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From sxl136@gis.psu.edu Sat May 23 20:23:32 1992 From: Blanc Sean Le <sxl136@gis.psu.edu> To: lamontg@milton.u.washington.edu Date: Thu, 7 May 1992 13:16:01 -0400 LSD experiences First version: April 6, 1992 Last modified: April 7, 1992 Compiled by Sean LeBlanc Back in 1984 I was stationed at <some air base in US> For the last four years I had been a good little airman and gave up pot, LSD, mescalin, and other fun stuff of my youth and also like a good little airman I took to the bottle with a vengeance. Working with me was a really cool dude named <Jim>. <Jim> and I instantly connected and every friday night we put our families on hold, bought some Wild Irish Rose and Vivarin and played guitar and talked religion and philosophy 'til the wee hours. Eventually talk turned to the spiritual aspect of the LSD experience and it wasn't long before we were planning a little trip. I figured that if we dropped on friday night we'd have plenty of time to recover before monday rolled around, so it was set; the next friday we would both trip one last time and see what we get out of it. Well, things didn't quite go as planned. After my Biology class was over I headed over to <Jim's> house full of anticipation. But when I got there, <Jim> wasn,t alone; he had <Joe> there with him! Bad enough anyone else was involved, <Joe> was the epitome of uptight and white. "Hey <Jim>," I said, "why is <Joe> here?". <Jim> said "Check out his eyes!" and sure enough, <Joe's>' pupils were dripping all over the floor. Turns out <Jim> had mentioned it to a few people and we had some deliveries to make. "THIS IS NOT GOOD!" I thought, but the ball was rolling... so we dropped it off to some other guys in the shop (people who reported to me as I was the swingshift shop chief at the time!) and headed back to <Jim's> to await the effects. About an hour went by and I wasn't feeling anything. <Jim> and <Joe> were zoomin' so I chilled out and let those two jam on guitars for a while while I relaxed. Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it," I said. I went to the door and looked out the little window in it, and as I was opening the door for this guy standing outside, I thought, " Why is someone crouching behind the bushes back there, and why is someone over by the wall..." FREEZE! YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR USEPOSSESIONANDDISTRIBUTION OF LSD! Yes, it was all one word, and I felt like I was suddenly shoved underwater. Everything was so unreal, time was in slow?fast? motion, and all I thought was, "Thank God it didn't kick in!". <Jim> and <Joe> had a different experience, I imagine. The room was full of Security Police with M-16's pointed at our heads (even though I was cuffed behind my back) and they ransacked the place. Turns out <Jim's> wife blabbed to a busybody neighbor who called the First Sargeant who called the Squadron Commander who called the Office of Special Investigation and in the retelling of the story it was thought that we were bringing 6000 hits on base, possibly to taint the water supply! So we go to the base hospital for a piss test and then they let us walk back home. NOW it kicks in! Trees start looming at me, lights are streaky and I'm feeling very giddy.Even though I'm tripping, my mind is very clear, and I can see how I've just screwed up things in a major way for me, my wife and 2 year old daughter. I related the tale to my wife and told her I had to lay down for a while and work things out. I curled up in a fetal position on the bed and closed my eyes. I could see this huge octagonal carpet suspended in the blackest darkness. The colors blended from one corner to the next, and I knew that each of the eight corners was emotion;the burgandy corner was guilt, the maroon was shame, the dark purple was frustration, and so on. Slowly, one of the corners started to droop down, and as it did I could feel the associated emotion welling up inside me. Suddenly the corner plunged into the void and I was wracked with overwhelming guilt, so much so that I would violently shake and moan on the bed. My wife came in when she heard this, and I pulled myself out of it long enough to tell her,"It's alright, I've got to go through this now.". She left the room and I returned to the floating carpet. After 45 minutes (an eternity, in my time) I came out to the living room, exhausted and drenched with sweat. The morning sun was about to come up, and I relaxed into a chair, put on a tape, and to the opening strains of America's 'Horse with no name' the sun slipped over the horizon and shot directly, but gently, into my eye. Oh man...I can feel it now... it's so beautiful... God is silently, insistently saying everything's alright... I can't describe how much light and love was in me then... and now... Sorry, I'm back. the next few minutes are so bizarre. Suddenly there was no more music even though it was still playing, somewhere, out there... all I could think of was how much I loved my daughter and at that instant my daughter came straight out of her room and climbed into my lap. She stared long and deep into my eyes and said, "Daddy, you have rainbows in your eyes" and I realized that I was not made of flesh anymore, I was a giant, glowing, sunshine-filled diamond, and fear fell away. Pain fell away. And I was filled with the power of the Universe. Even weeks later I could feel it. I had the power to look inside people and see their fears and weaknesses and I knew they were totally powerless against me. Of course, all the power I had was light and love and all I wanted to do to people was to love and heal them and bring them into the light. It was truly magical. The Air Force wasn't done with me yet, though. I went to jail for a few months, got busted from Staff Sargeant to Airman, money was taken from me, they made up some shit to get me in hot water with the IRS and are still making me repay some money they said thay gave me, but all in all, it was worth it. For a very short time, I WAS 'THERE' and I'd do it all over again. ========================================================================= <Separation> The first time I ever tripped it was with my brother at our parent's cottage in ontario, on lake erie. a perfect trip setting if ever there was one. It had just gotten dark, and this is a rather remote location so when it gets dark it's DARK. We were just starting to peak, and were in the process of building a bonfire, when I glanced up toward the lake and noticed a light on the horizon. Keep in mind, this is my first time tripping, and I'm having a great time--laughing my ass off, digging the visuals, etc. anyway, I see this light and sort of stop and start to examine it and figure out what the hell it is. Often you could see the lights from ships going by way out in the lake, and occasionally there would be an oil rig test drilling. Both these things were sources of light, and considering the warpedness of my perception, I wasn't sure my light wasn't just a ship or oil rig, but it sure didn't look at it. As I watched the light, I determined that it wasn't moving horizontally, but it appeared to be getting bigger!! closer, maybe, I thought, still figuring it was some man-made, explainable object. "what the fuck is that?" I asked my brother. At the time I was a college sophmore in computer science, and my brother was a junior in metalurgical engineering. Neither one of us was stupid or especially drawn toward the super-natural. "a ship?" he answered. "it's too big to be a ship, and i think it's getting bigger" I said. now we were both staring at the thing. "a weather baloon maybe" I said, trying as best I could given my mindset to come up with a rational explanation, when inside I ALREADY KNEW it was a messenger from another planet!! "no, weather baloons don't glow like that!!" he said. By now the thing was getting really huge, and was obviously glowing with it's own light. It wasn't a ship. It wasn't an oil rig. It wasn't a weather baloon. "it's a fucking UFO!" I said. my brother tends to be even more skeptical than I when it comes to things of this nature, but I think he actually agreed with me. I thought to myself, as I watched this glowing disk get bigger and bigger, brighter and brighter before my eyes, this is it. This will be mankinds first contact with an intelligent alien life form. the occupants of that spaceship, which is apparently headed straight for us, will come face to face with humanity, for the first time ever, and we, two tripping fools, will be humanity's representatives. I was convinced not only that this was going to happen, but that it would be an historic occasion. I wasn't afraid; rather I looked forward to being my species' ambassador to these weary space travellers. I wasn't even scared that they were going to take me away; I thought it would be neat to see the inside of their spaceship. Well, we stared at it for another minute or two, and when it got to the point where it was obvious that we were looking at a half-disk, I blurted out "it's the fucking MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!". We proceeded to roll in the sand laughing for about a half hour, then continued with our trip. ========================================================================= <Separation> I had a trip from hell experience. I was driving up to Milwaukee to see Jerry Garcia over thanksgiving break. Getting thier about 5 hours early Me and my friend ran into someone in a Van selling jewlery, chains and LSD (GO FIGURE!). I bought four and split them with my friend. We then headed over to the Milwaukee Museam of Art. After going through thier for a few hours with great enjoyment we left to walk back to the bradly Center. The building that housed the art was accross the expressway and you had to walk over the overpass and through a parking garage. I was starting to really peak and we ended up getting lost somewhere in leaving the garage and ended up in a construction site. After working our way through that we got hopelessly lost. Finnally after getting back near the Bradly center we stoped into a cafe to get something to eat(don't ask me what made me think I wanted to eat) I ordered some screwed up combo like onion rings soup and coffee. This old grouchy lady was the watress and one of two employies. The place was filled with deadheads. I was dressed fairly conservativly in Jeans and a sweater. All of them were really messed up. She constantly bitched about how hard her job was and just in general was rude to everyone.. She looked at me and said "You are the only normal one in here" at that point I grimaced and burt out in uncontrolable smiles and laughter. She then said "I don't know whats going on in here, your crazy too." I tried to pull my self together and gave my food to a hippie girl who had nothing to eat and was going in some caravan to california. I walked over to the Bradly center and was looking for the entrance, we were waiting up against the wall when two people right up in front of us I guess asked someone for doses, then three guys dressed as dead heads tied thier hands together with that plastic psudohandcuff ties and said , Milwaukee police, your under arrest, operation so and so etc.. this is where the trip went increasingly down hill. After getting into the concert Still shook up and with my asthma giving me problems from being out in the cold so long I listened to I think the first four songs. Then I was overcome with depression and had to walk out.. I sat on the interior stairs of the center and cryed, telling my friend what a looser I thought I was, and how my life was worthless. Then I thought I was going to quit breathing, I wanted to call the paramedics and go to the hospital, but my friend talked me out of it, knowing what a mess that would be.. Finally after about an hour of thinking about everything that was bad and depressing to think about I pulled myself together. Some deadhead was so fucked up he fell down the stairs on top of me and by that time the concert was over. I then went out to my car, did more mental acrobatics and drove home. I stoped at dennys after getting back to illinois and order more soup, god knows why?... After attempting to eat some and drink a little coffee I looked down at my soup, the carots looked like "Steal Your Face" logos floating in beef broth... Very Strange... .I really have nothing more to say except that It was a trip to hell... However I did learn alot from it so I guess the pain wasn't completly worthless... ================================================================== <Separation> Back in the spring of '90, I was attending Drexel University in Philadelphia , and my roommate and I decided to drop, along with a few buddies who lived up the hall from us. (This during a period of my life where I had just finished having a slew of, not bad, but rather unpleasant trips) This was my roommate's second trip, my 100th? (lost count) Anyway, we were engaged in wide and diverse activities, like staying in our dorm room and watching TV to the music of Floyd . Anyway, my roommate and I got antsy and left in his car. He felt fine to driv e a short distance, he said, so we drove to Fairmont Park. Now, this was about 3 hours into the trip or so, and around 1:00 in the morning. Anyway, the two buddies had headed to Fairmont Park, and we looked for them. Feeling *really* paranoid, because of some shifty characters parked next to our car who kept staring at us. I'm not rascist, but perhaps they were, and they were black, I'm white. Anyway, we left our cars, and climbed a rock formation which has a car underpass under it, and overlooks the river. The lights reflected off the water twinkling with the currents, providing some real good eye candy. Anyway, we sat up there and smoked a bowl or two, and were watching the night sky, wondering w here our buddies were, (and I was paranoid about getting mugged, even though we had gone there a lot before) when we noticed what the clouds were doing. Even though it was dark out, we could see the clouds and they were forming right before our eyes. I have seen this once before straight, but it was nothing like this...on acid, they kept forming cartoony shapes, like the Escher dragons biti ng each other's tails, etc., etc. Extremely intense. Anyway, my roommate asked me what I saw, and what I described to him (as it was happening) was exactly what he saw. That made it really cool. So he then described what he was seeing, as it occurred, and I was delighted to find that I *was* seeing what he saw, bu t it was not suggestion, because I knew what I saw before he described it. All in all a really weird experience, but I guess you had to be there. Anybody who' s tripped before should be able to relate to it. Anyway, later on that night, back at the dorm, our buddies met up with us, and they related to us quite a story. They had gone to Fairmont Park, but further upriver. They had had beer with them, too. (Don't know why--alcohol is a waste of time on LSD) So they were feeling esp. paranoid when a cop car drove by once on the highway with its lights on, then circled back, because he had seen them, and parked and came over to them. They hid their pot and beer real quick and *tryed* to sober up. Anyway, the cop asked them if they had seen anyone suspicious because someone further along the river had been stabbed earlier by a black man. The real kicker on this story is that two black guys had been in the same area as my friends, but when the cop car pulled up, one hid under a car, and another ran into the woods. AND they had come from the same direction that the cop had said the incident occurred. The cop suggested rather strongly that my buddies should leave the park, and this was one incident where my friends felt that a cop's advice meant something. Any other good stories anybody has to relate? E-mail 'em to me, I love to hear a good trip story, and I have heard dozens of good ones. It's sort of a hobby of mine; I collect trip stories. I wonder if they gain any worth, like stamps and baseball cards do, after many many years, or if they are rare?