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Wolfenstein 3D For the Apple IIGS Version 1.1 Copyright � 1998 id Software. Some portions copyright � 1996-98 Logicware, Inc. Wolfenstein 3D for the Apple IIGS is Freeware. It may be distributed freely, as long as the entire package is distributed complete and unaltered, and no more than US $5.00 may be charged for disk copying fees per disk (this game takes up to four disks�no fair cheating and putting it on more). id Software and Logicware retain all rights to this software, and may revoke this freeware distribution license, or alter its terms, at any time. So there. Our Story So Far You are B. J. Blazkowicz, the greatest spy and biggest risk-taker the Allied forces have ever known. The Second World War has been raging for two years, and your mission was to infiltrate the Nazi fortress Castle Hollehammer and retrieve Hitler's twisted plans for building the perfect army. Rumors have it that one of Hitler's most maniacal scientists, Dr. Schabbs, has perfected a technique for building fierce armies from the bodies of the dead. As bizzarre and unreal as it sounds, you've been sent to investigate. You failed. Captured as you attempted to grab the plans, you were taken to the Nazi prison, Castle Wolfenstein, for questioning and certain execution. You've been held here for twelve long days, deep in the dungeons beneath the castle. Just beyond your cell door sits a single brutish Nazi guard, who helped torture you a few hours ago with a cattle prod. You can't take it anymore! Quivering pathetically in the corner, you beg for medical care in exchange for information. The guard smugly grins and reaches for his keys. He opens the cell door, the tumblers in the lock grinding noisily, the sound echoing down the dark corridors. The door squeaks open... the guard comes through... A quick blow to the knee takes him down. You grab his knife and finish him quietly. Standing over him, you quickly take his gun. Trapped in the bowels of the Nazi prison, you must escape. If you fail, you will surely die. Installing Wolfenstein 3D Wolfenstein 3D requires an Apple IIgs with at least 4MB of memory and a hard drive. You can't play Wolfenstein 3D from floppy disks. It's also highly recommended that your Apple IIgs have an accelerator card installed (8 MHz or faster is preferred); the game doesn't require an accelerator, but will be a lot more fun with one. If you received Wolfenstein 3D as a single large ShrinkIt file, use GS-ShrinkIt 1.1 to unpack the entire archive to your hard drive; all the necessary files will be located in a folder called "Wolfenstein3D". If you received Wolfenstein 3D as multiple ShrinkIt files, create a folder called "Wolfenstein3D" and use GS-ShrinkIt 1.1 to unpack all the archives into that directory. If you received Wolfenstein 3D on floppy disks, copy the entire contents of all the disks into the same directory on your hard drive, using the Finder or the copy utility of your choice. Note that disks 2 and 3 both contain levels; copy the contents of disk 3's Levels folder into the Levels folder you copied from disk 2. Once installed, you should have the following items in one folder, which we'll call "Wolfenstein3D." � Wolfenstein3D The game application itself. � Wolf3D.Docs This documentation. � Levels A folder containing level data files for the game. � WolfSounds A file containing all the game sound effects. � WolfMusic A folder containing all the game music files. � WolfSaves A folder for the saved games to be stored in. Starting Wolfenstein 3D Once you've installed the game, double-click the "Wolfenstein3D" application icon to start. After a few moments, the screen will go to black and the introduction sequence of logos and title screens will begin, as well as the theme music (unless you've already turned off music through the Wolfenstein 3D preference screen). Press a key to quickly skip through a screen; press a key at the Wolfenstein 3D title screen to enter the scenario selection screen. A list of all the scenarios available to you is displayed. You can scroll through them by clicking the up and down arrow buttons at the top of the screen. Double-click a scenario, or highlight it and click "OK" to proceed. The mission called "Second Encounter" is a good place to start: this is where the game's story begins: in your prison cell in Castle Wolfenstein. Its first three levels are the same as the "First Encounter" scenario which was available in the original demo version of the game. Now you'll be presented with the difficulty settings screen. The hardest level is "I am death incarnate!" and it takes getting used to, to say the least. Select one by double-clicking or by highlighting and clicking "OK." The screen will now fade to black, the music will stop, and you'll be warned to "Get Psyched!" while the game loads. It takes a few moments, so be patient. As soon as the game finishes loading, the 3D world of Wolfenstein 3D will appear on screen for you to roam around in. Enjoy! Tip: The Get Psyched screen has a progress meter bar that indicates how far along the loading process is. There will be a long pause after the bar finishes filling up while Wolfenstein 3D lets all the Nazis out of the bag. Be patient. Playing Wolfenstein 3D You can play Wolfenstein 3D using keyboard and/or mouse. The default keyboard controls for moving around in Wolfenstein 3D are: Function Key Alternate Key Move forward Keypad 8 Up arrow Move backward Keypad 5 Down arrow Turn left Keypad 4 Left arrow Turn right Keypad 6 Right arrow Move (slide) left Keypad 7 , (comma) Move (slide) right Keypad 9 . (period) Slide modifier Option Fire weapon Control Run Shift Open door/flip switch Space Bar Automap Tab The mouse can be used to turn left and right, move forward and backward, and fire your current weapon. You can slide left and right by using the Option key to convert the left and right arrows (or mouse movements) into the corresponding slide left or right motion. You start the game with a knife and a pistol. Over time, you can pick up more weapons. The number keys on the keyboard select which weapon you'd like to use, if you have it. Weapon Key Knife 1 Pistol 2 Machine gun 3 Chain gun 4 Flamethrower 5 Rocket launcher 6 The higher the number, in general, the more powerful the weapon is. For rapid fire weapons, holding down the fire key will continue firing until you let go; for other weapons, you'll have to hit the fire button repeatedly. Along with enemies you might encounter, there are also objects you can pick up. These are: Object Description Bullets A small blue box. These increase your available ammunition for the pistol, machine gun, and chain gun. Five bullets each box. First aid kit A white and blue box with a red cross. This fixes up some of your wounds, if you're hurt. Adds 25% to your health (100% maximum). Food A plate of food. This will help your health a little bit, but not as much as a first aid kit. Adds 10% to your health (100% maximum). Weapons These look like the weapon they are: machine gun, chain gun, flamethrower, rocket launcher. You won't find knives or pistols lying around, though. The Nazis are better armed than that. Backpacks These contain ammo, and will increase your carrying capacity. Keys Keys unlock locked doors. Sometimes there's really awesome stuff behind locked doors. Other times, it's a brigade of stormtroopers, looking to wipe you out. Treasure The Nazis love treasure almost as much as they love killing. There's lots of valuable goodies scattered around Wolfenstein Castle, including crosses, chests, and goblets. Snag it when you see it for points and fortune! Collect 50 treasures to get an extra life! Gas These cans of gas fuel the flamethrower. Rockets Rockets are additional firepower for your rocket launcher. Power-ups A picture of yourself in a sphere. Gives you full health and another life! To pick up an object, walk over it. Once you have a key, you can open the corresponding door using the space bar, just as if it were an ordinary door. Your Current Status At the bottom of the screen is the status bar, which has several important pieces of information on it. Floor Which floor of the Castle Wolfenstein you're on. Score The number of points you have. You gain points by killing bad guys and as bonus points computed at the end of the level based on your performance. Every 40,000 points gains you an extra life, and collecting 50 treasures does, too. Item The number of treasures you've picked up on this floor. Collect 50 to get an extra life. Lives The number next to your head is the number of lives you have left. You start each episode with three lives. If you die, you'll restart the level with only the pistol and eight bullets (unless you're in "Can I Play, Daddy" mode). Health When you start Wolfenstein 3D, you have 100% health. Every time you are hit, you lose health. Your health is indicated not just as a percentage, but also in the condition of your face. You'll look more and more hurt as your health gets worse. Grab some food or a first aid kit to heal up some. Ammo The amount of ammunition you have for the current weapon. You can carry up to 99 bullets. Be sure to pick up the ammo left behind when you kill someone. If you run out of ammo, and don't have another weapon with the right ammo, you're stuck with the knife. A backpack will increase your carrying capacity. Rewards After you finish a level, a Bonus Screen will evaluate your performance. Hidden rooms located, ratio of kills and percentage of treasure found will be computed; every 100% ratio will add 10,000 points to your score. The Bad Guys Anything that moves is bad. Here's a list. Guards These brown-uniformed bullies aren't all that tough, but they're everywhere. SS Members of the SS wear blue uniforms with bullet-proof vests and carry machine guns. Killer Dogs These attack dogs will go for the throat, so take 'em down fast. Mutants The horrible results of Dr. Schabbs' experiments, these three-armed freaks are designed to kill. Dr. Schabbs Totally insane, and he'll be trying to turn you into a mutant, so watch for flying syringes! Officers Wearing white uniforms, these clever officers are dangerous. Adolf Hitler This guy is the epitome of evil, and armed to the teeth! Finishing a Level When you've wandered everywhere there is to wander, and found every secret door you can find, locate the elevator, go in, and flip the switch to go to the next level. You'll be presented with statistics on how well you did on the level. If you've finished the game, you'll be presented with congratulations! Otherwise, just hit a key to progress to the next level. Other Things To Know You can reach the Wolfenstein 3D preference screen by pressing Apple-P. On this screen, you can turn on and off sound effects and music, as well as configure the keys that are used for various actions. To configure a key, click on the box containing the current key assigned to the action, then press the key on your keyboard that you'd like to assign to that action. For example, if you want to change the Forward action's key to the up-arrow key, click on the current setting (the default is the "8" on the numeric keypad), then press the up-arrow key on your keyboard. You can quit the game by pressing Apple-Q. Pressing Apple-Q during the game will return you to the Select a Scenario screen; pressing it in the menu screens will quit the game back to your program launcher (such as the Finder). Save your game by pressing Apple-S, and load a saved game with Apple-O. The file selection dialog box that appears will default to the Wolfenstein 3D game directory, or, if you have one, a directory called "WolfSaves" in the Wolfenstein 3D directory. The Escape key pauses the game; any other key or mouse click will resume play. You can capture a screen shot by using the Print Screen key (F15) on an extended keyboard, or the "=" key on any keyboard. These pictures are saved in the Wolfenstein 3D folder with the name "WolfScreenXXXXX" where XXXXX is a number from 00000 to 32767. Sorry, you can only capture 32,767 screen shots, and that assumes you have enough disk space for them all. You can see a list of the people that toiled long and hard to bring you Wolfenstein 3D for the Apple IIgs by pressing Apple-?. While you're in the automap, you can scroll around using the mouse or keyboard. Press Tab or Space to exit the map. You can change the size of the game screen by pressing Apple-1 through Apple-7. Apple-1 is the smallest size (and it's really really small!), and Apple-7 is full screen. The smaller the screen size, the better the game performance will be. Full-screen isn't recommended unless you have a 10 MHz accelerator or faster. Experiment with the different screen sizes to determine which is right for you. Tip: There will be a long pause while the screen resizes. Your computer hasn't crashed. Probably. At any rate, the game is paused during this delay. Survival Tips Here are a few things you should keep in mind while playing Wolfenstein 3D. First, the bad guys can hear you, so if you make a lot of noise, they'll come looking for you. You can tell when they've noticed you by their shouting. They'll also usually come after you if they see or hear you coming into the same room with them. If you're in bad health, don't be proud � even dog food is better than death. Installing New Scenarios You can install new scenarios into the game by copying them into the Levels directory. Once you've done that, they'll be available for use the next time you play Wolfenstein 3D. You can use Eric Shepherd's Wolfenstein 3D Scenario Converter utility to convert Macintosh Wolfenstein 3D scenarios into Apple IIgs format. This program is $5.00 shareware and can be downloaded from his Web site at http://www.sheppyware.ml.org. Compatibility Issues Here's a list of the currently-known compatibility issues related to Wolfenstein 3D. � If you use Hardpressed, and your System:Sounds folder's contents are compressed, the game will crash when you launch it, shortly after the screen goes black. � If a screen blanker is installed and blanks the screen while Wolfenstein 3D is running, the Wolfenstein 3D screen may be messed-up after the screen unblanks. This does not happen if you're using Twilight II, version 1.99 or later. � Any extensions or desk accessories that patch into the ADB chain will conflict with Wolfenstein 3D. This includes, but is not limited to: Easy Access (Apple Computer, Inc.) QuickDA (EGO Systems) Help & Technical Support The best place to go for assistance with Wolfenstein 3D for the Apple IIgs is the Apple II Forum on the Delphi online service; there's a thread ongoing in the Entertainment Software thread. To join Delphi, visit http://www.delphi.com. Updates, news, utilities, and more can be found at the SheppyWare web site at http://www.sheppyware.net. For support via email, please contact sheppy@sheppyware.net. Credit Where Credit Is Due A lot of people worked on this project. First of all, our thanks to the guys at id Software, for writing the original Wolfenstein 3D, and for allowing us to port it to the IIGS. SheppyWare Final Programming......................................................... Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd Logicware, Inc. Programming................................................................ "Burger" Bill Heineman Business....................................................................... Steven Parsons Art & Sound Art & Sound................................................................. Ninjaforce Music............................................................................ Tony Gonzalez Playtest Tony Diaz Harold Hislop Dan Krass Dave Miller Kirk Mitchell Doug Pendleton Ryan Suenaga Tony Ward Extra Thanks Big thanks to Nathan Mates, for providing sample PEI-slamming code for the video blitting, and for his help in finding the last major bug that needed to be squashed to ship the game on time. Additional thanks to my wife, Sarah, for letting me work on this until all hours of the night for years on end. Thanks to the guys at id Software, for allowing us to bring Wolfenstein 3D to the Apple IIGS! And, as always... Apple II forever! May 1, 1998