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              *** {Phoenix Project BBS Message Base File 3 of 3} ***

     Copyright (C) 1993  LOD Communications.  No part of this  Work may be
     distributed or reproduced, electronically or otherwise, in part or in
     whole, without  express written  permission  from  LOD Communications

                         *** {Internet Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Internet 8 - 31 msgs >
1/31: This sub.
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 24 19:50:44 1990
This sub is for the discussion of Internet. Enjoy...

2/31: people say...
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Wed Jan 24 20:30:42 1990
It was stupid of the 'folks' that designed internet were stupid... But, As I 
believe, it was NEVER meant to be secure by ANY means... The security should 
be handled by the individual systems. From what I see, the main reason that 
I-net is so insecure is because the sysadmins are careless and lazy (I wont 
say stupid, because you can't be stupid to run a Unix system, just ignorant 
and lazy)... If they restricted access to I-net it might make it more secure, 
but then that would defeat the whole purpose of I-net... People also say it 
was stupid to implement the TFTP protocol, when actually, this was meant so 
that people could set up a "diskless" system and transfer the OS to it during 
boot time... The programmers might've made some mistakes while implementing 
it, but it was DEFINETLY NOT stupid! I very much doubt it would be in so many 
different versions of Unix if it was stupid!

3/31: I plan to talk alot on this baord..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Wed Jan 24 21:34:07 1990
problem with the internet as i see it..
On any interactivenetwork <as the internet>, in which various systems are 
"trusted hosts" o other systems... you are going to have the ollowing problem
you can have 100 systems on a network, and 99 o them can be totally 
all you need is to get into that one, and then getting in to the other 99 is 
dead easy..!
To make lie easier or users, alovely set of r <remote> commands were created.. 
which let you manipulate things on remote hots or your system...
you can practically do everything you can do had you logged into the system, 
without logging in..
not to mention the 1000's o bugs in both the internet and the machines and 
their networking capabilities in general..
<as some bbs users know! ahem..>
I still look it it like one big playground... :-)
<you can do some real interesting things to a sun by playing with the limiting 

4/31: pseudo internet question
Name: Guc #97
Date: Wed Jan 24 22:33:15 1990
does anyone know of any public access unix sites that i can connect to using 
tcp/ip?  i'd like something legal.

5/31: well..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Jan 25 07:29:46 1990
most universities/colleges do..if you go to one of them...
else.. i dont know.. i have never looked at it from thsat point of view :-)

6/31: internet
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Thu Jan 25 23:51:20 1990
well...this may seem kinda ignorant...but I'm afraid I've never used 
internet... how the hell do you get access to it? Through unix you say...so 
ANY unix acct will hook into internet...or what..

7/31: well
Name: Guc #97
Date: Fri Jan 26 06:20:08 1990
ut will sell if accounts $5, w/  free cpu time and dirtcheap printing, but the 
only catch is having to be a ut student w/ id.  i had one before which i got a 
friend of mine (who was a student) to get for me, but someone decided to narc 
on my and tell the system admins what i did. <how they knew is beyond me>
i heard somewhere <have not verified this yet> that ut has some stupid evening 
classes that ANYONE can get into for like $45. and you get a regular student 
id. going to look into that today, if anyone wants to know if it works let me 
but assuming the above trick won't work, i'd like to get an account somewhere 
that is 100% legal. <ie: not someone elses account>

8/31: internet
Name: Guc #97
Date: Fri Jan 26 06:29:33 1990
the one i'm talking about is the network that connects thousands of university 
and other type computers together.  the nice thing about it is that you could 
say have a unix account at MIT, you could call up UT and without any password
connect to the site at MIT and login login with your account.
hopefully someone will give a more in-depth description.

oh and for those of you who enjoy using such things, try telneting to 
 quartz.rutgers.edu and login as `bbs' <no passwd>. it has irc, tinymud, and
tiny hell built into one account.   kinda fun when you're totally bored.

9/31: Telneting
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Fri Jan 26 08:15:28 1990
    I may be in the dark [again, blasphamy?!] but could you explain how one 
would "telnet" to quartz.rutgers.edu?
    What exactly is telnet'ing?

10/31: ut accounts
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Fri Jan 26 12:28:18 1990
are open to the public, it is a state school and anyone can get an account
on the machines. just like anyone can get a ut library card for $18/yr.

11/31: ...
Name: Guc #97
Date: Fri Jan 26 15:36:57 1990
...then how come unix consulting said that you "must be a ut student with a 
current ut id."???

12/31: UT UNIX
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:28:30 1990
For Joe Average to get an account at UT it will cost 100/CPU hour.  Kind of 
steep...but this will give you an account on EMX.
For a student, you can pay a flat fee of 5 dollars (towards the cost of any 
printing you may do) and you will get an account on one of the Sun systems.  
This is what most students have done, as most of us don't have 100 bucks to 
blow!  I don't even know how much time elapses in a cpu hour!
There are a couple of public access unixes here in austin that allow for 
Bitnet mail, and Usenet...I doubt they will let you telnet around the internet 

13/31: CPU hour
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Fri Jan 26 20:45:30 1990
well, the student is limited to like .05 cpu hours max on a single process on 
EMX.... There are NO austin public access unix systems that are even hooked 
into I-net let alone letting you telnet between 'em.... Anyone know of any 
x.25 unixs off inet that you can get an account on?

14/31: yeah
Name: Guc #97
Date: Sat Jan 27 00:33:25 1990
it sucks down here. there are 2 pubnix sites, rpp386 <832-8835> and bigtex 
<346-2339>. You can't connect to either using tcp/ip and for the most part 
they only allow uucp logins.
as for mail, i've know of *one* place to send internet mail from for free, and 
its okay, but its single line and has to go through pnet01 and cts.com before 
the mail even gets outside.  plus it only polls for mail during pc pursuit 
hours. with all this factored together it ends up taking about 2 days to send 
to like mit.edu, and for comparison purposes (even though i know this is an 
extreme> i sent a 180line file from the if machines at ut to mit, and it took 
less than 10 minutes...

as soon as i go to compuadd and pick up a new power supply, I'll sit down  and 
read these uucp docs so i can get my own site up...


15/31: well.
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 27 07:38:03 1990
ok.. the reason you can login into a system from a differnet system is as 
if on the system you are calling, there exists in your directory a file called 
.rhosts, and it has the name of the system you want to xcall form in it...
you are then able to use the rlogin command <also provided that the system you 
are calling from is in hosts.equiv and hosts on the remote system>
umm.. a cpu hour takes a hell of a long time..
i have just discovered that my univerwsity down here charge 20 dollars a cpu 
hour.. and i have used that system lots in the last year..
still havent been charged more than 16 cents or something..
Telneting is the internet equivelant of padding around the PSN.
it is extermely quick, and basically craps all over psn <i wonder why...? :-)
hmm.. i wonder if quartz.rutgers.edu will consider giving out source for that 
bbs... then again they may have no choice :-)
<only reason i stopped putting flatline here is coz my damn f key dont work..>

16/31: i think
Name: Guc #97
Date: Sat Jan 27 10:33:47 1990
all the stuff that they use is public domain, like the irc, tinymudd and 
citidel software.
i'll take a look...

by the way, does anyone know of any other ways to connect to the internet 
other than UT micom?  they're making it damn near impossible to get off camps 
without an account.
sux, you used to be able to telnet off of portal1....

17/31: yes, but......
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sat Jan 27 11:05:49 1990
If you do a find then it skyrockets and goes up about 5 cpu minutes a second! 
In one minute would go your $100 bucks!
(It reallly depends what your using it for...just DONT EVEN THINK to run a 
password hacker on it)                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
BTW, what/where is the FDES library (Is it not on sun,umax,HP/UX??) I know how 
to link it, but where is the library andwhat is its name?

18/31: well
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sun Jan 28 14:18:57 1990
ffdes is not a library...
it is a redone function, called crypt... and it is damn good !
i was running about 6 crypts off my system at home, and am now running 88 
asecond off my little mac ii
macs dictionary hacking great! <go thru every word in usr/dict backwards 
forwards,upper and lower case per user in under an hour!> get lots o accounts!

19/31: umm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Wed Jan 31 09:31:46 1990
i anyone has any listings on which systems get zardoz, and are willing to give 
me a copy please let me know... i have the australian distribution list, but 
australian systems are damn hard enough to get into when they DONT get zardoz..
no sleep till zardoz... or so ive been told!!
phoenix <still out there looking!>

20/31: Zardoz?
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Wed Jan 31 16:48:12 1990
    Could you [Phoenix] describe Zardoz?

21/31: fg
Name: Dtmf #27
Date: Wed Jan 31 22:31:36 1990
RE: i think
Here at UTA the Ethernet server still connects about anywhere...I'll hunt up 
the address b4 I call next time...

22/31: ok..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Feb 01 10:12:52 1990

zardoz is probably the equivelant of an elite hacking board.. only the exact 
it is a security mailing list which has all the top security experts in the 
world on it. Its basic function is to bring lovely security holes in various 
os to the attention of the security administrators.
thelist is EXTREMELY restricted.. and becausde it displays all known bugs on 
unix and various other operating systems, the systems which generally recieve 
it are damn near impossible to hack.
when you get root on a system.. look or it first thing!!
phoenix <much happier now.. !!!>

23/31: Zardoz and some other stuff
Name: Mr. Slippery #72
Date: Fri Feb 02 23:46:38 1990
The Zardoz list does not put most bugs on it for a very good reason. ITs
sent out using mail and various Internet and uucp sites get it. As it passes
by in clear text, anyone with sufficient knowledge can intercept it (he he).
For a good look at what is really in the Internet, find a copy of the book,
The Matrix, and peruse it. I did not say buy it since it costs a lot but
its worth looking thru the sections about networks in various contries.
Did you know that there are no known networks in Albania, for example?

24/31: communist countries
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Sat Feb 03 11:13:59 1990
up until recently only allow government agencies to use computers. even
the academic institutions cant get modems, copiers modems and typewriters
can get you busted big time, for the computers they have. for an 
individual to have a computer is until the last two years impossible as
it was against the law. i send mail through gt-net to a guy in england
who then transfers the files manually to a academic network that has
a link in moscow.

25/31: _The Matrix_
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Sat Feb 03 13:03:18 1990
is an excellent book (if you can affort it... get it).  It is written by John 
Quaterman (an Austinite), and it copyright 1990 (came out late 1989).  It is 
the most complete source of info I have seen.
Daneel Olivaw

26/31: well
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sun Feb 04 05:54:31 1990
The zardoz list i got seems to have quite a few bugs, and enough info on the 
ones it doesnt specify as much to figure them out anyway... 8)

27/31: Yes Zardoz is definitely tops..
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Mon Feb 05 20:11:42 1990
    But i've seen another one round back in the days when i had a look on 
I don;t recall the name... might have started with M though.
had great stuff in it.. !!
no details,

28/31: USSR
Name: Cassius Cray #135
Date: Tue Feb 06 06:39:06 1990
Any of you ever really got connected to a Ruskie computer... Shit I aways 
thought they had nothing newer than the old 35 teletypes... If you can get 
there is the output in Russian or English?  I heard of some hackers in New 
Jersey accessing a worldnet port to the KGB... Those fuckers will ice your 
shit ... 
Cassius Cray

29/31: hehe
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Feb 06 13:26:00 1990
told you to watch out for them cossaks par!!
ok... there is also a security mailing list called Security-Misc 
which originates from a system called red.rutgers.edu
this list is ok.. but became a bitmore public than zardoz.. and hence did not 
<in the long run> have as much information as zardoz did..

30/31: Ruskies... i.e. USSR
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Tue Feb 06 17:38:35 1990
from some info from a person at CalTech
The latest information is that most technology is stolen from the US 
(surprise).  One system is expecially interesting. I forget the number, but it 
is based on an Amdahl.  They copied a clone... how sad.  Most of the systems, 
especially mainframes are in English simply because most people over there 
speak English (that deal w/ computers), and they haven't the experience to 
steal and modify.
Daneel Olivaw

31/31: Stolen, yeah
Name: Cassius Cray #135
Date: Wed Feb 07 07:05:59 1990
Yeah the Russkies have gotten shit from us in some pretty underhanded ways... 
I read where they got the design of the Fulcrum jet from models of our f-16 
sold at any hobby store or K-mart... they took the models back and they had a 
scale version....saves a bunch of design cost... 

< Internet Q-Scan Done >


                     *** {Other Packet Nets Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Other Packet Nets 9 - 60 msgs >
1/60: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:17:50 1990
This sub covers all the networks other than Telenet and Tymnet. Autonet, 
BITNET, USENET (yes, some of these aren't true packet nets. sue me.), etc.

2/60: Grumble
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Tue Jan 09 14:34:56 1990
Israel pisses me off.
I decided to scan them.  Everything is going GREAT!  the response time is
immediate, I'm getting all kinds of addresses, etc...
THEN...they make the network REFUSE COLLECT from the US.  So I get about 200
RCC's in my scan...I stop it, mad.  Later it's working again.  I start back
up, happy.  Then, they take it down again.  I'm getting confused by now.
Then, it's back up again, but the response time is LOOOOONG.  My program 
doesn't like waiting, and therefore keeps fucking up.  I dunno what
their problem is over there.  Are they still at war or something?  
Also:  The datapac directory is going to be done soon.  I still have to 
go and check some 2000+ addresses but I will eventually.  Anyone know
anything useful about the HUNDREDS of Terminals attached to the network?
I'm assuming that they are dialin-nodes, but I don'tthink you can pad to pad 
them.  At least I haven't been able to get on one when someone's been there.
But I have millions of them...

3/60: Autonet
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Tue Jan 09 21:09:39 1990
Is there a scan directory available for this one?  (Should I bother scanning?)
grey owl

4/60: janet
Name: One Assembler #11
Date: Tue Jan 09 23:16:45 1990
anyone got any systems/accnts on Janet? Will their gateway accept collect 

5/60: autonet
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 10 00:57:39 1990
Well, we've gotten part of autonet done, but they noticed the scanning and 
went a bit nuts (monitoring internal mail is wonderful). It's been 6-8 months 
though, so it might be time to start again.

6/60: Autonet & things...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Wed Jan 10 04:03:03 1990
Um, are you going to scan it from the local dialup?  Or by it's DNIC?
It's 3126, isn't it?  I'm not too sure if Telenet lets you call it, but
that would really get rid of that damn three try delay...also, I think 21221
resets the error attempts, so you can scan two then 21221 and then two
more, ad infinitum...
Also, Janet refuses collect...I'm assuming you mean the nua when calling
from telenet...Or have you found a gateway through Tymnet?  
Janet needs a password, but it might only be for some woman named
Janet...who knows.

7/60: autonet scan
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Wed Jan 10 19:08:07 1990
    Scanning by dialup would be slow.  That's out.  I don't know if telenet is 
connected to Autonet.  If it is, I'd scan it by NUA.  Otherwise, there are 
gateways to it.  (eg.  You connect to an NUA which acts just like a dialup)
grey owl
PS:  Can someone upload an executable NUA scanner for IBM or Mac?  (Binaries   

8/60: Autonet...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Thu Jan 11 13:18:39 1990
It woulnd't be such a great idea to scan Autonet through the Telenet
gateway.  Autonet raised a holy shit-fit when Urvile was doing it
about a year ago, and sent Telenet Security all kinds of nasty
mail bitching for them to stop whoever in 404 was connecting to their
system.  Telenet blew them off, but if it started again, Telenet might
just have to listen to their whining and crack down.  
I suggest you (or whoever is planning on this) do your scanning through a
main dialup.  It will be slower, but probably safer in the long run.

9/60: thanx
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Thu Jan 11 18:06:40 1990
There is a gateway or something that goes to Autonet.  When you connect to the 
NUA it acts just like you called an Autonet dialup.  Would this be as crummy 
as scanning with the 3126 DNIC?
Check out the DNICs listing from Daneel Olivaw and myself.  I never knew that 
the US had that many pacet networks!  Also, what's the difference between 
Telenet (3110 DNIC) and GTE Telenet (3127 DNIC)?
grey owl

10/60: autonet
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Thu Jan 11 21:15:12 1990
The Autonet gateway is at 31341. The problem is, although it *acts* like a 
normal dialup, your PAD address is sent to them from your Telenet PAD when you 
connect. Apparently, the address header is attached to every connect attempt, 
because they went *nuts* when Urvile scanned 5 or 6 NPAs - they knew 
immediately it was from a 404 Telenet PAD.

11/60: Autonet
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 12 00:23:46 1990
Don't bother scanning it...Phoenix v:and m~ryself should have
the network wrapped up in a few weeks... 
Look for the directory soon...
{i]{_;z}?7aThis is the Ctrl-D Macro{o'+fJwT

12/60: ok..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Jan 12 00:54:28 1990
yeah... wierd network..
scanned out about 15000 nuas on it so ar and it has the strangest format i 
ever seen... and i have seen a fairt few nets. Umm.. one good thing for it is 
that it is an extremely fast network... so yeah... shouldnt take much longer 
to scan..
<The Flatline>
Jacking out..

13/60: ..
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Sat Jan 13 03:00:33 1990
Well...some of this may be out of sub but here ...
Janet/PSS:  I don't have any accounts....but from the main login you can 
access a help account and read some of the files available.  There is one with 
an extensive list of NUA's reachable by Janet....and one that explains the 
entire system..how to logon....Account info..format...etc etc...good way to 
learn about the system....
Which brings me to another point....I called it through 51359 (Develnet) at 
the time.  This was quite a useful little system... but now any valid command 
you type it will disconnect you..there must be a pass or something.  But I 
tried a few random cmds and got the following to hang me up (valid)..
When and If this system ever becomes available to us hackers again....we must 
explore these cmds......l8r
    - SIlencer/DFKN

14/60: DAMN !!!
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Sat Jan 13 08:40:17 1990
    Shit, i got drunk l;ast night and went onto that philippine sys..stupid 
admin came on and asks who i am...
next thing i know i'm booted off and both acct's on the sys are gone
not only this...but the fucking whole philippine net isn't accepting collect 
anymore (before it was completely down after i was booted!)
anyway apparently someone there had enough of me.
It might also have been the fact that i tried to login to the tdt2 system on it
about 6 or 9 hours previoulsy to getting ripped out of my skull on Long Island 
Iced Tea.
My apologies to you chris...and especially to scott!
by the way kids...never drink and hack!

15/60: janet
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sat Jan 13 16:53:46 1990
what is the NUA for janet? (So i can login with the help account and read 
about it)?

16/60: drink and hack
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sat Jan 13 17:31:18 1990
I thought the proverb was "Never drink beer and program at the same time."
In the miscelaneous NUA file I u/led there are some DPAC NUAs that give you a 
list of all the outdials in Canada.  Helpful, huh?  Does anyone know the new 
NUA for Develnet?
grey owl

17/60: if you drink and hack..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 13 21:05:00 1990
I can occasionally turn up with better results.... imiganition runs wild..

18/60: Stuff
Name: Gary Seven #38
Date: Mon Jan 15 11:12:28 1990
    The NUA for the Janet net is 234223519xxx.  Anybody have a Net scanner for 
the Apple? Later.

19/60: Autonet help
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Tue Jan 16 00:25:55 1990
    Been needing help hacking autonet?
Need you're local dialup?
here's the sys to consult
dialup autonet:
(if u don't have a dilup)
Use:  212-947-1xxx
or    212-629-5xxx
after connect hit <cr> twice.
then type 1300,7777
Password is AID
system is menu driven and has lots o handy stuff online
<gag>  (sucks compared to telenet's
phones/phones but it's still usefull
NOTE: to all FEDS this is public info
      Thank you,

20/60: Autonet...
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Tue Jan 16 08:52:36 1990
or you could call 512-480-0xxx and login with "help".    You'll get a WATS 
number to call and they will tell you what the dialup for your NPA is.
grey owl
21/60: x.25 help
Name: Lancia #37
Date: Tue Jan 16 14:58:43 1990
i was on internet the other day and using ftp i found what appeared to be x.25 
software so i grabbed everything in that directory..is there any way these 
programs can be used to be able to pad off of the computer im storing them 

22/60: well
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Tue Jan 16 17:08:21 1990
You can't modify it for pad-to-pad, but you *can* modify the X.25 software so 
that you can connect to any CUG by disguising your incoming address. 

23/60: CUG
Name: Konica #47
Date: Wed Jan 17 11:01:59 1990
Can someone explain CUG?

24/60: CUG
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 17 12:21:03 1990
A CUG is a Closed User Group. It only accepts connections from certain 
addresses or address ranges. 

25/60: Janet
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Thu Jan 18 06:11:44 1990
Gary Seven.... the Janet doesnt accept collect does it?  I dunno..I called 
through develnet before....if you can would you call and get the direct dialup 
for it?

26/60: What is Develnet anyway?
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Thu Jan 18 09:11:29 1990
    Since they had an easily found PAD in Canada that went down, and then I 
noticed another part of Develnet in Dayton that ALSO had easily found pads on 
it, there has to be another one.  If I can get some information on their 
company and where it is based (besides Canada and Ohio) I might be able to 
track the next Develnet pad.  Anyone want to help me here?
grey owl

27/60: I think...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 19 01:39:40 1990
but I may not be right, 
that DevelNet, JettNet, and others are all owned by Mead...like the
paper people, and whatever else they make...
That's my guess...they are a world-wide (well, at least North-America wide)
company...and probably do lots of business in Canada...and they are basd in
Ohio, thus the Meadnet address there too...arg...
Your guess is as good as mine...

28/60: minor
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Jan 19 06:36:51 1990
just a slight warning...
maybe stay away from develnet...
it is being monitored quite quite heavily...
but then again... what do i know...?
<The Flatline>
Jacking Out..

29/60: Meadnet
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Fri Jan 19 12:51:38 1990
    It looks to me like they think they can hide otherwise unprotected pads 
just by moving the address from net to net.  Typical moronic security.  
Bloodaxe--when is the dpac scan going up?  I NEED this.
grey owl

30/60: Develnet
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Fri Jan 19 18:16:45 1990
Hmm.. Would it matter if it was being monitored? as long as you werent caling 
from a local telenet dialup and you didnt give out yer number over the pad it 
shouldnt really matter. Anyway... When u log on to the 51359 pad it says 
something like Develnet somethingorother - SCL2 or some odd number.... 
Develnet only disconnects you when you type valid commands..When I tried this 
odd number SCL2 or whatevr as a command it disconnected me..I tried again to 
verify and it did again..I wonder what this command would be used for.??
    - Silencer

31/60: well
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 20 07:54:21 1990
The way I see it, it matters as follows
Anything you do through that p[ad is being logged..
that means any info you find or is given to you by others will be captured..
These systems will probably then get logged as well..
followed by which they will die...
and eventually one thing leads to another... and people get busted...
A general rule that i try to follow is that if i know something is bieng 
monitored... STAY AWAY...
Prevention is seriously the best cure...

32/60: well..
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Sun Jan 21 05:16:30 1990
You dont seem to have any problem with calling QSD ..and EVERYONE knows that 
IT is monitored.  Hmm?? However.. I agree with you. Now..about Develnet being 
owned by mead...I dunno.. What I DO know is that there is an NUA that I found 
scanning that connects you to MEADNET. Its in 513 too.  What I dont know..is 
how to get the damn thing to work?!  It gives a list of 40 or so systems ..but 
how do you select whihc one you want to connect to?  Herez the NUA:
51331 from telenet... it accepts collect connections too.. 
if anyone can get anything out of this can you let me know eitjer here or in 
email? ...thanx... 
Also...does anyone know anything about LEXIS & NEXIS ?  Looks interesting.
    - Silencer
BTW: in case anyone would like to contact Mead Corp... their business office 
number is 513-495-6xxx..

33/60: Connection
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Sun Jan 21 10:16:11 1990
    Well, the only connection is disconnection
(as Gandalf would say ;-))
thats what i'm putting on my epitaph.
oh well.. maybe i'll take a few of the buggers with me when they pull up.
Who knows?

34/60: meadnet
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sun Jan 21 11:32:39 1990
k-rad d00d.  Heh.
51331 is Jetnet/Evandale, I believe.  In case you didn't know, logging on to 
51359 and typing PAD would log you onto the Jetnet pads.  This was useful as a 
front end to 51331 which didn't accept collects when 51359 was up.  Got that?
grey owl

35/60: lexis/nexis
Name: Mr. Slippery #72
Date: Mon Jan 22 00:29:27 1990
These are legal networks. A friend who works at a law office gets to
use them to do research on cases/precidents and the like. I'm not sure
what else they are good for but with all the busts, maybe that is enough!

36/60: oops
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Mon Jan 22 14:15:27 1990
correction:  Jetnet/Evandale is 0311051300080 not 51331.  I think 51331 is 
Lexis/Nexis or something like that.
grey owl

37/60: Hey la
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Mon Jan 22 17:37:36 1990
    When someone is in the US (03110), and is "non-collectable", how should I 
go about connecting.
    Strnagely enough, I can only linkup to other countries.  Explain that.
    If you want, or if security req's, leave me mail.

38/60: A Pad
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Mon Jan 22 22:35:04 1990

might help....
Daneel Olivaw
P.S. An NUI is good too... hehe

39/60: better than a PAD
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Wed Jan 24 19:18:43 1990
You could always call Pac*it+ if you don't mind MCI giving your name/number to 
GM!  Get yourself a good fast outdial that will allows WATS numbers and call 
1-800-727-2796.  It works just like Telenet 'cept you leave off the leading 0 
in the DNIC.  (0208057040540 should be 2080...)  It will connect you to any 
3110 or 2624 address without a problem as long as the host is actually up.
Don't abuse this from home.  They will fuck you over.
grey owl

40/60: Pac*IT plus
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Wed Jan 24 20:31:58 1990
it will also work with the 3020 (Datapac) DNIC

41/60: Hah,
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Thu Jan 25 18:58:00 1990
    Just keep in mind they see eveyrhting you do.
Believe me.. I know.

42/60: pacit
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Thu Jan 25 23:54:39 1990
What does pac*it mean whenit says (or telenet or tymnet for that matter) Call 
cleared DTE originated. ?? Whats dte..

43/60: dte
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Fri Jan 26 16:32:16 1990
same as a asych port... when DTE drops, the connection's dropped.
(Likewise, when you drop DTR, the connection drops to the remote)

44/60: anyone heard of...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Tue Jan 30 23:57:26 1990
i was watching espn and a mention was made about doing a search through 
here for past bush speaches. does it have to do with public statements 
made in washington? is it public or private access?

45/60: make that espn cspan...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Wed Jan 31 12:15:55 1990

46/60: pavc*it
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Thu Feb 01 06:59:10 1990
pac*it plus calls 03110..germany and spain..I didn't think it called DPAC. 
usefulfor scanning spain..but at this point......hmm I'd be scared ofwhat MCI 
i woulddo then GM...
anyone up on Kinneynet?hehehehehe
I'llpost the dialup later but u need a NUI for it :-((
Develnet? I thoughghht the Develnet was just x.25 server software! I've seen 
several Develnet pads and I  had gotinto thesystems it connected to and they 
weren't MEAN related...maybe I'm wrong?(it was a modm company.)
Needless to say I was pissed when everyone used it todeath just to see a 
pretty (canada)..the reason it diconnects is because of where you're calling 
from..if you call from canda u probably won'T expirence this problem....on the 
03110 develnet..same thing cept  you have to be at console...there are still 
somesystems availble from there that r open..here'Sone IBM <-i couldn't hack 
it so of course Iposted that one:-))
C U-->greets from [8lgm]corrupt

47/60: MEAD / Develnet
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Fri Feb 02 22:03:31 1990
Misunderstanding:  51331 is meadnet.  51359 and 51380 are Develnet.  51331 
has nothing to do with Develnet except that I was mistaken in a post a while 
Corrupt:  do post that Kinneynet dialup..please!

Pac*it is still great for calling those Telenet dialers!  I mean...not direct 
of course.  Heh...MCI sucks.
grey owl

48/60: pac*it
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Sat Feb 03 00:40:23 1990
hmmm......a few people have said that pac*it is gonna bill me for using od's 
from it. i dont doubt this...but i doubt i'll ever pay anything.   
Because..mainly..i never broke the law!  I never enetered any passcodes or 
anything ..a ya know? all you do to iuse pac*it is call a 800 line..input a 
network address...and dial the number.....getting charged for that is the 
silliest thing i've ever heard...i'll fight em to the end on that shit..
    - SIlencer

49/60: chargeing
Name: Alter Ego #110
Date: Sat Feb 03 07:26:13 1990
RE: pac*it
They MAY charge you for use of thier service... also some of those od's are 
meant to be payed for i.e. pcpursuit. So you may even billed for use of PCP's 
od's or both... 
Alter Ego

50/60: silencer..
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sat Feb 03 18:39:21 1990
you can be billed.  You DID break the law.  Technically, you call their system 
and used it without their permission.  Now, if for somereason they should go 
after you for calling a few piddley outdials you can just say you thought it 
was Telenet.  They probably will let you off with a warning and some other 
little deals.  If you were using it to scan...then you will be screwed.  I 
wouldn't advise calling anything direct anymore.  It's just too dangerous 
these days.  The only things I call direct are Phoenix Project and Telenet or 
grey owl

51/60: kinneynet?
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Sat Feb 03 20:37:57 1990

umm KinneyNet:201-623-6009,6014,6035 
there are more..most won't find it useful..you neeed a NUI but it does have 
exstensive help (for a PSN dialup) ..also..dunno where it enters the 
network..maybe one could..(if one had the time..)too see if you could..ahem

52/60: things...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Feb 05 01:07:17 1990
jesus...if you thugs are STILL calling pac*it plus direct then I genuinely 
hope MCI drives a nice new GM truck right up your sphincters.
oh well...
also, kinnynet isn't hooked into tams, and all you need is an old id to get it 
to work, although you don't want to use it for scanning, as it hangs up after 
a wrong attempt (and after you disconnect from a valid host)
dig up your old telenet nuis and use it freely...until they get smart and fix 

53/60: well from the way I understand..
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Mon Feb 05 11:36:32 1990
pacit*plus...is perfectly legeal to call and abuse...
   ...not only does MCI get Detailed Report...EVERYTHING you do is 
monitored..so if you use it do something illeagal..they know...
a good example is Doc Cypher...and none other than Par..(so you might ask him)

54/60: Bloodaxe...
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Mon Feb 05 16:52:08 1990
I wasn't ignoring you that time you told me to quit calling Pac*it.  I haven't 
called it direct since then.  There are outdials that are nice and fast.  
Pac*it is a great little pad for my personal use and abuse when I'm 
grey owl

55/60: There is a new network
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Mon Feb 05 19:53:16 1990
I am not sure of it... but I'll get more info... it seems to have dial-ups in 
most cities.
Daneel olivaw

56/60: Yes well you can ask me...
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Mon Feb 05 20:19:50 1990
    Yes you can ask me...
and for the people who don't listen and get into bigger stuff then
dont say that i didn't warn you...
also Doc. Cypher saw the printout they had of the MCI call detail report
says it was like fucking 6 inches thick...he called it and it had his #
approximately 200 or so times...so you can see.. if you called it a lot from 
you caused a lot of problems for GM  they are losing a lot of $$ coz of it.
they also like to see what neat little toys you play with over it.
and if it's anything big, hairy, and scary count on a visit.
Also: the fools who do use it-  PLEASE don't talk to my on any of the chats...
my= me
i've got enough probs already with bein logged, i don't need more.

Stay Safe,

57/60: hmm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Feb 06 13:27:34 1990
i hope this is only temporary..
but altos munich <altger> corner stone <or at least was. for many a year seems 
to be refusing guest logins.. 
thats really sad... 8(

58/60: Pakit
Name: Nemesis #122
Date: Wed Feb 07 01:26:15 1990
    Well Ive heard a lot of thing about it, and had a million warning fomr 
other peopel not to use it.. But I have to say.. that I have been useing it 
for years, and have had not one problem, and Im not about to stop now.  To be 
honest, despite what a lot of people are saying, I think its reletivly safe, 
as long as you use something correctly it will always be safe.

59/60: shit
Name: Psychedelic Ranger #80
Date: Wed Feb 07 04:18:54 1990

but even calling in-direct implies that something is before it...
and the first call will always be direct! But you can weave your calls
around in several interesting ways that make it much harder to trace
over a period of time...

60/60: new
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Wed Feb 07 06:04:53 1990
-yup!..new network Coming...however..it 's gonna have a few problems..like..you
r city will be sent in thepacket header..notlike itwasn't before..like 
example...youcallqsd via it (and you willbecause that's gonna be a littkle 
service they offer..probably have a PCP /starlink type thinie...) it's say 
Corrupt (NYnet)
now Sure this looks Fine And Dandy but it screams where your coming from 
andmaybe it'll be tymeto look what Port your coming from adn callup AT&T and...

well..whose gonna get a nui first! (if U even Need one..) I'llletcha know more 
when I getmy info (a week after I memorizedalltheLitature :-)) ) justKidding!
'and I've Got A Gun to  kil MC better than me but THERE are None!'
howcum nobody asked me to Sing yet!!!!

< Other Packet Nets Q-Scan Done >


                             *** {UNIX Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Unix 10 - 69 msgs >
1/69: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:18:55 1990
This sub is for discussion of UNIX in all its myriad forms - XENIX, BSD, 
System V, AIX, COSNIX, and so on, ad infinitum.

2/69: !
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Tue Jan 09 14:35:53 1990
Someone explain to me...for the benefit of EVERYONE...the wall and rwall
I can't get anything to work, and I think I'm doing it all wrong.

3/69: WALL and RWALL bugs
Name: One Assembler #11
Date: Tue Jan 09 22:35:01 1990
I dont understand what the diff would be between rwall and wall... in order to 
use the wall bugs you gotta modify /etc/utmp on the local system, right 
(correct me as i go along if I'm wrong). So, you would just either specify 
you're local net or no net for rwall. I heard the prob with wall t(and rwall 
is that you're fields get messed up in your passwd file when you do this. I
was thinking instead pointing it to /etc/passwd point it to a superuser
accnt (ie first cp /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root $HOME/root then point your
utmp entry to the file /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root, because I wouldnt
think that cron would screw up on any characters added{in,{as lon{yM t(as 
w3one line {ad the corre{t "*"'s and command fields.

4/69: restore bug
Name: One Assembler #11
Date: Tue Jan 09 23:17:50 1990
anyone know how do get write permission to a file system thru the restore bug?

5/69: ok..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Jan 11 03:56:08 1990
someone tell me how to configure cu so it calls out on x25...
<I really should know.. but dont..>
<the latline>
<The Flatline>
Jacking out..

6/69: defcon
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Jan 12 01:11:27 1990
defcon is not system specific... it is an invention of the realm, and was 
initially concieved by the force. The theory behind defcon was to write a 
program which would hack/scan/perform almost anything youwould give it.
The results are quite astonishing... defcon can go through 50 vaxes trying 150 
username/passwords on each in under an hour. It runs of a mainframe, so user 
does not need to be online while defcon is running. Todays defcon has deault 
listings for unix , prime, and vax plus more systems, does a default hack, and 
then any additional combinations you tell it to try.
It will also scan nuas for you..
All up not a bad package.
<The Flatline>
Jacking out.

7/69: defcon
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Fri Jan 12 23:00:21 1990
    Are you, by any chance, sharing defcon?
grey owl

8/69: well..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 13 03:36:07 1990
not the soruce.. but i hope to have some sort of system worked out soon...
<The Flatline>
Jacking out..

9/69: DESZIP
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Sat Jan 13 08:43:26 1990
    If anyone happens to have the program DESZIP (using the special algo to 
encrypt both the encrypted password and word checking, )
Let me know..
i'd appreciate to get a copy again!
i admit the thing is huge but i've only got one more hope for getting another 
copy now..
any help would be appreciated

10/69: Piper...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Sat Jan 13 20:23:20 1990
who is supposed to be calling here soon...
sent me Internet mail the other day...He should be u/l
a copy of DESzip to my school's unix, and I'm going to 
ask him to set it up too, so we will ahve a base to use
the damn thing from...I've been wanting a damn DESzip
site for a LOOOOOOONG time.

11/69: AIX(rt, ps/2, 370) 
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sun Jan 14 00:02:12 1990
In my normal, EVERYDAY life, I have access to over 500 AIX systems. What ways 
are there to gain entrance thru TCPIP, and once you're in, what are some bugs 
that will give you root?

12/69: try
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sun Jan 14 06:34:13 1990
try telnet, rlogin,ftp,tftpand heaps of other protocols... all will get you 
<The Flatline>
Jacking out..

13/69: try...
Name: Phiber Cut #34
Date: Sun Jan 14 08:13:09 1990
The best way is to tftp all of the address's for the organization you are
looking at and snatch the password files.  This can be automated in a simple
shellcript which would look at/read the host table as sysn (assuming you're
in one system already) and tftp to each machine in the table.  Then do a
"get" to grab the password file.  This is where you will generally discover
someone left an unpassworeded account.  If there are SUN's connected you're
really in luck because the security onthese machines is always left open,
and generally they belong to researchers who don't know how or just don't
give a shit ("why should I password all of the accounts?").
Anyway, once you've grabbed all of the password files (try giving them
the host address as a name - makes it easier) run even a simple cracker
against them and you're sure to get results.

14/69: I didnt ask anything about SunOS
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sun Jan 14 14:11:54 1990
I asked about AIX!

15/69: same same
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 14 14:23:25 1990
But the same principles apply. You must generalize out from a specific 

16/69: ok...then...
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sun Jan 14 18:40:51 1990
What are some systems (besides uunet) where I can ftp SunOS 4.0.3 source?

17/69: System
Name: Captain Crook #36
Date: Sun Jan 14 22:45:58 1990
  What is an ideal system to have Unix on?  I can get discounts on AT&T 
equipment because I have 3 or 4 relatives who work for AT&T and Bell Labs.  
Price is a factor but not much of one.  I do not want to get some piece of 
shit clone and use Xenix and all that other shit.  I want a robust system with 
the works.

18/69: well
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Mon Jan 15 01:35:47 1990
If you don't mind older equipment, snag a 3b2 (or 3b5 or whatever). They're 
good, solid machines. I'm not up on the latest AT&T stuff - my hands-on 
experience was all on older stuff that they don't make anymore.

19/69: umm..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Mon Jan 15 02:18:33 1990
just let me casually point out that ttp will only work on the older versions o 
ttp, which do not do a chroot.
so there.
<The Flatline>
Jacking Out..

20/69: You might call:
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Mon Jan 15 18:24:54 1990
Electrorep... they carry erverything, and have a nice 300 page catalog of all 
AT&T and Sun equipment...

21/69: well
Name: Phiber Cut #34
Date: Tue Jan 16 07:03:37 1990
Mentor, AT&T 3B5, 3B15 and 3B20 are old dinosaurs being put to rest.  The
new 3B2/1000 line (models 60,80 and whatever) rock and roll.  The 3B2/1000-80
is just about as powerful as a VAX 8600, which is pretty good for a machine
the size of a SUN workstation.
There Microline includes the 6386 WGS, which if configured properly (i.e.,
32M Ram, 300M storage) can be a kick ass UNIX box.

22/69: i
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Jan 16 07:38:32 1990
ok.. is a/ux supposedly 100% bsd compatible ?
i heard yes..
and wsecondly... should there be major dierences in compiling source on bsd 
4.2 compared to bsd 4.3 ?
i havent heard anything.. but rom experience.. yes... clariication please..

23/69: I have never heard anything good about A/ux
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Tue Jan 16 08:55:22 1990
Maybe I just don't run with the right circles, but I took Macworld and MacUser 
for several years (subs. just ran out a few months ago) and I don't recall 
reading anything good about A/ux.  All I've heard is that it's slow and not 
fully implemented.  I guess it's one of the few Unices (is that really plural 
for unix?) that runs on a micro...the only for an Apple.
grey owl

24/69: p.cut
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Tue Jan 16 17:08:57 1990
Yes, but they are *cheap* dead beasts - I can't afford a VAX!

25/69: Picture This....
Name: Konica #47
Date: Wed Jan 17 11:12:16 1990
I get root on a system.... I want to edit the login file so I can add a locin 
straight to the file instead of the /etc/passwd file. How would I go about 
doing this?

26/69: uhhh
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 17 12:22:16 1990
You want to put a trapdoor into the login program, right? You need to get 
ahold of login.c (I think I have a copy of the BSD 4.3 version) and just put a 
jump in it that takes you over the /etc/password check if you enter a certain 
string as a username.

27/69: Yea
Name: The Dictator #43
Date: Wed Jan 17 18:45:22 1990
Yea..The Login.C (At least all the ones Ive seen) are extremely easy to 
follow.  Either insert a jump to avoid the etc/password, or set up a varable 
to copare with the password you give to bypass the etc/passwd check.
The Dictator

28/69: its amazing actually
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Wed Jan 17 19:47:18 1990
I was looking around some systems tonite and while reading someones mail I 
found out where to get SunOS source (on a recently setup system)... Just 
thought it was amazing that I've been specifically looking for it and couldnt 
find it for quite some time, and then when I'm NOT looking for it it just 
appears.. (As you can tell, this is not the reason i posted this)... So, I go 
to FTP the source for login, and guess what???? My passwords been changed. I 
think I know who, but I dont want to start an argument again (he already is in 
a bad mood for some reason)... You know who you are, so could you at LEAST 
change the password back? 
Related... I can supply source with a reasonable amount of trouble to anyone 
who wants it (ie maybe I'll encrypt it and let you break it--just to make sure 
noone gets it from me instead of trying to find it at all)...
ps I dont want ANY replies in public posts about the person changing my 
password... (It WAS a COMPLETELY random one)

29/69: hmm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Jan 18 02:07:43 1990
i got source or most shit on unix... <still looking or tp and telnet>
but i want to know why my login.c or 4.3 doesnt compile on 4.2
and then i want login.c 4.2
i anyone can help me ?

30/69: NYCENET....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Thu Jan 18 10:37:23 1990
is the New York City Educational Network. the number is 1-800-344-8280

31/69: Root
Name: Konica #47
Date: Thu Jan 18 23:28:30 1990
If a freind of mine as a favor gave me the root shell on a unix how can i get 
the login.c source from the system. We talked about deleteing the original one 
and puting yours, but how do I check out his? The guy that gave me root 
probbly had a backdoor in it all ready and I want to check it out. 
Does anyone have a decryption breaker? As far as I know the /bin/login file is 
encrypted and I want to veiw it at least...
And is their anyway that I can download (besides buffering) files from a unix 
if I don't have a unix myself? I doubt there is an xmodem protocal or 

sorry for all the questions but everybody has to start somewhere...

32/69: Unix!
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 19 01:42:03 1990
I don't know if these are on the d/l's yet, but
there are a few good UUCP packages for the IBM family.
You can uucp yourself some files, if you want.  I haven't
gotten them off of here yet myself, but I'm going to soon, and
when I get them to snag remote files when calling into
a unix and getting into the uucico shell, I'll let you all knw
how well it works.

33/69: ok
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Jan 19 06:38:28 1990
finally got it... source for almost all unix protocols... ahh..
and practically everything else...
berkeley uni if anything... provides..
<The Flatline>
Jacking Out..

34/69: internet worm
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Fri Jan 19 12:44:05 1990
Well, I see rfc1135's up... anyone have a pure text version of spaf's report? 
(Dont have access to a postscript printer for awhile) 

35/69: /dev files
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Fri Jan 19 12:47:44 1990
how would I intercept all information going thru the /dev files (ie /dev/ttyp0 
or /dev/kmem)?
Also, anyone know how to tap the LAN of a net to watch the info going across 

36/69: unix ftps
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Fri Jan 19 12:54:09 1990
There are lots.  You can use one of the xmodem packages available (call your 
local C oriented programming BBS) or get the UNXZMODM.ARC package.  Zmodem for 
your unix.  It's quite handy.
grey owl

37/69: source
Name: Johnny Hicap #45
Date: Fri Jan 19 22:23:46 1990
I have all sort of source files for BSD 4.3 but I am looking for soure for 
SunOS. Does anybody have any?

38/69: rn
Name: Ripper #51
Date: Sat Jan 20 21:16:27 1990
OK....I use rn to read all the latest BS on the net, is there any way to 
bepass the moderator?
Me and a moderator have a personal thing, and he's so immature he bounces back 
my message to others on the group (that would do go for everyone to see) with 
"HA HA HA HA!" appended.

39/69: sysdiag
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sat Jan 20 21:38:28 1990
What interesting info can you do with sysdiag accounts(besides run the system 
diagnostics)...anyway to change it to the csh shell or ftp to/from it?

40/69: well
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sun Jan 21 01:06:02 1990
not much... sysdiag is rather tightly sewn up.. umm.. unwise to play with it.. 
coz it an seriously stu up a system..
<<f key still broken.,.>>

Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sun Jan 21 01:21:01 1990
Anyone write a carrier scanner for UNIX modems? You could have 30 or so scans 
going at the same time if you had that many outdial modems

42/69: Hmm sysdiag.
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Sun Jan 21 10:19:26 1990
    I think an old trick is to make sysdiag readable and writable by everyone.
Then if you ever lose root.

43/69: bypassing moderator
Name: Mr. Slippery #72
Date: Mon Jan 22 00:30:49 1990
Yes, its been done and in fact, you have to know how to do it (sort of)
to post to alt.hackers but if you do it normally someone will get on your
case and threaten your system with getting cut off from net access.

44/69: well
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Mon Jan 22 09:26:57 1990
only problem is that i have never seen sysdiag with a shell <it plain aint got 

45/69: sysdiag
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Mon Jan 22 15:40:06 1990
It has the sysdiag shell (if you can really call it a shell)

46/69: well
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Jan 23 06:53:01 1990
its not really a shell... it is the program diag
youcan call it a shell as much as you can call something like tfp orkermit a 

47/69: Ok.
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Tue Jan 23 19:14:40 1990
    Yes, but i mean if you have another acct you make the sysdiag PROGRAM
Readable/writeable by everyone.
then if you lose root you can use it to get it back.

48/69: hmm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Wed Jan 24 01:31:44 1990

49/69: okey-doke..
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Wed Jan 24 12:42:26 1990
say I've got a question...
...and its on uucp, so before everyone starts jumping my case; and telling me 
how shitty uucp/nnucp is and tis worthless...blah..blah...saveit.  I am 
perfectly aware of its limitations..
ok...after submitting a uucp request (or any request for that matter that 
uucio sets up); how can I IMMEDIATELY bump my request off the queue; and have 
it "executed" right then and there (if possible)...even as root, with the host 
time set at ANY; and flat out running uucio will not do it.  I have tried cron 
entries executing uucicio once a min...etc..This is true even if the particulr 
entry in question is the only one in the queue...any help?
pls answer thisone SOMEONE..its more a frustration barrier than a useful 
item..and its driving me nuts.
also any encounters with AT&T sys V3.2.3 (or soon to be released 
4.0)...featuring password shadowing, passable ENV variables between "security" 
programs ex: login..(for root only)...non modifiable ENV variables for 
restricted accts...blah..blah..blah..?

50/69: uucp reqs
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 24 14:05:04 1990
When you execute a uucp request, getty is usually executed as part of it. 
Because of the slow nature of this command, if you execute it too quickly, 
you'll execute a second getty before ungetty has been executed. This screws 
everything up, and usually freezes up uucp until someone manually resets the 
If you want to do it, I'd execute the following:
1. Change the cron so that it isn't running uucico.
2. Kill off everything in the queue (uuqxt?).
3. Give it a few minutes to kill everything.
4. Queue your request.
5. NOW execute uucico.
6. Restore the cron.
7. Begone...

51/69: lovely bug..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Wed Jan 24 21:35:34 1990
which lets you get the shell o anyone mailing you..!
coming soon..!

52/69: something i had a long time ago and lost..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 27 07:42:48 1990
umm.. anyone got a copy of xyz.c source code for unix ?
basuically it is source for xmodem, ymodem and zmodem on unix.
I could probably manage to do xmodem and ymodem <maybe..!> but never zmodem 
<dont know damn thing bout it!>
so if anyone got xyz.c let me know!

53/69: password hacker
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sat Jan 27 12:00:56 1990
Anyone either got a patch for pwh.c to let it work w/ dictionaries on any 
system or a different password hacker that'll work almost anywhere? (Or maybe 
just on SunOS?)

54/69: well
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sun Jan 28 14:21:26 1990
to run it with a dictionary.. make the dictionary a file, and use it as a 
you will have to modiy the ARB_CONST to some ungodly amout....
then go for it..
by the way.. i got zmodem source if anyone wants it.. ill put it up here!
shit i hate prompt security guys..
one minute ftp from 1987, next minute ftp version 5.84, jan 24, 1990 arggh!

55/69: i have...
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Fri Feb 02 23:18:14 1990
suid'ed chroot on a system... will it now be easy enough where all I have to 
do is create the /etc and /bin dirs and then place passwd and login in them 
(oh yea and csh)? I mean do a chroot to my home dirs and then create those 
directoriesm or is it a bit (or ALOT) tuffer than this?

56/69: aha
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sun Feb 04 05:56:25 1990
try it <hehehe...>
by the way .. anyone got sun source codes ?
any version of sun will do..
need them rather badly..

57/69: ok
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sun Feb 04 06:06:14 1990
password shadowing;
found on some lbl system <lbl.arpa> at ucb
unix bsd 4.3
as i saw it, it works as such.
you have your passwd file still kept in /etc/passwd, but all accounts are * 
eg root:*:..etc
they all appear that way.
now.. there is a file called master.passwd in /etc which is readable/writeable 
by root only.
when a user attempts to change a field in his passwd entry, it creates a 
temporary file in  /tmp <called #.passwd, where # is a number>, does the 
changes there, and then copies back to master.passwd
this is how i believe it to work anyway.
of course i will look into it further.. but i got a shock when i saw this, coz 
i was unaware thate berkeley were even considering using shadowing as security.
for those of you thsat dont know, password shadowing involves hiding all the 
encrypted passwds usually found in /etc/passwd
i guess they have finally realized what a mistake it was to make /etc/passwd 
world readable ;-)

58/69: I'll SAY it was a mistake!
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sun Feb 04 21:17:50 1990
That had to be the biggest mistake since pad to pad!
I know of several password hackers that FTP a remote /etc/passwd and try out 
names for passwords and reversed names and last names and things like that.  
It's just too big of a security hole unless the passwords are created by a 
good sysadm.
grey owl

59/69: Unix [ANY]
Name: Captain Crook #36
Date: Sun Feb 04 23:03:20 1990
  Does anyone have either AT&T System V 4.x? or ANY SunOS?

60/69: both ways
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Mon Feb 05 05:08:25 1990
nice trojans
good security

this works both ways....look-out for unixes(and VMS sites) that keep another 
copy of /etc/passwd (or sysuaf.dat) and everynite rewrite it over the one used 
for login(some any mods are discovered)..u can alternatly install some 
security inside likethis for yourself...(hide it in CROn) (or wherever u want 
on vms:-)) undersytand? I know I7m not clear:-((
but thats works for you sometimes and it'S sinmple if you know script:-)
anyone here into Rapid Fire hacking?

61/69: well..
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Mon Feb 05 11:40:45 1990
AT&T keep their shadow in /etc/shadow..which is readable nly by root...and 
they have allowed passable env var to such key programs such as login; 
passwd..etc...that allow the sysadm toREQUIRE that the passwds meet a certain 
format..such as 5characters+1digit+Special Cahr..etc..
i really cannot type today.

62/69: its a real bitch..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Mon Feb 05 12:15:49 1990
but thank god for sendmail and fingerd, which let you read anything on the 
damn thing anyway.. ;-).. still.. it would be nice to have source to the damn 
thing.. and know what structure it uses to insert/extract the passwords in 
/etc/master.passwd or /etc/shadow. It isnt straight ascii with your encrypted 
passwords just sitting there, thats for sure!
Rapid fire hacking ? <ever heard of defcon ? >
ok.. seeing as i cant seem to get hold ofsun source code..
the problem i have is as follows..
login.c on BSD 4.3 compiles using quota.h
this contains general quota info/requirment definitions for system.
it doesnt seem to exist under sunOS.
I dont think that sunOS has an equivelant... and i believe that login on sun 
works rather differently from login on BSD... so if anyone can help me out.. 
please do..
when i shoved quota.h on a sun, and then compiled it.. it compiled ok... but 
the thing crashed like youve never seen..
i spose whats needed is sun source <sigh..>

63/69: hah 
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Mon Feb 05 20:23:54 1990
    Yep DEFCON i'm sure could be the "rapid fire hacking of the '90s"
Also there is a good example of pw shadowing on JOLNET in chicago....
it's public access...


64/69: /etc/shadow
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Tue Feb 06 00:20:28 1990
i got the format lying in one of my old gfiles (if I even still have ANY of my 
gfiles).. I'll see if i can dig it up

65/69: speaking of Jolnet...
Name: Guc #97
Date: Tue Feb 06 04:24:07 1990
I have not been able to get a connect for days... it just rings and rings...

66/69: well..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Feb 06 13:28:37 1990
i am sure there is a simple c structure for it..
hell... there is a c structure for EVERYthing <almost>

67/69: hun:digress.
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Wed Feb 07 05:45:49 1990
Someone got busted forhacking JOLNET:-((

68/69: Shit
Name: Cassius Cray #135
Date: Wed Feb 07 07:07:22 1990
Know who?  I thought Jolnet was a hacker board for UNIX freaks...

69/69: hmmm
Name: Guc #97
Date: Wed Feb 07 08:48:04 1990
i never saw anything hack related there, but then again I basicly just used it 
for mail.

< Unix Q-Scan Done >


                      *** {DEC VAX/VMS O.S. Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan VAX/VMS 11 - 18 msgs >
1/18: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:19:47 1990
This sub is for discussion of Digital Equipment's VAX operating system VMS 
(one of my personal favorites).

2/18: wait a second.. does this mean....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Thu Jan 11 18:35:41 1990
that i cant ask for help w/ rt-11?

3/18: DEC.
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Wed Jan 31 05:18:22 1990
question:..anyone know of a way to monitor port activity on adecserver?
such as seeing thier connection to a host(andpossibly watch them login?)
note:who has seen a xyplex? only seen 2 (one by US west) the are exaclty like 
decservers..no,,,better than decservers..and you can mod them easily...I find 
that SYSTEM,BRIDGE,ACCESS ar systempasswords forpriveldges..no SYSTEMis 
factory default..theothers are defaults for the competition but findthier way 
as the pass for DEcservers as well

4/18: hmm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Wed Jan 31 09:19:45 1990
i believe electron tried to monitor other terminals on a vax, and failed..
but ask/mail him.. he knows more about it than i do.

5/18: Xyplex
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Wed Jan 31 14:42:10 1990
I've been one on and it does look just like a DECserver.  I wouldn't have 
known unless someone told me.  They are better once you get a feel for the 
different features.  
grey owl

6/18: monitor
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 31 16:31:02 1990
If you are on a VAX with decent privs, you can run a utility called "MONITOR" 
that allows you to see everything going across an Ethernet or X.25(9) link. 
Very useful if you're on a busy system. Just turn the buffer on and sit back...
Type "HELP MONITOR" for details - even if you don't have the privs to run it, 
it'll give you all the info you need about it.

7/18: monitor
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Thu Feb 01 14:26:46 1990
I've got a Tower UNIX with a Beta(?) Test version of some PAD utilities... One 
of the programs is monitor... Any possible relation?

Name: Psychedelic Ranger #80
Date: Fri Feb 02 04:23:03 1990

Are you referring to the infamous promiscious mode instead? Where you set
the Ethernet controller to record all the datagrams. I have a
DEQNA ETHERNET users' guide in front of me, and this includes information
on how to set promisious mode on. I imagine there are programs out
there that do this...does anyone have one already written?

9/18: ?
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Fri Feb 02 09:24:07 1990
Nope, I was referring to "MONITOR"...  but it wouldn't suprise me if monitor 
invokes a call to set promiscuious mode to ON...

10/18: VMS Manuals...
Name: Pain Hertz #84
Date: Sat Feb 03 03:49:32 1990
I have access to a very recent system admins VMS manual.  I also have access 
to his (lack of) brain(s).  I sit down at his terminal, I don't know what his 
loginid is...  I try his name, then I give the guys name as the psw, Im in... 
geez...                        -PHz

11/18: Which monitor?
Name: Psychedelic Ranger #80
Date: Mon Feb 05 03:56:00 1990

Which command is it? That does this....I cannot find it!
Also, do NOT try (from SYSGEN) SYSGEN> SHOW UNIBUS   or the system
will crash! SHOW UNIBUS is more than a simple SHOW command...but don';t
try it...just though I'd let anyone know who may be playing with
any utils on a VMS.
ANyone have any experience with the System Dump Analyzer (SDA)? I have
found a lot of nice shit through playing with SDA analyzing the
running system.
12/18: yeah!
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Mon Feb 05 05:11:00 1990
SDA? U Can Watch the type-Ahead Buffers..and Other Neato Stuff..
Can't you Define your sys$output as sonme_1 else's terminal ? so you can see 
what they Do?
also..anyone have the VMS patch for 5.X systems? now that wuld shock me for 
1990..make my whole year :-)9

13/18: SDA
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Mon Feb 05 16:54:05 1990
How would I use this to my advantage?  I want DETAILS.
grey owl

Name: Psychedelic Ranger #80
Date: Tue Feb 06 03:48:35 1990

I have done this, assinging SYS$OUTPUT to say, _RTA1 or LTA6:, and I am
sometimes able to send things to their screen, like if I did a SHOW USERS, it 
would appear on their terminal screen. I did this in a room full of
people with DEC terminals, it was amusing. Of course I didn't interfere with 
anything important, but it was interesting to watch peoples reactions!
They would look around and wonder who the heck did that? one person
somehow found out that I had my SYS$OUTPUT defined as his terminal and sent me 
a msg back.  BUt about SDA, there is so much there... whoever said you can 
read the type - ahead buffers, can you give me some more details on this?
I have only been working with SDA for about 2 weeks or so.
Psy Ranger

15/18: Psy
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Tue Feb 06 22:58:26 1990
Every VAX I've been on that has an ethernet or X.25 connection has had the 
MONITOR command. 

16/18: MONITOR
Name: Psychedelic Ranger #80
Date: Wed Feb 07 04:21:00 1990

Yes, I know the MONITOR command is ther, MONITOR USERS, MONITOR PROCESS, 
MONITOR RMS, MONITOR DECNET, MONITOR DISK, etc. etc. but I have not seen
one that read the data....or were you referring to its analysis methods and 
not the exact results?

17/18: well..
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Wed Feb 07 05:51:16 1990
pls..some1 get back 2 me on these 3 things
1)Monitoring ports On DECSERVERS
2)I have Attach to send stuff to other terminals..:-) fun ! but I Wanna Define 
there Sys$output to my terminal to see what they type-real time
3)I knowSome1 Knows Wether They have A VMS 5.X patch but there not saying 
anything :-)) !!..not tomention the new zealand BBS is down cause I Messed up 
the Patch Doing it by hand..:-(( 
PLUS[you know how I am about VMS secrets..some of U know anyway :-)
I almost Never tell Any1 Anything!
I'll do  the sucker move and mail U
:-Devery1 will know soon anyway!

18/18: monitor
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Feb 07 18:49:04 1990
You can set flags when you have it monitor decnet that will do an ascii dump 
(in 128 byte packets) of everything going across the net. I don't have access 
to a vax anymore, and seem to have lost all my old notes, so I don't have the 
exact command.

< VAX/VMS Q-Scan Done >

                       *** {Prime Computers Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Primes 12 - 28 msgs >
1/28: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:20:22 1990
This sub is for discussion of Prime Computers and the Primos operating system. 

2/28: Minor question...
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Jan 11 03:29:53 1990
just referring to the &on quit$ function..
umm..i believe it drops user into a second cpl function when any form of break 
is detected...
however - i cant seem to get it working...
one i am using... but allows you to send a break before command is done is &on 
break <file>
but anyway..
<The Flatline>
Jacking out

3/28: !
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 12 03:00:14 1990
This is kinda interesting...
I've been finding local primes lately....
Very odd...I've never really run into them off of networks, yet in the last
five days, I've run into three.
Prime isn't my thing, so I want to know where things are kept...also how
to designate between types of files  (ie: ascii & binary) to when I slist
them I don't get a bunch of shit.  Also, is there anything I should
be keeping an eye out for?

4/28: Erik----
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Fri Jan 12 23:02:11 1990
Which prefix are all these Primes in?  Compuadd has a system in 327 or 328.  I 
wanna find this one...heh.  Bye bye Compuadd!
grey owl

5/28: Do I have a Prime? Why, YES!
Name: The Operator #42
Date: Thu Jan 18 22:43:24 1990
Recently, I paid a friend of mine to haul a Prime Computer to my house. It was 
real neat, but by request of the Warden (Madre') I had to get rid of it...It 
was busted anyway, so I found out, but I kept the manual...If I can get ahold 
of one of them page-scanners, I'll put it on disk and UL it...Lots of neat-o 
Oh by the way, the Prime was from my college..They tossed it out cause they 
just got a Vax 6830 and a Vax 8600...It's in a picture window, and frankly, my 
nipples get hard when I walk through the computer science wing..
Hitler sends greetings, Parhamster..
             The Operator

6/28: Well... i thought
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Jan 19 06:39:18 1990
that we werent going to get racist on boards...
i would rather you didnt do it again..

7/28: Uh, 
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 19 12:19:34 1990
I think he meant his mother, not Adolph...she's kind of 
a nazi, if I remember Operator's stories correctly.

8/28: Oh Erik...Nah.
Name: The Operator #42
Date: Fri Jan 19 19:50:07 1990
Ahh Erik...How quickly you forget! Hitler is my six foot tarantula!

9/28: binary files
Name: Gordon Meyer #65
Date: Sat Jan 20 00:57:13 1990
You won't want to slist any thing that ends in .RUN  .LINK  .SAVE   .ABBREV  
or .VAR that's for sure.  Also, don't try anything that indicates is a segment 
directory or you'll get a bunch of shit too.  One thing about Primes is that 
if you do slist a bunch of binary stuff by accident you may end up hanging 
that comm port until they do a reboot... it depends on how they are setup but 
it is possible.  Same thing can happen if you enter an application that asks 
for a terminal type and you enter a wrong one.
Hey...instead of slisting files you want to examine just  ED the file and P2 
lines of it....at least that way you won't get a whole screen full of garbage 
if you get a binary file.
Oh.....  .DBMS files are binary too....

10/28: &on quit$
Name: Gordon Meyer #65
Date: Sat Jan 20 00:59:09 1990
RE: Minor question...
Phoenix -  Not sure but I think you need a &SEVERITY statement in there for 
that to work.  I'll check around  and let you know if you haven't already 
figured it out by now....

11/28: not to worry..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 20 07:57:06 1990
i implemented a different trap routine...
the &severity is usually required for &on &error.. not quit$
thanks though..

12/28: say...
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Wed Jan 24 12:47:25 1990
Why doesn't omeone go completely out of their way and teach me everything 
about primes?..I mean I suppose I really should actually learn something about 
them someday as many networks see it fit as their controller site...the extent 
of my knowledge is little crib notes I have scribbled all over my "primos" 
area of notes...
Any one have any good recommended reading on the subject (be they files or 
otherwise)..any tutors (hint Pheonix)

13/28: primes...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Wed Jan 24 14:41:52 1990
go to the local electronic wholesalers and suppliers and find out who 
supplies primes ot oem and var's. then tell them you are an independant
consultant and would like info on the systems. they will give you a lot
of the manuals. i have done this and walked out the door w/ my little
ranger pick up full. 
i like the fact that the memory is cooled w/ liquid nitrogen.

14/28: ok.. you talked me into it..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Wed Jan 24 21:37:20 1990
i havent seen much documentaion around or primes <in terms o iles, plenty o 
manuals though..!>
umm.. I suppose its about time someone typed something up.. give me a couple 
of days..
in the mean time post up here what speciics about prime you want to know..
they are awully big..!

15/28: well
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Thu Jan 25 23:58:38 1990
i'd kinda like some other defaults..or a better way to 'explore' the system.. 
right now i have tried cpl, netlink, tele, test, prime, primos, mail, guest, 
demo, and system.... with user id's and pass identicle for over 30 primes i 
scanned.  none would let me in....am I doing something wrong..or just unlucky.

16/28: well
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Jan 26 01:49:03 1990
primes never were the easiest systems to get into..
alot less <common> bugs than your average unix..
and ewer <common> regular accounts, like your average vax.
Try combinations o Prime,primenet,primos
eg: Prime, passwd primenet etc...

17/28: yeah
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Mon Jan 29 20:34:10 1990
yeah m,an..i have tons of defaults...try all sorts of combos of them...but i 
guess i just gotta keep trying eh...

18/28: hey!
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Wed Jan 31 05:56:57 1990
Here's wot I   use[8lgm]?
network Ninjitsu Hiiiya!
telenet (or wot ever net it is owned by)
it'sby no means complete..and U stillprobablywon't get in most on telnete(usa) 
anyway./..but it like anything else..no garuntees:-))
any1 got some more common accounts to add?
Net Ninjitsu![8lgm]!

19/28: hmm
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Wed Jan 31 21:41:33 1990
i dontunderstand how ANY nua is owned by any network.. you know? like i can 
access most or all of the primes from telenet or pac*it or probably even 
tymnet if i had a good account...how can the prime be owned by any ONE network?
Well....thanx for the defaults.... thats cool..
    - Silencer

20/28: phrased:
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Thu Feb 01 07:04:20 1990
the context of 'owned' means not literal ownership ofthe DTE and host computer 
(although if U DID find aprime on another net it'S probably OWNED by the 
network itself..) by rather one part of the collective network weave..telenet 
would claim a prime in 03110...understand? soif you found aprime in 
France(02080) you couldpossibly try TRANSPAC as a login/password IDpair....
Net ninja[8lgm]Corrupted..HiiiiyA!

21/28: NUA ownership
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Fri Feb 02 22:50:28 1990
according to TP4 support at Telenet, the person with the NUA actually OWNS 
it... Telenet cannot legally give it out without written consent of the 
company. That does not mean they don't (hehehe), but they aren't supposed to.
Daneel Olivaw

22/28: ok
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Sat Feb 03 00:43:37 1990
ok.....thanx corrupt.....thats helpful..i never quite understood that .. So 
nearly ever NUA within the USA is owned by telenet...rich mutha 

23/28: defaults
Name: Gordon Meyer #65
Date: Sat Feb 03 09:55:17 1990
anyknow what the default account for Prime Field Engineer's is?  That might be 
a way in.

24/28: NUAs...
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sat Feb 03 18:42:06 1990
They are owned by the people that they are conencted to.  Not nearly every NUA 
in the States are owned by Telenet.  There are about 15 different networks 
that are NOT Telenet.  They have NUA's too.
grey owl

25/28: ahh
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Sat Feb 03 20:49:11 1990
but obviosuly were referring to an NUA within a Specified DNIC (which 
determines the net and subsequently the country it's located in)
So your Saying in Effect the address (like a phone #..is owned by the 
company?..but if they let go ofthe account.(network Connection..()they lose 
the rightto that address.So it's more like....umm
a co-oop!..plan!



26/28: networks in USA
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Mon Feb 05 20:28:36 1990
    Actually try more like 50 nets in USA.
when most of the countgries in the world only have 1...
it makes me feel at home! :-)

27/28: hehe
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Feb 06 13:29:38 1990
well it definetely makes me feel home... <we aussies seem to run rampant on 
your nets>

28/28: Nets
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Tue Feb 06 17:40:41 1990
Look out... coming soon... everythign.
Hehe.. actually the USA is pretty nice for PSDN stuff... lots to play with.
Daneel Olivaw

< Primes Q-Scan Done >


                       *** {HP3000 Computers Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan HP-3000s 13 - 41 msgs >
1/41: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:21:00 1990
This sub is for the discussion of Hewlett-Packard's HP-X000 series (and 
whatever the name of that !@@#$%! operating system is...)

2/41: things...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Wed Jan 10 04:10:10 1990
Ya know, I have so many of the fuckers, I could scream.
I want to use one of them for a pad.  I know it's VERY possible, but
I can't figure out how.  I've dug around everywhere looking for
something even looking like it's the damn tp software or something 
relating to the network, but nada.  I was convinced that you could
somehow use DSLINE with some kind of modifier to call back out, but
that didn't seem to work.  DRAG!
Does anyone use the fucking things?  Has everyone wrote them off?
Hell, just think of the possibilities of never needing an nui

3/41: from what I have heard...
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Wed Jan 10 19:10:51 1990
HPs have been shunned to no end.  I understand they are EXTREMELY easy to 
break into (if you call that breaking in.)  Erik--did you try calling HP 
dealers and requesting info. on x25 software for your companys system?  A 
little social engineering never hurt anyone!
grey owl

4/41: extermely easy = understatement
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Jan 11 03:31:31 1990
very veryvery easy to break into.. and even that is putting it mildly...
All i have to say is that one o thesedays ill get round to learning the dmn 
system... but till then <yawn>...
<The Flatline>
Jacking out...

5/41: Funny...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Thu Jan 11 13:22:47 1990
Everyone has the same attitude...I can't imagine Phoenix adopting
such awful American habits like putting something off until 
"later"  hehe...
As a matter of fact, I was just going through my Datapac scans and get into
a dumb 3000...
I don't think mrg.hpword is EVER passworded...some of the time the damn
thing even has system manager privs... (so a listuser @.@ spews everything
out quite nicely)
I think what we need is EastWind on here to enlighten us on the finer
points of HP-3000.  Anyone know him personally?

6/41: x25 via HPx000?\
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Thu Jan 11 18:09:31 1990
    Did anyone ever find out the setup for this?  (translation: am I going to 
have to find someone who can munge some X.25 code?)  
grey owl

7/41: Yeah Yeah Yeah
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Sat Jan 13 08:49:34 1990
I'll try to get him to ring here.
anyway...i've also got a friend in South Africa who works for HP down there
He's offered me the source for MPE V and MPE XL
trouble is it's all on magtape!
and if anyone's got a fucking HP they can lend me maybe i could take him up on 
the offer
anyway i'll try to have him ring here also..

8/41: he's
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sat Jan 13 11:42:10 1990
Your friend from SA is on here...  

9/41: defaults
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sat Jan 13 16:54:28 1990
what are some common/default HP-300 accounts?
HP-3000 even.

10/41: big deal...I know
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sat Jan 13 17:34:04 1990
I scanned an HP-3000 in my exchange and got in on the first try.  This was my 
first time to connect to an HP.  I never knew how USELESS they were.  Can 
someone give my some uses for them?
grey owl

11/41: MPE - The best OPSYS ever
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Sat Jan 13 18:52:51 1990
MPE (Multi-Programming Executive) has to be the best operating system I have 
ever seen. If you have a REALLY smart System Manager,then MPE is one of the 
safest operating systems around. However, most SM's are brain-dead, and leave 
several loop-holes open. The TELESUP is a prime example.
Try logging in to MGR/MGR.TELESUP/HPONLY,PRV/PRV - this usualy has the same 
priveleges as MANAGER.SYS, so you can do anything.
If you ever want to get nasty with a system, and slow it down HORRIBLY, run a 
program called COLOSSUS.PUB/.TELESUP, or COLOSSUS.PRV.TELESUP. This is an 
awesome program, (the COLOSSUS part stands for COmprehensive On-Line Oriented 
System Stressing Utility Sets) - this program will stress the living daylights 
out of an HP3000, and slow the whole thing down immensely. NOTE: When you run 
this program, is will give you a "lock", and yopu must enter the key. The lock 
is in the format of a 6-digit number, and the key is calculated as follows:
Take the second digit of the lock and add 4. This is the first digit of the 
key. Then put in any other digit. Take the third digit of the key and add 5. 
(Sorry, the FOURTH digiti of the lock). This is the third digit of the key. 
Again, add any other digit to make the 4'th digit of the key. Then take the 
LAST digit of the lock and add 6. This is the 5'th digit of the key. Add one 
last digit, and you are in!
Assuming that the 6 digitis of the lock are ABCDEF, and that X is any digit 
from 0 to 9, then formula for the key is:
(B+6)X(D+6)X(F+6)X. So if the lock is 108064, the key will be
4X5X0X - where X is any digit. Simple, but effective.
If anyone is interested, I have the complete source code for MPE V G.02.04 
(including all the sub-systems) on a HP7980A-readable 6250BPI mag tape (6 
tapes in total), and the complete source code for MPE/XL 1.1 on 2 CD-ROMS.
I no longer have access to an MPE system, but I can always try and copy the 
tapes at our local HP office if anyone wants them. The CD-ROMS I will NOT part 
with :-)
If anyone has NUA's for MPE systems, please post. I would be most grateful.
Bye for now,
PS: You can tell I used to work for HP, can't you :-)

12/41: MPE-XL
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Sat Jan 13 20:28:20 1990
I know I have at least three of those in my notes...I will look for them, 
but for now, could you (Wiz) please tell me if it is possible
to use a HP-3000 for connections back into the network?
This would be INFINITELY wonderful.

13/41: And then..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 13 21:07:50 1990
If the above is possible, and you know enough about them... how about running 
a multi line scanner and some other shit off them ?
<The Flatline>
Jacking out..

14/41: good idea!
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sat Jan 13 23:22:51 1990
With multiple jobs and all available machines you could scan an entirenetwork 
in a couple days!

grey owl

15/41: Don't know
Name: Phase Jitter #3
Date: Sun Jan 14 01:11:36 1990
I'm not sure that this is the proper place to post this, but I noticed that 
someone was asking about HP-3000 defaults.. This subject allways seems to come 
up.. Mentor, could you possibly set up some type of databases for defaults 
(where you can enter and read them) I think that might be a good idea...
Legion o' Doom!

16/41: hmmm
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 14 01:22:17 1990
I'll add it to the list, right after fixing the Transfer section, G-files, NUA 
database, and misc. systems stuff. <sigh>

17/41: Help!
Name: Captain Crook #36
Date: Sun Jan 14 12:18:02 1990
  OKay, I have 3 HP-3OOO's that all belong to military contractors.  I can get 
into all of them (considering I used to work for one of the companies before) 
but when I get in some dipshit put an extra password PROGRAM in.  So obviously 
I break out of it BUT when I try to get into the editor it says I can not do 
that in break.  So here is my question, how can I snag ASCII files without 
going into the editor.

18/41: Hey Par!
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Mon Jan 15 07:22:58 1990
RE: Yeah Yeah Yeah
Hi Par.
Your friend form South Africa was already here :-)
I am tryinmg to organize an HP3000/MicroGX so that I can port all the relevant 
code accross to my PC. AAll the interesting utilities like DISKEDX, and all 
the accounting routines. If you have PM on any MPE machine, I can get the 
source for a program called GOD, which changes the users capabilities in the 
JMAT and user stack (which is where all MPE commands look for capabilities). I 
will also soon make an ACAD drawing of the MPE SYstem Tables maps, which is 
invaluable information for any MPE hacker. It explains the JMAT, User stack, 
all account,group and user indexes etc. Alternatively, I can try to scan in 
the MPE System Tables Manual, and post it somehwre releavnt, or I can just 
send you a copy?
Let me know what you want.
Regards, and phone soon,
MPE Wiz.

19/41: Default MPE accounts
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Mon Jan 15 07:28:03 1990
RE: defaults
Basically, there is only ONE default MPE account  - the SYS account, and there 
is always at least 2 users in this account - OPERATOR.SYS and MAGAER.SYS.
However, for every sub-system that you install, they all reate default 
accounts. If HP-DESKMANAGER is installed, there is a new group in SYS, called 
HPMAIL, and a new account called HPOFFICE. MGR.HPOFFICE always has PM 
capability. If the customer subscribes to remote support, then TELESUP is 
created. This is a VERY useful account, as it has all the capabilities 
possible on MPE. Try to log on as MGR/MGR.TELESUP.HPONLY,PRV/PRV
Other sub-systems lke HP-WORD, DS/3000 and NS/3000 etc, all create their own 
Talking about DS/3000, if the site has X.25, and you want to use it to call 
out, try typeing in DSLINE ENET at the : prompt. It should give you an @ 
prompt, and from there you just type in C nua to connect to an NUA.
Hope this helps,

20/41: DSLINE
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Mon Jan 15 07:29:56 1990
Type in :DSLINE ENET - this should get you to the system PAD, and give you an 
@ prompt, from which you type in C nua
MPE Wiz.

21/41: ASCII files
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Mon Jan 15 07:32:34 1990
RE: Help!
You can use the FCOPY command and FCOPY the file to your LDEV. However, once 
you have pressed BREAK, you enter the MPE break mode. Just enter :ABORT and it 
should put you back into normal command mode.

22/41: Damnit...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Jan 15 17:34:05 1990
I knew DSLINE was the right fucking command...
Why is it ENET?  Is that short for something?  Or just a truncated
TELENET?  Damn DAMN DAMN!  All this time...
OK...another HP-3000 problem...  
When you are checking files, and perhaps want to look at one, is there
an easy way to discern the "type" of file that it is?  IE: ascii, binary, 
Any other HP help much appreciated...

23/41: Ok Wiz..will do.
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Tue Jan 16 00:31:48 1990
    Wiz whatever u want i can find..
I'll get on it and have Eastwind give me a sys with taht s/w u are talking 

by the way everone..Dontcha just love this guy?

24/41: hmm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Jan 16 07:40:07 1990
he certainly has made hp areas clearer.. im damned surprised that noone 
bothered to igure hp's out though... the help ile is pretty good...
i keep telling mysel... one o these days <out o character ?>
damn - got to ix that F key..

25/41: File Types
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Tue Jan 16 09:56:05 1990
RE: Damnit...
"When you are checking files, and perhaps want to look at one, is there
an easy way to discern the "type" of file that it is?  IE: ascii, binary, 
Yes - the command to do so is LISTF,2 - this will display the files in a full 
format, and after the file name, there will be a file type. All executables 
are of type PROG, text files are of type TEXT etc. I can post a full list of 
file types and what they mean if this would help you any.
As a matter of interest - ENET stands for Extended-NETwork. It is the X25 
extention to the DS/3000 or NS/3000 packages. Also, a neat little trick thast 
you might try, to run multiple sessions without the risk of having an LDEV 
hang on you, is to DSLINE into your own system. Eg, if your system is called 
"GOLD" on the network, then just DSLINE GOLD - then you can log on again, and 
if anything goes wrong, just press BREAK, followed by a :, which will drop you 
back one DSLINE level.
MPE Wiz.

26/41: Hmmm
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Wed Jan 17 02:59:44 1990
Hmmm was wondering ... on an Hp i'm sure there is some way to spawn a child 
process etc.
Mpe: how can i do it?
and how can i do it using DSLINE? (so that i can multi-pad)
Or is that not possibl;e?
i know it's possibl;e on almsot every other sys...

27/41: Child processes
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Wed Jan 17 15:10:06 1990
RE: Hmmm
Jason, if you want to stream a child process, you have to write a little job 
to do what you want to run in background, and then STREAM the job. I'll type 
up a text file on MPE jobs, and post it in a relevant G-FILES section (is 
there one for MPE ???).
As regards DSLINE, just type in DSLINE and the name of the system you want to 
connect to. I'm not sure if I understand what multi-padding is, so explain it 
to me and I will tell you if it is possible.
MPE Wiz.

28/41: multi-padding
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Wed Jan 17 17:00:57 1990
It should be running more that one DSLINE at a time.  Am I right or am I right?
grey owl

29/41: Yep
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Thu Jan 18 03:18:57 1990
    Yep GO when you're right.. you're right.
tahts exactly what i need to be able to do..
and then to be able to pause each process.
and switch to one of tjthe others.
(Hopefulyy relatively fast)
If u could tell me a little bit about this MPE i'd be n?FD???u???rFD?8full

30/41: Shit - you got me there ....
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Thu Jan 18 14:37:36 1990
RE: Yep
Shit man, you got the stangest requests :-)
I dont think it is possible to run multiple sessions (interactive) from one 
LDEV (port). What you CAN do is repeatedly DSLINE into your own machine, but 
in order to get back to each parent session, you need to BREAK out of the 
current one, so the proccess is suspended. The cleanest solution is to write a 
job file to do what you want to do, and then STREAM it.

31/41: does this mean..
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Thu Jan 18 14:49:01 1990
Does that mean that HP's have no multi-tasking capabilities?!  (Obviously I 
don't play in HP's)  And all this time I thought they were REAL computers!
grey owl

32/41: Hehe
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 19 01:45:27 1990
I was working on a file a while back on Hp's but was waiting until I 
could figure out a few things, which Wiz cleared up, but now 
I'll let him write one, as he's the expert (OBVIOUSLY!) and he'll do
a much better job.
But anyway, it started out:
If Crays are the Lamborghinis of the Computer world, then HP-3000's
are the volkswagen Bugs...there's a million of them out there, 
easy as hell to break into, and boring as hell once you're in!

33/41: Yes of COURSE ...
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Fri Jan 19 13:09:05 1990
RE: does this mean..
Owl, of COURSE MPE can multi-task - but you have obviously been spoled by Unix 
- you cant append an & to the end of an MPE command to make it run in 
background for example. But you can write background jobs, it is just a little 
more work than it is on any other operating system.

34/41: Huh
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Fri Jan 19 13:12:33 1990
RE: Hehe
May your face become a battle-ground for evil, smelly warts, and may you 
forever be condemned to lick a siphalitic whores arse for so insulting MPE.
MPE is great, but there are just better opsys's around. If you want a REALLY 
shit "operating system" (I shuddder to use the word) - try DOS, or AppleDOS.
Now THOSE are the VW bugs of the opsys world!
Anyway, DOS isn't an operating system - it is a COM and EXE file loader - 
there s a BIG difference :-)
MPE Wiz (offended!)

35/41: OS's
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Fri Jan 19 19:20:37 1990
I don't use MPE that much.  Don't rag on MS-Dos tho!  It's pretty good for a 
PC.  It wouldn't cut the butter on a multi-user system.  I am spoiled by Unix 
grey owl

36/41: Woah!
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Jan 22 03:36:40 1990
I wasn't ragging on MPE!  Not at all, i was just "JOking" about the large 
numbers of hp-3000 systems around the world and the unbelievable ease in 
gaining access on one.
Geez, read...MPE seems ok, just kinda hard to get used to.
I mean, I'm in HUNDREDS of hp's, but until last year I didn't know what to do 
with them...so they just sat there.
UNIX is just as lame security-wise, but On a percentage basis, I have gotten 
into 85-90% of the HP's I have found, while I've only gotten into abot 50% of 
the UNIXes I've found.
(LOok at me grovel before one of the two HP experts I've ever seen...pathetic, 
isn't it?)
Wiz, no offense intended towards your adopted os...

37/41: well
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Mon Jan 22 09:27:31 1990
i tried that networking stu and didnt get very ar <sigh.
oh well..

38/41: Well
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Wed Jan 24 12:57:14 1990
..ahving just talked to Mr.E Wind...he assured me that his intrest is indeed 
sparked and that he will call here ...as soon as he gets a phone.
WIZ: Eastwind informs me that he has a way of "entering" ANY hp-3000 
regardless of the type or securitly level of the accts...as I do not consider 
HP's a forte (hah!); and in that I do not know wheter Easty considers it 
public knowledge...I will let him explain it when he arrives on this 
system...(but it has to do with submitting a "job" before login...sound 
feasable?..idunno..like i said hp's are not my cup-0-soup, so if that did not 
make sense talk to E.)

39/41: Thats ok....
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Tue Jan 30 11:53:26 1990
RE: Woah!
Hello "Bloody Axe"
Thats OK - you cant offend me THAT easily. I was only pulling your proverbial 
leg. If you have so many HP's, would you care to sahre via E-MAIL please, or 
send me a list via UUCP to wiz@tabbs.UUCP.
Thanks a million.

40/41: :JOB
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Tue Jan 30 11:56:56 1990
RE: Well
Ok, that sounds ALMOST feasible.
When you log onto MPE, there are 3 ways of doing it:
:HELLO is interactive,
:JOB is a batched job file, and
:DATA is something else which is so uncommon that I dont even know what it ios 
I have looked at the logon source, and there doesnt appear to be any bug in 
the NURSERY code. It can all depend on the version of MPE you are using too. I 
am most familiar with G.03.02 (V-Delta II).

41/41: Reading Security/3000
Name: Sventek #137
Date: Wed Feb 07 02:36:50 1990
Just reading threw the security/3000 system on the HP 3000s, it looks like if 
used to its full extent it could be something. The hp environment is hard to 
understand and is full of richs.

< HP-3000s Q-Scan Done >

              *** {Other Computer Operating Systems Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Other Op. Systems 14 - 42 msgs >
1/42: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:21:46 1990
Here's where the discussion of op systems that don't have their own sub goes. 
TOPS, AOS/VS, etc.

2/42: Weird...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 12 02:48:11 1990
I hate things I know nothing about...
327-5023  Pollcat V.9
What the hell is this thing?
I hate things like this...I can't even evoke much of a response
out of it...
327-3346  Cooperative Computing...
Another weird thing.  It seems to always say invalid program group, 
unless you type S then hit return, and it says invalid syntax...
I hate not being able to figure something out immediately.
I usually just find things, and if they are uneasy to identify I
hand them out for others to mess with...so expect quite a bit
of crap like these on this sub in the near future...
(Yes, I'm scanning 327...should be done tonight...Apologies to people
in the Westlake area for waking you all up)

3/42: has
Name: The Data Wizard #16
Date: Fri Jan 12 17:05:13 1990
anyone ever messed with a system called Fortune? You connect, hit <Esc> and 
the screen clears and it immediately identifies itself as Fortune System, 
blah, blah, blah, and asks for an account. I have found quite a few of these 
damn things and have no idea how to utilize them.. Any help appreciated..

4/42: what does this mean?
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sun Jan 14 12:01:53 1990
I found this system that says:
System/32, VOS Release 6.6x, Module %primefax#m1
Please login
What is this?  Also, I found a system (probably a front end) that sends
for several screens and the hangs up.  Does anyone recognize this?
grey owl

5/42: PollCat
Name: Captain Crook #36
Date: Sun Jan 14 12:19:07 1990
  Yes, I have many Pollcats that I have found after scanning.  If you find out 
anything on them let me know.

6/42: OSL Systems
Name: Captain Crook #36
Date: Sun Jan 14 12:20:23 1990
  Anyone know how to get into OSL [i.e. defaults, logins, and anyother shit].  
This OSL belongs to Bell Labs and I would be interested in getting in.

7/42: OSL, Please...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Sun Jan 14 19:01:44 1990
Those are some kind of PBX computer I think...at least that's what
we all decided a while back...hell, maybe we were wrong...
type OSL, and it will ask you "Key?"  which is a password
of up to 8 alpha-numerics...

8/42: That looks...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Sun Jan 14 19:29:25 1990
like a IBM System/32 (God.. I thought I trashed the last one.. oh well).  
Security should be weak.. real weak...

9/42: ???? and all that crap that 
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Tue Jan 16 00:33:21 1990
 well as a response to ??????#$#@$ 
or whatevr the hell went shooting
across your scren
you can bet that is an x25 dialup etc

10/42: Sintran
Name: Gary Seven #38
Date: Tue Jan 16 18:36:19 1990
    Anybody encountered something like this called SINTRAN?  I have found by 
exploring this system that i am sure it links to a COSMOS system somewhere.  
By typing a certain command it will try to connect to COSMOS then it says 
something to the tee of You cannot login from this source or you cannot 
connect remote or remote is already connected or something like this.  You 
might think of this as a folly but it really says the letters COSMOS.  This is 
from Telenet.

11/42: COSMOS
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Wed Jan 17 03:01:47 1990
    Hmmm dunnoi Gary but i'm sure COSMOS can mean more than just the FD? 
bell system..
For instance COSMOS is a program that Citicorp runs on their primes
for their global systems on GTN..
oh welFD?FD?FD? that probly isn;t mFD?uch helpo tho :-(

12/42: All those ~?~? 's
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Wed Jan 17 15:12:38 1990
RE: what does this mean?
Owl - I get the same shit with my MNP modem when the protocol gets confused. 
If I turn MNP4 off, then this no longer happens. It seems to be a common bug 
when you have an error correcting link.
MPE Wiz.

13/42: sht
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Wed Jan 17 17:02:25 1990
I just sold my MNP3 modem.  It was a piece of shit but it had a redeeming 
quality (only one, mind you) that it could be configured (for a small fee of 
$60 dollars) for X.25, X.PC or MNP5.  I wish I hadn't have sold it now that 
I'm into hacking more than I was...
grey owl

14/42: I
Name: Dtmf #27
Date: Thu Jan 18 14:09:45 1990
RE: what does this mean?
I have run across quite a few systems like the one you described also...They 
were all in Gov't exchanges.. The ~? is something like ansi's feedback of a 
<ctrl-backspace> (try it sometimes at half duplex)...ANyway, at certain 
intervals during the screens are you recieving a 10-12 digit number?  If 
anyone out there can describe the steps neccessary to login it would be 
greatly appreciated.

15/42: read back messages
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Thu Jan 18 14:51:36 1990
DTMF..we decided that the ~?~?~?'s were either X.25 dialups or forced MNP.  I 
think they are MNP.  The pattern looks familiar to me since I used to have an 
MNP modem.  What I did was send the break string in an MNP connection, 
terminate the MNP on my end and then watch the trash the the MNP modem sent 
Sounds dumb...I know.
grey owl

16/42: ?~?~?~
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Fri Jan 19 18:32:53 1990
Hahaha...well...I am almost positive that you are at the wrong baud...from MY 
experiances if a system is 1200 max and you connect at 2400 but your modem 
fails to 'downshift' automatically then it will display ?~?~?~?~?~? forever 
until you manually switch the baud with your software or whatever... sounds 
weird but its true. Can anyone help me with this.
 I found a local system to me in the PRE-00xx area that is 110 baud max and 
gives the follwng repsonse at logon.
and then sits there it responds with
to everything I type..I tried everything...numbers words....all sorts of shit 
but always the same..anyone got any suggestions?
    - Silencer

17/42: ~?~?~?
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Fri Jan 19 20:00:59 1990
You also get this when a system is attempting to determine your baud rate 
(during the time your pressing <cr>)

18/42: 110 baud
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Sat Jan 20 10:45:35 1990
might be a ttd for the deaf.

19/42: ...
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Sun Jan 21 05:22:07 1990
to serve what purpose?  like....will TTD's connect to modems?  Beside the 
point..what would it be doing in the 00xx area of a prefix and what would it 
be used for?  What kind of system could it be?

20/42: hmmm
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Sun Jan 21 10:25:26 1990
    Ok guys.. go into the telemail phones/phones acct and choose an x.25 dialup
Call up the fcker and see what it gives u ok? don';t know if it's MNP
because i'm not sure if the X.25 dialups could REQUIRE that every system have 
MNP ( and i don't think that MNP has anything to do with the X.25 protocol at 
oh well,
But what do i know!
21/42: x.25/mnp
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sun Jan 21 11:36:15 1990
They have nothing to do with eachother except that MNP is commonly use at the 
hardware link level with MNP running in software and sometimes hardware in 
addition.  My personal opinion is that X.25 is enough and MNP+X.25 is 
redundant.  I have decided that it is a forced MNP modem unless I can prove 
myself wrong!
grey owl

22/42: ttd for the deaf...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Sun Jan 21 23:55:15 1990
well considering the rising number of services for the deaf and the fact
that all equipment used by the deaf community must communicate at 110
baud, they consider it a standard, then i would guess that there might
be either a private or perhaps a government funded organization that hs
a dial-up for client usage. also they use baudot,which is also stnd ofr
110 baud, has something to do with the old ibm type teletypes.

23/42: VOS
Name: Mr. Slippery #72
Date: Mon Jan 22 00:34:01 1990
VOS is a Stratus operating system. Stratus is fault tolerant; IBM
resells them as System 88 but I don't know any technical details.

24/42: plus
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Mon Jan 22 12:35:53 1990
If you're looking around here in Austin, the Texas School for the Deaf *IS* 

25/42: That helps... VOS
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Mon Jan 22 22:37:23 1990
Thanks, I keep forgetting about those Sys/88 machines... if I remeber IBM 
pushes them for brokers...
PS What is the passwd length on a VOS system? Anybody?

26/42: pw
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Tue Jan 23 01:09:47 1990
The only defaults that I konw of are AUTOLOG, NETWORK and AUTOLOG2 (same 
passwords). I'm sure there are more.

27/42: others.
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Tue Jan 23 19:17:39 1990
    Hmm others i have seen are CMSBATCH/CMSBACTH  CMSBATCH/BATCH 
at least i think thats the same sys.
oh wel.
fuck it.
fuck it all.

28/42: fuck that!
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Thu Feb 01 07:11:22 1990
I'm  Putting My Foot Down..
Someone help me with ROM'S please?
sorry..ROLM'S...what Exactlyare they..
and howdo you programthem?(if possible)
asI understand they run/configure a PBX.....more than interesting tomy ass
:-) Corrrrrrupt..So feds..please think twice..would you jointhenavy if you 
didn't like the gravy and rice? Think about it...

29/42: ROLM
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Thu Feb 01 14:30:47 1990
yea.... Voice Mail System (ha)... A pbx w/ VMB features... Try #'s in the 
512-823-xxxx area and mess around with 'em (IBM's 'reserved' prefix)... I've 
got some scan results sitting around here... I also have the # users call into 
to read mail & modify greeting... If anyones interested I'll see if I can find 
it again and post it.

30/42: ROLM
Name: The Blade #64
Date: Fri Feb 02 13:56:44 1990

ROLM pbx's usally have a carrier in the 99xx range.  This carrier lets you
configure the pbx, which can be used for various fun things.  The pw half the
time is what it says in the upper left hand corner on the screen. (i.e. 


31/42: IBM
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Fri Feb 02 22:51:39 1990
IBM's main number in Austin is 838... this is where most things are located.. 
there are numbers in the 823 range though.  ROLM's are nbice, but they are 
Daneel Olivaw

32/42: damn...
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Fri Feb 02 23:14:23 1990
thought to keep it a secret (838 that is) to people round here :-)

33/42: Why...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Sat Feb 03 13:04:56 1990
?it in the phone book... what I don't give out is the data ?k??lin?ms

damn line noise
I don't give ou?t the data lines...
Daneel Olivaw

34/42: but...its
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sun Feb 04 17:50:39 1990
listed as a normal prefix.

35/42: So...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Sun Feb 04 21:34:28 1990
everything is listed as a normal prefix...
it would look odd if SWB published this:
870-XXXX  LMOS System
870-XXXX  COMSMOS Syste,
The idea is not to publish them... it just happens if you think about it.. IBM 
has 7000 employees is Austin, and most have an 838 prefix for their phone, 
seems to me they own the 838 prefix..
Daneel Olivaw

36/42: ROLM
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Mon Feb 05 11:44:53 1990
well heres some info...ROLM was bought out by IBM in 1984...who then 
introdeuced the CBX..as in computerized brach exchange the the world.  It is 
rumored (?) to be fully digital..but I have my doubts...and it can pretty 
easily be programmend..as opposed to AT&T 25/75 or sl1's...to set up private 
DISA's and what not..

37/42: ROLM
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Mon Feb 05 19:56:23 1990
and then ROLM was 50% sold to Siemens (nice name) in 1989..
The Rolm CBX ][ is fully digital (at least once it digitizes your voice at the 
phone set), and it is a bitch to get a modem line on. I know this from 
experience.... however, on all the sets I've seen there is a RS-232C port on 
back of the phone, and I believe that it has a maximum bandwidth of roughly 
56Kbps... I'm not sure, but I'll see if I can get docs from one of the techs.
Daneel Olivaw

38/42: rolm
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Tue Feb 06 00:22:52 1990
yea... ibm kept marketing I think...
BTW in the offices that require modems they install "analog" lines...

39/42: DISA
Name: Psychedelic Ranger #80
Date: Tue Feb 06 03:56:16 1990

I have looked into flicking on a DISA line via RMATS or similar...
anyone have solid info on this? I have MITEL sx-100/200 manuals...about three 
manuals which describe everything on their system, including DISA
features.. ??
Psychedelic ranger
Anyone ever find DISA lines that respond to # and * before you enter the 
access code (if it has one which most do...i remember a few years ago there 
would sometimes be 9-able PBX DISA lines on 800 numbers..those were
very nice but naive. I know on some you can do # and * and sometimes get speed 
calling codes (like #9, #90, #x...x, etc.) AFTER you are "cleared" wuith
the intial access code. But it is usually inconclusive to mess with the
# and * bore the code, at least in my experience.

40/42: DISA
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Tue Feb 06 12:13:56 1990
I can get you anything you need about DISA's...I always make a # part of the 
paswd string as a "initiator"...so that an acccidental key stroke by a foolish 
"paying" custi=omer who has misdialed is not logged as "invalid 
attempt"..which would alert them of your DISA..

41/42: Colgate ICCS
Name: Landmine #86
Date: Tue Feb 06 14:42:27 1990
does anyone know anything about this type of OS?It requests a LOGON.  I tried 
alot of things, but it sayes nothing but LOGON please.  If anyone have any 
info on this please leave it.

42/42: ROLM PBXs again...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Tue Feb 06 17:43:17 1990
I was looking at the docs the other day, and noticed something interesting.  
There would seem to be a security hole in the mail part of the CBX (voice mail 
that is).  It seems it only care what line it goes to... not who. hehe, could 
make for some interesting fun.  Oh yea, ROLM on an oscilliscope is 
interesting.  It does some digital multiplexing, so data transfers are limited 
(at least as far as standard modems are concerned). Direct digital is fine, 
just it the multiplexing screws up the analog/digital transmissions of a modem.
Daneel Olivaw
It's all in the timing.

< Other Op. Systems Q-Scan Done >


                     *** {Computer Programming Sub-Board} ***
< Q-scan Programming 15 - 27 msgs >
1/27: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:22:57 1990
This sub is intended for discussing issues relating to computer programming. 
This does *not* have to be related to hacking/phreaking - if you've got a 
question about how to do something on a PC or mainframe, or have an 
interesting bit of code to share, please feel free.

2/27: MODEMS and Turbo
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Tue Jan 09 14:37:08 1990
How do I make the modem bark from turbo pascal?
Someone send me a line of code that will just make the damn thing dial.
That's all I need...I can figure the rest out.

3/27: Wel...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Tue Jan 09 18:28:33 1990
if only it were that easy... The problem is that there is no easy way to use 
the modem from Pascal, C, or any language for that matter. I have some good 
libraries for C, and I can get some for TurboPascal, but... you know how DOS 

4/27: C
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 10 00:58:29 1990
I've got a short (10 line) program in Microsoft C that lets you send/receive 
to the modem. I'll dig it up and post it.

5/27: Pascal/modem
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Wed Jan 10 19:12:00 1990
    If I can find it all, I'll put up ASYNC11.  It's a decently documented 
Turbo Pascal Unit for guess what...async stuff.  It's my first choice for an 
async driver.
grey owl

6/27: ok...
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Jan 11 03:33:54 1990
this should possibly be on unix but.. ill put it both..
how do i configure cu to call out on x25 ?
i have found occassionally a prepared cu command <usualyy renamed to cux25 or 
something like that> and desperately need to know how toconfigure it myself, 
in order to get a unix version of defcon running...
<The Flatline>
Jacking out..
7/27: what's..
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Thu Jan 11 18:10:18 1990
Phoenix:  What's defcon?          (answer in the unix section)
grey owl

8/27: o
Name: Dtmf #27
Date: Thu Jan 18 14:13:51 1990
I have a short program in DCl for the vax that emulates the login sequence for 
my local college computer network.  It traps the passwords etc etc.   The only 
thing is, you have to run it on a terminal that someone else would be using.  
Is anyone out there familiar enough with devicae manipulaton on VAX/VMS 5.x to 
be able to instruct me as to how I should go about getting it on a terminal 
without actually being there?

9/27: JPI TopSpeed C professional
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Thu Jan 18 14:41:46 1990
Since you people have much better access to pirated software, please could you 
all keep your eyes peeled for JPI TopSpeed C PRofessional? If you DO get a 
copy, please post it to me. If you get it I will give you my address.
I can be VERY grateful when I want to be, get my drift ????????

10/27: I don't think...
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Thu Jan 18 14:53:38 1990
Read the info-file for the Phoenix Project.  I don't think this board is 
supposed to be spreading pirated stuff due to the nature of taps (most likely) 
on the BBS line.  
I'm not condoning the buying of legitamit software, I'm just trying to look 
out for fellow pirates.
grey owl

11/27: Ok
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Fri Jan 19 13:15:04 1990
RE: I don't think...
Sorry Owl, you are right. If I EVER get validated on Circus Maximus, I will 
ask for this there. However, if someone has it and can send it to me via MAIL, 
then this BBS isn't compromised, is it?
MPE Wiz (hopefully)

12/27: hallo.
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Fri Jan 19 16:02:49 1990

    Hey la.   I'm a telelcommunications (primarily, aren't we all) programmer. 
Under PC/MS-DOS I write under TurboPascal and Assembly.  Anyhow, I'm a fidonet 
programmer and sysop, and lal la la.   Some of you might know me from the past 
(Tales Gallery).  I wrote Criminis, which was never distributed out of 
BetaSoft form that would Randomly (Random-DBase, extremely good) search 
prefixes for carriers.  Was going to write a Script hacker but got lazy.  And 
probably will write a network scanner, if anyone gives me schematics on what 
it should do. 
FIDONET.   I'm looking for someone to help me work on some code I'm 
developing, a new BBS software that will work under Fidonet AND UUCP and 
perhaps CyberNet (my own invention).  If you're interested, contact me here or 
on 1:141/234@Sicilumm.Thorne

13/27: stuff
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sat Jan 20 03:04:18 1990
Wiz- This board is so compromised that it might as well be run out of 
Washington. Assume everything you post is read by the Secret Service, NSA, 
CIA, FBI, and the security departments for any telco you can name. If it's any 
comfort, I don't think we have any South African feds on here.
re: encryption
Ok, I'm thinking about writing a short, downloadable program that will allow 
people to decrypt an encrypted mail message. This way no one would be able to 
see the true text if there's a data tap on the line. You'd call in, buffer 
your encrypted mail, and decrypt it with a prearranged key from the safety of 
your home. I could write the thing in basic so that it'd run on damn near any 
system (it'd be a modified version of my Cellular Automata program from the 
tech journal #3 - available from the d/l section).
Any comments?

14/27: Yes - I've already written it
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Sat Jan 20 07:00:36 1990
RE: stuff
I have already written an encrypted front-end to the Unix "Korn" chat for DOS 
machine, but I am in the porcess of making it a bit more generic. It is nearly 
done, and if anyone is interested, I will post it here.
As regards South Africa feds - they are all so barin-dead that they wouldn't 
know what the word "hack" even meant.           ^^^^=brain

15/27: you could...
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sat Jan 20 10:27:40 1990
Make the whole board encrypted... Doesnt WWIV use just 1 routine for I/O?

16/27: ummm
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sat Jan 20 11:53:23 1990
Think on that a second. If I encrypt the entire board, then either *everyone* 
knows the key (which defeats the purpose) or I have a differently encrypted 
version for each caller (wasteful).
  Is this a DES-based crypt? I am suspicious of most common crypt machines. 
17/27: umm
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sat Jan 20 12:17:00 1990
RE: ummm
Well, what you might do is restrict access to all but the general board sectio 
n if the caller does not have the encryption. BTW, Mentor, I took you're 
cellular encryption method and converted that into a chat encryption program 
that will work over anything (except typing gets slowed down by 1/2 because 
before every encrypted character it sends a "%".

18/27: Yes - it has DES
Name: Wiz #25
Date: Sat Jan 20 20:03:37 1990
Yes - the new version now has DES, as well as a Vernam-cypher, and a custom 
encryption method I dreamed up. I will list the features below, but first one 
question: Will it be OK if the program uses the entire ASCII set (0-255), or 
do I have to add an option to mask all characters out of the range 32-127 ?
If you want to know what ECHAT has, it can:
a) Do buffered inoput and output, in a split-screen mode. This is usefull for 
the "Korn" chat, as quite often the text gets garbled when two users send a 
message at the same time. (This buffereing will be optional).
b) Have a complete back-scroll buffer, up to 64K long
c) Has a dialing directory, so you can dial from it too
d) Has a two-way Eliza Parser, so you can fool the bloody Itals on Altger if 
you like
e) It can filter out messages from specific users, and alternatively 
ignore/send a response/use Eliza on the user(s)
f) USe Either DES, Vernam-cypher, or my own custom encryption
g) Log everything to disk if you like
h) Run in 43/50 line mode if you have the hardware
i) Have a note-pad facility so you can make notes as you go along on the system
j) Have several macro hot-keys, to save you typing in all the boring logons
k) Supports from 110 up to 38400 BAUD, and has FOSSIL support
l) Can use COM1-COM8, so it is quite flexible
And as I go along, I add in all sorts of extra little bits which I think will 
be usefull. As soon as the current version is finished, Iwill upload it here 
fro evaluation. Unfortunately, it only runs under DOS, so all the Aplle/Amiga 
users will have a problem, unless I can get it converted for those machines.

19/27: hmmm
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 21 17:15:18 1990
Sounds neat! I'd love to look at it. 

20/27: This might sound idiotic...
Name: Maze Master #92
Date: Wed Jan 24 22:11:46 1990
however, can anyone tell me what is the '$emit(.....)' command is?  I found it 
in a source for a program written in C and compiled with Computer Innovations 
Optimizing C86 compiler.  Later.....

21/27: CU
Name: The Prophet #104
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:54:50 1990
Hm... To use CU fr X.25 connections, you have to specify an X.25 device (in 
the Devices file) as the outdialing device.


22/27: $emit(...)
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sun Jan 28 00:09:16 1990
this command allows you to insert an opcode into the object file if for some 
unknown reason you don't have an assembler.... CI-C sucks, but that's the 
grey owl

23/27: fortran
Name: Corrupt #114
Date: Wed Jan 31 05:51:02 1990
in VMS..whats the system call in fortran...specifically for DCL..is it 
LIB$CALL..I keep forgettin' :-(
Alos..I have  some modem programs for vms in VAXbasic but I  can't 
uploadanything cept  ascii but ifyour in DIRE need I7ll do it  at mylesiure...
my space bar still is messedup
protenatious dirt stains prove anethetical tomost fibers?

24/27: well....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Wed Jan 31 12:18:18 1990
i for one would like to see it.

25/27: yep
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 31 16:32:33 1990
LIB$CALL works. You can also assign it to environment variables...  
Anyone know where to get a used Microvax cheap? With manuals...  Wouldn't that 
be a cool system?

26/27: well...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Thu Feb 01 10:51:38 1990
i will see what i can find. no promises.

27/27: Hal/S
Name: Cygnus 61 #48
Date: Fri Feb 02 14:33:37 1990
I have recently uncoverd a Nasa programming manual and would like to find a 
system to progam in Hal/S. It resembles fortran in the first degree. MOst 
defense contracter that had done work on the space shuttle would have it but 
if you have seen it around let me know please. (damn 40 col.)
Cygnus 61
< Programming Q-Scan Done >


                      *** {Social Engineering Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Social Engineering 16 - 27 msgs >
1/27: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:24:00 1990
This sub is for the discussion of Social Engineering techniques. For the 
novices here, Social Engineering is the art of extracting information over the 
phone (or in person) by fast-talking someone into telling you things they 

2/27: Welp
Name: Acid Phreak #8
Date: Tue Jan 09 18:01:26 1990
Just how "open" is this sub?

3/27: social engineering
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Tue Jan 09 21:14:58 1990
I wrote a short file about this.  It covers everything Ithought of while I
was writing it.  I'll upload it.
grey owl

4/27: ?
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 10 00:58:51 1990
Open? Everyone has access to it, talk about whatever you want.

5/27: hmm..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Jan 11 03:36:04 1990
In australia we call social engineering bullshitting...
for some reason or other.. most hackers are good at it..
Personally - i only opt for it when all other options are wasted..
Admittedly though it is damn effective when used properly...
I guess the best method is to simply prepare what you say before saying iut... 
not to go in blind.. etc...
<god is there a board this thing doesnt have ?>

6/27: ?
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Thu Jan 11 21:18:29 1990
Social engineering is probably the easiest way to get into a system (other 
than unchanged defaults). The stupidity of the average system or network 
manager amazes me. There's *still* some moron at WESPAC that thinks I'm a 
network engineer in Cincinatti - everytime I talk to him, he's happy to let me 
know the latest gateway passwords, newest systems, etc.  He's bought into this 
for well over 2 years...

7/27: net enigneer in Cinci
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Fri Jan 12 23:04:15 1990
all I have to say abou that is JEEEEEEEEEZUS!  Some poeple are soooo stoopid.
grey owl

8/27: Mentor..
Name: Frame Error #5
Date: Sat Jan 13 12:10:10 1990
 ..No way!  You're still talking to that guy?  I remember when we first 
 started out scanning on WESPAC.  Wasn't he the same guy who gave you the
 network access password to that GS/1>?  I think the PW was 'rosebud' or 
 something similar.  What a joke.

9/27: yep
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sat Jan 13 15:20:13 1990
Yep, that's him. Nice guy...

10/27: Switching
Name: Gary Seven #38
Date: Tue Jan 16 18:40:29 1990
    Ok, once you have bs'd the SCC number (Switching Control Center) for the 
Telco what kinda tricks on your line can you do.  How do you bs a forwarded 
number?  This might be TOOOO open so if you would like to help me send me mail 
for further contacts.  

11/27: asdf
Name: Dtmf #27
Date: Thu Jan 18 14:15:39 1990
We always used the SCC as an easy alternative to CNA...

12/27: CNA / SCC
Name: The Dictator #43
Date: Thu Jan 18 18:23:17 1990
You can find out a lot of shit from SCC about C or D orders, or anything like 
that on a subscribers line...its kinda funny.    CNA or CN/L or CNA/L is so 
goofed up these days, that if I dont use SCC then Ill try my luck through 
The Dictator

13/27: 800 Pots
Name: The Dictator #43
Date: Thu Jan 18 18:28:13 1990
Anyone who has had any luck with the setting up (not the identifing) of 800 
posts, please leave me some mail..I got some questions.
The Dictator

14/27: 'Wunga Wunga' I hear them chant..
Name: The Operator #42
Date: Thu Jan 18 22:46:54 1990
Can anyone help me out in getting the official address of someone with a P.O. 
box without directly calling them and bullshitting, or physically trailing 
them? I tried calling the post office and telling them I was from G.O.D. and I 
needed a residential address cause we didnt deliver to P.O. boxes and the Mail 
God told me that he couldnt give that info out unless I came down with a form 
and ID and all that shit...
       Lemme know..
            The Operator

15/27: Things...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 19 01:52:34 1990
Hell, if CNA doesn't work, call the Business office that covers the
exchange for that area code.  Tell them you are So & So from Whatever Bell, 
and that CNA doesn't have a current listing for a/c-nnx-xxxx and would they
please check the name listed for the account.  You will usually need
to give them the CNA number to "Prove" you are who you say you are.
This works just as well for non-pub's and they will usually give
you the address and other lines at that address if you say please.
(BTW:  don't fuck up and call them daily and do it for a BUNCH of
numbers...especially if you are after 512 numbers!)
Setting up 800 translations for a pots is a pretty simple thing.
You need an SCCS.  That's about it.  Real rough...I think you can
even get a Nation-wide one, but you might need to be on one that
controls a 5e...I don't know.  Mark?  You know.  What is it?

16/27: .
Name: Frame Error #5
Date: Fri Jan 19 14:59:48 1990
 About engineering the SCC as an alternative to CNA - I wouldn't do it.
 Simply because there are many other more worthwhile things to do with the
 SCC than find someone's name and address from a number.  Use the business
 office.  They are usually more unaware of things like that.
 To set up an 800, I think you have to have access to a 4E toll switch.
 Correct me if I'm wrong.

17/27: ..
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Fri Jan 19 18:38:28 1990
I think someone told me that the Uiversity (in 805) will be going up again 
soon with an 800 number. HAHAHA... If its true.. I think i will fucking 
explode.  Thats hilarious.

18/27: 800 Pots
Name: The Dictator #43
Date: Sat Jan 20 02:17:23 1990
Well..My problem is ... I have identified a few 800 POTS in my area...
Im just having trouble thinking of the terminology to use when calling the SCC 
to set up the #.
Usually when I have #s being RCFd, I do it another way...
The Dictator

19/27: Legal
Name: The Blade #64
Date: Mon Jan 22 13:15:13 1990

When you BS a bell office, say the res billing office, and extract subscriber
information, saying you're from repair or whatever, are you breaking the law?
If so what law?  Can you get arrested for it? 
I doubt it, it's the companys fault if they give you the info..


20/27: try freud...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Tue Jan 23 13:34:32 1990
and it can get you busted.

21/27: well...
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Thu Jan 25 12:44:18 1990
Frame Error:...i assume that they are talking about "enigineering a WATS line 
into existance"...not actually physically seting one up off a DS1 (or simialr) 
toll switch ...(not that it cannot be done, but rather in that this is the 
engineering sub)
Dictator:...I thought I had told you how to do it on atlantis or someplace?
Please take whose-ever advice it was and save the SCC for "important" 
things...just about any inter-office/ field office has access to half a dozen 
system that can be used to cross reference names to address to billing address 
to Cable pair to feeder posts to ...etc....
call the LAC or Roadblock or FAC or RMA or RCMAC or whatever....if for no 
other reason that because the employees have a tendencey to be ALOT less 
TEchnically oriented and (no offence (sp?) also tend to be women..which I find 
easier to engineer...wheras I have never encounter anything but men at the SCC.
PO Boxes:
If you have a CBI acct you can specify a F- option which will print out BOTH 
home and PO address IF THEY BOTH ARE ON FILE (which they usually are)....or if 
you can get any other point from which to referance you can always turn to 
your RBOC...
you know I really cannot spell...


22/27: Not
Name: The Blade #64
Date: Tue Jan 30 13:36:49 1990

Supernigger has NOT been busted, just busy.  Also, his computer is busted so
he really can't call out.  He will be here just as soon as he fixes his term.


23/27: Does anyone
Name: Alter Ego #110
Date: Wed Jan 31 07:10:11 1990
have any text files on Social Engineering or any tips... I would greatly 
apperiacte it...
Alter Ego

24/27: I think
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Wed Jan 31 14:44:24 1990
I think I might be able to upload my file on social engineering.  You'll 
notice that most of it is common sense, but not everyone thinks of 
grey owl

25/27: RMA
Name: Psychedelic Ranger #80
Date: Fri Feb 02 04:26:31 1990

Hm. WHen I hear RMA, I think of it in the FACS context, that is
Request for Manual Assistance, which pops up when there is a trouble
in the automatic service provisioning flow. The LAC gets these RMA's,
at least in my area. Shit, as far as having line info, that is everywhere,
as Phelix mentioned...shit, QDN, ISH, INQ, /FOR DMLR, etc. etc...

26/27: well..
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Mon Feb 05 11:49:47 1990
you are correct about the FACS/RMA relation ship but oft times RC/MAC is also 
reffered to as RMA..and not as RC/MAC.
hmm..well i don't think that the COSMOS line inquiries or the LMOS are quite 
what people had in mind..:)
(you know I had n=vowed that I would never use a cutelsy smiley face!)

27/27: DAMN!
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Mon Feb 05 20:33:06 1990
    PHELIX!?!?! DAMN!!!
Are you getting SOFT on us?!?!

< Social Engineering Q-Scan Done >


                     *** {Electronic Banking Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Electronic Banking 17 - 12 msgs >
1/12: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:26:18 1990
This sub is for the discussion of all the aspects of late-20th century banking 
such as Electronic Fund Transfers, Routing Codes, Automatic Tellers, etc. 
While some hackers have been active in this area for some years, it is only 
recently that it is being discussed in the mainstream. Because of the 
sensitivity of some of the information that may be posted here, this is one of 
the two subs (Drugs is the other one) that allows anonymous posting.

2/12: EFT
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Tue Jan 09 14:46:26 1990
I don't know why Mentor put this here, but I suppose everyone knows by now.
I have a few friends who have worked in banks as tellers.  The system I got a
chance to look at first hand through him was weird.  It was some big beast
of a system, with each teller having his own telex terminal.  Very strange.
Kind of reminded me of the setup travel agents have.  VERY weird.  He showed
me how to use it though.  Hell, they trained him for a few months, so I didn't
feel bad about not getting the hang of it in the hour I was there.
Computer assisted banking transactions are not anywhere near as easy to 
perform as glamorized in the movies.  None of this transfer from here to there 
with a simple keystroke bullshit.  Banks are fucked.  Everything has to be
approved, verified, stamped, signed etc...well, maybe not all that, but
there are a LOT of things to take into consideration, and if ONE little
thing isn't there, the whole thing aborts...like, if one response wasn't letter
perfect, the thing rejected the whole transation.  I guess I can understand 
that, as banks do the SAME thing over and over, and there really isn't any 
reason to have changes in the data format.  
One nifty system I'm in in California will allow you to do all kinds of neato 
things.  It's on telenet too.  Lots of banks on telenet.  One interesting 
thing is that the California one rejects when you call the main address...but 
when you connect to the right sub-address   *BOOM* you're in.  There is only
one sub address that works too.  Wild.  Would have kept out most people.

3/12: ok... i admit it i work/soon to be worked in a bank
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Jan 11 03:42:26 1990
true.. transactions are very very very hard to perform frfom remote..
First a system emulator would be nice... <banks tend to use really wierd sys 
Secondly online transactions from front office terminals are only available 
during business hours... they shut down at other times.. only thing operating 
is atms.. and <most> they use encryption anyway.
Next you need to know pretty much how the bank works in order to perform 
correct transaction... all sorts of system codes... bank codes and a whole 
stack of other shit.
Of course before any of this can take place.. a valid sign on is required...
99% of the time these sign ons are the employees salary number with the same 
password. But then there is the problem of each user only being allowed on the 
system once..between the hours of 9-5. So the solution ? I dont know.. i 
joined the bank to investigate such things.. and have done so pretty 
thoroughly <which is whyy i have just posted notice o resignation>. The only 
way i have found to actually rip off a bank has nothing to do  with 
computers... so there...
<The Flatline>
Jacking out..

4/12: ATM Encryption
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Thu Jan 11 21:21:10 1990
But most of the ATM encryption schemes I've played with were fairly easy - 
ranging from straight rotation to one- and two-table schemes. As DES chips 
become common, it will become more difficult - I don't understand why they 
don't use more robust encryption methods now. I mean, the one I did in LOD TJ 
#3 is unbreakable by anything this side of an XMP-1, and even that would take 
awhile. Single-state machines are the wave of the encryption future...
The Mentor
Legion of Doom!

5/12: hmmm ever heard of...
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Sat Jan 13 08:59:28 1990
    Ever heard of a three character control-character (stupidly phrased but 
i'm hung over) sequence for citicorps systems that drops you right in for 
anyway heard it from some guy who used to work for them.
he showed a friend of mine so apparently it's true..
only need the last character to the sequence.
some day when i'm board i suppose i should try it.
i have control characters 1 and 2...
have to take a rainy day and try to find 3.

6/12: ^E
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sat Jan 13 11:43:56 1990
I know of systems that send your their TRW login when you connect to them if 
you type ^E... I hadn't heard of the front end hole, though. How do you know 
when you have the first two characters right? (Or the first one, for that 
matter... gotta start somewhere.)  As far as Citicorp systems go, which type 
is it in? It's not in their VAXen, at least.

7/12: Mentor
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sat Jan 13 17:35:49 1990
who owns the ^E systems?  TRW is fun for a couple of calls.
grey owl

8/12: interesting
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 13 21:09:28 1990
master control sequence on citi could actually be useful..
I hope it rains soon..

9/12: CITI..
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Sun Jan 14 03:05:04 1990
    It supposedly works from any of their online terminals..
And i know that the first two i have are correct...
Because the tech was a nice guy and told me.
Anyway what does he give a fuck...
He doesn';t work for 'em anymore.
When he demo'd it to my friend he used dialupo access ..
So maybe it can be done on some of those weird GTN systems all over the world..
Anyway i lied... it's not all control charatcers :-)
But however starts with one.

10/12: ^E
Name: The Blade #64
Date: Mon Jan 22 13:16:59 1990

^E = Telex if you are talking about that.

11/12: TV
Name: Cassius Cray #135
Date: Tue Feb 06 06:57:39 1990
Did any body see that show "Beyond 2000" where they talked about Computer 
Crime?  They showed this guy who tapped into a bank computer got it to give 
his computer the digital tone file of the ATM and then he recorded them on 
audio tape, pasted the tape on cardboard ATM sized cards and got tens of 
thousands of dollars ... The Service Secret showed a stack of cardboard ATM 
cards by the hundreds... I taped the show it's an Aussie production and comes 
on Discover channel (shows you how exciting my life is)...
Cassius Cray
12/12: i know the show..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Feb 06 13:31:20 1990
<ahem> interesting story.. wasnt it <grins..>

< Electronic Banking Q-Scan Done >


                    *** {Radio & Electronics Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Radio & Electronics 18 - 32 msgs >
1/32: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 22:44:33 1990
This sub is for the discussion of electronics, radio and cellular 

2/32: Idea
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Tue Jan 09 21:18:56 1990
Here's one:  everyone knows that when you hook up a 9-volt battery to a relay 
switch it throws of lots of AM radio waves...all over the band.  I WONDER what 
would happen if you made one of these babies,wrapped it in duct tape and 
threw it in someone's sattelite dish!  You just knowsome poorrepairman will 
have a ball trying tofigure out why there's not picture!
grey owl

3/32: cable
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Mon Jan 15 22:28:41 1990
Is anyone familiar with cable de-scrambling? I'm interested in building a 
tuner that will let me pick up Showtime, Playboy Channel, and Cinemax (I have 
HBO). How difficult a prospect is this - or is it even possible?

4/32: Austin Cablevision
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Jan 15 23:50:22 1990
You can't do it.  Not on our system.  
We have two way cable...totally interactive, down to the point where
they know what house each box is in.  Kinda sucks...you can only grab
HBO & Showtime for free, as they are the only one blocked by
traps.  All the other premium channels are controlled by the
fucking cable company from their feeds.
BIG DRAG. {Remember when cable was new, and you could just run
out to the damn box and remove all the traps, and you'd have every channel?

5/32: Hmmm not sure but...
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Tue Jan 16 00:37:51 1990
    Hmmm lloyd not sure but in cali we had the same way 
but my friends father (an electronics engineeer for Radionics alarm co)
developed a box with a chip in it to automatically tunbe to some weird freq.
anyway probably not the same sys as u guys..
but i know u can do it with a sat dish..heard of a guy who designed a chip 
that snagged the nearest other persons descrambling code and fed it to yours.
It's not what u know it's who u know..
(Not a fat communist pig)

6/32: Linear/AND MORE!
Name: Ripper #51
Date: Tue Jan 16 03:12:46 1990
I'm into radio stuff too (Pretty good, cause I'm also a Telecomminications 
If you want to cause havoc with someone radio equipment with major QRM a good 
approach is to make a good pink noice generator and hook it up to a high gain 
AF amp and into a small AM transmitter and drop it nearby the reciver.  The 
power output only needs to be a few hundred mw to really make reception a 
problem, because while the tranmitter it's self is low power, it's still the 
strongest signal, and since it's being over driven, the band width can be 
several hundered Khz.
We used this on people in out area who "DEAD KEY" or otherwise make themselves 
an obnoxious source of noise.  Sure, while they are making all their noise it 
won't bother them, but until the batter is removed or dies, they just recive 
crap.  Also, on a related note, my favorite if to get as close to an offending 
station as I can and just cause massive RFI with my linear.  The subject will 
still hear me even with his radio turned off, I generate engough power in my 
mobile to drive coil in speakers, phones and other electronics without them 
being on (of course, with their audio amps on, it's even worse, because the 
RFI will creap into the amplifications stages.)
Anyway...current radio project, a 1200 watt linear amp I'm making for an AM 
and SSB base station I'm making.  Also, trying to start a little radio conv on 
a small system in San Diego, if interested 619-660-6734, minimal plug, I hate 
people posting numbers on my system...so...
Anyway, radio stuff...I know a bunch, and I have all kinds of info from 5mw to 
2KW, AM, FM, SSB, CW, DSB, 180 Meters to 75 cm....although, I am not a HAM...I 
can do my best to help out with anything.

7/32: jesus
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Jan 16 07:42:19 1990
dont ever let me hear you complain about cable tv
at least you got it
<not all communist pigs are ffat>
and besides... im on the other side
your sincere israeli traitor

8/32: cable grabbing in austin....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Tue Jan 16 11:45:16 1990
yes it can be done. go buy a scientific atlanta controller box from a cable
distributor, cost about $100. pull the top off, pull the roms and get 
yourself a 8048 cross-assembler to look at the code. the routines that
control the identification of the user are easy to find, right near the
top of the code. just go in and play with this code, insert nop's for
example, and enable all the decoding, it is done in hardware,and you
have what you want. 

9/32: jamming...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Tue Jan 16 11:51:53 1990
you should not use a pink noise generator as it's power spectrum falls off
at the higher frequencies on a given channel. you should probably use a
gunn diode oscillator, a white noise generator w/ equal power bandwidth
spectrum, followed by a set of linear amplifiers. another good source of
noise is a spark gap. this can be generated by using a high voltage 
transformer, i use a jefferson electric luminous tube transformer 721-121
12kv @ 30mA output. jefferson is in bellwood ill. what you do is connect 
the input to 110vac and the output to a couple of rounded probes. the 
distance between the probes is adjusted for the best spark. watch out for
the ozone this generates because it creates free-radicals in your blood 
which is a carcinogen. these can also be used to make jacob's ladders or
tesla coils.

10/32: Well..nuff of this crap./
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Thu Jan 18 03:32:01 1990
    Well phoenix.. i don't know whatthat statement about YOU being  a traintor 
was about...
But as for me.. i have no desire to sell out my fucking country.
Even though they may be so stupid as to think so.
When i'm trying to help them out by monitoring a russian debug port.
And using it to dump the pad ??mem
(Which was WORTHLESS anyway)
Let's get one thing straight.??#
I love my country. (even after all the shit they've put me through)
And i love my freedom (which they will eventually take away from me i assume)
But i would never sell them out like those CCC scumbags did.
i Love my family and friends too much to jeopardize them by selling secrets 
and would never FD? label mysel;f the way you labelled yourself. (traitor)
I think you should learn (and hope u do soon that we are just a bunch of kids 
FD?who gK?t too good.)  <??FFD?or whatever reason>
(I.e.  b??ecasue tFD?hey couldn't stFDop us from doing it.. and once you 
excersize a muscle it tends to grow and prosper. so we've gotten out of their 
don't jeopardize your country just because u are good..or your friends av?d 
Because in the end...The gov't agencies will know everything about it.
And you'll probably enFD?d up like that poor bastard in CCC.
(i don't know about you guys but pou??ring gasl?oline on myslefFD? and being 
lit on fire is not my way of committing suicide)
And anyone who tells me HE REALLY did commitFD? suicide..
Try to step back and look at the situation.
Dealing with the KGB and CIA..DO YOU REALLY THINK SO?
Anyway that is why i have never broken into military comps and nevr will..

sure i may break into communist coujntries systems but ,
i don't break into ours "just coz i'm CURIOUS"
tahts the stupidest thing u can do.
Trust me on this one..

11/32: seems to me...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Thu Jan 18 10:40:10 1990
that breaking into a communist country computer is a lot more dangerous,
those folks dont mind shooting you and to hell with miranda, whereas this
country will at least give you a trial. a small chance but a chance 
never the less.

12/32: Treason & Government Smegma...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 19 02:06:13 1990
It's the Major SS buzzword these days.
Treason.  If someone if poking around in ANY system they feel is 
sensitive (although they leave sysdiag unpassworded, or lp password lp, etc..)
they will then label you as:
"A Serious Threat to National Security!"  
Give me a break.  Hell, I think my association with Par & Phoenix alone
is enoough to get me the firing squad.  I haven't even done anything, 
but it seems that everything bad that's happened I keep getting
brought up, as I know such and such, or I somehow know EVERYTHING about
how such and such happened.  
Well, I've tried my best to be good, and stay out of government things, 
military things, etc...  I've even edited out the "sensitive" things I've
run across in the Telenet scanning just for their sense of well being, 
but if I begin to feel threatened, it's all going out.   Unabridged.
We will see...I'm already getting nervous...the feds are already pissed 
that LOD is still kicking, and this bbs must have SLAMMED it into their
faces.  And I know that the EFT files must have pissed them off as
well, although that may or may not have anything to do with
this bbs suddenly going back up.  
Well, I'm not a threat to ANYTHING, except myself maybe.  Anyone who
knows me knows that.  Back me up people.  This is my public announcement
of not-guilty to any and all crimes against the Security of the United
States.  So what if I was scanning 2502 a while back?  Anyone ever think
that it would be in THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY to hop into a
Soviet system?  I thought it would.  
Par knows what I mean.  Hell, The government now seems to think he's a spy, 
and want to shoot him.  Killing Teenagers for fun is not my idea of 
constructive problem solving guys.  Take an extended course in the 
ways of the hacker.  That education might do you all a world of good.
You may even pick up something you missed in your little weekend getaway
training seminar in fighting computer crime.  When you come and kick in my
door, (don't step on the cat), and if you don't blow me away first, 
maybe I can educate you all a little better on what is REALLY GOING ON!
(This message posted for the Secret Service & CERT, et al. whomever is
 posing on here, or reading this via Mentor's & My own Data Taps)

13/32: i personally agree..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Jan 19 06:46:21 1990
umm... all i have to say is that certain people <ahem> who have not got half 
the education that specific security people have had are bypassing their years 
and years of education in an hours work.... maybe there is a lesson or two to 
be learnt there... but then if we get shot... you never hear our story..
Hell... if i get blown away by a firing squad... ill make sure that certain 
things happen...
<before i get blownaway..>
insurance is beautiful...
<The Flatyline>
Jacking oUt.

14/32: .
Name: Frame Error #5
Date: Fri Jan 19 15:07:20 1990
 I am not treasonist, and never will be.  I have to laugh at the stupidity 
 of some of the people you (yes you, SS) send out to raid a hacker's home, or
 investigate a certain something.  I hear stories from friends who have gone
 down, and I can't help but bust out laughing.  Really now..  You should 
 get a real training program going if you intend on keeping up with us.
 Sure, it's easy to get one of us, but what are you going to do about the
 rest who are still thriving above the system, and your observation?
 As you can see, even after three key members of the LOD went down, the 
 group is active.  I rest my case.  

15/32: also...
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Fri Jan 19 19:25:55 1990
If the SS is supposed to protect systems, they would scare the hackers out of 
NOT messing with the system...not bust him.  That just makes the others so mad 
that they decide to ravage the system he got busted on...I know I have and 
grey owl

16/32: also. also. also....
Name: Phiber Cut #34
Date: Sat Jan 20 09:36:30 1990
Why is the SS saying everyone is in LOD?  Why are they such a pain?  Why
are they so fuckin' stooopid?  Why aren't they protecting the president
or catching counterfiters(sp) like they're supposed to be?
17/32: ravage
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Sat Jan 20 10:48:34 1990
be kool w/ my handle ace.

18/32: well
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Thu Jan 25 12:55:58 1990
I think that I can safely say (for the benefit of those fed tyoes )that Erik 
Bloodaxe is the most dangerous person alive.  sorry Erik.  Haha.  Boy I cannot 
wait to see that one in the papers taken out of context...
...fellow computer criminals report with all sincerity that Erik Bloodaxe is 
"the most dangerous person alive.."
Seriously though...well I have nothing serious to say.
No shit about getting the chair for even pretending to associatee with Pheonix 
and Par (looks like I picked the wrong set of friends).
say...Pgheonix..any mre articals detailing the infamous Austro-American 


19/32: aha
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Jan 26 01:50:46 1990
Thats the one!!
<why cant anyone spell my name ???>

20/32: sweet dreams
Name: The Electron #32
Date: Thu Feb 01 09:42:53 1990
anyone who is paranoid enuff to believe they have cia/fbi/kgb etc etc
chasing after them with large weapons is either:
     a) a cronic bullshitter, who in the interests of their "image"
       like to run round saying they are WANTED by federal authoriities.
     b) a simple minded fuckwit
if some1 like the CIA wanted to fuck u up, they fuck you up, they dont wait
around for years to do it (But of course some of you are so K-rad the CIA
will never find you right?  rrriiiggghhhttt.)
wake up please.
(of course just coz ure paranoid doesnt mean they're NOT after you :-)

21/32: ok..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Feb 01 10:15:42 1990
so their guns arent that big...

22/32: Heheh..
Name: Nemesis #122
Date: Fri Feb 02 00:15:22 1990
   No, their guns are small.....Well the simple truth of the matter is that 
90% of all the people who get "BUSTED BY THE PHEDS" are either totally full of 
it, or just a few quarts low.  When someone get real busted, you hear about 
it.. and I dont mean as a rumor on a few boards and shit.  But even more full 
of it than the BUSTED is the "THEY ARE AFTER ME" part.  My god, if someone is 
AFTER you, and they havent already CAUGHT you,{then v:they must be mo{ing 
t{mightykO su!l{w...

23/32: ummmm
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Fri Feb 02 09:27:57 1990
Well, Electron, if the CIA wanted *you*, they'd just shoot you. Fortunately, 
we're inside the states so we only have to worry about the FBI, the NSA and 
the SS.
While I can't speak for everyone, some of the "hunted" people on here are 
federal fugitives. Yes, they *are* being looked for. I know some others are 
wanted through phone contact to sympathetic government workers who 
occasionally clue me in as to what's going on.
The bulk of the people who think they're being watched, aren't. But the gov. 
is going for airtight cases, most of which involves survellience for several 

Ravage- how does Tempest equip. work?

24/32: umm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Feb 02 11:08:31 1990
how likely are the CIA to shoot people they want outside the US ?
<gulps, scratches his head, and turns away..>

25/32: uh....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Fri Feb 02 13:09:19 1990
(showing my ignorance) in what context tempest?
sorry not familiar with it. if you can give me a idea where and how it is
used i can check around and try to get some info.
sorry i couldnt just rattle it off.

26/32: Tempest
Name: Mr. Slippery #72
Date: Fri Feb 02 23:52:21 1990
The context I know tempest in is the military one. They are paranoid about
someone recording the stray radiation from devices and so put them in
boxes that shield all the electromagnetic radiation from leaking out.

27/32: oh yeah....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Sat Feb 03 11:19:58 1990
i have 3 monitors sitting right next to each other and it transfers the
rgb for my ammy over onto the composite video for the vcr or the 64. it
doesnt do it on the mac, different sync rates. 
never heard of this called tempest, live and learn. one way to do it
is to put an antenna on the tv, a rabbit ears is good. then tune to a
dead channel, hey sounds like neuromancer :-), and then try to pick
up the horizontal and vertical signals. it your antenna is good it
aint to hard. the fartherest i have ever gotten it to do it with 
my system is about 10ft. i dont know if it will work over longer
distances. another way that comes to mind is to take just the crt 
driver circuits and take the inputs to the vert and hor drivers and
then put a big wire on there for an antenna. i bet this would pick
up the signals for a couple of hundred feet.

28/32: tempest!  (hit the super-zapper)
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Feb 05 02:26:05 1990
if par ever calls back he was telling me about a big manual he had read 
dealing with this type of technology...
supposedly an antenna can be designed for a small amount that will work over a 
great distance, and using an osciliscope to lock into the frequency it can be 
"tuned in"
I dunno...but e-systems, tracor, and others all did major government work in 
it...Back in like 85 I was digging for info in those companies, but 
unfortunately I didn't find much that helped me any, or that told me things I 
didn't already know.

ELECTRON!!!  Fuck you.  I can be as paranoid as I please.  And if you feel it 
is without reason, keep it to yourself, but it is not due to my need for 
furthering my ego, or because I'm a "stupid fuckwit"
if that wasn't directed at me, I'm sorry...if it was, fuck you again.

29/32: Tempest
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Mon Feb 05 19:59:02 1990
From a source at Tracor:
Tempest has several leels, and was designed by the DoD for a standard of radio 
emmisions on electronic equipment.  I know that DEC has some Tempest terminals 
for saly (at roughly a 100% increase), and that IBM also markets it (through 
Federal Systems Divison).  I am not sure, but I think the top level is 3, and 
it specifies that there should be NO emmisions within 5 feet of it.  I have 
seen only one terminal, but didn't have an occilliscope at the time (looks a 
little strange in side of Burlington IBM facility).
Daneel Olivaw

30/32: Tempest...
Name: Nemesis #122
Date: Wed Feb 07 01:40:52 1990
   Yeh, thats the basi rundown on it... You can pick up all kinds of EM 
siginals, and you just amplify them a lot, and you can pick up all kinds of 
crap... There was some project DoD was working on, so now things are suposedly 
designed to meete Tempest standards or some shit fo the sort.. So they wont 
give off to much info that could be used.. I mean you can pick up stuf MILES 
away!  You can be a good 100 yards from someones computer, and see their 
screen simply by listening in on its EM siginals....Its prety cool, but kinda 
big and heavy to carry around..
    Also.. speaking of this kinda stuff (which I like a lot).. I was wondering 
if anyone has ever tried the REVERSE of this?  It is entirely possible to send 
those frequencies FROM you TO them, with such power, that you actually 
OVERRIDE their dirrect connection siginal!  5-10 wats will do the job from up 
to 100 feet away!  Its prety incredible.. I have never found any actual 
practial uses for it before (although I have though ot lots of wild things to 
do with it).....But I can sit out in the van, parked in front of someones 
house, and brodcast MY audio/vidio right on to their TV screen... The nice 
thing is, of course, its reguardless of what channel they are on, and even if 
they are dirrectly connected to cable!

31/32: well...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Wed Feb 07 10:09:07 1990
when i was a kid we used to have fun with the rf modulators out of the old
pong games for making pirate tv for the kids in the neighborhood. this seems
to me to be a lot easier than trying to take over the monitor at that low
a hardware level.

32/32: I just like teh idea
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Wed Feb 07 16:07:49 1990
of RF taps... or possibly RF interfaces... jamming the signal with such power 
as to make your signal the one recognized... 
Daneel Olivaw

< Radio & Electronics Q-Scan Done >


                            *** {PCs Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Personal Computers 19 - 11 msgs >
1/11: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 22:47:03 1990
This sub is for the discussion of personnel computer software and hardware.

2/11: ?????? <<<stuff like that
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Tue Jan 09 21:20:33 1990
Who is getting serious line noise here?
look at that!  I keep getting the same noise patterns.  Just like a cheap-ass 
SWB data tap.
grey owl

3/11: Cheap SWB taps
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Thu Jan 11 16:45:51 1990
Does SWB do anything expensive?

4/11: SWB
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Thu Jan 11 18:13:44 1990
hahaha.  no.
grey owl

5/11: uupc link
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Mon Jan 15 22:29:48 1990
Ok, I need the source code for (or even better, the WWIV mods) for a MS-DOS 
uucp link. I've got a full USENET link arranged (legal even) if I can find a 
way to get it. Daneel Olivaw has offered the Waffle package, but it's 
apparently made to run standalone. I'll hack on it anyway...

6/11: yeah
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Jan 16 07:43:26 1990
i got it.. tried u/l other day but stued up... ill put it there today...
<add f's wherever chars are missing

7/11: Waffle
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Tue Jan 16 08:59:19 1990
You might consider running waffle as the primary and then having it launch 
WWIV at the users request.  This would make you some problems with making sure 
that if users were on one they were on the other.  You could also just make 
everyone have free access on the WWIV and then make the Waffle on a validation 
grey owl

8/11: ugh
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Tue Jan 16 17:12:27 1990
I don't need 2 bbs's. I just need to fire a program that sends a batch of 
mail, picks up all of the comp groups, and receives mail to users here. If I 
have the basic source I can tweak it to work...

9/11: yeah!
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 17 12:23:41 1990
Thanks to Daneel Olivaw, I now have the source to not one but *two* ms-dos 
uucp programs. I hope to have USENET mail installed on here within a week...

10/11: WaffleNet BBS System
Name: The Genetic Terrorist #107
Date: Sat Jan 27 17:58:59 1990
The makers of WaffleNet (Darkside) are near me. If anyone wants the latest
version of WaffleNet I have them on my board..also USENET, and UUCP link
ups for MS-DOS that you can run as a door to BBS if anyone's interested..
The Genetic Terrorist
-The DTD: 14.4k TCS-

11/11: hmmm
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sat Jan 27 20:30:01 1990
Is that UUPC? If so, what version?  The copy I have doesn't seem to function 
well... (and is shittily documented).

< Personal Computers Q-Scan Done >


                          *** {Altered States Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Altered States 20 - 35 msgs >
1/35: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:27:36 1990
Better Living Through Chemistry. Erik insisted we have a drug sub, so here it 
is... Yes, Virginia, you can post anonymously!

2/35: Ya!
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Tue Jan 09 14:53:53 1990
Welcome home kids.
I was watching Dead Ringers last night.  Real cool flick.  I wish I was a 
doctor.  Made me laugh...these two gynecologists staggering around their
apartment..."ok, we gotta take a shot of the dimetapp now, and then a little
of the dilaudid to chill out, then a bit of the benzedrine to wake up, ok?  
But tomorrow we kick, right?"  Hehe...fucking junkies.
Um, anyone seen any GOOD x around?  I haven't have GOOD x in ages.  Maye
the X is still ok, but I'm not.  Hmm...
Got totally smashed last night.  I've gotten on this drinking binge where I 
only drink straight liquor.  Drank about a half-pint of bacardi last night.
Passed out, ran into walls, threw up on my floor.  Someone really should
have slapped me when I decided to drink that much.  Kinda weird...I have
only been drinking beer for the longest time.  (I stopped really slamming
the hard stuff a while back) I think I like the beer buzz better.   There 
there really is a difference between the effects of different alcohols.
God, I got stoned last night too...I forgot that.  Smoked a whole Joint by 
myself basically.  Hm...
still feel like shit, but typing is good therapy.

3/35: Opiates
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Wed Jan 17 20:42:02 1990

Does anyone know where to get any really good opium.
Not that Synethetic Sopium you so often find people trying to pass off, and 
nothing cut down with chlorides or anything.  Good shit, the shit that used to 
be around four years ago.
And is anyone familiar with DMT--dimethyltryptamine?  What I hear is, "imagine 
sitting 100 yards from a tree and watching the leaves as if they were inches 
away --- Every living vivid detail and the rushing freight train sound of them 
shaking in the wind!".  Not that I actually want a drug that powerful.
Anyone in Ecstasy (X)?  Any good.
Usually, I'm just a mary jane man, but opium is a highlight.  Something I like 
to get ahold of every four months or so.  Don't want to nullify my opiate 
receptors, and don't have to worry about it as long as I stay away for long 
Drugs are good.  They cut the dullness of modern day life.  Firing my neuro's 
crazily, presenting a lot more pictures, information, and feelings at a much 
higher pitch.  I think it's worth it.
"Not poppy, nor mandragore,
Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world,
Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep
Which thou ow'dst yesterday."
Sicilumm Thorne.

4/35: Bedrock...Twist..Twist..
Name: The Operator #42
Date: Thu Jan 18 22:54:09 1990
Well, for the good Opium, I know of a whole bunch of places around the US to 
get the real good stuff...Leave me mail and we'll talk...
And as for X, I've still got a good supply up here, although I don't do much 
of it since my contacts are good for Marijuana..(I've been gettin Chocolate 
Thai Bud, Kenya Bhang, Panama Red, Kindbud etc... for $45/half oz)...Yeah 
seems me and Erik have been the same lately...Either totally stoned, or 
totally drunk..Either way, both on our asses laughing at shit that aint 
funny... I am real happy with the way people have been speaking out on the 
legalization of Marijuana to beat the rest of the drug problem...Now we got a 
new drug on our hands. It's called Special K...Supposedly it's a horse/bull 
tranquilizer that has the effects of Cocaine, but lasts for like 5 
hours...BUT...If you do it and your body rejects it (It could reject at ANY 
TIME), you will die instantly...
Enough blather...Toke up, men!
             The Operstoner

5/35: Ketamine?
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 19 02:11:16 1990
Jesus...lay off the Ketamine.  It's bad for children and other living things.
Ecstasy...hehe...now there's a fun night!  Last REAL decent batch of
X ran through here a month or so.  Weird Orange pills.  Someone
called them pumpkins.  (It was around halloween now that I think about
it)  It was 10-15...but I got it free!  hehe
I'm going to u/l a few things here for people.  Just nifty reading.
If the feds come, they better not look under the sink!  All that
HCl and Lye & Ethyl Ether and the Ephedrine in the medicine
cabinet might piss them off.  
"...while I'm driving off laughin' this is what I'll say..Fuck the Police"
Eric (Easy-E) Wright...1988

6/35: ..
Name: Frame Error #5
Date: Fri Jan 19 15:10:55 1990
 Erik - 
 "..Cause I'm a crazy motherfucker from around the way.."
 "..Straight Outta Compton.."

7/35: ..
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Fri Jan 19 18:53:21 1990
Us three may quite possibly be the only people who like rap and own computers 
TOO. heheh.
Cool mutha fucka..word
Call me the ice..or just the Iceberg..

8/35: re: rap
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Sat Jan 20 17:58:28 1990
RE: ..
    Paid in Full (Seven Minutes of Madness)- The Cold Cut Re-Mix
    I like the shit with the samples on it, like off of Ofra Haza's Shaday.  
    Do you wanna die?
    I was born with a six gun in my mind
    Id you want to understand
    Put a six gun in my hand
    Go ahead and make my day.

9/35: ...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Sun Jan 21 23:57:36 1990
the cities are melting
the sky burns red
the oceans are boiling
well soon be dead

10/35: Pot or Poetry
Name: The Jabberwalky #100
Date: Wed Jan 24 15:54:56 1990
Eric Bloodaxe, my long time friend
has started a thing which may never end.
He quotes a lyric from a rapping song
now people be rappin' on the drug board... dats wrong.
By the by, the only reason Erik got the "pumpkin" for free was that he won the 
costume contest dressed as a FBI guy.  Sun glasses, jacket, tie, ear plug, 
concealed mic, uzi....  He won a toaster and I bought it off him and he used 
the money to buy DRUGS.  Shame.  It takes a real man to eat a tab-o-X at about 
3 A.M.  
Anyway lets talk legalization on here.  I am sick and tired of this war on 
drugs B.S.  America first got its feet settled by smuggling rum and tobacco to 
Europe--an illegal venture to say the least in that day.  Drugs are the 
backbone of this country and if they would just legalize the shit instead of 
running through Kentucky trying to arrest country folk cuz they have some 
weeds growing behind a barn a mile into their farm....  It is a WEED.  How do 
you think it got its name?!?  It will grow anywhere.  If they would just 
legalize and regulate distrubution then the crime and killing would be 
decreased and the revenues could go into drug treatment centers.  Legalize 
pot, Acid(my lip-smacking favorite), coke, opium, crank, horse, everything!
Then you could know who was taking it, how much, and profit from the fact that 
man is motivated by food, shelter, sex, and INTOXICATION.  There is nothing 
they can do to stop 100% of the trafic which means that when the guard laxes, 
the shit will start all over again.
    Let's talk about this....
              The Jabberwalky
PS:  It's nice to meet you all.  And it's good to be here.

11/35: Silly boy...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Wed Jan 24 18:02:11 1990
That halloween X was not what I was talking about...
I was talking about the pills Brent and his dweebly friend had...geez...
Yes, it DOES take quite a he-man to gobble major amphetamines at 3:00 on a 
Sunday...god, I can barely believe I could musster up the strength to put it 
in my mouth!!!
I'm going to u/l a pretty good article from Usenet on Legalization...
I might even start getting alt.drugs and dumping them into a d/l section for 
you people to read...

12/35: Mentor!
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Wed Jan 24 19:25:00 1990
Could we see a voite question RE: Drug Legalization?
grey owl

13/35: you
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 24 19:46:46 1990
You asked for it, you got it...

14/35: Ketamine
Name: The Prophet #104
Date: Wed Jan 31 16:04:59 1990
I've been tld that Ketamine was given to the Apoll astronauts before launches 
to give them some feel for weightlesness... Supposedly, it causes OOBEs.
Try lucid dreaming guys... Much better than any drug.
But if you do use drugs, try watching the movie "_The Ninth_Configuration_.

15/35: lucid
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 31 16:34:41 1990
    How often are you able to lucid dream? I find that I can't force it, but 
get about one a week "accidentally."
    For those not familiar with the technique, lucid dreaming involves a 
conscious control of a dream. For example, I've had nightmares in which I'm 
being chased by people (usually in suits... hmmmm) and, while still dreaming, 
realized that it was *my* dream and I could do whatever I wanted. So I had an 
Uzi appear and shot them all. Kinda cool. Some people can do it at will.

16/35: LucidDreams
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Wed Jan 31 16:57:16 1990
    There are no willows in the fasting mind.
    I find it hard to force myself into lucid dreams without a great extent of 
meditation, which takes way too much time.
    Anyone really interested in lucid dreams, I recommend two things:
    Omni, September 1989
    Lucid Dreams in 30 Days: The Creative Sleep Program
    Life is But a Dream!  The Dream Yogis!

17/35: heh
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Wed Jan 31 21:48:31 1990
lucid dreams: heh..i have those once in a while.....but for some reason my 
brain ceases to function normally when i'm in em....ya know? like...i had one 
where i knew i was in a dream...so i triewd to do something.  I made a turtle 
appear at my feet.  Kinda strange huh?  Like...i couldnt think of anything 
cool to do...like create Christina Applegate to come suck my dik or anything.. 
oh yeah..anyone ever tried READING anything within a dream? weird shit..i saw 
one cover of a book once...and 90% of it was in like russian or something and 
one line i could make out said:
"Jesus the Antichrist"
Heh...god...i have some weird fucking experiances..

18/35: lucid dreams....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Thu Feb 01 10:53:29 1990
yeah i have them also. 

19/35: Lucid dreaming
Name: Duncan Idaho #99
Date: Thu Feb 01 23:00:09 1990
I frequently am able to do this..only problem is, at some point when the
dream is going too good or I have done something out of character
I wake up....
annoying considering I have learned to hit deep sleep rapidly...
Supposedly Lucid Dreaming comes from irregular sleep patterns..
I dunno but the human consciousness is something nobody knows.

20/35: Dreams....
Name: Nemesis #122
Date: Fri Feb 02 00:26:25 1990
   Yes, with Practice you can learn to controll your dreams as much as you 
want.  However there is a down side to it all (there always is, sint there).  
If you can controll your dreams it takes a whole lot of fun out of it all.  At 
first its real nedo and fun to be able to do whatever, but after a while, you 
run out of things to do (as imposible as that may seem)... A real bummer..
    And as for the leagalization of drugs.  From a strictly historical point 
of view, I see so many similarities between the "War on Drugs" and 
"Prohibition".  It simply follows that the War on Drugs will go the way of 
Prohibition.  It causes so many problems, and why?  Because a bunch of people 
think they know what is best for everyone.
     Of course there are good reasons to have drugs illegal.  But those are 
all based around the irresponsible use of drugs.  Drugs when used correctly 
are not dangerous.  Its so silly that the No. 1 drug, Alchohol is legal.. Its 
also the most dangerous.  More peopel die from it than all other drugs 
combined Im sure.
      People are starting to be responsible about their use of Alchohol, Dont 
drink and drive, crap of the sort...But people are MUCH more responsible with 
their use of other drugs.
       But it doesnt realy matter.. Prety soon people will get sick of all the 
problems and violence caused by the illegality of drugs and end it.

21/35: dreams
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Fri Feb 02 09:29:38 1990
The strangest dream I've had in awhile was dreaming an entire Calculus test. 
I'm not talking "I dreamed I took a test," but "I dreamed the exact (and 
tedious) mechanics of pushing a pencil around and working the problems!"

22/35: ugh!
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Fri Feb 02 13:10:50 1990
that must have been painful. are you into sado-masochism???:-)

23/35: dreams
Name: Alter Ego #110
Date: Fri Feb 02 17:07:38 1990
I've never had a problem with not dreaming (lucid or otherwise), thou the one 
problem I do have is not dreaming. I take meds. that are suppose to keep ya 
from dreaming, but they don't seem to work. Most of my dreams are WEIRD!!! Not 
scary just weird, and they do weird shit to me also. Like my pulse when I wake 
up is somewhere around 130-144 (not very safe for my age or any) and one time 
my dad walked in and thought I was dead 'cuz my body temp. was so low...
Alter Ego

24/35: lucid dreaming
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sat Feb 03 18:53:38 1990
Who has experience using lucid dreaming to produce an OBE?  I have wanted to 
do this since I knew about it.  I always suspected it was possible but didn't 
think about it much.  Wiccans?!?!
grey owl

25/35: excuse me?....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Sun Feb 04 10:49:38 1990
just hat is an obe? would you explain it to us 'special' ones? :-)

26/35: OBE
Name: Alter Ego #110
Date: Sun Feb 04 11:02:49 1990
RE: excuse me?....
and that stands  for Out of Body Experince... its when you spirt leaves your 
body and romes...
Alter Ego

27/35: erg..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sun Feb 04 16:05:25 1990
love to know how to pull off one of those..!!

28/35: OBE
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sun Feb 04 21:21:43 1990
There's lots of ways.  Some involve drugs, some just sleep deprivation.  My 
favorite is the macrobiotic.  You starve yourself of good food (beef, cheese 
and anything that tastes good) until you can no longer see.  Then you are so 
damn bored that you just wander right out.  
Seriously, I'm using the gateway series of tapes.  I'm only on tape 3 of 15 
but they are pretty helpful.  
BTW:  Ravage, you ARE special :-)
grey owl

29/35: things...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Feb 05 02:38:11 1990
an out of body experience can be kind of scary...most paranormal occurrences 
are not for the faint of heart or the casual experimenter...be careful
A nifty thing to try is take a hit or two of some mild acid, and lay down in 
a dark room with your eyes closed.  That will result in some incredible 
astral journeys.
I've decided that since hacking has been ripped away as my hobby, occultism 
will take it's place.  UT's Harry Ransom Humanities research center has an 
extensive collection of works by crowley, (nearly everything he ever wrote 
including personal letters!) other books on magic, like Levi's history of 
magic,  all kinds of cool stuff.
I've just bought a book by Israel Regardie (who is in crowley's order of the 
golden dawn, or its current faction) and I am also interested in spells and 
things like that.  
THere is a new age book store here in austin on South Lamar that I want to 
check out.  
I'm currently reading a translation of the Necronomicon, so I might just end 
up dead or insane before I finish it anyway...

30/35: Chakras and lucid dreaming
Name: Psychedelic Ranger #80
Date: Mon Feb 05 04:01:45 1990

I really enjoy lucid dreaming....very liberating.
I believe I had an out of body experience, when I spolFD?ke with my
girlfriend, what she had to say matched what happened to me (
I was in her room during the night in an astral/etheral form) but this
is really just another beginning! The unified field and the union
of the chakras, kunlandini, etc. all are very valid and important
things in my life.

31/35: hmm..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Mon Feb 05 12:19:32 1990
obe might be real useful if they decide to burn me instead of shooting me.
Im sure they can be creative when it suits them..

32/35: Phoenix...burn you???
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Mon Feb 05 16:59:09 1990
What's the chance of that?  Maybe it's different in Australia, but that's too 
inhumane for the US.  
Erik--I have a book you might like.  Maybe it's under you, but I thought it 
was very good background reading.  Just don't take it at surface value...then 
you'll be screwed.  It's Gavin & Yvonne Frosts _Magic_Power_of_Witchcraft_.
Good reading.
grey owl

33/35: umm..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Feb 06 13:32:21 1990
im not worrid about australian authoritis..

34/35: OBEs....
Name: Nemesis #122
Date: Wed Feb 07 01:45:19 1990
    Well drugs are definatly the best way to go for that...And sleep 
deprovation also.. Howver, with that, its kinda hit and miss, its very hard to 
conroll what you do when you are in that kinda state...
    The Magic Power of Witchcraft is a nice book, but it doesnt have enough on 
thing like OBEs, etc...in fact, I cant even recall much it did have..hehe

35/35: Lucid Dreaming
Name: The Prophet #104
Date: Wed Feb 07 02:47:34 1990
About a year ago, I practiced Stephen LaBerge's MILD technique for inducing 
lucid dreams religiously for about 5 months.  I had maybe 3-5 lucid dreams 
after about month three, but the ability fades rapidly when you slack off on 
the exercises.  I still have an occasional spontaneous lucid dream, 
particularly when I take a nap in the afternoons (something that LaBerge noted 
in his book).
Definitely a great experience.

< Altered States Q-Scan Done >


                     *** {Security Personnel Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Security Personnel 21 - 59 msgs >
1/59: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:29:45 1990
There are a number of security people on here - some public, some not. Most of 
them will be glad to talk about what they do and how they do it if you can 
carry on a civil conversation. Anyway, I ask that any security people on the 
board please identify themselves on this subboard - most of the hackers on 
here will be glad to talk about what *they* do if you can carry on a civil 

2/59: ...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Wed Jan 10 04:06:43 1990
Legion of Feds!
hehe...feel free to use that.

3/59: to: hackers
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Wed Jan 10 19:15:02 1990
Has anyone ever noticed that most systems are penatrated because the people 
are weak and not the systems?  There are so many things that wouldn't be able 
to happen if it weren't for people who couldn't tell the difference between me 
and a legitamit customer who had forgotten his password!
grey owl

4/59: .
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Jan 11 03:47:59 1990
Yes... Admittedly there are bugs on the systems ,wall, finger, restore etc.. 
and indeed there are bugs on the networks <AAA...ZZZ> but most of tese require 
an account prior to bug enaction. I mean certain specific accounts work almost 
all over internet..and once on inet you can quite easily get from place to 
placewit just a single acconut.
The only casde where the ystem is to blame exists in unix/.. and even then... 
it is rather ard to manipulate without a vaid account <though not impossible>.
Yes.. users suck shit... any good defcon will tell you that..!
      <not intended offensively>
<The Flatline>
Jacking out.

5/59: ...
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Fri Jan 19 18:56:21 1990
What does everyone think of Inviting Lyle Davis here for a discussion.  This 
is the head of COm SYstems (0266) for anyone that doesn't know.  )266 seems to 
be the most widely abused and ripped off LD carrier in the US.. Maybe Lyle 
would enjoy giving us a littl efeadback..??
    - me II

6/59: COSY
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Fri Jan 19 19:28:09 1990
I say nay.  Let's not give him any idea how he is being gipped.  I have read 
about (dick-)heads of security that have had no conecption of what a modem is 
and how people use it to get codes.  That just takes some serious 
short-sitedness on thier part...or blatant stupidity.
grey owl

7/59: Cookoo's Egg
Name: Gordon Meyer #65
Date: Sat Jan 20 01:05:26 1990
Anyone looking for a good book..check out THE COOKOO"S EGG by Cliff Stoll. 
He's the guy that tracked the West German hacker thru Milnet into all the US 
defense systems.  It's good reading, but Stoll doesn't have much of a clue 
about the computer underground.

8/59: ...
Name: Tak/Scan #44
Date: Sat Jan 20 01:51:51 1990
Yeah Cookoo's egg is a rad book! but I think it would be KILLER if they made a 
movie into it. hehe
Sysop of TFD
login - spectrum
nu pw - gunship

9/59: lyle
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sat Jan 20 03:09:18 1990
Invite him on. We've already got a couple of telcom security guys just 
lurking. I assume they'll pipe up when they feel the time is right...

10/59: Lyle
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Sun Jan 21 05:35:02 1990
Well... My budy Traxter is gonna get ahold of him... he will probably give the 
board a call if he has time.  I'm sure Traxter will to....expect a couple new 
users...thanx to your truly. ahahhaha... God man... you got like 11 users 
since yesterday....amazing.

11/59: HA
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Sun Jan 21 10:39:40 1990
    Traxsters a buddy of yours? ge.
Anyway i thought the whole idea was abot this board to be open.
I mean i thought taht was what Lloyd had in mind..
The object is.. to show them that we have nothing to fear from them.
Anyway i'd much rather KNOW who they are and talk to them then to have them 
POSE as Joe Lamer..
At least then they might get a little more info from me :-)

12/59: better
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sun Jan 21 11:41:34 1990
I think it's better that we just don't know who they are, play it safe and rag 
all the Joe Lamers...I don't know.  It pisses me off that they are busting 
Phrack I guess.  
grey owl

13/59: Sec Personnel
Name: The Dictator #43
Date: Mon Jan 22 01:35:00 1990
I dunno..Im kinda iffi on it..  I dont like the idea of having security 
personnel on here.  I mean, its good to get their view point (and rag on them 
in E-mail .. hahah)....  But with them on here, in an open discussion, you 
tend to drop your gaurd after a while...and they pick up on your personality 
through posts and stuff.
Granted, they could do the same thing as Joe Hacker, calling a system...but 
then he's got all these rules to follow so he doesnt violate your rights.  
Here, he's out in the open you know who he is..etc..etc..  
As I stated before...  Mentor always draws a good crowd..and thats good 
becuase when you have a highly technical question that you cant figure out, 
you can ask it here...where some of the best reside..then again..you're afraid 
of asking..cus all the security personnel might be able to tie you to the 
system your asking about.
<sigh>  The circle never ends.  
The Dictator

14/59: Silly Rabbits...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Jan 22 03:08:33 1990
There are already three or four security people on here, and I know who they 
are...they will all answer anything you want to ask, if it is relative to 
something they deal with.
If I see anyone ragging on them, e-mail or otherwise, you will get a wonderful 
"warning"  These guys are cool, and don't go out of their way nailing 
people...well, the people I know on here are not government people...they are 
a completely different thing.
Feds are deranged...normal civilian security dudes are just common guys 
working 9-5 who just mainly hang out at hotel bars while attending tons of 
"conventions"   Hehe...sounds like a big racket to me...they probably each 
tell the others to host one, so they can visit a new city each week...
"MY greatest fear is that someday, someone will tell me to get a real job" 
hehe...a quote from some nameless person...

15/59: hmm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Mon Jan 22 09:30:52 1990
ive always had the policy that if ever an operatorasks me to get off his 
system... i will.. hell.. these guys are the direct opposite o us..
id love to hearr their viewpoints...
coz we can both learn from eachother..

16/59: Hopefully ...
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Mon Jan 22 17:41:59 1990

    Hopefully, the learning isn't going to be self-destructive.  But I'd 
really like to hear from the people from security.  Why aren't they speaking 
    I really don't have a question at this point.  What do you all think of 
the Phrack bust?  Do you think its a very legitimate bust (Ahem!)?  And would 
you have led to the same thing if your investigations did not allow you to 
make any legit arrests?  I doubt you're out there blatantly trying to nail 
everyone too, right?
    And a interesting question.   If you're going after someone who's pretty 
lethal, or possibly lethal, does it make you nervous going in for a bust?
    What's it take to get warrants, et cetera.   And how far can you go.?

17/59: Hi
Name: Jay Stenger #68
Date: Tue Jan 23 14:13:16 1990
  Guess I've been hanging out in too many hotel bars enjoying those 
conventions. I'm not familiar with the Phrack Bust. (Just signeg back on the 
board... I assume details are covered in another SIG)
   Hello, Gordon. Nice job on your thesis!
   For all the disinformation you need, contact me here or at:
                   6100 Executive Blvd.
                   Rockville, MD 20852
Jay Stenger, Security Manager

18/59: Security Individuals
Name: Signal Type #69
Date: Tue Jan 23 15:05:19 1990
Well it's about time security people start communicating with us hackers.  I
know we aren't exactly on the same side but I feel they due have a lot of 
respect and for certain a good amount of questions.  For anyone that is 
interested I'm a friend of The Trader and 
just got back into calling around.  Parmaster I've heard a lot about you 
very popular name throughout the country.  Keep up the good work.  
As for us being concerned about security 
people I don't feel any concern is necessary.  
They do their thing and we do ours.  Like the sysop said this  
an open board and nothing is hiden onhere.

19/59: Hello
Name: Sandy Sandquist #49
Date: Tue Jan 23 16:58:30 1990
Well hello Jay, Haven't heard from you in a long time.
How are things at NTS. As you know US Sprint is doing fine. I'm sure that will
get some response.

20/59: Sandy...
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Tue Jan 23 19:22:33 1990
    Sandy, i was wondering if you were having any problems with FTS 2000.

21/59: phrack
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Tue Jan 23 22:04:03 1990
Well, as near as we've found out on the Phrack stuff, no arrests have been 
made. They just got all the stuff from the school computer. They haven't even 
screwed with their houses. Sounds pretty Nazi to me.
Jay, Sandy, nice to see ya'll again!
    How goes the pursuit of Telemarketing scams?

22/59: Sandy...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Tue Jan 23 23:10:38 1990
Hey, all the Sprint hp's keep changing their logons!  See what you can do 
about that.
hehe...just kidding.
Ohyeah, I think I still have the cug nui for usibm, so you guys might want to 
chang that too...I don't need to do an RNOC and dump all your codes...don' use 
them.  Wait, was usibm yours?  Or was that hpg1?  Hell...telenet mnenmonics 
are easy to confuse...

23/59: both
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 24 00:15:20 1990
Both usibm and hpg1..n were theirs. 

24/59: Hmmm....
Name: The Apple Bandit #33
Date: Wed Jan 24 04:08:16 1990
RE: ...
I always thought that Lyle Davis (26 yrs old), was head of CyberLink 
system/security thru the company ComSystems, which the owner lives in Fl. 

25/59: Answers
Name: Sandy Sandquist #49
Date: Wed Jan 24 17:13:19 1990
Mentor----It is nice to be back. We still have some problems with 
telemarketing but not in the same way as we did in the past. Now it seem to be 
in the area of fraudulent accounts.
Eric Bloodaxe----A lot of things have changed over the last few years. USIBM 
and the HP systems work a whole lot different from what they did in the past. 
We are still very serious when it comes to any type of unauthorized access or 
even attempted access. 

26/59: all
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Fri Jan 26 00:18:53 1990
Well...to a few here
Par: Well.. I speak with Pat on occasion..is there something wrong there? I 
know he has a reputation for being a narc and maybe not the most knowledgable 
hacker in the world..but I find him to be an easy person to talk with and he 
has helped me settle a few issues... i dont judge someone by their reputation 
i judge by how they deal with me.. do you have aproblem with that?
Sandy: well...nice to see someone speaking up for once..hmm..yeah..heard about 
the telemarketting trouble through an AT&T newsline..I personally think AT&T 
is just to fucking arogant since they have a major share of the market. 
ALSO... has US Sprint sent anyone a bill for illegal use of the US Operators 
system?  Maybe yer the wrong person to ask..but a friend of mine said a few 
people were getting calls...hmmm
    - SIlencer

27/59: Sprint Operators
Name: Sandy Sandquist #49
Date: Fri Jan 26 09:38:33 1990
The Sprint operators are part of company called Sprint Services. This now 
comes under United Telecom Inc. The corporate security department for 
Sprint/United has the responsibility for security in the sub-company. A lot of 
the fraud that takes place through these operators is sent back to the LEC's. 
That which is not sent back may end up the responsiblity of the Sprint/United 
Corporate Security. I am the Regional Corporate Security manager for the area 
of United Telecom Inc that US West serves. This area includes Sprint Services 
in Arizona. Now isn't that about as clear as mud?
I hope that came close to answering your question - Silencer 
As for AT&T, I believe a recent event may have taken a little wind out of 
their arrogant sails.
For those of you that care to call, my office number is 303-297-5318.

28/59: got any jobs...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Fri Jan 26 12:31:12 1990
for out of work computer security technicians going to school for aerospace?
spent five years working for ut in security.

29/59: Sandy...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:32:53 1990
did US SPrint absorb US West?  Or are they still an individual company?  I'd 
kind of like to know before I do something stupid.

30/59: well..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 27 07:39:58 1990
good a place as any to look for a security job.. i spose..
open to ANY offers..
<am i getting desperate here or what ?>

31/59: USWest is still an individual Bell company.
Name: Opus #76
Date: Sun Jan 28 11:30:35 1990
RE: Sandy...
    I should know, I live in their territory (AZ) and they are still quite 
active, if their dumpsters (ahem) are any indication.

32/59: US West
Name: Sandy Sandquist #49
Date: Mon Jan 29 09:39:01 1990
US West is a seperate company from US Sprint. US Sprint has to pay them for 
services such as access charges etc. 
Just a tid bit of trivia - Does anyone know what Joseph Stalin's phone number 
was during Lenin's term of office?

33/59: well u must have 
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Mon Jan 29 11:21:27 1990
been watching that thing that diane sawyer and co. did on the kremlin
the other nite. well no i didnt tape it. bummer.

34/59: Well..
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Mon Jan 29 15:38:17 1990
    Sorry Sandy don't know that 1.
But i had the Iatola Khomeni's when he was alive (sp). ;-)
too bad those bastards didn't understand a thing we were screaming at them on 
the conference..
Much Later (5-10 years probably)

35/59: things...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Jan 29 19:25:55 1990
You know, my mother didn't believe me when I told her I had talked to 
NOriega...he used to love to bullshit with "press"
Kaddafy (sp...sorry, no arabic characters on my keyboard) would never talk to 
us though...
The means to cause world-wide political unrest in the hands of bored children!
Only in America!

36/59: Stalin's #
Name: Sandy Sandquist #49
Date: Tue Jan 30 14:08:45 1990

37/59: I was
Name: Alter Ego #110
Date: Tue Jan 30 19:05:19 1990
wondering if any of ya security personal ever knew if someone was Social 
Alter Ego

38/59: heh
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Tue Jan 30 22:52:30 1990
Well, I know that Sandy is aware of the bad habit Sprint operators *USED* to 
have of helpfully reading you the last code on their console if you claimed to 
be from engineering... <evil grin>

39/59: Social People
Name: Sandy Sandquist #49
Date: Wed Jan 31 10:29:51 1990
Alter Ego - As the Mentor stated I am aware of that problem and several others
that have been used to acquire codes and other information. Some have worked
some have not. A lot of the social engineering that I see now is coming out
of the prison systems. I guess these folks have a lot of time on their hands
and put it to use trying to beat the system.
A Question For All - What would you want to say to a Federal Law Enforcement
Agency regarding Hacking and Phreaking if given the chance. I will be speaking
to a group made up of these professionals within the next two weeks so hers
is you chance. If all you want to do is trash them then don't waste your time,
but if you have something worthwhile to say, let it be heard. If you do not
wish to post something but want to call, I can be reached at 303-297-5318.

40/59: What is the type of speech?
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Wed Jan 31 14:46:07 1990
Are you tring to help them prevent people from hacking on their systems or 
grey owl

41/59: ...
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 31 16:36:11 1990
I'd tell 'em they can get a lot more done by enlisting the cooperation of 
people to eliminate holes in security rather than sitting back and *waiting* 
for people to exploit them.
It's far better to be proactive than reactive. 
And please put in a plug for the board... :-)

42/59: Proactive
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Wed Jan 31 17:00:55 1990
    I'd like to see the same approach to computer hacking that is done in 
Europe [or used to be done?].  Hacking should not be illegal.  Gaining access 
to weak systems should not be illegal.  Destroying, modifying, and 
reconfigurating data should be illegal.
    Anything that is done that would not otherwise endanger or destroy, or 
take from others, anything that does not hurt others, or be more than for 
informative purposes only, should not be illegal.
    Idon't know the actual term, but ...

43/59: s
Name: Dtmf #27
Date: Wed Jan 31 22:45:13 1990
Sic : I agree with you.  I believe that as long as we don't harm anything, or 
cause any problems, there should be nothing wrong with it...

44/59: well..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Feb 01 10:21:27 1990
the problem with hacking as a whole <as you all probably know> is that once 
you gain access to a system, whether or not you damage anything, you have 
trespassed on other peoples property <in a real roundabout way, though>.
and when youstart looking thru files <which everyone deos when they get on a 
system.. come on..> it is comparable to opening someones letter box, and 
reading there mail. i mean i like to hack lots <more than lots> but i 
understand perfectly well why all aspects of it are illegal..
still... id be prone to agree with mentor..

45/59: Hacking...
Name: Nemesis #122
Date: Fri Feb 02 00:38:08 1990
    Well, one of the main reasons people hack is so they know how to do it.  
Few people set out to do any damage, and some get carried away in the 
excitement.  But there IS no way to hack legaly, so what can you expect.  
Someone may do no damage and cause no harm, but they are still breaking the 
law.  And why, because they just wanted to know.  Now I know this sounds like 
the same old Hacking for Knowlage line of crap, but there realy is something 
to it.  I dont set out to trash systems or caus losses, but everyone has their 
own interests.  If your intrest happens to be fones or computers, the only 
difference between that and other things is that most of what your interested 
in is Illegal.  I mean lest be serious.  
    I think its pretty much common knowlege that many of the 
people who have the best ideas today were hackers just a little while ago.  
And Id bet you anything that every last one of them would credit hacking with 
their major source of knowlage.  You cant learn everything by reading a text 
book, or going to school to learn BASIC.  You cant learn ANYTHING that way.  
The way I see it, Hacking has a GREAT deal to do with the kind of technology 
we have today.  I think before we try and tear down our MAIN source of 
computer education, mabye we ought to have something to replace it with?

46/59: Legal Hacking
Name: Psychedelic Ranger #80
Date: Fri Feb 02 04:33:15 1990
I disagree with the notion that you cannot hack legally....I do this
almost daily on a VAX/VMS system I work with. I have delved deeply
into the system and am still exploring to this day. And I would classify
it as hacking, because that is what it is in a pure form. IT does not
have to be illegal! Why complicate things more....

47/59: well..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Feb 02 11:11:29 1990
delving deeply into public access areas of an operating system is not illegal..
delving into an operating system is not illegal..
delving into someone elses area of an operating system is illegal..
the boundaries are simple..
of course delving into a system which you have no obligation to be on is 
illegal nomatter what..

48/59: They...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Fri Feb 02 22:59:42 1990
might want the definition of hacking changed... it
is not any idiot with a computer that knows how to use it.  It is someone who 
is serious about wanting to know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING.  The world would 
be a better place if there were more people like "hackers." At least then 
people wouldn't say it can't be done, because anything is possible (except 
getting a tax refund from the IRS...)
Also, tehre should be somthing like "punishment fitting the crime." Most 
hackers (note this), do not destroy/modifiy/alter the data on the system that 
they are on.  The only thing I ever modify is the log of system activity (and 
other things such as that) to cover my trails.
Lastly... get the "phreakers" out of the hacker name... they are completely 
different people.  They cross the lines often, but they are in it to rip-off 
people, not for hte information.  I want to know everything about the phone 
system, since it seems know one else does (including ATT). That is a "hacker" 
desire... it shouldn't be illegal.
Daneel Olivaw -- Speaking up for what ever the hell need to be spoken for.

49/59: Very true Daneel
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sat Feb 03 18:49:18 1990
I have often noticed that when I ask someone if they hack (while on a chat 
system) they will say "Yeah!" and I later find out that they are great hackers 
or things like PBX's and 950's.  That is NOT hacking.  That is scanning.  The 
so-called phreakers of today are usually 13-year old kids with nice computers 
and hard disks full of the latest pirated software.  These are the same people 
that get busted for calling Alliance meet-me conferences.
Hackers tend to stay away from sleazy chat systems like QSD, but manage to 
call altger or tchh while trying out a pad.  The hackers do what they do for 
the information and thrill of finding something out about the system.  I guess 
you could classify the original phreakers (the ones with blue boxes, paper and 
pencil) as phone hackers.  

grey owl

50/59: Magazines
Name: Captain Crook #36
Date: Sun Feb 04 23:24:35 1990
  For anyone who hasn't gotten this magxD yet, get it.  It is Data 
Communications.  I am looking~r for the following:
             1) Voice Mail Systems
             2) Teleconnect
             3) Digital Review (aka Digital Data)
  If anyone has names, numbers, or addresses get back to me.~r

51/59: CERT
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Feb 05 02:46:59 1990
Who specifically is CERT?  
Are they a government agency>
Are they just an investigative task force of computer ?urus?
Are they able to bring up charges?
Why are they at Carnegie-Mellon?
Why are they coming to UT?
some security person fill me in.

52/59: IDEA!
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Mon Feb 05 11:56:00 1990
how about some of the security personnel posting a "H/P most wanted list"...it 
would be intersting to see how people are categorized for their crimes.
I would prefer a more "Hack" list than a "kkk0de killer" list..if it is at all 
possible...in that I dont really care who is number one on sprints hit list 
(sorry Sandy)

53/59: umm..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Mon Feb 05 12:20:37 1990
well.. i know why they are coming to UT 8)
<sorry erik...>

54/59: cert
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Tue Feb 06 00:27:02 1990
Nuclear fusion related organization (from France I think)... there was a 
special on PBS about them (the race for top) and 2 other organizations. It 
will prolly be because of the Super-Collider of they are coming to UT

55/59: Organization
Name: Signal Type #69
Date: Tue Feb 06 09:47:01 1990
The organization you guys were asking about did bust some kid known as
DC Duke of Company P.  He s suposed got into a government mainframe and had
changed locations of certain things.  I don't know the entire case but at
one time someone said Telenet was the one that used them most often.  It
seems strange that yet another government agency is comming into the 
picture. I mean we have FBI, SS, CIA and local authorities to deal with these
kinds of problems.  
     Par strange to see you on here I've heard the US government is on your
tail for some credit stuff.  What's it all about?

56/59: wll..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Feb 06 13:37:55 1990
corrct m if i am wrong.. butcrt to my opinion stands for "Computer Emergency 
Response Team"
basically put, thy are the guys you call when a hackre is onlin, and you want 
somthing done quick. <hell, th E ky doesnt work now..>
these are not people to laugh at. Most CERT people are fully trained security 
experts.. and are damn damn good at what they do..
They are based at sei.cmu.1edu, with an any time mailing sesrvice to 
cert@sei.cmu.edu. Hell, the only time that went down was when threy cut off 
power to do some plumbing work or something..
still?... cert are a government agency.. and are basically arpanets 
equivelant to a swat team... for computers <internet..>

57/59: CERT
Name: Gordon Meyer #65
Date: Tue Feb 06 20:19:12 1990
CERT is a group of "experts"...to the best of my knowledge it is not a 
government agency.  Ken van Wyck is heavily involved in it, he's the 
coordinator of the Virus-L interest group.

58/59: CERT
Name: Phiber Cut #34
Date: Wed Feb 07 06:46:29 1990
Gordon is correct when he states that CERT is nothing more than a group of
"experts".  They act primarily as a clearing house, only.  They do not go
out and investigate hackers - they are not the secret service, fbi, cia,
nca, etc...
They provide information on security tools and workshops for industry and
government alike.  They usually will be at usenix, etc...

59/59: CERT...
Name: Pain Hertz #84
Date: Wed Feb 07 18:29:44 1990
is Computer Emergency Response Team.  They are concerned with computer 
security in general, but concentrate on networks and Unix systems mainly.  
Richard Pethia is director of CERT (rpd@sei.cmu.edu).  As Gordon mentioned, 
Kenneth van Wyk, 'runs' the digested VIRUS-L, which is a good source of 
information in general.  Look for a g-file soon from Richard Pethia via me 
about CERT.  I sent him mail saying whats the deal with CERT and he responded, 
I'll upload it soon.
Also, according to the Phrack boys, CERT played a minor part in their 
downfall.  It seems when Phrack sent out back issues during the holidays, many 
folks were not there to receive the files.  Systems had problems with file 
queues and storage.  Sysadmins complained to CERT and so forth.

< Security Personnel Q-Scan Done >

                 *** {Phrack Electronic Newsletter Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Phrack Incorporated 22 - 59 msgs >
1/59: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:31:51 1990
This sub is used mainly as a collecting ground for information to pass on to 
Knight Lightning and Taran King for the Phrack newsletter. Periodically (once 
a week, hopefully) this sub will be buffered and e-mailed to them through 
BITNET. If you have any questions or comments, post them. If you have articles 
you want to submit, upload them directly to the me (go to the transfer 
section, use the command "Z") and I'll see that they get it.

2/59: phrackd00dz
Name: Ground Zero #30
Date: Sat Jan 13 22:40:15 1990
two guys I met  on QSD called my
bbs # and claimed to be from Phrakc
and "interviewed" me about TCC and
other things. They sounded very
suspicious. Were these guys the real
taran king and knight lightning (as
they claimed to be)?   

3/59: The phrack twins...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Sun Jan 14 02:06:41 1990
don't call QSD and don't call bbses...I think
they will call here once in a blue moon, or else I will
have to start e-mailing them the messages...
Ms. Zero, you were taken in...I hope you
didn't tell them anything worthwhile...

4/59: Trouble in general...
Name: Phrack Inc. #7
Date: Mon Jan 15 01:07:59 1990
Well this will be a once in a rare while kind of post.  First of all, that was 
not us that called your board, GZ.  My guess is that it was Mork from New York 
and his pal, Acid Phreak.  Right guys?  RIIIGHT.  Those are the 2 names that 
come to mind anyway (QSD...fucking with people...Phiber Optik and Acid 
Phreak!).  Anyway, there's a small problem.  For those that mail us on the 
networks to our UMCVMB on Bitnet or UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU addresses, please stop 
until further notice.  Any and all mail can be addressed to phrack@netsys.com 
or ...!netsys!phrack or phrack%netsys.com@rutgers.edu or phrack@netsys.UUCP 
(you get the idea?).  Our accounts have been temporarily discontinued although 
not deleted.  We are thus far unsure as to what exactly our crimes have been 
(although we have a number of suspicions! 8-)) and hopefully will find out 
tomorrow.  Regardless, the phrack@netsys.com addresses are mail forwarders and 
should reach us eventually.  I (Taran King by the way) am going to be getting 
a new address on the networks.  I'll mail anyone who I communicate with once I 
get it.
As for Phrack 31, it's sort of in the works.  We have a number of articles for 
the issue already and the PWN stuff is going very well.  Bloodaxe!  How about 
those articles???  Anyone else, as Mentor said, please upload them to him and 
he'll get 'em to us somehow.  Drop us a line if you haven't already and are on 
the nets.

5/59: ...
Name: Phiber Optik #6
Date: Wed Jan 17 17:47:49 1990
Randy, Craig, shut up. I have better things to do than make believe (God 
forbid) that I'm YOU guys. Jeez.

6/59: UMCVMB Accounts
Name: Phrack Inc. #7
Date: Thu Jan 18 08:47:06 1990
Hi this is Craig.
We lost the accounts for "something about a newsletter dealing with 
telecommunications."  The university did not feel it was in the pursuit of
education or academics.  
They also received at least 17 letters of complaints from other system 
managers because of the recent Back Phracks project that was conducted over 
the Winter Break.
The problem was that some people requested all 30 issues and their mailboxes 
over flowed because they were not getting on over the break.  This caused 
problems and attracted attention and thus it caused problems for us.
According to people at CERT at least one person who was a subscriber has lost 
their job over all this.  I could not find out who, but apparently it was 
someone who was "on thin ice" already.  CERT also said that they were recently 
flooded with letters from people commenting, complaining, or just inquiring 
about Phrack.  The Internet community is stirred up in general.
"phrack@netsys.COM" still works and I am collecting my mail regularly from 
other accounts I have on the net.  These problems will NOT affect Phrack 
distribution (altougth it might hurt collection of files if people don't 
remember to mail us at phrack@netsys.COM and still try to use UMCVMB).
PS- I guess the moom is blue today.

7/59: Shit.
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 19 02:16:59 1990
CERT has been flooded with Phrack Questions?  
Now that's smart.  Anyone who knows anything should have just asked
you two.  That's shitty.  Like CERT doesn't have their own
problems dealing with "Internet Crackers on the Loose" and crap
like that.  Things must be slow at CMU that they have to bug 
harmless things.  Hell, it's not like Phrack has been
publishing ZARDOZ mail for fun.  
I think you should chat with the powers that be and get phrack
set up as a newsgroup on UseNet!  There is a BIG demand for the
damn thing, and it would be easier for everyone to get, and
you wouldn't have to send it all yourself!  It would (or should)
wash, if you let some Internet BigWig moderate it.  Hell, It's
usually about as big as RISKS is in a month, and if you put
it out monthly, the load wouldn't be that bad.  
That's MY feelings about the situation.  

8/59: ..
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Fri Jan 19 13:03:43 1990
I second the notion.  It IS a good idea.  
grey owl

9/59: Of course ...
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Fri Jan 19 16:14:22 1990
RE: ..
    ... of course, if more PC-based systems ran Fidonet, they could FREQ it 
from somewhere.  [here?]

10/59: FREQing
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Fri Jan 19 19:29:08 1990
Is there a Fidohost that carries all the Phracks?  
does it have a phone number?!  (I want DETAILS)
grey owl
11/59: xxx
Name: Gordon Meyer #65
Date: Sat Jan 20 01:10:45 1990
RE: Shit.
I seriously disagree that publishing Phrack is not an academic pursuit.  
Depending on how up anal the computer center is I bet you could get some 
faculty member (maybe not even in computer science...try somebody in the 
sociology dept ) to "sponsor" or at least vouch for the thing.  Hell, I'd do 

12/59: umm..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 20 08:02:35 1990
All that i have to say is that i am damned pissed off that the phrack boys got 
They were doing a damn good job... 
<The Flatline>
Jacking Out..

13/59: @#)*(
Name: Phiber Cut #34
Date: Sat Jan 20 09:38:08 1990
I hope someone else will pickup where they left off.....

14/59: FidoHost
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Sat Jan 20 18:05:12 1990

    Well, it appears that Phrack has perhaps seen its last days?  I don't know 
a lot about whats happened, or going to happen, but the future looks dim on 
that subject.  Of course, there's no reason for others not to try and continue.
    Can they actually prove plagerism in a text file with everyone using 
aliases, and no proof of original origins?
    Anyhow, back to "re: FidoHost".  

    As far as I know, there isn't, but that doesn't blackline me.  I'd be damn 
interested in hosting such a system.  I've got the system, I'm fidonet, and 
the IFNA doesn't dare blacklist me.  Besides, being a PhrackHost, even if they 
found out, wouldn't mean shit, there is no Fidonet bylaw that says I cannot 
support it actually.  And beryond that, I could host the whole thing, putting 
the newsletter into the News Distribution echoes.  Its good reading.
    [Besides, I'll put a bogus filter on the front of the TIC].
    Whatya think?   If Mentor would give me some time to get the Phrack's 
they're as good as online.

15/59: >>picking up where they left off
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sun Jan 21 11:45:13 1990
Maybe the PP <Phoenix Project> should start a magazine similar to Phrack.  I 
liked the professionalism that Phrack put into a hacker magazine.  
I would be willing to help gather articles and write/edit news or articles.  
Someone needs to get in touch with KL and TK about us continuing Phrack if 
they don't come out of the trouble ok...
grey owl

16/59: Phrack and why it is dangerous....
Name: Phiber Cut #34
Date: Sun Jan 21 13:15:09 1990
Has anyone ever tried to figure out just what it is about Phrack that has
everyone up in arms?  Is it the Phrack Profiles?  They're interesting (I
guess), t so what?  Perhaps it is the Phrack world news?  Naw, just a
compilation of stuff from the news paper, mass media, etc.  Geeze, wait
a minute here.  How about this - the articles on Networking are so
advanced.  Maybe it scares the shit out of them.  Maybe they think....

17/59: Maybe they think...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Sun Jan 21 22:35:34 1990
that we know more about Telenet, Tymnet, LMOS, COSMOS, Primos, VMS and UNIX 
than the people runnning the systems... it's true, we have to know more, and 
since when has pure information been illegal? It's what you do with it that 
counts.... hehe
I'm willing to write for a new Phoenix edition of Phrack if it comes off... 
but then I'm all for moving SumerCon to Dallas (closer to me...)
Daneel Olivaw
Damn, I hate this command set...

18/59: Information
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Jan 22 03:15:59 1990
Information is DANGEROUS...and cannot exist in the hands of a dangerous 
element if the government says so, thus, information is supressed to 
individuals on a very biased basis.  Gee, that's what America is all about.  
Hell, someone better get over to the national archives and tack that on at te 
"Noone will be allowed to learn more about something than we say they can, and 
noone will have access to any information we say is too important to let them 
know about, as all men are created equal, except those who are more equal than 
Hell, let's scrap that whole freedom of speech thing too, Chris has a big 
fucking mouth and might open someone's eyes when he gets nailed and makes damn 
fucking sure that he makes 60 minutes...
Supress  supress...  let's make him a non-person...big brother is our friend...
Ignorance is strength
War is peace
Freedom is slavery...
Blow me then...

19/59: hmm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Mon Jan 22 09:32:42 1990
i told you that you and your reedom o speech was a bunch of bullshit
oh well..
say what you want... go for it... but get shot in the meantime..
god i love australia...!

20/59: constitution
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Mon Jan 22 14:22:48 1990
If I were KL or TK I would be screaming "1st amendment voilation"
grey owl

21/59: Phrack etc.
Name: Pain Hertz #84
Date: Mon Jan 22 21:58:02 1990
I do recall an article or something that was taken from another source.  I 
also recall that the source was identified and that the author's permission 
was granted.  This may not be what the SS was looking at though.  I have a 
friend very active in civil writes, I am going to ask him about entrapment 
laws and laws pertaining to transmission of information etc. and see what he 
digs up.  I think hes a member of the ACLU too.  While I'm at it, it so 
happens that I have a friend who is security at UMCVMB.  Ill tell him about a 
'rumour I heard' about UMC and the SS.  Those of you that don't know it, there 
is an internet address where you can write and your mail will be forwarded to 
the IDH (Internet Directory of Hackers).  I believe Terminus has set up the 
PHRACK@NETSYS.NETSYS.COM account this way.
Later days...               -PHz

22/59: I think...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Mon Jan 22 22:40:51 1990
it'll all turn up in the next Random House book....

Daneel Olivaw
PS: Erik, you'de makke a 'interesting' book...

23/59: Erik
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Tue Jan 23 19:25:31 1990
    erik: you'd definitely make 60 mins.
hell, they still want to talk to me about that little ole saudi arabia 
citicorp card thing :-)

24/59: Arg...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Tue Jan 23 23:14:06 1990
60 minutes...gee...lil ol' me?  Gawrsh fellas that's darn nice of ya'
I an toying with an idea of interviewing a ton of hackers from my past & 
present, and making a big ol' file about them...Another chapter in the book I 
suppose...eh, Loyd?  Maybe an APpendix...

25/59: well
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Wed Jan 24 01:34:33 1990
i guess itsa price we all have to pay 8-)

26/59: Hmmm...
Name: The Apple Bandit #33
Date: Wed Jan 24 04:16:25 1990
Dont Steal; The government does not like Competetion... The Last Freedom: The 
Freedom to FLEE.... Tell you a little story: I was walking through a very 
dense forest along the path, Well I came upon a fork in the path, I took the 
path less traveled by; and that has made all the Difference.

27/59: yeah
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Fri Jan 26 00:25:29 1990
Yeah...on that path you get attacked and torn to shreds by wild beasts..barely 
anyone has been able to actually get to their destination by that path...if 
you know what i mean... just when they are almost there and doing quite 
well..they usually end up getting eaten alive.  
On with the Techno-Revolution!
On with Phrack!
On with the fight!
We've come farther down the road than ever...on down the road!
    - Silencer

28/59: Yes...
Name: Sicilumm Thorne #28
Date: Fri Jan 26 08:24:51 1990
    Yes, as I stated on the General Messages Forum, I see no reason to stop 
Phrack.  All of KL'
s and TK's work would go down the drain for what ... nothing.   
    I mean, I don't think making a mailing address for submissions is the 
"right" idea at this time, but there a PLENTY of people who could back-alley 
issue some good editions.  I'm willing to put my "umphft" into it to keep the 
standards that KL and TK started.  
    I see no reason, none at all, NOT to continue releasals.  For if they take 
Phrack down, what's next, Pheonix Project <I say, no!>.  They cannot knock us 
down that easily.  There are more of us (brains to brains ratio), and we're 
smarter fast, and a little more curious.
    Anyone who's ready to start Phrack 31, or have PHrack 31 started, count me 
in, I'm willing to start tommorrow if the proposal is made.

29/59: well....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Fri Jan 26 12:36:17 1990
seems to me one way to get input would be to put up posts in different 
cities about u/l text files. then call back on a regular basis and d/l
them like a regular curious user. then every few months compile what 
everyone has, say at this bbs, and then put it out. while it might take
some time to do it could pay off. might cover such stuff as breaking 
copy machine protection, copy protection crack schemes for different 
games, source listings of programs, newspaper articles, security info
for computers, anarchist articles, etc. it would allow contacting all
these groups all over the country and getting info from them in
return for info from other groups and paying it back by distributing
said info. one way would be to add crack screens to games that would
in general tell people how to input to the group. maybe a list of
bbs's in larger cities?

30/59: phrack 31
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Fri Jan 26 16:35:38 1990
Hasnt phrack 31 already been started? Maybe someone should try to get it from  
TK & KL...

31/59: Like I was saying...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:36:13 1990
Don't be flag-waving phrack everywhere...and please don't start ranting about 
phrack31 beingput out by "whoever"
It's not yours to put out.
I will call Craig after I hang up, and by the end of the weekend, we will know 
what going to happen, ok?

32/59: Phrack
Name: The Prophet #104
Date: Fri Jan 26 18:03:29 1990
Could someone please clear this up for me -- have R&C been charged, or not? I 
If so, what are the charges?  (Add any other information you care to.)

33/59: rc
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Fri Jan 26 19:34:19 1990
No, they haven't been charged with anything yet. Craig has a meeting with his 
lawyer tomorrow, we'll know more on Monday.

34/59: how about
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Sun Jan 28 00:15:37 1990
continuing the Phrack tradition under a new name...maybe something having to 
do with the Phoenix Project.  This could be the home BBS of it, of course.
just an idea!
grey owl

35/59: phrack
Name: Phelix The Hack #89
Date: Mon Jan 29 12:00:04 1990
Why doesn't everyone simply let Phrack die in peace?  I mean it was pretty 
good at times ..but c'mon!  If you feel that a gaping hole has been left in 
your life at the absence of phrack....well perhpas that particular problem 
should be the LEAST of your worries.
Here is a novel concept...start another magazine!...Tahts orignal!  Rather 
than bickering over the rights as to who owns the name ...(TAP..blah..balh..) 
or passinfg the responsabilty to someone less qjualified (does noone remeber 
Crimson DEath?)...simplystart another.
I am in no way putting down Phrack...on the contrary I am attempting to at 
least keep it name alive...untainted.    

36/59: ahh
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Mon Jan 29 12:26:18 1990
i agree with that..
i mean phrack is none o ours to pick up..
and a new magazine can do the same job..!
id countribute quite happily...
<but apparently i cant spell.>

37/59: but...
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Mon Jan 29 18:03:46 1990
Phrack was just about the only mag that lasted thru the times...

38/59: OK damnit.
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Jan 29 19:31:51 1990
It's not like I have a computer, time, or privacy anymore, but what the 
fuck...I'm going to compile a new internet mailing list, send out a bulletin 
to everyone to spread the word that a new magazine is coming out.  OK?  
Me and Loyd will be collecting unreleased files and start shipping them out 
whenever I get around to it.  Start send ing submissions to the sysop 
directory, or to erikb@walt.cc.utexas.edu 
ok?  Craig wants phrack to remain dormant, especially since it has too many 
ties to him, and any new surge would reflect bad on him.
Prophet...the feds are MAD about the E911 files you sent to the Phrack 
boys...where exactly did they come from?

39/59: cool
Name: Silencer #31
Date: Mon Jan 29 20:49:42 1990
that sounds good....prophet..i read on some bbs that you were busted or 

40/59: no
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Mon Jan 29 21:27:15 1990
No lies. He was busted. You read it here.

41/59: hmm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Jan 30 07:23:48 1990
i honestly couldnt think of anything more annoying...

42/59: What kind of
Name: Grey Owl #10
Date: Tue Jan 30 17:53:38 1990
What kind of files will this ALLEGED new magazine be accepting?  I can get up 
some pyro stuff that I have tested and worked out some problems with.  
Oh yeah...what's the name gonna be?
grey owl

43/59: got some ideas...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Tue Jan 30 21:42:04 1990
on making multi-processors systems machine independant using dual port ram.

44/59: nope
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Tue Jan 30 22:53:16 1990
No anarchy stuff. Just hack/phreak/programming.

45/59: ok
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Feb 01 10:21:55 1990
sounds like a good idea to me..

46/59: I have...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Fri Feb 02 23:02:21 1990
a three part series in the works (as Erik and Mentor know) about all of the 
networks in the world..
The series is broken down as follows:
   1. The USA (as it covers the most people and I live here)
   2. Europe
   3. Others (Australia, Far East)
I am covering all of Internet at the moment, and whaver of the PSN that need 
to be covered for that (i.e. Telenet at times).
Also, I have a list of all the DNICS (already up), and several other misc. 
files to offer.  I am also considering a file on the 5ESS (as I have a 
complete set of manuals... I got the others Mentor).
Daneel Olivaw

47/59: djdkfjd
Name: Gordon Meyer #65
Date: Sat Feb 03 10:02:24 1990
Eric - so you talked to Craig and he said he wanted phrack to remain dormant. 
Okay, that makes sense. Did he mention any plans of starting it up again 
later? How're he and R taking all this?  Defiantly? THankful they haven't been 
charged w/anything?  Bored? Scared?  

48/59: Hey...
Name: Warf #81
Date: Sat Feb 03 18:28:08 1990
    If you guys need some help spreing Phrack everymonth to like the west 
cost... I'm here now.. hhehehe!  I live in the AZ area and I can put it out 
over there.. Good idea?

49/59: umm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sun Feb 04 06:01:09 1990
i think easiest way is to just sendmail it to various unix everywhere.. and 
then have sub distributions off there..

50/59: Distribution...
Name: Pain Hertz #84
Date: Sun Feb 04 12:14:41 1990
...of Phrack was provided via LISTSERV.  Phoenix's idea is similar to the 
LISTSERV concept.  A distribution site sends mail/files to only the users in 
its site.  Only a few copies are needed to be sent to the distribution points. 
This greatly reduceds net traffic, which makes the 'stuff' less noticable.  
However, with LISTSERV, this is an extensive logging system making anonymous 
distribution, anonymous final addresses nearly impossible. 
Another possibility is using FTP sites.  There are several anonymous FTP sites 
that allow users to PUT files.  One of them being CERT (CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU).  
Perhaps a combination of both would be good.

51/59: well..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sun Feb 04 16:07:15 1990
i think that we should get the damn thing written before figuring out how to 
get it everywhere.. that will seriously be a small problem.. and you can make 
it look like it comes from anywhere by forging mail thru smtp ;-)
phrack@sei.cmu.edu for example.. might annoy some people.. 8)

52/59: the problem with PUTting
Name: Dark Sun #11
Date: Sun Feb 04 17:54:00 1990
ftp files up is that any other anonymous ftp'er can come along and delete 'em.

53/59: !
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Feb 05 02:54:45 1990
The "magazine" will be called 
I want every file anyone will send...I plan on writing some pretty wild stuff 
myself, not just hack/phreak.
Anything interesting, informative, and bizarre enough not to be something that 
you'd read anywhere else.
The distribution will be as follows:
Anyone on internet will receive a copy if they desire.
THis bbs will have it online
Anyone who wishes to distribute it to other bbses

The internet distribution will occur from randomly selected sites each issue, 
and it will send them over smtp to disguise the points of origin.
Now:  start writing.

54/59: Busted
Name: Gordon Meyer #65
Date: Tue Feb 06 20:22:44 1990
Almost fell out of my chair... come home from work...turn on the evening 
news.. (local chicago teevee...not the national) and there is a big story aout 
The Prophet and Knight Lightning being indicted.  Also a nice little graphic 
showing how the E911 info flowed from down south to Illinois...to Knight 
Lightning at his school.  The US attorney must have said a dozen times that 
this was a case of "out and out theft".   They also showed a LoD graphic and 
talked about how "one must commit an act of computer theft or espionage to 
become a member of this hacker gang".
More later...I'm working in coming up with a transcript of the broadcast.

55/59: ARGH!!!
Name: Pain Hertz #84
Date: Tue Feb 06 22:28:38 1990
Boy am I ticked...  Craig was not an LOD member, and to imply that to be an 
LOD member you have to break several laws etc. whatever is crazy...
Whoever it is that gets the AP feeds, I dont remember who it was, please see 
if you can upload the one on Prophet and KL.
...and remember... Pain Hertz

56/59: lame lame lame
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Tue Feb 06 23:05:06 1990
Dumbshits. That about sums it up.

57/59: what the fuck?
Name: Psychedelic Ranger #80
Date: Wed Feb 07 04:25:55 1990
Were they pranking 911 or something???? what is this 911 business?

58/59: busted....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Wed Feb 07 10:12:34 1990
call the station and ask for a copy of the video. just tell them you kow
of some of the lod members and they are totaly interested in it. heck,
might even interview you.

59/59: Looks like the LOD...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Wed Feb 07 16:10:14 1990
name is going down hill... having to comit some horrid crime to get in?  I 
thought you just had to know what the hell you were doing, and be able to 
truly contribute to the group.
Daneel Olivaw
PS: Mentor: What was that about having to kill your parents (IT'S A INSIDE 

< Phrack Incorporated Q-Scan Done >

                          *** {Private Sub-Board} ***

< Q-scan Friends of the Family 23 - 49 msgs >
1/49: This Sub
> Permanent Message
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sun Jan 07 05:33:36 1990
Welp, this is not an elite sub by any means, nor is it a place where you can 
post illegal information. If you have access here, it means that I know you, 
and consider you, if not a friend, at least a casual acquaintence. Yes, there 
are feds who have access here. You'll probably know who they are . . . 

2/49: Me.
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Tue Jan 09 14:55:09 1990
I'm glad I'm a friend.
Wait, what if I'm not, but only have access here because I'm cosysop?
Now I'm paranoid.  Ok, as you find you have access here, please speak so
everyone will know who is here.

3/49: k-k00l d00dz
Name: Phase Jitter #3
Date: Wed Jan 10 07:32:15 1990
I'm here d00dz.  I feel kinda eilte d00d..
(Happy there is something to call)

4/49: Ta-Dah!!!
Name: Phiber Optik #6
Date: Wed Jan 10 16:49:09 1990
I'm here too, gosh, I must be elyte.

5/49: Hmm..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Jan 11 03:49:56 1990
What am i doing here ???/?
Oh well...
But im not complaining..
<The Flatline>
Jacking out..

6/49: friend
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Thu Jan 11 21:21:59 1990
Well, you're a friend of Erik's, therefore, "of the family."

7/49: gawd
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Sat Jan 13 09:07:06 1990
 God everyone else posted a stupid fucking message saying they are a friend so 
what the hell i guess i am..
maybe not..
maybe it's because those SS boys and NSA boys think i'm a COMRADE...hehehe
anyway who knows...
i'm just glad i'm still fucking free.
Peace to the world...
Bahahaha <glastnost and all that happy horseshit>


8/49: x
Name: Frame Error #5
Date: Sat Jan 13 12:13:59 1990
 Just checking in.

9/49: Well, 
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Sat Jan 13 20:32:29 1990
well, since this bbs is an official Secret Service setup, we
consider you all COMRADES and potential commie-pinko fuckups.
You will all be receiving visits from some of our coked-out special
agents, who will probably be jones-ing pretty bad by the time they reach your
houses, so you better damn well have some cocaine for them!  Else, 
they might just riddle you full of lead, then take your porno & drink
your beer!  And a few good cd's they might not have already.
SO BEWARE...and remember, when you connect to
ANY system on the x-25 networks overseas, WE ARE WATCHING!

10/49: hmm..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 13 21:10:54 1990
Do i cop a visit too ???
<Message sent from 25000 miles away>
<The Flatline>
Jacking out..

11/49: zdrasvityeah....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Thu Jan 18 10:45:15 1990
moy harosho droog. (could we get a cyrillic font on here?)
kak ya delayut? (i can never get the right transcription system!)
well just saying hi.

12/49: Does this mean?
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Thu Jan 18 19:39:27 1990
that I'm a friend? I guess so...
Hey Mentor, exactly when is SumerCon?

13/49: Dude...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Fri Jan 19 02:17:59 1990
You're only a friend since you u/l the uucp packages!
hehe...just kidding.

14/49: i will try hard
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Jan 19 06:48:52 1990
to get to summercon... never can tell...

15/49: Hmmm...
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Fri Jan 19 07:16:51 1990
    EB: you are definitely right.. i have to contact u somehow..
Something is fucking rotting in Denmark..
(not to mention being rotten)

16/49: Da
Name: Gordon Meyer #65
Date: Sat Jan 20 00:51:27 1990
Greetings Comrades!  
Ahhh..shit...the only russian I know is "groodgies" (spelled phonetically 
natch)...which is "tits".
So much for my survival in the big red world.

17/49: summercon!
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sat Jan 20 03:11:23 1990
Ok, since it looks like the Phrack boys got popped, Erik & I will probably 
continue to plan Summercon. It'll just be moved to Dallas (better hub anyway).

18/49: summercon
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sat Jan 20 08:03:40 1990
dallas is still damn far away <from me, anyway..>

19/49: Good!
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Sun Jan 21 10:42:43 1990
    I hated the weather in St. Louis anyway ;-)

20/49: hell...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Jan 22 03:18:38 1990
Me, Par & Phoenix won't be able to attend anyway...we'll be having "Jail-Con" 
somewhere...maybe  we'll have adjoining cells...HEY!  Maybe NOriega  will be a 
fourth for bridge!!
Hehe, or James Brown!!!
Jump back, gonna kiss myself!

21/49: To the select few
Name: Black Magic #54
Date: Mon Jan 22 04:47:29 1990
Hey! Yes It's Chris (Chris's) roommate. I really like typing anything I have 
to say because I'm tired of mumbling.
In case any of you were wondering, steering wheels taste like shit (and so do 
milkshakes and soup after a month) so don't forget niggers get the big points, 
not telephone poles. Aim your car accordingly.
Don't hesitate to leave me lengthy messages with anything, even Julia Child's 
latest concoction or articles from Hustler, because I can't work or go to 
school so I'm just an alcoholic who sits at home with nothing better to do.

22/49: oh hell..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Mon Jan 22 09:36:16 1990
reckon theyll give us our own terminals in jail ?
I hope so... lie would get really boring with out them..
and then wedhave to get violent...
Coming really really soon....!
The bbs with no name.. o some mainrame somewhere...
source is inished...
<AAARRGGGGHHH my keyboard is shitting me..>
just looking or location..
and i think i ound the ideal one..
may take some heat o some peope or a while..
coz noone claims responsibility or a board on a mainrame..
except me...
and then i got diplomatic immunity.. sort of...
see you in prison... <or pinned to some post in ront of a iring squad>

23/49: Hehehe
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Jan 22 18:36:15 1990
You know Phoenix, reading a post from you is like reading a script from Scooby 
no f's...
ront o a iring squad..  Rearry Shaggy...Scoooby Dooby Doooooo....

24/49: well
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Jan 23 06:55:06 1990
at least its original...
one o these days ill fix the ucker..
<it works sometimes... or if i hit it hard enough..>

25/49: oh well.
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Tue Jan 23 19:30:05 1990
    And now, the end is near i've traveled each and every byway ..
in the word of the king (at leats i think thats the way it went)
oh well who cares.. he was a fat shit b4 he dided anyway.
to everyone who's been a good friend of mine and help me cover up the fact i 
don't knwo a fucking thing.. i thank u.
and toi everyone else take it easy and hang tough.
to those guysin the SS:  i don't knwo the first fucking thing about hacking.. 
(at least i don't remember) and anyway i was temporarily insane at the time 
(no joke)
oh well.
see you smart guys at the funny farm.

26/49: Jase...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Tue Jan 23 23:21:39 1990
SHit man, don't drink and think about things like that.  It's not healthy.  
Mentally or physically.
Come to Austin.  We'll keep you somewhere until we can get something worked 
out for you.  A year in minimum security (Club Fed) is better then chucking a 
whole life.  Hell, youre 19!!  Tell you what...if they stick you somewhere not 
too harsh (with stockbrokers like Reitman (sp) and people like that I'll go 
too to keep you company...I'm probably going to be there anyway)
We both need a good dose of Discipline anyway...maybe the AirFOrce will want 
us...I'm doing terrible in college anyway.
I have discarded the "permanent" solution for good.  Dead people can't get 
laid...people in federal prisons DO get conjugal visits!!!  Unless you kill a 
guard or something outrageous.
Think of Florence...
call over here at whatever time you read this...Chris & I need to talk to you 
about something else anyway, but now I can see you are really getting worried, 
so just fucking call...

27/49: Dalas
Name: Phase Jitter #3
Date: Tue Jan 23 23:39:28 1990
Lloyd, Chris, 
  How about a nother Dalas con!  I really had fun there..

28/49: Doom Con...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Wed Jan 24 18:16:51 1990
Six-Flags, drugs & 14 year old women!!!
Dallas was a blast...we will have to do it again.
THis time:  Dan & LOyd, you will have to try not to be scared of the mall.  I 
know all the lights, bells & whistles seem scary, but video games can't hurt 
you.  Computers are our friends!
Hehe...THe doubletree is looking good...I think if we do damn well go up there 
again, this fucking time we are going trashing whether anyone wants to or 
That's what got everyone so scared to begin with (fed wise), so let's give 
their undercover stakeout people something to do!  I
can just see two dudes sitting at the fucking holiday inn waiting patiently 
for us to show up.  hehe
thank god we didn't...or they would have made us pay their way into the 
fucking theme park.

29/49: ---666---
Name: The Urvile #90
Date: Thu Jan 25 18:41:25 1990
so what's been happening over the past few months, eh?  phiber optik, you 
back?  jitter?  mentor?  guess that's more or less everybody from the
old crew.
i think i'll make it for a dallas-con this next year, assuming, of course, 
that i'm not in jail.  unless you're scared of me being there.
-legion of doom, anyone?

30/49: Well...
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Thu Jan 25 19:07:16 1990
    Summercon was fun...
but i'm afraid i'll have to pass on this one "just right now"
maybe in 5 to 6 years. :-(
31/49: well..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Fri Jan 26 01:52:34 1990
if i make it... my 5-6 years will be begining too!
not all tat bad par ;-)
erik... care to join us ?

32/49: dallas
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Fri Jan 26 19:35:21 1990
Hell, there was hardly anyone at Dallas last summer and it was fun... Chris & 
I will begin planning for this year. How does mid-july sound?

33/49: ok
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Sat Jan 27 12:16:28 1990
How does mid-July sound for DoomCon II? I don't have a calander in my lap, but 
whatever weekend is closest to the 15th. We'd probably run it out of a Best 
Western or something relatively cheap (the Doubletree was nice, but most 
people aren't going have $155 for a room...) We could pick people up at DFW 
and Love field (we probably want a hotel in or near DFW...
So how many people'd show? I don't want this to be a big, open invite thing. 
Just people we know (and friends that they might bring with them and vouch 

34/49: hey...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Sun Jan 28 13:59:25 1990
my birthday is the 15th. sounds kool to me. how about in gelveston?
we could visit smash palace south :-) 

35/49: hmm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Sun Jan 28 14:23:33 1990
love to show.. but dont like guaranteeing anything <sigh..>

36/49: I'd be there...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Sun Jan 28 22:25:28 1990
and yes trashing is the only way to find out things... I got 2 COSMOS 
passwords last night... people are in general... stupid..
Hehe... Best Western sounds good to me... hope SouthWest'll still fly there 
Daneel Olivaw

37/49: daneel
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Mon Jan 29 02:35:07 1990
Hell, you can pile in the car with me & Erik & Lone Wolf (wish he'd get a 
phone line again...).  Getting there is half the fun! <weaving only slightly> 
Besides, as the chemical-free kid, you'd probably get to drive! This gets 
"Mom, I'm driving three wastoids to Dallas this weekend. Don't wait up."
    The reason for Dallas instead of here or someplace else is because DFW is 
a hub and people can get reasonably cheap rates. Besides, West End is 
absolutely too cool, even if you do freak out on it a little at first.
99 bottles of beer in the car...

38/49: dallas...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Mon Jan 29 11:22:55 1990
is ok by me. it isnt any further than galveston and i need to get with a
young lady there about a cd copy of heavy metal from japan. count me

39/49: Well shit..
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Mon Jan 29 15:45:05 1990
    It's happening soon guys..
I wish i coul have bought more time.
And worked out a deal.
But nada... they are nearby now.
i can tell which cars are theirs driving by outside.
This is the weirdest case of Deja vu i've ever had.
(because it realy did happento me before)
Anyway got an interesting call today.
It was from Eddie..one of the bell systems computers...
It was rather fantasy like...
Probably just his way of saying goodbye
Eddie was a good friend..smartest damn unix around...
and he called to tell me goodbye today
(no joke)
now i know i'm fucked.
thanks eddie it's been real.
(whoever you are)
"ok eddie, this one's for you"
Much Later,
The ParMaster

40/49: Jase...
Name: Erik Bloodaxe #2
Date: Mon Jan 29 19:36:38 1990
Buddy, you are over the edge...lay off the weed.  Not everyone with glasses 
and dark suits are feds.  Not all cars with generic hubcaps are government 
Well hell, I don't know what the hell eddie is, but that's a real bizarre msg.
Fly to austin...like tomorrow...got plenty of places to stash you until things 
can be smoothed out for a calm transition.

41/49: Dammit...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Mon Jan 29 21:10:00 1990
I knew staying sober (most of the time) would get me into shit like this... 
hell I guess I could help drive, I say we rent a car though... hehe... no use 
ruining a good car when we can rent a nice Lincoln for a weekend... hehe... 
keeps the beer from spilling...
Daneel Olivaw
PS: Erik, you aren't exactly the best person to be stashing people are you?

42/49: well...
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Mon Jan 29 23:18:31 1990
how much would a three day limo rent be?
can we get a beemer from hurtz or avis?

43/49: eehh..
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Tue Jan 30 07:25:59 1990
<wonders real REAL thoughtufully>
<and turns up a blank..>
what is young par up to ?

44/49: Talked to...
Name: Daneel Olivaw #9
Date: Tue Jan 30 18:34:45 1990
several places today about getting a Taraus SHO (you know, the one with 
220hp), but they said "You must be crazy."  The best I could do was about 
$29/day with unlimited miles and that was for a nice Mustang GT... hehe
Daneel Olivaw

45/49: You know you are screwed when.
Name: The Parmaster #21
Date: Wed Jan 31 14:26:04 1990
    Surveyers survey your neighbors regularly, and wear sunglasses when i't 
like 11 degrees and cloudy as hell out.
    When an AUTOMATED Customer Name and ADDRESS Lister calls you and tells you 
your address.
    The same cars keep driving by outside day and night (been thinking about 
providing coffee and doughnuts)
    This is getting really fucking ridiculous.
Oh well, i guess i could say
"Things could be better"

46/49: heh
Name: The Mentor #1
Date: Wed Jan 31 16:37:04 1990
Ummm, I wear sunglasses when it's 11 degrees and cloudy... so you can 
eliminate that one. :-)  

47/49: hmm
Name: Phoenix #17
Date: Thu Feb 01 10:22:46 1990
at least you arent getting shot at 8)

48/49: why dont you ....
Name: Ravage #19
Date: Thu Feb 01 10:56:04 1990
just go out and say hi to the nice gentleman? if i kept seeing the same
people tooling around my neighborhood i would activly check them out
if they seemed weird.

49/49: jump 'em
Name: Aston Martin #133
Date: Tue Feb 06 18:04:55 1990

    What you could do is go out to one of the vans sitting in the street (you 
know, the one with the two guys sitting in it all day) with a pair of jumper 
cables and ask them if they need a jump, you've seen them sitting there all 
day and you thought they were stuck.  
    Hell, why don't you take 'um sandwhiches too.
P.S.  Thanks for letting me join the family d00dz.

< Friends of the Family Q-Scan Done >
<< Global Q-Scan Done >>


               *** {Directory of Downloadable files online} ***

Sysop - #0, 5 files.
MSCFILES.ZIP:  204k :Miscellaneous files...
RSH     .C  :    6k :source code or rsh <remote shell> command on unix bsd 4.3
CRUNCH  .C  :   15k :unix password cruncher..keep quiet and compile with -DFDES
ANSIDRAW.COM:   ASK :ansidraw
AUTONET1.SCA:   ASK :first autonet scan - just a sample to see ormat..

Source Code - #1, 4 files.
DES     .LZH:    7k :Data Encryption Standard - DES - 'c' source code
CD      .COM:   10k :VAX DCL file for changing directories (by The Mentor)
CRYPT   .C  :    3k :A fast version of the UNIX Crypt. Fairly secure.
VAX-XMOD.FOR:   60k :VAX XMODEM implementation in FORTRAN

System/Software Documentation - #2, 2 files.
TAURUS  .TXT:   25k :taurus command processor instructions for cyber 170/750
X25SPEC .TXT:  104k :Specs for an X25 connection.

IBM Programs - #3, 5 files.
ASYNC11 .ZIP:   27k :Turbo Pascal 5.0 Async package.  FEATURES!!!
CONFIDE .ARC:   82k :Confide Encryption Program
PRIVATE .ARC:   18k :Private (DES) Encryption Program
TM-DEMO .ARC:  213k :Demo of Telemail
TM-TUTOR.ARC:  151k :Telemail Tutorial

Commodore Programs - #5, 4 files.
VIRUSX  .ARC:   19k :virusx 1.2 virus elimination utility.
ARC     .   :   50k :arc file compression utility
ZOO     .   :   41k :zoo file compression utility
HP-11C  .ZOO:   33k :hp11c emulator for ammy, nice!

ARCed Phracks - #7, 30 files.
PHRACK13.ARC:   49k :Phrack 13
PHRACK20.ZIP:  140k :Phrack Newsletter, #20
PHRACK1 .ARC:   14k :Phrack Issue #1
PHRACK10.ARC:   41k :Phrack Issue #10
PHRACK11.ARC:   58k :Phrack Issue #11
PHRACK12.ARC:   55k :Phrack Issue #12
PHRACK14.ARC:   47k :Phrack Issue #14
PHRACK15.ARC:   44k :Phrack Issue #15
PHRACK16.ARC:   34k :Phrack Issue #16
PHRACK17.ARC:   65k :Phrack Issue #17
PHRACK18.ARC:   72k :Phrack Issue #18
PHRACK19.ARC:   37k :Phrack Issue #19
PHRACK2 .ARC:   18k :Phrack Issue #2
PHRACK21.ARC:  112k :Phrack Issue #21
PHRACK22.ARC:  122k :Phrack Issue #22
PHRACK23.ARC:   82k :Phrack Issue #23
PHRACK24.ARC:  100k :Phrack Issue #24
PHRACK25.ARC:   96k :Phrack Issue #25
PHRACK26.ARC:   89k :Phrack Issue #26
PHRACK27.ARC:  113k :Phrack Issue #27
PHRACK28.ARC:  121k :Phrack Issue #28
PHRACK29.ARC:  124k :Phrack Issue #29
PHRACK3 .ARC:   21k :Phrack Issue #3
PHRACK30.ARC:   93k :Phrack Issue #30
PHRACK4 .ARC:   39k :Phrack Issue #4
PHRACK5 .ARC:   57k :Phrack Issue #5
PHRACK6 .ARC:   18k :Phrack Issue #6
PHRACK7 .ARC:   40k :Phrack Issue #7
PHRACK8 .ARC:   40k :Phrack Issue #8
PHRACK9 .ARC:   47k :Phrack Issue #9

Other ARCed Newsletters - #8, 13 files.
PIRATE2 .ZIP:   88k :Pirate Magazine, Issue #2
PIRATE3 .ZIP:   56k :Pirate Magazine, Issue #3
BIOC    .ARC:   59k :The BIOC files on Telecommunications (BIOC Agent 003)
BLUEBOX .ARC:   18k :Better Homes and Blueboxing (Mark Tabas)
LODTJ1  .ARC:  107k :Legion of Doom Technical Journal #1
LODTJ2  .ARC:   80k :Legion of Doom Technical Journal #2
LODTJ3  .ARC:   85k :Legion of Doom Technical Journal #3
PHUN1   .ARC:   49k :PHUN Newsletter #1
PHUN2   .ARC:   76k :PHUN Newsletter #2
PHUN3   .ARC:  119k :PHUN Newsletter #3
PHUN4   .ARC:   79k :PHUN Newsletter #4
SYNDICAT.ARC:   51k :The Syndicate Reports
TCSB    .ARC:   88k :Telecom Security Bulletin (DPAK)

ARCed RISKS Digest - #9, 3 files.
RISKS9  .64 :   14k :risks9.64
RISKS9  .63 :   39k :risks9.63
RISKS   .PAK:   14k :An *old* assortment of RISKS Digests.

ARCed comp.dcom.telecom - #10, 6 files.
TEL     .5  :    6k :TELECOM Digest Vol. 10 Issue 59
TEL     .4  :   32k :TELECOM Digest Special: List of Telcos
TEL     .3  :    4k :TELECOM DIGEST Vol. 10 Issue 53
TEL     .2  :    8k :TELECOM DIGET Special: Kevin Poulson
TEL     .1  :   16k :TELECOM DIGEST Special Edition on Computer Crime
CC      .TXT:    9k :Computer Crime

Carrier Scans by NPA/NNX - #11, 7 files.
214-767 .TXT:    6k :214-767 --govt exchange
222     .NNX:    3k :carrier scan of 1-800-222-XXXX (WATS)
310PREFX.TXT:    5k :An old scan...
451     .NNX:    1k :carrier scan of 512-451-XXXX (Austin)
473     .NNX:    2k :carrier scan of 512-473-XXXX (Austin)
836     .NNX:    3k :carrier scan of 512-836-XXXX (Austin)
976EXCH .TXT:    2k :An even older scan...

Network NUA Scans - #12, 2 files.
DNIC    .TXT:    9k :Complete listing of DNICs for the world
MISC-NUA.TXT:   34k :miscelaneous NUA and chat system.  (I got these memorized!

ARCed Anarachy Files - #14, 2 files.
ATI46   .TXT:   25k :ATI issue 46?...
ATI     .ARC:  204k :Activist Times Incorporated Files #1-31.

Newspaper & Magazine Clippings - #15, 6 files.
POULSEN .TXT:    5k :Media-hype account of Kevin Poulsen (Chic Trib, Jan 21 '90
RFC1135 .TXT:   76k :rfc1135 on the internet worm
CAPMDNT .TXT:    8k :A file about Captain Midnight
CCC     .TXT:    3k :Update on CCC/KGB trials...
CLIPS   .ARC:   72k :An assortment of newspaper clippings about hacking.
WGN     .ARC:   74k :A transcript of a WGN radio show on computer hackers.

Files listed: 89


     Copyright (C) 1993  LOD Communications.  No part of this  Work may be
     distributed or reproduced, electronically or otherwise, in part or in
     whole, without  express written  permission  from  LOD Communications

           *** {End of Phoenix Project BBS Message Base File 3 of 3} ***