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"The daily press is the evil principle of the modern world, and 
time will only serve to disclose this fact with greater and 
greater clearness. The capacity of the newspaper for degeneration 
is sophistically without limit, since it can always sink lower and 
lower in its choice of readers. At last it will stir up all those 
dregs of humanity which no state or government can control."
                                              -- Soren Kierkegaard
                                  The Last Years: Journals 1853-55

Edited and Compiled by Jerry Stratton
Compuserve: 76506,636

The copyrights of each article are held by the original authors.
This compilation is Copyright 1992 Jerry Stratton.
Distribute freely, at no cost to the user or profit for yourself.

Welcome to the Second Annual Neo-Anarchists Guide to Everything 
Else. This is a semi-regular electronically-distributed magazine 
devoted to FASA's Shadowrun? role-playing game. In the NAGEE, 
we're covering everything _else_.

We are now accepting ads. Prices must be listed in Nuyen, and you 
must give an LTG number. If you're worried about deckers, you're 
in the wrong place, chummer. Advertising space is free, but we 
reserve the right to hold our nose and drop your copy into the 
round file. So, your team need a little exposure? Your band 
playing a hot date? Need to sell some specially acquired 
information? Hey, just send us the ad and we'll stick it in here.

Or, not. But what've you got to lose?

There's currently a gopher server for the Guide running on 
beelzebub.acusd.edu (that's IP address If you're 
not familiar with gopher, it's a simple news server that a lot of 
sites are running. If you've got it at your site, all you'll need 
to do to use it is type gopher (if you want the NAGEE gopher, type 
gopher beelzebub.acusd.edu). If you haven't got it at your site, 
you might think about getting it. The gopher client will compile 
on most Unix computers, and can be found at boombox.micro.umn.edu 
(of course, you need to know how to compile -- but I guess that's 
what contacts are for, eh? Find a decker).

If you'd like to contribute to an upcoming Guide, go to it. See 
last issue's introduction for what we want. You won't get paid, 
but you will get the adulation of tons of people. Just tons.

The Guide comes in two versions -- Rich Text Format (for Word 4.0 
and other word processors) and an ascii text version. The ascii 
version contains the same information as the Word version, but 
doesn't look nearly as spiffy. If you don't have a friend with a 
Macintosh and Word 4.0 (or higher), expand your circle of friends: 
contacts are, after all, the key to survival.

Many thanks to all those who have contributed to this issue.

   Bulletin Board
   New York City 2050
   The North Bay
   The Meat Market
   Economics of Shadowrunning
   The Word on the Streets
   Shadow U.
   The Ice Box
   The Black Market
   Silent Death
   Dead Zones
   The Neo-Anarchists' On-Line Grimoire
   Master Spell List Addenda
   Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out
   Tess Diary
   Amazon Tales
   The Chipper
   Seattle Sourcebook Index

The Annual Neo-Anarchists Guide to Everything Else is published... 
whenever. I'm Jerry Stratton. My address is 4129 1/2 Utah Street, 
San Diego, CA 92104. Subscription? Pfah! Go pick it up yourself. 
Single copy price? Only your immortal soul, chummer! Bwah-ha-ha! 
Well. Direct inquiries to Jerry Stratton at jerry@teetot.acusd.edu 
or jerry@usdcsv.acusd.edu on internet, or 76506,636 on Compuserve. 
The above addresses are subject to change, especially Snail Mail. 
The Second Annual Neo-Anarchists Guide to Everything Else was 
released on May 26, 1992. Like I got nothing better to do today? 
Current issues are available at Compuserve's RPG group, if they 
can possibly spare the space, and via anonymous ftp at 
usdcsv.acusd.edu in the rpg.shadowrun directory. Shadowrun is a 
registered trademark of FASA, Inc. We have nothing to do with 
FASA, and they have nothing to do with us.


From: Silver Cianide
Address: <jerry@teetot.acusd.edu>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 52 07:13:20
To: All
Subject: Correction: Pharmacy

Hul Kaline is also known on the street as Conananol and 
Schwarzezine. Ask for Sharzezine, and they'll as likely laugh at 
you or kill you as a narc. Like I said, we at the NAGEE cannot be 
held responsible for the information presented here. (p. 40, The 
Pharmacy, Hul Kaline)

From: Silver Cianide
Address: <jerry@teetot.acusd.edu>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 52 07:15:36
To: All
Subject: Correction: Pharmacy

In the Addiction Level example, it says that the Addiction Level 
if he gets 1 success or less is 2, and the Addiction Level if he 
gets 2 or 3 successes is 1. Vous et wrong, wrong, wrong. If he 
gets 0 or 1 success, his Addiction Level is 6 -- Rating (3) times 
dosage (2). If he gets 2 or 3 successes, his Addiction Level is 3 
-- Rating times (the dosage reduced by 1). Yeah, we apologize if 
you're more addicted than you thought you were. That's what you 
get for using drugs. Just say no, hey?

Incidentally, if any of you have used the more recreational drugs, 
let us know what their effects are. We'd never use those things. 
Uh uh. (p. 38, The Pharmacy, Drugs in Shadowrun)

From: Silver Cianide
Address: <jerry@teetot.acusd.edu>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 52 07:20:31
To: All
Subject: Explanation: Fort Hollywood

Yes, the Dunes in Hollywood is a half Hotel, half Motel. Think of 
it as a hi-rise motel. The official name, though, is the Dunes 
Sunset Hotel & Restaurant. (p. 7, Fort Hollywood, Hotels in 

From: Silver Cianide
Address: <jerry@teetot.acusd.edu>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 52 07:24:24
To: All
Subject: Correction: Shadow U.

Whoops. Social Skills is not a skill. It's a skill type (like 
Active Skills or Knowledge Skills). The skills of that type are 
Leadership, Interrogation, Negotiation, and Etiquette. See this 
issue's Shadow U. for a corrected version. (p. 27, Shadow U., 
Social Skills)

Also, under 'Written Composition,' books/texts, articles, etc., is 
a specialization of the 'non-fiction genre,' rather than its own 
specialization. It's the counterpart to novels, novellas... under 
'fiction.' And comedy, drama, western, horror, etc., is a 
specialization of the 'scripts' concentration.

Under 'Acting,' comedy, drama, etc., are the specializations for 
the 'simsense, movies, etc.' concentrations.

And, finally, Perkins-Athabaskan is Sasquatch.

From: Silver Cianide
Address: <jerry@teetot.acusd.edu>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 52 07:31:25
To: All
Subject: Explanation: Insanity

If a character with Deadly insanity is resisting insanity, that 
character has a bonus of 4 to the Target Number. This is despite 
the fact the a character with Deadly Insanity has no target number 
penalties due to insanity. The more insane you are, the harder it 
is to go further insane. Though you can pretend otherwise. (p. 46, 

From: Quiverclaw
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2052 23:58:15
To: Neo.Anarch.Guide.Everything.Else
Subject: more SR questions...

Hi, me again *grin*

1) Would it be possible for someone like, oh, say Jerry Stratton 
to come up with a coherent set of rules for SR for cyber-
insanity... I appreciate whats in NAGEE, but that doesn't give 
things like chances for someone with exceptionally low essence to 
go cyberpsycho. etc., etc....The reason I'm asking is all these 
new archetypes (blade boy, street rigger, etc....) that have 
essences oh say around the .5 range or lower...shouldn't a pc have 
the chance to go cyberpsycho after his essence drops below 1? 
Well, as a GM I discourage going below 1, and well...I digress...

2) Another question on dead zones...do they extend to the barrier 
or what? I.e. could you fly over one in a plane? That type of 
thing, anyway, you get the idea...

3) I've got the Rigger's Black Book, and Joe is right...it doesn't 
go into enuff detail on how to do things like conceal 
weapons...and which ones can be concealed...can we look forward to 
this in NAGEE2? Hope so. Maybe even sooner...anybody feel brave?

4) Not a question this time :) If you haven't gotten through 
whatever means at your disposal NAN 1 & 2 do so. Well worth it. 
Excellent background, plus a pretty good adventure in each to 
boot. Speaking of books, can anyone tell me if the trilogy Secrets 
of Power is out? and if so, what are the numbers so I can have it 
ordered? (yeah, I know, I said no questions...but hey, you don't 
like it, don't subscribe to a list server :) Anyway, if you 
haven't seen the ad. its in the back on NAN 2...but no numbers :(

5) and finally...why do the artists for SR always consider it 
necessary for anybody who has spurs to walk around with them 
extended? Just curious.

Enough of my well, insert your favorite expletive here.

From: Silver Cianide
Address: <jerry@teetot.acusd.edu>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 52 09:15:15
To: Quiverclaw
Subject: re: more SR questions...

Well, Quiverclaw, I'll answer your questions in order. First, I am 
working on integrating cyber-psychosis with the insanity rules 
from the previous guide. Hopefully, it'll be done in time for this 
guide. If not, it'll be here next time. It'll assume that cyber-
psychoses occur (if they occur at all) when a character has cyber 
installed. Once you're at 0 or less Essence (and you could chance 
this to 1 or less if you wanted) it becomes very hard to resist 
the insanity.

2) Dead zones, dead zones. Frag, I didn't know what I was opening 
up when I brought this up. Your questions are answered in this 
issue. See 'Dead Zones Redux.' A dead zone would have to be 
awfully big to extend to the barrier. Since the barrier is 50 
miles up, the zone would need a radius of 50 miles. Such a zone 
would be 100 miles wide.

3) Nope, no one wrote about this for this issue, and I didn't see 
anything out on the matrix, either. Anybody want to volunteer?

4) There are currently four books that I know of for Shadowrun. 
The Secrets of Power trilogy, which I haven't read, and 2XS, 
reviewed in the last issue.

5) Lots of them have spurs non-extended, you just don't notice 
them underneath the suits.

From: Strings
Address: <shaman@mentor.cc.purdue.edu>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 52 14:09:25
To: Neo.Anarch.Guide.Everything.Else
Subject: Neo-Anarchist's Guide

As an interested 'runner, and representing other interested 
'runners, I was curious as to how one went about submitting to the 
Guide to Everything Else. We have a few ShadowCorps on the lam, 
and some inside scum on what's hit the beer-town of Milwaukee 
since the 'good ol' days' before the turn of the century.

From: Silver Cianide
Address: <jerry@teetot.acusd.edu>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 52 19:39:40
To: Ariel
Subject: re: Neo-Anarchist's Guide

Anything you want to submit, send on over to me at 
jerry@teetot.acusd.edu if you can't reach me there, try 
jerry@usdcsv.acusd.edu, and if that don't work, you might try 
Compuserve: 76506,636. Otherwise, you're one of the great unknown, 
and our electrons will never cross.

From: Benz Steele
Address: <bmartin@sctc.af.mil>
Date: Wed Apr 22 06:03:43 2052
To: Neo.Anarch.Guide.Everything.Else
Subject: letter to Dr. Stratton

Cianide, chummer,

this is Benz Steele from Germany, where the beer is the best and 
the shadows are deep. I'm relaying a message for an employer who 
has problems with using a deck. I came across a posting of yours, 
the anarchist something or other and gandered it at him. Seems the 
old worm took offense at the words of a Dr. Stratton.

The gist of it is, this Stratton corp came off with an idea about 
failure of gear in dead zones. Tamarantha (the worm) started going 
off about the quality of education these days, and I'll spare you 
the rest. His point was that certain principles, namely the 
mechanical laws, have always been around, and were discovered way 
back when with the Greeks, along with that four basic materials 
stuff. Gravity is one of these nifty laws (we don't fall off the 
earth in a dead zone, so it must still work, at least in some 
manner) so the satellites will never fall from the sky, except 
through the natural decay of orbits and other outside 

Other devices based on the basic physical principles of springs, 
slopes and the like should all work fine.

Oh, yeah. Tam also wanted to know if you'all have an archive 
somewhere. I'd just cruise the ether and find it, but my current 
Johnson doesn't approve of such behavior, and the pay is good.

I noticed you'all'r short of decking articles, would you be 
receptive to a couple? (if the worm'll give me the time...)

Benze Steele, decker of the first IMP
From: Silver Cianide
Address: <jerry@teetot.acusd.edu>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 52 08:33:26
To: Benze Steele
Subject: re: letter to Dr. Stratton

Hi, Benze! There's no distribution list; If the first NAGEE mailed 
to you, I can do that (specify Microsoft Word/RTF or Text), but 
it's easiest (for me, anyway) if you pick it up from the ftp site: 
usdcsv.acusd.edu ( It's in the directory 

And we certainly are interested in decking articles. Yeah, Yeah!

And you'll be happy to know that, due to popular demand, there's 
another article on dead zones, expanding on idea of 'mechanicals' 
that was brought up by the Greek reference in the first article. 
In particular, steam engines have made a comeback. Good thing the 
rail companies never got the initiative to redesign their tracks 
for modern trains.

Incidentally, the quality of education these days has nothing to 
do with Dr. Stratton. He's no longer affiliated with any Corp, 
being as he's retired, and all, and was presumably educated before 
the Awakening. Personally, I don't see what good a pre-awakening 
education could be, but who am I?

From: Mark
Address: <mstorer@ponder.csci.unt.edu>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1992 04:40:27 GMT
To: Neo.Anarch.Guide.Everything.Else
Subject: Cyber Applications

Okay, So your razor boy has cyber-eyes, a radio, and some headware 

Program the locations of several concealed explosives into the 
headware Mp's. Rig it so that these locations are displayed with 
their number in his field of view. Run down explosive laden alley 
with [insert baddies] in hot pursuit.

You can see the explosives, they can't. When they get to the right 
place, broadcast (with the radio) the correct signal at the 
correct frequency and BOOM. No more pursuit.

Do this to several alleys. With demolitions(B/R) build C-12 into a 
shaped charge that looks remarkably like a brick. No one will find 
them until its too late.

(or beer cans, or dead rats, light fixtures... get Creative).

                 Brought to you by Dark Elf tourist information
                             Dark Elf, VESPOSIT@ccvm.sunysb.edu

It's a tough town, megacorps engage in illegal activities, crime 
is rampant in many areas, there is violence in the streets, 
metahumans, and monsters.

All in all, it hasn't changed much!

"New York was bad enough before the awakening, now it truly is a 
jungle out there!"
                                Mayor Franklin Dean, Jan 3, 2050


Manhattan Athletic Complex (built after the quake of '05): A full 
sports complex/concert arena.

New York Times, Daily News, Various Tabloids

ABC (Awakened Broadcasting Company): The original ABC gave over to 
a more modern format.

NBC,CBS (more TV/holovid/simsense broadcasts)
Soho theater district <Broadway>

Restaurants/Hotels/Clubs: Many of New York's "classic" nightspots 
and hangouts are still around, but the quake of '05 made room for 
many newer venues, all having that special New York atmosphere.

Population:     9,000,000 +
Human:     63% (approx. 5,670,000)
Elven:     13% (approx. 1,170,000)
Dwarven:     4% (approx. 360,000)
Orkish:     15% (approx. 1,350,000)
Trollish:     4% (approx. 360,000)
Other:     1% (approx. 90,000)
(population count is only for sentient species)
Crime Rate: High (the latest data was too disparate to give an 
accurate assessment)

>> Who's going to believe this drek, the corps are afraid that 
showing the real figures will damage their poor little tourist 
industry! <<
--Sandman <09:32:19/10-22-50>

Police Service: Metro Police Incorporated
Fire Control: Lerner LTD.
Sanitation: Various Independents (believed backed by organized 
  crime cartels)
Public Works Maintenance: Northeastern Technical Services
Public Database: Atlantic Telecommunications (a division of Trump 
Grid-Guide System: Magna Tech (a division of Akaru Incorporated)
Power: Bell Atlantic, Long Island Atomics
Military: UCAS 43rd Metroplex Guard
  This is a unit of "weekend warriors" similar to the 20th century 
  national guard reserve. They are the official standing military 
  force for the greater metropolitan area.

>> Yeah, see your local UCAS recruiter today. You too can get paid 
less and only get half the gear of the average corporate security 
force. <<

Most of the original sites survived, or were reconstructed after 
the quake. Some of them are:

Empire State Building (restored in 2006)

World Trade Center

Central Park: Can be an unfriendly place in it's deepest parts, 
especially at night. The inner regions have become like the 
Barrens in Seattle. The more peaceful southern section has become 
a well known hangout for elves.

>>I went to the Tavern On The Green a few weeks ago, the place was 
filled with elves and dwarves of all shapes and sizes. There were 
some other humans there too, but I felt out of place anyway, since 
I was the only one in the joint NOT dressed like an extra in a 
Robin Hood Vid. It looked like a scene out of one of those role-
playing games that were popular in the latter half of the 20th 

>>Yeah, those posergangs can be a real pain in the ass.<<

>>And I suppose you can't stand all those "keebs" running 
--Dark Elf<11:40:26/11-10-50>

Statue of Liberty: Still welcomes travelers to the city after its 
second renovation since the 1980's.

The Intrepid: Still floating in it's dock after a world war and a 
century of tourists. Was purchased by the Dragon Tirandor in 2038 
for use as a lair/ corporate headquarters.

Rockefeller Center: Bought out by a number of Japanese companies, 
but retains it's original look and name.

Manhattan Athletic Complex: located between Henry Hudson Pkwy and 
West End Avenue on the west side. (One of the largest arenas on 
the east coast, it has a removable dome.)

Akaru Inc. World Headquarters: This is the world headquarters for 
Akaru Inc., a large conglomerate originally based in Japan. The 
Akaru complex is just south of the Manhattan Athletic Complex 
(MAC) on the west side of West End Avenue between 59th and 63rd 
streets. It is one huge building ten stories tall. It is similar, 
in many respects, to Seattle's Renraku Arcology. The first three 
levels are basically malls, hotels and casinos (yes, NY has lifted 
it's gambling laws since 2030). The rest of the building contains 
offices and laboratories. There are also several sub-levels which 
house "secure" areas. The roof has a helipad and several antennae 
for communication.

>>Yeah, gambling's legal now, but the mayor gets a 10% cut. And he 
claims he has no mob ties!<<
--Dark Elf<16:25:05/12-25-50>

Trump Center: While tycoon Donald Trump met with financial 
disaster in the late 20th century, his son, Donald Jr. found great 
success in the world of big business. He managed to form a huge 
conglomeration of smaller companies under the name Trump 
International. In NY, his megacorp is rivaled in power and 
diversity only by Akaru. The new Trump Center occupies six city 
blocks, encompassing the area between park and 5th avenues, and 
from 51st to 54th streets. Madison avenue actually goes through 
the complex, with entrances to the parking facility. It has a main 
building that is 8 stories tall, with a number of sub-levels. Atop 
this superstructure is the tower, which climbs 80 stories above 
the main building. The first few floors are malls/hotels/casinos 
and other public venues. The tower contains corporate offices, 
security garrisons, storage facilities, media/ telecommunications 
facilities etc.... (It is rumored that Donald Trump Sr. is kept 
alive and in retirement here by an enormous amount of cybernetic 
life support systems and is more machine than man).

The tower also has a rooftop heliport.

Midtown/Downtown Manhattan: Almost totally overrun by the corps. 
everything here is either corporate controlled, or geared towards 
the corporate pocketbook. This is known on the streets as 
Corptown, and is aptly named.

Greenwich Village: A region in corptown that is not completely 
controlled by the corporate mind. It is the place to go for the 
"Trendy" hangouts and corporate wannabees.

Chinatown: The Downtown area surrounding Canal St. that is still 
mostly residential. It is almost exclusively Chinese, and is the 
place to go to find street vendors and black market fences. The 
streets are controlled by various gangs that constantly compete 
with each other for supremacy in the area.

Brooklyn/Queens: These areas are mostly residential. There are a 
large variety of neighborhoods, many with an almost exclusive 
cultural bias. quality of life varies from block to block (i.e. 
the more affluent homes of Jamaica Estates turn into a war zone of 
poverty and crime when one crosses Hillside Ave.)

Uptown (North of Central Park): These are the areas hit worst by 
the quake in 2005. Many areas have never been repaired, and there 
are streets blocked by fallen buildings. Many areas are dangerous, 
with buildings that may begin to collapse at any time. The corps 
have few interests other than low-cost housing developments. There 
are a few spots that can be considered "healthy" neighborhoods, 
but many are urban nightmares. This region has the highest police 
mortality rates. The northernmost tip of Manhattan is overrun with 
vegetation that has grown beyond the boundaries of old parks, 
producing another region of barrens.

>> Fine, just hype corptown and make people believe that every 
other place in NY is a dirty rotten hole, no wonder most of the 
neighborhoods never get too far. <<
--Velvet Knight <11:31:08/11-10-50>

Bronx: This area is similar to the way it was in the 20th century. 
It contains the highest concentration of Native Americans in the 

>>We give them Manhattan for $24 and only 4 centuries later, they 
give us the Bronx<<
--Running Eagle<18:26:47/12-01-50>

Organized Crime: New York has continued to be a center for 
organized crime cartels of various backgrounds. While the Yakuza 
has pushed the Mafia out of Seattle, the same has not happened in 
NY. In NY, the Yakuza have gained a very strong power base (and 
have influence in almost every Japanese corp in the city, with the 
most notable exception being Akaru, who consider them dishonorable 
slime). There are also various Seoulpa rings scattered throughout 
the city. Even with the growing power of Asian syndicates, the 
Mafia has maintained most of it's power in NY. The Mafia typically 
uses legitimate businesses as fronts for their own illegal 
operations. They practically control the construction and waste 
disposal operations in the city.

Police: Roosevelt Island is the site of the city headquarters for 
Metro Police Inc. They have a small airstrip for security use. 
This strip is also open to high level corporate executives who 
carry a corporate security pass. This site houses Metro's patrol 
helicopters, planes, and patrol boats.

>>Security pass, HA. They only let Metro shareholders use it. 
Anyone who tries to get a pass gets laughed at. These cops only 
take care of their own.<<


The major competitors in NY are Akaru and Trump. Both of these 
corps are made up of hundreds of smaller corps that were bought 
and either sold off in pieces or renovated and made profitable. 
Akaru and Trump consider each other to be honorable opponents. 
Yoguchi Akaru, a descendant of a long line of samurai, has no 
desire to put Trump out of business, that would take far too many 
resources, and would probably destroy his company. Akaru realizes 
that competition with Trump has given his company momentum. He 
sees that there is an almost symbiotic relationship between the 
two companies, and to destroy one destroys the other. There are, 
however, factions within Akaru Inc. that do not believe this. 
Akaru has to constantly play these people against each other to 
keep them from doing something rash. Even if Akaru's goal was to 
eliminate Trump International, he would frown on the dishonorable 
methods used by most businessmen these days. For Akaru, honor is 
of the utmost importance.

Trump shares many of the same views as Akaru, and many of the same 
problems. In a corp as large as Trump International or Akaru, one 
person cannot possibly have absolute control over all the 
businesses that make up these huge conglomerates, and factions 
within Trump also have their own agendas regarding their major 
competitors. Trump has an active social conscience, and is 
constantly concerned with making NY a better place (no small 
task). The great amount of respect (friendship?) between Trump and 
Akaru is widely known in the business community. The unusual 
relationship between the two has been described as showing the 
difference between enemies and opponents. They are far from 
enemies, but they are still opponents in many ways. There are many 
in the business world who shudder when they think of this, and 
their worst fear is to see Trump and Akaru merge, a move that 
would probably allow the joint firm to be the largest, and most 
powerful single corporate entity in the world. The internal 
dissensions within these two megacorps and the mutual respect 
between their owners keeps the entire corporate scene in a kind of 
uneasy equilibrium.

New York is not an attractive city to see from the air. There is a 
constant haze of smog hovering over the city, making it seem dirty 
during the day and positively gloomy during the night. The most 
breathtaking things about the city is the sheer size of most of 
the buildings, and the sight of the Great Dragon Tirandor in 
flight (a rare sight since he usually restricts his excursions to 
the late night). The main attractions of NY are its historical 
significance, and the fact that is the place to go to do business, 
any kind of business on either side of the law. NY is a sprawling 
mass of urban gloom, with shadows everywhere, an ideal place for 
those who make a living off the hidden agendas in the corporate 
world. The environment of NY is tense at best. Cultural/Racial 
tensions flare, poverty breeds crime, corps use any means to get 
what they want. It is the city of big business and big corruption. 
Don't walk the streets unarmed, and don't let Metro see the big 
guns. The cops can be as hair triggered as anyone else, if they 
see the iron, they will call in the cavalry, unless you happen to 
know someone inside. The corps have their own police, and the UCAS 
military is in town. It is hard to tell if all this firepower is 
their because of all the crime, or if all the crime is there 
because of the firepower. Everyone who lives in NY is there 
because they want something, and NY is the place to get it, one 
way or another.

>>Yeah, good old NY is not for those with a weak stomach<<


NY's sewer and subway system were damaged heavily in the quake of 
'05. While repairs were made, and a new magnetically guided subway 
system was introduced, many of the old tunnels still exist. The 
quake left a labyrinth of broken down subway and sewer tunnels, 
along with the ancient pneumatic transit system, and a few 
subterranean caverns all existing under the city. There are rumors 
of whole underground communities, many of which have probably 
never seen the outside world. These tunnels form a modern day 
dungeon complex of epic proportions, all hidden away from the 
everyday eye. Reports of "monsters" give evidence that the tunnels 
are home to awakened critters, and are a very dangerous place to 

>>C'mooooon Down!!!<<
--Phil the Troll <14:19:07/12-21-50>


NY city has two LTG's. One is the public LTG for the area, and the 
other is the Manhattan Corporate LTG. The Corporate LTG carries an 
orange security level, and is made available to clients willing to 
pay a fee. To get into most corporate mainframes, one must either 
go through the LTG's security, or tap the correct data lines in 
corptown. Several corps even have private LTG's accessible only 
from the corporate LTG. Network addresses in NY change almost 

>>A friend of mine got flatlined when he found out that the old 
address of the "decker's haven" database was changed and was given 
to East Coast Security Systems, a major software firm that 
specializes in IC systems<<
--Red Sonja<23:45:46/12-03-50>

Welcome to New York Chummers, try not to get yourselves killed.
A public service file brought to you by              The Dark Elf 


Special Report by: Renford Political Consulting
                                                 Chris Beauregard

>>>>>[I was wandering the UCAS system in Detroit, and I came 
across this. It seems to have been written by an independent 
contractor for some UCAS bigwig. Would anyone like to guess that 
they're considering reclaiming the place? It could be very 
interesting up there in the next few months.]<<<<<
-ReRun <12:01:51/11-01-50>

>>>>>[Could be really deadly up there. The only way they're gonna 
get into that place is by gassing half the occupants and 
permanently disabling the other half. I don't think Quebec is 
gonna like a couple divisions of UCAS regulars on their doorstep 
too well. The UCAS couldn't take the Warrens with anything 
-Omega Wolf <05:13:29/11-03-50>

>>>>>[Hey, you wouldn't believe what happened here just a while 
ago. Shriek and I were sitting over the SAN, and out of nowhere 
comes a triad of UCAS chopper constructs (wonder who that could 
have been?) They punched through the SAN ice, and we followed them 
right up to the SPU just outside you-know-which 'tastore (wonder 
what they were after?) The Sysop will be glad to know that 'ol 
Blacky works, real well.]<<<<<
-Silicon Eel <02:34:01/01-02-51>

A report on the status of the city of North Bay, prepared for 
Senator Jan Douglas by Renford Political Consulting, Inc.


North Bay is one of the largest thorns in the UCAS's side next to 
the NAN. The constant panzer runs across the Quebec border by 
riggers based in the area have put negotiations with the country 
in a very difficult position. Not long ago, Quebec demanded that 
the runs be stopped before any increase in the power allocation 
from the James Bay project were approved. The UCAS military has 
begun mobilization for what appears to be a major action in the 
North Bay area. The prospects of a large scale assault on the area 
look to be very grim. The firepower of the relatively large number 
of panzers in the area would be a deterrent in itself, without the 
added threat of an operating airbase, difficult terrain, and the 
impregnable fortress that is the Warrens. It is believed that two 
or three regular UCAS divisions will be necessary, along with a 
considerable number of specialists to deal with the Warrens. This 
number of troops that close to the Quebec border will certainly 
result in a very delicate diplomatic situation, something the UCAS 
should avoid at all costs.

>>>>>[Yup, they're going for it. Stupid, really stupid.]<<<<<
-Omega Wolf <05:20:12/11-03-50>


For the latter half of the twentieth century, North Bay was noted 
for it's NORAD installation. Aside from having one of the largest 
military airbases in North America, deep within what is 
essentially a hollow mountain was housed the command centre for 
most of the DEW line. Around 1995, a sizable portion of the base 
personnel, as part of the Canadian defense budget cuts, were moved 
out. To make use of some of the empty space, portions of CFB North 
Bay were converted to biological research and storage areas, 
without the knowledge of the city. Shortly after the turn of the 
century, the base was converted almost entirely into a hazardous 
substance research facility, the politically correct word for a 
bio-warfare centre. While considerable outcry was made by the 
population of the city, the base was the only major support to the 
economy of the city, and the furor quickly died out with the 
influx of several thousands more military personnel and their 

Throughout the early years of civil unrest throughout the rest of 
the world, the city, because of its relative isolation, was mostly 
unaffected. The only major incident was a small riot started by a 
brawl between reserve Indians and servicemen. Several were killed 
in the fighting, and close to one hundred wounded before the 
fighting was brought to a standstill.

>>>>>[Now that's a load of drek if I ever heard it. I think the 
figures were closer to fifty killed, and three hundred wounded. 
The real reason the whole thing started was because some army 
hotshot took the opportunity during the fighting to see what 
driving a tank through a hotel would do. Trust me, I was there. I 
was part of a group who took out three parked CF-18 fighters while 
the military was out shooting civilians.]<<<<<
- Tall Boy <13:56:26/11-03-50>

>>>>>[Do you know why they covered it up so much? I mean, that 
many dead didn't mean much back then when thousands were dying in 
street fighting across the country.]<<<<<
- Shriek <03:43:52/11-05-50>

>>>>>[That was in the United States. Canada wasn't nearly as bad. 
And you have to consider that the city only had a population of 
70,000 or so at the time. We're talking about a good portion of 
the population being killed off.]<<<<<
- Tall Boy <13:22:00/11-10-50>

During the Lone Eagle crisis, the peace of the small city was once 
again broken when vigilante action against reserve Indians 
resulted in what amounted to a small war. The end result was 90% 
of the native population being wiped out, and large portions of 
housing in the city being leveled by guerrilla action. The 
remaining natives were shipped to the re-education centres 
established about that time. When the VITAS plague hit, the area 
was mostly free of its effects, given the relative isolation of 
the city. It did not escape the effects of the UGE, however. After 
the beginning of the UGE, every child born in the area exhibited 
the characteristics of the Dwarf strain. Close to 15% of the 
population left the area in the first three months. After several 
months, a small number of normal children were born to the area. 
The effects of the UGE on the area were explained by government 
officials as an isolated effect probably having to do with the 
pollution of one of the area lakes.

>>>>>[They explained it like that, yes. No one believed it though, 
at least no one living there. The lake water story is pure and 
simple drek. No one ever drank out of it, and that's the only way 
you could possibly be affected by the water. They just didn't want 
to admit to the shoddy waste disposal techniques used by the base. 
I once had an army transport dump about a ton of PCB's on a site 
next to my property. I complained, but they stated that it was 
harmless. Harmless, if you consider having non-human children 
- Tag <09:06:45/11-03-50>

>>>>>[Sorry chummer? 'non-human' did you say? I sure hope you 
don't live around here anymore, 'cause if you do you ain't gonna 
live much longer...]<<<<<
- Chuck D <17:09:24/11-07-50>

During the years of the Ghost Dance, North Bay was hit hard. One 
night, the city was rocked by a major earthquake. As the city is 
situated in the extremely stable Canadian Shield, the only 
explanation was the now growing magic. Indeed, one month after the 
quake, a group of native shamans took credit for what they called 
'justice against the befoulers of the planet.' The recovery of the 
city itself occurred quickly enough, but the base was damaged 
considerably. Large areas of the underground complex were lost 
completely, and the electronics of the base were, with few 
exceptions, destroyed. Close to two thousand personnel died as the 
tunnels collapsed around them, and several hundred others died in 
the city itself. The rebuilding of the above-ground portion of the 
base was accomplished in the first year after the quake. The 
underground complex was operational after two years of work. 
However, large portions were still unusable.

While the quake took out a considerable amount of the cities 
economic power, the most damaging event in the history of North 
Bay was Goblinization. On that day in April, 2021, almost half of 
the residents of both the city and the military base were 
transformed into dwarves. The reason still has not been explained 
to any great extent. In the next year, North Bay became the site 
of the largest influx of dwarves in North America. Close to three 
thousand moved to the city. This was counterbalanced by over five 
thousand normal humans leaving the city. In a matter of one year, 
the face of the city was transformed.

Several years later, the military converted a portion of the base 
into a magical research centre. Part of its duties were to study 
the reason for the high rate of Goblinization among the 
population. Three years later, a Matrix Warfare centre, 
essentially a clone of the U.S. Echo Mirage project, was added. 
The entire base was wired for the use of the new technology. For 
unknown reasons, the old computer linkages were kept intact and 
added to the new system. When it was discovered that parts of the 
damaged base were still connected, the old system was disconnected 
again. During this time a fusion power plant was also added to the 

The Crash of '29 hit the base hard. In the first few days, close 
to one third of the base hardware was destroyed as the virus swept 
through the system. In response, the system was disconnected from 
external lines, the virus cleaned out of the system (with a high 
rate of damage to equipment and personnel), and the old linkages 
restored to pass over the damaged sections. The base continued to 
operate more or less normally, albeit slowly, until the virus was 
destroyed. After the virus was destroyed, the base system again 
underwent an overhaul. The work was not quite as thorough as the 
previous rebuilding of the system though. Patches to the damaged 
sections were made, and much of the ancient connections still 
remained part of the new system. At this time, the MW section 
added some rudimentary IC to the system. As the years went by, 
this was improved considerably, and CFB North Bay eventually had 
what was considered the most secure military system in the world.

>>>>>[Drek! The guys who programmed most of it also left a 
trapdoor big enough to throw a Cray III through. The Soviets got 
more research information outta the place in one year than they 
got from NORAD during the entire Cold War]<<<<<
- Viper <12:09:22/11-05-50>

When the Canada-U.S. merge occurred, close to half of the 
personnel of the base were transferred, in a move that devastated 
the North Bay economy, as part of a deal with the separated 
province of Quebec. For several years, until one small Japanese 
chemical company moved in, the city was akin to a ghost town. The 
introduction of Kenji Biotech Inc. was the only thing that saved 
the city from death.

>>>>>[Of course, we weren't all that surprised when this happened. 
I mean, North Bay was pretty much the leading manufacturer of Bio- 
Hazards, courtesy of the Canadian government. Over the years the 
company has shrunk somewhat. They used to have over a thousand 
employees, mostly from the area. Now they employ maybe two hundred 
and most of them are foreigners.]<<<<<
- Tall Boy <14:01:54/11-06-50>

The greatest transformation of the city occurred around the period 
of the Night of Rage. Given the large meta-human population of the 
city, it became a prime target of New Terrorism. On the night of 
September 23rd, 2038, close to a thousand members of a group 
calling themselves the Purity League went on a rampage through the 
city, killing all metahumans crossing their path. The military 
watched the battle without interfering. During the fighting, 
several thousand dwarves retreated into the damaged parts of the 
base, and fought off numerous attacks from the terrorists. When 
they were finally fought off and the smoke had cleared, one 
quarter of the meta-human population of the city were dead, and 
hundreds of normal humans as well.

>>>>>[For those who don't know, the Purity League was the northern 
equivalent of Alamos 20,000. I think there were close to ten 
thousand members in the northern UCAS and Quebec. After the North 
Bay battle, the group splintered into smaller terrorist groups. A 
few of them took another shot at the town, but they didn't last 
much longer than the military. Eventually, we all got tired of PL 
groups taking shots at us and we took out about half-a-dozen of 
their compounds with some of the CF-201's the military 'left 
behind.' No trouble after that...]<<<<<
- Tag <11:44:30/11-07-50>

At this point, the meta-humans rallied and, in a prolonged battle, 
took over the base. All military personnel were killed on sight. 
Before the UCAS even had time to mobilize, the angry dwarves had 
turned the base into a fortress. A takeover attempt by a battalion 
of UCAS infantry was beaten back with 70% casualties before they 
had even reached the outskirts of the city. A second assault was 
called off when Quebec sent an ultimatum warning that any more 
mobilization of troops within 50 miles of the border would be met 
with force. No more attacks on the base were ever attempted.

>>>>>[Fraggin' idiots! They didn't even have any air support, no 
prelim recon, nothing. I guess they didn't figure that a group who 
could take one of the stronger military bases in the country could 
also hold it.]<<<<<
- Chuck D <03:45:16/11-08-50>

In the aftermath, the defenses of what was now called the Warrens 
were increased even more. The contents of the air base, still 
containing several military CF-201 interceptor/bombers, were 
supplemented by stolen military craft, most notably four Ares 
Dragon helicopters, at least a dozen heavy panzers, and an EFA 
interceptor. The newly formed government of the Warrens also began 
encouraging riggers running the Quebec border to use to base as a 
resupply point. As a result, the base normally has a number 
'visiting' panzers and several other craft on call.

Much of the complex was destroyed during the fighting, and sizable 
portions of the grid serving the base had to have extensive work 
performed on them. As well, close to two thirds of the base was 
lost due to cave-ins during the fighting. This includes the Matrix 
Warfare labs, one of the larger magical research labs, and close 
to half of the bio-warfare labs.

>>>>>[Heh. "Close to two thirds." Slight understatement there 
chums. Getting into the bloody place took a fraggin' big pile of 
explosives, in all kinds of bad spots. I think we lost more 'cause 
of overkill with the boomers than we did to the security systems. 
From what I saw, and I saw a lot, the rebuild after the quake was 
a real spit 'n glue type job. Wires hangin' all over the place, 
cracks and crevices all over the place, tunnels packed with 
- Tall Boy <05:09:34/11-22-50>

>>>>>[You wouldn't believe the security on this place. I stopped 
there one day for a refuel, and got to look around. They still 
have the blast doors from the original base (the ones designed to 
handle a nuke...), but with a few more feet of some kind of 
ceramic shielding attached. There are camera/servo-gun 
combinations in almost every corridor, and most of the larger 
corridors has gas vents and servo- grenade launchers. I was told 
that most of the passages are rigged with explosives to collapse 
on command. And this was just the residential areas. They wouldn't 
let me into any of the high security areas.]<<<<<
- ReRun <11:07:21/11-26-50>

>>>>>[Magically, this place isn't nearly as tight. I mean, they're 
dwarves mostly, right. Dwarf mages are pretty rare, and there are 
absolutely no shamans in the place. I've been told that the high 
tech/high contamination atmosphere of the places drives most of 
them nuts in the first week, and none have managed to last more 
that a month without killing themselves. I've heard rumours of 
toxic shamans in the abandoned areas though. They'd thrive on the 
- Barron <23:17:42/12-03-50>

>>>>>[I do not know about toxic shamans, but there are things deep 
within the Warrens that are many times worse. I have fought things 
that would make the UCAS think twice about wanting the Warrens 
back. I have fought things that make myself think twice about ever 
going back]<<<<<
- Pendragon <12:01:00/12-05-50>

>>>>>[At least you beat them. I've lost a few friends who decided 
that bio-prospecting was the way to go. Damn right it's the way to 
go. To you're grave, if they can find enough to bury.]<<<<<
- Barron <00:23:14/12-10-50>

>>>>>[Are you kidding? There's a fortune to make bio-prospecting 
down there. Only about ten percent, maybe less, of the base is 
currently occupied. That leaves a lot of room for exploration. 
I've come across a few mega-nuyen finds in that place in only the 
six months I've been in there. The beasties sure as hell don't 
deter me from going down there.]<<<<<
- Jade Hunter <10:37:02/12-15-50>

>>>>>[That's not quite true about the lack of mages. There are a 
few of them down there, but they are very isolated. They spend a 
lot of time in the old magical labs, trying to decipher the 
military magic notation. I'm also told that they spend time 
putting together new spells, tailored for the underground. I must 
agree that there are no shamans.]<<<<<
- Ice Bunny <15:00:33/12-17-50>


The North Bay government is divided into two areas. There is the 
city government, essentially a town council governing close to 
eight thousand residents of the city, and there is the Security 
Council of the Warrens, governing the close to four thousand 
permanent residents of the underground complex. The city 
government defers to the Security Council on defense matters, but 
is otherwise independent. As well, Kenji Biotech maintains a 
compound approximately twenty kilometers from the city, with its 
independent corporate government. Neither the Security Council nor 
the town government have any kind of diplomatic relations with any 
neighbours. The closest they have come are the occasional 
'negotiation teams,' battalion sized combat groups sent out to 
deal with suspected infringements on their territory.

It is policy of the Security Council to encourage criminal 
elements of both the UCAS and Quebec to use the base as a resupply 
point. Specifically, the Warrens deals well with riggers running 
the Quebec/UCAS border. In this manner, they receive new 
technology, while riggers are offered a safe resupply zone, fuel, 
and for aircraft, a large defended runway with heavy concrete 
hangars. Occasionally, it is believed that the Security Council 
participates in some of the runs, adding the occasional panzer 
team to a run.

>>>>>[Those negotiation teams are nasty. I saw one go after a 
Humanis compound that someone (stupid) established about 50 km 
away from the base. All that they left of the place was a few 
burnt out shells and a lot of craters. Those CF-201's are killers 
on a strafing run.]<<<<<
- Puck <23:10:06/11-04-50>

>>>>>[If you happen to visit the Warrens, don't screw with the 
security procedures. If you get out of line, even by a millimeter, 
they toast you. This place doesn't follow anyone else's laws, so 
they don't have any trouble in shooting people. This is only 
security procedures, you can raise all the hell you like, shoot 
people randomly, etc., and they won't bother you. They assume that 
anyone in the Warrens who gets killed shouldn't be there anyways. 
Nice, friendly people.]<<<<<
- Omega Wolf <14:50:33/11-19-50>

>>>>>[I can speak from experience that the sight of one of the 
Warrens concrete hangars is one of the most uplifting things 
you're likely to see. Cheap fuel, good, solid repair jobs, and 
lots of reloads are the norm. And after a run of the Quebec 
defenses, you normally need it.]<<<<<
- ReRun <11:24:53/11-26-50>

>>>>>[They're pretty good about paying for your cargo too. I 
exchanged a load of Vindicator cannons for some really hot bio 
material. You wouldn't believe the profit I made on them.]<<<<<
- Jade Hunter <04:45:36/12-03-50>



The Warrens was perhaps one of the largest and most intricate of 
underground bases in the NORAD system. At its largest capacity, 
after its last expansion in 2006, it could hold close to 12,000 
residents full time in housing zones, as well as close to three 
times as much room in labs and storage areas. At its largest 
occupancy it only held three thousand. In the aftermath of the 
quake and the battles, much of the base was lost to collapses in 
the tunnel system and bio-chemical contamination. Indeed, few 
residents move out of the known safe zones without enviro-suits.

The inhabitable area of the base is currently divided into three 
main zones: Residential, security, and supply. Residential zones 
contain all the space and services necessary for the four thousand 
residents. Security zone handles not only the defensive systems of 
the base, but controls close to forty kilometers of territory 
around the base, and monitors out to an unknown distance. Supply 
consists of the food production caverns and several small factory 
areas producing necessities of life for the underground. As well, 
a large portion of its efforts go towards the recovery of gear 
from the lost areas of the base.

Defensively, the base is a wonder of technology. Almost every 
corridor is covered by camera/servo-gun combinations, and most of 
them are monitored. Externally, a large sensor array searches for 
air targets, and two interceptors are always ready to scramble in 
case of threat. Most of the ground around the base is also covered 
by sensor arrays. It is suspected that these arrays extend 
northward to the Quebec border, and forty to fifty kilometers to 
the south. Heavy panzers also patrol the areas around the base, 
and infantry teams patrol the outskirts of the city. To top things 
off, every adult resident of the base is trained in the operation 
of most of the systems of the base, and almost all carry heavy 
sidearms at all times.

Aboveground, the airport is the main feature. The ancient 
commercial airport has been converted entirely into the military 
base. Concrete hangars house a fleet of at least a dozen 
helicopters, between six and eight CF-201 fighters, two EFA 
interceptors, and a fleet of panzers. As well, a variety of 
conventional armored vehicles are housed.

>>>>>[The way I understand it, security nowadays has gone down the 
tubes. A lot of the servo-guns are more or less dead, the lighting 
in the tunnels has been cut down, and many of the security sensor 
arrays have been taken out by weather, Humanis infiltrators, and 
some of the animals in the area. Some parts of the complex have 
turned into little tribal caverns, and I hear a lot of gang fights 
go on in the tunnels. Is this just rumour, or what?]<<<<<
- Komet Kid <02:19:50/11-06-50>

>>>>>[The whole servo-gun thing is a rumour, but they sure don't 
look like they'd work. I hear that Security Council technical 
teams occasionally select a few guns and give them a little work 
so they look like they're dead. The thing about the lighting is 
entirely correct, but since all the security cameras have been 
replaced with thermo systems, it doesn't matter much. Besides, 
they never needed lighting anyways. Think about it. They're mostly 
dwarves. Built in thermographics. As far as the tribal thing, it's 
true, but not in the Security controlled sections. Since they're 
completely isolated from the rest of the complex by some serious 
defense systems, they really don't care what goes on down there. 
Besides, they use it as a training ground for their troops.]<<<<<
- ReRun <17:09:27/11-09-50>

>>>>>[I don't know about isolation. I heard about a Banshee that 
got into the residential section and killed off a couple people 
before they fragged it. Supposedly it got in through some ancient 
ventilation tunnels. Understandably, the SC downplayed it quite a 
- Barron <01:07:48/12-10-50>

>>>>>[While you're in the Warrens, some places you might run into. 
First, a note on finding your way around. The place is organized 
in colour zones, Red being the main security zone, purple, green, 
blue, and white being the residential section, and orange, gray, 
and black being the factory/research zones. If you see the black 
zone, by the way, get the hell out of it. If you're not 
authorized, you're dead. Then the place is set up in levels, from 
1 to, as far as I know, 40. The Access number is the "street 
address" of the place. You might have to ask directions to find 
the Access, the place is a real maze.

Temporaries Hostel
Green Zone, Level 7, Access 1409
Large Hotel
No racial bias
LTG# 0956
Manager: Armand Lorino
If you're a visiting rigger, they normally put you up in the 
Temporaries. A really nice place, big rooms, awesome room service, 
and solid doors (this is real important in the Warrens). No 
problems with weapons, armor, but they don't like customers 
killing each other.

Cavern One
Green Zone, Level 17, Access 0043
Bias towards non-riggers
LTG# 9844
Owner: Morin Desjardine
You can't really call it a nightclub, 'cause the Warrens doesn't 
have a day/night cycle. This is the hottest spot for riggers. The 
amount of tips and information running around this place is 
fantastic, and Rick, one of the bartenders, has run the Quebec 
border at least fifty times, still does, and likes talking about 
it. Weapons are allowed, fighting is allowed, but don't shoot the 

Purple Zone Bazaar
Purple Zone, Level 10, various entries
Open Marketplace
No racial bias
Organizer: Lt. Lesli Darrien
In every zone of the Warrens, there exists a mall. The purple zone 
bazaar takes the cake. Located in a really massive cavern that 
used to be a series of gyms before the walls were taken out, jam 
packed with several hundred people, you can buy and sell anything 
here, plus a few other items. BTLs, body parts, military hardware, 
data, anything. Don't try to rip anyone off though, because the 
place is organized by the security council, and there's normally 
about three platoons of regular infantry roaming the crowd, and a 
few drones hovering over your head.]<<<<<
- Komet Kid <00:34:59/12-12-50>

>>>>>[We can't forget something really important, can we?

Security Council HQ
Red Zone, Level 15-20, various Accesses
Large Office Building
LTG# 1111
The nerve center of the Security Council, this multi-level complex 
is open day and night, heavily guarded, and real important to 
visitors. This is the place where you arrange permission for a 
temporary stay, Warrens citizenship, sale of really big/hot cargo, 
escorts for a run through Quebec (they do this sometimes), and a 
lot of other stuff. Don't screw with security. You can't carry 
weapons into the place either, and if you happen to trip a 
detector while you're in there, and they have them all over, the 
automatic defenses will shred you.]<<<<<
- Sage <23:20:12/12-15-50>

>>>>>[Purple Zone, Level 36, Access 1034 will get you into the 
abandoned section, if you fiddle with the electronics on the lock 
a little. Getting back is a little tougher.]<<<<<
- anonymous <15:22:47/12-18-50>


The city proper of North Bay exists in a relatively small area 
near one of the two area lakes. While in its prime the city 
occupied considerably more area, the quake, depopulation, and 
warfare left a much smaller population and most of the city in 
ruins. The remaining population retreated into an easily defended 
lakeside area, which they eventually walled off. As well, the 
current location is less than a kilometer from the gates of the 

The majority of the residents earn their pay in trade with the 
Warrens. Farming, hunting, fishing, and scavenging from the city 
provide a meagre, yet sufficient lifestyle for most residents. A 
small portion also engage in running the Quebec border, usually 
through the system of rivers and creeks of the northern 
wilderness. As a result, the proliferation of weapons in the city 
is extreme, where virtually everyone has access to military 
hardware. The city government, as a result, tends to be quite 
dynamic in that the entire upper echelon is normally 'replaced' 
several times per year. The current government, led by the Dwarven 
Bear shaman Erich Connors, has somehow managed to last out six 
months, despite three separate attempts at deposing them.

>>>>>[Hmmm. They don't say much about the place. Sounds like some 
kind of frontier town.]<<<<<
- Smily <08:45:04/11-06-50>

>>>>>[That's actually a pretty good analogy, if you add in the 
military surplus family car, automatic weapons, modular housing, 
and the occasional gang. The place is actually very fun at night. 
The wall parties are a real blast, and some of those bars...]<<<<<
- ReRun <17:22:16/11-09-50>

>>>>>[Yeah, the wall parties are awesome. This is when a bunch of 
residents get together, go up on the wall (about thirty feet high, 
twenty thick with battlements) and watch the ghoul/gang wars. 
Hell, sometimes targets get close enough so that we can join the 
fun. And the bars, yeah, they're something else. Bass One is about 
the wildest and most dangerous place I've ever been, and The Tank 
is phenomenal. The Tank, by the way, is a reconstruction of the 
place that started that riot in town way back near the turn of the 
century. They have this big Leopard tank imbedded in the wall. And 
the turret still moves...When you're completely burned and the 
thing starts pointing your way...]<<<<<
- anonymous <23:50:05/11-24-50>


When the population of the city retreated to a relatively small 
area, the remainder of the city became easy pickings for all 
manner of squatters and more sinister residents. A few 
homesteaders live out of the main city, in small walled 
fortresses. These are normally surrounded by small plots of 
cultivated land and several layers of razor wire, minefields, and 
remote weapons systems. Aside from these few, the remainder of the 
residents consist of a variety of gangs, squatters, and a fair 
number of ghouls. Nearly every night the city erupts with the 
sound of gunfire, explosions, and such as the gangs fight running 
battles with ghouls over scavenged food supplies. Occasionally the 
city sends out troops to cull the number of ghouls, but lately 
this has resulted in considerable casualties. It is expected that 
the practice will be discontinued in the near future, unless more 
military vehicles can be borrowed from the Warrens.

>>>>>[This is not a place to get caught outside in at night. I've 
seen groups of ghouls go after some of the homesteads with 
flamethrowers. They're much worse on people caught in the 
- Looie Loo <20:39:04/11-02-50>

>>>>>[The reason the combat teams have been getting shot up so 
much is due to infiltrators, not the ghouls and gangs. It seems 
the Purity League is about to have another go at the Warrens, the 
poor, stupid buggers.]<<<<<
- From the Deep <11:02:00/11-07-50>

>>>>>[Wasn't the PL wiped out?]<<<<<
- Tag <13:55:30/11-02-50>


The Kenji Biotech compound is typical of Japanese corporations. A 
number of modular housing units, a factory, and various services 
all contained in a high wall studded with defensive systems. There 
are several helicopter pads, and almost daily one heads over to 
the Warrens airport to pick up some bio-hazard. It is estimated 
that 200 workers live here, but the exact figure is unknown.

On a rare occasion, Kenji will recruit workers from the town, 
usually to supplement security. Normally they simply bring in 
workers from one of their other factories.

If is unknown exactly what the purpose of the Kenji base is, 
however it is obviously known to some party as a number of 
attempts by criminal elements to enter have been made on the 
compound. It is unknown whether any have succeeded - Kenji Biotech 
does not have much in the way of public relations. It's suspected 
that the heavy security has been more than a match for the runner 

>>>>>[Yup, that's one thing the locals are good at. Supplementing 
- Tall Boy <23:50:01/11-08-50>

>>>>>[This Kenji outpost is just there for the purpose of testing 
the various items from the Warrens. It is believed that, as well 
as the daily chopper run, they send in exploratory teams through 
some hidden passages. They also pay bio-prospectors pretty well 
for their stuff.]<<<<<
- ReRun <02:05:20/11-09-50>

>>>>>[They do send exploration teams. I have encountered a few 
members of these teams, violently. They are heavily armed, and use 
powerful magic. They do not know the passages though, and that is 
their weakness.]<<<<<
- Pendragon <20:17:51/12-01-50>

>>>>>[I wouldn't be braggin' about that chum. Kenji has some real 
vicious security units. I for one would not want to have a run in 
with them.]<<<<<
- Chuck D <14:08:21/12-10-50>

>>>>>[I do not brag, and I do not fear Kenji Biotech.]<<<<<
- Pendragon <18:58:06/12-10-50>

>>>>>[Maybe you don't, chum, but a lot do. 'Cept maybe said 
'criminal elements.' I have it on good authority that they're 
actually a bunch of good old boys from town after KB's ass for 
something or other. If you've met the towns good old boys, you 
sure wouldn't want to be in Kenji's position, chums. Maybe you 
think yer big city go-go-gangs are tough, but you don't want to be 
around when these guys pull up in an APC with belt fed 
Vindicator/GL mounts on the top. Or the LAW rockets in the back of 
the family pickup. 'Less you got a panzer.]<<<<<
- Wastrel <00:10:58/12-21-50>


The Warrens matrix has been torn down, damaged, patched and 
overhauled so many times that no one can really say what it is. 
The original military connections, dating back to approximately 
1970, are still connected to the state of the art system added 
around 2038. Add to this hundreds of line patches and the various 
hardware running the system, and the result is what some deckers 
have called the most dangerous grid on the planet. The Security 
Council has taken advantage of the deadliness of the system by 
connecting their own system inside the many layers of military IC 
still operating. This is possibly the only major weakness in their 
defensive systems. Currently, the outer security layer of the grid 
is purely the old 2038 military system with a few patches. These 
system patches, however, are indistinguishable from the old 
system. Once past this main outer layer, the ancient internal 
military systems are mixed in with many system patches and the new 
government systems. Security is laughable. To quote the infamous 
decker Sparrow, "A complete drek-head could cut through that stuff 
with a turtle and on-the-fly utilities." Analysis by an 
independent consulting firm has confirmed this opinion. The 
matrix, while possibly the easiest way to access the Warren 
goings-on, has little to offer in the case of a large scale 
assault. Thorough analysis has indicated that absolutely no 
external slave system such as doors or ventilation systems are 
connected to the grid. Only a few internal security cameras, 
obviously passed over in the rebuilding, seem to exist. Quite 
possibly there is a second, unconnected system controlling all 

The city system is attached to the Warrens grid, but the security 
of it is minimal. The biggest threat outside the Warrens is the 
Kenji Biotech grid. Strong corporate IC has encouraged many 
invaders of the North Bay system to look for their fortunes 
elsewhere. It is of interest to note that the area grid is still 
connected to the international system, although the Warrens is 
technically speaking a criminal outpost. Attempts were made in the 
early years of its establishment by UCAS technical teams to remove 
the system, but the teams were overwhelmed by the number of 
ancient military connections to the outside grid. It is estimated 
that there are close to three hundred independent connections to 
the UCAS RTG, as well as those to the Quebec and Algonkian-Manitoo 

>>>>>[The thing about this mix of the new and the old is that it 
leaves all kinds of holes in the security there. The government 
relies on the older military ice to keep out intruders, so they 
have relatively light security themselves. So if you're good, you 
can trace a path through the old military systems without a hint 
of ice...]<<<<<
-Key Cat <12:01:51/11-01-50>

>>>>>[If you're lucky, chummer, you might. If you're not lucky, 
you could be toast. I thought I had a nice little entry, 'til I 
hit the wandering ice. I was lucky. I only lost a Cyber-7.]<<<<<
-Nova <23:20:00/11-04-50>

>>>>>[Yeah, tell me about it. I got chased halfway through the 
system before I managed to kill the sucker! By that time, there 
were fragging alarms going off all the way to Chiba. I almost got 
hit by a Trace, but it managed to get bogged down in one of their 
patches. Not that it would have mattered much. There's no one for 
the Trace to call back to!]<<<<<
-Ice Falcon <03:57:09/11-07-50>

>>>>>[You killed the ice?!? Frag, this is military ice here!]<<<<<
-Stink Bug <17:34:10/11-08-50>

>>>>>[You betcha! It took a bit, but I had this MG9067-SF 
hardening chip my buddy Tall Boy picked up in one of the old 
Matrix Warfare labs down there. Besides that, I don't think the 
ice was updated for the patches, because it really slowed down 
when it hit 'em. And it may be military ice, but it's still a 
decade old.]<<<<<
-Ice Falcon <12:30:38/11-12-50>

>>>>>[This military stuff is peanuts compared to some of the Kenji 
Biotech system they have in town. I was doing a look-see on the 
Kenji system, and did I get a little surprise. I burn the fraggin' 
Killer, in a Red node no less, was browsing some data, and then 
the alarms go off. So I haul ass for the SAN, and what do you know 
but the Killer is back up, meaner than ever, and lookin' for me! 
Far as I can tell, they've got something that's 
-Louie Loo <02:12:15/11-18-50>

>>>>>[That's pretty doubtful. You probably just set something off 
when you were browsing, and it started the alert and rebuilt the 
-Screamer <20:45:07/11-19-50>

>>>>>[Like hell I did, chum! I've been scanning for things like 
that since...well, since I set one off. If they were capable of 
something my little 'mine detector' couldn't find, then I'd never 
have got past that ice in the first place.]<<<<<
-Louie Loo <03:47:32/11-24-50>

>>>>>[My question is, with all the various hardware, how do they 
maintain the thing?]<<<<<
-Argand <21:04:59/12-02-50>

>>>>>[They don't. They can't. They don't even know where the 
hardware running half the thing is, and they don't know how to 
maintain what they can find. When a machine goes down, they just 
replace it with something a little more modern, and maybe patch 
the area around it. >From what I've heard, some of the military 
ice they can't even get to recognize the Security Council deckers. 
They've lost a few to that problem.]<<<<<
-Ice Falcon <11:13:40/12-04-50>

>>>>>[Who would want to get into the system in the first place? 
The place is ancient.]<<<<<
- Kormack <14:08:18/12-11-50>

>>>>>[If you can get into the MW mainframe, you have paydata. 
There are programs in there that were designed to take out Sov 
military IC, and that means they can cut through modern corp IC 
like a Fairlight Excalibur through Blue Access. You just have to 
find the lab. And finding it doesn't mean you can find it again. 
The fraggin' system changes so often...]<<<<<
- From the Deep <09:46:40/12-13-50>


                          Jerry Stratton <jerry@teetot.acusd.edu>
      Priorities: Attributes 4, Magic 3, Tech 2, Skills 1, Race 0

The Street Priest came to North America from either Spain or 
Italy, and is usually male. In his youth, he was an athlete, and 
he used this to pull himself up from the streets. When he reached 
puberty, he started talking to god, and devoted himself to the 
priesthood. When he started out, he discovered a talent for 
exorcisms, but didn't realize he could conjure until much later.

The street priest is not fully accepted by the church hierarchy, 
and does not really care. He spends his time with the people of 
the street, tending to their spiritual needs and, when possible, 
protecting them from secular harm. His knowledge of Christian 
theology is tempered with urban legends and mythology.

The street priest is not a shadowrunner, although such a priest 
might become involved with a shadowrun team for a specific 
purpose. The street priest may well ask for a donation of time if 
the people of the street are having trouble with a certain 
corporation or government agency.

The street priest can usually be found running food or medical 
supplies to people in need, or helping out at a local Catholic 
soup kitchen.

If the priest's contact is a fixer, the priest trades information 
and occasional sanctuary for information on food and medical 

"Please. These people are poor, and are unable to meet your 
"Heaven and Hell await you, son. You must choose."
"Madre de dios, se?or, the community needs this food. How can you 
allow it to be thrown out?"
"No, we have nothing for you to steal. Perhaps you might make a 
donation to the people instead?"
"Meditate on this while you heal, my child."
"The Angels of the Lord attend me and my needs."

Body          6
Quickness     4
Strength      5
Charisma      6
Intelligence  4
Willpower     5
Essence       6
Reaction      4

Conjuring           6
Street Etiquette    2
Theology            1
     Christianity   3
Athletics           5
Unarmed Combat      3
Performance         1
     Oratory        2
          Religious 4

Spanish or Italian 6
Church Latin       5
English            3

Any Street Type (prob. Doctor or Fixer)

Used Car (often breaks down)
Religious (Conjuring) Library
     Rating 6 (300 lbs)
Car Phone
Ordinary Clothing
Priestly Clothing
Priestly Equipment
Conjuring Materials (8,000Y)

The priest will probably have already conjured two elementals with 
the above conjuring materials (remember that the priest has to buy 
the materials specifically for the force and type of elemental). 
Street priests tend to prefer air and fire elementals. These are 
more in line with their calling. The priest will probably be 
attended by a Force 5 air elemental and a Force 3 fire elemental.

>>>[Note to Game masters: if the player decides to go for a Force 
6 or greater elemental, you might want to be present for the 
success test -- if the success test is failed, those 6,000Y or so 
of materials are gone.]<<<
-- Jerry [08:33:22/05-12-92]

The priest will always attempt to conjure spirits in private. To 
him, conjuring is a personal sacrament. The street priest is 
always aware of the ambiguities inherent in summoning, and tries 
very hard to make it obvious that God is the source of power, and 
the priest is only the conduit for that power. Some street priests 
will believe that spirits are forms of angels. Others believe them 
to be demons, bound by God's will. Or, perhaps they're simply 
manifestations of the Holy Ghost, the spirit of God. Such 
manifestations appeared as tongues of flame to the apostles, and 
as a strong wind to others.

                                  Wordman <ward1@husc.harvard.edu>
        Priorities: Tech 4, Attributes 3, Skills 2, Magic/Race 1/0

The Jack-of-all-Trades uses many skills, but is master of none. 
His kind have always existed, but the SkillSoft tech of today make 
him more able than ever. He prides himself on having the tech and 
knowledge to deal with any situation. To him, the Shadowrun ? with 
its unpredictable curves and pit-falls ? is the ultimate test of 
his diversity.

"Look, man, your average shadowrunner has a problem: he's a 
specialist. One'll run the matrix, another'll drive you 'round, 
and another is just some dude with a big gun. Everyone's a 
specialist these days.
"Not me.
"I can do everything, for you, chummer. One call does it all. And 
if I can't do it myself, I'll just get me a chip that'll help me 
help myself. Sure, so maybe a Razorguy can eliminate the 
opposition better'n me, but what's he gonna do when he's alone and 
needs some data? You need an adaptable sort like me running for 
you. Ain't a situation I can't handle.
"So...we deal or what?"

Body:         4
Quickness:    5
Strength:     4
Charisma:     3
Intelligence: 4
Willpower:    4
Essence:      2.0
Reaction:     0

Armed Combat:       4
Computer:           6
Car:                4
Etiquette (Street): 4
Firearms:           6

Chipjacks (Four, plus one included with Skillwires)
Cybereyes with Flare Compensation, Low-Light, and Thermographic 
Datasoft Link
Display Link
Headware Memory (90 Mp)
Skillwires (6)
Smartgun Link

Any Street Type
Street Doc

Heckler & Koch HK227 (w/ built-in Smartgun)
Lined Coat
Fuchi Cyber-4 w/Response Increase (1): Bod 6, Evasion 6, Masking 
6, Sensors 6, Attack 4, Evaluate 4, Sleaze 5
Skillsofts (all general)
     Three knowledge (3)
     One knowledge (6)
     Three active (3)
     One active (6)
     One language (10)
     One language (9)

                 Hubris, the Shadowmaster <escotoR@moravian.edu>
     Priorities: Race 4, Attributes 3, Magic 2, Tech 1, Skills 0

Mage Hunter is, as his name implies, the worst nightmare of the 
unsuspecting spell-tosser. His family may have been murdered by 
magic, he just might hate mages enough to want to do them harm. 
Either way, he hunts mages for a living, which means he'll have no 
problems getting work.

"Yeah. I'm clean. I got no 'ware. Don't mean I ain't bad enough. 
Just means you're to stupid to see. I could crush you like last 
week's newsfax. Don't worry. I won't... yet.

Body:         4
Quickness:    5
Strength:     7
Charisma:     3
Intelligence: 3
Willpower     7
Essence:      6
Reaction:     4(6)

Etiquette(Street)       2
Firearms                6
Interrogation(Physical) 2(4)
Stealth(Urban)          1(3)
Unarmed Combat          4

Colt Manhunter(w/ 1 extra clip & 30 rounds Reg ammo)
Form Fitting Body Armor(Lvl 3 B-4 I-1)


Corporation Report: Economics of Independent Illegal Operatives -- 
                           earl@cco.caltech.edu (Earl A. Hubbell)

Abstract: Statistical analysis applied with some wild assumptions 
demonstrates 1) Shadowrunners are not generally a significant 
force and 2) They are an economic preferred alternative to 'in-
house' operatives, despite general unreliability.

Population : 3x106 individuals
Corporate affiliated: 1.5x106
Below Poverty: 1x106

Thus, we see economically independent units compose 5x105 
individuals. We rule out the 'Below Poverty Level' population, as 
any significantly skilled/cybered/magic unit will be aggressively 
recruited/have entered poverty voluntarily/will not be counted in 
standard census.

From the UCAS census estimates, we have approximately 1% of the 
population having 'significant' cyber-enhancements (so called 
'samurai', 'riggers' or 'deckers') or significant magical 
enhancement ('physical adepts'). Full mages compose approximately 
.1% of the population.

Thus, there are approximately 3x104 units of significant personal 
power in Seattle. Of these units, 3,000 are mages. Due to 
aggressive corporate recruiting, it is estimated that only 10% of 
the 'significant' population may be considered 'independent'. 
Thus, we have 3x103 significant units, of which 300 are mages.

For obvious reasons, counting this population is difficult, 
however, it seems that only approximately 20% of this final group 
engage in high-risk operations (the remaining 'independents' 
belonging to various 'normal' occupations).

Thus, the 'significant' population available to 'shadowrun' 
consists of merely 60 mages, 60 skilled 'deckers', approximately 
120 riggers, 120 physical adepts, and 300 samurai (numbers do not 
add due to some overlap in categories, and approximation errors).

Given the near-necessity of 'magical cover' on any significant 
operation, we see an operating population of approximately 100 
'teams' of runners within Seattle, composed from a pool of 
approximately 600 'powered' individuals, and approximately 2,000 
skilled personnel in various 'support' positions (so-called 
'fixers', 'detectives', 'security consultants', 'cannon-

This explains the 'close-knit' nature of an otherwise paranoid 
profession - the 'teams' generally know of each other, at least by 
reputation, and in the case of mages, almost certainly by 
individual (deckers as well). They interact with the same 
population, travel in the same circles, need the same information, 
think the same way.

Thus, we see that although 'runners' form a relatively large force 
on the scale they tend to operate, their disorganized nature tends 
to leave them with little real impact on corporate operations.


Median Income: 25 kY/year.

This figure is highly unreliable, due to the very visible presence 
of 'unreported' money floating throughout many credit networks. 
Cash-flow estimations are therefore difficult, and much more 
approximate than any other computations.

Total cash available to non-corporate individuals:
approximately 1010 Y/year. (note - most of this 'income' is in 
fact passed back and forth between individuals of little note, or 
flows from the UCAS government to the welfare recipients, and is 
then returned, allowing the UCAS to claim{digression deleted})

Total cash available to corporate individuals:
approximately 1011 Y/year (note - due to the 'pyramid' structure 
of the society in 2050, most of the money is available to the top 
1% of the population, and is unreported due to various tricks with 
corporate holdings, services provided 'gratis', etc...)

Due to the familiar 'money surge' as international financial 
markets open and close during the daylight hours, approximately 
3x109 Y value flows into and out of Seattle each day. This drives 
a fair amount of 'high finance', but has little effect on the 
lives of 'independents'. {digression deleted}

Assuming corporations, for optimum functioning, require the 
occasional 'bending' of stringent regulations and laws, since 100% 
law enforcement has been found to not be cost-effective in 
'security maintenance' (see Lone-Star report #115345: 
'Optimization of Law Enforcement by the Saad-Dine Algorithm'). 
Assume 99% of all corporate functioning may be 'above question'. 
Assume further that plausible deniability may be established for 
corporate operatives in 90% of the remaining cases. This leaves 
.1% of funds available, indeed, nearly required, to be spent 
outside the corporation on 'extra-legal' operations.

From our previous numbers, we obtain an estimated 108 Y/year 
available in the Seattle area for payment of independent 
operatives. Given the estimated population of 102 teams, this 
works out to 106 Y/year income per team - a high-paying income, 
cut into by the various individuals in the network being paid for 
their support services. (An interesting parallel to income tax may 
be made here - some free-market assumptions about 'government by 
market forces' seem to be confirmed.)

In practice, there is a strong stratification within runner 
society- most exist in an environment of rapid cash-flow, and 
succeed in merely a comfortable existence, punctuated by gambling 
with their lives. The rare high-success ratio teams are looked 
upon with great awe, and keep most of the merely adequate teams 
'playing with the death lottery', and are often assumed to have 
some 'favor' or 'technique' that they have hit upon, when in 
reality most of the difference comes from statistical anomalies 
(the familiar 'gamblers paradox' restated).

Note that the total economic force available to the 'runners' is 
about a factor of 10 less than the total population of 
'independents', and so plays only a minor role in the economic 
life of the city (welfare recipients alone exceed their cash, 
although most of it is spent on 'necessities').

Some interesting breakdowns, and error analysis.

The total number of 'runners', seems likely to be accurate to 
within 50%. Smaller categories may vary by up to 200% (number of 
mages - shamans are especially notorious for not being counted).

With that in mind, however, some interesting secondary data may be 
applied to our results:
Adjusted population ratios:
Human: .5 among independents
Ork: .2
Elf: .2
Other .1
(these do not equal 'average' population ratios for Seattle, due 
to aggressive recruiting of humans by corporations, however, the 
accessibility of cyberware to humans seems to be larger, somewhat 
balancing this trend).

Adjusted education ratios:
.7 High School or lower
.2 Bachelors or equivalent
.1 Ph.D. or other advanced

(a large population of 'independents' tend to have informal or 
unusual educations, if they have them at all, and so are 
(mis)counted in the lower population. Surprisingly, a large number 
of advanced degrees are present in the independent population.)

Some consequences:
There are approximately 45 samurai/adepts presumed to have Ph.D.'s 
in various fields - these subjects should probably be interviewed 
for a psychological study, so we can identify dangerous trends in 
our own employees.

Personal curiosity has led me to independently investigate the two 
known dwarf runner physical adepts possessing Ph.D.'s. It seems 
that they are twin brothers, and interestingly enough, bitter 
enemies on the street. {deleted as digression}
- Dr. R. Smith-Nabulsi
Boeing-Mitsuhama Statistics Group 5.

[Dug this out of some corporate's personal files in his headware 
memory, when a corporate extraction went wrong and we were forced 
to put him on the open market - thought you might find it amusing 
- Slash]

[I found a similar Renraku report on 'Corporate Cyberware: Cash 
Efficient or Research Boondoggle' - made some interesting points 
about cost-optimization within the corporate environment for 
cyberware. - Elephant]

                      A definitive listing of street slang in 2050
               compiled by the Dark Elf <VESPOSIT@ccvm.sunysb.edu>

A-Boys: A type of boostergang whose motif is a specific animal.
Angel: A benefactor, especially an unknown one.
Arc: An arcology.
Ballerinas: Reflex boosted female assassins in the employ of a 
    major corp.
Booster: Gang member that uses cyberware, leathers, and violence 
    as a way of life.
Bounts: Bounty hunters.
Bopper: A robot.
Brain Tap: A datajack or a chipjack.
Breeder: Orc slang for a "normal" human.
Business: In slang context, crime. Also "Biz."
Buzz: Go away. Buzz off.
Chipped: Enhanced by cyberware.
CHOOH: ("choo") Slang for alcohol, as used in vehicle power 
Chromatic: Heavy Metal music.
Chromer: Slang for metalheads, heavy metal fans.
Chummer: Pal or Buddy.
Cinema: A movie, usually in tri-d.
Clavie: Any person who lives in an enclave.
Combat Drugs: Designer drugs for military use.
Comm: The telephone.
Corp: Corporation, corporate.
CORPSE: CORPorate Security Expert, a corporate assassin.
Cowboy: A decker/netrunner.
Dadie: Knowledge or skill chip.
Dandelion Eater: An Elf, very insulting. See also Keeb.
Dataslave: a corporate decker or a data processing employee.
Datasteal: Theft of data from a computer, usually by decking.
DEBS: Transvestites, a type of posergang.
Deck: 1. A cyberdeck. 2. To use a cyberdeck illegally.
Decker: A pirate cyberdeck user. Derived from 20th century 
Deckhead: A Simsense addict. Or anyone with a datajack/ chipjack.
Derms: see Dorphs.
Dinks: Any member of a rival boostergang.
Dorphs: Designer drugs that increase healing rate and limit 
     fatigue. (also, Derms)
Dr. Know: A contact who always seems to have useful info. Also a 
     seller of knowledge and skill chips.
Duck: A person who carries more weapons than could possibly be 
Dumped: Involuntary ejection from the matrix.
Enclave: Corporate subsidized housing aka the projects.
Exec: Corporate executive.
Fate Meat: Someone bound for the body banks. "It is his fate to be 
Fetishman: A talismonger, a dealer in magical items.
Flatlined: killed in the matrix by Black IC.
Flickerclading: A synthetic plastic material impregnated with 
     fiber optics and temperature gauges designed to respond to
     skin temperature, a 21st century version of the mood ring,
     but is worn as clothing.
Frag: a common swear word.
Fringe, The: Edges of society where nomads hang out, barrens.
Geek: To kill.
Glitter Clothes: Clothes made of flickercladding.
Glitter Folk: Rich people who only have time and money.
Go-go-go: A bike gang or gang member.
Gothics: A posergang whose motif is death and old b&w horror 
Gutter Jumpers: Claim jumpers among the homeless, squatters.
Gyro: A small one or two man helicopter.
Hardwired: 1. Having Cyberware. 2. Unable to change, inflexible 
Heatwave: A police crackdown.
Hitmage: A magic-using assassin.
Hoi: Hi, Hello.
Hose: 1. Louse up, screw up. 2. to spray with an automatic weapon.
Hydro: 1. Hydrogen fuel. 2. anyone crazy enough to take it as a 
ICE: Security software. Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics.
Input: A girlfriend.
Jacked-In: Actively using a cyberdeck.
Jam: 1. To fight or to run away "let's jam". 2. Jamming.
Jamming: 1. Sex. 2 Moshing heavily in a band. 3. Being involved in 
     a paramilitary operation involving a large amount of flying 
     bullets and shrapnel.
Jander: To walk in a casual or arrogant manner, to strut.
Keeb: An Elf, very insulting. See also Dandelion Eater. After a 
     discontinued advertising campaign (Keebler).
Knife Bullets: Armor piercing ammunition.
Know, The: Knowledge or information.
Kobun: A Yakuza clan member.
Meat Bop Parts: Vat grown replacement body parts.
Meat Puppet: A prostitute whose memory and/or senses are disabled 
Mnemonic: Someone who uses a brain implant as an electronic vault.
Motorhead: A rigger or a mechanic.
Mr. Johnson: An anonymous corporate agent.
Mundane: A non-magician, or non-magical.
Muscle Boy/Girl: Someone with enhanced strength.
NetNerd: Someone who spends more time in the matrix than in the 
     real world.
Ninja: A freelance assassin.
Nutrisoy: Cheap processed food product derived from soybeans, 
     fortified with most essential vitamins.
Nuyen: World standard of currency. Used for Japanese foreign 
Output: A boyfriend.
Oyabun: Head of a Yakuza clan.
Panzer: A combat hovercraft/ ground effect vehicle.
Paydata: A datafile worth money on the Black Market.
Plastic Gangster: A person with a great deal of cyberware.
Plex: A metroplex, a large city.
Poli: A policlub or a policlub member.
Polymer-one-shot: A cheap hold-out pistol.
Poser Gang: Any gang whose members all adopt a specific look or 
Razor Boy/Girl: A person who uses various bladed implant weapons.
Ripperdoc: A surgeon specializing in implanting illegal cyberware.
Rocker Boy/Girl: A freelance musician.
Samurai: A mercenary or muscle for hire. Implies an honor code.
Sarariman: A corporate employee.
Screamer: A credstick or passkey that triggers alarms when used.
Seoul Man: A member of a Seoulpa Ring.
Seoulpa Ring: A small criminal gang.
Shadows: The quasi-criminal world of freelance shadowrunners.
Shalkujin: An "honest" citizen.
Sinless: 1. Part of the underclass not having a SIN (c.f. System 
Identification Number). 2. In the Shadows.
Slot: 1. a mild curse. 2. To use a skillsoft.
Slot and Run: 1. Hurry Up, Get to the point. 2. Move and Run.
So Ka: I understand.
Soykaf: Coffee substitute made from soybeans.
Squat: see Stuntie.
Stud/Studding: Rigging or remote control of a vehicle.
State of the Art: 1. Hipper than Hip. 2. To be on the edge.
Stuntie: A Dwarf, highly insulting. also Squat.
Sprawl: 1. A metroplex (c.f. plex). 2. To fraternize below one's 
     social level.
System Identification Number (SIN): ID number assigned to every 
     member of society. (but c.f. sinless)
Tag: Name, handle or trademark. To grab or take something.
Tagged: Equipped with a tracking device. Recognized.
Trid: Three-dimensional successor to video.
Trog: An Orc or a Troll, very insulting.
Very: Hip term for cool fun or "in."
VatJob: Someone who has extensive cyber/vat grown replacement 
Wagemage: A magician who works for a corp.
Wavy: Cool or smooth.
Wetware: 1. Biological enhancement. 2. Any original body organ.
Wetwork: Assassination, murder.
Wigly: Weird or different. Usually referring to a good drug trip.
Wire Boy/Girl: A decker.
Wired: Equipped with cyberware, especially wired reflexes.
Wiz: 1. Wizard. 2. anything impressive. "Truly wiz, man."
Wizard: 1. A powerful mage.
Wizworm: Slang for a Dragon.
Word, The: Any type of slang or gossip.
Yak: Yakuza. Either a clan member or a clan itself.

>>>[Hey, all you closet linguists out there. I've recently run 
across an article on the evolution of words such as 'drek' and 
'frag.' I'll see if I can dig them up for the next issue.]<<<
-- Silver Cianide (11:56:47/05-23-52)



SOCIAL SKILLS (correction from previous issue)


 Verbal (interviewing)
 Machine-aided (lie detectors, etc.)
 Coercive (torture) (sick, I know, but just the thing for your
    next cyberpsycho npc who is determined to get that tidbit of
    info that your players didn't know they had.)

 Bargain (haggling, barter)
 Con (duping someone persuading someone to do something they 
    normally wouldn't do)

 Media (Journalists, Rockers, Musicians, Actors, etc.)
 Organized Crime (Yakuza, Mafia, Seoulpa rings, Tongs, inter-group 
 Religions/Cults (by religion or cult, inter-group relations)
 Tech (Technicians, Armorers, Mechanics, etc.)
    Military and Government specializations include:
       specific branches or departments
       inter-branch or department relations
       local- or state-level groups

>>>[You readers of this (the ascii version) don't have to worry;
there was no actual error there. It was only in the rich text
-- Jerry (10:59:37/05-24-92)


>>>>>[I originally posted a rather extended version of this to the 
CyberRPG mailing list. This was before I got a hold of VR and 
realized that a lot of what I had posted was covered in VR. So I 
changed this a fair bit...]<<<<<<
- Barron <08:14:30/05-11-92>

>>>[Here are two new bits of ice to look out for. They keep on 
trying to stop us from grabbing their data. Heh.]<<<
-- Micromara [09:14:27/05-12-52]

This White IC is similar to Scramble, but it will instead erase 
the entire file. This IC was introduced because in the past, 
deckers have been able to download and analyze the Scramble code 
and reverse the process.

Purge IC takes two actions to erase a file, and if it's stopped 
during the first action (Slowed, destroyed, etc) the file could 
conceivably be recovered, with the help of certain YexpensiveY 
utilities or maybe a real good NPC decker.

Load Rating: 1/2 Rating (round down)

This is another White IC based on Scramble. It is placed in a 
datastore and covers all the files in the node. When any of the 
files is read by unauthorized individuals, it scrambles the entire 
contents of the node. If any files are down loaded with the IC 
still in place, it works similarly to Scramble, except that if the 
IC is set off while within the deck, the IC, well, let's just say 
it thinks of the deck as one big node, and all those files within 
that node... It starts with the largest file and works its way 
down. To destroy a file, roll the IC's Rating with a target number 
equal to the MPCP Rating of the deck. A success indicates that the 
file or program was scrambled. This is done with each file, 
stopping only when the program fails a test. It goes without 
saying that utilities hit cannot be run. It's possible to use a 
Rebuild utility on stuff hit by Demolisher (unless, of course, 
your Rebuild was scrambled...) Demolisher has a construct similar 
to Scramble (a light coating of something) except that it covers 
the entire node.

Load Rating: Rating x 1.5

>>>[Here are some nice little utilities to help you out. I got 
mine from a friend in Seattle. Check the bulletin boards for 
purveyors if you're interested, but look out for narcs.]<<<
-- Micromara [09:17:02/05-12-52]

Scooped from an obscure military database by an anonymous decker, 
this one will be a sure friend to the discriminating (and 
cautious) This is a heavily modified Browse used to detect files 
or programs that the you really doesn't want to look at. Examples 
of these would be ones which cause systems alerts, activate IC, 
attempt traces, infect your deck with a virus, and so on. The 
target number is up to the GM, and depends on the sophistication 
of the trap (take a modern virus, for instance. It can range from 
the really obvious, to self-encrypting and mutating.)

Most versions of this program appear as a crew of military 
engineers who scrutinize every file with what you'll recognize as 
mine detection methods. Low rating programs involve some guy 
crawling around poking a knife into the node in a pattern around 
him, while more advanced versions consist of a couple guys with a 
shovel and metal detection rig. (We've also seen a hacked Rating 1 
version where some Merc, fingers in ears and eyes shut, stomps 
ahead with one foot. A detection is real cute...)

Options: One-Shot, Link Rating: 1 through 10 (we got the whole 
Size: Rating^2 Price: same as Sleaze
Designer: UCAS Military

Something hacked together by the Ice Bunny after having One Of 
Those Days. This program can be used to rebuild a scrambled file. 
The program is large, slow, and unpredictable. Fortunately, the 
good decker shouldn't need it much, and the bad decker, well, he 
isn't reading this. That's why most of you'll want the One-Shot 
version (aside from the size of the thing, that is) We understand 
that the Bunny is working on something to take care of Purged 
files, based on this thing.

When the program is running, roll the Rating of the utility, with 
a target number equal to twice the rating of the Scramble IC that 
hit the file. At least one success is necessary to even pull out 
usable data. Increased successes increase the amount of usable 
stuff that can be extracted (normally starts at about 50-75%). As 
well, the program requires a number of rounds equal to the Rating 
of the Scramble. The success test is made on the last round.

This program manifests as a bunch of cyber-gnomes who surround the 
file in question, tear it into tiny bits, and start sorting it 
into bits before rebuilding it. The whole process is reminiscent 
of a couple hyperactive kids putting together a puzzle.

Options: One-Shot Rating: 1 through 10
Size: Rating^2 x 4 Mp Price: Same as Evasion
Designer: Ice Bunny



An experimental item from Mitsuhama, the PVCR uses existing 
autopilot connections and wiring within the vehicle to allow a 
rigger better control of the vehicle. At this point, the PVCR is 
unsubtle in it's methods, using it's rating in dice to attack, 
with the vehicle resisting with it's autopilot rating. Each turn 
on "conflict" takes three seconds, and when the PVCR wins (which 
it will), the rating of the effective VCR is the rating of the 
vehicle's autopilot or the PVCR, whichever is lower.

The Mitsuhama PVCR allows a rigger to move from vehicle to vehicle 
without rebuilding each vehicle.

Once the PVCR is removed, however, the vehicle has no effective 
autopilot, and every subsequent driver suffers a +2 to driving 
target numbers.

Mitsuhama Portable Vehicle Control Rig
   Rating     Cost
     1       20,000Y
     2       35,000Y
     3       55,000Y
     4      120,000Y
     5      190,000Y
     6      260,000Y
     7      660,000Y
     8      790,000Y
     9      999,999Y

>>>[Now, I have to admit to not knowing much about this kind of 
stuff. I never even talk to the bus driver. But isn't something 
like this for stealing cars?]<<<
-- Silver Cianide (10:56:05/05-09-52)

                              Wordman <ward1@husc.harvard.edu>

The following rules make cyberlimbs a bit more useful than per 
vanilla Shadowrun, offering some more useful extras. Effort has 
been made to make sense of the essence costs of various extras. 
(It makes no sense, for example, that the cyberarm guns in the 
Street Samurai Catalog cost more essence the bigger the gun gets.) 
I will try to justify essence costs at all times, allowing you to 
decide if it makes sense for the reasons I give. (I'm always 
available for discussion).

As some of the things I'm proposing will cost no essence, the cost 
is usually elevated -- sometimes irrationally so -- for game 
balance purposes.

Quite a bit of what follows is from the Cyberpunk RPG and it's 
Chrome supplement. This is mostly a rules conversion to Shadowrun.

As per normal Shadowrun rules, limbs come in two types: natural-
looking and obvious cyberlimbs. Normal-looking limbs offer no 
special extras and the following rules do not apply to normal-
looking limbs unless otherwise indicated. Every pair of limbs 
(Cyberhands not included, see below) acts as a level of dermal 

I'm using the concept of Spaces. Each limb gets a number of Spaces 
for added extras. These Spaces should be considered a measure of 
volume. As this is the first (untested) draft of these rules, some 
of the Sizes of extras (i.e. the number of Spaces occupied by 
them) will probably need some adjusting.

Also, some Spaces are different than others. A Finger Space is 
different from a other Spaces. This should become clear later. 
Note that not all Spaces need be filled.

Cost a full essence point for either type (a table of essence and 
monetary costs can be found at the end of this missive). The arm 
portion (that is, the shoulder to the wrist) of the limb holds 4 
Spaces. The hand part of the limb holds either 1 Hand Space or 4 
Finger Spaces.

>>>[Missive? Who do you think you are, Gary Gygax?]<<<
-- Jerry Stratton (12:41:27/05-23-92)

Cost a full essence point for either type. The limb as a whole 
holds 4 Spaces.

For those who just want to replace the hand and not the whole arm. 
These cost 0.5 Essence for either type. [Note that all costs and 
benefits of the cyberarm described above already include the 
hand]. A hand can hold 1 Hand Space or 4 Finger Spaces. Increased 
strength cannot be installed in a hand, but an obvious cyberhand 
can easily crush bone. It also has the damage code of a club 
(Str+1)M2 for punching damage. These last two abilities are shared 
by a cyberarm as well.

SPACES (normal non-hand/non-finger spaces)
Built-In device: Space cost up to gamemaster. Devices might 
include a pocket secretary, TV, radio, bug detector, medkit, stim 
player, fire-extinguisher, etc.

Built-In Smartgun Link: Takes 0.5 Spaces and costs 0.25. This 
essence cost (half the cost of a normal smartgun link) reflects 
the hardware that must be installed in the head/eyes.

Cavity: A space to put stuff into. Accessible without tools 
(optional). Space cost is variable, depending on how big the space 
is. Again, what fits into the cavity is up to the gamemaster.

Cyberdeck: Fills number of Spaces equal to MPCP/3 (round all 
fractions UP). This Space cost does not include storage (but does 
include memory). Storage must be installed separately -- see Data 
Store, below -- or externally. The deck can be internally 
hardwired to a datajack for 0.1 essence. (Note that a datajack is 
still needed.) Includes output and input ports through the arm, so 
internal wiring is optional. These decks are at 5 times the Nuyen 

Cyberguns: Arms only. As per the Street Samurai Catalog except for 
essence cost. All guns cost 0.15 essence for firing controls in 
the skull (optional). Smart cyberguns exist but are five time 
normal cost. Guns take up the Spaces based on gun. See the table.

Data Store: Takes up Mp/1000 Spaces (keep fractions). Not 
compatible with headware memory accessible only by external cable. 
Can be hardwired internally to an internal cyberdeck.

Increased Strength: The same as the normal Shadowrun rules. Each 
level takes up 0.25 Spaces.

Spur: Arms only. Takes 1 Space. No essence cost.

Whip: Monofilament or otherwise. A retractable whip. 1.5 Spaces. 
0.15 essence for controls in the head (optional).

Wired Reflexes: If the organic body had (or has) a Vehicle Control 
Rig or wired or boosted reflexes implanted, they reflexes must be 
installed on the cyberlimb to get normal use. This hardware takes 
0.5 Spaces regardless of the type or level of reflex enhancement, 
but the Nuyen cost is included in the cost of the reflexes.

HAND SPACES (all cost 1 Hand Space)

Finger razors: Standard razors, retractable or otherwise. No 
essence cost.

Flash Pack: Flashes out of palm or from back of hand. Standard 
flash pack, but directional.

Maglock Passkey: Highly illegal. Magcard flips from back of hand. 
Can be detected externally, with some difficulty (Concealability: 

Microtronics Kit: A full microtronics tool kit contained within 
all the fingers of the hand.

Taser: Works as a shock glove, but punching damage is unchanged.

FINGER SPACES (all cost 1 Finger Space unless otherwise noted)
Credstick: Full credstick, any type. Obviously not a finger. Non-

Cutters: Takes two Finger Spaces (one blade on each of two 
fingers). Work as heavy-duty scissors/wirecutters. Stabbing damage 
in melee is (Str/3)L2.

Dartgun: Fires single compressed air dart. Range as Hold-out. Can 
fire as Narcojet or taser darts. Reloading is complex and takes 1 

Finger Compartment: As in the Shadowrun rules, but no essence 

Injector: Chemical injector which pierces the skin and deliver a 
toxin. 2 doses. A touch is required for effect, resisted by impact 
armor. Any fluid can be injected: Narcojet, Fugu-5, curare, acid, 

Light: Flashlight. Narrow beam to 30m.

Lockpick: Effective against mechanical locks only.

Sprayer: Chemical sprayer. 2 doses. 2 meter effective range. Any 
gaseous chemical is usable: Mace, Neuro-Stun VIII, VITAS-3, etc.

                    CYBERLIMB COST TABLE
Limb Replacement            1.0                          50,000Y
Cyber Limb                  1.0                         100,000Y
Hand Replacement            0.5                          40,000Y
Cyber Hand                  0.5                          75,000Y
Increased Strength           -              L*.25   +(L*150,000Y)
Built-in Smartgun Link      0.25             0.5          2,500Y
Built-in Device              -             variable       4*cost
Cavity                       -             variable         100Y
Cyberdeck                  (0.1)            MPCP/3        5*cost
Cyberguns (damage/ammo)    (0.15)
   Hold-Out (3L1/12)        0.5                             250Y
   Light Pistol (3M2/10)    1.0                             650Y
   Machine Pistol (3M2/10)  1.5                             900Y
   Heavy Pistol (4M2/6)     2.0                             800Y
   Submachine gun (4M3/8)   2.5                           1,800Y
   Shotgun (3M3/4)          3.0                           1,200Y
Data Store                   -              Mp/1000      Mp*100Y
Spur                         -               1.0         11,500Y
Whip                       (0.15)            1.5       by weapon
   Normal whip                                            5,000Y
   Monofilament whip                                     15,000Y
Wired Reflexes               -               0.5              0Y
Finger razors                -               1H           9,000Y
Flash Pack                   -               1H           1,500Y
Maglock Passkey              -               1H         100,000Y+
Microtronics Kit             -               1H           9,000Y
Taser                        -               1H           4,500Y
Credstick                    -               1F           5,000Y
Cutters                      -               2F           2,000Y
Dartgun                      -               1F          10,000Y
   Narcojet dart                                          1,000Y
   Normal dart (2L2)                                        100Y
   Taser dart                                               500Y
Finger Compartment           -               1F           3,000Y
Injector                     -               1F          30,000Y
Light                        -               1F           1,000Y
Lockpick                     -               1F   (rating*1,000Y)
Sprayer                      -               1F          25,000Y

          How not to wake up the corp guard three doors down...

A supersonic bullet sounds like a cracking whip. One which cracks 
from leaving the muzzle until it goes subsonic, which might not be 
until it is inside the target. Subsonic bullets make a sound like 
a whip that is NOT cracking. You can hear them both. The sound is 
NOT deafening. We are talking about shooting without anybody 

Gasses expanding at Supersonic velocity sound roughly like a 
gunshot. Funny thing, that. Most of the sound is from the muzzle 
gasses expanding. The point of using subsonic ammunition (or 
faking it with a drilled barrel) is that if you want to be silent, 
do it right. Not too much benefit in quieting the muzzle noise in 
the quiet of the night just to follow it with the cracking of 30 
whips from 30 shots... Either somebody really kinky is having lots 
of fun, or a firefight is going on.

Stand a top up and let go. It falls over. Take a top. Stand it up 
and spin it and let go. It stays up for a while. Then it falls 
over. Spin a top real fast and it stays up longer. Slap a spinning 
top and it bounces around more than a slapped non-spinning top. A 
slapped fast-spinning top dances more wildly than a slow spinning 
top. Take a spinning bullet and fire it through air and its 
accuracy improves over a non-spinning bullet. This is akin to a 
spinning top standing up longer than a non-spinning top. Take a 
spinning bullet and fire it through a target of varying densities 
and toughness (like a human body) and like a slapped top it will 
bounce around.

Try the trick with the top. Spin the bullet real fast and fire it 
through a target of varying densities and toughness and it will 
bounce around wildly and tumble and dance. This is why rapidly 
spinning bullets tumble more wildly than slow spinning bullets. It 
is the energy expressed in rotation around one axis being changed 
into energy expressed in spinning around more than one axis... if 
a bullet spins around more than one axis it is tumbling. Lighter 
bullets will tumble more easily than heavy spinning bullets 
because... angular momentum... the top "resists" having it's axes 
of rotation changed. This is "gyroscopic force".

Take a heavy top and spin it slowly. Take a light top and spin it 
much faster so it has the same rotation energy. Slap them both the 
same. The lighter, faster rotating top bounces and dances more, in 
response to the same slap, than the heavy top. This is why the 7 
mm magnum is the spear and the 5.56 (M-16) tumbles like the blade 
of a rototiller, as I said in the previous post. In these 
examples, the slap to the bullet is hitting skin and organ and 
fibrous connective tissue and muscle and bone in the target body.

Somebody posted that some Doctor had proved that all bullets 
tumble the same amount, leaving the average mind to conclude that 
this is without regard to the bullet velocity, rate of spin, 
bullet weight or shape, or the target type.

Either the quote was careless or the Doctor got his degree from a 
Crackerjacks box. I prefer to presume the latter. A cannon shell 
won't tumble from hitting me. An M-16 bullet will tumble more 
times going crotch-to-shoulder (which may occasion it exiting my 
body through the left knee) than going through my arm. Some slugs 
on some trajectories will make the one tumble the Doctor said they 
would, but for every slug, for every hit, to make one tumble, 
requires more smarts than a bullet has. (Unless it is a Cyberslug, 
which sounds like something that, when stepped on, will slime you 
right quick.)

We have concluded that the "washer" type silencer does not slow 
the bullet down. Hooray for consensus.

We have had it explained that the drilled barrel type DOES slow it 
down. Truth is, all barrels exert friction on the passing bullet, 
whether drilled or not, because the bullet is squeezed in the 
barrel... if it were not so the gas would escape past the bullet 
which would damage the gun badly and ruin accuracy besides.

While the number and size and placement of holes can be done so 
that the highest velocity is not at the muzzle, the only object of 
drilling the barrel is to prevent supersonic muzzle gas... the 
bullet is supposed to be accelerating positive (getting faster) 
all the way to the end of the barrel. Drilling so many, or so big, 
or placed so that the bullet is slowed down by friction while 
inside the barrel sounds like some designer didn't do his math 
right, or was being really cautious about preventing supersonic 
gas at the muzzle. Combining the drilled barrel and the washer-
type (which can sustain continuous fire if built right) sounds 
like a much more deadly combo.

This is a can full of washers & springs.

The end of the barrel is threaded on the inside. The silencer 
screws into the end of the barrel. The washers are spaced apart 
with springs. The springs and washers may be coated to reduce 
rattling noise from the gas slamming them around. The outer casing 
of the silencer is perforated. It may also be multiple layers. The 
washers may also be perforated. The machining does not need to be 
super-critical... the 9 mm bullet passes through a 10 mm hole in 
the center of a 20 mm washer. Most gas immediately hits the washer 
and diffuses through the perforations on the side of the can. What 
gas passes with the bullet through the 10 mm hole repeats this at 
the next washer. It all gas goes subsonic before exiting the can 
(either at the perforations on the side or at the muzzle 
perforation) the muzzle noise has been suppressed. Gas quantity 
and pressure at the muzzle are the determining factors of how many 
washers of what size are required and what precision is required 
in the machining to achieve noise suppression. Note my choice of 9 
mm, 10 mm, and 20 mm are arbitrary ones. Exact models will vary 
and you can (illegally in US) make your own.

>>>[The author asked me to append the following notes as well:]<<<
-- Silver Cianide (01:02:17/5-8-52)

Attribution not required, either... which is partly because I'm 
humble, partly because these books are read by the FBI and other 
unpleasant people, and partly (please note this to the readers) 
because the only silenced weapon I've handled is one silenced by 
the removal of the firing pin. The rest of the information is 
second hand, and some of it may be reliable.

>>>[Boy, it sure sounds like you've handled more...]<<<
-- Silver Cianide (01:02:37/5-8-52)

Remember the allegation recently on the net... that the 
Anarchists' Handbook had deliberate disinformation that could 
truly hurt the trusting reader. I don't know a specific point to 

>>>[It's a problem. We can't always verify the information we get. 
Here's a warning to everybody reading this: don't trust it unless 
you can verify it. Anyone can take an electronic copy of this and 
insert different information. Neo-Anarchists do not believe in 
Public Key Cryptography. Openness is the key to the future.]<<<
-- Silver Cianide (01-01-56/05-08-52)

You might also point out that the best political affiliation that 
the budding or hardcore anarchist might acquire is a membership in 
the NRA. Being an anarchist without an effective right to keep and 
bear arms reduces the status of the anarchist to that of a school 
grader who won't play the regulated games... impotent.

                            Jerry Stratton, jerry@teetot.acusd.edu

There've been a few questions about the game mechanics behind dead 
zones. In our game, we use dead zones as flavor. Our game master 
decided to use dead zones after seeing them in a series I wrote 
for the ADND-L game list (Men Not Afraid). So, the mechanics 
presented here are not necessarily used by us. But they could be. 
This is the way dead zones act in my fiction, modified for a 
Shadowrun world. Change it as you see fit.

A dead zone is a place where technology doesn't work. See the 
earlier article in the First Annual Neo-Anarchists' Guide to 
Everything Else. What technologies don't work? Powder and most 
other explosives don't explode. Electricity doesn't flow. Nuclear 
radiation doesn't radiate. Drugs don't react with the brain in the 
same way as outside of a zone. On the surface, things look the 
same. Fire still burns. Light still illuminates. Water still 
boils. Gasoline burns (although spark plugs don't spark, and who 
uses internal combustion anymore, anyway?)

Gears, springs, pulleys, and ropes work, but there's evidence that 
even these will have different effects. One group noted that ropes 
seemed much stronger inside a zone, as if the r2 law were no 
longer in effect. It seems possible that mass due to acceleration 
increases linearly with distance from the center, rather than with 
the square of the distance.

>>>[That bit of confusion is from physics. When you swing a rope 
around, anything tied on it's end is going to feel heavier. How 
much heavier is proportional to the square of the length of the 
rope. The same thing occurs when you climb a rope, since the rope 
always swings to the side, if only a bit.]<<<
-- Physics Phred (12:35:32/05-08-52)

Basically, everything that makes technology what it is, doesn't 

>>>[There are some strange things that work differently. There's 
an old parlor trick from way back, where you take a toothpick, a 
fork, and a spoon. Attach the spoon to the fork by inserting the 
bowl of the spoon between the tines of the fork. Insert the 
toothpick partially between the tines of the fork. Now, rest the 
other end of the toothpick on your finger. In a dead zone, that's 
impossible. The spoon and fork pull the toothpick down every time. 
Outside of a dead zone, you can balance it. Many Elven scholars 
use this to point to the basic flaw in science. How can something 
be balanced if all the weight is on one end?]<<<
-- Dr. Jerold Stratton [07:48:49/03-28-92]

>>>[Drugs do work differently in the zones. It used to be thought 
that the use of drugs in pre-awakening shamanistic rituals was an 
attempt to simulate assensing. But I can guarantee you that peyote 
is a completely different thing inside a zone than it is outside. 
Outside, it's a trip. Inside, it's a journey.]<<<
-- Fire Mountain [07:51:52/03-28-92]

Both gravity and magnetism, or some analogy to them, do work. 
People don't float away from the earth when they're in a dead 
zone, and a few natural compasses continue to point north. Most 
compasses don't work. It seems that they must be created in a 
'natural' way for them to work. Lodestones always work. And while 
electrical current doesn't exist in a zone, there is some analog 
to electricity: lightning still strikes in thunderstorms.

>>>[Technically, I don't see much difference between relativistic 
gravity and naturalistic gravity anyway. Both basically state that 
things fall because 'top' and 'bottom' exist. And we've yet to 
fully understand magnetism. However, magnetic north does not 
fluctuate inside a zone, whereas it can outside a zone. This 
indicates that lodestones are not pointing in the direction of the 
earth's magnetic lines of force, since these meander all over the 
place, but are pointing towards some naturalistic north.

And lightning? Well, according to the Greeks, lightning is a form 
of the element of fire. Incidentally, a very good instrument (so 
I've been told) for telling whether or not you're in a dead zone 
is one of those sealed flasks with metal leaves inside, (Leyden 
Jars, I believe) used in high schools. Take a rubber rod, give it 
a charge, and touch it to the metal ball on top of the flask. In 
the 'real' world, this causes the leaves to swing apart. In a 
zone, this does nothing at all.]<<<
-- Dr. Jerold Stratton [22:27:40/03-29-92]

Dead zones range in size from a few meters to a few kilometers. 
The largest known dead zone is 15 miles wide, in the area known as 
the Bermuda Triangle. And it's been known to grow to twice it's 
size on clear nights of the full moon. Dead zones grow and shrink 
with the lunar cycle, but this depends on solar interference, 
cloud cover, and planetary forces. People in our Shadowrun game 
haven't figured it out yet, and it'll probably take a while. The 
lunar influence has been noted, but it's not exact, so not 
everyone believes it.

There are no known dead zones within a living city. In fact, most 
(if not all) seem to occur in the areas that were the least 
touched by man before the awakening. There are those who claim 
that dead zones are a healing attempt by the Earth. These are the 
same people who believe that dead zones will eventually grow and 
engulf the entire world.

Dead zones are spherical, and centered on the surface of the 
earth. In the ocean, they are centered on the underwater land 

Early in the 21st Century, trains were already coming back as a 
form of shipping. Because the rails were never redesigned, the 
rails that were built (and restored) are still compatible with the 
steam engine. And the steam engine works in a dead zone -- fire 
burns, water boils, and pressure turns pistons. So, there are a 
few steam engines in the midwest. In the relatively large dead 
zone in the northern part of the Indian nations, normal trains 
debark and their engines replaced by a number of steam engines, 
which pull the load across the zone. On the other end, different 
diesels take over, and the steam engines pull another train the 
other way.

Except for the Bermuda Triangle dead zone, most dead zones are not 
large enough to cause major problems with air transportation. Dead 
zones are spherical. Even a six-mile wide dead zone only extends 
three miles high, and that only at the exact center. Since most 
dead zones occur in unpopulated areas and jets are usually quite 
high, they don't intersect with the zone.

>>>[Incidentally, there's a small body of evidence that says the 
Bermuda Triangle dead zone existed before the awakening.<<<]
-- Smilin' Sam [07:34:41/04-10-92]

Underwater travel has perhaps been most affected. Submarines send 
out radar soundings. If the radar doesn't return, they'll skirt 
that area.

>>>[In fact, this may be the origin of the term 'dead zone.' When 
radar enters a dead zone, it doesn't come back, leaving a dead 
area on the radar screen.]<<<
-- Silas Jack [08:08:17/03-28-92]

Stanley Steamers, a steam automobile from the early twentieth 
century, are popular automobiles among those few who live near 
zones. Surprisingly, these automobiles can reach speeds in excess 
of 50 miles per hour.

Nobody really uses a dead zone. Enchanting materials taken from a 
dead zone are guaranteed to be unhindered by the deadening effects 
of having been worked. But even the most solitary mages haven't 
quite learned to live without portable radios, computerized 
libraries, microwaves, and digital watches. I mean, a Rating 6 
Conjuring Library weighs 300 pounds! Combine that with a Rating 6 
Enchanting Library, a Rating 6 Sorcery Library, and whatever else 
you might need (Geology Library? Biology Library?) Of course, if 
you're hiding from a mundane, a dead zone is a great place to do 

Any electronically-augmented or chip-augmented cyberware will 
completely fail in a zone. This includes just about everything. 
Some cyber-spur implementations -- those that use muscle-position 
to spring a mechanical lock -- will still extend in a zone. 
Boosted reflexes continue to work, although some correspondents 
have reported strange, shamanic sensations, possible due to the 
unnatural drugs that are boosted reflexes. Wired reflexes do not 
work, usually leaving the user a quivering mass.

Firearms do not work, although gunpowder still burns. On the 
fringes of a zone, firearms may explode if used, causing damage 
equal to the damage of the weapon, The wound level, power, and 
staging are reduced by 1 (but not below light or 1). And yes, an 
explosion in a firearm may set off the rest of the bullets. In 
this case, treat it as autofire, equal to half the number of shots 

There have been some reports that, in the center of very large 
zones, when they've waxed to their largest, gunpowder doesn't even 
burn. This has yet to be confirmed.

                                 Safehouses in Seattle
                                          by LLWardIII


If you need a meeting room, safe-house, decking haven, or any 
other short-term real estate, Roper is your man. Roper owns or has 
access to apartments of every kind in every district in Seattle, 
as well as a few warehouses and at least one house.

All are available (for a fee, of course) on a per day basis; 
occasionally, one can negotiate an hourly fee instead. All rooms 
are guaranteed to be free from bugs and other surveillance, but 
under NO circumstances will Roper provide security.

Matrix access is available from almost every location, but a large 
deposit is requested for activation. This deposit is forfeit if 
the SAN number of the location is compromised.


Roper is not cheap, but he is reliable. No one has ever reported a 

>>>[Rumor has it the runner team called the Advocate once tested 
his integrity by, after having some members rent a place, offering 
ten times as much cash to reveal their whereabouts. He 
-- Wordman (11:32:05/04-22-52)

The bug-free guarantee has never been found to be false.

A deposit is required for all rentals, in addition to the Matrix 
deposit if there is one and the per day rental fee. Damage to the 
location or is deducted from the deposit, and compromising the 
location results in a forfeit of the deposit. Deposits are usually 
about ten times the normal rental price of the real-estate for 
each day. (Thus to rent a medium middle class apartment (600Y per 
month normally) for 3 days, a deposit of 24,000Y is required 

Roper, of course, maintains a blind eye on any illegal activity 
carried out from or in the rented space. However, sloppy crimes 
usually result in higher fees next time, or perhaps no next time 
at all.

Roper is very quick to keep part of the deposit for very minor 
damage or problems. Additionally, Roper doesn't usually own a 
single location for more than six months. He has pseudonyms on 
about every apartment waiting list in Seattle.


Not being one to discriminate, Roper serves just about anyone who 
can pay, although he has been known to refuse service to groups 
based on bad rep. He also has refused service to a group composed 
entirely of Orks at least twice.

About 80% of Roper's leases are to corporates. Organized crime 
usually has its own locations, but has used Roper occasionally.


Roper employs a stable of deckers to keep his locations invisible. 
If a party requests Matrix access, Roper usually sends one of his 
own deckers (either up front or covertly) to maintain the security 
of the SAN. Upcoming deckers vie for a job with Roper, as it is a 
fairly easy job most of the time, allows time to train, and gives 
access to great equipment, including a microtronics shop and three 
Fairlight Excaliburs.


As stated earlier, Roper owns locations all over Seattle, but he 
usually does business downtown. He is known to frequent the Gray 
Line and the Edge.


Roper is short for a human and is not very imposing. He usually 
allows his clients to dictate the pace of a meeting, but he 
decides on the location. He will not hesitate to retain any or all 
of a deposit if he feels he has been slighted. He realizes that 
his real-estate is in high demand, and is unwilling to jeopardize 
his cartel by betraying clients. He sees to it that no one 
compromises him, but he never interferes with or intrudes on a 

Roper is a semi-successful oil painter under the name Samantha 
Tarrow. He is also a Neo-Anarchist.

                                      Anatomy of a Seattle Bar
                                                  by LLWardIII


Contrary to popular belief, the name of this bar does not refer to 
it's owner, or any other person named Grey. In fact, there is no 
Grey working at or associated with the bar. Instead the name is 
supposed to convey the message "colors mean nothing here."

Grey's was started by three gang-members-turned-Shadowrunners as a 
neutral ground for the gangs of Redmond. The driving idealism of 
the bar is that the interaction of gang members will help cut down 
on violent acts between gangs.

Although there were some problems initially, Grey's has become 
accepted by most of the gangs in Redmond. The three founders have 
shown to be more than a match for earlier opposition, and gangs 
that don't frequent Grey's leave it alone.


The first thing noticed about Grey's is that there are no places 
to park. Vehicles that have been left in front of Grey's (against 
the advice of signs saying no parking) are moved or destroyed by 
Grey's employees. By now most patrons know to avoid parking near 

Grey's takes a somewhat novel approach to weaponry: if you are 
found clean by a weapon scanner, you get 30% off your bill. This 
system works for two reasons 1) gangs like to save money, and 2) 
in past instances, as soon as someone drew a weapon (gun, knife, 
broken bottle, anything) within the confines of the bar, he was 
immediately killed by Grey's employees. There are signs to this 
affect posted in the entry way (for legal reasons). By now most 
patrons know to avoid bringing weapons into Grey's.

Grey's employees come down hard on brawlers as well (but generally 
let them live). If possible, this is done from a distance with 
stun magic from Erik (see below). By now? (you get the idea).

In spite of that, Grey's can still get pretty wild. Grey's 
employees have no objections to patrons dancing naked on tables or 
more carnal activity on the dance floor (although in such cases, 
Erik usually astrally confirms that the involved parties are doing 
so voluntarily.) Grey's turns a blind eye to drug use [which will 
NOT go away by 2050] but asks patrons actively using chips in the 
bar to stop or to leave (BTL fantasies usually don't involve 
purchasing Grey's alcohol.) Grey's is NOT known for checking age 
very carefully.

>>>[Actually, my son says Grey's is known for not checking age 
very carefully. A minor semantic distinction, but he says it's an 
important one.]<<<
-- Silver Cianide (13:24:36/05-23-52)

The public portion of Grey's is divided into two sections. First 
reached from the entrance is the main bar room. It contains many 
tables, more private booths and the bar itself. A wall insulates 
the room from most of the volume generated by the second half of 
the room, the dance floor. An archway leads into the dance floor 
room. It contains a standard recessed dance floor -- surrounded by 
elevated booths and tables -- and a stage.

The booths overlooking the dance floor are open to all, but those 
in the main bar room are usable only by those who pay for them 
(the tables in the main bar room are free, however). Additionally, 
Grey's has two small private rooms a dressing room.


While the founders of Grey's use the bar to stop violence, Grey's 
patrons have different ideas. Apart from relatively safe 
entertainment, Grey's provides a perfect venue for deals and 
alliance agreements. (Most notably the temporary alliance of 
Redmond's big four to annihilate Xenon, a group who was 
interfering in all of their business seemingly at random.)

Grey's also serves as a place for smaller gangs to posture 
themselves and show what they got. This has the effect of also 
showing what they have worth taking, but that's gang life. Elven 
women (especially those from rival gangs) seem to be the Thing 
Worth Fighting Over this month. A gang member surrounded by female 
elves (or enslaving female elves) has Status. That's also gang 

Grey's has also made possible the Cranes, a small gang bent not on 
gaining territory of drug markets, but on acquiring information. 
No one knows if this group has a headquarters, for they are only 
seen at Grey's. Members always wear masks (not unusual for Grey's) 
and a white crane sick pin. While they are still up and coming, 
they fill a welcome niche at Grey's.

There are almost no non-gang (or ex-gang) people to be found at 
Grey's, including the employees. Organized crime is not welcome, 
which has caused some problems in the past. The Yakuza is rapidly 
learning the lesson the gangs did in the early days: interference 
in the operation of Grey's will not be tolerated. The owners have 
quite a bit of power ? in terms of both influence and 
physical/magical strength ? and at this time generally have 
support of a few gangs who don't like the Yakuza interfering with 
their territory. However, Grey's is careful not to take an 
offensive stance against the Yak, figuring that a "don't mess with 
us, we don't mess with you" strategy is more financially sound.


Employees of Grey's, of both sexes (65% female) and all races, 
wear gray suits (complete with gray shirt, gray tie, etc.). Most 
are usually gang members or ex-gang members, so can usually handle 
themselves. All have been trained to some degree by Thane (see 
below). Most employees serve drinks, but each night a half dozen 
are exempted from serving drinks to provide wandering security 
(which half dozen are chosen is determined by a rotating 

In addition, five men and three women have been highly trained by 
Thane and serve as security every night. It is these people that 
usually deal with troublemakers (see above). Naturally, if a 
serious problem emerges, all employees are expected to do their 

The door is guarded by one of Thane's well trained cadre and two 
bouncers: Bob, a big troll, and Mucus, an even bigger Orc. If 
prospective customers pass through two weapon detection systems 
(ratings 5 and 7, in that order) they are given some sort of token 
indicating so (it changes nightly). They are not required to wear 
it. If they present it with their bill, they receive 30% off. 
Weapons are not taken from those who have them (but see above).

There are four bartenders, three on duty at any given time: April, 
a rather plain elf; Wax, a handsome human with gold eyes; a 
middle-aged (although still in good shape) human man named Juan; 
and Karen, a surprisingly attractive Orc woman (if that's 

>>>[My, my. Showing our true colors?]<<<
-- Brian Qen-Xin (04:32:11/05-23-52)

The owners of Grey's were all part of a very successful 
Shadowrunning team (so successful that most people have never 
heard of them). All grew up in gangs in Redmond, but severed their 
gang affiliations long ago.

Thane started as a Warrior in the now defunct Priests. His Orkish 
strength and high intelligence made him very successful. Thane is 
fast (very fast), calm and deadly. His success as a runner allowed 
him to install some high quality cyberware. He is of two minds 
regarding violence: he would much rather see violence never occur, 
but when it does, it should be handled immediately with excessive 

Erik is a mage of considerable ability. It is he who usually 
demolishes vehicles who park in front of Grey's. He was given a 
full ride scholarship to Seattle University. He became the first 
dwarf to receive a Masters in Magical Theory and Arts at the top 
of his class.

Mithral is a telepathic telekinetic. (Actually, she is a sorcery 
adept, but she doesn't know that.) His considerable abilities have 
helped to overcome some legal problems in the past. Mithral 
handles most of the financial aspects of the Grey's operation.


>>>[Remember that, just because the title of this is the 'on-line 
grimoire,' that doesn't mean that all these spells are necessarily 
on-line. Referees can outlaw some spells, make some spells private 
-- owned by an individual who hasn't given out the spell theory, 
make some spells lost -- hidden in some tomb somewhere, waiting to 
be found by the intrepid shadowrunner/archaeologists, etc.

Referees can change any part of these spells. Remember, this is an 
electronic copy. All you've got to do to change things is open it 
up with your word processor (text editor for the text version) and 
edit away to your heart's content. You must decide what kind of 
things you want mages to do in your campaign. For example, in 
Keith's spells, I absolutely love the idea of the mageswords. But 
I think that Flight should require the use of the appropriate 
spirit. If that means that some shamans can't fly, well, so be it. 
(Of course, since I'm only playing, not running a game, I have 
very little say about anything, so feel free to ignore me!)

Also, remember that spells can be made permanent in a variety of 
-- Jerry [08:11:00/05-16-92]

All spells in this installment of the on-line grimoire courtesy of 

ANTI-BLADE BARRIER     Manipulation (Transform)
                       Jonathon K. Henry
Anti-Blade Barrier     S2     Physical     Sustained

This spell is similar to the already existing theories of Anti-
Bullet Barrier and Physical Barrier. The target for the spell is 
6. The number of the success counts as armor against such attacks 
as bladed weapons (including weapon foci swords, Bladed variations 
of shuriken, and common house knives) serrated edges (including 
sharp rocks, broken glass, and circular saws); bladed arrowheads 
(including the Precision Arrows found in the Street Samurai's 
Catalog, but not the blunt, or stunner, arrows); and grenade-like 
shrapnel (including shrapnel grenades and showering glass 
fragmentation, but not standard shotgun shells).

BIOPHYSICAL ARMOR     Manipulation (Transform)
                      Jonathon K. Henry
Biophysical Armor     M3     Mana     Sustained

This spell is essentially an armor spell that protects the body 
from influences that interfere with its natural rhythms. The spell 
assists deckers/runners in the matrix against damage from Black 
IC/Personas. It also assists against such attacks as electrical 
shock (stun batons, shock sticks) and vertigo (such as ultrasonic 
induction). It doesn't aid in normal combat related situations so 
no, the spell cannot be used in conjunction with the standard 
armor spell in melee/firearms related combat.

The spell does not aid against the effects of aging in any way. It 
does help the subject fight off the effects of Poisons, Pathogens, 
Toxins, and related substances (even against the reactant of a 
"Stonebiter" Bat). It also gives its dice to the recipient to 
resist the effects of Health spells.

ENHANCE WILLPOWER     Manipulation (Transform)
                      Jonathon K. Henry
Enhance Willpower     D3     Mana     Sustained

This spell gives defense dice vs. attacks similar to those the 
Mental Armor spell aids against. It also directly strengthens the 
psyche, allowing the subject to resist the effects of drain more 
readily. It doesn't directly change the willpower attribute. It 
enhances the recipient's ability to deal with the varying energies 
of Astral Space. The spell also does not enhance the ability to 
resist its own drain.

FLAME SHIELD     Manipulation (Transform)
                 Jonathon K. Henry
Flame Shield     S2     Physical     Sustained

This spell is similar to the existing spells Anti-Spell Barrier 
and Personal Physical Barrier. The spell gives successes equal to 
its success level against fire-based attacks of all sorts. This 
includes Flame Projection, Firebolt, Hellblast, Flame Volt, Flame 
Bomb, and other flame spells and powers. It does not protect 
against the Ignite spell. It also does not afford complete 
protection against heat in a pure form. Against heat and heat-
related attacks, the spell functions as an Armor spell (lava 
flows, light-based lasers, etc.).

FLIGHT     Manipulation (Telekinetic)
           Jonathon K. Henry
Flight     M1     Mana     Sustained

The target number for the spell is a 3 (Natural Objects). The 
number of total successes that are accrued help to define the 
"flight pool" of the user of the spell. Only voluntary living 
subjects can be affected by this spell.

The speed that can carry its recipient is equal to the dice 
allocated from the "flight pool." 'Running' speeds utilize a 
modifier equal to the force of the spell. The control of the 
flight (turning, any maneuvering, etc.) is equivalent to the 
remaining dice of the "flight pool."

For example, Jeremie gets 15 success with this spell, which he has 
at a Force of 5. His top speed is 75 meters per turn, though he 
would be moving in a straight line, with no ability to turn. In 
that example, he had all his "flight pool" dice allocated to 
speed. If he were moving at a speed of 0, that is no dice 
allocated to speed, he could effectively hover in place and gain 
15 dice to "in-place" maneuvering (dodging and the like). Note 
that any alteration is speed allocation, results in appropriate 
change to the "maneuvering" ability of the user.

>>>[15 successes? What, he rolled 20 dice? Remind me not to mess 
with Jeremie.]<<<
-- Jerry (09:03:33/05-16-92)

Or, Jeremie can allocate 7 dice to speed, leaving him with 8 dice 
for maneuvering.

Faster speeds usually require the use of Oxygenate. This spell 
also allows for movement through water, as the previous version 
did not, though the movement modifier for faster speeds cannot 
exceed a 3, regardless of spell force.

FORESIGHT     Detection
              Scott Crain - Jonathon K. Henry
Foresight     D2     Mana     Sustained

Similar to the already existing Combat Sense and Personal Combat 
Sense theories, this spell allows for a limited precognitive view 
of the area around the spell's user. The successes for this spell 
directly enhance the Dodge and/or Defense pools of the user, as 
the spell gives some indirect insight into "where he should or 
should not be at the time" and "what to do to stop this action."

The area of "detection" is standard for detection spells. Due to 
the extra level of stress placed upon the caster (time is 
something more difficult to handle), the target number is a 5 
instead of 4. The spell can be placed upon another individual, but 
this further alters the target number to a 6.

                             Jonathon K. Henry
Inc Matrix Reaction+1     L3     Mana     Sustained
Inc Matrix Reaction+2     M3     Mana     Sustained
Inc Matrix Reaction+3     S3     Mana     Sustained
Inc Matrix Reaction+4     D3     Mana     Sustained

This spell is essentially a variation on Increase Cyber Reaction 
spells. The spell will work in conjunction with Wired/Boosted 
Reflexes (when going naked into the matrix) and Increase Response 
systems on Cyberdecks. It will not work in conjunction with 
Increase Cyber Reaction (which don't work in Matrix Interfacing). 
It will not work in conjunction with Increase Reaction spells of 
other forms, as they are not designed to work with the mind and 
its fuller faculties in simsense realities.

The spell will aid the decker/runner if they are attempting to cut 
and run from attacking IC. Treat the spell as if it were an 
Increase Willpower spell, for purposes of dice mechanics. If for 
some reason the decker/runner already has an Increase Willpower 
spell in effect on his/her person, the Increase Matrix Reaction 
spell takes precedence, even if it is a lower level of increase.

The spell functions in all other ways as any other Increase 
Reaction spell does, adding a number of dice to the initiative, as 
well as a +2 to the reaction attribute of the user per level of 
increase. Many GM's might not allow the spell to interact with 
Cyberdecks of any sort, but might allow the spell to work when 
running naked in the matrix.

MAGESWORD     Manipulation (Transform)
              Jonathan K. Henry
Magesword     S2     Mana     Sustained

This spell creates a blade of energy equal in length to the 
caster's willpower attribute in feet. If the length is equal to 4 
feet or more, it has a +1 reach. Spells that assist the Willpower 
attribute do not increase the length of the blade.

The target number for this spell is a 5 instead of 6. The number 
of successes is the rating for skill level and strength. The 
targeted individual uses willpower to resist damage. Impact armor 
does not assist. Neither do most artificial shields, walls, etc., 
though they are not themselves damaged. ("What do you mean he 
died? His clothes aren't ripped up or hurt, there isn't a mark I 
see on him.") Anti-Spell barriers function as Impact armor would, 
reducing the successes of the attack damage. Mana Barriers 
function as an Armor spell would, that is adding more dice equal 
to the barrier rating to the resistance test. Physical Barrier and 
Anti-Bullet Barrier do not assist. Dermal Armor (Bodyware section 
of Cyberwear) does assist.

The damage done by the attack is (success rating)M2. Reach 
modifiers are mentioned earlier. Shape of the "sword" doesn't seem 
to matter in the case of damage for this case (sorry, no (SR)M3 
Mage Katanas). The magician controlling this spell can deflect 
Weapon Foci being used by another (whether or not they are bonded 
to the user). The magician can also attack Astral beings/entities 
with this weapon (as long as they can see them). The "sword" 
created by this spell does not have to glow or be visible to the 
physical world. Fully capable magicians usually have their "sword" 
non-visible and use their perception talents at the same time. 
Sorceror Adepts are not that lucky. Their swords are usually 
visible to the naked eye.

MAGESWORD II     Manipulation (Transform)
                 Jonathan K. Henry
Magesword II     S3     Physical     Sustained

This spell is essentially the same as the above mentioned 
Magesword, except that the sword is completely physical. The sword 
cannot pass through non-living objects like the mana version. 
Impact armor is fully effective as are Physical Barrier spells. 
The Anti-Bullet Barrier is still ineffectual against it.

The sword can hit non-living objects. This allows it to be used 
against doors, cars, etc. It can still be used to defend against 
Weapon Foci. The sword cannot hit purely Astral beings/entities. 
If a creature/spirit is manifest, it can be used to attack them. 
The power of Immunity to Normal Weapons does not aid the subject 
from attacks by this "weapon."

The damage by the weapon is (success rating)M2. Reach modifiers 
are as for the mana version. If a variation of this spell is 
researched where the blade is a "katana" form, then the damage 
does go to M3.

>>>[Won't the drain go up, as well?]<<<
-- Silver Cianide (08:46:40/05-16-52)

The sword is visible at all times, and sheds a minor amount of 
light (about equivalent to a standard firefly).

>>>[A pretty huge firefly, I'd guess. An awakened firefly, 
-- Silver Cianide (08:47:38/05-16-52)

The sword must remain within line of sight of the caster at all 
times. Mirrors and/or Binoculars can assist as long as the spell 
doesn't go beyond a range equal to the magicians magic rating 
times the success rating of the spell in meters.

The "movement" speed of the spell is equivalent to its success 
rating with "running" modifiers being equivalent to the spell's 

The mana version can be cast from the Astral Plane and utilized 
into the physical world if the caster also is Manifesting. The 
physical version of the spell cannot be cast from the Astral.

The Initiate Talent of Shielding is of great benefit to the 
defender of both versions. It raises both the target to hit and 
gives extra dice to resist the damage with.

If the caster wishes to maintain self-control over the spell, the 
functions remain the same in all ways.

If the caster wishes to make the sword usable to someone else the 
"sword" becomes "self sustaining" and does not keep any of its 
self motivation ability. It is thus considered an object that is 
to be "wielded" by an individual. Any living creature may utilize 
the mana version of the spell. They do not need to be able to see 
it, though perception of the weapon's dimensions does help (target 
numbers go up by 1 otherwise). The damage the weapon does becomes 
standard for melee combat (Str)M2, with any appropriate reach 
modifiers. The target resists damage according to the version 
used. An additional point of Karma is required to make the sword 
"permanent" in this fashion. This includes Spell Locks, which 
usually become the handle of the weapon. (Hey look, he's got 
himself a Lightsabre!)

>>>[I suspect the sword retains an astral link to it's creator, 
just like normal Quickened/Locked spells, right?]<<<
-- Myra (08:57:21/05-16-52)

MENTAL ARMOR     Manipulation (Transform)
                 Jonathon K. Henry
Mental Armor     M3     Mana     Sustained

This spell is similar to the Armor spell. The target is the 
subject's willpower, with successes treated as additional dice for 
purposes of resisting any form of attack against the psyche. This 
includes Mana-form combat spells, Mind Controls and Probes, Fear 
and Weakness powers of paranormals, as well as Essence Drain 
attacks from Vampires. It will also work defending against combat 
attacks in the Astral in much the same way that an Armor spell 
protects the body in the physical world.

MENTAL SHIELDS     Manipulation (Transform)
                   Jonathon K. Henry
Mental Shields     S2     Mana     Sustained

This spell is essentially the same as the Mental Armor spell, 
except that it is true "armor," giving automatic successes against 
the attacks mentioned above. Think of it as a limited scope Anti-
Spell Barrier, that also includes attacks from Parabiologicals and 

MOVEMENT     Manipulation (Telekinetic)
             Jonathon K. Henry
Movement     S3     Physical     Sustained

This spell directly copies the spiritual/elemental power of the 
same name. It does not protect the user of the spell from some of 
the more harmful side effects. When combined with the Weather 
Guard spell most, if not all, of the adverse side effects are 
negated (air friction, vertigo, etc.). The spell can be cast on 
any person or object. Movement is multiplied by the number of 

Potential uses of this spell, besides the standard movement 
increase, are:

Firearms Enhancement: When placed on the chamber of a weapon, the 
spell enhances the Power attribute of a projectile. The level of 
enhancement is equal to the success level of the spell. There is 
no additional recoil modifier for use of this spell.

Vehicle Speeds: This can be very dangerous if the pilot/driver of 
the vehicle is not aware of the spell's placement. All target 
numbers are increased by the success level of the spell with 
appropriate modifiers for rig level (if any), etc.

Vehicle Economy: If careful control is utilized, the spell will 
enhance the economy level of a normal vehicle by the success level 
of the spell. A vehicle that has an economy of less than 1 
KM/Liter will have the economy increased by .1 KM/Liter per 
success. A vehicle that has 100 or more KM/Liter economy (as some 
mopeds do) has the economy modified by 10 times the number of 

A vehicle has a 15 KM/Liter economy rating. The casting magician 
obtains 5 successes with the spell, thus enhancing the economy by 
5 KM/Liter. Another vehicle has .5 KM/Liter economy. The same 
number of successes on this vehicle will enhance the economy by a 
further .5 KM/Liter (5 success X .1 KM/Liter).

>>>[Remember, your referee might disallow some of these options. 
Check with your referee before basing a plan on a specific option, 
or you could be unpleasantly surprised.]<<<
-- Jerry (10:41:20/05-16-92)

PATHKEEPER     Manipulation (Transform)
               Jonathon K. Henry
Pathkeeper     M3     Physical     Sustained

This spell has a few purposes, most of which are minor in their 
effect, but have an overall effective usefulness. The spell allows 
the magician or individual effected to walk without distraction 
over any standard medium. This includes water (such as a river or 
lake), a rocky incline (such as a mountain slope or desert creek), 
etc., without penalty for movement. The spell also offers a 
limited amount of protection from the terrain the recipient is 
moving through.

For example, choppy waters go smooth in a radius equal to the 
caster's magic attribute in meters, around the user. The user will 
also gain no distractions from such things as briarthorns, cactus 
pines, jagged rocks, etc.

To get a good idea on the spell's diversity, consider the spirit 
power of Guard, with a twist (levitate-like powers over water or 
mud). The spell will not protect from such things as lava, 
electricity, wire fencing and caltrop-like obstructions. The user 
also cannot walk through something (this is not a Passwall spell). 
The recipient must willing (so no, you can't suddenly strand a 
fish on the water's surface). The spell will not work on non-
living objects.

If the caster of the spell designates the spell to be used by an 
individual underwater, and an oxygenate spell is used in 
conjunction, the individual can move at standard movement without 
penalty. It has been hypothesized that if a hydrate spell 
(oxygenate for a water breather) were used in conjunction with 
this spell on a water traveling target, they could move about on 
land without penalties.

                   Matt Bunch - Jonathon K. Henry
Res Nuisance Allergy   L1     Mana     Sustained
Res Mild Allergy       M1     Mana     Sustained
Res Moderate Allergy   S1     Mana     Sustained
Res Severe Allergy     D1     Mana     Sustained

This spell allows the caster to dull out an allergy's effects on 
the target. For the spell to function, the caster must touch the 
subject. Once the spell has been successfully cast, the caster 
does not have to maintain physical contact to sustain the spell.

This spell does not remove the allergy. It just alleviates the 
effects of the allergy. The spell does not aid against 
Vulnerabilities. For example, a vampirically inflicted individual 
is exposed to sunlight while under the effects of a Resist Deadly 
Allergy. As long as the spell is in place, the subject is 
protected from the harmful effects of the sunlight. If a 
Shapeshifter is touching or comes into standard contact with 
silver they are protected in a similar fashion, but if the silver 
is used as a weapon against the character, it still has its 
modifiers to damage (+1 Damage Category).

>>>[Some referees might decide that each allergy requires a 
specific spell.]<<<
-- Jerry (10:52:59/05-16-92)

WARPLIGHT     Manipulation (Transform)
              Jonathon K. Henry
Warplight     M3     Physical     Sustained

This spell is similar to the power of Adaptive Coloration used by 
the Bandersnatch. The number of successes indicates the modifier 
to the perception tests needed when using the standard visual 
spectrum. This includes Thermographic vision and the UV spectrum, 
but not sound or EM fields. If the subject is moving at a rate 
greater than 10, the modifiers to perceptual tests are doubled.

The spell also acts as full armor against standard lasers, with a 
rating equal to the successes of the spell.

WEATHER GUARD     Manipulation (Transform)
                  Jonathon K. Henry
Weather Guard     S3     Physical     Sustained

This spell protects the recipient from the elements. This includes 
the effects of rain, sleet, hail, snow, desert heat and 
sandstorms, etc. It does not protect a person from spells with 
elemental side-effects, such as Flame Volt or Acid Bomb. Harsh 
winds are reduced to gentle breezes (for the protected). 
Dehydration due to prolonged exposure to the sun will have no 
adverse effects, though standard consumption of water is still 

The spell does not aid someone in perception tests against fog, 
rain and the like, nor does it protect someone with a Severe 
Allergy to the effects of sunlight. It will negate the effects of 
distraction due to rain, wind, etc.


The initial Master Spell List can be found in the first Annual 
Neo-Anarchists Guide to Everything Else. You can cut and paste 
whatever spells you want from here into there.

Note the two corrections under Transform Manipulations: the two 
personal spells were previously listed with a range of Visual. 
Obviously not, they're Personal.


Name           Drain Target            Range  Area     Duration Type
Foresight**      D2   5/6              Visual MAx#S    Sustain  Mana


Name           Drain Target    Threshold Range  Area   Duration Type
Inc Mtx React+1** L3 Attrib.x2           Touch  Single Sustain  Mana
Inc Mtx React+2** M3 Attrib.x2           Touch  Single Sustain  Mana
Inc Mtx React+3** S3 Attrib.x2           Touch  Single Sustain  Mana
Inc Mtx React+4** D3 Attrib.x2           Touch  Single Sustain  Mana
Res Nuis Alergy** L1  10-Ess.            Touch  Single Sustain  Mana
Res Mild Alergy** M1  10-Ess.            Touch  Single Sustain  Mana
Res Mod  Alergy** S1  10-Ess.            Touch  Single Sustain  Mana
Res Svre Alergy** D1  10-Ess.            Touch  Single Sustain  Mana


Name           Drain Target    Staging  Range  Area   Duration Type
Flight**         M1    3                Visual Single Sustain  Mana
Movement**       S3  Object             Visual Single Sustain  Physical


Name           Drain Target   Threshold Range  Area   Duration  Type
AntiBlade Barier** S2  6                Visual MA/Force Sustain Physical
Biophysical Armor** M3 4                Visual Single Sustain   Mana
Flame Shield**   S2    6                Visual MA     Sustain   Physical
Enhance Willpower** D3 Will             Visual Single Sustain   Mana
Magesword**      S2    5                Personal MAx#S Sustain  Mana
Magesword II**   S3    5                Personal MAx#S Sustain  Physical
Mental Armor**   M3    Will             Visual Single  Sustain  Mana
Mental Shields** S2    Will             Visual Single  Sustain  Mana     
Pers. AntiSpell Barier L1  6            Personal Single Sustain Mana
Pers. Physical Barier  M2  6            Personal Single Sustain Physical
Pathkeeper**     M3    4 (Voluntary)    Visual   Single Sustain Physical
Weather Guard**  S3    6                Visual   MA     Sustain Physical


"If some unemployed punk in New Jersey can get a cassette to make 
love to Elle McPherson for $19.95, this virtual reality stuff is 
going to make crack look like Sanka."
                                             -- Dennis Miller
                       Twentieth Century comedian and prophet

"Chip me in, Johnny; Chip me in, Jane!
 Jack me to the max, pump that comstim in my veins!
 Hear the fire all around me with my com-enhanced brain!
 Rockin! with my FNFL!
                                       -- Kansas City Charlie
                                (and the Flying Buffalo Chips)


The walls of Seattle City Hall were of the finest marble, finely 
engraved with the works of masters and local unknowns alike. 
Despite the crowd, the noise, and the numerous doors and halls, 
once I got my bearing the hallway seemed designed specifically to 
bring me where I wanted to go, as if it were made specifically for 
me, specifically for this occasion. The ceilings were vaulted, but 
not too high, and if I didn't know better I would've sworn that 
the light coming through the slanted windows was sunlight and not 
from hidden fluorescent tubes. Rather than take the elevator, I 
took the stairway, the more to explore this amazing feat of 
architecture. The stairs were actually designed for walking. They 
were thin, and gave the impression of a European castle, but 
whenever I passed someone, it was never crowded.

I stopped once to look out the window, over the city. There were 
so many new buildings, and so many buildings in progress. All the 
work of one man, the man I was there to see.

It was the saddest thing I had ever seen. I was here to convince 
him to leave this world, but I could've stayed, myself. Before 
this, I used to be surprised that perfectly normal people could 
give up reality for a chip-induced fantasy. Now, I'm surprised 
that such a small number of people actually do. No, there was no 
way I could succeed. This was everything he'd ever wanted. How 
could I convince him to return to the regular bump-and-grind?

John Doe graduated summa cum laude from Stanford University in 
2046. His degree was in Architecture. His dream was to design and 
oversee the building of a new city, a true artistic creation of 
the future. But no city was willing to outlay that kind of money 
for a makeover of dubious necessity, and John had to content 
himself with standard work for standard buildings in standard 
cities. He was talented, no question, and his work was admired by 
his colleagues. But there wasn't any room in this world for what 
he wanted.

Until he met her. He'd always been jacked so he could plug into 
the computers and design from within. But he'd never thought of 
using simsense. Until a friend bought him a custom chip for his 
birthday, and life was never the same. In this chip, he was the 
most sought after architect in the world, and everyone clamored 
for his attentions.

In these last three years he has gone further in his dream world 
than he could ever have gone in the real world. He has designed 
whole cities, and buildings that fill the senses.

I did meet him that day, and we discussed his leaving. But only 
after he took me on a tour of his favorite projects, including a 
restaurant that he not only designed, but owned. The only thing he 
regretted was that his father wouldn't come inside to talk to him. 
But that wasn't enough of a hook to bring him out.
                         -- Dr. Jerold Stratton, Ph.D., Psychology

HOTEL CALIFORNIA (Ark of the Damned)

The Dream Park was conceived as the ultimate test of the future 
today. Brainchild of future activist Trurl Klapaucius, the Dream 
Park has degenerated into the best example of what the future has 
to offer.

>>>[This is the hope of the future, chummer. Our population has 
already recovered from Vitas, and is growing faster and faster. We 
need more room for people, and the more room we take for people, 
the less we have for food, even synth. Trurl may have given up, 
but he's given us our only chance at a future of hope, rather than 
a future of pollution, sweat, and homeliness]<<<
-- Mel Walsinats [05:32:19/05:11:52]

Trurl emigrated from Poland to Seattle in 2030, and acquired 
backing for his project (Dream Park) in three years. Construction 
began on June 22, 2034 and was completed on September 18. The 
original Dream Park contained 400 rooms. Trurl sold lifetime 
living rights for 100,000Y each. Tenants were required to have 
their own plug. Trurl provided waste disposal and food. The food 
was nothing more than gruel pumped into the body, and the living 
accommodations were spartan, if clean.

But the magic was in the built in matrix. The Dreamtime, he called 
it, and tenants spend every moment of their lives in the 
Dreamtime. In the Dreamtime, the building is a luxurious mansion, 
the food is the finest cuisine the world can offer, and everyone 
is beautiful. He sold all 400 spaces in 43 days.

The Seattle government freaked. They decided that they did not 
like this type of development. They have since passed very 
restrictive laws protecting the residents of the Dream Park and 
making it next to impossible for new Parks to be built. The Dream 
Park owner, for example, is forbidden to touch a tenant's base 
payment -- it must be returned if the tenant ever decides to leave 
or the Park is ever closed down. But it doesn't matter, because no 
one wants to leave, and the interest on 40 million Nuyen is a very 
nice profit, even after taxes, food, and custodial expenses. After 
all, only the minimum of upkeep is necessary. No one ever unplugs 
from the Dreamtime.

>>>[Well, not quite true. But the turnover is incredibly slow. 
Last year, only 10 vacancies opened up, and the year before, only 
12. So far this year, 3 vacancies have been filled. Out of 1,600, 
that's pretty fraggin' low. Unfortunately, we don't know how many 
of those are people leaving and how many are deaths.]<<<
-- Frank Bishop [06:27:33/05-12-52]

>>>[How little you know. Nobody dies in the dreamtime -- we're 
forever young, there's no sickness, no disease. What's there to 
die from?]<<<
-- Mel Walsinats [07:31:01/05-12-52]

>>>[I think you've mistaken your virtuality for reality, Mel, old 
chap. Your icon may be in paradise, but your body is atrophying in 
its own crap.]<<<
-- Wily Coyote [09:05:51/05-12-52]

>>>[Drek, Coyote-san. They take care of us here. The vessels are 
kept clean, and if they atrophy, well, so what? There's only one 
important muscle on the whole thing.]<<<
-- Mel Walsinats [18:54:32/05-12-52]

Trurl grew disillusioned with his child, and sold it to Sam 
Belding (accountant for Concrete Illusion) for a reputed sum of 
2.8 million Nuyen in 2042. Belding doubled the number of spaces -- 
after all, the tenants didn't need any of the space other than 
their bed and their jack. He offered to let anyone who wanted to 
leave (there was a waiting list, supposedly, of 5,000 people who 
wanted in), leave. Only 78 people did so. Then, he turned around 
and sold the 478 new spaces for 150,000Y. The seed grew to 103.9 
million Nuyen. It was during Belding's tenure that Dream Park 
became known as the Ark of the Damned. When he sold it, most of 
the letters in the neon logo had stopped working (in the real 
world; in the Dreamtime, of course, they're fine), leaving the 
letters "D  am  ark" which may or may not have been purposeful. 
Belding sold in 2048.

The third (and final) owner is Dr. William Hansen. He has doubled 
the number of spaces again -- there are now 1,600 tenants in the 
Dream Park. All of the neon letters are dim now, and the place has 
come to be known as "Hotel California." 299 of the original 
tenants remain, and 385 of the second group remain. Those who 
bought the approximately 800 new spaces paid 180,000Y apiece, and 
the price has currently risen to 200,000Y.

Only government inspectors are allowed to see the inside of the 
Dream Park. Visitors must jack in in the visitors' lounge, and 
prospective tenants are allowed to jack in from the landlord's 
office. The waiting list is rumored to hold over 1,000 people, so 
the Dr. Hansen doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, as 
long as it's not required by law. There are four people to a room 
(what used to be a single person room in Trurl's day), and it'll 
probably jump to 6 people per room soon (3 beds, 2 high). That'll 
bring the population of Dream Park to 2,400. If Seattle ever 
relents, you can be sure that Dream Park will build up as well. 
It's still only 4 stories tall!

                                                   by LLWardIII

[Writer's Note: This is the summer diary of my character Tess, a 
grade 0 Snake shaman. She walks in a different world than most of 
us. Comments welcome at ward1@husc.harvard.edu]

>>June 3 / Seattle / Voice mode<<
   I have confusion. I thought the running of shadows was the 
Path. I no longer know. I'm not confident that setting my thoughts 
in this pseudo-permanent medium is a rational act, but Jana seemed 
to think so. My confusion is such that I will consider anything. 
(Anything? A dangerous thought, if true. Even my honesty eludes 
me.) There is too much black.
   Maybe it is the mundane concerns. The current resolution with 
Aztechnology should be a break. But is it a resolution? Baal has 
left to avoid possible retribution; that seems prudent. I should 
leave but is that the right thing? My dream of the wind through 
the sculpted walls seemed far.
   Chicago. But the sneer....

>>June 4 / Seattle / Voice mode<<
   I have just played back my first entry. John says that the 
voice-to-text translator seems to work fine. If I am sure of 
anything, it is to take his word for technical matters. I can 
remember speaking more between some of the sentences from 
yesterday, but I must have just thought them. Interesting.

>>June 6 / Seattle / Voice mode<<
   Went back into Redmond to make my goodbye's (for how long) to 
old friends. The first time I'd stepped onto Brain Eaters turf for 
years. I wasn't even in colors. Even though I've come to recognize 
lust in males, I've never fully understood it. Bruiser felt, not 
lust exactly, but something. I'd never noticed that before. He 
seemed concerned for my safety on my journey. I'm glad I told them 
I was going to Los Angeles.
   Troxia has disappeared. She has apparently run off with a 
corper and moved to, coincidentally (?), Chicago. The Eaters are 
uneasy, but anything that gets her out of here should curb her 
chiplust. Voracious appetite for new input, but no will to go get 
it. She's a lot like me in some ways, had it not been for Snake.
   The loss of the arm seems to have made Buck more philosophical. 
He said very little, but he and I always understood one another 
anyway. I'm sure he knew I'm really going to Chicago. He reached 
into a box and pulled out something I never thought I'd see again. 
The Collar. He kept it after he killed Marcus, apparently just in 
case he needed to make an object lesson. He said "It is the chain 
that you're dragging that was once your relief." (I wish I'd been 
looking at him from the Ethereal then. I'd swear -- for a brief 
moment -- that Dog spoke through him. More confusion.) He seemed a 
bit uneasy about how I'd react to The Collar.
   It almost seems like that frightened, ignorant creature was a 
lifetime ago.
   I'll be glad to get out of here tomorrow. This hotel room is 
beginning to depress me. Or is it the city? To much black.

>>June 7 / Chicago / Voice mode<<
   Chicago airport is a zoo. I'm glad I was in a suit. I'm also 
glad I left the taser behind. Huh, imagine the look on the maid's 
face when she finds that in the sink. She's probably used to it.
   The woman next to me on the plane was in simsense for the whole 
flight. She was an executive secretary. I examined cyberware very 
closely from astral for the first time. I never noticed how truly 
intricate the fusion between flesh and machine is. It was actually 
quite beautiful.
   I begin to understand why cyberware, by its nature, makes 
healing so difficult. The patterns. So beautiful. I have not the 

>>June 8 / Chicago / Voice mode<<
   Talked to a gentleman in a bar, discovered that he had just 
lost his wife. I watched him astrally while he drank and the 
alcohol seemed to improve his state. We talked for hours (I mostly 
listened) and he never asked my name. Just needed someone to talk 
   I bought a taser. Funny how something that would have landed me 
in jail at the airport can be bought without license from a 
sporting goods store.
   Chicago's emotional state, in general, is a bit more negative 
that Seattle. The weather, perhaps. Maybe just the crowding. Or is 
it the Mafia? (Morte Alles Francia, Italia... something). Is it 

>>June 9 / Chicago / Voice mode<<
   Been studying ancient Chinese all day. Some interesting texts 
from library.

>>June 11 / Chicago / Voice mode<<
   Stopped a rape. I was downtown, when I thought I saw Troxia. It 
turned out not to be her, but I followed her for a while. I 
noticed a man doing the same. His aura was a bit... twisted, so I 
mind probed him. Nauseating. He was so far gone, I don't think he 
noticed. I ambushed him with the taser and left him sprawling in 
the street. No one seemed to care.
   Even so, I felt badly about sifting his thoughts. Every time 
I've done it before was in desperation. And the... subjects knew it 
was coming. I'm glad I decided against probing Cat's Eye while he 
slept that first night.
   Today was the first spell I've cast in days. Now that my 
attention is focused on it, it feels like the mundane world is 
driving it's hooks into me. I think now might be a good time for 
an astral tour of the city.

>>June 13 / Chicago / Voice mode<<
   Last night seemed to help.
   I sought out Troxia this afternoon in earnest. I tried to learn 
the city be asking around the old fashioned way, but I had to 
resort to summoning a watcher. (They grow them a bit strange 
looking out here). Troxia and her "significant other" joined me 
for lunch. Doesn't seem like Troxia's type, but who am I to judge. 
Troxia told me later that it was all biz.
   Dreamt of the sneering face again, but He wasn't sneering this 
time. He seems very familiar, but is that just part of the dream? 
Baal put digitized pictures of everyone we ran across into this 
gizmo, but His face is not any of them. Something about two small 
creeks crossing is there, but eludes me.

>>June 14 / Chicago / Voice mode<<
   Another dream of the Face. This time eating rattlesnake. 
Couldn't sleep after that. I am beginning to feel the Face is on 
my Path. As an obstacle, judging by the symbolism, yet it doesn't 
feel that way. I'm going to have to find this man.
   Spent the day trying to buy Peyote, in the hopes that it will 
make my dreams stronger. Very hard to get here, but found some. It 
is good to have a tangible direction.

>>June 15 / Chicago / Voice mode<<
   Dreams of the Face again; this time hiding something. The 
crossing streams are not creeks but rivers. I got the feeling of a 
mountain surrounded city. I'm going to Denver.
   I ran into an artist on the El today, and he drew a likeness of 
the Face from my description. It is something at least.

>>June 16 / Denver / Keypad mode<<
   This city is beautiful! The sun was setting over the Rockies, 
just as the plane landed. Although legally I am supposed to be in 
the UCAS sector, I have a room in neutral downtown.
   No dreams last night. I think I am getting closer.

>>June 17 / Denver / Voice mode<<
   Downtown is set off at 45 degrees to the rest of the city, so I 
got a bit lost today. A huge Amerind corp-type pointed out that 
the mountains are always to the west. I should have thought of 
   Between bouts of scanning the screamsheets for the Face, I took 
an astral tour. This town almost pulses with deals. A very odd 
sensation. I saw a mage lose control of a Fire Elemental and paid 
close attention to it's aura. The entity killed the mage, then 
flew off into the night, both of which I expected. Its 
aura/emotion when it killed its summoner was not the satisfaction 
of revenge that I'd expected. No desire, but no regret either, as 
if it was just something that it had to do. Very curious. When it 
flew away, however, the feeling of freedom it radiated almost 
consumed me. I noticed that, inside my pocket, my right hand was 
wrapped tightly around the Collar.

>>June 18 / Denver / Voice mode<<
   Went to Confluence Park, where the Platte river meets Cherry 
Creek. Obviously not the rivers. I overheard a woman mention the 
Cherry Creek Mall. Just to be thorough, I took a quick peek. The 
mall was standard, but near by was the Tattered Cover Book Store. 
Not just real paper books, but a whole building full. Clientele 
was almost all Awakened. The astral charge in the air was so 
thick, I wouldn't have been surprised if Spirits started forming 
out of thin air.

>>June 20 / Denver / Voice mode<<
   Haven't made much progress on locating the Face, but haven't 
had the dreams either.
   I did meet a decker named Ty, who is looking for work. Very 
interesting aura. Intricate beyond anything I've seen. For that 
reason, I think, I find myself very drawn towards the 
shadowrunner. I asked about the picture of Face and mentioned a 
price tag. We are now working out of a downtown apartment. I feel 

>>June 22 / Denver / Voice mode<<
   The Face now has a name: Whittiker. He is part of the Pueblo 
Corporate Council. That makes sense to me for some reason.
   Ty has been showing me around the Matrix. It gives me a 
horrible headache, but is very fascinating. I begin to understand 
the thrill John feels when fishing secrets from miles away.

>>June 25 / Denver / Voice mode<<
   Whittiker is in the city of Pueblo, a hundred miles south. From 
a map I see that the Arkansas and Fountain Rivers merge there. 
Whittiker's position seems innocuous enough, but we are heading 
for Pueblo as soon as we make the arrangements. Ty knows a samurai 
there named Rojo.
   >>Keypad mode<< As I was looking at Ty this morning, I caught a 
strange expression in my reflection in the window. It seems like 
I've seen that expression before on someone else. I'm beginning to 
get a bit confused over my feelings toward Ty (if only because I 
don't know what they are), but I must not let that confusion 
affect my Path.

>>June 30 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   I can't even remember how much of the information we're finding 
I have put into this diary. I should go back to check, but I don't 
have time. Our discoveries are coming very quickly.

>>July 6 / Pueblo / Keypad mode<<
   I've mixed emotions about last night. The experience was 
enlightening, to say the least, but now, as I write surrounded by 
satin sheets, I have doubts as to my goal. Yesterday I was sure 
that Whittiker's secrets were the reason I was drawn to this 
place, but after last night, I am beginning to question this.
   I have never before experienced what Ty brought forth in me 
last night. The (I have trouble even writing it) ecstasy coursing 
through me was enough to send my soul out into its astral home; a 
reprise, almost, of my gang initiation. As then, I could see my 
meatbody below me, but it wasn't still. I could see it spasming 
under Ty's caress.
   Even stranger, I could feel it.
   Somehow I could still feel my body. Every touch. Every kiss. As 
if I had somehow bridged the tenuous gap between mind and body. 
More likely is was my partner's doing, although probably 
   Even as she sleeps, Ty's aura is vibrant, especially where her 
skin touches her husband's. Lying on Ty's opposite side (which is 
curious, as when I went to sleep, he was asleep between us), Rojo 
is easier to figure out, but no less interesting. His aura pulses 
faintly (in time to his heart, I believe), a strong contrast to 
last night. An odd effect; parts of him completely black, while 
from the patches where he still has his original body, his aura 
seemed to explode. I think Snake is watching him.
   Personal indulgence aside, this is what concerns me. Is 
Whittiker really on my Path? Or was I actually drawn here just to 
meet these two people? Ty and Rojo have certainly affected me. It 
is almost like Awakening again. But, no. It can't be; the guards 
on Whittiker's secrets are to strong for Snake and I to ignore. 
But... something.
   Last night was significant, and not just because of the 
enlightening astral connection. Nor because I finally understand 
why Humanity places such a strong emphasis on the pleasures of 
mating. Something else is there.
   In spite of my growing doubts and nagging suspicions, Rojo, Ty 
and I are going to go through with the plan to infiltrate 
Whittiker's building. I must have answers. My mind tells me that I 
will find them there, but my spirit tells me that the answers (and 
perhaps the questions) will differ vastly from my expectations. 
Snake has remained annoyingly quiet. Although that has happened 
before, I am still frightened.

>>July 7 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   >>Input error. Impedance overload<<
   >>Input error. Microphone spike<<
   Venom! This fragging hurts.
   >You should stay quiet, Tess.
   Stupid, stupid, stupid! Too much black.
   >You'll be fine Tess, just hang on.
   >>Nil translation<< Ty?
   >I'm here.
   Important. Get sword to Jana. Seattle. >>Nil translation<<
   >Who? What sword?
   Get that fragging thing away from me!
   >Easy, love, easy. Rojo, put the patch away.
   >>Nil translation<<
   >Tess! Tess!
   >>Is she...?
   >No. Just unconscious. She cast a healing spell on herself 
before we got there.
   >>Let's hope she held it long enough. I found her clothes.
   >The bleeding's stopped.
   >>Christ. I'm going to go get... the...the rest of her.
   >Be careful. Are you all right?
   >>No. Not after this. What's that flashing?
   >What? Oh. Her secretary is recording.
   >>Turn it off.
   >Hurry back.

>>July 9 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   As soon as we got in, I knew it was wrong. How stupid 
could I be? It hurts so much. It feels like my arm is on fire, 
even though I know it's no longer there. If my intact eye wasn't 
swollen shut, I might cry.
   I... I think Rojo blames himself, but it was my fault I got 
caught. I should have been paying more attention to where he was 
going. Rojo says Whittiker's gun fired explosive flechettes. Thank 
All that he didn't pull the trigger when.... The sick duck. Who 
shoots someone bound in front of them?
   Damn it. I'm bleeding again. Not that I can see it. Snake. I 
could heal myself, if only I could see.
   I think... I think it may be time to put myself in debt. I can't 
continue like this. The true sadness is that it's all my fault. I 
misinterpreted something somewhere. I don't know. What did I do 

>>July 11 / unknown / Keypad mode<<
   Interfactor seemed... tense, for lack of a better word, although 
that probably isn't possible. He (?) managed to get me out here, 
wherever "here" is. I think I'm somewhere in Japan. Chiba would 
make sense, given the nature of my upcoming surgery.
   The Surgeon (that's all I have heard him called) said that he'd 
never seen wounds like mine before. I agreed, and given some of 
Baal's violence, that is not a small statement. I'm a bit glad I 
can't see my body in the real plane, 'cause it's appearance is 
very distressing in the astral plane. The Surgeon informs me that 
a spread of six of the flechettes impacted around my right armpit, 
destroying my breast, some ribs and exploding my shoulder. Another 
cluster (or maybe two) spread down to my left hip, destroying my 
eye (I'm apparently lucky I don't have brain damage) and bruising 
some bone.
   My arm, according to the Surgeon will not accept a vat grown 
replacement, so he is cyber-replacing it. That didn't sound right 
to me, until I took a good look at my stump from astral. Something 
is preventing it. I have a feeling it is Snake, which is 
disconcerting. I'm told that normally they can install machinery 
which doesn't take away as much of my humanity, but that since 
they don't have the flesh of my real arm to work with, I have to 
settle for the normal stuff. The eye will be almost half organic, 
as will the sub-dermal plating that the Surgeon insists upon ("to 
reinforce your damaged skeletal structure.") Apparently, the 
problem with grafting real flesh to my arm does not exist for my 
breast, so thankfully they are simply growing me a new one.
   I'd love to crawl around this place sometime. John would be 
very interested in their machines, I have a feeling.
   I am not looking forward to surgery. The Surgeon assures me 
that everything will be fine, but I haven't told him about the 
intensity of my dreams. The surgery itself doesn't scare me, but 
the idea of being chemically prohibited from waking up does.
   If something should go wrong, my will can be found at SAN 
(0003)-09-2938 box 747. Passcode "Jormungandr."

>>July 29 / unknown / Voice mode<<
   I almost forgot about this thingy.
   The bandages are finally off. Yay! During the actual surgery, I 
apparently drove them crazy, as I kept blinking into a Metaplane. 
None of the mages here have access to the Metaplanes, so to them 
it seemed that my aura just vanished, even though my body was 
still showing vital signs.
   Oooo. Pink!
   Um... I did dream, but I don't remember . I looked at some of my 
EEGs. The docs said they were strange, but they just looked like 
squiggles. I'm told they tried an experimental simsense recorder 
on me in an attempt to record my dreams. I don't think it worked.
   My meatbody looks great! I had thought there would be scarring. 
I keep breaking cups with my new hand, but I'm getting better. The 
injectors were Interfactor's idea. The eyes are amazing. They can 
see heat patterns and zoom in on far away objects. They can even 
cry. I can't feel the plating at all unless I probe with my 
fingers. My new breast is fine. It is now the same size as its 
opposite. I never realized how annoying that almost-invisible size 
difference bothered me until now.
   >>Input error: Nil translation. 67% probability of being 
   Wow. I think these drugs are getting to me. I'd better stop 
talking before I say something silly.

>>August 2 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   I just woke up here, even though I was in a hospital bed when I 
went to sleep. It was almost like a dream, but the light 
reflecting off my arm would seem to indicate otherwise. Damn, 
nothing quite like spending 800K for a month of surgery. I'm gonna 
get my bearings, then find Ty and Rojo. Then Snake and I have a 
long overdue appointment.
   I've only been to Snakehome once before. Maybe twice. I don't 
really know what to expect. The first time, I was invited. Last 
time I was welcome. This time around I don't even know if I'll be 
allowed in. My power has diminished. I can't seem to make spells 
work without chanting in Chinese. That is most distressing. It 
seems like I should know something about the Path I got injured 
on... why it went wrong.
   I don't have it.

>>August 3 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   They're both dead. Rojo... he...
   >>Input error. Microphone spike<<
   >>       Y???     ??               ????Y <<

>>August 4 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   The storage seemed to transfer O.K. Where did this temper come 
from? Looking back over this log... I don't know. I would never have 
tossed my pocket sec into a mirror three months ago. Very 
   I feels like my world is falling apart. My magic is going. My 
friends are gone. Ty... O.K.... Ty got...killed. Black IC apparently. 
Running something in Denver. Rojo first found her. He killed 
himself. He... left....

>>August 5 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   Words are harder now. I never told Rojo that I didn't hold him 
responsible for what happened to me. I can't help but feel....
   What is wrong with me? I've lost people before. People I've 
known longer than Ty and Rojo put together. I... damn it. Calm.

>>August 6 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   Buried them today. I used to think that burials were to ensure 
the spirits of the Dead rest. I think now that they're more for 
the living. Nothing makes you deal with death more than planting 
your friends in the ground.
   Took a long walk. Beautiful weather, which I found depressing. 
It is becoming a bit clearer.

>>August 7 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   I've been wandering in a haze for days. Time to stop. I 
understand love. I loved Ty and Rojo, although not in the way they 
loved each other. Bruiser loves me; we had the same look. It seems 
absurd that I didn't recognize that last time I saw him.
   I've been putting off seeking Snake due to my grief. No. Due to 
fear. I go tonight. I go alone.

>>August 8 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   It is so clear! I don't know why it took so long to realize. 
It... well... start at the beginning.
   My quest began in a sweat filled room with only one door. This 
short, greasy bald guy with a horrendous cigar entered from the 
other direction, blocking my path. He started to taunt me about 
loosing my magic. I thought it was some sort of test, but he never 
made any sort of question or point. Looking back on it now, I can 
see that it was a test of separating the mundane irrelevancies 
from my magic. When he began to make dry comments on my sex life, 
I said "Does any of this matter?" He just looked at me. I told him 
to back off any pushed him out of the way. He didn't seem to mind, 
and I sure felt a lot more confident.
   I thought I'd prepared myself for the sudden shifts in scenery 
so typical of the Metaplanes. I was wrong.
   Suddenly I found myself staring right into what I can only 
describe as the Source of Magic. Mana flowed out of a void, 
flooding the universe to infinity in every direction. It was 
enrapturing. After a long while (almost too long, I now realize), 
I noticed that the flow wasn't really fluid at all. More like 
individual streamlets. I noticed that one of the streamlets -- 
maybe threads is a better word -- seemed wrong somehow. I traced 
it's path from the void and found that it passed just above me.
   I remembered some bad hermetic theory that I'd read long ago. 
I'd always considered it garbage, but it seemed to work here. I 
experimented with the flow a bit. I made a wrong move and it 
charged through my body. It just left me tingling, but I think it 
could have been much worse. The stream seemed normal after that. 
I'd apparently fixed it.
   Water rushed around my ankles, and I was naked in a sewer. 
Almost like growing up again, but I was already full grown and not 
afraid. I felt Snake just around the corner.
   Realization struck just before I turned.
   Snake was before me, but elusive to the eye. She seemed to 
radiate thoughts this time and never spoke. I knew that my damage 
and loss of magic had been a punishment, but that was now 
incidental, because I now knew why I had been punished.
   I shouldn't have needed the hint, but the magic threads finally 
made sense. The thread was, of course, mine, but it wasn't 
'wrong,' just misused; or... sorcery done correctly, but for the 
wrong reasons. I'd been questioning everything. Is this on my 
path, is that on my path? Stupid. The path will come to me, not 
vice versa.
   Snake seemed to smile.
   For the first time in Her presence, I felt confident. Even now, 
as I sit here alone, I understand that do not know where I am 
going. And as never before, knowing that I do not gives me great 

>>August 10 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   I am still struck by the simplicity of Snake's lesson. I 
suppose all True things seem simple once they are understood. I 
talked to another of Snake's Chosen about the lesson today. He 
seemed to think that I should be upset about the permanency of it. 
I don't think he believed me when I said that I'd met Snake.
   I don't think She chose him the same way She chose me.
   Mentioning being chosen has reminded me of something Snake told 
me long ago. "You must not dwell on whether I think something is 
right or wrong. I have chosen you. Your decision will be the 
correct one." I should not have forgotten that.
   A Mage told me about a Sorcery lecture series given at the 
local college by some guest lecturer. A week ago, I would have 
worried about if going to this lecture was on my Path. It is 
somewhat liberating to have those thoughts vanish. The lectures 
have crossed my path, and sound interesting, so I will attend. The 
point is that I won't know if they are on the Path until they are 
   "Freedom is a road seldom traveled by the multitudes."

>>August 11 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   This sorcery seminar looks most intriguing. The professor is 
not Human. I mean literally not a Homo Sapiens. He calls himself 
Dion Kimber and is a City Spirit.
   He passed out a syllabus (which looks a bit too hermetically 
oriented for my tastes) but chose to tell his own story instead of 
teaching sorcery for the first lecture. He apparently went free 
some years ago after his summoner died. A corporate wage mage; 
geeked during a shadowrun. He seems very interesting.
   Only today have I noticed that I have cultivated Ty's more 
revealing style of dress. A subtle tribute perhaps? In this heat 
though, you need to dress skimpily. I actually wouldn't have 
noticed, but this early bloomer kept staring at my breasts during 
the lecture. Couldn't be more than fourteen years old. No skill, 
but lots of raw power. Coyote chosen, I think. The class is going 
to confuse the hell out of him.

>>August 14 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   I had to leave class today, 'cause I started to weep over Ty. 
Irrational timing. After I calmed down, though, I felt really 
good. Made me realize that she really did mean that much.
   The kid is in way over his head, which could be dangerous. He 
still continues to stare down my cleavage. I'm going to have to do 
something about that.
   I'm finding only one idea in four from lecture new, and maybe 
one out of every three of those useful. I almost forget that most 
of these students (not to mention the teacher) haven't ever seen 
the Metaplanes. Most of them -- how did Rojo put it? -- "don't know 
dick" about astral space.
   While shopping for my sorcery texts (mostly philosophy stuff), 
I found a book on enchanting. Hermetic, but I can relate to some 
of it. It's much more interesting than the sorcery texts, at 

>>August 16 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   I cornered the kid today and asked him why he found my breasts 
so fascinating. He kind of fumbled and mumbled sheepishly, which 
was sorta cute.
   I gave him a ride home, then invited myself in so I could 
convince him to look elsewhere for magical training. I mean, the 
kid's parents don't even know he's Awakened. I lay down the 
basics, especially the difference between shamanic and hermetic 
magic. That seemed really illuminating to him (as it did to me, 
all those years ago.) He asked me to tutor him for the summer. I 
   I talked myself out and turned to go, but he stopped me and 
said "I find your breasts fascinating because I don't have them." 
I was a bit too stunned to respond, and so he, eyes looking at the 
floor, said "Can I see them?" I remember thinking only: and the 
Path will come to you. I took off my shirt.

>>August 17 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   The kid (I never did learn his name) didn't show up in class 
today; a good sign. He'll do fine. Magically, he and I are a lot 
   I've been thinking about yesterday, and I'm not so sure that I 
went away profitless. I'd never made love to another magician 
before. There were some odd astral ripples. We both noticed them, 
and I think he may have learned more about magic from them than he 
did from anything I told him. I gained a little something into how 
sorcery effects auras. In fact, now that I think about it, it 
makes one of the points of today's lecture very clear.

>>August 20 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   Today I witnessed the joy of two parents in a park. Their child 
took her first steps, and was soon walking around the grass. For 
the first time that I can remember, I found myself thinking about 
my parents. Who were they? Why did they leave? It seems almost 
unnatural that I've not thought about it before.

>>August 24 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   I had lunch with Professor Kimber this noon. He is a 
fascinating man. Spirit, rather. Some of his subtle movements are 
so human, it gets hard to tell. He seems such an average normal-
guy, and then bam, he says the most brilliant thing you've ever 
   I've been using this diary much less, recently. I think that's 
a good sign. Maybe I don't need it any more.

>>September 3 / Santa Fe / Voice mode<<
   I've been traveling around with Dion. We've been teaching each 
other in the most wondrous locations. I can see why the NAN make 
such a big deal of pollution. I'd kill to regain this land, too.
   Dion has thought me a few new spells and I've gotten better at 
casting the ones I already know. Dion is actually a very artistic 
spirit. He's been encouraging my attempts at illusion sculpting. 
He's much better at it than I am. In return, I've been trying to 
teach him alchemy. It is going slowly. (I think spirits have a 
slower learning rate than humans. More repetitions seem 
   It seems odd that I've become so intimate with an astral 
entity. A hundred years ago, I might have been burned at the 
stake. Nowadays it's simply unusual. Dion has been with other 
women before. Lots of women, if the seemingly limitless pool of 
ideas he suggests is any indication. His staying power is 
   I find his predilection for handcuffs interesting. He seems to 
relish the control. At first I thought it was just control over 
me, but I think it is really the idea that he is in control of a 
magician that pleases him. When he first suggested the idea to me, 
I flat out refused; more ghosts from the past. Later I told him 
that I would if he'd tell me his truename. I expected him to 
freak, but he just looked at me and said "You can find that out 
yourself, can't you?" I said "Yes, I can." He thought about that 
for a second, then told me.
   Being bound still doesn't appeal to me, but it gets him very 
excited, and that does appeal to me. Perhaps more than it should.

>>September 14 / Taos / Voice mode<<
   Dion vanished three days ago. All my attempts to find him have 
failed. Either he has been banished or he doesn't want me to find 
him. In either case, I'm fairly certain that his truename was a 
lie. That surprised me, but it shouldn't have. I'm slipping a bit. 
This sounds heartless, but I don't miss him very much. I think we 
looked at each other as pleasant experimentation. I'm glad I never 
showed him the Collar.
   I'm beginning to miss home a bit. If for no other reason than I 
knew how the city worked. I have about a week left before my visa 
expires, so I'm going to head over to Sedona.

>>September 15 / Sedona / Voice mode<<
   This is one interesting place. On the one hand it is 
extraordinarily beautiful; the green against red against gray. On 
the other hand, it is filled with mundane magic-wannabees. I've 
never seen so many crystals in my life. You hear stories about the 
NAN lands, and how noble the Indians are, but I can't believe that 
the whites in this particular town were any worse than these 
   I was meditating up on a cliff, and one of these guys asks "May 
I join you?" I couldn't believe it. I was real tempted to blast 
him off the mountain.
   Hmmm. There is music playing from the next room that sounds 
familiar. Reminds me of sewers, for some reason.
   >>Input error -- Impedance overload<<

>>September 19 / Pueblo / Voice mode<<
   I think my decision about where to go next has been made for 
me. I seem to be a bit low on funds. I hate that feeling. Anyway, 
I leave for Seattle tomorrow. It'll be good to see the troops 
[Writer's Note: Tess was killed two months after this entry.]

                                 Sony-Louis Rollando

When my dad lived in New Orleans, I used to sneak out to the 
docks. The docks were a real sight for a ten year old. A lot of 
men, drunken bastards, used to hang out there. Probably still do. 
There were always a few kids out there, and we'd always gang 
together, more for protection than any kind of friendship. There 
were always new faces, and always some old faces who just stopped 
coming down. I always figured their parents found out, and kept 
them away. Most of the docksiders were listless and gray, but 
there were some right mean bastards as well.

Only a few of the bums would talk to us, mostly old sailors, I 
think. We always knew where they were. One I remember real well 
was a gray-haired old guy we called Patch-Eye. Never knew his real 
name, though we knew the name of an old flame of his -- he had her 
name tattooed beneath a picture of her on his right arm, though 
he'd never talk about her.

Patch-Eye could just as well have been Pegleg. I guess he was 
missing a lot of his body, and back then cyber just wasn't as 
common as it is now. I suppose cyber probably never did become as 
common in the Confederacy as it has here. I haven't been home for 
well over a decade now.

Anyway, Patch-Eye was still pretty good with his remaining eye. He 
could identify most any ship that came into the harbor, by name 
and origin, while it was still a sail, a smokestack, or an 
antennae array on the horizon. This was how most of his tales 
usually started.

"See that ship out there? That's the Marie Celeste III, bound from 
Amazonia. Probably loaded down with fruit and nuts, and not a few 
of them fetishes."

Few of us had ever seen any imported fruits. They were for people 
better than us. But most of us had been to a 'mamaloa' at least 
once, and seen their bottles and wands. Fetishes from the small 
jungles of South America, on the Pacific, were in sharp demand by 
the local witches.

"I was down in South America many times," he said, "but only once 
in the Amazon. You kids've never seen anything like that."

Actually, us kids had never seen much other than old drunks, muddy 
marshes, and yellowed, dying plants. Maybe that's why we listened 
so intently to him.

"Yeah, It was the Jesus San Marcos, a huge clipper, sails like an 
ocean of their own. Captain Washman, he was the owner as well, he 
sold his house for that boat, and a better deal he never made. 
Last I heard, old Washout sailed it to Free Europe, or whatever 
they call themselves now, and was running the African coast.

'Yeah, we sailed the San Marcos to the mouth of the Amazon. The 
Captain'd hired out to bring back some hunters and their game. Me 
and the rest of the crew, we figured it'd be some monsters. The 
jungles have always been odd, but after the awakening, no place 
could outdo the jungles for wickedness. All the legends of the 
jungles came true -- the Rahara of the Yanoama, the snake-lovers 
of the Warao, Yoin of the Kaingang."

Of course, none of us had been around during the awakening. We 
figured life before then must've been like life without 
electricity, or without computers.

"What are they? The Rahara is a snake, bigger than an anaconda. 
They can sleep for days, and even weeks, letting the jungle grow 
right over them. But let someone try to walk over it, and the head 
will whip around and swallow them whole, tearing up the jungle to 
do it. The Yoin is a huge, man-demon. It grabs people in the night 
-- yes, even rats like you -- and shoves a knife up your ass to 
rip out your heart and intestines. It eats them, I guess it thinks 
they're a delicacy.

'You know, I've heard rumors that one managed to sneak away on a 
trade ship, and there've been some strange deaths in the quarters 
recently. I'd be careful if I were you."

We didn't know enough to actually check the newspapers at the 
time, but I think he just made that up.

"So we were headed into this green hell to rendezvous with these 
guys, and bring their captures back to New Orleans. We anchored 
the San Marcos well into the Amazon basin, and the Captain, First 
Mate, and a couple of hands, including me, we got into a big barge 
and made our way upstream with poles and oars. It was hot work. 
There was no breeze, and it was as humid and hot as it ever gets 

'We all had shotguns, and one guy, John... John Yarbrough, he had 
an English longbow, just in case we ran into trouble and the guns 
didn't work. They don't call 'em dead zones for nothing, you know, 
and back then they weren't mapped out so well as today. Many a 
man's wound up dead thinking his rifle or cyber'll save him."

Of course, the same's true even today. Ten years ago the 
scientists made a big show about knowing exactly where the zones 
would be, but those of us who had to use their theories quickly 
learned not to trust them too much. Sure, if they predict a 
zone'll be in a spot, it'll often be true. But not always. And 
even in a zone there'll be pockets of normality. And we still have 
no idea why they'll grow with the moon, some of them disappearing 
completely with the New Moon.

Back then, though, we thought we knew everything.

"On the way in we saw a huge croc. I didn't think they came out 
that close to the ocean, but that one was big as a sea serpent, 
must've been 50-60 feet long.

'No, I don't know what that is in meters. Damn fools. Eat you for 
an hors d'oeuvre. Snap you clean away."

You know, I'm leaving out the parts where we find him some 
whiskey, or roll over another drunk for some fedsticks.. Dunno. 
And I'm sure I'm still forgetting some things. Memories are the 
most deceptive creatures in the awakened world. So, here goes:

He hacked up some phlegm. Some of the new kids left.

Hm... Now, you're probably getting a picture of Patch-eye as an 
old, dying drunk. Okay, that's what he was. But he was a lot more 
than that to us. Most of the kids had no father, or if they did, 
he hated them. A lot of the kids had no parents at all. Patch-eye 
was by no means a father substitute, but he was someone who 

I almost said 'a lot of my friends' instead of 'a lot of the 
kids,' but that'd be misleading. We stayed together for protection 
and order, not out of any need for friendship. You lose that real 
fast in the sprawl.

He wiped his face, and took another drink of whiskey.

"We beached the boats a few kilometers past the San Marcos. The 
savanna stretched right into the horizon. It'd been a lot easier 
to just bring the whole ship in, but that was against the law. It 
was still legal to hunt, though, cause the jungle was still 
screwy, and they were trying to regrow it. Crocs, for example -- 
we saw them everywhere, cause the Savannah favored them more than 
the jungle would've. I guess it was more an everglades than a 
Savannah, but not quite as much water.

'We made sure we camped far away from the river. We brought the 
rafts, put 'em on posts, and pitched the cots a foot off the 
ground. Made sleeping a whole lot easier.

'We got a message from the ship, that our contacts were further 
in, into the remaining jungle, another two or three days upriver.

'At night, the insects made more noise than a city street. To the 
south east, we saw what looked like the lights of a small city, 
but there were no cities here anymore. The only cities left in the 
Amazon were much closer to the Atlantic. I've heard rumors of dead 
cities inhabited by awakened animals and ghosts, and we were glad 
the insects drowned out whatever noises might be coming from that 
ghost city.

'In the morning, we pushed off again, poling slowly upstream. We 
passed another dead city, and as we passed I could've sworn the 
insects were speaking a barely audible Indian tongue. We, though, 
pushed on in silence."

Oh yes, I almost forgot. He emptied a bottle of tequila. We'd 
found him a near empty bottle thrown away from a nearby bar. He 
spit the worm out, and it rolled through the cracks in the dock. I 
heard it splash in the bay. Big worm. He went back to the whiskey.

"That night, there were fewer bugs, but more animals. What were 
once flying squirrels hopped like gliding rabbits in the tall 
grass and bush. A dragon or flying snake flew across the moon 
sometime early in the morning.

'The third day, we pushed up the Jari, a smaller river feeding the 
Amazon, and soon entered a new, low jungle. By night, the jungle 
was deep and dark. We got word from the trappers and the ship, and 
figured we'd meet up the next day.

'We were just about to sleep, when we hear this sizzling in the 
sky, like frying bacon. Fire fell from the trees. In another trip, 
among the Taka-noo, I learned that they're familiar with this, and 
blame a spirit sloth, whose crap is the source of all fire. We had 
to high-tail it out of there real quick.

'I never want to move around in the jungle at night again."

We felt the same way about New Orleans.

"And then, to top it all off, sometime around 4 in the morning, it 
starts raining, but the rain don't make it to us before it rolls 
around in the forest roof. By that time, the drops were green and 
warm, and felt like nothing less than a giant's piss.

'So, come morning, the sun starts heating the jungle up, and we're 
wet and tired. And there, as we round a corner in the river, are 
the trappers. So, we carried the animals back and made it to the 
ship by sundown. Now, you get out of here."


"Nope, that's the way it happened."

Absolutely not, and we knew it. Then some kid, I don't remember 
who (well, I remember who, just not his name. When we got a 
football game going, he was a good fullback), handed him a burger. 
God knows where it came from.

"OK, so we see the trappers, and they've got this monster in what 
looks to be the flimsiest cage I've ever seen. I mean, it had 
good-sized bars, but this thing was huge."

The kids up close moved back a bit to get out of range of the 

"I had no idea what it was, but I knew it was awakened. Even in 
the jungle nothing like that was natural.

'It had long arms, like an orangutan, but it stood at least 8 feet 
tall. No, 8 feet huge. It was an off green, like the underside of 
a frog, and the head... the head was horrible. It was like someone 
upended a giant spider and stuck it on this thing's neck, the 
bottom side facing towards us, and a square, fanged mouth in the 

'When it roared, it sounded like a dying elephant.

'That's not true. I've never heard an elephant dying. Only ones 
I've seen have been dead.

'Anyway, we round the bend and there this thing is, caged, sure, 
but for how long? John and I, we figure we ought to turn around 
right there. John's always been a smart one. I think he even went 
to college. He's probably back in England now.

'I have no idea how they captured this thing. They must've pumped 
it full of a keg of tranq. But as we get closer, we realize it 
won't be quite so hard to get it to the ship -- the cage is on 
pontoons, and there are real long ropes for tying it to their 
boat. So as long as it can't break out -- and we're hoping, hey, 
it hasn't broke out yet, maybe it can't -- as long as it can't 
break out, we're set. Lug it in, load it up, and go home. No 
problem. Piece of cake.

'There's no way we can sleep, so we figure we might as well get 
started. They had a long canoe, so eight of us row. The captain 
and two of the hunters (I guess there were only two hunters, and 
the rest were grunts like us) trail behind on two boats, each 
connected to a corner of the cage; they're about 30 feet behind 
the cage, and I'll bet they were wishing they were further. The 
two hunters each had tranq rifles, and they're trailing behind at 
an angle, so they can fire if they need to without worrying about 

'Cause if one of us gets tranqed, one of them'll have to row, of 
course. One thing I wasn't too sure on was what would happen if 
the cage started to catch up with us, because we were going 
downstream, after all. But I guess the canoe caught more current 
than the cage. That was one problem we didn't have to worry about.

'It was pretty easy going. The river was slow and steady, and we 
didn't have to work too hard. Coming out onto the Amazon was the 
same, though it got heady in some places. The Amazon's pretty 
wide, though, and all we had to worry about was keeping centered.

'And we made it. Past the dead cities and the talking insects, and 
into the basin. Had a bit of trouble loading it onto the San 
Marcos, though. One sailor got a nice gouge in his arm on that 
one. The ship's doctor had a hell of a time keeping it from 
turning green. And then, we pulled out and headed home.

'All through the first day and night it howled and banged on its 
cage. And the second day as well. But the second night... That 
night was dark. Probably we missed a storm further south. But I 
woke up that night, sometime after midnight, and I knew something 
was wrong. I felt like I did the time I got caught in the eye of 
Hurricane Gary. Like time just up and stopped. But I realized it 
wasn't like the hurricane at all -- I could still hear the waves 
punching up against the side of the ship, and there was a wind 
whistling through the sails.

'There wasn't an ounce of sound coming from the hold. I tried to 
wake up the guy next to me, but he wasn't there, and there was 
something warm and wet there instead. There was no light. I got 
off the bunk and woke up John, below me. We went up top, so as not 
to bother the guys sleeping.

'The captain and mate were up already. In the light of their 
lantern, I saw blood all over my hand, and then I got scared. Why 
we survived, I don't know. The captain had gone to the hunters' 
quarters to find out if the creature's silence was anything to 
worry about, and they were already dead, torn apart, he said. The 
thing had to be loose, and we had no weapons of worth to stop it. 
Not up here, anyway. Maybe, maybe the autos downstairs.

'Oh yeah, the tranq guns were gone. Washout asked John and I to go 
down and get everybody else up top. So we did. I was feeling too 
sick to think straight. Downside, John got his bow, and I woke up 
the two riflemen. Or tried to. One of 'em was dead, torn apart. 
The other one woke up groggily. I told him to get his auto, we had 
to get up. Then, John and I woke half of everyone else up -- the 
other half were dead. The creature had come through here and 
chosen half of us to kill. We were freaked. The rifleman began to 
understand what was going on, we just told him to follow us 

'Then he said he couldn't find his clips. He'd left one in and two 
taped to the sides before turning in -- he always did. But all 
three were gone, and so was his box.

'We heard something growl in the shadows, and we just sweated our way 
topsides. All told, there were ten of us left. And the only weapon 
between us some knives and a single bow. We started lowering the 
lifeboats. Washout was against it at first, but we convinced him 
in seconds. There was no way we were going to take this thing on 
and live.

'We lowered the two lifeboats, and while we were doing that the 
captain convinced two others to help him lower the sails. Then we 
climbed down, and five of us in each boat. John was the last one 
down, covering us with his bow. Bravest man among us, he was. I've 
nothing against college folk. We rowed off, watching the ship sit 
there on the ocean, against a backdrop of one or two stars poking 
through the clouds.

'We were picked up three days later, half... trashed, by a Cuban 
fishing boat.

'Washout hired some guns and a ship to help him find his own ship. 
He'd bet a lot of money on that boat. They found his ship to, two 
or three weeks later. The creature was gone, but from what I hear, 
the corpses were all strung about from the yardarm, skinned to the 
muscle, and no carrion-eaters or insects anywhere near.

'I told you Washout brought his ship to Europe. Nobody here would 
sign on to a ghost ship."

                Reviews of things you have to pay for.

Hunter S. Thompson
Ballantine Books, 1967
New York, NY

What's a go-gang? Face it: most of us have no idea what goes on in 
the kind of motorcycle gangs that populate cyberpunk worlds such 
as Shadowrun's. Well, Hunter Thompson risked his life just for us 
gamers. For over a year in the sixties, he hung out with the 
Hell's Angels, going to their meetings, their parties, and their 
'runs,' loafing, drinking, riding, and eventually getting stomped. 
His book captures the essence of cyberpunk in a world without the 
cyber. If you're looking for better ways to role-play your go-
gangs, I can recommend nothing better than Hell's Angels.

Here are a few quotes taken practically at random:
"...some of their homes resemble private arsenals -- knives, 
revolvers, automatic rifles and even a homemade armored car with a 
machine-gun turret on top. They don't like to talk about their 
weaponry... it's their only insurance policy against that day when 
the Main Cop decides on a showdown, and the Angels are absolutely 
certain that day is coming."

"There's only two kinds of people in the world [they say]... 
Angels, and people who wish they were Angels.... it helps to 
believe, when the body rot starts to hurt, that the pain is a 
small price to pay for the higher rewards of being a righteous 

"there has never been one, either, who had anything but contempt 
for the idea of good clean fun... which is one of the reasons they 
shun even the minimum safety measures that most cyclists take for 
granted. You will never see a Hell's Angel wearing a crash helmet. 
Nor do they wear... leather jackets.... Anything safe, they want 
no part of. The Angels don't want anybody to think they're hedging 
their bets.... any independent making a pitch for Angel membership 
would be rejected as "corny and chickensh*t" if he showed up in 

Quoting an Angel: "When you walk into a place where people can see 
you, you want to look as repulsive and repugnant as possible. We 
are complete social outcasts -- outsiders against society. And 
that's the way we want to be. Anything good, we laugh at. We're 
bastards to the world and they're bastards to us."
                                      reviewed by Jerry Stratton

Robert Kern, Michael E. Moore,
Gerard Christopher Klug
Approximately $10.
Victory Games, Inc., 1985
New York, NY 10001

Thrilling Locations is a supplement for the James Bond 007 role-
playing game, but it makes a marvelous handbook for any 
modern/near future game, including Shadowrun. Thrilling Locations 
describes luxurious casinos, luxurious hotels, luxurious 
restaurants, luxurious trains, luxurious boats, and luxurious 
jets. Thrilling Locations is written for high-rolling adventurers 
attempting to live in the world of royalty and money.

Maps are provided in each case. Almost all of the locations are 
real locations. In addition, other useful information is given. 
Under the casino section, a few interesting games are described. 
Under the boat section, some tips on outfitting the master 
villain's boat with armor and armory is provided. In each case, 
tips on npc encounters are detailed. You'll have to change the 
names from the Bondian things such as Plenty O'Toole, and replace 
'agent' with 'runner,' but there's very little useless information 
in this book. Almost nothing is game specific.

You'll get the Casino de Monte Carlo, the MGM Grand Hotel, the 
Tavern on the Green, the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express (yes, that 
Orient Express), the Burger Hargraves 125' cruiser, and the Regent 
Air luxury Jet. All fully described and mapped out in more detail 
than you're likely to need.

I'm very impressed with Thrilling Locations. I can recommend it to 
any referee running a modern/near future game.
                                      reviewed by Jerry Stratton

February 1992, $3.50 ($3.95 Canada).

The February issue of White Wolf contained one article 
specifically dedicated to Shadowrun, and another with some 
interesting ideas. There are three capsule reviews as well: The 
London Sourcebook, Native American Nations Volume Two, and Total 

The two articles of interest to Shadowrunners are New Shamanic 
Totems for Shadowrun, and The Scope of Magic.

New Shamanic Totems for Shadowrun
                                                    Berin Kinsman

These are new totems for Shadowrun mages. There's nothing special 
here -- each entry is simply a sentence or two about the totem's 
outlook/personality, and the advantages/disadvantages. Most are 
quite useful, although the 'Skunk' looks suspiciously to have been 
based on Pepe le Pew.

If you want more totems (and who doesn't?) this is worth looking 
at. You'll need to modify some of them depending on the precepts 
behind your world, but they're all reasonable (even the Skunk). 
Here's what you get: Armadillo, Badger, Bat, Beaver, Buffalo, 
Deer, Dolphin, Fox, Frog, Horse, Lizard, Mouse, Opossum, Otter, 
Skunk, Squirrel, Swan, Turtle, and Weasel.

The Scope of Magic
                                              Christopher Earley

This installment of the regular column _The Scope of Magic_
provides street spells for another modern role-playing game,
_Night Life_. Each of these spells has a place in the Shadowrun
universe. They're the kind of thing a wizard/shaman might invent
just to help survive normal, mundane life. Things like a stoplight
control spell, space guitar, and fake bus tokens. Most of these
spells should be Light, and staging is unlikely to be higher than
3, usually 1 (if it ends up being Mana-based), or 2 (if it ends up 
being physical).
                                      reviewed by Jerry Stratton


Wordman was nice enough to take the On Line Index to the Seattle 
Sourcebook and format it so that it can be put on one sheet of 
paper. You'll have to use both sides of that sheet, though. And 
you'll have to get the Rich Text version, chummer.

I see from the Rigger Black Book that FASA has finally realized 
that indexes are useful things. If anyone has indices for any of 
the other books, though, let us know! Maybe we can compile a 
comprehensive Shadowrun index.

Alabaster Maiden: 36
Alderwood Mall: 85
Algona Community Hospital: 111
Allied Independent Agribusiness: 117
Angel Express: 67
Angela's: 121
Aquaculture Lodge: 61
Aquarium: 37
Ares Macrotechnology: 71, 133, 153
The Armaldillo: 141
Assenson's Flying T-bird Farm: 117
Atlantean Foundation: 150
Atzlan: 31
Auburn Center: 97
Auburn District Courthouse: 109
Auburn District Hall: 109
Auburn General Hospital: 100
Auburn Mall: 108
Aurora Village: 38
The Aurora: 107
Aztecha International, South: 96
Aztechnology: 56-58, 35, 56, 89, 96, 150
Bagley Wright Theater: 38
Banshee: 131
Barn Burger: 107
Basil's Faulty Bar: 77
The Bawdy Lass: 114
Bellevue Art Museum: 67
Bellevue Correctional Facility: 68
Bellevue Crab House: 66
Bellevue District Courthouse: 68
Bellevue District Hall: 68
Bellevue Hilton: 66
Bellevue Pour House: 67
Bellevue Sleep & Eat: 66
Bellevue Square: 67
Berkley Soy Foods: 116
Bicson BioMedicals: 90
The Big "O": 121
Big Rhino, The: 29
Billing's Medical Services: 91
The Bishop's Corpse: 140
Black Junk Yards: 142
Blackstone's? of Paranatural: 115
Blood Monies Software: 98
Bob's Beer Factory: 72
The Body Mall: 134
Bosco's: 29
Bothell Mall: 115
Bowman Metal Works: 109
Brichert Paper Mills: 79
Brier Hotel: 114
Brother Anatole: 114
Cafe Sport: 29
Carnation-Seattle Ranch: 133
Casey's: 108
Cavilard Research Center: 71
Center House: 38
Charles Royer Building: 42
Charles Royer Station: 78
Chez Ogino: 26
City Health South: 100
Clone Zone Mall: 108
Club Penumbra: 36
Community General: 111
Comfy Cubicle
     Lakewood: 76
     Merideth: 96
Cougar Mountain Hospital: 72
Cougar Mountain Resort Hotel: 96
Council Island Hospital: 62
Council Island Inn: 60
Covington Rent and Rest: 104
The Crime Mall: 143
Crusher 495: 131
The Crying Wall: 78
Cutting Edge: 37
Dadson Vision Entertainments: 89
Damian's: 29
Dante's Inferno: 36
Darrington Correctional Facilities: 86
Dassurn Securities: 43
DeClerry's: 77
DeGear's Electronics: 72
Deireadh An Tuarthell: 142
Denton's Lore Store: 101
Diamond Deckers: 109
Dieringer Sleep Company: 107
Dirty Rikki's: 85
Doctor's Hospital of Tacoma: 80
The Downfall: 131
Downtown Library: 38
Dr. Bob's Quickstitch Clinic: 134
The Dragon's Roar: 67
The Drunken Non-Com: 126
Eagle Lodge: 61
Ebey's Bar: 85
The Edge: 29
Edmonds Instruments: 116
Elliot's: 29
Elven View: 28
The Emerald Room: 28
Enumclaw Moneymaker Hotel: 107
Everett Beacon Mall: 85
Everett Community College: 91
Everett District Court House: 86
Everett District Hall: 86
Everett Gala Inn: 84
Everett General Hospital: 91
Everett Naval Hospital: 91
Everett Naval Shipyard: 89
Everett Triple Tree Inn: 84
Evergreen Kingdom: 39
Executive Body Enhancements: 46
Exhibition Hall: 39
Ezell's Southern Accent: 66
Fast Freddie's Surgery: 46
Federal Building: 42
Federated Boeing Auburn Facility: 110
Federated Boeing Everett Facility: 89
Federated Boeing Field: 43
Federated Boeing Metalworks: 79
Federated Boeing Renton Facilities: 98
Federated Boeing Shipyards: 43
Fenris Nacht: 80
The Filthy Dragon: 104
Fort Lewis District Hall : 125
Fort Lewis Sauna: 126
Fort Lewis Stockades: 125
Fort Lewis Visitor's Quarters: 121
Fort Lewis Zoological Gardens: 122
The Frag Grenade: 54
French W Ranch: 116
Friendship Restaurant: 61
Fuchi Research Compound: 71
Gaeatronics: 71, 151
Gates Undersound Hotel: 26
The Gates: 72
Geon, Douglas: 48
Glass Onion: 29
Global Technologies: 71
Golden Soy: 121
Good Samaritan: 143
Gracie's For Ribs: 30
Grand Attraction: 84
Grand Council Lodge: 61
Gravity Bar: 30
Gravity Bar North: 85
The Gray Line: 30
Greasy Ben's: 100
The Green Nymph: 118
Green River Inn: 107
Green Village: 30
Greenwoods Inn: 66
Hajek's Computers: 91
Harborview Hospital: 45
Haukshorn Complex: 44
Health Maintenance Organization: 45
Hell's Kitchen Tours: 141
Hilton, Bellevue: 66
     Lake Youngs: 96
     Seattle: 27
The Hole Story: 108
Hollywood Correctional Facilities: 132
Hollywood Hospital: 134
Hollywood Simsense : 133
Hotel Nikko: 27
Howling Good Time: 141
Humana Hospital: 80
Icarus Descending: 30
Independent Information Network: 90
Ingersoll and Berkley : 90
Ingersoll and Berkley Tower: 44
Ingersoll Aquaculture: 116
The Italiano: 101
The Jackal's Lantern: 131
Jason's Bar and Grill: 85
Jay's Boathouse North: 114
The Joke: 131
Kennedy's Cheap Electronics: 92
Kenston Aircraft Interiors: 142
Kingsley Precision Metals: 117
Knight Errant: 64, 71
Knight Errant Training Academy: 98
Knutson's Country Home: 31
Lake Forest Park: 115
Lake Wilderness Hospital: 111
Lake Youngs Hilton: 96
Lakewood Comfy Cubicle: 76
Lakewood Shezan: 77
Laubenstein Plaza: 27
Learson Shipyards: 79
Lee Chee Garden: 31
Life-Eez Appliances: 133
Ling Ho: 31
Little Bit O' Saigon: 28
Lone Star: 151
Lone Star Security Building: 44
Lost Unicorn: 121
Loveland Bump and Sleep: 140
Loveland Quinn's: 143
Lucas Place: 27
Lynwood Library: 92
The Mad Woman: 131
Madigan Army Hospital: 125
Magician's Feast: 107
Main Place Arcade: 67
Maple Valley General: 100
Maple Valley Mall: 97
Marcus' Hotel: 31
Margaret Bridge Child Hospital: 80
Matchstick's: 36
Maximillion's: 31
Mayflower Park Hotel: 27
McChord Airfield Visitors Center: 122
McChord Hospital: 126
McKuen's Scrap Yard: 44
McMillin Correctional Facilities: 142
Medicine Lodge Hollow: 62
Merideth Comfy Cubicle: 96
Metroplex Hall: 42
Metroplex Prison: 42
Metroplex Supreme Court: 43
Microdeck Industries: 71
Microdeck: 149
Miller-Forest Computers: 126
Miner's Landing: 32
Mitsuhama Computer Technologies : 44
The Mogul: 67
Mon Hing Restaurant and Bar: 97
Monohan Vehicles: 133
Mountlake Memorial Hospital: 118
Mukilteo City Park: 86
The Murdered Mime: 100
Murphy's Law: 32
Museum Lodge: 62
New Century Square Hotel: 27
Night Crawlers Corporation: 99
Nightingale's Body Parts: 45
Northgate Mall: 39
Novelty Hill Sleep & Eat: 130
Nukit Burgers: 46
Nyen Lang: 32
Ohgi-Ya: 32
Omnidome: 39
Opera House: 39
The Other Place: 32
Overlake Medical Research Center: 72
Pacific Rim Communications : 79
Pacific Science Center: 39
Pacific University: 122
Palace of China: 80
Parkland Gala Inn: 121
Parkland Mall: 122
Passport Lodge: 62
Petrowski Farms: 142
Pike Place Farmer's Market: 39
Pink Door: 32
The Playhouse: 38
Port of Tacoma Police Station: 79
Psychedelic Pirate: 37
The Purgatory: 115
Purple Haze: 32
Purple Haze, Tacoma: 77
Puyallup District Court House: 142
Puyallup District Hall: 142
Puyallup Lodge: 140
Red Lobster: 27
Redmond Center Hotel: 130
Redmond Center Mall: 132
Redmond District Hall: 132
Redmond District Court House: 132
Redmond General: 134
Redmond Phoenix House: 131
Reno's: 35
Renraku Arcology: 47-55
Renraku Computer Systems: 152
Renton Center Mall: 97
Renton District Court House: 98
Renton District Hall: 98
Renton Hole in the Wall: 97
Renton Inn: 96
Renton Mall: 40
The Retirement: 141
The Rubber Suit: 92
Rumpelstiltskin's: 54
Run Run Shaw's: 35
Sea-Tac Mall: 78
Seattle Art Museum Pavillion: 40
Seattle Coliseum: 40
Seattle Convention Center: 40
Seattle Ferry Terminal: 86
Seattle General Hospital: 45
Seattle Hilton: 27
Seattle University: 40
Seattle-Tacoma Airport: 42
Seward Club: 37
Shadow Lake Correctional : 98
     Snohomish: 114
     Tacoma: 76
Shiawase Corporation: 79, 152
Shy Giant: 121
Silcox Island Correctional : 79
The Silver Fools: 67
The Skeleton: 134
Snohomish District Court House: 116
Snohomish District Hall: 116
Snohomish Medical Center: 118
Snohomish Optical Incorporated: 117
Snohomish Security Personnel: 118
Snohomish Society Farm: 117
South Island Clinic: 62
Space Needle: 40
The Spirit Focus: 143
THE Sports Bar: 35
Squatter's Mall: 134
Stouffer-Madison Hotel: 27
Stuck's Bag-Your-Body: 111
Stuck's Carnival: 111
Stuffer Shacks: 46
Sybrespace: 37
Tacoma Charity General: 80
Tacoma District Courthouse: 79
Tacoma District Hall: 79
Tacoma Dome Hotel: 76
Tacoma Ferry Terminal: 78
Tacoma Mall: 78
Tacoma Nybbles & Bytes: 80
Tacoma Style: 77
Taetzel Building: 134
Takuri's: 35
Talbot Security Vehicles: 99
Tam's Under the Needle: 35
The Terrible Taps: 122
The Terror Pit: 97
Thomas Lake Mining and Oil: 90
Thomas Vinters: 68
Thrasher's Correctional Facilities: 116
The Top Side: 114
Trader Vic's: 28
Transonics: 40
Travis Memorial: 91
The Turner Clinic: 118
Twenten's: 141
Tyee, Thunder: 14-15
UA.S. Post Office: 43
U.S. Public Health Hospital: 45
Ultra Resort: 111
Underworld 93: 143
United Oil R& D: 110
University Hospital: 46
University of Washington: 25, 40, 60
Urban Combat Simulator: 125
Villa Plaza: 78
Wanda's Witchery: 97
Warwick Hotel: 27
Weapons World: 46
West Coast Hamlin Hotel: 28
Westin Hotel: 28
Wylle's Gala Inn: 28
Wynaco Correctional Facilities: 109
Y.MA.: 42
Yoshiro's: 131
You Should Not Eat So Much!: 35
Zalensky's Electronics: 80