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-------------------------------------- %>> Ctrl-S Pauses/Space Quits <<% Uploaded By: -=[GALACTUS]=- ** }======================================= = = = hacking the hp 3000 = = = by = = = = blitziod ?? & galactus ** = = = = of = = = = the elite hackers guild = = = ======================================= recognizing an hp 3000 ---------------------- an hp 3000 can normally be recognizedanswering prompt ':' although some systems ive seen answer with a password message of some kind. if you just hit some characters and a return you will see... expected hello, :job, :data, or (cmd) as logon. (cierr 1402) the 'cierr' message is a dead give- away that you have found an hp 3000. logging on ---------- you must log on within a few minutes after hitting <ret> or the system will hang up. the time varries from system to system. log on by typing at the co_. the word hello 2. a space 3. your log-on identification a correct logon might look like this... :hello ed.datasys3 hp3000 / mpe iii. thu, feb 23, 1987, 2:59 pm : an example log-on id would thus be ed.datasys3 here the username is ed and the account is datasys3. some sys- tems also require a password but this is not a standard feature. after your in ------------- the hp 3000 is actually a very hacker friendly system. there are four help files for each commanDop command = lists formal syntax :help command,operation = explanation of opperation. :help command,example = example usage :help command,parms = lists specific command parematers. the showjob command lists all jobs usernames currently using the system. an example might look like this... :showjob jobnum state ipri jin jlist introduced job name #s2400 exec 83 83 fri 10:54a tom.clifton #s2394 exec 90 90 fri 10:43a Rl #s2368 exec 26 26 fri 10:01a ed.datasys3 #s2369 exec 47 47 fri 09:34a intro.basic 4 jobs: 0 intro 0 wait; incl 0 deferred 4 exec; incl 4 sessions 0 susp jobfence= 2; jlimit= 6; slimit= 60 i have noticed that all log-on's i have found contain 10 bytes sep- erated somewhere with a period. this however is just a guidline... not a rule. you will want to do several showjob's during high usage hours. on some systems thesEd's are all that you need to log-in on that account. since these log-on id's are printed out on any hard-copy login or showjob trashing hard-copy terminal sights or the system sight can be quite helpfull to get you started. aditional notes --------------- the hp 3000 is a very powerful system which opperates in six modes and under- stands four programing languages. the modes are: 1. system mode 2. edit/3000 3. basic/3000 4. fortran/3000 5. cobol/3000 6. rpg/3000akes it very easy for most hackers to talk to the hp 3000. only the basic is interactive, the others are compiler languages. ^h = backspace ^x = ignore line you may want to experiment with ;term=nn tagged onto your log-on... you will have to experiment with the nn part. ^y = break system mode ----------- the system mode is the hub of the hp 3000. you log-on in the system mode and start here. the prompt for this mode is ':' some important commands are: :a>rminates a program or oppera- tion after the break key is hit :bye = terminates session :showjob = lists user names currently logged on :redo = allows you to edit last issued command. the redo keys are: d = delete i = insert r = replace u = undo all edits :purge filename = deletes a file :listf = lists all filenames in your group :file lp;dev=deviceclass name = used to create a file referanc lineprinter. dev can = lp the following are examples of commands that compile source files. :basicomp source file :cobol source file :fortran source file :rpg source file :spl source file the usl filename will be $oldpass and is temporary. to specify a differant usl filename type a ',filename' tagged on the end. :prep $oldpass,$newpass prepares the object code from $oldpass placing it in $newpass then deleting $oldpass and re- namass as $oldpass :save source file makes a session temporary soucefile permanant. :run $oldpass executes program file $oldpass the following are examples of statements that compile a sourcefile into $oldpass :basicprep sourcefile :cobolprep sourcefile :fortprep sourcefile :rpgprep sourcefile :splprep sourcefile :preprun $oldpass = same as prep but also executes program the following are commands that compile prepare and execute a source filasicgo sourcefile :cobolgo sourcefile :fortgo sourcefile :rpggo sourcefile :splgo sourcefile :build filename;disc=x builds disc file x records long for fortran :build filename;rec=-14,18,f,ascii builds a file 1023 records 14 chr per record. 18 rec per block for cobol edit/3000 mode -------------- edit/3000 is a file editor. esent- ially it is a word processer. it allows you to write and edit source files (or normal tep which can be compiled and run in system mode. to enter edit/3000 you must type at the system prompt. :editor hpp32201a.7.01 edit/3000 tue, feb 27, 1987 3:08 pm (c) hewlett-packard co. 1976 / the editor prompt is a '/' /add = allows to type text into the area /add 3.1 = enters text between lines 3 & 4 /add 5.1,holdq,now = incerts hold file after line 5 ^y = terminates add mode /delete x = deletes line x of work area _/y = deletes lines x thru y /delete all = clears work area /end = wipes out work area and exits the edit/3000 /gather 11/15 to 8.1 = moves lines 11 thru 15 to lines 8.1 to 8.5 /gather all = renumbers all lines starting at 1 inncrementing 1 /hold all = stores work area in hold file /holdq 9/33 = stores only lines 9 thru 33 /joinq filename = joins file conents to end of work area /keep filename = stores win a file /keep filename(9/33) = stores only lines 9 thru 33 to work area /modify 2 = prints line 2 and waits for modifications. use same edit keys as redo /text filename = loads disk file into work area. /list all = lists work area /list 1/7 = list lines 1 thru 7 /list 2 = lists line 2 /list all,offline = prints work area to the line printer. basic/3000 mode --------------- s the only interactive language on the hp 3000. you will find it very usefull for 2 important reasons 1. it allows you to talk interactive. 2. basic is an easy well-known language you enter basic by typing: :basic basic 3.0 > the prompt for basic is '>' basic/3000 is much like its predec- essor basic/2000 version f which is discussed in my file 'hacking the hp 2000' it is not unlike most basic's though there are some differances. if you type an error in a state will get the error message as soon as you hit return. it will look like this: >10 print 5*six error@9 meaning that the error was the 9th byte (spaces are not counted). if you want to have a string variable more than one byte long you will have to dim it for the string length. line numbers may range from 1 to 9999 the operand for exponential is '**' a larger list of commands and state- ments can be found in my hp 2000 file but here are some. >save filename!,fas purges old filename before saving >create filename,10 creates a basic formated file 10 records long >exit = returns you to system mode >save filename saves program to disk >save filename,fast same but faster to get >run filename gets and runs program >get filename loads program from disk >system = return to system without losing memory >list,out=printer = list lineprinter >run,out=printer = program runs with outout to line printer the following are examples of basic/ 3000 statements. >10 files dfile,ascf assigns dfile as file #1 and ascf af file #2 >20 print#1;a = serial write >30 print#1,5;a = direct write >40 read#1?a = serial read >50 read#1,5;a = direct read >60 restore#1 = resets file pointer >70 read#2,2 = positions file 2 pointer at record 2 >80 advance#1;10,x = movEr by 10 items >90 linput #2,3;b$ = reads record 3 of file 2 into b$ >100 b$=a$(3) = b$ = from byte 3 of a$ over >110 b$=a$(3,5) = b$ = from byte 3 to byte 5 of a$ >120 b$=a$(3;6) = substring starting at byte 3 and containing 6 bytes >10 convert a to a$ = gives a the value of a$ making it a string variable. >20 convert a$ to a = opposite of abovend(0) = generates random number between 0 and 1. use the formula: x=rnd(0)*(u-l)+l to generate a random num. from l (lowest) to u (highest) compilers --------- the hp 3000 also has 3 compiler languages, they are: 1. fortran/3000 2. cobol/3000 3. rpg/3000 these languages are written with edit/ 3000 and then compiled, preped and executed from system mode. i woV them in depth here but i may in the future in hacking the hp 3000 ][ hope this phile has been helpfull to you. if you want further info on the hp 3000 you may want to order these manuals from hewlett-packard. using the hp 3000..part # 03000-90121 edit/3000 referance manual part # 03000-90012 using cobol guide..part # 32213-90003 special note: this file is written for hp 3000's using the mpe-iii operating system, another op sys (mpe-c) isular but has no help files and no redo comma==================================== = end of phile = ==================================== ---------------------------------------