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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="Author" content="Rubywand"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.77 [en] (Win95; U) [Netscape]"> <title>R028LCA2CARD.htm</title> </head> <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#808080" vlink="#808080" alink="#33FF33"> <address> <a NAME="top"></a><font color="#FFFFFF">.</font><font color="#666666"><font size=-1>The official Csa2 (comp.sys.apple2) Usenet newsgroup Apple II FAQs originate</font></font></address> <address> <font size=-1><font color="#666666"> from the</font> <b><font color="#009900">Gr</font><font color="#FF9900">o</font><font color="#FF0000">u</font><font color="#CC33CC">n</font><font color="#3366FF">d </font></b><font color="#666666">Apple II site. Ground Apple II administrator: Steve Nelson</font></font></address> <br><b><tt><font color="#FFFFFF"><font size=-2>.</font></font><font color="#666666">Csa2 FAQs-on-Ground Resource file: R028LCCARD.htm</font></tt></b> <br><b><font color="#FFFFFF"><font size=+2>. .<a href="A2FAQs1START.html"><img SRC="entrance.jpg" BORDER=0 height=14 width=69></a>..<a href="A2FAQs2CONTENT.html"><img SRC="contents.jpg" BORDER=0 height=14 width=67></a>.</font></font></b> <p><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=+3>Apple IIe Card for the Macintosh LC</font></font></b> <br><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=+1> Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)</font></font> <p><font face="Comic Sans MS"> by Phil Beesley</font> <br> <br> <address> <i><font size=-1>This document is maintained by Phil Beesley (beesley@mandrake.demon.co.uk) to</font></i></address> <address> <i><font size=-1>whom all corrections, additions and queries should be addressed. This text</font></i></address> <address> <i><font size=-1>version* of the FAQ can be freely distributed so long as this notice is retained.</font></i></address> <address> <i><font size=-1>An HTML version of this FAQ is maintained at</font></i></address> <address> <i><font size=-1><a href="http://www.mandrake.demon.co.uk/Apple/lc_card_faq.html">http://www.mandrake.demon.co.uk/Apple/lc_card_faq.html</a>.</font></i></address> <address> <font color="#FFFFFF"><font size=-1>.</font></font></address> <address> <i><font size=-1>*Note: This is an HTML-ized version of the Text.</font></i></address> <br> <p> <p>Document date: 17 February 2002 <br> <br> <p><b><font size=+2><a href="#sa"> Section A - BASICS</a></font></b> <p> A1 - What is the Apple IIe card for the Macintosh LC? <p> A2 - Which Macintosh models and system software are supported? <p> A3 - Is Macintosh System 6 supported? <p> A4 - What is in the Apple IIe card kit? <p> A5 - What are the part numbers for the bits? <p> A6 - I have the card and Y-cable. What else do I need? <br> <br> <p><b><font size=+2><a href="#sb"> Section B - DISK DRIVES</a></font></b> <p> B1 - Which types of external disk drives are supported? <p> B2 - Does the card work without the Y-cable? <p> B3 - Can I use the Mac's built-in 3.5" drive? <p> B4 - Can I use ProDOS partitions on hard drives? <p> B5 - Can I create ProDOS partitions on an external Zip disk? <p> B6 - How do I create ProDOS hard disk partitions? <br> <br> <p><b><font size=+2><a href="#sc"> Section C - RESOURCES</a></font></b> <p> C1 - Where can I buy the Apple IIe card? <p> C2 - Where can I obtain the IIe card software? <p> C3 - Where can I obtain the manual? <p> C4 - Can I make my own Y-cable? <p> C5 - Where can I find photos of the IIe card? <br> <br> <p><b><font size=+2><a href="#sd"> Section D - USING THE CARD</a></font></b> <p> D1 - How do I get started in the Apple IIe environment? <p> D2 - Can I access AppleShare servers and AppleTalk printers? <p> D3 - Can I boot the IIe card from a file server? <p> D4 - How can I use ethernet on my Mac LC series computer? <p> <i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><a NAME="sa"></a><font color="#FFFFFF">.</font> <br><b><font size=+2> Section A - BASICS</font></b> <p> A1 - What is the Apple IIe card for the Macintosh LC? <p> The IIe card creates a multi-featured Apple IIe inside an LC series Macintosh. The hardware <br> emulates many of the expansion cards that you would install in a bare IIe, including 3.5" and 5.25" <br> external drives, mouse, memory, 80 column mono or colour display, clock, serial printer and <br> modem , SCSI hard drive and AppleShare fileserver. <p> The card plugs into the PDS slot in many of the LC series Macintoshes but not all models and <br> system software combinations are supported. You may not add real Apple II expansion cards <br> because the IIe card does not have real expansion slots. <p> A2 - Which Macintosh models and system software are supported? <p> Macs which have an LC-compatible PDS slot AND which support 24-bit memory addressing can <br> use the card. System 7.0 through to System 7.5.5 support both 24- and 32-bit addressing on <br> suitable Macintosh models; from System 7.6 onwards, Macintosh system software does not <br> support 24-bit addressing. To enable 24-bit addressing, use the Macintosh Memory control panel. <p> Apple's Tech Info Library article 8458 lists the following models as IIe card compatible: LC, <br> Colour Classic, LC II, LC III, LC 475, LC 520, LC 550, LC 575, Quadra 605, Performa 4XX, <br> Performa 55X, Performa 56X, Performa 57X. <p> The Colour Classic II is not listed in Apple's article but *may* work. No other model will work. <p> A3 - Is Macintosh System 6 supported? <p> Yes, you should be able to use System 6.0.8 on the original LC. The "unofficial" release 6.0.8L <br> may also work with the LCII and Colour Classic. Apart from the original LC, however, the official <br> minimum system version for these Macs is 7.0 or higher. <p> A4 - What is in the Apple IIe card kit? <p> LC-compatible PDS card <br> Y-cable to support external disk drives and joystick <br> manual -- "Apple IIe Card Owner's Guide" <br> software -- "Apple IIe Startup Disk" <p> A5 - What are the part numbers for the bits? <p> complete package M0444LL/A <br> cable 590-0703-A <br> original software package 914-0403-A <br> IIe card itself 820-0444-A <br> original manual 030-5001-A <br> "final" manual 030-1930-A <p> A6 - I have the card and Y-cable. What else do I need? <p> optional platinum 5.25 disk drive (A9M0107) <br> optional white Unidisk 3.5" drive (A2M2053) <br> optional external SCSI hard disk <br> Joystick port device <p> <i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><a NAME="sb"></a><font color="#FFFFFF">.</font> <br><b><font size=+2> Section B - DISK DRIVES</font></b> <p> B1 - Which types of external disk drives are supported? <p> Only the two drives listed in question A6 will work with the LC card. This is explained in Apple's <br> Tech Info Library article 8807. If the Unidisk 3.5" and platinum 5.25" drives are used together, <br> hookup the 3.5" drive first to the Y-cable. <p> B2 - Does the card work without the Y-cable? <p> Yes, but obviously you cannot use an external disk drive or joystick. <p> B3 - Can I use the Mac's built-in 3.5" drive? <p> The built-in drive can be mapped as a Smartport device on Slot 5. 800Kb and 1.4Mb ProDOS <br> formats are supported. The original LC was optionally available with two 3.5" drives (ie no internal <br> SCSI hard disk) and both drives can be accessed by the IIe card. All other Macs in the LC family <br> only support one floppy drive. <p> Note that some copy protected software will not work from the built-in drive and may require a <br> genuine Unidisk 3.5" drive. <p> B4 - Can I use ProDOS partitions on hard drives? <p> You can create a large number of ProDOS partitions on a SCSI hard disk but only four can be <br> mapped at any time as Smartport devices. When you start the Macintosh, the ProDOS file system <br> extension will mount the hard disk partitions on the Mac desktop. Files can be dragged between <br> Mac and ProDOS volumes in the normal way to copy them. <p> When you start the IIe card software, ProDOS partitions are unmounted from the Mac desktop <br> until you quit using the IIe card. This prevents you from accessing files simultaneously from Mac <br> and Apple IIe environments. <p> B5 - Can I use ProDOS partitions on an external Zip disk? <p> The author has not tested this. <p> B6 - How do I create ProDOS hard disk partitions? <p> If you use "standard" utilities, you must completely reformat the hard disk to create ProDOS <br> partitions. Recent third-party utilities such as "FWB Hard Disk Tools" *may* allow partitions to be <br> changed without completely formatting the disk. <p> The version of "Apple HD SC Setup" supplied on the "Apple IIe Startup Disk" will only work with <br> Apple brand hard disks. A patch utility is available which modifies "Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.5" to <br> work with non-Apple disks. Information on the patch can be found at <br><a href="http://www.euronet.nl/users/ernstoud/patch.html."> </a><i><font size=-1><a href="http://www.euronet.nl/users/ernstoud/patch.html">http://www.euronet.nl/users/ernstoud/patch.html</a></font></i><a href="http://www.euronet.nl/users/ernstoud/patch.html.">.</a> <p>[Csa2 FAQS rev055: Added from <i><font size=-1><a href="http://www.euronet.nl/users/ernstoud/patch.html">http://www.euronet.nl/users/ernstoud/patch.html</a></font></i> ] <p><tt> Open HD SC Setup 7.3.5 within ResEdit 2.1.3</tt> <br><tt> Open the resource called "wfwr" ID 67.</tt> <br><tt> Change this byte from "00" to "FF".</tt> <br><tt> Save HD SC Setup 7.3.5 and close ResEdit 2.1.3</tt> <br> <p>The "Apple IIe Startup Disk" contains System 6.0.8 in order to boot an original LC Mac. This disk <br> will not work with later versions of the LC family. <p> You only need to boot from the software installation disk to format/partition the LC series hard <br> disk. The Apple IIe card support software can be installed after booting the Mac from any startup <br> disk. <p> <i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><a NAME="sc"></a><font color="#FFFFFF">.</font> <br><b><font size=+2> Section C - RESOURCES</font></b> <p> C1 - Where can I buy the Apple IIe card? <p> The card was launched in 1991 but has been discontinued for several years. You should be able to <br> buy the card second hand for a few dollars in the US but the card is more unusual and more <br> expensive in other countries. Avoid buying a card which does not include the Y-cable. <p> C2 - Where can I obtain the IIe card software? <p> The final version of the "Apple IIe Startup Disk" is 2.2.x. Version 2.2.1 of the complete software <br> kit can be downloaded as <b><font color="#333333">Apple_IIe_Card_2.2.1.sea.bin</font></b> from <p><font size=-1> <i><a href="ftp://ftp.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English-North_American/Apple_II/For_Macintosh/">ftp://ftp.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English-North_American/Apple_II/For_Macintosh/</a></i></font> <p> A slightly later version of the "Apple II Startup" application is available as <b><font color="#333333">IIe_Startup_2.2.2d1.sea.bin</font></b> . <p> C3 - Where can I obtain the manual for the card and software? <p> Two versions of the manual can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat PDF format from the support <br> area on Apple's web site but the location seems to change periodically. Try performing a search for <br> "IIe card" in the manuals section. For use with version 2.2.1 of the software, you require the <br> manual called "0301930AppleIIeCrd2.1.pdf". <p> C4 - Can I make my own Y-cable? <p> Possibly. The connector at the IIe card end uses an unusual connector (3 rows of pins, 26 pins in <br> total). Connectors in the right hand column are those on the IIe card; for pin numbering, please see <br> this image file. The connector is shown as viewed from the back of the Mac LC. <p> Note: these pinouts have not been tested and you use this information at your own risk. <p> Joystick (9 pin) to IIe card connector <p> 01 01 <br> 02 21 <br> 03 02 <br> 04 20 <br> 05 12 <br> 06 19 <br> 07 10 <br> 08 03 <br> 09 11 <p> Disk drive (19 pin) to IIe card connector <p> 01 04 <br> 02 04 <br> 03 13 <br> 04 14 <br> 05 no connection <br> 06 05 <br> 07 22 <br> 08 23 <br> 09 06 <br> 10 15 <br> 11 24 <br> 12 07 <br> 13 16 <br> 14 25 <br> 15 08 <br> 16 17 <br> 17 26 <br> 18 09 <br> 19 18 <p> C5 - Where can I find photos of the IIe card? <p> Photos of the author's card and screendumps of the card in use can be found at <p> <i><font size=-1><a href="http://www.mandrake.demon.co.uk/Apple/lc_images.html">http://www.mandrake.demon.co.uk/Apple/lc_images.html</a></font></i> <br> <p> <i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">_______to top of page________</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> <p><a NAME="sd"></a><font color="#FFFFFF">.</font> <br><b><font size=+2> Section D - USING THE CARD</font></b> <p> D1 - How do I get started in the Apple IIe environment? <p> In Macintosh mode, double-click on the "IIe Startup" icon. <br> Alternatively, double-click on an Apple II .SYSTEM file on a ProDOS disk volume to <br> launch the desired application. <br> Command-Control-Reset will reset the Apple IIe when running in this mode. It will not reset <br> the Mac. <br> Command-Control-Escape in Apple IIe mode brings up the Apple IIe control panel so that <br> you can map slots and functions. <br> Run DOS or Pascal applications in the same way you would use a real Apple IIe. <p> D2 - Can I access AppleShare servers and AppleTalk printers? <p> Yes, the IIe card contains all of the functionality of the Apple IIe Workstation card. You do not <br> need to install any special drivers but you do need the Chooser and Logon tools which are on the <br> Workstation card disk. This disk is not available from Apple's FTP site at the time of writing. <p> D3 - Can I boot the IIe card from a file server? <p> Yes, you can boot from a suitable AppleShare file server just like a real IIe. You do not need to <br> install any additional software for the Mac or IIe card. If you do not have an AppleShare server, <br> you can access shared folders on your network but you must boot the IIe card from a floppy or <br> hard disk. <p> D4 - How can I use ethernet on my Mac LC series computer? <p> If you install the IIe card, it will use the only PDS expansion slot in your Mac so you will not be <br> able to use an internal ethernet adapter. <p> Some LC family Macs have an additional Comms slot that will take an ethernet adapter. Apple <br> warn that these adapters may not be compatible with the Apple IIe card. <p> SCSI ethernet adapters are available second hand. These are not as fast as a proper internal <br> adapter but are much better than LocalTalk or an adapter that plugs into a LocalTalk port (eg <br> Farallon Etherwave). <p> If you use an external ethernet adapter for your networking, you will be able to use it for your IIe <br> card's network connection without any additional software. <br> <p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS"><a href="#top">to top of page</a></font></i> <br> <br> <br> </body> </html>