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iXHS - information express by helter skelter issue 18 about anarky by ruiner *** r00iners AnArKy pHilEz v0l 1. LegaL BuLLsh1t: THEZE PHILEZ R 4 INF0RMATON PURPUSES 0NLY!!! U G0T THAT?!?! S0 IF U GET KAUT 0R BL0W YUR FINGERZ 0FF WIT DIS INF0ZE THEN U R A STUPIDD ASSH0LE FAGG0T FURST 0F ALL...AND SEKOND 0F ALL...IT AIN'T OUR FUCKEN FALT. phile Numer0 Un0: Makin' GingEr aLe Have u evr wanted 2 make your own ginger ale?! of korse u have Every full blown anarkist and ginger ale drincker has thot about it at 1 point or another me and my budz g0t tired of paying up 2 $2.50 4 aa b0ttle uf ginger ale and up 2 $1.50 4 a kan (it haz 0nly been 1.50 a kan at Kafee WIM when I amm at tha 2600 meeetin) Soo me and my budz started to try and n0t pay soo much dough 4 da ginger ale by steelin tha ginger ale so we kan drinck da ginger aLE bkause we like da ginger ale at furst we just tried to bargen with da store cash guy bkuze he iz da guy who sellz us da ginger ale Butt tha store guy still wanted tha same amount of moolah but we didnt give up on da store guy neckst me and my frends went into da store wearing muthafuckin trenchcoats and we said to da stor asshole "Hey Mista U kno dat shit happens but if U give us all da ginger ale we want we kan make sure dat none shit don't happen 2 your store" And then he told us 2 get outta his stor and never cum bak the last stab at da store guy wuz funnee 4 us we went in and sed "Look busta!!!!! We R Mutha Fucken Anarkists! Do U kno what anarky meens pal! ?!?! It meens blowin da fuck outta shit shit like dis store, and if U dont give uss all of your ginger ale then dat is what we are plannnin on doin" Neckst thin we know...we are surrondred by da pigz and we got our assez hauled off 2 da pig sty. So we gave up on tryin to spend less lettuce on da ginger ale and dicided 2 not pay anylonger at all 4 da ginger ale Phirst we tried 2 steel it but we alwayz get kicked outta da store bkuze of da bom thin so neckst we thot "HAY! Letxz steel it rite frum da faktory!!!!" So I konned my big brutha to dribve us 2 da neerest Kanada Dry faktory that wuz onlee a 3 hour drive when we got there we got into da faktory after serchin around 4 an opinin but we set off an alarm and da pigz came again and my brutha toook off luckily sinse we r all undur 12 yeers old we didn't get in no truble butt my big brutha was charged as an aksesorie then we gave up not only koud we not get ginger ale for phree but we kouildnt evhan by it nemore then I had a brainstorm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y dont we make oRE own ginger ale?!?!?!??! dat would be fucken koolio to da fucken shit!!!! so here are da skematisckas 2 make ure own gingar ale carbonated water sugar/glucose fructose citric acid natural flavour sodium benzoate colouring N0w get all uf dese thinkgs at da lokal store and mixem all 2getur in a big pot for about 3 hours ansd u got homweade ginger ale.. now datz good drincken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! notwe: Dis is not phor whimpz AND lamahz, U should only reed this if U R smart, if U R a dummass then kill Urself noW!!!!!!! phile duos: phree PoWur Bah K, This iz it! No more payin for fucken shitty power barz!!!!!! I alwayz hated having to go down to fuckin radio slut and havin to pay 7 dollarz 4 a powur bar] so I found a simple way around dat and any fucken retard from retasrd land kuld undurstand whut I R talkin about nd stufff K, phirst thin U need is a safty deposit bocks if you dnt have 1 then GET ONE U FUCKEN RETARD! Now remeber Da Safty Depozirt Bocks kan only B used 4 dis purpoz, it may kost U a bit butt it'll be wurth it when U got ur power bar now that u have a sdb you must put all uf yr identifikashun in it, this iz VITUL!!! now U must get a KevlAer Vest, I kant help yoyu out wit dat, U must find 1 yurself (ttry steelin 1 frum a polise stashun! datsz whut I didn't not du, but dats not 4 skared litul farees!!!) Now U have a SDP and a kevlar jacket U muzt go to Rideau Centur (THIS ONLY WURKS IN OTTAWA! SO IF YOU FUCKIN LIVE SOMEWHERE ELSE AND U WANT PHREE POWER BAHRS THEN YOU BETTUR GET YO SHITTY FUCKIN ASS DOWN HEREW FUCKER!!!) and loook 4 da raffel displey thineg and you will C dat there is a powur barh powurubng it, take dat and U got a phree power bar, now for da last final detale, go toy your sdb and get it shut down but leeve ur idebntificashun, now U cant get in truble for gwetting tha powur bar bkuxsze tha bank has all ur id so u kant sho it 2 ne1!1!!!!!1!! PS, id lik 2 thanck Divin Owverflo 4 dis fuckin grate idea, tankz mann! Greeetzz nd showt owts: Nitefowl -yur aleeas iz ez 2 speel dood Draknesss -C U at Wundrlaundf dood!!!!!!!! Luthah -Whenzx UUUI gonna get sumthin out??!?!?! Durty Burd -Fish Hed Gan roolz wit toolz dood Maledjuster -Mental EXCRUNmenut iz neeto like a speeto Textite -Simbuoio.sxysx iz phat like a bat Shotttguin -iXHS rox like a bocks ful uf glox Morf -Da warezzzZZZzz cave iz da place 2 B Phire -I wrot Dis in Montreelal dood!!!!!!!!!! Fuxeors yous to: Chee Geveero -U got kixored out uf lEEt skool U fuxen lamah!!!! Poge Mahune -getr yur name chngered fhoolio!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Buyerviz -KBEK ROOOOLZ FOOLZ Joopiter ate -Menshun Lynucks 1 more tym nd I will put a cap in yur ass fool Arsonikcs -Relutivtu iz bouring fucko! soo iz intercoencytgcveneszs Riet -leern 2 driv foolio, U get me killied soon sumdayr Yowlah -grow up lamah U iz only da 11 yers uld -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.2 pgAAB8h79ht/dmU3gG5VhSXXnJYNJWMw2YQmyIHBhgDEiqj41Eax3ttqxdp986Qz gw8CyCfEDz13VAZ3oRTm9MNBxZlR0SueEQYntekT062kJbjPsCjN8OXW9XFJegUz K9D5RiYA5wDWH3Ez6sfK4dCquqD7AlSlZ688OmybgGzpshneRmwIeaaGjVDOamOA zbnb+qerqQ39My6olwUtUHu4m1xJSbGOhz03gg/KRj+qXE9EAXOsAW0KppVI5szD BDzgZKn8c845pN5vEp5G4tlTDAb2A2FUNUu1CeJ3rlNSd0qhbesm7yx8tMMyCMax 3Ga2t324znBSLQV1gbKOOh9zU1rQgbOxAjXBgcFr6JSkQTlR9L7xRE5DBT9lQp5D l6yMdGuybHNvqErlCmBMgYPACT3C1eqt/yml17Bp83OCWxRdI+qSX2J5Sc9hoSPy VvDeHOmeQEBjsbSDaY8m2DvPlUxf0wAT3Ri0o3b3CAjjDaoKH04QSfed4sA9arMc kVyo/hAkOeHwwkgluryMMKQSLOLhUSmvnW/dKFfx/9zl0aoChF3HKCbC6f+aRdQ1 ZTuVysWs7OqGvbtr7HREWKhXxAp8HuJmsfK4qoQqXbXjJvOkVLUl+3os2EpQl6zT mYpRpumHGp2AqBCGIPeSo4zqNHA/G0ianiT90QZVKLxER9LCLBffITERUp+k5Czw 13fh6A1mbcxOhji3En6scsMoZpIqOgIbKJ3wUNsTPQpplU/0bhW8+1MBCOTQILX2 1s6U0rp8f+RUdA4xdCi8MCVur8OT2MCCStvGB0lbb30AgX0iag5fU1nH08OniFBK JGe0d1qi7TTvek4j09PzKMHV83bgOAajZJk5s60COwZ23ZFciGMKV+y64tNWf7Tg TSCQ3gga/VmXkxPoFRaQhbf+PGK/p84GPsnks1aXxV9aOjEpv2sqz7jSF0nB2kqp uXGtnj/gJC4rbmEma0AFQH1n2ZSLF8oVXA4d1KU9vijFCrybl5xM5WpEqZyVCEHL 1BULmwa6qp0L1F7IiJIFZxIUjrtgburSj3sozowqwQ1Ot1vxBqBtrAsY9MsUKX9G tEOeqWhwqzTJEiKIQkSVlNAzf9R2pyclkG+1yfPjuo/krhUPDbj5KNSXqgIb2XnM IJFvRdSGu4jSk2xBwbM0XDbqXLgKHdJe7yGU/Ae3O/Cfk3DIepDPl0NxdKOAz3Wb 02H4XTV20f/w6sKv9qvbHTqWOsRY5RZI9mhvEg9Rlks325VaFPT2A6i6iMi4JkNe 96pU+xNB5DTDDvpum/A5n5kGM+J2X5n0IBQUmTNuCxOZOWTJ2FAa5pvRGxicGecE OWJhcDVR6vYWio0Nda8S51QqTYmMgUNL368fmGgzn5y5q5+StP+tke8ldS2IVx9Z TrxVKsVESdPpRTlN/KMnJxitEHNPkF76tMsYuCjbzTaPCjEyGC/HovLi/gfslKmM tHfH6GvSRtgEjus2mcZAadHWQEKeOCE6ZQiAotLc8/IeXVJNzSmwslHKev5ffHoJ DtdjAKNcWzRj+58TiOv/Odk4jrI5wmX99g0s0xS42vt/rvGqXiSBsGKdNxNa6uY4 6HnB4104P7jx9nvIGp+AAAcDJpkpt0l7BgWL8AV2fgZ0mceHseLm8RcMlF74Fb4A 371yYSniSwsKnBTi/bAP/8qaUb2eizIkISLO126RgOvB9i5IlG7Zou5KjMnVQ+VZ wtY/6211saw4vrZ4Tm3B4Bh/J12oxG+TUoS7ZEZbCkdPHByaz4Ri3sTNSz836X7p zg9tbYjJfYVQBjVqEhbleTc8ESFAdSsc5EjRdBnUlYCqVeDoAKHh6A04vSzACl0U iX5kscAoj2zsiBafnVb/0GFiUDuFZoggqgekDOnvdTGR9NZMBeEfK+Vo07I1kW6p LgvBV94AyALwj5jAckZ4Xmi1uUJgYgu9UerJ3AVbVLbojqatZXMcKRW87h5PC+oi IgJPiwxdUzjZ6vgOXSji3a9XgJNeERzq+LggyyRNH2OlpS7nDlVIr6VAnVE7eNmj 9wTxHoDV3xaIXQh1ZV7tKEMsPh4EeNMvNs5vAN14YZ+JnCyBqUwUFeKO3nCq2Qvq SjZQ9qAVf+x1V8iDDnallw2/Sx0pFWq9SCrkZ/sVfQPxP1FrYZ9drTcSsfaUQRa0 wApcml2NqIcxH6Ir+lk2mdz9u5S65VkaJiYG805emIRXYi4vc7lKJ5Zs2kyqtT0Q ZBrLIC8hmskktXgMMiUk9WL7YzAUOqU/9MqQnMaI66qg9N3o0wSe/YiiDI+MWkXB hMJ1jOEnjflmYl+aTD4WJoPtwnro9bQATsCxUz7BOEOU7nL+LCbahpIk6GMViRKo BhUBGrRrKuAQ7kepZDvWscd2UhCRcjhmdvLPAJUMyxufS2xYCq5uRSCcd5LNqBjQ B+yNb7zozaOzch+KhLj/mZqzKb3aCPKB/BJYYAErHNq02Vett4kwhhs4xzon9SMC Ye/wEIqcLFsbtA4D2JGM+TE+2VAGXA97k3JuJPoEAulqNttfQTNExA95iDOWKT15 /1Wm9VwbXuo0Sebt2ywi3i4DZVpYC6Ph8lzwfh4zi4n4wMgHzr3P3mnS8un/uMGx /HHd7WxohWcrtkMuqc55p7dZSDxNCAvLfg+4cYY= =jeDn -----END PGP MESSAGE-----