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use kedit to edit aplus scripts but use

examples of aplus in this file can be clipboarded and run
in aplus

when using aplus:

xmodmap usapl.txt    necessary to get the alt key to work as expected

export LANG=en_GB.iso8859    this may be necessary for scripts
export LC_ALL=ISO-8859-1     this may be necessary for scripts

system variable names begin with `.

examples in ~/Downloads/aplus-fsf-4.22/src/a

environment variables are $ATREE and $APATH

keys specific to aplus

alt shift c generates the comment character, everything on that line is a comment
alt shift 4 generates the sort symbol è
alt shift 5 gives circle with vertical line ÷
alt shift 6 gives transpose ô
alt shift f gives depth ½
alt shift 8 gives natural log ð
alt shift b gives execute â
alt shift a gives á
alt shift n gives format î
alt 1       generates each ¡
alt 2       generates high minus ¢
alt 3       generates enclose < 
alt 7       generates greater than >
alt 8       generates not equal ¨
alt 9       generates logical or © or monadic type
alt 0       generates logical and ^ 
alt [       gives û operator
alt ]       gives ý operator (clears error, $ also clears error)
alt -       gives multiply «
alt =       gives divide ß
alt shift = gives matrix divide
alt /       gives ¯
alt s       gives ceiling Ó
alt d       gives floor Ä
alt u       gives drop Õ
alt y       gives take Ù
alt n       gives encode Î
alt b       gives decode Â
alt i       gives interval É
alt e       gives member Å
alt `       gives diamond þ
alt '       gives left Ý
alt ;       gives right Û
alt v       gives separate symbols Ö
alt q       gives ?
alt l       gives box Ì
alt o       gives pi times Ï
alt r       gives reshape Ò
alt z       gives partition/partition count Ú 
alt x       gives pick/raze Ø
$load s    loads screen management facilities
$load disp load display function
$load loop.+
           load an apl program and execute it
$load prime.a
           load user function prime into workspace

operating system commands in general can be accessed by preceeding
the $ symbol before it:


in other versions of APL the box symbol is used for built-in
variables, but in aplus $ is used instead:

$pp         returns the number of digits of precision which is 10

$cd /home/cubeman
            change directory to home directory
$clear      clears screen
$mode       returns current mode (e.g. apl or ascii or uni)
$off        logs out of aplus
$vars       returns all the variables
$sfs        returns system function names
$fns        returns all functon names
$si         state indicator
$vers       returns version of aplus
$reset      reset all suspensions
$mode ascii 
            set ascii mode
$ops        list operators
$cmds       list all commands
$globs      list all global objects

$cxs        display a list of all the context names 
$cx c       switch to context c
$cx .       return to root context

$Gf 1       sets protected mode on

É10         returns the numbers 0 to 9
«/(É10)+1   returns 10 factorial
+\É5        returns 0 1 3 6 10
(É50)+50    returns the numbers 50 to 99

| ¢5        returns absolute value, e.g. 5

3 3 Ò É9
            returns the numbers 0 to 8 in a 3x3 matrix
v û 3 3 Ò É9
+/ v        sum the columns
+/@1 v      sum the rows

a û 'gerbie power'
#a          returns the number of characters or 12

Trail û 'Going to the trail'
            variable names are case sensitive

ô2 6Ò 'Hello World!'
            returns Hello World! vertically

a û 'apple'
b û 'pear'
c û a,b    stores applepear in c

2ð1 2 4 8 16 32
            returns log of 2, i.e. 0 1 2 3 4 5

+/2|3 4 5 6 7
            returns the number of odd integers, i.e. 3

«\5Ò2       returns 2 4 8 16 32

+\+\5Ò1     returns 1 3 6 10 15

÷(É5)+1     returns 5 4 3 2 1

?3          returns a random number from 0 to 2

100 ? 100   generates 100 random numbers from 0 to 99

12/4        generate 12 4's
4 / 'abc'   generates aaaabbbbcccc

table û 3 3 Ò 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
table[2;2]  returns 9
Ò table     returns 3 3

c.b <- 'abcdef'
            store abcdef in b in the context of c

%`a         display a in the root context
%`c.b       display b in the c context

xûÉ3 5 6    create 3 dimension array x
x[0;0;0]û50 set the element at coordinates (0,0,0) to 50

aûÉ3 4      create 3x4 array with elements 0 to 11
a[]û5       set all elements of array to 5
,a          returns a unravelled into a straight line vector

a û 1 2 3
a[,] û 4    append 4 to array a
Òa          returns 4

ÒÒÉ4 5      returns 2 (number of dimensions)

5ß(Õ2)      the drop symbol Õ prints the expression following it
            this line returns 2.5

1 2 3 Ê.+ 4 5 6
            outer product of +
         + Í  4  5  6
	 1 Í  5  6  7
	 2 Í  6  7  8
	 3 Í  7  8  9

1 2 3 Ê.« 4 5 6
            outer product of «

x û 'gerbil'
            use outer product of = to compare every character of x to
            every other character
 1 0 0 0 0 0
 0 1 0 0 0 0
 0 0 1 0 0 0
 0 0 0 1 0 0
 0 0 0 0 1 0
 0 0 0 0 0 1
v û 1 2 3 4 5
v[0 1 4]    returns 1 2 5
+/v         returns sum across v
+\v         returns running sum across v

wû1 2 ¢4 12 0 ¢7 14 2 ¢3
            returns sum of the positive numbers in w
(w>0)+.«w   shorter method doing the same thing

xû1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
+/^\x       returns index of the first zero, i.e. 3

v û 3 3 5 6 7 8 1 9 3 4 5 7 7
            returns only unique values of v,
            i.e. 3 5 6 7 8 1 9 4

xûn do Õn   returns numbers 0 to 9

xû(nû10) do Õn
            same thing on one line
z û 0
n û 10
n do zûz,n+1
            returns 0 to 10

' ' ¨ 'this is it'
            returns 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

a © b       returns 1 (or)
a ^ b       returns 0 (and)

4« `arctan Ï1
            returns pi
Ï1          returns pi times 1
`sin Ï1     returns 0.8414709848
1Ï1         returns 0.8414709848 (same as above)
`cos Ï1     returns 0.5403023059

(a; b; c) û 1 2 3
            strand or multi-assignment a is 1, b is 2 and c is 3
(a; b; c) û 1 
            a b and c are all set to 1

a, b, c     returns 1 2 3

aû1; bû2; cû3;
            multiple statements on one line are separated by ;

v û 1 2 3 4 5
÷v          returns reverse order of v

m û 'gerbie power'
3 ÷ m       returns bie powerger (rotates 3 characters to the left)

a û 1 2 3
1 ÷ a       returns 2 3 1

¢5Õ 'test12345'
            returns test (drops last 5 characters)
5Õ 'test12345'
            returns 2345 (drops first 5 characters)

'abc'Ý2 3   returns abc

a[èa] Ý aû'barforoni'
            returns abfinoorr (characters are sorted)

a û 14 56 34 11 0 ¢2 1
a[èa]       returns  ¢2 0 1 11 14 34 56 (numbers are sorted)
÷a[èa]      returns 56 34 14 11 1 0 ¢2 (numbers are sorted in reverse order)
a[ça]       same as above

'cat' Å 'hat'
            returns 0 1 1

2 0 # 3 3Ò'abcdefghi' 
            returns ghi (returns row 2 and row 0)

24 60 60Â1 7 0
            returns 4020
            convert 1 hour and 7 minutes to seconds
10 10 10 Â 1 1 1
            returns 111
8 8 8 Â 1 2 3
            convert octal number 123 to decimal (returns 83)
2 2 2 Â 1 0 0
            convert binary number 100 to decimal (returns 4)

1 < 2       returns 1 (true)
1 > 2       returns 0 (false)

mean x: (+/x)ß#x
mean 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
            returns 5.5

f{}:'abc'   f{} returns abc

drop5 string : ¢5Õ string 
            this is a function, e.g. drop5 'pumpkin' returns pu

3ÙÉ10       takes the first 3 items of É10
¢3ÙÉ10      takes the last 3 items of É10

a û É¡ 3 4 5
            a contains vectors É3, É4, and É5 

s û'this is a test'
bûs=' '
b           returns 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
(Ú1,b)Ús    returns separate words in s

ôÉ3 3       transpose x and y elements

1|a         returns factional part of a

â 'v û 1 2 3 4 5'
            execute a string
1 + â '1'   convert character '1' to a number and add 1

b ý '2'
a û â b     convert character array b to int and store in a     

a+É1+b-a    returns 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

© 'abc'     returns `char which is the type
© < 'abc'   returns `box
© _argv     returns `box
© `abc      returns `sym
© ()        returns `null

b û 'twinkie'
c û ' '
d û 'power'
e û Ø (b; c; d)
            e becomes twinkie power

<'abc'      enclose a string, returns < abc
><'abc'     discloses an enclosed string which returns the string
½<'abc'     returns depth of enclosed string, e.g. 1

`int©3.4 4.5 5.6
            cast float as integer, returns 3 5 6
`char©97    returns ascii character 97

a û 1
b û î a     store a as text in b
© b         returns `char

v û '$vars'
âv          commands can be placed in variables and executed

2Ò¡ 3 4 5   <  3 3
            <  4 4
            <  5 5

w û É¡1 2 3 4
            <  0
            <  0 1 
            <  0 1 2
            <  0 1 2 3

2Ò< 'cat'
            < cat
            < cat

            restructure string into 3 strings of 4 characters

¢3!v        restructure v into 3 parts

a û (1 2 ; 'abc' )
            create nested array and store in a
vû 53 14 27 2 31 85 30 11 67 50
	show `g is `graph
            display graph of g
`g has (`title;"Graph Tutorial Example")
            give graph a title
show v      displays vector v in a window

t û 'test'
show t as `text
            displays text in a window

$load disp
disp.lay (10 32;'abc')
disp.lay 2 2 Ò É4
a û 1 2 3 4 5
disp.int (a)
            sets up a display of an integer array
b û 'the power of gerbie'
disp.char (b)
            sets up a display of a string 
disp.enbox (b)
            sets up a string with a simple box

disp.disp (x)
            displays any type of array or function

disp.disp (a;b;c)
            display arrays a b and c

m û 1.234
disp.float (m)
            sets up a display of a floating point array

$fns disp   list functions in context disp
$fns s      list functions in context s

$load box
$fns box    list functions in context box

$load t
t.tile      show tile function
t.calendar  show calendar function '$load dio' beforehand
t.calendar ('01/01/2013 ý 01/02/2013')
            argument is a character vector in the form of mm/dd/yyyy
            function returns an integer vector:
            20130101 20130102 20130103
t.intersect {v ; w }
            v and w can have integer or character data
            curly braces must be used
            show elements common to v and w
t.unique {'apple'}
            returns aple
t.file_exists {'/home/cubeman/text/wine.txt'}
            returns 1

dio.parse ('12/12/2013')
            20131212 ¢999999999

if(`int=©4294967296) wordsizeû64 else wordsizeû32;
            returns wordsize

$load s
s.CDE       returns 1 if running the CDE window manager, otherwise return 0
s.reset{}   free all objects (has the effect of closing all windows)

                read text file into character variable m
sys.sleep{10}   sleep for 10 seconds
                returns size of file yum.txt
                returns name of current host machine
sys.readenv {"HOME"}
                returns /home/cubeman
sys.username {0}
sys.getpid{}    returns pid of a+
sys.system('cd $HOME')
                sys.system executes system calls
                drop to bash shell

                returns username corresponding to the user id, e.g. root
'g<99:99:99>' _fmt 100Â3Ù3Õsys.ts{}
                returns time in 24 hour format
_gsr{'apple is';'is'; 'is not';''}
                global search and replace, 'is' is replaced with 'is not'
_load 'disp'    loads script file and reports full pathname
_nl{`disp; `vars}
                 named list, lists variables in context disp
_nl{`;`cxs}      list all contexts    
_nl{`;`apl}      list all keywords and symbols for APL mode 
_nl{;Ï}          list all circle functions

multi-line functions

     total m: {

total û ''      removes function total

    penny x: {

          penny 1
 1 0.01
 2 0.02
 3 0.04
 4 0.08
 5 0.16
 6 0.32
 7 0.64

    test x: {


by convention functions are stored as files ending with .a, e.g. squareroot.a
typing the name of a function by itself displays that function

squareroot x: x*.5
$fns        returns that squareroot is a function

squareroot 1 4 9 16
            returns 1 2 3 4

cube x:x*3
cube 3      returns 27

fac x: «/(Éx)+1
            fac 5 returns 5 factorial or 120


Nor, Nand, Factorial, and Binomial are not implemented
complex numbers are not supported


the original use of a single right parthenesis is not used but is replaced by $