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UF - Version 6
! ( x a -- ) Store x at a
!+ ( a1 x -- a2 ) Store and increase address
" ( | ..." -- a u ) Store quoted string
' ( | <word> -- a ) Push execution token of <word>
# ( u1 -- u2 ) Store next digit in number buffer
#> ( u1 -- a u2 ) Finish numeric conversion
#s ( u1 -- 0 ) Convert remaining digits
( ( C: | ...) -- ) Ignore everything up to next ")" [C]
(.) ( n -- a u ) Convert number to string
(u.) ( u1 -- a u2 ) Convert unsigned number to string
+ ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Add
+! ( n a -- ) Increase number at a by n
+field ( n | <word> -- ) Define structure field, word adds field offset [X]
+loop ( u -- ) Increase index by n and loop [C]
, ( x -- ) Store x in dictionary and increase dictionary pointer
- ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Subtract
-> ( x -- x| ) Equivalent to `over = if` [C]
-; ( -- ) Terminate colon definition, if previous operation is a call, convert to jump
-rot ( x y z -- z x y ) Rotate down
-trailing ( a u1 -- a u2 ) Drop trailing blanks
. ( n -- ) Print number
." ( |..." -- ) Print quoted string [C]
.( ( |...) -- ) Print comment
.r ( n u -- ) Print n right-justified by u
.s ( -- ) Show contents of working stack
.vocs ( -- ) Show all defined vocabularies
/ ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Signed division
/mod ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) Ssigned division with rest in u3 and result in u4
/string ( a1 u1 u2 -- a2 u3 ) Advance string start by u2
0< ( n -- f ) Less than zero
0<> ( x -- f ) -1 if not zero
0= ( x -- f ) Equal to zero
1+ ( n1 -- n2 ) Increase by 1
1- ( nq -- n2 ) Decrease by 1
2! ( x y a -- ) Store y, x at a, a + 1
2* ( n1 -- n2 ) Shift left by 1 bit
2/ ( u1 -- u2 ) Shift right by 1 bit (unsigned)
2@ ( a -- x y ) Fetch y, x at a, a + 1
2>r ( x y -- ) Swap 2 values and push on return stack
2constant ( x y | <word> -- ) Define 2 cell constant
2drop ( x y -- ) Drop 2 values
2dup ( x y -- x y x y ) Dup 2 values
2nip ( x y z q -- z q ) Nip 2 values
2over ( x y z q -- x y z q x y ) Over 2 values
2r@ ( -- x y ) Fetch topmost 2 values from return stack and swap
2r> ( -- x y ) Pop 2 values from return stack and swap
2rot ( x y z q v w -- z q v w x y ) Rotate 2 values
2swap ( x y z q -- z q x y ) Swap 2 values
2variable ( | <word> -- ) Define 2-cell variable
: ( | <word> ... -- ) Start colon definition, add compiler vocabulary and start compiling
:noname ( | ... -- xt ) Compile headerless word and push execution token
; ( -- ) Terminate colon definition and remove topmost vocabulary from vocabulary stack [C]
< ( n1 n2 -- f ) Signed less than
<= ( n1 n2 -- f ) Signed less than or equal
<# ( -- ) Begin number conversion
<> ( x y -- f ) Not equal
= ( x y -- f ) Equal
> ( n1 n2 -- f ) Signed greater than
>= ( n1 n2 -- f ) Signed greater than or equal
>in ( -- a ) Variable holding position in `tib`
>limit ( -- a ) Variable holding end position in `tib`
>r ( x -- ) Push on return stack
? ( a -- ) Equivalent to `@ .` [X]
?do ( u1 u2 -- ) Start `do` loop if u1 > u2, or skip otherwise [C]
?dup ( x -- x x | x ) Duplicate if not 0
?exit ( f -- ) Conditional exit
@ ( a -- x ) Fetch x from a
@+ ( a1 -- a2 x ) Fetch and increase address
[ ( | ... -- ) Enter interpretation mode [C]
['] ( | <word> -- xt ) Push execution token of <word> [C]
[char] ( | <word> -- c ) Push code of first character of <word> [C]
[defined] ( | <word> -- f ) Immediate test whether word is defined [X]
[else] ( | ... -- ) Interpreter conditional [X]
[if] ( | ... -- ) Interpreter conditional [X]
[then] ( -- ) Interpreter conditional [X]
[undefined] ( | <word> -- f ) Immediate test whether word is not defined [X]
\ ( | ... -- ) Ignore to end of line [C]
\s ( | ... -- ) Ignore to end of line or block, when loading [G]
] ( -- ) Enter compilation mode
Abort ( -- ) Abort editing [G]
Doc ( -- ) Switch editing to documentation block [G]
Load ( -- ) Save and evaluate current block [G]
Next ( -- ) Edit next block [G]
Paste ( -- ) Insert contents of ".snarf" file [G]
Prev ( -- ) Edit previous block [G]
Save ( -- ) Save current block if modified [G]
Snarf ( -- ) Write current line or marked region to ".snarf" file [G]
Source ( -- ) Switch editing to source block [G]
abort ( ... -- ) Clear stacks and re-enter interpretation mode [D]
abort" ( f | ..." -- ) If true, show quoted text and abort [C]
abs ( n -- u ) Absolute value
accept ( a u1 -- u2 ) Read keyboard input at a, at most u1 bytes, pushes actual number of chars read
adsr ( u -- ) Set ADSR field of audio device [G]
again ( -- ) Repeat `begin ... again` loop [C]
and ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Binary AND
align ( -- ) Align dictionary top
aligned ( n1 -- n2 ) Align number
allot ( u -- ) Allocate u bytes in dictionary
also ( -- ) Duplicate topmost entry on vocabulary stack
at-xy ( x y -- ) Set cursor position to row y column x [G]
audio ( u -- ) Select audio-device 0 - 3 [X]
auto ( u -- ) Set AUTO field of screen device [G]
base ( a -- ) Variable holding numeric base
begin ( -- ) Start loop [C]
begin-structure ( | <word> -- u ) Start structure definition, word pushes total length [X]
bl ( -- 32 ) Blank space constant
blank ( a u -- ) Fill area with spaces
boot ( -- ) Entry point
bounds ( a1 n -- a2 a1 ) Gives range from a1 to a1 + n (not inclusive)
blk ( -- a ) Variable holding currently edited block number [G]
brk ( -- ) Perform BRK instruction
buffer: ( u | <word> -- ) Define buffer of u bytes
bye ( -- ) Exit VM [D]
c! ( c a -- ) Store byte c at address a
c@ ( a -- c ) Fetch byte from address a
c, ( c -- ) Store byte in dictionary and increase dictionary pointer
cfield: ( | <word> -- ) Define byte sized structure field, word adds field offset [X]
char ( | <word> -- c ) Push first character of <word>
cell+ ( n1 -- n2 ) Add 2
cells ( u1 -- u2 ) Multiplies u1 by 2
cin ( -- c ) Read character from console device [GD]
clear ( ... -- ) Clear value stack
clamp ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 ) Ensure n1 is between n2 and n3 (inclusive)
cmove ( a1 a2 u -- ) Copy memory from a1 to a2
cmove> ( a1 a2 u -- ) Copy memory from a1 to a2 from the end
code ( | <word> -- ) Start assembler word definition [X]
colors ( r g b -- ) Set screen colors [G]
compare ( a1 u1 a2 u2 -- n ) Compares memory lexicographically
compile, ( xt -- ) Compile execution token as subroutine call
compiler ( -- ) replace the current vocabulary with the `compiler` vocabulary
constant ( x | <word> -- ) Define constant
copyright ( -- a ) Address of zero-terminated copyright string
count ( a1 -- a2 u ) Push counted string at a1 as start address and length
cout ( c -- ) Write character to console device [GD]
cr ( -- ) Write newline character
crash ( ... -- ) Abort with error
create ( | <word> -- ) Create word pointing to current dictionary top
ctype ( a u -- ) Write string to console [G]
cvector ( xt -- ) Set console vector
d# ( | <number> -- n ) Push decimal numeric literal [X]
day ( -- u ) Push day of the month
decimal ( -- ) Set `base` to 16
decompile ( xt -- ) Decompile from address [X]
defer ( | <word> -- ) Define deferred word
defer! ( xt1 xt2 -- ) Set vector of deferred word xt2 to xt1
defer@ ( xt1 -- xt2 ) Fetch vector of deferred word xt1
definitions ( -- ) Further dictionary definitions are added to the current vocabulary
dei ( c1 -- c2 ) Read byte port c1 of device
dei2 ( c -- u ) Read short port c of device
deo ( c1 c2 -- ) Write byte port c2 of device
deo2 ( u c -- ) Write short port c of device
depth ( -- u ) Push stack depth
diff ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) Reverse subtract
do ( u1 u2 -- ) Start `do` loop, counting from u2 to u1 [C]
does> ( | ... -- a ) Set behaviour of last created word [C]
dotw ( -- u ) Push day of the week
doty ( -- u ) Push day of the year
drop ( x -- ) Drop topmost stack value
dump ( a u -- ) Dump memory [X]
dup ( x -- x x ) Duplicate topmost value on stack
dup>r ( x -- x ) Faster combination of `dup >r`
edit ( u -- ) Load and edit block [GD]
else ( -- ) Begin `else` part of conditional
emit ( c -- ) Print character with code c [D]
emits ( c u -- ) `emit` c u times
end-code ( -- ) End assembler word definition [X]
end-structure ( -- ) End structure definition [X]
erase ( a u -- ) Clear memory
execute ( xt -- ) Invoke execution token
exit ( -- ) Exit word
export ( u1 u2 -- ) Dump contents of blocks u1 to u2 (inclusive) to the console [G]
false ( -- 0 ) Push false constant
field: ( | <word> -- ) Define cell sized structure field, word adds field offset [X]
fileappend ( a u -- u2 ) Append data to file specified in file device and return success field
filedelete ( -- ) Delete file
filename ( a u -- ) Set name field of file device (uses the `pad`)
fileread ( a u -- u2 ) Read from file specified in file device and return success field
filewrite ( a u -- u2 ) Write to file specified in file device and return success field
fill ( a u c -- ) Fill memory with byte u
find ( a1 -- a2 n ) Locate counted string at a1 in vocabulary stack and push original address and 0 or found xt and 1 (immediate) or -1
forth ( -- ) Change current vocabulary to the default one
h# ( | <number> -- n ) Push hexadecimal numeric literal [X]
h. ( n -- ) Write hexadecimal number
here ( -- a ) Push top of dictionary pointer
hex ( -- ) Set `base` to 16
hold ( c -- ) Prepend character to numeric conversion
holds ( a u -- ) Prepend string to numeric conversion
hour ( -- u ) Push current hour
i ( -- u ) Push index of innermost `do` loop
icon ( -- a ) Address of UF logo (8x8 icn)
if ( f -- ) Start conditional [C]
immediate ( -- ) Make most recent definition immediate
include ( | <name> -- ) Include file designated by "<name>" [X*]
included ( a u -- ) Include file designated by given string [X*]
interpret ( | ... -- ) Interpret code in `tib`
invert ( n1 -- n2 ) Perform binary NOT
is ( xt | <word> -- ) Set execution vector of deferred word
isdst ( -- f ) Push daylight saving time flag
j ( -- u ) Push index of 2nd innermost `do` loop
jbutton ( -- u ) Push button field of controller device [GX]
jkey ( -- c ) Push key field of controller device [GX]
jvector ( xt -- ) Set vector of controller device [GX]
key ( -- c ) Read char and push code [D]
list ( u -- ) Type contents of block u [G]
literal ( x -- ) Compile literal
load ( u -- ) Load block, ignores rest of line if interpreted [G]
loadrom ( a u -- ) Load rom file with name given by a,u
loop ( -- ) End of `do ... loop` loop
lshift ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) Shift u1 left by u2 bits
marker ( | <word> -- ) Define marker to restore dictionary and vocabularies to current state [X]
max ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Maximum value
min ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Minimum value
minute ( -- u ) Push current minute [X]
mod ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Modulo
month ( -- u ) Push current month [X]
mouse ( -- x y ) Push x/y fields of mouse device [GX]
mscroll ( -- x y ) Push x/y scroll fields of mouse device [GX]
mstate ( -- u ) Push state field of mouse device [GX]
mvector ( xt -- ) Set vector of mouse device [GX]
negate ( n1 -- n2 ) Negate value
new ( -- ) Marker, restore dictionary and vocabularies to defaults [GX]
nip ( x y -- y ) Remove second value on stack
noop ( -- ) Does nothing
number ( a -- a 0 | n 1 ) Convert counted string at a to number
off ( a -- ) Store 0 at a
on ( a -- ) Store -1 at a
only ( -- ) Clear vocabulary stack and set default vocabulary
or ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Perform binary OR
order ( -- ) Print vocabulary stack and definition vocabulary [X]
output ( -- u ) Return loudness of envelope [X]
over ( x y -- x y x ) Push second value on stack
pad ( -- a ) Push scratchpad area address
page ( -- ) Clear screen [GD]
parse ( c | ... <c> -- a u ) Parse and return string delimited by c
pause ( -- ) Allow interrupt handling [X]
pick ( ... u -- x ) Push u-th value on stack, coujnted from top
pixel ( u -- ) Set pixel field of screen device [GX]
place ( a1 u a2 -- ) Store string a1,u as counted string at a2
play ( u -- ) Set pitch field of audio device [GX]
position ( x y -- ) Set x/y fields of screen device [GX]
postpone ( | <word> -- ) Compile word if immediate or code to compile call to word if not [C]
previous ( -- ) Pop topmost vocabulary on vocabulary stack
prompt ( -- ) Show prompt before reading user input [D]
query ( -- ) Read user input into `tib`
quit ( ... -- ) Clear stacks and read user input
r> ( -- x ) Pop value from return stack
r>drop ( -- ) Drop topmost value on return stack
r@ ( -- x ) Fetch topmost value from return stack
randomize ( -- ) Set the random number seed to some value [X]
recurse ( -- ) Invoke current definition
repeat ( -- ) End of `begin ... while ... repeat` loop [C]
reset ( -- ) Clear return stack
rnd ( -- n ) Returns a random number [X]
rot ( x y z -- y z x ) Rotate values on stack
rshift ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) Shift u1 right by u2 bits
s" ( | ..." -- a u ) Push string literal [C]
sample ( a u -- ) Set addr and length field of audio device [GX]
save ( | <name> -- ) Save memory from h# 100 to dictionary top in file
saved ( a1 u1 a2 u2 -- ) Save u1 bytes at a1 in file with name given by a2, u2
scan ( a1 u1 c -- a2 u2 ) Skip characters until c is found
screensize! ( w h -- ) Set size fields of screen device [GX]
screensize@ ( -- w h ) Read size fields of screen device [GX]
search ( a1 u1 a2 u2 -- a3 u3 f ) Searches a1/u1 for a2/u2 and pushes a flag, the address and remaining length where it was found
second ( -- u ) Push current second [X]
see ( | <word> -- ) Decompile word [X]
seed ( -- a ) Current random number seed [X]
sign ( n -- ) Emit sign of n during numeric conversion
sliteral ( a u -- ) Compile string literal
snarf ( a u -- ) Writes data to ".snarf" file [X]
space ( -- ) Write space character
spaces ( u -- ) Write u spaces
sprite ( u -- ) Set sprite field of screen device [X]
spritedata ( a -- ) Set addr field of screen device [X]
state ( -- a ) Address of variable holding compilation state flag
stdin ( -- ) Invoked when console-input is available [XD]
svector ( xt -- ) Set vector of screen device [X]
swap ( x y -- y x ) Swap topmost stack values
th ( a1 u -- a2 ) Compute address of u-th cell at a1
then ( -- ) End of conditional [C]
tib ( -- a ) Text input buffer
tick ( -- ) Called by screen-vector while waiting for input events [XD]
theme ( -- ) Loads ".theme" file if it exists and sets system colors [X]
thru ( u1 u2 -- ) Load block range, ignores rest of line if interpreted [G]
true ( -- -1 ) Push literal -1
tuck ( x y -- y x y ) Tuck top stack value under 2nd
type ( a u -- ) Print string
u. ( u -- ) Print unsigned value
u.r ( u1 u2 -- ) Print unsigned value right-justified in u2 places
u/ ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) Unsigned division
u/mod ( u1 u2 -- u3 u4 ) Unsigned division with rest in u3 and result in u4
u< ( u1 u2 -- f ) Unsigned less than
u> ( u1 u2 -- f ) Unsigned greater than
umod ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) Unsigned modulo
under+ ( n1 x n2 -- n3 x ) Add n2 to third value on stack
unloop ( -- ) Remove runtime counters for `do ... loop` loop
until ( f -- ) Test and repeat `begin ... until` loop [C]
unused ( -- u ) Available free space [X]
variable ( | <word> -- ) Define variable
vocabulary ( | <word> -- ) Define new empty vocabulary, invoke to replace current vocabulary
vocs ( -- ) Print vocabulary stack, in order of search
volume ( u -- ) Set volume field of audio device [G]
wait ( -- ) Waits for input events (never returns) [X]
where ( u1 u2 | <word> -- ) Scan blocks u1 to u2 for <word> and list occurrences
within ( n1 n2 n3 -- f ) Pushes flag indicating whether n1 is between n2 and n3 (not inclusive)
while ( f -- ) Conditional in `begin ... while ... repeat` loop [C]
word ( c | ... <c> -- a ) Skip spaces and parse and return string delimited by c as address of counted string in dictionary
words ( -- ) Print all words visible on vocabulary stack [X]
xor ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) Perform binary XOR
yank ( -- a u ) Reads contents of the file ".snarf" if it exists, uses `pad`, u may be 0 [X]
year ( -- u ) Push current year [X]
| ( -- ) Equivalent to `exit then`
[C] Only available at compile time
[G] Only available in the graphical interface ("uf.rom"), implies [X]
[X] Available in "ufx.rom" and "uf.rom"
[D] Deferred word
[*] Mind note in README