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(360)   Sun 21 Feb 88 13:33                             
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: The 27th Path, Tzaddi, The Moon, The Active or Exciting Intelligence

@EID:f00e 10556c3a
 The Moon, the Presence of God in or Mundane world, glows in 
unulant splendour from New to Full to New...
                           I am as the Moon
                           Our Light is ever changing
                           Healing, gathering
 The Tzaddik, the Righteous One catches the Splendors of G-d, and 
illumines Mundane world as the Moon catches the splendours of the 
 The Moon through his-r aspects runs the world.  When the Moon is 
unaspected, the cat's away and the mice can play...but in another 
octave the Ultimate, the One is there without interferance from the 
Moon and wonders can emerge...it is a time to let go and let God 
and enjoy when the Moon is Void of Course...it is a time to trust 
in the Grand Ultimate and "know that I am God!" for the is now no 
mediator between God and Human...not even the Moon.
 "The Twenty-seventh Path is the Active or Exciting Intellgence and 
it is so called because every existent being recieves its spirit 
and motion."
 Perhaps every esistent being does recieve its spirit and motion 
through the Moon on the 27th path between Netzach and Hod.

 * Origin: The Terraboard, Minneapolis, MN (Opus 1:282/341)

(361)   Sun 21 Feb 88 13:43                             
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: The 28th Path, Pices, The Sun, The Natural Intelligence, The Sun
@EID:d8bd 6d761055
5.  The Coordinator

From its earliest beginnings, the Magick Conference has@EID:f00e 
 Pices the last mysterious sign of the zodiac, signifier of the Age 
coming to an end, the final sign in the zodiac where the soul is 
completed and perfected.  The Path from Yesod, the Moon, to 
Netzach, Venus...and the mysterious Venus (the Hidden Intelligence) 
shows his-r nature and subtle, hidden ways again.
 The 28th Path is called the Natural Intelligence:  by it is 
completed and perfected the nature of all that exists beneath the 
 Once again the sychronistic beauty of this system of attribution 
shows its appropriateness:  two children playing in the Sun, Who is 
mentioned in the Yetziratic Text...two children being purified by 
the benign Sun.
 From The Stoned Tarot, Hugh Read, 1968
 Thirteen sweet Tears of Mercy
 Fall from the Sun
 To feed the Children
 These are the Children of Life and of Light
 Coming out of the Earth
 They are clumsy and gentle
 And sweetly submissive
 Deeply dependent on God
 The Sun Tears
 Surround them
 And touch them
 And heal them
 and nourish them
 Fully on Love
 Touch me with Sun tears
 Touch me, dear God,
 Nourish me fully on Love
 Notice that as we approach the "end" of the paths we are 
approaching what most think of as the beginning and the paths begin 
to become more abstract and less personal and mundane.  Those who 
say Malkuth is the mundane world do not notice what the Yetziratic 
verse covering Malkuth says, ITSELF.  They listen to what others 
say and ignor the words.

 * Origin: The Terraboard, Minneapolis, MN (Opus 1:282/341)

(362)   Mon 22 Feb 88 17:02                             
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: The 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd Paths
@EID:f00e 10568850
 "The Twentinineth path is called the Corporeal Intelligence;  it 
informs every body which is incorporated under all orbs, and it is 
the growth thereof."
 Judgement covers this Path, with Resh, the Sun:  Initiation.
 From the Stoned Tarot:
 Miracle of patience:
 Muttering man...childless man...slack, old, naked man,,,
 Crude woman...
 Sad child
 They raise crude arms to Death: Black Sacophegus
 The seek Joy, hiding in Defeat
 They are hiding in silent Defeat
 Fail again...grow again...die again...
 Faithful, patient, Joyous, Crude, Loving:
 The thirtieth path is called the Collective Intelligence, for 
thense astrologers, by the judgement of the stars and the heavenly 
signs, derive their speculations and the perfection of their 
science according to the motions of the the stars"
 This path is covered by the World and Tav...and what this path has 
to do with astrology I do not know...why the World and Tav...
 The Stoned Tarot:
 The Two sexted Creature, clothed in Flesh,
 Benignly dances on.
 Within a Wreath, with Gold beneath
 She dances in her mind
 Angels in their varied forms
 Sadly watch her cance.
 They want to see her Faith in God.
 She dances in her mind
 Touch, dear God, our Flesh with Faith
 Touch us with Holy Faith.
 Faith is all we need, dear God,
 To dance right out of our minds.
 Tav indeed!

 * Origin: The Terraboard, Minneapolis, MN (Opus 1:282/341)

(363)   Mon 22 Feb 88 17:15                             
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: More Paths
@EID:f00e 105689fa
 ...correction...the thirtieth path is covered by shin, sharper 
than a serpents tooth...the old ways die hard...
 The thirty-first path is called the Perpetual Intelligence.  Why 
is it so called?  Because it guides the sun and the moon according 
to their constitution and cases each to gravitate in its respective 
 The thirty-first path is covered by the Fool and Tav.  What does 
the Fool and what does Tav have to do with movement of the sun and 
the moon...I don't have the slightest idea.  Case says this is the 
path of conscious immortality.  Sounds good to me!  Perhaps a 
little alchemy is hidden here.
 The thirty-second path is called the Assisting Intelligence, 
because it directs all the operation of the seven planets, with 
their divisions, and concurs therein.
 There is only one Aleph in this system, in Kether.  There is only 
one Magician in this system, in Kether.  The thirty second path, 
also called the Administrating Intelligence is void of symbolism, 
save that which you choose as you travel the path.  Perhaps this is 
where Higher Self abides...or where the Holy Spirit whispers in 
silence and beauty.
 Thank you all for bearing with me in this Mercury Retrograde 
operation which I am bringing to a close now amidst physical 
confusiong and computer madness.  In time to come, I may get this 
into a presentable form.  Now it is a tattered tree of spontaneous 
thoughts based mostly on the text of the Sepher Yetzirah as fond in 
A.E. Waite's, The Holy Kabbalah and in Gareth Knights, a Practical 
Guide to Qabalistic Symolism.
 Blessed Be and 93 93/93

 * Origin: The Terraboard, Minneapolis, MN (Opus 1:282/341)

(364)   Mon 22 Feb 88 20:08                             
By: Brad Hicks
To: All
Re: Instructions for Cut-Over to MagickNet *** URGENT ***
@EID:3db6 a10a1056
If you are on a board whose sysop does not read this echo, please 
insure that he or she reads this message.  Thank you.

In instituting the changes discussed here recently, I am following 
Josh Gordon's advice and killing the MAGICK echo area name.  If you 
do not follow these instructions, you will have problems, so please 
pay attention and ask questions - via crash netmail, as time is 
short - if you don't understand any thing that follows.


As soon as feasible after midnight on March 1st, every sysop on the 
Magick echo should change this echo to read-only, if not completely 
remove it from his or her list of available areas.

There's currently about six-day lag time from the far end of the 
net, which is either in net 107 (NY MetroNet) or 106 (Houston).  
This will allow the last of the messages in the combined echo, 
MAGICK, to reach me by the morning of March 7th.


Once you have passed up the last packet for the nodes below you, 
there is no sense in polling anyone just to get the MAGICK echo - 
as there will be no more packets passed down.

While you are waiting, make sure that you have read and understood 
the file MAG-POL.ARC, the contents of which were also posted to 
this echo. (Version 1.0 has only cosmetic changes, but is now 
available from 1:100/523 except during the netmail hour and a 
half-hour or so either side of it.)

Personally, I before I transfer ANY system that polls me (other 
than the two hubs) to enter a netmail message to me, from its 
sysop: "I have read and will comply with MAG-POL.TXT, version 1.0." 
 At that time, I will transfer them to the appropriate line in my 
AREAS.BBS file.  I cannot recommend this too strongly to all 
systems which will carry the new echo, because you will (in event 
of a worst-case nightmare) be held responsible for the behavior of 
nodes downstream of you.


I will spend almost all of the day on March 7th performing two tasks.

First of all, I will manually sort the most recent 600 messages in 
MAGICK.  The best 30 or so (no fixed number, that's just my gut 
feeling for how it will work out) will be moved to METAPHYSICAL.  
Then, all message threads directly related to the topics of this 
echo will be moved to MAGICKNET.  The remaining message area will 
be renamed MUNDANE.

Then, to insure that we all start from a common point, the seen-by 
lines will be removed from all of these messages.  That done, I 
will perform the first ConfMail Export run on the newly born 
MagickNet Echos.  By 11pm or so Central Time, I will have crashed 
the first packets to AT LEAST the other two hubs, and we will all 
be distributing it, touch wood, no later than National Mail Hour on 
the morning of March 8th.  If you have stopped POLLing your links 
in the interim, resume the morning of March 8th (if you are an 
unreasonable distance down the topology, you may as well wait until 
the 9th or 10th).

And so, no later than March 8th you will need to have removed the 
MAGICK echo from your system, and modified your echo control files 
to accomodate the new, improved Neopaganism, Witchcraft, and Magick 

   - Brad Hicks, 1:100/523
     MagickNet Coordinator

--- Sirius 0.50
 * Origin: WeirdBase * St. Louis * 1-314-389-WYRD * (Opus 1:100/523)

(365)   Wed 24 Feb 88  0:06                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: Ribald Ram Rondeau
@EID:fbfd 105800d5
 (written in traditional trouvere metre; part of a projected series 
of nine poems, of which 4 are finished, one for each Sabbat, to be 
set to madrigal music in 4-5 part harmony...)
 The horned Ram runs high and low,
 And through the land his influence grows;
 The Equinox upon us springs
    With swellings and with moistenings,
    And pleasant pastime all folk know.
 The blacksmith's iron hot doth glow;
 The planter's dibbing stick doth sow;
 The baker's loaf to th'oven clings.
 The horny Ram runs high and low,
 And through the land his influence grows;
 The Equinox upon us springs!
 The milkmaid's churn with cream o'erflows;
 The blossom doth attract the nose;
 The minstrel's pipe he's fingering.
    The ploughboy's joyfully ploughing;
    The shepherd's staff to work doth go.
 The horned Ram runs high and low,
 And through the land his influence grows;
 The Equinox upon us springs
    With swellings and with moistenings,
    And pleasant pastime all folk know.
 (copyright 1988, Leigh Ann Hussey)

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(366)   Thu 25 Feb 88 22:17                             
By: Ammond Shadowcraft
To: All
Re: Poetry
@EID:bf7a 1059b225

            by Ammond ShadowCraft

        We form the Circle,
                The Circle most round.
        We form the Chalice,
                The Chalice now found.

        We call the Goddess,
                to meet the great need.
        We call the God,
                To plant His fertile seed.

        We call the quarters,
                which we call four.
        We summon the powers,
                that contain the force.

        We stir the Cauldron,
                from which we were born.
        We call the Gods,
                from whom we were torn.

        We say the words,
                which lead us round.
        We pass the kiss,
                with our lovers found.

        We face our dreams,
                in nights psychic flight.
        We face our hopes,
                in bright moon of the night.

        We face our fears,
                on the Dark Lords Horn.
        We face our failure,
                in the Mothers new planted corn.

        We live our lives,
                druming and dancing on the meadow.
        We confront our Death,
                in the dancing moon light shadow.

        Our paths run quickly,
                on fleet foot and wing.
        Our Circle is joyous,
                with our Queens and our Kings.

        Let our little Circle be happy,
                with Bell, Bowl or Bow.
        And form now this Circle,
                with gracious Love, Joy and Hope.

                 BLESSED BE

 * Origin: SMARTNet - WOC'n faster HST (They made me say it!) (Opus 

(367)   Sat 27 Feb 88  2:41                             
By: John Shklov
To: Rich Harper
Re: Hawaiian Myths
@EID:e73c 105b1532
Just some loose info re Hawaii/Hawaiian mythology etc...The 
Hawaiians of old  had no written language so everything had to 
memorized and passed down from
teacher to pupil.  Comparing chants from different parts of the 
pacific show
amazingly little change took place in this word of mouth process. 
cultures seperated by thousands of years (carbon-dating gives clues 
as to
when migrations took place) have almost identical chants!(recorded 
whitey came on the scene )  All knowledge was passed this way..as a 
they were a culture of specialists.  Each kahuna specialized in a 
aspect of knowledge, be it medicine for healing or for killing or 
methodology or warfare.  They believed in a highself a midself and 
a low
self much as in Hinduism.  Different Gods represented different 
aspects of
life and had power over different times of the year and different 
For example Ku, was the God of war and represented the forces of 
represented the agricultural cycles and the power of life and 
 In themind of the Hawaiian these were just two aspects of the same 

Hawaiians had a VERY structured society and a set of rules that 
obeyed or one risked death or some worse punishment...eyeball 
torture etc..The upper classes got better food and after many 
of superior victuals and intermarriage they became significantly 
larger and
stronger.  These upper classes ruled by force and superior warfare 
One of the special areas of knowledge that the Alii or upper classes
concentrated upon was the skills and technology of war.  They 
passed these
skills down to their men children.  Women were disfranchised and 
the bloodlines were passed thru the women they didn't even get to 
eat at
the same mat as men.

The Hawaiian mythology got mixed in with western mythology when the 
missionryscame to bring their word to the PAGANS.  As a result even 
today there are
many misconceptions as to what the real beliefs were"pre-contact"as 
say.   For example, heres a funny story that illustrates that fact;
Fordandder was interviewing Hawaiians last century he asked who 
structure and who built "those" walls etc.  Tiring of his repeated 
the chief answered "oh it was the mana-hune"(litterally translated 
it means
the "people with little mana or power") Fordenander seized on this 
and said "little People", how big were they?  were they small? etc 
ignorant xtian missionaries. pleasures right under the noses of 

 * Origin: Kauai1 - Aloha (Opus 1:12/4)

(368)   Sat 27 Feb 88  2:53                             
By: John Shklov
To: Rich Harper
Re: Hawaiian Myths-2
@EID:fabc 105b16b4

The Hawaiian mythology got mixed in with western mythology when the 
missionryscame to bring their word to the PAGANS.  As a result even 
today there are
many misconceptions as to what the real beliefs were"pre-contact"as 
say.   For example, heres a funny story that illustrates that fact;
Fordandder was interviewing Hawaiians last century he asked who 
structure and who built "those" walls etc.  Tiring of his repeated 
the chief answered "oh it was the mana-hune"(litterally translated 
it means
the "people with little mana or power") Fordenander seized on this 
and said "little People", how big were they?  were they small? etc 
he probably was thinking of some western myth such as the 
Hawaiians who loved a joke encouraged this foolishness, laughing to 
this day
behind his back.  Even today we have walls and structures said to 
be built
by the "menehunes" and signs that proclaim to the tourists this 

One last tidbit...The Hawaiian language was high developed (perhps 
the most
highly developed) in the area of lovemaking.  They had words to 
every conceivable sexual position and act.  The songs they sung had 
many      layers of meaning with a desciption of a pounding wave or 
a dripping leaf
that had explicit meaning with reference to lovemaking as well as its
literal meaning.  In this way the pleasure loving PAGANS were able to
sing about and endorse their pleasures right under the noses of their
ignorant xtian missionaries. 

 * Origin: Kauai1 - Aloha (Opus 1:12/4)

(369)   Mon 29 Feb 88  3:53                             
By: Tim Maroney
To: Ammond Shadowcraft
Re: Re: Reclaiming Lucifer
@EID:954a 105d1ea7
 Good message!

 Every known religion supplanted an earlier religion, and usually 
some derogatory mythological niche was created for the deities and 
spirits of the older religion when this happened.  In the case of 
Satan, he is a fusion of our old friend the Horned God (especially 
in the Pan-form to which he was best known by the Greek-speaking 
world) and the Judaic mythic figure of Satan from the book of Job.  
But far from the loyal prosecuting attorney of Job, Satan as 
formulated to insult pagans was made into an evil nemesis of God, 
and the exemplar of what to the pain-worshipping Christians was 
"sin", that is, anything ecstatic and joyful.  Satan is constantly 
telling us to get drunk, pig out on good food, and have sex in the 
Christians' accounts, to which my reaction is "Amen".

 I think you have put it very well when you say that "Even though 
[new pagans] have thrown off the chains of Jehovah they still fear 
Lucifer. They cringe at the sound of his name."  Over and over we 
hear this shallow refrain, that witches are NOT NOT NOT Satanists, 
and I think: Why the Hell not?  There's more wisdom in any one page 
of William Blake's overtly Satanic "Marriage of Heaven and Hell" 
than in the whole corpus of Starhawk's work, after all.  (But then, 
Blake wrote sophisticated and literate poetry, not folk tales, so 
few neo-pagans have read him.)  What are these people so afraid of?

 Not only are neo-pagans NOT NOT NOT Satanists, they are quite 
nasty toward anyone who recognizes the deep truth of Satanism.  One 
widely liked member of this board called me a "neurotic 
Christian-lover" for espousing the reading of Blake and Shaw's 
Satanic works.  Needless to say, no neo-pagan objected.

 Within the last month a person interested in invoking Lucifer had 
his account removed by one of the sysops, who said the reason was 
that "he was extremely abusive"; of course, he didn't mention that 
the guy started out polite and only became abusive after the 
aforesaid sysop himself sent some

 the neo-pagans.

 Similar examples abound; but I think things are beginning to 
loosen up on this front, thanks to people like yourself, and (I 
like to think) because of my continued pounding on the 
counter-consensual drum.


 PS.  You called for resources; aside from the Blake, there is 
Shaw's "The Devil's Disciple", and you might want to check out 
Campbell's "Masks of God" for more information on the mythic 
disparagement of older deities such as happened to the Titans in 
Greek myth and various matriarchal deities.  Campbell's sympathies 
are clearly with the underdog.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(370)   Tue 1 Mar 88 11:54                              
By: Brad Hicks
To: Rowan Moonstone
Re: Re: Cult Awareness Week
@EID:3db6 5ece1061
Actually, back around '77 or so Congress almost passed a definition 
of a "cult" that was given to them by some religion and philosophy 
professor from the Ivy League.  By that definition, a cult is any 
religion that accepts or solicits converts from any other religion; 
the only non-cults are religions (I assume he meant like Judaism or 
Catholicism) where you're born into it, raised in it, and expected 
to stay.

It was funny as heck to me at the time to see fundamentalist 
Christians, members of the Unification Church, and pagans 
bombarding Congress with letters, all taking the same side.

But then I've said before that there's about four or so different 
phenomena that we only have one word for in English.  Religion can 
mean roughly the same thing as "culture" - the beliefs that parents 
teach their children and have an expectation, reasonable or not, 
that the kids will carry that culture on and pass it on to their 
kids.  On the other hand, religion can mean doctrines and beliefs 
that the individual has to think, believe, or "have faith in" - and 
by definition, that's individual rather than cultural.  On yet 
another hand, religion can mean personal relationship with Deity, 
with Higher Consciousness - which can be (and in my opinion usually 
is) separate from either of the other two.  Then there's community 
and group work motivated by altruism, which only rarely overlaps 
any of the other three.  Yet we only have one word for all these 
separate phenomena: they're "religion."

The same people who decry the work of Christian missionaries on 
Indian reservations ("Cultural imperialism!  It'll be the death of 
that whole way of life!") defend heartily their right to practice a 
way of life, to maintain beliefs, to identify with a religious 
culture and to relate to Deity in a way entirely opposed to the way 
their parents brought THEM up.  Perhaps this doesn't seem odd to 
you, but it certainly seems odd to me.

--- Sirius 0.50
 * Origin: WeirdBase * St. Louis * 1-314-389-WYRD * (Opus 1:100/523)

(371)   Sun 13 Mar 88 13:13                             
By: Larry Hudson
To: Brad Hicks
Re: Neo-Paganism
@EID:9b58 106d69ba
 This is a response to a response you gave to Curly Howard way back 
in Aug of 85 (File called Ritual.Txt
 Okay-here's where I am: Always, since I can remember ( in this 
life) I have been Pagan.(Other lives, too, but I won't go into these)
 I grew up in a very strict, small, Mormon town (to where myu 
family, at times, was the only "Heathen" family around) There was 
no Pagan structure to our lives - no religious structure at all j- 
since growing up, my sisters have chosen their own paths.
 I have always isolated myself from others, gone walking in the 
hills, and feel the Gods&Goddesses there with a fierceness that was 
sometimes frightening. If I let it happen, the "old energy" starts 
to rise within me.
 My trouble is: when this energy does rise, I don't have any 
release for it.  I can't control it, and if I let it enter my 
physical body, I often get ill because of my lack of training.
 I get restless, I can't sleep, and I feel a tightness in my spine.
 About 8 yrs ago, my husband and I moved to California to persue 
the American Dream.
 While there, I encountered yoga  & threw myself into it with much 
ferver & devotion.  My teacher was (or seemed) very uptight and 
narrow.  He would scorn avenues that were interesting to me )Tantra 
of which I know very little; Magick of which he refused even to 
speak; and other paths that seemed quite natural as my next step).
 The yoga group had a falling out, the teacher quit, and I was left 
with carrots dangling in front of me in all directions and no idea 
what to do.
 The "energy" was once again shut down and life took on the plastic 
on-dimension of "dry" times before.
 jRecently, I have moved back to that small town in which I grew 
with the moon, and the seasons.
 I came across the book "Drawing Down the Moon", read it with tears 
in my eyes and now the energy is back - with a vengence!  I believe 
there will come a time (perhaps has already come) when I will no 
longer be able to "shut it down."
 jThere is definitely something pushing it's way through my psyche 
and I don't know what to do!  It's making me bonkers - strung tight 
like a guitar string.
 Things are happening.  I got other books. Scott Cunningham's 
Natural Magic series.  Ed Fitch's Rituals from the Crystal Well.  
And the heavy-duty 80 lb. killer, the Golden Dawn.
 There are so many things that I know that I know, but I don't 
remember how to remember them!
 One morning I awoke and knew that I should go to this little 
second-hand store to get "my" mirror.  I just KNEW.  So I walked in 
the door and this huge 3 ft round mirror sits and grins right in 
fromt of me.  So I buy it of course and lug it home.  Now what do I 
DO with it?
 I feel like an amnesiac among people I love.  I know I love them - 
I just don't remember WHY!
 I guess what I want from you is no advice, really but 
acknowledgement. Am I bonkers?  Does my story match up with any 
others you have heard? Does anybody else out there want to comment?
 I am virtually alone in this, or so it seems.  I've read and read 
everything I can get my hands on.  I've read authors who say "Do 
this, and while you do this, say this..." Other authors who say 
"Neo-Pagans do this; they believe this; they are this..."
 Basically I feel this to be just more carrot-dangling .
 I WANT what you described in your response to Curly, but nobody 
will tell me HOW to get it.
 This town i'm in is a million light years from anywhere, and it 
doesn't look as though we will be leaving anytime in the near future.
 I've heard people say ther are Neo-Pagans who work alone. How?

 * Origin: House Atriedes-(818) 965-7220 HST-JungleLaser (Opus 

(372)   Sat 19 Mar 88  8:22                             
By: Josh Gordon
To: Draco ...
Re: Re: Crowley
St: Pvt  
@EID:954a 107342c8

 D.>One other question which I haven't even begun to try to 
 D.>yet is the relation between Nuit and Hadit.  Think you can 
 D.>what they represent?   Why do they figure so prominenty in the
 D.>Book of the Law?

 I think of Nuit and Hadit and Ra-Hoor-Khuit (or -Khut?) as 
something of a triple-god manifestation of the nature of godhead. 
Nuit is she who is adored; she is the power of beauty, and 
sensuality, and natural attractiveness, and omnipresent splendor. 
Hadit, on the other hand, is the inverse, the adorer, the act of 
worship itself; it is Hadit who worships Nuit (and, by extension, 
All). RHK is more difficult to fit into this paradigm, but I'm 
owrking on it. Perhaps the crowned and conquering child is the 
Magical Child of Nuit and Hadit, the precipitate that develops when 
the Worshipped and the Worshipper become as one.

 It is easy (and common) to meditate on the nature of Nuit. Shakti 
is a relatively simple Yoga; to devote oneself to God or Goddess by 
adoration is an ancient, noble, and well known path to ones Holy 
Guardian Angel (to use the deliberately ridiculous word). It is 
more difficult, but equally beneficial, to do the reverse: devote 
oneself to Hadit, the worshipper; to become the object of adoration 
and of meditation. To do so, one has to accept one's godhood; in 
the absence of such acceptance, to be worshipped is to risk madness 
(or at least cognitive dissonance).

 It would have been very easy (and perhaps more sensible, if this 
were an authored book!) for AC to have written in terms of, say, 
Geb and Nuit. I would think the imagery of Geb, lying on his back 
with his phallus rising to the sky, almost touching the lithe, 
arched body of Nuit, would have been very attractive to Crowley. It 
is well worth considering just why Nuit and Hadit are there, and 
Geb is absent. What is the message in the breaking of ancient 

 Ra-Hoor-Khuit needs more consideration, as well. This complex, 
combined God is the result of the eclipsing of the pure Ra 
worshippers; he is a combination of Ra and Hoor-Khuit. (At the time 
RHK was worshipped, Ra worship had virtually disappeared, and 
showed up only as one of many combined forms). I understand RHK the 
least, and perhaps he deserves the most study. Perhaps he is the 
actual chemical process in the Alchymical Marriage of Nuit and 
Hadit, rather than the result; perhaps the actual _result_ is you, 
the reader, the student.

 Consider "The Lovers" as the glyph of the marriage. Then is "Art" 
maybe the glyph of the consummation of the marriage; then perhaps 
"The Tower" might be the nature of RHK as the reaction itself; then 
perhaps, what, "the Universe" is the result?

 It's so nice to be a Center of Pestilence. Glad I could help.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(373)   Sat 19 Mar 88  8:21                             
By: Morgana Silverthorn
To: Larry Hudson
Re: Re: Neo-Paganism
@EID:e7cb 107342b3
Dear Larry, please excuse me for butting in.  I am Morgana 
Silverthorn, Neo-Pagan, Witch and occasional teacher.  While 
reading through the messages I notice that you had not received any 
replies (I'm sure will receive many) yet I thought I would try to 
help.  There are many who work alone, some who have always worked 
alone and some who now work alone from choice.
     I have little insight to offer you about "how to" because each 
person's "how to" is slightly different.  There is no one single 
absolute truth unless it is that there is no one single absolute 
truth.  As difficult as it may be, the only and best advice I can 
offer is keep searching.  Read, anything that sounds interesting, 
try.  And not just once or twice.  If it really sounds interesting, 
it may not be easy to do.  I am still trying to learn "how to's" 
that I know I "should" be able to do but can't seem to get the hang 
     Listen to people, go to lectures, classes etc.  Hypnosis, NLP, 
Herbcraft, etc.  Wander though bookstores and read/thumb through 
interesting books.  Keep yourself open to the possibilities - it 
will come through eventually.   gotta run - outta time - Morgana

 * Origin: TIDMADT: Ex Skilletus Ad WOCum! (703) 370-7054 (Opus 

(374)   Sun 20 Mar 88 12:05                             
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: Aries
@EID:c712 60ae1074
 Slate grey, cold Aries
 Bites the Air with solemn grace
 In this Nothern place
 Of harsh Earth-wisdom
 Of hardy old souls
 Of new souls reaching for life
 The ots are twisting
 Little, waiting shivering buds
 Waiting for bursting
 Ecstacy coming
 Hard on in the Sun
 Bustling, quivering buds
 Hard with slick pleasure
 That will grow beyond measure
 And burst with great sighs
 Between the strong thighs
 Of men and women
 Grappling for Springtime's passions
 (Well, young ones fuck
 Old ones dream
 Sipping the cream
 Out of memories muck!)

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(375)   Sun 20 Mar 88 21:25                             
By: Rowan Moonstone
To: All
Re: We Are one.....
@EID:99b8 ab321074
 Wrote some new verses to the song Cybele taught us in Dallas, and 
I wanted to share them with all of you. The original goes
 We are one with the infinite sun
 Forever and ever and ever ( x 2)
 And the wheel of the year goes round and round
 And the circle of the wheel goes round( x 2)
 We've added the following verses:
 We are one with the horses that run
 We fly high with the eagles in the sky
 We swim free with the fishes in the sea....
 The dark moist Earth is the womb of our birth....
 The ripples expand from the tough of Her hand.....
 The wolf children cry to the moon in the sky..( for Blackwolf)
 We've also changed the chorus slightly to go
 "And the wheel of the year goes round and round
 and the circle of the wheel goes round
 And the wheel of the year goes round and round
 And the SPIRIT of the wheel goes round."
 The ending we're currently singing uses the tune for the verse and 
the following words, growing softer as they end
 "And my spirit soars with the turning of the wheel forever and 
ever and ever....."

--- ConfMail V3.3
 * Origin: On The Edge BBS - Only source for MAGICKNET in OKC. 

(376)   Sat 26 Mar 88  7:53                             
By: Geoff Gilpin
To: All
Re: Christmas
@EID:513d 107a3ea6
 "Hark the Herald Angels sing,
 Glory to the newborn king..."
 Then, inside:
 "Azael, Baphomet, Chemosh,
 you many-headed star, you blinder of fools..."
 "Peace on Earth and mercy mild..."
 "Lean down and whisper your names,
 sit at my table and taste of my spirit..."
 "God and sinners reconciled..."
 "Lousy brats!"
 The man in robes, his concentration broken, came down through the
 spheres and pulled the curtain in time to see the last caroller
 wandering out of the porch light.  "Lousy brats," he said again
 as the odor of Chemosh departed.  It's tough to be an occultist
 in a working class neighborhood.

 * Origin: Fox Valley Technical College, Appleton, WI (414) 
735-2513 (Opus 1:139

(377)   Mon 28 Mar 88 12:47                             
By: Josh Gordon
To: All
Re: Newspaper story on Cult Awareness Week
@EID:954a 107c65ed

 San Francisco Chronicle Monday, March 28, 1988

"Jonestown Resolution Ignites Debate"
 by Larry Liebert Chronicle Washington Bureau Chief

 Washington--Commemorating the madness of the mass suicides at 
Jonestown a decade ago would hardly seem controversial in a capital 
where resolutions are passed by the truckload.

 But the approaching 10th anniversary of the carnage that took the 
lives of 913 people, mostly from the Bay Area, has revived a bitter 
debate over the threat from cults and the threat to religious 
freedom posed by anticult crusaders.

 The seemingly innocuous resolution that has caused conflict in the 
halls of Congress would designate a "Cult Awareness Week" this 
November to mark the 10th anniversary of the murders and mass 
suicides at the Rev. Jim Jones' cult retreat in Guyana.

 The House resolution was introduced by Representative Tom Lantos, 
D-San Mateo. His predecessor from the Peninsula, Leo Ryan, was 
slain as he led a group to investigate Jones' Guyana retreat.

"We're approaching the 10th anniversary of one of the most ghoulish
 and nightmarish tragedies of recent years," said Lantos. "I think 
it would have been a dereliction of duty on my part not to remind 
the nation."

 But the fine print in Lantos' resolution has revived a debate 
about cults and religious freedom.

 The resolution asserts that there are more than 2,500 cults in the 
United States, with 1 million to 3 million members subjected to
"mind-control techniques" ranging from "isolation from friends and
 family" to "promotion of total dependency on the group and fear of 
leaving it."

 Such blanket assertions have angered a coalition of critics 
ranging from the American Civil Liberties Union to the Zen master 
from Malibu who calls himself Rama.

 They charge that the resolution will encourage the coercive 
practices of "deprogrammers", who have been known to seize 
suspected cult members and pressure them into renouncing their 
beliefs. The critics trace the resolution to a group of anticult 
crusaders known as the Cult Awareness Network.

"For them to be asking the Congress to denounce 2,500 religious
 groups as cults and to make the kind of broad accusations that 
resolution makes is clearly an unconstitutional act," said Barry 
Lynn, legislative counsel to the American Civil Liberties Union.
"Congress is not in the theology business."

 Representatives of the Cult Awareness Network did not return 
repeated phone calls. Lantos acknowledged that his staff had worked 
on the anti-cult resolution with Ryan's daughter, Patricia, who is 
associated with the group.

 Now that Lantos' resolution is attracting controversy, the 
congressman hinted that he may let it drop without even bringing it 
to a House vote. He argued that the resolution has "already 
achieved its purpose" by calling attention to the anniversary of 
the massacre.

 If so, it has also underlined the difficulty of judging when a 
religious leader becomes a charlatan and when religious followers 
surrender their individuality to a cult.

 The most outspoken foe of Lantos' resolution has been Frederick 
Lenz, a 38-year-old former English professor who lives in Malibu 
and calls himself Zen Master Rama.  The ordinarily reclusive 
religious leader has been here lobbying for the defeat of the 
resolution--and to defend himself against charges that he is just 
the sort of cult leader parents should warn their children about.

"Jim Jones was clearly a hustler, charlatan, and madman," said Lenz.
"But that's no excuse to push your own moral and political viewpoint
 to interfere with First Amendment rights and engage in illegal 

 To make his case, Lenz brought along Jennifer Jacobs, a follower 
who says she was kidnapped in an unsuccessful deprogramming attempt.

"They terrified my parents so much that they were willing to put down
$25,000 on the spot to have me kidnaped and psychologically abused,"
 said Jacobs. "I was held for 11 days in a seedy motel room in 
Seattle, completely against my will."


 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(378)   Thu 31 Mar 88 20:12                             
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: Hunger
@EID:c712 a199107f
 Well, Spring in Minnesota has a coldness like mid-Western concrete 
or railroad tracks that run through the center of Minneapolis or 
the Mississippi River with ice that is breaking up.  Spring in 
Minnesota is hard, the air is hard...Spring slips back into Winter 
for two days and then it rains and is bitter cold.
 To my right is an Etrscan Sword, one of a kind, I am told.  It 
leans against the East wall of my bedroom, the hilt crowned by a 
sunburst with 24 rays resting on the bottom of a metallic print of 
an owl that I bought from a sensitive, hungry asian on Lyndale Ave. 
last Fall.  I also bought a metallic print of Pegasus from him.  
Over the owl print is a page from the Larousse Dictionary of 
Mythology with a photo of a statue of Minerva, a coin like thing 
with Minerva on it and another coinlike thing with a figure of 
Mercury on it.  Above that is a very tasty color print photo of a 
statue of Minerva that I saw years ago in Bill Heidrick's 
pschedelic house in Marin County and loved but was not able to find 
a copy of the book until recently.  He would not let me tear the 
page out of the book at that time...naturally.
 The powerful release of energy in the Spring is torrential here in 
the upper Midwest.  There is something brutal about what happens 
when Winter is overr.  Winter is brutal enough but when it is 
finished it really gets strange.
 Over the past week or so I have listened to the Llewellan (wierd, 
Welsh word that I could never quite master) tapes by Denning and 
Phillips and they have damn near taken over my life.  I got them at 
Evenstar, a local Pagan bookstore I love quite dearly inspite of 
the fact that I have not been able to attract their attention.  Oh, 
yes...I have indeed attracted their attention, but I am still 
looking for a receptive, sane, intelligent and wonderful wicca 
circle and have been in such a quiet, inarticulate rage at the 
store and the owners that I had not visited Evenstar for about a 
year.  Well, I walked in, said a few words to the somber, 
exqusitely attractive witch who was running the shop.  I had not 
met her.  Poked around.  Found eight or nine of these tapes.  
Bought them for sixty bucks and went home talking to myself about 
spells to sell and things like that.  Paranoia is part of my 
psyche.  (times up!)

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(379)   Sat 2 Apr 88  6:59                              
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: Continued
@EID:c712 37611082
 The paranoid streak in my nature seems to be gentled by these 
tapes which are supplying the soul food I have hungered for for 
months.  I reccomend them to one and all with great enthusiasm.
 They are showing me something about the Tree of Life.  One can put 
anything anywhere on the Tree and it will work.  The Tree is a very 
flexible geometry.  THAT is the key to the Tree.  It is the 
geometrical form that is the important thing.  Whatever one imposes 
on the Tree is irrelevant or like frosting on a cake.
 The four joined circles, each touching the center of another, on a 
line are the important thing.  The points of intersection chosen by 
whoever it was who first designed the Tree are equally 
important...and of course the lines drawn to indicate the paths are 
important.  Giving names to the Sephiroth, placing Intelligences on 
the Paths, Hebrew letters...and then ultimately "pathworkings," or 
initiatory, guided imagery trips...all of this is irrelevant to the 
purpose of the Tree of Life.
 The purpose of all of the added stuff is to fix ever more clearly 
and ever more deeply the shape of the Tree which I suspect is some 
kind of astral design...astral vehicle that will be deeply etched 
in very deep levels of consciousness of those drawn to this 
work...whose genuine purpose will be realized at death.  I think it 
may be a kind of Noah's Ark that is available even now for voyages 
through time, space, inner space and timeless space.
 The path working is helping me see tsomething of the uses this 
dynamic geometry has.  As one begins to see the differant 
pathworkings that others have applied, each more or less 
idiosycratic, one begins to see that anything goes...best it has an 
inner consistancy...but any logical story ccan be applied to these 
paths.  The important thing is that the paths are learned.  I 
learned them in the early 70's under the canny guidance of Frater 
Albertus in Utah.  Though I had worked with them myself before that 
time, the word to ear teaching went deep within me.
 Recently, with a gentleman named Bruce LaHue, I enjoyed a quicky 
course in the paths that was both powerful and wierdly 
idiosyncratic based mostly on Shining Paths and partly on Mr. LaHue 
rather gaudy and livid imagination.  Though I paid him his forty 
bucks for eight sessions (as many as three paths a session, God 
help us all!), I feel a gratitude for his contribution to my 
spiritual growth.  Inspite of his obsession with gory, exploitation 
horror films, he communicated a deep understanding of the 
Tree...which just goes to show you.
 Inspite of the fact that the course was given in a yuppified 
supermarket for occult trivia, there was an initiation of sorts 
given and recieved, at least by me.  Genuine occult growth takes 
place in strange places under even stranger circumstances.
 At the moment on this cold, grey spring day...the Saturday between 
Good Friday (a special day indeed -- eggs, Frater Albertus was wont 
to say, that are laid on Good Friday never spoil -- a fact that 
eager alchemy students who lived on farms demonstrated time and 
again)...I am going to the local Science Fiction Conferance -- 
 Yesterday, on Good Friday, instead of finding a freshly laid egg, 
I went to the Minneapolis Institute of Art and purchased a 
magnificent figure of Anubis which seems appropriate to the Good 
Friday, Black Saturday, Easter sequence.  I will take him in spirit 
to Minicom, which may well have something to do with Hell where 
Jesus spent some time on this day.

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(380)   Mon 4 Apr 88 10:02                              
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: A Buddhist (maybe) Statement that is beautiful:
@EID:c712 50441084
 Beneath the stroke of life's changes
 The mind that shaketh not
 Without grief or passion
 That is secure:
 attributed to Gautama Buddha (Fifth Century B.C.)

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(381)   Mon 4 Apr 88 10:44                              
By: Ammond Shadowcraft
To: All Members
Re: Pagan Christs
@EID:ca31 10845590

                         The Sacrifical God man

        How did the Christian mythos arise? Where did it come from?

        The Christian myth is almost totally Pagan in origin. I 
used to
    think that anything outside the Judeo/Christian/Moslem Belief 
System or
    worldview was Pagan. Such is not the case.

        The two main features of the CBS are the Eucharist and 
Sacrifice of
    a God man. These two features were well known and well loved by 
    mystery cults centuries before the Christian Cults intergrated 
    into the Gospels.

        The Eucharist goes way back into history and is based upon 
    ritual consumption of the God man. Osiris, Dionysus, Attis and 
    others were ritually consumed. The practice dates back to 
    when a human sacrifice was identified with the God (perhaps a
    Vegetative God) and was sacrificed and eaten. Over the ages human
    sacrifice was found detestable. Animals were then substituted and
    sacrificed as the ritual identifier of the God which was then 
    by grain offerings, breads shaped into the form of the God, 
    in the shapes of natural items (sun, moon, etc.).

        The mythos of the Jewish Christ integrated this practice 
into it's
    mysteries. There is strong reason for this. For some 200 plus 
    before the time recorded for Jesus the Greeks and their mystery 
    invaded and changed Israel for all time. A war was instituted to
    diminish or wipeout the Hellenizing influence. Part of the 
    influence was an effort to update or change the Jewish religion 
    something more applicable to the times. After the Maccabbes War 
    Hellenizing cultist were driven underground; right to the heart 
of the
    Jewish mystical culture. Hence the Greek influence upon the 
myth of

        The sacrifice of the God man (Jesus, Attis, Adonis, Osiris) 
was a
    well known and well loved feature also. In fact it was 
necessary to
    have a willing sacrifice before a Eucharist could be performed. 
    the sacrifice was not willing the legs and sometimes arms of the
    sacrifice were broken to make it look like the sacrifice was 
    (not struggling against the sacrificers). Jesus was a willing

 * Origin: SMARTNet - Changing for the better (I hope!) (Opus 

(382)   Mon 4 Apr 88 10:45                              
By: Ammond Shadowcraft
To: All Members
Re: Pagan Christs, part ii
@EID:ca31 108455ad

        Images of Attis (Tammuz/Dummuzi) were nailed or impaled 
upon a pine
    tree. The Jews knew this and wrote "Cursed is he who hangs upon a
    tree." A goat was substituted for a boy in sacrifice to 
Dionysus at
    Potniae and a hart for a virgin at Laodicea. King Athamas had 
    called upon to sacrifice his first born son by the Delphic 
    Melenloas sacrificed two children in Egypt when stayed by 
    winds; three Persian boys were offered up at the battle of 
Salamis. It
    was only in the time of Hadrian that the annual human sacrifice 
to Zeus
    was abolished at Salamis in Cyprus. The God man Jesus was hung 
upon a
    tree; he was also the lamb of God. As such the sacrifice and 
Eucharist of
    the God man Jesus is purely Pagan in origin.

        Part of the older Pagan sacrifices was in the King 
sacrificing his
    only begotten son. Jesus was the only begotten son of the King of
    Israel, sacrificed to take away the sins of the world. This 
    was overturned in the myth of Abraham and Issac when it was found
    detestable and injurious to the tribe or kingdom. Yet the God 
man Jesus
    was sacrificed in the flesh. This was done to appeal to the 
    Greek mystery cults who had much in common with the Jewish 

        "During centuries of this evolution, the Jewish people 
tasted many
    times the bitterness of despair and the profound doubt 
denounced by the
    last of the prophets. In periods when many went openly over to
    Hellenism, it could not be but the the ancient rites of the 
    race were revived, as some are declared to have been in earlier 
    of trouble. Among the rites of expiation and propititiation, 
none stood
    traditionally higher than the sacrifice of the king, or the 
king's son.
    The Jews saw such an act performed for them, as it were, when the
    Romans under Anthony, at Herod's wish, scourged, crucified 
[lit. bound
    to stake], and beheaded Antigonous, the last of the Asmonean 
    kings in 37 B.C." _Pagan_Christs_ page 44,45 by J. M. Robertson

        The mode of sacrifice was predetermined by previous Pagan 
    The type of sacrifice was also predetermined by Pagan doctrine. 
    the sacrifice of the king, and the king's son were incorporated 
    the Gospel myth. The God man Jesus is both the King of the Jews 
and the
    son of God, the king of Israel.

        As stated before the sacrifice of the king or king's son 
was found
    injurious to the state. Before animal and grain sacrifices, 
    and prisoners of war were substituted. Yet the criminal had to be
    identified with the king. This was done by putting royal robes 
on the
    sacrifice and parading the sacrifice around, calling it the king.

 * Origin: SMARTNet - Changing for the better (I hope!) (Opus 

(383)   Mon 4 Apr 88 10:46                              
By: Ammond Shadowcraft
To: All Members
Re: Pagan Christs, part iii
@EID:ca31 108455ce

        "The number three was of mystic significance in many parts 
of the
    East. The Dravidians of India sacrificed three victims to the 
    In western as in eastern Asia, the number three would have its 
    in respect of trinitartian concepts as well as the primary 
notions of
    'the heavens, the earth, and the underworld.' Traditionally, 
the Syrian
    rite called for a royal victim. The substitution of a criminal 
for the
    king or kings son was repugnet, however, to the higher doctrine 
    the victim be unblemished. To solve this problem one of the 
    was distinguished from the other criminals by a ritual of 
    and robing in the spirit of 'sympathetic magic'. By parading 
him as
    king, and calling the others what indeed they were, it was 
possible to
    attain the semblence of a truly august sacrifice." 
_Pagan_Christs_, by
    J.M. Robertson page 45

        There is nothing in this mythos that did not originate in 

        "We can only conclude that the death ritual of the 
Christian creed
    was framed in a pagan environment and embodies some of the most
    widespread ideas of Pagan religion. the two aspects in which the
    historic Christ is typically presented to his worshipers, those 
of his
    infancy and death, are typically Pagan." _Pagan_Christs_ by J.M
    Roberts, page 52.

        What about the man Jesus then? Was he divine? Did he exist? 
    he the Savior?

        Most, if not all, of the Christian Belief System is Pagan in
    origin.  It is indeed hard to force oneself to believe that 
Jesus is
    the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God when such titles were 
    copied from Pagan doctrine. Perhaps the only item not borrowed 
    Pagan sources was the Messiah concept. That, of course, was 
taken from
    the Jewish hysteria of the time. In the siege of Jerusalem in 
72 C.E.
    there were some 18 Messiahs inside Jerusalem alone. Neither the 
God man
    Jesus nor the self proclaimed militant messiahs saved 
Jerusalem. Such
    was the measure of hysterical superstition upon the nation of 

 * Origin: SMARTNet - Changing for the better (I hope!) (Opus 

(384)   Mon 4 Apr 88 10:47                              
By: Ammond Shadowcraft
To: All Members
Re: Pagan Christs, part iv
@EID:ca31 108455f7

        "There is not a conception associated with Christ that is not
    common to some or all of the Savior cults of antiquity. The title
    Savior was given in Judaism to Yahweh; among the Greeks to Zeus,
    Heilos, Artemis, Dionysus, Hercales, the Dioscurui, Ceybele and
    Aesculapius. It is the essential conception of Osiris. So, too, 
    taketh away sin, is the judge of the dead and of the last 
    Dionysus, the Lord of the UnderWorld and primarily a god of 
    ('the Son of Man commeth eating and drinking'), comes to be 
    as the Soul of the World and the inspirer of chastity and self
    purification. [J. M. Robertson may be referring to Attis here.] 
From the
    Mysteries of Dionysus and Isis comes the proclamation of the easy
    'yoke'. Christ not only works the Dionysiac miracle, but calls 
    the 'true vine.'"

        "Like Christ, and like Adonis and Attis, Osiris and 
Dionysus also
    suffer and die and rise again. To become one with them is the 
    passion of their worshippers. They are all alike in that their
    mysteries give immortality. From Mithraism Christ takes the 
    keys of heaven and hell and assumes the function of the 
    Saoshyant, the destroyer of the Evil One. Like Mithra, 
Merodach, and
    the Egyptian Khousu, he is the Mediator; like Khousu, Horus and
    Merodach, he is one of a trinity, like Horus he is grouped with a
    Divine Mother; like Khousu he is joined to the Logos; and like 
    he is associated with the Holy Spirit, one of whose symbols is 

        "In fundamentals, therefore, Christism is but paganism 
reshaped. It
    is only the economic and doctrinal evolution of the system--the 
    determined by Jewish practice and Roman environment, the second 
by Greek
    thought--that constitutes new phenomena in religious history." 
    _Christs_ by J.M. Robertson pages 52,53

        No religion develops in a vacuum. All religions are 
influenced not
    only by it's predecessors but by the contemporaries of the time 
    Such is the nature of Christism yesterday and today.

        Now about Jesus the man, did he exist? I think not. All the
    teaching of Jesus can be attributed to other sources and 
grafted over
    the Gospel myth. Nothing he said was substantially different in 
any way
    from previous sayings. Jesus was not a man but a contrived myth.

 * Origin: SMARTNet - Changing for the better (I hope!) (Opus 

(385)   Mon 4 Apr 88 10:48                              
By: Ammond Shadowcraft
To: All Members
Re: Pagan Christs, part v
@EID:ca31 1084561a

        "The Christian myth grew by absorbing details from pagan 
cults. The
    birth story is similar to many nativity myths in the pagan 
world. The
    Christ had to have a Virgin for a mother. Like the image of the
    child-god in the cult of Dionysus, he was pictured in swaddling 
    in a basket manger. He was born in a stable like Horus--the 
    temple of the Virgin Goddess, Isis, Queen of Heaven. Again , like
    Dionysus, he turned water into wine, like Aesculapius, he 
raised men
    from the dead and gave sight to the blind; and like Attis and 
    he is mourned and rejoiced over by women. His resurrection took 
    like that of Mithra, from a rock tomb."

        The man Jesus did not exist. There are however sources that 
    of others seeing him. These were secondhand sources. No direct
    observations were made. At one time or another we have all had 
a vision
    of Deity in our minds. Such is the sight of Jesus, a mental 

        What of the Gospels then? They are passion plays designed 
to be
    read or acted out in front of an audience. Passion plays were a 
    feature of pagan religion. Looking at the Gospels themselves 
one finds
    a chopply written, scene by scene, display of the life of the 
God man.
    Only the important aspects of his life are described. The minor 
    and influences of the life of Jesus are not recorded, which 
leaves one
    to think that the Gospels are indeed a play.

        "When we turn from the reputed teaching of Jesus to the 
story of
    his career, the presumption is that it has a factual basis is so
    slender as to be negligible. The Church found it so difficult 
to settle
    the date of its alleged founder's birth that the Christian era 
was made
    to begin some years before the year which chronologists latter 
    on the strength of other documents. The nativity was placed at 
    winter solstice, thus coinciding with the birthday of the 
Sun-god. And
    the date for the crucifiction was made to vary from year to 
year to
    conform to the astronomical principle which fixed the Jewish 
    [The Passover is moon based, an already familiar pagan method of
    cyclic, monthly dating.] In between the birth and death of 
Jesus, there
    is an almost total absence of information except about the 
brief period
    of his ministry. Of his life between the ages of twelve and 
thirty we
    know nothing. There are not even any myths. It is impossible to
    establish with any accuracy the duration of the ministry from the
    Gospels. According to the tradition it lasted one year, which 
    that it was either based on the formula 'the acceptable year of 
    Lord', or on the myth of the Sun-god." _Pagan_Christs_ by J.M.
    Robertson, page 68

 * Origin: SMARTNet - Changing for the better (I hope!) (Opus 

(386)   Wed 6 Apr 88 15:47                              
By: Ammond Shadowcraft
To: All
Re: Historical Jesus?
@EID:ca31 10867df6

                    The Quest for the Historical Jesus

  "...It is only in comparitively modern times that the possibility 
 considered that Jesus does not belong to history at all. Those who 
come across this idea for the first time are naturally startled by 
it. In fact the suspicion that Jesus might be as mythical as other 
ancient saviors as Osiris, Mithra and Krishna arose as a result of 
a serious effort to discover his real voice and actions. the most 
scrupulous of analysis of the texts failed to reveal a convincing 
picture of an authentic person."
_Pagan_Christs_, page 63

  Well such is what J.M. Robertson claims.

  "Modern biblical critics freely admit that some of the Gospel 
 must be fiction. We know now that much of it was composed well 
after the events it purports to describe. Comparitive religion has 
drawn attention to close pagan parallels--to the essential features 
of the story--the virgin birth, the sacrifical death and 
resurrection. The same is true of the rites of baptism and 
sacramental communion. Many critics still feel, however, that these 
are accretions which, together with, togehter with the miracles, 
can be safely shed without injury to a nucleus if historical fact. 
The argue that pagan Gods may have some of the attributes of Jesus, 
and although they may have been regarded as law givers and 
teachers, they did not leave behind a coherent and profound 
teaching. Apollo, Osiris and the rest seem, therefore, to be 
obviously mythical, whereas Buddha and Jesus are not. The teachings 
of each of the latter, it is felt, bear the unmistakable of a 
single, unique mind. Such a doctrine could not have formed itself 
spontaneously." _Pagan_Christs_, page 64.

 The rite of baptism has already been discussed in this topic. 
 contends that the rite of baptism superceeded the rite of 
circumsicion. This makes sense to me. It is much less painful and 
physically safer to undergo ritual initiation through baptism by 
water than by ritual circumcision. The gentile Christists would 
contend for this; and as the Jewish Christists died baptism did 
replace circumcision as a physical sign of new spiritual being.

 * Origin: SMARTNet - Changing for the better (I hope!) (Opus 

(387)   Wed 6 Apr 88 15:49                              
By: Ammond Shadowcraft
To: All
Re: Historical Jesus, part ii
@EID:ca31 10867e2b

 "We shall consider the case of Buddha later. First let us look at 
the main
 objections to this view that the existence of a body of teaching 
is overwhelming evidence of the existence of an historical teacher. 
The earliest Christian documents are ascribed to Paul. These 
epistles were written long before the canonical gospels were put 
together and accepted by the Church. The older protions, however, 
tell us nothing about the life of Jesus. The silence of paul is 
remarkable if indeed he was familiar with the Jesuine biography. 
Secondly, the unity of teaching, which it is said, would show it to 
have been the work of one mind is conspicuously absent. So far from 
displaying coherence, the ethical precepts are frequently obscure 
and contradictory. So far from being original, many of the sayings 
are merely quotations from Hebrew literature, and some have pagan 
parallels. As for the Sermon on the Mount, it is no more than a 
patchwork of utterances found in the Old Testament." 
_Pagan_Christs_ pg. 64

 I was suprised to hear that some of the Epistles of Paul are the 
 of the Christian writings. Anyone care to point us to an already 
typed in dating of the N.T.? Care to type one in? If such is the 
case then it is outstanding that as Paul was the first to write 
about mystery of the sacrifice of Christ he tells us nothing of the 
life of Christ. It's as if he didn't know. Surely he would have 
known such details being close to the original twelve. Perhaps he 
didn't care, such details being meaningless as the ethics, mystery 
and sacrifice of the God man were most important.

  It seems the earliest of the gospel forms was lost with Matthew 
and Mark
 being dependent opon these lost forms. This scans nicely. The 
earliest forms were probably the purest of the Jewish Christian 
story of the Messiah. As time went by more of the pagan gentile 
influence was felt as needed. Various features of the virgin birth 
of the God man, the nativity scenes, the Last Supper, the betrayal, 
the crucifiction and mysterious ressurection were incoroprated into 
the present gospels to appeal to pagan cultist.

  Some scholars indicate that Revelations was next inline. This scans
 nicely as it presents a supposedly Jewish-Christian eschotology. 
When one looks at the symbolism one can see the Mazedian influence 
in Revelations. Revelations seems to present a first or second step 
in the evolution of the Sacrifice and Resurrection of the God man. 
Perhaps a middle step is more appropriate. A middle step between 
Jewish Messiah cults and Gentile Savour cults.

 * Origin: SMARTNet - Changing for the better (I hope!) (Opus 

(388)   Wed 6 Apr 88 15:51                              
By: Ammond Shadowcraft
To: All
Re: Historical Jesus, part iii
@EID:ca31 10867e68

  It would be monumental to eliminate all supposedly contradictory 
 questionable passages from the Gospels. Fortunately that work has 
already been done with some suprising, for me at least, outcomes. 
Here's one..

  "For over a hundred years German scholars have been struggling to 
 this problem, and their efforts have been unavailing. In order to 
establish some solid textual foundation for the historicity of 
Jesus, they have piled hypothesis upon hypothesis with ever new 
refinements. The retreat from this hopless task was finally sounded 
by the emminent German critic, O. Schmeidel. Afer an exhuastive 
search, he was satisfied that he had discovered some texts which 
passes the most severe tests and were entirely credible. But in the 
whole of the gospels all he could salvage were NINE such texts. Let 
us enumerate this forlorn handful of unwounded survivors.

 1) Mark XXX.17 [really mark 10.17] f.f. "Why callest me thou 
good?" etc. 2) Matt XII.31 f.f. "Blasphemy against the Son of Man 
pardonable" 3) Mark III.21 "He is beside himself" 4) Mark XII.32 
"Of that hour and day knoweth no man" 5) Mark XV.34, Matt "My God, 
My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" etc. 6) Mark VIII.12 "No sign 
shall be given this generation." 7) Mark VI.5 "He was able to do no 
mighty work there." 8) Mark VIII.14-21 Rebuke to disciples 
concerning bread and leaven.." 9) Matt XI.5, Luke VII.22 Passage to 
be taken in the sense of spiritual
   healing, since it ends with mention of preaching--not a miracle 
at all."
_Pagan_Christs_ pgs 64,65.

  What was the basis for selecting these texts? Basicly O. 
Sshmeiedel felt
 that where Jesus speaks simply as a man, making no pretense to 
divinity, or to miraculous powers, and where he is presented as 
failing to impress his relatives and neighbors with any sense of 
his superiority--there the record is entirely credible. I'll have 
to quote this because of the logical content...

  J.M. Roberts quoting Schmeidel:
  "According to Schmidel, these passages represent "the foundation 
 for a truly scientific life of Jesus... They prove not only that 
in the person of Jesus we have to do with a completely human being, 
and that the divine is sought in him only in the form in which it 
is capable of being found in a man; THEY ALSO PROVE THAT HE REALLY 
DID EXIST, and that the Gospels contain at least SOME ABSOLUTELY 
TURSTWORTHY FACTS concerning him.

 * Origin: SMARTNet - Changing for the better (I hope!) (Opus 

(389)   Wed 6 Apr 88 15:53                              
By: Ammond Shadowcraft
To: All
Re: Historical Jesus, part iv
@EID:ca31 10867eb4

  This will shock the believer without satisfying the scientific
 naturalist. I submit that the propostition I have italicized is 
absolutely untenable. On this point may be staked the whole dispute 
about the actuality of the gospel Jesus. It simply does not follow 
that because a statement is credible it is therefore trustworth or 
proved. If it were so, half the characters in fiction could be 
"proved" to be real people. Perfectly credible statements are made 
about them." _Pagan_Christs_ pgs 64-65.

  And I would add that perfectly credible statements are made by 
 characters also. It is credible to pronounce that Joe Catholic 
said a hundred Hail Marys this morning. Such is a credible 
statement concerning Catholics. But is it trustworthy?

  Such thinking requires a leap. The leap involves a thought 
process that
 says what is possible must indeed be true. T.X. Huxley makes this 
same mistake. Huxley says that Sauls visit with the Witch of Endor 
is entirely probable, so there is no reason not to believe it. It 
is probable that I, as a child, fell into a dark hole for 3 days 
and nights. History is full of discredited "probablilites".

  To finish this section up I'd like to say that what applies to 
 of fiction must also apply to demigods and characters about whom 
there is a fable. Unless it can be shown on independent grounds how 
the credible story came to be associated with the fable, we have no 
reason to accept one and reject the other. There are instances of 
myths being built up on a basis of facutal events, but although 
this can be established in modern times, such cases do not enable 
us to distinguish between the merely possible and the actual in 
ancient tradition. Admittedly there are borderline cases, but even 
when these are free from supernaturalism they may often be doubted.

 * Origin: SMARTNet - Changing for the better (I hope!) (Opus 

(390)   Sat 9 Apr 88  7:35                              
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: Poems
@EID:c712 3c7b1089
 (I found these poems from another time while prowling through 
 With quantum leap the light of love illumines every heart
 Humans of the world unite in the light of love
 Let the light of unity flash love from heart to heart
 And blow away the mushroom cloud in waves of living love
 Lovers of the world unite in the light of love
 Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Moslem, Jew: all you others too
 Let the light of unity flash love from heart to heart
 And blow away that angry cloud in waves of living love
 Let love explode in vaults of banks, in the hearts of thieves
 In generals hearts, in lawyers hearts.  In our hears
 Let the light of unity flash love from heart to heart
 And blow away that bitter cloud in waves of living love
 In prisons and in hospitals let human love flow free
 All races in a rainbow, one great loving symphony
 Let the light of unity flash love from heart to heart
 And blow away that hatefilled crowd in waves of living love
 Let our one great rainbow song of love flow up
 Our rich and holy promise to the Living God on High
 To let the light of unity flash love from heart to heart
 And blow away the mushroom cloud in waves of living love
                                         by Hugh Read

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(391)   Sat 9 Apr 88  7:47                              
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: Yet another poem out of Chaos
@EID:c712 3de91089
 ...dedicated to Michael...
 Old Mose he cried
 He sputtered and died
 His gas tank dried
 And there we sat
 In the desert flats
 Singing songs to Jesus
 Visions danced before our eyes
 Silent vultures in the skies
 Sang silent songs of one who dies
 Where we sat
 In the desert flats
 Singing songs to Jesus
 Old Mike, he sat, grinning wide
 Looked to God and Fate defied
 His songs decreed the Devil lied
 And there we sat
 In the Desert flats
 Singing songs to Jesus
 That devil, fear, stung my heart
 Our gas tank dry as a desert fart
 My soul has shrunk to a gristly wart
 As there we sat
 In the desert flats
 Singing songs to Jesus
 Old Mike, he sung, Water to wine, water to wine
 Water to gas would be just fine
 So we pissed in the tank, first his then mine
 And there we sat
 In the desert flats
 Singing songs to Jesus
 Old Mose he coughed and gripped the tar
 Shuddered and sighed ready for war
 And lightning flashed on the mountain far
 As there we sat
 On the desert flats
 Singing songs to Jesus
 He bucked and reared
 I shuddered and feared
 By God he started and we put him in gear
 No more we sat
 On the desert flats
 As we sang our songs to Jesus

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(392)   Thu 5 May 88  7:50                              
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: The Book of the Law
@EID:c712 3e4010a5
 Recently, I have had the joy of having Aleister Crowley's, Book of 
the Law, opened to me.  I want to share some of my thoughts with 
you about this.  Perhaps these thoughts will turn into a commentary 
as I find my way more deeply into the beauties of this book.  For 
now, I only want to share some of my very subjective responses to 
this beautiful little book.
 Some years ago through some idiot grace that may be manifesting 
her results now, Bill Hiedrick introduced me to Grady McMurtry, 
previous Caliph of O.T.O.  At that time Grady showed me his signet 
ring given him by Crowley.  I will never forget the impression of 
deep and powerful beauty that I got from that ring.  I can see it 
 The feeling was a green feeling.  I sense the same soft, feathery 
green feeling as I read The Book of the Law.  It is like a delicate 
grey mist, or streamers of pale green silk.  It is a green feeling.
 Green is the color of illumination in Sufi land...some say because 
there is so little green in the austere, sun blasted desert.  I 
heard an Arab wanderer say that the thing that impressed him the 
most about Minnesota was that it was so GREEN.
 Cairo is an Arab place where green means illumination.  The ring 
and the book have a green aura for me.  Perhaps the Book of the Law 
hides a pure light of illuminatin.  Perhaps...

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(393)   Fri 6 May 88 19:44                              
By: Hugh Read Of 282/341
To: All
Re: The Pentagram
@EID:01a6 10a69d92

I invoke Ancient Powers of The Star
The Powers of Five
The Spiral Powers
The Powers of Earth

I invoke the Ancient Powers of Life
Star in the Circle
In the Iron Circle
Quaint, ancient symbol

So ancient, primordial and timeless
Dark symbol of life
On planets bearing life
Deep in DNA

Deeply branded in the Heart of our Earth
Touchstone of Wisdom
Of Ancient Knowledge, NOW,
Living in the stars

I call out through the Circled Iron Star
For my Star Power
Out through the Galaxies
Claiming Dark Powers

 * Origin: The Terraboard, Minneapolis, MN (Opus 1:282/341)

(394)   Sat 7 May 88 17:58                              
By: Russ Anderson
To: all
Re: Invocation to Frigg
@EID:d466 8f4610a7
When this invocation was first used, each person in a healing
circle invoked a healer into (her/him)self.  This was my
invocation.  The rest of the circle was asked to echo "Join us,
Frigg" as I was saying "Join us. Frigg,". This was my first
attempt at writing an invocation, and it DID work. I hope that it
also works for anyone else who wishes to use it, because it now
feels like time to share it.

 Blessed Be

 Frigg, Daughter of Jord, Join us.
 Frigg, Daughter of Fiorgyn, Join us.
 Frigg, Wife of Odin, Join us.
 Frigg, Sister of Thorr, Join us.
 Frigg, Mother of Balder, Join us.
 Frigg, Mother of Hodr, Join us.
 Frigg, Mother of Hermod, Join us.
 Frigg, Mother of the gods, Join us.
 Frigg, Wise in all fates, Join us.
 Frigg, Who will tell no fortunes, Join us.
 Frigg, First among the Asynjur, Join us.
 Frigg, Queen of Asgard, Join us.
 Frigg, Mistress of home and hearth, Join us.
 Frigg, Mistress of Eir, Join us.
 Frigg, Mistress of healing, Join us.
 Frigg, Your servant _______ calls you! Come to me NOW!

This invocation is being reposted as part of a group of 
invocations, most of which were patterned on this one. Permission 
is granted to use these invocations in your own rituals. I do ask, 
however, that I get credit in any copies of those rituals which are 
written or distributed.
 Dragonfriend (Russ)

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(395)   Sat 7 May 88 18:03                              
By: Russ Anderson
To: all
Re: invocation to Baldr
@EID:d466 907210a7
"Baldr, Son of Frigg, Join us.
 Baldr, Son of Odin, Join us.
 Baldr, Husband of Nanna, Join us.
 Baldr, Brother of Hodr, Join us.
 Baldr, Brother of Hermod, Join us.
 Baldr, Father of Forsetti, Join us.
 Baldr, Slain by blind Hodr, Join us.
 Baldr, Master of Breidablik, Join us.
 Baldr, Who is much loved, Join us.
 Baldr, Who Thokk alone would not mourn, Join us.
 Baldr, The Fairest of the Aesir, Join us.
 Baldr, Whose Judgments stand unaltered, Join us.
 Baldr, Whose Judgments stand unheeded, Join us.
 Baldr, The Wisest of the Aesir, Join us.
 Baldr, The Shining One, Join us.
 Baldr, Your servant _______ calls you! Come to me NOW!"

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(396)   Sat 7 May 88 18:04                              
By: Russ Anderson
To: all
Re: invocation to Freyja
@EID:d466 909110a7

Freyja, Of the many names, Join us.
Freyja, Of the golden tears, Join us.
Freyja, Daughter of Njord, Join us.
Freyja, Wife of Od, Join us.
Freyja, Sister of Freyr, Join us.
Freyja, Mother of Hnoss, Join us.
Freyja, Claimed by Thrym, Join us.
Freyja, Driver of cats, Join us.
Freyja, Goddess of Fertility, Join us.
Freyja, Who shares the slain with Odin, Join us.
Freyja, Who taught the Aesir Magick, Join us.
Freyja, Lender of Falcons' Flight, Join us.
Freyja, Mistress of Brisingamen, Join us.
Freyja, Mistress of Folkvang, Join us.
Freyja, Mistress of nature, Join us.
Freyja, Your servant _______ calls you! Come to me NOW!

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(397)   Sat 7 May 88 18:05                              
By: Russ Anderson
To: all
Re: invocation to Thorr
@EID:d466 90aa10a7

Thorr, Red-beard, Join us.
Thorr, Son of J?rd, Join us.
Thorr, Brother of Frigg, Join us.
Thorr, Father of M?di, Join us.
Thorr, Father of Magni, Join us.
Thorr, Father of Thr?dr, Join us.
Thorr, Husband of Sif, Join us.
Thorr, J?tunn bane, Join us.
Thorr, Foe of I?rmungandr, Join us.
Thorr, Who bears Marriage Hallower, Join us.
Thorr, Who bears Death Hallower, Join us.
Thorr, Who wields Mj?llnir, Join us.
Thorr, Defender of Asgard, Join us.
Thorr, Thunderer, Join us.
Thorr, Storm Lord, Join us.
Thorr, Your servant _______ calls you! Come to me NOW!

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(398)   Sat 7 May 88 18:06                              
By: Russ Anderson
To: all
Re: invocation to Freyr
@EID:d466 90c510a7

HP:      (both do "Freyr" and "Join us.")
"Freyr, Son of Nj?rd, Join us.
 Freyr, Husband of Gerdr, Join us.
 Freyr, Brother of Freyja, Join us.
 Freyr, Father of kings, Join us.
 Freyr, Whose sword would fight for itself, Join us.
 Freyr, Who gave his sword for Gerdr, Join us.
 Freyr, Patron of married couples, Join us.
 Freyr, Most beautiful of Gods, Join us.
 Freyr, Whose tooth-gift was Alfheimr, Join us.
 Freyr, Master of Gullinbursti, Join us.
 Freyr, Owner of Skidbladnir, Join us.
 Freyr, Slayer of Beli, Join us.
 Freyr, Master of Frodi's Peace, Join us.
 Freyr, Who directs Man's good fortune, Join us.
 Freyr, Who brings fruitful seasons, Join us.
 Freyr, Your servant _______ calls you! Come to me NOW!"

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(399)   Sat 7 May 88 18:07                              
By: Russ Anderson
To: all
Re: invocation to Herne
@EID:d466 90e410a7

"Herne, Winter Lord,
We, your children, call to you.
Horned One, Hunter,
We, your children, invite you here.
Woodland Spirit,
We, your children, ask your presence.

Herne, Winter Lord,
We, your children, call to you.
Horned One, Hunter,
We, your children, invite you here.
Woodland Spirit,
We, your children, ask your presence.

Herne, Winter Lord,
We, your children, call to you.
Horned One, Hunter,
We, your children, invite you here.
Woodland Spirit,
We, your children, ask your presence, NOW."

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(400)   Sat 7 May 88 18:07                              
By: Russ Anderson
To: all
Re: invocation to Brigit
@EID:d466 90f810a7

"Brigit, Wise One,
We, your children, call to you.
Lady, Smithy,
We, your children, invite you here.
Triple Goddess,
We, your children, ask your presence.

Brigit, Wise One,
We, your children, call to you.
Lady, Smithy,
We, your children, invite you here.
Triple Goddess,
We, your children, ask your presence.

Brigit, Wise One,
We, your children, call to you.
Lady, Smithy,
We, your children, invite you here.
Triple Goddess,
We, your children, ask your presence, NOW."

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(401)   Sun 15 May 88  8:49                             
By: Russ Anderson
To: Meredydd Harper
Re: Re: invocation to Herne
@EID:d466 462410af
 mh> These are lovely, Russ, but they evoke a question:
 mh> why is it that it felt comfortable to *demand* that
 mh> Freya, Thor, Freyr, and Baldr appear, and yet not
 mh> comfortable to do the same with Herne?  The tone of
 mh> the Herne invocation is *noticeably* gentler.


Answer 1. I Don't know!

Answer 2, despite the previous, ACCURATE answer, I'll attempt to 
 I don't see those as demands, I see them, rather, as strongly 
worded requests. It is a tone that I simply had not seen in them 
(we ALL have blind spots). Since I'm not ready to tamper with 
success, you may well see other Norse invocations with the same tone.
 All of the Norse invocations were built to a pattern set by the 
Frigg invocation. (god/dess name, kenning, join us. times 15, 
god/dess name, Your servent _____ calls you, Come to me NOW!) This 
was my FIRST attempt at writing ANY piece of ritual. But it WORKS 
and seems to fit the god/desse/s of that mythos and their 
worshipers of old, etc. The Herne and Brigit invocations, along 
with a set of quarters invocations, came to me in the space of a 
few minutes as I was sitting in the bathroom thinking about what 
needed to be done for the Imbolc/Lady day/Brigit/... ritual that a 
friend and I were writing (We have half the wheel of the year so 
far. They will probably NOT be published as a whole, even here 
because Starhawk, Leigh Ann, and Raymond Buckland, at the very 
least, might have unfair use of copyrighted material claims. We 
drew on all of these sources and more in writing these rituals.
 At some future time, I will post the quarter invocations. My 
friend wrote 3 of the 4 sets we have (with some minor editing on my 
part [she hasn't asked for any changes in my invocations]) and I 
have her permission to post them. I feel like I should wait until 
we have the whole wheel before posting the quarters invocations. We 
have actually been using 5 quarters (NO MATH FLAMES will be 
accepted!); Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit/LifeForce - North, 
East, South, West, and Center respectivly, and we have been casting 
the circle from the appropriate quarter/cross quarter. We are 
lighting candles (no invocations) at NE, SE, SW, & NW. At Yule, we 
cast from North, at Brigit, from NE, etc. Center is invoked last, 
and "dismissed" first.

 Dragonfriend (Russ)

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(402)   Tue 24 May 88 13:28                             
By: Brad Hicks
To: All
Re: Book Review: Robert Anton Wilson, _Natural Law_
@EID:0 229a44b3
A few months ago, I did something that I almost never do.  I bought 
a book, sight unseen.  It was a safe bet, of course, because I'm a 
Robert Anton Wilson fan and a completist; I knew for sure that his 
book _Natural Law, or, Don't Put a Rubber on Your Willy_ would be 
worth the $6.00 it was going to cost me.

I was wrong.

A little history behind this volume: three years ago someone named 
L.A. Rollins wrote a book called _The Myth of Natural Rights_ in 
which he (apparently) held forth on the extreme Social-Darwinist 
argument that there are no "rights" other than those you can grab 
and defend.  Perhaps you can imagine what members of the 
Libertarian Party (as opposed to real libertarians) thought of 
this, and true-to-form, Murray Rothbard and George H. Smith wrote 
review articles for _New Libertarian_ entitled "On the Duty of 
Natural Outlaws to Shut Up" and "Roughing Up Rights," respectively.

Apparently, Robert Anton Wilson wants to side with Rollins against 
the rest of the Libertarian Party, so he submitted a lengthy 
rebuttal of Rothbard and Smith to _New Libertarian_.  And now he's 
very, very angry because Samuel Konkin, the editor of _New 
Libertarian_, had the unbridled temerity to edit an article 
submitted to his own magazine.

Konkin's editing didn't change a word of Wilson's article, by the 
way. He merely footnoted it heavily with his own refutation of 
Wilson's refutation of Rothbard and Smith's refutations of Rollin's 
refutation of the existence of "natural rights."  But this has so 
deeply angered Wilson that he has blown his article up into a slim 
volume (68 pages) and persuaded Loompanics to print it as if it had 
validity on its own and free-standing.

So you see, _Natural Law_ is Robert Anton Wilson's refutation of 
Samuel Konkin's refutation of Robert Anton Wilson's refutation of 
Murray Rothbard's and George Smith's refutations of a book by L.A. 
Rollins, which is itself a refutation of the Deist notion of 
"natural rights."

If you read the original book and the original articles in _New 
Libertarian_ and this issue is one of mind-numbing urgency to you, 
then possibly you might think that you can get your $6.00 worth out 
of this volume.  You're probably wrong.  Wilson's argument is far, 
far below his standards elsewhere, and consists primarily of 
Swiftian ridicule combined with gutter language.  (Scarcely a page 
goes by without his describing some argument as "Ideal Platonic 
Horseshit."  This gets very, very tiring.)

Pass this one up.  You won't be missing anything.

(Robert Anton Wilson, _NATURAL LAW or Don't Put A Rubber On Your 
Willy_. Port Townsend, WA: Loompanics Unlimited, 1987.  Trade 
paperback, 68 pages, $5.95.)

--- Sirius 0.50
 * Origin: WeirdBase * St. Louis * 1-314-741-2231 * (Opus 1:100/523)

(403)   Tue 24 May 88  6:50                             
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: The Deva
@EID:c712 364410b8
 When a Deva descends...or rises up
 Within a human
 A god has come to rest
 To nest in a heart
 To brood without words over an old soul
 Of many lifetimes
 Giving quiet power
 Beyond that human
 Making that life a skillful game of love
 Healing and delight
 Guided by wise insight
 Through shadows and light
 What a subtle joy it is to see it
 In another's eyes
 To feel it in a heart
 That has grown so wise
 That it knows the tale before it is told
 And heals with a smile
 Hurts before they are felt
 Making us complete
 Even imperfections radiate love
 Sparks of rainbow light
 Twinkle through mistakes
 With happy mischief
 And we know it is alright...no harm meant
 It all rights itself
 What wonderful good luck
 To have a deva

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(404)   Tue 24 May 88  6:57                             
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: The Deva, II
@EID:c712 372e10b8
 The deva is beautiful and cunning
 She gives ecstacy
 Unlimited healing
 As she does her work
 Her implacable power holds terror
 That shimmers like ice
 In the dry arctic Sun's
 Frozen rainbow fields
 Her tenderness in curiosity
 Relaxes to lust
 Of a sly beast of prey
 From other dimensions

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(405)   Tue 24 May 88  7:10                             
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: A Special Kind of Healing
@EID:c712 394010b8
 Most non-human in their complications
 The other-minded
 Learn secrets of healing
 To cover their tracks
 They feed on pain of human souls dying
 Giving them more life
 They feed on disease
 Letting health increase
 Their strange gift is healing for all
 Their food is sickness
 They gain strength from weakness
 Leaving the weak strong
 Stronger themselves from eating the weakness
 Fungus of the soul
 That is a special food
 For these strange healers
 The mind parasites sapping others strength
 Are these healers
 Food of immortality
 The food of their gods

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(406)   Tue 24 May 88  7:19                             
By: Hugh Read
To: All
Re: Avalokitsvara, or a crystal is not a diamond
@EID:c712 3a7010b8
 The crystal Kuan Yin
 Rooted within a human
 Quiet ecstacy
 That ancient being
 Neither man nor a woman
 Rainbow ecstacy
 Healing other planes
 Yielding non-human delight
 Clear light ecstacy
 The crystal Kuan Yin
 Rooted in man or woman
 Timeless ecstacy
 The crystal Kuan Yin
 Rooted within a human
 Divine ecstacy
 Divine Unity
 Within the crystal Kuan Yin
 The Crystal Body
 The Crystal body
 The Crystal Kuan Yin in my heart
 Crystal ecstacy

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(407)   Sun 29 May 88  1:51                             
By: J_Random Folksinger
To: all
Re: laws (1 of 8)
@EID:d466 e7d10bd
                        YOUR HIGH PRIESTESS

        In the Magic Circle, the words, commands, and wishes of the 
High Priestess are Law.  She is the earthly representative of our 
gracious Goddess. She is to be obeyed and respected in all things.  
She is our Lady and, above  all others, a Queen in the highest 
sense of the word. All female coveners  will curtsy and say 
"Blessed Be" when they come before Her, and all male coveners will 
bend their knee and kiss Her on the right cheek and say "Blessed Be".

                         YOUR HIGH PRIEST

        In the Magic Circle, the High Priest is the earthly 
representative  of the Great God.  He commands the respect due a 
Magus, Lord Counselor, and  father.

                            THE LAWS


  1.  The Witches should worship the Gods as is their due, and obey 
their will.  For the worship of the Gods is good for the Witches 
even as the worship of the Witches is good for the Gods:  For the 
Gods love all their Witches.

  2.  As a man loves a woman more by acquiring more knowledge of 
her wants and desires, so should the Witches love the Gods by the 
learning (mastering) of them.

  3.  It is necessary that the Magic Circle, which is the Temple of 
the Gods in these times, be case and purified such that it may be a 
fitting place for the Gods; and the Witches should be properly 
prepared and purified to enter into the presence of the Gods.

  4.  With love and worship in their hearts the Witches shall raise 
power from their bodies (and the elements around them), and they 
shall offer this power to the Gods so that the Gods may help their 

  5.  The High Priestess shall rule her coven as the representative 
of the Goddess, and the High Priest shall support her as the 
representative of the God.  The High Priestess will choose any 
member of the coven to be her High Priest, if he has sufficient 
standing in the cover.  As the God Himself kissed our Lady's feet, 
gave Her the five-fold salute, and offered Her His power because of 
Her youth and beauty, Her sweetness and kindness, Her wisdom and 
justice, Her humility, gentleness, and generosity, and shared His 
power with Her, so therefore the High Priestess should always be 
aware that all power comes from Him; it is only lent, to be used 
wisely and justly.

  6.  The greatest virtue of a High Priestess shall be recognition 
that youth is necessary to the representative of the Goddess.  She 
will, therefore, gracefully retire in favor of a younger covener 
should the coven so decide in council.  The true High Priestess 
should realize that gracefully surrendering the pride of place is 
one of the greatest virtues, and that thereby she will return to 
that pride of place in another life with even greater power and 

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(408)   Sun 29 May 88  1:53                             
By: J_Random Folksinger
To: all
Re: Laws (2 of 8)
@EID:d466 eb810bd
   7.  In the Old Days, when there were many Witches, we were free 
and worshipped freely in the greatest temples; but in these times, 
we must celebrate our sacred mysteries in secret.  Therefore, none 
but the Witches is to see our mysteries; no coven shall know the 
location of any other coven or who its members are, except the High 
Priest, the High Priestess, and the Messenger; and that there shall 
be no communication among the covens, except by the Messenger of 
the Gods or the Summoner. Only if it is safe may the covens meet in 
some safe place for the Great Festivals; and while there, none  
shall give their true names or any information about their coven or 
its members.  This law is made for this reason:  no one can tell 
our enemies what they do not themselves know.

  8.  It is ordained that no one shall tell any person not in the 
Craft who other Witches are, or give them names, or addresses, or 
in any way tell anything that can betray a Witch to their face.  
Nor may anyone tell where the  covendom or covenstead is, where any 
meetings are held, or any other  information about the coven unless 
directed to do so by the coven in council.

  9.  If anyone breaks these laws, even under torture, may the 
Curse of the God and the Goddess be upon them, so that they may not 
be reborn upon the  Earth (but shall live forever in the Hell of 
the Christians).

  10.  Let each High Priest and High Priestess govern their coven 
with justice and love, with the help and advice of the other and of 
the elders of the coven, always heeding the advice of the Messenger 
of the Gods if he should arrive.  They will heed all the 
suggestions of their coveners and strive to settle any differences 
among them.

  11.  It is recognized that there will always be people who will 
try to make everybody agree with their ideas:  these people are not 
necessarily bad --they often have good ideas, and these ideas 
should be discussed in council.   But if they will not come to 
agree with their other coveners, or if they say, "I will not work 
with this High Priestess," then the elders will have them leave.  
It should be suggested that they might join another coven, or if 
they are of sufficient standing they may be encouraged to found 
their own coven. For it is better this way, to avoid strife among 
the family of Witches.

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(409)   Sun 29 May 88  1:55                             
By: J_Random Folksinger
To: all
Re: laws (3 of 8)
@EID:d466 efa10bd
  12.  When using geographic boundaries, whenever anyone of Third 
Degree lives more than a league from the covenstead (or are about 
to), any of these  may found a new coven; indeed, any Witch living 
within the covenstead who wishes to form a new coven will inform 
the elders of this intention, and immediately move to a new 
dwelling beyond the boundaries of known covensteads. Members of any 
coven may choose to join the new coven when it is formed, but they 
must totally avoid their old coven if they choose this course.  The 
elders of the old and new covens should meet in peace and love to 
determine the boundaries of the covens.  Any Witch living outside 
of any two covens may choose to join either coven, but never both.  
All may meet for the Great Festivals if the elders agree, so long 
as they meet in peace and love.  Let the elders confer as to the 
use of this law when it is not directly applicable. Always be aware 
that the splitting of a coven breeds bad feelings; this law  was 
made  chiefly for this reason.  And may happier times come!

  13.  If you would keep a Book (whether it is called a Black Book, 
Book of  Shadows, Book of Light, or whatever), write it in your own 
hand. Let your brothers and sisters in the Craft copy as they will 
from your book in their  hand, but never let your Book out of your 
hands and never keep the writing of another.  Every Witch should 
keep and guard their own writings, that none may be discovered 
through their Book being found in another's possession.

  14.  Destroy your Book whenever danger threatens, and commit as 
many as possible of these Laws to memory.  Destroy the writings of 
a deceased Witch if they did not have time to do so themselves.  If 
any of their writings are found, it is clear proof against both the 
writer and the holder, for our  enemies firmly believe that "one 
may not be a Witch alone":  their family and all who are known to 
be friends may be suspected as Witches.  Be responsible with your 
writings and you will protect all who love you.

  15.  If your Book is found on you, it is clear proof against you 
alone unless you tell our enemies what you know.  You may be taken 
and tortured, but keep all thoughts of the Craft from your mind.  
If the torture is too much to  bear, tell them, "I cannot bear this 
torture.  I will confess.  What do you want me to say?"  If they 
try to make you talk about the Craft, do not; but if they try to 
make you speak of absurd things, such as flying through the air, 
consorting with the Christian devil, sacrificing children, or 
eating men's flesh, say, "I held an evil dream; I was beside 
myself; I was crazed," or words to that effect, to obtain relief 
from the torture.  Not all magistrates are bad -- if there is any 
semblance of an excuse, they may show mercy.  If you have confessed 
to anything, deny it afterwards:  say that you babbled under 
torture, or that you don't remember what you said.  If you are 
condemned, do not be afraid, for the Craft is powerful and your 
escape will be aided if  you stand fast.  If you go steadfast to 
the flames, be certain that drugs will reach you and you will feel 
nothing of the pain. You will only go to death and what lies beyond 
-- the ecstasy of the God and the Goddess.  If you betray  
anything, however, there is no hope for you in this life or that 
which is to come.

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(410)   Sun 29 May 88  1:58                             
By: J_Random Folksinger
To: all
Re: laws (4 of 8)
@EID:d466 f5210bd
  16.  To avoid being discovered, choose your working tools to be 
ordinary items which you would have around the house.  Make your 
Pentacles out of wax so that you can break and melt them at once.  
Do not keep a sword unless its presence would alarm no one.  Have 
no signs or names visible on anything:  write the signs in ink or 
water immediately before consecrating the tool, and wash them off 
immediately after.  Do not engrave anything, for this will only 
help you be discovered.  Keep your athame and kerfan (working 
knife) among your kitchen knives, and let the colors of the hilts 
determine the one from the other and from the other knives.  Always 
remember that we are the Hidden Children of the Goddess.  Never do 
anything to disgrace the Craft or Her --never boast, never 
threaten, and never say that you wish ill of anyone.

  17.  It is not forbidden to say, "There is Witchcraft in the 
land," for the Christians say so themselves and have made it heresy 
not to believe so; but always say, "I know nothing of it here, 
though it may be elsewhere."  If any person speaks about the Craft 
outside of the Circle, say, "Don't speak of such things -- it 
frightens me.  It is bad luck to talk about such things." Say this 
for this reason:  the Christians have their spies everywhere.  
These spies have been known to talk as if they were drawn to the 
Craft and as if they would want to come to our meetings, and they 
say such things as, "My  fathers and forefathers worshipped the Old 
Ones, and my mother; I would like to worship in this way myself."  
To all of these, tell them that you do not know what they are 
talking about, and that you wish they would stop.  But to others, 
say, "It's silly to talk about Witches flying around in the air; 
they would have to be lighter than feathers or thistle-down.  
Besides, everyone  knows that Witches are all bleary-eyed old hags; 
what fun could they possibly  have at their meetings, and why 
should I want to participate?  And besides,  you know we were 
taught in school that there are no such things as Witches." Always 
make fun of the subject, that we may worship in peace when the 
persecution ends:  let us all work for that happy time.  May the 
blessing of the God and the Goddess be upon all who keep this law.

  18.  If any in the Craft holds any property, let all Witches 
guard it and keep it clear and good for the use of the Craft.  It 
is the further responsibility of all Witches to guard Craft funds 

  19.  If any Witch offers a well-made item, it is proper to pay 
them for it according to the value of the work; this is not taking 
money for the Craft, but payment for honest work -- even the 
Christians believe that "the labourer is worth his hire".  Still, 
if any Witch works willingly for the good of the Craft and will not 
accept payment, this shall be to their greater honor.

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(411)   Sun 29 May 88  2:00                             
By: J_Random Folksinger
To: all
Re: laws (5 of 8)
@EID:d466 100f10bd
  20.  It is known that a coven may be bound together by sexual 
ties, and that this is often not desirable.  When it is found that 
this is not desirable, the coven should be made up of loving 
couples, and there may also be single coveners.  In such cases, it 
is required that the search for new love be undertaken outside the 
coven except when two single coveners find love with each other; 
otherwise, it will often cause division in the coven.  For while 
all acts of love and pleasure are indeed the rituals of our beloved 
Goddess, She is not inclined to favor acts which divide her covens 
and scatter Her Witches unnecessarily.

  21.  If there should arise quarrels or disputes among the 
Witches, the High Priestess or High Priest shall immediately 
convene the elders and inquire into the problem.  The elders shall 
hear each side separately, and then both together.  Their decision 
should be just, not siding with one side until the matter is 
determined, recognizing that there are people who cannot work under 
others, and others who cannot make wise decisions.  To those who 
must always  be in charge, the possible solutions for them are to 
void the coven alto-gether, find another coven for them, or for 
them to found a new coven (taking with them all who will go).  To 
those who cannot rule wisely, the solution is  that those who 
cannot bear the rule will leave the coven.  No one can truly 
worship the Gods when personal conflicts among the coveners are not 
resolved; all who cause strife in the coven must be told, "Go away 
from us, for the Craft must ever survive."

  22.  In the Old Days, we could use the Art against anyone who 
treated the Witches badly; but in these times, we must not do so.  
Our enemies have invented a burning pit of everlasting fire into 
which their God throws everyone who does not worship Him, except 
for those few who buy their penance from His priests (for their God 
always seems to be in need of money).  Even as our Gods need our 
aid to make fertility for people and crops, so it is that the God 
of the Christians is always needing men to find and destroy us.  
Their priests tell them that any man who is helped by us will be 
damned to their Hell forever, to the point that men are mad with 
the terror of it.  But the priests also make them believe that they 
may escape this Hell if they give up Witches to be tortured, so 
that these  men are always thinking, "If I catch only one Witch, I 
will escape the fiery pit."  For this reason we have our hiding 
places, and when no Witches are found, the searchers will say, 
"There aren't any Witches, or at least not in this area."  But as 
soon as one of our oppressors dies or even catches a cold, the cry 
will go up that it is "Witches' work", and the hunt will be on 
again.  And while they may kill ten Christians for every Witch, 
they will not care, for they are countless millions while we are 
few indeed.

  23.  THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED that none shall use the Art in any 
way to harm anyone or even wish them ill.  However much they may 
injure us, HARM NONE, and may the Christians forget that we exist.

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(412)   Sun 29 May 88  2:02                             
By: J_Random Folksinger
To: all
Re: laws (6 of 8)
@EID:d466 105110bd
  24.  These laws are ordained to help us in our difficulties.  No 
person, no matter how large the injury or injustice they incur, may 
use the Art in any way to do evil or harm anyone.  But they may use 
the Art, after great consul-tation with the elders and fellow 
coveners, to keep the Christians and their tools from harming 
anyone -- but only to constrain them.  To this end, some day men 
will say, "That man says he is a mighty persecutor of Witches, but 
all we ever see him torture are old women -- we cannot see that 
they have hurt anyone, and if they are all such powerful Witches, 
why has he not been harmed?" They will see him as an evil person 
regardless of his professed beliefs.  We know that too many people 
have died because someone had a grudge against them, or were 
persecuted because another wanted their wealth or because they were 
too poor to bribe the witch-hunters.  And many have died only for 
being old women -- so many that most men now seem to believe that 
only old women are Witches.  This is to our advantage, for it turns 
many suspicious eyes away  from us; but we mourn deeply for the old 
women. Still, in England and  Scotland, it has been hundreds of 
years since a Witch "died the death"; be  vigilant, for the misuse 
of our power might begin the persecutions again. Never break this 
law no matter how much you are tempted.  Never consent to the 
breaking of this law:  even a High Priestess who merely consents to 
the breaking of this law must be deposed immediately, for it is the 
blood of all the Witches that she endangers. DO ONLY GOOD, and then 
only when it is safe to do anything at all.

  25.  Never accept money for the use of the Art, for money always 
smudges the receiver.  Christians take money for the use of their 
arts, and they sell pot-metal charms, pardons, and potions to men 
so that they may escape from their sins.  Do not act like these 
men; as long as you refuse to take money, you will be free from the 
temptation to use the Art for evil causes.  All may use the Art for 
their own advantages, or for the advantage of the Craft, but you 
must always be certain that no one will be harmed by its use.  Let 
the coven debate the use of the Art at length, and only when all 
are satisfied that none will be harmed by its use will the use be 
allowed.  Remember that if you cannot achieve your means in one 
fashion, your aim may still be reached through another -- always 
harming none.

  26.  If anyone in the Craft needs a house or land and there is no 
one willing to sell to them, you may use the Art to incline an 
owner's mind to be willing to sell, provided that the spell does 
not harm the owner or the  property and that the full value is paid 
without haggling. Never bargain or cheapen anything wile living by 
the Art.

  27.  The most important of laws:  Do nothing that will endanger 
anyone in the Craft or which will bring them into conflict with the 
law of the land or any of our persecutors.  In this regard, it is 
NEVER permissible, in any dispute involving the Craft, to invoke 
any laws other than those of the Craft, nor may any tribunals be 
held other than one consisting of the High Priestess, the High 
Priest, and the elders.

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(413)   Sun 29 May 88  2:04                             
By: J_Random Folksinger
To: all
Re: laws (7 of 8)
@EID:d466 109110bd
  28.  The coven is to keep two books on herbalism:  one of these 
will list the names and uses of all herbs which are cures for ills 
or are otherwise good for humans, and all may have access to this 
book to learn these things.  But keep a separate book with the 
names of all poisonous herbs and those used in dark spells, letting 
only the elders and other trusted Witches know of these secrets or 
even of this book's existence.

  29.  Remember that the Art is the secret of the Gods and may only 
be used  in earnest -- never for show, or pride, or personal glory. 
 The Christians may taunt you saying, "You have no power:  Perform 
some magic for us, and then we may believe."  Do not listen to 
them, for the Art is holy and is to be used only in need.

  30.  It has always been the way of men and women that they should 
seek after  love, and while no one should be reproved for this, it 
may be to the disad-vantage of the Craft sometimes.  It has 
happened too many times that a High Priestess has found a new love 
and run off with him, giving no word to the coven of this.  A High 
Priestess may resign in full coven at any time, and this 
resignation is valid; but if she has not resigned, the coven shall 
wait for her to return for a year and a day (for she may return 
sooner, having left for love).  If she has a deputy, that deputy is 
to act as Priestess for as long as the High Priestess is away.  If 
she returns within this time, all will be as if she had never left; 
but if she does not return within this time, a new High Priestess 
shall be elected in full coven.  Unless there is a good reason to 
the contrary, the deputy, having done the work, should reap the 
reward and be chose as the new High Priestess.  But if another is 
chosen, the deputy shall be the maiden and deputy of the new High 

  31.  The High Priest serves at the pleasure of the High 
Priestess.  If the High Priestess is gone for more than a year and 
a day, he shall continue in his office while the deputy serves in 
her place.  However, once a new High Priestess has been chosen, the 
new High Priestess will appoint her own High Priest (and it may be 
the current High Priest or not).  Neither the prior High Priest nor 
his friends may be angry if a new High Priest is chose, for pride 
must always give way to harmony in the coven.

  32.  The Art is sacred:  it is the Art of the working of 
energies, and it must always be taught inside of the Magic Circle.  
It has been found that teaching the Art frequently leads to a 
sexual attraction between the teacher and student -- and that this 
often improves the result.  If for any reason this is not 
desirable, it should be avoided at the beginning by both persons 
firmly - and verbally - resolving that their relations will be 
limited to that of brother and sister, or parent and child.  It is 
for the reason that shared love often increases the result of 
working magic that teaching should always  be done from 
man-to-woman and from woman-to-man.  When a coven is made up of 
members of all one sex, the masculine-to-feminine energy exchange 
should be adhered to whenever possible.  Teaching people about the 
Craft, however, may be done whenever and wherever it is safe, so 
long as the teacher is knowledgeable, the student is willing, and 
the information taught is available publicly or is not a secret of 
the Art.  No one may charge for teaching, unless it is to cover 
such expenses as the cost of the room, books or other printed 
materials, refreshments, and so forth.

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(414)   Sun 29 May 88  2:06                             
By: J_Random Folksinger
To: all
Re: laws (8 of 8)
@EID:d466 10c610bd
  33.  Order and discipline must be kept within the coven:  the 
High Priestess of the High Priest should and may punish all faults. 
 To this end, all in the Craft should receive their correction 
willingly.  With the culprit kneeling, all in the Circle should be 
told of the offense, and the sentence will be pronounced.  
Punishment might include the scourge or the recasting of the 
Circle, followed by something silly such as several kisses.  The 
culprit must acknowledge the justice of the punishment by kissing 
the scourge upon receiving sentence, and afterward by thanking 
everyone for their loving correction.

                           SO MOTE IT BE!

Note to MagickNet friends and acquaintances:  The above is a 
combination of what I was taught and what I learned.  Many 
different sources, including my  NeoGardnerian training, two 
different sets of Celtic Craft laws, four versions found in print, 
and the picked brains of several of my students, went into it.

                                  (J. Random Folksinger)

--- Sirius 0.50

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: Dragonfriend's Point (1:104/904.5)

(415)   Fri 17 Jun 88 21:30                             
By: Mordecai Shapiro
To: Ammond Shadowcraft
Re: Re: Historical Jesus, part iv
@EID:0ac0 10d1abd6
  Maccoby, Hyam, "The Mythmaker: Paul and the invention of 
Christianity" Harper & Row  1986.
  -- presents some new historical criticism in the light of 
Talmudic scholarship. clear, vivid writing throughout.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(416)   Fri 17 Jun 88 21:35                             
By: Mordecai Shapiro
To: All
Re: Poem
@EID:0ac0 10d1ac7c
 I am the Anticrowley
 here to abolish all
 who suck dry marrow
 from long-dead bones
 and leave fresh sap
 of the world-ash to
 feed mere fungi, molds,
 bacteria, and snails.
 Hear me, ye Crowleyan
 fans and bigots,
 the lowliest creatures of slime
 are nobler than you!
 For instead of turning shit
 to life, you turn the brightest
 shining gold to puerile turds
 of deadest lead. You spurn
 the truth that Man is God
 and waste your worship
 on a fat old fraud.
 I am the Anticrowley
 and I am angry that
 even the word of Will
 is bent by you, not
 into a fitting yoke of
 discipline, but into links
 to forge a chain
 to bind yourselves
 to another's brain.
 I am the Anticrowley.
 I peck at the eyes
 of Aleister as he dies
 in purple ecstasy.
 I spit on your
 crapulous creed!

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(417)   Mon 20 Jun 88 10:23                             
By: Rowan Moonstone
To: Hugh Read
Re: Re: Hawaiian Myths
@EID:ee8a 52e010d4
Actually, this is the posting for ths chants that Devin did. My sysop
hasn't taken off therestrictions on posting on Mataphysical so the
only way I can get them in is to do it in "reply" mode.
God verses for the "Lady's Branle" on the Gwydion "Songs for the Olde
The Hunter's call He leads in Fall
Through leaf and thorny brier.
In winter's cold He guards the hold
And harps beside the fire.
His children sing sweet in the spring
The fields are in His keeping.
He beards the corn that's summer born.
Ale's power lies a'sleeping."
       words by Devin Storm
Lady weave Your Circle Chant  (Goddess verse given to me by Lady 
Phoenix coven of Our Lady of the Inner Sea, Dallas ,Tex. God verse
by Devin Storm, harper to Coven Amber Moon, OKC> OK
Lady weave your circle tight.
Spin a web of glowing light.
Earth and air, fire and water
Bind us to you.
Father in the coming night
Gather in your ancient might.
Sage and warrior,Horned hunter.
Guide us to You.
--- QuickBBS v2.01
 * Origin: On The Edge BBS - (405)848-2828 - OKC's only source for 
MAGI (1:147/4

(418)   Sat 25 Jun 88  0:13                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: J_Random Folksinger
Re: The Laws
@EID:0ac0 10d901b0
 I am disturbed and disappointed.  "The Christians are our 
enemies." "They will torture you to make you talk about the Craft." 
 "Lie about the Craft."  "Covens splitting up makes for bad 
 What depressing garbage.  This is the 20th century, and this is 
America, this is not Inquisition days.  The more we keep secret, 
the more the ignorant will assume that we have horrible secrets to 
keep.  The true secrets of the Gods cannot be given away, because 
they cannot be spoken -- they are beyond all language.  And as for 
bad feelings when covens break up, maybe that is how it is where 
you are, but around here, there is rejoicing when one coven becomes 
two.  Seems to me like my best possible response to your "Laws" is 
the following song:
 The songs are sung to rouse our anger of martyred Witches gone to 
the fires,
 But what is served by righteous singing, if all we do is stew in 
our ire?
    Nine million dead in four hundred years;
    More in that time simply died of disease.
    Why do we dwell on long past dead
    When we are alive in times like these?
 Rise up, Witches, throw off your masks
 And cease crying guilt for ancient crimes.
 Earth and all Her children need us
 For ALL face now the Burning Times.
 In the face of that hostile power, how did the old knowledge stay 
 How have we still a Craft to practise?  Our ancestors knew how to 
fight and survive!
    How do we honour our blessed dead?
    Slavery threatens us all but few.
    We must teach their cunning ways --
    EVERYONE needs the skills they knew!
 Rise up, Witches, gather your strength,
 And let your power spread and climb;
 Earth and all Her children need us
 For ALL face now the Burning Times.
 I will not cast off Science's works -- Witches all forces to Will 
can bend;
 I'll not accuse for war and waste some patriarchy of faceless men.
    Men do not cast the only votes;
    Women alone do not demonstrate.
    Rather than shut out half the race,
    Who if not we will change that state?
 I will not blame a Father's Church -- blame and guilt are their 
tools, not mine,
 And even in the shuls and churches, allies there will I seek, and 
    I will not answer hate with fear,
    Nor with a smug, cheek-turning love.
    I will not answer hate with rage;
    By strength alone will I not be moved!
 (cont'd next msg)

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(419)   Sat 25 Jun 88  0:36                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: J_Random Folksinger
Re: Burning Times, cont'd
@EID:0ac0 10d9049d
 I will not hide in my sacred grove -- the fact'ries and cities yet 
ring me
 I will not climb my ivory tower -- the real world exists tho' I 
shut it out.
    I will not work for Church nor State
    Who serve themselves while they serve us lies,
    Nor only for my Witchen kin,
    But for the family of all alive!
 So if rebellion means to fight a State lost sight of why it was 
 If heresy's to reject a Church that rules with force or fear or 
    Then let us all be rebels proud,
    And shameless heretics by creed --
    A tyrant's hand subjects the Earth,
    More heretic rebels are what She needs!
 (copyright 1988, Leigh Ann Hussey)
 Did it ever occur to the writers of your antique laws that the 
Craft might
 actually be WELCOMED by a great number of people?  That there 
might actually
 be more of us than of those who wish us ill?  That the only reason 
those who
 fear us are so active nowadays is because they see us becoming 
more and more
 welcomed by more people?  As I say in another song, "When folk in 
sorrow turn
 away/ From paths that lead to misery/ And seek new ways for 
wholeness' sake/
 Then waiting, ready shall we be."
 All I can say is, I'm Goddess-glad I'm not in your tradition.
 Leigh Ann

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(420)   Sat 25 Jun 88  0:38                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: The Darkness
@EID:0ac0 10d904da
 As Pat suggested, I'm posting this here from the Magick 
 From:    L.a. Hussey                              Rec'd
 To:      Peri Andren                              Msg #109, 
07-Jun-88 14:33
 Subject: Re: How do you KNOW ?
 No, Hugh is right.  Modern Wicca is indeed a life-affirming 
religion, and
 life-sacrifice of any kind is looked on as repugnant.  But it is
 unquestionable that old paganism did involve sacrifices of both 
animals and
 And completely aside from that, the Goddess is not just the 
nurturing Mother.
 She is the Black Sow who devours her own young, she is the 
scouring wind that
 whips away all decay, She is the refiner's fire (to snatch a 
phrase from the
 Bible).  The Craft ain't all sweetness and light, because life 
itself is not.
 Life lives off of death, as the ancients knew, and that's why She 
is Demeter
 Enraged, and Erishkegal, and Kali.  She is the Crone who has heard 
every plea
 and throws you in the Cauldron anyway.
 We work with symbols and images and archetypes, and these come 
from the human
 subconscious -- wherein, if we're healthy, dwell all manner of 
dark and
 uncontrollable forces.  The difference between the yogi and the 
 is the difference between a swimmer and a drowning person. We all 
have our
 dark side; the way to sanity is to accept that power and channel 
it into
 constructive uses, rather than to deny it and close it off 
entirely. Shut out
 the dark, and you may find it imploding on you, sucking you, 
helpless, into
 it.  Indeed, we are not an ascetic religion, and that means that the
 unconscious, the body, the irrational, sensuality, and all the 
 things which Christianity embodied in their Devil, are for us an 
 part of ourselves, to be integrated with and not cut off from the 
 mind, the intellect, and so forth.  At one time, Apollo and 
Dionysos (or if
 you prefer the Celtic pantheon, Lugh and Cernunnos) were one God.  
 darkness is there, and it is welcoming, not forbidding.  We need 
no longer
 make human sacrifice, but we also need not sacrifice our humanity.
 Leigh Ann

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(421)   Sun 26 Jun 88  9:24                             
By: Jonathan Miran
To: L.a. Hussey
Re: Expressing our dark side
@EID:5de8 4b1c10da
To follow up on your commentary, Leigh Ann, We look around this 
world and find many people in the grips of acute depression. and 
what is depression? It is anger turned inward in a destructive 
manner. it is a failure to express our dark side in a useful and 
life affirming way. I agree totally with your commentary: The Craft 
is a religion of polarities and if we can't express the dark side 
we can't express the light.

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Short Line - Denver, Colorado - (303)-969-9510 

(422)   Tue 28 Jun 88 20:12                             
By: Laura Creighton
To: Jonathan Miran
Re: what is depression
@EID:954a 10dca182
 One of my good friends, Chuck Guerigues, has been studying 
depression for more than 30 years.  He says that it used to be 
orthodox belief that all depression was anger turned inward, but 
that this view is far too limited.  While it is indeed true that 
some depression, and perhaps even most depression is anger turned 
inwards, there are a significant number of depressed people who are 
not angry at all.  Certain depression is merely a chemical 
inbalance, for instance, and sometimes can  even be cured by  
proper diet.  Others he has treated have experienced a particular 
vision of the world as all-suffering, which is powerful enough to 
colour their entire experience.  Some people he has met are only 
depressed because they believe that their depression is caused by 
an inner anger which after years of serching they are unable to 
find.  Some people produce depression out of fear, or joy, or some 
other strong emotion which they do not know how to express, or for 
some reason do not desire to express.  Depression is very complex. 
If you are depressed and can't find a reason that you are angry, 
don't give up -- this may not be your problem at all.

 Sorry if this is too heavy -- you pushed a major button of mine.


 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(423)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:15                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book of the Law, Preface
@EID:954a 10dd01f9
[sources: The Book of The Law, The Old Laws for the Old Religion, 
The Great
 Book of the Law, The Dragon Law]

 Preface: In my years of teaching and running a group, I have 
always had a dissatisfaction with the popular "Book of the Law" 
available to most Seekers. I felt it to be too archaic in its 
wording and perspective -- and while it was valuable in the Burning 
Times, it simply does not deal with the concerns and needs of 
"modern-day" Witches.  Over the years I became familiar with 
several other sets of Laws.  Each of these had many good points, 
yet they also had their disadvantages as well.

 Recently, I decided to do something daring -- I took the four 
different versions of the Laws which I had, and combined and 
reworked them.  I deleted what was no longer pertinent or 
meaningful, rewording others to make them clearer and more 
understandable, as well as throwing in a few new ones which I felt 
had been lacking.

 I believe that what has evolved out of this work is a set of Laws 
which are readable, usable, and most importantly, pertinent to the 
needs of today's Witches and Neo-Pagans.  It is with these thoughts 
and hopes that I would like to share them with you.  If you should 
find merit or worth in them, then I will
feel as though I have accomplished something.  The material in this 
booklet has not been copyrighted, so you may reproduce the Laws for 
students or friends, or reprint them in your publication.  It is my 
sincere hope that the New Book of the Law will be of use to the 
Craft Community.

                                    Blessed Be,
                                    Lady Galadriel

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(424)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:16                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 1
@EID:954a 10dd0215

 1. The Laws were created to give our lives form and order, that 
all might be balanced throughout all of the planes.  In truth there 
are two sets of laws which govern us -- one sets forth the ways of 
the Wiccan, an dthe oter the ways
 of the Universe.  Both are important, both should be observed with 
respect and treated with honor.  The Laws were shaped and molded to 
teach us, to advise us,
 and to counsel us in our time of mortal life on earth.

 2. Honor the Gods, for They are the channels and the manifestation 
of the Source.  Honor yourself, for this force also lies within 
you.  Love the Gods as
 They love you, and by loving yourself and your brothers and 
sisters, so the Gods shall honor you. As the love and joy of a man 
and a woman [or "lover and beloved" -- LAH] flowers and grows when 
nurtured with respect, and cultivated with understanding
 and honor, so should you love the Gods.

 3. The Goddess is the Great Mother, and the God is the Great 
Father, and we are
 Their children; and we shall worship Them, for They are the rulers 
of the Universe, and all that is therein.  Therefore, O Children of 
the Gods, try Them
 not, nor attempt to test Them, for They shall show you that he 
Ways of the Craft are not to be belittled or mocked.

 4. Let the Power of the Craft flow from you only in love -- or not 
at all.  For
 it has always been known that the energy webs which we weave and 
maintain shall
 eventually return to encircle their creator.  Thus our works 
become either the net which entagles and binds us, or th eweb of 
light by which we find the Gods.

 5. Let the Rites of the Wicca be a way for the children of the 
Gods to be as One -- for Power only flows when unified.  Always 
should you revere the Earth, and heal and tend Her, for She is our 
life, our Mothership, on which we navigate the dark currents of 

 6. When you reap the harvests of your lands, then you shall not 
reap one corner
 of the field, nor glean the herb gardens, or the fallen fruits of 
the orchards.
 These you shall offer to the Earth Mother, in direct return, or 
through offerings made to your Circle, or to sustain its Priests 
and Priestesses.

 7. Always be proud to be of the Wicca, but do not allow your pride 
to become vanity -- for those who are conceited are a stubling 
block at the door of the Temple, and they shall be cast adrift, to 
swim within their own vanity.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(425)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:21                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 2
@EID:954a 10dd02a7
 8. Observe and listen, reserving your judgement, for until all the 
silver is weighed, who can know the worth thereof?

 9. As like breeds like, even more so does good beget love and joy. 
 Your life will be full of love and joy if you are joyful and happy.

 10. Your teachers are the servants of the Gods, and they shall 
plant the seeds of knowledge within the minds of their students, 
and they shall use their power
 for the good of the Wicca.  Yet it is each individual's duty to 
tend the seeds which are planted, and to make the final harvest.  
Those who misuse the power and the trust of the teacher's position 
shall have to answer to the Lords of Karma, and adjust the balance 

 11. The Temples of the Gods, which are Their abode on Earth, shall 
belong to all Their children, and each Circle shall be as a special 
family.  Do naught against any Temple or any family of the Wicca, 
lest you do that thing unto the Gods, and against yourself.

 12. You must not be a teller of tales amongst the children of the 
Goddess, and you must hold no malice or evil thoughts towards 
others of the Wicca.

 13. You should not lie, nor give false testimony before your 
Elders, or those who are of the Wicca -- for liars are fools, and a 
menace unto themselves, and to the Wicca.  Be truthful in all your 
works and deeds, especially within the Circle, for what you say 
within the presence of the Gods becomes manifest.

 14. You must not put stumbling blocks in the way of those who do 
not follow the
 Path of the Wicca.  You must make no unrighteous judgements of 
their ways, and you should aid them with an attitude of love when 
it is asked for.  Yet ever should you keep the Counsel of the 
Elders, and reveal naught to others of where
 our Circles may be, nor may you reveal our ways without the 
consent of the Priestess.

 15. When you make a vow to the Lord or the Lady, or you swear an 
oath to another of the Wicca, then you must do all that has come 
forth from your mouth,
 for a covenant with the Gods, or with the Wicca, is your Honor, 
and woe to those who care not for the fetters they attach to their 
souls by not keeping their word.

 16.  The Great Mother and Father would not have their children 
suffer the indignities of oppressors for their sake, for what is 
within the hearts of Their children is dear and true to Them.  The 
Ancient and Mighty Ones shall cause the balance to be made for 
those who desecrate the Lord and Lady, Their temples, or Their 

 17. Never shall you use Magick, nor the Craft, to cause harm, for 
this is misuse of the Power, and it is not to be condoned.  To 
cause the death of another through the Craft is to require the 
death of the Self in sacrifice.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(426)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:22                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 3
@EID:954a 10dd02c2
 18. Never betray any of the brethren, nor the lore of our people, 
for you are all servants of the Gods, and must live by the virtues 
of love, honor and wisdom.  Let truth, loyalty and honor be your 
creed.  Let them be your guides, tempered by love and wisdom.

 19. The Order of the Gods shall you keep, and within Their Circles 
shall you walk.  You should not say "I believe" when you doubt, nor 
claim to obey the Lord and Lady's word when you never enter into 
the Temple.  You must not profess with your lips that which is not 
in your heart.

 20. Do not use the names of the Gods in negative or evil ways, for 
They love and cherish Their children above all others.  All others 
They love, even those who know them not.  Yet those who hate and 
curse in Their name shall have the Mighty Ones take the measure of 
their worth.

 21. In any disputes between the children of the Goddess, no one 
may invoke any laws but those of the Craft, or any tribunal but 
that of Priestess, Priest, and

 22. No one of the Wicca may do anything which will endagner the 
Craft, nor bring any of the Wicca into conflict with the Law of the 
Land, or with any of our persecutors.

 23. Your magickal tools are channels to that which is most 
precious and pure within you.  Do not cheapen them by haggling 
their price when you acquire them.

 24. Never accept money for the use of the Power.  It is sorcerors 
and charlatans who accept money for their spells and prayers.  If 
you accept no money, you will be free from the temptation to use 
the Craft for evil or unworthy causes.

 25. You shall never take unduly from any human, animal or 
elemental that which is not yours to take -- for if you steal from 
another, in the end you will have
 to sacrifice something dearer to you in order to attain the balance.

 26. Show honor to all people, that they may look up to you, and 
respect you, and their eyes shall become a mirror for your soul.

 27. Those who are of the Wicca shall not own slaves, for one 
person may not own
 the spirit of another, for only the Great Mother and Father own 
our souls.  Nor
 shall you take as a pledge any person's life, for to do so is to 
take upon yourself both a mill and a millstone.

 28. If a stranger sojourns with you, you shall do them no wrong; 
they shall be as one of the Circle, born amongst ye, and you shall 
deal with them as you would yourself.

 29. Just weights and just balances shall be given by you, and just 
value shall you give, and thereby receive threefold.

 30. Your altars shall be kept clean, pure and holy, and all that 
is brought into the Temple or the Circle shall be cleansed and 
blessed, for the joy of the
 Gods, and of the Wicca.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(427)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:22                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 4
@EID:954a 10dd02d8
 31. A clean mind should have a clean body.  You should keep your 
body, your clothes, and your house clean, in honor of the Mother, 
who gives these things to you.

 32. Let none die without honor, without love, without respect, 
unless their actions have decreed otherwise.

 33. You should not couple together if it shall cause pain, 
jealousy or deprivation to another by doing so.  Union for malice 
or evil reasons such as these upsets the balance, and the Lords of 
the Universe shall make adjustments accordingly.

 34. Let those who would love, and would be as one, and bear child, 
be handfasted.  For the sharing of love in this manner is 
beauteous, and love's union in the energy of the Gods, and the 
heritage of the child.  It is important for children to know and to 
identify with those who brought them here.

 35. The Law of the Goddess is that none of the Wicca shall take 
and wed someone
 who they do not love, whether it is to harm another, or for some 
form of material gain.

 36. Remember that your children are Goddess-spawned, and are free 
spirits.  You
 do not own nor control them.  They are your brethren, come to 
visit for a while, that they may share in the vision of your love 
and wisdom.  Let each parent realize that although they may teach 
and guide with love, the child shall also teach the parent, and aid 
them in their growth and lessons.



 37. The etheric web and energy vortexes of the earth are in 
constant flux and motion to adjust to the needs of the planet.  The 
sacred trust of the Wicca is to create and to maintain centers of 
light and knowledge, using the magick of the divine spark within us 
to focus and channel the forces of the Universal fire.  And these 
are the channels established between the worlds of the stars and 
the realms of the earth, bringing in and regulating the spirit 
flames which energize and activate all life forms.  Thus we tend 
and guard the threads of creation, and we weave the patterns of 
life and manifestation in an ever-evolving tapestry.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(428)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:23                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 5
@EID:954a 10dd02ef
 38. Never use your heritage or position for self-glorification or 
gain. Respect your magick and our ways.  We must always recognize 
that while others may look to us to lead them, they too are our 

 39. Keep yor body strong, your mind keen, and your purpose pure, 
for within your being you shall channel the Power, and it needs to 
be strong and pure. And these are the keys to the path of Oneness, 
and to communication with the Gods.  Yet first you must learn to 
speak to Them in such a manner as They can comprehend you.  For the 
children of the Wicca must aid the Gods, and work with Them, 
otherwise the Gods cannot aid and work with you.  Ever remember 
that the Priest and Priestess are the living representatives of the 
God and Goddess Forces, and likewise that all humans carry these 
forces within them, though they may lie dormant and unawakened.

 40. As the Great Mother and Father come unto one another and 
create with the pure vibration of Love-Wisdom, so should you strive 
to make your Temple pure in vibration, and thus a fitting place 
wherein you may invite the Gods.  Thus, your Circle should always 
be duly purified and cast, and likewise, those who would use the 
gateways and travel the Circle between the earth and other realms 
should also be duly prepared and purified.

 41. The Goddess hath said, "I shall not carry thee, yet neither 
shall I hinder thee, nor keep thee from having the same 
opportunities as all of my children. Thou art free, yet thou shalt 
not be coddled like babes in the storm.  If thou hast true devotion 
within thee, then all obstacles may be overcome."

 42. The laggard is but half a person -- and though half is better 
than none, the whole is twice as good as the half.  Those who do 
not work, or who lack the will and desire to learn the ways of the 
Gods, unto them is said, "The Ancient and Mighty Ones shall not 
keep thee within their house, if ye learneth not."

 43. A sanctuary you shall make unto the Gods, that They may dwell 
amongst you. And you shall fashion it to the best of your ability, 
according to all tha your Elders shall show you, and pure energy 
shall you place therein.

 44. An altar shall you make to unto the Lady, and you shall make 
due reverence unto Her, for every place where She is exalted, She 
will come to you and bless you.  And you shall fashion your altar 
out of wood or stone, and burn incense and candles thereon, at the 
proper times, in observance of her ways.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(429)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:24                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 6
@EID:954a 10dd030a
 45. You should set aside at least one day during each moon unto 
the Goddess, and on these days you shall do Her work; and on those 
days She shall renew Her children and bless them.

 46. Learn to build your own Temple, and to craft your own sacred 
Circle, and all the tools that are used therein -- for to be a 
person of the Craft is to be a person of consequence.

 47. Let each of you inscribe your own record of our ways and 
teachings.  For the course of each Wiccan should be charted, that 
the patterns of their life-web may be made known and utilized.  Let 
each Wiccan start their Book of Light with the teachings and lore 
of their tradition, yet let it also contain the rites and ways of 
each individual, which are the harvest of each child of the Wicca, 
to use the wisdom of their heritage as the seeds of their own 
wisdom.  Thus shall our lore and knowledge continue to grow and 
unfold, like a beautiful flower.

 48. It is right to study and to understand the sigils, statues and 
stories of the Gods, for they shall guide your thoughts to Them, 
and They shall hear them.
 Yet you must ever remember that you worship not the sign nor the 
statue, but the Gods which inspired them.

 49. If your Circle owns any land, let all guard it, and help to 
keep it clean. Let all justly guard all monies of the Circle, as 
well as the rights and property of all members of the Circle.

 50. If any Wiccan truly labors, then it is right that they should 
have their just pay.  This is not considered the taking of money 
for the Art, but good and honest work.  Yet if any Wiccan works 
willingly for the good of the Craft, or for their brothers and 
sisters without pay, then it is to their greatest honor.

 51. If any Wiccan should deny themselves some pleasure or material 
indulgence in order to do service in the Circle, this person shall 
be blessed and remembered.  For those who give for the greater good 
of all shall have their spirit uplifted.

 52. Know also that if you gift the Lady's Priests and Priestesses, 
or Her Circles, this is an offering made unto the Mother Herself, 
for a true Priest or Priestess strives always to do Her work, and 
to be of service to Her children, so to honor and respect them is 
to honor and respect the Queen of All.

 53. And the offerings which are considered the most pleasing to 
the Gods are these:
     the fruits of the orchards
     the scents of the trees and herbs
     the metals of the earth
     the waters of the earth
     the flowers of the meadows
     and the milk of all mothers.
 Yet offerings of labor or money are honest too, and these will 
also be accepted
-- moreso if you work with love in your heart, for always there is 
work to be
 done for the Gods, and service to be given to the children of the 

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(430)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:25                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 7
@EID:954a 10dd0326
 54. If your offerings are made to restore the balance, it must by 
of a nature that it not offensive to the Gods.  It must be of 
value, yet given with a free heart.  Thus shall the harmony be 
restored.  If your offerings are given with a heart filled with 
love and devotion, or are of service to the Gods, or to the Craft, 
then shall you receive blessings manifold.

 55. And when you make an offering unto the Gods, you should offer 
it thru the most proper medium, at the proper times, and in such a 
manner as to make it acceptable.  Any and all remains of the 
rituals shall be consumed in the fire, or buried within the Earth, 
as a way of returning to the Source all that we use in the 
observance of our ways, thus ensuring the continuity of the cycle.

 56. All may use the Craft to help and aid them, or for the 
advantage of their Circle, or the Craft -- yet only if you are sure 
that you harm none.  Let each Wiccan and Circle always debate these 
matters at length.  Only if all be satisfied that none be harmed in 
any way, may the Art then be used.  If it is not possible to 
achieve your ends one way, then perhaps the goal may be achieved by 
actng in a different way, so as to harm none.

 57. Throughout the world it has been many a year since Wiccans 
have been burned.  Yet misuse of the Power might raise the 
persecutions once again.  So never break the Laws, however much you 
might be tempted, and never consent to their being broken.  And if 
you know they are being broken, then you must work strongly against 

 58. In days of old it was decided by the Mighty Ones who came 
before us that the Art might be used to restrain others from 
harming the Craft or its children, yet only after great 
consultation with all members of the Circle, and only then to 
deflect or to constrain them.

 59. And such were the ways of the Lady that She brought us forth 
in joy, and such were the Ways of the Lord that His reign gave all 
life pleasure.  Offer love in your worship and all shall be joyous 
in beauty.


 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(431)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:26                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 8
@EID:954a 10dd0348

 60. In the dimly remembered dawn of ages past, the Wicca were 
truly free. Then, in Atlantis came the Age of the Misuse of Power, 
followed by the Ages of Persecution and Suffering.  Thus the people 
of the Wicca hid themselves and cloaked their knowlege, and wove 
veils of secrecy and silence.  And this is how the Ways of the 
Wicca have been preserved through the time of darkness.  Yet much 
of the ways of our people were lost to the ignorance of others.

 61. Yet the cycle spirals ever on -- and the Age of the Earth 
Mother once again draws nigh.  We must be strong -- one with our 
birthright, and one with our Gods, if we are to bring forth the 
balance.  Those who would harm us, or attempt to enslave us, we 
must overcome -- yet only through light and love, and never through 
violence or the evil of chaos.  And through our efforts the time of 
our people will come into being once more.  In the times which lie 
ahead, there lies much work to be done, so that oncemore the cycles 
of life are drawn to the path of light, and the balance acheived 
through the power of love.

 62. In order to bring the ways of Light and Love and Life to the 
peoples of the Earth, our secrets are slowly becoming secrets no 
more, and it is good that this is so -- for the age of shadow and 
secrecy is passing.  Yet the sharing of our ways needs always to be 
guided by wisdom and by love.  Let our rites and our mysteries be 
kept sacred.  Let no one defile our worship or our heritage. For 
the defilement of our ways is an honor loss to self, and for the 

 63. Let each High Priestess govern her Circle with justice and 
Love, and with the help and advice of the Elders and the High 
Priest, always heeding the messages of the Gods when they come.

 64. Ever remember that although the Priest is the force with which 
the Circle is built, the Priestess is the ruler therein -- for it 
is through her that the Goddess created the world, and all things 

 65. The High Priestess will heed all complaints of all Pagans and 
Wiccans, and strive to settle any differences between them with 
reason and with justice.

 66. Let each Circle of Light decide how it shall be known -- 
whether by earthly name or magickal one.  For each child of the 
Wicca knows best the safety or dangers of their homeland.

 67. Let each Circle or Temple maintain and dedicate unto the 
Goddess and the God all the things that are required for Their 
rituals, for what is blessed in the name of the Gods rightly 
belongs to Them, and the Priest and Priestess shall be the 
caretakers thereof.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(432)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:27                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 9
@EID:954a 10dd0360
 68. Anyone of the circle who is of sufficient rank, and wishes to 
form a new Circle, shall tell the High Priestess and the Elders of 
their intentions. Members of the old Circle may join the new Circle 
when it is formed, but if they do so they must leave the other 
Circle, unless otherwise instructed.  For it is the Old Law that 
each Wiccan may join the Circle of their choice, yet their energy 
should not be divided between two or more Temples.

 69. The Elders of the old and new Circles shall meet in peace and 
with respect, to decide the level of interaction and connection 
between the Circles.  Yet it is known that the splitting of a 
Circle often means strife.  So only if it is truly in a spirit of 
peace and harmony should the Circles meet for the celebration of 
the Great Festivals.

 70. None shall enter the Circle that have a sickness or an ailment 
which may be passed on to the Lady's other children -- for to do so 
causes harm to yourself, as well as to the others of the Circle.  
Rather should the Healers go unto the sick one, that through the 
love of the Gods they shall be made well and whole once more.

 71. It has been judged lawful that if any of the Craft need a 
house, or land, and none will sell, to incline someone's mind so as 
to be willing to sell, providing it harms none and the full price 
is paid without haggling.

 72. In the matter of quarrels or disputes between the members of 
the Circle, the High Priestess shall convene the Council, and 
inquire into the matter.  The Council shall hear each person 
privately, and then both together.  And they shall decide justly, 
not favoring one side nor the other.

 73. If an agreeable resolution cannot be reached, then that Wiccan 
must leave the Circle, for a Circle of Light cannot be properly 
formed where there is disagreement and discord.  And when a Circle 
is not properly formed, the energy within is either dissipated, or 
turns ugly, festering like a hidden sore.  So let them leave, but 
only with love in their hearts and yours, for even though your 
paths may diverge, you are still all children of the Wicca, and 
there must be no violence between us.  Bear no grudges, hold no 
thoughts of vengeance, for this will rot away the foundation of 
your power.

 74. It has ever been recognized that there are some people who can 
never agree to work under any others.  At the same time there are 
also people who cannot rule justly.  To those who must ever be 
chief there is but one answer: "Void this Circle, and seek another 
one, or if ye be of sufficient rank, then form a Circle of your 
own."  To those who cannot rule justly, the answer shall be
"Those who cannot bear your rule will leave you."  For none may 
come to Circle
 with those with whom they are at variance, for to do so angers the 
Gods, and hinders the Craft.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(433)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:27                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 10
@EID:954a 10dd037a
 75. Those that do wrong without knowlege shall be held innocent; 
those that do wrong through carelessness shall be judged lacking in 
wisdom, and dealt with according to the nature of the 
transgression.  Those who do wrong with deliberation and 
forethought shall be thrice punished, and the Lords of Karma shall 
lay low their pride.

 76. Each person must make a balance for their words and actions, 
and the judgements of the Elders should incline to try to make good 
come from the injustice or wrong-doing.  Many are the ways to 
restore the balance, so let the judgements of the Elders and the 
Priestess be in keeping with this.

 77. Do not turn aside those who seek the ways of the Wicca for the 
want of an offering or the lack of a robe.  You are the servants of 
the Gods, and the servants of Their people, and those that seek for 
the Gods you must aid in their quest.

 78. Of those who would inquire as to the ways of the Goddess, or 
who wish to become of the Wicca, ye shall search their hearts, and 
even into their spirits you shall look, as you are able.  For the 
Wicca do not look to acquire mere numbers.  Let none be turned away 
if their hearts are true, and their desire earnest.

 79. The hidden children are like the strings of a harp: each one 
may give a clear note, and when gathered together in sympathy and 
accord, they shall give rise to a beautiful symphony.  Yet when 
struck without reason or thought, these notes may cause discord or 
disharmony.  Therefore the Gods decree to Their Teachers and 
Priests that all must be taught to master their harp, and to pluck 
their strings with care, that they cause no discord or imbalance.

 80. Choose the Priests and Teachers of the Wicca with diligence 
and with care. The qualities that you should search for within them 
are Faith, Belief, Knowledge, Ability, Patience, Leadership, 
Humility, and a loving nature -- for they must lead and teach the 
children of the Goddess, and will thereby have the power to do 
great good, or to cause great imbalance.

 81. In practice it should be that the greatest of the Priests and 
Priestesses should guide the rituals within each of the Temples of 
the Old Gods, and truly you should be content with the advice and 
guidance given by them.  Yet ever it should be given so that it is 
clear and understandable, for within the Temple each of the Wicca 
is free, and thus they should be able to recognize and to 
understand our ways and their implications.  And those who cannot 
explain the inner workings, or give just cause and reason for their 
decisions, may be questioned, or the wisdom of the advice weighed.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(434)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:28                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 11
@EID:954a 10dd0393
 82. Let the Priestess and Priest lead as long as they are able, 
and their leader
ship be wise and strong, and to the benefit of the Wicca.  Yet if 
their health is ill
-favo red, or if the next generation needs to try their hand, then 
let them have the v
 and the wisdom to step away from their position, and pass the 
duties of the Cir
cle t
 o another.  Let them not become overly attached to the office, nor 
too fond of t
he po wer.

 83. If a Priestess or a Priest should tire of their duties and 
charges, then the
y may
 step down, but only after having trained and acknowledged a 
successor.  If a Pr
 or Priestess deserts their Circle, then they have lost the right 
to ever lead ag
ain w ithin this life, so great a trust they have broken.  If they 
should return to th
e Cir cle within one turn of the Wheel, and are judged to have true 
atonement in their
 hear ts, new insight and growth, then they may be forgiven, and 
allowed to return to
the C ircle, yet they shall worship only, and hold no office or 
title.  Leadership is
a sac red commitment and an honor, and they have shown that they 
cannot be trusted wit
h suc h responsibility.

 84. Any Priestess, Priest, or Elder who consents to a breach of 
the Laws regardi
ng th e use of the Craft to cause harm to others must immediately 
be relieved of their
 offi ce, for it is the lives of the children of the Goddess which 
they endanger, as w
ell a s the honor of the Craft.

 85. The High Priestess may take a Sabbatical from her Circle, if 
her personal li
fe an d duties require it, for up to a year and a day.  During that 
time, the Maiden s
hall act as High Priestess.  If the High Priestess does not return 
at the end of a ye
ar an d a day, then the Initiates of the Circle shall name a new 
Priestess.  Unless th
ere i s good reason to the contrary, the person who has done the 
work of the Priestess
 shou ld reap the reward.  If someone else is named, then the 
Maiden should continue i
n tha t office.

 86. Each Priestess and Priest shall choose their own consorts, yet 
let them be w
ise i n the learning of our people, and thus others shall abide by 
the wisdom of their
 choi ce.  Yet if the Circle feels the decision is ill-advised, or 
that they cannot ab
ide a nd work in honor and trust with that consort, then they may 
request a gathering
of al l concernted to meet and to talk, and to resolve the balance 
with love and honor
.  Fo r only those who are pure and strong, keen and wise, patient 
and loving, can eff
ectiv ely and properly carry out the duties of a Keeper of the 

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(435)   Wed 29 Jun 88  0:29                             
By: L.a. Hussey
To: All
Re: New Book o' Law 12
@EID:954a 10dd03ac
 87. Those of the Priesthood shall not neglect their mates, or 
their children, or
 thei r house, nor anything which is in their possession; nor shall 
the sick and the n
eedy be neglected for the sake of the Circle.  Therefore let them 
adjust the one thin
g aga inst the other, that neither should suffer, and that which is 
given by the Gods
is tr eated with love and respect.

 88. Long ago, at the time of Creation, it was deemed that the 
female should hold
 the power of life-giving.  And such was the male force drawn to 
the love and beauty
of th e Creation of life, that he surrenders unto her keeping the 
force of his powers
in th e furtherance of life.  Yet the Priestess must always 
remember that the fuel of
the f lames which light the fires within her Temple comes from the 
Priest.  Thus she m
ust u se the force wisely, and only with love, and she must honor 
and respect he who i
s the
 activator of the Life Force.


 Published by: The Grove of the Unicorn PO Box 13384 Atlanta, GA  

 Ordering Information: Send Legal size SASE A small contribution 
towards printing/handling costs will be appreciated.

 To this I would add only one more admonishment, based on my own 
experience: It is as important not to take oneself, one's power, 
and one's Craft too seriously as it is not to take them too 
lightly.  Moderation in all things, including moderation.  And 
remember that all acts of love and pleasure are the rites of the 
Goddess, and this includes HAVING FUN.

 B*B Leigh Ann

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(436)   Thu 30 Jun 88  9:55                             
By: Josh Gordon
To: All
Re: Liber OZ
@EID:954a 10de4ef6

 "the law of
  the strong;
  this is our law
  and the joy
  of the world."
  AL. II. 21

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."
    -AL. I. 40

"thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that, and no other
    shall say nay." - AL. I. 42-3.

"Every man and every woman is a star."--AL. I. 3.

 There is no god but man.

 1. Man has the right to live by his own law--
 to live in the way that he wills to do:
 to work as he will:
 to play as he will:
 to rest as he will;
 to die when and how he will.

 2. Man has the right to eat what he will:
 to drink what he will:
 to dwell where he will:
 to move as he will on the face of the earth.

 3. Man has the right to think what he will:
 to speak what he will:
 to write what he will:
 to draw, paint, carve, etch, mould, build as he will:
 to dress as he will:

 4. Man has the right to love as he will:
 "take your fill and will of love as ye will,
 when, where, and with whom ye will."--AL. I. 51.

 5. Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights.
 "the slaves shall serve." -- AL. II. 58

 "Love is the law, love under will."--AL. I. 57

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(437)   Fri 1 Jul 88 12:06                              
By: Brad Hicks
To: All
Re: If You Had Told Me 3 PSGs Ago ...
@EID:0 22cc6714

parties would be over by 2 a.m. * that I'd see a horde of ecstatic 
dancers prancing around two candles * that we could lose about half 
of our regulars without the population decreasing noticeably * that 
there'd be no applause between announcements in the Village Meeting 

there'd be no potluck * that we would hear no amplified rock-n-roll 
music in the evenings * that we could get about half of the 
Gathering to all wear the same uniform (in this case, tie-die) * 
that Selena would suggest that a nine-inch plastic Statue of 
Liberty would be an adequate substitute for a Solstice ritual 
fire--and say it with a straight face * that we'd someday see 
people stand in line--to use a microphone, no less--to make 
announcements at the Village Meeting * that there'd be only a few 
people in SCA garb * that even after midnight, most people would be 
sober * that there'd someday be only two people in Ar nDraiocht 
Fein uniforms * that we could have a PSG with no bonfires at all * 
that there'd be no Variety Show * that we could go a whole week 
without seeing glazed eyes and dialated pupils * that there'd be 
not one but several flashlight-lit processionals * that we'd see a 
member of the staff of a state Governor wearing a spirit bag and 
leading a workshop * that almost no one would sing "Give Me That 
(Real) Old Time Religion" * that a men's mysteries ritual would be 
on the schedule, but not women's mysteries * that we'd have dozens 
of small children, but almost no teenagers * that people could and 
would walk out of an energized circle in the main evening ritual * 
that a computer bulletin board sysop would be considered a "group 
leader" for the purpose of the Group Leader's session * that 
someone would bring a computer to the PSG--and use it * that the 
Med Tent wouldn't be talking about sex all the time--that instead 
they'd be talking about when they used to talk about sex * that 
almost nobody would be skyclad, most of the time--but that Dennis 
would * that we'd have someone selling pyramids and another person 
leading a UFO contactee's "support group" * that every member of 
the Gathering's security detail would make a point of carrying 
swords * that there'd be so little screwing that even Shiva was 
only seen coming out of one tent * that the people at the Village 
Meeting would all sit facing the same direction instead of in 
concentric circles, and that there'd be no arguments during the 
Village Meetings, and that they'd end mostly on time * that there'd 
be almost no rituals except the ones scheduled for the main, 
official evening rituals * that the Summer Solstice wouldn't even 
be during the PSG *


--- Sirius 0.50
 * Origin: WeirdBase * St. Louis * 1-314-741-2231 * (Opus 1:100/523)

(438)   Thu 7 Jul 88 17:29                              
By: Brad Hicks
To: All
@EID:0 22d50619
MAGICKNET, MUNDANE, and METAPHYSICAL are semi-restricted echos.  
This message is intended to serve as a periodic reminder of those 
rules.  It is a =summary=, so for more details please see the file 
MAG-POL.TXT or MAG-POL.ARC, which should be available on any BBS 
which carries this echo.


   MAGICKNET:  This is the normal Neopaganism, Witchcraft & Magick 
echo. Newcomers and the casually curious are welcome, and any topic 
relevant to Neopaganism, Witchcraft, Magick, the New Age, or Pagan 
Rights may be discussed here.  Discussions of only marginal 
relevance to the topic(s) will be strongly encouraged to move to 

   METAPHYSICAL:  Only messages of magazine-article quality should 
be posted in Metaphysical.  Replies to articles posted in 
METAPHYSICAL should be posted in MAGICKNET.  Each and every sysop 
is responsible for enforcing this rule on their own system, and 
users who are not trusted to follow this rule should =not= be 
permitted to post to this echo. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should 
unvalidated, first-time callers be permitted to post in METAPHYSICAL.

   MUNDANE:  This echo is a general-purpose chatter channel which 
was created so that MAGICKNET echo participants could continue any 
conversation that was ruled irrelevant to MAGICKNET.


1)  All nodes which make these echos available to the public or 
which distribute them to other systems =must= carry all three echos.

2)  Any node which is carrying these echos legally may distribute 
it LOCALLY, but must inform Brad Hicks, at 1:100/523, as soon as 
they do so.
3)  No node shall distribute these echos outside their local 
calling area without first obtaining permission from Brad Hicks, at 

4)  No message which is blatantly illegal in content shall be 
entered into the MagickNet echos.  The only exception will be for 
messages regarding legitimate religious practices or beliefs which 
are or may be made illegal.

5)  No message which is intended to harrass someone because of 
their religious beliefs, or to convert them to another religion, 
shall be entered into any of the MagickNet echos.  No exceptions 
will be made to this rule, even in the MUNDANE echo.

6)  No message which is irrelevant to the topics of Neopaganism, 
Witchcraft, and Magick shall be entered into MAGICKNET or into 
METAPHYSICAL.  For this rule, a warning will be issued, and in 
general the conversation will be permitted to continue in the 

7)  No message which contains unnecessary profanity or personal 
insults shall be entered into any of the MagickNet echos.  Only one 
warning will be issued to any violator.  This includes messages in 
the MUNDANE echo.


In brief: each sysop is responsible for his or her own users, and 
must ensure that users which violate any of the above rules will 
not post to MagickNet on that system ever again.  If a sysop breaks 
these rules, their "feed" for the echo will be instructed to cut 
them out.  From then on, any system which distributes the echo to 
the evicted system will itself be evicted.


Only the following FidoNet nodes are carrying the echo in 
accordance with all of the above:  100/523, 104/610, 104/18, 
102/744, 107/539, 104/20, 104/93, 104/55, 104/739, 104/904, 
109/728, 109/115, 109/712, 363/9, 141/222, 141/375, 322/210, 
101/115, 101/196, 101/667, 15/7, 366/221, 366/222, 382/7, 382/1, 
382/2, 161/93, 102/862, 103/602, 103/501, 103/507, 103/503, 
107/293, 107/416, 161/414, 282/341, 106/117, 124/109, 124/106, 
124/214, 137/12, 139/640, 147/4, 163/32, 163/523.  If your system 
is not included in this list, then contact me AT ONCE.

                            - J. Brad Hicks, 1:100/523
                              MagickNet Coordinator

--- Sirius 0.50
 * Origin: WeirdBase * St. Louis * 1-314-741-2231 * (Opus 1:100/523)

(439)   Mon 11 Jul 88 11:48                             
By: David Rice
To: All
Re: Basic Astrology Precept
St: Pvt  
@EID:1eec 10eb5e0c
     The basic precept of Astrology has been summed up with the 
"As Above,  So Below."  What is displayed in the heavens is said to 
mimicked on Earth.

     Astrologers once believed that the planets, luminaries, and 
introduced a force or influence upon  earthly  creatures  and  
One  may  easily  imagine  a  Wise  Man  (or  Woman, aka. the 
standing on his palatial balcony in 5,000 B.C.E., gazing  intently  
at  the  night  sky,  carefully noting the passage of heavenly 
These notes would then be compared  to  the  events  of  the  
realm, of region.

     If events of the current period matched previous events, the 
would expect  similar planetary configurations in the heavens.  If 
events of the period were original, careful notes would  be  made  
future study.  These notes would of necessity been closely guarded 
secret, least they fall into the hands of a rival.

     There are accounts of Wise Men (Magi, Astrologer, same thing) 
gained  great  power  through  contrived, controlling predictions 
were not later born out in reality.  These gentlemen and women 
lost their heads, but many lost their gonads- quite  literally.    
security  fell  to  those  who new their profession well or could 
very fast.

     Many religious cults, as  cults  today,  frowned  upon  
schools.   The  students  were  not conforming to what was 
demanded of them by those in power, and were often  hacked  to  
for their efforts.

     There  is  a story told by a woman who was "regressed" to a 
life," where she was a Astrology student.  Those who were in her 
were all male youths under the tutelage of one purple  robed  
Late one night while they were going about their business learning 
Hieros  Logoi (sacred accounts), another group who practiced 
intolerance decided to do a little butchering the same night.

     The astrology students were castrated and left to die.

     If this account is true or not, the point is the  same:  If  
had  spent  more  time  considering  earthly  events  (staying  in 
Present), they may have been able to  avoid  the  horror  that  
(They might have gone out for pizza instead).

     Around the time Rome was being built, those in power thought 
it a
good idea to marry off the Goddess (the Triple Lunar Goddess) to 
Air Gods.   With the patriarchy taking power, something had to be 
to diminish  the  Goddess  in  the  eyes  of  mankind,  and  make  
subservient to  the  Male.    Thus the goddess Juno was conceived, 
would be the "goddess of marriage."

     Juno was married off to Zeus, who didn't believe he was bound  
any  marriage  vows  and  liked  to  frolic  in  any  and all 
available, begetting sons by the score.  No  other  goddess  has  
hurt by marriage more than Juno.

     To  make  the  profane  act  of marriage complete, a new Sign 
added to the Zodiac.  Libra, which is said to rule marriage as well 
relationships in general, was the twelfth Sign placed in  the  
Zodiac.   The  Wise  Men  (and Women) of this period thus had to 
their methods and ways of thinking.

     The oldest known astrology "chart" only had eight signs.    
systems were added later.  It was square, and the planetary bodies 
to be placed precisely on the paper so that a straight edged 
"ruler" could be used to determine aspects.  It seems that the 
or "fixed" house system was the one used.

     With the advent of "houses," the astrologer could determine 
arena of life was to be involved.  It seems reasonable that the 
of  houses  should  match  the  number  of Signs in the Zodiac, 
Well, not really.  There were usually eight houses used, even when 
number of Signs grew to twelve.

     Today the most popular methods of Astrology use twelve Signs  
houses,  using  the  Tropical  Zodiac  in  the West, Geocentric 
centered).  There  are  many  variations  available.    One  may   
Heliocentric  (Sun  centered)  astrology,  or  use the Sidereal 
(which takes into account the precession of the Equinox).

     There are many popular houses  systems  in  use  today  as  
Porphyrus  (spelling  differs)  was a poet, astrologer, and scholar 
ancient times.  He came up with  a  house  system  called  
though I don't know anyone who uses it.

     Most  astrologers  today tend to believe that the heavenly 
do not reach down and push us about.  Rather, the planets, 
and stars "mimic" Earthly  events.    Synchronistic  in  nature,  
corollate instead  of  dictate.    This  hands  one's fate back to 
individual, to augment or squander  as  one  sees  fit.    The  
comfort of Fate has been replaced by responsibility for one's 

     A  few  astrologers  still portend death and destruction from 
"astrological chart."  This mode of thinking (a belief  pattern  
on preconceived  ideas)  is  almost extinct.  One may stay on the 
road tracks, deeming it "fate" has said one  must  be  mashed  by  
train,  or  one  may say "Screw it," and step to the side and let 
pass.  It is one's right and responsibility to take  charge  of  
life events.

     Still, one always has the right to be squashed by one's 
If you  refuse  to drink, you are allowed to die of thirst.  It's 

     The perceptions of "Fate Versus Free Will" seems to lean  
"free  will" for the individual in the current astrological 
but the question of the "Fate of Nations," and the rulers of  
is still hotly disputed.

     There  are  arguments  that a Nation must follow what is 
and that those closely connected to that Nation are  heavily  
in their rights to act freely.  It is well documented that a Nation 
trouble always produces a single individual to correct the problem.

     Abe  Lincoln believed in Fate, and was said to know when he 
die and how.  Did he have the Right to choose?  Since he  was  
connected to the United States and the Civil War, I doubt it.

     Kennedy chose to ignore warnings from "psychics," we've been 
to   believe,   and  ended  up  slaughtered  on  national  
presumably by the hand of Cuba, Castro.  But did he have a choice?  
believe not.

     Someone   ponderously,   corpulently,   grossly   into  
intolerance mentioned to me that "The One True God destroys  
while individuals destroy themselves, I will add.  Bending his idea 
"God" to a non anthropomorphic deity, we could say that "The 
takes care of nations and leaves the individual to fend for her or 

     Astrology does  not  predict.    It  points to probabilities, 
unequivocal, assured events.  Any likely event can be  
if one  knows  about  it first.  This is why I believe Astrology to 
the single most useful tool for taking responsibility for one's life.

     The question "Is Astrology valid?" is one that  I  cannot  
competently.   It  is  always  best  to  question everything, and 
nothing as it is offered (without the arena of astrology  as  well  
within).  I leave this question to others for exploration.

Document 3 in Astr-4.0

David Rice 7/11/88
unar Goddess) to their
Air Gods.   With the patriarchy taking power, something had to be 
to diminish  the

 * Origin: Astro-Net 714 662-2294 The Lesbian Dorm (Opus 1:103/503)

(440)   Mon 11 Jul 88 12:12                             
By: David Rice
To: All
Re: Is Astrology valid?
St: Pvt  
@EID:1eec 10eb6184

     "This  is a joke, right?" someone asked me when I showed him
the labels I developed for Astr-4.0.  I had said that  I  planned
on mailing  a  copy  to  President Ronald Reagan and Wife.  After
assuring him that my many months of hard work on this program was
no joke, I started to wonder.

     Is Astrology valid?  How in the hell  can  it  be,  when  no
logical scientific vehicle can be found to account for an alleged
astrological influence?      This  question  has  been  asked  by
thousands of men and women throughout history, with few receiving
an answer they can be comfortable with.

     "It's synchronism, like  Jung  taught,"  some  opinion.  "As
Above,  so  below,"  others  say.  "On Earth as it is in Heaven,"
Jesus was said to tell us.  Many have offered  opinions  such  as
different  dimensions,  ethers,  subtle radiation, gravity waves,
and propagating vectors.  Most look for a physical means by which
to prove astrological influences.

     But can astrology be proven as valid?  The mind of humankind
often holds onto ideas and beliefs long after they  are  obsolete
or   no   longer   valid   (bigotry,  over  compensatory  defence
mechanisms, religious  intolerance,  etc.).     This   tends   to
invalidate  the  argument  that  "If  it  wasn't  valid Astrology
wouldn't have lasted 5,000 years."  Humans have been killing each
other for sport for  at  least  that  long,  which  seems  rather
anti-survival,  so the age of an event or belief cannot make it a
viable one.

     "I know it works.  My clients are very  satisfied  with  the
results," is  a  major  argument  made  for astrology.  But valid
though it may be for the individual, it does not offer any  means
for proof.    Satisfaction  cannot  be  placed  on  a scale to be
weighed and measured.  It only offers subjective opinion at best,
where the mind is fraught with mental gymnastics  consciously  or

     These days there are very many astrologers doing "research."
I  put  the word between quotes because their methods show a very
poor understanding of scientific inquiry and methodology at  best
for the  most part.  Some "researchers" into astrology often have
"significant results" at  times,  only  to  have  duplication  by
another team fail.

     Homosexuality  and  astrological indicators of homosexuality
has been sought for hundreds of years.    There  have  been  many
astrologers  who  have come up with indicators that "prove" their
method works,  only  to  have  their  method  fail  when  another
astrologer   tries   it.   (Most   astrologers   now   know  that
homosexuality cannot be deduced from the chart,  but  some  still

     Astrology is  NOT predictive.  An astrologer cannot say "You
have Sun in the XII and Venus in the IX Square Mars in the VI, so
you're going to be fat and bald by age 32."

     There is a story told by an astrologer about  a  client  who
came to  her  for  advice.    The  client  had  never  been to an
astrologer, and expected the astrologer to  know  all  about  her
(the client)  just  by  reading her chart.  After the client said
several times "Well, can't you tell?" the astrologer called for a
break to give her client a short spill about astrology.

     "Astrology cannot tell me that your husband's name was John,
and that he died in the Navy in 1943, and that  you  have  a  son
who's in the army over seas, and that your son is getting married
next week.  It just isn't possible."

     The  client  looked  up  at the astrologer and said "But all
that's correct. . . ."

     This story may or may not be true.  The point is,  astrology
is not  predictive.  It only suggests, and points a direction for
further questing.

     Astrology is an art form.  As such, the astrologer may  make
up  her  or  his own rules, and apply them as she or he sees fit.
What works for one astrologer may not work for another.    That's
why there  are  so  many  house systems, and even zodiacs!  One's
reality is up to one's self, and what one makes of it.  There are
no rules to astrology.  If you don't like the  way  something  is
done, try something new.

     The houses  don't have to be numbered counter clockwise.  If
you, the astrologer, want the  houses  to  go  clockwise,  that's
fine.  It's  up to you.  I don't presume to tell an artist to use
the colors and tools I prefer.  If you don't want  houses,  leave
them out.  If you don't like Virgo, leave it out too.  See what I
mean?  Your craft, your rules.

     I had written an article called "Asteroids I'd Like To See."
I  gave  them  a  name,  a  suggested  meaning,  and  a suggested
interpretation. "RAMBO" of course meaning that anyone with it  on
their  Moon  likes  to  sweat  a lot and shoot people, preferable
many, many times. "STUPIDITY" is an asteroid  whose  meaning,  no
doubt, you can probably figure out, unless it's on your Sun.

     The point?     If  I  had  given  these  made  up  asteroids
ephemerides of their own, I feel they would  be  valid  in  every
chart I draw up!  They would be valid for me, and they could take
directions, progressions, etc., and accurately time events.

     They  might  even  work  in your charts as well, if you like
them.  If  you  didn't  like  them,  and  thought  they  couldn't
possibly "work,"  they  wouldn't.   They'd just sit there like an
ink smudge on your chart and refuse to perform.

     And this is the heart of why  astrology  cannot  be  proven.
Art,  as is life and love, is always and forever only in the mind
of humankind.  It cannot be measured, sliced,  examined,  or  put
under a microscope.  Indeed, it cannot even be taught.  Astrology
is  an  art  form,  and  as  such  is  beyond  laws,  rules,  and

     With Astr-4.0 you have the brush and  canvas.    Please,  go

                                                  David Rice 
Document 2 Astr-4.0
,  subtle radiation, gravity wav

 * Origin: Astro-Net 714 662-2294 The Lesbian Dorm (Opus 1:103/503)

(441)   Sun 10 Jul 88 22:54                             
By: Josh Gordon
To: All
Re: Re: Tarot Cards

@EID:0 22d855d6
 LAH> I'd be interested to know what you didn't like.

More than that: my critique.  I'm no tarot genius, but I've studied 
a bit.  Here are my opinions.

[References first: the cards themself are in a MacPaint/ReadMac 
file called MAJ-ARC.MAC on WeirdBase.  I will primarily compare 
them with the Rider-Waite major arcana, but will also make 
references to the Fantasy Showcase deck because I like it, and to 
the Morgan Robbins deck because this one reminds me of it in spots.]

OVERALL #1:  As I see it, you have attempted throughout to update 
the standard Tarot symbolism to Neopagan religious symbolism.  
Sometimes this works, sometimes I question it.  For example, ALL of 
the figures in the Major Arcana look young to me, even when it's 
not necessarily appropriate (such as the Empress, the Emperor, the 
Moon).  OK, the Hermit looks old - maybe.

OVERALL #2:  Oh, and I like the crescent-moon motif that you worked 
into the explicitly feminine cards (The Priestess, The Empress, The 
Moon). Why no similar, solar emblem for the explicitly masculine 
cards (The Magician, The Emperor, The Hanged Man)?

OVERALL #3:  One of the meditation tricks that I picked up from 
A.E. Waite is to think of the 22 Major Arcana as a Story, and work 
from card to card following the storyline as best you can.  I 
perceive that this is much harder with your deck.  I also note 
(without criticism) that your cards don't seem to quite so strictly 
follow the Qabalistic attributions - am I wrong?  And being mostly 
ignorant of QBL, and weak on Astrology, the attributions in the 
corners could probably stand commentary and explanation for me.

0) THE FOOL - Quite different!  I'd like to hear your explanation 
for your choice of that image for that card; I can effortlessly 
relate to the idea of, as Kim quoted when she saw it, "The face we 
wear to meet the faces we meet," and think it's a valid 
contribution as a tarot card: I'm uncertain it belongs in the Major 
Arcana and it seems to me unrelated to The Fool.  Would you explain 
this one further to me?

I) THE MAGICIAN - Nice, in a modern sort of way.  Is the similarity 
between the Ferris wheel in the background and the Whirling Golden 
Wheel of the Morgan Robbins, as a symbol of endless (and 
profitless) motion, intentional?  By putting the Magician against a 
carnival background, are you comparing him to the Prestidigitator, 
the OTHER kind of magic?  The "balancing the elements" aspect is 
kinda nice - is it intentional that they both show a masculine 
symbol over, and in suggestive relationship to, a feminine symbol?  
Also, what is the symbolism of the snake that is entwined around 
this wand?  I do like the way you've worked the Cosmic Lemniscate 
into the figure, by the way.

II) THE PRIESTESS - Portrayed as a modern female Neopagan Witch.  I 
have absolutely nothing bad to say about this card.  Wonderful!  
Oh, minor 1-pixel nit - the athame is one-sided.  (BFD, right?)  
The two pillars as two kinds of tree (Oak and Ash?) is a subtle 
effect, and I can't make up my mind if YOU  have made up your mind 
to preserve the "temple pillar" symbols of the RW.

III) THE EMPRESS - Portrayed as the Earth Mother.  Remarkably like 
the (simpler) portrayal in the Fantasy Showcase.  I like it.

IV) THE EMPEROR - I take this card to be Herne/Lugh, the solar God 
of the Hunt.  It makes a nice, pagan pairing to The Empress.  But 
(first peeve!) you've robbed me of a perfectly functional tarot card!

The standard Emperor has a lot to do with EMPIRE, with monarchical 
patriarchal government.  One of the things I especially =like= 
about my Fantasy Showcase deck is Trump IV, which makes the 
death-linked, warlike, and ruthless aspect of Government blatant.  
This is an important symbol, and one that is appropriate (and 
frequently useful, and sometimes necessary) in many readings.  What 
=shall= I use for such a symbol in the future?

V) THE PRIEST - I have the same complaint with this card that I 
have with The Emperor.  The Hierophant in the Rider-Waite to me 
represents the sterility (but stability, and power) of ORGANIZED 
religion.  Again, I like the fact that the Fantasy Showcase makes 
this coldness and sterility more blatant; but between them these 
two cards symbolize Patriarchy to me.

Of course, I will grant that as displayed, you have an interesting 
pantheon of Maiden (The Priestess), Mother (The Empress) and Crone 
(The Moon) matching with the Hunter/Warrior (The Emperor), The 
Priest, and the Wise Man (The Hermit).  But in the process, it 
seems to me that you've (a) stripped the Major Arcana of villains 
and (b) tangled a lot of inter-card relationships.

VI) THE LOVERS - This may be the best card in the lot.  I have 
nothing but good to say about this card.  I am in Love with The 

Oh, now that I think about it, I =do= have a nit to pick - but it's 
more appropriate that I cover it under XV, Intemperance.

VII) THE CHARIOT - To me, the Chariot represents relentless 
oncoming motion; traditonally the unstoppable force of War.  I 
cannot for the life of me guess what your Chariot is supposed to 

VIII) STRENGTH - Remember the Cuteness Tarot?  That lion looks like 
Hello Kitty with a mouth.  Strength represents (to cop a familiar 
Judeao-Christian symbol) Daniel in the Lion's Den - the triumph of 
Harmlessness and Spirituality over the hungry, "powerful" predator. 
That lion doesn't look at all like a predator, and to me that robs 
Strength of much of its impressiveness.  It is pretty, though.  Or 
are you proposing a whole new symbol for Strength?

IX) THE HERMIT - Traditionally, the Hermit resembles Diogenes 
searching endlessly by the light of the Lantern of Truth; endlessly 
and hopelessly because the wisdom he accumulates will never be the 
Wisdom he seeks. You may go to the Hermit for Wisdom; what you'll 
get is wisdom without the capital-W - which is more useful and 
real, but still not what you wanted.   Sage and wise, at rest 
before the Flame of Truth, and surrounded by a powerful and 
beautiful aura, your Hermit looks to much to me like someone who 
has achieved Capital-W Wisdom.  But this may be a matter of taste.

Continued next message ...

--- Sirius 0.50
 * Origin: WeirdBase * St. Louis * 1-314-741-2231 * (Opus 1:100/523)

(442)   Sun 10 Jul 88 22:56                             
By: Josh Gordon
To: All
Re: Re: Tarot Cards

@EID:0 22d855d8
... continued from previous message

X) THE WHEEL - From a traditional standpoint, I cannot criticize 
this card much.  Oh, the three emblematic figures around the 
Rider-Waite Wheel seem more PERSONAL to me, but I can learn to 
attribute personal ebb and flow to the seasons if I try.  Unrelated 
question: if you are converting to Neopagan symbolism, why keep the 
Four Evangelists? Wouldn't the standard emblems for the elements be 

XI) JUSTICE - I love this card.  I have nothing bad to say about it 
at all.  Beautiful, meaningful, appropriate.

XII) THE HANGED [MAN] - I'm afraid I cannot translate the runes 
around his head, so I'm sure I'm missing something.  Assuming that 
this is Odin hanging from Ygdrassil, then perhaps the missing eye 
(which I didn't notice until about the eight time I looked at this) 
should be more obvious - maybe substitute a straight line for the 
empty socket, the represent the eyelids swollen shut?  Oh, and 
isn't this guy a bit young to be the All-Father?

XIII) DEATH - The Rider-Waite displays Death as the Ultimate 
Democrat, taking down King and Priest and Peasant all.  This is an 
aspect of Death that I can live without, and your Death as the 
birth canal (I assume the vulval shape is deliberate?) is very much 
in keeping with the traditional teachings on reincarnation.  (Shame 
I don't really believe in it.)

XIV) TEMPERANCE - Portrayed as Apollo.  A bit juiceless, this card 
lacks the impact of some of the others.  It is, however, perfectly 

XV) INTEMPERANCE - In the Rider-Waite, Trump XV is The Devil.  I 
can understand why you wanted to expunge this symbol (just as I see 
why you expunged the Last Judgement, number XX).  But I miss the 
parallel between this card and V, the Lovers.  I also like the 
message that the "chains" of Lust are illusionary, that we can slip 
them off when Lust is less appropriate than Love.  (If you never 
noticed this, look at the chains around the necks of the figures 
"chained to the Devil" - they're both quite loose, and could be 
slipped off easily.)  It also made sense numerically for 5 and 15 
to be related.  On the flip side, your Dionysus makes a similar 
parallel/contrast to/with XIV, Temperance/Apollo.  There is 
complexity here that I will have to meditate on.

XVI) THE TOWER - Simple and direct.  Minor nit - the human figures 
falling from the top lent identification to the image.  Can/will 
you work them back in?

XVII) THE STAR - You have portrayed the Star as the intersection of 
Sun and Moon.  I don't really like that, I think.  Feel free to 
speak at length in favor of your reinterpretation (it's your deck, 
after all), but I much, much prefer the personification of Sirius, 
bridging land, sea, and sky in radiant, sexual beauty, as shown in 
Rider-Waite and portrayed SO beautifully in the Fantasy Showcase.

XVIII) THE MOON - The Cauldron of Cerydwen is a beautiful lunar 
symbol, and I much prefer it to the traditional card.

XIX) THE SUN - I do not understand the symbolism of this card at 
all. Could you explain it to me?  I'm especially curious why you 
didn't use the Yule Child as a straight-forward adaptation, 
especially since some of your symbolism (the lemniscate on I, the 
pillars on II, and the evangelists on X) are =more= traditional 
than need be.

XX) THE PHOENIX - This could stand to be drawn a bit better 
(perhaps a more flame-like flame) to make it look a bit less 
cartoony, but I like the substitution of this card for The Last 

XXI) THE WORLD - As with The Sun, I think I'm missing the point on 
this one.

P.S.  Nice self-portrait on card III.  Is IV supposed to be David? 
(Hard to tell with that helmet on.)

--- Sirius 0.50
 * Origin: WeirdBase * St. Louis * 1-314-741-2231 * (Opus 1:100/523)

(443)   Sun 17 Jul 88  8:26                             
By: Josh Gordon
To: All
Re: Re: Tarot Cards

@EID:524a 10f1434e
 Good-oh, here are my responses to your critiques, point by point, as
 you made them.
 First of all, I have one major disclaimer to make.  I am not an
 artist.  I never have been.  I possibly never will be.  I know my
 stuff looks cartoonish sometimes, but that's only because it's the
 best I can do at the moment.  The Mac has gone a long way toward
 liberating my graphic arts, but there's still a long way to go.  Any
 inadequacies in the artwork, and any problems that arise because of
 them (ie the Hermit not looking old, the lion not looking like a 
 I would please ask you to indulge.
 OVERALL #1: There's no reason why the Emperor or Empress should look
 old. Mature, yes, old no.  The Hermit does look old (or should); so
 does the Moon.  Those hollow cheeks and white hair have nothing to 
 with malnutrition.  I don't know what you think I could do to make
 Odhin any older looking; if he were a really old and decrepit 
 I couldn't see him even trying the ordeal on the Tree.
 OVERALL #2: Thanks.  I knew the Triple Goddess was in the cards
 somehow, but never could place the Crone until I realised She was 
 Moon.  As for solar symbols for the explicitly masculine cards, 
 I don't associate the Mage with masculinity for starters.  Coyote 
 the Mage is depicted in the Native American deck) could be male or
 female; Mercury was often depicted somewhat androgynously.  The sort
 of adeptness/artfulness I associate with the Mage is not specific to
 men.  The Emperor, who is explicitly male, does have the sun on his
 breastplate.  The Hanged is not a solar card, but more of a 
 OVERALL #3: I don't read the Majors as a story, so maybe that's part
 of the problem.  The Majors are archetypal forces, which is why I
 reject the "villain" associations for Emperor and Priest -- such 
 associations have more to do with the Minors than with the energy of
 the Majors which is beyond good and evil or any other human moral
 categories, including political correctness.
 THE FOOL - He's the Tabula Rasa, the blank slate.  He could be 
 face, or neither.  He's at the beginning of the road (can you pick 
 the tiny direction pointer?); the traditional cliff is off in a
 corner, by the way.
 THE MAGICIAN - Yeah, you got it.  I wanted him to be ambiguous, as
 though Coyote or Hermes took on the job of prestidigitator at the
 local sideshow -- hence the halo ("Gee, Mabel, 'dja think that guy 
 be a god or something?").  I balanced the tools the way I did 
 it seemed the easiest way to balance them -- they way I would do 
it if
 I were trying to (and the thame in the cup is indeed supposed to be
 suggestive -- look at that grin on his face).  I suppose the 
 could have gone on top of the wand (like the plate-spinners do), 
but I
 just didn't do it that way.  The snake around the wand turns the 
 into a caduceus, which was Hermes' wand.
 THE PRIESTESS - Actually, this one was more of an intentional
 self-portrait than the Empress (who just turned out that way).  
 I did intend to preserve the "temple pillars"; as I've been ranting
 about lately, I do try to balance dark and light as a priestess.
 (more next msg)

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(444)   Sun 17 Jul 88  8:31                             
By: Josh Gordon
To: All
Re: More Tarot Cards

@EID:524a 10f143f1
 THE EMPRESS - Interesting; the first pregnant Empress I saw was in 
 Sacred Rose deck (by the way, how can you stand to read the Fantasy
 Showcase?  So many of the cards are way off -- and you think MY 
 are off!!  Ah, well, de gustibus etc etc).  It turns out that the
 pregnant Empress is traditional, pre-RW (I'll look up the sources if
 you want).
 THE EMPEROR - I absolutely reject the association of the Emperor 
 patriarchal monarchical government.  He is the lightning-catalyst to
 the Empress' "primordial soup"; He cannot exist without Her anymore
 than She can without Him.  Without Her, all his fire makes nothing;
 without Him, She is virtual space, potential but not actual (how'dya
 think She got pregnant?).  Note his phallic staff.  And again, my 
 wasn't quite up to this, but the stuff in his other hand is seeds --
 he is the inseminating Ram of spring.  He's not the Hunter (the 
 comes next), because I don't associate the Hunter with agriculture
 (and just plain culture) the way I do the Emperor.  Like the 
 that he looks like David is incidental (David shows up for real in 
 Sun).   I guess my subconscious was working overtime... <grin>
 THE PRIEST - The word "Pontiff" comes from the Latin word, 
 Bridge-builder.  The word "Hierophant" is Greek for "Shower of 
 things".  The difference between the Priest and the Priestess is 
 he shows, where she tosses you right into the experience.  In
 traditional shamanic societies, the Shaman is the bridge between 
 world and the Otherworld, and the one who tells about that journey 
 help others along.  Also, the shaman is the caller-up of wild 
 the master of beasts, hence the Hunter.  There are no equivalent
 depictions of female figures in the caves to this one at 
 because the caves are the wombs of the Goddess, teeming with life.
 This figure is the one who coaxes them close.  But he wears antlers
 also; he is both the Hunter and the Prey -- the primary shamanic
 experience is that of death.
 This is a deck for Witches, Brad.  We don't have a sterile, 
 religion, therefore it is not fitting for that image to be among our
 archetypes (the same way it is not fitting for Hell to be a threat 
 our laws).  The associations of repression, sterility, severity, and
 so on occur in the Minors (mostly among the Swords, interestingly
 enough).  It's high time we reclaimed the God; the tendancy of the
 feminist decks to make the Emperor and the Hierophant villains is
 totally unacceptable to me.  "Appropriate male energy" (ie, wimpy 
 or sexless) is not in my vocabulary.
 THE LOVERS - Thanks.  Hm, I never associated the Lovers with the 
 because I see lust as a part of love.  More later, at INTEMPERANCE.
 THE CHARIOT - It's the statue of Boudica in London.  Do you know her
 STRENGTH - Notice the woman's eyes.  Same as the lion's.  It's 
 and the Beast, the harmonious (or inharmonious, depending on 
 juxtaposition of the beast self (of which we all have one) and the
 "human" self.  "Harmlessness"?  Gimme a break!  You complain about
 "cuteness" and then you say she's supposed to be "harmless"!  Beauty
 is far from harmless; she is just as powerful as Beast.  But they're
 inseperable, which is why the aren't depicted with seperate bodies,
 but as two faces in a surrounding mane.  Remember that episode of 
 Trek where Kirk got split up into two personalities?  That's the 
 of Strength.

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(445)   Sun 17 Jul 88  8:40                             
By: Josh Gordon
To: All
Re: Daughter of Tarot Cards

@EID:524a 10f14516
 THE HERMIT - I never saw that lamp as Diogenes'.  I saw it as the
 bodhisattva's lamp, lighting the way for other people.  You bet He's
 capital-W Wisdom (the Hebrew letter YOD that corresponds to this 
 reminds David of the word "yodeah", meaning "knowledge"; but you 
 to walk through the fire first, the way you have to drink from the
 Moon's cauldron before you get Her Wisdom.
 THE WHEEL - The tetramorphs apply equally to the four Fixed Zodiacal
 signs as they do to the Evangelists (and you'll note I put them near
 the appropriate season).  The early Celtic church used them in their
 imagery way back when, and those folk were a scant step removed from
 being Pagans themselves -- how else do you suppose Brigid could have
 survived?  The seasons suggest the slow, cyclical nature of the
 Wheel's turning to me.  Joe Campbell, in the PBS series recently, 
 "If you're on the rim of the Wheel, you go up and down; if you're 
 hub of the Wheel, always acting from your own center, you're
 unaffected by the turning of the Wheel."  All the seasons are 
good, to
 a person at the hub.
 JUSTICE - Thanks!  You have no idea how tricky it was to fit the
 Anubis image in that little space...  I like it better than the
 Justice with the sword, because to me Justice is not part of the
 outcome.  Maat just judges, she doesn't punish or reward.  And as I
 said a while ago, the person being judged knows the outcome already;
 we punish and reward ourselves.
 THE HANGED - The runes around his head have no fixed meaning, 
 just runes.  "None gave me bread or drinking horn, and there below I
 looked; I took up the runes, screaming I took them; then I fell 
 ("Odhin" means "The Scream")  The eye-socket was as clear as I could
 make it; I think a straight line would look too much like a wink, 
 the eye swollen shut both inaccurate and difficult to render at that
 resolution.  Shit, I could have given him an eye patch if I'd wanted
 to, but I WANTED that empty socket staring.  As for his age, see 
 Odhin/The Hanged is the canonical image of self-sacrifice for 
 DEATH - Your problem if you don't believe in reincarnation.  But
 consider this: what is birth but death to the life we knew in the
 womb?  What is death?
 TEMPERANCE - I associate Apollo with all the things "civilisation"
 brings, hence the depiction of him in front of a formal temple and
 holding his lyre (as opposed to Dionysos out in the fields with his
 bottomless amphora); juiceless is the point.  Here's your "sterile
 organisation" if you want it; remember that Apollo was as celibate 
 his sister.  On the other hand, it isn't repressed sexuality, but
 redirected sexuality.  Artemis keeps herself unburdened by 
children so
 she'll never be incapacitated when some other mother needs her
 (reminds me of a great aunt I had who chose never to marry and to
 become a nurse instead); Athene channels the sexual drive into
 creations of the hands and mind rather than the womb.  Not all bad;
 there are no "bad" cards in the Major Arcana.
 (more next)

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(446)   Sun 17 Jul 88  8:43                             
By: Josh Gordon
To: All
Re: Tarot Cards meets Mothra, er, Mother

@EID:524a 10f14567
 INTEMPERANCE - I prefer not to depict chains at all; the body should
 never be looked on as a fetter, however easy to remove.  Not to
 mention the fact that the Devil as depicted in RW and its clones is
 the Christian image, which I reject.  Sometimes Intemperance is more
 appropriate than Temperance; the dark more appropriate than the 
 Sensuality, sexuality, and fleshly pleasures were nix for the 
 early Christians (who in typical Semitic fashion were distinguishing
 themselves from their neighbours by engaging in opposing practises 
 the Jews forbade "seething a kid in its mother's milk" because that
 was a sacrament of another local tribe, the Christians were 
ascetic in
 opposition to the dissipated Roman pagans, and ate treyf food to be
 different from the Jews).  Hence the association of Dionysos with
 everything evil.  I've reclaimed him, is all.  Check out the Hurley
 "New Tarot", which inspired my making XIV and XV opposites of each
 other.  BTW, numerology doesn't really enter into my readings at 
 and I'm seriously thinking of taking out the Hebrew letter
 associations (which are the traditional ones, I believe) -- though 
 would somewhat unbalance the top of the card unless I took out the
 Astro signs too -- which I just may do for the final version, 
since my
 Minors don't have either symbol set.
 THE TOWER - Nah, I'm not going to put humans in it.  Maybe it 
would be
 more appropriate if I made the tower human-shaped.  Here's my 
notes on
 The Tower: "A carefully built structure is losing its integrity 
 attack.  Swift and abrupt change.  Sometimes the best defense is no
 defense at all, since to put up a shield is to taunt attack."
 THE STAR - The image of the woman pouring from jugs has never made 
 for me.  Not satisfying at all.  The Star is clarity coming out of
 obscurity, hope, the sun coming out from behind the moon (remember 
 sun is technically a star too), that flash of enlightenment, the 
 at the end of the tunnel, the sign that the eclipse is over and the
 world is not at an end.  That's all.  There're plenty of other nice
 female images in the cards; no need to have gratuitous breasts and
 confusing imagery.  My imagery is (evidently) just as confusing to
 somebody with whom it doesn't resonate, but what the hey.
 THE MOON - Thanks again.  Like I said, I was pretty pleased to 
come up
 with this image.  The Moon is associated with the sephira of Yesod,
 which is called "Treasure House of Images", and that's what 
 Cauldron is for me.  The Akashic well, source of dream and vision.
 "Gwion tasted of the potent brew, and he gained all knowlege it is
 true, and sweet bardsong; but no taste is free!  Whoso drinks my
 draught belongs to Me.  As with him, through water, air and earth, 
 too I'll pursue, consume, and birth..."
 THE SUN - C'MON Brad, how long 'dya say you were in this religion?
 It's the Oak King and the Holly King.  In the older decks, there 
 two children in that garden...  The Yule Child is a good idea, which
 didn't occur to me when I was presented with the challenging
 opportunity to make a silhouette of David and translate it to pixels
 (and tiny ones at that).  What the hey, I may make an alternate card
 -- if Lady Whatserface could do it, so can I, since I don't want to
 throw out that image any more than she did the other depictions of
 THE PHOENIX - Draw me a flame on a Mac.  Go ahead.  I'm waiting...
 At least you recognised them as flames, right?
 (concluded next)

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(447)   Sun 17 Jul 88  8:45                             
By: Josh Gordon
To: All
Re: Tarot Cards meets Mothra's Mother

@EID:524a 10f145a2
 THE WORLD - Usually drawn as a female dancer.  I depict her as the
 Star Goddess, holding the Earth.  Simple as that; equally apropos to
 the traditional interpretation of the card (namely, not at all; what
 the hell does a dancing woman have to do with the completion of
 cycles?  I thought I'd at least put the Earth in there to give the
 name of the card some relevance).
 It's interesting that as I've been working on this deck, my own
 knowlege of the cards has expanded.  With many of the other decks, 
 the image doesn't speak to me or I haven't completely figured out 
 associations, they mysteriously don't come up in any of my 
readings --
 other cards say similar things in context, and I've always been
 complimented (sometimes begrudgingly) on the accuracy of my 
 I don't do the "You will meet a tall dark handsome stranger and go 
 a long trip" sorts of readings; my angle is more archetypal and 
 scale, and interestingly enough, everybody who's ever asked me to 
 for them has been in some sort of transitional crisis in their 
 I find the Tarot real useful in pointing one or more ways out of 
 crises...But meanwhile, the ones that used not to come up are now 
 Thanks for your frankness.  I hope my responses make things more
 clear.  When the deck comes out as a program, the interpretations in
 the less obvious cases (or in the ones where I want to make a point,
 like INTEMPERANCE) will include a description of the symbolism.
 There will be more cards, I hope before the end of the year.  But I
 have two tapes to compose and record in the same time period, and 
 cards come when I get insights about them.  Very little of my 
 is RW-esque -- for example, I find that the severity and pain of the
 three of swords is more effectively depicted for me by the Morrigan,
 Irish triple war-goddess.  I'll let you know when it's all done.  
 artwork will certainly be done before the program is written, so 
 just send you a disk or something.
 Leigh Ann

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(448)   Mon 18 Jul 88 10:25                             
By: Michelle Hass
To: All
Re: Laws: New Circle Pt1
@EID:2bad 533510f2

    By Usen's grace, Ho-dah....

    1.) PURPOSES:
          This is an era of decision. Do we allow ourselves to cut 
          throat of the Mother Who has nourished us as a species 
          we "came down from the trees"?  Or do we work to walk in
          Beauty and Harmony with Her, and cherish Her, and work to
          see Her healed?  The resurgence of Shamanism, the primal
          Earth Religion of practically all of the Earth's
          pre-Agrarian cultures, is an important thing, foretold by
          the Paiute prophet Wovoka and in the Hopi Prophecies.  It
          was said that both the Red Man would return to the Ways of
          the Old Ones and that the non-Native would also embrace the
          Lifeway.  There are non-Natives who respectfully have 
          these Ways, and are carrying them on in a reverent way. If
          the Lifeway was only given for the Native peoples, it would
          die out within our lifetime.  There are simply not enough
          traditional Elders left.

          It has been shown to some of us that Our Mother The Earth 
          not willing to die quietly.  She has demonstrated this by
          the increase in natural disasters of the past decade, which
          continue day by day.  The Hopi prophecies state that, when
          the "bowl full of ashes" (most interpret this as the
          Thermonuclear Bomb) is overturned, that Our Mother shall
          rise up in Her righteous anger and destroy humanity.  This
          prophecy is coming true, although it may yet be reversable.
          Perhaps it is we who reverence the Ways and walk in harmony
          with Our Mother that may stay Her hand.

          The Lifeway Fellowship is here for those who wish to honor
          Our Mother and Our Father, Earth and Sky, and to honor The
          Giver Of Life, from whence all things flow in the Universe.
          Our world-view is primarily allied with that of the
          Navajo/Dineh, Apache/Teneh, and Hopi peoples. However we do
          not represent ourselves as the keepers of those ways.  The
          secrets of those Nations are for them alone, unless Usen'
          wishes to reveal them to us.  Our mission is to help heal
          Our Mother, The Earth, and to help each other walk in 
          harmony with Her.  We also exist to provide a way for urban
          and sub-urban people to learn and practice the root 
          techniques that aid us in finding our True Vision and True
          Way of Power, and following that Vision and that Way.

          We identify ourselves as Pagan (Webster's New World
          Dictionary "1. b)...a person who is not a Christian, 
          or Jew (by faith); heathen. Pagan specifically refers to 
          of the ancient polytheistic (or pantheistic) peoples.") and
          as unashamed Pantheists and Polytheists.  The Lifeway
          is truly a religious commitment.  No-one can make a 
          to the Lifeway and to the worship of Life Giver, The Earth
          Mother and The Sky Father and remain a worshiper of other
          Paradigms of the Deity, much as one cannot be a Christian
          and worship the Greco-Roman pantheon.  However this does 
          imply the condemnation of other Paradigms, nor impel a 
duty to
          "convert" others.

--- TBBS v2.0
 * Origin: Cult Monitor LA (818)985-2701  (102/744)

(449)   Mon 18 Jul 88 10:29                             
By: Michelle Hass
To: All
Re: Lf Laws:Pt2
@EID:2bad 53b310f2
          We stand by other Pagans who do not share our paradigms, 
          Wiccans, Asatruans, Hellenists, and other Shamanic 
          (African and neo-African(Santeria & Voudoun), Australian,
          Siberian, Traditional Native American, and Polynesian, to 
          a few) and even though we may disagree with some or all of
          their practices and beliefs, they are Brothers, Sisters and
          Cousins, and in times of persecution as well as times of
          goodwill we must defend them.  We may even share in their 
          rituals and allow them to share in our open ceremonials.  
          that which is ours must remain ours, just as that which is
          theirs must remain theirs.

    2.) THE(A)OLOGY:

          As our Fellowship is inherently religious, we must 
declare a
          The(a)ology. (The strange spelling refers to the fact that
          we acknowledge a Goddess as well as a God)
          This is summed up very easily.  There are three main powers
          we worship, Usen' the Life Giver, The Earth Mother, and The
          Sky Father.  The latter Two are emanations of the First, as
          all, including the God and the Goddess, are emanations from
          Usen', which is the primaeval First Cause.

          Usen': One cannot look upon The Life Giver as either Male 
          Female, for The Life Giver is beyond those distinctions.
          Usen', and The Life Giver, are names for this First Cause,
          this Force that pervades all and caused all to come into
          being. From Usen', the God, Sky Father, and the Goddess,
          Earth Mother, emanate, as the lesser Deities emanate from

          The Earth Mother: We live and walk and are sustained from
          The Earth Mother, which is our Earth.  She is alive, and we
          all exist within Her as part of Her structure. Science,
          through the Gaea Hypothesis, has finally acknowledged Her
          existence, and some even have learnt the lesson that our
          duty in this life is to care for and honor Her.  This is a
          lesson that all must learn, for as long as we despoil Her,
          we risk Her wrath.  She is expressed through the faces of
          White Painted Woman, Who is The Woman Warrior, through Corn
          Mother, Who is The Nourishing Mother, and through Spider
          Woman, Who is The Wise Woman, The Ancient One, The 
          of Wisdom. Women are acknowledged as being human represent-
          atives of The Earth Mother.

          The Sky Father: Just as among we Humans, there is both Man
          and Woman, so there is no Earth Mother without Sky Father.
          Sky Father is the air we breathe, the flame that gives us
          warmth and cooks our food, and brings forth the rain that
          fertilizes Our Mother and allows Her to provide us with
          the crops and animals that sustain us.  Sky Father is also
          expressed as The Hunter, The Warrior, and First Shaman, and
          is also expressed in Killer Of Enemies and The Child Of
          Water. He is also present and acknowledged as being present
          in every Man.

--- TBBS v2.0
 * Origin: Cult Monitor LA (818)985-2701  (102/744)

(450)   Mon 18 Jul 88 10:33                             
By: Michelle Hass
To: All
Re: Lf Laws:Pt3
@EID:2bad 542910f2
          There are other spirits that exist in the Universe, some
          beneficient, some maleficient.  But most important is 
          Earth Mother, and Sky Father. By walking in harmony with 
          God(esse)s, one can tell the Good from the Evil, welcoming
          in Good, and protecting each other from Evil.


          We have our code of Ethics.  It is neither lengthy nor
          overly restrictive.  We do not include ancient taboos in
          this list, such as Mother-In-Law avoidance or the taboo
          against Fish, because they may not apply nowadays.  If you
          wish to not eat fish or to avoid your Mother-In-Law for
          religious reasons, it is your perogative.  But it is not a

          1.) If the action does not harm yourself, other people or
          intelligent beings, or Our Mother The Earth, you are free 
          do as you wish.

          2.) To charge for healings, sweats or ceremonials is 
          wrong and extremely offensive.  Also, to charge excessively
          for teaching is equally offensive, but a modest fee
          over expenses is allowable.  Your conscience is the best
          guide, that and the Will of the Deities.

          3.) Magick should be limited only to protection of Self and
          Loved Ones, and to healing and helping those in need,
          provided that permission is given by the patient and that
          help other than healing does not interfere with the Will of
          others. Magick that is used in a coercive (IE. Love spells)
          or destructive (harming or killing magick) way is patently
          wrong and is considered Black Magick.

          4.) Contact of spirits by any means other than Shamanic
          journeying or the Vision Quest is very risky, and 
          is a real possibility.  The practice of mediumship, or
          "channeling" has no place in the Lifeway, and exposes not
          only Self but others to danger.

          5.) Permission must always be asked of the spirits of 
          and/or animals before taking them for either sustenance or
          for medicine.

          6.) One's visions and one's personal ceremonies are one's
          own.  Personal visions should not be spoken of, but shared
          visions are for all of the group.

          7.) It is wrong to criticise another within the group or
          outside the group.  Racism, sexism, xenophobia or general
          disrespect of others has no place in the Fellowship.
          Individual decisions about lifestyle and other ethical
          issues not covered here are an individual's own affair.

--- TBBS v2.0
 * Origin: Cult Monitor LA (818)985-2701  (102/744)

(451)   Mon 18 Jul 88 10:36                             
By: Michelle Hass
To: All
Re: Lf Laws:Pt4
@EID:2bad 549710f2

          There is only one Initiation, which is the Initiation that
          makes one Kin within the group and in the sight of The
          Deities.  It is given after one has taken their first 
          Quest, has found their Power Animal(s) and has met the
          Shaman Within.  It can only be denied to those who have met
          these requirements, is younger than the legal Age Of 
          (in most places, 18 years) is not of sound mind, and/or is
          under suspicion of being a Law Enforcement Officer or other
          person antipathetic to Pagan and/or Shamanic belief
          who requests initiation for fraudulent purposes (usually to
          infilitrate to either sabotage or publically discredit the
          Fellowship) Initiation must not be denied on account of
          physical disabilities, blindness, deafness, or sterility,
          nor on account of sex, race, nationality, political belief,
          or sexual preference.

          There are no set offices within the Fellowship.  Ideally,
          leadership should be by consensus, with true leaders being
          temporary and purpose-oriented.  Facilitation of rituals 
          be done by any Initiate of the Fellowship.  ANYONE WHO

          Support of the Fellowship is done on a purely voluntary and
          mutual basis. No tithe or dues should be assessed unless
          they have been agreed upon by all members, initiates and
          non-initiates alike.

          Membership is extended to all.  But initiation is reserved
          for those who meet the criteria mentioned above.
          Non-initiates can participate in open ceremonials and in
          basic workshops, but may be denied participation in certain
          ceremonials and advanced workshops.
--- TBBS v2.0
 * Origin: Cult Monitor LA (818)985-2701  (102/744)

(452)   Mon 18 Jul 88 10:39                             
By: Michelle Hass
To: All
Re: Lf Laws:Pt5
@EID:2bad 54ea10f2

          In traditional societies, the title Shaman was not just an
          honorific, or recognition of talents.  Nor was it the
          highest initiatory level in a Shamanic society.  The Shaman
          was, in most cases, above the Chief in decision-making 
          and was judge, doctor, father-confessor, and intercessor
          with the Deities for the tribe.  Some Shamanic societies 
          now providing their membership with "Shaman training
          seminars" and "Shaman apprenticeships" that can be had for
          an exorbitant price.  This implies that the cost of being a
          Shaman can be paid in money and in a set amount of time.
          This is not the case.  Many tribes believe that the office
          of Shaman is not one that is earned, but one that one is
          born into.  Certainly, the skills are never something one 
          born with, and this is not merely hereditary.  Rather, when
          a child is born, the current Shaman would recognize that 
          child had the POTENTIAL of being the next one, and the
          child's training would begin when they were considered 
          by the Shaman.  At adulthood, they would be tested.  If 
          passed the test, they would become the next Shaman.  If 
          failed, usually the test was such that they would either 
          outright, or they would go insane.  Many "heroic quest"
          tales, and most notably the Arthurian legends have echoes 
          this practice within the ancient Shamanic traditions of

          But the point that is being made here is that we should not
          go back to that sort of way of doing things, because in 
          society it is nigh on impossible.  The stand I am offering
          here is that recognition as a Shaman can be conferred only
          through shared vision, and signs from the Deities.  It is
          not my place to say what the signs are...it will be obvious
          to the Fellowship.  I am not Shaman myself, and will not
          brook anyone calling me that.  This is something I place in
          the lap of the Deities to decide.  I cannot do anything
          more.  It is a mockery of those people that can truly be
          called Shamans, who are respected, powerful people of
          traditional tribes, to do anything less.  In any event, to
          claim such a title is definately not enough, and is
          punishable by withdrawing Fellowship from the one who 
          to be Shaman falsely.
--- TBBS v2.0
 * Origin: Cult Monitor LA (818)985-2701  (102/744)

(453)   Mon 18 Jul 88 10:42                             
By: Michelle Hass
To: All
Re: Lf Laws: Pt6
@EID:2bad 555d10f2

          The festivals are reckoned as they have been for centuries
          by most Southwestern tribes, by both the Sun and the Moon.
          The seasons begin on the first full moon after a Solstice 
          an Equinox.  The Solstices and Equinoxes themselves are
          times of celebration as well, and perhaps the period 
          the two (which usually works out to be no more than a week
          or so) could be considered a time of Holiday.  Lesser
          ceremonials are held on New Moons and Full Moons between 
          first Full Moons of the seasons.  Optionally certain Pagan
          festivals could be celebrated in conjunction with other
          groups, but they are not to be adopted as official Lifeway
          Fellowship ceremonial days.

          There are other ceremonials that are personal in nature, 
          can be held at any time, although synchronizing them with
          the Festivals and the New and Full Moons is advisable. They
          are Naming, where a newborn child is named in the presence
          of the group and their Life-beads given; Coming Of Age,
          where the child's physical maturity is acknowledged, and
          where, for a short time, they become Child of the Water (if
          a boy) or White Painted Woman (if a girl); Initiation, 
          a person becomes a full-fledged member of the group, given
          after a person becomes a legal adult; Joining, where a man
          and a woman consent to be married; Unjoining, where a man
          and woman who are married consent to have the bond
          dissolved, which is to be done only after four reconcili-
          ation attempts fail or after evidence of marital infidelity
          or abuse is given before the group; the Moonlodge, which is
          a special sweat for women in their Moon-time; and Release,
          where a ceremony for a dead member of the Fellowship is 
          to guide their soul Back Home.  Other ceremonials that are
          dreamed or envisioned by a person or group are also

     7.) SUMMING UP

          A few quick ones: One can be either clothed or unclothed at
          ceremonies, but it should be known that none of the
          Southwestern tribes did ceremonies in the nude.  However,
          one should disrobe for the sweat lodge, as clothes are not
          only uncomfortable within the sweat lodge, but interfere
          with the cleansing process of the lodge.

          This Statement can be accepted or rejected by individual
          groups that federate themselves with Lifeway Fellowship. 
          federation can be denied to those groups who stray too far
          from some of the basic guidelines, or do anything that 
          sully the reputation of the Fellowship in general.

          Hi-dicho...this is finished.
          May these proceeds please Life Giver Usen', and the Mother
          and the Father.
          Chihacou White-Puma, 1988.
--- TBBS v2.0
 * Origin: Cult Monitor LA (818)985-2701  (102/744)

(454)   Mon 18 Jul 88 10:46                             
By: Michelle Hass
To: All
Re: Lf Laws: Summation And Comments
@EID:2bad 55d210f2
I hope all of you have found the last few posts edifying, if not 
perhaps a little long-winded.  I am now in the process of finding 
like-minded people to join me in this circle, and although I am the 
one putting this together, I do not wish to set myself up as 
leader.  Starhawk, bless her heart, has spoken many times about the 
concept of leaderless groups, and although I think perhaps she 
might not extend this to her circle, I wanted to do so myself.  I 
am an inveterate Anarchist as well as a Shamanic Pagan, and I have 
seen enough times where power trips get in the way of things.  
However, I do not wish any longer to work Solitary, so I am 
offering this possibility to those in the LA area who are 
interested in exploring the Shamanic Way and celebrate Earth Mother 
and Sky Father in a respectful and reverent way.  If one is 
interested in what I have here, and want to be a part of it, please 
leave me a private message here.
ENJU!  Walk in beauty, one and all...Michelle Chihacou White Puma 
--- TBBS v2.0
 * Origin: Cult Monitor LA (818)985-2701  (102/744)

(455)   Fri 22 Jul 88 10:28                             
By: Tim Maroney
To: All
Re: Blood on the Wire
@EID:524a 10f65387
 Associated Press
 Los Angeles
     Animal torture and slayings attributed to devil worshippers 
and the Afro-Cuban Santeria religion appear to be increasing in 
this area, and authorities are studying the legal question of how 
to stop the practices.
     The city Board of Animal Regulation has asked for a report on 
the matter, board member Arther Margolis said yesterday.
     Reed said authorities last fall found six goats bound and kept 
in the bathroom of a Culver city home, along with several chickens. 
 Candles and other religious items suggested Santeria links, and 
the owners were charged with animal cruelty.
     Margolis, an attorney, hopes the report will lead to 
consideration of a law banning animal killing and torture as part 
of a religious ceremony. He expects a First Amendment fight to 
follow immediately, as it already has in Hialeah, Fla.
     That predominantly Hispanic city near Miami passed three laws 
in 1987 aimed at the Santeria Church of Lukumi Babalu Ave., 
Florida's first public church of the sect.
     The Hialeah laws prohibit sacrifice of animals, including 
goats, pigs, cows, poultry, cats or dogs, animals that sect members 
slaughter during rituals.
     The church sued the city in federal court, alleging that the 
laws violate the constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion.
     Santeria is a mix of Roman Catholicism, voodoo and African 
rituals attributed to a Nigerian tribe.
     (Taken without permission from the San Francisco Chronicle, 
Friday, July 22, 1988, page A14)

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)

(456)   Tue 26 Jul 88 20:54                             
By: Judy Harrow
To: All
Re: Exegesis on the Wiccan Rede (REDE.TXT)
@EID:0 22ed5626
by Judy Harrow

originally published in HARVEST - Volume 5, Number 3 (Oimelc, 1985)
second publication: THE HIDDEN PATH - Volume X, Number 2 Beltane, 

     All religions began with somebody's sudden flashing insight, 
enlightenment, a shining vision. Some mystic found the way and the 
words to share the vision, and, sharing it, attracted followers. 
The followers may repeat those precise and poetic words about the 
vision until they congeal into set phrases, fused language, 
repeated by rote and without understanding. Cliches begin as great 
wisdom - that's why they spread so fast - and end as ritual 
phrases, heard but not understood. Living spirituality so easily 
hardens to boring religious routine, maintained through guilt and 
fear, or habit and social opportunism - any reason but joy.

     We come to the Craft with a first generation's joy of 
discovery, and a first generation's memory of bored hours of 
routine worship in our childhood. Because we have known the 
difference, it is our particular challenge to find or make ways to 
keep the Craft a living, real experience for our grandchildren and 
for the students of our students.

     I think the best of these safeguards is already built into the 
Craft as we know it, put there by our own good teachers. On our 
Path, the mystic experience itself is shared, not just the fruits 
of mysticism. We give all our students the techniques, and the 
protective/supportive environment that enable almost every one of 
them to Draw the Moon and/or Invoke the God. This is an incredibly 
radical change from older religions, even older Pagan religions, in 
which the only permissible source of inspiration has been to 
endlessly reinterpret and reapply the vision of the Founder (the 
Bible, the Book of the Law, the Koran, ... ). The practice of 
Drawing the Moon is the brilliant crown of the Craft.

     But notice how often, in the old myths, every treasure has its 
pitfalls? I think I'm beginning to see one of ours. Between the 
normal process of original visions clotting into cliche, and our 
perpetual flow of new inspiration, we are in danger of losing the 
special wisdom of those who founded the modern Craft. I do not 
think we should assiduously preserve every precious word. My love 
for my own Gardnerian tradition does not blind me to our sexist and 
heterosexist roots. And yet, I want us to remain identifiably 
Witches and not meld into some homogeneous "New Age" sludge. For 
this, I think we need some sort of anchoring in tradition to give 
us a sense of identity. Some of the old sayings really do 
crystallize great wisdom as well, life-affirming Pagan wisdom that 
our culture needs to hear.

     So I think it's time for a little creative borrowing from our 
neighbors. Christians do something they call "exegesis;" Jews have 
a somewhat similar process called "midrash." What it is is 
something between interpretation and meditation, a very 
concentrated examination of a particular text. The assumption often 
is that every single word has meaning (cabalists even look at the 
individual letters). Out of this inspired combination of 
scholarship and daydream comes the vitality of those paths whose 
canon is closed. The contemporary example, of course, is Christian 
Liberation Theology, based on a re-visioning of Jesus that would 
utterly shock John Calvin.

     Although our canon is not closed - and the day it is is the 
day I quit -I'm suggesting that we can use a similar process to 
renew the life of the older parts of our own still-young heritage.

     So, I'd like to try doing some exegesis on an essential 
statement of the Craft way of life. Every religion has some sort of 
ethic, some guideline for what it means to live in accordance with 
this particular mythos, this worldview. Ours, called the Wiccan 
Rede, is one of the most elegant statements I've heard of the 
principle of situational ethics. Rather than placing the power and 
duty to decide about behavior with teachers or rulebooks, the Rede 
places it exactly where it belongs, with the actor.

                     eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
                      AN IT HARM NONE, DO WHAT YOU WILL.

I'd like to start with the second phrase first, and to take it 
almost word by word.

do what YOU will. This is the challenge to self-direction, to 
figure out what we want, and not what somebody else wants for us or 
from us. All of us are subject to tremendous role expectations and 
pressures, coming from our families, our employers, our friends, 
society in general. It's easy to just be molded, deceptively easy 
to become a compulsive rebel and reflexively do the opposite of 
whatever "they" seem to want. Living by the Rede means accepting 
the responsibility to assess the results of our actions and to 
choose when we will obey, confront or evade the rules.

do what you WILL. This is the challenge to introspection, to know 
what we really want beyond the whim of the moment. The classic 
example is that of the student who chooses to study for an exam 
rather than go to a party, because what she really wants is to be a 
doctor. Again, balance is needed. Always going to the library 
rather than the movies is the road to burnout, not the road to a 
Nobel. What's more, there are others values in life, such as 
sensuality, intimacy, spirituality, that get ignored in a 
compulsively long-term orientation. So, our responsibility is not 
to mechanically follow some rule like "always choose to defer 
gratification in your own long-term self interest," but to really 
listen within, and to really choose, each time.

DO what you will. This is the challenge to action. Don't wait for 
Prince Charming or the revolution. Don't blame your mother or the 
system. Make a realistic plan that includes all your assets. Be 
sure to include magic, both the deeper insights and wisdoms of 
divination and the focusing of will and energy that comes from 
active workings. Then take the first steps right now. But, beware 
of thoughtless action, which is equally dangerous. For example, 
daydreaming is needed, to envision a goal, to project the results 
of actions, to check progress against goals, sometimes to revise 
goals. Thinking and planning are necessary parts of personal 
progress. Action and thought are complementary; neither can replace 
the other.

     When you really look at it, word by word, it sounds like a 
subtle and profound guide for life, does it not? Is it complete? 
Shall "do what you will" in fact be "the whole of the law" for us? 
I think not. The second phrase of the Rede discusses the individual 
out of context. Taken by itself, "DO WHAT YOU WILL" would produce a 
nastily competitive society, a "war of each against all" more 
bitter than what we now endure. That is, it would if it were 
possible. Happily, it's just plain not.

     Pagan myth and modern biology alike teach us that our Earth is 
one interconnected living sphere, a whole system in which the 
actions of each affect all (and this is emphatically not limited to 
humankind) through intrinsic, organic feedback paths. As our 
technology amplifies the effects of our individual actions, it 
becomes increasingly critical to understand that these actions have 
consequences beyond the individual; consequences that, by the very 
nature of things, come back to the individual as well. Cooperation, 
once "merely" an ethical ideal, has become a survival imperative. 
Life is relational, contextual. Exclusive focus on the individual 
Will is a lie and a deathtrap.

     The qualifying "AN IT HARM NONE," draws a Circle around the 
individual Will and places each of us firmly within the dual 
contexts of the human community and the complex life-form that is 
Mother Gaia. The first phrase of the Rede directs us to be aware of 
results of our actions projected not only in time, as long-term 
personal outcomes, but in space - to consider how actions may 
effect our families, co-workers, community, and the life of the 
Earth as a whole, and to take those projections into account in our 

     But, like the rest of the Rede, "an it harm none" cannot be 
followed unthinkingly. It is simply impossible for creatures who 
eat to harm none. Any refusal to decide or act for fear of harming 
someone is also a decision and an action, and will create results 
of some kind. When you consider that "none" also includes 
ourselves, it becomes clear that what we have here is a goal and an 
ideal, not a rule.

     The Craft, assuming ethical adulthood, offers us no rote 
rules. We will always be working on incomplete knowledge. We will 
sometimes just plain make mistakes. Life itself, and life-affirming 
religion, still demands that we learn, decide, act, and accept the 

                         Judy Harrow

--- Sirius 0.50
 * Origin: WeirdBase * St. Louis * 1-314-741-2231 * (Opus 1:100/523)

(457)   Tue 2 Aug 88  2:20                              
By: David Schaal
To: All
Re: natural passages pt. 1
@EID:c712 128a1102
 NATURAL PASSAGE P.O. BOX 33284 Minneapolis, MN 55433

 Who are we?

     We are a group of people dedicated to reviving the custom of
 natural (ecological) burial.

 What is "Natural Passage"?

     "Natural passage" is a system whereby, after death, the body's
 nutrients are given back to the Earth for return to the life cycle.

 Why Natural Passage?

     Throughout our lives we take sustenance from nature.  Our high
 technology and standards of creature comfort put considerable 
stress on natural resources and nonrenewable energy sources.  To 
illustrate how grave is this drain on land and resources:  the 
U.S., with 5% of the world's population, consumes 30% of the 
world's resources.
     Natural passage is a means by which we can give back some of 
 we have taken, reclaim land for nature, and provide new life from 

 Why not traditional methods?

     Modern burial convention requires that trees be killed, land 
be ill
 used, energy be wasted, and considerable expense be incurred by 
the deceased's family.  This system continues our drain on nature 
after our deaths.
     Local and state laws often require elaborate containment 
 these may consist of tightly sealed caskets, cement vaults or 
slabs to prevent soil or water contamination from communicable 
disease or embalming fluid (formaldehyde).  The body's own bacteria 
is the only benefactor of this system.  Eventually, it too dies.  
By the time these high-tech burial canisters decompose, the 
resulting matter is nearly inert.  No nutritional value remains to 
return to the life cycle.
     Cremation, though less expensive, fares little better from an
 ecological standpoint.  It requires vast amounts of energy 
(usually taken from nonrenewable sources) and the resulting product 
is of little ecological value.

 Our Proposal:

     Imagine a nature sanctuary, filled with trees, flowers, and 
 wildlife -- living mememorials to those interred beneath the soil.
     Work toward these life cemeteries would begin with the 
purchase of
 unused farm or pasture land.  Sack cloth or a simple pine box 
would serve as the repository for the deceased.  Visitors would be 
encourages to donate living plants (rather than cut flowers) to be 
transplanted at the burial site.  A young tree could be planted in 
place of a headstone.  New graves would be dug with low impact 
machinery so as to minimize damage to surrounding vegetation.  When 
all the plots have been filled the 'life cemetery' would become a 
nature preserve, serving as an eternal monument to the renewal of 

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(458)   Tue 2 Aug 88  2:22                              
By: David Schaal
To: All
Re: Natural Passages pt. 2
@EID:c712 12d21102
 How will this be accomplished?

     First, we need dedicated people to organize a core group and 
 the necessary paperwork for establishing a legally recognized 
non-profit organization.
     Next, we will need to increase public awareness and gain general
 public support for natural burials.  This will be accomplished 
through education and advertising.  Additionally, we hope to 
solicit support from other organizations sympathetic to our cause.  
Ecologists, naturalists, animal rights activists, and certain 
religious groups might be sources of support.
     We must lobby to enact legislation and/or relax laws and 
 so that natural burials will be permissible when the deceased has 
not died from communicable disease and the body has not been 
embalmed. Additionally, laws requiring the emblaming of bodies 
transported over state lines must be relxed.
     Finally, we hope to purchase land for 'life cemeteries' to be
 maintained and preserved as nature sanctuaries.

 How you can help.

     Our immediate need is not for money but for people willing to
 devote time and energy toward legal research and networking.  We 
do not know the exact costs that will be incurred for printings, 
mailings, and legal paperwork; but we expect they will be minimal.  
Only after we have legal recognition do we plan to launch a 
contributions campain. Hopefully, most of these contributions can 
be put toward the legal battles ahead and toward a fund to purchase 
land (while we will gladly accept any monetary contributions toward 
defraying printing costs, please understand that, at the present, 
they will not be tax-deductable).
     If you support the concept of natural passage please fill out 
 return the enclosed form.  Understand that this form does not 
necessarily mean that you have chosen natural passage, only that 
you support the philosophy and would like ti see natural passage as 
a legal and viable option for those who prefer it.  If you so mark, 
your name will be matched with others from your geographic area so 
that state chapters may be formed.  (Many of the legal obstacles 
occur at either the local or state level, so having an active 
chapter in each state is imperitive.)


_____  I Support the concept of natural passage.  Please put me on 
       mailing list.

_____  I would like to become a working member of Natural Passage.  
       send my name to others in my area (and their names to me).

 Name:      ________________________________________

 Address:   ________________________________________

 City, St:  ________________________________________

 Zip Code:                             _____________

 Telephone # (Optional):  (_____) __________________

 Thank you for your support Natural Passage, P.O. Box 33284, 
Minneapolis, MN 55433

--- ConfMail V3.31
 * Origin: The Terraboard, Mpls MN (1:282/341)

(459)   Mon 8 Aug 88 11:18                              
By: Josh Gordon
To: All
Re: Air Force Times article
@EID:954a 11085a4d
Staff Writer from The AIR FORCE TIMES, October 26, 1987

      WASHINGTON - Military members who practice witchcraft and 
paganism are
 emerging from secrecy to demand respect for their civil rights and 
increased recognition from the armed services.
      In interviews with Air Force Times, military witch and pagan 
 said they want time off for their major religious holidays.  Some 
said they want dog tags that state "Pagan" or "Wicca" as their 
religious preference. Other pagans and witches said they need 
chaplains who understand pre-Christian beliefs and who can help 
them form worship groups at remote duty locations.
      Signs of the new assertiveness appeared this fall in Europe, 
when some
 witches and pagans formed a network called the Farwanderer 
Military Pagan Fellowship.  Air Force SSGt Lorie A. Johnson said 
she placed an announcement in European Stars and Stripes to recruit 
fellowship members.
      "The goal is to let military pagans know they're not alone," 
 said, and "to show the military that we're not just a bunch of 
scattered weirdos."
      Johnson is assigned to the 601st Tactical Control Wing at 
Sembach AB,
 Germany.  She said she is a witch, but added that witches prefer 
to call themselves Wiccans.  Their religion is called Wicca.
      Wiccans are considered pagans because they worship several 
nature gods
 instead of a single god, according to the Army's chaplain 
handbook.  They also believe in phychic powers and hold rituals 
according to lunar cycle.  Other pagan groups include Druids, who 
base their rituals on solar cycles, and worshippers of the Norse 
gods, of the ancient Vikings.
      Military witches and pagans have tended to practice their 
 secretly - so secretly, in fact, that many people outside the 
pagan subculture are startled to learn that it exists.  Some people 
deny that paganism is a religion find pagan rituals offensive.
      But the pagans who were interviewed said their religion is 
serious and
 their problems are real.  Those problems include choosing whether 
to keep their beliefs a secret from commanders and co-workers, 
unwelcome solicitations from people who try to convert them to 
Christianity, and harassment by those who erroneously regard pagans 
as devil-worshippers.
      No one knows how many of the estimated 30,000 to 40,000 
pagans in the
 United States are military members.  In a December, 1986 
Department of Defense survey, 10,487 military members marked "other 
religion" as their preference instead of choosing one of the 250 
faith groups on the questionnaire.  That was less than 1 percent of 
the 2.1 million who responded.
      Officially, the military takes a neutral view of pagan 
activity in the
 ranks.  "We acknowledge their right to exist," said Chaplain (Lt. 
Col.) William L. Hugham, a spokesman for the Army chief of 
chaplains office at the Pentagon.
      A 1984 Department of Defense directive allows any religious 
faith group
 to apply for recognition as an "ecclesiastical endorsing agent."  
This status allows a faith to seek chaplain commissions, among 
other things.
      Pagan and Wiccan groups are welcome to apply to the Armed 
 Chaplains Board for endorsing status, said Chaplain (Col.) John 
Mann (USAF), the board's executive director.  However, Wiccans and 
pagans acknowledge that their groups probably are too loosely 
organized to meet DoD criteria.
      Even without official recognition, Mann said, military pagans 
 entitled to support from more than 3,400 active-duty Catholic, 
Protestant or Jewish chaplains.  "The military chaplaincy exists to 
provide for the free exercise of religion," he said.
      But as long as the armed services don't count pagans, 
separately, they
 can continue to ignore pagans' needs, Johnson said.  The military 
also tolerates a climate that makes many pagans afraid to exercise th
their rights openly, said Sgt LaVern Bentz (USArmy), a Wiccan 
assigned to the 284th Military Police Company in Frankfurt, Germany.
     "You have these commanders who don't want to rock the boat," 
Bentz said.
"So they tend to look at (paganism) as not part of the norm - is 
not uniform."
      "Then your assignments start getting changed.  They put you 
on the back
 burner somewhere in a nice little office...To me, this is very 
      Bentz, a four-year Army veteran, said he started getting 
"rotten" job
 assignments after he revealed his beliefs to his previous unit 
commander. Then enlisted soldiers stopped listening to what Bentz 
said, or jokingly asked if he could cast a good-weather spell for 
their next field exercise, he said.
      Despite the problems, Bentz said, he managed to get 
transferred to a
 unit where no one cares that he is a witch.  he has since joined 
the Farwandere Fellowship and hopes that other pagans will follow.
      "Most of them are finally coming out of the closet and 
saying:  The
 military is the pinnacle of what we believe in - freedom of 
religion - so why are we afraid to reveal our beliefs?" Bentz said.
      But other pagans have chosen to keep a low profile.  Jack 
(not his real
 name), a Navy hospital corpsman second class stationed in the Deep 
South, said secrecy protects his family.
      "If I were a civilian and things got hot, I could always pick 
up and
 leave," he said.  "Being in the Navy, I can't do that."
      Jack said he might consider practicing Wicca openly if he 
were stationed
 on a ship, because everyone aboard would be subject to Navy 
discipline and regulations that protect freedom of religion.  On 
shore, however, Jack said he feels intimidated by vocal Christian 
fundamentalists on and off base.  The Klu Klux Klan is still active 
in the civilian community, he added.
      Jack and his wife did attend a workshop for military pagans 
last summer
 at Barneveld, Wis.  The worship had about eight participants and 
was sponsored by Circle Sanctuary, a 10-year old Wiccan church that 
claims 15,000 members.
      Some pagans find that their religious implements are banned 
in barracks,
 said J. Gordon Melton, a professor who heads the University of 
California at Santa Barbara's Institute for the Study of American 
      For example, Melton said, some bases ban incense because it 
is sometimes
 used to cover the smell of marijuana.  Candles may be considered a 
fire hazard.  And the Wiccan ritual knife, the atheme, may be 
considered an unauthorized weapon.
      The estimate of 30,000 to 40,000 pagans in the United States 
comes from
 Melton's research.
      Wiccans and pagans don't try to convert others to their 
religion, but
 many feel harassed by the well-intentioned efforts of some 
Christians to
"save" them from sin, said Kim Rayworth, the wife of an Air Force 
major at
 Incirlik AB, Turkey.  Rayworth said she and her husband have been 
Wiccans since 1970.
      Last summer, Rayworth said, she woke up one morning to find a 
 wooden cross planted in the front yard of her on-base home.  She 
could have made a formal complaint to the base commander but chose 
to ignore the incident, she said.
      A neighbor also tried to hang crosses around Rayworth's 
daughter's neck,
 Rayworth said.
      "At the age of 7, she had accumulated nine crosses from (the)
 neighbor," Rayworth said.  "I finally told her, 'I don't need your 
crosses. Please don't push your religion on my daughter.'"

 * Origin: ThelemaNet - Hail Eris! * (415) 548-0163 (Opus 1:161/93)