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============================================================================ Nomed the Demon of the Mausoleum presents the solution of King's Quest III (Hint Book) ============================================================================ Introduction I welcome you to King's Quest III : To Heir is Human ! King's Quest III is the continuing saga of the King Graham family who reside in the Kingdom of Daventry, but it is not necessary to have solved King's Quest I or King's Quest II to be able to play or enjoy King's Quest III. This game is a bit more challenging than its two predecessors, so sharpen your adventurer's skills and journey along with Gwydion as he develops his resourcefulness, discovers his true self, and eventually becomes a real hero! It is impossible to finish this game without the use of magic, so carefully study the magic spell formulas at the back of the King's Quest III booklet. Note the ingredients to gather and study the procedures for preparing the magic spells. Make sure you have all the ingredients and implements you need before endeavoring to do this. To play an adventure game is to enter a world of fantasy where you are the main character. You will be Gwydion. You will guide him. You will think for him. Unfortunately if you are not careful, you will die with him. As Gwydion, throughout your quest, you will encounter obstacles and puzzles designed to thwart you. Many times you may feel that all you need is a little hint in the right direction to get going again. Other times a puzzle may have you so confounded that you require the answer! Hopefully, if you're stumped, this hint book will put you back on track again. How to use a hint book If you feel you're stuck, look for a question that most resembles your problem. The hints usually progress, from top to bottom, from a mere hint or "nudge" to an outright answer to the problem. To uncover an answer to a question, simply draw a single line across the first box with your maker. Seemingly by magic the answer will appear! I feel it's best to solve adventure games without looking at too many answers. At first, try to get by on just a small hint. Only if you're stumped should you go for the answer. Now NOT to use a hint book I have not craeted this book with the intention that you should sit down and read it through before playing the game. Rather, the opposite is true. I would feel most proud to have you use this book as little as possible. That would show great integrity and perseverance on your part. If you must have help, read only those hints pertaining to your particular problem. To be a bit sneaky, though, I've included some regarding a white unicorn, don't necessarily assume that a white unicorn even exits in this game! If you've finished King's Quest III If you've "won" the game and your score was not the maximum (210), I'm sure that we can entice you to play again to bette your score. If you did not receive the maximum score, there are things you did not do or see. Start the game over from the beginning. Be more observant. Try to "get" everything you can. In some situations, try doing things differently than did before. I've included a section toward the end of this book called "After the End of the Game". Do not read this section unless you feel you've tried everything and cannot seem to obtain the maximum score of 210. this section will tell you which items you might not have gotten, things you might not have done, or alternate ways of doing things. Again, do not treat this section lightly. To see it too soon could ruin the game for you. Good luck on your adventure, and I sincerely hope you enjoy King's Quet III. General Questions All I do is wander around! There must be more to an adventure game than this?! "Look" a lot. Perhaps you'll get a hint. Look for objects lying around and take them with you. Every object you can "get" has a purpose and is used something. Notice opportunities to explore the surrounding countryside of Llewdor. Read the magic spell formulas at the back of the King's Quest III booklet. They include a list of ingredients to find and gather. Keep track of the wizard's coming and going. WHen he is "gone", use this times to explore as much and as far as you can. When the wizard returns, notice how long he was gone. Try to find the ingredients for the magic spell formulas. This game is too fast! This Game is too slow! On some computers (no on the Apple IIGS), you can type "slow", "normal" or "fats" to change speeds. (See the reference card for your computer). Scenes with lots of animation may run at "normal" speed even in "fast" mode. How do I "see" the items I'm carrying? Just type "look" and the name of the item. How do I "drop" items? You don't. You're going to need everything you find. However in "using" some items, you can thus consume or consolidate them. The Wizard's House Characters you may encounter here : 1. The wizard Manannan He controls your character. He doesn't let you explore at will or carry items that bother him (the "starred" items). Sometimes, he gives you chores to do, may punish you, or even kill you! You must do away with him to be abble to solve the game. 2. The black cat This is Manannan's pet cat. You may encounter him almost anywhere in the house. Normally, he's no bother. He can be fatal on certain stairs. If he gets in your way, just "kick" him. You can catch him if you want to. 3. The chikens The chickens just strut around in their coop. You cannot take them out of it. You can catch them if you want to. If you have the magic dough in your ears you can "hear" them "talk" to each other. They may reveal interesting information to you. I found a pair of magic shoes! How do I use them? This is an example of a fake question. I put it here to see if you'd fall for it. And... you did! Why are you reading this? I told you that this was a phony question! In fact, there isn't even a pair of magic shoes in this game Are you sure that you're not confusing this game with The Wizard of Oz? This just shows that even lots of answers don't validate a fake question. You must promise to not go around reading all the answers like this! Even a long answer like this one could well be a phony. Even a seemingly logical question could be wrong. From now on, you'll be better, won't you? Good! The Wizard keeps killing me! What am I doing wrong?! You're obviously making him mad (what !!! Manannan is a MAD PLAYER). Don't do that anymore. But, if you don't know why you're making him mad, note what he says when he kills you. He's usually pretty specific about what he doesn't like. You may be carrying items that bother him (the "starred" items), or you may have been poking around in places you shouldn't, or you may have gotten too many punisments (6), or you may have been caught in a place he doesn't want you to be. The wizard keeps punishing me! How can I please him? That's almost impossible, if you ask me. But, answer this : what did he say when he punished you? He usually tells you what you did wrong. The wizard will punish you if you don't do a chore, (within three minutes), that he has asked you to do. The wizard will punish you if he catches you wandering around Llewdor. (He will only punish you, in this case, if you are not carrying "starred" items. If you are, then he will kill you.) The Wizard won't let me leave the house! How can I explore?! Did you notice that sometimes the wizard leaves? Either he goes on a journey, or he goes to bed. When the wizard announces to you that he is going on a journey, or he is going to bed, use this times to thoroughly explore the house or countryside and gather useful items. Make sure you return before he does! The wizard takes my possessions and kills me! Can I hide them someplace ? Yes, you can. Oh, you want to know where ? Well, when you were a kid, where did you hide things ? Think of a room that the wizard never enters. Hide your possessions under something. Hide your possessions under the bed in Gwydion's room. I'm tired of the wizard giving me chores ! The best way to avoid chores is to avoid the wizard. Sometimes the wizard jouneys, or sleeps. Hpw do I know when he'll leave? How do I know when he'll be back? After you've been playing this game awhile, you'll notice patterns in the wizard's comings and goings. There is a running clock at the top of your screen. Use it to time the wizard's comings and goings. When the wizard announces he's leaving, note the time on the clock at the top of your screen. When he returns, note the time. How long was he "gone ?" When he announces again that he is leaving, look at the time. How long was he "home"? The wizard is "home" for 5 minutes (a bit longer if you had a chore to do). He will be "gone" for 25 minutes, giving you plenty of time to explore. Keep track of the time on your running clock. The wizard has eaten all the food and he's hungry again! Can I find some food? There is one place, other than the wizard's kitchen, that you can find more food. But not much more ! You can find some food in the Three Bears' house. You can obtain a bowl of porridge in the Three Bears' house. The wizard will eat it. After that, there is no more! Can I ever get away from the wizard for good?! Yes, there is a way. You need to use magic. Look at the magic spells. Do you see one that could work? Try it. How can I get rid of the wizard? There must be a way! Yes, there is a way. (Look at the prior question.) Using magic, you need to turn the wizard into a cat. You need to get the wizard to eat the "eat cookie." That will tun him into a cat. But first, you need to hide the "cat cookie" in something that the wizard will eat. Crumble the "cat cookie" in the bowl of porridge. The wizard will not notice it and will eat the porridge. He will turn into a cat, forever. Can I do anything with the black cat ? The black cat has something that you can use. If you can "eatch" the cat, you can get some fur. You could use it in a magic spell. Move close to the cat and try to "catch" him. You may have to try several times before you succed. Get some fur for use in a magic spell. The black cat gets in my way. Can I move him ? Try "kicking" him...seriously! Don't worry; he's not a nice cat. Are the chickens of any use ? Yes, the chickens have a couple of uses. The chickens have something that you can use. If you can "catch" a chicken, you can pluck a feather. You could use it in a magic spell. Move close to a chiken and try to "eatch" her. You may have to try several times before you succed. Pluck a feather for use in a magic spell. You can "catch" a chicken and pluck a feather for use in a magic spell. You can also "hear" the chickens "talk" to each other and reveal interesting information when you have the magic dough in your ears. I suspect there's hidden room in the house. Am I right ? Right you are! I bet you'd like to know where it is, wouldn't you. Well, you begin by going into the wizard's study... In the wizard's study, notice the books? "Look" at the books. You will discover something. If you "look" at the books in the wizard's study. You can will discover a metal lever behind one of them. Move the book, pull on the lever and see what happens! There is a cabinet in the wizard's study, but it's locked! Is there key somewhere? Obviously, a key exists. The key can be found in the wizard's bedroom. The key is on top of the closed in the wizard's bedroom. Can I ride the magic broom? Ha! I gotcha again! You just fell for another fake hint! There is a broom in this game, but it isn't magic. The broom in this game has a much more domestic purpose than magical transportation. I understand that there is a magic map in the wizard's house, but I can't find it! Well, you didn't expect it to be right out in the open, did you? The magic map can be found in the wizard's bedroom. The magic map is in the closet, in the wizard's bedroom. The magic map is behind the clothes, in the closet, in the wizard's bedroom. I found the magic map! Problem is, it's full of empty suares. What do I do with it? There is nothing you can do with it right now. Travel with it for awhile. The magic map does not reveal rooms in the wizard's house. You need to travel elsewhere for it to start working. It will show places that you have already been to, not places that you have yet to discover. Once the magic map begins to reveal places you've been to (not the wizard's house), you can use it to instantly transport yourself to those areas. The map serves a dual purpose : it can keep track of game mapping for you, and it also transports you around. NOTE : the magic map only reveals the game region you're currently in. I know that I can perform magic, but am confused as to how to begin. Begin by studying the magic spells at the back of your King's Quest III booklet. Note the ingredients and implements you need to gather. Study the directions for preparing the spell. During your explorations, try to determine where best a spell could be used. Make sure, before you begin preparing a magic spell formula, that you have all the ingredients and implements you need for that particular spell. It means death if you make a single mistake. Study the magic spells carefully. Gather all the ingredients and implements that you need. The magic spells can only be done in a particular place; the wizard's laboratory. Be very cautious when actually "preparing" the spells. A single mistake can mean death! I found a magic spell book! How can I use it? The magic spells at the back of your King's Quest III booklet are the only spells you can decipher from this old magic spell book. Notice the roman numerals at the bottom of the pages... The old magic spell book is numbered with roman numerals.You will notice that the magic spells at the back of your King's Quest III booklet are also numbered with roman numerals. To begin preparing a magic spell: "turn to page II," for example. Now, you will be able to begin preparing that particular spell. I can't seem prepare the magic spells without dying! What am I doing wrong?! Before beginning to prepare any magic spells, make sure that you have all the ingredients and implements you need. Make sure that you perform the directions to the magic spell in the correct order. Type the directions to the magic spells in the correct order and precisely as you see them in the King's Quest III booklet. Make sure that you have all the ingredients and implements that you require. Check for spelling errors before pressing ENTER. I Keep falling off the path leading up (or down) the wizard's mountain! Be more careful! Go slower. Put yourself in "slow mode" when traversing this path. Just type "slow", and you will automatically slow down. The Countryside of Llewdor Characters you may encounter here : 1. Medusa Hideous old hag with live snakes for hair. She's so repulsive that you turn instantly to stone if you look her direction. She lives in the desert. 2. Bandits The bandits appear randomly in the woods. If you're not careful, you will be robbed of all your possessions. It is possible to find your stolen possessions, however. Sometimes you can see the bandits in the tavern of the town. 3. Oracle The oracle resides in the spider web covered cave. But first, obviuosly, you need to find a way into the cave. The oracle will tell you some interesting information and give you a useful item. 4. The Three Bears The Three Bears live in the woods. Sometimes they won't be home and you can enter their house and find some useful items. Be careful; Papa and Mama Bear can be surly when crossed! 5. Friendly storekeeper You'll encounter him, obviously, in the town's store. If you have money, you can buy useful items from him. 6. Pretty barmaid You can meet the barmaid in the tavern of the town. If you have money, you can buy drinks from her. 7. Mariners Eventually a ship comes to the seaside town. You can meet the seamen in the tavern. If you have money, you can hitch a ride across the ocean on their ship. Better hurry, though. They won't wait forever! 8. Big Spider A big spider guards the entrance to the oracle's cave. You need to get rid of the spider to be able to enter the cave. If you're not careful, you will become the spider's dinner! 9. An eagle Sometimes you may notice an eagle flying across the sky. It may drop something that you need. Watch carefully. 10. Various creatures Throughout Llewdor, you may notice pairs of creatures. They consist of Lizards, birds, squirrels and fish. If you have the magic dough in your ears, you will able to "hear" them "talk" to each other. They may reveal interesting information to you. I saw Medusa in the desert! She turned me to stone! How can I deal with her? You need to turn her to stone! Somehow, she needs to see herself. You can use a mirror. If she sees herself, she will turn to stone. You can find a mirror in the wizard's bedroom. If you "show" it to Medusa, she will turn to stone. Don't look at her, though. A couple of bandits stole my possessions! Can I ever get them back? Yes, you can. Somewhere, your possessions are hidden. Look for any unusual places where they could be. The bandits have a hideout. It's up a tree. The bandits' hideout is located in the oak tree with the fallen acorns. Reach into the hole at the base of the oak tree, and you will pull on a rope that is hidden inside. A rope ladder will come down. Climb it to the bandits' hideout. How can I avoid the bandits? The best way to avoid the bandits is to stay at the edge of the screen for a quick getaway until you're sure they won't appear. Later in the game, you can also use your magic stone to avoid them. I entered the tavern and saw the bandits. Am I supposed to do anything with them? There's not much that you can do with them in the tavern. Well, wait. If you turn yourself into a fly and then fly into the tavern, you can overhear them reveal the location of their hideout. I found the bandit's hideout! Unfortunately, a bandit pushed me off the porch to my death! Don't give up. Keep trying. Sometimes the bandit sleeps. If you're lucky, you can catch the bantit asleep in the hideout. Better hurry, though. He might wake up! Do I have anything to fear from the Three Bears? Can they help me? The answer to this is "yes" and "no". "Yes", you should be wary of the Three Bears, but "no", they won't seriuosly harm you. And, "yes", they can help you, but "no", they don't do it willingly. It's best to avoid the Three Bears. Wait until they are not home. Enter their house. You can find useful items here. When the Three Bears are not home, enter their house. You can obtain a bowl of porridge and a silver thimble. I want to buy something at the store, but I need money! Help! The bandits possess money. You need to find the bandits' hideout. You will find a coin purse with gold coins in the bandits' hideout. If you spent all your money in the tavern, then then tough luck! How do I know to buy in the store? Don't ask the storekeeper. He's no help. "Look" at the shelves in the store. That will tell you what you can buy. I entered the tavern and saw sailors sitting there. Can They help me ? I'd be careful of them swabbies if I was you! Aye, they can help ya, bucko. You need to travel across the ocean. They can help you there. "Talk" to the sailors. If you "talk" to the silors, they'll ask for money in return for passage on their ship. Give them money. The sailors in the tavern want money. I don't have any! What do I do ? The bandits possess money. You need to find the bandits' hideout. You will find a coin purse in the bandits' hideout. If you spent all your money, then tough luck! I see the ship, but can't board it! An old sailor stops me. I'd be careful of him if I were you! You will never get past him. You have to find another way to board the ship. Go in the tavern. How can I enter the cave with the spider web? A big spider wants to eat me! You need magic here. One of the magic spells can help you. You need to turn into an eagle. If you turn into an eagle, you can kill the spider. I know I'm supposed to find an eagle tail feather, but where? How? You have to keep your eyes peeled for eagles. Occasionally an eagle will fly across the picture. When he does, sometimes he will drop a feather. You can retrieve it. As I walk the countryside of Llewdor I notice little animals. can I talk to them? Can I catch them? The answer is "no" to both questions. However, you "hear" pairs of animals "talking" to each other if you have the magic dough in your ears. They may reveal interesting information about you. Now that I have the fairy dust, how do I use it? Are you sure you're not thinking of the Black Cauldron...? Thricked you again! Yes, that's right, this is a fake question. If you want to know how to use fairy dust, play The Black Cauldron adventure game! I get lost in a desert! Is there anything out there? Does it ever end? Don't enter the desert maze. Only if you're extremely lucky can you escape it. No, there is nothing out there, and it does not ever end. Don't go there. How can I get the mud from the stream? The magic spell recipe calls a "spoonfull of mud." You need a spoon. You need a spoon to get the mud. You can find a spoon in the kitchen of the wizard's house. Okay, I'm stumped! Where do I find a thimbleful of dew?! Well, Mama Bear likes to sew. Where do you usually find dew? You can find a thimble in the Three Bears' house. You can find dew in the flowers of Mama Bear's flower garden. If I swim too far into the ocean I drown. Can I get across it? Yes, it is possible to across the ocean. But, not this way. You need to find another way. Look for a ship. I see acorns on the ground below a large oak tree, but I can't seem to find any dried ones. Move around. Try to "get" acorns in different areas. You can only find the right kind of acorns in one spot. Keep moving around until you hit that spot. I looked into the hole at the base of the large oak tree, but didn't see anything. Is there any significance to the hole ? Yes, indeedy, there is. Try doing something else besides "looking" into the hole. "Reach" into the hole. You'll discover something! I want to get a cactus in the desert, but they are all too thorny. There is a cactus that you can get. In each desert room, "look" at the cactus. In one place, you will find an unusual cactus. You can get it. I can't find mistletoe anywhere! Mistletoe grows on trees. The mistletoe is on tree below the seaside town. Isn't there supposed to be a ship at the dock of the seaside town? I saw a picture of it on the King's Quest III box. You're right. There is supposed to be a ship! But, the ship will not come until later in the game. You need to do something to trigger the ship to come. The ship will not come until you've met the oracle. No matter where I go the wizard seems to find me. Can I get away from him by escaping on the ship? No. That won't help. The wizard will find you. You need to get rid of the wizard first. The Ship Characters you may encounter here : 1. Pirate captain You can encounter the pirate captain only in his sleeping quarters. Sometimes he's there, sometimes he's not, and sometimes he'll walk in and surprise you ! He's not very nice; it's best to avoid him. 2. Variuos other pirates You may run into other pirates on the ship. Be careful where you go and be prepared for a quick getaway. If they catch you, you may have to walk the plank! 3. Mice You will notice a couple of mice in the cargo hold of the ship. Hopefully you have the magic dough in your ears, for they'll give you some very important information. "Listen" to them. The pirates stole my possessions! Where did they put them? Have you tried exploring every room on the ship? Be observant. You might notice an obvious hiding place. Your possessions are in the captain's quarters. Your possessions are hidden in the chest in the captain's quarters. The pirate captain keeps catching me in his quarters! I want to explore it. Help! Be patient. Keep trying. The captain is not always in his quarters. Sometimes you can enter it and he won't come. Save your game first! The pirates threw me in the hold! How can I get out? See the rope ladder? See the big crate below it? If you could only get on the big crate... You need to find something to help you get onto the big crate below the dangling rope ladder. You can find a small box in the hold. Get it and set it next to the large crate below the dangling rope ladder. Jump on the small box, then jump on the large box. Then, jump to the ladder. The pirates made me walk the plank! How can I avoid this? By avoiding them! Seriously, that's the answer. You need to avoid them whenever possible. Make sure you have a couple of "saved games" here. I want to explore the crew's quarters, but a pirate keeps nabbing me! Keep trying. SOmetime he may not be there. There are times when the pirate is not there. Then you can explore that area. Save your game first! Can I ever explore the galley? If you do the right thing, then yes, you can explore the galley. You can only explore the galley if you put the pirates to sleep with the "sleep" spell. You won't find anything of interest there, though. Can I ever get into the crow's nest at the top of the mast? No, never! There's nothing of interest in there, anyway. I keep falling off the rope ladder! Go slower, my dear. Take your time. Put yourself in "slow" or "normal" mode to climb up or down the rope ladder. Type in "slow" or "normal" and you will slow down a little bit. Then, be very careful about getting on and off the ladder. I jumped off the ship and found myself in the middle of the ocean. Eventually I drowned. What did I do wrong? The problem is, you jumped off in the middle of the ocean! You need to be closer to land. Don't jump off the ship until you get a clue that land may be near. It's not wise to jump off the ship until you get a clue that land is near. However, if you do, and you happen to have the magic stone, then you can use it to "poof" yourself back onto the ship. The pirates make me mop the deck! I hate mopping decks! Gotcha again! Trick question! Believe me, you'd rather they made you mop the deck than what they really do to you! How do I know when to leave the ship? Does it ever get to land? Yes. Eventually, it will come to land. You will hear the pirates shout "Land ho". That is one way to know that you are near land. A little later, you will hear "drop anchor". Then you know you are there. If you have the magic map, another way to monitor your progress is to periodically "look" at it. You will see a tiny ship (which is you), travelling across an ocean toward land. When that tiny ship reaches the land, you are there! How can I escape the pirate ship? One way is to jump off the ship from the lower deck. Another way is to turn yourself into an eagle or a fly and fly off the ship. The best way is to put the pirates to sleep using your "sleep" spell and then jump off the ship. Can I do anything with the mice in the hold? Can I catch them? No, you cannot catch them. But, they are important. It is important that you "listen" to them "talk". If you have the magic dough in your ears, then you can "hear" them "talk" to each other. They will give you some very important information. When you "hear" the mice "talking", via your magic dough, you will learn of a buried treasure chest. The mice will tell you where to find it. NOTE : if you do not "hear" the mice tell you this, then you cannot find the treasure chest. Small Beach and Mountain Range Characters you may encounter here : 1. Pirate on the beach If you escaped the ship without putting the pirates to sleep first (using the magic sleep spell), then you will run into one of them on the beach. The only thing you can do is avoid him. 2. Shark You can't do anything with the shark. He's just a pest. I wouldn't go in the water, though, if I were you! 3. Abominable snowman You will meet him in the snowy reaches of the mountains. He will not be kind to you, to say the least! You need to figure out a way to get past him. What does the magic crab do? What magic crab? Is there a magic crab? That's right. You did it again. You fell for another fake question! There is no magic crab in this game! In fact, I've never even heard of a magic crab! I want to go swimming from the beach. Can I get rid of the shark? I'm afraid not. There's no way to get rid of the shark. But, look on the bright side, there's no reason to swim in the ocean again! I have a shovel and find that I can "dig" holes on the beach. What am I digging for, and where is it? It shouldn't be hard to figure out what you're digging for...buried reasure! If you had "listened" to the mice "talking" in the hold of the ship, (via the magic ear dough), then you would have learned where the treasure is buried. The treasure is buried five paces to the east of the lone palm tree on the small beach. Walk in "slow mode" to be able to easily count your steps. Then dig. A pirate is on the beach! Now what do I do? Nothing. Run! At this point there is nothing that you can do but try to avoid him. If you had put the pirates to sleep on the ship using the magic "sleep" spell, you would not encounter a pirate here. But now, there's nothing that you can do about it. Help! I keep falling off the narrow path in the mountains! This is another place that you would want to go slower. Put yourself in "slow mode" by typing in "slow". Now you will go slower along the path. Okay! I give up! How do I get past the abominable snowman? You need magic to accomplish this. Look at the magic spells and see if any of them might work to help you past him. You could try to "poof" past him using your magic stone. Or, you could try to fly past him by turning yourself into an eagle or a fly. If you do not have a magic stone, and you used up all your magic rose essence, then you have no way of getting past the snowman. You're stuck! I keep falling off the cliff with the caves! As with other tricky maneuvering places, you need to put yourself in "slow mode" to climb down this cliff. Put yourself in "slow mode" by typing in "slow". this will slow you down. Now, carefully climb down the cliff. Save your game first! The Kingdom of Daventry Characters you may encounter here : 1. Gnome This is our old friend, the gnome, from the original King's Quest game. You will find him friendly. He will tell you what's been happening in Daventry, and what you have to do. 2. Three-headed dragon Thsi a very dangerous dragon. If you're not extremely careful you will be torched to death! He holds your sister, princess Rosella, captive. You need to kill the dragon and rescue the girl. 3. Princess Rosella She is really your lon-lost sister. The dragon holds her captive. You need to rescue her from the dragon by killing him. 4. King Graham and Queen Valanice You don't meet them until very end of the game. You have a very happy reunion with your long-lost parents. I'm at the foot of the mountains, by a cave entrance. Can I climb back up the mountains? No. The mountains are too steep here. Does the old well serve any purpose? Not any more. It did in the original King's Quest. But not in this game. I met an old gnome in a rocking chair. What do I do with him? Talk to the gnome. If you talk to the gnome, he will tell you what's been happening around Daventry. I've come all this way and now I can't get into the castle; it's locked! You need to do something first. You need to rescue your sister, Princess Rosella, first. You need to kill the dragon and rescue Princess Rosella first. I see the Princess tied to a stake, but can't get to her! The dragon burns me to death! Problem is - the dragon sees you. You have to sneak past the dragon. Turn yourself invisible by using the invisibility ointement. If you don't have it, then too bad! Can the dragon be killed - yes or no? Yes. Well, I figured out how to get around the dragon, but now I'm stuck. How do I free the Princess without him noticing? You can't free the Princess without him noticing. You have to kill him. You have to use magic to kill the dragon. One of the magic spells will kill the dragon. If you create a storm here, lightning will kill the dragon. If you don't have the storm brew, then I'm afraid you're out of luck. Without it, you can't kill the dragon and you can't rescue the Princess. Okay, I've got the Princess and she's following me. Now what? Now...go home! Go meet the folks! Congratulations! The Magic Spells 1. Understanding the language of creatures Troughout this game you will encounter pairs of animals. If you have prepared this magic spell, then you will be able to understand their "talk". They will tell you important information about yourself and the game. 2. Flying like an eagle or a fly You will encounter instances where it would be handy to be an eagle or fly. It could be useful to avoid bad characters, or to escape from somewhere. Hint - did you know that eagle hate spiders? Beware - you only have enough magic essence for transforming three times! 3. Teleportation at random Or, as it's know around Sierra, the "poofing spell". You can use this spell to escape quickly from a bad situation. It might help you get past the abominable snowman. NOTE : this spell will only "poof" you around the region you are currently in. 4. Causing a deep sleep This spell will only work in one place, and it has to be a dank, dark place. Hint - the cargo hold of the pirate ship is a dank, dark place. When you perform this spell, you will put others around you to sleep. 5. Transforming another into a cat. To turn someone else into a cat, you need to get that individual to eat your "cat cookie". The only one who will do that in this game is the wizard. But first, you need to hide it in some other kind of food. 6. Brewing a storm Be careful creating storms. It can be fatal if you do it in the wrong place! If you try to create a storm inside, you will die. If you try to create a storm on the ship, you will die. Anywhere outside, should be okay. Use it to kill a formidable opponent. 7. Becoming invisible This invisibility ointment only works in a place where there's both fire and mist. You only have enough for one application. If you use it in a wrong place, you will waste it. After the End of the Game CAUTION : Do not read this section until you have actually solved the game and seen the veyr end. Reading this section too soon will spoil the game for you if you have not completed it on your own. Did you... make all the magic spells? take all the food from the kitchen? find the magic map? (It's in the wizard's bedroom, in the closet behind the clothes.) overhear the bandits reveal the whereabouts of their hideout in the tavern? (Be a fly in the tavern.) fly into a hole at the bottom of the big oak tree as a fly? find the shovel on the ship? (It's lying right next to the lifeboat.) find the buried treasure? (first, you need to "hear" the mice "talk" about it; second, you need to put the pirates to sleep with the "sleep spell"; and third, you need to have the shovel.) escape the pirate ship by : turning yourself into an eagle or a fly, jumping off the ship, or putting the pirates to sleep with the "sleep spell"? get past the abominable snowman by : "poofing" past him using the magic stone, or flying past him as an eagle or a fly? look behind the tapestry in the wizard's hallway? "talk" to the black cat after the magic dough is in your ears? lie down on Baby Bear's bed? sit in Baby Bear's chair? Points How and where earned Number of points Obtaining the cup ......................................................1 Obtaining the spoon ....................................................1 Obtaining the knife ....................................................1 Obtaining the mutton ...................................................1 Obtaining the fruit ....................................................1 Obtaining the bread ....................................................1 Obtaining the bowl .....................................................1 Obtaining the fly wings ................................................1 Obtaining the mirror ...................................................1 Finding the brass key ..................................................3 Obtaining the rose petal essence .......................................1 Finding the magic map ..................................................7 Finding the magic wand .................................................4 Discovering the lever in the wizard's study ............................5 Obtaining the saffron ..................................................1 Preparing magic rose essence spell ....................................10 Obtaining the porridge .................................................2 Obtaining the mistletoe ................................................1 Overheading the bandits in tavern as a fly .............................3 Fly in hole at bottom of oak tree as a fly .............................5 Pulling on the rope in the oak tree ....................................3 Finding the bandits' hideout ...........................................2 Finding the coin purse .................................................4 Buying the lard in the store ...........................................1 Buying the salt in the store ...........................................1 Buying the pouch in the store ..........................................1 Buying the fish oil in the store .......................................1 Obtaining the dog hair .................................................1 Obtaining the cat hair .................................................1 Obtaining the manddrake root powder ....................................1 Preparing the "cat cookie" spell ......................................10 Discovering hiding place under Gwydion's bed ...........................4 Turning wizard into a cat .............................................12 Obtaining the thimble ..................................................1 Obtaining the drew .....................................................1 Obtaining the acorns ...................................................1 Turning Medusa to stone ................................................5 Obtaining the cactus in the desert .....................................1 Obtaining the snakesskin ...............................................1 Obtaining a spoonful of mud ............................................1 Obtaining a cupful of ocean water ......................................1 Obtaining the eagle feather ............................................2 Killing the spider .....................................................4 Obtaining the amber stone ..............................................3 Obtaining the chicken feather ..........................................1 Obtaining the fish bone powder .........................................1 Obtaining the nightshade juice .........................................1 Obtaining the toadstool powder .........................................1 Obtaining the toad spittle .............................................1 Preparing the magic dough spell .......................................10 Preparing the magic stone spell .......................................10 Preparing the sleep powder spell ......................................10 Preparing the storm brew spell ........................................10 Preparing the invisibility ointment spell .............................10 Giving the money to the pirates ........................................3 Boarding the ship ......................................................2 Finding your way out of the hold .......................................2 Finding your stolen possessions on the shio ............................3 Obtaining the shovel ...................................................1 Escaping the pirate ship ...............................................5 Finding the buried treasure ............................................7 Getting past the abominable snowman ....................................4 Killing the dragon .....................................................7 Rescuing the Princess ..................................................3 Entering the castle at end of game .....................................4 Maximum possible score is 210. Location of All Objects Objects Where found Where used Chicken feather On a chicken Ingredient in 1st spell Dog hair On a dog Ingredient in 1st spell Snakeskin In desert on ground Ingredient in 1st spell Powdered fish bone In wizard's lab Ingredient in 1st spell Thimble In Three Bears' house To put dew in Dew In Three Bears' garden Ingredient in 1st spell Magic dough pieces Product of 1st spell To "hear" animals talk Eagle tail feather In Llewdor on ground Ingredient in 2nd spell Fly wings In wizard's bedroom Ingredient in 2nd spell Saffron In wizard's lab Ingredient in 2nd spell Rose petal essence In wizard's bedroom Ingredient in 2nd spell Magic rose essence Product of 2nd spell To "fly" as eagle or fly Salt In the store Ingredient in 3rd spell Mistletoe In tree south of town Ingredient in 3rd spell Amber stone In oracle's cave Ingredient in 3rd spell Magic stone Product of 3rd spell To "poof" from danger Nightshade juice In wizard's lab Ingredient of 4th spell Acorns Under oak tree/ground Ingredient of 4th spell Empty pouch In the store Ingredient of 4th spell Sleep powder Product of 4th spell To put others to sleep Mandrake root powder In wizard's lab Ingredient of 5th spell Cat hair On the cat Ingredient of 5th spell Fish oil In the store Ingredient of 5th spell Cat cookie Product of 5th spell To turn someone into a cat Ocean water In the ocean Ingredient of 6th spell Mud In the stream Ingredient of 6th spell Toadstool In wizard's lab Ingredient of 6th spell Empty jar Empty fish oil jar Ingredient of 6th spell Storm brew Product of 6th spell To create a storm Toad spittle In wizard's lab Ingredient of 7th spell Lard In the store Ingredient of 7th spell Knife In wizard's kitchen Cut cactus in 7th spell Cactus In desert by big rock Ingredient of 7th spell Invisible ointment Product of 7th spell To turn invisible with Magic wand Wizard's study/cabinet Need with magic spells Brass key Wizard's bedroom/closet To unlock cabinet/ study Bowl In wizard's kitchen To mix spell ingredients Spoon In wizard's kitchen To get mud with Cup In wizard's dining room To get ocean water with Mirror In wizard's bedroom To kill Medusa with Coin purse In bandits' hideout To buy things with Bread In wizard's kitchen To feed to wizard Fruit In wizard's kitchen To feed to wizard Mutton In wizard's kitchen To feed to wizard Bowl of porridge In Three Bears' house To put cat cookie in Poisoned porridge Has cat cookie in it To feel to wizard Shovel By lifeboat on ship To dig for treasure Treasure chest On small beach/dig Bonus points Magic map Wizard's bedroom/closed To map your way ant to instantly transport you (C) Nomed the Demon of the Mausoleum, 1989 in Belgium (Europe)