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APPEND~ II ProDOS Sectors The ProDOS 8 READ - BLOCK and WRITE - BLOCK commands discussed in Chapter 4 can be used to access directly any sector on any track of a DOS 3.3- formatted disk. This makes it easier to write ProDOS utilities capable of reading DOS 3.3 files or creating and writing DOS 3.3 files. To handle DOS 3.3 files properly you will, of course, need detailed information on how DOS 3.3 organizes and manages diskette files. (See Chapter 5 of Inside the Apple lIe for this information.) To use READ - BLOCK and WRITE - BLOCK with DOS 3.3 disks, first translate the DOS 3.3 sector number into a block number that these commands understand. Sectors on a DOS 3.3 diskette are identified by a track number (~34) and a sector number within the track (~15). The corresponding ProDOS block number can be calculated from the track and sector values by first multiplying the track number by 8 to determine the base block number and then adding to the base the relative block number for the sector. The relative block numbers for each DOS 3.3 sector are as follows: Belntive Block Number DOS 3.3 Sector Number 0 and 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 and 12 11 and 10 9 and 8 7 and 6 5 and 4 3 and 2 1 and 15 APW Assembler 357 For example, track 17, sector 15 on a DOS 3.3 diskette corresponds to block 143(8 X 17 + 7). Since a ProDOS block is twice the size of a DOS 3.3 sector, each ProDOS corresponds to two DOS 3.3 sectors, as shown in the table. The first half of the I - corresponds to the first sector in the pair, and the last half corresponds to the sector. This doubling causes a complication when writing to a DOS 3.3 diskette: & sector other than the one you want to write to will also be written to. To avoid destroying the data in the other sector, you must first read the desired block into a buffer, transfer to it the contents of the sector to be written, and then write the bl~ back to diskette. In this way, the contents of the other sector are not disturbed. 358 ProDOS Blocks and DOS 3.3 Sectors APPEND~ III GS,'OS AND PRODOS 8 REFERENCE BOOKS Apple Computer, Inc., GS/OS Reference, Volume 1 (Apple Programmer's and Devel- oper's Association, 1988). This manual gives a programmer's overview of GS/OS, describes the CS/OS commands, and discusses specific file system translators. Apple Computer, Inc., GS/OS Reference, Volume 2 (Apple Programmer's and Devel- oper's Association, 1988). This manual describes low-level GS/OS entities, like device drivers and interrupt handlers. Apple Computer, Inc., Apple IIGs ProDOS 16 Reference (Addison-Wesley, 1987). This is the official reference manual for ProDOS 16. Apple Computer, Inc., ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual (Addison-Wesley, 1987). This is the official reference manual for ProDOS 8. Apple Computer, Inc., BASIC Programming with ProDOS (Addison-Wesley, 1987). This book describes how to use the BASIC.SYSTEM commands. APPLE II REFERENCE BOOKS Apple II Reference Manual (Apple Computer, Inc., 1979). The official reference manual for the Apple II and Apple II Plus. Apple Computer, Inc., Apple lIe Technical Reference Manual (Addison-Wesley, 1987). The official reference manual for the Apple lIe. Apple Computer, Inc., Apple Ilc Technical Reference Manual (Addison-Wesley, 1987). The official reference manual for the Apple IIc. Apple Computer, Inc., Apple Ilcs Toolbox Reference: Volume 1 (Addison-Wesley, 1988). This book describes the Apple IIcs tool set functions. Apple Computer, Inc., Apple IIGs Toolbox Reference: Volume 2 (Addison-Wesley, 1988). This book describes the Apple IIcs tool set functions. 359 Apple Computer, Inc., Apple II SCSI Card Technical Reference (Apple Programmer's and Developer's Association, 1988). This book describes the SmartPort calls for the Apple II SCSI interface card. Gary B. Little, Inside the Apple IIc (Brady/Prentice Hall Press, 1985). This book is a programmer's guide to the Apple IIc. Gary B. Little, Inside the Apple lIe (Brady/Prentice Hall Press, 1985). This book is a programmer's guide to the Apple lIe. Gary B. Little, Exploring the Apple II&s (Addison-Wesley, 1987). This book is a programmer's guide to the Apple IIcs. 65816 ASSEMBLY-LANGUAGE BOOKS David Eyes and Ron Lichty, Programming the 65816 (Brady/Prentice Hall Press, 1986). This book is a programmer's guide to the 65816 microprocessor. 360 Bibliography APPEND~ I'v' A disk containing the source code for each of the programs described in this book, as well as four bonus programs, can be ordered directly from Gary Little. See the last page of this book for ordering information. The files on the disk are one of five types: z TXT (text) files having names of the form xxxxxxxxxxx.S. These files contain assembly-language source code in the format expected by the Merlin 8/16 assembler. z $B0 (source) files. These files contain assembly-language source code in the format expected by the APW assembler. z BAS (BASIC) files. These files contain Applesoft programs that you can run using the BASIC.SYSTEM RUN or - command. z BIN (binary) files. These files contain assembly-language programs you can run using the BASIC.SYSTEM BRUN or - command. A BIN file is created from its corresponding source code file by assembling the source with Merlin 8/16 and saving the object code to disk. z SYS (system) files. These files contain assembly-language programs you can run by using the BASIC.SYSTEM - command or by specifying the file's pathname in a program selector utility. The program disk is not bootable because it does not contain a copy of the PRODOS and BASIC.SYSTEM files. These files can be transferred to it from a ProDOS 8 master disk using the ProDOS 8 Filer or System Utilities program. The names of the programs on the disk are the same as those used in this book. Here are descriptions of the four bonus programs (source code is included on the program disk): 65816 Assembly-language Books 361 THE DISK.MAP PROGRAM The DISK.MAP program draws a map on the Apple's low-resolution graphics screen showing the usage of each block on a ProDOS-formatted 5.25-inch disk. To rvn the program, enter the command -DI$K.MAP from Applesoft command mode. Alter you do this, you will be asked for the slot number of the drive in which the disk has been placed. (If you have two drives for a slot, put the disk in the drive 1.) DISK.MAP maps each block on the disk to a unique position in an 8 by 35 rectangular grid map. The horizontal axis represents the track number from 0 (left) to 34 (right); the vertical axis represents the relative block number within the track from 0 (bottom) to 7 (top). Differently colored low-resolution graphic blocks are used to indicate the usage of any particular disk block. If blue is used, the disk block is in use and readable; if white is used, the disk block is in use but not readable (that is, it has been damaged). If the graphic block is gray, the disk block is not being used. DISK.MAP also displays the amount of free space on the disk and the name of the volume directory. THE PROTIME PROGRAM When you execute PROTIME (with the - command), the TIME command is added to the BASIC.SYSTEM command set. When you enter the TIME command from Apple- soft command mode, the current time and date are displayed in the following format: DO-~-19YY HH:MM where DD represents the day of the month, M M M represents the first three charac- ters in the name of the month, 19YY represents the year, HH represents the hour, and MM represents the minute. For example, if the current date is November 30, 1988 and the time is 9:20 p.m., you will see 30-N0V-1988 21:20 As you see, the time is displayed in 24-hour (military) format. The TIME command behaves differently when it is invoked from within an Apple- soft program. In this case, the time is not displayed on the screen; rather, the string variable associated with the very next INPUT statement in the program is set equal to the time string. For example, when you execute the program line 100 PRINT CHR$(4);"TINE": INPUT TN$ 362 The Program Disk the time string is assigned to the TM~ variable. The Applesofr string parsing commands can then be used to isolate elements of the string your program may need to examine. THE PRO'YYPE PROGRAM The PROTYPE program adds the TYPE command to the BASIC. SYSTEM command set. This command displays the contents of a file on the video screen or sends it to a printer. It is most useful for examining the contents of a file that contains readable text. To install the TYPE command, enter the command -PR0TYPE from Applesoft command mode. If all goes well, you will see the message TYPE C0NNAND IS NOW INSTALLED. and the command will be available for use. The syntax for the TYPE command is TYPE pn [.L#J I, F#] [,E#] [,R#] [,T#] [,Q#] [,5#1 [,D#] where brackets are used to enclose optional parameters, and # represents a decimal or hexadecimal number. (a hexadecimal number must be preceded by $.) Here is the meaning of each parameter: pn = pathname for the file ,L# = number of lines to be printed per page ,F# = form size (in lines) ,E# = left margin position ,R# = rest code (nonzero means page pause) ,T# = title code (nonzero means number the pages) = slot number for output ,S# = slot number for the file ,D# = drive number for the file The default parameters are 54 (,L#), 66 (,F#), 0 (,E#), 0 (,R#), 0 (,T#), current output (,@#). As you can see, the TYPE command supports several parameters used to format the output and speci~ its destination. For example, the command The PROTYPE Program 363 TYPE NY.TEXT,Q1,F84,L72,RI,TI,Es would be used to send a file called MY.TEXT to a printer in slot 1 (,@1). The size of the paper is 84 lines (,F84), 72 lines will be printed before a form feed is generated (,L72), and there will be a pause at the top of each new page to allow you to insert single sheet paper (,R1). Moreover, a page number will appear on each page (,T1), and there will be a left margin of five spaces (,E5). You can temporarily halt all output generated by the TYPE command by entering [ControlS] from the keyboard. To resume, press [ControlS] once again. You can press [Control-C] at any time to cancel the command. THE SMARTPORT PROGRAM SMARTPORT is for determining which slots in the Apple II have SmartPort control- lers connected to them. It displays status information for the devices connected to each SmartPort it finds. In particular, it displays the device name, the slot number and unit number, the device type and subtype, the version number, the device status, and the total number of blocks the device supports. This last number is either a 4-byte quantity or a 3-byte quantity depending on whether the SmartPort supports extended commands. (See Chapter 7 for a thorough discussion of the characteristics of a SmartPort.) To rvn SMARTPORT, enter the command -SNARTP0RT from Applesoft command mode. (SMARTPORT is a system program, so you could also run it from any program selector.) When it starts up, you can specifi' whether or not you want to send the results of the scan to a printer in slot 1. 364 The Program Disk HEX /RAM volume ~, 22,53,301-305 double hi-res 303 how to remove 303~05 volume bit map 23,302 /RAM5 volume 9,292,296 - (dash) command 9,232 ~/ boot prefix 17 & vector 55 access code 88 ALLOC INTERRUPT 9~1, 93,107, 267,268,270 APDA 353 APPEND 234 Apple 3.5 Drive 2,4 Apple 5.25 Drive 2 Apple II Memory Expansion Card 4 Apple Programmer's Workshop 79,220, 353~55 AppleTalk 50,185 AppleWorks 14 APW see Apple Programmer's Workshop assemblers 35~55 asynchronous serial 266 ATINIT file 50 Auricchio, Rick 2 auto-rvn protocol 180,223 v>xil,a~'n~~~ auxiliary type code 32,33,34 backup-needed bit 37,39 BADCALL 248 bank-switched EAM 5, 51~3 and interrupts 273 BAS file 32~3 BASIC.SYSTEM program ~, 9,11,219, 22~63 auto-rvn protocol 223 commands 5, 22~236 error codes 82,248 global page 24~48 parameters 9 slot and drive parameters 17 user commands 250-255 BeginSession 92, 122, 191 BIN file 33 BindInt 90, 9~94, 267,280,282 BLOAD 232 block 22 boot prefix (*/) 17 boot record 23, 4~50 booting ProDOS 5-1 GS/OS 6~7 BRK vector 55 BRUN 232 BSAVE 233 BUBIT byte 198 BUFFERPTR byte 295 buffers, file 5, 18, 19, 134, 192 and BASIC. SYSTEM 5,237-238 BYE 235 caching, GS/OS 11, 1-0 cassette recorder 2 CAT 22~29 CATALOG 229-231 CD-ROM 2,4 CHAIN 235 'tl~n~e~h 11', ib~ character devices 329 ff character FST 329 ClearBackup 97-98, 198 clock driver 317, 321~22 page two usage 54 clock cards identification bytes 32~21 interrupts 266 Close 9~100 CLOSE (BASIC.SYSTEM) 234 closing a file 19 CMDADR 72,76,82, 27~75 COMMAND byte 29~95 Console Driver 68, 32~30 365 programming example Control Panel RAMdisk size 292 startup device 296 time format 320 Control-Y vector 55 Create 101-104 34~51 dispatcher code 51, 175 DOS 3.1 2~ DOS 3.2.1 3 DOS 3.3 3,14,17 directory 14 relationship to ProDOS sectors 357~58 CREATE (BASIC.SYSTEM) 231 DOSCMD 24~0 critical error 74 CSW link 226, 23~37 dash (-) command 9,232 data fork 11, 3~0 date-stamping 8 DATE byte 88,159,318 DATETIME 318 DControl 10~106, 33~31 for Console Driver 33~42 DEALLOC INTERRUPT 90,91, 107-108, 27~74 default prefix 10,16 default string (UIR) 331,342 DELETE 231 desk accessories 20,67,89 Desk Manager 172 Destroy 10-110 DEVCNT 28~90, 304,305. device drivers 8, 6~7 device names 15,22,288 device reference number 22,288 DEVLST 28~90, 292,293, 30~04, 305 DInfo 112-115,211,388,330 direct page 22~22 directories 1-15 directory entries 26 directory header 26 Disk Cache desk accessory 20 Disk II 2 disk controller protocol 8,291-294 disk devices 28~92 identification of 2~292 disk drivers 287 under GS/OS 288 using commands 29~95 vector table 290 disk-switched bit 299 366 Index DRead 11~117, 185 DStatus 11~119 and Console Driver 331,338, 342~43 DWrite 12~121 ejecting disks 106,301 EndSession 92, 122, 191 EOF pointer 19, 19~196 EraseDisk 26, 12~124 ERRCODE 248 error handling BASIC.SYSTEM 248 ERROR.MSG file 66 ERROUT 262 Event Manager 330 EXEC 233 ExpandPath 125 extended file 11,39-I1 EXTRNCMD 250,262 FBITS 25~55, 263 field 32 file access code 3~7 file level 1~19, 99,100,151,202 file system translator 2,4, 11,66, 13~131, 14~150 file type code 2~5, 89 file naming rvles 1~14 FILETYPE command 220 Finder 20,21, 172, 180 Flush 12~127 FLUSH (BASIC.SYSTEM) 234 Format 11,21,26, 123, 12~129 formatting disks 21-22 FRE 235 FREEBUFR 238 FST see file system translator FSTSpecific 13~131 GetBootVol 132-133 GETBUF 13~135 GetDevNumber 13~137 GetDirEntry 11, I3~I42 buffer size error 88 GetEOF I4~I44, 215 GetFileInfo 14~I48 GetFSTInfo I4~I50 GetLevel 151 GetMark I5~153 GetName 11,154-155 GetPrefix I5~I57 GetSysPrefs 158 GET TIME 159,275,318,321 GetVersion 16~161 GETBUFR 238,262 global page BASIC.SYSTEM 2404248 ProDOS 49,50, 5~7 GOSYSTEM 240,248,255 GSString macro 82,355 HD20SC hard disk 2,3 heartbeat tasks 281 hierarchical directories 8, 1-15 High Sierra 4,11,14 HIMEM 5,226,237-238,263,316 Huston, Dick 2 IBAKVER byte 224 IN# 235 inline entry point (GS/OS) 76 input link 2304237 input port 331, 33~34, 342,343 input string class 0 82 class 1 82 Integer BASIC 5 interleave 11 interrupt dispatcher 267 interrupt handling 8, 265ff and MLIACTV 27~"5 during MLI commands 27~75 GS/OS 2704284 installing handler ~91 ProDOS 2~275 IntSource 282 invisibility bit 35,37 IRQ interrupt 2~68 masking 266 user vector 55,266,268 IVERSION byte 224 key block 38,49-I1 keyboard input 339-I36 KWS link 226, 23~37 LEVEL 126,127,151,202 LOAD 233 load files 10,66,353 LOCK 36,231 M16.GSOS file 7~ MACHID 5~7, 303,321,322 machine identification byte 56,i;7 machine language interiace see MLI Macintosh HFS 4,11,14 macros 7~0 Mark pointer 19, 20~04 master index block 38 Memory Manager 10, 67~, 181,219, 220 Menu Manager 20 Merlin 8/16 assembler 35~54 MLI 7~, 71 command number 74 page zero usage 54 MLIACTV 72, 27~75 mount volume dialog box 208 mouse interrupts 266,2704274 MouseText 337~38 MOVE 262 MS-DOS 4,14 NewLine 16~163, 184 and character FST 329 NMIvector 55 no-wait mode 330,342,343 NOMON 235 Null 164 object module format 220 OMF see object module format ON LINE 1~167, 207,263,288 Index 367 Open 1~19, 16~171OPEN (BASIC.SYSTEM) 23~4 opening a file 1~19 OSBOOT byte 69 OSKIND byte 69 output buffer class 0 87~8 class 1 87-88 output link 2304237 05 Shutdown 172 page three 5~55, 23~40 page two 54 page zero 54 PAGETOP 238 parameter table 74 partial pathname 1~17 Pascal 3,22,37 Pascal area 38 pathname 15 PBITS 252-253,255,262 pcount 79 pointers 74 polling 265 POSITION 234 powered-up byte 55 PR# 235 prefix 10, 1~17, 88 default 10, 16 PREFIX (BASIC. SYSTEM) 232 PRINTERR 248 ProDOS 16 1,4,49,89 interrupts 267 PRODOS file ~, 4~0, 6~ ProFile hard disk 3 volume bit map 23-24 PushLong macro 355 PushPtr macro 355 PushWord macro 355 PWREDUP byte 224,225 QuickDraw II 115 Quit 11, 17~181, 220,222,225 Quit Return Stack 180-181 RAMdisk 8-9, 154,292, 301~16 writing a driver 30~16 368 Index random-access file 19,32 raw mode 330,342,343 Read 182-184 caching 20 READ (BASIC. SYSTEM) 234 READ BLOCK 116,185-187,357 READ.BLOCK program 4~8 ReadAsciiTime 159, 31~20 reading a file 19 ReadTimeHex 89, 159, 31~20 RENAME 95,96, 18~189 RENAME (BASIC.SYSTEM) 232 ResetCache 20,190 Reset vector 55 resource file 11 resource fork 11, 39-I0 RESTORE 235 ROMdisk 292,296 RUN 233 516 file 219 sapling file 38 SAVE 233 SAVEX 72,76 SAVEY 72,76 Scheduler 164 SCSI interface 2,3,301 sectors 21-22, 347~58 seedling file 38 selector code 175 separator 15 SERR 76 SessionStatus 191 SET BUF 192-193 SetEOF 19, 19~196 SetFileInfo 36,97, 197-201 SetHeartbeat 281 SetLevel 18,202 SetMark 20~04, 215 SetPrefix 15, 17, 20~07 SetSysPrefs 158,208 Shepardson, Bob 2 signal handler 282-284 signal queue 164,282-284 SLOT - DRIVE byte 295 SmartPort 291, 29~01 Control command 3004301 dispatch address 297 extended commands 297 standard commands 297 Status command 29~00 unit number 296 SOFTEV bytes 224 sparse files 41~3 stack-based entry point (GS/OS) 80 START program 67,220 START.GS.OS file 6~7 stepping motor 21 storage type 38-39 STORE 236 STR macro 82,355 subdirectories 1-15 SYS file 33,219 SYS16 suffix 220 SYSCALL 240 SYSDEATH 74 SYSERR 74 SYSPARM 240 system bit map 5~6 system disk, GS/OS 57 system error 8~2 System Loader 50,66,220,221 system program GS/OS 2204222 ProDOS 222-225 terminators characters 33~31, 335~36, 342 count 336 mask 336 modifiers 336 text port 33~38, 342,343 Text tool set 68,329 time and date Applesoit variable 322-327 ProDOS 37 GS/OS 8~9 Time byte 88, 159,275,318 tool sets 67 TOOL. SETUP file 67 tracks 21 tree file 38 TXT files 27~, 41 UIR see user input routine UnbindInt 93,209,282 UniDisk 3.5 4 unit number 22,288 UNLOCK 36,232 user input mode 330 user input routine 330-332 default string 331,342 editing 334-335 values 74 VAR file 33-35 VDRIV 263 VECTIN 237 vector reference number 9~94, 2804281 VECTOUT 237 VERIFY 232 video output 33~38 Volume 165,2104212 volume bit map 22-25 volume directory 14, 2~37 volume size 10, 11 VPATH1 25~55 VPATH2 25~55 vm see vector reference number VSLOT 263 wait mode 330,342,343 Wigginton, Randy 2 windows 337~37 Wozniak, Steve 2 Write 21~15 caching 20 WRITE (BASIC.SYSTEM) 234 WRITE BLOCK 12,123,186,2104218, 306,357 WriteBParam 20, 190 XCNUM 253,262 XFER vector 55 XLEN 253,262 XRETURN 250 XTRNADDR 253,255,262