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JAMES BOND: THE STEALTH AFFAIR 1 At The Airport, Downtown 2 In A Cave, Beach, Hotel, Boat, Palace, Submarine 3 Ocean Floor, Headquarters, Endgame JAMES BOND: THE STEALTH AFFAIR Part 1 AT THE AIRPORT Okay, 007, so you've met with the director of the CIA, who told you about the stolen Stealth bomber. Why they would ask a British agent to help when they have their own worldwide network of capable agents is unimportant right now. What _is_ important is that you have to get out of this darn airport in Santa Paragua before you can get on with the game. The customs official wants to see your papers. Now, where did you put that passport? EXAMINE newspaper machine. Hm, that looks familiar! (Right! You saw the same machine in FUTURE WARS, another adventure using the same game engine.) EXAMINE coin return slot. Ah, how convenient! There is a coin sitting in the slot. USE COIN ON COIN SLOT (not the coin return slot). Unlike the machine in FUTURE WARS, this one works the very first time! EXAMINE newspaper. The newspaper will tell you which country is currently friendly with Santa Paragua. This is random, so make a note of it. Enter the door to the bathroom. Enter one of the toilets. OPERATE BRIEFCASE and TAKE AMERICAN PASSPORT. (Don't show that to the customs official. It'll make for a very short game.) TAKE PEN and OPERATE CALCULATOR to open the secret compartment (as explained to you in the manual). EXAMINE the passport falsifier. EXAMINE the note at the lower right area of the falsifier. Hm, the instructions seem simple enough. OPERATE the up or down button until the sign matches the country name in the newspaper. TAKE UNUSED PASSPORT. USE UNUSED PASSPORT ON OPENING (at the left edge of the falsifier). OPERATE the Enter button on the falsifier. Voila! You now have a validated passport from that country. OPERATE BRIEFCASE to close it. Leave the bathroom and go back to the customs area. USE THE FORGED PASSPORT ON CUSTOMS OFFICIAL. Now we are getting somewhere. SPEAK to the welcome hostess. What is this? A telegram for Bond? James Bond? EXAMINE telegram. It says "Flight 714. Mr. Martinez." It must be from a friendly agent. Go left one screen. Enter the open door where the armed guard is. He asks to see your airplane ticket. No problem. USE AIRLINE TICKET ON GUARD. Notice the two columns on the left side of the screen? One says "5" and the other says "7." They lead to different luggage carousels. Try exiting the screen to the left on the near side or between the two columns. You will find yourself in front of one of the luggage carousels. The blinking letters on the sign in the middle of the screen give you the number of the flight that is being unloaded. Naturally, you want to be at the carousel for flight 714. Once you are at the correct carousel, EXAMINE the luggage coming at you on the conveyor belt until you find the one belonging to Mr. Martinez. TAKE LUGGAGE. Exit to the right. Enter the closed door on the right side of the screen. Here is another bathroom area. Enter one of the toilets. OPERATE LUGGAGE. You find a watch and an electric razor. Both, of course, have secret uses which are described in your manual. EXAMINE the razor. OPERATE THE RAZOR. There is an electric cable attached to it. The razor only works with AC power. Leave the toilet and enter the bathroom area again. Notice there is an electric socket on the right, past the last toilet. USE ELECTRIC CABLE IN SOCKET. The cassette tape machine inside the razor tells you to go meet your contact at Las Mimosas Park, and you should be wearing a red carnation. Wait! What is this about self-destructing in 5 seconds? Oh, a joke! Ha-ha, very funny! Still, that may come in handy later. Leave the bathroom. USE THE FORGED PASSPORT ON THE CUSTOMS OFFICIAL. He notices that you are not Mr. Martinez and yet you are carrying his luggage. Whew! He only takes the luggage and waves you on your way. No harm done. You have already taken everything you need out of the luggage anyway. Exit to the left, then leave the airport through the door in the middle of the screen. Stand next to the taxi sign and wait for a taxi. It shouldn't be long before a taxi pulls up. Just walk up to it and you will automatically climb into the taxi that takes you to downtown Santa Paragua. DOWNTOWN The taxi drops you off near a flower shop. How convenient. We can just buy a red carnation here and be on our way. EXAMINE American passport. There is some currency inside the passport. USE CURRENCY ON FLORIST. Darn. She doesn't have enough change for the transaction. Now what? Go left one screen. Well, there's a bank right here! I'll bet they can convert your currency into change in no time at all. Enter the bank. USE CURRENCY ON THE BANK CLERK behind the window. He exchanges some of the currency for coins. While you're at it, you may as well exchange all of it. USE CURRENCY ON THE BANK CLERK a second time. Now, you have all coins and no currency. Exit the bank. Go back to the florist. USE THE FIRST STACK OF COINS ON FLORIST. TAKE RED CARNATION. USE RED CARNATION ON JAMES (you). Go left one screen. You are in front of the bank again. Go to the far side of the bank and exit left. This must be the park mentioned in the cassette. And look, there's the bench right in the middle of the screen. Walk to the bench and move around it a bit until the game takes over and sits you on the bench. A man in a trench coat comes out from behind the bushes to greet you. That sure was a brief greeting! A passing car drives by and guns him down almost immediately. He does manage to tell you about some documents and gives you a key taped to a card with the number 2475 written on it. It sure looks like a key to a safe-deposit box. I guess we should go visit the bank again. Go right one screen and enter the bank. USE CARD AND KEY ON THE BANK CLERK behind the window. He deactivates the security door to the safe-deposit boxes and hands your key back. Go down the stairs at the bottom right of the screen. Enter the safe-deposit boxes area through the open door. EXAMINE the safes until you find 2475. It should be the lowest one in the right column. USE KEY ON SAFE. You find a briefcase and open it. You find a calculator inside that allows you to open the secret compartment. There is a small electronic box here. EXAMINE it. From its description, this must be a safe-cracking device. TAKE SMALL ELECTRONIC BOX. There is also an envelope here. EXAMINE envelope. It's marked "Operation Stealth." Jackpot! TAKE ENVELOPE. Suddenly, two KGB agents come out of nowhere and attack you. You recognize one of them. He's the guy that was supposedly your contact who was gunned down at the park. This was all a deliberate ploy to get you to open the briefcase for them. They have both you and the envelope; you're in big trouble now! JAMES BOND: THE STEALTH AFFAIR Part 2 IN A CAVE The KGB agents have you all tied up in a cave. Just before they left, they blew up the entrance with explosives, and you're trapped. EXAMINE the ground right next to you. OPERATE THE GROUND. Mr. Bond, you're one lucky spy: There's a piece of sharp metal buried in the ground near you. USE ROPE ON THE PIECE OF SHARP METAL and you're free again. OPERATE THE PIECE OF SHARP METAL and it turns out to be a pickax. EXAMINE pickax. Left behind by a miner, eh? Okay, I'll buy that. EXAMINE the rock wall next to you. You can feel a breeze. Let's see, if I take this axe and work on this wall...move slightly to the left of where you're standing. OPERATE PICKAX three times and you'll have a hole large enough through which to escape. Enter hole. Here's the first of several arcade sequences. You are strongly advised to save the game here. This one is fairly easy. You're in the water and will have to swim to the right of the screen. The red line is your oxygen level: As you swim underwater to get through the rocks, this level will decrease. When the level reaches zero, you die. If you get to a point on the screen where you can surface, you'll restore the oxygen level back to maximum again. Fair enough? Well, go for it! Once you finish this screen, there's one more screen to conquer. When you exit this second screen to the right, you find yourself back in front of the flower shop. BEACH Go left one screen and you're in front of the bank again. This time, exit to the left in front of the bank. You're near a beach with a hotel in the background. What is that guy doing on the beach? Speak to the man on the beach. He is selling an inflatable bracelet, useful to swimmers and surfers. SPEAK to him again until he drops the price to 18. USE COINS ON MAN to buy the bracelet, then walk to the hotel. HOTEL Enter the hotel through the revolving door. SPEAK to the receptionist. Enter the door to the side of the elevator. Take the stairs and go up to the third floor. The maid is here vacuuming just outside the elevator. Now you know why we didn't take the elevator in the first place. You would never be able to get past her. Go right two screens to the end of the hallway. OPERATE DOOR. Here, things will happen quickly and furiously. First, a girl named Julia pulls a gun on you. Then, a man named Otto and two burly guards burst in and capture both you and Julia. What is going on here? BOAT You find yourself on a boat with Julia, Otto, and the guards. They are just about ready to tie you to a big rock and throw you overboard. Quickly, OPERATE BRACELET. The bracelet inflates just before they tie you up. Both you and Julia are thrown into the ocean. You will fall through two ocean screens with absolutely nothing to do. As soon as the third scene appears, save the game quickly; there's no time to lose! OPERATE BRACELET to deflate it and you're free from the ropes. Swim to the girl until you're touching her. OPERATE GIRL to untie her and watch as you and Julia try to swim back to the surface two screens away before your oxygen runs out. It will be very close. But if you were quick enough down at the bottom of the ocean, both of you should be able to get back to the surface safely. Sit back and enjoy a very long animated sequence as the game tries to tighten up the various loose ends in the plot. This sequence ends with you performing some magic inside the presidential palace. PALACE As the magic show comes to an end, you go backstage just in time to see Julia being kidnaped by the guards. You decide to follow them. Next thing you know, you find yourself in yet another arcade sequence. Needless to say, save the game first. You find yourself in an overhead view of a maze with guards patrolling everywhere. There are many doors in the maze that can be pivoted 90 degrees each time you walk into them. Use of these doors and careful timing to trap the guards will help you make your way to, first, a blinking key, then to a blinking exit. It is actually kind of fun and not very difficult. If you enjoyed this, great; there's one more maze immediately following this one. Clearing both mazes, you'll find yourself in front of a hallway door. OPERATE DOOR to open it and enter. This is a big office. The one thing that should attract your attention is the statue near the desk. EXAMINE the statue. The arm is a little crooked, isn't it? Well, that is a dead giveaway if I ever saw one. OPERATE THE STATUE'S ARM and you discover a safe. It's time to put the safe-cracking device to good use. USE THE ELECTRONIC BOX ON SAFE DOOR. You should save the game here. OPERATE THE VALIDATION BUTTON ON THE BOX to turn it on. Click the up arrow button on the safe to change the leftmost digit until its LED lights up on the electronic box. Click the lock combination button on the safe to move to the second digit. Again, click the up arrow button on the safe until the second LED lights up on the electronic box. Repeat with the third and fourth digits on the safe. When you have found the correct fourth digit, click the lock combination button on the safe one time. The little box should start beeping, indicating that its work is done. OPERATE THE VALIDATION BUTTON ON THE BOX to turn it off. TAKE LITTLE BOX, OPERATE THE LOCK COMBINATION BUTTON one more time, and the safe door opens. The correct safe combination is random. You must use the above procedure to open it. Hey, there's the envelope again, the one you found in the safe-deposit box! How did it end up here? TAKE envelope. Oh, no; not only did the envelope end up here, but so did the KGB agents. You're ambushed by them again. As this is happening, Otto bursts onto the scene with his guards. One of the KGB agents is killed; the other one grabs the envelope and runs. Naturally, you go after him while the guards are going after both of you. This is going to be nasty, so save the game here. The KGB agent is trying to escape by stealing a water scooter and skimming all over the ocean. You're in hot pursuit on another stolen scooter: Here comes another arcade sequence. While you're skimming over the water with the agent right in front of you, you have to dodge sharks (or are they rocks?) that come at you from both sides. I found a trick here that worked quite well. Move the cursor to the right side of the screen. Click the mouse to bring your scooter to the right and off the screen completely. Now, no harm can come to you. When the enemy agent stops moving around and stays still in the middle of the screen, bring your figure back and run into him. That brings an end to this half of the sequence. Once you run into the KGB agent, the game takes over; it shows that you overpower him and recapture the envelope. But you're not out of the woods yet. You are now on the water again, and this time, you're being chased by four guards. Save the game as quickly as you can. My little trick won't work here. Instead, you have to stay close to the middle of the screen and make quick, small movements to dodge the guards as they try to ram you from both sides. This is really quite difficult at first, but you can do it easily once you get used to the patterns and rhythms of the guards. SUBMARINE If you stay alive long enough in this sequence, you'll escape the guards and board a submarine. Here, you return the document to your superior, and receive instructions to go to a secret base and destroy the Stealth plane. Just before you leave the submarine, "Q" (the special gadget expert) gives you a compact disk that can destroy the vital computer programming necessary to fly the plane. He also hands you your special cigarettes. Good luck, Mr. Bond. JAMES BOND: THE STEALTH AFFAIR Part 3 OCEAN FLOOR Once you're clear of the submarine, save the game. While you're on the ocean floor, your main threat comes from a huge shark that always appears from the right side of the screen. It swims straight across and is very fast. If you happen to be in his path, you're lunch. Luckily, the timing and position of his appearance are fixed. If you get killed once, you can avoid him after you restore by simply moving to a different position on the screen. Go down one screen. You should be at the bottom of the ocean. Move one screen left. There are some seaweed plants here. Swim to the one in the center of the screen. Get as close to its bottom as you can, then EXAMINE the seaweed twice. That will get you an all-important, "can't finish the game without it" elastic band. How on earth did I know there was an elastic band HIDDEN in the bottom of the ocean? Read on. After getting the elastic band, move four screens to the right. You may want to save the game after each screen to protect against an untimely appearance by the shark. You'll come to a dead-end with two palm trees growing near the middle of the screen. Palm trees? In the bottom of the ocean? Yup. That's what the game calls them. EXAMINE the right palm tree. Swim close to the palm tree, OPERATE THE PALM TREE, and you'll find a button. OPERATE BUTTON and a hole appears to the right; enter the hole. Remember you wanted to know how I knew there was an elastic band in the bottom of the ocean? Well, if you enter the hole without finding the elastic band first, the game will give you an inappropriate and blatant message that does not make much sense, but at least it's a hint for you to go search for one. After entering the hole, walk to the right until you see a pothole above you, then OPERATE POTHOLE. A ladder lowers and you climb up to the surface. Gee, talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time. You pull yourself up and find yourself in the middle of a hangar surrounded by guards: You're caught yet again. HEADQUARTERS The guards put you inside a locked cage suspended by a cable over a tub of man-eating piranhas. The cage is slowly being lowered into the tub. As soon as the guards leave, USE PEN ON THE LOCK OF THE CAGE DOOR. (Move the cursor around the middle of the cage until you find the lock.) The manual tells you that the pen contains an acid that can dissolve most metals. Now what? Well, remember reading in the manual about the steel cable in your watch? USE THE WATCH ON THE WALL at the top right of the screen and a steel cable shoots out and attaches to the wall. That still does not seem to quite do the trick. USE THE WATCH ON THE WALL on the wall at the top left of the screen. Another steel cable shoots out and attaches to the opposite wall. Now, maneuver your character to the right, just past the vent grill. Do not go too far or you'll fall off. OPERATE the grill to open it, and go inside. Save the game here. You're into another maze game, more difficult this time because the entire maze is in darkness, and you can see only a small circle of the immediate area where your character is situated. Instead of guards, this maze is populated by rats; you can see their red eyes as they roam around in the maze. The objective is the same: You need to use trap doors and good timing to get to the blinking wrench, then to the blinking exit. If you succeed, you get to do it again in another maze. Surprisingly, these mazes aren't as difficult as they appear. Once you get past both mazes, you'll end up in a bathroom with showers. There's a soldier here brushing his teeth. OPERATE SOLDIER and you knock him out! TAKE NAPKIN near the mirror and USE THE NAPKIN ON THE SOLDIER. You gag him with the napkin so he can't call for help. EXAMINE army boots on the floor, TAKE ARMY BOOTS, TAKE laces, and USE laces on the soldier to tie him up. TAKE THE CLOTHES on the bench. Once you have both the boots and the clothes, the game will take over, and you'll change into the soldier's uniform in one of the showers. EXAMINE the sink and TAKE THE GLASS on the sink. Exit the bathroom through the door at the bottom of the screen. Go left and around the bend to the next screen. Enter the door in the middle of the screen. OPERATE THE SECOND LOWEST DRAWER on the left, then EXAMINE the drawer. TAKE LACES and USE LACES ON JAMES. Your boots are now tied with the new laces. OPERATE THE BOTTOM DRAWER on the right. EXAMINE the drawer, TAKE BLANK STAMP, and exit the room. You may notice that there's another door here facing left. This is the door that leads to the piranhas. You certainly don't want to relive that experience again, do you? Follow the hallway to the right, go to the next screen, and enter the door in the center of the screen. EXAMINE the clothes lying on the bed. TAKE THE MISSION INSTRUCTIONS and USE THE GLASS ON THE WATER FOUNTAIN at the lower right edge of the screen. Exit the room, go right, around the corner, and up to the next screen. Here, you encounter an officer and several soldiers. The officer orders you to bring him a glass of water. Before you have a chance to say, "I've got it right here," the game kicks you back to the previous screen. Go up to reenter the screen. All the soldiers have disappeared, including the officer. Gee, that's fast. Go left one screen, enter the first door you come to, and save the game. Notice that the officer who wanted the glass of water is sitting behind a desk. Also notice there's a stamp (one that uses ink, not a postage stamp) on the left corner of the desk. USE THE FULL GLASS ON THE OFFICER. The game will walk your character closer to the desk before the glass is given to the officer. As your character is moving, quickly select TAKE and move the cursor over the stamp. As soon as the officer takes the glass and starts drinking, click your mouse to activate the command. If you do everything right, you'll switch the officer's stamp with the blank stamp, and he'll be none the wiser. But you must be pretty quick here: When the officer finishes with the glass, he will tell you to leave. Exit the room. Go right one screen, down one screen, and enter the door. You're back in the room where the water fountain is. There's a control board at the upper right edge of the screen. Just below it in a black area there's a garbage dump. OPERATE GARBAGE DUMP and you'll find an inflatable lifeboat. TAKE LIFEBOAT. Now, select TAKE again. Move your cursor slowly over the area, just to the right of the armchair, until you find the inkpad. You won't see it, but the game will tell you when the cursor is over it. TAKE THE INKPAD. (Note that the inkpad won't even be there until AFTER you have taken the officer's stamp.) USE THE OFFICER'S STAMP WITH THE INKPAD to ink the stamp. USE THE INKED STAMP WITH THE MISSION INSTRUCTIONS to get an authorized mission instruction. OPERATE THE CIGARETTE CASE in your inventory to open it to reveal four cigarettes. EXAMINE all the cigarettes. The first one should have a blue ring on it; the fourth one should have a red ring on it. The manual tells you that the first one is for revealing fingerprints, while the fourth one has a mini-rocket in it. OPERATE THE FIRST CIGARETTE to get cigarette paper. OPERATE CIGARETTE PAPER ON GLASS to get the fingerprint of the officer. You're now ready for the finale. ENDGAME Exit the room, go right around the corner, and onto the next screen. USE FINGERPRINT ON THE FINGERPRINT READER just to the left of the security door. Stand in front of the door and enter when it opens. Follow the hallway to the right and enter the next door. USE THE AUTHORIZED MISSION ON THE MAIL SLOT just to the left of the guard. He will deactivate the force field and open the next door for you; enter it. You're in another hallway similar to the first one except there's a trash can at the end of this one near another door. There's also an electric socket right next to the trash can. (Actually the game describes it as an electric plug which doesn't sound right to me.) Well, that should be an obvious clue. USE THE ELECTRIC CABLE (from your razor) ON THE ELECTRIC SOCKET. OPERATE THE RAZOR to make sure it's turned on. USE THE RAZOR ON TRASH CAN to hide the razor. Enter the door for the final confrontation. You should save the game here just in case your timing is off the first time. Otto is here, guarding Julia. Dr. Why -- the brain behind the Stealth Affair -- is here: the UBG (ultimate bad guy) in the game. When possible, select USE and the LAST CIGARETTE in your inventory. Position the cursor on the computer console to the right (not the one with the CD player). Then, just relax and enjoy the various scenes showing the Stealth plane taking off. Soon, your razor cassette recorder will be playing the self-destruct joke again, thus creating a diversion. As soon as the diversion begins, click repeatedly until your cigarette rocket is fired. Wait until it completes its flight path and destroys the computer console to your right. Now, very quickly, OPERATE OTTO and get into a fistfight with him. You must do this quickly, or Otto will put a bullet right between your eyes. While you're occupied with Otto, Dr. Why will leave the command center, taking Julia with him. When you're finished with Otto, the first thing you need to do is to USE THE COMPACT DISK ON THE CD PLAYER. That disables the computer programming that guides the plane, and allows the plane to be easily destroyed. Quickly, move to the door on the top left of the screen and leave the command center. If you dally too long, you'll die when the whole center blows up. Once you leave the command center, the next sequence is automatic. So just sit back and watch. Dr. Why throws Julia on the ground and is getting into his helicopter. You rush forward just as the helicopter is taking off. Both you and Julia manage to hang onto the bottom of the helicopter and are lifted off the island. The next scene shows the island exploding and sinking with the helicopter barely escaping. As soon as the next scene appears, save the game IMMEDIATELY. You only have two or three seconds to make a move, so you really have to be quick about it. USE THE ELASTIC BAND ON THE BOMB which should be above and slightly to your right. You and Julia will fall from the helicopter. You have two screens to fall before you reach the ocean and get eaten by the sharks. Wait a minute...you mean I've walked you through this whole game just so you can watch Julia and yourself being eaten by sharks? Oh, sorry; there's one last move I forgot to give you. During those two screens where you're falling towards the ocean, OPERATE THE LIFEBOAT in your inventory. There, happy now? Relax and enjoy the conclusion! JAMES BOND: THE STEALTH AFFAIR is published by Delphine Software and distributed by Interplay Productions.