💾 Archived View for alchemi.dev › en › projects › kochab › files › src › user_management › routes.rs captured on 2023-05-24 at 18:05:21.
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use anyhow::Result; use serde::{Serialize, de::DeserializeOwned}; #[cfg(feature = "dashmap")] use dashmap::DashMap; #[cfg(not(feature = "dashmap"))] use std::collections::HashMap; #[cfg(not(feature = "dashmap"))] use std::sync::RwLock; use std::future::Future; use crate::{Document, Request, Response}; use crate::types::document::HeadingLevel; use crate::user_management::{ User, RegisteredUser, UserManagerError, user::NotSignedInUser, }; /// Import this trait to use [`add_um_routes()`](Self::add_um_routes()) pub trait UserManagementRoutes: private::Sealed { /// Add pre-configured routes to the serve to handle authentication /// /// Specifically, the following routes are added: /// * `/account`, the main settings & login page /// * `/account/askcert`, a page which always prompts for a certificate /// * `/account/register`, for users to register a new account /// * `/account/login`, for users to link their certificate to an existing account /// * `/account/password`, to change the user's password /// /// If this method is used, no more routes should be added under `/account`. If you /// would like to direct a user to login from your application, you should send them /// to `/account`, which will start the login/registration flow. /// /// The `redir` argument allows you to specify the point that users will be directed /// to return to once their account has been created. fn add_um_routes<UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Default + 'static>(self) -> Self; /// Add a special route that requires users to be logged in /// /// In addition to the normal [`Request`], your handler will recieve a copy of the /// [`RegisteredUser`] for the current user. If a user tries to connect to the page /// without logging in, they will be prompted to register or link an account. /// /// To use this method, ensure that [`add_um_routes()`](Self::add_um_routes()) has /// also been called. fn add_authenticated_route<UserData, Handler, F>( self, path: &'static str, handler: Handler, ) -> Self where UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + 'static + Send + Sync, Handler: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static + Fn(Request, RegisteredUser<UserData>) -> F, F: Send + Sync + 'static + Future<Output = Result<Response>>; /// Add a special route that requires users to be logged in AND takes input /// /// Like with [`add_authenticated_route()`](Self::add_authenticated_route()), this /// prompts the user to log in if they haven't already, but additionally prompts the /// user for input before running the handler with both the user object and the input /// they provided. /// /// To a user, this might look something like this: /// * Click a link to `/your/route` /// * See a screen asking you to sign in or create an account /// * Create a new account, and return to the app. /// * Now, clicking the link shows the prompt provided. /// * After entering some value, the user receives the response from the handler. /// /// For a user whose already logged in, this will just look like a normal input route, /// where they enter some query and see a page. This method just takes the burden of /// having to check if the user sent a query string and respond with an INPUT response /// if not. /// /// To use this method, ensure that [`add_um_routes()`](Self::add_um_routes()) has /// also been called. fn add_authenticated_input_route<UserData, Handler, F>( self, path: &'static str, prompt: &'static str, handler: Handler, ) -> Self where UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + 'static + Send + Sync, Handler: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static + Fn(Request, RegisteredUser<UserData>, String) -> F, F: Send + Sync + 'static + Future<Output = Result<Response>>; } impl UserManagementRoutes for crate::Server { /// Add pre-configured routes to the serve to handle authentication /// /// See [`UserManagementRoutes::add_um_routes()`] fn add_um_routes<UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Default + 'static>(self) -> Self { let clients_page = Response::success_gemini(include_str!("pages/clients.gmi")); #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut modified_self = self.add_route("/account", handle_base::<UserData>) .add_route("/account/askcert", handle_ask_cert::<UserData>) .add_route("/account/register", handle_register::<UserData>) .add_route("/account/clients", clients_page); #[cfg(feature = "user_management_advanced")] { modified_self = modified_self .add_route("/account/login", handle_login::<UserData>) .add_route("/account/password", handle_password::<UserData>); } modified_self } /// Add a special route that requires users to be logged in /// /// See [`UserManagementRoutes::add_authenticated_route()`] fn add_authenticated_route<UserData, Handler, F>( self, path: &'static str, handler: Handler, ) -> Self where UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + 'static + Send + Sync, Handler: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static + Fn(Request, RegisteredUser<UserData>) -> F, F: Send + Sync + 'static + Future<Output = Result<Response>> { self.add_route(path, move|request: Request| { let handler = handler.clone(); async move { let segments = request.path_segments(); let segments = segments.iter().map(String::as_ref).collect::<Vec<&str>>(); Ok(match request.user::<UserData>()? { User::Unauthenticated => { render_unauth_page(segments) }, User::NotSignedIn(user) => { save_redirect(&user, segments); Response::success_gemini(NSI) }, User::SignedIn(user) => { (handler)(request, user).await? }, }) } }) } /// Add a special route that requires users to be logged in AND takes input /// /// See [`UserManagementRoutes::add_authenticated_input_route()`] fn add_authenticated_input_route<UserData, Handler, F>( self, path: &'static str, prompt: &'static str, handler: Handler, ) -> Self where UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + 'static + Send + Sync, Handler: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static + Fn(Request, RegisteredUser<UserData>, String) -> F, F: Send + Sync + 'static + Future<Output = Result<Response>> { self.add_authenticated_route(path, move|request, user| { let handler = handler.clone(); async move { if let Some(input) = request.input().map(str::to_owned) { (handler.clone())(request, user, input).await } else { Ok(Response::input(prompt)) } } }) } } #[cfg(feature = "user_management_advanced")] const NSI: &str = include_str!("pages/nsi.gmi"); #[cfg(not(feature = "user_management_advanced"))] const NSI: &str = include_str!("pages/nopass/nsi.gmi"); // TODO periodically clean these #[cfg(feature = "dashmap")] lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref PENDING_REDIRECTS: DashMap<[u8; 32], String> = Default::default(); } #[cfg(not(feature = "dashmap"))] lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref PENDING_REDIRECTS: RwLock<HashMap<[u8; 32], String>> = Default::default(); } async fn handle_base<UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned>(request: Request) -> Result<Response> { let segments = request.trailing_segments().iter().map(String::as_str).collect::<Vec<&str>>(); Ok(match request.user::<UserData>()? { User::Unauthenticated => { render_unauth_page(segments) }, User::NotSignedIn(usr) => { save_redirect(&usr, segments); Response::success_gemini(NSI) }, User::SignedIn(user) => { render_settings_menu(user) }, }) } async fn handle_ask_cert<UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned>(request: Request) -> Result<Response> { Ok(match request.user::<UserData>()? { User::Unauthenticated => { Response::client_certificate_required("Please select a client certificate to proceed.") }, User::NotSignedIn(nsi) => { let segments = request.trailing_segments().iter().map(String::as_str).collect::<Vec<&str>>(); save_redirect(&nsi, segments); #[cfg(feature = "user_management_advanced")] { Response::success_gemini(include_str!("pages/askcert/success.gmi")) } #[cfg(not(feature = "user_management_advanced"))] { Response::success_gemini(include_str!("pages/nopass/askcert/success.gmi")) } }, User::SignedIn(user) => { Response::success_gemini(format!( include_str!("pages/askcert/exists.gmi"), username = user.username(), redirect = get_redirect(&user), )) }, }) } async fn handle_register<UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Default>(request: Request) -> Result<Response> { Ok(match request.user::<UserData>()? { User::Unauthenticated => { render_unauth_page(&[""]) }, User::NotSignedIn(nsi) => { if let Some(username) = request.input() { match nsi.register::<UserData>(username.to_owned()) { Err(UserManagerError::UsernameNotUnique) => { #[cfg(feature = "user_management_advanced")] { Response::success_gemini(format!( include_str!("pages/register/exists.gmi"), username = username, )) } #[cfg(not(feature = "user_management_advanced"))] { Response::success_gemini(format!( include_str!("pages/register/exists.gmi"), username = username, )) } }, Ok(user) => { #[cfg(feature = "user_management_advanced")] { Response::success_gemini(format!( include_str!("pages/register/success.gmi"), username = username, redirect = get_redirect(&user), )) } #[cfg(not(feature = "user_management_advanced"))] { Response::success_gemini(format!( include_str!("pages/nopass/register/success.gmi"), username = username, redirect = get_redirect(&user), )) } }, Err(e) => return Err(e.into()) } } else { Response::input("Please pick a username") } }, User::SignedIn(user) => { render_settings_menu(user) }, }) } #[cfg(feature = "user_management_advanced")] async fn handle_login<UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Default>(request: Request) -> Result<Response> { Ok(match request.user::<UserData>()? { User::Unauthenticated => { render_unauth_page(&[""]) }, User::NotSignedIn(nsi) => { if let Some(username) = request.trailing_segments().get(0) { if let Some(password) = request.input() { match nsi.attach::<UserData>(username, Some(password.as_bytes())) { Err(UserManagerError::PasswordNotSet) | Ok(None) => { Response::success_gemini(format!( include_str!("pages/login/wrong.gmi"), username = username, )) }, Ok(Some(user)) => { Response::success_gemini(format!( include_str!("pages/login/success.gmi"), username = username, redirect = get_redirect(&user), )) }, Err(e) => return Err(e.into()), } } else { Response::sensitive_input("Please enter your password") } } else if let Some(username) = request.input() { Response::redirect_temporary( format!("/account/login/{}", username).as_str() ) } else { Response::input("Please enter your username") } }, User::SignedIn(user) => { render_settings_menu(user) }, }) } #[cfg(feature = "user_management_advanced")] async fn handle_password<UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Default>(request: Request) -> Result<Response> { Ok(match request.user::<UserData>()? { User::Unauthenticated => { render_unauth_page(&[""]) }, User::NotSignedIn(nsi) => { save_redirect(&nsi, &[""]); Response::success_gemini(NSI) }, User::SignedIn(mut user) => { if let Some(password) = request.input() { user.set_password(password)?; Response::success_gemini(include_str!("pages/password/success.gmi")) } else { Response::sensitive_input( format!("Please enter a {}password", if user.has_password() { "new " } else { "" } ) ) } }, }) } fn render_settings_menu<UserData: Serialize + DeserializeOwned>( user: RegisteredUser<UserData> ) -> Response { let mut document = Document::new(); document .add_heading(HeadingLevel::H1, "User Settings") .add_blank_line() .add_text(&format!("Welcome {}!", user.username())) .add_blank_line() .add_link(get_redirect(&user).as_str(), "Back to the app") .add_blank_line(); #[cfg(feature = "user_management_advanced")] document .add_text( if user.has_password() { concat!( "You currently have a password set. This can be used to link any new", " certificates or clients to your account. If you don't remember your", " password, or would like to change it, you may do so here.", ) } else { concat!( "You don't currently have a password set! Without a password, you cannot", " link any new certificates to your account, and if you lose your current", " client or certificate, you won't be able to recover your account.", ) } ) .add_blank_line() .add_link("/account/password", if user.has_password() { "Change password" } else { "Set password" }); document.into() } fn render_unauth_page<'a>( redirect: impl AsRef<[&'a str]>, ) -> Response { Response::success_gemini(format!( include_str!("pages/unauth.gmi"), redirect = redirect.as_ref().join("/"), )) } fn save_redirect<'a>( user: &NotSignedInUser, redirect: impl AsRef<[&'a str]>, ) { let mut redirect = redirect.as_ref().join("/"); redirect.insert(0, '/'); if redirect.len() > 1 { #[cfg(feature = "dashmap")] let ref_to_map = &*PENDING_REDIRECTS; #[cfg(not(feature = "dashmap"))] let mut ref_to_map = PENDING_REDIRECTS.write().unwrap(); debug!("Added \"{}\" as redirect for cert {:x?}", redirect, &user.certificate); ref_to_map.insert(user.certificate, redirect); } } fn get_redirect<T: Serialize + DeserializeOwned>(user: &RegisteredUser<T>) -> String { let cert = user.active_certificate().unwrap(); #[cfg(feature = "dashmap")] let maybe_redir = PENDING_REDIRECTS.get(cert).map(|r| r.clone()); #[cfg(not(feature = "dashmap"))] let ref_to_map = PENDING_REDIRECTS.read().unwrap(); #[cfg(not(feature = "dashmap"))] let maybe_redir = ref_to_map.get(cert).cloned(); let redirect = maybe_redir.unwrap_or_else(||"/".to_string()); debug!("Accessed redirect to \"{}\" for cert {:x?}", redirect, cert); redirect } mod private { pub trait Sealed {} impl Sealed for crate::Server {} }