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PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service            07/14           1:22 AM

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   Board:  SCIENCE FICTION BB   ^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   Topic:  ROBERT JORDAN        ^^^^^^^^^^^^

===============   Note     1              =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:                ALL                   Date:    07/01
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:     6:42 PM

<note 1 of 5>                                               
 1992 by Richard S. Millard                                 
The Wheel of Time                                           
An Introductory Chronology and Prosopography                
October 30, 1992                                            
  This paper attempts to construct a general chronology     
for the major events of the thirty years preceding the      
action of The Wheel of Time, and to establish some basic    
biographical facts regarding the major characters.  A       
future paper will present a detailed chronology of the      
years 997-998 NE, in which the events described in the      
books occur.  This paper also notes and attempts to         
correct a few minor inconsistencies and errors in the       
books. In this paper the following abbreviations will be    
     EW - The Eye of the World                              
     GH - The Great Hunt                                    
     DR - The Dragon Reborn                                 
          SR - The Shadow Rising                            
l page citations will be to the hardcover editions;         
chapter citations will be provided for the benefit of       
readers using other editions.                               
  1.  Known Dates. This chronology will be based on         
three known dates given in the Glossary and which are       
assumed to be correct                                       
 (a)  the Aiel War commenced in 976 NE and ended in 978     
NE  (SR p.684, Glossary under "Aiel War");                  
 (b)  Tigraine, the Daughter-Heir of Andor, disappeared in  
972 NE (DR p. 593, Glossary under "Tigraine"; and           
 (c)  the false dragon Logain was active in 997 NE (SR      
p.689, Glossary under "Dragon, false"). It is also stated   
in the Glossary that Siuan Sanche was elevated to the       
Amyrlin Seat in 985 NE (DR p. 591, Glossary under "Siuan    
Sanche"; note, however, that this date was not included in  
the SR Glossary entry). However, for the reasons stated     
below, this appears to be an error and has been             
disregarded. An alternative date is suggested below.        
  2.  Date of Action.  As noted above, the Glossary         
indicates that the false dragon Logain was active in 997    
NE. Since Logain began his war and was captured and         
gentled during the action of The Eye of the World (EW p.    
167, ch. 14 and p. 496, ch. 39) we know that Moiraine's     
first visit to Emond's Field occurred in the spring of 997  
NE.  This date is consistent with statements that the Aiel  
war was "nearly twenty years ago" (GH p. 108-109, ch. 8,    
and SR p. 117, ch. 8), with Moiraine's statement that she   
and the Amyrlin have known of the birth of the Dragon       
Reborn for "nearly twenty years" (GH p. 52, ch. 5), and     
with the statement during the second year of the action     
that Gitara Moroso, the former Keeper of the Chronicles     
who died at the time of the Dragon's rebirth, has been      
dead twenty years (SR p. 29, ch. 1).  As discussed below,   
this date is also consistent with the ages given for the    
major characters.                                           
  3.  Biographical Data.  On the basis of the dates given   
above, and the other biographical data cited below, we      
can develop the following brief biographies                 
 (a)  Rand al'Thor.  Rand was born on Dragonmount in the    
battle that ended the Aiel War (see, for example, EW p.     
73, ch. 6 and GH p. 109, ch. 8).  It was winter and         
snowing at the time (GH p. 108, ch. 8). Rand was therefore  
born in the winter of 978 NE, and is 19 at the time of the  

===============   Reply    1 of Note    1 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:11 PM

<note 2 of 5>                                               
attack on Emond's Field.  This is consistent with the       
statements that he, Mat and Perrin are "not yet 20" (EW,    
p. 438, ch. 34), that Moiraine and Siuan Sanche have been   
searching for him for "nearly 20 years" (GH, p. 52, ch. 5)  
and that his birth was "nearly 20 years ago" (GH p. 108,    
ch. 8). Rand is the younger son of Tigraine, Daughter-Heir  
of Andor, who disappeared in 972 NE, joined the Maidens of  
the Spear that same year, and was adopted into the Chumai   
sept of the Taardad Aiel.  (For his resemblance to          
Tigraine, see DR p. 373, ch. 39; DR p. 446, ch. 45; and SR  
p. 267, ch. 23; for the story of his mother's journey to    
the Waste and acceptance by the Aiel, see SR p. 392, ch.    
34 and p. 664, ch. 57).  Rand is half-brother to            
Galadedrid Damodred (see below), the son of Tigraine and    
Taringail Damodred, and is the nephew of Tigraine's         
brother, Luc, who disappeared in the Blight in 971 NE (GH   
p. 590, Glossary under "Luc"). Rand's father was Janduin,   
of the Iron Mountain sept of the Taardad Aiel (SR p. 664,   
ch. 57), clan chief of the Taardad and leader of the Aiel   
in the Aiel War.  Janduin was killed in the Blight,         
probably by Rand's uncle Luc, shortly after the end of      
Aiel War (SR p. 393, ch. 34). Rand was found on the slopes  
of Dragonmount following the last battle of the Aiel War    
(EW p. 73, ch. 6; GH p. 109-110, ch. 8) by Tam al'Thor, a   
shepherd and farmer from the Two Rivers, who had left home  
to join the army of Illian. Tam al'Thor had served in the   
Whitecloak War and two wars with Tear, had become a         
blademaster, a master of the sword, and  had risen to       
Second Captain of the Companions (GH p. 105, ch. 8), an     
elite unit of the army of Illian that accompanied the       
general of an army and were used as shock troops at the     
key points of battles (SR p. 505, ch. 45). After serving    
with the army of Illian in the Aiel War, Tam al'Thor        
returned to the Two Rivers with his wife, Kari, from        
Caemlyn, and Rand, still an infant (GH p. 105, ch. 8).      
 (b)  Perrin Aybara.  Since we know that Perrin was born    
"within weeks" of Rand (EW p. 94, ch. 8), he must have      
been born sometime in the winter of 978 NE, and is also 19  
when the story begins.  Perrin was raised on a farm half a  
day east of Emond's Field, almost to the Waterwood, and is  
the oldest of four children.  His younger siblings, Adora,  
b. 982, Deselle, b. 986 and Paetram, b. 989 (SR p. 327,     
ch. 29) are killed by Trollocs in 998 NE.  Perrin has been  
apprenticed to Haral Luhan, the blacksmith of Emond's Field.
 (c)  Matrim Cauthon.  Mat Cauthon was also born "within    
weeks" of Rand al'Thor (EW p. 94, ch. 8), in  978, and is   
therefore 19 at the time of Moiraine's first visit to       
Emond's Field  at Winternight, 997.  Mat is the son of      
Abell and Natti Cauthon and the oldest of three children.   
His younger sisters, Eldrin and Bodewhin, together with     
their mother, are captured and held by Whitecloaks in The   
Shadow Rising, until rescued by Perrin Aybara.              
 (d)  Egwene al'Vere.  We know that Egwene is two years     
younger than Rand (EW p. 35, ch. 3, GH p. 31, ch. 3 and SR  
p. 57, ch. 2).  She must therefore have been born in 980    
NE, and would be 17 when we first meet her.  She is the     
youngest daughter of Brandelwyn ("Bran") al'Vere,           
proprietor of the Winespring Inn and mayor of Emond's       
Field, and his wife Marin (SR p. 329, ch. 29).              
 (e)  Nynaeve al'Meara.  In Nynaeve's case, errors and      

===============   Reply    2 of Note    1 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:17 PM

<note 3 of 5>                                               
inconsistencies in the books present some problems. On the  
one hand, we are told that Nynaeve is seven years older     
than Egwene (DR p. 515, ch. 51), which would place her      
birth in 973 NE.  This is consistent with her statement     
that she can "just remember" Tam and Kari al'Thor           
returning with Rand to Emond's Field (EW p. 202, ch. 16;    
she would have been about five at the time) and that she    
is "only a few years older" than Rand (GH p. 70, ch. 6),    
just enough older to have looked after him when he was      
little (GH, p. 115, ch. 8). She would then have been 24 at  
the time of Moiraine's visit to Emond's Field.  On the      
other hand, we are also told that Nynaeve is up to a year   
older than Galad (DR p. 150, ch. 16). Since Galad cannot    
have been born after 972 (when his mother, Tigraine,        
disappeared) and was likely born somewhat earlier (see      
below), this would place Nynaeve's birth in approximately   
971 NE or even earlier.  This would make her at least nine  
years older than Egwene and at least 26 at the time she     
first meets Moiraine. Since Nynaeve's youth is emphasized   
so strongly (for example, Moiraine calls her "child" at     
their first meeting, EW p. 20, ch. 2, and she is described  
as "little more than a girl", GH p. 47, ch. 4), the 973     
date seems somewhat more likely.  On the basis of this      
date, Nynaeve is at least one and more likely two or three  
years younger than Galad.  Nynaeve's parents are dead, and  
she seem to have no siblings (EW p. 196, ch. 16).  When     
the books begin, she is the Wisdom of Emond's Field (EW p.  
7, ch. 1), having served her apprenticeship with the        
previous Wisdom, Mistress Barran (EW p. 268, 270,  ch. 21). 
 (f)  Elayne.  Elayne, of House Trakand, the Daughter-Heir  
of Andor, is approximately the same age as Egwene al'Vere   
(GH p. 300, ch. 24) and approximately two years younger     
than Rand al'Thor (EW p. 499, ch. 40).  Accordingly, we     
may place her birth in 980 NE.  She would be 17 when she    
first meets Rand.  She is the daughter of Queen Morgase     
and Taringail Damodred, the sister of Gawyn and the         
half-sister of Galad, and is Moiraine Damodred's niece      
(see below).                                                
 (g)  Gawyn.  Gawyn is slightly older than Elayne (EW p.    
499, ch. 40), and "much like" Rand in age (GH p. 392, ch.   
32). He must therefore have been born in approximately 978  
NE, and would be about 19 when the story begins.  He is     
the son of Queen Morgase and Taringail Damodred, the        
brother of Elayne, the half-brother of Galad and            
Moiraine's nephew.                                          
 (h)  Galad.  Galadedrid Damodred is the son of Tigraine    
and Taringail Damodred, and must therefore have been born   
before Tigraine disappeared in 972 NE.  Unless Tigraine     
abandoned Galad before his first birthday, he must          
actually have been born in 971 NE or even earlier.  If we   
accept the latest of the possible dates for Nynaeve's       
birth (see above), then Galad must be the older of the      
two.  Of course, it is possible that the date given for     
Tigraine's disappearance is incorrect (if she disappeared   
later, then Galad could be younger), but since Tigraine     
(Shaiel) appeared in the Aiel Waste in 972 (four years      
before "Laman's Sin" and the beginning of the Aiel War in   
976 NE, SR p.392, ch. 34), the 972 date for her             
disappearance appears to be correct.  Galad must be at      
least 25/26 when we first meet him.  Galad is the older     

===============   Reply    3 of Note    1 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:17 PM

<note 4 of 5>                                               
half-brother of both Prince Gawyn of Andor and of Rand      
al'Thor, and is Moiraine's nephew.                          
 (i)  Moiraine Damodred.  Moiraine Damodred is Taringail    
Damodred's youngest half-sister, and King Laman's niece     
(SR p. 194, ch. 17). She is therefore the aunt of           
Taringail's children Galad, Gawyn and Elayne (although her  
niece and nephews appear to be unaware of this              
relationship), and sister-in-law to Queen Morgase. She is   
an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, having been raised to the    
shawl shortly after the end of the Aiel War in 978 NE (GH   
p. 270, ch. 22). Since she must have been in her late 20s   
at the time, she would be in her late 40s, perhaps 46-48,   
at the time of her first visit to Emond's Field.  She is a  
close friend of Siuan Sanche, the Amyrlin Seat, with whom   
she was a novice in the White Tower.                        
 (j)  al'Lan Mandragoran.  Lan is the son of al'Akir        
Mandragoran and his queen el'Leanna, the last king and      
queen of Malkier (EW p. 595-597, ch. 47).  He has been      
Moiraine Sedai's Warder for "nearly 20 years", since        
Moiraine was raised to the shawl shortly after the end of   
the Aiel War (GH p. 270, ch. 22).  It appears that Lan      
is approximately the same age as Moiraine, which would be   
consistent with Nynaeve's observation that Lan is old       
enough to be her father (GH p. 114, ch. 8), and with Lord   
Agelmar's statement that the fall of Malkier, when Lan was  
an infant, was "fewer than 50 years ago" (EW p. 595, ch.    
47).  Therefore Lan would also be approximately 46-48 at    
the time of the first visit to Emond's Field.               
 (k)  Aviendha.  Aviendha is approximately the same age as  
Egwene and Elayne (DR p. 360, ch. 38).  We may assume that  
she was born in approximately 980, and thus, like Egwene    
and Elayne, is approximately 18 when they meet in The       
Dragon Reborn during 998 NE.  Aviendha is described in      
several locations (DR p. 361, ch. 38 and SR p. 686,         
Glossary under "Aviendha") as being of the "Bitter Water"   
sept of the Taardad; the reference to "Nine Valleys" in     
The Shadow Rising (SR p. 158, ch. 12) is erroneous.         
 (l)  Siuan Sanche.  Siuan Sanche, the Amyrlin Seat, is     
the daughter of a poor fisherman's family from the Maule,   
the port district of Tear (GH p. 46, ch. 4). We are told at 
least twice, once in 997 NE and once in 998, that she has   
been the Amyrlin Seat for nearly ten years (GH p. 46, ch.   
4; DR p. 116, ch. 12).  Later in 998 we are told that she   
has been Amyrlin for over ten years (SR p. 23, ch.          
1).  If she had been raised in 985, as stated in the        
Glossary (DR, p.591, Glossary under "Siuan Sanche"), she    
would have been Amyrlin 12 or 13 years at the time of       
these statements.  Accordingly, the Glossary date must be   
wrong (and in fact, the date has been removed from the      
Glossary in The Shadow Rising).  The correct date           
would seem to be 988, with her tenth anniversary occurring  
sometime between the statements in The Dragon               
Reborn and The Shadow Rising.                               
 (m)  Thom Merrilin.  We know little of Thom Merrilin,      
except that he is a former Court Bard at the court          
of Andor, in Caemlyn, and an adept player of the Game of    
Houses.  He became the lover of Queen Morgase of            
Andor in the early 980s, after the death of Taringail       
Damodred (which cannot have been much before the birth of   
Elayne in 980).   He may have been responsible for the      

===============   Reply    4 of Note    1 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:17 PM

<note 5 of 5>                                               
death of Taringail, who seems to have been plotting to      
kill the Queen and seize power in Andor (SR p. 194, ch      
17).  His nephew Owyn was captured and gentled by the       
Red Ajah in approximately 983 (SR p. 77 ch. 4; p. 195, ch.  
17), and Thom's attempts to      interfere with this        
brought him afoul of Elaida and led to his breach with      
Queen Morgase.                                              
 (n)  Min.  We know less of Min (Elmindreda) than of any    
other significant character - not even her last name.       
When we first meet her she is working at an inn in          
Baerlon, but we do not know whether this is her native      
city, and we know nothing of her family.  She is described  
as "a little older" than Rand (EW p. 180, ch. 15), and Mat  
once described her, in jest, as "nearly as old as Nynaeve"  
(EW p. 569, ch 45). It is likely that Mat exaggerates, but  
Min is still likely to be a year or two older than Rand;    
say 20 or 21 when they first meet.                          
 (o)   Zarine Bashere.  Zarine (Faile) is the same age as   
Perrin (DR p. 318, ch. 33 and p. 333, ch. 35), 20 years     
old when they meet in The Dragon Reborn.  She is the        
oldest surviving child of Davram, Lord of Bashere,          
Marshall-General of Saldea and uncle of Queen Tenobia;      
Faile is thus the Queen's cousin (SR p. 471, ch. 41).       
Since Queen Tenobia is eight years older than Faile (SR p.  
649, ch. 56), the Queen would have been born in 970         
NE, and would now be 28.  Faile has at least one surviving  
sibling, a younger brother Maedin, now 18 (SR p. 472, ch.   
  4.  General Chronological Table.  On the basis of the     
foregoing dates, we can construct the following general     
chronology for the years leading up to beginning of The     
Wheel of Time                                               
     Year               Event                               
970          Queen Tenobia of Saldea born                   
971          Luc disappears in the Blight; [Galad born?]    
972          Tigraine disappears; Shaiel joins Aiel         
973          Nynaeve born                                   
975          [The Sucession; contention for throne of Andor]
976          Laman's Sin; Aiel War begins                   
977          [Min born?]                                    
978          Aiel War ends; Rand, Perrin, Mat, Gawyn, Faile 
          born; Moiraine, Siuan Sanche raised to Aes Sedai; 
          Moiraine meets Lan                                
980          Egwene, Elayne, Aviendha, Maedin Bashere born  
981          [Taringail Damodred dies?]                     
983          [Thom Merrilin's nephew Owyn gentled; Thom     
          leaves Queen Morgase]                             
988          Siuan Sanche raised to Amyrlin Seat            
997          The Eye of the World (spring)                  
               The Great Hunt (summer, fall)                
998          The Dragon Reborn (spring)                     
          The Shadow Rising (summer)                        
   It is remotely conceivable (if unlikely, given what we   
know of Morgase's character), that Thom's relationship      
with Morgase predated Taringail's death; even that Thom is  
in fact Gawyn's and Elayne's natural father.  If this were  
the case, Elayne would be correct in her repeated           
insistence that Galad is not her brother.                   

===============   Note     2              =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:                ALL                   Date:    07/01
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:     6:48 PM

<note 1 of 18>                                              
  Please note that the words "maybe," "perhaps," and "I     
believe" are scattered in ample amounts in this analysis    
of the prophecies. I tried to include as many               
possibilities as I could think of and as many               
possibilities as other could think up. That still doesn't   
mean that we've hit on the right possibility. Just be sure  
to remember that no interpretation contained herein is 100% 
for sure correct...Also, if you have any ideas, please      
feel free to share them with me so I can add them to this   
analysis.   Moiraine/Carolyn BJRK57C@prodigy.com            
An Analysis of the Prophecies of the Wheel of Time          
(to be considered the compliment to the May 29, 1994        
compilation by Carolyn Fusinato)                            
June 29, 1994                                               
by Carolyn Fusinato w/ help from the analysis by various    
individuals on aol (Aaron17, Jman214, TaxLaw) as well as    
from RS Millard's October, 92 compilation.                  
1. Histories from the Fourth Age.                           
         1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04                             
2. Prophecy.                                                
    i. The Karaethon Cycle.                                 
      a. portions of the Karaethon Cycle as recounted by    
         various characters                                 
         2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07, 2.08,    
         2.09, 2.10, 2.11                                   
      b. commentaries and translations from the Third Age   
         on the Karaethon Cycle                             
         2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16                       
   ii. prophecy pertaining to a certain people.             
      a. The Jendai Prophecy.                               
      b. The Prophecy of Rhuidean                           
         2.18, 2.19, 2.20, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23                 
  iii. dark prophecy.                                       
      a. Verin's interpretation of the dark prophecy        
   iv. Prophecy of the Horn of Valere.                      
         2.26, 2.27, 2.28, 2.29                             
3. Foretellings.                                            
   ii. Elaida's Foretellings.                               
         3.01, 3.02                                         
   ii. Diendre's Foretellings.                              
  iii. Gitara Moroso's Foretellings.                        
         3.04, 3.05                                         
4. Dreams.                                                  
    i. Egwene's dreams.                                     
         4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05, 4.06                 
   ii. Perrin's dreams.                                     
         4.07, 4.08, 4.09                                   
  iii. Wise One's dreams.                                   
         4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17     
   iv. Morin's dreams                                       
    v. Sorelle's dreams.                                    
   vi. Rand's dreams.                                       
         4.20, 4.21, 4.22, 4.23, 4.24, 4.25, 4.26, 4.27,    

===============   Reply    1 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:05 PM

<note 2 of 18>                                              
         4.28, 4.29, 4.30, 4.31, 4.32                       
5. Visions.                                                 
    i. Min's visions.                                       
         5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08,    
         5.09, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 5.13, 5.14, 5.15, 5.16     
   ii. Aelfinn's visions                                    
  a. Mat's questions and the Eelfinn's answers              
  b. What we know of Rand's answers                         
         5.18, 5.19, 5.20, 5.21, 5.22, 5.23, 5.24           
  c. What we know of Moiraine's answers                     
         5.25, 5.26, 5.27, 5.28                             
6. Ter'angreal used by the Wise Ones in Rhuidean.           
    i. Aviendha.                                            
         6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04                             
   ii. Moiraine.                                            
         6.05, 6.06, 6.07                                   
7. Eelfinn.                                                 
         7.01, 7.02                                         
1. Histories from the Fourth Age.                           
1.01  History of the breaking of the world.                 
1.02  "The mountain" must be Dragonmount. The portion that  
states that the Rand should "sing to the land that green    
things will grow and the valleys give forth lambs" may      
indicate that the song that the Tuatha'an are searching     
for will be found-perhaps by Rand. Artur Hawkwing's sword   
is named Justice, but the exerpt stating "the great sword   
of justice defend us" may merely be metephorical. "Let the  
Dragon ride again on the winds of time" may have some       
relevance to Perrin's dream which concerns Rand (4.08).     
1.03  The "Sword held in the Stone" is Callandor (obvious   
allusion to excalliber). It is interesting that it states   
that "no hand but his should wield...[Callandor]. This      
indicate that the theory that Logain will draw Callandor    
from the Heart of the Stone is only speculation.            
1.04  Rand led the Aiel out of the Waste to battle with     
the Shaido and those that follwed Couladin.                 
2. Prophecy.                                                
    i. The Karaethon Cycle.                                 
      a. portions of the Karaethon Cycle as recounted by    
         various characters                                 
2.01  The Aiel also known as the People of the Dragon came  
to the Stone at the end of TDR they raided it, but Rand     
took the stone after he drew Callandor and after he         
defeated Ishamael. The Stone has fallen.                    
2.02  Could mean just about anything. The world is          
definately in tourmoil, but it cannot be described as       
"shattered" yet. Neither has he made it anew.               
2.03  The first heron was received fighting Ishamael in     
one of the Mirrors while traveling with Hurin and Loial     
and hunting the horn in TGH. The second heron was received  
at the end of TGH when he fought Ishamael again in the      
mist above Falme. Here is where there is disagreement.      
Some contest that Rand has yet to be marked a second time   
by the Dragon. This is based partly on the fact that we     
are not sure what price he must pay. The first heron sent   

===============   Reply    2 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:05 PM

<note 3 of 18>                                              
him to Falme with the Horn. The second saw him named the    
Dragon Reborn. The first marking of the Dragon was for the  
lost remembrance of the Aiel's past as Da'shain, servants   
to the Aes Sedai. The theory is also based on some other    
prophesy, namely one of Perrin's dreams (4.08)and two of    
Egwene's dreams (4.02, 4.04).                               
2.04  "Twice dawns the day..." is probably the eclipse      
theory, but some think Rand will use balefire (even if he   
did, he wouldn't travel back in time, the time that         
elapsed just would not have happened.) "Once for mourning"  
may be Rand's death or someone elses. It's unclear. Once    
for birth, may be for the birth of the Fourth Age, or for   
the birth of Rand's supposed offspring. It has been         
speculated that by some off chance, Aviendha conceived.     
Not untirely unlikely...considering. "Red on black.."       
blood letting-Rand supposes that it will be from the wound  
he received in Falme- doesn't necessarily mean death. Rand  
will battle with the Dark One in the Pit of Doom. Some      
believe he will seal himself in with the Dark One this      
2.05  Rand will face the Dark One in the Last Battle.       
2.06  Perrin, Hurin, Ingtar, Mat and Rand rode into Falme,  
but Ingtar sacrificed himself so that they could escape     
alive. The watchers are probably the Do Miere A'vron in     
Falme where he was marked by the Heron the second time and  
fought Ishamael in the sky ("banner cross the sky in        
fire") causing him to be named the Dragon Reborn.           
2.07  Rand's intentions were to lead the Aiel across the    
Dragonwall and bind the nations to him by concurring them   
with the Aiel. He hoped that this would give the world a    
short time of peace in which they could prepare for the     
coming of the Dark One. While in service to Rand for this   
purpose, they will apparently be slain in battle and then   
almost utterly at the upcoming Battle of Tar Valon. He has  
already begun destroying them with the leaf when he told    
them of their origins at the end of TSR. The Aiel once      
followed the Way of the Leaf. To the Aielman's way of       
thinking, their ancestors swore to be gai'shain and swore   
for all of their decendants to be gai'shain. In breaking    
their oath to the Aes Sedia, their ancestors broke          
ji'e'toh in taking up the spear, which is nearly the worst  
thing an Aiel can do.                                       
To "bind the nine moons to serve him" must refer to the     
Seanchan since the only nine moons mentioned is the Court   
of the Nine Moons which the Empress is reputed to lead.     
I would guess that the "wound of madness and cutting of     
hope" that he is to heal is the taint, however the taint    
isn't a "wound" of madness, but the precipitator of it.     
Perhaps it is the wound in his side. Egwene said that it    
felt as though it housed all the evil of the world. If it   
were filled with the taint, then it would be a wound        
filled "of madness." The cutting of hope may refer to the   
taint contained in it. I doubt it.                          
The chains he has broken are those that connected Asmodean  
and Ishamael to the Dark One. He put Asmodean in chains     
when he recruted him as a teacher.                          
2.08  Rand's blood letting will free man from the Dark One. 
2.09  "Power of the Shadow made human flesh, wakened to     
turmoil, strife and ruin." This must refer to the           
Forsaken. Rand "dances the sword in dreams and mist." The   

===============   Reply    3 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:05 PM

<note 4 of 18>                                              
fight in Falme is the dancing of the sword in the mist and  
he has fought with the sword in dreams many times. He       
secured Asmodean as his teacher, thus fulfilling the        
segment "...chains the Shadowsworn to his will..." "From    
the city, lost and forsaken..."-Rhuidean- he has led the    
Aiel to war w/ the Shaido in Cairhien. The Aiel are not     
broken yet, though he has told them of their ancestry. The  
ancient dream may be Tel'aran'rhiod or it may be the        
Tuath'an's dream to find the song, or it may be the         
Ter'angreal in Rhuidean that shows the Wise Ones and Clan   
Chiefs the Aiel's history.                                  
2.10  The Karaethon prophecy makes no mention of Perrin or  
2.11  "Into the heart..." Into the Heart of the Stone.      
"his sword..." Callandor. "to hold their hearts..." to      
assure the Tairens of his return thus securing his hold of  
Tear. "Who draws it out shall follow after,/What hand       
shall grasp that fearful blade?" It has been speculated     
that Logain would draw Callandor from the Stone. This line  
does indicate that someone other than the Dragon Reborn     
will draw Callandor. However, perhaps it means who will be  
the Dragon Reborn in the next age and is questioning what   
new face will Lews Therin/Rand al'Thor wear in the next     
age when he shall draw it from the Stone again.             
      b. commentaries and translations from the Third Age   
         on the Karaethon Cycle                             
2.12  Nations shattering, the Dark One gains power in the   
world again...Lews Therin will be reborn as Rand al'Thor    
and be man's salvation in the Last Battle. This seems to    
be another translation of the same portion of the           
Karaethon Cycle that Siuan quoted (2.02).                   
2.13  interpretation of 2.06                                
2.14  Would seem to be another translation of the same      
passage that was translated in 2.12 and 2.02.               
2.15  Another translation of the same passage as            
translated in 2.11, but it includes the portion that        
foretells Rand's birth by a Far Dareis Mai (Shaiel who is   
2.16  Nothing vastly different from the previous passages   
besides one portion which states "The wall is pierced, and  
the veil of parting raised." Perhaps this is a reference    
to the Sharrans or perhaps only a part of it is. The wall   
may refer to Sharra or to the Shining Walls of Tar Valon.   
   ii. prophecy pertaining to a certain people.             
      a. The Jendai Prophecy.                               
2.17  Rand channels. Rand holds Callandor. The People of    
the Dragon have taken the stone (at his call?-not           
exactly...). The Stone of Tear has fallen, war...The        
Seanchan have returned and the Corenne was halted by Rand,  
the Whitecloaks, the Shienarans and the Heroes of the Horn  
in Falme for the first time. Evidently they will be driven  
back again as the wording would imply. Moiraine serves      
him, after a fashion, though none that I know of have       
knelt to wash his feet with their hair. That may be         
metephorical or it may come to pass to the letter.          
Whtever, it is a biblical allusion.                         
      b. The Prophecy of Rhuidean                           
2.18  If the Aiel fail to save the Aes Sedai from the       
Seanchan, the Aes Sedai will be captured and forced as      

===============   Reply    4 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:05 PM

<note 5 of 18>                                              
damane to slay the Aiel.                                    
2.19  Rand came from the Two Rivers, but his biological     
father was Janduin. He went to Rhuidean and then lead them  
from Rhuidean to Cairhien to fight the Shaido. "Under this  
sign he will conquer" may have two meanings. First, he      
slew the Darkhounds under the ancient Aes Sedai symbol in   
Rhidean and then he took Cairhien under a banner with the   
symbol on it. Undoubtably both or either would satisfy the  
2.20  Dragon Reborn may not be the Car'a'carn, but he       
2.21  "the stone that never falls..." Tear. He is Aiel by   
his father Janduin, but he was raised by the blood of       
Manetheren in the Two Rivers. He came out of Rhuidean at    
dawn and he has kept the Aiel together. "He will take you   
back" may refer to him taking the Aiel back across the      
Dragonwall or it may mean he will taken them back to serve  
Aes Sedai..."and he will destroy you..." Probably refers    
to his destroying them by telling them of the Da'shain.     
2.22  "yet the remnant of a remnant shall he save, and      
they shall live." Rand will slay the Aiel in battle,        
perhaps against the nations or perhaps against the          
Seanchan at a battle at the footsteps of Tar Valon.         
2.23  Aiel by Janduin, raised by the blood of Manetheren.   
  iii. dark prophecy.                                       
2.24  Lanfear is loose. "ancient war" good vs. evil. "Her   
new lover she seeks, who shall serve her and die, yet       
serve still..." may be Asmodean, or Rand, or not prophecy   
at all. Tar Valon will be taken. "death beyond dying" may   
support the sealed with the Dark One theory in that he      
would be sealed forever with no chance to be reincarnated   
to live again. "life eternal" would mean serving the Dark   
One. Luc and Isam(Luc is brother to Tigraine and            
disappeared into the blight a year before his sister        
disappeared. His House name is Mantear. Isam is the son of  
Breyen whose attempt to seize the throne of Malkier for     
her husband (Lain Mandragoran) resulted in Malkier's fall   
to the Blight) have some bond together probably not unlike  
the Padan Fain/Mordeth bond except one and thus both have   
access to Tel'aran'rhiod. It is speculated that like the    
meshed personality of Fain/Mordeth, Ordieth, Slayer is the  
meshed personality of Luc/Isam. The end of an age is        
coming ("Time of Change"). The Do Miere A'vron wait for     
the return of Artur Hawkwing's decendents. Hawkwing's       
decendents raze Almoth Plain ("the ancient tree").          
"ancient wrong" may refer to those who failed who keep the  
Oaths and forgot about Uther and his expedition or it may   
refer to the Aiel because they abandoned the Way of the     
      a. Verin's interpretation of the dark prophecy        
2.25  explains most of Dark Prophecy. I basically restated  
it above.                                                   
   iv. Prophecy of the Horn of Valere.                      
2.26  "In the last lorn fight, 'gainst the fall of long     
night..." clearly prophecizes the horn's fate to be used    
in the last battle to prevent the victory of the Dark One.  
"For the grave is no bar to my call." The horn can call     
the dead heroes from death so that they may fight in the    

===============   Reply    5 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:05 PM

<note 5 of 18>                                              
damane to slay the Aiel.                                    
2.19  Rand came from the Two Rivers, but his biological     
father was Janduin. He went to Rhuidean and then lead them  
from Rhuidean to Cairhien to fight the Shaido. "Under this  
sign he will conquer" may have two meanings. First, he      
slew the Darkhounds under the ancient Aes Sedai symbol in   
Rhidean and then he took Cairhien under a banner with the   
symbol on it. Undoubtably both or either would satisfy the  
2.20  Dragon Reborn may not be the Car'a'carn, but he       
2.21  "the stone that never falls..." Tear. He is Aiel by   
his father Janduin, but he was raised by the blood of       
Manetheren in the Two Rivers. He came out of Rhuidean at    
dawn and he has kept the Aiel together. "He will take you   
back" may refer to him taking the Aiel back across the      
Dragonwall or it may mean he will taken them back to serve  
Aes Sedai..."and he will destroy you..." Probably refers    
to his destroying them by telling them of the Da'shain.     
2.22  "yet the remnant of a remnant shall he save, and      
they shall live." Rand will slay the Aiel in battle,        
perhaps against the nations or perhaps against the          
Seanchan at a battle at the footsteps of Tar Valon.         
2.23  Aiel by Janduin, raised by the blood of Manetheren.   
  iii. dark prophecy.                                       
2.24  Lanfear is loose. "ancient war" good vs. evil. "Her   
new lover she seeks, who shall serve her and die, yet       
serve still..." may be Asmodean, or Rand, or not prophecy   
at all. Tar Valon will be taken. "death beyond dying" may   
support the sealed with the Dark One theory in that he      
would be sealed forever with no chance to be reincarnated   
to live again. "life eternal" would mean serving the Dark   
One. Luc and Isam(Luc is brother to Tigraine and            
disappeared into the blight a year before his sister        
disappeared. His House name is Mantear. Isam is the son of  
Breyen whose attempt to seize the throne of Malkier for     
her husband (Lain Mandragoran) resulted in Malkier's fall   
to the Blight) have some bond together probably not unlike  
the Padan Fain/Mordeth bond except one and thus both have   
access to Tel'aran'rhiod. It is speculated that like the    
meshed personality of Fain/Mordeth, Ordieth, Slayer is the  
meshed personality of Luc/Isam. The end of an age is        
coming ("Time of Change"). The Do Miere A'vron wait for     
the return of Artur Hawkwing's decendents. Hawkwing's       
decendents raze Almoth Plain ("the ancient tree").          
"ancient wrong" may refer to those who failed who keep the  
Oaths and forgot about Uther and his expedition or it may   
refer to the Aiel because they abandoned the Way of the     
      a. Verin's interpretation of the dark prophecy        
2.25  explains most of Dark Prophecy. I basically restated  
it above.                                                   
   iv. Prophecy of the Horn of Valere.                      
2.26  "In the last lorn fight, 'gainst the fall of long     
night..." clearly prophecizes the horn's fate to be used    
in the last battle to prevent the victory of the Dark One.  
"For the grave is no bar to my call." The horn can call     
the dead heroes from death so that they may fight in the    

===============   Reply    6 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:05 PM

<note 6 of 18>                                              
last battle and as we saw at other times (Falme).           
2.27  This told us that the those that are called by the    
Horn of Valere will follow whoever winds it, which is not   
necessarily true considering Hawkwing's words in TGH at     
Falme (2.29).                                               
2.28  When Mat sounded the horn the first time, he wasn't   
thinking of glory. Whether he was thinking of salvation is  
unclear. Perhaps this is meant for the last battle.         
2.29  We discover that the Heroes of the Horn may come to   
the Horn, but they must follow the Dragon's banner, and     
the Dragon.                                                 
3. Foretellings.                                            
   ii. Elaida's Foretellings.                               
3.01  Death/distruction. That whole bit. Not exactly        
3.02  "...The Royal line of Andor would be the key to       
defeating the Dark One in the Last Battle..." Technically,  
Rand shouldn't be considered of the Royal line of Andor.    
He isn't in a position to inherit which this would          
suggest. Thus, this Foretelling might refer to Tigraine     
who birthed Rand while she was a Maiden on Dragonmount.     
   ii. Diendre's Foretellings.                              
3.03  The Aiel have a part to play. Rhuidean. Clearly       
there was some indication that the Aiel would not keep the  
Covenant, which explain's Solinda's warning.                
  iii. Gitara Moroso's Foretellings.                        
3.04  Gitara Morosa Foretelling Rand al'Thor, the Dragon    
Reborn's, birth.                                            
3.05  This Foretelling sent Tigraine into the Waste to      
become a Maiden of the Spear and as Shaiel became           
Janduin's lover and returned to Tar Valon during the Aiel   
War to give birth to Rand. "She could not return to her     
own land..." I'm not sure what this means. Surely she died  
on Dragonmount?                                             
4. Dreams.                                                  
   i. Egwene's dreams.                                      
4.01  Ishamael/Ba'alzamon would the man with a mask over    
his face. Rand sleeping on the Portal Stone with            
Lanfear/Selene standing over him. I think this indicates    
that Lanfear brought Rand and company into the Mirror       
world in the first place.                                   
     Seanchan-Aes Sedai captured as damane forced to fight  
the White Tower. The captured Aes Sedai may be the Salidar  
Aes Sedai as Min's visions seem to indicate(5.12).          
     Whitecloaks-Whitecloak invasion of the Two Rivers.     
     Rand-Callandor and Ba'lal's (The Weaver?) trap.        
Rhuidean I think, but kneeling? I don't remember that.      
Rand walking into the Pit of Doom. I think this             
confronting of Seanchan was the skirmish in FOH when Rand   
and Aviendha were in Seanchan.                              
     Perrin-The falcon is Faile and the hawk is Berelain.   
The falcon on his shoulder probably symbolizes their        
marriage, while the hawk with a leash in hand(claw as       

===============   Reply    7 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:05 PM

<note 7 of 18>                                              
things go) trying to fasten it around his neck symbolizes   
her struggle to take Perrin away from Faile. Perrin has a   
beard because of Faile. However as yet, there have been no  
wolves nearby in the Two Rivers much less a huge pack of    
wolves that stretched as far as the eye could see for       
Perrin to lead.                                             
     Mat-Mat's eye must have been the price for his wishes  
granted from the Eelfinn(left eye). After having his        
wishes granted, he was found hanging from Avendesora by     
Rand in TSR. Whatever is to happen between Mat and the      
Seanchan was considered nightmarish by Egwene. After his    
wishes were granted, Mat has been able to speak the Old     
Tongue fluently.                                            
     Rand-The sword that blazed like a sun is Callandor.    
He was threatened in TDR in Tel'aran'rhiod while he was     
traveling to the Stone of Tear. Thus, none of the attacks   
were "real" in the sense that they were not occuring in     
the real world despite the fact that wounds acquired in     
Tel'aran'rhiod remain when waking-except death, in which    
case one would not wake. Rand was at the time in danger     
from both Ba'alzamon/Ishamael and Lanfear.                  
     Perrin-The wolf is Hopper. The falcon is Faile and     
the hawk is Berelain. Faile and Berelain fought in TSR      
over Perrin and Berelain vowed to take Perrin away from     
Faile and keep him as a pet for as long as he amuses        
her-unresolved subplot _there._ The stepping off the cliff  
may be when Perrin decided to give himself up the the       
Whitecloaks in order to save the village. I doubt it. I     
believe that this will have something to do with resolving  
his conflict with the part of him that wants to run with    
the wolves. The Aiel is Gaul.                               
     Min-Min's arival to Tar Valon precipitated the         
breaking of the Tower by further arrousing Elaida's         
suspicions. However, Elaida's trap was not aimed at Min     
specifically and Min was unhurt (physically) by the affair  
and managed to survive it w/o ever being caught. Thus, she  
sprung the trap and walked through it without so much as    
seeing it...until it had caught Suian and Leane and caused  
the breaking of the Tower. Even now she doesn't realize     
that her arrival began those events.                        
     Mat-Mat suspends the laws of chance, or this dream     
might refer to his night of dicing in Tar Valon. A Gray     
Man followed Mat until Mat killed him in Tar Valon. There   
might have been more than just that one following him.      
Riding towards Caemlyn to deliver Elayne's letter to        
Morgase. The woman tossing fireworks is Aludra, the         
     general-The men and women breaking out of a cage, and  
then putting on crowns are the Forsaken. The next portion   
describes just about everyone in the entire series-someone  
pulling strings. Galldrian's death. Morgase weeping? The    
succession in Cairhien and the taking of the Stone,         
possibly others. The Whitecloaks commanded by Dain          
Bornhald and accompanied by Ordieth/Padan                   
Fain/Mordeth/etc. The Coreene will resume and the Seanchan  
will return to the mainland to slay the "ancient wrong."    
     Seanchan-Really, unknown. Just another reminder that   
the Seanchan will return. It's hard to say since Egwene     

===============   Reply    8 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:05 PM

<note 8 of 18>                                              
refuses to think about their parts in her dreams.           
     Master Luhhan-Master Luhhan was arrested and held in   
the Whitecloaks encampment as a trap to snag Perrin when    
he tried to rescue him, his wife and Mat's two sisters.     
They were rescued anyway, though.                           
     Perrin-The fact that the falcon is now on his          
shoulder may be symbolic of Perrin's marriage to Faile. I   
still haven't quite "gotten" the whole significance of the  
choice between the axe and the hammer. I would assume that  
now that he has a tie to him, he might be less willing to   
risk himself using violent means to combat the Dark One.    
Aaron17 says that the choice is to create or to destroy.    
     Mat-Mat made a wager w/ Rhavin/Gaebril and he left     
Caemlyn to save Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne from Comar.     
     Rand-Rand sneaking across the country to see if he     
could wield Callandor while the surviving Forsaken, six     
male (Rahvin, Sammael, Ba'lal, Ishamael, Asmodean,          
Demandred) and five female (Lanfear, Semirhage, Graendal,   
Moghedien, and Mesaana), are either hunting him or          
ignoring him. Some want him to reach Callandor (Ba'lal,     
Lanfear?) whereas others do not. Perhaps some see him in    
Tel'aran'rhiod, thus explaining the "flashes." Maybe not.   
One is Ba'alzamon/Ishamael and he wants Rand dead. Rand is  
in the dry, dusty chamber for a second time-this is either  
Rhuidean or it is something to come or it's something I'm   
not aware of. Now Rand confronts a "horde" of               
Seanchan-this may support the theory that there will be a   
battle between the Aiel ("ancient wrong") and the Seanchan  
(the "seed"). Then confronting Egwene and the women with    
her (the survivers of Salidar and other renigade Aes Sedai  
who were not captured by Seanchan?). One of the women with  
her is Seanchan. This may be Egeanin or it may be some      
other Seanchan (perhaps the elephant trainer? or the        
Daughter of the Nine Moons? Naahh.).                        
     Rand-I don't really know what any of this dream is     
prophecizing, I can only guess. Rand's on a power trip and  
maybe going mad? Rand is chained by the Black Ajah w/ the   
black collar that was created during the Breaking. Rand     
seals himself inside with the Dark One and continues his    
fight w/ Shai't*n for the rest of eternity in Shayol Ghul,  
thus explaining why this is _the_ last battle and not just  
another conflict?                                           
     Aiel-The fight between the Shaido and the other clans  
and the bleakness.                                          
     Mat-It has been suggested that the Seanchan woman may  
be the Daughter of the Nine Moons/Tuon (favored by the      
Empress for succession) and Mat's marriage may be a         
political one, explaining why they are fighting and the     
     Perrin-Perrin fighting in Tel'aran'rhiod (wolf) and    
awake with Slayer (the man whose face keeps changing        
because in the real world he appears to be Luc, Tigraine's  
brother, and in the dream he appears to be Isam, Lan's      
cousin and son of Breyen and Lain Mandragoran.              
Incidentily, I think Mantear may be a Murandian House and   
that he took his father's House name as Galadrid has taken  
his father's House name, Damodred.                          
     Galad-Became a Whitecloak. The shroud portion would    
indicate that this decision will have a fatal outcome, but  

===============   Reply    9 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:05 PM

<note 9 of 18>                                              
I'm unsure.                                                 
     Gawyn-Gawyn killed his teacher, Hammar and the Master  
of Arms, Coulin, two people he undoubtably respected for a  
cause that turned out worthless when he allowed Suian       
(whom he hates and distruts at the moment) and Leane to     
escape on Min's request.                                    
     Marin al'Vere-She could have wept over any number of   
things since the Whitecloaks and the Trollocs came to Two   
Rivers. If it isn't fulfilled than, I couldn't guess.       
     Rand-Rand assumes control of Andor and Morgase isn't   
to happy about it. So unhappy, in fact, that she is         
willing to do anything to get her position back-ask for     
help from the Whitecloaks? And she doesn't even know yet    
that the DR has killed Gaebril/Rhavin. In light of the      
fact that the Forsaken has been removed from the scene, I   
wonder if she will still consider the sacrifice of          
bringing the Whitecloaks into Andor neccessary?             
     Perrin-Happily married. His banner and the banner of   
Manetheren. Aram is a danger to the marriage? Emond's       
field? Somehow the danger involves his closeness to         
Perrin, perhaps the danger of a growing friendship rather   
than his physical proximity.                                
     Mat-Mat's deal with the Eelfinn and the blood          
streaming down his face would then be his part of the       
bargain. The loss of his left eye.                          
     Thom-OK, this is a long shot. Since Thom is            
apparently saving Moiraine from her little hot spot while   
Mat is throwing dice and making his payment, I will guess   
that they will both go to save Moiraine from the Eelfinn    
through the Tower of Ghenji and at this time, Mat will      
distract the Eelfinn by dealing with them. He will be       
forced to make his payment for the previous bargain         
through the loss of his left eye.                           
     general-Maybe the battle of Cairhien or maybe          
something in the future.                                    
   ii. Perrin's dreams.                                     
     Mat-I think that this is again Mat's bargain with the  
Fox people. However, it describes his opponent as having    
eyes of fire. It may be another reference to his wager      
with Rhavin which his winning of would probably thwart      
Ishamael's plans also.                                      
     Egwene and Nynaeve and Elayne-They walked right into   
the trap at Tear that they knew was there waiting for       
them. Liandrin laughing at them and Lanfear laughing at     
     Rand-I think that this indicates that there will be    
another marking of the Dragons. However it doesn't mention  
any more "settling into the skin," so I'm uncertain.        
Perhaps it is merely indicating that Rand will go mad for   
a time. Someone is watching Rand and he may not know it.    
It could have been Sammael diguised as Pevin except that    
Pevin died from a Trolloc spear at the end of FOH. Perhaps  
some other Forsaken we haven't met yet is one of Rand's     
followers. Aaron17 suggest Kadere.                          
     Nynaeve and Elayne-hunting the Black Ajah and what     
they were after in Tel'aran'rhiod in Tarabon.               

===============   Reply   10 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:11 PM

<note 10 of 18>                                             
     Mat-He could have gone to Emond's Field with Perrin,   
but he stayed and went through the red stone                
_ter'angreal._ Flipped a coin at the Portal Stone to        
decide which symbol would bring them to Rhuidean which      
resulted in his going to Rhuidean and acquiring his staff   
bearing a short sword blade. Another coin resulted in his   
acquisition of his wide brimmed hat from Kadere.            
     Egwene and Amys-I think this adds support to my        
theory that there will be a battle between the Aiel and     
the Seanchan at Tar Valon and that it will go badly (thus   
explaining why Egwene has even a chance at becoming         
Amyrlin). Since they are in front of the White Tower, you   
could say that they are defending it. It crumbles because   
they are loosing. However, it may be that the Tower is in   
the process of falling anyway and the fact that the White   
Tower is behind Egwene and Amys is of no consequence.       
     Egwene-Those Aes Sedai that are left from Salidar or   
the Battle of Tar Valon (between the Seanchan and Aiel) or  
some other calamity will accept Egwene as their leader.     
Egwene becomes Amyrlin. Both Nynaeve and Elayne are among   
the survivers.                                              
     Mat-I think that this is a reference to when the       
Eelfinn will collect their price. It may have something to  
do with the Seanchan, though there is no indication of such.
     Rand-This is probably connected with Min's vision of   
a beggar's staff. It sounds very Oedipus Rexish, but I      
wouldn't think that the condition results from the same     
sequence of events. However, I believe that Rand will do    
something that he cannot forgive himself for and this is    
his self punishment. If not, then I cannot guess.           
  iii. Wise One's dreams.                                   
4.10  The Wise One's dreamed that Aviendha would come with  
Rand by way of the Portal Stone.                            
4.11  Just included to indicate that we haven't heard half  
of what they said to Moiraine.                              
4.12  Reference to the Wise One's prediction in 4.10.       
4.13  Connected to 4.10. Amys knew that Rhuarc would come   
on that day to the slopes of Chaendar.                      
4.14  Another reference that the Wise One's dreamed of      
their arrival.                                              
4.15  Lan might not have come, ergo he could possibly have  
gone with Nynaeve, or he could have died.                   
4.16  The Wise Ones knew that Moiraine should go through    
the _ter'angreal_ in Rhuidean, the consequence of not       
doing so is unknown.                                        
4.17  ...wreath...It is an aiel custom for the female to    
lay a bridal wreath in front of the man she wishes to       
marry. If they were so desperate to make Rand see Aiel      
blood for his own, I don't think that their first choice    
would have been Aviendha. In fact, for them to have kept    
using Aviendha for so long when things had been looking so  
bleak in that direction, I think they must have dreamed     
that Aviendha and Rand would have a relationship.           
4.18  Moiraine and Lanfear aren't dead?                     
   iv. Morin's dreams                                       
4.19  Morin makes a comment that Jeordam would make a fine  
father and then she says that she saw his face in a dream.  

===============   Reply   11 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:11 PM

<note 11 of 18>                                             
I think they must have married eventually. Either way       
whatever happened has been fulfilled by now.                
    v. Sorelle's dreams.                                    
4.20 Dreamed that she would get a fever at twenty. She did  
and died.                                                   
   vi. Rand's dreams.                                       
4.21  Ishamael first beginning to touch Rand's dreams.      
4.22  Another Ishamael haunted dream.                       
4.23  In Moiraine's description of the fall of Aridhol,     
she says, "How Thorin's son, Caar, came to win Aridhol      
back to the Second Covenant, and Balwen sat his throne, a   
withered shell with the light of madness in his eyes,       
laughting while Mordeth smiled at his side and ordered the  
deaths of Caar and the embassy as Friends of the Dark. How  
Prince Caar came to be called Caar One-Hand. How he         
escaped the dungeons of Aridhol and fled alone to the       
Borderlands with Mordeth's unnatural assasins at his        
heels." With this in mind, my analysis of the dream is      
this: Rand meshed all the recent things that had happened   
to him together and had a normal nightmare. Tam's sword     
has become important to him. In Baerlon, Min told him of    
Lan's aura, of a baby in a cradle carrying a sword. The     
persuit of Prince Caar by Mordeth's unnatural assasins and  
Prince Caar's loss of his hand. the old man must then be    
4.24  Ishamael in Rand's dream.                             
4.25  Ordinary nightmare spawned from all the unusual       
happenings and from the stress of running and being         
hunted. Where he got the "Dragon is one with the land" and  
the "Queen is wed with the land," I don't know. It sounds   
4.26  Blacked out when he fell over the wall. Either an     
ordinary nightmare turned Ishamael invaded, or just an      
ordinary nightmare.                                         
4.27  Ishamael haunted dream.                               
4.28  Ordinary dream created by his subconscious based on   
what had been happening so far. Suprisingly insightful      
dream. His subconcious notices that Moiraine is prodding    
him because of her fears of what will happen if he doesn't  
accept his destiny. His problem deciding between Min and    
Elayne finds it's way into his dream as well as his fear    
of going mad and decaying from the taint.                   
4.29  Lanfear enters Rand's dream which had been of Elayne  
and Min again with Aviendha making her first appearance.    
4.30  Elayne, Min, and Aviendha are constantly in Rand's    
dreams now.                                                 
4.31  A dream of Aviendha.                                  
4.32  Another ordinary dream resulting from Melaine's       
wedding and his own subconscious desires.                   
4.33  Nothing prophetic.                                    
5. Visions.                                                 
    i. Min's visions.                                       
     group-The group is central to the events leading to    
the Last Battle and the events during the Last Battle. In   

===============   Reply   12 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:11 PM

<note 12 of 18>                                             
     Egwene & Thom-Both part of it. Egwene will not marry   
Rand, be his lover, or any of the above. She will become    
Aes Sedai.                                                  
     Lan-Lan's past/Malkier, etc.                           
     Thom-Owen, Thom's nephew who could channel. The White  
Tower is probably in his aura because he attempted to save  
Owen from the Tower, or at least because he is attempting   
to save Rand from the Tower. However, it could mean he can  
learn to channel or that he can channel. I doubt it.        
     Perrin-Perrin will become a wolfbrother. The meaning   
of the trees flowering around him is possibly freom TSR     
when Perrin is under apple blossoms where family buried.    
Probably it hasn't occured yet. The broken crown might      
have something to do with Manetheren or at least with his   
new found Lordship of the Two Rivers.                       
     Mat-The red eagle could mean that he is Aemon reborn,  
however in most cases Mat has been a millitary advisor,     
not the one in charge. Again the left eye is his price for  
his bargain with the Eelfinn. The dagger retreived from     
Shadar Logoth/Aridhol. Mat would blow the Horn of Valere    
and become linked with it (still is?). Mat's sense of       
     Rand-Callandor is the sword that isn't a sword. The    
golden crown of laurel leaves may symbolize victory, or it  
has not been fulfilled. The beggar staff theory is          
mentioned elsewhere, however it is yet unfulfilled. The     
pouring of water on sand could have been fulfilled either   
by the lake created when Rand fought Asmodean/Joar Addam    
Nessosin or when he caused the fountain's to run again or   
when he caused it to rain in Al'cair Dal. The bloody hand   
has several theories to it which are covered the FAQ.       
Essentially, the actual event that this predicts cannot be  
guessed. The three women standing over Rand's funeral bier  
is probably that actual vision that Min had where she       
discovered that she would fall in love with him as well as  
Elayne and Aviendha. The funeral bier would indicate that   
Rand will die. The blood on the rocks of Shayol Ghul        
again. Danger.                                              
     Egwene-Egwene will be Amyrlin. White Flame of Tar      
     Elayne-Elayne will have to share Rand with Min and     
Aviendha. She will be Queen of Andor. Someone is going to   
loose a hand, maybe Rand.                                   
5.03  Elayne is part of the group.                          
5.04  Rand won't marry Egwene, but will likely marry        
Elayne, Aviendha, and Min.                                  
5.05  Elayne is linked to Rand, Perrin, Mat, and Galad.     
     Nynaeve-Nynaeve will be in trouble and the ring will   
be in her rescue.                                           
     Elayne-Another reference to an iron. A "white hot"     
iron was mentioned in Rand's viewing in Baerlon (5.01).     
The significance of the axe is unknown.                     
     Both-The images mean trouble, but it will occur in     
the distant future (soon, perhaps? only three books         
5.07  Aviendha and the relationship that Rand will have     
with them all is uncertain. Which is strange since it       
specifically says in the viewing of Elayne at Tar Valon     

===============   Reply   13 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:11 PM

<note 13 of 18>                                             
(5.02) that Elayne will have to share her _husband_ with    
two other women. That indicates to me that they will all    
be married to Rand as is the Aiel custom.                   
     Perrin-Gaul when he was captured by Hunters of the     
Horn and caged in the village of Remen. Aram was the        
Tuatha'an with a sword. Now both falcone and hawk perch on  
his shoulders. The significance of that is unknown to me.   
If perching on his shoulder does signify marriage (?),      
then something strange is going to happen. The odd thing    
is that here Faile and Berelain are not fighting. The       
usual danger stuff.                                         
     Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah-dead                       
     Aes Sedai w/ blue eyes-dead                            
     Three Aes Sedai-three above would die                  
     Accepted-caged, maybe dead                             
     Sheriam-wouldn't die                                   
     Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah-dead                       
     warders-wounds, death                                  
     servants-bear signs of violence                        
     An Aes Sedai-more captivity                            
     another-an a'dam                                       
     Gawyn-I think his "hurt" is that he killed Hammar and  
Coulin and the feat was made pointless when he lets Siuan   
walk free. He was in the wrong when he killed Hammar and    
Coulin, but he didn't know that at the time. Then again,    
he could simply have stood aside-well, lets not argue       
ethics. Whatever, it's evident that he's done something     
wrong to his thinking, either in killing Hammar and Coulin  
or in letting Siuan and Leane go. I suppose in killing      
Hammar and Coulin, he earned a right to a blademaster's     
sword-perhaps he took one of their swords. He was also      
threatened by a Warder's sword when he fought them. The     
green field may signify that he will become a Warder to     
the Green Ajah, to Egwene. Or it could tie him to the       
Seanchan. According to Aaron17, the colors gold and green   
are repeatedly mentioned in the chapter, "A Short Spear,"   
in FOH.                                                     
     Leane-she would be tortured and stilled-not            
necessarily in that order.                                  
     Suian Sanche-Suian would be stilled, stripped, and     
left locked up in one of the deep cells where no one has    
been confined since Bonwhin.                                
     Rand-I don't know about the faces being blurred. I     
think she lied. Elayne, Min and Aviendha would fall in      
love w/ Rand.                                               
     Logain-The Cairhien flag is a "many-rayed golden sun   
rising from the bottom of a field of sky blue." I           
personally think that Logain and Sheriam (5.12) are         
destined to be the rulers of Cairhien. Nuts, I know! Then   
there is also Turak's banner. <TGH, Chapter 34, The Wheel   
Weaves, p415> "Fain eyed the blue-bordered banner flapping  
above the roof, the spread-winged hawk clutching lightning  
bolts, and chortled inside himself..." <TGH, Chapter 42,    
Falme, p501> "Above the rooftops, on the next street, the   
golden hawk banner of the High Lord Turak flapped in the    
wind." Considering that many of the visions Min had in      

===============   Reply   14 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:11 PM

<note 14 of 18>                                             
Salidar of Aes Sedai were connected with the Seanchan, it   
might be wise to believe that the Seanchan may also have a  
connection with this viewing. Or none of this may have any  
bearing...Either way, I must question the theory that       
Logain will pull out Callandor because I cannot see how     
Sheriam would fit into that.                                
     Logain-covered in 5.10.                                
     Gawyn-Either Gawyn will come to realize that Egwene    
and Suian are in the right, or he will do everything in     
his power to thwart them/Egwene.                            
     Sheriam-Must somehow be connected with Logain-too      
similar not to be.(5.10)                                    
     Carlinya-"To wear the ravens was to be the property    
of the Imperial family." <TSR, Chapter 38, Hidden Faces,    
p441> Clearly, Carlinya is going to be captured and made    
the property of the Empress or some member of that family.  
     Edesina-Will be captured and made damane, but she      
will escape somehow.                                        
     Siuane Sanche and Gareth Bryne-The bull ripping roses  
from around his neck signifies that Gareth Bryne has        
abandoned his allegiance to Morgase. The rest is pretty     
clear. Should Siuan and Gareth be seperated by too great a  
distance for too long, they will both die.                  
     Faolain-Faolain has a nice future.                     
     Marigan, Nicola, and Areina-Marigan, Nicola, and       
Areina are trouble. Which isn't suprising considering that  
Areina is Moghedian, Nicola is Temaile Kinderode, and       
Marigan is Chesmal Emry.                                    
   ii. Aelfinn's visions                                    
  a. Mat's questions and the Eelfinn's answers              
5.17  He has gone to Rhuidean and made a deal with the      
Eelfinn/Foxes for which he must pay the price of loosing    
his left eye. The Daughter of the Nine Moons is Tuon,       
second daughter of the Empress and currently favored for    
succession. I don't know exactly what to live again a part  
of what was is since he has died many times, but I would    
imagine that the Eelfinn killed him in order to fulfill     
this prophecy and in order to sever his tie to the Horn so  
that the Aes Sedai do not have that hold on him. You        
could say that he is a part of what was though his          
memories of his past lives. It is currently held that       
Mat's act of giving up half the light of the world is a     
clever way of restating that he will loose his left eye.    
To save the world? Maybe to save Moiraine, but how he will  
save the world in loosing his eye, I don't know.            
  b. What we know of Rand's answers                         
5.18  One of Rand's questions must have been concerning     
Elayne since the book _Dealings with the Territory of       
Mayene_ was one that tipped him off on the red stone        
ter'angreal that would take you to Aelfinn land.            
5.19  Either Rand is smarter than he appears or he asked a  
few questions of the Snakes concerning Cairhien and other   
matters. I don't really think he asked a question           

===============   Reply   15 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:11 PM

<note 15 of 18>                                             
concerning Alteima.                                         
5.20  He knows exactly who he will have rule Cairhien.      
That's unusual, because he doesn't know Logain and I don't  
know who he trusts enough to sit on the throne that he      
does know. Thus, I think he had that answer from the red    
stone _ter'angreal._                                        
5.21  He plans to come back for Callandor...I would guess   
he meant to say, "Just until I learn to control Saidin."    
5.22  Support for 5.21.                                     
5.23  Moiraine suspects he got these ideas from his         
answers in the _ter'angreal._                               
5.24  He asked no question that Rhuidean was an answer to.  
  c. What we know of Moiraine's answers                     
5.25  She and for that matter no one asked questions        
touching the Dragon Reborn or the Shadow.                   
5.26  One of her answer must have been that she would see   
Thom again because she cannot Foretell.                     
5.27  Another of her answers must have been that she go     
through the rings in Rhuidean because she says after the    
Wise Ones slip that they had dreamed it that the "Old       
Tongue is often difficult to translate." Clearly she was    
refering to her experiance in the _ter'angreal_ because     
the Aelfinn use a rather harsh dialect of the Old Tongue    
for their dealings with men.                                
5.28  If Moiraine was to have brought up going, she must    
have had it for an answer in Rhuidean. No one not of Aiel   
blood is normally allowed into Rhuidean.                    
6. Ter'angreal used by the Wise Ones in Rhuidean.           
    i. Aviendha.                                            
6.01  Aviendha must have seen Rand in her future. Andrea    
Leistra speculated that "she is so concerned with keeping   
Rand faithful to Elayne that she is upset if even *she*     
makes him break that. Also, consider that she still         
considers herself a Maiden of the Spear and isn't very      
happy with the whole concept of marraige as it pertains to  
6.02  more evidense to support 6.01.                        
6.03  ditto.                                                
6.04  ditto.                                                
   ii. Moiraine.                                            
6.05  Something or someone might come between her and       
seeing that Rand is ready to face the Last Battle. Perhaps  
even herself if she really thought she would die and she    
was not willing to give up her life for the world           
(understandable). Some she knew already? Is that from the   
rings in Tar Valon? Don't get excited, I still don't        
believe that that ter'angreal is predictive. After all,     
how could that maze world that Nynaeve faced Aginor in be   
a world?                                                    
6.06  Moiraine knew that the Dragons of Rhuidean could be   
duplicated. Possibly from this ter'angeal.                  
6.07  In one alternative, she might have considered         
sleeping with Rand or actually have done it in the future   
because of her increasing desperation.                      
6.08  Explains how she knew that news would come of         
Morgase and that they would go out to the docks and from    
there it could branch three ways. She doesn't know what     

===============   Reply   16 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:11 PM

<note 16 of 18>                                             
happens in the world after she entered the _ter'angreal,_   
which means that either she thinks she will die or that     
the other _ter'angreal_ simply did not continue from        
there. I think that the only event that she knows that      
will happen in the world after is that Lan will be passed   
from Myrelle to Nynaeve-though even there I am uncertain    
that that is what she is refering to. She never mentions    
that she is dead or that she would die. Thus, I find it     
unlikely that she actually thinks that she would cease to   
exist. Rather, I think she simply doesn't know. She knows   
that she will see Thom again because of the answer she had  
from the Aelfinn. I believe that the _ter'angreal_ in       
Rhuidean simply didn't continue to present alternatives     
from the point where she fell into the Eelfinn              
_ter'angreal_ gateway. Whatever the case, I'm sure that     
she was afraid that events wouldn't play out as she wanted  
them to.                                                    
7. Eelfinn.                                                 
7.01  Mat's memory was restored. He received the fox head   
amulet to be free of the Power and he was hung from         
Avendesora and killed to cease his link with the Horn of    
Valere (maybe). He was allowed to leave the land of the     
7.02  ? A written agreement that their bargain will be      
fulfilled on both sides.                                    
1.01 <EOW, Prologue, Dragonmount, xv>                       
1.02 <EOW, Prologue, Dragonmount, xv> <TGH, Chapter 50,     
After, p577>                                                
1.03 <TDR, Chapter 56, People of the Dragon, p675>          
1.04 <TSR, Chapter 58, The Traps of Rhuidean, p681>         
2.01 <EOW, Chapter 13, pp158-159>                           
2.02 <TGH, Chapter  5, The Shadow in Shienar, p56>          
2.03 <TGH, Chapter 26, Discord, p387> <TSR, Chapter  9,     
Decisions, p180>                                            
2.04 <TGH, Chapter 26, Discord, p387>                       
2.05 <TGH, Chapter  8, The Dragon Reborn, p110>             
2.06 <TGH, Chapter 22, Watchers, p275>                      
2.07 <TDR, Chapter  6, The Hunt Begins, p57>                
2.08 <TSR, Chapter  3, Reflection, p71>                     
2.09 <TSR, Chapter  6, Doorways, p131>                      
2.10 <TSR, Chapter 21, Into the Heart, p239>                
2.11 <TSR, Chapter 21, Into the Heart, p244>                
2.12 <TGH, ix>                                              
2.13 <TGH, Chapter 22, Watchers, p275>                      
2.14 <TDR, ix>                                              
2.15 <TSR, p9>                                              
2.16 <FOH, p9>                                              
2.17 <TSR, Chapter 19, The Wavedancer, pp220-221>           
2.18 <TGH, Chapter 28, A New Thread In The Pattern, p346>   
2.19 <TGH, Chapter 28, A New Thread In The Pattern, p347>   
2.20 <TSR, Chapter  3, Reflection, p74>                     
2.21 <TSR, Chapter 25, The Road To The Spear, p286>         
2.22 <TSR, Chapter 34, He Who Comes With The Dawn, p394>    
2.23 <TSR, Chapter 57, A Breaking in the Three-fold Land,   
2.24 <TGH, Chapter  7, Blood Calls Blood, p89>              
2.25 <EOW, Chapter 26, Whitebridge, p389>                   

===============   Reply   17 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:11 PM

<note 17 of 18>                                             
2.26 <TGH, Chapter  7, Blood Calls Blood, pp90-92>          
2.27 <EOW, Chapter 53, The Wheel Turns, p655>               
2.28 <TGH, Chapter  5, The Shadow in Shienar, p55>          
2.29 <TGH, Chapter 47, The Grave Is No Bar To My Call,      
3.01 <EOW, Chapter 40, The Web Tightens, p514>              
3.02 <TSR, Chapter  1, Seeds of Shadow, p29>                
3.03 <TSR, Chapter 26, The Dedicated, pp300-301>            
3.04 <TGH, Chapter  8, The Dragon Reborn, p109>             
3.05 <TSR, Chapter 34, He Who Comes With The Dawn, p392>    
4.01 <TGH, Chapter 12, Woven in the Pattern, p180>          
4.02 <TDR, Chapter 25, Questions, pp233-234>                
4.03 <TDR, Chapter 37, Fires in Cairhien, pp352-353>        
4.04 <TDR, Chapter 48, Following the Craft, pp468-469>      
4.05 <TSR, Chapter 11, What Lies Hidden, p145>              
4.06 <FOH, Chapter 15, What Can Be Learned In Dreams,       
4.07 <TDR, Chapter 43, Shadowbrothers, pp425-426>           
4.08 <TSR, Chapter 28, To the Tower of Ghenjei, pp320-321>  
4.09 <TSR, Chapter 53, The Price of a Departure, p612>      
4.10 <TSR, Chapter 12, Tanchico or the Tower, p158>         
4.11 <TSR, Chapter 21, Into the Heart, p237>                
4.12 <TSR, Chapter 22, Out of the Stone, p254>              
4.13 <TSR, Chapter 23, Beyond the Stone, p259>              
4.14 <TSR, Chapter 23, Beyond the Stone, p260>              
4.15 <TSR, Chapter 23, Beyond the Stone, p264>              
4.16 <TSR, Chapter 23, Beyond the Stone, p270>              
4.17 <TSR, Chapter 50, Traps, p570>                         
4.18 <FOH, Chapter 53, Fading Words, p635>                  
4.19 <TSR, Chapter 25, The Road to the Spear, p290>         
4.20 <TSR, Chapter 26, The Dedicated, p295>                 
4.21 <EOW, Chapter  9, Tellings of the Wheel, pp100-104>    
4.22 <EOW, Chapter 14, The Stag and Lion, pp168-172>        
4.23 <EOW, Chapter 19, Shadow's Waiting, pp245-246(p291     
4.24 <EOW, Chapter 24, Flight Down the Arinelle,            
4.25 <EOW, Chapter 34, The Last Village, pp442-443>         
4.26 <EOW, Chapter 40, The Web Tightens, p498>              
4.27 <EOW, Chapter 43, Decisions and Apparitions,           
4.28 <TSR, Chapter  2, Whirlpools in the Pattern, pp53-54>  
4.29 <TSR, Chapter 50, Traps, pp571-572>                    
4.30 <FOH, Chapter  4, Twilight, p95>                       
4.31 <FOH, Chapter  6, Gateways, p112>                      
4.32 <FOH, Chapter 21, The Gift of a Blade, p278>           
4.33 <FOH, Chapter 22, Birdcalls by Night, p288>            
5.01 <EOW, Chapter 17, Watchers and Hunters, pp181-182      
5.02 <TGH, Chapter 24, New Friends and Old Enemies, p305>   
5.03 <TGH, Chapter 38, Practice, p462>                      
5.04 <TGH, Chapter 39, Flight From the White Tower, p472>   
5.05 <TGH, Chapter 42, Falme, p506>                         
5.06 <TGH, Chapter 43, A Plan, p511>                        
5.07 <TGH, Chapter 48, First Claiming, p568>                
5.08 <TDR, Chapter  6, The Hunt Begins, pp62-63>            
5.09 <TSR, Chapter  1, Seeds of Shadow, pp16-26>            
5.10 <TSR, Chapter 17, Deceptions, p198>                    
5.11 <TSR, Chapter 47, The Truth of a Viewing, p544>        
5.12 <FOH, Chapter 26, Sallie Daera, pp317-320>             

===============   Reply   18 of Note    2 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:11 PM

<note 18 of 18>                                             
5.13 <FOH, Chapter 27, Trapped, p343>                       
5.14 <FOH, Chapter 50, To Teach and Learn, p592>            
5.15 <FOH, Chapter 50, To Teach and Learn, p598>            
5.16 <FOH, Chapter 50, To Teach, and Learn, pp598-599>      
5.17 <TSR, Chapter 15, Into the Doorway, pp176-177>         
5.18 <TSR, Chapter  8, Hard Heads, p117>                    
5.19 <TSR, Chapter 21, Into the Heart, p241>                
5.20 <TSR, Chapter 21, Into the Heart, p241>                
5.21 <TSR, Chapter 21, Into the Heart, p244>                
5.22 <TSR, Chapter 21, Into the Heart, p245>                
5.23 <TSR, Chapter 21, Into the Heart, p245>                
5.24 <TSR, Chapter 24, Rhuidean, p274>                      
5.25 <TSR, Chapter  6, Doorways, p95>                       
5.26 <TSR, Chapter 17, Deceptions, p195>                    
5.27 <TSR, Chapter 23, Beyond the Stone, p270>              
5.28 <TSR, Chapter 23, Beyond the Stone, p271>              
6.01 <TSR, Chapter 34, He Who Comes With the Dawn, p395>    
6.02 <TSR, Chapter 35, Sharp Lessons, p403>                 
6.03 <TSR, Chapter 48, An Offer Refused, p 547>             
6.04 <FOH, Chapter  7, A Departure, p132>                   
6.05 <TSR, Chapter 35, Sharp Lessons, p404>                 
6.06 <TSR, Chapter 49, Cold Rocks Hold, p565>               
6.07 <FOH, Chapter  7, A Departure, p135>                   
6.08 <FOH, Chapter 53, Fading Words, pp637-638>             
7.01 <TSR, Chapter 24, Rhuidean, p281-282>                  
7.02 <TSR, Chapter 25, The Dedicated, p307>                 

===============   Note     3              =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:                ALL                   Date:    07/01
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:     6:48 PM

<note 1 of 11>                                              
A TRAVELER'S GUIDE TO INNS                                  
     Often in traveling it is cumbersome to find a          
comfortable inn.  Most people make their decisions          
on availability, appearance, and price.  However, it        
is not always assured that there will be good service,      
good food, good entertainment, or comfort without the       
inn having been recommended beforehand.  In order to        
make your trip a safe and comfortable one, we have          
made a Traveler's Guide to Inns in which each inn is        
rated in service and comfort for your convenience.          
Where available, information on the Innkeeper, Serving      
Women/Men and on Entertainment are included.  Even          
information on the location, other than the city it         
is located in, is included when the information was         
given to us.  We hope you enjoy our Guide and have          
a pleasurable trip on every excursion.                      
   note: the prices of a stay are not listed                
Stag and Lion-  The atmosphere is appealing.  On the        
walls are colorful pictures of ornate buildings with        
gardens of tall trees and bright flowers are painted        
on the walls.  Instead of one huge fireplace, a hearth      
blazes on each wall, and scores of tables fill the          
floor of the room.  There has been news that the Inn        
burned down in an unfortunate incident with the Children    
of the Light.  These are, so far, only rumors.  The         
Inn is highly recommended for excellent service and         
cleanliness.  R:  * * * * 1/2                               
Innkeeper-Master Fitch                                      
Cook-Sara, cook helper-Ciel                                 
Serving Women-Mari, Ara, and Linda                          
The Queen's Blessing-  The Queen's Blessing is highly       
recommended, several of our reports have positively         
raved over it.  The Inn's sign is of a man kneeling         
before a woman with red-gold hair and a crown, one          
of her hands is resting on his bowed head.  The inn         
has a hired man and has a certain strange freedom from      
rodents.  R:  * * * * *                                     
Innkeeper-Basil Gill, fat, pink-faced with a starched       
white apron, graying hair combed back over a bald spot      
that it does not quite cover                                
Hired Man-Lamgwin                                           
The Crown and Lion-  No information.                        
Defender of the Dragonwall-  The sign has a crowned         
man with his foot on another man's chest and his sword      
at the man's throat.  The fellow on his back has red        
hair.  The common room is neat, with tables laid out        
as strictly as the city.  R:  * * * 1/2                     
Innkeeper-Caule, plump, unctuous man with a single          
stripe of green across his dark gray coat.                  
The Bunch of Grapes-                                        
Serving women-Ella                                          
The Great Tree                                              
EMOND'S FIELD-                                              

===============   Reply    1 of Note    3 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:17 PM

<note 2 of 11>                                              
The Winespring Inn-  The cook here serves some of the       
best Two Rivers food.  The service is relatively slow,      
but it's atmosphere would not be enjoyed as much if         
it was taken at any faster a pace.                          
R:  * * * *                                                 
Innkeeper-(also mayor of the town) Branwin al'Vere          
FOUR KINGS-                                                 
The Dancing Cartman-  We've had several bad reports         
on this inn, it is not the only one in the town and         
we recommend avoiding it.  The Inn is yellow trimmed        
in bright red and bilious, eye-wrenching green.  Here       
and there the pain is cracked and peeling.  Dirt crusts     
the floor and cobwebs fill the corners of the ceiling.      
R:  *                                                       
Innkeeper-Saml Hake, a bony man with long, stringy          
hair to his shoulders                                       
Hired Men-Jak and Stum                                      
Entertainment-a man plays the dulcimer                      
Easing the Badger-  The inn is located past The Bridge      
of Flowers in the Perfumed Quarter of the city.  The        
sign has a white-striped badger dancing on its hind         
legs with a man carrying what seems to be a silver          
shovel.  The common room has sawdust on the floor,          
and tabac smoke filles the air.  It also smells of          
wine, and fish cooking in the kitchen, and a heavy,         
flowered perfume.  The exposed beams of the high ceiling    
are rough-hewn and age-dark.  The beds are wide, and        
mattresses soft.  The doors to the rooms are made of        
tilted slats, there are pegs for hanging things.  The       
inn serves a nearly round white fish with red stripes       
(Red-stripe).  R:  * * * * 1/2                              
Innkeeper-Mistress Nieda                                    
Hired Man-Bili                                              
Harilin's Leap-  The sign is of a man standing on one       
foot with his arms thrown in the air.  They offer food,     
rooms, and baths.  The inn smells of ale and wine,          
and cheese, and the aroma of roasting mutton.  R:           

Inkeeper-Master Harod, wears a long white apron             
Helpers-Simion (brother, Noam, was a wolfbrother-went       
mad), Nico, and Patrim                                      
MARKET SHERAN-                                              
     This inn is cleanly kept and is the only one in Market 
Sheran to our knowledge.  It is located in a small          
town and is comfortably quiet.  R:  * * 1/2                 
Innkeeper-Rulan Allwine, stout, with a gleaming white       
The Queen's Man-(actually located in a town between         
Market Sheran and Carysford)  The inn here is small.        
However the town has a Mother Brune (Wisdom).  We found     
the innkeeper very helpful.  R:  * * 1/2                    
Innkeeper-Good Master Inlow                                 
Wayman's Forge-The sign is of a man in a leather apron      
with a hammer painted on the sign.  It is near to the       
river Manetherendrelle where it is too wide for a bridge.   

===============   Reply    2 of Note    3 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:17 PM

<note 3 of 11>                                              
It is a large, purple-roofed, three-story building          
of squared and polished gray stones, with large windows     
and scroll-carved doors, and it has a prosperous look.      
The kitchen has mutton, lamb, chicken, beef, as well        
as assorted vegetables and a spicy cake.  There are         
pegs on the walls of the rooms for hanging, and the         
beds are narrow with lumpy mattresses.  The inn contains    
an Ogier bed that is made of sung wood well over three      
thousand years old.  R:  * * * 1/2                          
Innkeeper-Gainor Furlan, plump, bald-headed, with shining   
brown eyes in a smooth pink face, likes to gossip           
TAR VALON-                                                  
The Woman of Tanchico-                                      
Serving Women-Mada and Saol (sisters)                       
The White Crescent-no information                           
Innkeeper-Cavan Lopar-landlord whose girth makes his        
long blue coat fit snugly below the waist as well as        
above.  Baggy breeches, tied at the ankle above low         
shoes, are big enough for two ordinary men to fit inside,   
one in each leg.  R:  * * 1/2                               
Serving Women-wear dark, high-necked dresses and short      
white aprons.                                               
Entertainment-fellow plays a hammered dulcimer.             
The Star-  The Star is located between a weaver's shop      
and a smithy of undressed gray stone.  Both the weaver's    
shop and the inn are made of wood.  The Star is four        
stories tall and has small windows in its roof as well.     
Because of the constant noise of the smithy and the         
business from the weaver's shop, our informants did         
not have an enjoyable stay.  It is however noted that       
The Star should be considered one of the nicer inns         
at Tear.  R:  * * * 1/2                                     
Innkeeper-Jurah Haret                                       
The Golden Cup-  No information.                            
The Nine Rings-  The food here is excellent and there       
is a specially designed room for Ogier.  One specialty      
of the house is the pork that is cut into small bits,       
mixed with long strips of yellow peppers, and peas,         
and a number of vegetables all in a clear thick sauce.      
Most of the food is oddly spiced in the Cairheinin          
fashion, sweet and sour.  The Inn is made of stone.         
R:  * * * * 1/2                                             
Innkeeper-Maglin Madwen, once married to Barin Madwen.      
She is a Lugard, lean with a long nose and graying          
hair.  Her wrinkles are part of a ready smile.              
Serving Women-Catrine and Lidan                             
Mother (also called Wise Woman , Reader, or Wisdom          
in some parts)-Caredwain                                    
WATCH HILL-                                                 
The White Boar-  famous for its hot mutton pie and          
excellent service, though smaller than the big city         
R:  * * *                                                   
The Wayfairer's Rest-  The commons has a shoulder high      
wall splitting the room in two from the front to the        

===============   Reply    3 of Note    3 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:17 PM

<note 5 of 11>                                              
back, with tables and a blazing fire place on each          
side.  The bare tables were not too clean and the floor     
had not been swept in days if not weeks.  The sign          
has a striding man with a bundle on his back on one         
side and the small man with his head on a pillow on         
the other.  Because of the recent Civil War in Cairhein,    
the prices of a night were unbelievable and very few        
rooms, if any, were left at the time.  R:  * * *            
EOW: songs                                                  
"My love is gone, carried away                              
by the wind that shakes the willow,                         
and all the land is beaten hard                             
by the wind that shakes the willow.                         
But I will hold her close to me                             
in heart and dearest memory,                                
and with her strength to steel my soul,                     
her love to warm my heart-strings,                          
I will stand where we once sang,                            
though cold wind shakes the willow."                        
p243 EOW                                                    
"Forward the Lion,                                          
Forward the Lion,                                           
The White Lion takes the field.                             
Roar defiance at the Shadow.                                
Forward the Lion,                                           
Forward, Andor triumphant."  p587 EOW                       
"Soon comes the day all shall be free,                      
Even you, and even me.                                      
Soon comes the day all shall die,                           
Surely you, but never I."  p36 TGH                          
"We rode down to River Iralell                              
just to see the Taren come.                                 
We stood along the river bank                               
with the rising of the sun.                                 
Their horses blacked the summer plain,                      
their banners blacked the sky.                              
But we stood our ground on the banks of River Iralell.      
Oh, we stood our ground.                                    
Yes, we stood our ground.                                   
Stood our ground along the river in the morning."           
p261 TGH                                                    
"Clear the field, smooth it low.                            
Let no weed or stubble stand.                               
Here we labor, here we toil,                                
here the towering trees will grow."                         
p425 TGH                                                    
"I'm down at the bottom of the well.                        
It's night, and the rain is coming down.                    
The sides are falling in,                                   
and there's no rope to climb.                               
I'm down at the bottom of the well."                        
p172 TDR                                                    
"I'll dance with a girl with eyes of brown,                 
or a girl with eyes of green,                               
I'll dance with a girl with any color eyes,                 
but yours are the prettiest I've seen.                      

===============   Reply    4 of Note    3 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:17 PM

<note 6 of 11>                                              
I'll kiss a girl with hair of black,                        
or a girl with hair of gold,                                
I'll kiss a girl with any color hair,                       
but it's you I want to hold."  p282 TDR                     
"A Lugard girl, she came to town, to see what she could     
With a wink of her eye, and a smile on her lip,             
she snagged a boy or three, or three.                       
With on ankle slim, and skin so pale,                       
she caught the owner of a ship, a ship.                     
With a soft little sigh, and a gay little laugh,            
she made her way so free, so free."                         
p412 TDR                                                    
by: Jeremy Rowland/Rhuarc, ex-Tamyrlin of WoT.              
Andor-[Rampant white lion on a field of red] Ruler: Queen   
 Morgase ("Lion Throne"), Capital City: Caemlyn.            
Arafel-[Three white roses on a field of red, quartered      
 with three red roses on a field of white] A Borderland     
Arad Doman-On Aryth Ocean, claim descent from those who     
 made the Tree of Life in the Age of Legends.               
Cairhien-[Many-rayed golden sun rising from the bottom of   
 a field of sky blue] Ruler: King Galldrian (assassinated   
 998 NE) ("Sun Throne")                                     
 Amadica-Capital City: Amader, location of the Fortress     
 of Light, ruled by a King.                                 
Illian-Capital city: Illian, on Sea of Storms,              
 historically connected with the Hunt for the Horn.         
 (Current Hunt for the Horn began 998 NE).                  
Mayene-[Golden Hawk in flight] City-state on Sea of         
 Storms, Ruler: Berelain, First of Mayene.                  
Tear-(High Lord Sammon (Be'lal) recently most respected of  
 the nine High Lords) [Thre white crescent moons slanting   
 across a field half red, half gold] Ruler(s): High Lords   
 of Tear. _Forbids Channeling._                             
Tarabon-Call themselves the Tree of Man, claim to be        
 descended from rulers and nobles in the Age of Legends.    
Saldea-[Three silver fish on a field of dark blue] Capital  
 City: Maradon, a Borderland Nation.                        
Kandor-[Rearing horse on a field of pale green] A           
 Borderland Nation.                                         
Shienar-[Stooping black hawk] Ruler: King Easar, a          
 Borderland Nation.                                         
Seanchan-Capital City: Seandar, Ruler: Empress (across      
 Aryth Ocean).                                              
Almoth Plain-[Blue for the sky above, black for the earth   
 below, with the spreading Tree of Life to join them]       
 Formerly nation of Almoth.                                 
Malkier-[Golden crane in flight] Once a Borderland nation   
 now taken by Blight, Ruler: al'Akir Mandragoran, his       
 Queen: el'Leanna. Al'Lan Mandragoran is the Uncrowned      
Carallain-One of the nations wrung from Artur Hawkwing's    
 empire during the War of the Hundred years, weakened       
 thereafter and the last traces vanished about 500 NE.      
Haradon-ditto. between Cairhien and Shienar.                

===============   Reply    5 of Note    3 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:17 PM

<note 7 of 11>                                              
EOW, TIMELINE/SUMMARY                                       
by: Erika Ashford/Elayne Trakand                            
Day 1:                                                      
QUARRY RD.-Tam and Rand take brandy to Emond's Field for    
use during Bel Tine. Rand sees Dark Rider (Fade).           
EMOND'S FIELBD-(Winespring Inn) Rand learns of Mat's        
encounter with the Dark Rider. Rand and Mat meet Moiraine.  
She gives them the silver coins. Padan Fain arrives with    
news of war, the false Dragon in Ghealdan and Aes Sedai.    
Rand, Mat, Perrin and Egwene meet Thom Merrilin, the        
QUARRY RD.-Tam tells Rand of the other boys' encounters     
with the Dark Rider.                                        
AL'THOR FARM-Tam fights the Trollocs and is hurt. Rand      
kills a Trolloc with Tam's sword.                           
QUARRY RD.-(Carrying Tam on litter he made) Rand sees the   
Dark Rider and the Trollocs. Tam has "fever dreams."        
Day 2:                                                      
EMOND'S FIELD-Trollcos have attacked the village. Nyneave   
can't help Tam. Rand goes to Moiraine Sedai for help. She   
heals Tam. Rand tells Tam the Trollocs were after him and   
they say their good-byes. Moiraine tells villagers history  
of Manetheren. After agreeing to add Egwene and Thom to     
their numbers, Moiraine, Lan, Rand, Mat, Perrin, Egwene,    
and Thom head toward Tar VAlon. Rand spots a Draghkar.      
THE NORTH RD.-Present goal is to reach the town of Taren    
Ferry before the Myrddraal. Rand channels for the first     
time (that we know of) to strngthen Bela.                   
WATCH HILL-Draghkar "shows itself" and the group races on   
shrouded in Aes Sedai-made fog.                             
TAREN FERRY-Master Hightower takes them across River Taren  
on the ferry. Moiraine sinks the ferry. Seek refuge in      
cave of trees. Moiraine guides Egwene through first         
touching of True Source.                                    
Day 3-8:                                                    
BAERLON RD:-Lan schools boys daily on how to use their      
weapons. Gleeman gives nightly lessons on art of            
storytelling and juggling. Egwene has private nightly       
lessons with Moiraine.                                      
BAERLON-(The Stag & Lion) Rand talks with Ba'alzamon in     
his dreams. Rand, Perrin, and Mat have the same dream.      
Day 9:                                                      
BAERLON-Rand meets Min. Tells him what she "sees" about     
each person in group. Rand finds Padan Fain alive in the    
city. Rand confronts Whitecloaks (Bornhald). Mat and Rand   
tell Thom of their dreams. Nynaeve arrives. Group (except   
Lan) dances in common room. Fade speaks to Rand.            
CAEMLYN GATE-Moiraine uses her staff on Whitecloaks and     
grows giant-sized.                                          
CAEMLYN RD.-An hour down the road, they see inn burning.    
Day 10-12:                                                  
CAEMLYN RD.-Third day after leaving Baerlon, they hear      
Trollocs to East and West. Head north toward Maradon and    
the Arinelle River. Fight fist of Trollocs. Lan cuts        
Fade's head off, which kills remaining Trollocs. Moiraine   
causes earthquake, makes wall of fire and diverts their     
scents and tracks to another direction.                     
SHADAR LOGOTH-Boys meet Mordeth. Moirane tells them of      
Mordeth. Trollocs and Myddraal inside city. Group           

===============   Reply    6 of Note    3 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:17 PM

<note 8 of 11>                                              
seperates from Moiraine and Lan by Mashadar. Rest of them   
scattered by Trollocs. Perrin swims safely across river.    
Thom, Rand, and Mat board the Spray, captained and owned    
by Bayle Domon. Rand and Mat give Domon their Tar Valon     
coins. Floran Gelb, watchman blamed for Trolloc raid,       
hates them.                                                 
Day 13:                                                     
RIVER ARINELLE-Nynaeve heads down river afoot. Eaves drops  
on Moiraine and Lan. Moiraine senses her presence and       
convinces her she is an unknowing wielder of the One        
Power. They head South toward Whitebridge and the two       
boys. Perrin finds Egwene and decides to head straight      
across to Caemlyn, through the forest.                      
Day 16:                                                     
BRAEM WOOD-Perrin and Egwene meet Elyas Machera,            
Wolfbrother. Elyas and Dapple, leader of wolf pack, decide  
to take them South toward Caemlyn.                          
RIVER ARINELLE-Rand finds real blood on his fingertip from  
pick of a thorn in his dream of Ba'alzamon. Rand hcannels   
again (?) when atop the mast. Thom fears mutiny. Rand sees  
Mat's ruby dagger.                                          
Day 19:                                                     
BRAEM WOOD-Perrin realizes he can understand the wolves.    
They take camp with Tinkers. Meet Raen, Mahdi or Seeker of  
the band, his wife Ila and grandson Aram, who courts        
Egwene. Raen tells them story of Aiel woman and what she    
says of He Who Come With The Dawn.                          
WHITEBRIDGE-Stop at Wayfarer's Rest. Bartim/Innkeeper says  
crazy man and Fade have asked about them. Over hear Gelb    
saying they're Darkfriends and they leave. When Fade meets  
them, Thom tells boys to run and he stays to fight, where   
he is supposedly killed.                                    
BRAEM WOOD-Perrin dreams of Ba'alzamon and wakes to find    
wolves have shared his dream. They leave Tinker camp.       
WHITEBRIDGE-Moirane senses the two boys were in the inn     
and left afraid. They go after the boy who still has his    
token, namely Perrin.                                       
BRAEM WOOD-Elyas, Perrin, and Egwene escape the raves into  
a stedding. The wolves have been hurt.                      
STEEDDING-Wolves warn that men come. Hopper dies trying to  
save Perrin. They are captured by Whitecloaks. Lord         
Captain Geofram Bornhald and Child Byar question them.      
CAEMLYN RD.-Rand and Mat stay at various farms, lastly      
Grinwell Farm. Begin to perform for their stay in inns.     
FOUR KINGS-Rand and Mat stay at The Dancing Cartman. Saml   
Hake (The innkeeper), Jak, and Strom mean to rob them.      
Howel Gode, Whitebridge merchand and Darkfriend, and his    
minions try to attack. Randbrings down lightning. Mat is    
blinded. Rand and Mat escape throughthe lightning induced   
CAEMLYN RD.-Rand and mat ride in Hyam Kinch/Farmer's cart.  
Rand sees Gode (dead) and Ba'alzamon in his dream ("I mark  
you as mine!"). Albert Mull/Farmer gives them a ride.       
MARKET SHERAN-Stay at village inn, Rulan Allwine the        
Innkeeper. See a Darkfriend (Paitr) and must flee.          
INN'S STABLE-Rand is sick with fear (perhaps a result of    
touching the True Source with the lightning?). Darkfriend   
woman tries to kill them. She says Myrddraal are coming.    
Mat locks her in room.                                      

===============   Reply    7 of Note    3 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:17 PM

<note 9 of 11>                                              
CAEMLYN RD.-(Hyam Kinch-p.430) Spend night on a             
haystack. Walk with travelers gong to see false Dragon.     
CROWN AND GOOSE INN-See Raimun Holdwin/Inkeeper and Fade    
talking. Catch a ride with Almen Bunt/Farmer.               
CAEMLYN-(Queen's Blessing Inn) Meet Basil Gill, Innkeeper   
and Thom's friend. Rand meets Loial, tells him everything   
except his dreams. Rand has his heron sword wrapped in red. 
BRAEM WOOD-Moiraine, Lan, and Nynaeve find Perrin and       
Egwene with the Whitecloaks. They escape.                   
CAEMLYN-Rand sees Logain. Falls into Palace garden. Meets   
Elayne and Gawyn. Tallanvor takes all three to face Queen   
Morgase, which also brings an encounter with Elaida, where  
Elaida has the Foretelling over Rand. Master Gill faces     
Whitecloaks. The original group (except Thom) is reunited.  
Moiriane temporarly cleanses the taint from Mat caused by   
the dagger. Rand tells Moiraine of their dreams. Moiraine   
decides they must go to the Eye oof the World located in    
the Blight. That night boys dream of Ba'alzamon and the     
three clay figures. Loial leads the group to a Waygate.     
THE WAYS-Close to the exit to the Borderlands, they         
hear/feel Machin Shin "The blood so red, so red the         
drops...". Moiraine burns a hole in the Waygate and repels  
the Black Wind while they escape.                           
FAL DARA-Group meets Ingtar and Lord Agelmar. Moiraine      
tells Agelmar of their plans. Padan Fain arrives. Agelmar   
tells Lan's history. Moiraine returns from private talk     
with Fain and tells them Fain's story.                      
THE BLIGHT-It is still Spring. Nynaeve approaches Lan. He   
tells her that "he will love the man that loves you, and    
curse him because he is n ot me." They are attacked by      
trees and deformed beings. The Worms come.                  
GREEN MAN's PLACE-The Green Man takes them to the Eye of    
the World. The Green Man and Balthemal exchange mortal      
words. The group runs, leaving Moiraine the impossible      
task of fighting Aginor. Rand takes the white cord from     
Aginor and the flames consume him. Rand is teleported to    
the battle taking place at the Gap, and defeates the Dark   
One's Army, giving the Light a victory. The Creater (?)     
speaks to Rand. The Dark One confronts Rand, and Rand       
frees Kari al'Thor's soul from the Father of Lies. Rand     
and Ba'alzamon battle, and Rand severs the black cord       
behind Ba'alzamon and the flames consume him. Rand is       
re-teleported to the Blight, where Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve,  
and Egwene now know Rand can channel. There are three       
things brought from the Eye: One of the seven seals made    
of heartsonte on the Dark One's prison, the Horn of Valere  
and the Dragon's banner. Loial sings his Treesong so the    
Blight will not have Treebrother (The Green Man).           
GAL DARA-Moiranie shows Agelmar the Horn of Valere and      
asks him to see that it's taken to Illian. Moiraine, using  
the stone, overhears Rand telling Egwene he must go away,   
but "not ever home."                                        
"The Dragon is Reborn."                                     
     stomach-chainleaf (tea),  bluewort (tea), marshwhite   
leaves (tea)-as well as chainleaf with a bite to the        
taste, longer it sits, the more it grows bitter.            
     fatigue-flatwort tea andilay root.                     
     ease birthing-apply warm towels and perhaps give her   

===============   Reply    8 of Note    3 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:17 PM

<note 10 of 11>                                             
a little white fennel if it was an especially hard          
     heartattack-powdered gheandin blossom on the tongue    
     broken limb-after you give him the boneknit, you wrap  
the broken lumb in toweling soaked in water where you've    
boiled bluegoat flowers as hot as he can stand it.          
One part bluegoat flowers to ten of water.  No weaker.      
Replace the towels as soon as they stop steaming and        
keep it up all day, knits twice as fast as boneknit         
NAMES OF SONGS FROM THE THIRD AGE                           
"Only One Bucket of Water"                                  
"Wild Geese on the Wing"                                    
"Three Girls in the Meadow"-also (Tinkers) "Pretty          
Maids Dancing"                                              
"Coming Home From Tarwin's Gap"                             
"Mistress Aynora's Rooster"                                 
"The Old Black Bear"                                        
"Ferry O'er the River"-also "Darling Sara"                  
"The Road to Dun Aren"                                      
"The Wind From the North"-also (Tinkers) "Hard Rain         
"Berin's Retreat"                                           
The Tinker Has My Pots"-also (Tinkers) "Toss the Feathers"  
REMENANTS FROM THE AGE OF LEGENDS                           
Whitebridge-tendays north on the Arinelle, there is         
a metal tower                                               
R. Arinelle-cut in high bluffs, half a mile ling, is        
a Royal procession.                                         
Tremalking -a stone hand fifty feet high sticking out       
of a hill, clutching a crystal sphere as big as the         
a boat.  Verin mentioned the stone sa'angreal as being      
the second in a pair.  The other is in Cairhien and         
only works with saidin.                                     
Tanchico  -there is a port on the Aryth Ocean which         
is connected to part of the Panarch's Palace.  Bones        
of animals no man living has ever seen before all fastened  
together like the animal originally was.                    
Sand Hills-Near the Two Riverrs-Bones found of part         
of a fish as big as a boat.                                 
crystal lattice-covers an island, it hums when the          
moon is up.                                                 
hallowed mountain-hallowed into a bowl, in its center,      
a silver spike a hundred spans high, anyone who comes       
within a mile of it dies.                                   
light sticks, razor lace, heartstone                        
NAMES OF TALES OF THE THIRD AGE                             
"Aptarigine Cycle"                                          
"Tales of Artur Paendrag Tanreall-Artur Hawkwing-Artur      
the High King, who once ruled all the lands from the        
Aiel Waste to the Aryth Ocean, and even beyond."            
"The Thousand Tales of Anla, the Wise Counselor"            
"Jaem the Giant-Slayer"                                     
"How Susa Tamed Jain Farstrider"                            
"Mara and the Three Foolish Kings"                          
Lenn-how he flew to the moon in the belly of an eagle       

===============   Reply    9 of Note    3 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:23 PM

<note 11 of 11>                                             
made of fire.                                               
Salys-Lenn's daughter, walks among the stars                
(Ages when men ruled the heavans and the Stars, and         
Ages when Man roamed as brother to the animals...Ages       
ending by fire raining from the skies, and Ages doomed      
by snow and ice covering land and sea...)                   
"Tales of Mosk the Giant, with his Lance of Fire that       
could reach                                                 
around the world, and his wars with Alsbet, the Queen       
of All"                                                     
"Tales of Materese the Healer, Mother of the Wondrous       
"The Siege of the Pillars of the Sky"                       
"How Goodwife Karil Cured Her Husband of Snoring"           
"King Darith and the Fall of the House of..."               
"Lian's Stand"                                              
"The Fall of Aleth-Loriel"                                  
"Gaidal Can's Sword"                                        
"The Last Ride of Buad of Albhain"                          
TER'ANGREAL (stolen by the Black Ajah)                      
Rod     -clear crystal, smooth and perfectly clear,         
one foot long and one inch in diameter.  Use unknown.       
Last study made by Corianin Nedeal.                         
Figurine-a figurine of an unclothed woman in a labaster,    
one hand tall.  Use unknown.  Last study made by Corianin   
Disc    -apparently of simple iron yet untouched by         
rust, three inches in diameter, finely engraved on          
both sides with a tight spiral. Use unknown.  Last          
study made by Corianin Nedeal.                              
Hedgehog-wooden carving, no bigger than the last joint      
of a man's thumb.  Any woman who tried to channel through   
it went to sleep.  Half a day of peaceful, dreamless        

===============   Note     4              =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:                ALL                   Date:    07/01
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:     6:48 PM

<note 1 of 11>                                              
  THE OLD TONGUE                                            
by: Andrea Leistra/Aviendha                                 
A'vron              watchers                      328 TGH   
Aan'allein          Man who is an entire people   264 TSR   
Aes Sedai           servant of all                270 TSR   
Aethan Dor          Red Shield                    541 TDR   
Aiel                Dedicated                     270 TSR   
Al                  son of                        110 EOW   
Al'cair             golden                        *** ***   
Al'Cair Dal          Golden Bowl                   391 TSR  
Al'cair'rahienallen Hill of the Golden Dawn       464 EOW   
Alantin             Brother                       259 TGH   
Aldezar             eagle                         252 TSR   
Aldieb              Westwind                      147 EOW   
algai'd'siswai                                    525 FOH   
algode              cotton                        65  FOH   
Atha'an             People (as in THE People)     *** TSR   
Atha'an Miere       Sea Folk                      xviiTDR   
Avendesora          Tree of Life                  73  EOW   
Avendoraldera       Sapling of the Tree of Life   73  EOW   
a'vron              watchers                      *** ***   
Ay                  daughter of                   110 EOW   
caba'donde          horse                         *** ***   
caba'drin           horsemen                      *** ***   
Cabellien misain ye Release me                    164 TDR   
Cadin'sor           working clothes               151 TSR   
Caldazar            Red Eagle                     228 EOW   
calichniye          welcome                       *** ***   
Callandor           Sword that Cannot be Touched  388 TGH   
Car'a'carn          Chief of Chiefs               386 TSR   
Carai               honor (for the honor of)      228 EOW   
Chalinda            sweet girl                    43  FOH   
Cor Darei           Night Spear                   647 FOH   
Coreene             Return, The                   416 TGH   
cuebiyar            forward                       *** ***   
Cuendillar          heartstone                    647 EOW   
Da'shain            ---                           293 TSR   
Daes Dae'mar        Great Game, The               317 TGH   
Dai Shan            Diademed Battle Lord          583 EOW   
Damane              Leashed One                   566 TGH   
dareis              spear                         *** ***   
din                 brothers                      *** ***   
domashita           warms                         *** ***   
Do Miere A'vron     Watchers over the Waves       107 TGH   
doon                eyes                          *** ***   
Dovie'andi se tovya                                         
sagain              It's time to roll the dice    641 FOH   
Dovienya            Luck                          661 TSR   
drin                men                           *** ***   
Duadhe              water                         252 TSR   
Duadhe Mahdi'in     Water Seekers                 252 TSR   
Ellisande           Rose of the Sun               228 EOW   
Faile               falcon                        337 TDR   
Far Aldazar Din     Brothers of the Eagle         252 TSR   
Far Dareis Mai      Maidens of the Spear          315 EOW   
Gai'shain               Those sworn topeace in battle 268   
Gaidin              Brother to Battles            ?gl TGH   
Hailene             Forerunners                   416 TGH   
Hama N'dore         Mountain Dancers              gls FOH   
Hei                 always                        *** TSR   

===============   Reply    1 of Note    4 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:23 PM

<note 2 of 11>                                              
Inde muaghdhe misain                                        
Aes Sedai ye        I am no Aes Sedai meat        164 TDR   
isha                betrayer                      *** ***   
Ishamael            Betrayer of Hope              x   EOW   
Jeade'en            True Finder                   248 TSR   
Jenn                Only true...                  270 TSR   
Ji                  honor                         268 TSR   
Ji'e'toh            Honor and duty                268 TSR   
Kardon              ***                           563 TSR   
Kiserai ti Wansho   Glory to the Builders         583 EOW   
Kodome calichniye                                           
ga ni...hei         Here is always a welcome for. 585 EOW   
Lanfear             Daughter of the Night         105 TGH   
Los caba'drin       horsemen forward              490 FOH   
Los Valdar                                                  
Cuebiyari           Forward the Heart Guard       164 TDR   
Ma'vron             Watchers (important)          328 TGH   
machin              black                         *** ***   
Machin Shin         Black Wind                    545 EOW   
mael                hope                          *** ***   
Mafal Dadaranell    Fal Dara                      542 EOW   
Mahdi               Seeker                        310 EOW   
mai                 maidens                       *** ***   
Mandarb             blade                         146 EOW   
manatheren          Mountain Home                 110 EOW   
Manetherendrelle    Waters of the Mountain Home   110 EOW   
Marath'damane       Those who Must be Leashed     568 TGH   
Mashiara            Lost beloved of heart andsoul 135 TGH   
Mia ayende          I am a free man               164 TDR   
Mia dovienya                                                
nesodhin soende     ***                           661 TSR   
Miere               ocean                         *** TSR   
moghedien           poisonous spider              195 FOH   
muad                foot                          *** ***   
Muad'drin           footmen                       *** ***   
Mordero daghain pas                                         
duente cuebiyar     ***                           619 EOW   
Muad'drin tia dar                                           
allende...          Footmen prepare to                      
                    pass cavalry                  164 TDR   
..caba'drin rhadiem forward                       585 ***   
ninte, ninto        your                          *** ***   
Ninte calichniye no                                         
domashita           Your welcome warms me         696 EOW   
oosquai             an Aiel liquor                656 TSR   
Ordeith             wormwood                      xxivTDR   
rahein              dawn                          *** ***   
Rahein Sorei        Dawn Runners                  gls FOH   
Rhyagelle           Those who come Home           416 TGH   
s'redit             elephant                      235 FOH   
Sa souvraya niende                                          
misain ye           I am lost in my own mind      422 TSR   
Saidar              female half of the TrueSource 140 EOW   
Saidin              male half of the True Source  xiiiEOW   
sam                 slayer                        *** ***   
Sammael             Slayer of Hope                *** ***   
segade              cactus                        98  FOH   
seia                black                         *** ***   
Seia Doon           Black Eyes                    252 TSR   
Sene sovya                                                  
caba'donde ain                                              

===============   Reply    2 of Note    4 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:23 PM

<note 3 of 11>                                              
doviendya           Luck is a horse to ride like            
                    any other                     81  FOH   
Serenla             stubborn daughter             43  FOH   
Sha'mad Conde       Thunder Walkers               252 TSR   
Shadar Logoth       The Place where the Shadow              
                    Waits                         244 EOW   
Shae'en M'taal      Stone Dog                     326 TDR   
Shaiel              Woman who is Dedicated        392 TSR   
shain               sworn to peace                *** ***   
Shen an Calhar      The Band of the Red Hand      610 FOH   
shin                wind                          *** ***   
siswai'aman         the spear of the Dragon       524 FOH   
So'jhin             heriditary upper servant      35  TSR   
sorda               rat                           92  FOH   
Sorei               runners                       *** ***   
Sovin Nai           Knife Hands                   gls FOH   
staera              copper scraping stick         100 FOH   
Sul'dam             Holder of the Leash           566 TGH   
Suravye ninto                                               
manshima taishite   Peace favor your sword        606 EOW   
sursa               chopsticks                    578 TSR   
T'ingshen           Treebrother                   622 EOW   
t'mat               tomato                        563 TSR   
Ta'maral'ailen      Web of Destiny(of thePattern) 466 EOW   
Ta'veren            centerpoint of the Pattern    466 EOW   
Tai'shar            True blood of...              120 TGH   
Tain Shari          True Bloods                   657 TSR   
Tarmon Gai'don      Last Battle                   327 TGH   
Tel'aran'rhiod      World of Dreams; Unseen World 189 TDR   
Tia avende alantin  Brother to the Trees          649 EOW   
Toh                 obligation or duty            267 TSR   
Tsingu ma choba     I am unworthy                 584 EOW   
Tsingu ma choshih   You honor me                  622 EOW   
tu                  traveling                     *** ***   
Tuatha'an           Traveling People              308 EOW   
zemai               corn                          563 TSR   

A compilation of the documents of                           
<daberg@leland.stanford.edu>, BAClubb                       
<Bruce42288@aol.com>, Mark<mk0349@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu>,      
<gsfn34d@prodigy.com>, and Aaron17 <aaron17@aol.com>. Also  
drawed upon is the long letter that Don Harlow              
<donh@netcom.com> was nice enough to send. I compiled,      
typed, and edited this document. I did not, however, find   
most of the words.                                          
Key: ?= indicates uncertainty                               
a = /preposition or article/                                
a'dam = leashed one /see "dam"/                             
a'vron = watcher /see "vron/"                               
aan = one                                                   
aan'allein = one man /see "aan" and "allein"/               
aethan ?= shields /see "aethan dor"/                        
aiel = dedicated                                            
ailen = ??? /see "ta'maral'ailen"/                          
ain ?= is /see note 1/                                      
al = /article/                                              
al'cair'rahienallen = Cairhein /See "cair", "rahien" and    

===============   Reply    3 of Note    4 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:23 PM

<note 4 of 11>                                              
alcair = the golden                                         
algai'd'siswai ?= the spear fighters /see "gai" and         
alantin = brother                                           
aldazar = the eagle /see "dazar"/                           
aldieb = westwind                                           
algode = cotton                                             
allein = man                                                
allen ?= hill                                               
allende = ??? /see phrase "Muad'drin tia dar allende        
 caba'drin rhadiem"/                                        
aman = dragon                                               
an = /preposition/ or /pluralization as suffix/...          
angreal = /tool of the power/                               
aridhol = ??? /a city of the second covenant/               
asmodean = ??? /contraction of real name?/                  
atha ?= person                                              
atha'an ?= peoples /see "atha" and "an" and "atha'an        
aven ?= call                                                
avende = tree                                               
avendesora = the Tree of Life                               
avendoraldera = Cutting/Sapling of Tree of Life             
ayende = release/freedom                                    
balthamel = ??? /a Forsaken/                                
be'lal = ??? /a Forsaken/                                   
bekkar ?= blood                                             
cab ?= free /note/                                          
caba = horse                                                
caba'donde = /see "caba", "donde", "Sene sovya caba'donde   
 ain dovienya"/                                             
caba'drin = cavalry/horsemen                                
caballein = free man /see "cab" and "allein" and note 3/    
cadin = ??? /see "cadin'sor"/                               
cadin'sor = working clothes                                 
cair = gold                                                 
cal = red                                                   
caldazar = red eagle /see "cal" and "dazar"/                
calhar = red hand /see "cal" and "har"/                     
calichniye = welcome                                        
car = chief                                                 
car'a'carn = Chief of Chiefs /see "car" and "carn"/         
carai = for the honor /or/ honor                            
carn = chiefs                                               
chalinda = sweet girl                                       
cor = night                                                 
corenne = return                                            
cue = heart                                                 
cuebiyari = /rel. to heart/ /see "cue" and phrase "valdar   
cuendillar = heartstone                                     
da'shain =  /see note 4 and phrase "da'shain aiel"/         
dadaranell = ??? /see phrase "mafal dadaranell"/            
daghain = ??? /see phrase "Mordero daghain pas duente       
dai = Battle /see note 4/                                   
dal = bowl                                                  
dam = leash                                                 
damane = leashed one /see "dam" and "aan"/                  

===============   Reply    4 of Note    4 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:23 PM

<note 5 of 11>                                              
dar = ??? /see phrase "Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin  
dar = sister                                                
darei = spear                                               
dareis = spear                                              
dazar = eagle                                               
demandred = ??? /a forsaken/                                
din = brother                                               
do ?= over /a preposition/                                  
domashita ?= warms /see phrase "Ninte calichniye no         
don = ??? /see "gai'don"/                                   
donde ?= to ride /see "caba'donde"/                         
dor ?= red /see "aethan dor"/                               
dovie = /rel. to luck/ /see "dovie'andi" and "dovienya"/    
dovie'andi ?= dice /see "dovie" and phrase "Dovie'andi se   
 tovya sagain"/                                             
dovienya = luck                                             
drelle = river of                                           
drin = soldiers                                             
duadhe ?= water                                             
duente = ??? /see phrase "Mordero daghain pas duente        
e = and                                                     
en = ??? /see "jeade'en" and "shae'en m'taal" and note 2/   
ellisande = rose of the sun                                 
faile = falcon                                              
far = for                                                   
ga = ??? /see phrase "Kodome Calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai     
gai = battle /See note 4/                                   
gai'don = ??? /see "gai", "tarmon gai'don"/                 
gai'shain = those sworn to peace in battle /see "gai" and   
 note 4/                                                    
gaidin = battle brother /warder/ /see "gai" and "din"/      
graendal = ??? /a forsaken/                                 
hailene = forerunners                                       
hama = ??? /See phrase "Hama N'dore"/                       
har = hand                                                  
hei = always                                                
in ?= /pluralization/ /see note/                            
inde = no /or/ not /general negation/                       
isain = is /see note 1/                                     
isainde = isn't /contraction/ /see "isain" and "inde"/      
isha ?= betrayer /possibly no 'a'/                          
ishamael = betrayer of hope /a Forsaken/ /see "isha" and    
jeade = ??? /see "jeade'en"/                                
jeade'en = true finder                                      
jenn = truly /or/ true                                      
jhin = ??? /see "so'jhin"/                                  
ji = honor                                                  
kardon = green skinned fruit from a leafless spiny plant    
kiserai = glory                                             
kodome = ??? /see phrase "Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes       
 Sedai hei"/                                                
lanfear = doughter of the night /a forsaken/                
logoth = ??? /see phrase "shadar logoth"/                   
los = forward                                               
m'taal = ??? /see phrase "shae'en m'taal"/                  

===============   Reply    5 of Note    4 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:23 PM

<note 6 of 11>                                              
ma = /contraction/ /see "ma'vron"/                          
ma'vron ?= /contraction/ /see "miere" and "vron"/           
machin = ??? /see phrase "machin shin"/                     
mad = ??? /see "sha'mad"/                                   
mael = hope                                                 
mafal = ??? /see phrase "mafal dadaranell"/                 
mahdi = seeker                                              
mahdi'in = seeker(s) /suffix is pluralization?/             
mai = maiden(s)                                             
man = /related to sword or blade/ /see "mandarb",           
mandarb = blade                                             
manetheren = mountain home                                  
manetherendrelle = waters of mountain home /see             
 "manetheren" and "drelle"/                                 
manshima ?= sword /see "man", "Suravye ninto manshima       
maral = ??? /see "ta'maral'ailen"/                          
marath ?= those who must /see "marath'damane"/              
marath'damane = those who must be leashed /see "damane"/    
mashiara = beloved of heart /or/ a love lost                
mesaana = ??? /a forsaken/                                  
mi = my                                                     
mia = my                                                    
miere = ocean/waves                                         
misain = am /see note 1/                                    
moghedien ?= spider /a forsaken/                            
mordero = ??? /see phrase "Mordero daghain pas duente       
Moridin ?= death /see phrase "Tia mi aven Moridin isainde   
muad = foot                                                 
muad'drin = /see "muad" and "drin"/                         
muaghde ?= meat                                             
n'dore = ??? /See phrase "hama n'dore"/                     
nei = ??? /see phrase "sovin nei"/                          
ni = ??? /see phrase "Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai     
ninte = your                                                
ninto = your                                                
no = me /first person singular pre-verb direct object       
on ?= /pluralization/ /see note 2/                          
oosquai ?= whiskey /or some other alchoholic beverage/      
ordeith = wormwood                                          
pas = ??? /see phrase "Mordero daghain pas duente           
rahien = dawn                                               
rahvin = ??? /a forsaken/                                   
rhadiem = ??? /see phrase "Muad'drin tia dar allende        
 caba'drin rhadiem"/                                        
rhyagelle = those who come home                             
sa ?= /superlative prefix/ /or/ /reflexive pronoun/         
sa'angreal = very strong Power channel /see "sa" and        
sa'sara = "superlative" dance /see "sa" and "sara"/         
sag ?= time /see "sagain"/                                  
sagain = it's time /see "sag", "ain" and "Dovie'andi se     
 tovya sagain"/                                             
sai = /related to power/                                    

===============   Reply    6 of Note    4 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:24 PM

<note 7 of 11>                                              
saidar = female half of power /see "sai" and "dar"/         
saidin = male half of power /see "sai" and "din"/           
sam ?= destroyer                                            
sammael = destroyer of hope /a forsaken/ /see "sam" and     
sara = dance /see "sa'sara"/                                
se = themselves /reflexive pre-verb pronoun/                
seia = ??? /see phrase "seia doon"/                         
semirhage = ??? /a forsaken/                                
sene ?= as/like /see phrase "Sene sovya caba'donde ain      
serenla = stubborn daughter                                 
sha = ??? /see "sha'mad"/                                   
sha'mad = ??? /see phrase "sha'mad conde"/                  
shadar = ??? /see phrase "shadar logoth"/                   
shae = ??? /see "shae'en"/                                  
shae'en = ??? /see phrase "shae'en m'taal"/                 
shaiel = she who is dedicated /see aiel/                    
shain ?= peace /see note 4/                                 
shambayan = chamberlain                                     
shan ?= lord                                                
shar = ??? /see "tai'shar"/                                 
shari = /plural of "shar"/                                  
shatayan = chatelaine                                       
shen = band                                                 
shoufa = dustveil                                           
siswai = spear                                              
siswai'aman = /see "siswai" and "aman"/                     
so = ??? /see "so'jhin"/                                    
so'jhin = /hereditary upper servants of the blood/          
sor = /see "cadin'sor"/                                     
sorda = rat                                                 
sorei = runner(s)                                           
sovin = ??? /see phrase "sovin nei"/                        
souvraya = ??? /see phrase "Sa souvraya niende misain ye"/  
sovya ?= another /see phrase "Sene sovya caba'donde ain     
staera = copper scraping stick                              
sul ?= holder /see "sul'dam"/                               
sul'dam = leash holder /see "dam"/                          
suravye = ??? /see phrase "Suravye ninto manshima           
sursa = chopsticks                                          
t'mat ?= tomato                                             
ta = /rel. to pattern/                                      
ta'maral'ailen = web of destiny around ta'veren /see "ta"/  
ta'veren = focal point of pattern /see "ta"/                
taal = ??? /see "m'taal"/                                   
tai = ??? /see "tai'shar"/                                  
tai'shar = true blood                                       
tain = /plural of "tai"/                                    
taishite = ??? /see phrase "Suravye ninto manshima          
tarmon ?= last /see phrase "tarmon gai'don"/                
tel'aran'rhiod = world of dreams /or/ unseen world          
ter = ??? /see "ter'angreal"/                               
ter'angreal = director of power /see "angreal"/             
ti = to                                                     
tia = to                                                    
toh = obligation/duty                                       

===============   Reply    7 of Note    4 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:24 PM

<note 8 of 11>                                              
tovya = roll /probably third person plural reflexive form/  
tuatha = /contraction involving "atha"/                     
tuatha'an = Traveling People /see "tuatha" and "atha'an"/   
vadin = bar/barrier                                         
val ?= guard /see "valdar" and "valon"/                     
valdar = ??? /see phrase "valdar cuebiyari"/                
valon ?= guards /see "val", "on" and phrase "tar valon"/    
vron = watcher(s)                                           
wansho = builder(s)                                         
ye = I /or/ /exclamatory fragment without meaning/          
zemai = maize or corn                                       
Note 1: "Misain", "isain" and "ain" all appear to be forms  
of the verb "to be".                                        
Note 2: "An", "in", "on" and "en" all seem to indicate      
pluralization in some context or another. It is possible    
that the "-n" suffix is all that is really needed.          
Note 3: "Caballein", it has been suggested, might be a      
contraction of "caba" and "allein" meaning "horseman". The  
use of it as "free man" would then be a cultural thing.     
This would avoid the creation of the new word "cab"         
meaning "free".                                             
Note 4: "Dai" and "gai" seem to both mean battle. Also,     
"Da'shain" and "Gai'shain" are very much alike. "Shain"     
seems to mean something along the lines of "sworn to        
peace". There is also "Dai Shan" which sounds somewhat      
alike but means "Battle Lord". Draw your own conclusions.   
  aes sedai=servant to/of all                               
My guess is that this phrase should probably be translated  
"to all servant". Thus "aes" would probably be a            
contraction of "a" and the word meaning "all". "Sedai"      
would then mean servant.                                    
  aethan dor = red shields                                  
An aiel warrior society. Possibly the "-n" ending           
indicates that "aethan" means shields, and thus "dor"       
would be another word for "red" in addition to "cal".       
  al caldazar = the red eagle                               
The sign of Manetheren. "Cal" means "red", and "dalzar"     
means "eagle".                                              
  al ellisande = the rose of the sun                        
The sign for Aemon's wife, Eldrene. "Ellisande" can         
probably be divided into two words, but I have no idea      
  alcair dal = the golden bowl                              
An aiel meeting place. "Cair" means "gold" and "dal" means  
  atha'an miere = the sea folk                              
Probably literally "people sea" as "miere" means "sea",     
"atha'an" is the pluralization of "atha" meaning "person"   
  Caballein misain ye = I am a free man                     
Probably literally "Free man am I". "Cab" means "free",     
"allein" means "man", "misain" means "am", and "ye" means   
  Carai an caldazar = For the honor of the red eagle        
"Carai" means "honor", "an" is a preposition in this case,  
probably "of", "cal" means "red" and "dazar" means          
  Carai an ellisande = for the honor of the rose of the     
sun "Carai" means "honor", "an" is a preposition meaning    

===============   Reply    8 of Note    4 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:24 PM

<note 9 of 11>                                              
"of" and "ellisande" means "the rose of the sun".           
  cor darei = night spears                                  
An Aiel warrior society. "Cor" means "night" and "darei"    
means "spears".                                             
  daes daemar = the great game /or/ the game of the         
houses. I have no idea what any of the two to three words   
in this phrase mean.                                        
  da'shain aiel = the original name for the aiel            
"Aiel" means dedicated. See note 1 above for                
interpretation of da'shain.                                 
  dai shan = battle lord                                    
"Dai" means "battle", "shan" means lord. See also note 1    
  do miere a'vron = the watchers over the sea               
Probably literally "over ocean, watchers". "Do" means       
"over", "miere" means "ocean" and "vron" means "watchers".  
  Dovie'andi se tovya sagain = It's time to roll the dice   
"Dovie" seems to be related to "dovienya" which means       
"luck". Following the normal sentence order, this probably  
means "Dice themselves roll time it is." Thus,              
"Dovie'andi" means "dice", "se" is a relexive pronoun       
"themselves", "tovya" is a conjugation of "to roll", "sag"  
means "time" and "ain" means "is". The only two that        
cross-reference, however, are "ain" and "Dovie'andi".       
  duadhe mahdi'in = water seekers                           
An Aiel warrior society. "Duadhe" means "water" and         
"mahdi'in" is the pluralistaion of "mahdi" which means      
  far aldazar din = brothers of the eagle                   
Probably literally "for the eagle, brother". An Aiel        
warrior society. "Far" means "for", "dazar" means "eagle"   
and "din" means "brother".                                  
  far dareis mai = maidens of the spear                     
Probably literally "for spear, maiden". The Aiel female     
warrior society. "Far" means "for", "darei" means "spear",  
and "mai" means "maiden".                                   
  hama n'dore = mountain dancers                            
An Aiel warrior society. No idea on either word.            
  Inde muaghde Aes Sedai misain ye = I am no Aes Sedai meat.
Probably literally "not meat Aes Sedai am I" with the Aes   
Sedai modifying the preceding noun. "Inde" means negation,  
"muaghde" means "meat", "misain" means "am" and "ye" means  
  jenn aiel = the "true" aiel                               
Probably literally "truly dedicated". The name for the      
"tribe" of Aiel who built Rhuidean. "Jenn" means "true" or  
"truly", and "aiel" means "dedicated".                      
  Kiserai ti wansho = glory to the builders                 
"Kiserai" means "glory", "ti" means "to" and "wansho"       
means "builders".                                           
  Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei = Here is always a  
welcome for Aes Sedai. Probably literally "??? welcome ???  
??? Aes Sedai always". "Calichniye" means "welcome" and     
"hei" means "always".                                       
  Los caba'drin = horsemen/cavalry forward                  
"Los" means "forward", "caba" means "horse" and "drin"      
means "soldier"                                             
  Los valdar cuebiyari = Heart-guard foward                 
"Los" means "forward" and "valdar cuebiyari" means "the     
heart guard".                                               

===============   Reply    9 of Note    4 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:24 PM

<note 10 of 11>                                             
  machin shin = the black wind. The wind in the ways. No    
idea on word order.                                         
  mafal dadaranell = old name for Fal Dara No idea on any   
  Mia ayende, Aes Sedai = release me, Aes Sedai. Probably   
literally "my release/freedom, Aes Sedai". "Mia" means      
"my" and "ayende" means "release/freedom".                  
  Mia dovienya nesodhin soende = ???                        
Probably literally "My luck ??? ???". If the normal word    
order holds, "nesodhin" is the very and "soende" is the     
subject. Mat says that this sunded like a "fervent wish."   
  Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar = ???                 
"Cuebiyar" could be related to "cuebiyari" which might      
mean "guard". See "valdar cuebiyari".                       
  Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem = Footmen     
prepare to pass cavalry. Probably literally "Foot soldiers  
to ??? ??? horse soldiers ???" "Muad" means "foot", "drin"  
means "soldier", "tia" means "to" and "caba" means "horse"  
  Ninte calichniye no domashitsa = Your welcome warms me    
Probably literally "Your welcome me warms" with the direct  
object coming before the verb. "Ninte" means "your",        
"calichniye" means "welcome", "no" means "me" and           
"domashita" means "warms".                                  
  rahien sorei = dawn runners. An Aiel warrior society.     
"Rahien" means "dawn" and "sorei" means "runners".          
  Sa souvraya niende misain ye = I am lost in my own mind.  
Probably literally "??? ??? ??? am I". "Misain" means       
"am", "ye" means "I". "Sa" does not appear to be a          
superlative in this sentence. Possibly literally "in my     
own mind lost am I" In this scenarion, "sa" could either    
mean a reflexive (own) or in could be a preposition         
meaning "in". I would also guess that "aya" or something    
close to this may be a possesive suffix.                    
  seia doon = black eyes. An Aiel warrior society. No idea  
on word order.                                              
  Sene sovya caba'donde ain dovienya = Luck is a horse to   
ride like any other. Probably literally "As/like another a  
horse to ride is luck". Thus, "sene" means "as/like",       
"sovya" means "another", "donde" means to ride, "ain"       
means "is" and "dovienya" means "luck".                     
  sha'mad conde = thunder walkers. An Aiel warrior          
society. No idea on word order.                             
  shadar logoth = shadow's waiting. The present name for    
Aridhol. No idea on word order.                             
  shae'en m'taal = stone dogs. An Aiel warrior society. No  
  shen an calhar = the band of the red hand. "Shen" means   
"band", "an" means "of", "cal" means "red" and "har" means  
  sovin nai = knife hands. No idea on word order.           
  Suravye ninto manshima taishite = Peace favor your        
sword. Probably literally means "??? your sword ???". No    
idea on the unknown word order. "Ninto" means "your" and    
"manshima" probably means "sword" as "man" is also present  
in "mandarb".                                               
  tain shari = true bloods. "Tain" is the plural of "tai"   
and "shari" is the plural of "shar".No idea on word order.  
See also "tai'shar".                                        
  tar valon = tower guards. "Val" probably means "guard"    
and "on" may be a plural ending which implies that "tar"    

===============   Reply   10 of Note    4 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:30 PM

<note 11 of 11>                                             
probably means "tower".                                     
  tarmon gai'don = last battle. "Gai" means battle. No      
idea on rest.                                               
  tia avende alantin = Ogier. Probably literally "to the    
trees, brother". "Tia" means "to", "avende" means "tree"    
and "alantin" means "brother".                              
  Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin = The grave is no bar   
to my call. The phrase on the Horn of Valere. Probably      
literally "To my call, death isn't bar". "Tia" means "to",  
"mi" means "my", "aven" means "call", "moridin" means       
"death", "isainde" means "isn't", and "vadin" means "bar"   
or "barrier". Another interpretation of this stems from     
the fact that the above does not conform to the fairly      
standard predicate-verb-subject word order. Under that      
interpretation, this would probably literally be "To my     
call, barrier isn't call" changing the meaning of           
"Moridin" to "barrier" and "vadin" to "death". My personal  
opinion is that the capitalization of "Moridin" indicates   
that it means "death" as there is relatively little reason  
to capitalize "barrier".                                    
  valdar cuebiyari = the heart guard                        
"Val" probably means "guard" and "cue" means "heart". The   
interesting thing here is that "dar" means "sister". I am   
not sure what to make of this.                              
There are probably numerous errors in this file as it is    
based on a lot of speculation. If you find any, can you     
please e-mail me at <daberg@leland.stanford.edu>. Thank     
You. Aaron                                                  

===============   Note     5              =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:                ALL                   Date:    07/01
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:     6:48 PM

<note 1 of 2>                                               
"Dear Carolyn,                                              
Thank you for your letter.  It is good to hear about        
your newsletter and the activity of my fans.                
I think I need to address your question about the stories.  
you are right about stories set in my world or my landscape 
or my world's history plagiarizing my creation, and         
plagiarism is theft; a benign theft in the case of          
a fan publication, but just the same, an author's sole      
property rights to his creating lie in his copyright,       
and to infringe my copyright is to steal from me...Even     
if I were to set restrictions, any permission or            
approval from me would set a precedent that I cannot        
and will not set.  you might agree not to use any of        
my characters, say, but another fan club might not          
be as correct as you have been regarding asking permission, 
yet take publication by your newsletter of stories          
in my world as an okay to do the same.  Like Chelsea        
Quinn Yarbro, I might well find stories being published     
that do include my characters, and published to make        
a buck.  Such would lead to all sorts of legal wrangles.    
For that reason, I cannot give you such permission.         
As to role playing, that is an entirely different matter.   
As long as there is no commercial consideration involved,   
feel free.                                                  
With regard to sanctioning your club, I'm afraid I          
can't.  I do not intend to sanction any fan club; there     
are a number of clubs, and I really can't favor one         
over another.  I hope you understand.                       
Now about how evil the Forsaken are.  I'm not really        
sure you define evil.  Part of what I am writing about      
is just how ordinary evil is.  In many ways, without        
the One Power, the Forsaken would be no more than           
though perhaps a bit more than ordinary.  True, their       
callousness toward the pain, suffering, even death          
of ordinary people, and the way they submerge everything    
and everyone in their own quest for power--and true         
immortality--their willingness to deliver the world         
to the Dark One in that quest, are shared by many who       
do not have their powers.  The point is that they are       
human; they haven't gotten rid of human emotions, or        
human weaknessesexcept for a few physical ones.  They       
are not gods, nor even demi-gods, though they seek          
to be and think they already are.  But believe me,          
there is nothing they will not do to achieve their          
goals, no price too high to pay--especially if it is        
paid by someone else, or millions of someone elses.         
And Lanfear holding back and doing good for Rand's          
sake?  Ha!  She was psychically fixed on possessing         
a man who never loved her.  Even with that, her desire      
for Rand was as much a desire for power as for him.         
To be the one to deliver the Dragon Reborn to the service   
of the Shadow; that would set her above the other Forsaken. 
And learning that the access ter'angreal for the two        
huge sa'angreal were still in existence....Sure, she        
wanted his love--not least because it had been denied       
her; Lanfear was a woman who claimed a right to anything    
she wanted--wanted his devotion, but even more than         
his body, Lanfear wanted power, the power possibly          
to replace the Dark One, even to replace the Creator.       

===============   Reply    1 of Note    5 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:30 PM

<note 2 of 2>                                               
For Rand's sake?  Not a chance.                             
I must say that I'm not surprised that most of your         
predictions didn't come out.  I try to avoid doing          
what people expect.  And I avoid answering questions,       
at least about what is happening in the books.  If          
I answer some, people can begin to figure out some          
important things that I mean to hide simply by which        
I answer and which I don't.                                 
Whether you decide to go with publishing or illustration    
for a career--or both--good luck.                           
Again, thanks for your letter.                              
With best wishes, I remain,  Sincerely,  Robert Jordan."    

===============   Note     6              =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:                ALL                   Date:    07/01
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:     6:48 PM

<note 1 of 4>                                               
March 1, 1994                                               
"Dear Carolyn:                                              
Thanks for your letter of February 6.                       
I've had requests for info about starting clubs from three  
or four people, and have given them the address of The      
Chronicles. In addition, there was/is a club in Columbia    
S.C., but I've lost their address. In Scotland I was given  
a seventy-page printout of "facts deduced" about the books  
by a Jordan discussion group on Internet, which I am told   
has broken away from the main SF/Fantasy group. A fan wrote 
giving me the "address " of this group, but I would have to 
go through all the filed letters to find it; as I am not on 
any of the nets, I did not make a note of it. Otherwise,    
it's hearsay, that the clubs exist on the nets. If I find   
any addresses, I will send them on to you.                  
Does evil need to be effective to be evil? And how do you   
define effectiveness? Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge managed   
to murder about 25-30% of Cambodia's population, destroy    
the country's agricultural and industrial base, fairly well 
wipe out the educated class inside the country (defined as  
anyone with an education beyond the ability to read; a good 
many of those went too, of course), and in general became   
so rabid that only China was willing to maintain any sort   
of contact with them, and that at arm's length. Their       
rabidity was the prime reason that they ended up losing the 
country. (though they are still around and still causing    
trouble.) In other words, they were extremely ineffective   
in attaining their goal, which was to seize Cambodia,       
remake it in the way Pol Pot wished (and still wishes), and 
export their brand of revolution abroad. Looking at the     
death toll, the cities emptied out (hospital patients were  
told they had one hour to leave or die; post-op patients,   
those still in the operating room, everybody), the murders  
of entire families down to infants because one member of    
the family was suspected of "counter-revolutionary"         
crimes, the mass executions (one method was for hundreds of 
people to be bound hand and foot, then bulldozed into       
graves alive; the bulldozers drove back and forth over      
these mass graves until attempts to dig out stopped) --     
given all of that, can you say that Khmer Roughe's          
ineffectiveness made them less evil? Irrationality is more  
fearful than rationality (if we can use that                
term in this regard) because if you have brown hair and know
that the serial killer out there is only killing blondes,   
you are safe, but if he is one of those following no easily 
discernible pattern, if every murder seems truly random,    
then it could be you who will be next. But "rationality"    
can have its terrors. What if that killer is only after     
brunettes named Carolyn? Stalin had the very rational goal  
(according to Communist dogma) of forcibly collectivizing   
all farmland in the Soviet Union. He was effective -- all   
the land was collectivized -- and to do it he murdered some 
thirty million small farmers who did not want to go along.  
But are the Forsaken ineffective or irrational? Are they    
any more divided than any other group plotting got take     
over a country, a world, IBM? True, they plot to secure     
power for themselves. But I give you Stalin v. Trotsky and  
the entire history of the Soviet Union. I give you Thomas   
Jefferson v. Alexander Hamilton v. John Adams, and we will  
ignore such thins as Jefferson's hounding of Aaron Burr (he 
tore up the Constitution to do it; double jeopardy, habeas  

===============   Reply    1 of Note    6 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:30 PM

<note 2 of 4>                                               
corpus, the whole nine yards), or Horatio Gates' attempted  
military coup against Washington, with the support of a fair
amount of the Continental Congress. We can also ignore      
Secretary of War Stanton's attempts to undermine Lincoln    
throughout the Civil War, the New England states' attempt   
to make a separate peace with England during the            
Revolution and their continued trading with the enemy (the  
British again) during the War of 1812, and... The list      
could go on forever, frankly, and take in every country.    
Human nature is to seize personal advantage, and when the   
situation is the one the Forsaken face (namely that one of  
them will be given the rule of the entire earth while the   
others are forever subordinate), they are going to          
maneuver and backstab like crazy. You yourself say "If      
ever there was the possibility that some alien force was    
going to invade this planet, half the countries would       
refuse to admit the problem, the other half would be        
fighting each other to figure out who will lead the         
countries into battle, etc." Even events like Rahvin or     
Sammael or Be'lal seizing a nation have a basis. What       
better way to hand over large chunks of land and people to  
the Dark One than to be ruler of those elands and people?   
The thing is that they are human. But aside from that, are  
you sure that you know what they are up to? All of them?    
Are you sure you know what the Dark One's own plans are?    
Now let's see about Ran and his dangers and his allies.     
Have you been skimming, my dear? What makes you think the   
Tairens, Cairhienin and Andorans are solidly behind him?    
they're plotting and scheming as hard as the Forsaken.      
Rand is the Dragon Reborn, but this is my country, and we   
don't need anybody, and so on. And then there are those who 
don't think he is the DR at all, just a puppet of Tar       
Valon. Most of the Aiel may be behind him, but the Shaido   
are still around, and the bleackness is still taking its    
toll, since not all Aiel can face up to what Rand has told  
them about themselves. What makes you think the Seanchan    
will fall in behind rand? Have you seen any Seanchan        
volunteers showing up? Carolyn, half of these people are    
denying there is a problem, and half are trying to be big   
honcho themselves. Read again, Carolyn. The world Rand      
lives in is getting more frenzied and turbulent. Damned few 
are saying, "Lead, because you know best." A good many who  
are following are saying "Lead, because I'd rather follow   
you than have you call down lightning and burn me to a      
As for lack of challenge, I refer you again to the question 
about whether you really think you know what all the        
Forsaken are planning. Or what Padan Fain is up to. There   
is a flaw inherent in fiction, one that is overcome by      
suspension of disbelief. We do always know, somewhere in    
the back of our heads, that the hero is going to make it    
through as far as he needs to. After all, if Frodo buys the 
farm, the story is over, kids. The excitement comes in      
trying to figure out how he can possibly wiggle out, how he 
can possibly triumph.                                       
In Rand's case, let's see what he still has stacked against 
him. The Cairhienin and Tairens are for the most part       
reluctant allies, and in many cases not even that. At the   
end of FIRES, he has Caemlyn, but I don't see any Andoran   
nobles crowding around to hail him. Illian still belongs to 
Sammael. Pedron Niall is working to convince people Rand is 

===============   Reply    2 of Note    6 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:30 PM

<note 3 of 4>                                               
a false Dragon, and the Prophet is alienating ten people    
for every one he convinces. Tarabon and Arad Doman are      
unholy messes; even if Rand manages to get in touch with    
all of the Dragonsworn -- who are not organized beyond      
individual bands -- he has two humongous civil wars to deal 
with. True, he can use the Aiel to suppress those, but he   
has to avoid men killing men too much; there are Trollocs   
waiting to spill out of the Blight eventually. We must      
always remember the Trollocs, Myrddraal etc; the last time  
they came out in force, it took over 300 years to beat them 
back, and the Last Battle doesn't give Rand anywhere near   
that. Altara and Murandy are so divided in any case that    
simply getting the king or queen on his side isn't going to 
work; remember that most people in those two countries give 
loyalty to a city or a local lord and only toss in their    
country as an afterthought. Davram Bashere thinks Tenobia   
will bring Saldaea to Rand, and that is possible since the  
Borderlands would be one place where everyone is aware of   
the Last Battle and the Prophecies, but even Bashere isn't  
willing to make any promises, not even for Saldaea much     
less the other Borderlands, and I haven't seen any          
Borderland rulers showing up to hand Rand the keys to the   
kingdom. Padan Fain is out there, able to feel Rand, and    
hating him because of what was done to him, Fain, to make   
him able to find Rand. The surviving Forsaken are out there 
and except for Sammael, nobody knows what they are up to or 
where they can be found. For that matter, who knows         
everything that Sammael is up to? Elaida, in the White      
Tower, thinks Rand has to be tightly controlled. The        
Salidar Aes Sedai are not simply ready to fall in and kiss  
his boots, either. Aes Sedai have been manipulating the     
world for more than three thousand years, guiding it,       
making sure it remembers the Dark One and Tarmon Gai'don as 
real threats, doing their best, as they see it, to prepare  
the world for the Dark One breaking free. Are they likely   
to simply step aside and hand over control to a farmboy,    
even if he is the Dragon Reborn? Even after Moiraine        
decided he had to be given his head, Siuan was reluctant,   
and Siuan was in Moiraine's little conspiracy from the      
beginning. And the Seanchan...The last we saw of their      
forces, they were commanded by a Darkfriend. As for the Sea 
Folk, do you know what their prophecy says about the        
Coramoor? Do you think working with them it will be any     
simpler than dealing with the Aiel, say?                    
Now, what and who does Rand have solidly in his camp?       
Perrin knows what is needed, but he's hardly happy about    
it. What he really wants is to settle down with Faile and   
be a blacksmith; everything else is a reluctant duty. Mat   
blew the Horn of Valere, but it's hidden in the Tower, and  
frankly, if he could figure some way to go away and spend   
the rest of his life carousing and chasing women, he would. 
He'll do what he has to do, but Light he doesn't want to.   
The Aiel are for Rand (less the Shaido, still a formidable  
force), but the Dragon Reborn and the Last Battle are no    
part of the Prophecy of Rhuidean. That is all wetlander     
stuff. Besides which, they are still suffering losses from  
bleakness, people throwing down their spears and leaving,   
people defecting to the Shaido or drifting back to the      
Waste because what Rand told them of their origins can't    
possibly be true and if it isn't then he can't be the       

===============   Reply    3 of Note    6 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:30 PM

<note 4 of 4>                                               
car'a'carn. Rand has declared an amnesty for men who can    
channel and is trying to gather them in; they, at least,    
should give their loyalty to him. But how many can he find? 
How much can he teach them in the time he has? How many     
will go mad before the Last Battle? There is still the      
taint on saidin, remember. For that matter, can Rand hang   
onto his own sanity? What effect will having a madman       
inside his head have? Can he stop Lews Therin from taking   
him over?                                                   
I know that was supposed to be a listing of what Rand has   
in his favor, but the fact is that he is walking the        
razor's edge, barely hanging onto his sanity and growing    
more paranoid all the time, barely hanging onto putative    
allies, most of whom would just as soon see him go away in  
the hope that then everything would be the way it was       
before he showed up, confronted by enemies on every side.   
In short he has challenges enough for ten men. I've had     
people writ to say they can't see how Rand is going to      
untangle all of this and get humanity ready to face the     
Last Battle. What I say is, what you believe to be true is  
not always true. What you think is going to happen is not   
always going to happen. That has been demonstrated time and 
again in THE WHEEL OF TIME. You could call those two        
statements one of the themes of the books.                  
Hey, don't publish the picture Gerard gave you. Our house   
has no wrought-iron gates. Also, no renovation has been     
done here since the fix-up after Hurricane Hugo several     
years ago. I kid you not. Poor Gerard go the wrong house.   
I'm glad you don't intend to publish any address, whether   
or not it is mine. There are fans who write letters, and    
then there are fans who show up at the front door           
unannounced. I hate to be rude to people, but with the time 
I spend writing, I barely have time for a social life with  
my friends, and frankly, someone who has managed to track   
you down is going to think you have cheated them if you     
scribble your name in their book and say, "Now go away. I'm 
busy." Believe me.                                          
Well, again, thanks for the letter, Carolyn. Do keep me     
abreast of what's happening with The Chronicles. I really   
would like to see copies, if it is possible for you to send 
them to me care of Tor Books.                               
With best wishes,                                           
I remain,                                                   
Robert Jordan                                               
cc: file                                                    

===============   Note     7              =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:                ALL                   Date:    07/01
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:     6:55 PM

<note 1 of 8>                                               
The Wheel of Time                                           
A Detailed Chronology                                       
Richard S. Millard                                          
October 30, 1992                                            
 1992 by Richard S. Millard                                 
The Wheel of Time                                           
A Detailed Chronology                                       
     A previous paper has attempted to set out a general    
chronology of the thirty years leading up to the action     
of The Wheel of Time, and to establish the ages of          
the main participants.  This paper attempts to establish    
a more precise and detailed chronology for the years        
997-998 NE.                                                 
     It is not possible to develop a precise, day-by day    
chronology for all of the books. The Dragon Reborn, for     
example, contains so few guides that only the most general  
statements are possible. However, for other books we can do 
much better, and for some periods, at least, something like 
a day-by day chronology is indeed possible.                 
     The discussion that follows uses our current calendar  
simply because we must use something, and we have no        
information regarding the Third Age calendar. We do         
know that the year was divided into months (see GH          
p. 450, ch. 37) and months into weeks (see GH p. 381,       
ch. 31), but we know neither the names nor the number       
of those months.  Similarly, we have know way of knowing    
whether the new year began in the winter, on what we        
would call  January 1, or at some other time.  What         
follows is necessarily an estimate and to some extent       
is arbitrary, but should provide at least a moderately      
accurate indication of the relative times of various        
     As in the previous paper, the following abbreviations  
are used                                                    
     EW - The Eye of the World                              
     GH - The Great Hunt                                    
     DR - The Dragon Reborn                                 
     SR - The Shadow Rising                                 
Again, page citations are to the hardcover editions;        
chapter citations are provided                              
for other readers.                                          
          1. The Eye of the World.  The action of           
The Eye of the World begins on the day of Winternight,      
997 NE, the day before the spring festival of Bel Tine (EW  
p. 3, ch. 1), and occupies a period of approximately        
60 days.  We know that the festival occurs approximately a  
month after the beginning of spring ("spring should have    
come a good month since", EW p. 1, ch. 1, and see p. 30,    
ch. 3), and that Bel Tine normally coincides with the       
sprouting of the first crops and the birth of the first     
lambs, when spring has "well and truly arrived" (EW, p. 9,  
ch. 1)                                                      
     We cannot translate Winternight and Bel Tine to our    
calendar with precision, but we can make some educated      
guesses based on what we know of the climate of the Two     
Rivers.  Our most important clue, perhaps, is that the Two  
Rivers is well known as  a center for the production of     
tobacco (EW p. 503, ch. 40 and p. 589, ch. 46; SR p. 163,   
ch. 13 and p. 421, ch. 37). Based on what we know of the    
requirements for growing tobacco and of the climates of     
current tobacco growing regions (such as the Chesapeake     

===============   Reply    1 of Note    7 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:31 PM

<note 2 of 8>                                               
region of the United States), we can assume that a          
"normal" spring in the Two Rivers would begin in early to   
mid March, and that the Bel Tine festival would normally be 
held in perhaps the second week of April - say April 10 or  
April 15.  It is somewhat tempting to equate the Bel Tine   
dance at which the young women of Emond's Field dance the   
"pole" with a traditional European "Maypole" dance, to      
which it seems very similar, but placing Bel Tine as late   
as May 1 would not only be inconsistent with the climate of 
a tobacco growing region, which would be expected to have a 
slightly earlier spring, but (as will be shown below) would 
also push the battle at Falme described in The Great Hunt   
back into winter rather than late fall.                     
     Once we establish dates for Winternight and Bel        
Tine, the action of The Eye of the World up to the          
scattering of group in Shadar Logoth can be dated without   
difficulty.  The group leaves Emond's Field on the night of 
Bel Tine (EW, p. 107, ch. 9 and p. 126, ch. 11) and crosses 
the Taren the same night (EW p. 139, ch. 12).  The journey  
from the Taren to Baerlon takes six days; the group arrives 
in Baerlon on the night of the sixth day (EW p. 154, ch.    
13).  One day is spent in Baerlon, on which Rand meets      
Padan Fain and challenges the Whitecloaks; a Fade attacks   
Rand and the group leaves Baerlon that same night (EW p.    
210, ch. 17).  Two days are spent on the Caemlyn road       
before the Trollocs attack (EW p. 219, ch.18), and a third  
day is spent traveling cross country before taking refuge   
in Shadar Logoth (EW p. 219-231, ch. 18).                   
     The main difficulties arise after the group breaks     
up in Shadar Logoth.  Between this dispersal and the        
reunion in Caemlyn, there is not sufficient data to track   
any group other than Rand and Mat, and even Rand and Mat    
require some estimation.  We know that the journey by boat  
to Whitebridge takes approximately ten days (EW p. 299, ch. 
24), and that after reaching Four Kings the remainder of    
the journey to Caemlyn takes four days (EW p. 417, ch. 33;  
p. 422, ch. 33; p. 432 ch. 34; p. 43 6, ch. 34 and p. 443,  
ch. 34).  The gaps we cannot fill are the time spent        
traveling from Whitebridge to Four Kings, and the time      
spent in Caemlyn before the rest of the group arrives.      
     Based on the available maps, it appears that the       
distance from Whitebridge to Four Kings is approximately    
four times the distance from Four Kings to Caemlyn.         
However, the time spent covering this distance need         
not have been proportionally longer.  Both Rand and Mat are 
ill after Four Kings (EW p. 413, 423, ch. 33), and this may 
have slowed them down; they may have covered the distance   
from Whitebridge to Four Kings at a faster pace.  On the    
other hand, it is clear that Rand and Mat of ten stopped to 
work during the journey from Whitebridge to Four Kings, and 
this would have slowed them down.  All in all, it seems     
safest to assume that the time spent traveling from         
Whitebridge to Four Kings was in fact roughly proportional  
to the distance involved, or approximately sixteen days.    
     Rand and Mat's time in Caemlyn waiting for Moiraine    
presents a smaller gap. It appears that some time went by   
between the arrival in Caemlyn and Rand's trip to see       
Logain (see EW p. 491, ch. 39), in the course of which he   
met Elayne, Gawyn and Morgase, but no indication is given   
of the exact amount of time elapsed.  It is unlikely,       
however, that the time was very great.  Given Mat's         

===============   Reply    2 of Note    7 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:31 PM

<note 3 of 8>                                               
condition, Moiraine must have arrived and healed him        
shortly after he arrived in Caemlyn.  If we allow a total   
of three days before Moiraine's arrival, we should not be   
too far off.                                                
     Although we cannot track any other members of the      
group before the reunion in Caemlyn, we can fill in a few   
facts.  For example, we know that Perrin and Egwene travel  
for two days before meeting Elyas Machera (EW p. 282, ch.   
23), and spend three days with Elyas and his friends before 
meeting the Tinkers (EW p. 306-307, ch. 25).  We also know  
that Moiraine, Lan and Nynaeve arrive in Whitebridge only   
one or two days after Rand and Mat (EW p. 354, ch. 28).     
Beyond this, however, we simply do not have enough data to  
justify reaching any conclusions.                           
     After the reunion in Caemlyn, the chronology once      
more becomes clear.  The trip to Fal Dara via the Ways      
takes two days (EW p. 566, ch. 45), camping once in the     
Ways (EW p. 567, ch. 45) and staying at Fal Dara on the     
second night (EW p. 603, ch. 47).  The trip from Fal Dara   
to the Eye of the World also takes two days, with one night 
spent at Malkier (EW p. 611, ch. 48) and the second night,  
after the battle with Aginor, at the Eye itself (EW p. 649, 
ch. 52). The trip back to Fal Dara takes two days, arriving 
at Fal Dara for the second night (EW p. 653, ch. 53) after  
camping one night in the Blight (EW p. 652, ch. 53).  The   
final scene between Rand and Egwene takes place seven days  
later (EW p. 655, ch. 53).                                  
     Thus, a tentative chronology (beginning with an        
arbitrarily chosen date in early April) would be as follows 
     Date                         Event                     
April 10          WinternightMoiraine, Lan, Thom Merrilin,  
               Padan Fain arrive, Trollocs attack at night  
April 11          Bel Tine Moiraine heals Tam al'Thor; group
               leaves Emond's Field and crosses the Taren at
April 17          Group arrives Baerlon in evening          
April 18          Day in BaerlonRand meets Padan Fain and   
               challenges Whitecloaks; group leaves Baerlon 
               at night                                     
April 21          Trolloc pursuit; group takes refuge in    
               Logoth; Rand, Mat and Thom leave via boat    
April 23          Perrin and Egwene meet Elyas              
April 26          Perrin, Egwene and Elyas meet Tinkers     
May 1          Rand, Mat and Thom arrive Whitebridge; Thom  
               attacks Fade                                 
May 2/3          Moiraine, Lan and Nynaeve arrive in        
May 17          Rand and Mat arrive in Four Kings           
May 21          Rand and Mat arrive in Caemlyn              
May 24          Rand meets Elayne, Gawyn and Morgase; group 
               reunited in Caemlyn; leaves for Fal Dara via 
               Ways that night                              
May 25          Camp in Ways                                
May 26          Arrive at Fal Dara; Padan Fain captured     
May 27          Travel in Blight; camp at Malkier           
May 28          Battle at Eye of the World                  
May 30          Return to Fal Dara                          
June 6          Conversation between Rand and Egwene, end of
               The Eye of the World.                        

===============   Reply    3 of Note    7 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:31 PM

<note 4 of 8>                                               
     As will be shown below, the end of The Eye of the      
World cannot occur much more than a week after the date     
suggested above; extending the action much later in the     
year would lead to an unacceptably late date for the battle 
at Falme at the end of The Great Hunt.  Moreover, we know   
that it is still "spring" when the group first arrives at   
Fal Dara (EW p.580, 584, ch. 46).  This would be consistent 
with a late May or an early June date, especially in a      
northern climate such as Shienar's, but probably not with a 
mid-June date.                                              
     On the other hand, to begin the action any earlier     
would require us either to place Bel Tine even earlier in   
the year, thus assuming a "normal" spring in the first week 
of March, which seems too early, or to shorten our estimate 
of the time spent traveling from Whitebridge to Four Kings, 
neither of which seems reasonable.                          
     On the whole, it is unlikely that the foregoing        
chronology if off by more than a week to 10 days.           
     2.  The Great Hunt.  We know that The Great Hunt       
begins approximately a month after the return to Fal Dara   
from the Eye of the World (GH p. 3, ch. 1 and p. 117, ch.   
8), or three weeks after the conversation between Rand and  
Egwene that ended The Eye of the World.  The characters     
separate early in the book, as Rand, Mat and Perrin leave   
Fal Dara with Ingtar to pursue the Horn of Valere, Egwene   
and Nynaeve travel to Tar Valon to train as Aes Sedai, and  
Moiraine goes her own way to pursue her researches.  There  
are too few clues to enable us to establish a chronology    
for Egwene and Nynaeve, or for Moiraine, but we can         
establish a reasonably reliable chronology for Rand, Mat    
and Perrin.                                                 
     The book opens on the day (Day 1) of the Amyrlin       
Seat's arrival in Fal Dara (GH p. 9, ch. 1).  Rand goes     
into hiding in the women's apartments that afternoon, and   
the Trollocs attack the keep, rescue Padan Fain and steal   
the Horn that night (GH p. 70, ch. 6).  The Amyrlin         
interviews Rand and tells him of his heritage the next day  
(Day 2) (GH p. 98, ch. 7 and p. 108, ch. 8), and Rand, Mat  
and Perrin leave Fal Dara with Ingtar that same day (GH p.  
128, ch. 8).                                                
     The party camps three times on the trail of the        
Trollocs (GH p. 142, 146, ch. 10); these camps are the      
nights of Days 2, 3 and 4.  Two more days (Days 5 and 6) of 
the same follow (GH p. 146, ch. 10).  On the next day, Day  
7, the group crosses the River Erinin and camps next to the 
Portal Stone (GH p. 159, ch. 11), and Rand is given the     
Dragon banner.  Lanfear (Selene) transports Rand, Loial and 
Hurin by Portal Stone that night.                           
     Rand's party camps only one night (the night of Day 8) 
in the world of the Portal Stone (GH p. 201, ch. 15);       
Ba'alzamon visits the camp, and Rand is marked with the     
first heron, that night.  The moon is "almost full" (GH p.  
202, ch. 15).  On the next day, Day 9, the party passes the 
field of Talidar, meets Selene, leaves the world of the     
Portal Stone and camps in Kinslayer's Dagger in the "real"  
world (GH p. 227, ch. 17).                                  
     This brings us to our first difficulty; we are not     
told exactly how long Rand and his group waited in the      
mountains for Fain and his Trollocs.  We do know that       
several days elapsed (GH p. 239, ch. 19); and since the     
time is measured only in days, we can assume that the       

===============   Reply    4 of Note    7 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:36 PM

<note 5 of 8>                                               
period was less than a week.  We are told that on the night 
Rand attacked the Trollocs and regained the Horn, the       
moon was "not far past full" (GH p. 240, ch. 19).  Since    
the moon was "nearly full" on the night of Day 8 (see       
above), it seems reasonable to conclude that perhaps four   
to six days have passed, placing Rand's seizure of the Horn 
on the night of Day 12 to Day 14. If we choose Day 13, this 
results in a four-day (Days 10, 11, 12 and 13) wait in the  
mountains for the Trollocs, which can't be far off.         
     From Kinslayer's Dagger to Cairhien appears to be a    
journey of somewhat over two days (Days 14, 15 and 16),     
with one camp (Day 14) in the mountains (GH p. 252, ch.     
20), one night (Day 15) at The Nine Rings inn in the        
village of Tremonsien (GH p. 258, ch. 21), with Cairhien    
reached the next day, Day 16 (GH p. 309, ch. 25).  Rand     
locates Thom Merrilin and visits the Illuminators'          
compound the next day, Day 17 (GH p. 317, ch. 25 and p.     
335, ch. 27).  We know that Rand arrives in Cairhien a week 
before Ingtar, Verin, Mat and Perrin (GH p. 381, ch. 31),   
which means that Rand must have spent Days 18 through 22    
collecting invitations from the noble houses and looking    
for Selene, before the Darkfriends retake the Horn and      
Ingtar's party arrives on Day 23.                           
     Verin, Ingtar and Rand confer on the evening of Day    
23, and attend Lord Barthanes Damodred's party the next     
night, Day 24 (GH p. 384, ch. 31).  After learning that the 
Horn has been taken through a Waygate, they leave for       
Stedding Tsofu early on Day 25 (GH p. 410, ch. 34).  This   
day is spent on the road, camping on the road that night    
(GH p. 422, ch. 35), and Stedding Tsofu is reached the next 
day, Day 26 (GH p. 423, ch. 35).  The group meets with the  
Elders, encounters Machin Shin at the Waygate and departs   
by Portal Stone that same day.                              
     Verin Sedai estimates that the journey by Portal Stone 
consumes four months in the "real world" (GH p. 450, ch.    
37), with the group arriving in "late fall", after at least 
two snows but before true winter has arrived (GH p. 490,    
ch. 41).  After arriving in the evening, the group searches 
for Fain for three days before reaching the village of      
Atuan's Mill (GH p. 493, ch. 41).  They then separate, in   
disguise, to pick up Fain's trail, searching for an unknown 
period which we may estimate at an additional three days    
(See GH p. 493, ch. 41 and Verin's comments at GH p. 522,   
ch. 44).  Rand, Pat, Perrin, Hurin and Ingtar enter Falme   
the next day (GH p. 524, ch. 44), retake the Horn, and      
expel the Seanchan.  Rand wakes five days thereafter on the 
road east from Falme (GH p. 570, ch. 49).                   
     If, as discussed above, we place the return to         
Fal Dara from the Eye of the World on May 30, then we may   
construct the following chronology                          
       Date                         Event                   
July 1          Amyrlin Seat arrives in Fal Dara;           
               Trollocs retake Horn of Valere and rescue    
               Padan Fain                                   
July 2          Amyrlin Seat interviews Rand al'Thor;       
               Ingtar's party leaves in pursuit of the      
July 7          Ingtar's party crosses River Erinin; Rand   
               given Dragon Banner; Rand transported by     
               Portal Stone                                 
July 9          Rand meets Selene (Lanfear); returns from   

===============   Reply    5 of Note    7 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:36 PM

<note 6 of 8>                                               
               world of Portal Stone                        
July  13          Rand attacks Trollocs in Kinslayer's      
               Dagger and regains Horn of Valere            
July 15          Rand encounters great sa'angreal outside   
July 16          Rand arrives in Cairhien                   
July 17        Rand meets Tom Merrilin; pursued by          
               Trollocs; enters Illuminators' compound      
July 23        Darkfriends take Horn of Valere; Ingtar's    
               arrives in Cairhien                          
July 24        Rand attends party at Lord Barthanes         
               Damodred's mansion                           
July 26        Group arrives at Stedding Tsofu; travels     
               by Portal Stone                              
November 26    Group arrives on Toman Head                  
November 29    Searchers for Fain reach Atuan's Mill        
December 3     Rand, Mat and Perrin regain Horn of          
               Valere; Nynaeve, Elayne and Min rescue       
               Egwene from Seanchan; Battle of Falme        
December 8     Rand awakens on road east from Falme         
  These are about the earliest dates possible; to move the  
action forward in the year to any significant degree would  
require us to begin The Eye of the World at an unreasonably 
early date.  On the other hand, to move the action later in 
the year would result in arrival on Toman Head in winter    
rather than late autumn.  On the whole, it is unlikely that 
the chronology suggested for the year 997 is off by more    
than a week in either direction.                            
  3.  The Dragon Reborn.  The Dragon Reborn presents the    
greatest chronological difficulties of any book in the      
series.  We know that the book begins in the spring of 998, 
and covers a period of several months, ending in late       
spring or early summer. Unfortunately, we have no other     
chronological landmarks, and can only fall back on a rough  
general estimate.                                           
  Since spring has already begun in the lands below the     
mountains (DR p.1, ch. 1 and p. 65, ch. 7), we can assume   
that the book begins no earlier than mid-April.  Based on   
the time Ingtar takes to travel from Fal Dara to Cairhien   
in the Great Hunt (23 days), a journey that appears to be   
no more than 60% of the distance from the Mountains of Mist 
to Tear, and considering that Rand made at least part of    
the trip to Tear on foot, an estimate of from 45 to 60 days 
seems reasonable.  This would put Rand in Tear in early to  
mid-June.  Either a June 1 or a June 15 date would be       
consistent with the chronology of The Shadow Rising,        
although, all things considered, the longer period, and     
hence the June 15 date, appears marginally more likely.     
Perhaps the next book in the series will provide additional 
clues that will allow us to work backwards to a more        
definitive date.                                            
  4.  The Shadow Rising.  The Shadow Rising covers the      
shortest period of the four books to date; the action       
occupies a period of approximately 30 days in the summer of 
998 NE.  Unlike the other books, The Shadow Rising permits  
us to establish a detailed chronology with some certainty   
for almost all of the participants.                         
  The entire group is present in Tear when the book begins, 
and remains together there for five days.  On the first     

===============   Reply    6 of Note    7 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:36 PM

<note 7 of 8>                                               
night (Day 1), the "bubbles" of evil attack Mat, Perrin and 
Rand (SR p. 43, 51, 58  ch. 2).  Egwene and Elayne attempt  
to help Rand learn to control the One Power on the next day 
(Day 2) (SR p. 100, ch. 7), and Rand and Elayne spend the   
next three days (Days 3-5) together (SR p. 121, 124, 125,   
ch. 9).  Lanfear visits Rand, and the Trollocs attack the   
Stone, on the night of Day 5 (SR p. 126, ch. 9, 10).  On    
the next day (Day 6), Rand announces his departure to the   
nobles of Tear, and the various groups leave Tear, each     
feeling the Stone shake as Rand implants Callandor in the   
Heart of the Stone (Perrin  SR p. 206, 209, ch. 18; Nynaeve 
and ElayneSR p. 214, 223, ch. 19).  Thereafter, we can      
follow each group separately.                               
  Rand, Mat, Egwene, Moiraine and Aviendha reach a Portal   
Stone on Day 6, and arrive at Rhuidean that same day; Rand, 
Mat and Aviendha enter Rhuidean immediately and Moiraine    
enters later that day.  Rand and Mat return from Rhuidean   
at dawn on the seventh day thereafter (Day 13) (SR p. 386,  
ch. 34) and Aviendha and Moiraine return that afternoon.    
The party leaves Rhuidean the next day (Day 14), reaching   
Imre Stand that night (SR p. 414, ch. 37).  From Imre Stand 
to Cold Rocks Hold is a journey of somewhat over 11 days;   
the group reaches Cold Rocks on the twelfth day (Day 26)    
and is attacked by Draghkar that night (SR p. 547, 548,     
554, ch. 48, p. 570, 573, ch. 50).  Rand leaves the next    
morning (Day 27) for Alcair Dal (SR p. 577, ch. 50), a      
journey of 3 to 4 days (SR p. 564, ch. 49).  The group      
arrives early in the day (Day 30, if we allow three full    
days, and part of a fourth, for the journey); later that    
same day Rand is proclaimed Car'a'carn, battles Asmodean in 
Rhuidean and returns to Alcair Dal, where the book ends.    
  Perrin also leaves Tear on Day 6, spends that day and the 
next Day 7) in the Ways (SR p. 310, ch. 27), and reaches    
the Manetheren Waygate on the evening of Day 7.  The next   
three days (Days 8-10) are spent traveling from the         
Mountains of Mist to the Westwood (SR p. 326, ch. 29); the  
night of Day 10 is spent near the al'Thor farm (SR p. 328,  
ch. 29).  The next day (Day 11) Perrin visits Emond's Field 
(SR p. 328, ch. 29), learns of his family's death, and      
meets the Aes Sedai, spending the night in the Westwood.    
On the following day (Day 12) (SR p. 358, ch. 32), Perrin   
leads the attack on the Whitecloaks and rescues the         
prisoners.  Six days (Days 13-18) elapse before the ambush  
in the Waterwood in which Perrin is wounded (SR p. 458, ch. 
40), which occurs on Day 19.  Perrin spends that night with 
the Tinkers, and is taken to Emond's Field and healed the   
next day (Day 20).  On the following morning (Day 21) the   
Trollocs attack Emond's Field for the first time.  On the   
night of Day 28 Perrin marries Faile and sends her away     
from Emond's Field; seven days have elapsed since the first 
attack (SR p. 606, ch. 53).  The final Trolloc attack takes 
place the next day, on Day 29.                              
  Elayne and Nynaeve also leave Tear on Day 6.  Since the   
journey by ship to Tanchico takes ten days (SR p. 234, ch.  
20; p. 398, ch. 35), presumably including Day 6, they must  
arrive in Tanchico on the evening of Day 15.  Thus, when    
Egwene and Elayne first meet in Tel'aran'rhiod, on the      
night of Rand's return from Rhuidean (Day 13), Elayne is    
still aboard ship, two to three days away from Tanchico (SR 
p. 398, ch. 35).  Nynaeve and Elayne begin their search for 
the Black Ajah the day after their arrival in Tanchico, Day 

===============   Reply    7 of Note    7 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:36 PM

<note 7 of 8>                                               
night (Day 1), the "bubbles" of evil attack Mat, Perrin and 
Rand (SR p. 43, 51, 58  ch. 2).  Egwene and Elayne attempt  
to help Rand learn to control the One Power on the next day 
(Day 2) (SR p. 100, ch. 7), and Rand and Elayne spend the   
next three days (Days 3-5) together (SR p. 121, 124, 125,   
ch. 9).  Lanfear visits Rand, and the Trollocs attack the   
Stone, on the night of Day 5 (SR p. 126, ch. 9, 10).  On    
the next day (Day 6), Rand announces his departure to the   
nobles of Tear, and the various groups leave Tear, each     
feeling the Stone shake as Rand implants Callandor in the   
Heart of the Stone (Perrin  SR p. 206, 209, ch. 18; Nynaeve 
and ElayneSR p. 214, 223, ch. 19).  Thereafter, we can      
follow each group separately.                               
  Rand, Mat, Egwene, Moiraine and Aviendha reach a Portal   
Stone on Day 6, and arrive at Rhuidean that same day; Rand, 
Mat and Aviendha enter Rhuidean immediately and Moiraine    
enters later that day.  Rand and Mat return from Rhuidean   
at dawn on the seventh day thereafter (Day 13) (SR p. 386,  
ch. 34) and Aviendha and Moiraine return that afternoon.    
The party leaves Rhuidean the next day (Day 14), reaching   
Imre Stand that night (SR p. 414, ch. 37).  From Imre Stand 
to Cold Rocks Hold is a journey of somewhat over 11 days;   
the group reaches Cold Rocks on the twelfth day (Day 26)    
and is attacked by Draghkar that night (SR p. 547, 548,     
554, ch. 48, p. 570, 573, ch. 50).  Rand leaves the next    
morning (Day 27) for Alcair Dal (SR p. 577, ch. 50), a      
journey of 3 to 4 days (SR p. 564, ch. 49).  The group      
arrives early in the day (Day 30, if we allow three full    
days, and part of a fourth, for the journey); later that    
same day Rand is proclaimed Car'a'carn, battles Asmodean in 
Rhuidean and returns to Alcair Dal, where the book ends.    
  Perrin also leaves Tear on Day 6, spends that day and the 
next Day 7) in the Ways (SR p. 310, ch. 27), and reaches    
the Manetheren Waygate on the evening of Day 7.  The next   
three days (Days 8-10) are spent traveling from the         
Mountains of Mist to the Westwood (SR p. 326, ch. 29); the  
night of Day 10 is spent near the al'Thor farm (SR p. 328,  
ch. 29).  The next day (Day 11) Perrin visits Emond's Field 
(SR p. 328, ch. 29), learns of his family's death, and      
meets the Aes Sedai, spending the night in the Westwood.    
On the following day (Day 12) (SR p. 358, ch. 32), Perrin   
leads the attack on the Whitecloaks and rescues the         
prisoners.  Six days (Days 13-18) elapse before the ambush  
in the Waterwood in which Perrin is wounded (SR p. 458, ch. 
40), which occurs on Day 19.  Perrin spends that night with 
the Tinkers, and is taken to Emond's Field and healed the   
next day (Day 20).  On the following morning (Day 21) the   
Trollocs attack Emond's Field for the first time.  On the   
night of Day 28 Perrin marries Faile and sends her away     
from Emond's Field; seven days have elapsed since the first 
attack (SR p. 606, ch. 53).  The final Trolloc attack takes 
place the next day, on Day 29.                              
  Elayne and Nynaeve also leave Tear on Day 6.  Since the   
journey by ship to Tanchico takes ten days (SR p. 234, ch.  
20; p. 398, ch. 35), presumably including Day 6, they must  
arrive in Tanchico on the evening of Day 15.  Thus, when    
Egwene and Elayne first meet in Tel'aran'rhiod, on the      
night of Rand's return from Rhuidean (Day 13), Elayne is    
still aboard ship, two to three days away from Tanchico (SR 
p. 398, ch. 35).  Nynaeve and Elayne begin their search for 
the Black Ajah the day after their arrival in Tanchico, Day 

===============   Reply    8 of Note    7 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:36 PM

<note 8 of 8>                                               
16 (SR p. 456, ch. 39), and are rescued from Gelb's men by  
Egeanin after five days of searching, on Day 21 (SR p. 516, 
ch. 46).  That night they have their first encounter with   
Moghedien (SR p. 524, ch. 46).  They first learn that       
Egeanin is Seanchan after having known her for seven days   
(SR p. 579, ch. 51); this would be the night of Day 28.     
That night, when Nynaeve meets Egwene in Tel'aran'rhiod,    
Egwene is on the road from Cold Rocks Hold to Alcair Dal    
(SR p. 590, 591, ch. 52).  Elayne and Nynaeve enter the     
Panarch's palace, rescue Amathera and confront Moghedien    
the next day, Day 29 (SR p. 621, ch. 54).                   
  Although the day-by-day chronology is reasonably clear,   
we have no clear indication of exactly when in the year     
these events take place.  We do know that it is summer in   
the Two Rivers (SR p. 316, ch. 27; p. 341, ch. 30) and that 
Suroth had begun sending reports to Seanchan "nearly half a 
year ago", after solidifying her control of the Forerunners 
(SR p. 36, ch. 1).  If the battle of Falme took place in    
late November or early December of 997 NE, and if it took   
some time thereafter for Suroth to consolidate her          
position, this would point to a date in late June or early  
  We also know that by Day 1 news of Rand has been leaving  
Tear for two weeks (SR p. 40, ch. 2).  Unfortunately, the   
chronology of The Dragon Reborn is so vague that we cannot  
place the fall of the Stone of Tear with any precision.     
However, if we assume, as discussed above, that this occurs 
roughly in mid-June of 998 NE, then the action of The       
Shadow Rising would begin about July 1.  Although this date 
is arbitrary, it is unlikely to be very far off.  On this   
basis, the chronology of The Shadow Rising would be as      
       Date              Event                              
July 1    "Whirlpools" of evil attack Rand, Mat and         
          Perrin at night                                   
July 2    Egwene and Elayne attempt to teach Rand to        
          control the One Power                             
July 6    Elayne and Nynaeve leave Tear for Tanchico;       
          Perrin leaves Tear for the Two Rivers; Rand,      
          Mat, Egwene, Aviendha and Moiraine leave Tear     
          and arrive at Rhuidean by Portal Stone; Rand,     
          Mat, Aviendha and Moiraine enter Rhuidean.        
July 7    Perrin arrives at Manetheren                      
July 10   Perrin arrives at al'Thor farm                    
July 11   Perrin arrives in Emond's Field; learns of        
          family's death                                    
July 12   Perrin leads rescue of prisoners from             
July 13   Rand, Mat, Aviendha and Moiraine return from      
          Rhuidean; Egwene meets Elayne in                  
July 14   Rand's group leaves Rhuidean and arrives at       
          Imre Stand; attacked by Trollocs                  
July 15   Elayne and Nynaeve arrive in Tanchico             
July 16   Elayne and Nynaeve begin search for Black Ajah    
July 19   Ambush in Waterwood; Perrin wounded, night        
          spent with Tinkers                                
July 20   Perrin returns to Emond's Field and is Healed     
July 21   First Trolloc attack on Emond's Field; Elayne     
          and Nynaeve meet Egeanin; encounter with          

===============   Reply    9 of Note    7 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:36 PM

July 26   Rand's group arrives at Cold Rocks Hold;          
          attacked by Draghkar                              
July 27   Rand's group leaves Cold Rocks Hold for Alcair    
July 28   Perrin and Faile married in Emond's Field;        
          Elayne and Nynaeve learn that Egeanin is          
July 29   Final Trolloc attack on Emond's Field; Elayne     
          and Nynaeve in Panarch's Palace in Tanchico       
July 30   Rand's group arrives at Alcair Dal; Rand          
          proclaimed Car'a'carn; battle with Asmodean at    

===============   Note     8              =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:                ALL                   Date:    07/01
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:     6:55 PM

  INFO ON JORDAN FROM FLIER                                 
"About the Author:                                          
     Robert Jordan, creator of The Wheel of Time believes   
that fantasy is an enduring form of literature because      
it reaches "something deep in people; their dreams."        
He feels that fantasy literature appeals to a desire        
for a simpler time of life with recognizable good and       
evil, and that fantasy provides a universe with rules,      
order and underlying framework.                             
     The author has both a degree in physics and a          
military background, unusual credits for a fantasy          
     A lifelong resident of Charleston, South Carolina,     
Jordan was born in 1948.  With a brother 12 years his       
senior, Robert began his education at an early age,         
and his future interest in fantastic literature was         
inevitable.  "When my parents couldn't get a baby-sitter,   
they'd get my brother," he recalls.  "He would read         
to me, not kids' books, but things he was interested        
in, like Jules Verne, H.G. Wells and Mark Twain, so         
I was exposed to a lot of great fiction.                    
     Jordan served two tours of duty in Vietnam (from       
1968-70), earning the Distinguished Flying Cross and        
the Bronze star.  The Vietnamese twice awarded him          
with their Cross of Gallantry.  After Vietnam, he entered   
the Citadel, the military college of South Carolina,        
where he received a degree in physics.  In retrospect,      
Robert Jordan feels that physics is not such an unusual     
background for a fantasy writer.  "You can't study          
quantum mechanics without a feel for fantasy,"  he          
recently reflected, "Schrodinger's Cat alone will kill      
any logical person dead."  After attaining his degree,      
he was employed by the Navy as a nuclear engineer.          
He was hospitalized for an injury which gave him a          
great deal of time to catch up on his reading.  Jordan      
quickly ran out of satisfactory material, and in            
exasperation, thought he could probably write as well as    
the authors he had been reading.  The Wheel of Time is the  
happy result.                                               
Robert Jordan has now been writing for 13 years, and        
he has been married for ten.  He and his wife live          
in the Old Historic District of Charleston, in a house      
dating from 1797.  A history buff, he is particularly       
interested in Charleston's past, and in military history.   
An outdoors man, Jordan enjoys hunting fishing and          
sailing, and the indoor sports of poker, chess and          
pool, and collecting pipes (as found in Jordan's flier      
and featured in the first issue of "The Chronicles")."      
  -note: the "Hailing Frequency" Jordan Interview that      
was featured in the Waldonbooks' Issue 4 publication was    
reprinted with the Walden Book Company, Inc.'s permission   
in the Volume I, Issue #2 of "The Chronicles." If you'd     
like to obtain that issue, please send $1.50 to The Wheel   
of Time Club, P.O. Box 220322, Chantilly, VA, 22022-3022.   
(all checks must be made out to Carolyn Fusinato-cash is    
great if you feel comforable sending it)                    
   WHY LANFEAR MAY BE GOOD                                  
[<from a letter from Robert Jordan written February 1,      
1994> "And Lanfear holding back and doing good for Rand's   
sake? Ha! She was psychotically fixed on possessing a man   
who never loved her. Even with that, her desire for Rand    

===============   Reply    1 of Note    8 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/01
From:   DWUE66B    JEFFREY VALDEZ        Time:    10:52 PM

His real name is James O. Rigney, right?  I live near him,  
BTW (Not to brag or anything...<G>), and I have his phone   
number and address.  He doesn't live too far away from me.  
Anyways, did you get some of this stuff from the Internet,  
or AOL?  Just curious, because I'm familier with both of the
clubs from these two services, and I have a couple copies of
the FAQ on the Internet.             --Jeff                 

===============   Reply    2 of Note    8 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     DWUE66B    JEFFREY VALDEZ        Date:    07/02
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:     3:40 AM

Gerard/Machin Shin already tried that # and address in the  
phone book. Mr. O'Rigney said that that wasn't his house and
some other things in his letter which I will post when I    
can... Moiraine                                             

===============   Reply    3 of Note    8 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/02
From:   DWUE66B    JEFFREY VALDEZ        Time:    12:37 PM

Oh, okay.  Well, then I DON'T have his address and phone    
number. <G>  It seemed like it would be...it was worth a    
--Jeff                                  12:28 PM ET  7/2/94 

===============   Reply    4 of Note    8 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:47 PM

was as much a desire for power as for him. To be the one    
to deliver the Dragon Reborn to the service of the Shadow;  
_that_ would set her above the other Forsaken. And          
learning that the access _ter'angreal_ for the two huge     
_sa'angreal_ were still in existence... Sure, she wanted    
his love -- not least because it had been denied her;       
Lanfear was a woman who claimed a right to anything she     
wanted -- wanted his devotion, but even more than his       
body, Lanfear wanted power, the power possibly to replace   
the Dark One, even to replace the Creator. For Rand's       
sake? Not a chance." <Moiraine/Carolyn Fusinto              
[Also, the Aiel considers one who is traveling to Rhuidean  
"dead." "They are pledged to Rhuidean...Rhuidean belongs    
to the dead...They may not speak to the living until they   
return...The dead do not speak to the living...We do not    
see them until they stand among the living once             
more...Begone from among the living, and do not haunt us    
with memories of what is lost. Speak not of what the dead   
see." <TSR, Cahpter 23, Beyond the Stone, p263> And Mat     
died when he was killed by Rhavin and brought back to life  
when Rand balefired Rhavin.]                                
"I'm not sure that stilling can be reversed, it doesn't     
seem that it could be in the Age of Legends. Lanfear        
mentions that Asmodean stilled his mother like it was       
irrevocable and cruel. If it was as temporary as a shield,  
then I doubt it would have carried that connotation.        
However there seems to be a discrepency in the definitions  
of "burned out" and stilling. Egwene maintains that         
"'Burned out' was what it was called when it happened by    
accident; officially, stilling resulted from trial and      
sentence. Egwene could not see the point of it, really, it  
was like having two words for falling down the stairs,      
depending on whether you tripped or were pushed. For that,  
most Aes Sedai seemed to see it the same, except when       
teaching novices or Accepted."<TSR, Chapter 5,              
Questioners, p84>                                           
The Glossary would appear to back up this statement.        
"stilling: The act, performed by Aes Sedai, of shutting     
off a woman who can channel from the One Power. A woman     
who has been stilled can sense the True Source, but cannot  
touch it...Officially, stilling is the result of trial and  
sentence for a crime. When it happens accidentally, it is   
called being burned out. In practice, the word stilling is  
often used for both."                                       
If this is the case and "burned out" is merely another      
word for "stilling" only the manner of comming to the same  
conclusion differing, then there is yet another form of     
disconnection from the source. How so?                      
In TGH, Sheriam describes yet another situation. When the   
Aes Sedai were first testing the Accepted ter'angreal,      
those that went in shielded and channeled came out her      
"abilities burned to nothing, unable to channel, unable     
even to sense the True Source." The key being the fact      
that this severance from the Source caused the person to    
be unable even to sense the True Source. Whatever the       
correct term for this situation is, it is evident that      
this is a more final degree of seperation than merely       
being cut off from the Source. The question that remains    

===============   Reply    5 of Note    8 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:47 PM

in my mind is that, should the condition of being stilled   
where one can still sense the True source be cureable can   
this greater severance also be Healed?                      
The noteworthy facet of this other form of stilling is      
that it appears to involve a _ter'angreal_ and channeling.  
As I have pointed out before merely channeling in Eelfinn   
land should not cause stilling because Rand has channeled   
while he was inside the red stone _ter'angreal_ with no     
adverse effects. I propose that channeling through the      
strange sa'angreal might have instead been the cause of     
the reaction produced when Moiraine and Lanfear fell        
through the doorway. This would indicate that since         
Moiraine held the sa'angreal when she fell through the      
doorway and she was the one channeling through it then she  
was the one who may have experianced this burning out of    
one's ability to channel and to sense the source. Further,  
it is likely that she and Lanfear were seperated once       
inside as occured when Rand, Mat, and Moiraine were in the  
other _ter'angreal_ in Tear.                                
According to the Glossary, those men who are gentled can    
still sense the True Source. Thus, it is likely that if     
stilling can be Healed, gentling can as well."              
<Moiraine/Carolyn Fusinato BJRK57C@prodigy.com>             
"Nyneave said it looked or felt like an open wound when she 
looked at Suian. That sounds like one of RJ's hints to me,  
but then again I didn't expect half of what happened in this
book." Christie Benson                                      
"I agree with all those ideas. One of my pet theories has   
always been the Rand "Unstilling" Logian one. I thought it  
would happen in the first place because why else would      
Logian be in the story? I mean he is given no real          
personality other than that of a man who has been stilled.  
If he is not going to be cured I can't see why Jordan would 
have given him so much time." <Hurin/John Daugherty>        
"About stilling, etc.....Anyway, people who can channel     
are walking around with an "internal piece of charcoal",    
and when they channel, that charcoal ignites. Now, you can  
do a lot of things to that burning piece of coal, but as    
long as it burns, the person can channel. If a person       
channels *too much*, it's like dumping gasoline on the      
fire--the flames totally consume the charcoal until there   
is nothing left to burn. No charcoal, no channeling, no     
matter how much you try to regain the ability. This is      
what I consider "burning out".                              
Now, instead of adding gasoline, suppose someone cuts the   
charcoal off from the air, in effect suffocating the        
flames. No more fire, no more channeling. But the charcoal  
could still burn if allowed access to the air.  This is     
what I consider gentling or stilling.                       
In the end the results are the same: no more fire. The      
difference is the means--destroy the coal, destroy the      
ability. This is why I think stilling & gentling are        
reversible, but restoring the "burn out" is not."           
<Machin/Gerard Filicko GSFN34A@prodigy.com>                 

===============   Reply    6 of Note    8 =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:     BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Date:    07/07
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:    12:47 PM

CHRISTIAN PARALLELS                                         
[Not to forget that Paaren Disen is symbolic for Paradise   
which Adam and Eve where cast out of because Eve succombed  
to Satan who was in the form of the Serpent, and then       
enticed Adam to commit the same sin of eating a fruit from  
the Tree of Knowledge and caused him to suffer the same     
fate. You'll note that Lanfear/Mierin brought evil into     
Paradise by drilling into the Sharom. Pretty sexist if you  
ask me. It could also be an allusion to the story of        
Pandora. <Moiraine/Carolyn BJRK57C@prodigy.com>]            
RANDOM NAMES                                                
[Selene=Among the Greeks Luna, the Roman goddess of the     
moon, was called Selene. Whereas Diana (Greek, Artemis)     
represented the moon's nocturnal influence on people,       
beasts, and plants, Luna was only the symbol of the         
regular appearance of the moon. She was shown driving a     
chariot with two white horses or riding a mule bearing a    
Aes Sedai="people of the hill" or "Side" from Celtish       
folklore<Kevin Moore/Ishamael>                              
Rhavin=Probably from the word Ravin. Which means eager      
for gratification or to devour.<John/Hurin (prodigy)>       
Possibly from the Hindu demon Ravana who abducted Rama's    
wife(Morgase?) to Ceylon(Caemlyn?). <Moiraine/Carolyn and   
Hopper/Linda Gerding>                                       
"Asmodean- Easy one, Asmodeus. Asmodeus was either a chief  
devil or the devil, depending on the source you look at.    
Be'lal- This one is Hebrew. Name for something without use  
or a wicked person.                                         
Graendal- Most likely a reference to the monster Grendle    
found in the story of Beowulf. Grendle was more monster     
than demon but thats because the Norse loved monsters so    
Ishamael- Hebrew again. Means a man whose hand is raised    
against every man and every man's hand is against him.      
Also one at war with society. That fits the betrayer of     
hope to perfection.                                         
Rahvin- Probably from the word Ravin. Which means eager     
for gratification or to devour. Once again that             
description fits our man just right.                        
Sammael- This was the name of Satan when he was still an    
Arch Angel. I know everyone says Lucifer is his name but    
like I said we're dealing with various sources here.        
Several people confirmed the Sammael=Satan connection.      
Semirhage- This one I was never sure of but I think this    
is a name for one of Satan's sub commanders. Possibly from  
"Paradise Lost".  Also a hag or Hagge is a female demon or  
witch. hence Semihag would translate an almost demon like   
witch woman. I can't remember, was Semirhage a female? Is   
sothe second definition is probably right.  That's all I    
could find or guess at but I'm sure Jordan dug up the       
other names from somewhere. He's very find of switching a   
letter here and there.  Oh yeah, I looked up my Shayol      
Ghul thing too. Sheol is the hebrew word for grave.  Ghu    
is a demon that devours men.  So the actual translation     
would be "Grave of the demon that devours                   
men"."<John/Hurin BWSF33B@prodigy.com>]                     

===============   Note     9              =================

Topic:      ROBERT JORDAN       
Subject:    EXPORT THIS         

To:                ALL                   Date:    07/02
From:   BJRK57C    CAROLYN FUSINATO      Time:     2:51 AM

Well, I didn't finish, sorry. I'm going on vacation. C-ya on