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The comp.sys.apple2 Usenet newsgroup Apple II FAQs originate from
the Ground Apple II archive, 1997-2005. Administrator: Steve Nelson

Csa2 FAQs-on-Ground ref: Csa21MAIN3.txt  rev086 May 2005

Main Hall-3: Apple II Web Sites

 001- Where can I get Apple II information and software on the net?
 002- Where can I get games for my Apple II on the net?
 003- Where can I find hints, docs, pics, and othe game information?
 004- Where can I get game creation programs and information?
 005- Where can I buy Apple II systems, parts, boards, and software?
 006- Where can I get Apple II books and periodicals?
 007- How do I get my Apple II site listed in the FAQs?
 008- What determines whether or not a site is listed?

001- Where can I get Apple II information and software on the net?

     For Apple II information and software on the net, see ...

Major Apple II Archives

Apple II Textfiles- very large collection of Apple II documentation;
  lots (and lots!) of basic Apple II information, game hints/cheats,
  and more in text files

Apple II Textfiles Mirrors- sites which mirror Apple II Textfiles
  Apple2.org.za  http://www.apple2.org.za/mirrors/www.textfiles.com/apple/

Apple //c .dsk Archive (French)- //c info, ADT transfer info, Applesoft
  BASIC manual, utility and game software, docs, screen pics, 
  excellent Emulator Guide with download links for emus and II/IIgs ROMs

Apple2.org.za- archive which mirrors the contents of several major
  Apple II sites

Asimov- #1 ftp archive of Apple II 8-bit games in emulator
  disk image format plus emulators, emu info, and ROMs;
  utilities; very large docs, hints, ... collection

Asimov Mirrors- sites which mirror Asimov
  Apple2.org.za  http://www.apple2.org.za/mirrors/ftp.apple.asimov.net/
  Planet Mirror  http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/apple2/
  The Horde- ftp://ftp.au.horde.org/pub/apple2/ (Not via IE)

Ground Apple2 U. Iowa- the largest Apple II archive and home site
  of the Csa2 Apple II FAQs; maintains II/IIgs games, utilities,
  HC/HS stacks, music files, ..., and information plus
  separate collections including the famous AOL A2 archives
  for AOL Collection ...
  for FAQs ...

Ground Mirrors- sites which mirror Ground
  Apple2.org.za  http://www.apple2.org.za/mirrors/ground.icaen.uiowa.edu/

GS WorldView- II/IIgs 'zine featuring news, applications, commentary, and
  review articles. GSWV maintains a large archive including utilities,
  games, system files, and other software plus information. FAQs mirror
  for Archive ...
  for active Apple II Developers

Hardware Page- info for Rich J's A2 Robot and other projects plus
  info/links for many A2 hardware projects by others; hardware
  info, card pics, drivers and other software

TFF Enterprises Apple II Archive- large collection of II/IIgs games
  and utilities (was Apple2 Caltech)

TFF Enterprises Mirrors- sites which mirror TFFE
  Apple2.org.za  http://www.apple2.org.za/mirrors/apple2.caltech.edu/

Trenco Archive- II/IIgs utilities and games; HyperCard and Hyperstudio
  stacks and utilities; major GNO archive
  for GNO archive ...

Uni-kl.de Apple2 U. Kaiserslautern- II/IIgs games, game icons 
  collection, utilities, and emulator wares

USA2WUG- Apple II/IIgs resources including A2-2000 issues, Utilities,
  TrackStar ('hard emulator') support, System software, and more

Virtual Apple- maintains large collection of II/IIgs games in zipped
  disk image form which you can download or play on-line

What is the Apple IIgs- archive of game, application, and educational
  software for the Apple IIgs; now includes the Apple IIgs Gaming 
  Memory Fairway: #1 archive of out-of-print commercial IIgs games in
  emulator .2mg and Apple II ShrinkIt form; includes info blurbs, pics,
  and hints

XGS- XGS emu info; extensive archive of out-of-print commercial IIgs
  software (mainly games) in emulator .2mg form; single-list
  access with brief comments and file performance info.

Other Important Apple II Sites

A.P.P.L.E.- publishes on-line subscription II/IIgs/Mac 'zine; offers
  A2 manuals online, article reprints, new user info, ..., A2 links.

A2 Tips- hints/tips articles for Apple II/IIgs users

A2-Web- Apple II information and links

A2Central.com- publishes II/IIgs 'zines featuring A2 news. Offers 
  II/IIgs software downloads, users' groups info, A2 links.

Aaron's Apple II Projects- software by Aaron Heiss

Adalbert Goertz's Pages- genealogy and natural history; excellent example
  of a large text-browser-friendly site created via WebWorks/gs

AncestorWorks- Apple II freeware genealogy software

Andre's 6502 Page- 6502 wares by Andr� Fachat 

Another Computer Museum- hosts old Apple II FAQs, including 
  Applesoft BASIC FAQs (multi-platform)

AOL Apple II Forum- Apple II discussions and software for AOL users
  Keyword= aol://4344:1264.a2main.10029531.514525857

Apple 1 Project- Apple I emulators and information

Apple Computer A2 Support- mainly GS system software

Apple Computer Archive- specs and setup info for many
  A2 Apple products

Apple II Beginner's Guide- information for new Apple II users

Apple II Ethernet Project- Info and coordination for project to develop
  an Apple II ethernet card; links to other A2 hardware projects

Apple II Forums- Apple II message boards and chats(*) on-line 
  A2 (Apple II)  http://forums.delphiforums.com/apple2/start *
  A2Pro  http://forums.delphiforums.com/a2pro/start *
  Apple 2 Clones  http://www.apple2clones.com/?q=forum
  Apple II Livejournal  http://www.livejournal.com/community/apple_ii/
  Apple2list  http://lowendmac.com/lists/apple2.html
  GabrielMorales.net AIM chat- http://GabrielMorales.net/
  (click chat button) *
  GSWorldView  http://forums.delphiforums.com/GSWorldView/start *
  II Computing  http://forums.delphiforums.com/csa2/start *
  IRC Apple  http://www.webbnet.info/  Channel: #apple2 *
  Rtdos.com  http://www.rtdos.com/webportal/ *
  Syndicomm (for paid members)  http://www.syndicomm.com/ *
  The A.P.P.L.E. Crate BBS forum  http://www.callapple.org/bbs2/
  Vintage Computers.com  http://vintage-computer.com/vcforum/index.php
  WAUC  http://forums.delphiforums.com/wauc/start *

Apple II Haven- software, hardware, books, database, and links

Apple II Projects- hardware/software projects and commentary

Apple II User Interfaces- screen shots and descriptions of II/IIgs
  user interface displays

Apple II WebRing- links for several user group, vendor,
  and personal sites

Apple II World (Japanese)- Apple II info and links

Apple IIe Emulation- offers Apple PC emulator plus a few games

Apple2 U. Michagan- A2 archive, includes Apple technotes

Apple2.com.br (Brazil)- Apple II news, info, and links

Apple2.org- Apple II projects; hosts old Csa2 FAQs

Bart's Network from Heck- info and pics for an evolving multi-machine
  home network including Apple II's

Beagle Bros Online Museum- Beagle Bros history, product info,
  and classic BB pics

BBS contacts
  See BBS List on A.P.P.L.E.- http://www.callapple.org/BBSlist/
  A3 BBS- 403-481-3133
  Apple.NET- telnet://apple2.no-ip.org
  Apple Elite II BBS- 909-359-5338 
  BoycoT BBS- telnet://boycot.no-ip.com:9999
  Rainbow's End BBS- telnet://rainbowsendgs.no-ip.com
  WaZaBoo! BBS- 216-382-7040

Boris Guenter's Pages- includes "European Orchids" nature stack 
  pages (also downloadable for IIgs). 

Bret's IIgs Software- II/IIgs software (including Operation Lambda
  and PuyoPuyo IIgs) by Bret Victor

C-One Page- information about the project to develop a 65xxx-based
  re-configurable computer

CFFA Project Page- docs, pics, firmware for Rich Dreher's CompactFlash/IDE
  Interface for the Apple II

Chebucto- Apple II/IIgs utilities

Clairemont High School Room 110- Apple II student projects and info

Classic Computer Magazine Archive- maintains collections of Creative Computing,
  Compute, and other classic magazines (Atari, multi-platform, some Apple II)

Computer Lab Teacher- message board and links for teachers (multi-platform, 
  some Apple II)

Contiki- home page for the compact Contiki OS with browser for Apple II and
  other relatively small systems

Daniel Webster's Apple2 GS Page- IIgs software by DW and links

DAR Systems International- creator of Mines of Moria and other
  A2 classics; recently released ProLine BBS 3.1
  for games, docs, and other downloads ...

Daryl's 65C02 Hobby Page- 65816 for all Apple II's and other 
  harware/software projects

Deja News- search newsgroups... is now Google (see below)

Don Lancaster's The Guru's Lair- info on PIC microprocessor use
 (in BASIC Stamp modules, robots, ...); links; multi-platform

Edhel's Apple II Stuff- Apple II programs by Edhel plus info
  and PEEKs & POKEs

Emulation Net- information and software for several A2 emulators

Ewen's Home Page- IIgs telecom software and information

Fadden's Junk: Apple II Files- A2 and related utils by Andy McFadden;
  also see FaddenSoft and NuLib2 sites 

Free Tools Association- info and downloads for games, demos, and
  other software from FTA; home site for the ActiveGS emulator
  http://www.freetoolsassociation.com (IE preferred)

Gareth Jones Page- IIgs Bookstacks, Bookstack software; Hypercard info
  and tutorials by Gareth Jones

Google Power Search- seek information in newsgroups

Grin.net Apple II- old home for several A2 sites; offers A2 software,
  information, diversions, ...

Historical Exhibits- Apple II/II clone system pics, history, specs, links
  8-bit Museum  http://www.8bit-museum.de
  Apple 2 Clones  http://www.apple2clones.com/
  Apple II Collection  http://www.turbo-2.com/apple/
  Apple II Game Museum  http://www.angelfire.com/80s/apple2/
  Apple II History  http://apple2history.org/
  Applefritter  http://www.applefritter.com/
  Archaic Apple  http://www.archaic-apples.com/
  Dr. Tom's Apple 1 Page
  Keppel's Klassics  http://www10.brinkster.com/klassics/
  Obsolete Computer Museum  http://www.obsoletecomputermuseum.org/
  Old-Computers.com  http://www.old-computers.com
  The Machine Room  http://www.machine-room.org
  The Trailing Edge  http://www.trailingedge.com/
  Unofficial, Unauthorized, Apple Online Museum
  Vintage Computer Festival  http://www.vintage.org

Home of the Apple II- Apple II manuals on-line, new user info,
  links, magazine reprints, and message board

IC/Chip Info- places to look up IC part numbers, etc.
  Chip Directory- http://www.xs4all.nl/~ganswijk/chipdir/index.htm
  IC Master- http://www.icmaster.com/login.asp
  Kieth's Parts Page- http://www.howell1964.freeserve.co.uk/parts/

II Computing- Home site for Usenet Csa2 Apple II FAQs in html

IIGS Haufbrauhaus- IIgs info and software; includes SuperMarioBros/gs
  by Lucas Scharenbroich

Interactive Fiction Archive- Infocom and other games, game
  authoring/interpreter software, hints and solutions

KansasFest Web Page- KansasFest information

Ken Gagne's Page- Features programs by Ken Gagne

Kim Howe's Page- the Arachnid Browser and other Apple IIgs
  software by Kim Howe

Kitchen Sink Software- A2 graphical desktop and other software
  from Kitchen Sink

KulaSoft- Stocks Eamon Adventures, A2 software, Index

L.J. Silicon's Treasure Chest- Apple II software by Rudy Guy,
  links, Hyper wares, GS Technotes, news, and reviews

LandSnail Apple II References- offers lists of Applesoft, Integer Basic,
  DOS 3.3, and ProDOS commands with brief descriptions.

Larry Virden's Apple II Programmer's Catalog of Languages and Toolkits-
  Apple II programming software information

Laz's Apple II Pages- A2 and Mac A2-support software by Lazarus I. Long

Luddite Enterprises- 8-bit A2 sound & music resources, including 
  Simon Williams's Timelord sequencer.

Mainly Neat Stuff- Info about the more obscure Apple II, Apple III, Mac, ...
  hardware and software plus manuals and marketing materials.

Marinetti Home Page- Support and Download for the IIgs TCP/IP stack

McGovern Apple IIgs- many individual and site links

Michael J. Mahon's Page- Mike's 8-bit Sound Editor and misc A2 items

Moose's Software Valley- A2 history & info with pics, reviews, and many
  utility and other programs by Mike "Moose" O'Malley

Morgan Davis Group- Morgan Davis's site with history plus software and 
  docs for MD BASIC, RADE, and other MDG products.

News Readers- free newsgroup reader services which allow posting
  Google- http://groups.google.com/index.html
  Google Power Search- http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search
  Mailgate- http://www.mailgate.org/index.html
  Lists of free Usenet Newsgroup servers-

News.answers faqs Archive
  Index- ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/
  Comp.emulators.apple2-emu faq at apple2/emulators-faq/part1
  Comp.sys.apple2- Apple II faq in folder: apple2/faq/
  Comp.sys.apple2.gno- GNO faq at apple2/GNO-faq
  Comp.sys.apple2.programmer- programmer faq at apple2/programmerfaq/part1

Ninja Force Downloads- Apple IIgs utilities and resources

Odessa Entertainment- on-line entertainment 'zines

Paul Schlyter's Apple II Stuff- programming info, compilers, 
  S-C assemblers, utilities, Assembly Line disks, ...

Penguin Software Archive- Penguin/Polarware games and history

Phoenyx's Apple II Applications- utilities and games by Phoenyx

RedSkull's Flash ROM Page- pics, info, and software for the Apple II
  Flash ROM programmer and Drive by Leslie Ayling.

Resources for the Older Macintosh & for Specific Macs- two sites with
  many good information links for Apple II users who also use Macs

Retro Roundup- Headlines plus links for several classic computer
  news sources

Richard Bennett's Page- Apple II/IIgs utilities and games

Robots Wanted: Dead or Alive- info and pics for old and new robots;
  robot projects, repairs, parts, and links

Ron's Apple II and Macintosh Software Page- DSK2FILE and other wares
  from Ron Kneusel plus 6502 info/tutorial page
  for 6502 page ...

Sassy Software- CoolWriter and other IIgs productivity and
  utility software

Scott Alfter's Pages- Apple Assembly Line Archive and EPROM programmer

SheppyWare- Wolfenstein-3D and other Apple II/IIgs games and utilities

So What Software- versatile, interesting Apple IIgs programming
  software from So What

Stephan's Retrocomputing Site- A2 emulators plus some adventures
  with docs and screen pics

St�phane Guillard's Apple II Projects- docs and pics for IDE/ATE
  interface and other projects

Tarnover- home of the Computist Project; maintains index plus
  scans of Computist issues as jpegs; includes Library Disks

Tech Notes- sites which maintain Apple II Tech Notes
  Ground  (Text)  ftp://ground.ecn.uiowa.edu/apple2/Technotes/
  U.Mich  (Text)  http://www.umich.edu/~archive/apple2/technotes/
  Aaron's (HTML)  http://web.pdx.edu/~heiss/technotes/

Terence J. Boldt's Apple II Page- ProDOS bootable ROM drive,
  EPROM programmer, and other A2 hardware projects

The Fridge- 6502 info, tutorials, assembly language routines

The Giant List- comprehensive listing of classic games and authors
  plus news, interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories

Underground //e (French)- Apple II information and links

Vectronic's World- Apple II info and links plus some software downloads

Washington Apple Pi- Apple II information and support plus
  Apple III FAQs.
  Apple III FAQs ...

Wayne Stewart's Apple II Page- features  scans of manuals, ROMs, and
  pics for interface, accelerator, RAM card, and other boards.

Woz.org-  Steve Wozniak's official website

www.6502.org- 6502 microprocessor info and projects



002- Where can I get games for my Apple II on the net?

     Several Apple II archive sites maintain large collections of software which you can download to your Apple II or to your PC or Mac and transfer to your Apple II.

Major Apple II Game Archives

Apple IIgs Gaming Memory Fairway- #1 archive of out-of-print
  commercial IIgs games in emulator .2mg and Apple II ShrinkIt form;
  includes info blurbs, pics, and hints (now included in the 
  What Is the Apple IIgs? archive)

Apple2.org.za- archive which mirrors the contents of several major
  Apple II sites

Asimov- #1 ftp archive of Apple II 8-bit games in emulator
  disk image format plus emulators, emu info, and ROMs;
  very large docs, hints, ... collection

Asimov Mirrors- sites which mirror Asimov
  Apple2.org.za  http://www.apple2.org.za/mirrors/ftp.apple.asimov.net/
  Planet Mirror  http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/apple2/
  The Horde- ftp://ftp.au.horde.org/pub/apple2/

Ground- the largest Apple II archive; maintains many II/IIgs games

Ground Mirrors- sites which mirror Ground
  Apple2.org.za  http://www.apple2.org.za/mirrors/ground.icaen.uiowa.edu/

TFF Enterprises Apple II Archive- large collection of II/IIgs games

TFF Enterprises Mirrors- sites which mirror TFFE
  Apple2.org.za  http://www.apple2.org.za/mirrors/apple2.caltech.edu/

Uni-kl.de Apple2 U. Kaiserslautern- Apple II & IIgs games in emulator
  disk image and .shk form; large game icon collection

Virtual Apple- maintains large collection of II/IIgs games in zipped
  disk image form which you can download or play on-line

XGS Archives- extensive archive of out-of-print commercial IIgs
  games in emulator .2mg form; offers single-list access with brief
  comments and file performance info.

Other Important Apple II Game Sites

Apple IIc .dsk Archive (French)-  game software in emulator
  Dsk form plus docs, screen pics, and solutions

Apple IIgs Explorer- site which lets you play many Apple IIgs
  games on-line

Apple2 U. Michagan- A2 archive

AV Systems- sells game, education, utility software

B&R Computing- sells used II/IIgs commercial games

Bard's Tale I Pages- info, manual, Clue Book, maps, and game download
  for Apple II version of Bard's Tale I.

Bret's IIgs Software- II/IIgs software (including Operation Lambda
  and PuyoPuyo IIgs) by Bret Victor

DAR Systems International- download Mines of Moria and other
  Apple II classics plus docs

Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online- central Eamon site offering game downloads,
  reviews, news, links; hosts FAQs plus maps, walkthroughs, newsletters

Free Tools Association- info and downloads for games, demos, and
  other software from FTA
  http://www.freetoolsassociation.com (IE preferred)

Game Trading Zone- a place to trade games; includes A2

Gold's Wizardry Page- Wizardry info, links and original game downloads

GS WorldView- Archive includes II/IIgs games, docs, and reviews; maintains
  the Infocom and IF Adventures Guide.

IIGS Haufbrauhaus- IIgs info and software; includes SuperMarioBros/gs
  by Lucas Scharenbroich
Infocom Home Page- Infocom game info, pics, walkthroughs,
  and links plus interpreter downloads (multi-platform)

Interactive Fiction Archive- Infocom and other games (multi-platform)

KulaSoft- Stocks Eamon Adventures; sells A2 software; Index; links

L.J. Silicon's Treasure Chest- Apple II software

Lost Gonzo BBS- Apple II BBS site featuring http and telenet
  access to many on-line games

Penguin Software Archive- Penguin/Polarware games

Robot Odyssey Webpage- Robot Odyssey info and game downloads

SheppyWare- Wolf-3D and other programs by Sheppy

Snacky Pete's Text Adventure Archive (multi-platform)

Stephan's Retrocomputing Site- A2 emulators plus some adventures
  with docs and screen pics

Tom's Ultima, Infocom, and RPG Page- buy, sell, trade Ultima, Infocom,
  ... games and materials; play/copy Ultima songs

Ultima Dragons- Ultima players and support group home page

Ultima World Wide Web Archive- docs, maps, ... and music for Ultima
  adventures; Ultima links

Wilson Lau's Deathlord Page- Deathlord info, maps, and game downloads

Wizardry Fan Page- Wizardry info, links, new scenario downloads


003- Where can I find hints, docs, pics, and othe game information?

     Several of the larger game archives offer docs, hints, cheats, and walkthroughs. Fewer go into copy deprotection and copying.

     You can find screen shot and game box pics-- great for making disk labels-- on some sites; but, no single archive or web page offers anything like a comprehensive selection.

     Author, publisher, and historical information is relatively rare. One site, The Giant List, does a good job listing game authors along with their games, publishers, and dates.

     If a game or series has its own web site, this will often be the best place to look for docs, support materials, pictures, and author/publisher info. Good examples are sites for Ultima, Bard's Tale, Infocom games, and the games published by Penguin/PolarWare.

     Below is a listing of game information links:

Adventureland (multi-platform) game info and links

Apple II Textfiles- many hints, cheats, walkthroughs;
  cracking techniques info and tutorials

Apple II Game Museum- box pics and memories

Apple II GameAids- docs/faqs, reviews, and LARGE maps by Andrew Schultz
  for several major Apple II adventures and other games
  for LARGE maps

Apple IIc .dsk Archive (French)- docs, screen pics, and solutions

Apple IIgs Gaming Memory Fairway- IIgs game box and screen
  pics; some walkthroughs

Aaron's Classic Fantasy Epics- covers War in Middle Earth & Dondra

Asimov (and mirrors)- very large docs, hints, etc. collection
  covering many Apple II games

Bard's Tale I Pages- info, manual, Clue Book, maps for Apple II 
  version of Bard's Tale I.

Bard's Tale Web Ring- links to several Bard's Tale sites

Classic Adventures Solution Archive- very large collection of game
  walkthroughs, hints, and maps (multi-platform)

Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online- hosts FAQs, newsletters; many links

Eamon Page- Eamon Adventuring info and links

Epyx Shrine- Epyx games information, pics, and messageboard

GameFAQs- FAQs/walkthroughs for many Apple II games

Games Domain- FAQs, walkthroughs, and companies

Gold's Wizardry Page- Wizardry info, box pics, and links

Gruds in Space Page- GIS info and lore from Simian Grud

GS WorldView- Archive includes large collection of game docs, hints,
  and walkthroughs

IF-Legends.org- box pics, publication info, hints, maps, reviews,
  and walkthroughs for several adventures

Infocom and IF Adventures Guide- info plus links to Infocom and
  other interactive fiction Text adventures (service of GS WorldView)

Infocom Documentation Project- manual copies, hints, goodies

Infocom Home Page- game info, box pics, and walkthroughs

Interactive Fiction Archive- Infocom & other adventure game
  solutions, hints (multi-platform)

Luposian's Domain- Development site for new 'Quest and Ring Quest

Penguin Software Archive- Penguin/Polarware games history, pics, and info

Project 64- Archive has large collection of game manuals (mainly for C-64;
  generally work fine for Apple II).

Robot Odyssey Webpage- Robot Odyssey docs, hints, and maps

Sorpigal: The Might and Magic Resource- M&M info, maps, and collectibles

The Apple II Game Museum- features Apple II game box pics and memories.

The Computer Show- for PC; but, most walkthroughs, hints, etc. work
  fine for Apple II versions

The Giant List- major listing of games and authors

The World of Green-Sky- Below the Root info and maps

Tolkien Computer Games Pages- comprehensive listings of Tolkein-theme
  games on several platforms with game info and pics

Ultima World Wide Web Archive- docs, maps, pics, walkthroughs,
  and music for Ultima adventures

Wasteland Ranger Center- info, lore, and links for Wasteland

Wilson Lau's Deathlord Page- Deathlord info, maps

Wizardry Fan Page- pics, walkthroughs, maps, links


004- Where can I get game creation programs and information?

     There are a number of gaming systems which include Apple II software for creating games. For example, two systems which continue to attract new authors are Eamon (Text adventures) and Explorer/gs (Ultima-style adventures).

     These sites have game creation programs and documentation:

Asimov (and mirrors)- arcade and adventure game makers and
  editors are included in game images folders

GraphicsMagician.com- docs, source code, libraries, ... to support
  projects using Graphics Magician

Ground- Eamon, Explorer/gs, and arcade
  Eamon authoring programs and adventures at ...
  Explorer/gs authoring program and adventures at ...
  Clayburn W. Juniel's arcade program development wares at ...

GS WorldView- game authoring programs (in Archive: Utilities)

Inform Page- Interactive fiction Inform interpreter

Interactive Fiction Archive- IF interpreters and game authoring
  information and contests (multi-platform)

TADS Page- Interactive fiction TADS interpreter

--Rubywand, Zeprfrew, Charles T. Turley, John Beatty, Netrunner68, Marc Sira, Swigg, Steve Evans, Jm, Greg Wildman


005- Where can I buy Apple II systems, parts, boards, and software?

8-Bit Classics ( http://www.8bitclassics.com/ ) sells Apple II and other classic computer items.

A.P.P.L.E. (Apple PugetSound Program Library Exchange; http://callapple.org/ ) sells II/IIgs software and CA back issues on CD; also sells Apple II hardware and publishes Call-A.P.P.L.E. on-line 'zine.

A2Central.com ( http://www.a2central.com/ ) sells II/IIgs accessories and software, including GS System 6.0.1;  publishes A2Central.com on-line 'zine.

All Electronics (800-826-5432; http://www.allelectronics.com/ ) major surplus and new parts seller- switches, LCD panels, connectors, transformers, caps, IIgs-type lithium batteries, etc.

Alltech (760-724-2404; sales 888-404-8848; http://www.allelec.com/indexa2.html ) sells the Serius mem expansion card for IIgs, the Focus Hard Card drives, and other drives and boards.

Apple II Auctions- some places which handle Apple II items on the internet
 BidVille.com- http://www.bidville.com
 comp.sys.apple2.marketplace- news:comp.sys.apple2.marketplace
 DigitalDinos- http://www.digitaldinos.com
 ebay- http://www.ebay.com
 Vintage Computer Auction- http://ave13co.com
 way2bid.com- http://way2bid.com

Applegames ( http://www.brownbag.0catch.com/applegames.htm ) sells collections of A2 games, game ads, etc. on CD.

Grace Ashley (352-748-7739, http://apple2software.htmlplanet.com/ ) sells Apple II educational software and 'blank' 5.25" diskettes

B&R Computer Services (619-225-8281; http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/rrbp/ ) sells Apple II computers, peripherals, and manuals plus used II/IIgs games, and other software; also does repairs and A2-to-PC/Mac file conversions.

Stephen Buggie (505-863-2390; buggie@unm.edu ) sells the famous Buggie Power Supplies, Buggie Drives, and does disk drive conversions.

Byte Works ( http://www.byteworks.org ) developer of the respected Orca series of Apple II languages and support software including the new GS BASIC; sales via Syndicomm ( http://www.syndicomm.com/products/ ) 

Catweasel ( http://www.e-trade.to/en/catweasel/catweasel.html ) makes and sells a disk drive controller intended for reading A2 diskettes on non-A2 drives.

Charlie's AppleSeeds (619-566-0387; 9081 Hadley Place, San Diego CA 92126- 1523) sells Apple II hard disks and controllers, floppy drives, ... and ProSel, ProSel-16 documentation.

Comp.sys.apple2.marketplace is the Csa2 newsgroup for buying and selling Apple II hardware and software.

Creative Solutions (937-429-5759; http://members.aol.com/CreatSltn/index.html ) Apple II hardware, software, and repairs

Cyber Guys ( http://www.cyberguys.com/ ) modem and NULL modem cables

DAR Systems International (305-529-3572; http://www.darsys.com/dsi.html ; Post Office Box 521598 Miami, FL  33152-1598; email: Eric A. Seiden server@pro- entropy.cbbs.cts.com) sells ProLine BBS software.

Digi-Key (800-344-4539; http://www.digikey.com) IC's and general parts supplier

DigiSoft Innovations (ref: Jim Maricondo) producer of the Golden Orchard CD collection of Apple II software; now distributed by Shareware Solutions II

DigitalDinos (440-953-6649; http://www.digitaldinos.com/ ) sells Apple II (and other) systems, peripherals, boards, and manuals.

Dirt-Cheap Drives (800-786-1160; http://www.dirtcheapdrives.com ) 2.5" IDE drives

Eamon Adventurer's Guild (7625 Hawkhaven Dr., Clemmons, NC  27012; 910-766- 7490; email: eamoncd@bellsouth.net ) distributes the Eamon Adventures on CD.

Emerald City Sales (870-743-3872; http://www.ahhz.com) sells TrackStar boards and other A2 hardware.

F. E. Systems ( http://www.bernie.gs/ ) sells Bernie' IIgs emulator for Macs.

Floppydisk.com ( http://www.floppydisks.com/ ) sells 5.25" and 3.5" DS/DD diskettes.

Albert Franklin (email: jfrankl1@mindspring.com) sells 5.25" DS/DD diskettes.

GarberStreet Enterprises ( http://garberstreet.netfirms.com/ ) sells Apple II and Mac boards, components, diskettes, and software, including GS System 6.0.1.

GBBS/LLUCE support and software (Apple Elite II BBS 909-359-5338; email Steven Lichter at elitesoftware@earthlink.net)

Gene Ehrich's On-Line Computer Garage Sale (email: gene@ehrich.com; http://www.voicenet.com/~generic/ ) sells Apple II (C-64, PC, etc.) hardware, software, manuals, and other items.

Grw Systems ( http://www.wilde.org/grwsystems/ ) offers Utility Works and Utility Launch shareware for IIgs.

Halted Specialties (800-442-5833; http://www.halted.com ) sells electronic parts- sockets, cables, plugs, caps, Parallax BASIC stamp, SCSI cables, ... good prices for 74xxx, 65xx, etc. IC's

Hudson's Hobby Games (P.O. Box 121503, Arlington, Texas, 76012; 817-461-0126; email: HudsonGame@aol.com) sells Old Apple II games in original boxes

II Computing ( http://home.swbell.net/rubywand/ ) sells A2 software, TDX Stereo Card for IIgs, joystick adapters, ... 

IEC ( http://www.connectworld.net/cgi-bin/iec/framepr.html ) sells Apple II joystick, printer, disk drive, modem, etc. cables.

InTrec Software (888-PROTERM; http://www.intrec.com ) sells ProTerm A2 and high-speed GS modem cable

Jameco (800-831-4242; http://www.jameco.com ) Apple II and general parts supplier

JDR Microdevices (800-538-5000; http://www.jdr.com ) Apple II and general parts supplier

KulaSoft (808-595-8131; http://www.angelfire.com/hi/kulasoft ) Eamon Adventures, Apple II magazine Indexes, software collections, tutorials, and books

Lynxmotion (104 Partridge Road, Pekin, IL 61554-1403; 309-382-1816 http://www.lynxmotion.com ) sells Robot kits, Robot arms, servos, controllers, ... for PC but adaptable for Apple II

MC Price Breakers (619-476-9839 ; http://www.mcpb.com ) sells memory boards, high-speed GS modem cables, and other Apple II hardware

McGovern Apple IIgs ( http://www.frii.com/~mcgovern/apple.html ) offers A2 manuals, magazine back issues, and other items for sale.

MECI (800-344-6324; http://www.meci.com ) surplus electronic parts- fans, tubes, solenoids, IC sockets, 50-25 SCSI cables and adapters, ...

Meritline.com ( http://store.yahoo.com/meritline/floppydisk.html ) sells 3.5" DD diskettes in bulk.

Michigan Computer Corporation ( http://www.michigan-computer-corp.com/ ;248- 932-3470) sells Apple II computers, peripherals, and parts.

Mouser Electronics (800-346-6873; http://www.mouser.com ) major IC and general parts supplier

MPJA/ Marlin P. Jones (800-652-6733; http://www.mpja.com) many power supplies, NULL modem, proto boards, Parallax BASIC stamp, kits, LED displays, LCD panels, ...

Newark Electronics (800-463-9275; http://www.newark.com ) major electronic parts supplier

Ninjaforce Entertainment ( http://www.ninjaforce.com) IIgs utility and game software

Oldsoftware.com ( http://www.oldsoftware.com/ ) sells A2 software, books, hardware, and new 5.25" and 3.5" DSDD diskettes.

Pacific Custon Cable (800-931-3133; http://www.pacificcable.com/ )  sells II/IIgs and Mac modem, AppleTalk, and other cables.

Parallax ( http://www.parallaxinc.com) makers of BASIC Stamp single-board computers and development tools (ref. robots and other external devices)

Peripheral Manufacturing, Inc (800-468-6888; email: periphman@periphman.com ) sells 5.25" diskettes in 10 packs and 50 packs.

PICmicroWebRing ( http://www.webring.com/cgi-bin/webring?ring=picmicro;list ) PIC/BASIC Stamp vendors and information (ref. robots and other external devices)

Pre-Owned Electronics (800-274-5343) sells a variety of peripherals and accessories.

PriceGrabber.com ( http://www.pricegrabber.com/ search for "Apple II") sells A2 books and printer supplies.

Radio Shack ( http://www.radioshack.com/ ) sells IIgs/Mac high-speed modem, NULL modem, Imagewrtier I/II printer, IIgs/Mac keyboard, and other A2 cables.

RC Systems (USA 425-355-3800; UK +44 1279 639471; http://www.rcsys.com/ ) sells Slotbuster multi-function (printer/ SSC serial/ Clock/ Text-to-Speech), TimeProPlus, and DoubleTalk cards for Apple II.

Redmond Cable (425-882-2009; http://www.redcab.com/ ) offers large selection of II/IIgs modem, printer, video, ... cables and adapters.

RJ Cooper & Associates ( http://rjcooper.com/site-map ) sells hardware and software for persons with Special Needs (multi-platfom; A2 software).

Seven Hills Software (became My eSource) produced IIgs software, some of which is now distributed by Shareware Solutions II.

Shareware Solutions II ( http://users.foxvalley.net/~joko ) sells Convert 3200, Spectrum, ... plus games, boxed Old game originals, the Golden Orchard CD-ROM, and other wares; publishes Shareware Solutions II mini-magazine.

SheppyWare ( http://www.sheppyware.net ) software by Eric Shepherd

SHH Systeme, Germany ( http://www.wbwip.com/shh/ ) sells the LANceGS ethernet card, Turbo IDE and other HD controller cards, Blue Disk, TWGS Accelerator upgrades, and repairs.

Shreve Systems (800-227-3971; http://www.shrevesystems.com ) sells Apple II computers, peripherals, parts and accessories.

Sierra Circuit Design (503-614-0749; http://www.teleport.com/~scd/ ) sells 65xxx, PIC, and other 8/16 bit microprocessor VHDL, FPGS, and ASIC designs and circuit board designs

Software and More (916-725-0228; http://members.aol.com/SWMoreTP/AP.html ) sells Apple II hardware and software.

Spi Semiconductor (818-884-8000; http://www.spisemi.com/index.html ) sells memory IC's, including the 20-pin Zip package D424400V-80 used on the GS-RAM III. (Note: When ordering be sure to confirm package style.)

Sun Remarketing (800-821-3221; http://www.sunrem.com  accepts on-line orders) sells Apple II parts and peripherals.

Syndicomm ( http://www.syndicomm.com/products/ ) publishes and distributes Byte Works and other Apple II/IIgs software.

Terence J. Boldt's Apple II Projects ( http://apple2.geekmag.net/ ; email: apple2@cgocable.net) sells bootable ROM Drive.

ThinkStuff ( http://www.thinkstuff.com/sys-tmpl/faqaboutus/ ; 1191 Hooksett Road, Hooksett NH 03106 ) sells IIgs/Mac hi-speed modem and NULL modem cables.

Vernier Software (503-277-2299; http://www.vernier.com )  sells project books and components.

Vintage Ware ( http://vintageware.orcon.net.nz/ )  sells PS/2 Mouse Adapter for Apple II and is developing other A2 products.

VintageFunWorld.Com ( http://www.vintagefunworld.com IE preferred) sells Apple II systems, components, parts, and software.

Wayne's Computer (315-689-7899; http://www.waynes.com/Business/WaynesComputer/default.htm ) sells Apple II computers, peripherals, and software.

Western Design Center (480-962-4545; http://www.westerndesigncenter.com/ ) makes and sells 65C816 microprocessor used in IIgs and for accelerator upgrades.

William K. Bradford Co. (800-421-2009; http://www.wkbradford.com ) Apple II educational software

XDR2.com ( http://www.xdr2.com/ click on "Diskettes") sells 5.25" & 3.5" DD diskettes.

--Rubywand, David Chiu, Delfs, Jay, Bart, Frank Townsend, Paul Grammens, Josh Smith, Joan Sander, Carrington Vanston, Matthew S. Carpenter


006- Where can I get Apple II books and periodicals?

A2 2000 published by Charles T. Turley; back issues in .sdk and .shk form ( ftp://ground.ecn.uiowa.edu/apple2/Collections/A2.2000/ )

A2Central.com ( http://www.a2central.com/ ) is an Apple II/IIgs on-line 'zine featuring current A2 news edited by Eric Shepherd. See also in Vendors listing.

A2 News and Notes monthly on-line news 'zine ( http://lamp.a2central.com/ ) edited by Howard Katz 

Apple Assembly Line back issues in .bxy form collected by Scott Alfter ( http://salfter.dyndns.org/aal/ ) and Paul Schlyter's .zip archive ( http://hotel04.ausys.se/pausch/apple2/dsk.html )

Apple II Magazine Indexes- available from KulaSoft ( http://www.angelfire.com/hi/kulasoft )

Apple II Manuals on-line
Kim Howe's conversions of IIgs User's and Owner's manuals ( http://www.callapple.org/apple2/manuals/index.html ). 
Wayne Stewart's scans of several accelerator, RAM card, interface, and other manuals in PDF format ( http://homepage.mac.com/wayne_stewart/ ).
See also Byte Works.
See also collections on major archives.

The Australian Apple Review indexed articles collected by Terry Allen ( http://www.callapple.org/apple2/magazines/aar/index.html )

Call-A.P.P.L.E. ( http://callapple.org/ ) magazine revived on-line to supply coverage of Apple II and other Apple computers; offers back issues on CD; published by Apple PugetSound Program Library Exchange. See also A.P.P.L.E. in Vendors listing.

Composition is an on-line 'zine devoted to GS MIDIsynth and synthLAB music ( http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/rembrandt/2/comp.html ) published by Gregory Heald.

Computist magazine issues (so far, through #52) in scanned .jpg form from Michael Maginnis's Computist Project; site by Jean Pierre and Jason Scott at http://computist.textfiles.com/.

Computist magazine Library Disks originally from The Computist Project; on USA2WUG at http://apple2.org.za/gswv/USA2WUG/ComputistLibraryDisks/.

Creative Computing ( http://www.atarimagazines.com/ ) index and text for several issues maintained on Kevin Savetz's Classic Computer Magazine Archive.

Creative Computing Video & Arcade Games index and text is maintained on Kevin Savetz's Classic Computer Magazine Archive. ( http://www.atarimagazines.com/ )

Dark Castle (Wolborgenmate 72, 7006 DK Doetinchem, The Netherlands; +31-314- 365145) is a quarterly mini-magazine edited by Doede Boomsma. (dboomsma@sci.kun.nl)  Info and back issues in .shk form are available at ftp://ground.ecn.uiowa.edu/2/apple2/Collections/DarkCastle/.

Eamon Adventurer's Guild newsletter (7625 Hawkhaven Dr., Clemmons, NC  27012) was the quarterly journal for the famous adventuring series edited by Thomas Zuchowski (email: eamoncd@bellsouth.net ). All of the issues are included on the Eamon CD. See the Eamon CD article in GS WorldView's Archive at http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Sel/EamonCDships.htm .

GEnie Lamp issues from the classic GEnie Apple II Roundtables as Text files (A2 http://www.textfiles.com/apple/GENIELAMP/ ; A2 and A2Pro ftp://ground.ecn.uiowa.edu/2/apple2/Collections/Gelamp/ ).  Also see the collection on A2Central.com (A2 and A2Pro http://lamp.a2central.com/ ).

GS+ back issues from A2Central.com ( http://www.a2central.com/ )

GS WorldView ( http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/ ) is an Apple II/IIgs web magazine started by Charles Turley, currently edited by Rubywand

II Something weekly on-line 'zine published 1995-1997 by Clark Hugh Stiles is continued on A2 forum ( http://forums.delphiforums.com/apple2/messages ).

Juiced GS ( http://www.juiced.gs/ ; email: publisher@juiced.gs ) is a quarterly mini-magazine created by Max Jones; editor: Ryan Suenaga.

The Lamp ( http://lamp.a2central.com/ ) on-line 'zine edited by Ryan Suenaga; site offers issues in Text, Appleworks, and other formats. 

Nibble magazine Library Disks-- Nov 1988 - Feb 1992-- in .shk form ( ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/utility/misc/nibble_magazine/ ); converted to .po disk image form by Sallyraphael (aka Knockstump) on Ground at ftp://ground.ecn.uiowa.edu/apple2/Collections/Nibble/ and on Asimov at ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/unsorted/ .

Nuts & Volts Magazine (800-783-4624; http://www.nutsvolts.com ) not A2 specific, but good info on robot making and other interesting projects; also, a good source for surplus electronic parts ads

Open Apple magazine issues in .shk form ( ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/documentation/magazines_on_disk/ )

Questbusters ( http://www.geocities.com/sensuari/QB1.html ) recreations and scans of the classic game solutions newsletter; includes A2 games

Road Apples back issues in html form ( http://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/GS.WorldView/Resources/ROAD.APPLE/ )

Shareware Solutions II (166 Alpine Street, San Rafael, CA 94901; http://users.foxvalley.net/~joko ) is a bi-monthly mini-magazine edited by Joe Kohn. See also in Vendors listing.

Vintage Computer Books on-line ( http://www.atariarchives.org/ ) books of game programs in BASIC, and more; maintained on Kevin Savetz's Classic Computer Archive.



007- How do I get my Apple II site listed in the FAQs?

     One way is to post an announcement about your site on comp.sys.apple (Csa2). If the posting is read by the FAQs keeper the site may be added to the FAQs listing. Another way is to email the FAQs keeper at rubywand@swbell.net.



008- What determines whether or not a site is listed?

     Any site accessible via the internet which contributes something to Apple II computing is a good candidate for inclusion.
