisiana |
| and South Carolina to Florida, as well as most of Central and South       |
| America, and parts of southeast Asia.  Arrived to the Americas with       |
| Spanish Brahma cattle from the Philippine Islands.  Grows on cow manure   |
| or manure-fertilized soil.                                                |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.6-8.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | pure white to light brown, translucent when wet  |
|      | appearance      | starts conical, gradually inverts to convex,     |
|      |                 | then to flat and finally bowl-shaped; has a gold |
|      |                 | center spot; covered by sticky protective film;  |
|      |                 | flesh firm and white; margin sometimes hung      |
|      |                 | with veil remnants                               |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.4-1.4 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 4.0-15.0 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | white or bluish-stained                          |
|      | appearance      | membranous, usually forms a thin fragile ring    |
|      |                 | on stalk which is blackened by falling spores    |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced, initially attached to stem but   |
|      |                 | may separate with age                            |
|      | color           | light brown/gray to deep purple/black, edges     |
|      |                 | whitish                                          |
|SPORES| color           | dark brown to blackish                           |
|      | size            | 12-17 x 8-12 x 7-9 micrometers                   |
|      | shape           | smooth, nearly elliptic, with germ pore          |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | dried grams     | 1-2 (LD), 3-5  (MD), 10-20 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 4.00-12.0                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00-1.00                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.00-0.20                                        |
|OTHER | Str. cubensis is the most important of the psilocybian mushrooms,  |
|      | being common in the Americans and relatively easy to cultivate.    |
|      | Str. cubensis variety cyanescens, found in Florida, is a sort of   |
|      | albino Str. cub. with very little pigment in the cap.              |
|      | Str. cubensis variety caerulescens, found in Indochina, has cap    |
|      | colored clear yellow in some places.                               |


.oO Other psychoactive species

   Here is a brief list of dosage information on some other mushrooms.
Some Psilocybes that are known to contain no psilocybin/psilocin are
included.  Descriptions have been purposely omitted, since I don't have
enough info for a full-scale description like the ones above; if you are
interested, look them up in a guide.

  Genus           Shrooms   Grams   Psilocyb. Psilocin  Baeocys.    Notes
   species         fresh    fresh   mg/g dry  mg/g dry  mg/g dry
| BOLETUS        |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  erythropus    |        |  100+  |         |         |         | 1        |
| COPRINUS       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  narcoticus    |        |   50+  |         |         |         |          |
|  niveus        |        |   50+  |         |         |         |          |
|  patouillardii |        |   50+  |         |         |         |          |
| GYMNOPILUS     |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  purpuratus    |        |        | 1.0-3.4 | 1.0-3.1 | 0.5-0.1 |          |
| INOCYBE        |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  aeruginascens |        |        |   4.0   |   0.0   |   2.1   |          |
| PANAEOLUS      |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  olivaceus     |        |        |   0.05  |   0.0   |         |          |
| PLUTEUS        |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  atricapillus  |        |        |   0.05  |   0.0   |         |          |
|  salicinus     |        |        | 2.1-3.0 | 0.0-0.5 |         |          |
| PSATHYRELLA    |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  candolleana   |        |        |   0.04  |   0.05  |         |          |
| PSILOCYBE      |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  bohemica      |        |        | 8.5-9.3 |         |         |          |
|  bullacea      | 40-200 |  5-30  |         |         |         |          |
|  cookei        | 10-25  |  2-10  |         |         |         | 2        |
|  coprophila    | 50-200 | 15-100 |   0.0   |   0.0   |         | 3        |
|  inquilina     |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  merdaria      |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  muscorum      | 40-200 |  5-30  |         |         |         |          |
|  percivalii    |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  rhombispora   |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  squamosa      |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  subcoprophila |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |


 1  Has poisonous lookalikes.
 2  Very similar to Ps. semilanceata.
 3  No psilocybin or psilocin detected chemically despite reports of
    successful use as a hallucinogen.
| QUICK VOCABULARY                                                          |
| adnate         | Gills that are fully attached to the stem                |
| adnexed        | Gills that are partly attached to the stem               |
| apex           | Top part of stem (ie. where it's attached to the cap)    |
| concave        | Cap that curves 'inward' (like the inside of a sphere)   |
| convex         | Cap that curvews 'outward' (like the outside of a sphere)|
| evanescent     | Quickly disappearing veil                                |
| fibrillose     | Stem that seems to be made of fibers packed together     |
| fissure        | Crack or cleft in cap or gills                           |
| HD             | High dose                                                |
| hygrophilous   | Absorbs water easily                                     |
| hygrophanous   | Becomes translucent when wet                             |
| LD             | Low dose                                                 |
| MD             | Medium dose                                              |
| mg/g           | Milligrams of substance per gram of *dried* mushroom     |
| N/A            | Not applicable or not available                          |
| seceding       | Gills that are detaching/detached from the stem          |
| umbonate       | Cap that is shaped like a knob                           |
| viscid         | Cap covered with sticky coating                          |
| And remember, if you think learning these is too hard, try reading Singer |
| & Smith.  "Stipe tubular, more rarely subequal, discolors to reddish      |
| cinerous, strongly sulcate at apex, glabrous to fibrillose..."            |

| CONOCYBE CYANOPODA => See CONOCYBE CYANOPUS                               |

| CONOCYBE CYANOPUS (aka Conocybe cyanopoda, Galerula cyanopus)             |
| A small and uncommon but relatively strong mushroom, often found on lawns.|
| Found in the northern parts of the U.S., Canada and northern Europe.      |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.7-2.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | rusty/dark brown to black                        |
|      | appearance      | convex, nearly hemispherical, slightly expanding |
|      |                 | slightly wrinkled at edges                       |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-1.5 millimeters                                |
|      | length          | 2-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | white or slightly grayish                        |
|      | appearance      | silky, striated                                  |
|GILLS | form            | not crowded                                      |
|      | color           | dull rust brown, white edges                     |
|SPORES| color           | dull rust brown                                  |
|      | size            | 6.5-7.5 x 4.5-5 x 4.5-5 micrometers              |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, distinct germ-pore                    |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 9.30-4.50                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.70-0.00                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.30-1.00                                        |

| CONOCYBE SMITHII (aka Galera cyanopes)                                    |
| This tiny mushroom is scattered among mosses in swamps, boggy areas and   |
| ditches.  Found in the northern parts of the U.S. and Canada.             |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.3-1.3 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | ochra/cinnamon brown, darker at edges            |
|      | appearance      | sharply conical but expands with age, glistens   |
|      |                 | when wet, hygrophanous                           |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.75-1.00 millimeters                            |
|      | length          | 1-7 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | pure white                                       |
|      | appearance      | fragile, slightly swollen at base                |
|GILLS | form            | crowded, broad                                   |
|      | color           | ochra/cinnamon brown                             |
|SPORES| color           | rust cinnamon brown                              |
|      | size            | 7-9 x 4-4.5 x 4-4.5 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, small but distinct germ-pore          |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.40-0.80                                        |

| GALERA CYANOPES => See CONOCYBE SMITHII                                   |

| GALERULA CYANOPUS => See CONOCYBE CYANOPUS                                |


| PANAEOLINA FOENISECII (aka Panaeolus foenisecii, Psilocybe foenisecii,    |
|                        "Mower's mushroom")                                |
| A very popular mushroom on lawns, grasses and cattle fields of all kind.  |
| Unlike other Panaeolus species it does *not* grow on dung!                |
| Grows from midsummer to first signs of winter. This one's everywhere!!!   |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-3 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | light brown to dark brown; dries to yellow-brown |
|      | appearance      | broad, bluntly conical to bell-shaped, expanding |
|      |                 | to convex, broadly umbonate, or nearly plane;    |
|      |                 | surface smooth or cracking into scales in dry    |
|      |                 | weather; hygrophanous but not viscid; chestnut-  |
|      |                 | brown to dark brown or cinnamon brown when moist |
|      |                 | fades as it dries to dingy buff or tan, often    |
|      |                 | with darker marginal band when partially dry;    |
|      |                 | flesh thin and fragile.                          |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 4-10 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | paler than cap                                   |
|      | appearance      | constant diameter, sometimes with enlarged base, |
|      |                 | fragile, more or less smooth, white to dingy     |
|      |                 | brownish, often becoming brown from the base     |
|      |                 | upward.                                          |
|GILLS | form            | adnate to adnexed or seceding, fairly close      |
|      | color           | brown to deep/grayish/chocolate brown, faces     |
|      |                 | often mottled and edges paler or whitish         |
|SPORES| color           | violet brown                                     |
|      | size            | 12-17 x 7-9 x 7-9 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped, large sprouter                     |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 0.30                                             |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00                                             |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Often found with other Panaeolus species.                          |
|      | "Mini-model" of Pa. subbalteatus.                                  |
|      | Very low psilocybin content and some specimens have none at all.   |
|      | TASTES HORRIBLE!  Tea recommended.                                 |

| PANAEOLUS ACUMINATUS (aka Panaeolus rickenii)                             |
| Grows in horse pastures and rarely on horse manure.  From midsummer       |
| to the borders of winter.  This fragile shroom is quite popular in        |
| Scandinavia and northern Europe.                                          |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-2 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | dark brown/black when wet, dark grey when dry,   |
|      |                 | light brown from the center                      |
|      | appearance      | cone-shaped, hygrophilous                        |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-12 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | greyish                                          |
|      | appearance      | N/A                                              |
|GILLS | form            | crowded together                                 |
|      | color           | grey to black, white tips                        |
|SPORES| color           | violet brown                                     |
|      | size            | 12-16 x 8-11 x 8-11 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped                                     |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 40 (LD), 100 (MD), 150 (HD)                      |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Makes a good strawberry milkshake!                                 |

| PANAEOLUS ATER                                                            |
| Fruits in forest clearings and cow pastures from spring to fall.          |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-2 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | dark brown when wet, pale yellow-brown when dry  |
|      | appearance      | bell-shaped, spreads until hemispherical,        |
|      |                 | smooth, hygrophilous                             |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 3-7 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | paler from tip, darker from bottom               |
|      | appearance      | N/A                                              |
|GILLS | form            | narrowly attached                                |
|      | color           | first dark grey then black                       |
|SPORES| color           | N/A                                              |
|      | size            | 9-14 x 6-7.5 x 6-7.5 micrometers                 |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped                                     |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |


| PANAEOLUS CAMPANULATUS                                                    |
| Grows in cattle pastures and especially on horse manure, from midsummer   |
| to fall.                                                                  |
|CAP   | diameter        | 2-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | brown/gray/olive gray when fresh, reddish-brown  |
|      |                 | and paler olive/tan/buff when drier              |
|      | appearance      | bluntly conical or bell-shaped, expands very     |
|      |                 | little with age; surface not viscid, often       |
|      |                 | shiny when dry, smooth or finely wrinkled        |
|      |                 | or often cracking to form scales (especially     |
|      |                 | in sunlight); margin hung with small, white,     |
|      |                 | toothlike veil remnants, at least when young;    |
|      |                 | flesh thin and fragile                           |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-15 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | grey or greyish brown                            |
|      | appearance      | equal or thicker at apex, brittle or fragile,    |
|      |                 | slightly powdered                                |
|GILLS | form            | adnate or adnexed but often seceding, fairly     |
|      |                 | close                                            |
|      | color           | first grey, blacken with age; edges whitish      |
|SPORES| color           | black                                            |
|      | size            | 13-18 x 7-12 x 7-12 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | elliptical and smooth                            |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | N/A (LD), 40-50 (MD), N/A (HD)                   |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Psilocybin content evidently varies, some people have eaten over   |
|      | 100 of these with no effects.                                      |


| PANAEOLUS RICKENII => See PANAEOLUS ACUMINATUS                            |

| PANAEOLUS SPHINCTRINUS                                                    |
| Grows on manure of all kind, from summer to fall.                         |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | grey to greyish brown, paler when dry            |
|      | appearance      | bell-shaped, usually smooth but sometimes bumpy, |
|      |                 | not hygrophilous, white scales on the edge       |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-12 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | grey, paler from tip                             |
|      | appearance      | erect, powdery                                   |
|GILLS | form            | adnate                                           |
|      | color           | grey brown/black, white tips, veil remnants      |
|SPORES| color           | N/A                                              |
|      | size            | 14-18 x 8-12 x 8-12 micrometers                  |
|      | shape           | lemon shaped, with germ-pore                     |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | N/A (LD), 200 (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 1.90                                             |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |

| PANAEOLUS SUBBALTEATUS (aka Panaeolus benanosis)                          |
| Widespread, found in temperate zones including Canada, the northern parts |
| of the U.S. and northern Europe.  Grows on grasses, lawns, pastures,      |
| roadsides; prefers fertilized or manured soil.  Grows in the spring and   |
| fall.                                                                     |
|CAP   | diameter        | 2-6 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | variable; brown to reddish/cinnamon brown when   |
|      |                 | moist, fading as it dries to tan/buff/whitish,   |
|      |                 | margin often stays darker when dry               |
|      | appearance      | broad, convex or bluntly conical,                |
|      |                 | becoming broadly convex to broadly unbonate      |
|      |                 | to plane or with an uplifted margin;             |
|      |                 | surface smooth or wrinkled, in age sometimes     |
|      |                 | breaking into scales(fissured), not viscid;      |
|      |                 | flesh thin, brownish                             |
|STEM  | diameter        | 3-5 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 5-10 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | brown to reddish-brown, often dusted by spores   |
|      | appearance      | equal or tapered at either end, hollow but not   |
|      |                 | fragile; usually longitudinally striated         |
|      |                 | throughout.                                      |
|GILLS | form            | adnate to adnexed or sececing, close, broad      |
|      | color           | pale watery brown or reddish brown, darkens      |
|      |                 | gradually to black; edges whitish, faces mottled |
|SPORES| color           | dark brown                                       |
|      | size            | 11-14 x 7-9 x 6-8 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | lens shaped, with germ pore                      |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | 30 (LD), 60 (MD), 100 (HD)                       |
|      | mushrooms       | 5-10 (LD), 20-40 (MD), 60-90 (HD)                |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 1.50-6.00                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00                                             |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.01-0.05                                        |
|OTHER | Often forms tufts of 2-4 fruitbodies.                              |
|      | There are several distinct subtypes of Pa. subbalteatus, this is   |
|      | the most common one.                                               |
|      | Pa. subbalteatus bears some resemblence to Panaeolina foenisecii.  |



| PSILOCYBE ATRORUFA => See PSILOCYBE MONTANA                               |

| PSILOCYBE AZTECORUM (aka Psilocybe mexicana var. longispora)              |
| Found only around Paso de Cort?s and Puebla, Mexico, between 3300 and     |
| 3700 m elevation.  Found in small clusters in open pine woods, fruits in  |
| September only.                                                           |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.5-2.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | milk white to yellowish                          |
|      | appearance      | starts obtuse to subumbonate, expands to broadly |
|      |                 | conical; edge of cap may become cracked          |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.2-0.4 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 3.0-6.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | whitish, possibly with gray discolored portions  |
|      | appearance      | fibrous, veil remnants may be visible            |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced, broad                            |
|      | color           | deep purple brown, pallid/whitish edges          |
|SPORES| color           | dark dull ochra brown                            |
|      | size            | 11-14 x 5-8 x 5-8 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | elongated ellipsoid, with germ pore              |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Ps. aztecorum resembles Ps. mexicana to some degree and was        |
|      | originally thought to be a variant.  Dosage has been estimated on  |
|      | the assumption that they are equally potent; it is known to be a   |
|      | hallucinogen.                                                      |

| PSILOCYBE BAEOCYSTIS                                                      |
| Can be found growing on ground bark, wood chips, peat moss and sometimes  |
| on lawns. Common on campuses. This popular mushroom appears from fall     |
| through midsummer in large clumps. Prevalent throughout the Pacific       |
| Northwest.  Fruits prolifically from fall through winter.                 |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.4-5.4 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | olive brown to buffy brown, greenish if touched  |
|      | appearance      | edge of cap undulates like a bottle cap or       |
|      |                 | umbrella, a brown spot appears in the center of  |
|      |                 | the cap after drying                             |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2.0-3.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 5.0-7.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | white except for yellowish apex                  |
|      | appearance      | often characterized by twisting bends            |
|GILLS | form            | relatively closed spaced                         |
|      | color           | dark cinnamon or gray                            |
|SPORES| color           | gray                                             |
|      | size            | 10-13 x 6-7 x 6-7 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | cylindrical with tapered corners                 |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 1.50-8.50                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.50-5.90                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.10-1.00                                        |
|OTHER | As the name indicates, it has a lot of baeocystin.                 |
|      | This is the only common Psilocybe for which a fatality, a          |
|      | 7-year-old boy, is known.                                          |

| PSILOCYBE CAERULESCENS (aka Psilocybe mazatecorum, "Durrumbe",            |
|                         "Landslide")                                      |
| Found throughout the southern United States, from California to Louisiana |
| and South Carolina to Florida; a Mexican variety called Ps. caerulescens  |
| mazatecorum exists.  Evidently unknown elsewhere.  Grows on the banks of  |
| rivers and streams in the summer during rainy season.                     |
|CAP   | diameter        | 2.0-8.8 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | deep green to black, fades with age              |
|      | appearance      | cone-shaped when young, expands to convex/flat   |
|      |                 | (never bowl-shaped), smooth and sticky, no       |
|      |                 | nipple, margin of cap lighter/darker than center |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.2-1.0 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 4.0-12.2 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | glassy-white to grayish                          |
|      | appearance      | even, hollow, smooth, tough, covered w/ hairs,   |
|      |                 | possibly remnants of evanescent veil             |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced                                   |
|      | color           | light gray to dark brown/black as it ages        |
|SPORES| color           | deep purple brown                                |
|      | size            | 6-8 x 5-6 x 4-5 micrometers                      |
|      | shape           | elliptic to inequilateral, broad germ pore       |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | The dosage is an estimate, the mushroom is said to be roughly      |
|      | equivalent to Str. cubensis.                                       |

| PSILOCYBE CUBENSIS => See STROPHARIA CUBENSIS                             |
| The nomenclature of this mushroom remains confused.  Europeans and most   |
| ethnopharmacologists call it by its original name, Stropharia (Psilocybe) |
| cubensis Earle, which is the name its discoverer R.E. Schultes gave it.   |
| However, the American mycologist Rolf Singer reclassified it as Psilocybe |
| cubensis (Earle) Singer, which is what mycologists usually call it.       |
| We have decided to stick with Stropharia cubensis.                        |

| PSILOCYBE CYANESCENS (aka "Wavy Caps", "Blue Halos")                      |
| Doesn't grow on dung, but on hardwoods and woodchips. Inhabits landscaped |
| yards containing ground bark and dwells under Douglas fir or cedar and in |
| mulched rhododendron beds.  Fruits prolifically from fall through winter  |
| in the Pacific Northwest, also found in England.                          |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.5-4.0 (extreme case 7.5) centimeters           |
|      | color           | chestnut brown, lightens to yellowish with age   |
|      | appearance      | broad and convex, expands with age to plane or   |
|      |                 | margin uplifted, viscid when moist, margin of    |
|      |                 | cap often stained blue (hence the nickname)      |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2.5-6.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 3.0-8.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | dry whitish                                      |
|      | appearance      | silky, fibrous, base enlarged and often curved   |
|GILLS | form            | typically adneted, sometimes seceding; fairly    |
|      |                 | closely spaced; veil remnants may form tiny ring |
|      | color           | cinnamon color becomes dark brown, edges paler   |
|SPORES| color           | purple-brown/purple-gray/purple-black            |
|      | size            | 9-12 x 6-8 x 5-8 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | nearly elliptic, smooth, broad germ pore         |
|DOSAGE| dried grams     | N/A (LD), 2.0-2.5 (MD), N/A (HD)                 |
|      | mushrooms       | 1-2 (LD), 3-4 (MD), 5+ (HD)                      |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 3.20-16.8                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 2.00-5.10                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.10-0.50                                        |
|OTHER | Generally grows in clusters.                                       |
|      | The most potent Psilocybe mushroom known.                          |



| PSILOCYBE MEXICANA (aka "Teonan?catl")                                    |
| Found only in Southern Mexico and Guatemala.  Grows from May to October   |
| in the zone between tropical and temperate climates (1500-1800 meters),   |
| in open fields or meadows but never dung.                                 |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.5-3.3 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | deep ochra to ochra brown                        |
|      | appearance      | starts conical, gradually inverts to convex,     |
|      |                 | then to flat and finally bowl-shaped; has a      |
|      |                 | central 'nipple'                                 |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.1-0.3 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 2.0-8.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | ochra, usually paler than cap                    |
|      | appearance      | hollow                                           |
|GILLS | form            | closely to medium spaced                         |
|      | color           | pale gray, whitish edges                         |
|SPORES| color           | deep sepia to dark purple brown                  |
|      | size            | 9-11 x 7-8 x 5-7 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | compressed, elliptic/rhombic, with germ pore     |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Ps. mexicana is the original 'magic mushroom' of the Mazatec       |
|      | Indians and the first one discovered by the West.                  |
|      | Ps. mexicana always grows solitary, but there are usually many     |
|      | others near each fruitbody.                                        |


| PSILOCYBE MONTANA (aka Psilocybe atrorufa)                                |
| Grows in low moss on sandy land, roadsides etc.  From summer to fall,     |
| sometimes in spring, quite popular.                                       |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.5-2 centimeters                                |
|      | color           | red-brown, paler when dry                        |
|      | appearance      | hemispherical, sticky when wet                   |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1-2 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 1-4 centimeters                                  |
|      | color           | light brown                                      |
|      | appearance      | crumbles easily                                  |
|GILLS | form            | widely spaced                                    |
|      | color           | first light brown, become purple-brown with age  |
|SPORES| color           | N/A                                              |
|      | size            | 6-9 x 5-6 x 4-5 micrometers                      |
|      | shape           | oval shaped                                      |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 40 (LD), 100 (MD), 200 (HD)                      |
|      | fresh grams     |  5 (LD),  15 (MD),  30 (HD)                      |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 0.0 (?)                                          |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.0 (?)                                          |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Chemical studies have found no psilocybin or psilocin in this,     |
|      | yet reports of its use exist.  Caveat emptor.                      |


| PSILOCYBE PUGETENSIS => See PSILOCYBE STUNTZII                            |

| PSILOCYBE SEMILANCEATA (aka Psathyra pelliculosa, Psilocybe pelliculosa,  |
|                         "Liberty Cap")                                    |
| Found in northern temperate zone throughout the world. Grows inland up to |
| a thousand miles (1500 km) from the ocean. Northwestern U.S, Scandinavia, |
| the British Isles and western Europe. Very popular in Norway and other    |
| parts of Scandinavia.  Fruits in grasses and cow pastures, parks and      |
| roadsides in the fall.                                                    |
|CAP   | diameter        | 5-10 millimeters                                 |
|      | color           | brown, drying to yellowish brown                 |
|      | appearance      | sharply conical, small "nipple" on top, never    |
|      |                 | expands, incurved, striated margin, sticky when  |
|      |                 | wet                                              |
|STEM  | diameter        | 2-3 millimeters                                  |
|      | length          | 6-10 centimeters                                 |
|      | color           | pallid to yellowish or brown, darkens with age,  |
|      |                 | does *not* bruise blue                           |
|      | appearance      | wavy and tough, fibrilliose, veil absent or      |
|      |                 | rudimentary, small dark ring may be present      |
|GILLS | form            | adnate or adnexed, slant upwards to almost       |
|      |                 | vertical                                         |
|      | color           | first pale, soon becomes purplish brown          |
|SPORES| color           | brown                                            |
|      | size            | 12-16 x 7-9 x 7-9 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, with germ pore                        |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 5-10 (LD), 20-40 (MD), 60-90 (HD)                |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 10.0-11.0                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00                                             |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.90-3.40                                        |
|OTHER | Ps. pelliculosa is actually a separate species, but the two are    |
|      | indistinguishable to the naked eye.  It grows in sawdust or wood   |
|      | chip piles in forests where lumberjacks have been working.  The    |
|      | two can be distinguished by spore size, with Ps. pelliculosa       |
|      | spores being smaller at 9-13 x 5-7 x 5-7 micrometers.  Ps. pelli.  |
|      | is also weaker in potency, having only 1.2-7.1 mg/g and 0.0-0.5    |
|      | mg/g psilocybin and baeocystin respectively.                       |
|      | Ps. semil. contains more baeocystin than most other Psilocybes,    |
|      | which may account for the subjective difference in quality.        |

| PSILOCYBE STUNTZII (aka Psilocybe pugetensis)                             |
| Commonly found in Washington state (U.S.) and British Columbia (Canada).  |
| Found on lawns, in fields and bark mulch; originally identified growing   |
| on the U of Washington campus!  Fruits from August to December.           |
|CAP   | diameter        | 0.5-3.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | variable; deep olive-brown to chestnut brown if  |
|      |                 | young, fading to dingy yellow-brown or yellowish |
|      |                 | buff; margin often tinged greenish               |
|      | appearance      | bluntly conical becoming convex to broadly       |
|      |                 | umbonate, plane, or with uplifted margin; viscid |
|      |                 | when moist; margin striate when moist            |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1.5-4.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 2.0-7.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | white to ochraceous brown                        |
|      | appearance      | becomes hollow with age, equal or thicker at     |
|      |                 | either end, often curved, not viscid, veil may   |
|      |                 | form fragile ring or fibrillose zone             |
|GILLS | form            | adnate or adnexed, narrow, close to well spaced  |
|      | color           | chocolate brown to violet/black, whitish edges   |
|SPORES| color           | deep violet to dark purple                       |
|      | size            | 8-12 x 6-7 x 6-7 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | not quite elliptic, with germ pore               |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 3.6-0.4                                          |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.1-0.6                                          |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.0-0.2                                          |
|OTHER | This mushroom is quite similar to Ps. cyanescens, Ps. venenata     |
|      | and Ps. subaeruginascens; however, the latter two do not grow in   |
|      | Northern America.  There are also some poisonous Galerina species  |
|      | that resemble Ps. stuntzii, so be careful.  The Galerinas grow in  |
|      | forested areas, not lawns and fields.                              |
|      | Ps. stuntzii can grow either in clusters or solitary.              |

| PSILOCYBE SUBAERUGINOSA                                                   |
| Found throughout Australia and regions nearby.  Grows solitary or in      |
| groups on soil in forests.                                                |
|CAP   | diameter        | up to 5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | "biscuit brown", darker when wet                 |
|      | appearance      | conical with inturned edge when young, becomes   |
|      |                 | convex when older                                |
|STEM  | diameter        | relatively thin                                  |
|      | length          | up to 10 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | white with occasional grey/blue/green blotches   |
|      | appearance      | traces of veil may remain as a small ring        |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced, may be attached to stem          |
|      | color           | smoky brown/black                                |
|SPORES| color           | purplish brown                                   |
|      | size            | 10-15 x 5-9 x 5-9 micrometers                    |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, with germ pore                        |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-5 (LD), 5-13 (MD), 20+ (HD)                    |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |

| PSILOCYBE SUBAERUGINASCENS (aka Psilocybe aerugineomaculans, Stropharia   |
|                             caerulescens, Stropharia venenata)            |
| Found in some parts of Asia, at least northern Japan and Java, Indonesia. |
| Usually found on horse manure but evidently grows on rotten wood as well. |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.5-2.5 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | whitish with smoke-brown center                  |
|      | appearance      | flat to convex, glabrous and smooth              |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1.5-3.0 millimeters                              |
|      | length          | 3.0-4.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | white                                            |
|      | appearance      | traces of veil may remain as a small ring        |
|GILLS | form            | widely spaced                                    |
|      | color           | grayish brown, edges paler                       |
|SPORES| color           | violet brown                                     |
|      | size            | 8-10 x 7-8 x 6-7 micrometers                     |
|      | shape           | ellipsoid, with germ pore                        |
|DOSAGE| fresh grams     | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | This mushroom is known to be hallucinogenic in reasonable doses,   |
|      | but unlike most other Psilocybes it is also toxic and possibly     |
|      | even lethal in higher ones (deaths are known).  Caveat emptor!     |

| PSILOCYBE ZAPOTECORUM (aka "Mbey San", "Piule de Barda")                  |
| Found only in Oaxaca, Mexico.  Grows primarily on soil in swamps.         |
|CAP   | diameter        | 6.0-11.0 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | ochra yellow to brown/purple/black               |
|      | appearance      | bell-shaped, becomes breast-shaped; always       |
|      |                 | twisted and asymmetric in shape                  |
|STEM  | diameter        | 1.0-2.0 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 10.0-20.0 centimeters                            |
|      | color           | brownish (inside of stem lighter or white)       |
|      | appearance      | very fibrous, elastic, often twisted, hollow     |
|GILLS | form            | rather closely spaced, not very broad            |
|      | color           | violet-purple                                    |
|SPORES| color           | brown purple                                     |
|      | size            | 6-9 x 4-5 x 3-4 micrometers                      |
|      | shape           | compressed ellipsoid, with germ pore             |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | N/A (LD), N/A (MD), N/A (HD)                     |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | N/A                                              |
|      |      psilocin   | N/A                                              |
|      |      baeocystin | N/A                                              |
|OTHER | Ps. zapotecorum is used as a hallucinogen by Chatino and Zapotec   |
|      | Indians.                                                           |



| STROPHARIA (PSILOCYBE) CUBENSIS (aka Naematoloma caerulescens, Psilocybe  |
|                      cubensis, Stropharia cyanescens, "San Isidro")       |
| Found throughout the southern United States, from California to Louisiana |
| and South Carolina to Florida, as well as most of Central and South       |
| America, and parts of southeast Asia.  Arrived to the Americas with       |
| Spanish Brahma cattle from the Philippine Islands.  Grows on cow manure   |
| or manure-fertilized soil.                                                |
|CAP   | diameter        | 1.6-8.0 centimeters                              |
|      | color           | pure white to light brown, translucent when wet  |
|      | appearance      | starts conical, gradually inverts to convex,     |
|      |                 | then to flat and finally bowl-shaped; has a gold |
|      |                 | center spot; covered by sticky protective film;  |
|      |                 | flesh firm and white; margin sometimes hung      |
|      |                 | with veil remnants                               |
|STEM  | diameter        | 0.4-1.4 centimeters                              |
|      | length          | 4.0-15.0 centimeters                             |
|      | color           | white or bluish-stained                          |
|      | appearance      | membranous, usually forms a thin fragile ring    |
|      |                 | on stalk which is blackened by falling spores    |
|GILLS | form            | closely spaced, initially attached to stem but   |
|      |                 | may separate with age                            |
|      | color           | light brown/gray to deep purple/black, edges     |
|      |                 | whitish                                          |
|SPORES| color           | dark brown to blackish                           |
|      | size            | 12-17 x 8-12 x 7-9 micrometers                   |
|      | shape           | smooth, nearly elliptic, with germ pore          |
|DOSAGE| mushrooms       | 2-3 (LD), 4-10 (MD), 20-40 (HD)                  |
|      | dried grams     | 1-2 (LD), 3-5  (MD), 10-20 (HD)                  |
|      | mg/g psilocybin | 4.00-12.0                                        |
|      |      psilocin   | 0.00-1.00                                        |
|      |      baeocystin | 0.00-0.20                                        |
|OTHER | Str. cubensis is the most important of the psilocybian mushrooms,  |
|      | being common in the Americans and relatively easy to cultivate.    |
|      | Str. cubensis variety cyanescens, found in Florida, is a sort of   |
|      | albino Str. cub. with very little pigment in the cap.              |
|      | Str. cubensis variety caerulescens, found in Indochina, has cap    |
|      | colored clear yellow in some places.                               |


.oO Other psychoactive species

   Here is a brief list of dosage information on some other mushrooms.
Some Psilocybes that are known to contain no psilocybin/psilocin are
included.  Descriptions have been purposely omitted, since I don't have
enough info for a full-scale description like the ones above; if you are
interested, look them up in a guide.

  Genus           Shrooms   Grams   Psilocyb. Psilocin  Baeocys.    Notes
   species         fresh    fresh   mg/g dry  mg/g dry  mg/g dry
| BOLETUS        |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  erythropus    |        |  100+  |         |         |         | 1        |
| COPRINUS       |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  narcoticus    |        |   50+  |         |         |         |          |
|  niveus        |        |   50+  |         |         |         |          |
|  patouillardii |        |   50+  |         |         |         |          |
| GYMNOPILUS     |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  purpuratus    |        |        | 1.0-3.4 | 1.0-3.1 | 0.5-0.1 |          |
| INOCYBE        |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  aeruginascens |        |        |   4.0   |   0.0   |   2.1   |          |
| PANAEOLUS      |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  olivaceus     |        |        |   0.05  |   0.0   |         |          |
| PLUTEUS        |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  atricapillus  |        |        |   0.05  |   0.0   |         |          |
|  salicinus     |        |        | 2.1-3.0 | 0.0-0.5 |         |          |
| PSATHYRELLA    |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  candolleana   |        |        |   0.04  |   0.05  |         |          |
| PSILOCYBE      |        |        |         |         |         |          |
|  bohemica      |        |        | 8.5-9.3 |         |         |          |
|  bullacea      | 40-200 |  5-30  |         |         |         |          |
|  cookei        | 10-25  |  2-10  |         |         |         | 2        |
|  coprophila    | 50-200 | 15-100 |   0.0   |   0.0   |         | 3        |
|  inquilina     |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  merdaria      |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  muscorum      | 40-200 |  5-30  |         |         |         |          |
|  percivalii    |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  rhombispora   |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  squamosa      |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |
|  subcoprophila |        |        |   0.0   |   0.0   |         |          |


 1  Has poisonous lookalikes.
 2  Very similar to Ps. semilanceata.
 3  No psilocybin or psilocin detected chemically despite reports of
    successful use as a hallucinogen.