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Author: David Honig Editor: Last Update: 2 Jun 91 Subject: LSD CONTENTS: LSD (definition, introduction) Delysid (trade name of prescription LSD) (pharmacology) CAUTIONS, REAL AND IMAGINED ADDICTION POTENTIAL (none) ADULTERANTS (including the strychnine myth, manufacturing impurities, etc.) BAD TRIPS (what they are, how to avoid, what to do) MYTHS DANGERS (LSD isn't for morons...) FLASHBACKS (what they are) INSOMNIA (is common, what to do) TOLERANCE (quickly, harmlessly aquired and lost) BACKGROUND ANTHROPOLOGY (and history) BOTANY (sources in nature) CHEMISTRY (structure) MECHANISM OF ACTION (uncertain) RELATED COMPOUNDS DRUG TESTING (don't worry) LEGAL SCHEDULING PRAGMATICS SET and SETTING (how to have a good time) STORAGE (keep in a cool dark dry place) SYNERGIES, BAD COMBINATIONS (be careful) REFERENCES LSD Generic name for the hallucinogen lysergic acid diethylamide-25. Discovered by Dr. Albert Hofmann in 1938, LSD is one of the most potent mind-altering chemicals known. A white, odorless powder usually taken orally, its effects are highly variable and begin within one hour and generally last 8-12 hours, gradually tapering off. It has been used experimentally in the treatment of alcoholics and psychiatric patients. It significantly alters perception, mood, and psychological processes, and can impair motor coordination and skills. During the 1950s and early 1960s, LSD experimentation was legally conducted by psychiatrists and others in the health and mental health professions. Sometimes dramatic, unpleasant psychological reactions occur, including panic, great confusion, and anxiety. Strongly affected by SET and SETTING. Classification: hallucinogen. Slang names: acid, sugar. See also appendix B. (RIS 27:211-52 entries) Drug Slang Terms: Acid, Animal, Barrels, Beast, Big D, Black tabs, Blotter, Blue acid, Blue chairs, Blue cheers, Blue mist, Blue vials, Brown dots, California sunshine, Cap, Chief, Chocolate chips, Coffee, Contact lens, Crackers, Cube, Cupcakes, "D", Deeda, Domes, Dot, Electric Kool Ade, Flash, Flat blues, Ghost, Grape parfait, Green wedge, Hawaiian sunshine, Hawk, Heavenly blue, Haze, Instant Zen, "L", Lason sa daga, LBJ, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Mellow yellows, Microdots, Mighty Quinn, Mind detergent, Orange cubes, Orange micro, Orange wedges, Owsley, Owsley's blue dot, Paper acid, Peace, Peace tablets, Pearly gates, Pellets, Pink Owsley, Pink wedge, Pure love, Purple barrels, Purple flats, Purple haze, Purple hearts, Purple ozoline, Royal blues, Sacrament, Sandoz's, Smears, Squirrel, Strawberries, Strawberry fields, Sugar, Sugar lumps, Sunshine, Tabs, Ticket, Twenty-five, Vials Wedding bells, Wedge, White lightning, White Owsley's, Window pane, Yellow dimples, Yellows, Zen -- Research Issues 26, Guide to Drug Abuse Research Terminology, available from NIDA or the GPO, page 54. From the Physician's Desk Reference: Delysid (LSD 25) D-lysergic acid diethylamide tartrate Sugar-coated tablets containing 0.025 mg. (25 ug.) Ampoules of 1 ml. containing 0.1 mg. (100 ug.) for oral administration. The solution may also be injected s.c. or i.v. The effect is identical with that of oral administration but sets in more rapidly. PROPERTIES The administration of very small doses of Delysid (1/2-2 ug./kg. body weight) results in transitory disturbances of affect, hallucinations, depersonalization, reliving of repressed memories, and mild neuro-vegetative symptoms. The effect sets in after 30 to 90 minutes and generally lasts 5 to 12 hours. However, intermittent disturbances of affect may occasionally persist for several days. METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION For oral administration the contents of 1 ampoule of Delysid are diluted with distilled water, a 1% solution of tartaric acid or halogen-free tap water. The absorption of the solution is somewhat more rapid and more constant that that of the tablets. Ampoules which have not been opened, which have been protected against light and stored in a cool place are stable for an unlimited period. Ampoules which have been opened or diluted solutions retain their effectiveness for 1 to 2 days, if stored in a refrigerator. INDICATIONS AND DOSAGE a) Analytical psychotherapy, to elicit release of repressed material and provide mental relaxation, particularly in anxiety states and obsessional neuroses. The initial dose is 25 ug. (1/4 of an ampoule or 1 tablet). This dose is increased at each treatment by 25 ug. until the optimum dose (usually between 500 and 200 ug.) is found. The individual treatments are best given at intervals of one week. b) Experimental studies on the nature of psychoses: By taking Delysid himself, the psychiatrist is able to gain an insight in the world of ideas and sensations of mental patients. Delysid can also be used to induced model psychoses of short duration in normal subjects, this facilitating studies on the pathogenesis of mental disease. In normal subjects, doses of 25 to 75 ug. are generally sufficient to produce a hallucinatory psychosis (on an average 1 ug./kg. body weight). In certain forms of psychosis and in chronic alcoholism, higher doses are necessary (2 to 4 ug./kg. body wht). PRECAUTIONS Pathological mental conditions may be intensified by Delysid. Particular caution is necessary in subjects with a suicidal tendency and in those cases where a psychotic development appears imminent. The psycho-affective lability and the tendency to commit impulsive acts may occasionally last for some days. Delysid should only be administered under strict medical supervision. The supervision should not be discontinued until the effects of the drug have completely worn off. ANTIDOTE The mental effects of Delysid can be rapidly reversed by the i.m. administration of 50 mg. chlorpromazine. Literature available on request. SANDOZ LTD., BASLE, SWITZERLAND 9792*-Z1540 e.-sp./d.-fr. Printed in Switzerland. From: An Introduction to Pharmacology 3rd edition, JJ Lewis, 1964 (p 385): Peripheral Actions "These include an oxytocic action and constriction of the blood vessels of isolated vascular beds. In intact animals LSD causes a fall in blood pressure, but its adrenergic blocking potency is low." "LSD causes mydriasis in man and other species. It also causes hyperglycaemia and mydriasis, has a hyperthermic action and causes piloerection. These effects are sympathetic in nature and are abolished by ganglion blocking or adrenergic blocking agents. Parasympathetic effects include salivation, lachyrmation, vomiting, hypotension, and brachycardia. Low doses stimulate respiration but larger doses depress it." (nb: mydriasis = pupillary dilation) Hoffman thought the diethylamide version of the lysergic acid molecule might be a respiratory stimulant... The "speedy" quality of unadulterated LSD is due to the pharmacological actions of LSD itself, and not necessarily due to decomposition or impurities. LSD typically causes early adrenergic effects such as sweating, nervousness, jaw grinding and insomnia which are easily confused with the side effects of amphetamine. ADDICTION POTENTIAL: Zero physical addiction potential. Not something that makes you want to do it again immediately. Rarely people use it to escape in a negative way or as part of "polydrug abuse" behavior. ADULTERANTS: Several problems are associated with street drugs: their unknown purity and their unknown strength. Because of its extreme cheapness and potency, the purity of LSD in blotter form is not an issue: either its lsd or untreated paper. The purity of powders, pills, and liquids cannot be assumed as safe. With regards to uncertain strength, the strength of hits these days is low, 100 micrograms or so. One should be careful and assume that the smallest square in a tiling of a sheet is a dose, even if a printed pattern covers several. An experienced person could judge the strength of a dose, and if it is assumed all doses on a sheet have been processed equivalently, those doses would be calibrated for others, much like anything else. From _Psychedelic Chemistry_ by M.V.Smith, 2nd edition p 5: "There is a great deal of superstition regarding purification of psychedelics. Actually, any impurities which may be present as a result of synthetic procedures will almost certainly be without any effect on the trip. If there are 200 micrograms oof LSD in a tablet, there could only be 200 mics of impurities present even if the LSD was originally only 50% pure (assuming nothing else has been added), and few compounds will produce a significant effect until a hundred to a thousand times this amount has been ingested. Even mescaline, which has a rather specific psychedelic effect, requires about a thousand times this amount." Note that: 1) on a piece of paper, vs. a tablet, you can't even add significant amounts of adulterants; 2) adulterants would cost, whereas blank paper will rip someone off just as well. LSD itself has some "body-kinks" on some people some times. Nausea is one of them. It's usually mild and transient. It also has speedlike (ie, adrenergic stimulation) effects, etc.. [Referring to strychnine] 15 mg has been fatal, but a more typical fatal dose is on the order of 50mg. 1 mg of strychnine orally probably has no observable pharmacological effects in a typical adult. [1 mg being ten times the effective dose of LSD, by the way.] BAD TRIPS: A person on LSD who becomes depressed, agitated, or confused may experience these feelings in an overwhelming manner that grows on itself. The best solution is to remove disturbing influences, get to a safe, comforting environment, and reassure the tripper that things are alright. It may comfort those who fear that they are losing their minds to be reminded that it will end in several hours. Authorities are fond of administering injections of anti- psychotic drugs. Recovery in the presence of authorities, in hospitals or police stations, is not pleasant. Sedatives or tranquilizers such as Valium may help reduce panic and anxiety, but the best solution is calm talking. Some claim that niacin (an over the counter vitamin supplement) can abort a trip, but this may be due to a placebo effect (niacin produces a flushing effect). MYTHS: LSD does not form "crystals" that reside in the body to be "dislodged" later, causing flashbacks. LSD is a crystalline solid (though it is unlikely that one would ever have enough to be visible to the naked eye) but it is easily water soluable, thus cannot form bodily deposits. Furthermore, it is metabolized and excreted in hours. The bogus "loosened crystal" description in not necessary to explain flashbacks, which are psychological phenomena (see FLASHBACKS). LSD does not cause chromosome damage. Some urban legends: I've heard two "stories" about people blinding themselves on "drugs". One was revealed as a hoax by the person who perpetrated it (apparently it was intended to "illustrate" the dangers of LSD), another is trotted out by anti- drug speakers at high schools: 1) Seven people on LSD stared at the sun and lost 90% of their reading vision. 2) A teenager arrested while on LSD plucked out his eyeballs in his jail cell, and felt no pain. While these are bogus, the drug has powerful effects on the mind and the consumer should be aware of the hazards, and act appropriately. DANGERS: Purely psychological hazards, not harmful to body. May release latent psychosis or exacerbate depression. There is also a danger of foolish behavior, e.g, misjudging distances or thinking one can fly. Physical overdose is not a hazard, though one may easily ingest more than one may be able to handle psychologically. Because the "LSD psychosis" is not distinguishable from non-drug- induced psychosis, we have reasonable evidence to conclude that LSD was not the sole cause of psychosis. Instead, it would seem that the drug brought on the problems in vulnerable individuals. Interestingly, the rate of parental alcoholism was found to be much higher in LSD patients than in other patients or in the general population by one study (Vardy and Kay, Arch-Gen-Psych, 1983 40(8): 877-83). Lethal (toxic) doses of LSD are conservatively several tens of thousands of times as much as a normal dose, making it (in the toxic sense) one of the safest drugs known. See section on Pharmacology for description of side-effects. The LD50 for psilocybin is 275 mg/kg i.v. in mice. Of course, it would take lots more p.o. to kill someone. The reported LD50 values for LSD are 46, 16.5, 0.3 mg/kg i.v. for mice, rats, and rabbits, respectively. Again, it's hard to accurately translate these numbers to oral values. Never take any drugs while pregnant. FLASHBACKS: Quoted without permission from 'Licit and Illicit Drugs,' written by Edward M. Brecher and the editors of Consumer Reports. ISBN: 0-316-15340-0 "A simple explanation of LSD flashbacks, and of their changed character after 1967, is available. According to this theory, almost everybody suffers flashbacks with or without LSD. Any intense emotional experience--the death of a loved one, the moment of discovery that one is in love, the moment of an automobile smashup or of a narrow escape from a smashup--may subsequently and unexpectedly return vividly to consciousness weeks or months later. Since the LSD trip is often an intense emotional experience, it is hardly surprising that it may similarly "flash back"." INSOMNIA: Insomnia occurs frequently after the trip. A mild, over-the- counter sleeping aid can help, and these antihistamines do not produce adverse interactions. Also, some people like to consume a small amount of alcoholic beverage to "smooth the jitteries". The usual precautions about sleeping aids after alcohol consumption apply of course. TOLERANCE: Acquired rapidly, within 3 days. Tolerance dissipates equally rapidly, without withdrawl, craving, or symptoms of addiction. Cross-tolerance can and is developed between other indole hallucinogens, eg, DMT, LSD and Psilocybin. CHEMISTRY: Lysergic acid diethylamide _is_ lysergic acid diethylamide (or... N,N-diethyl-D-lysergamide or... 9,10-Didehydo-N,N-diethyl-6-methylergoline-8B-carboxamide). Only one stereoisomer is psychoactive. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is LSD rather than LAD because the German word for acid is sauer (sp). LSD-25 Lysergic acid O CH2-CH3 O || / || || / || C---N C---OH | \ | | \ | |___ CH2-CH3 |___ / \ / \ / \ / \ << N---CH3 << N---CH3 \\ / \\ / \\____/ \\____/ / \ / \ / \ / \ < > < > // \ / // \ / // \_____/ // \_____/ | || || | || || | || || | || || | || || | || || \\ /\ / \\ /\ / \\ / \ / \\ / \ / N N H H Ergot is a product of the fungus Claviceps purpurea. The bio- active ingredients of ergot are all derivatives of lysergic acid. LSD is a semisynthetic derivative of lysergic acid. Thus LSD is an "ergot"-like substance. MECHANISM OF ACTION: (Note: the mechanism of action of LSD and other psychedelics is uncertain.) From a chapter titled Hallucinogens and Other Psychotomimetics: Biological Mechanisms by S.J.Watson "The current thesis of the effect of indole hallucinogens on 5-hydroxytrypamine might be stated as follows: LSD acts to preferentially inhibit serotonergic cell firing and seems to spare postsynaptic serotnergic receptors. This preference is shared by other simillar hallucinogens but in a limited fashion. Non- hallucinogenic analogs of LSD show no preference. These results suggest that there are two different steric conformation of serotonergic receptors, one of chiwh has higher affinity for LSD than the other. In general, 5-ht is an inhibitory transmitter; thus, when its activity is decreased, the next nuron in the chain is freed from inhibition and becomes more active. Since serotnergic systems appear to be intimately involved in the control of sensation, sleep, attention, and mood, it may be possible to explain the actions of LSD and other hallucinogens by their disinhibition of these critical systems." "There is also evidence for interaction with dopaminergic systems." LSD acts as a 5HT autoreceptor agonist in the raphe nucleus. These autoreceptors are typically considered to be 5HT1As. It also acts as a 5HT2 agonist, which is thought to be the main site of hallucinogenic activity. It's probably best called a a mixed 5HT2/5HT1 receptor partial agonist. I don't know of its effects on DA. Wouldn't be surprised if it has 'em; the systems aren't really functionally separable. The DA effects wouldn't be necessary for hallucinogenic activity, I'd bet. "If there's no documentation, you can't tell bugs from features." ---C.P. RELATED COMPOUNDS: Related compounds are the indole hallucinogens including DMT (dimethyl-tryptamine), DET (diethyl-), etc.; psilocybin; lysergic acid. DMT is very fast acting, lasting less than an hour. Psilocybin, found in hallucinogenic (aka magic or mexican) mushrooms, has effects similar to LSD but they work for approximately half the duration. These are all indole derivatives like the neurotransmitter serotonin, 5-hydroxy-tryptamine. "Indole" is the name of the 6-carbon ring attached to the 5-ring containing a nitrogen. The lysergic acid molecule contains an indole structure plus additional rings. LSD's two ethyl groups hanging off the amine may be replaced with other carbon chains for compounds with different durations, potencies, and effects. While LSD is semi-synthetic, DMT and psilocybin are found in nature. See the sections on BOTANY and ANTHROPOLOGY for info on related natural (plant) compounds and their uses. 1) DMT, DET, psylocin, psylocybin, : The mushroom psylocybin cubensis contains all four of these indole derivatives, as well as others. DMT is dimethyltryptamine, an indole derivative which has functionalized at the 3 position with the dimethyl ethylamine group. It is a close relative to the amino acid, tryptophan, which until recently was available in bulk at vitamin shops, until some jerk poisoned himself by taking a wonga dose of it. A prep came out in 1984 for LSD using l--tryptophan as the precursor, so this may have facilitated the government's pullin it from the shelves. I can't find tryptophan anywhere, now, and I've tried, bud. DMT, and it's brother DET (diethyltryptamine), have no oral activity, so have to be smoked. They stink like fish oil when lit, though. Both have hallucinogenic effects within 2-3 minutes of toking, wand while DMT lasts for only a half hour, DET is a smoother, more euphoric high, lasting twice as long. DET has effects similar to psylocybin. Psylocybin is DMT which has a functional group, phosphoryloxy-, at the 4 position on the indole ring. This group is immediately converted to hydroxyl- as soon as the stuff hits your stomache to give the cousin, psylocin. In preparing the drug, then, it is not necessary to proceed beyond the psylocin. DMT and DET are easily derived from many indole derivatives, the easiest of which is indole-3-acetic acid. I've done this reaction and it stinks to high heaven of indole gunge, skatoles (methylindoles), and indenes. Bad news if you want to make it at home, because the stench is pervasive. Other derivatives, using phenyl or butyl groups have been reported as having oral activity, so it is not necessary to smoke the stuff. Doses run at about a hundred mgs for smoked drug, while psylocin is orally active at about 5 mgs. For a good reference work on these compounds, their preps, and effects, see Michael Valentine Smith's "Psychedelic Chemistry," publisher unknown. Your Friendly Neighborhood Chemical Dude, St. Theo DMT CH / 3 // \\--- --- CH CH N || || || 2 2 \ \\ //\ / CH N 3 H DRUG TESTING: No risk. Its not looked for, hard to find, and transient. "A maximum concentration of 2-8 ng/ml [Plasma concentration of LSD] was reached 1.0-1.25 h after an oral dose of 160 ug. ...[A] value of 2.9 h for the elimination half-life of LSD from plasma [was reached]." [Upshall, D.G., Wailling, D.G.: The determination of LSD in human plasma following oral administration. Clinica Chimica Acta 36, 67-73 (1972)] Second of all, LSD and its metabolites are detectable in the urine for much longer than one hour. "LSD and its metabolites were still detectable in human urine for as long as 4 days after the ingestion of 0.2 mg of the drug." [Faed, E.M., McLeod, W.R.: A urine screening test of lysergide. Journal of Chromatographic Science. 11, 4-6 (1973)] Note that standard, cheap initial drug screening does not use chromatography or mass-spectrometry, and does not look for LSD. Spinal taps are not particularly useful (cerebro-spinal fluid doesn't concentrate LSD or metabolites) and are never done under any circumstances: they are painful and dangerous. > 1] How long can LSD be detected in the body? This varies by the test being used, the detection limit placed on the test, the point of collection and type of the sample fluid, the amount of LSD that was taken, and the individual in question. Assuming the testers are using an RIA screening test with the cutoff set at 0.1 ng/ml and assuming that the user has recently emptied their bladder, then the detection limit for one hit (100 ug) is normally around 30 hours. Each doubling of the initial amount will add about 5 hours. Thus taking 8 hits will leave a user vulnerable for approximately 2 days. (NOTE: This is based on the data in [7]) > 2] What exact form of test can be used to detect LSD in the body? There are a number of tests which can be used to detect LSD in the body. Abuscreen, a product of Roche Diagnostic Systems, is a series of RadioImmunoAssay (RIA) tests, one of which is used to detect LSD and its metabolites in whole blood, serum (blood), urine and stomach contents [1]. RIA can in theory be used to detect quantities as small as 0.020 nanograms (ng) per milliliter (ml) of sample [2]. Laboratory tests have shown that RIA results are accurate down to at least 0.1 ng/ml [3]. The manufacturer recommends limiting the cutoff to 0.5 ng/ml. EMIT, a product of Syva Corporation, is another series of tests, one of which can be used to detect LSD and its metabolites in serum and urine. EMIT stands for Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique. Both EMIT and Abuscreen are "positive/negative" response tests (much like pregnancy tests) which require periodic equipment calibration and consume chemicals for each test performed. A basic battery of tests costs approx. $15-$25 per person [4]. The basic tests (recommended by NIDA) include marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and phencyclidine (PCP). Normally, unless an (employer) specifically requests the test, an LSD assay is not run. Both Roche and Syva recommend confirmation of positive results by using a different test. The usual method of confirming positive results is some form of chromatography. These include High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC)[3], and different forms of Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)[5][6][7][8][9]. HPTLC and GC/MS can be used to give quantitative results as opposed to the Boolean results from EMIT or Abuscreen. Laboratory tests have shown that GC/MS test for LSD in urine[6] and blood[7] can be accurate down to 0.1 ng/ml. The cost for confirmation of a positive screening test is approximately $50-60. Positive results to either EMIT and RIA are held to be "probable cause" by U.S. courts. GC/MS results are held to be "proof" by U.S. courts. > I am asking for an actual text message containing a short, precise description of each test. Immunoassays chemicals are created by injecting animals (rabbits, sheep, donkey, etc) with the drug to be tested for and an albumin which force the animal to produce antibodies. The antibodies are then removed from the animal, purified and bottled. In RIA tests, the antibodies are then added to the fluid sample with a radioactively labeled chemical. Any of the drug (or similar chemicals) found in a sample that is being tested will react with this glop and by measuring the radioactivity, the amount of drugs can be determined [2][10]. > 3] How can such a test be beaten? While there is some literature on adulterating urine samples to produce false negative results [11], there has been little written that applies specifically to the LSD screening tests. I would suggest you read the article posted by Paul Hager paying particular attention to the warning about water intoxication [12]: In <1991May7.141615.16477@news.cs.indiana.edu> hagerp@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu wrote + Recommended: "Dealing With Urine Tests on Short Notice" + by Dale Gieringer, California NORML + + Most folks recommend that people hydrate themselves -- the idea + being that by drinking water and taking a diuretic that will + promote water loss, the urine will be very dilute and THC metabolite + content from "tomatoe" consumption will drop below the 100 ng/ml + threshold that defines a "positive". + + Mr. Gieringer recommends that, the day before the test, the + person drink lots of water. I would amend this to, drink your + normal "8 glasses" plus a few more. Don't get carried away with + drinking water -- there is such a thing as "water intoxication" + which can result in brain swelling and other nasties so don't + chug-a-lug a gallon of water just before the test. After + hydrating, and a little before the test, drink some more water + and use a diuretic (coffee is a weak diuretic). Urinate to + flush the bladder -- the first urination of the day is the + one most charged with metabolites. The pamphlet quotes from + a _High Times_ article, "How to Beat a Drug Test": + + Take an 80 mg dose of the prescription diuretic Lasix + (furosemide); take a hefty drink of water; piss two + or three times; then take the test. + + Some caution is to be exercised in taking diuretics. Consult + your physician. + + Mr. Gieringer also suggests that the clear, watery urine that + results from the above procedure is sometimes suspicious. He + recommends taking 50-100 mg of vitamin B2 which will color + urine yellow for a couple of hours. Vitamin C does not produce + this effect -- contrary to rumor. + + For more information, I'd suggest contacting California NORML + directly at (415) 563-5858. They are located in San Francisco. + It is also possible that Mr. Gieringer will respond directly + via his canorml account. > I am asking for ...[a description]... of each thing that LSD leaves behind that can be detected, and of each method used to beat each test. The immunsoassay tests vary in their specificity. Some display a relatively low cross-reactivity[13], others a high cross- reactivity[14]. The exact metabolites of LSD in humans have not been fully determined yet, though animal studies have been done. The only verified human metabolite I could find in the literature was N-demethyl-LSD[6] but I did not check all the references. FOOTNOTES: [1] Altunkaya, D; Smith R.N. "Evaluation of a commercial radioimmunoassay kit for the detection of lysergide (LSD) in serum, whole blood, urine, and stomach contents" Forensic Science International. v47n2, September 1990, p113-21. [2] Taunton-Rigby, A.; Sher, S.E.; Kelley, P.R. "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Radioimmunoassay" Science. v181, July 13 1973, p165-6. [3] McCarron, M.M.; Walberg, C.B.; Baselt, R.C. "Confirmation of LSD intoxication by analysis of serum and urine." Journal of Analytical Toxicology. v14n3, May-June 1990, p165-7. [4] Berg, E. "Drug-testing methods: what you should know." Safety & Health. v142n6, Dec 1990, p52-6. [5] Lim, H.K.; Andrenyak, D.; Francom, P.; Bridges, R.R.; Foltz, R.L. "Determination of LSD in urine by capillary column gas chromatography and electon impact mass spectrometry." Journal of Analytical Toxicology. v12n1, Jan-Feb 1988, p1-8. [6] Lim, H.K.; Andrenyak, D.; Francom, P. "Quantification of LSD and N-demethyl-LSD in urine by gas chromatography/ resonance electron capture ionization mass spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry. v60, July 15 1988, p1420-25. [7] Papac, D.I.; Foltz, R.L. "Measurement of lysergic acid dietylamide (LSD) in human plasma by gas chromatography/negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry." Journal of Analytical Toxicology. v14n3, May-June 1990, p189-90. [8] Paul, B.D.; Mitchell J.M.; Burbage, R.; Moy, M; Sroka, R. "Gas chromatographic-electron-impact mass fragmentometric determination of lysergic acid diethylamide in urine." Journal of Chromatography. v529n1, July 13, 1990, p103-12. [9] Blum, L.M.; Carenzo, E.F.; Rieders, F. "Determination of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in urine by instrumental high- performance thin-layer chromatography." Journal of Analytical Toxicology. v14n5, Sep-Oct 1990, p285-7. [10] Ratcliffe, W.A.; Fletcher, S.M.; Moffat, A.C.; et. al. "Radioimmunoassay of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in serum and urine by using antisera of different specificities." Clinical Chemistry. v23n2, Feb 1977, p169-74. [11] Cody, J.T.; Schwarzhoff, R.H. "Impact of adulterants on RIA analysis of urine for drugs of abuse." Journal of Analytical Toxicology. v13n5, Sep-Oct 1989, p277-84. [12] Klonoff, D.C. "Acute water intoxication as a complication of urine drug testing in the workplace." Journal of the American Medical Association. v265n1, Jan 2 1991, p84-6. [13] Christie J.; White, M.W.; Wiles, J.M. "A chromatographic method for the detection of LSD in biological liquids." Journal of Chromatography. v120n2, May 26, 1976, p496-501. [14] Twitchet, P.J.; Fletcher, S.M.; Sullivan, A.T.; Moffat, A.C. "Analysis of LSD in human body fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography, fluorescence spectroscopy and radioimmunoassay." J. Chromatogr. v150n1, March 11 1978, p73-84. Sorry this was so long but I thought it deserved it :-) Enjoy a "referenced" article. Tim Basher There were rumors going around that LSD could be detected by drug tests for thirty days. I think this reference and abstract makes it clear that it is probably 4 days, max. (see the end of the abstract) IDNUM 03319915 TYPE Journal paper DATE 880715 AUTHOR Heng Keang Lim; Andrenyak, D.; Francom, P.; Foltz, R.L.; Jones, R.T.. Center for Human Toxicology, Utah Univ., Salt Lake City, UT, USA TITLE Quantification of LSD and N-demethyl-LSD in urine by gas chromatography/resonance electron capture ionization mass spectrometry SOURCE Analytical Chemistry; vol.60, no.14; 15 July 1988; pp. 1420-5 SUBJECT chromatography; electron capture; mass spectroscopic chemical analysis; organic compounds; quantification; gas chromatography; resonance electron capture ionisation mass spectrometry; LSD; N-demethyl-LSD; urine; lysergic acid diethylamide; human; in vitro; in vivo; aromatic hydroxylation; drug; metabolite; N-tri-fluoroacetyl derivatives; calibration curves; urinary concentrations; adult volunteer; excretion; elimination half-lives; 4 to 6 hrs; 8 to 10 hrs Numerical data: time 1.4E+04 to 2.2E+04 s; time 2.9E+04 to 3.6E+04 s Class codes: A8280M; A8280B; A3470 CODEN ANCHAM ABSTRACT Demethylation of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the human has been demonstrated, both in vitro and in vivo, and aromatic hydroxylation at positions 13 and 14 has been tentatively identified. A gas chromatography/resonance electron capture ionization mass spectrometry (GC/MS) assay for LSD and N-demethyl-LSD in urine has been developed, in which the drug and its metabolite are converted to their N-tri-fluoroacetyl derivatives prior to GC/MS analysis. Linear and reproducible calibration curves have been obtained for LSD concentrations from 0.05 to 5.0 ng/mL, and for N-demethyl-LSD concentrations from 0.03 to 5.0 ng/mL. The assay was used to determine the urinary concentrations of LSD and N-demethyl-LSD following administration of a single oral dose of the drug (1 mu g/kg) to an adult volunteer. The rates of excretion of LSD and N-demethyl-LSD reached maxima in urine collected at time intervals of 4-6 and 8-10 h after administration, respectively. The elimination half-lives for LSD and N-demethyl-LSD were 3.6 and 10.0 h, respectively. MISCELLANEOUS Treatment: experimental Anal. Chem. (USA) Abstract number(s): A89037987 ISSN: 0003-2700 Refs: 15 LEGAL SCHEDULING: Class I, "no medical use" --- mostly for political reasons, as it was and is used in psychotherapy. (Current use is in Switzerland.) SET and SETTING: "SET" is the expectations a person brings with them. "Setting" is the environment that a person is in. Set includes expectations about the drug's actions and how the person will react. Setting includes the social and physical conditions. For LSD and the hallucinogen-type drug more than other psychoactives, set and setting are very important in determining the nature of the experience. These factors make the difference between, e.g., the experiences of someone taking the drug for enhancement at a concert, for psychotherapy in an doctor's office, in a religious context, or in the outdoors for an aesthetic experience. For best results, one should take LSD only with people one trusts in safe, comfortable surroundings, free of everyday intrusions. Tripping alone is a very risky thing to do, that inexperienced people should avoid. STORAGE: First, note that LSD is a fairly stable organic molecule, no more or less fragile than other molecules with comparable structures. The main factors to be concerned with are moisture (due to leaching and facilitated chemical reactions in the presense of moisture), oxygen, light, and temperature. Reaction rates typically depend upon temperature exponentially. These factors basically apply to all organic compounds. Sealing in AL foil in a cool dark place is fine. Some recommend refrigeration, but be careful about nosy guests, condensation, and frost. Multiple, redundant seals are suggested, eg., paper in metal foil in plastic in a metal candy tin which has been taped shut. Should last at least a presidential term. Wallets are contraindicated as storage locations due to sweat. SYNERGIES, BAD COMBINATIONS: Smoking cannabis products considerably increases the effects, increasing the visuals and also possibly increasing the cognitive and linguistic disorders. As the effects of LSD wear off, marijuana may bring them back, and also ease the jitteriness some dislike. Nitrous oxide goes well with LSD, though one should be extra careful (not to suffocate or fall down) with the nitrous because of the effects of the LSD. MDA & cousins can go well, but people on these drugs should not take LSD unless they are familiar with the latter's effects. Alcohol's effects are largely overwhelmed by LSD, and they act in opposite ways: alcohol being a depressant and LSD being a (hyper)stimulant. Generally mixing stimulants and sedatives is counterproductive. MAO inhibitors ??? Amphetamines and cocaine ??? SYNTHESIS: Don't try it, too difficult and risky both physically and legally. Precursor medical drugs (ob/gyn and migraine ergot alkaloids) are watched. REFERENCES: Historical: Storming Heaven Ceremonical Chemistry Acid Dreams Drugs and the Brain Psychedelics Reconsidered Electric Koolaid Acid Test LSD: My Problem Child Leary's autobiography (_Flashbacks_) The Great Drug War Dealing With Drugs Use-Informational: Psychedelic Encyclopedia Psychedelic Chemistry Biochemical Basis of Neuro... Licit & Illicit Drugs Consumer Reports Recreational Drugs Reference: Merck Handbook, Physician's Desk Reference The Botany And Chemistry Of Hallucinogens Journal: Journal of psychoactive (formerly psychedelic) drugs AUTHOR: Cohen, Sidney AUTHOR AFFILIATION: U California School of Medicine, Neuropsychiatric Inst, Los Angeles TITLE: LSD: The varieties of psychotic experience. SOURCE: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 1985 Oct-Dec Vol 17(4) 291-296 ABSTRACT: Discusses the contributing factors (e.g., preexisting character structure, insecurity, negative experience, current mood and stress level) and prevention and treatment of acute and prolonged psychotic reactions to LSD. (10 ref) (some more, detailed) References: J. Psychoactive Drugs Vol 21 (1) Jan-Mar 1989 The Addictvie Behaviors: treatment of alcoholism, drug use, smoking, and obesity W.R. Miller, Ed (small amount of info on use of psychedelics in psychotherapy) Pergammon press 1986 Biological Basis Of Behavior N.Chalmers R. Crawley S.P.R.Rose Eds Open Univ Press Harper & Row1971 Recreational Drugs Young Klein Beyer Collier Books, div of Macmillan pub co 1977 The Biochemical Basis Of Neuropharmacology J.R.Cooper F.E.Bloom R.H.Roth Oxford Univ Press 1982 (4th ed) Craving For Ecstasy: Consciousness And Chemistry Of Escape H.Milkman S.Sunderwirth Lexington Books, DC Heath and co 1987 A Primer of Drug Action R.M.Julian W.H.Freeman & Co.1978 LSD & Creativity O.Janiger, M.D.de Rios J. Psychoactive Drugs Vol 21 (1) Jan-Mar 1989 An Introduction To Pharmacology J.J.Lewis Williams and wilkins Co, Baltimore 1964 (3rd edition) Metabolism Of Drugs Of Abuse Spectrum Publications 1976 Dist by Halstead Press of John Wiley Press L. Lemberger Medicinal Chemistry: a series of monographs G.deStevens Ed Vol 4: Psychopharmaceutical agents M. Gordon (ed) Vol I, ch 13: psychomimetic compounds D.F.Downing Vol II, ch 4: psychomimetic agents by A.T.Shulgin Academic press 1976 The Road To Eleusis Unveiling the secret of the mysteries R.G.Wasson, A.Hoffman, C.A.P.Ruck harcourt brace jovanovich inc. 1978 Lsd Man And Society R.C.Debold, R.C.Leaf Eds Wesleyan U press Middletown Conn 1967 Hallucinogenic Plants (A Golden Guide) New York: Golden Press 1976 Shultes, R.E., Smith E.W. The Sun And The Moon A.Weil, MD The Natural Mind A.Weil, MD 1986 Houghton-mifflin pub co. Sacred Narcotic Plants Of The New World Indians H. Schleiffer ed. Hafner press 1973 Div of mcmillan pub co Moksha: Writings On Psychedlics And The Visionary Experience A.C.huxley stonehill pub co., NY M.Horowitz, C. palmer Eds 1977 Psychedelic Chemistry m.v.smith 2nd edition 1973 rip off press Psychotropic Methoxyamphetamines: Structure And Activity In Man S.H.Snyder, E.Richelson, H.Weingartner, LA.Faillace Ethnopharmacological Search For Psychoactive Drugs Proc of a symposium in sf, ca Jan 28-30 1967 D.H.Efron, B.Holmstedt, N.S.Kline eds US Dept of HEW The Botany And Chemistry Of Hallucinogens R.E.Schultes, A.Hoffman charles C Thomas Publisher Springfield Ill 1980 The Behavioral Efffects Of Drugs (Ch 4 hallucinogens: complications of LSD: a review of the literature; dimensions of the LSD, methlphenidate, and chlordiazepoxide experiences; LSD: injection early in pregnancy produces abnormalitie in offspring of rats; LSD: no teratogenicity in rats congentital malformation s induced bhy mescaline, LSD, and bromolysergic acid in the hamster drug motivated-behavior: the effect of morning glory seeds on motor activity in chicks) (also includes Weil's study of "clinical and psychological effects of marijuana in man") D.W. Matheson M.A. Davidson Holt Rinehart Winston Inc 1972 any textbook titled "Physiological Psychology" .............................. (about visual disturbances: ) Migraine: the evolution of a common disorder O. Sacks U CAl press 1970 Brain Damage, Behavior, And The Mind M. Williams John Wiley & Sons 1979 ch 5 Disorders of visual perception Mescal And Mechanisms Of Hallucinations Heinrich Kluver U. Chicago Press 1930 Drugs And The Brain Perry Black MD, Ed Johns Hopkins Press 1969 behavioral effects of LSD in subhuman primates Hallucinations Sci Am R.K.Siegal (see also article on phosphenes in amateur scientist column in another issue) X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 The Salted Slug Strange 408-454-9368 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510-527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Tomorrow's 0rder of Magnitude Finger_Man 415-961-9315 My Dog Bit Jesus Suzanne D'Fault 510-658-8078 New Dork Sublime Demented Pimiento 415-566-0126 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diverse sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. 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